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This bootsector was done using Bootsector Construction Set the 29/08/04!Don't rip this boot, lamer!2O`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKM O`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKM ;DESCA31 ADI ADIA31 STK  / zA/ SeM OAr7D5EN lD5EV lE) SDUL  ex A31C2-01.TOTA31INTRO.TOTaA31C2-05.TOT,sA31C1-01.TOT&A31C3-01.TOT՟A31C5-01.TOT@bA31C5-02.TOT#2IA31C4-01.TOTxlA31AID0.TOTw-A31AID1.TOT8)[A31AID2.TOT8 'pCopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0'p +P<cC ccrcc"c$c)c-c1c4cr6c-:c=cAcEc2Hc~LcO cVP<cS cTccc#c(c,cs0c2cT5cb9c<c@cDcGcKcNcT cZP<c c c|cc#c"'c,c/c2c 5c'9c$<c@cCcFcKc=NcR cZLc+cccPc c c c c & (c * -c  c c c cdLc+cccPc c 'c Ac c mc u$co$c<$c,\i<$cbl @c$$c    c^$%c Acc<$=>c A31INTRO<<c@$<"LcCAcc<$=>c A31INTRO<<c6$%c AccZE<$=c <$=>c >?AAc)]c Ac Ac<A%cPc A31INTROc&<%=c<<cmc5<%=>c 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ccp c* $c cc$c c%c cc  c cPcp c;[c c c cc. cȐcl Sc ec wc c c You should look in the phone book c You should take the train c You shouldn't drive without a licencec You should find a summer job c You shouldn't go out every night c You should write it down c You should do more sport c You should stay in bed c You shouldn't smoke in bed c You shouldn't leave windows open ccc# c$PcT LP1'$c c cLb2'$c c cLt3'$c c cL4'$c c cL5'$c c c?@ABL+  , c c cZPch c wasn't she c didn't she c weren't theycRcacch c shouldn't wec hadn't we c don't we ccYccS c Had c Did c WouldcRcUccS c wouldc will c must ccUccV c shouldc must c can cdcaccS c must c will c mightcdcUccS c must c can c can'tccUccV c shouldc must c can cjcUccS c can c can'tc may ccec cV c had c would c shouldc^c]c  cc# c?Vcuc c cc. ccc c cc. ccc c cc. cȐcZq{1N$c1ccc c cc. c c{2N$c1ccc c cc. c c{3N$c1ccc c cc. c c?@ABL+ ZccccVccc cZccccZccfVccZccAZcctZccccVccccZcceVccZccVccccZccccVccZcccZcc.VccccZccccVcclZccmZcc.Zccc cVccccZcccc Zcc Vcc 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ccccccccccccccccsccccccccvcc ccccccIccccccccrcc4pccccccpcceiccccccviccl^cccccc^cceRcccccc2RccpLcccccc1cc ccccccoccqcccccc2cc`cccccceccccccccmcccccccccccccccccc1ccccccccacccccccc cccccc2ccgcccccctcc7ccccccxccccccccpcccc ccxcccc!cccccc"ccmP<cLc+cccPc `c c c c c c c c  c < #Vyt`MQBN.QMZ&X~CdgT%Uz E K GQ t c ?-AnP=^p [fcOkmaQ[` o{Mh~aIx@IQ8L^D87oC:;'W~ IO#VymrX \ 6!ph!9!>"Vs"T"4"A<#P#R#K)$i$%%[&c&`'h'r'@8(@x(@(@(@8)f)H)T:*G*B*r5+H}+C+Z,B\,U,:,cN-:-F-F.H\.S.-.J&/;ia/F/T/B=0g0C0L31C@jv1B1n&2=c2f2J3^3k4FY44bY56yy6$7Pt7N7>8OO8O8X8I?9m9I9`U:Z:R;KL;j;_h>b>kf?d?`*@Mw@H@TAsAZAX8BOBSBzTCC^DELOEGEFF=GG{aH5H\HdVImIj-JvJLJsbKLLb Mt~MjMcKN4NONeOO}PQQ6RR\SSnT\Ti3U6iUqUF VWwV[V]/WiWXWm]XdXy:YYp*ZZ7[:@[9y[+[%[{D\9}\'\1\6 ]'2]S]j]^M^Z^B^]F_M_`_z`6`a$c8\d&e]gdkuT3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; Lg; +It's a pity. I x catchthe last train yesterday.Lg; B+(never)You x work allnight long. You'll go to sleep very soon.L+; %+Use a present simple or continuous&and the correct verbal form.L`; e,GET UP+What time x on match$days ?L`; e,DREAM+What x about boys ?L`; _,WANT+I want you to follow the rules$of the game.L`; i,PLAY+It's obvious that we x a$test-match.L`; l,WORK+The more he x the better he$gets.L`; e,ANSWER+That's enough. I x any$more questions.L`; n,GO+Why x to San Francisco ?$But I am !L`; i,WAIT+Willy x for us, is he ?L`; g,SLEEP+I usually x during the$day. I hate afternoon naps.L+;  ,Prsent simple et prsent continu +Le  ,prsentD simplel +s'emploie pour dcrireune action habituelle, rptitive ouune vrit gnrale.$Ex : Boys like video games.$,I play baseball on Saturdays.6Le ,prsent continu+ permet :>,*+ de dcrire un vnement particulier,Fvu dans son droulement.NEx : I am trying to concentrate. V,*+ d'indiquer une position personnelle,^une intention.fEx : Why are you constantly teasing mef?n,*+ de donner un sens futur.vEx : He's coming tomorrow.L+;  $+Justify the use of a simplefpresent.LR;j i +Baseball players behave like stadiumgods.L+;  *+Use a preterit : simple or_continuous.LT; ,m%%,m  0+camewatchedWhen Irback, he0was comingwas watching/the last news.LT; n   n%%$+was sleepingwas playingMarkrwhile I $sleptplayed/video games.L+;  X[q[[[ ,Preterit et preterit progressif+Le preterit permet de parler desvnements du pass sans lien avec le&prsent.4Le preterit a un aspect ponctuel alors<que le preterit progressif dcrit unDvnement dans son droulement.REx : When she ,woke+ up, he ,was doing$^+exercises.L+; V GA_AcAA]]0]f]Z,Preterit+Le preterit indique une distanciation du locuteur :,* temporelle (marqueur du pass).8Ex : She left yesterday evening.H* modale (valeur d'irrel) .TEx : It's time you went to bed.L+;  7+Justify the use of acpreterit.LY;q ! H +They played in Denver two weeks ago.L+;  +Complete the sentence using thePelements given.L`; +-Is it the first time you're coming to L.A. ?, NEVER BE+-Yes, I x to L.A. before.L`; +Who's that boy ? ,NOT... YET SEE+.Indeed, I x .L`; +Blue jerseys again ! ,ALWAYS HATE+.It's a pity. I x blue(jersey.L`; +Meet baseball stars. ,NEVER MEET+.Great ! I x any.L`; +Where's Jim ? ,NOT... YET COME BACK+.Sorry. He x . L+;  ++Complete the sentence with EFOR, SINCE or AGO.L]; &  +Terrible !Ihaven't played soccer ages !L];   +Willy lived in New York5 years before moving to L.A..L];   +Gordon has been our trainer I joined the team.L]; *& * +Jack W. Flash has won many matches01989.L]; 'K&9' 9K +I remember well, it was exactly 2yearsP.L]; )& ) +Willy has followed the Yankees/a month yet. L+; < ?R_r?,Le present perfect+Le present Fperfecttseformeen utilisantl'auxiliaire HAVE conjugu au prsent"et le participe pass du verbe..Le present perfect exprime un lien ave.c5le prsent : A,*+ en faisant un bilan ( partir d'unAe Isituation passe).UEx : I have finished that work at leastU. a,*+ en envisageant les consquences iprsentes d'une action passe.uEx : Look at what you've done !L+; +Certains adverbes et expressions  exprimant un lien avec le prsent oul'ide de bilan s'emploient avec lepresent perfect :(Recently, today, always, never, alread(y0yet, this week...L+; $ +Justify the use of a continuousgpresent.L+; ? 1;#5#d;;eVVxx.`/xexxxB,AGO / SINCE / FOR+AGO, +s'emploie lorsque l'action esttermine avec un preterit.%Ex : I moved to L.A. 3 years ago.3FOR exprime une dure et s'emploie ave3c?- un present perfect si cette dureGinclut le moment prsent.NEx : Gosh ! I haven't played 0Vbasketball for ages !`- un preterit si cette dure est henvisage dans le pass.pEx : Last year I stayed in L.A. for 0xone week.LR;j  *  p+You go to the kitchen, open the rightcupboard door and take the key.LR;j F i +Mark never starts working before 10 am.L+; $ q +SINCE exprime une dure coule depuisun moment prxcis dans le temps (date,vnement...).(Ex : My mother has lived in L.A. since$0last Christmas.L+; $,+Pick up the proper tense : LF;\ +That's incredible. It . Rain . for three days.LT; R  R% %+was runningwas fallingHeRand suddenly heranfell/down.LT; H%H %  +sawboughtI Hthis shirt and I  was seeingwas buying/it at once.LF;\ +Who . eat . my favourite  chocolates ?LF;\ +I wish you . come . tomorrow.LY;q X +At eleven ? I was playing video games.LY;q @ e +Imagine I phoned you at 3 am.LY;q L _ +Yesterday I ran for two hours.Lg; +Jim x be here at 8 pm. I waited for him until 11 pm.L`;v L+; $$ +What is the meaning of thisUexpression ?LY;q  M +He was about to jump when he changed his mind.Ld; . hJ. Jh  +Gordonn be there at 11 tonight.L`; +Mark is the cleverest boy I met.T ,EVER MEET+x a cleverer boy ?L`; +There's a musical on TV tonight.N ,ALWAYS LOVE+Great ! I x musicals.L`; +What a joke ! ,EVER HEAR+.It's the worst joke I x.L`; +Are you sure it is a piano concerto ?T ,NEVER PLAY+Sorry. I x the piano *before.L`; +I know that boy. ,ALREADY SEE+.I'm sure I x that face(somewhere.LY;q A +I'm coming as soon as I can.LY;q , a +You 're being unpleasant with me.LY;q : d +The boys were to go to Aspen before the L.A. meeting.LY;q +I'm not going to reveal the secrets of my training.LR;j  4 +I prefer tea to coffee.LR;j R e +All the boys run 10 miles every day.LY;q $ k +Mark isn't taking the plane, he's afraid of it.LY;q  : +We are to join the others in the stadium at four.LY;q  G +I was about to tell you how happy I was...L];   +He's a supporter. He's been here several days already.LT; ,s%,s % 0+playedwasWhen I xsoccer, I 0was playing was being/a goal.LT; ~  ~%*U7AUN$+were discussingThey tactics when$discussed,was joining8IZ8them.DjoinedLT; a a% *s7 AsN+was runningJim fwhile the other boysran$,were cheering8boysx8him up.