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There are many reasons why this is, which are explained inside, so we won't dwell on the story so far there. I will say that we're not going to stop Maggie, and I personally consider getting this issue out as a kind of triumph in itself, in view of the fairly radical life-changes affecting different Maggie Team members that have taken place over the last few months. We will be back! Still, back to the present. It's early March, Saturday morning, and I'm writing this on one of the PeeCee's at work. (Just Notepad, nothing too crash-prone!) Last night, I had my first close-up sighting of AtariMad's new Milan. It is very impressive in a GEM environment sense, as I thought it would be. A desktop in 800 x 608 in Truecolour (65k) mode, is a very impressive thing to see on an Atari, and I'm looking forward to similar feats of pixellated gorgeousness on my Centurbo 2 accelerated Falcy when I finally get that going. (Now that's another story, more of in a minute!) What GEM-based applications I saw, CAB, Smurf, et al, all look superb in their new Truecolour hi-res clothing, although Calamus SL objects to anything more than 256 colour mode,according to AtariMad. Milan does fall down a bit in the "What games and demos?" mode though, apart from Mario Becrofts GEM-Pac, and the ubiquitious GEM Demo, there isn't a lot else for it? Maybe someone out there is working on the ultimate killer Milan game or demo,and if so, feel free to tell us all about it. If anyone suggests - Atari Breakout '99 - I'm not speaking to them anymore! Maybe it's me, but I'm not totally convinced by a computer where sound is an optional extra? Now, I've just got back my Centurbo 2 accelerated Falcon from System Solutions the other day. They've done a great job, and the machine has a reassuring air of speediness about it now.. Just got to get the DSP part *fully* working now, not to mention the serial port.. I blame the new RAM controller for the revision 2 version myself.. Still, I'm sure it'll all be right in the end.. I'll be giving you all the lowdown on just how much like a Saturn V rocket this one goes, for the next issue of Maggie. New topic now, we're booked up for Error in Line! We're coming to annoy you all with our paper-based realtime article (unless Requiem can come up with something interesting in the portable computing department?) The flight is booked and paid for - Y E S ! ! ! I think Mr Pink and one or two others decided against risking the bum-numbing wrath of Eurolines Coaches again. Now what annual Easter coding convention trip is complete without a visit to that portacabin 'office' in the Amstel bus station in Amsterdam!? See you all over Easter! Time to hand the rest of this readme.txt to Mr Pink to conclude. ----------------------------------------------------------------- It's still March... and Maggie has finally been released... We were thinking of introducing a category in the charts for most delayed production, but the result would be a formality. What happened? Who? Where? When? Why? To answer those questions in sequential order: a lot, us (and other people, mainly in Banbury and Northamptonshire, during the last six months, because we love it! Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this issue, including: havoc of fun : for the imp8 report baggio, deez, green & viking : for the quast party report edo of sector one : for the volcanic 5 report matt smith : for the Running guide & ascii art jody smith : for the usual madness dave hollis : for comedy material john hayward : for mending monitors toodeloo / dhs : for teaching us to track evil / dhs : for videl code & information mc laser & moondog : for their encyclopedic knowledge msg : for ST music & extensive testing ripley : for the picture sh3 : for the wizard tune felice : for the modem cable tat : for ST shell enhancements (& bugs!) centek : for giving atari machines a future Once again we have crammed more than 1 megabyte of text in this issue which is almost enough reading matter to keep you happy until next time. There are massive charts, scene news, and full reports on the devlopemnts from French hardware firm Centek whose Phenix machine is really dead exciting. The more alert reader may notice that both the ST and Falcon shells have been slightly revamped with the inclusion of some pictures in text. Unfortunately the intro for this issue wasn't quite ready and we really couldn't delay the release any more. This has allowed us to cram more text and graphics in so be happy! It may be 1999 but the Atari scene is still alive and kicking - our demos and games sections are bursting to the seams! There has been a welcome revival in ST demos with productions like 'Do Things' and 'Nostalgico' giving great pleasure to all 16-bit users. The Falcon is still flying with recent intros from DHS, Cobra and Mystic Bytes and also New Beat's great FlexTracker. Everyone is currently gearing up for the Error In Line 99 party, and the maggie team are no exception. See you all there! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGGIE #27 IS DEDICATED TO TOMMY OF AVENA in memory to the great pleasure his tunes brought to the atari scene --------------------------------------------------------------------------------