P 4IBM pT >> FastCopy PRO 1.2 << by Martin Backschat, Bergstrae 16, D-85120 Hepberg // (c) 1986-94 Martin BackschattIrOo  @`! O%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`w{Oo O @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ  @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`/Aa  o!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmo/sAuawy{}!a!Aa!A!Ao!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!A " B b  !"!O!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w''{'}'("(B(b(((()/)b)))*O***+"++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,,-"-B-b-ׂ----.".B.b...../"/B/b/////0#00 0 0 01c11111NOo  @`! O%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`w{Oo O @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ  @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`/Aa  o!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmo/sAuawy{}!a!Aa!A!Ao!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!A " B b  !"!O!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w''{'}'("(B(b(((()/)b)))*O***+"++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,,-"-B-b-ׂ----.".B.b...../"/B/b/////0#00 0 0 01c11111NMNLU_TRQ  R GREPIT KEY { COSTAKEY   COSTAREG   MBE_101   PACSH263  B PACSHKEY  Y TODO101E  * ELITE TXT `ORDER_FMTXT E Y SUPPORT TXT HE kBOXKITE KEY q COMA KEY  THING KEY  JML_SNAP  E AUTO  : DESKTOP INF .  R .. HEAD LST SVMNLU_TRQDOC wMNLU_TRQPRG V#%UMNLU_TRQRSC ;nyELITE NFO `}"' A simple 'Header' file (C) STectre 1995 ' To demonstrate how to write 'proper' and use a few special Compiler ' functions . ... ' Cmnd$="" If Bios(&H6321)=101 Then ! running under the compiler? On Break Cont ! if so disable the break On Error Gosub Error_rout ! and install our own error handler ' X%=Bios(&H6322) ! adr of cmnd line If Peek(X%)>0 Then For Y%=1 To Peek(X%) Cmnd$=Cmnd$+Chr$(Peek(X%+Y%)) ! build up the cmnd line Next Y% Endif Print "Command line passed to the program: ";Cmnd$ Endif Goto Program_start ! go on with the real program ' ' Error_rout: Procedure Error_rout Print Chr$(27);"p";" Error Occured! ";Err;" ";Chr$(27);"q" Print "Any key to exit .. ." Void Inp(2) ! wait for keypress @P_end ! it's best to ALWAYS exit after such an error Return ! when running under Mnilu ' P_end: Procedure P_end If Bios(&H6321)=101 Then System ! return to desktop if running under the compiler Else End ! or else back to the editor / can also use Edit Endif Return ' ' Program_start: ' ' Put in your own program here . .. WHENEVER you want to quit call the ' P_end procedure. ' ' This prog does nothing special ,just figures out the free memory .. . ' Print "Free RAM GFA: ";Fre(0) Print Lb%=Gemdos(&H48,L:-1) ! grab the largest block Adr%=Gemdos(&H48,L:Lb%) Print "Largest GEMDOS memory block: ";Lb% Print "Second largest memory block: ";Gemdos(&H48,L:-1) ! 0 here is common Void Gemdos(&H49,L:Adr%) ' Repeat Until Mousek<>0 Or Inkey$<>"" ' @P_end $! exit . .. '  S T e c t r e presents / /// /// // // // // // // // / / // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / // // // // // // // // // / / T r a n q u i l Welocme to Mnilu . . Now at least Mnilu Tranquil ,GFA BASIC 'Compiler' is here for all you GFA BASIC coders. It's not the official GFA compiler (we personally have nothing to do with GFA anyway) ,and nor can it replace the official compiler ,but it will enable everyone without a Compiler to turn their .BAS or .GFA into stand-alone .PRG files. Postcardware " Please note however that Mnilu is POSTCARDWARE. This means that if YOU use Mnilu MORE THAN ONCE then YOU are expected to send us back a postcard in return as the 'fee' of Mnilu. Please do not ignore this part. There is really no point for us programming all sorts of non-commercial programs if no interest in shown. So please do send us back a postcard if you like/ use Mnilu or other STectre prorgams. Sending a postcard is the least thing you can do for us. See end of this file for more info. WARNING! WARNING! " NOTE! The unregistered version of Mnilu Tranquil will only enable to 'Compile' 1 file ,and to 'check' 2 files (checking or compiling 1 file each.) Thereupon Mnilu will RESET your machine. See end of this file on how to register your copy of Mnilu (basically it simply means sending us a postcard). >DO NOT RUN Mnilu Tranquil UNTIL YOU ARE PREPARED TO RESET YOUR MACHINE!< This also means that you'll need to go through a reboot before you will be able to run your .PRG file. The registered version of Mnilu is naturally free of all alert-boxes, and this annoyingfull reset. This version does not have any other limitations. See Postcard! below. Mnilu Tranquil " Mnilu ,if you don't already know (hmmm ,why not??) was released back in 1993. At that time it only enabled to 'compile' GFA BASIC v2 files into stand-alone .PRG files. Mnilu did had a few problems ,espacially in the memory departement as the finished .PRG files required quite a bit of free memory to work properly. Anyway we didn't got much feedback back from other people on it ,and hence we stopped working on it .. .. Theoretically we could have come out with support for v3.0 ++ GFA BASIC at the same time but it didn't happend. Then one day I came across the old Mnilu - filled with dust all over it. And then we realised that it could be improved quite a lot. Not only that but we also thought about adding support for GFA BASIC 3.xx. So here it is - Mnilu Tranquil. The 'second' version of Mnilu. It is by no mean the 'old' Mnilu with added support for GFA BASIC 3.5E, but the GFA v2 compiler part has also had a _huge_ face lift. If you re-compile a file with Mnilu Tranquil then the new compiled file will use around 55K of less memory when compared to the same file compiled by Mnilu v1.61. The compiler itself is dead-ez to use. It uses the 'standard' STectre interface which will reassemble newer STectre programs. MNLU_TRQ.PRG " v2 / v3.5E %[Alt]/[Cntrl] - [2]/[3] - From the main menu you'll have the possibility to select either GfA BASIC v2 or GFA BASIC v3.5E files. The biggest benefit of compiling a file with v2 is that the compiled file will use less memory and the length of the .PRG file will also be smaller compared to one compiled with v3.5E. Anyway that is purely your choice. If you don't have both v3.5E and v2 then you must anyway select the version you have. If you have both v3.5E and v2 then you can SAVE A and MERGE a v3.5E into GFA v2. If it works ok then re-save it as .BAS and compile it with v2 option. The file to be compiled must naturally be in .BAS (v2) or .GFA (v3.5E) format. That is .LST file will not be compiled. Auto CLS / Unchanged lt]/[Cntrl] - [A]/[U] - This is currently the only compiler option avaliable. If you select Auto CLS then when your holy program will run then the screen will automatically be cleared for it. This is quite like running the program from the ugly (imho) GFA editor. The second option is Unchanged. If you select this then the screen will not be cleared for your great program. The name of your program will as normal be shown on the top of screen with the normal Desktop pattern (if ran from a desktop) as a background. If selecting Unchanged then remember that the cursor might be on any wild place on the screen. Before using any PRINT (if any) commands in this case you should atleast have one empty PRINT/or place the cursor by using escape commands. Selecting Unchanged is perhaps the most sensible option for Compiled program ,it will also give a more professional feel .. .  That's all you need to select. Well almost .. ... To select the file to compile click on Select ([Alt]/[Cntrl] - [S]) , and select your .BAS (v2) or .GFA (v3.5e) file. The output (.PRG) file can also be elected if you are not happy with the automatically selected name by clicking on Select ([Alt]/[Cntrl] - [T]). Compiling process " Now to compile your dedicated file click on Compile ([Return]). Or if you only want to check this file (eg not produce an executable file on disk) then click on Check ([Alt]/[Cntrl] - [C]). The Compiler is now 3-pass rather than 2-pass in the 'old' Mnilu. During the first pass general work is done (including loading of file etc). The second pass does the actual main work of turning it all into a .PRG file. The third pass generally handles the saving of an executable file. The third pass is not perfomed if Checking. Please note that Mnilu will not check for any errors in your .BAS or .GFA file. After Compiling " So there you are .. .. Now you've got a fully GEMDOS executable file out of your .BAS or .GFA file. [Users of the unregistered version will have to go through a reboot first - hahahahaha :-)] To run this file simply double-click on it and away it will start to fly .. . [It might _very_ occasionally happen that the file won't take off properly the first time ,in this case reboot your machine and re-run the program.] Anyway there are a few things to note on the compiled files: Pressing the break [Cntrl][Alt][(Left)Shift] will automatically quit from your program. This 'problem' is ez to solve .. . Use -> On Break Cont <- on the very first lines of your .BAS/.GFA files. This will disable the Break. And secondly u MUST ALWAYS exit your program with the commands -> Quit <- or -> System <-. If you don't use System or Quit then you will also see the word Mnilu coming up on your screen when exting your program. Everything else might look just fine only till that day arrives .. .. So always use -System- or -Quit- to terminate your program. Failing to use -System or -Quit- can have fatal results. Another thing well worth adding to your programs is Error handling routine. If any errors comes up in your program then Mnilu will simply display an alert-box and return back to the Desktop. Very unprofessional. Having an -On Error Gosub- routine is hence higly recommended. See HEAD.LST for example ,and read on . . When running under Mnilu Tranquil you program will have access to a few BIOS (yes ,it could be implemented better ,but due to a few technical reasons we went for BIOS) calls: -BIOS(&h6321) If the result is 101 (&H65) then your program is running under the Compiler. Ex: Print IF Bios(&h6321)=101 Then Print "Running under the Mnilu Tranquil Compiler!" Else Print "Not running under the Compiler" ENDIF ' Void Inp(2) ! wait for keypress ' IF BIOS(&h6321)=101 Then System Else Edit Endif As you can see above this humble 'program' above checks out whether or not it is running under Mnilu Tranquil. If it is running under Mnilu then the program uses -System- to exit ,or otherwise it uses -Edit- and returns back to the editor. This can be called a conditional running program. (Using Edit command is same as using End / Stop in the compiler. As metioned it will normally return you back to the Desktop ,but will not always work properly. Use -System- or -Quit- to exit from your program). -BIOS(&h6322) This BIOS call (ONLY call this when you know that your program is running under the Compiler , first call &H6321 to check it) will return a pointer to an address which holds the command-line (if any) passed to your program. The string at that address is in normal GEMDOS format: the very first byte at the address tells how long the string is and thereupon the real strings start from adress+1 ,which is not guranteed to be null-terminated. Ex: See HEAD.LST A very simple HEAD.LST file is supplided ,and this goes through everything mentioned here. It is highly recommended that you have this file as a 'header' file on top of your program. This runs your program in very condiotinal manner. If your program is running under the compiler only then the Break is disabled ,a New error handling routine is installed ,the Command line (if any) is extracted into a normal string (cmnd$) and last -System- is used to exit. Otherwise (not running under the Compiler) then nothing is done in this departement. Please do take a look at HEAD.BAS ,it is not the same one supplieded with the old Mnilu. Memory management for your compiled programs ", This is sort of thing BASIC programmers are not always assumed to understand about but anyway here it goes. If you don't understand much here then simply forget it all. GFA can be called a memory-hog. When the editor is ran then it grabs all the avaliable memory and leaves 16k to the system. The Mnilu Compiler also follows the same rules ,but for GFA v2 Compiled programs around 20 - 23 K of memory is given to the system ,while for GFA v3.5E compiled programs around 40 - 43 K of memory is given back to the system. The memory the system has left is avaliable for other programs/accessories and the operating system (AES espacially uses this memory much ,when displaying file selector etc etc). One of the reason for grabbing all the memory is that unlike other languages in BASIC you are free to use any new variables wherever you want. You might start with a new variable /a new string etc in the middle of your program. In languages like C and Pascal you can't do that and must define all variables at the start of your program. To find out how much memory _your_ program has (for variables/strings etc . ..) use the Fre(0) command. This will tell you how much memory your program has ,and this memory is _not_ avlaible to anyone else (accs ,AES etc .. .) To find out how much memory is left for the rest of the system use: Print Gemdos(&h48,L:-1) That is all fine though. You can make your program work regardless of how the memory is setup. If you however want to give back more memory to the sysetm (to be used by other programs/accessories) then use the Reserve xxx command. Where xxx is the memory in bytes _your_ program wants to retain. To give back 150 000 bytes to the sytem use: If Fre(0)-150<0 Then ! negative ?? Print "Too little Memory! Any key to exit." Void Inp(2) If Bios(&h6321)=&h65 Then ! running under the compiler ? System ! yes ,back to desktop Else Edit ! otherwise back to the editor Endif Else Reserve Fre(0)-150 ! all okay ,so give back 150 Endif ! bytes to the system ' Continue with rest of the program .. . ' At end of program : IF BIOS(&H6321)<>101 Then ! get all the memory back Reserve ! if running under the editor Edit ! back to the editor Else System ! desktop ,if under the compiler Endif If your programs wants to only keep 100 000 bytes (should be enough for most programs) simply use: Reserve 10 You must however never give back all the avaliable memory ,since your program will then not have any memory left at all. Alsp remember to have a (empty) RESERVE at the end of your program ,otherwise the GFA BASIC editor won't re-get the memory. Well ,that's a bit about memory management. The HEAD.LST file also calculates out how much memory is avaliable. Now a bit about what Mnilu (ohhh no) isn't so good at . .. Mnilu Tranquil Does Not Support " - No linking is possible. But this should not be a problem at all. Linking C / Pascal files with GFA is totally pointless! To include assembly language is not a big problem. You can include these small assembly programs/instructons as DATA statements in your file and call them. There are coversion programs avaliable to convert a program into hex data statements. See 'Calling ASM subroutines' below. - The minimum length of the compiled file will be around 25K for GFA v2 files ,and around 43K for v3.5E files. Hint: To reduce the size of the end file take out all REM ' !. As they don't do anything after all! Having small remarks is okey, but large blocks of comments are something to be taken out. - You can not create accessories with Mnilu (don't try as it will not work). The main reason why we have not included support for it is because at the end the acc will then take up quite a bit of memory. And secondly we don't think that the 'reward' of Mnilu which also compiles into accessories will be any better . .. - The speed of the compiled program will bearly be faster than the one offered by the GFA BASIC editor (doesn't matter much ,or does it?) - Normal GfA BASIC Compiler's directives are not supported (so what??!?) Whether or not you can make mtos compitable programs from Mnilu is something we have no idea at all .. .. What needs to be improved in this departement is something yu can tell us. Calling Asm Subroutines from GFA BASIC v3.5 "+ This only works under GFA BASIC v3.5e: First of all assemble your blinding-fast-great assembler routine in almost normal way: 1) As your routine is a subroutine you must naturally end it with RTS. 2) It must be position-independent ,since your assembly program will not be relocated. If you really want to relocate it then you can always muck up your own relocating routine . ...! in practice it means that you can not use any instructions like jmp ,jsr ,move.l #data,a0 etc .. ... use instead bra ,bsr ,lea data(pc),a0. ^^ the (pc) part is most important In Devpac (2+) you can use the switch: opt a+ so that your code uses automatic-PC mode where possible. Note that this will not guarantee position-independent code. Here you can use the opt p+ check to indicate whether or not your program really is pos-independent. This should not be a big problem ,as asm programmers can always find out ways around things! For example to use memory variables use a system like: lea regs(pc),a6 move.b 5(a6),d0 . move.b #3,2(a6) . regs ds.b 1 ds.b 1 . You get the idea .. .. Generally put opt a+,p+ on top of your asm file. 3) You should save and restore all registers. Avoid using the stack for that though. 