$DcheeredL]; 'K&9' 9K +Gordon was born in Miami but he leftyearsP.L];   +I've been waiting for you 2 hours !L];   +What have you been doing I last saw you ?L+; *+Complete the sentence with "will","won't" or the correct form ofT "going to".Ld;z +x you take me downtown ?LY;q " ; +If I were you I would come quickly.LY;q @ l +Suppose I refused to play with you.LY;q / M +Gordon lived in Washington in 1986.LY;q ^ +It's a pity we didn't meet earlier.Ld;  L. .L  +I T never play cards with you ,you cheat !Ld;z +You x watch TV all day, are you ?Ld;z +I x let you go unless you answer my question.Ld;z +Don't tell Mike. He x get cross.Ld;z +Don't ask Peter. He x know.Lw;   &2I,1) droulement2) attitude, prise de positionL(3) sens futurLF;\ +We . stay . a month in Aspen for training.LY;q = x +Good ! He's running as fast as he can.L`;v +That's incredible. It,'s been raining+  for three days.LY;q  _  +You're leaving tomorrow, aren't you ?LY;q ! / ]  +You're always playing video games atfnight.LF;\ +I . already visit . Los Angeles.LY;q C +My parentsEare[watchingthe matchonTV.LY;q / +You aren't smoking, are you ?LF;\ +I can't come in. Why . lock . the door ?LF;\ +What . do . to your hair ? They're blue.LY;q  V  +We're playing our first match tonight.LF;\ +In fact Gordon . train . the Dodgers three years ago.LY;q V E+Who's speaking ?LY;q " 4 |  +Why are you always splitting hairs ?LY;q + ] +He's coming as soon as he can.LF;\ +Poor Jack. He . be ill . for three days.LR;j +Phil's elder brother plays at international level.LF;\ +You . live . in Miami, weren't you ?LR;j +The right-angled triangle boils at 90;V+.What a cook you are !Ld;z +How old x you be next week ?LR;j  6 v +You take a bat and send the ball back.LR;j 4 Y +I often forget to switch off at night.Ld;z +Look at the sky. It x rain.Ld; - gI- Ig  +Stacey n move to L.A. as soon as we are there.LR;j F Z +My parents are very proud of me.Ld;  K- -K  +I S tell you more as it has to be kept secret.Lm; @ @@+@/;F,1) gnralisationF2) habitudeF"3) comportementF14) instructionsLd;z +x you come to next Sunday's match ? We need supporters.L+; *+Complete using shall or will(affirmative, interrogative orT negative).Ld;  U7 7U  +You \ kill.LT; %V*7VAN+was comingImmediately after he in,cameZ,was ringing8the telephone8.ZDrangLg; +They x speak for two hoursabout their last holidays yesterday.LT; U U%-AyN,)~6+was stayingIZin bed when four of thestayed0,were invading8Yankees8my room.0DinvadedLd;  U7 7U  +Jim \ let you go out tonightif you have a match tomorrow.LT; ` `%*l7AlN+was arrivingHe ftwo weeks later andarrived,were welcoming8wer8him cheerfully.DwelcomedLd;  ?! !? E +we go to the cinema instead ?Ld; " \>" >\  +Whenb the train be leaving ?LY;q " S +Willy's going to a disco tonight.LY;q  G +I was about to call you when somebody came in.LY;q " +When are you going to work like  anyone else ?Lw;   &2O,1) planO2) intentionO(3) imminenceLY;q  A +I was born in New York city, you know ?Ld; 9 sU9 Us  +The boys z be too happy tomeet such a player.LY;q . A +Stacey was our most faithful supporter.Ld; @ z\@ \z  +I hope we  go to the WhiteHouse one day.Lw;  '+,1) preterit rchronologique+2) preterit modalL+;  +Complete the sentence with theIproper expression.L+; $- +Complete the sentence withNthe verb given.LV; zz  +Don't worry, you'll it $after a while !LV; ]: :] +Hedbe a fantastic runner$when he was 10.L^; +When ... ,(Gordon be)+ ... back home ?When x back home ?L`;v  k +Who,'s been eating+ my favourite  chocolates ?LV; /vS/ Sv +Doyou }wood or metal bats?L`;v F +I wish you ,were coming+ tomorrow.LV; HlH l +Mark and I live in San $Francisco at the time.Lg; +Mark and I x get readyin time three days ago. So we arrivedlate.LV;  O-, ,O +It's incredible how people easilyV$strange situations.LV;  b-? ?b +Come on, I'm not a monster. w$Youi$me by now.LV; !hE! Eh +Theynplaying with their$team and they refuse change.LV;   +Computer games are what we$to train our reflexes.LV; ]: :] +Wedbe friends but we hate$each other now.L`;v  ; +We ,stayed +a month in Aspen for training.L`;v  +I ,have already+ ,visited +Los Angeles.L`;v +I can't come in. Why ,have you locked +the door ?LV; c@ @c +Youjmaking a lot of sport.$That's why you hate lazy persons.L`;v " +What ,have you been doing+ to your hair ? They're blue.L`;v ^ +In fact Gordon ,trained+ the Dodgers three years ago.L`;v W +Poor Jack. He ,has been ill +for three days.Lg; +I can't help you now,but I x do it tomorrow.L^; +I wonder when Jim .. ,(start) +..  training ?I wonder when Jim x (training ?L^; +Mark will be furious when you  ... ,(tell) +... him.Mark will be furious when you(x him.L^; +Ring me as soon as Gordon ... ,(be) +... back.Ring me as soon as Gordon x x(back.L^; +You must go to Beverly Hill when you ... ,(be) +... in California.You must go to Beverly Hill when you(x in California.Ld;z +Gordon x come tonight. He's too lazy.Ld;z +You x listen to me, aren't you ?L^; +Do you know when they ... ,(go) +... to Washington ?Do you know when they x (to Washington ?L^; +When the rain .. ,(stop) +.., we'll go out a few miles.When the rain x , we'll go(out a few miles.L^; +You'll be allowed to go as soon as you .. ,(finish) +..You'll be allowed to go as soon as(you x .L^; +I'll never play against you as long as you ... ,(be)+ ... my friend.I'll never play against you as long as(you x my friend.L^; +I wonder when he .. ,(learn) +.. his lessons.I wonder when he x his(lessons.L+; .+Choose the proper modal.Lg; +Jim x come and seeme tomorrow as soon as he arrives.Ld;  K- -K  +I must notQ help laughing when I see him.Ld;  X: :X  +Jim must not^ run very quickly. Seehow strong he is !Ld;  U7 7U  +We! must not\ meet President Bush in Washington.Ld;  U7 7U  +You! must not[ win all the matches toimprove your placement.L`;v  _ +You ,were living+ in Miami, weren't you ?Ld;  U7 7U  +You ! must not[ go out  or I'll tell itto everybody.Lx; pp/ V V/ V V/,1) preterit u2) preterit  continuous3) present u4) present perfect"$perfect$continuousLd; j'j  +-Going to L.A. will cost you 2 millions.-It's a joke, youpmust notbe right.Ld;  B$ $B  +must notI we go to the movies for achange ?Ld; ~ ~  +Yawning again !h You must n o t bevery tired.Ld;   +I'm not quite sure but I must not behere tonight.Ld; A {]A ]{  +Look ! ItG must not be raining verysoon.L+;  0+Pick up a short answer.Lg; +What x do if you start immediately ?LU; <'<,;<@O-+Must we carry on running ?B1) ,No, you can'tB0+2) ,No, you must notBD+3) ,No, you needn'tLU; <'<,;<@O;+Can you drive a car ?H1) ,Yes, I canH0+2) ,Yes, I can'tHD+3) ,Yes, I mustLU; <'<,;<@O"+Can I take a friend with me ?I1) ,Yes, you mayI0+2) ,Yes, you canID+3) ,Yes, you doLU; <'<,;<@O+May I have this game of yours ?E1) ,No, you mustn'tE0+2) ,No, you may notED+3) ,No, you canLU; <'<,;<@O(+Could I go to the movies ?G1) ,Yes, you canG0+2) ,Yes, you mustGD+3) ,Yes, you mightLU; <'<,;<@O=+Could that be true ?F1) ,No, it can'tF0+2) ,No, it mustn't FD+3) ,No, it wasn'tLU; <'<,;<@O*+Must you leave so early ?M1) ,Yes, I canM0+2) ,Yes, I mustMD+3) ,Yes, I couldLU; <'<,;<@O+Must I go and see Gordon at 6 ?E1) ,No, you needn'tE0+2) ,No, you may notED+3) ,No, you don'tLU; <'<,;<@OH+May I come in ?G1) ,Yes, you areG0+2) ,Yes, you mayGD+3) ,Yes, you mightLU; <'<,;<@O?+Can I go with you ?H1), Yes, you need+ H02) ,Yes, you canHD+3) ,Yes, you couldL+; $ +Complete with the proper form of,"have to" or "be able to".Lg; Q+(never)Girls x get readyin time. That's a general rule.L+;  *+Pick up the proper modal.Lg; +All the team boys x getup at 6 for the last training beforethe match.L+; $0 +Complete with the proper [expression.Ld;  K- -K  +IR play baseball than watchT.V..Ld;  B$ $B H +you like to visit Los Angeles with me ?Ld; A$# #A +If we visited San Fancisco, weGrent a car.Ld; c c   +Willy's parents like him tobecome a doctor.Ld;  K- -K  +I Q like you to drive moreslowly.Ld;  V8 8V  +Jim\ stay in bed but this isnot our trainer's opinion.Ld;   +According to Gordon, he  runfaster.Ld; ( bD( Db  +Willyi stay with the Yankeesall night but his parents will object.Ld; ! [=! =[  +They a come as soon as possibl eor I'll get cross with them.Ld; h h  +I have decided. I forgeteverything I've learn up to now.L+; %2%27DIVmz0+Associate a proper advice C with each problem.(,1:2L3^4p5LE;M ,I don't know Gordon's phone number.LE;M ,I hate flying and the car is too slow.LE;M  ,I haven't got my driving licence yet.LE;M 4,I'm completely hard-up.LE;M B,I feel dog-tired.LU; <+<0?<DS+We'd better take my car, . ?F 1) F42) FH3) LE;M ,I've forgotten the date of the match.LE;M A,I want to keep fit.LE;M ,I don't feel very well today.LE;M ,I've nearly burnt my bedside book.LE;M @,I've caught a cold.LU;n M+She said they were all in top form, . ?LU;n  # +., +you rather go to the swimming- pool on Tuesday or on Thursday ?LU;n w +If I were Willy, I . call my parents as soon as possible.LU;n ;+Jim has got bags under his eyes. He . be very tired.Lq; <<#<(7B+1) B2) B,3) LU;n  6 +He . be there tomorrow but I'm waiting for confirmation.LU;n +Are you joking Mark ? You . be serious !LU;n  A +You . call the police when such things happen. It's safer.LU;n Yv+My parents have a pineapple plantationand every summer we eat all we can andwe can all we .LU;n 5+I . come if I could.L+; O0O+to use = utiliser&to be used to = tre habitu2to get used to = s'habituerF,Used to+ permet d'opposer une situationRpasse une situation prsente ^diffrente.L+;  ^<<xHH$uYu,Comment exprimer une ralisation future+* Le locuteur et le sujet n'intervien-nent pas.  Il s'agit d'un plan fix par avance,(d'un horaire.4Ex : The match starts at 3 pm.$@The president is to open the $Hmeeting next week.X* Le locuteur ou le sujet intervient.`Il s'agit d'une intention.lEx : I'm going to be a star.L+; ;<<"a;a+* Il s'agit d'une dcision.Ex : Let's be clear. You're not going$to L.A. alone.(* Il s'agit d'une action imminente.4Ex : They're about to leave.D* Il s'agit d'exprimer la "bonne Lvolont" du sujet ou du locuteur.XEx : Will you come in ?L+; JI#IeeN,Shall et will+De par leur origine, les futurs(exprims par les modaux SHALL et WILL4ne sont pas neutres.@,SHALL +a un sens de devoir, de Lcontrainte exerce sur le sujet.\,WILL +a un sens de vouloir, vouloir bie\nL+; !!EEXUUaam.m!y<yRElE+Attention aux concordances des temps ! Dans une subordonne commenant parune ,conjonction de temps+ l'ide de $futur est exprime par un prsent ou0un present perfect.