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B$(833RO?66L33:HABH&;a>AL+; %+Complete the following sentences<with ,a +/ ,an +/ ,the +or  YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; D d((NND-O5D:OB((NNeeXhmqXtm~H,Les dterminants+- Les articles : 1 - a: indfinis singuliers -,un+ : it's a boy / an old boy:,une +: it's a girl / an old girlF1 - b: indfinis plurielsR,des +: there are books and dolls]2 - a: dfinis singuliers i,le +: look at the book u,la +: it's on the tabler> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide (du clavier, puis valide 4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait, 3valide avec l'icone O.K.,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste. 4Valide avec l'icone O.K. @ou en tapant F10.Rx4 &$,N'as-tu pas reconnu le verbe sur lequel tait fait ce nom ?L+; '=## 3M3CC[[ +2 - b: dfinis pluriels,les+ : the books are on the tables *Remarques ::,1+ : She likes animals (les animaux)Z;j[dB,LES MOTS EN -MENT:BNOMS ET ADVERBES++Pour trouver, il faut penser au ;verbe et l'adjectif qui sont les Kplus proches du mot propos, puis les [driver (ajouter -ment ) en nom puis ken adverbe.L+; +A partir du mot propos, trouve un nom en/-ment et un adverbe en -ment.P)Nom: hAdverbe:L+; " #k%%q.w.77|@@#LYLkdd$,Le groupe nominal complexe+. Les dterminants du nom peuvent tre : - des dmonstratifs : This dog &- des articles : A dog /- la marque du pluriel : dogs 8- des possessifs : My dogD. Les adjectifs peuvent qualifier (ex : Lblue, old, etc) ou apprcier (ex : Tgood - bad, ...) le nom; ils sont \toujours placs avant le nom : 6f+- a beautif dog6p+- this good dogL+; eFueueuIe|u f uVfVufufu +Pick the proper determinationBfor the sentence.i+A, +B, +C, +DL+; BEFT+Pick the proper interrogative orrelative pronom for the sentence.L+; - 0,Le pronom interrogatif +L'interrogatif ,HOW+ permet d'interrogersur la manire. Ex : How do you make$this cake ? Comment fais-tu ce gteau ? -Combin avec les quantificateurs ,MANY6+ou ,MUCH+, How permet d'interroger sur la?quantit. I- dnombrable : How many calories arelQthere in this cake ? [- indnombrable : How much money doxcyou have ? lPour les autres interrogatifs, tu peuxuconsulter ta documentation.L+; $+Find the proper interrogative tocomplete the question accordingto the answer.Le; v!!`+did you go ?6We went to Colorado.Le; }!!T+have you decided ?I've decided to be a good boy.Le; S!h!`+did you hear ?$I heard Tom sing last night.L+; eFueueuIe|u f uVfVufufu6 +Pick the proper pronom Hfor the sentence.iA, +B, +C, +DLe; L!!N+did they leave ?They left because they were tired.Le; ^!!H+one do you prefer ?*I prefer the white one.Le; }$$Z +is she coming ?0She's coming on Friday.Le; j$$< +many players are there ?0There are five players.Le; |""T +did you get here ?<I got here by plane.L[; $+Willy's friendly, 's alsoa good dancer.Le; !!<+'s her favorite dancer ?$Her favorite dancer's Willy.Le; ""B+'s his favorite music ?*His favorite music's jazz.L+; ~~YY FqF s<s$,PARTICIPE PRESENT, GERONDIF< ET ADJECTIF VERBAL$+Parmi les mots en -ANT issus de verb$e$s$,.certains sont invariables :>* Participe prsent : exprime une actionGet peut tre suivi d'un complment.PEx :Un chasseur sachant chasser doitZsavoir chasser sans son chien.j* Grondif : toujours prcd de en.uEx :Il travaille en s'amusant.L+;  I!:IkkI::ISS!,ADJECTIFS VERBAUX ET PARTICIPES PRESENTS0Les diffrences d'orthographeZ&+Adjectifs Participes.prsentsf>c >quZFsuffocant suffoquantNConsonnesfVgVguZ^fatigant fatiguantnVoyelles fnenaZvngligent ngligeantL+; ]] FqF m<m$,PARTICIPE PRESENT, GERONDIF< ET ADJECTIF VERBAL$+Parmi les mots en -ANT issus de verb$e$s$,.certains sont variables, ce sont les :>* adjectifs verbaux : ils ont la mmeIfonction qu'un adjectif qualificatif.TEx : Ils sont souriants.d* Remarque : on trouve aussi des noms  nparmi les mots en -ANT.wEx : des dirigeants, un passantRx4 &$,L' adjectif verbal qualifie le nomauquel il se rapporte. Si tu mets laphrase au fminin, l'adjectif varie.Rx4 &$,Si le mot en -ANT a un sujet ou un C.O.D., c'est bien sr un participeprsent.