4) The program will run in user mode. You should also be in user mode before doing any RTS back to the BASIC program. At the end assmeble your prog as normally with a .PRG extension. Now enter this comand in the GFA BASIC (3.5e) editor: INLINE addr%,len Where len is the length of your program. For example if your .PRG file is 100 bytes then enter INLINE addr%,100 Move the cursor to the INLINE line and gently with your beautiful finger press [Help]! Click on LOAD ,and select your .PRG file. The INLINE command should be before you want to call your routine (top of the program is preferred as you can easily re-load a new file). When you want to call your asm-routine use: ' code=addr%+&h1c ! jump to the start of assembly CALL code ! and call it ' ' The rest of your program - hopefully we will back here The problem with CALL however is that you can not pass any parameter to/from your asm routine. It's here where RCALL comes in: this allows to specify what values will be in any data or address registers at the start of the assembler routine. When the routine will return you can also inspect any return values. If you want to use RCALL then firstly you'll need to built up an array by using: DIM reg%(15) Now reg%(0) will pseudo point to d0 ,reg%(1) = d1 .. ., reg%(7) = d7, reg%(8) = a0 ,reg%(9) = a1 .. .. . ,reg%(14) = a6. Before calling your asm routine set up these values as you want them to be ,for example: reg%(0)=Varptr(string$) Now Call you routine with RCALL. Example: code=addr%+&h1c ! jump to the start of assembly RCALL code,reg%() ! and call it with parameters passed in registers ' The rest of your program - hopefully we will back here Print reg%(0) ! print return value in d0 Note that any INLINE'd .PRG file(s) will be saved with the actual .GFA file. If you do any changes with your asm-code then you'll need to re-load the new file in the GFA BASIC editor. That's all the help you'll get. GFA BASIC 2 " If you don't have GfA BASIC 2 then it's avaliable through a few PD libraries at the same price as a normal PD Disk (although it's still copyright). Try The FaST Club disk PR.482 or Goodman PD disk GD500. Disclaimer " STectre can not be held responsible for any kind of damage caused by the use of Mnilu directly or indirectly. You do every thing at your own responsibility. Let's hope that the people at GfA don't mind Mnilu. Distribution " Mnilu might freely be distributed but all files (MNLU_TRQ.PRG ,MNLU_TRQ.RSC ,MNLU_TRQ.DOC and HEAD.LST) must NOT be changed in any way. All files must be included when distributed in any way. Postcard! " -A This program is postcardware. If you like this porgam then please send us a postcard back. That is all what we request from you! -A The unregistered version of Mnilu will reset your machine after compiling one file. Annoying . ... .isn't it ?? To register your copy simply send us back a postcard and we'll tell you exactly how you can do that in a few seconds. Time to register! " To register: 1) If you have an (Internet) email address then send us a postcard (via normal post) with your email address written on it (write your normal address on it as well). We will send you complete information via email as soon as possible. 2) If you don't have an email address then: Take a postcard and write down a few words on it. Put the postcard in an envelope. Put one International Reply Coupon in the envelope as well. (Ask at your local postoffice for International Reply Coupons). And post your envelope/letter to us. Remember no postcard in it or no Reply Coupon then you won't get info on how to register our copy! We will send you complete information via normal mail as soon as possible. As mentioned when y ou have the information it will only take up a few seconds to 'register' your copy. _8 | -_ | | Mnilu Tranquil | | | | | | |__| | | .. .. | | | | | | | STectre | | | c/o Jabran Akhtar | | | | | | Stjernemyrvn. 30 | | | 0673 Oslo | | | Norway | | 6| -8 STectre " c/o Jabran Akhtar 'STectre Stjernemyrvn. 30 0673 Oslo ,Norway Internet: jib@login.bigblue.no August '95 '__ ___ __ __ ___ _ __ &/_ / /_ / / / ) /_ %__/ / /_ \_ / / \ /_ Problems? Ideas? Write to us at the address above. We'll be happy to hear from _you_ also about what we should add to future versions of Mnilu If you want to be 100% sure about getting back a reply from us then please remember to include an International Reply Coupon (ask at your local postoffice). Mnilu comes from: |; || | | || | | || || || | | | | | || || | || | | ||| | | | | | | | | | | | ||| | || | | || | | || || || |; Z; ZZ Z Z ZZ Z Z ZZ ZZ ZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZ ZZ Z ZZ Z Z ZZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZZ Z ZZ Z Z ZZ Z Z ZZ ZZ ZZ Z; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Some of our other programs: ) _ | / / / ( | / / / / | ( ) / / // |--- \ / / / / \ | ) v / / \ (_/ J a h a n h - 'make' Have you heard about jokes .. ..! - 'jokes' ,'jokes' and 'jokes' of randomely selected verbs ,nouns .. .! - thousands and thousands of combinations may occur - enter your very own words if you wish - output to printer/disk or screen - Norwegian (Scandinavian?) version also avaliable _F / F\ | F| | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | | / F o z C i / \ | | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ | | F| | F| | One of the best Caps-Lock indicator ever written for the ST range | | of computers. It uses a REAL LED indicator as on other machines: the | | disk drive LED. Uses less than 1400 bytes of memory! | | version 2 now released | | F| | => Make A Better Use Of Your Disk-Drive LED By using FozCi NOW! <= | | F| \-G \-E We would also like to say a BIG thanks to all the people who wrote to us regarding the bugs in the original version of FozCi. It has not been possible to reply to all of you but as you can see as a result a bug-fixed version of FozCi is now avaliable, 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8.8..8..88 88 8 888..88..8..8 >8..8 8..88..88..8.. 8.88..8..88...8..88..88..88..888.8..8.8.8..8 8..8..8..8...88..88..88..88..88..88..8..8.8.8 8..8.88.888.88..88..88.8..888.8..8 8..8 ..88.8..88..88..888.8..888.8..888 8 8.8 .8# 8 8@ 8 8 8 888 8 8 888 88 P y s g h a m Virtual drives have been rather common in the ST range of computers. Pysgham will also add sort of virtual drives to your machine but unlike RAM disks the new drives will correspond to folders in other real drives. If you for example have a much used folder on drive D such as : D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\ then with Pysgham you can install a new drive (f ex H:) corresponding to D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\. When installed by Pysgham you can access drive H: as any other normal drive ,but the files/folder displayed in H: will be the one in D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\. As an example H:\*.* will equal D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\*.* ,and H:\TEST\*.* will equal D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\TEST\*.* You will now no longer need to select the directory D:\WP\TEXT\LETTER\ but only need to click on drive H. And still data can be saved/loaded ,proram ran ,file copying etc all can be performed just as normal. Upto eight different drives of this kind might be installed at once by Pysgham. As drives installed by Pysgham will (normally) correspond to real drives therefore data saved on them will naturally not be lost when the machine is switched off. Pysgham will also enable you to turn Write Verify On or Off for EACH drive. You can for example have Write Verify Off for RAM disks ,and certain hard drive partitions while keep Write Verify On on other partitions/ floppies. Say good bye to the old Verify On / Verify Off states. No every drive can have it's own setting. As well as that you can also turn certain drives Write Protected by using Pysgham. Latest version (August 1995): 1.50 .@ One Jack - the program launcher - No need to go through all the folders to run a program - One Jack will do it - AvaliablE NoW Fully useable with all _all_ TOS's and ALL replacement desktops -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Many thanks to Robin Willow! (-: |G || | || | | | ||| || | | | | || || | || | || | | || || || | | | | ||| || | || | || || | || | | || || ||| | | | || | | | | ||| | || | | | | | | || | || | | || ||| | | || | | |G Fed up with GEM's Show/Print/Cancel (Visa/skriv/Avbryt) ? Use SuperView ,the most comprehensive file-viewer system ever written for the ST. Completely replaces the GEM's offering ,or call it from the supplided accessory. Just look at a few of the features .. . - displays NEOchrome,Deags(Elite) and Spectrum 512 pics - support for 1ST Word & Protext WP files - print files to parallel/serial/MIDI and parallel(direct) - up to 9 files in memory at once - replays sample files (STE support) - decompacts Pack-Ice v2.4 packed files - search forward/backward/research options - up to 9 pre-defined search strings - goto start/middle or end of file - view files in either 8x8 or 8x16 fonts - support for large screens - displays ST font (A1/A2) files - intelligent mouse scrolling - swap between low/med res - hex-mode converting - info-lines - virus checker - up to 10 markers - no need to load the program each time ,just copy it to the AUTO folder - replaces Show/Print/Cancel (not fully on TOS 2+) - .. . and lots more ,uses only 33 K! Quite simply the best file viewer ever written for the ST! Once you've used it ,you'll never gonna go back to the Show/Print/Cancel! No other file-viewer even comes close to SuperView ,if you haven't seen it yet then get a copy NOW. Not Multi-TOS compitable. Latest version (May ,1994) is 1.18. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Shareware Software in STyle __ ___ __ __ ___ _ __ /_ / /_ / / / ) /_ __/ / /_ \_ / / \ /_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ kea aap bhi jahanh par henh ??? ? hamari taraf se saari dunia ko aadaab! -eof #`RAJ$VC4 OORJ9C4g$ h"h CHQHPHyJNAO #+<;0a37=(J9C4gaa?<NNTO3;#+;0a~37,|#+;0#>39a^Jy8 g$34a'H;34a'H; z+0<a' z+z0< a& z+n:0 z+`0a'2fBgHz= ?<=NAPOJ@k>Hz:@Hx??<?NAO JkA:& x` fHz:Hx&??<?NAO Jk?<NNTOz:fxHz:Hx??<?NAO z*0: z*0: z*R09 z*:09 z* <"p$QC9f <"p$QC:.fA9x x` a J9C4fx3;4#=X9#+;0a35=*#,9#+P;0aA*60( P)gz:f`0(z:g 0(z:f` P)g P(f3d4By43 4rpNBT@g0:8T@34`34A26p0Q353)4a31,J;ff35$,35,::7J9B9>J9C1g >A52a3#4L2xZ@H4#+;0a a a ha a aa #+;034a 3,3#X,A$B4 <wBQA*MaA*aaJA*aA2>fBA24aA*aHz3?<NA\Oa f?<Hz2?<NNAPOJ@fa L :3 /?<HNA\OJgXkT#=BgHz1?<=NAPOJ@k >a p/:3/:3F??<?NAO 36fa a :3&#=J9C2g"`d}/?<HNA\OJgk#=a c=FoC6J9C2gC6$z2<ggA7Baa"A7P`lA)a~A8J9C2gA6,a H"z2V2 к2R"""""2&F0 J@fa Sf"B&z2" :2&FJ@fa Sfa &F0 "<cJ9C2g"<SQ$<cJ9C2g$<Ժ1 z1*C2;vSgfSCjSH 1B:70a :12<J@fa QQJ9C1fA(aa b?<Hz0p?<NNAPOJ@f6a JA0\fBA1aVA0JaNA1aF :1daA1a6a BgHz0$?<J9NAXONu/:->`/:-4?<INA\ONuA2a2 aA2D` A1k`A1Aa`A1a a`A1 a`pA1` A1V`A0a``K,a0HHa&a0H@?aa 0@H`:Nu|BH` |HP`BD| Hs.t"SAg6 HB HCCHBHC4SAfBmR@`JfJDf |ga`0aPSFfLNu NuNu34By43434a3,3,AaNuHa#,#,.3g"HPE :#xgSRfJf#4 _3434#+n;0aLx&343434zz3:(3:* za634 g,A#"CS2:S@k y,QBBaJ94fJ94fJ94fDa0L??NuB943k43)>4By434a3(j,3(d,`BB943j43)4By434av`B940:y,3, z` xg8 hg`dP4  fRH#,BNuP4(@3;bTH`P4(@3;`TH`B94CBg< g<gg @2RB`BNua34By43434a34By43434a34By434By4ad3434#+n;0a^L$hH;f3:(3:*BCS@SA3:,3:.3r434By4a`R34H"<;Hps`H"<;00<NBLNuJ9,zf34P,zB4B9`J9,zg34B9,z`343434By4`v3434#+n;0anL#vH;f3:(3:*BCS@SA3:,3:.34343434`?<NNTOJk<lC5NuH瀀:.)R<fpC5A<gA4<gAt<gA34#9L`By4#+;0`34`#+n;03434arL"z[@H;aJ9al(g0jB@+ g@343j4By434aBy4343'4By434aBy:(3!L:*3 434By4a ka3t4By4a0+z P@k 2+z LAk SAH:( ka3434aX3434By434a834343'4By434a3:*By:(3 434By4a3434By434a3:(By:*3434By4a343h4By434a3434By434af343 4By434aF3434By434a&3434By434aa4J(g By43j4By434a0+@LNu kfBNuprCg2Rj34NuJgnogpyesg Jy,jgpNu3,j#,lH,ba B34a Z#,^By43 4LH4#+x;0aDLLH;f3 4H4#+;0a3 ,~Jy8 k *3434#^4B4#+;0a3T4L2H4#+;0aaRB9,xaJy,Zg\By,pBy,TBy,X3,V34343434#9#,@;0aP3Z,Ta #,9#+Z;034p343434ApBXQa0: 3 ;\3;^|gr|gZA`0|g|g|g4|fz0(z2fn#+;03 43 4B4a`p2: y,\f| gv|g|gv|g|gv|g||ygv|ngpv|gh|zgb|og\v| g|gv|.gԲ|.gv|g²|gv |g|gv |g|g`8#,J;034# 9aJy8 g3;\3;^`\BCJy,Zf"| g|r g Jy,pg*NuB z T8gk z X<g kRF z Gg2ag&6a^f3,r02a#+d;03#4By4azB02a#+d;034By4aQ y,rg$a0: $Nu y,\f|0: |g|fl z 0<"p"QE<f0<"p"QEfA"Jf Aa0<BAa0<BAa` y,rfATJf Aav`#+d;0324By4a`RRDDg`P,u`B9,u<: FJFg34aJ9,ufRF`SFJFgPkN z B02JAg:k8 z B0agf0 z a|g|g`6a`J9,uga`(B``"8:t3,X|Pg\| gT|HgD3 43 43 434# z9#,@;0a 3,T`a`Jy,Zg34az 6g3 4,V3 (43 "43 434# 9#,@;0a3,T3 43,ZBy,Xaa<`:# 9By4343434#,,;0aDJy8 kB6:@ z a|B9,yP,yfZB9,yffFf`a(ff34#+;0a?02a`6># 9By4343434#,,;0aJy8 klB6: z$T: z$X<RFQ,tJEkBJFk>B8 z Gg"ag6a`f 02aRDDfa`#d9By4By43N43H4#,,;0aJy8 kB6:P,t`Ha02aPJ9,yfatJ9,vg`PR9,x 9,xg>0(zf23 434#+n;0aVJy8 gJLVJBg@JCgg06:8a02aXP,vJ9,wg adQ,w`|J9,vgrJ9,wf a:P,w6:a02a B9,v`B3434By4LH434#9#,";0`"@ "p$QBNuP`QA2t0r9 0  B H@BAo^@B@H@fJfAfBAaNuHy NMXONu#934#,;0`a|"z2#,^Nuan z$#9#,^#,;0anLvNuMany ThaNqnks! |]CYfNu#+;0By4` #= Nu#=$NuHz`Hz` x3*NuHz`Hz?<&NN\ONuHz `Hz`By* xpA Jx>gNuBy*"8g A"gPPYSGfP*Nu34#+;0aj34#+;0`T/8NuCHArB$gnRA`0`YH 0f (0f| VH.BBNu.????????? @@@__AAAA ????????? @@@@@@ ????????? 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Please | send us a postcard soon! ][ OK ][1][To:| STectre c/o J.Akhtar| Stjernemyrvn. 30| 0673 Oslo ,Norway. | ][ OK ][0][ | Your support is | greatly appreciated. | ][ OK ][1][ | Read the .DOC file for | more information. | ][ OK ][3][ Unregistered version: | Your machine will now| reboot. "Register" to get| rid of this annoyingness! ][ Reset ][3][ | No File Selected. | ][ Cancel ][3][ | Destenation File not | selected. | ][ Cancel ][3][ | Resource file error. | ][ Exit ]GfABASICGFA-BASIC3 File error. Aborted. Out of memory. Aborted. ->Internal Mnilu error! Aborted. Error while writing file. Error : the length of BASIC file must be above 100 bytes. Aborted. Error: not a GFA BASIC program file. Aborted. Disk error. [Disk full?!] Saved file uncomplete. Required bytes on disk. No compiler error found. File compiled into No compiler error found. File length would be bytes ,relocatable executable code. 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If you use then pleaseSTectre c/o J. AkhtarStjernemyrvn. 300673 ,Oslo Norway.Your support is greatly appreciated.send us back a postcard!TranquilGfA BASIC v2GFA BASIC v3.5EBASIC type:Compile From:greetings to all c.a.p.a.n.s.a.g. persons in the world_6X6don't hack around in these files! jib@login.bigblue.no_6X6Compile Into Executable:SelectSelectPostcardwareNo Copyright 1993-1995TEXTInfoQuitAuto CLSUnchangedStartupscreen:Free RAM:0_XKB.A.S.I.C.CompilerSTectreVx.xx.x_X??????0>>|p|p|pppoppppppppppppppvpp|pp|pp<pp8pp<8>pp8  88888888888888888 ??0>>|p|p|pppoppppppppppppppvpp|pp|pp<pp8pp<8>pp8$ABCWXYuvw%8AB CPQ Rbcdpq r77'^77  !"'()./#056#7@A BLM NVW`jk lrx~(\  !Nj      . 4       J$B=%f *    6 6     *;   F;  b8  ~0 0 0 4/4$     &X B ^  z     ! "#0$     n __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Mnilu Tranquil Registered by Scorpio from Elite   *This archive contains:* -The Demo version of Mnilu Tranquil + some informations about REGISTRATION. *But my copy seems to be Unregistered,what to do??* -I could have given you my personnal mnilu.inf but i noticed that the registration procedure doesn't work really like that... It means that if you register and give your registration file or if you use your registration file in a different path or resolution than the program was registered in,it UNREGISTER himself! In other words you have to follow the Registration procedure if you want to use Mnilu Tranquil at its full capabilities. Just do like this: -On the line of the first path just type in the following code: 786189530$%*642786 and select with the mouse the button "Check" The program tells you "Thanks for registering",afterwards just quit the program and RESTART it once again. The REGISTRATION window doesn't appear anymore at launch!!! Your key is now saved into Mnilu.inf and you're the proud owner of a registered copy of Mnilu Tranquil ! Kewl hey ??? *What does the Key offer???* -The current REGISTERED version (not patched but REGISTERED!!) allows you to compile more than 1 .BAS or .GFA file and check more than two files. -It allows you to use this program without seeing the postcardware advert at the beginning of the program... -No more RESET after compiling one file and no more Boring WINDOWS telling you to register by sending a POSTCARD!!! *What else should i know?* Good luck when using this program and if you like our work let us know!! *But it sounds like Piracy doesn't it?* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96  .  | .. GREPKEY TOS `9ELITE NFO `A`xF?<NNTJbARa|a``XG2 [aj [adaRC)gESQAfaBC|a&E)g<fS 0m 9b QB` AQa`aa8EkCaaaa a`pBpNurtvxzDgDрdЀfNuHRC`$QR0 Qf"$_NuH $Hva"(BFz`0 JaHHڀRFFn컃BF`N0H JaHHp0HR@ JaHHrڀ0HT@ JaHHڀ0HV@ JanHHڀRF0@@m LxNuH&I#Tad& Ka\( zaR"鉷$ኵ$z몵$z몵BB`&;d҃;d҄;dҀRB|dl;e L8NuH8BCEG~AaC JahLNu"HJgJgJgJgJg JgJgJf SNu [a"a [aBgNA?<NATNuHz?< NA\NuHP?< NA\NuGA42WF0NGREPIT 2.0UNREGISTEREDwbGREPIT.REGrb Grepit GREPIT *O0123456789EST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || | | | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Grepit Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (25 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Input your serial number (06 chars):Y4 lY6 Your Code will be (10 Chars...):  __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Grepit Key-maker 0.2 Coded by Scorpio/Elite  *This archive contains:* -Grepkey.tos a nice proggy that allow you to register Grepit 2.01 and above without paying the *ENORMOUS* 20 DM fee. *How to handle this??* -Just enter any alias you want and the Grepit key maker will give you a number you'll type in the registration box... *A free Advice * -Well many people have waited for a Key maker for Grepit and once again Elite is proud to bring you this *High* Quality production. This time you can save 20 DM what a bargain !!! Anyway if you like this production and think it's better to use a keymaker rather than crack it,then let us know... If we don't get feedback this may be the last keymaker i code. You must spread this production as long as you do not charge more than the duplication costs. Selling this ware is prohibited and will be strongly challenged. Spreading through Bulletin boards systems is *Highly* permitted. *Does this sound like piracy??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96 .   .. COSTAKEYTOS `ELITE NFO t``.8?<NNTJbARaa`G2 [a [aHz?< NA\K"])gذ<m$]SQBLaFa&La aa`@B@NurtvDgDрdЀfNuH`rp HB"#| aЂRcLNuH`$")pJgJggЂJg`LNu [aa [aBgNA?<NATNuHP?< NA\NuF0123456789EST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || | || | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Costa Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (20 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Your Code will be (06 Chars...): . __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Costa Key-maker 0.2 Coded by Scorpio/Elite *This archive contains:* -Costakey.TOS a nice program coded by Scorpio from Elite to allow you to register Costa 1.34 and above without paying your shareware fee. *How to handle this ??* -Enter the alias you wanna use and Costakey will give a keycode that you'll enter in Costa Registration Box . * A free advice * -Well this program was coded by Elite for internal use but as lotsa people are always interested by keymaker,i thought it would be nice to share some knowledge. This program may be copied to anyone as long as the provider doesn't charge any fee other than to cover the duplication costs. If you put this program on a CD-Rom or a compil Utils disk then it would be nice to send me the result of your work as for instance,the compil utils disk or the cd-rom. If you pay for this program then i can only say: -i get NO money from Your money. -No one can get SOMETHING for NOTHING. -Lotsa people have to pay HIGH Phonebills so it explains why ONE must pay for the others. *Does this sound like piracy???* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96 Y.   .. CHANGES TXT *]# COSTA HLP VCOSTA PRG *]# COSTA REG `COSTA RSC Vx/COSTA RTF *OCOSTA TXT *ECOSTAM RSC Vx/COSTS DTA V ELITE NFO q`READ ME +bCoSTa version changes/bug fixes. v1.34 03/01/96 Bugfix(s): NOS - Incorrect date and duration of call being calculated due to the fact that 1996 is a leap year. v1.33 30/12/95 Bugfix(s): Clicking on a call to edit, brings up the wrong call when paid calls are excluded from display. It is correct if 'Show All Calls' is active, however. If NOS log contains invalid dates/times the program hangs. Program changed to ignore invalid entries. v1.32 20/12/95 Bugfix(s): The time adjust value (bst etc.) should not be applied to MiNTnet calls. It is only applicable to NOS. Some registration key codes not being accepted even though they are valid. v1.31 03/12/95 Bugfix(s): Total Cost not being accurately calculated (especially with vat added on). If costs with vat being displayed, redraw the values in the main window, after cost maintenance performed, in case the vat rate has changed. v1.30 01/12/95 New: Support for MiNTnet and Connect2 added. VAT processing added. Costing by telephone number added. Recost unpaid calls option added. Overide of peak,offpeak,weekend for calls on bank holidays. Log files now renamed to .HST instead of .BAK Annoy message added on program startup if not registered. Bugfix(s): Paths with periods in caused problems. Used to bomb after extraction on some machines. Only install under desk menu if running a multitasking environment NOT just MiNT. Total Time figure shown now allows for more than 99 hours. Total fields were editable for some reason. Oops. Program used to hang after entering of registration details. CoSTa now takes into account any changes made to PC clock via NOS. This allows for ST's with incorrect clocks to record accurate call information. ie. if on entry to NOS date/time is wrong, CoSTa uses the 'PC clock adjusted' message to calculate the correct start date/time. v1.21 10/11/95 Bugfix: Vertical slider, when dragged to bottom does not position the list to the very end. v1.20 06/11/95 New: Display telephone number and origin of call in main window. Facility to edit/delete details of a particular call. Facility to purge(delete) old paid calls/bills. Ability to append to nos.bak instead of overwriting it. Ability to perform an auto extraction on program startup. Bugfix: Time validation allows invalid times. ie. 12:89:99. Costs greater than 65p result in gibberish. v1.11 02/11/95 Bugfix: Will now ignore any calls for which incomplete log details exist ie. started but not stopped due to crashes etc. It used to get confused. v1.10 31/10/95 New: Previous bill history function added. (Idea by Phil Yeadon). Bugfix: Small problem with initial extraction not rebuilding list on older TOS versions. This happens when the path shipped with CoSTa does not exist on the user's machine. Once the path has been corrected and the program exited and restarted, it goes away. Not a big problem, but hopefully sorted. v1.00 29/10/95 Initial release of CoSTa. '*00 Welcome to CoSTa! I hope you find this program useful, I certainly do. It is SHAREWARE and as such should be registered. Registering will ensure that you receive a latest version as and when it becomes available, support via letter or e-mail. Later versions will probably have functions disabled until a key is entered. To register, please see the manual, or e-mail me at gary@the-gap.demon.co.uk. The fee is 6 UK Pounds. *10 Main call display window. This shows the day, date, time, duration in minutes, and cost of each call, along with the telephone number and the program that made the call. ie. NOS. Also shown are the total number of calls, total time spent, and total cost in pounds. These are either the totals of unpaid calls or the totals of all calls known to the program, depending upon the setting of the Show All menu item. Double clicking on a call takes you into the edit window, where details can be changed. *20 Pay Phone Bill This window allows you to flag all calls upto and including the entered date as paid. These calls will then be excluded from the main display UNLESS 'Show All Calls' is checked. Also displayed is a list of all the previous bills that have been paid. *30 Maintain Costs This window allows you to define various costing parameters used in the calculation of call costs. *30 Peak Hours Start Time/End Time This defines the starting and ending time of weekday peak hours. ie. 08:00:00 to 18:00:00 from Monday to Friday. *30 VAT Rate If costs are set up as excluding VAT, then the current VAT rate should be set up here. *30 Minimum Cost This is the minimum cost of a call. Once a call cost has been calculated, if it is less than this cost then it will be rounded up to this minimum value. *30 List Of Telephone Numbers Telephone numbers and their costs can be defined here. The default '*' cannot be deleted and should always be set up. In this way, you do not have to define EVERY telephone number that you dial. *31 Telephone This is the telephone number. Blanks are ignored. The default cost is represented by a '*' in this field. *31 Description ie. Fred's BBS *31 Peak Cost This is the cost of a call from Monday to Friday during the peak time defined above. *31 OffPeak Cost This is the cost of a call from Monday to Friday outside of the hours defined as Peak. *31 WeekEnd Cost This is the cost of a call at the special weekend rate applicable from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday. *40 Preferences This window allows you to define the preferences for operation of this program. *40 Backup Log File Once CoSTa has extracted call information from the log file. This file is renamed to *.hst so it will not get processed again. This does not happen with MiNTnet. Two options exist for the creation of the *.hst file. Append means that the contents of the current log file are added onto the end of any existing '*.hst' file, hence it grows and represents a complete history. This file will get very large and will need deleting/archiving from time to time. Overwrite means that any existing *.hst is deleted, and the current log renamed to *.hst, hence *.hst only contains call details from the very last extraction. Call details prior to that are lost, but the disk space required is always minimal. *40 Auto Extract On Startup If this option is set to 'Yes', then CoSTa will automatically perform an extraction whenever it is called ie. on program startup. This makes the process of call extraction completely transparent to the user. Simply run CoSTa and it will automatically know about all your calls. *40 Time Adjust This does not apply to MiNTnet and Connect. Time details written to the log files by NOS are in GMT and as such may not be the same as your local time. ie. BST may be in use. Define the time offset to be applied to log times. ie. for BST, select 1 +. It is important that this is set up correctly and cancelled when BST ends etc. as calls are costed according to the local time. *40 Show Costs including VAT This sets the default display of costs to either include VAT or exclude it. This can be overridden with the menu option. *50 Output This window allows you to output a report of calls to either the printer or the clipboard. Either all calls can be printed or just the unpaid ones. This defaults to the Show All menu option from the main screen. *60 Edit A Call This window allows you to edit the details of a call. This could be useful if your clock was wrong when you connected to the internet. Date, time, duration, cost and telephone number can all be edited. If you change the date or time, but not the cost be sure to click on 'Recost' to recost the call. Click on 'Ok' to update the call. A call can be deleted by clicking on 'Delete'. *70 Purge Calls This window allows you to delete (for ever) old previously paid call details. Only paid calls can be deleted in this manner. Old bill details can also be deleted. All paid calls (and bills, if selected) up to and including the entered date will be deleted. *80 Paths This defines the paths used to access the log files that will be processed for call details. Click on a the text next to a path or the path itself and a file selector will allow you to select the log file required. In order for this log file to be picked up during 'extraction' the check box next to the path must be hilighted also. `r@D` &oO + ЫЫ// Bg?<JNAO a Jkf#h3333pN09ff.f` |h0| gh|e|%bN:`09|bgB|g|g|g8|0g(|g|g|g N`BN`8Nl`.#nJ#XN#\R|e| b y2e4`4|g4|g.|g(|g"|gd|g^|gX|gRNuNuauz`CAN2aACN23Jyga <`a3 Jyga |38Na `z3Z3\Jyfl09\|g||g|g԰|g|g|gİ|!g|gl|gl|gl|g8|gf|gf#V3Z3p!N`a `3pNNJ9f3J3LN` a Vada3pNN`a=`~akf`vJ9gB9`9#V33pNaaaB9a`J9gB9`9#V3!3pNaaBB9a>`a[`aV`aG`ad`a}:`NN`/p yn h P  9pJ9f 9|b#V#Z#^N/p yn h P "9tJ9f"9#R#NNFb#V#Z#^N\#<R#NNFb#V#Z#^NTb#V#Z#^N/p yn h P  9xJ9f 9# R#NNFeRJ9g:#dR#NNa0Z#dR#NNF2eR#dR#NNFb#V#Z#^NZ.b#V#Z#^NNupra 9pJ9f 9|JfCAN2a `"y0929J9fJ)#gC&R`&pJ9fJ)#f:/ yJ h P &Ha.$ yJ R| b&RpeNuHpGpO QGH )#fTp)"ErRp)b#V#Z#^NT/)b#V#Z#^NT/)b#V#Z#^NXp)b#V#Z#^NT:)b#V#Z#^NT:)b#V#Z#^NZr2)#R#NNFb#V#Z#^NT:#<R#NNFb#V#Z#^NT:b#V#Z#^NZ )J9ga,#'R#NNFb#V#Z#^NX.# R#NNFb#V#Z#^N\E pQV)$E<Ng$E<IgE<Mg E<CNqJg`09AJg`LNuaa&B9a"NuBpa$JkF/9/9?9ͺ?<?NAO JJkp#ͼ#&R#NNF#pa^apJyͺg/?9ͺ?<>NAXJ Nug/3J3LN `A/pNb `HBtBBxBB| 9pgn 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PRIESTRegistered To:** UNREGISTERED VERSION **  Date Time Duration Cost x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx  *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:0Number of calls: _90 Total time: _:__:__9 0.00Total cost: _XOutput to:PrinterClipboardAll CallsCancelOkDate Calls Time Costxx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx  *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:0Flag calls up to: __/__/__9CancelOkBackup Log File:AppendOverwriteAuto Extract On Startup:Yes00Time Adjustment: __99+-Show Costs Including VAT:YesCancelOka(NOS: _(X(a(ICE: _(X(a(MiNTnet: _(X(a(STiK: _(X(a(Connect: _(X(CancelOkaName: _X0Key: _9CancelOk0Purge calls up to: __/__/__9Bills TooCancelOk0Date: __/__/__9Peak0Time: __:__:__9Offpeak0Duration: __:__:__9Weekend0Cost: _.___90Telephone: ___XxOrigin: _XCancelDeleteRecostOk0Peak Start Time: __:__:__90End time: __:__:__90VAT Rate: __.__%90Minimum Cost: __.___9Telephone Descriptionx xx xx xx xx xx x *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:CancelEditAddDeleteOk0Telephone: _XaDescription: _X0Peak Cost: __.___90Offpeak Cost: __.___90Weekend Cost: __.___9CancelOkThis is an unregistered version of CoSTa!To get rid of this annoying message,please register!!Details can be found in the manual.Ok[3][ GEM has run out of windows!| Close any unused ones and| re-try.][ Exit ][3][ | No help text loaded! ][Sorry][1][ There is not enough memory| to perform this task.][Cancel][1][ | Printer is not responding ][Retry|Cancel][1][ | Error accessing x ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Time ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Date ][Cancel][1][ | No unpaid calls exist ][Cancel][1][ | No costs have been setup yet ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Key Code ][Cancel][1][ | Name must be at least 5 long ][Cancel][2][ | Really DELETE this call ][Delete|Cancel][2][ | Really UPDATE this call ][Update|Cancel][2][ | Delete paid calls FOREVER ][Purge|Cancel][2][ | Really recost ALL unpaid call][Recost|Cancel][1][ | Phone number must be entered ][Cancel][1][ | Phone number already exists ][Cancel][1][ | 100 phone numbers already | defined ][Cancel][1][ | x is in use by | another process ][Cancel]j#T:h.\ #$0%UV0W0000OP0Q0000N3OQ333"; FOf oz{ &((FG(Hpq(r((31329TevwP)3y)3 ' Z)3 )3  1 d)3     $ ? 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Priest\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\fs20\par \f53\fs28 Contents\par \pard\s6\li14\tx581\tx1148\tx1715\tqr\tx7837\f27\fs20\tab Introduction\tab\tab 2\par \tab Getting Started\tab 2\par \tab Setting Up CoSTa\tab 2\par \tab Paths\tab\tab\tab 3\par \tab Preferences\tab\tab 3\par \tab Costs\tab\tab\tab 5\par \tab Main Window\tab 6\par \tab Extracting Call Information\tab 7\par \tab Editing/Deleting a Call\tab 8\par \tab Paying Bills\tab\tab 9\par \tab Output\tab\tab 9\par \tab Recost Unpaid Calls\tab 9\par \tab Purging Old Call/Bill Details\tab 9\par \tab Registering\tab\tab 10\par \tab Disclaimer\tab\tab 10\par \tab Credits\tab\tab 10\par \par \fs36\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\par \par \par \par \par Introduction\par \pard\fs20 CoSTa was written almost as soon as I got myself a modem and got on-line to the internet.\par I immediately realised that there was no way of knowing how much time I spend on line and hence have no idea of what my telephone bill is going to be.\par Using CoSTa this problem is solved.\par Each time you connect to the internet using the supported programs a log file is created/appended with the current start date and time, plus an awful lot of other information. This file quickly becomes very large, with no apparent use. Until now!!\par CoSTa runs over this log file and extracts all the information it requires about each call made, it then calculates the length of the call and the cost.\par Each call can easily be seen in the main window, along with a current phone bill total.\par When the phone bill arrives, you can tell CoSTa to flag all calls up to the date of the bill as paid, the current total is reset and ready for your next month's/quarter's phone calls.\par \par CoSTa currently works in conjunction with Atari NOS, MiNTnet and Connect.\par \par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Hardware required\par \pard\f27\fs20 This program should run on all TOS based computers from an ST to a Falcon. It was developed on a Falcon and hence looks best running on this machine.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Getting Started\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Installing CoSTa\par \pard\f27\fs20 CoSTa is installed and run like any other normal Gem Application. It does not run as an accessory.\par \par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 On-Line Help\par \pard\f27\fs20 CoSTa comes complete with it's own on-line help system. Position the mouse cursor over whichever window help is required on and press Help.\par \par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Setting Up CoSTa\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 After installing CoSTa, it is necessary to set up certain information for CoSTa to function correctly.\par BEFORE performing an extract, the costs, paths and preferences must be configured in order that the program knows where to find the log files, and how much a call is going to cost.\par See the relevant sections in this manual on how to do this.\par CoSTa comes with the costs for a British Telecom local call already set up.\par \par \par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Paths\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 CoSTa currently works with the log files created by NOS, MiNTnet and Connect.\par Future versions will support ICE, and hopefully STiK as well, although this cannot be guaranteed.\par \par It is important to tell CoSTa where to find the log files.\par Click on either the text or on the path beside it. Use the file selector to locate the relevant log files, that you use.\par Click on the check box beside the path to tell CoSTa that this file is to be used during extraction.\par \par The log files are normally named as follows:\par NOS\tab -\tab NOS.LOG\par MiNTnet\tab -\tab messages\par Connect\tab -\tab CONNECT.LOG\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Preferences\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Backup Log File To History\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 After CoSTa has extracted call details from the .LOG file, this file is renamed to .HST to prevent further processing. N.B. this does not apply to MiNTnet, see below.\par This can happen in two ways (which option you choose depends on whether you feel the need to keep a history or not):\par \f29 Append\f27\par The contents of the current .LOG file are appended on to the end of any existing .HST, hence it can get very large but does contain ALL details.\par This file should be deleted/archived on a regular basis.\par \f29 Overwrite\f27\par Any existing .HST file is deleted, and the current .LOG file is renamed to .HST.\par This keeps the size of the .HST down, but of course, all details prior to the last extraction are lost.\par \par \f29 MiNTnet\par \f27 The way that MiNTnet handles it's log files means that it is not possible to backup /clear down the log file after extraction. The file is always in use by a MiNTnet process.\par The way CoSTa gets around this problem is by keeping a note of the date/time of the last call it has extracted. Then when extraction is performed again, only calls after the stored date are processed. This date/time are stored in a file called COSTA.MNT and should not be deleted.\par The MiNTnet log should be cleared down/backed up manually on a regular basis, to keep the size down.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Auto Extract on Startup\par \pard\f27\fs20 If this option is set to 'Yes', then CoSTa will automatically perform an extraction whenever it is called ie. on program startup.\par This makes the process of call extraction completely transparent to the user. Simply run CoSTa and it will automatically know about all your calls.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28\par Time Adjustment\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 This field only applies to NOS. It does not apply to MiNTnet or Connect as they both write local times from your Atari to the log files.\par \par All times written to NOS.LOG are in Greenwich Mean Time. This obviously causes a problem if your local time zone is not GMT, as your telephone company costs calls based on your local time.\par CoSTa needs to know how to convert the GMT times into local ones.\par The Time Adjustment field can contain a number of hours between 0 and 23. The sign is set by selecting the relevant box beside it.\par Hence, if your local time zone is 1 hour ahead of GMT (British Summer Time or France, for example) set this field to 1 + .\par Now CoSTa will convert the NOS date/time into local and your call will be costed correctly.