<Ex : Tell me when you have finished.LMais aprs un ,adverbe interrogatif+,Xune ,conjonction de coordination+ ou und,relatif+ on peut mettre un futur.pEx : When will Mark arrive ?L+; +L+GAG",Would rather +permet d'exprimer une.prfrence.>,Had better+ exprime une suggestion (et)Jou un conseil.r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait,3valide avec l'icone OK,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste.4Valide avec l'icone OK @ou en tapant la toucheNLF10.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec l'icone OK *ou avec la touche F10  6lorsque la bonne rponse Bapparat dans le cadre.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide avec l'icone OK@ou avec la touche F10.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide(du clavier, puis valide4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide(du clavier, puis valide4avec la touche ENTREE.#s:D  KV23* * 4C8{Ds }$# . ($ + 8+ cY;a Xi d %\ W Y 1 $ $ (+ $88(8(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0(  , 8(,8() 8()8() 8(,8(,)/8() 8(+)/8() 8(+,8(,,8(+-8( ))8( ,8( -8( ))8( ))8( 8(8(0( ^^~zzzzzzzzzzzz(yy( )) )) )) )) **XX ZZ \\ \\ ]] ZYYZY ZZ YY ZZ YY \ Y ,   (( ( , , , (( ( XX ZZ \\ YHXXHY XYYHY XMX [I\ \IYL, ^^~zzzzzzzzy(z*z) y() ) ) ) ) *^^~zzzzzzzzz(yz*(y ) ) ) ) ) ) * ^^~zzzzzy(z) y() *) ) ) ) *^^~zzzz(yz )z )(y )* ) )* )( ,) ^.}[.p *p {zzz(y***)) , ( ^ ) [}. p. p *{zzzy(***)) , , , , (( , , ,Y,Y ZZ [\ ]] YYYHY YYMY YXH\ Y H[ ,^^((Y (\\X ) XHXX ) YX[*ZHXYHY,ZJYHY ,ZHXIY *z IXI[ )|Y)JZ}Z)H |Z zZyz{{z({)z****)* ) , + ) +* )!)!* * * z [z ] z[z\z ]z ^ yX_ ) yY([XX( ,yY(Z(/ xZ([XX( ( *Z(_ (pZ(_~X[z Z!Z!Z!Z!! 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jccLccHc(cLcct'lcceicctLccHc(cLcc-(hccB)icchccxLccHc(cLcc2gcc*hcc-LccHc*cLcc.+lcc2)icc0fcc-Lc|cHc0cLcc)ic|c1eccLccHc(cLccedccS==cLccHc(cLccdccfLcc;xcc2LccHc(cLccdcce Pccwcc1LccHc(cLccdcce!TccvccoLccHc(cLccodcc "TccucceLccHc(cLccdcct XccrtcceLccHc(cLccdccx!\cc4scc LccHc(cLcc6dccg"\ccrcctLccHc(cLccudccB `ccqccxLccHc(cLcc2dcc!dcc1pcctLccHc(cLcc2dccH"dccxoccBLccHc(cLcc1dcc hcc3nccLccHc(cLccpdccN!lcc2mccXLccHc(cLccudcc"lcc1lccLccHc(cLccrdcc pccpkccTLccHc(cLcc dcc!tccejccLccHc(cLcctdcco"tccriccLccHc(cLccrdcc4 xcc hccLccHc(cLcctdccc!|ccpgccLccHc(cLccGdcce|ccxfccvZSE  I L < Q +|  QT.8PRfRvSuaTe/T}'9vx CNZ^gUU]IVoVm%WoW^Wk]XuJc|S d i!D"0#%$u$^%)'x'Y'[U((j)a)i4*g*c*+.-b-.._/l/X/U20\0\0]G1e1\2px2[2j3b3d04s4d5V]5W5`6Xl676g7(889d:7:N;<<=Z>P>M>f]?\?f@d@b@uZAwAxIBOBoCryCvCudDrDmCEtE6FHMIpIsIshJZJ`"KgK[K]ALRLbLcXM~M|RNcNiOO~*PvPSP hY}L+;  +Select the correct determination :T" " or "the".Z;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4$ +famous trainer, Phil Williams,will join us in Denver.)A e)B a )C an )*;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4cs$ +Let's have lunch with him.)A e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4| +Willy has become specialist inthat game.)A ; + e)B a )C an *+;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +I've no time, I'm in hurry.)A e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +I think we'll ski twice week.)A e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +The new player is Englishman.)A ; + e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4+ +This car probably runs 90 miles0hour.)A ; + e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4%* +people know when a player is really good.)A e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +Congratulations ! What courage !)A ; + e)B a )C an **;OLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4$ +Sunday will be your only day off. )A ; + e)B a )C an **;OL+; W))UUm,ou a[ +et ,"celui-l"+. QIl faut retenir que l'anglais et la Znarration en particulier, utilisent csurtout ,"that"+ et ,"those".L+;  WSW l^l,A LITTLE >/HA FEW / A LOT OF / PLENTY OF +Ces mots et expressions donnent une  #notion de quantit plus ou moins  +grande.  :Ils varient selon qu'on les applique : Bdes "Bdnombrables nBouBdes indnombrablesB. ODnombrables : Xa few < several < many < a lot of dIndnombrables : ma little < much < plenty of < a great udeal ofL+;  0 +The context wilbl help you$to select the right expression.LV: 2  +Give me a great deal of money to buy sweets. 50 cts should be enough.LV: &3%45&53'%j44 M +How days does the trainingperiod last ?,)AB)much)B)manyLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?ABt +Is there I can do for you ?.$A B$some C something.6B D6anyx6D anythingLV: &3%45&53'%j4 6 <+people would like to be insuch a place.,)AB)much)B)manyLV: &3%45&53'%j4 $+We hope you'll be making $progress. ,)AB)much)B)manyLV: &3%45&53'%j4 +Dany ? I haven't received news from him.,)AB)much)B)manyLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?A ;9B +The training session lasts one month.H opportunity is welcome to interrupt it..$A B$some C something.6B D6anyx6D anythingLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?AL +I've got for you here.Look !.$A somex$C something.6B B6anyx6D anythingL+; '$+Reformulate the progression.Ex : He comes increasingly late.<He comes later and later.LV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?Ak$+Do you want water ?.$A B$some C something.6B D6anyx6D anythingLV: +- Stacey is the best player of the  team.- Oh no ! He's one.LV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?A   +I'm terribly thirsty, drink will do..$A somex$C something.6B B6anyx6D anythingLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?Aq +- Do you want else ? - No, thanks..$A somex$C something.6B B6anyx6D anythingLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?A +Both teams are excellent, can win the championship..$A somex$C something.6B B6anyx6D anythingLV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?A,e +I've been to many countries with the team. are very peculiar..$A somex$C something.6B B6anyx6D anythingLV: +- We'll get a better training in Denver.- Certainly not ! We'll get  one.LV: ( ^/(3^B9 9/939Bp /p3B /3@?A0gl+new. At last ! .$A B$some C something.6B D6anyx6D anythingL+; GGcc,SOME, ANY, SOMETHING, ANYTHING +Some, any et leurs drivs peuvent !avoir un sens diffrent si on les *emploie dans une phrase interrogative 3ou affirmative. >. Phrase affirmative :0G,some+ -> sens ,quelques+...0O,any+ -> sens ,n'importe quel+... [. Phrase interrogative :0d,some+ -> prsuppose une ,rponse`lpositive+.0t,any+ -> est une ,vraie+ ,question+.LV: +- This sports center is more comfortable than the older.- Oh no ! It's . LV: +- Willy is not as tall as Ron.- Of course ! He's him.LV: +- This team is really bad. - Certainly not ! It's really .L+; %0+Express your enthusiasm !  Ex : I've never had a ,better+ friend.*Your are my ,best+ friend. LV: +- It's less interesting to play basket than to study.- Of course not ! It's  %to play basket.LV: +The situation gets increasingly funny. Indeed ! It's .LV:  +- If you win, I'll be the happiest man . If you lose, I'll be .LV: +- Santa F is as big as Denver.- Oh no ! Santa F is Denver.LV: +- That's the worst joke I've ever heard.- No ! That's . LV: +- The Appalachians rise higher than the Rocky Mountains.- Of course not ! The Appalachians%rise .L+; 0!N!,L,6j6PcPaLa0,COMPARATIFS, SUPERLATIFS+- Comparatifs :  $. d'galit : ,as... as .+. de supriorit :$6adj. courts -> ,-er th6an$>+adj. longs -> ,more... than  H+. d'infriorit : ,less... thanY+- Superlatifs : d. adj. courts :, the -est+ [of] m. adj. longs :, the most...+ [of(in)]lu,the least.. +[of(in)]LV:  +Those players get increasingly good.  Indeed ! They get .L+; O+- Exceptions : . Good - better - the best,. bad - worse - the worst8. far - farther- the farthestLV: +Their strategy gets increasingly efficient.$N $o $d$o$u$$b)$t 3$! =$IB$t L$gQ$eV$t[$s LV: +My money reserves are increasingly low. Alas ! They're .LV: +The sports center is increasinglymodern.$Excellent ! It's .LV: +The weather is increasingly cold. Sure ! It's .LK; -?<$ ?- $ - +Now, be sure that the victory isB0.LV: +The weather is increasingly bad. Alas ! It's . LV: +We have to run increasingly far every day.$Exhausting ! We run LV: +I've never seen a taller player. Indeed ! He's  . LV: +The tests will be increasingly difficult.(Of course ! They will be0.LV: +The team training gets increasinglyhard.(Predictable ! It gets LV: +I've never heard something more interesting.(Certainly ! It's .LV:  +I've never watched a better program.  Quite right ! It's . LV:  +I've never played va more difficult game. Certainly ! It's .LV: +I've never visited a bigger city.  Of course ! It's  . LV: $+I could never imagine a worse $strategist.