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide en cliquant O.K.@ou en tapant F10.Rx4 &$ ,Pour cette forme, il ne faut pas  hsiter, le grondif est toujours  prcd de "en".L+; JJ--U+Transform the sentence withbthe genitive. Pick othe proper order.KX: +. are terrific, aren't they ?LW; *+Willy has a sister. 's seven years old.LW; $+This piano's big. playsgood music.LW; 6+The players are tired.H're taking a break.LW; *+John and I are going to eat.Bare hungry.LW; *+Mary and Tom are not here.<went to the store.LW; *+- Are you sure ?*- No 'm not.L+;  GG xx$,L' EXPRESSION DE LA CONDITION+La conjonction SI est le terme le plus frquent pour introduire l'ide $de supposition, d'hypothse ou de  ,condition. <Ex : Si j'avais su, je ne serais pas*Dvenu.*TLa mme ide peut tre Texprime \grce des locutions conjonctives. lEx : pourvu que, moins que,lpour pelu*tque, au cas o, suivant que, ...LW; 6+I'd like a coke. What 0 about , Mike ?L+; b`*(+On peut toujours remplacer *8un adjectif verbal par *Hun adjectifrHqualificatif !L+;: +The uniform of the Met's is red.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec O.K. ou avec la(touche F10 lorsque la 4bonne rponse apparat dans@le cadre.L+;: +The feet of Willy move fast.L+;: +The hands of the piano player are big.L+;:  +The guitar of the jazz man is brown.L+;: +The chances of the Dodgers were thin.L+;: +The house of the President is big.L+;: +The peaks of the mountains were white.L+;: +The brother of Tom had been there too.Rx4 '%,Identifie l'ide de condition enessayant le remplacementpar une proposition en SI...L+;:  +The door of the white house was huge.L+;:  +The welcome of G. Bush was friendly.LT; l|l|m{nzoypxqwrvsutt!h"+Sorry, there'smore&coke.L+; &&WWFWXW+On peut galement utiliser des  prpositions.Ex : , sans, avec,...,Enfin, l'ide de condition peut4tre exprime par un pronom relatif,<lequel est alors suivi du conditionne<l.LEx : Celui qui le ferait serait battu.dOu mme un impratif, sans mot outil.tEx: Fais a et tu verras bien !L+; " 0+Pick the proper solution.L+; *mKm6,Les quantificateurs+., ANY+, ,NO+, ,SOME%+1 - ,ANY +et ,SOME+ expriment l'ide d'une.quantit indfinie :7. ,ANY+ s'emploie dans les phrases$@interrogatives et ngativesI., SOME+ s'emploie dans les phrases$Raffirmatives[2 - ,NO+ exprime l'absence de quantitdExemples : There's ,no+ bread.TmIs there ,any+ bread.TvThere's ,some+ bread.LT; dtdtesfrgqhpiojnkmllyy"`#+Hey ! Is therethere ?LT; HXHXIWJVKULTMSNROQPP]]!D"+Can I dofor you ?LT; HXHXIWJVKULTMSNROQPP]]!D"+Look !'s dancing .LT; HXHXIWJVKULTMSNROQPP]]!D"+I'd likefood to eat.LT; dtdtesfrgqhpiojnkmllyy!`" +There must bewrong 'with him.LT; /?/?0>1=2<3;4:596877DD!+"+No,has ever heard 'this song before. LT; k{k{lzmynxowpvqurtss!g" +Sorry, there'sI can'do to help you.LT; "# +Sorry, there isn't&coke left.LT; k{k{lzmynxowpvqurtss"g#+No, I've got else (to say.L+; hOr]hrhr(0+Indique quelle nuance logiqueest introduite par la partie de la phrase souligne.iComparaison aiOpposition ConditionL+;  +Les drivs de ,ANY+,, NO+,, SOME+- ,ONE+ (personne), +- ,THING+ (chose), WHERE$+someone |something$|$somewhere ,,quelqu'un+|M,,quelque chose+|,,quelque par,t4+no one |G4nothing |no where <,personne +| ,rien <+|, nulle partD+anyone |anything D|anywhere L,quiconque+| ,toute choseL+|L,n'inporte oL \+L'emploi de ces drivs est le mme lque l'emploi de ,ANY+,, NO+,, SOME+.Rx4 '%d!!!! ,Identifie l'ide d'opposition en essayant la substitution par une proposition en bien que ou quoique.L+; *^jk*oj|^ko|8_8k8o8|_kp|*+Pick the proper solution0a+A, +B0r+C, +DL+;M  +Trs bien. Maintenant, prcise la nature des mots et la nuancecomparative obtenue.LN;{ +Ainsi que vous le savez, les hiverssont terriblement froids en Sibrie Orientale.L|; C/CC!"B.B./`,ConjonctionHLocution conjonctiveH%Adverbes correlatifsL|; B./6/7.67 !