\par \par \f53\fs28 Show Costs Including VAT\par \f27\fs20 This sets the default display of costs to either include VAT or exclude it.\par This can be overriden from the menu option.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36\par \par \par \par \par Costs\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 When CoSTa extracts call details, it costs the call. To achieve this it must know how much a telephone call costs. British Telecom currently have different costs for local, regional and national calls. Earlier versions of CoSTa did not support this. Until Now.\par CoSTa will cost a call by using the telephone number, thus calls to differenent costing regions are fully supported, as are calls to 0891 numbers etc.\par \par CoSTa currently costs calls in the same manner as British Telecom. ie. it calculates using the cost per minute, to the nearest second. Therefore if the call is 2minutes 30seconds, the call is NOT rounded up to 3minutes.\par Costs are held in pence and to 3 decimal places.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Peak Hours\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 Most telephone companies charge at a higher rate during 'their' peak hours. British Telecom's peak hours are 08:00:00 to 18:00:00. Other telephone companies' hours may differ. Enter the hours applicable here.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 VAT Rate\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 If costs are set up as excluding VAT, then the current VAT rate should be set up here.\par It is recommended that this facility is used and all costs are keyed in excluding VAT.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Minimum Cost\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 Although British Telecom now charge by the second, the still impose a minimum cost to each call. ie. if the cost of your call is below this minimum then it is rounded up to the minimum. This is currently approximately 5 pence. Therefore every call you make will cost at least 5 pence.\par This is the minimum cost of a telephone call.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 List of Telephone Numbers\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 A list of telephone numbers and associated costs can be maintained here.\par It is NOT necessary to define every number used, as CoSTa uses a default which will be used if the telephone number is not found in the list. The default supplied with CoSTa is for a local BT call exc. VAT. The default is indicated by having a telephone number of '*'.\par Other telephone numbers can be maintained, such as BBS's etc. CoSTa only uses the default it the actual telephone number cannot be found.\par Entries can be added, deleted and edited by double clicking or clicking on Edit.\par The default '*' cannot be deleted.\par \f29 MiNTnet\f27\par Extraction of MiNTnet calls will always use the default cost. This is because MiNTnet does not make the telephone number available in it's log file, so CoSTa doesn't know the number.\par \par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Adding/Editing an Entry\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 Each entry has the following fields:\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Telephone Number\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 This should be '*' for the default costs, but can be any telephone number for specific costs.\par Blanks do not matter as CoSTa strips them out during use. Thus 01234 5678 is the same as 012345678.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Description\par \f27\fs20 The description of the phone number. ie. Fred's BBS.\f53\fs28\par Peak Cost\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 This is the cost per minute of a telephone call during the above peak hours.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Offpeak Cost\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 This is the cost per minute of a telephone call outside of the peak hours.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Weekend Cost\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 Peak/Offpeak hours normally only apply Monday to Friday. Weekend rates then apply from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday. This is the cost per minute of a telephone call at the weekend.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Main Window\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 The main window display lists all calls known to CoSTa.\par The day, date, time, duration, cost, telephone number and origin of each call is displayed, along with a flag to indicate if the call has been paid for.\par At the bottom of the window are totals. These are the total number of calls, total length of time and the total cost in pounds.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Show All Calls\f27\fs20\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40 The display will either list all calls known to CoSTa, or will just display current unpaid calls.\par This can be changed by use of the 'Show All Calls' menu option.\par The default is to only show current unpaid calls.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 Show Costs Including VAT\f27\fs20\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40 The display will show all costs with or without VAT applied. This only makes a difference if a VAT rate is defined within the COSTS window. The default is set in the Preferences window.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36\page Extracting Calls\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 For CoSTa to be able to display call details, it is necessary to tell it to extract the information from the relevant log files. This should only be performed after preferences and cost details have been maintained and is achieved by selecting 'Extract' from the menu.\par \par CoSTa processes the log files, extracts call details and costs them, and stores each call in CALLS.DTA.\par The log file is then backed up in the manner chosen in Preferences.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 NOS Specific Problems\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 Unfortunately NOS does not output actual 'connection made'/'connection stopped' messages and as such this causes the following problems in calculating the length of a call:\par a) CoSTa has to approximate the connection start time, by scanning the log file for a specific string that will only occur after a connection has been made. Start times may be a second or two out, but at least it does handle number busy and redials correctly.\par b) CoSTa also has to approximate the end time. It looks for the 'NOS stopped' message in the log file.\par Thus it is essential that after you have ended the connection with 'ppp sl0 lcp close', you immediately exit NOS by typing 'exit'.\par \pard\s1\sb120\sa80\f53\fs28 MiNTnet Specific Problems\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\f27\fs20 MiNTnet does not put the telephone number into the log file. Thus CoSTa puts blanks into it's database and uses the 'default' costs entry to cost the call.\par The log file cannot be cleared/backed up and as such CoSTa uses a date/time stamp to determine at which point in the file it should extract calls from. The log file should be manually cleared/backed up on a regular basis to keep the size down.\par \par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\par \fs36\page Editing/Deleting a Call\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 Occasionally it might be necessary to edit or delete details of a particular call. One reason for this is that your Atari's clock was wrong when you logged onto the internet, and hence the date or time of the call once extracted into CoSTa is wrong, which could in turn lead to the call being costed incorrectly.\par \par To edit a call, simply double click on it from the main window with the left mouse button, and the edit window will be displayed.\par \par You can amend the date, time, duration, cost, and telephone number. The only item you cannot amend is the origin of the call ie. NOS or ICE.\par \par You can also override a particular day/time to be Peak, Offpeak, or Weekend.\par This is useful because some telephone companies treat Bank Holidays as a Weekend rate. CoSTa does not know about Bank Holidays and thus would treat a Monday as a Weekday(peak or offpeak).\par To correct this, edit each call and override it to Weekend. The cost is automatically recalculated for you.\par \par \par \f53\fs28 Re-cost\f27\fs20\par If you change the date or time of the call, it could well fall into a different cost category ie. if you change the time peak to off-peak, or the date from midweek to weekend.\par You can either manually alter the cost or you can have CoSTa re-cost the call for you using the new date time, and duration.\par If you would like CoSTa to re-cost the call, it is important to click on 'Recost' BEFORE clicking on 'Ok' to update the call details.\par \f29 Note: The cost here is excluding VAT (regardless of the display setting).\f27\par \par \f53\fs28 Delete\f27\fs20\par To actually delete this call, click on 'Delete'.\par \par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36\page Paying The Bill\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 When the telephone bill arrives, you need to flag all the calls up to the date of the bill as paid.\par In this way they will then be excluded from the current unpaid totals.\par \par Select 'Pay Bill' from the main menu and you will be presented with the 'Pay Bill' window.\par This window displays a history of all previous paid bills and their totals, as well as allowing you to pay a new bill.\par \par Enter the date of the bill, and all calls up to and including that date will be flagged as paid.\par \par The totals paid will then be added to a list of previous paid bills. This list is displayed in this window and shows date of bill, total number of calls, total time, and total cost. The list allows a history of paid bills to be examined at a glance.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Output\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 It is possible to output a list of calls and the totals to either a printer or the clipboard.\par Either all calls can be listed or just the unpaid ones.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Recost Unpaid Calls\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 This option processes all 'Unpaid' calls and recalculates their costs. This could be useful if you need to change cost details (or if upgrading from a previous CoSTa version that didn't support VAT).\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Purging Old Calls/Bills\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 After a while, the number of calls/bills will start to grow, and it may be a good idea to get rid of very old calls/bill details that are of no further use. This will help keep CoSTa performing at maximum speed also, because the more call details stored, the more work it has to do.\par \par Only calls that have been flagged as 'Paid' are eligible for purging. \par \par Select 'Purge Calls' from the 'File' menu, to display the 'Purge' window.\par \par A date must be entered, up to and including which all 'Paid' calls will be deleted. \par \par To delete old 'Bill' details (as shown in the Pay Bill window), it is also necessary to click on the 'Bills Too' radio button.\par Bill details will probably want to be purged much less frequently than Call details, as Bill details are a nice history log of your internet usage.\par \par \f29 It is IMPORTANT to note that once call or bill details have been Purged, they are gone for good. The only way to undo a Purge is to go back to a backup.\f27\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Registering\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 CoSTa is a Shareware product. If you use it regularly you should do the right thing and register it.\par Registration costs 6 UK Pounds and includes the following benefits:\par a) A unique key to enter into CoSTa. Future versions will have increased functionality which will be disabled unless you have the key.\par b) The latest version on disk or by e-mail if you supply an e-mail address.\par c) e-mail or snail mail support.\par \par Gary Priest\par 32 Castle Street, Inner Avenue, Southampton SO14 6HF\par gary@the-gap.demon.co.uk\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Disclaimer\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 All costings calculated by CoSTa are approximate and no guarantee to their accuracy is given.\par Any damage caused by use of this program, either directly or indirectly, is not my responsibility.\par This software is used at your own risk.\par \pard\s5\qc\sb400\sa200\fs36 Credits\par \pard\s4\sb40\sa40\fs20 Atari NOS is the work of Demon and David Nash.\par Oasis and ICE are the creation of Phil Yeadon and Dave Levi. Thanks guys for a brilliant program.\par STiK is the creation of Steve Adam.\par \par Thanks also to the following people who have helped me by testing and supplying their views and suggestions:\par Phil Yeadon, Neil Martin, Simon Husbands, Guy Harrison and Gary Wagner.\par \par } CoSTa Manual Version 1.30 (c)1995 Gary A. Priest Contents Introduction 2 Getting Started 2 Setting Up CoSTa 2 Paths 3 Preferences 3 Costs 5 Main Window 6 Extracting Call Information 7 Editing/Deleting a Call 8 Paying Bills 9 Output 9 Recost Unpaid Calls 9 Purging Old Call/Bill Details 9 Registering 10 Disclaimer 10 Credits 10 Introduction - CoSTa was written almost as soon as I got myself a modem and got on-line to the internet. I immediately realised that there was no way of knowing how much time I spend on line and hence have no idea of what my telephone bill is going to be. Using CoSTa this problem is solved. Each time you connect to the internet using the supported programs a log file is created/appended with the current start date and time, plus an awful lot of other information. This file quickly becomes very large, with no apparent use. Until now!! CoSTa runs over this log file and extracts all the information it requires about each call made, it then calculates the length of the call and the cost. Each call can easily be seen in the main window, along with a current phone bill total. When the phone bill arrives, you can tell CoSTa to flag all calls up to the date of the bill as paid, the current total is reset and ready for your next month's/quarter's phone calls. CoSTa currently works in conjunction with Atari NOS, MiNTnet and Connect. Hardware required - This program should run on all TOS based computers from an ST to a Falcon. It was developed on a Falcon and hence looks best running on this machine. Getting Started - Installing CoSTa - CoSTa is installed and run like any other normal Gem Application. It does not run as an accessory. On-Line Help - CoSTa comes complete with it's own on-line help system. Position the mouse cursor over whichever window help is required on and press Help. Setting Up CoSTa - After installing CoSTa, it is necessary to set up certain information for CoSTa to function correctly. BEFORE performing an extract, the costs, paths and preferences must be configured in order that the program knows where to find the log files, and how much a call is going to cost. See the relevant sections in this manual on how to do this. CoSTa comes with the costs for a British Telecom local call already set up. Paths - CoSTa currently works with the log files created by NOS, MiNTnet and Connect. Future versions will support ICE, and hopefully STiK as well, although this cannot be guaranteed. It is important to tell CoSTa where to find the log files. Click on either the text or on the path beside it. Use the file selector to locate the relevant log files, that you use. Click on the check box beside the path to tell CoSTa that this file is to be used during extraction. The log files are normally named as follows: NOS - NOS.LOG MiNTnet - messages Connect - CONNECT.LOG Preferences - Backup Log File To History - After CoSTa has extracted call details from the .LOG file, this file is renamed to .HST to prevent further processing. N.B. this does not apply to MiNTnet, see below. This can happen in two ways (which option you choose depends on whether you feel the need to keep a history or not): Append - The contents of the current .LOG file are appended on to the end of any existing .HST, hence it can get very large but does contain ALL details. This file should be deleted/archived on a regular basis. Overwrite - Any existing .HST file is deleted, and the current .LOG file is renamed to .HST. This keeps the size of the .HST down, but of course, all details prior to the last extraction are lost. MiNTnet The way that MiNTnet handles it's log files means that it is not possible to backup /clear down the log file after extraction. The file is always in use by a MiNTnet process. The way CoSTa gets around this problem is by keeping a note of the date/time of the last call it has extracted. Then when extraction is performed again, only calls after the stored date are processed. This date/time are stored in a file called COSTA.MNT and should not be deleted. The MiNTnet log should be cleared down/backed up manually on a regular basis, to keep the size down. Auto Extract on Startup - If this option is set to 'Yes', then CoSTa will automatically perform an extraction whenever it is called ie. on program startup. This makes the process of call extraction completely transparent to the user. Simply run CoSTa and it will automatically know about all your calls. Time Adjustment - This field only applies to NOS. It does not apply to MiNTnet or Connect as they both write local times from your Atari to the log files. All times written to NOS.LOG are in Greenwich Mean Time. This obviously causes a problem if your local time zone is not GMT, as your telephone company costs calls based on your local time. CoSTa needs to know how to convert the GMT times into local ones. The Time Adjustment field can contain a number of hours between 0 and 23. The sign is set by selecting the relevant box beside it. Hence, if your local time zone is 1 hour ahead of GMT (British Summer Time or France, for example) set this field to 1 + . Now CoSTa will convert the NOS date/time into local and your call will be costed correctly. Show Costs Including VAT - This sets the default display