$(Incredible ! He's .LV: +China ! I could never imagine afarther destination. (Indeed ! It's . LK; *X7= * =X* +Be careful. Willy is a good friend ,of .LV: $+I've never seen a funnier film. $ Indeed ! It's .LV: $+I've never met a nicer boy. $ Certainly ! He's .LK; ,*`6F,* F`* +Gordon has decided to learn ski,by .LV: +I've never lived a worse experience. Alas ! It's .L+; #, +Select the proper pronoun.LK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4$9$ +We're going to a ski resort.Ba good idea.)A #)it'se)B he's)C its LK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4(* +'re going to enjoy our trainingperiod.)A ))we e)B they)C I LK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +Where's Gordon ? I'm waiting for .)A ))he e)B his )C him LK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +Who are those girls ? are oursupporters.)A #)she B we C theyLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4|0 +Can you give to me ? )A #)them B they C himL+; % ++Select the proper relativeLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4Lb6 +Let try a new game. )A #)you B we C usLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4 +Come on Stacey, what are doing  ?)A ))we B you C yourLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4$ +Relax Kevin. Take easy ! )A ))it B its C me LK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4<Nf$ +Ask what to do. She knows $everything.)A #)him B us C herLK; &3&4&4&3&B4&B4n&n3a&4a&4* +Look at them, not at ,*I'm not interesting.)A ))me B them C himLK; h" h  +Did you enjoy at Aspen ?LK; "   +I insist to make it .LK; \*6v\* v* +He's terribly boring. He can only,talk about ,.LK; "   +What a fuss ! I can't hear $speak.LK; $   6+Of course it's .$(Give it back immediately.LK; 1?>$$1 $$?1  +No shirt ? You can take one of B4. He won't mind.LK; "   +Alone ? Sitting by and$watching T.V. ?LV: + + VmaV am 0+sun is emblem for thisbasket team.LV: hy yh +Welcome to Roy is going toparticipate to the training period.LV: Vyg y g V +The new boy I met looks very!gifted. LV: DgU g U D +Tell me he is talking to !LV: Jm[m [J +Gordon, brother lives in Denver, is happy to be here.LV: bs sb +No, it's Dan played againstthe Dodgers last year. LV:   +I prefer when I see the people I'm talking to. LV: 8[I[ I8 +Willy, skies are broken, feelsrather bad today. LV: 8[I[ I8 +Willy, nearly broke his leg,feels better today. LV:   +Are you pleased with the boy I recommended you ? LV: Vygy gV +The player, technique is best,is probably Jimmy. L+; \l,ou THE` UI> IU   +I hate dogs except fluffyone you can see on that chair.LV:   "+-" +" +Chicago is a city of North of0$United States.LV: "+-" +" &=1& 1= +Is North America larger than0$China ?LV: hs h s  +Eagle Stars is team I like best.L+;  +Attention ! $," " +devant les noms propres (pays),% YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait,3valide avec l'icone OK,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste.4Valide avec l'icone OK @ou en tapant la toucheNLF10.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide(du clavier, puis valide4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec l'icone OK *ou avec la touche F10  6lorsque la bonne rponse Bapparat dans le cadre.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide avec l'icone OK@ou avec la touche F10.LV: qq| }q +- boys can play correctly.0- Never mind we'll train all of them.LV: 1  +I needcoke to keep me going.LV: )  +I eatbananas before playing. I'm a greedy one.LV: ~ggr~ sg +coins would be enough to buy coke and chocolates.LV: C  +There are boys in that sports center.LV: |)ee)p|) qe) +It's a pity, there are only girls.LV: %))) ) +This pepper is very strong. You only need .LV: .  +We had time to  get ready before the match, some boys0even took a short nap.LV: 7  +- Give me money. - What do you need such a fortune for ?LV: 2  +-Give me money. -What do you need such a fortune for ?,s$/EE ?$ 7, 6,6#Y+ 5 3 ':A {O,3  %C bx %  % H( U b@ ;{ l \ C ]  $L Y  )H <J 88(8(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0(  , 8(,8() 8()8() 8(,8(,)/8() 8(+)/8() 8(+,8(,,8(+-8( ))8( ,8( -8( ))8( ))8( 8(8(0(  PYYX XYYPؙؙؙ؛ؚ؛XِXZ [PP P P PYPY [P[ ^^ PP  \ \   \ \        \ \      \ \    \ \     \ \ ZY. 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I'll teach you how ,1+to drive a car.(Come with me. I'll teach you to ,,20+drive a car.L]; %:%:+He told me he wanted to visit ,1+Lincoln Memorial.(He said me he wanted to visit ,,20+Lincoln Memorial.L]; %:%:+We'll visit the U.S. Capitol  ,1+Tuesday.(We'll visit the U.S. Capitol on ,,20+Tuesday.L]; %:%: +They live 10 miles from Washington. ,1(+They live at 10 miles from ,,20+Washington.L]; %:%:+It's important for me to meet the ,1+President.(It's important for me that I meet ,,20+the President.L+; L+; uOuOUuUu%U%u%%u//9U9u99uCCU9U9uOTU%U%vvu%%u//u99uCCSkzkzSkzkz/U/0U9$+Make suggestion$Ask for~a fact$State~information$&Express~&an opinion~0confirmation~:incredulity~DindifferenceL+; +Complete the following dialogue using6the functions given.L{; +- Let's have a look at this map ofDowntown Washington.L 87+QUESTIONL+; +Z.+Associate a function to each sentenc.e. >You can read the complete dialogueMNin your help.L+; *L'O"0+Here are a few questions about(@the early decades of America.L{; +- Here we are, in front of LincolnMemorial.L{; +- Who was Lincoln, by the way ?LR; +- It that you Mark ? ..,express surprise(+- What are you doing in Washington ? ..0. ,ask for informatio0nL{; +- I think he was the first U.S. President, wasn't he ?L{; +- You're kidding !L{; +Lincoln was President during theCivil war.LR; +- Oh Willy ! You know I moved toWashington two years ago. ., give information(+- Great ! . ,express enthusias(m0+So you certainly know the interesting8things of the city.,make deductionL{; +- When did the Civil war take place ?L{; +-It started in 1861 and lasted 4 years.L{; +- What about completing your historicalculture at the Library of Congress ?LR; +- Of course, but.,agree+do you want to come home tonight ?...,make an offer +Mum will be glad to see you.LR; +- I'll be glad to, but tell me..,accept+what should we visit first ?..,ask for adviceL{; +- I don't mind.L+; +- Let's have a look at this map of Downtown Washington.- Here we are, in front of LincolnMemorial.$- Who was Lincoln, by the way ?,- I think he was the first U.S. 4President wasn't he ?<- You're kidding !DLincoln was President during the LCivil war.T- When did the Civil war take place ?\- It started in 1861 and lasted 4 year\sd- What about completing your historicadllculture at the Library of Congress ?t- I don't mind.L+; 8KPci| 8 K P c i |,,4'4+Later the English started a systematic colonization of the eastern coastbetween the 38-45 th parallels.$One date stands out 1620, what happene$d,then ?<,1+ the proclamation of independenceT,2+ the exploration of the St Lawrencel,3+ the foundation of Plymouth by$tthe Pilgrim Fathers.LR; +- I would advise you to see the WhiteHouse,.,give advice+- Oh the White House. How predictable ! .,exclaim and mockLR; +- Yes, if you haven't seen it yet. .,make restriction+But it's really worth seeing. .,make appreciatio nL+; @@AA+When Christopher Colombus crossed theAtlantic Ocean, he landed in Jamaicaand in Puerto Rico. In the 16th c, Spanish, French, English and Dutch(established colonies on the eastern0coast.8Associate places and nationalities.$C,Spanish, French, DutchQ+Canada spanish Manhattan Island andqYNew York spanish^Florida spanishL+; [4C[ET[Vei4iCiEiTiVie+How many states voted the 1787Hconstitution ?`81 10`H2 13`X3 15L+; =4C=ET=VeM4MCMEMTMVMe+Who was the first president of Tthe U.S. ?B81 G. WashingtonBH2 T. JeffersonBX3 A. LincolnL+; +Connecticut and Massachussetts find their origins in Indian place names.For the following state, associatename and origin.$,Georgia, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania,,Virginia, New York.8+From the virgin Queen of England@Elizabeth I. HFrom Dutch word for "red".PFrom W. Penn who called it SylvaniaXor "woodland"...`From King George II of England.h. pFrom James Duke of York.x.L+; !4!C!E!T!V!e4CETVe +Mount Rushmore in South Dakota isfamous throughout the world.81 it's the highest of the U.S. H2 it's where G. Washington lived X3 it shows a giant sculpture L+; +The four heads carved into the side of Mount Rushmore are those ofG. Washington, Th. Jefferson,A. Lincoln and Th. Roosevelt. Find out$what each of them embodies.0,Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln,T8RooseveltD+founding of the U.S.Vadoption of the U.S. constitutionhpreservation of the constitution$rwashington and rooseveltL+; *L'O"0+Here are a few questions aboutR@the indians.L+; M4EML\\4\E\L\\ +In North America, the Indians haddeveloped a complete society,B a civilisation ?T8,1+ rightTP,2+ wrongL+; O4OCOEOTOVOe?4C?4C?ET?Ve$+In which period started the NIndian wars ?D81 18th cDH2 1st half 19th cDX3 2nd half 19th cL+; ff((((8888HHHHXXXX+How much do you know about the$ location of Indians tribes ?east coastCheyennes,Appalachians,Seminoles<Florida<MohicansLgreat plainsLComanches\Rocky Mountains CherokeesL+; E@RDERER1]sjv]jERPEPRER?]?j]j -@:D-:-:-:P-P:-:+Many places and 28 states have Indiansnames. Can you find 5 states in thatlist whose name is of Indian origin ? 01 Dakota 2 Mississipi 3 Missouri H4 Utah 5 Illinois 6 Albana6`7 Tenessee 8 Kansas L+; f},f,<f<LfL\f\lfl}#6};N}Sf+Tick their main traditional occupations(3 answers). hunting 0harvesting @fishing Praising cattle `farming psailingL+; U7caUcUcUcnUncUc+The pace of colonization accelerated inthe second half of the 19th c. In 1876,the battle of little Big Horn was an Indian victory. Another battle (remained a tragically famous Indian0Massacre. It was the battle of8Wounded Knee. When did it take place ?X1 1880 2 1890 3 1895 L+; |ppqXxXU<KUTcUkzd<dKdTdcdkdz+Before the whites' arrival, the Indiansnumbered roughly 10 millions. In 1900, they Z were around 240 000. ,What about today ?Z@1 100 000ZX2 1mZp3 1,5mL+; P5DPL[\5\D\L\[ +Before the Civil war, all the slaves in the U.S.A. were black.T81 rightTP2 wrongL+; 3:M3Re3j}>:>M>R>e>j>}+In the late 1960s, Indians started toorganize on the model of black"Civil Rights movement. Find out their/motto.6?1 Red is best 6W2 Civil Rights6o3 Red powerL+; *L'O"0+Here are a few questions about@@the blacks in the U.S.A.L+; O4COL[Ods`4`C`L`[`d`s+In America, the slave trade was N abolished in :T81 1789TP2 1808Th3 1833L+; O4COL[Ods`4`C`L`[`d`s+Slavery was abolished by the 13thAmendment to the Constitution.N It was in :T81 1863TP2 1865Th3 1870L+; `4`C`L`[`d`sO4CO4COL[Ods+Who was the most important non-violent leader of the 1950s andN 1960s ?T81 Booker T.WashingtonTP2 M. Luther KingTh3 Malcom X.L+; (Z(Z8888HHHH+Much is said about black ghettos.Associate a city and its black ghetto. ,Los Angeles Harlem <New York<Southside LChicagoLWattsL+; P5DPL[\5\D\L\[ +The black population in the U.S.A. isH mostly urban.T81 rightTP2 wrongL+; `4`C`L`[`d`sO4COL[Ods+An important corporation has contributed to the development and recognition of black music. Which one  ?T81 VogueTP2 C.B.S.Th3 MotownL+; GN+Odd man outL+; \\"d0d@xx,Quelques conseils pour amliorer6 son expression orale.+- Utiliser des formulations diverses$pour une mme ide.,(Ex : suggrer : what about..., 4would you..., let's..., shall we...)@- Trouver des quivalences, des pri-Hphrases, des dfinitions.T- Retenir des structures : They want\us to win at any cost.h- Retenir des expressions toutespfaites (What on earth do you...)L+; +- Eviter les erreurs dues l'influence du franais. (faux amis, voir chapitre  vocabulaire).,Ta DOC. contient des exemples8d'expressions indispensables.NDConsulte-la.L+; +Rewrite the sentence using theB elements given.LR; +Let's visit the White House !(What about visiting the White House ?LR; +What about meeting President Bush ?(Shall we meet President Bush ?LR; +What about walking down IndependenceAvenue ?(Let's walk down Independence Avenue ?LR; +If you are tired, stop by the reflecting pool.(You should stop by the reflecting pool(.LR; +I'd like to see Washington Monument.(Gordon wants us to see Washington4Monument.LR; +You can't park here...(No parking.LR; +You should take a map to visit Downtown Washington.(You'd better take a map to visit4Downtown Washington.LR; +You can't come into the CongressLibrary.(I don't want you to come into4the Congress library.LR; +What will happen if we lose the final ?(Suppose we lose the final.LR; +I prefer banana split.(I like banana split best.LD; "%25B"%25B,1B+Hello !,2B+Hi !(,3B(+Bye !8,4B8+Good morning !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 +Nice to see you !,2 +Glad to meet you !(,3 +It's been nice meeting you !8,4 +See you later !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + I'm sorry !,2 + Never mind !(,3 + Don't worry !8,4 + No need to worry !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + Too bad !,2 + Not bad...(,3 + Just my luck !8,4 + Hard luck !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + You don't say !,2 + How nice !(,3 + Really ?8,4 + It's amazing !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + You're kidding !,2 + Very clever...(,3 + Don't make me laugh !8,4 + You're not serious !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + That's not fair !,2 + I'm fed up...(,3 + You make me sick !8,4 + That gets on my nerves !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + So sorry.,2 + Please, excuse me.(,3 + I'm awfully sorry.8,4 + Never mind !LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + You're welcome.,2 + That's all right.(,3 + I'm very grateful to you.8,4 + Don't mention it.LD; "%25B"%25B,1 + I'd like to go there.,2 + I'll manage to go there.(,3 + Let's hope we go there.8,4 + I'd love to go there.L; ",This expression is used when you leave somebody. The other ones when you meetthem.L; ",This expression is used when you leave somebody. The other ones when you areintroduced to someone.L; " ,This expression is used to apologize.The other ones to say it's all right.L; " ,This expression shows your pleasure.The other ones, show your annoyance.L; " ,This expression shows your pleasure.The other ones, show your surprise.L; ",This expression shows you want to  laugh at somebody. The other ones show that you don't believe someone.L; ",This expression shows a reproach. The other ones show you are angry atsomebody or someone.L; ",This expression is used to say it's all right.The other ones to apologize.L; ",This expression is used to say it's all right.The other ones to answer politely.L; ",This expression is used to express capacity.The other ones to express wishes.L+; #)#4####,.,,,fSS\M\SSK\R\+Convinced that they had found a new El Dorado, the Europeans colonizedAmerica systematically. French inCanada, Spanish in Florida, Dutch and$English established in North America,and in 1620 Plymouth was founded by th,e4Pilgrim Fathers. The U.S. were probably<the first democracy that ever existedDand the constitution was adopted inL1787, drafted by Th. Jefferson.TG. Washington was the first UT.TST.\president. U.S. national day is ondJuly 4th, the day when the 13 colonieslproclaimed their independence in 1776.L+; +}+++33)33L/LLLvL\.\+Today 1,5 million indians live on reservations but some 10 millionsindians lived in North America whenthe white men started the colonization.$Seminoles in Florida, Mohicans in the,east, Comanches in the Great plains,4they were in constant battle between<one another. They lived mainly onDfishing and hunting the buffalo butLsome tribes had developed a littleTfarming. The 1st half of the 19th c waTs\constant Indian wars which ended ind1890. Some 28 states today have an lIndian name (Dakota, Utah) but theirtoral culture hardly exists anymore.L+; [A[[[d dwcc |2|||[[+All the blacks in the U.S. were slaves but all the slaves were not black.Many white men agreed on being slaveto pay for their passage to America.$The slave trade which brought black,people by force to the Southern states4of the Union was abolished in 1808,<slavery in 1865. But not until theD1950s and 1960s could they have equalLcivil rights with the whites. ViolenceT(Malcom X.), non-violence (m. Luther\King),integration (Booker T.Washington\)dwere tried to reach equality but todaylmany black people still live in ghettolst(Harlem in New York, Watts in L.A.).r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait,3valide avec l'icone OK,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste.4Valide avec l'icone OK @ou en tapant la toucheNLF10.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide(du clavier, puis valide4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec l'icone OK *ou avec la touche F10  6lorsque la bonne rponse Bapparat dans le cadre.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide avec l'icone OK@ou avec la touche F10.r> YX *Clique tes choix l'aidedu curseur, puis valide$avec l'icone OK ou avec0la touche F10. Clique  <l'icone CLR si tu tu veux Heffacer tes rponses.r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour$cliquer tes choix. #Valide avec l'icone OK ou/avec la touche F10. Tu peux;annuler tes rponses en  Gcliquant une seconde fois.r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour$cliquer tes choix. #Valide avec l'icone OK ou/avec la touche F10. Tu peux;annuler tes rponses en  Gcliquant une seconde fois.&s*( l#-n&   !  u2 C ( .k = O  @ V R ! 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7C3O@@8;B:|C?#%_&2H&5}&7&@&?3'?r'6'6'<(4N(*x()* ++h,- 00P1235E67F6966676>*7:d788u9z9":2T;-<<=>>-??K@@cAA~BnBYEC_C$DDvEEb FkuFHFHmHBHJHHAIBIBI I I I IcJkT3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; - ),,, .`O- `` `] Nb.$+Pick the proper intonation.n orL[;  +Ring me as soon as you can, please.L[;  +There were no matches, yesterday.L[; H+Don't be silly.L[; <+T-shirts, trousers...L[; +Do you like travelling by plane ?L[; `+Lovely !L[; +How about going to the movies ?L[; +What will happen if they win ?L[; +He was born in Miami, wasn't he ?L[; *+Give me that box, please.L+; -6 ,L'intonation neutre. +La voix descend dans les phrases 'dclaratives, les interrogations /en wh-, les ordres, et les 7exclamations. AElle monte dans le cas des questions Ifermes (YES-NO questions), des  Qnumrations et des demandes polies. [Lorsqu'on substitue une intonation  cmontante une intonation descendante, kon a un effet de sens de surprise ou sde sous-entendu en anglais "innuendo".L+; 5iB5B!i.!. +Select the general meaning conveyed*by the intonation given.$1) Request $3) Surprise 82) Statement84) Innuendo Lo;     +He plays baseball to keep fit.Lo;      +He plays baseball to keep fit.Lo;    +Oh. That sounds very good.Lo;     +Oh. That sounds very good.Lo;     +Where are you going ?Lo;    +Where are you going ?Lo;     +When did you last see him ?Lo;    +When did you last see him ?Lo;     0+Who's that boy ?Lo;    0+Who's that boy ?L+; #/7#7l#7!+Pick the proper pronunciationKfor the plural.#)st)z)izLo; ` MATCHLo; ` DANCELo; l BATLo; h RUSHLo; l DAYLo; l KEY Lo; h GAMELo; h BACKLo; l BOXLo; h KITEL+; $'4\?'?z'zOz\z0,Prononciation des marques3grammaticales -s/-es/-ed&+(pluriel, preterit, gnitif)*On crit On dit Aprs8-s /s/ /p/ /t/ /k/ /f8/N@/iz/}@/s/ /z/ /dz/TH/z/}Hautres consonnes,kPvoyelles, diphtongues.~_/p/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /;U_+/`-ed /t/~g/t;U+/ /d/ /t/Nh/Id/To/d/ autres sons et~wdiphtongues.L+; #/7#7l#7!+Pick the proper pronunciationEfor the preterit.#)tt)d)idLo; ` WONDERLo; ` TRUSTLo; ` THANKLo; X SUGGESTLo; ` NOTICELo; \ REALIZELo; \ PRETENDLo; g KISSLo; [ DISCUSSLo; [ DECIDEL+; HQ.Q@ .@ .@O +Odd man out.31) 2) 3) LR; r!}!