of costs to either include VAT or exclude it. This can be overriden from the menu option. Costs - When CoSTa extracts call details, it costs the call. To achieve this it must know how much a telephone call costs. British Telecom currently have different costs for local, regional and national calls. Earlier versions of CoSTa did not support this. Until Now. CoSTa will cost a call by using the telephone number, thus calls to differenent costing regions are fully supported, as are calls to 0891 numbers etc. CoSTa currently costs calls in the same manner as British Telecom. ie. it calculates using the cost per minute, to the nearest second. Therefore if the call is 2minutes 30seconds, the call is NOT rounded up to 3minutes. Costs are held in pence and to 3 decimal places. Peak Hours - Most telephone companies charge at a higher rate during 'their' peak hours. British Telecom's peak hours are 08:00:00 to 18:00:00. Other telephone companies' hours may differ. Enter the hours applicable here. VAT Rate - If costs are set up as excluding VAT, then the current VAT rate should be set up here. It is recommended that this facility is used and all costs are keyed in excluding VAT. Minimum Cost - Although British Telecom now charge by the second, the still impose a minimum cost to each call. ie. if the cost of your call is below this minimum then it is rounded up to the minimum. This is currently approximately 5 pence. Therefore every call you make will cost at least 5 pence. This is the minimum cost of a telephone call. List of Telephone Numbers - A list of telephone numbers and associated costs can be maintained here. It is NOT necessary to define every number used, as CoSTa uses a default which will be used if the telephone number is not found in the list. The default supplied with CoSTa is for a local BT call exc. VAT. The default is indicated by having a telephone number of '*'. Other telephone numbers can be maintained, such as BBS's etc. CoSTa only uses the default it the actual telephone number cannot be found. Entries can be added, deleted and edited by double clicking or clicking on Edit. The default '*' cannot be deleted. MiNTnet Extraction of MiNTnet calls will always use the default cost. This is because MiNTnet does not make the telephone number available in it's log file, so CoSTa doesn't know the number. Adding/Editing an Entry - Each entry has the following fields: Telephone Number - This should be '*' for the default costs, but can be any telephone number for specific costs. Blanks do not matter as CoSTa strips them out during use. Thus 01234 5678 is the same as 012345678. Description - The description of the phone number. ie. Fred's BBS. Peak Cost - This is the cost per minute of a telephone call during the above peak hours. Offpeak Cost - This is the cost per minute of a telephone call outside of the peak hours. Weekend Cost - Peak/Offpeak hours normally only apply Monday to Friday. Weekend rates then apply from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday. This is the cost per minute of a telephone call at the weekend. Main Window - The main window display lists all calls known to CoSTa. The day, date, time, duration, cost, telephone number and origin of each call is displayed, along with a flag to indicate if the call has been paid for. At the bottom of the window are totals. These are the total number of calls, total length of time and the total cost in pounds. Show All Calls - The display will either list all calls known to CoSTa, or will just display current unpaid calls. This can be changed by use of the 'Show All Calls' menu option. The default is to only show current unpaid calls. Show Costs Including VAT - The display will show all costs with or without VAT applied. This only makes a difference if a VAT rate is defined within the COSTS window. The default is set in the Preferences window. Extracting Calls - For CoSTa to be able to display call details, it is necessary to tell it to extract the information from the relevant log files. This should only be performed after preferences and cost details have been maintained and is achieved by selecting 'Extract' from the menu. CoSTa processes the log files, extracts call details and costs them, and stores each call in CALLS.DTA. The log file is then backed up in the manner chosen in Preferences. NOS Specific Problems  - Unfortunately NOS does not output actual 'connection made'/'connection stopped' messages and as such this causes the following problems in calculating the length of a call: a) CoSTa has to approximate the connection start time, by scanning the log file for a specific string that will only occur after a connection has been made. Start times may be a second or two out, but at least it does handle number busy and redials correctly. b) CoSTa also has to approximate the end time. It looks for the 'NOS stopped' message in the log file. Thus it is essential that after you have ended the connection with 'ppp sl0 lcp close', you immediately exit NOS by typing 'exit'. MiNTnet Specific Problems - MiNTnet does not put the telephone number into the log file. Thus CoSTa puts blanks into it's database and uses the 'default' costs entry to cost the call. The log file cannot be cleared/backed up and as such CoSTa uses a date/time stamp to determine at which point in the file it should extract calls from. The log file should be manually cleared/backed up on a regular basis to keep the size down. Editing/Deleting a Call - Occasionally it might be necessary to edit or delete details of a particular call. One reason for this is that your Atari's clock was wrong when you logged onto the internet, and hence the date or time of the call once extracted into CoSTa is wrong, which could in turn lead to the call being costed incorrectly. To edit a call, simply double click on it from the main window with the left mouse button, and the edit window will be displayed. You can amend the date, time, duration, cost, and telephone number.The only item you cannot amend is the origin of the call ie. NOS or ICE. You can also override a particular day/time to be Peak, Offpeak, or Weekend. This is useful because some telephone companies treat Bank Holidays as a Weekend rate. CoSTa does not know about Bank Holidays and thus would treat a Monday as a Weekday(peak or offpeak). To correct this, edit each call and override it to Weekend. The cost is automatically recalculated for you. Re-cost - If you change the date or time of the call, it could well fall into a different cost category ie. if you change the time peak to off-peak, or the date from midweek to weekend. You can either manually alter the cost or you can have CoSTa re-cost the call for you using the new date time, and duration. If you would like CoSTa to re-cost the call, it is important to click on 'Recost' BEFORE clicking on 'Ok' to update the call details. Note: The cost here is excluding VAT (regardless of the display setting). Delete - To actually delete this call, click on 'Delete'. Paying The Bill - When the telephone bill arrives, you need to flag all the calls up to the date of the bill as paid. In this way they will then be excluded from the current unpaid totals. Select 'Pay Bill' from the main menu and you will be presented with the 'Pay Bill' window. This window displays a history of all previous paid bills and their totals, as well as allowing you to pay a new bill. Enter the date of the bill, and all calls up to and including that date will be flagged as paid. The totals paid will then be added to a list of previous paid bills. This list is displayed in this window and shows date of bill, total number of calls, total time, and total cost. The list allows a history of paid bills to be examined at a glance. Output - It is possible to output a list of calls and the totals to either a printer or the clipboard. Either all calls can be listed or just the unpaid ones. Recost Unpaid Calls This option processes all 'Unpaid' calls and recalculates their costs. This could be useful if you need to change cost details (or if upgrading from a previous CoSTa version that didn't support VAT). Purging Old Calls/Bills - After a while, the number of calls/bills will start to grow, and it may be a good idea to get rid of very old calls/bill details that are of no further use. This will help keep CoSTa performing at maximum speed also, because the more call details stored, the more work it has to do. Only calls that have been flagged as 'Paid' are eligible for purging. Select 'Purge Calls' from the 'File' menu, to display the 'Purge' window. A date must be entered, up to and including which all 'Paid' calls will be deleted. To delete old 'Bill' details (as shown in the Pay Bill window), it is also necessary to click on the 'Bills Too' radio button. Bill details will probably want to be purged much less frequently than Call details, as Bill details are a nice history log of your internet usage. It is IMPORTANT to note that once call or bill details have been Purge d, they are gone for good. The only way to undo a Purge is to go back to a backup. Registering - CoSTa is a Shareware product. If you use it regularly you should do the right thing and register it. Registration costs 6 UK Pounds and includes the following benefits: a) A unique key to enter into CoSTa. Future versions will have increased functionality which will be disabled unless you have the key. b) The latest version on disk or by e-mail if you supply an e-mail address. c) e-mail or snail mail support. Gary Priest 32 Castle Street, Inner Avenue, Southampton SO14 6HF gary@the-gap.demon.co.uk Disclaimer - All costings calculated by CoSTa are approximate and no guarantee to their accuracy is given. Any damage caused by use of this program, either directly or indirectly, is not my responsibility. This software is used at your own risk. Credits - Atari NOS is the work of Demon and David Nash. Oasis and ICE are the creation of Phil Yeadon and Dave Levi. Thanks guys for a brilliant program. STiK is the creation of Steve Adam. Thanks also to the following people who have helped me by testing and supplying their views and suggestions: Phil Yeadon, Neil Martin, Simon Husbands, Guy Harrison and Gary Wagner. KL$/D L/x CoSTa File Options About CoSTa-123456 Quit ^Q - Extract ^E Pay Bill ^B Output ^P - Purge Calls ^U Recost ^R Costs Preferences - Show All Calls ^A Register Paths - Show Costs inc VAT ^V CoSTa000Version _.__9991995 BY GARY A. PRIESTRegistered To:** UNREGISTERED VERSION **  Date Time Duration Cost x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx x xxx xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xx:xx:xx x.xxx  *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:0Number of calls: _90 Total time: _:__:__9 0.00Total cost: _XOutput to:PrinterClipboardAll CallsCancelOkDate Calls Time Costxx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx xx/xx/xx x x:xx:xx x.xx  *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:0Flag calls up to: __/__/__9CancelOkBackup Log File:AppendOverwriteAuto Extract On Startup:Yes00Time Adjustment: __99+-Show Costs Including VAT:YesCancelOka(NOS: _(X(a(ICE: _(X(a(MiNTnet: _(X(a(STiK: _(X(a(Connect: _(X(CancelOkaName: _X0Key: _9CancelOk0Purge calls up to: __/__/__9Bills TooCancelOk0Date: __/__/__9Peak0Time: __:__:__9Offpeak0Duration: __:__:__9Weekend0Cost: _.___90Telephone: ___XxOrigin: _XCancelDeleteRecostOk0Peak Start Time: __:__:__90End time: __:__:__90VAT Rate: __.__%90Minimum Cost: __.___9Telephone Descriptionx xx xx xx xx xx x *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry: *FOLLOW A-Z,a-z,0-9,_ *SIGNIFICANCurrent entry:CancelEditAddDeleteOk0Telephone: _XaDescription: _X0Peak Cost: __.___90Offpeak Cost: __.___90Weekend Cost: __.___9CancelOkThis is an unregistered version of CoSTa!To get rid of this annoying message,please register!!Details can be found in the manual.Ok[3][ GEM has run out of windows!| Close any unused ones and| re-try.][ Exit ][3][ | No help text loaded! ][Sorry][1][ There is not enough memory| to perform this task.][Cancel][1][ | Printer is not responding ][Retry|Cancel][1][ | Error accessing x ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Time ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Date ][Cancel][1][ | No unpaid calls exist ][Cancel][1][ | No costs have been setup yet ][Cancel][1][ | Invalid Key Code ][Cancel][1][ | Name must be at least 5 long ][Cancel][2][ | Really DELETE this call ][Delete|Cancel][2][ | Really UPDATE this call ][Update|Cancel][2][ | Delete paid calls FOREVER ][Purge|Cancel][2][ | Really recost ALL unpaid call][Recost|Cancel][1][ | Phone number must be entered ][Cancel][1][ | Phone number already exists ][Cancel][1][ | 100 phone numbers already | defined ][Cancel][1][ | x is in use by | another process ][Cancel]j#T:h.\ #$0%UV0W0000OP0Q0000N3OQ333"; FOf oz{ &((FG(Hpq(r((31329TevwP)3y)3 ' Z)3 )3  1 d)3     $ ? 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Simple don't you think!!! *A Free advice* -Well this hack was done very fast,i tested the key with several Sts and it was checked right... If enough users yell for a keymaker then i will make one... But i'm so lazy at the moment. *Does this sounds like Piracy???* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96 A ALWAYS BACKUP THE EXISTING COSTA FOLDER BEFORE ANY UPGRADE! IF UPGRADING FROM 1.2x - Save CALLS.DTA and COSTA.INF. These can be used with 1.30. COSTS.DTA now has a different format and the old one should be deleted. IF UPGRADING FROM 1.3x - Overwrite all existing files with the new versions EXCEPT COSTS.DTA Two versions of the CoSTa manual are included: COSTA.TXT - Standard ascii text file COSTA.RTF - Rich Text Format version for loading into Papyrus etc. The RTF format produces a much better looking manual. IMPORTANT: Please read the manual BEFORE extracting any calls. q <.   .. CRYPTED   MBE PRG ͍MqmMBE RSC MqIMBE TXT Ƴ]MBE HYP ۳]S0MBE REF ]SUPPORT UK (]XMBE KEY g``ELITE NFO X`.   ..   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Please enter|your registration details|correctly!][ Ok ][3][You have entered the wrong|details! You are still using|the unregistered copy!][ Ok ][3][Registration details correct!][ Ok ][3][The unregistered version can|En-/DeCrypt only files up|to 48kb!][ Ok ][icon in FVT_ALIC][text][ button(s) ][3][You allready have registered MBE!|Your registration details are still|correct!][ Ok ][3]['MBE.KEY' not found! You|cannot register MBE without|the right 'MBE.KEY'!][ Ok ][3][You have entered the|wrong Password!][ Ok ] X X X X X X X X ASCII table                            MBE-Alert X(X(X(X(X(X X X MBE File Windows About MBE... ^I - Accessory #1  Accessory #2  Accessory #3  Accessory #4  Accessory #5  Accessory #6  Select Source ^R Select Destination ^D - Register MBE ^G - Quit ^Q Open Main-Window ^O - Iconify ^U UnIconify ^U MBE EnCryptionMethod [Char and PositionalC[harP[ositional[ShallowMi[ddleDee[pMBE (c) by M.Ssykor,the En-/DeCrypt-Routine is writtenby Mark Butler!x[to En-/DeCrypt:Desti[nation-xPassword:Wildcard:[Mode:[DeCrypt[EnCrypt[Quit1410003 more Info Face Value by Vegard Hofsoey (best GEM-Lib ever),[Ok (M)ark (B)utler (E)ncryption e-mail:Manfred SsykorCitibank DsseldorfHttenstrae 46BLZ: 300 209 00D-52068 AachenKTO: 1912681198Encryptionroutines (c) by Mark Butlere-mail:Mark Butler8 BrooksideLeicestershireLE10 2TL, UK[Ok Register MBE [OK@ ,_-X-@ ,_-X-@ ,_-X-@ _ X HELP File MBE is written in GFABASIC V3.6TT with help from;some Routines from the GFAFlyDials by GregorDuchalski and the fabulous GFA-Shellby Columbus Soft@ V_ (c) by Manfred SsykorX msy@lafp.tng.oche.demark@dwell.demon.co.uk123456789012345678901234567890@ Name: _X@ Street: _X@ City: _XHELP#MBE AA]U]AAAAA]U݀AA]U]AAAAA]U݀= x A 1A1g8&@0@  @ ! 0+xp4< @@@x @x  @ "! `?*0@!&$$4`3 @ ! `" `  !AAQ@@ @ x"`0<x0@@"! `? 0n `(Px!`@  @ ! `? n1@@#~;`,0B A bBBD @@ P00|r@}@|B9R|$D``-vM$  8a|rbbb?v\1H!@pc=}x$#@@?@N|@QhPy`1zOo>a@p ?B4GOOO '@. "#o`~)`Bg 2<"! `?C`!AÀ8`P H @! `?+ ???wSl1 2@e$.)@d < @ ) `?` 7o;=|>?` ??7?o?????o?7? ?`|>=;o7 `??_o/7  ?`?@|>|>;\:l6/7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `  ?????? ???yv`68l>tvl~|>T"H@Xp@ g#Ԁf F8???` 7o;=|>?` ??7?o?????o?7? ?`|>=;o7 ` 8|||gws3~<> !>>c>>|??80 "8||??>8xxx88<>#8||3=?gG>>?w??p>>>gw???<> ?aa;;>??>p`@">>???????>a@p">>~|><<<"8||???g<>p?www?|>}_     <8`0* 4  *T  h@ @  P x @@@P* @U@V `@ @TR5 @* PD4 U@* *A4@((@UUUA84@j((UA87> h  X @ l @T* @j+   p T@V `:0S@PQ *  UUTPUUU* @ @*@U0TUUPT???<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<???<<<<<<??0?AA!???_OƒO_???!AA?0??0 px<~~x~~~??~88<63`H<?? ? ? ???||<33 ?LL`80?0 @@ @ @ @ @0p8??0!AA @@!0??0!@D@D @@!0??0!@@2£ @@!0??0!@@@@!0??0!@@ €2@@!0??0!@@ @D@D!0??0!@@ AA!0??0!@@ DD!0??0!@@@@!0??0!@@@@!0??0!@@@@!0??0!DD @@!0 `@@@@@@@@@@@$@<@@@GD4DdDE g~0 MBE Dokumentation Version: 1.01 of 29.10.1995 (C) Manfred Ssykor eMail: msy@lafp.tng.oche.de GEM: Manfred Ssykor Encryption-Routines (C) by Mark Butler Why MBE? Mark Butler Encryption Adress Version History Shareware 1 Shareware = MBE is shareware. The registration fee is 12DM for German users. For peoples outside Germany; see Details for registering outside Germany. To register, please send a cheque or postal order for 12DM made payable to Manfred Ssykor! 1.1 Details for registering outside Germany -+ MBE is shareware. The registration fee is 6 Pounds Sterling. To register, please send a cheque or postal order for 6 Pounds made payable to DENESH BHABUTA Send this along with your details and e-mail address to CyberSTrider 203 Parr Lane Bury BL9 8JW Denesh also accepts Eurocheques and International Money Orders made payable to him. Please add one pound to the fee if you are registering from abroad. Denesh is contactable via e-mail on: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk danny@micros.hensa.ac.uk dbhabuta@mag-net.co.uk When you register, you are entitled to MasterDisk with latest version of MBE Keycode to register this and future versions of MBE E-mail, snail-mail and telephone support Free update service (as long as the fee doesn't rise or it becomes commercial) Your keycode will initially be sent by e-mail if possible. /Free Update Service/ Users who register via Denesh are entitled to this service. To receive free updates, please send a blank unlabelled floppy disk with a stamped self addressed envelope to the above address. 2 Why MBE? = For some time I've searched for encryption-routines to built my own encrypter that is /easy to use/ and fast! I've already written a shell for PGP, the encryption program. It is easy to use, but pgp is a tool that must be installed and so on. And it need disk space. Some people don't want to install a program like pgp when they can get a shorter program which is very easy to use. The Idea for MBE is born... PGP is very slow in decrypting. OK, it is MUCH safer, but I don't need such good encryption for my personal use. A few days (one week or so) ago I had an eMail contact with Mark Butler from the UK regarding his Lottery Companion program...After a few mailings back and forth we moved onto the subject of encryption and it turned out that Mark had written a small En-/DeCrypt-routine in assembler that can be used in a GFA BASIC INLINE. He sent me a simple program that included the code. I've modified it *a little bit* ;-) MBE was born ;-) MBE uses (M)ark (B)utler's (E)ncryption-Routines. Thus the name /MBE/ was born. See also "Mark Butler"... 3 Mark Butler Encryption = Now a list of all the programs functions (no special order) *Char and Positional* A combination of Char and Positional Encryption. See Char and Positional. This is the best Encryption offered by the program. *Char* Every Character in your data is replaced with a different one. The new character is dependent on both the original character's code and the position it held in your data. *Positional* Your data is swapped around, Jumbling up all the characters. *Shallow* Positional Encryption can only move your characters a little way from their original positions. This is the fastest Positional encryption option. *Middle* Positional encryption can move your characters further away from their original positions - increasing the encryption. Takes longer than Shallow. *Deep* Positional encryption can move your characters far away from their original positions. The Slowest but best option. *File to En-/DeCrypt* Here you can select ONE File you wish to En- or decrypt. If you are in Path-Mode the String "File to..." would be changed to "Path to...". *Destination* Here you can select another Destination File (or Path when in Path-Mode) if you don't like the one MBE has given you. *Password* What do you think? Right, the password for the File/Path you want to En-/Decrypt can be edited here. You MUST give a Password. Don't forget it for later Decryption as there is no other way to retrieve your data. *Encrypt* Start the Encryption. If there is no Password given then you will be Alerted to your mistake. *Decrypt* Start the Decryption. Rest like Encrypt. *Mode* With this popup you are able to change the "Mode" of MBE. There are two Modes available: File-Mode and Path-Mode *HELP* Calls this help when ST-Guide is installed as an ACC. *QUIT* Quit program. 4 File-Mode = If you are in File-Mode the DEFAULT-Status of the exit buttons is set to one of "Encrypt" or "Decrypt". "Encrypt" is default when the selected File (source-file) doesn't have a correct MBE-Header. "Decrypt" is default when the selected File (source like above) has an correct MBE-Header. MBE will automatically set the radio buttons in the box "EnCryptionMethod" to the value read from the MBE-Header. In filemode there is no wild card-matching available. Use Path-Mode instead. The Object where you can edit the wild card is disabled in this case. 5 Path-Mode = If you are in Path-Mode the DEFAULT-Status of the exit buttons is set to "Quit". MBE doesn't know if want to En- or Decrypt. So I consider this the best way. In Path-Mode you can use a Wild card if you want to En-/Decrypt more than one file at once. 6 Adress = Manfred Ssykor Httenstrasse 46 D-52068 Aachen Telefon: +49-241-953703 eMail: Manfred Ssykor @ AC3 manfred_ssykor@ac3.maus.de msy@lafp.tng.oche.de 7 Mark Butler = You can contact Mark: Mark Butler 8 Brookside Leicestershire LE10 2TL UK Email: mark@dwell.demon.co.uk Adress taken from "Lottery Companion v2.0 Manual File" (Last Edit : 8th August 1995) A MBE-Header = The encrypted files by MBE have an /Header/ at the beginning of the file. MBE-Header { 3 Byte String "mbe" 1 Byte EnCryptionMethod 12 Byte Filename (8+"."+3) } *NOTE: The Header may change before version 1.00!!* B Version History = Release 1 (V0.01) First Release to Mark. Only the first GEM-Version. Encrypt and Decrypt are not implemented here. Release 2 (V0.02) En- and DeCryption-routines implemented. Path-Mode implemented (suggested by Peter Klasen). Release 3 (V0.30) In Path-Mode you can use a wild card (suggested by Mark Butler). MBE is now able to Iconify his Windows. More menu entries to make the program more user friendly. Release 4 (V0.35) Bug fixes while "loading" an MBE-Encrypted file (reading the MBE-  Header) when it is given via commandline. After an En- or DeCrypt-run the "Quit" button is now set to default. "Name" of the Mainwindow now changed to "MBE" only. It looks better when iconify the window... Release 5 (V0.42) Updating the dox... Insert registration-routine. MBE now does not run on files greater than 48kb (49152bytes) when it is not registered. A few little bugs in intern routines fixed. !HDOCMaino5pShareware65Details for registering outside GermanyGWhy MBE?&QMark Butler Encryption !"File-Mode lPath-Mode3Adress8Y Mark Butler MBE-Header Version HistoryB Index==6'>&0Saip.hyp\ACC0Saip.hyp\History&0Saip.hyp\Manfred Ssykor$0Saip.hyp\Peter Klasen 0Saip.hyp\ST-GuideData-EncryptionManfred Ssykor8 $VER: 1.01s-i +zzDokumentation/MBE Z{+"z=e?A`\QRX ^|rV(,m4<pUTIx>w~FtBm8\$,,0 "h9)~h1 I欍Ob*N${sf4ȷWrW%X҆^N<< Ʉ+[v6kXHh.H2su]e$|rXp,1z1e%(`Lr8z<: :wD;RpZka?+p~(6A}h^Pvd- Э,J*/F *D-p|rŽxevs󭿊 5Ʃ^9jyB=N>)g.wN"18 HG #)Bcq2pf)vDI3(<N+sFY{db) 8z1d+$SJVwJS#fB8:݂HSCHRhyt-%ݐKnA*lq8[Dh铟$2{(n&x_& dR,t/fn.:f䑅apZwXvkɻH*A7Fۨ0 sz#p|rrݩggƒ ݯo?ߓjWi wE܂/XVuO,q@"a6!v@x\xddE0\ Zƌ#Ry/dbNZMl>}}i.{cg9ր_-ۘ!@B"֖`H NZq'lQPBo# 7t1FZ8dqY-6Bణ2qH.f6d"')^kd3>-.6{=:i Yf: gx@k'әS2CXfVZp'- n ċN/hL,hTnԉC#hnV"=Vn?<j |MD';|;Q&©Lt gU!qU7G=0$|EK̄!IϧܶI[;pvy+X1ݺ^Jv>^4mEU!D2DP+:Fꛂ!Fs[%$jSJ8?%R@b5ȳկLߞ6OpAs AJ%+蜉kw7D `3~R!V;^9idՙuO쓭`fao˗˗&fC4`]T7&=}٧2 2 kBV[삷D+r!mే&@:,TNXx>,872ì*~X `7! 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Midi, and Chip 2.10 STello 10 -S- GEM based Othello game 1.999e Gemini 6 -S- Alternative desktop (Register for English) 3.8 Speed Of Light 20 -S- Image processor 1.00e Duet 6+ -S- Network Ataris via serial/parallel/midi 3.04 TKR Junior Office 16 -S- English version, Fax program 1.41a Kivi 12 -S- QWK packet Off-line reader 6 HS-Modem 6+ -F- Fast routines for serial port transfers 1.05 iPRN 13 -S- Print speeder (upto 8x the speed of TOS) 0.90 Easy PGP Shell 13 -S- Shell for PGP Encryption program 3 Gemar TBA -S- Tape backup software 3.40a QED 6+ -B- Full featured text editor... ACC/PRG 3.10 Backward 12 -S- Make ST progs work on a Falcon 1.1 Al's Virtual File Manager 0 -B- Program launcher with a difference 2.02 Zorg 12 -S- Ze Organiser. Disk optimiser. 1.10e Selectric 13 -S- Alternative File selector 4.04 Kari Heimonen 10 -S- Music Box, Movie Box, Disk Box - Databases 1.22a Da Capo 15 -S- Versatile address manager 7 TOS2GEM 6+ -F- Put TTP program output into windows 1 USET2G TBA -F- Use TOS2GEM in your own programs with simple "C-Calls 5.0 MGIF 6+ -F- Ultra fast GIF/JPEG viewer/processor 1.37 Parafin TBA -S- File and text search program  0.20 zControl 6 -S- XControl replacement. Run multiple CPXs 1.01 MBE 6 -S- Easy to use encryption program 6.4a TCache 15 -S- Configurable hard disk cache program 1.0 Chimera, 17 -F- Graphical WWW Browser. 10 minutes to X WindowSystem, install. Needed: 4Mb, ST High, MiNT, MintNet 10Mb hard disk partition. Install Disks 7 Disk set. (incl p+p) -L Key: -S- Shareware ; -F- Freeware ; -B- Feedbackware -L Note: You must pay the shareware fee if you use the program. You do not have to pay anything for Freeware programs, but it would be nice for the author to receive something, so I have included a suggested minimum. The same applies for Feedbackware. The exception to the freeware rule is the installation disk set for Chimera, which comes on 7 disks, and you order as though you would via a PD library. -L HS-Modem and Gemar are currently being translated and available now, in German. I am also going to be supporting, Octalyser, and UDO (a text conversion program for various formats such as ST-Guide, LaTex, Windows Help and WWW HTML) in the near future. You may contact me (Denesh Bhabuta) at the following address: CyberSTrider, 203 Parr Lane, Bury BL9 8JW or via e-mail on: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk If registering, please make cheques payable to DENESH BHABUTA. You can receive updates to registered programs by sending me a blank disk (DD or HD) with a SSAE. Regards Denesh =);-)  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Mbe 1.01 Registered by Scorpio from Elite  This archive contains: The full demo version of MBE 1.01 plus a KEY made by Scorpio from Elite to allow you to use this great encrytion program without any limitation. *How to use this??? -MBE.KEY is a completely right Hacked Key that works within mbe.prg but contains only Fake ID. The author cannot know who has spreaded his key and then the key belongs to NOBODY and THEREFORE is CHECKED right by the program. Key system is a very good registration system coz it allows hackers to make registrable warez only with one key for the full timelife of a program. When you get MBE 1.01 version or newer,just copy MBE.KEY in the local directory and your copy is registered. Whatever version of MBE you got it will get registered Faster than light. One thing i cannot guarantee is the algorythm of the key,until now the key is VALID but if it came to change then there are VERY HIGH Probabilities that the Key won't be Valid anymore... That's life!!! *What's better with the key??? -With the key you get: The message "unregistered copy" doesn't appear anymore in the Dialog BOX of "About MBE". The annoying 48 kilobytes only capacity encryption/decrytion per file is DISABLED. that means no more message telling you to register and you have NO LIMITATIONS to use this program from now on. *But This sounds like piracy??? The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all }files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 95 .  C .. PACSHELLRSC k;PACSHELLPRG kPACSHELLKEY !ELITE NFO ~Dl(;t+(;REDPacShell V2.63 (10.11.95)_ ____________ __ _ _Help10100Help__Help_cwd TrashTestE-Mail: Holger Weets @ OL20,- DM, a Disk and a stamped envelope toFor registration, sendHolger Weets, Tangastr. 45, 26121 OldenburgLandessparkasse zu OldenburgKto. 023-182 041, BLZ. 280 501 00RegistrationPACSHELL.KEYKey: _ Name: _12345678.123Tool configuration:ARGVText: _Cmd : _to folderextractExtract files[1][|All paths must be equal!][cancel][2][|The desired action is:][list|run|cancel][3][|ST-Guide not|installed!][cancel][1][|'$x undefined.][cancel][1][|No program selected.|See 'PRG'.][cancel] Shortcuts [3][|File already exist|in temp. dir!][cancel][2][|Process lines:][all|selected|cancel][1][|Not possible in the|demo version!][cancel][2][|View file][window|console|cancel] Options [3][|This archiver can't do|the selected command.][cancel] Archiver configuration [3][|Out of memory!][cancel][3][|No more windows!][cancel]contents of '%s':save window contentsnew archiveload settingssave settings %ld(%ld) bytes in %d items. %ld bytes in %d selected items. %ld bytes in %d items.[1][|Old parameters.|Please reconfig your|shortcuts!][ OK ][1][|Parameter file has|wrong format][cancel][3][|Archive may be damaged][cancel][3][|No %s - Archive][cancel][1][|Drive %c:|Free : %11ld|Used : %11ld|Total: %11ld][ OK ][2][|Unknown file type][view|list|cancel][2][|View file ?][ yes |no][2][|This key is already used.][overwrite|cancel][3][|Write error][cancel][3][|Can't open|%s][cancel][3][|Can't open|%s|for reading][next][2][|impossible action!][cancel][1][|Test only one archive|at a time!][cancel][1][|Add only one drive|to an archive!][cancel][2][|Process files:][copy|move|cancel][2][|Delete files ?][ yes |no][3][|Too many arguments!][cancel][3][|Can't allocate|commandline buffer][cancel][3][|Can't find archiver.|See 'Archiver/Config'][cancel]_ARCZOOLHARCtemp. dirFind Options Help_.___New foldernShortcut: _Old name: _.___skipFNew name: _.___Rename objectLHarcDiffyTARZIPARJzooArcArchive type ofquit on closing last windowuse Desktop directory windowsuse windows in Backroundconfirm on overwriteuse Mag!X/MTOS console handlerauto test after packname of viewer-ACC : _desktop as windowhandle archives like foldersauto save settingsAutoLocatorauto console closinguse fsel_exinput() on TOS < 1.04pos windows to mouseARGV buffer size : _ bytes9console history buffer: ___ lines_Wildcard patternFolder wildcard: _XOptions: _cancelfreshenupdatemoveaddSelect actionRegisterSOZOBON-C V2.00x10Mister Demoversion, Demostadt User:It's sharewareOKWritten by Holger Weets with Help  Print ^P Paste ^V Copy ^C Install devices  Shortcuts... Options... ^O Config...  Show comments  Directory mode ^D Show paths  Don't sort  Sort by type  Sort by name  Open Console  Open Desktop - Full window  Close Window ^U Close ^H Cycle windows ^W Quit ^Q Select all ^A Wildcards...  Save window...  ...with windows  Save settings... ^S Load settings...  Rename... ^R New folder... ^I- New archive... ^N Acc #6 Acc #5 Acc #4 Acc #3 Acc #2 Acc #1- About PacShell...  Extra Archiver Window File PacShell   ++\ d $? D D D D D D D D D D D H P `? ????????????????4?w?7|ww=?߀???0<???? II @@IY@DN@ *MԩB@K@ *@@ d@@8@p@A@@@ @  @)@? ?,?B3 ( OE %n  t % (    . M l   W  / -  ; W  Y W  J  ! 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"*@ *0  4 < L.R  B B:<*Fvr2 0 j 0 D  @ 0 f@L     BD& &. 8:48 b**2Z  6n< @$8h4 HX:          2   (  " F`.. |$:~ 4H<4        (>   < ( (*"$ B (6$*l 0 * 6 Z 8  .   >< 8  p",&   V*>  (,&F,.$<&X&    * 0 ,D$6> B*6p*V Bx:B2@X  ~ B2@ tN&$Z64$  "8P $ @ $*B@ V B &(02dZ&$^& $  < 8  D$:@: ,X .( $ .4: 004VJ8.@**L2 0 *@$,& ( :(J,2`&" t44bvb$<8("FRJNZL"   RD* VGT'd'65z<T8 z4 zCXZ X __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Pacshell version 2.63 Registered by Scorpio/Elite *This archive contains:* -The demo version of Pacshell 2.63 plus a REGISTERED KEY named Pacshell.KEY done by Scorpio/Elite in order to get rid of those limitations.. *How to handle this??* -Simply copy Pacshell.key in the current directory where Pacshell is located and your copy becomes Registered. As i don't know if you have to enter a key each time you get a new version of Pacshell to become registered or it just requires to copy your key in your local directory to be registered,i decided to include: -Pacshell version 2.63 -Pacshell resource file -Pacshell Registration Key So now you have A-ready-to-use-Pacshell-version with the whole range of its features fully available... *What's better with the key???* With this Wonderful registered version you can: -See my name as a REGISTERED USER... Hehehehe.. Looks Funny!! -Get rid of the 11 only Unpacking/Packing files per Archive... -Most important you save yourself 20 DM. *Is this Piracy???* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are \ welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96 .  Z .. ELITE NFO !rPACSHKEYTOS ` __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Pacshell Key-maker 0.2 Coded by Scorpio/Elite  *This archive contains:* -Pacshkey.tos a nice proggy coded by Elite that allows you to register pacshell 2.63 and above without paying the *ENORMOUS* registration fee. *How to handle this ??* -Very simple just input the name or alias you wanna use and pacshkey.tos will give you a code number you will type in Pacshell registration Box and if everything goes right you're now the proud owner of a registered copy. *A free advice* -You must spread this product as long as you do not charge more than the duplication costs. You MIGHT not modify or alter the files supplied in any way by any means. Every Bastard found altering bytes of my program will be strongly challenged. You have only the right to use this production and spread it. If you want to do other things with this program then get in touch with one of our HQ and pay the license. Distribution through Bulletin boards service is *Highly* wished. *Does this sound like piracy??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays edit Iors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite WHQ Anais Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite SHQ Hangloose Elite number one in 96 `"D?<NNTJbAFaa`G& [a [aHz?< NA\K"])g$]SQBHSLHaZa0Laaaa aa`pBpNurtvxz|DgDрdЀfNu<Bvp@ p@p0Rt@2HHA6JgRRC|m Nu&_ [aa [aBgNA?<NATNuHP?< NA\Nu:0123456789z}zEST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || | | | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Pacshell Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (30 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Your Code will be (12 Chars...): ".  + .. ICONS  , EXAMPLE TD vA TO_DO APP )3 }TO_DO HYP A y:TO_DO REF A ELITE DOC ! p.  - ..  * TO_DO_ICCNF Be'TO_DO_ICRSC e H'IC20.AXXXXXXXXXZZZ   XXX   EEEuuu2222uE X [[ X Ez77zE X [[ X Ez77zE X [[ X Ez77zE XX Ez77zE XX Ez77zE XX Ez;;zE3CNf v %%--55@@HHTT\\h hppww&.2:BIQU]emu11111155555555599999H999===<?Q @UUUV@@@AVA@AWA@AWA@AWA@AWA@@?@???*???>>w?7>>w?7>>w?7>>w?7>>w????  