*r<}*<6;  0858 88 +1), +Travel2), +America/3), +Canada/4), +AnimalLR; r!}!*r<}*<15  1858 88 +1) Right2), +Society/3) Fiction/4) FridayLR; r!}!*r<}*<05  *8/8 88 +1) Cold2) Don't/3) Old/4) EuropeLR; r!}!*r<}*<05  0858 88 +1) Much2) Sun/3) Building /4) ComeLR; r!}!*r<}*<<G  N8Y8 88 +1) Bought2) Enough/3) Although/4) FrighteningLR; r!}!*r<}*<0;  08;8 88 +1) Days2) They/3) Said/4) AwayLR; r!}!*r<}*<6;  68A8 88 +1) Chose2) Lose/3) Choose/4) ShoeLR; r!}!*r<}*<05  *8/8 88 +1) So2) Now/3) Only/4) ColdLR; r!}!*r<}*<05  08;8 88 +1) More2) Problem/3) Door/4) ImportantLR; r!}!*r<}*<HM  B8G8 88 +1) Brings2) Knows/3) Likes/4) HappensL+; H>>Q>%8>WjO +Odd man out.F+1) FD2) F]3) L+;  +Select the stressed syllable.LU; L NEW ORLEANSLU; T SUGGESTLU; L TOGETHERLU; < UNITED STATESLU; T UNUSUALLU; L WONDERFULLU; L INTERESTEDLU; L MISERABLELU; T OPINIONLU; T PROMISEL+;  +Pick up the proper stress pattern.LR; M,V,,N ORGANIZE . . O d O . . . O .LR; M,V,,V HISTORY . O . d . . O O . .LR; M,V,,N HISTORICAL .! .1 OA .\ . O . . O . . .LR; M,V,,^ MEXICO  O . . d . O . . . OLR; M,V,,V PROMINENT . . O d . O . O . .LR; M,V,,^ POPULAR . O . d O . . . . OLR; M,V,,N REMARKABLE . O . d . . O O . .LR; M,V,,V COMPUTERS . O . d . . O O . .LR; M,V,,V ADVANTAGE . . O d O . . . O .LR; M,V,,F ADVANTAGEOUS . O . .\ . . O . O . . .L+;  I+`I`NIe`I`I`I` +How many syllables do you hearMin this word ?Q 1VQ2Q3Q4LV;i ^ WANTEDLV;i ^ DIARYLV;i V ORGANIZELV;i V ORGANIZESLV;i V ORGANIZEDLV;i ^ COMFORTLV;i N COMFORTABLELV;i V CONSIDERLV;i F CONSIDERABLEL+;  I`I`I`I.`IQ` +Say if the underlined word is Gstressed or not.Q 13QYESQ2 NOLP;n  ( +I'll have a glass of coke.LV;i ^ PLAYEDLP;n   +Interesting. And what is it made for ?LP;n  4 +Can you give me some ?LP;n &  +Some of them are very good dancers.LP;n -8  +Some of them are very good dancers.LP;n cz ( +I'll have some crisps more.LP;n ct " +That's not his bat. It's mine.LP;n iz " +Do you like his new T-shirt ?LP;n    +I can dance all night long, if I want.LP;n   +Dance all night. Of course I can !L+; AGpRp zz H ,Accentuation. +Selon le sens de l'nonc, certains 'mots sont accentus ou non et les  /mots grammaticaux auront une forme 7pleine (accentue) ou rduite (non ?accentue). GC'est le cas des auxiliaires BE et  ODO, de certaines prpositions,  Wconjonctions et des dterminants. gI'm going to New Orleans. (f. rduite) qWhere are you going to ? (f. pleine).L+; N+MMBB .8. rr ?'? M{d{ ii r4r Z*MINT JULEP ,2 teaspoons sugar syrup 6 medium sized mint leaves '3 fl.oz. bourbon (84 ml) /Powdered sugar 7Sprig of mintF+Put the syrup (made by boiling 2 partsOsugar to 1 part water for 5 mn andXthen cooling it) and the mint leaves ain a shaker and then stir it together,jbruising the leaves. Add 2 fl.oz. ofsbourbon and stir everything up again.L+; JI+/ X q 5)v) )) 22 )MKM MM eVV VV koo  *Mint Julep+Take a chilled 16 fl.oz. glass, pack!it with crushed ice and strain the*above mixture into it. Churn up and 3down with a bar spoon. Add more ice <to within 2 centimeters of the top.EAdd 1 fl.oz. bourbon. Churn again andNdecorate with a sprig of mint dippedWin powdered sugar.gIt's the perfect frosty antidote to aptorrid summer day.B6i '&+Fl.oz. : fluid ounces1 fl.oz. = 2,8 cl H(28 ml).Y7k \[ +Sprig : brinY7k kj +Stir : mlangerY7k zy +Bruise : froisser.8? +Chill : glacer, rafrachir.8?  +Pack : remplir ras bord.8?  +Crushed ice : glace pile.#? rq +Strain : filtrer.#? rq +Churn : fouetter.2?  +Dip : plonger, tremper.#? rq+Frosty : givrL 87 TEXTd1* ts *Pour passer d'une page  l'autre du texte, clique les$flches ou tape les touches 0F6 ou F7. Tu peux cliquer les <mots souligns pour connatre Hleur signification. La toucheTF8 te permet de revenir auxH`exercices.d1* ts *Pour visualiser le texte, clique sur l'icone "text" en$bas gauche de ton cran deN0travail. <Pour revenir l'exercice,Hil te suffira de taper la Ttouche F8 ou de cliquer 0`l'icone de sortie.L+; )Y)lY7DYQ^5 +What could characterizeSthis coktail ?g-SWEETd:BITTERjGSOFTdTPOTENTmaICYL+; )2JF2FN2F3 +Select the main flavoury_ingredient. 8Mint syrup W8Fresh mint 8Mint liqueurL+; )*9=?*t=z*=*=3 +Select the main liquor. 0W0h0i0s%0k+0yH0BN0rT0aZ0n`0df0y0Gin 0BourbonL+; 2JF2FN2F- +Where would you appreciate9your Mint Julep best ?8Denver ]8Chicago 8New OrleansL+; **Xc***%cc;c;%;c %% *%;% G%Gc Gctc t%tc G%X% c%t% ~%~c ~cc %c ~%% %% %c cc %c %% %% &b"+&:b"+,b"H&Wb"d&sb"S+lb"&b"&b"+b"&b"&b"+b"3 +Find out your Mint Julep." 1[ 2 3 4r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide(du clavier, puis valide4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait,3valide avec l'icone OK,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste.4Valide avec l'icone OK @ou en tapant la toucheNLF10.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide avec l'icone OK@ou avec la touche F10.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec l'icone OK *ou avec la touche F10  6lorsque la bonne rponse Bapparat dans le cadre.L+; HI+i$$ 88 V>V S*SAN FRANCISCO +Its most famous feature is the Golden %Gate Bridge, one of the world's /greatest suspension bridges that spans 9the opening of the San Francisco Bay. CIt took 4 years to build and was  Mcompleted in 1937. Today it carries Wover 100,000 cars a day, back and  aforth from the center of city to Marin kcounty.L+; ZY+xBB jj LFL   *San Francisco +The city is built on csome of the steepest hills you'd ever want to walk up or%drive down. As someone once said,/"when you get tired of walking in San9Francisco, you can lean on it."CTo overcome the problem of difficultMpublic transport, A. Hallidie, Winvented the first cable car railwayain 1873. And now these quaint wooden kcable cars, are listed as "an Americanunational historic landmark".T4 +Feature : trait caractristique7 "+Span : traverser.7 +Complete : achever.7 (+Steep : escarp.7 "+Lean : s'appuyer.7  +Overcome : venir bout..5?  +Quaint: pittoresque.L+; 3LP\L\+The Golden Gate Bridge separates the two halves of San Francisco ^'city center.P1) RIGHT, P+2) WRONG, L+; LP\L\*+In 1937, the Golden Gate BridgeUwas built.P1) RIGHT, P+2) WRONG, L+; LP\L\  +San Francisco is built on a beach.P1) RIGHT, P+2) WRONG, L+; )+According to the text, how can youeasily rest in San Francisco ?*HYou can .L+; )LT\YL\L\+When were San Francisco public "transports greatly improved ?P1) 18th c^P2) 19th cP3) 20th cL+;  h88 PP +Imagine what a "cable car railway"Xcould be. #Small trains going from bottom to top -of the hills. ;Cars drawn by cables and guided by a Erail to the top of the hills. SCars perched on cables and drawn to  ]the top of the hills.L+; %JZIJ<Kw<K +"It is built on some of the steepesthills you'd ever want to walk up For drive down."@,'d + stands for : @H@A@D@or WOULDL+; # +Select the word which justifies the$use of a preterit for "say".0:"As someone once said, E'when you get tired of walking in  PSan Francisco, you can lean on it.'"L+; H>>Q>%8>Wj]4h4 cMnM ]fhf O +Odd man out.F+1) FeatureFD2) Greatest F]3) LeanL+; H>>Q>%8>Wj]4h4 ]MhM ]fhf O +Odd man out.F+1) WealthyFD2) Years F]3) WeaponL+; H>>Q>%8>Wjc4h4 ]MbM ]fbf O +Odd man out.F+1) Know FD2) Down F]3) Now L+; H>>Q>%8>Wji4o4 ]McM cfif O +Odd man out.F+1) DelightFD2) City F]3) SlippedL+; H>>Q>%8>Wju4z4 ]MbM ]fbf O +Odd man out.F+1) LandmarkFD2) Car F]3) Want L+; H>>Q>%8>Wjc4o4 ]MiM ]fif O +Odd man out.F+1) Quaint FD2) Said F]3) RailwayL+; H>>Q>%8>Wj]4b4 ]MbM cfhf O +Odd man out.F+1) Suburbs FD2) SuspensionF]3) ChugL+; H>>Q>%8>Wj]4h4 ]MhM cfnf O +Odd man out.F+1) Four FD2) CountyF]3) About L+; H>>Q>%8>Wj]4b4 ]MbM Wf\f O +Odd man out.F+1) Today FD2) Golden F]3) Over L+; H>>Q>%8>Wj{44 oMzM ff O +Odd man out.F+1) InventedFD2) Listed F]3) WitnessedL;  ,No. It separates the city center fromMarin county where wealthy suburbs are.L; ,It was completed in 1937, means it5was finished in 1937.L;  ,No. The text speaks of the "steepest#hills" you can see there.L;  ,As someone once said "when you get  tired of walking in San Francisco,4you can lean on it".L;  ,It was in 1873. An engineer imagined these improvements after witnessing@several accidents.L; ,In French this is called a funiculaire.You can take one in Paris at Montmartre.L; y y ,No be careful, a superlative is  characterized by +the most + adjg,or +the adj + estL; ,No be careful, remember that theagent is not always mentioned...L; )B ,Remember fairy tales :%"Once upon a time, there was...".L+; %1+Select in the text three Rsuperlatives.L+; %+Select in the text three passivedforms.N; <<-5<F  O . . !O . . :. . ON; <<-5<F O . . .!. . O .:O . . .N; <<-5<F  O . .!. O . . :O . .N; <<-5<F  . O . !. O .:O .N; <<-5<F O .!. O:. ON; <<-5<F . O!O .:. ON; <<-5<F  O . .!. O . . :. O .N; <<-5<F  . O . !. O . :O . .N; <<-5<F . O!O .:. ON; <<-5<F O .!O .:. Ol; Tl l2 Lk L;  ,The mint julep is made of bourbon, sugar syrup and crushed ice... L;  ,Look at your map of U.S.A. and find out the most appropriate place...L;  ,Look at your map of the U.S.A. and  find out the most appropriate place...;sb-'4Q!2g -u> 3 z 2 |   [  (    l; Qf4  uJ; % ?  A E* o}> : 1 &, R d {; ; : + K8 P l( ?A E ]7"$Yf4,M<88(8(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0(  , 8(,8() 8()8() 8(,8(,)/8() 8(+)/8() 8(+,8(,,8(+-8( ))8( ,8( -8( ))8( ))8( 8(8(0(  y { y(y z)y  )y+y, z,y) y,y z- y(- z-))-, +- y,- z,- y-- z-- y.- z.- y/- z/- y - z - y - z - y -.8z -,;y -*8((x8x -*88x8,-)8 y89)-98x889ظ-8x889ظ-898ٸ---------.  i #h/ , + )h h)i h(j  ih   /i+,,/h*)h,ʿh(h+hh,ɸ((hh-(((((.ɺ (.