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XX XX XXX XX <ZZZ   XXX   EEEyyy666 6!y"#$E%&' (X)*+ ,Z-./0Z1 234X5 678E9:;y<6=>6?y@ABECDE FXGHI JZKLMNZO PQRXS TUVEWXYyZ6[\6]y^_`Eabc dXefg hZijklZm nopXq rstEuvwyx6yz6{y|}~E XX Ey66yEG XX Ey66yE XX E}::}E2BRe u %%,,44@@HHTT[[g gooww&-19AIQU]dlt00000044444444488888H888<<<TSWSToDoMGICdVERSTOPCMAINDouble click me!This is an example 'to do' file whichdemonstrates some of the featuresdesigned to make life just a teensy biteasier...TOPC,MAIN$This entry is visually emptyTOPC\MAIN`Shopping guideHere's an essential guide to what's hotand what's not in the shops I visitSUB_`TescosTescos bread is pretty tasty but theirselection of vegatables and fruit islimited.SUB_ZMarks & SpencerIdeal for special treats.My favourites include:Frozen whole prawnsSUB_xSainsburysThe French bread is delicous!Other favourites include:Pork Breakfast SausageSprouting beans saladYum!SUB_$MaplinsEverything electricalcSUB_vPost OfficeCanadian Postal Orders can be cashedjust like English ones (so long as theyare payable in Sterling)TOPC MAINInterActive softwareHere's a list of all the excellentsoftware supported by Joe Connor'sInterActive scheme.Refer to SUPPORT.TXT for more details!SUB_ToDoAbout: Electronic notepadProgrammer: Reiner RosinVersion: 1.01eRegistration: 13Benefits: Key removes opening nag screenSUB_Look 'n See (Zeig's mir)About: File viewerAuthor: Reiner RosinVersion: 0.95Registration: 20Benefits: Unlocks various featuresSUB_A'la CardAbout: Use GFA BASIC on Falcon/MagiC MacAuthor: Reiner RosinVersion: 1.3Registration: 25Benefits: Key unlocks half of screenSUB_AddressAbout: Name and address managerAuthor: Carsten-Setje-EilersVersion: v2.04eRegistration: 16Benefits: Key removes 40 entry limitcSUB_KandinskyAbout: Vector art creation packageAuthor: Uli RogodererVersion: 2.03e and v1.73eRegistration: 30 and 16 respectivelyBenefits: Key unlocks some featuresSUB_EverestAbout: Fast, compatible text editorAuthor: Oliver SchmidtVersion: 3.5eRegistration: 11Benefits: Key removes opening nag screenSUB_TurboBlankerAbout: Falcon Screensaver/acceleratorAuthor: Jrgen KonecznyVersion: 1.41eRegistration: 10 minimunBenefits: Key removes opening nag screenSUB_FreedomAbout: Non-modal File selectorAuthors: Kruger and KoischwitzVersion: 1.15eRegistration: 16Benefits: Key removes 4 character limitcSUB_PacShellAbout: Graphical archive managerAuthor: Holger WeetsVersion: v2.63eRegistration: 11Benefits: Key removes 200Kb limitnSUB_Two-in-OneAbout: Twin selector archive managerAuthor: Gregor DuchalskiVersion: 1.40eRegistration: 13Benefits: Key removes opening nag screenaSUB_ST-GuideAbout: Hypertext systemAuthor: Holger WeetsVersion: 1.4eRegistration: Fairware/6 minimumBenefits: Master disk including utilsSUB_ThingAbout: Alternative DesktopAuthor: Arno WelzelVersion: 1.0 betaRegistration: 13Benefits: Key removes Shareware textcSUB_MunchAbout: Monochrome image creationAuthor: Vegard HofseyVersion: 1.5Registration: 23Benefit: Personalised version & extrasSUB_GSZRZAbout: XYZ modem protocolsAuthor: Mike ZeiglerVersion: 5.7eRegistration: 16Benefits: Personalised version & extrasSUB_EgaleAbout: File comparison and editingAuthor: David ReitterVersion 2.7eRegistration: 11Benefits: Key unlocks some featuresSUB_OCRAbout: Optical Character RecognitionAuthor: Alexander ClaussVersion: 1.3cRegistration: 10 minimumBenefits: Master disk and extrascSUB_CABAbout: Crystal Atari Browser for WWWAuthor: Alexander ClaussVersion: 1.10aRegistration: 6 minimumBenefits: Master disk and extrasSUB_IdeaListAbout: Printer manager/spoolerAuthor: Christoph BartholmeVersion: 3.7eRegistration: 13Benefits: Master disk and extrasxSUB_Christoph ZwerschkeAbout: Ikarus, Disk Cake, LED Panel etcAuthor: Christoph ZwerschkeVersion: VariousRegistration: 10 minimumBenefits: Master disk and extrasTOPC PURE-C < for ATARI-ST Version 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#s3s k #s Ј<.@#sJysg<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A<~kRrRAfA6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WSAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy`$ON0 J"LN(? 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/`Qۏ:h?}}9f&oTѰaN x^+ ԝM1<Z66O*ǖp4Ev؞±MZ <:Ѷorh5ɕE9uFZ2'OE ᗃd]ÃLwȹ~f@["|$}M "i2aa Oȷ}Avlx^VACÙ:N[qy? |ObBh.TX+s.KoRIl ެS]D"v\[j&=/pT$TE#Tn -ڔeݨE5E0,>лPQvn —5ŝݥX۴<]uW"Z~$$97ՅR4v\o\iaEw>>/ Qu 慅xYVa}XQf=.,Ly4,Z-Ɯ/LiY^a|бl߮n_ 䫯qM}MfLICPU:^ $0S561WEoG=o!MsFUȻSFb+-a#Hr!j̟(`xw(NBFzfgh.QF$2F B9QRmØoz T|I޵4hp, ΀Uv(EEm/έ|ܡA;x^Ln>-ȑf#%Ic@w4(i~dG房 ,-_:\V^N>F kj:Xӗc# [nsw qcjޢ +Xx]_G+{|*;UsPg :]Nn hWS\Yw}iw,?~X/~y{9%?ӗ*w7}M?PHREFTO_DO'To Do' DocumentationTOCIntroductionInstallationProgram descriptionKeyboard controlMouse controlIconsParameters dialogRegistration dialog INF fileTechnical information Status Author Credits __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: To Do 1.01 English Version Registered by Scorpio/Elite  *This archive contains:* -The demo version from To Do 1.01 plus some VERY useful instructions on how to get registered without paying the enormous shareware fee. *How to handle this??* -To get a full registered copy just do the following things: 1)enter in To do registration box the following Name: Elite European HQ enter in To do registration box the following KEY : HCJHOTQQ At this point a dialog box should appear to tell you the registration was successful. If the programs says the registration is unsuccessful then you have not entered carefully the name or the key,needless to say you do not have to fill in the other areas,just think that every word is Case sensitive, if you do not see how to registrate or can't understand how to input your datas here is a small picture: _' | To do registration box | | '| |Name :Elite European HQ_ | (-input the name here |Street:_ | |Place :_ | | '| |KEY :HCJHOTQQ | (-input the key here | '| | |Save details| |Ok| |Cancel|| -|- |_ Click here to validate 2)Quit the program and it will save your registration infos in an *.inf file. When you'll restart the program no more nifty windows with a boring and time consuming countdown. * A free advice * -Some people might think this is not the fastest way or the easier one to register a program,some others that this is shit coz they cannot enter their real name or whatever name they wish,and lotsa other would think it was better to crack this,or to include the registered *.inf file. -Our policy is to bring YOU the latest warez as if you ordered them from the author,in this case that means you have exactly what Joe Connor would have sent you if you paid your registration fee. As you're without doubt an Elite Freak and as i have lotsa available registrable key,you won't mind to use a product registered to Elite. If you want to get a registered version including your name you have 2 solutions: -Send to Joe Connor the requested amount of money...(huhuhu the expensive way). -Wait for a key maker (I dunno when it will be ready it depends if i have a good day or not.. If you want a key maker then e-mail faramir!!!) Anyway this method is SAFE and FUTURE compatible (except if the key format came to change...) *Does this sound like Piracy ??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite number one in 96 * __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I  Elite interactive Shareware Piracy support Scheme  A complete list from the latest warez cracked/Spreaded by Elite:  -Mnilu Tranquil:Registered version -Mbe 1.01:Registered Version (Full valid Key included) -Easy Pgp shell 0.92:Cracked -Pacshell 2.63:Registered Version (Full valid key included) -Route Finder 2.2:Cracked -Starcall Key maker:Register Starcall 1.9 and above.. -Costa 1.34:Registered version (Full valid key included) -Costa Key maker:Register Costa 1.34 and above -Pacshell Key maker:Register Pacshell 2.59 and above -Grepit Key maker:Register Grepit 2.01 and above -Kadinsky Key maker:Register Kadinsky 1.74 and above -Boxkite 1.61 Registered:Registered version of Boxkite -Boxkite Key Maker: Register Boxkite 1.61 and above -Coma Key Maker:Register Coma Voice 2.70/3.20 and above?? -To Do 1.01:Registered version -Adress 2.04:Registered Version  InterActive order form: Please print out/email this form to: =K Address: InterActive: 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England Email: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk (Internet) NeST: 90:102/168.0@nest.ftn Telephone: UK+(0)1206 852602 Leave a message on the answerphone! Your personal details -K Name : Street : Town : Postcode: Country : Email : Software required -K Software Sterling Please enter amount in pounds Sterling: -K [ ] Two-in-One 13.00 [ ] STG Creator 6.00+ ___.__ [ ] GFA Flydials 13.00 [ ] GFA Patch 6.00+ ___.__ [ ] Kandinsky 16.00 [ ] OCR 11.00+ ___.__ [ ] Kandinsky 2 30.00 [ ] CD-Player 6.00+ ___.__ [ ] Kandinsky upgrade 16.00 [ ] CAB  6.00+ ___.__ [ ] Look'n See 20.00 [ ] ST-Guide 6.00+ ___.__ [ ] A'la Card 25.00 [ ] GDOS Check 6.00+ ___.__ [ ] ToDo 13.00 [ ] TurboBlanker 10.00+ ___.__ [ ] PacShell 11.00 [ ] Internet Access Pack 15.00 [ ] IdeaList 13.00 [ ] Please add 1 pound Sterling for [ ] Everest 11.00 orders from outside UK. [ ] Egale 11.00  [ ] GSZRZ 16.00 [ ] Please email any keys and  [ ] Adresse 16.00 registration details. [ ] Munch 23.00  [ ] Freedom 16.00 [ ] Master disk/s not required. [ ] Thing 13.00  [ ] JML-Snapshot 12.00 [ ] Stamped addressed envelope and  [ ] 1st-Guide 20.00 disk/s for upgrade/s enclosed. [ ] Christoph Zwerschke 10.00 -K Total amount in pounds Sterling enclosed: _.__ =K This section helps us identify problems and use HD disks where possible -K Atari computer/s: ST/Mega, ST/e, TT, Falcon, etc: Operating system/s: TOS, MultiTOS, MagiC etc: Atari emulation/s: MagiC Mac, Gemulator etc: Floppy drive format/s: 720Kb DD, 1.44Mb HD etc: -K These details will be stored electronically. Your entry is available for inspection on request under the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act. =K InterActive supported software scheme 4th February 1996 -K About the scheme - The supported Shareware scheme was started by Joe Connor in 1993 to encourage authors to produce and support English language versions of their software AND to encourage UK users to register 'foreign' software. Recently the scheme was re-launched as InterActive. With currently over 1000 registrations the scheme has established the proven benefits of local support, which include: - Key to remove features reserved for registered users available - Local telephone, post and Email support - Free update service - No hassle handling foreign currency - Labelled Master disk and registration letter - ST-Guide on-line hypertext help (some software) - Other software (dependent on disk space) Registration fees are set to cover the currency handling, stationary, media and postage costs incurred in mailing out master disks and providing support. Although primarily a UK support scheme everyone is welcome to register via InterActive as an alternative to registering directly with the author/s. The currently supported software is: Version Software Fee Status and description -K v1.73e Kandinsky 16 [S] Vector art using GDOS/Speedo/NVDI3 v2.03e Kandinsky 2 30 [S] Upgrade from v1.73 costs 16 Sterling v1.51e Two-in-One 13 [S] Archive manager, twin selector style v4.8 GFA Flydials 13 [S] Enhanced GFA GEM routines [G] v1.04e GFA Patch 6+ [F] GFA patchs for most interpreters/compilers v3.5e Everest 11 [S] Text editor, fast and ultra compatible v2.7i gale 11 [S] File compare, edit and patch editor v5.7 GSZRZ 16 [C] XYZmodem protocols [ACC/PRG/030] v1.4c OCR 11+ [F] Optical Character Recognition v1.3d CD-Player 6+ [F] Play audio CDs v1.0a CAB 6+ [F] Crystal Atari Browser, html browser v1.4e ST-Guide 6+ [R] Hypertext help system [ACC/PRG] v2.63e PacShell 11 [S] Archive manager, alternative desktop style v10.94 STG Creator 6+ [F] Create hypertexts the easy way! v3.71e IdeaList 13 [S] Complete printer management [ACC/PRG] v2.04e Adresse 16 [S] Name & Address database [ACC/PRG] v1.5 Munch 23 [S] Art package, mono only v1.41e TurboBlanker 10+ [S] Falcon screensaver/accelerator[ACC/PRG] v1.15e Freedom 16 [S] Alternative non-modal file selector v1.0b Thing 13# [S] Desktop replacement, full AV server v0.95 Look'n See 20 [S] File manager/viewer, 99 amazing modules! v1.3c A'la Card 25 [S] Adds GFA Basic colour and MagiC Mac support! v1.01e ToDo 13 [S] Project manager, simple notepad style v2.06 GDOS Check 6+ [F] Create GDOS font lists, test printable area v3.0 JML-Snapshot 12 [S] Screen grabber, IMG/IFF/TIF, can grab windows v01/96 1st-Guide 20 [S] File viewer/hypertext [ACC/PRG][G] Christoph Zwerschke 10* [F] LED Panel, DiskCake, FontSel, Ikarus etc Internet Access Pack 15* [F] CAB plus STiK, on-line OVL file & scripts -K Key: [C]=Commercial [S]=Shareware [F]=Freeware [R]=Fairware [G]=German [GD]=German Docs +=Minimum *=All titles [ACC]=Accessory [PRG]=Application [030]=Separate 030 version All prices in pounds Sterling! #=Registered users only =K How to register from inside the UK -" 1) Use the included ORDER_FM.TXT to select the required software 2) Make sure your name and address is included and *legible*! 3) Make cheques/POs payable to InterActive for the total amount 4) Send the completed order form and payment to InterActive Additionally from outside the UK - - Add 1 to your order total to cover postage - Make certain payment is *in Sterling* drawn on a *UK* bank address The following methods are known to work: -Bank draft/cheque -Eurocheque -International Post Office cheque payable *in Sterling* -Cash! Sterling, Dollars and DMs are fine -but at your own risk! Contact - Mail: 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England Email: Internet: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk NeST: 90:102/168.0@nest.ftn Fanfiles: 95:110/106.4@fanfiles.ftn Telephone: UK+(0)1206 852602 Leave a message on the answerphone! Update service - New releases are featured in the Public Arena pages of Atari World. Subscription details available on request. By post - To receive an update send a self addressed envelope including return postage (or IRC) and an unlabelled double sided floppy disk. Please state clearly: 1) The software y ou'd like updated 2) The version you're currently using How long will I have to wait? - Due to the number of people taking advantage of the service I can't always reply as quickly as I'd like to. Often I'm waiting for a new version or simply too busy earning a living so please be patient! If you have Internet access - You can obtain the latest English language releases via anonymous ftp, www, gopher, telnet or batch ftp from: micros.hensa.ac.uk URL: http://micros.hensa.ac.uk/ Path on hensa: micros/atari/tos/... The Atari area on hensa produces a newsletter containing details of the latest files. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, or have any other queries concerning hensa you can email Denesh Bhabuta at: danny@micros.hensa.ac.uk If you have a modem but no ftp access -% You can obtain the latest English language releases from 42BBS: SysOp: Colin Fisher-McAllum Telephone: UK+(0)1256 895106 System: 24 hour/28.8K modem/Falcon/8N1 Other Bulletin boards and ftp sites are allowed to carry the on-line archives but because minor updates to the English language version are sometimes made without changing the version number hensa and 42BBS are the places to go to ensure you have the very latest versions! Regards Joe Connor -- _K InterActive Internet/Email to: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk K .  r .. BOXKITE PRG ` ELITE NFO ``NF?<NNTJbAPaa`G0 [a [aHz?< NA\C)EASkQBCMajAErx0z|7蛶< l`a$`B零< l`a`Q`Nu [aa [aBgNA?<NATNuHP?< NA\Nu/ / OEB@`  gR@`RHg|m`raR@|mB&JAEp`cS@fB$IC,&IAp `f&IgS@fO4&_$_Nu A{EST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || | | | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Boxkite Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (25 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Your Code will be (16 Chars...): N __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Boxkite keymaker 0.2 Coded by Scorpio/Elite *This archive contains:* -Boxkite.tos a nice proggy that allows you to register Boxkite 1.61 and above without paying the enourmous registration fee. *How to handle this??* -Just enter your name or whatever alias you want,the program gives you a code which need to be entered in Boxkite registration Box. *Does this sound like piracy??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite number one in 96 L.   .. COMAKEY TOS `% ELITE NFO ` ELITE TXT J!hb&`(R?<NNTJbAjana``XGJ [a\ [aVHz?< NA\C)gEASQBHSC2 &Ia,a&_ [aa [aBgNA?<NATNuHP?< NA\Nua2Ati0@Av6A0H(0 02I"0C`t4ԁ؂ 4f rЄ$"&(*,."B$B&B(B*B,BH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`SfL|A0Hg S@!QAg SAQ _Nu@A0@NuBAA0Nu"CB@f ANuHAhE~aaa HaLNu0`0pNuR*'UCъ^-ޥ#~n_Rsҩ(Bsҩ(B@ @ :864@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~0123456789ABCDEFEST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || | | | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Coma Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (31 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Your Code will be (15 Chars...): C02013263A17 __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Coma keymaker 0.2 Beta version Coded by Scorpio/Elite *This archive contains:* -Comakey.tos a nice proggy in beta status that allows you to register Coma Pro 2.70/3.30 without paying the enormous registration fee. *How to handle this ??* -Just enter your name or a fake alias and comakey gives you a valid key for entering in Coma Registration Box. * A free advice * -The keymaker as described above is still in the beta status,if you know Coma for a long you'll understand pretty soon why. As the registration code changes every 6 months,you have to get a new keymaker to get registered. Do not panic! I get every update of Coma as fast as they appear on my local mailboxe and within week or so the keymaker is updated to take care of the new changes. Now for something completely different: If you follow the underground pirate scene,you may have noticed different patches to register Coma. The keymaker gives you a code for Registering Coma Pro version. This means: -Unlimited fax jobs -Unlimited fax length to send. -Unlimited message lenght recording in Coma Voice -All features of FTP-Pro & Coma voice Pro and many more features. Where the past patches gave you just the unlimited fax functions,this keymaker brings you a full registered version of Coma Pro,and this is worth 159 DM!!. I know that a lot of people were waiting for this and here it is. Unfortunately i must admit there is major failure in my program: It can't give you key for Coma. Do you understand?? Coma is divided in three part: Coma pro Coma voice Coma If you get a key for Coma Pro,all functions are enabled for: Coma Pro Coma Voice Coma. If you get a key for Coma voice: Coma voice Coma You can only use those parts of Coma. If you get a key for Coma: Coma will only work.Coma Voice and Coma Pro are still disabled or crippled. All that to say you get with my keymaker all functions. You cannot choose if you just want coma or coma voice. In other words if you want to get registered for just a part of Coma you have to send money to the author. But who will be mad enough to send money to register just a part of coma when he can register the whole coma package for free???!!! *Does this sound like Piracy??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite number one in 96  __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I  Elite Interactive Shareware Piracy Support Scheme  A complete list from the latest warez cracked/Spreaded by Elite:  -Mnilu Tranquil:Registered version -Mbe 1.01:Registered Version (Full valid Key included) -Easy Pgp shell 0.92:Cracked -Pacshell 2.63:Registered Version (Full valid key included) -Route Finder 2.2:Cracked -Starcall Key maker:Register Starcall 1.9 and above.. -Costa 1.34:Registered version (Full valid key included) -Costa Key maker:Register Costa 1.34 and above -Pacshell Key maker:Register Pacshell 2.59 and above -Grepit Key maker:Register Grepit 2.01 and above -Kadinsky Key maker:Register Kadinsky 1.74 and above -Boxkite 1.61 Registered:Registered version of Boxkite -Boxkite Key Maker: Register Boxkite 1.61 and above -Coma Key Maker:Register Coma Voice 2.70/3.20 and above?? -To Do 1.01:Registered version -Adress 2.04:Registered Version -Thing 1.00 German version:Registered Version (Full valid Key included) -Thing Key maker:Register Thing 1.00 and above. .   .. ELITE DOC !ELITE TXT J!hTHINGKEYTOS `b __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I Elite proudly Presents: Thing Key maker 0.2 Coded by Scorpio/Elite *This archive contains:* -The Thingkey.tos a nice program done by scorpio/Elite that allows you to register Thing 1.00 and above in order to use the program without paying the *ENORMOUS* registration fee. *How to handle this??:* -Enter whatever name or alias you want,the program gives you a code,enter this one in Thing Registration Box and if everything goes right you're now the proud owner of a Full registered and unrestricted copy. No more shareware title in the background telling you to register. *A free advice* -This program and its associated files Must NOT be altered in any way by any means,in other words,bastards who are trying to rip the code or changing the Elite's logo will be strongly challenged!! The main copyright belongs to Elite but as many guys were yelling for the release of this keymaker and as many of you couldn't wait anymore we decided to give away this program. Distribution through Internet,Bulletin boards service,is *Highly* wished. This program can be put on a pirate utils compilation disk as well. *Does this sound like piracy??* -The legal bits: First let me tell you that you MUST treat this file as a *Full PREVIEW* and test it on your computer making your own advice for or against the fact to buy/register this ware. YOU are legally responsible if you do not respect the law of your country on the international copyrights and trademarks. Anyway you're using this package at your OWN risk and ELITE couldn't be held responsible for the use or non use of that program. This file isn't PD neither Freeware nor Shareware but Crackware Let me explain YOU what is Crackware: Crackware is a new mean of spreading including BBS,mail,copy-parties and so on... When you buy a full priced original ware,this one is registered to the software editor or something like that... But when its *Cracked* the copyright falls in Public Domain so that everyone is allowed to copy the Cracked version instead of the Protected one... Crackware means faster spreading for full commercial warez as i personnally think nowadays editors or people like that are not very motivated to distribute their own productions so that everyone could enjoy them... Old time is left behind,now with crackware,every pirated/cracked stuff must be copied to anyone,it greatly Improves PIRACY and after all who is against Software Piracy??? I certainly don't!!! You can register by sending money to the guy/crew that cracked that thing and it assures us to keep up the high standards of quality: More cracks,more money and more cracks... You're allowed to spread this stuff all over the world at the following conditions: -You keep all files together. -You clearly state that this package is Crackware and the crackright is the property from Elite. -You CANNOT sell this package for more than the price of a phonecall except if you are: A modem trader A leecher from a pirate BBS An official Elite distribution site or Swapper A cracker An original supplier -You are welcomed to add an ad for your BBS system to the end of this file only if you're a Pirate BBS or an H/P/A BBS. -contact us for any reasons at: faramir.elite@ping.be Elite SHQ Wet DReamz Elite IHQ Night Express & Irata Elite GHQ Nightline Elite number one in 96i __ _ _ __ _/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ _/ /\ / _/ // / / _ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _/ / / /_\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/_ / / / / / / / /___\/  /_ /\/_ /\/___/ / /___/ / /_ /\ _\_/_/ /\_/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_/ / / ___ / \_\_\/_ \_\/_\_\/_/ /\ /_?/ / \_6LoWLiFe__\/ ~I  Elite Interactive Shareware Piracy Support Scheme  A complete list from the latest warez cracked/Spreaded by Elite:  -Mnilu Tranquil:Registered version -Mbe 1.01:Registered Version (Full valid Key included) -Easy Pgp shell 0.92:Cracked -Pacshell 2.63:Registered Version (Full valid key included) -Route Finder 2.2:Cracked -Starcall Key maker:Register Starcall 1.9 and above.. -Costa 1.34:Registered version (Full valid key included) -Costa Key maker:Register Costa 1.34 and above -Pacshell Key maker:Register Pacshell 2.59 and above -Grepit Key maker:Register Grepit 2.01 and above -Kadinsky Key maker:Register Kadinsky 1.74 and above -Boxkite 1.61 Registered:Registered version of Boxkite -Boxkite Key Maker: Register Boxkite 1.61 and above -Coma Key Maker:Register Coma Voice 2.70/3.20 and above?? -To Do 1.01:Registered version -Adress 2.04:Registered Version -Thing 1.00 German version:Registered Version (Full valid Key included) -Thing Key maker:Register Thing 1.00 and above. `R\?<NNTJbAda`aR`JGD [aN [aHHz?< NA\C)gEASQBHSaR&_ [aa [aBgNA?<NATNuHP?< NA\Nu"HJgJgJgJgJg JgJgJf SNuH,O(H*IEBC`B70RC|)mBDBE LaBC`40RC40fBC`T40t BBB @RDBBBB @RDRC|o 40fzBD40f |ozBCJEgA O"L48Nua7zb41jhx8tqv6laEST High/Medium Only.. Press a key..E | | | | | | !| | | | | | | !| | | ! | | | | | | | ! | || | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | | | || ||| y| | | | | Y*4Proudly Presents in the Year 96: Y,,Thing Key Maker 0.2 Coded By Scorpio/Elite Y/4Fuck to ST Format ! Y2 Input your Name (40 Chars...Maximum):Y4 Your Code will be (08 Chars...): (b.  F .. SECURE TXT {* SECURE PRG {*LIESMICHTXT {*JML_SNAPDOC tK fJML_SNAPACC kJ JML_ICONRSC {*`JML_SNAPHYP ] +JML_SNAPREF ] DJML_SNAPREG 7!JThe English manual follows the German! Wichtige Information zu JML-Snapshot! Seit der Version 4.00 untersttzt JML-Snapshot eine File-Hardcopy ber Alternate-Help. Um das zu ermglichen, mu das Programm in das Betriebssystem TOS eingreifen. Im Normalfall arbeitet JML-Snapshot als Accessory, und da gibt es leider ein paar prinzipielle Probleme. TOS erlaubt es, die Auflsung zu wechseln. Bei STs ist das der Wechsel von Mittel nach Gering (bzw. Umgekehrt). Beim TT kann man, bis auf TT Hoch, alle Auflsungen wechseln; fr FALCONs gilt das gleiche, nur da die kein TT Hoch haben. Der allgemeine Vorteil ist dabei, da nicht neu gebootet wird (es wird also auch nicht der AUTO Ordner abgearbeitet), sondern TOS startet einfach nur GEM neu. Dabei werden alle Accessories geschlossen und neu gestartet. Somit geht JML-Snapshot die Mglichkeit verloren, die ursprngliche Alt-Help Funktion des TOS wiederherzustellen. Im Klartext: Nach einem Auflsungswechsel funktioniert Alt-Help nicht mehr, es kann sogar zu Abstrzen kommen (die Alt-Help Funktion von JML-Snapshot funktioniert natrlich noch)! Um das zu verhindern, mu SECURE.PRG in den AUTO-Ordner. Es speichert eine Information fr JML-Snapshot in einem Cookie. Dazu mu alerdings ein Cookie-Jar vorhanden sein, und dieser mu noch mindestens einen Eintrag frei haben. -L Important information for JML-Snapshot Since version 4.00, JML-Snapshot supports file-hardcopy, via Alt-Help. In th eusual case, JML-Snapshot will be installed as an accessory, what causes a few problems. TOS allowes to change the resolution. On an ST, you can switch from lo-res to mid-res; on a TT you can switch all resolution, except TT-Hi. The same on Falcons, but it hasn't TT-Hi. The advantage of this is, that you don't have to boot completely new (TOS won't even run the programms in the AUTO-folder). Just GEM is started new. For doing this, all acessories get terminated and started new. Unfortunately this prevents JML-Snapshot from restoring the Alt-Help vector. That means, after a change of the resolution, the original Alt-Help harcopy won't work; only the Alt-Help function of JML-Snapshot will do. To prevent this, you have to copy SECURE.PRG to your AUTO-folder. It saves some information in a COOKIE. Beware, that there must be an existing cookie-jar, with one entry free! >` & `` > PURE-C < for ATARI-ST Version 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#3 k # Ј<.@#Jyg<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A<~kRrRAfA6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WSAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy`$ON0 J"LN? 9g @N 9g @NNj?<LNA// a&$x Ca" "P | dNu?/a8 _2J@f 0Nu3 pNuC!I!IR!I `H&H(k6+"+g0DtaJk+fZ"S"L Ip gSj`*| // " 0a`"_"JkNgPAp SjH@" 0a= 256 Farben kann ein Snapshot etwas lnger dauern! Das VDI mu den Ausschnitt in das Standard-Format umrechnen, und das dauert. Bei TIFF-Files mu JML-Snapshot zustzlich noch umrechnen. Die Assembler-Routinen sind aber recht schnell. Aus diesem Grund wollte ich mir auch die Zeit zum komprimieren sparen. Ein Snapshot wird aber meistens sofort weiterverarbeitet, dann ist das auch nicht so schlimm... JML_SNAP speichert die Optionen in sich selbst. Deshalb darf es nicht gepackt verwendet werden! Die Alt-Help Untersttzung ist leider nicht ganz echt. Da JML-Snapshot auch hier wie ein ACC arbeitet, ist es nicht mglich, ber Alt-Help einen Snapshot auszulsen, wenn keine Hintergrundprogramme untersttzt werden. Das ist der Fall unter Single TOS, wenn ein TOS oder TTP Programm gestartet wurde, und unter MagiC! im Single-Mode. Mchte man trotzdem unter MagiC! im Single-Mode eine Hardcopy per Alt-Help auslsen, mu man JML-Snapshot erst 'unfreezen'. Dazu mu man (mit Ctrl-Alt-Escape) den Taskmanger aufrufen, JML_SNAP mit den Pfeiltasten anwhlen und u drcken. 6. Bekannte Fehler Fr Benutzer von TOS 1.04 und einem Grobildschirm stellen sich Probleme. Die vr_trnsform - Routine des TOS arbeitet fehlerhaft. In diesem Fall mu NVDI (ab 2.0) oder ein Patch frs TOS installiert sein! Andere Fehler sind mir z.Z. nicht bekannt. Getestet wurde JML-Snapshot unter folgenden Bedingungen: - Fast alle ST Modelle, die je von ATARI gebaut wurden allen STE Modellen TT 030 FALCON 030 JANUS Macintsoh mit MagiCMac - Beschleunigerboards Hypercache, HBS, PAK/2 und PAK/3 - TOS 1.04, 2.06, 3.06 und 4.01 - MultiTOS 1.01, 1.08, MagiC!2 und MagiC!3 - 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030 und 68040 CPU - NVDI 2.01, 2.5, 3.x - Mit und ohne GDOS (NVDI, ATARI-GDOS, AMC-GDOS, FontGDOS) - in ATARI ST Hi, ST Mid, ST Lo, TT Mid, TT Lo und allen FALCON Modi - mit folgenden Grafikkarten in allen Farbtiefen, die die Karten ermglichen:  NOVA MEGA 256 NOVA VME 32k NOVA MEGA 16M Crazy Dots mit und ohne HiColor Modul Crazy Dots II MATRIX TC1006  Spektrum TC 7. History v <1.0 Interne Versionen, viele Fehler. v1.0 Die erste verffentlichte Version! v1.1 Hat man den Snapshot mit der rechten Maustaste abgebrochen, wurde der  Mauszeiger nicht restauriert! v1.2 JML Snapshot ist nun nach der Installation vom freien Hauptspeicher  unabhngig! Es gibt keine Fileselectbox mehr. Der Pfad fr den Snapshot kann in einer Datei "JML_SNAP.INF" voreinge- stellt werden. Die Installation erfolgt, auf Wunsch, durch ein Installations-Programm. v1.3 Der Speicherpfad kann nun auch von JML-Snapshot aus gendert und auf Wunsch gespeichert werden. v1.4 Die JML_SNAP.INF-Datei ist weggefallen, der Standardpfad wird direkt im Accessory gespeichert. Dies war notwendig, da GEM >3.0 (TOS 2.xx, TOS 3.xx) Accessories anders installiert, und das Laden der INF-Datei "zu lange" dauert. Es kommt dann zu blen Effekten (meist in Form von drei Bomben). v1.5 vq_color liefert jetzt den gesetzten, nicht den eingestellten VDI Wert v1.6 Sehr dummer Fehler in Zusammenhang mit Multitasking behoben; Letzte PD-Version v2.0 Shareware-Status eingefhrt. JML-Snapshot untersttzt nun auch Multitasking. Kein Installationsprogramm mehr. v3.00 Interne Version der 3er Serie. Viele Fehler, ettliche Fehlversuche. Immer neue nderungen am Dialog. Komplette berarbeitung des Programms. Neu sind smtliche Auswahlmglichkeiten, sowie die Speicherformate (X)IMG und TIFF. IFF-Files werden jetzt als IFF, statt als LBM gesichert. WINDOW-SNAP eingefhrt. v3.01 Erste Version fr registrierte, zahlende Benutzer. v3.02 Abfrage der rechten Maustaste verbessert, LINE-A Aufrufe aus dem Compilat weitgehend entfernt v3.10 Erste C-Version. Das Programm wurde komplett in C neugeschrieben. v3.11 Fehler in (X)IMG-Versionsnummer behoben v3.12 Interne Version, ab jetzt wird ein COOKIE installiert v3.13 Interne Version, Hi und TrueColor wird untersttzt v3.14 Erste offizielle TC-Version, Geschwindigkeit bei TIFF unter 256 Farben erheblich verbessert. v3.15, v3.16 Interne Version, kleinere Bugfixes v3.17 Umstellung interner Strukturen v3.18, v3.19 Nochmalige Umstellung interner Strukturen v3.20 Fenster knnen nun komplett mit Rahmen 'gesnappt' werden v3.21 Fehlermeldung bei Schreibfehlern jetzt auch bei (X)IMG und TIFF, Unter MagiC! behalten Fenster ihren 'topped' Status nderungen, wenn 'Fileselector aufrufen' aktiv ist: - Wird im Fileselector kein Name angegeben, wird automatisch "SNAP.ext" eingesetzt - Warnung fr berschreiben eines bestehenden Files eingebaut v3.30 Registrierung ber Schlssel eingebaut. v3.31 Innere Struktur verndert v4.00 Neu: - Alt-Help Untersttzung - Snap-Verzgerung eingebaut - Text knnen auch in Englisch ausgegeben werden  Gendert: - Aussehen der Dialoge - Window-Snap mit Rndern wird mit Klick auf ein Fensterelement ausgelst. v4.01 In der unregistrierten Version wurde immer der gesamte Bildschirm, anstatt des Ausschnitts gespeichert.  v4.02 Als Accessory installiert, konnte nicht direkt nach dem Booten per Alt-Help eine Filehardcopy ausgelst werden  v4.03 Bei manchen VDIs wurde unter Umstnden um eine Zeile verschoben gesnappt. v4.04 Fr unregistrierte User ist jetzt (X)IMG das einzige Speicherformat v5.00 Drag&Drop eingebaut v5.01 D&D Datenaustausch per Pipe jetzt wirklich immer als (X)IMG. Im Falle eines D&D-timeouts gab's zweimal eine Alertbox v5.02 XIMG-Bilder, die breiter als 1016 Pixel waren, wurden fehlerhaft gespeichert. v5.10 Install-Programm wieder entfernt Dialogbox (mal wieder) gendert Snap-Protokoll implementiert Registrierung ber Datei eingefhrt Speichern via Fileselektor auch in der unregistrierten Version v5.20 "Anpassen" nun auch fr (X)IMG v5.21 "registrieren"-Button wieder anwhlbar 8. Aussichten Fr Vorschlge bin ich absolut zugnglich. Was sinnvoll und durchfhrbar ist, werde ich implementieren. Man sollte dabei aber immer im Auge haben, da JML- Snapshot keine eierlegende Wollmilchsau ist und auch nicht werden soll. 9. Updates Updates von JML-Snapshot sind kostenlos! Und wie kommt man nun zum Update? Gute Frage. Ich werde die jeweils neueste Version in den Programmteil der Maus WI2 legen, wo sie sich jeder downloaden darf. Auch Uploads in andere, nicht kommerzielle, Mailboxen ist gestattet. Personen ohne Modem, knnen ja gelegentlich bei mir nachfragen, ob sich was getan hat. Aber wie immer gilt: Wer keine Funktion vermisst, bzw. keinen Fehler findet, braucht auch kein Update (logisch, oder?). Und wie das Ganze? Auch einfach. Da ich bei einer Sharewaregebhr von DM 20,- keine Kosten haben mchte, erwarte ich immer eine Diskette und das Rckporto. Ein Rckumschlag ist nicht ntig, aber vorteilhaft. 10. Dank an... - alle Betatester (man mge mir verzeihen, da ich nicht alle einzeln Aufzhle) - die Autoren des `Profibuches' - Laurenz Prssner, fr Anregungen durch Artikel im ST-Magazin - Joachim Loder fr's Betatesten und Ertragen meiner Launen - Reinhard Weger, der mich a) als erster angeschrieben und b) auf einen bsen Fehler aufmerksam gemacht hat. - Mike Steffl frs Betatesten, MEMOHELP und ner Menge PMs - Michael Ruge fr den Test am FALCON, obwohl seine Platte zerschossen wurde - Reiner Rosin fr nen guten Assembler-Tip, Zeig's mir und den ersten Bugreport seit Monaten - *MHG* von Computer Insel fr einen tollen Support, obwohl ich wie immer nerve! (Danke) - Dieter Fiebelkorn fr GemView und so... - Theo fr's BANG 2082 - Pink Floyd fr `The Dark Side Of The Moon' - last, but not least, meiner Verlobten fr ihr Verstndnis, wenn ich mal wieder zu lange am Rechner hnge! (Und fr vieles Andere...) 11. Meine Anschrift per Post: John McLoud Mozartstrae 1a 65439 Flrsheim am Main per E-Mail: John Mcloud @ WI2 (MAUSNET) Bankverbindung: Taunussparkasse BLZ 512 500 00 Kto. 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| ][ Nein |Ja][2][ | Save parameters? | ][No| Yes ][2][ | Welche Sprache?| ][Deutsch| Englisch ][2][ | Which language?| ][German| English ][3][ | JML-Snapshot kann noch| nicht drucken!][ Abbruch ][3][ | JML-Snapshot is not yet| able to print!][ Cancel ][2][ | Der Schnapschu wurde auf| den Mlleimer gezogen!| | Was nun?][Weiter| Lschen ][2][ | The snapshot has been dragged| to the trashcan!| | What now?][Go on| Delete ][1][ | Die Zielapplikation hat| Drag&Drop nicht akzeptiert!][ OK ][1][ | The chosen application | hasn't accepted Drag&Drop!][ OK ][1][ | Zu viele Daten fr die | Zielapplikation!][ OK ][1][ | Data is too long for| the chosen application!][ OK ][2][ | Das D&D Fenster wurde| geschlossen!| | Was nun?][Weiter| Lschen |Sichern][2][ | You've closed the| D&D window| | What now?][Go on| Delete |Save][1][Registrierung erfolgreich!|Speichern nicht vergessen!][ OK ][1][Registration ok!|Don't forget saving!][ OK ]Unregistrierte VersionUnregistred versionJML-Snapshot suchensearch for JML-SnapshotStandardpfad auswhlenchoose standardpathFilename auswhlenchoose filenameJML-SnapshotSpeichernStandardFileselektorDrag & DropProtokollFormat IFF  (X)IMG TIFFSonstiges Gummiband Alt-Help Anpassen berschreiben VerzgernD:\TEST1\TEST2\TEST3\TEST41\JML-SnapshotSavingStandardFileselectorDrag & DropProtocollFormat IFF (X)IMG TIFFExtra Rubberband Alt-Help Fix width Overwrite DelayD:\TEST1\TEST2\TEST3\TEST41\123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890Sende Snap-Protokoll an:@(#)JML-Snapshot, Version 5.21, (c) John McLoud, Feb 10 1996JML-Snapshot5.21%s%s%s JML-Snap V JML-Snapshot Not installed\%c%s:\%c%s:\\NurAufrufJMLSJML-SnapshotJMLSJMLSJML-SnapshotJMLSJMLS%sACC%sACX%sAPP%sPRG%s%s%sJML_SNAP.%s%s*.*%sJML_SNAPJML struct%.28s%.28s%s%s*.*%s.IMG.TIF.IFF.IMG%s%s%.2d%sSNAP_SNAP%s%s%s*SNAPJML-Snapshot%.28s.IMG.IMGPATHU:\PIPE\DRAGDROP.AASNAP\SCRAP.*IMG%d%d%d%d%d%dJML_SNAP.REG'B`~͆Ξ<\D~<D\~r  R rz&"p "F(~&H,>$b4:P  <4& H :<  n t f$:  & n  "X `ب  P`0t     <v ,  T*6 f`j:&$ b "8   :H.*$ ,  BD"p":,$" JJDf ~b "&X("t$$4D  .&.$    *000000H HH00000 0H HH00000 0 ((((``$`(     `( N`6 N`D N`R NJML_SNAP.PRGSNAPSHOTSJML_SNAPJML_SNAP.ACC@UUUV@@@@CCGO?OOOOOOOO?OGC@@???? 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