ȸ /Ⱥ h/ȸȹ h(( ȸȸȸ(((((( ˸)(()(+ ɸ , , , , , , )) ظ ٸ ܸ                   88 88 h8 8h ii i /h , + h) i)h y j(h { hi y(y z)y.*i)y+y-hhz,y+h()+y,y)h(h+z/(hh(,y(/++z/))/, +/ -y,/ +z,/ +y-/ *z-/ *y./,8 )9z./*<(y8./(9 9y8(9*/89< 99(/9 88x899/<8x88ٸ/ 99y998ٸ/:(9y< ٸ/9(:;;8/::98/889 ;ظ/;; 9:ظ/9:99ٸ/88:=ٸ/8 :88ظ/988888ظ/89 8/9:88/88/ 9/889ٸ/88:۸/ܸ/ٸ/    ,    ʰ , )  ɺ ȸ (ȸ h((ȸ h+)ȸ *˸ ,ɸ . . 8+. ;+.*98(8*.)89888).998 8.88988...................../h h ii* (I(I+I(I (I(O(I (@ (L)L(L)L)L(K9(K(K9)K *+((*)*K(JJJ))) ,) )+ (((* 8) (z(J)Iz(K)Jz(K)IH zL)KyH(I)I(H(zM()zLH x)yM xH,I(J (J(M(J K(JJJ))) ,) )* ((() 8( ) {J)J{(J)Jz(K)IH z(K(K ~(I(H~I( JH x(@ x(J(K(J (J(M(J K(JJJ))( ,( ))( (((* 8) ) {J)Jz(J)Jz(K)IH z(K)K z(H(I)I(Hz(M((zNH )zN x)yH(J (H,HH(J K(JJJ)) ,( )+ (((* 8) ) z(J)Jz(K)Jz(K)IH zL)KyK)I(H(zM()zLH x)yL y,I(J (J(M(J JKIIH(H(H(, H()) H((((( H(8 H( H(|(L( }(L( ~(II( y{(II( z{(L( y {(L y {(L y {(K* ;- ;-;(M9(M9(M(9(M(9(M(9(M(9(M9(M** (()*) KH*JJ)II,I))I((((I8I ){KJ{(KJ {(LIH |(LK {y(H(JI(Hz {(JIx x(HxKJ(H x(ML x(ML (NM (NKH (NM (NKH (ML(ML)LK9(KK9)IH*+((*)*JKII(H(H(H,(H )*H ((()H8(H (H~(L (Lp(IIp (II {~(L z ~L x ~L }*K =, =, =M 99M 99(M 99(M 99(M 99(M 99M 99M ** ( (*)(( K(JJJ))),))+(((*8) ) |J)I |(J)J|(K)IHyy(K)Kzy(H(I)I(Hy {(My x(HxO(H y x(@ x(J(K(J (J(M(J K(JJ))),))+(((*8) ) |J)I |(J)J|(Hyy(K)Kzy(H(I)I(Hy y y x(HxO(H y x(@ x(J(K(J (HJ(I(I+I(I(@ (L)L ( )I 9(K(K 9)K *+( (*)* K(J))),))+(((*8) ) |J)I |(J)J|(Hyy(Jzy(H(I)I(Hy {(y x(HxO(H y x( x(J(K(J (J(M(J((I(O(I(O (HL (L)L )J 9(K(K 9(I *+( (*)* K(JJ) , ) )8) ) )(  ( )   ) p p J)J y} z}JJ y }HL y }HH*IH y ~M   >J)J=(:(K)IH:(K:(H(I)I(H:8 ::(JL:JI+J(M(I ()H8 88 88 8 88,+9(*(((p Kp (Iypz~xJy ~ x)y ~ ) y ~ )= ) = ) = ) 99 ) 99 ) 99J)J99(H98(K)IH98()K98(HH(H*()(H(O(H $8 88  ,+9(*(((p p yp z~{y ~ zy ~K y ~(J=  = J = ) 99  99 ) 99 ( 99 ) 99  99 ) 99 ) **J)J()*H ,+9(*(((p p yp z~{y ~ zy ~ x y ~ = ==I 99(J 99 99 J 99 ) 99  99 ) 99  ** ) ()*() , )) (((( 8 p p p y~y z~z y ~ y y ~ y y ~ y = = = 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ** ()*(   HHHI(HHXH(O H]H ( @ H^H(@( H^H(@ H_H {@ p {{ z z y { y| |    ((((  (, + ((* ) ) ((,   X XX X ((((  )+ (* (((( ) (, X X XX X ((((  **))(((( (( (( ,       X Y X X ((((  +)*((((( ) ( , ((((  ,( + *(( ) ) ((          ((((  (, + ((* ) ) ((, ((((  (, + ((* ) ) ((, ((((  (, + ((* ) ) (( X Z] \  X +  [X PX [[ X[    X[YP P X[_X Y\X \ ( XZXZ X_YYP [PYXYZP PX Y[XY[  X[ ((((  **))((((((  . ((((  ** )) (((( (( (((. XX YX Y ( (( ((((( ( ( )) (( ((   (( (((.((( X XXY XXXX ( (( (( (. ( ( ** (( ((   (( (((.)Z).(((  XX XYXXXX Y XXXYX )YX XY [YXXYYYXYX X  GCopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0G  Kccc NYa cNhb  cNyc cN d c? *B cc NYa cNj b cNz c  cNd  c? *Bc N_a cNpb cNc c? *vB cp .cOc%%c*%cp%ccTcccc c@."cccA. cccB'Pccv@? *cPcc c c c c c c c  c  c  c  c  cc c c c c c c c c c c 8rV  <Z2n? tdMxELP3VofN 9$O~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRR"GROUPE NOMINAL0......... page 1 1a- La dtermination Ab- La comparaison ........... page 13 Qc- La quantification ........ page 19 ad- Les pronoms .............. page 22L+; MiFirQr"21/2NLes dterminantsUn nom qui n'voque qu'une ide ou une$notion peut tre dtermin l'aide-d'articles, d'adjectifs dmonstratifs,6interrogatifs et possessifs, avec un?gnitif ou une construction dter?mi-Hnante.XIl faut d'abord reprer si le nom estadnombrable (one cat, three cats) oujindnombrable (milk, love, furniture)L+; (o(22"32/2 Attention !  Selon le contexte, un nom peut tre *dnombrable (that was a delicious 3cake)  <ou Eindnombrable (I hate cake).L+; 00:::TV]VYtlt)DLDTD|D6MXMb.bTkdkt(tk%k"63/5Attention quelques emplois particuliers.(- Voici quelques exemples pour les nom(s2propres :*<Prince Charles (titre + nom)=2OE"the Prince (titre)Nthe Joneses (nom pluriel)Zthe English (adj employ comme nomZ)*cEnglishmend2Ol"an EnglishmanL+; S`t`a`aba`ac```c#mEm2m2p TT"74/5Britain (nom singulier) 2O "the U.S.A., the Uq.xS}.S.R.(initiales) "the Thames (cours d'eau) +the Rocky Mountains (chane de monta- 3gne) <the Atlantic (nom de mer ou d'ocan)L- Voici quelques exemples pour L, LtheL, La:M2OX"I go to school on Monday in HY2OYOTc"(lieu c(jour)$dwinter.e2ONk"fonction)p(saison)L+; 5F|==51;1"85/5 I play the piano (instrument dexmusique) )He was a doctor (attribut) 5He came back twice a week (expression=idiomatique=)T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF@"1FLA DETERMINATION0.  1a- Catgories de noms . page 2 Ab- Les articles . page 4 Qc- Les dmonstratifs . page 9 ad- Le gnitif . page 11L+; /!!QQ!!QQ[R[u_u"41/50 Les articles , a/an, the~ 2O"a) Pour parler en gnral :$devant dnombrables %2O,"et indnombrables.5Ex  5:65water boils at 1002V".*62O6="cats are wild animals.*>2OI"b) Pour parler de ce qui est indfini I:S. Dnombrable : \There is %a" bird in the tree.dThere are birds in the tree.Te5Om". Indnombrable :vThere is water on the table.Nw5OL+; G%d9dedudddSDD"91/2H Les dmonstratifs This/ these dsigne ce qui est proch e.,That/ those dsigne ce qui est loign,.T<Le possessif  HIl faut le choisir en fonction du Qpossesseur, non de l'objet possd. \Ex \:$\Jane takes her car to bring her$dchildren to school.L+; "^IqI"102/2Own renforce l'ide de possession.Ex  :*Now she has her own car.-Les possessifs sont plus employs5qu'en franais.AEx  A:*AHe broke his leg.L+; #BGB5B5Dqtttv "111/2 Gnitifs et construction avec o f : Dterminer un nom avec un autre nom. (Un gnitif dterminatif peut tre  0remplac par un dterminant. 9Ex 9:$9Mary's car is blue.0DHer% " car is blue. QAttention ! Certains gnitifs ont une Zfonction adjectivale (on peut les  cremplacer par un adjectif) lEx l:$lGrammar is a child's game$vGrammar is an easy game.L+; 0-M-0-M---e6o666xWWkjj"122/2On n'utilise le gnitif que lorsquele premier nom dsigne un anim.%Ex &%:0%Bob's book - The dog's food.0.The door of the house.>Le 2me nom peut tre omis pourFviter une rptition,OEx &O:0OThis car is Dan's.Xou pour indiquer un lieu.bEx &b:0bGo to the baker's Mary.L+; h""h""h""R""F""@""13KLA COMPARAISON 8a- Comparatif . page 14 Hb- Superlatif . page 16 Xc- Accroissement . page 18L+; M (( IAI%I%K jj"141/2N La comparaison a) Comparatif de supriorit. ,adj. court + er .than 5My car is faster than yours. Aadj. long + more + adj. + than J(> 2 syl) SMy car is more comfortable than yoursS. bb) Comparatif d'galit : las + adj. + as uDan is as tall as Gordon.L+;   II"152/2 c) Comparatif d'ingalit. not as<$+ adj. + as (not so 1Jill is not so tall as Dan. Ad) Comparatif d'infriorit. Mless + adj + than WMy car is less comfortable than _yours.L+; TT(Z(e\ep=="161/2T Le superlatif . Supriorit :,the + adj. court-est5Dan is the tallest.Dthe most + adj.MIt's the most interesting idea. ]. Infriorit :ithe least + adj.rIt's the least difficult question.L+; "172/2 Attention aux irrguliers :&good better the best/bad worse the worst8little less the leastAmuch/many more the mostJfar farther farthestSold older the oldestL+; L)R)QLQ"181/1N L'accroissement . Progressif :0Things are getting worse and worse0. H. Parallle :XThe more the merrier.L+; C DDDD8{888{{~8|8~"191/3HLA QUANTIFICATION$L aussi il faut d'abord reprer si le-nom est dnombrable ou indnombrable.<;dnombrables indnombrablesGExcs far too many far too muchSTotalit all allN]everyNgbothoQuasiNsmost most wtotalitL+; A A~A A~ Xdk"202/3H dnombrables indnombrablesMoiti half half&GrandeT*many*much.quantit:Quantit T>enough>enoughBsuffisanteNCertaineTRsome someVquantitBZ(rponse positive envisage)Tcany anyHk(pour indiquer l'incertain xtet le ngatif)L+; AA~AA~xz~w{"213/3Hdnombrables indnombrables%Faible few%little.quantitZ.a few.a littleBAbsenceTBnot any not any`KnoKnoL+; M 3"3}Q"Q~o"o~"}}~"~00FF[["221/2TLES PRONOMS%sujet I you he/she/it we they3compl- <7me you him/her/it us them ;mentrHhis/hers/Iposses- <MmAMiFMnKMe VMy[Mo`MueMrjMs MoMuMrMsMtheirMs QsifsrRits_adj.<cmy your wch|cics/hcecr/ictcscocucr their gposs.L+; 11$$1BB0rr101Iffff717CDDDDSpS"232/2r flchi&my0s4e8l<fGyLoQuVrZs^eblefuhyi}mself ourselvesthemselvesT/Ys]ealdvhels wh|erselfw'its'e'l'f7r7 7c7i7p7r 7o%7q*7u/7e each other/ one anotherKLe pronom one peut remplacer un groupKeSnominal comportant un dnombrable.]Ex ]:]I love ice creams. Let's buy one.L+;    (}(4X4QcQ=4=N=]=E.ENEENZ^ZZZb3b"52/5 c) Pour parler de ce qui est dfini soit d'aprs la situation, soit  d'aprs le contexte : ,. Dnombrable : 5Look at the dog over there.=The dog which barks is a nuisance. I. Indnombrable :RThis is the water we took from theZwell. fCe qui est unique par nature est donc ndfini : vthe moon, the sun, the East ...L+;    (}(4X4QcQ=4=N=]=E.ENEENZ^ZZZb3b"52/5 c) Pour parler de ce qui est dfini soit d'aprs la situation, soit  d'aprs le contexte : ,. Dnombrable : 5Look at the dog over there.=The dog which barks is a nuisance. I. Indnombrable :RThis is the water we took from theZwell. fCe qui est unique par nature est donc ndfini : vthe moon, the sun, the East ...Copywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0 + Kccc N]a c5Nnb  c5N~c c5? B cc NQa c5Ob b c5Nq c c5Nd c5N e c5? Bc Naa  c5Nsb c5? vBc ,Nba c5Nsb c5Nc c5?  B cp .cOc%%c*%cp%ccTcccc c@."ccc5GA. ccc5GB3Pccvc @? c5Pcc c Gc Gc Gc Gc Gc Gc G c G c G cc  c G c Gc Gc Gc Gcc ,c Gc Gc Gc Gc Gc G8rVKK<ZSQv!  v]{v$}g/w&_} 1O~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRKL"LE GROUPE VERBAL 6a- Les temps ................ page 1 Fb- La modalisation .......... page 11 Vc- Les structures ........... page 17T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF@"1XLES TEMPS )a- Temps et aspect .......... page 2 9b- Prsent .................. page 4 Ic- Preterit ................. page 5 Yd- Present perfect et apluperfect ............... page 6p8 qe- Dclencheurs ............. pageL+; h""h""h""R""F""@""11ILA MODALISATION :a- Valeur des modaux ........ page 12 Jb- Remplacer les modaux .... page 15L+; X eue"21/2ZLes temps Ne pas faire correspondre les temps (grammaticaux franais et anglais. 4Pour trouver la forme correcte, il <faut considrer la fois le temps Dchronologique et le point de vue du Llocuteur. ]Les formes simples vhiculent des  finformations.L+; "32/2- Les formes complexes renseignent surle point de vue du locuteur.&. s'il s'agit d'une situation .particulire : T7-> %Be + V-ingG". s'il s'agit d'un bilan : TP-> %have + pPpL+;  &_& VrV@@____ggggggw////SNzpzyzz"41/1TLe Prsent Prsent simple : '- habitude : they usually stay homeZ/for Christmas. 8- gnralit : she hates driving atl@night. NPrsent be + Ving : W- action en droulement : look ! It's_raining. i- commentaire sur l'activit du sujeti:rMark is always teasing me !L+; #p#SZZ--T66oo@@@@"51/1T Le preterita) Preterit simple :%- vnements rvolus : I went to*.London last week.8- distanciation modale : if I were*Ayou I would not do that.Rb) Preterit be + V-ing :^- Point de vue centr sur l'activit^gdu sujet : he was still watching meZpwhen I slammed the doorp.L+; A(r(RRzFz<<q<<<*ESE)pIppp$"61/2$ Present perfect et pluperfect a) Present perfect :+- Bilan au prsent d'activits passe+s.4Ex  4:*4We have read two novels this *=morning.Jb) Present perfect be + V-ing :V- Constat prsent commentant l'acti-_vit du sujet. hEx  h:*hWatch their faces. They've beenqplaying video games all night long.L+; S0;k;;;"72/2c) Pluperfect : - bilan un moment donn d'une)priode antrieure.3Ex &3:03When I met him Fred had become0<a real baseball star.L+;  =n=pApMpQpZnApAn[p[Q"81/3T Dclencheurs Prpositions et adverbes sont des &dclencheurs. 4Reprage temporel @%at" (2 o'clock) prsent simpleH%in" (July)HoupK%>Pon" (Sunday)Ppreteritb%for" (3 weeks) p.perfect ou preteribtp%since" (Monday) p.perfectL+; rr!r&r0prp1r1r8r=rBrGp8r8pHrHTYAYYAYTZTeTjTtRZTZRuTu"92/3 Droulement at the momentnowr%> "present be + V-ing'these days7thenr;%>};"preterit be ;+ ;V-ing?in those days QHabitude[usuallycoften %> "prsent simplekneverL+; %1%s.s:s?sKq.s.qLsL"103/3Bilan 6,before64alreadyr8%> "present perfect6<recently6DyetL+; I"121/3H Valeur des modaux Les auxiliaires modaux servent  $exprimer le point de vue du locuteur ,sur les chances de ralisation d'un 4vnement.@%presque certain...hypothse...incertai@nI"must%/"will%/"should%/"may%/"can%/"cIoIuIlId%/"miIgIhIt%/"cIaInI'ItYChaque modal a une valeur particulireaqui porte sur la libert laisse auisujet.L+; "132/3 %can" Capacit physique ou intellec-*tuelle - I can't speak Spanish.*!Possibilit - I can help you if})you want. 0pret. %Could @may" Permission - May @I @have@a @biscuit @?xHYou may not drive xPmy car. \%must" /\O6\bligation - I must get up at \10/eDduction -xeYou must be tired.HnYou went to bed very late.L+; "143/3 %should" Conseil - You shouldn't smoke $%shall" Volont du locuteur,6,suggestion - Shall we go ? <%will " Bonne volont du sujet,6Dprdiction - Boys will be boysD. T%would" Prdiction lie une habitudeT,6\ une caractristique du sujet\-6dOf course, many would forget6lmy birthday.L+; =++"151/2<Remplacer les modaux#exp. verbales /capacit CAN be able to 9permission MAY be allowed to Cobligation MUST have to Mconseil SHOULD had better Wprfrence would ratherL+; "162/2AdverbesB$MUST$certainlyB0WILL probablyB<MAY perhaps, may beBHCOULD possiblyBTMIGHT unlikelyL+; h""h""h""R""F""@""17LLES STRUCTURES :a- Tag et rponse courte. page 18 Jb- Passif . page 20 Zc- Discours indirect . pageZ22L+; 7eenBneenCn"181/26 Tag et rponses courtes %Le tag est une reprise par auxiliaire $ une forme contraste" (ngative si  ,la principale est affirmative, ou le 4contraire). @La rponse correcte peut tre la Hmme forme ou une forme contraste. TOn l'utilise : ]- pour tablir ou maintenir le fcontact.o. The match is starting at 11, $wisn't it ?L+; %:%BB%:%BBKRK"192/2- pour se faire confirmer quelquechose.&. You can do it for Monday, can't *.you ? :- pour ragir aux paroles de Cquelqu'un. M. You're American, aren't you ?*UOf course, I am.a.- I can't swim. $i- Neither can I.q. You like tea but I don't.L+; Y"201/2ZLe passif %Il est form sur le mme principe )qu'en franais. 5"Ex 5:$5A cow bumped into my car.$=My car was bumped into by a cow. MIl est utilis trs souvent en anglaMis Vpour dcrire objectivement, quand on _ne sait pas qui fait l'action (on), hou pour mettre en valeur un lment.L+; "212/2Ex ,:6200 persons were invited.6 I was told to mind my own6'business.61I was asked to call you.6;It can't be done. Forget about6Cit.L+; ;PPmTm"221/2<Le discours indirect Mary : "Can you take me downtown ?"*Mary asked if I could take her 2downtown.>%Attention !H"- au verbe introducteurQsay, tell, mais aussi ask, wonder,Yregret ...e- au pronomnqu'il faut reprer en fonction duvlocuteur.L+; RR"232/2- la concordance des tempsprsent -> preterit'can -> could0may -> might9will -> wouldJ- certains adverbes et expressionJsThere - there]last night - the night beforefcome - goL+; RR"232/2- la concordance des tempsprsent -> preterit'can -> could0may -> might9will -> wouldJ- certains adverbes et expressionJsThere - there]last night - the night beforefcome - go1Copywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.01 + Kccc N^a cNvb  cNc c? tB cc  NS a cN_ b cNk c cNx d cN e cN f cN g c? tBc NY a  cLh b  cNw c  cN d  cM e c? tBc NZ a cNl b cN~c cNd c? tB cp .cOc%%c*%cp%ccTcccc c@."cccA. cccB3Pccc@? tcFPcc c c c c c c c  cc  c  c  c  c c cc c c c c (,bVqT<Z#$*2K #; ^ ^ Y@N LO~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRK..."Fonctions de communication 6a- Relations de civilit ->Discussion . page 1 Nb- Influence exerce surVautrui . pageV9 fc- Apprciation . page 15T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF "1RELATIONS DE CIVILITE - DISCUSSION .a- S'excuser, regretter . page 2 :b- Offre et remerciement . page 3 Fc- Surprise . page 4 Rd- Reproche . page 5 ^e- Incrdulit . page 6 jf- Moquerie . page 7L+; B###nFnko}o#fnf"21/10Quelques expressions pourBs'excuser, regretter 2- Sorry, so sorry. >- Please excuse me. J- It's a pity I have forgotten theRtime. ^- I apologize for being late. gI regret arriving so late.L+; A$$X}X"31/1B Offre, remerciement - Dire "je vous en prie"(. It's all right.0. Never mind.8. It doesn't matter.@. Don't worry.P- Remercier poliment\. That's all right.d. Don't mention it.l. You're welcome.L+; <"41/1< Exprimer la surprise"- Really !.- How strange !:- You don't say !F- It's amazing !R- Isn't that surprising ?^- I can't believe it !j- What an idea !L+; B?_?f?v?MeM[k[r[[i_i"51/1BFaire des reproches )- That 's not fair. 7- How dare you say that ? E- You shouldn't have said that. S- Why didn't you keep quiet ? a- Couldn't you keep quiet ?L+; 6"61/16Exprimer l'incrdulit(- You're joking !8- You're not serious !H- That's incredible !X- Don't make me laugh !h- You're kidding !L+; _%H%[["71/1` Moqueri e- Se moquer :(. That's a good one.1. You must be joking.:. Don't be silly.C. Don't be funny.R- Rpondre une moquerie :^. Very clever.g. So what ?p. That's just like you.L+; hhhRF "9#INFLUENCE EXERCEE SUR AUTRUI 1a- Suggestion . page 110 ?b- Ordre . page ?11 Mc- Conseil . page M12 [d- Projet, intention . page[13 ie- Souhait . pagei14L+; _1L1R1]1d1p1@3@;@F@N@Y@QRQgQwQavaaaq7q<qHq"101/1`Suggrer (- Why don't we go out tonight ? 8- Shall we go out tonight ? H- What about going out tonight ? X- Do you feel like going out tonighXt ? h- Let's go out tonight.L+; S)=A=_=l=MLM])]/]G]m:mAmYm"111/1T Donner un ordre$- Come here.4- I want you to come.D- Come and see me.T- Do keep quiet.d- Don't stay here.L+; X60Y06AfA6QdQaaqqqq"121/1ZConseiller(- You should go by bus.8- You ought to go by bus.H- You'd better go by bus.X- If I were you I'd go by bus.h- I would advise you to go by bus.L+; AH\\SPlP+DMD/8Z8\\aqqqqKD`DiPP"131/1BProjets, intentions$- I think I'll go to Los Angeles.0- We plan to go to the movies.<- I intend to become the best.H- I didn't mean to hurt you.T- We are contemplating crossing the]Rocky Mountains.i- You aren't thinking of driving torLos Angeles !L+; \(,S,'<^<~<<'LLLL'eOeSe`e0u_uuu"141/1\Souhaiter$- I wish to go to Europe once.4- I feel like driving my own car.D- I'm looking forward to skiing thisMwinter.]- I'd like to go with you.m- It would be great to be together.L+; B"81/1B"Exprimer son accord-- Of course4- Sure=- ExactlyE- SurelyM- AbsolutelyU- Definitely]- CertainlyL+; O"15SAPPRECIATION 1a- Prfrence . page 16 Cb- Indiffrence . page 17 Uc- Insistance . page 18 gd- Enthousiasme . . page 19L+; A)6J6$gWg^gwg"161/1BChoix et prfrence.- I prefer chips.>- I like it better.N- I like them best.^- I'd rather stay here.L+; P"171/1NIndiffrence,- I don't care.<- I don't mind.L- If you like.\- As you like.L+; UA00HAjA:QSQ;`j`Gyjy"181/1BDegrs d'insistance(- We enjoyed it very much indeed.8- That's pretty clear, isn't it ?H- It's most difficult.X- It's far more interesting withoutathe results.q- That's rather obvious.L+; 0"191/10Exprimer son enthousiasme ,- Wow !,- Fantastic ! <- Super !<- Smashing ! L- Great !L- Marvellous ! \- Terrific !\- Wonderful !Tl- Lovely !L+; 0"191/10Exprimer son enthousiasme ,- Wow !,- Fantastic ! <- Super !<- Smashing ! L- Great !L- Marvellous ! \- Terrific !\- Wonderful !Tl- Lovely !