<,Conformit ou identitBEgalit et ingalit`%ProportionLN;{ +En URSS, plus on s'loigne vers l'Est,plus le climat est rigoureux.LN;{ 6+On sentait qu'elle prenait de l'assurance mesure que le spectacle  se droulait.LN;{  +Il prpare les zakouski commeje les aime.LN;{ +Il est aussi inquiet que s'il n'taitjamais mont sur une scne.LN;{ +Il est moins amoureux que tu ne le crois.LN;{ +Je suis d'autant plus surpris de sonabsence que c'tait lui-mme qui m'avait propos son aide.L+; &~22??LLYYffss+Indique la nuance logique exprimepar le morceau de phrase soulign. (,Cause5TempsBOppositionOConsquence\ButiConditionuComparaisonLN;{ +Ils se retrouvrent tels qu'ils taient vingt ans auparavant. LN;{ +Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a faitun beau voyage.LN;{ +Autant sa soeur est blonde, autantelle est brune.LN;{ +Plus je connais les hommes, plus j'aime les btes.L+; ?B,LES COMPARAISONS +La conjonction COMME est l'outil typique de la comparaison. ,La mme ide peut tre exprime par 4des locutions conjonctives :<- ainsi que, plus(moins)...que, Dmesure que, `Dcomme si, le mme...queD,Laussi(autant) que..., au fur et Tmesure que... dou des adverbes corrlatifs d(c'est-- ldire fonctionnant ensemble) : t- plus.plus, autant...autant.L+; ?B,LES COMPARAISONS +On distingue trois nuances de sens  parmi les comparaisons. ,1 La conformit ou l'identit : 4comme, le mme que, ainsi que, tel. D2 L'galit et l'ingalit :Laussi (plus, moins, autant)...que. \3 La proportion : d mesure que, d'autant plus que,lau fur et mesure, plus...plus,tautant...autant, moins...moins...L]; d+Elle a fait comme si elle ne me voyait pas.Rx4 '% ,Le mot cliqu n'introduisait pas l'ide de comparaison. Clique plus soigneusement ou consulte l'aide.L];   +Si tonnant que cela puisse paratre, il ignorait que Lningrad et Saint Ptersbourg taient la mme ville.L]; S+Au cas o il viendrait, j'ai toutde mme prvu sa part.L]; w+Quand bien mme il viendrait mesupplier, je ne l'accepterais pas.L]; p+Ils s'entendent d'autant mieux qu'ilsdisent du mal de tout le monde.L]; !N!6+Je devrais le reconnatre moins qu'il n'ait beaucoupchang.L]; p+Cette histoire, toute bizarre qu'ellepuisse paratre, est authentique.L]; #+Si je le savais, je vous le dirais.L]; R +Les rendements se sont amliors   mesure que l'irrigation s'est dveloppe.L]; p+A supposer qu'il accepte, il n'aura pas le regretter.Lc; +I can't stand . jazz players.LK !!151+Bien qu'on ne puisse pasvoir grand-chose travers(la brume, il avait le 8sentiment rassurant Hd'aller dans la bonneXdirection.LK !G!+Quand elle descendit lapetite gare, elle avait (encore faire un trajet8de dix kilomtres en Htraneau.LK !!1d1+Si l'interstice entre lesvolets laissait voir une(pleur pluvieuse, mieux8valait ne pas les ouvrirHdu tout.LK !!0.0+Il n'avait gure plus de(dix ans, qu'il dvorait8les revues d'chec.LK !!00+Alors qu'il n'a pas dix (ans, il rgente dj la8maison.LK !v!+Si belle soyez-vous, je(ne veux plus aimer.LK !A!+Qu'il fasse beau, qu'ilfasse laid, c'est mon (habitude d'aller sur les8cinq heures me promenerHau Palais-Royal.LK !!+Comme il fait trs froid,(ils portent tout l'hiver8des toques de fourrure.LK M ;11AA+Nous tions d'autant plus(inquiets qu'il n'avait pa(s8prvenu de son retard.LK 11@1p1@S@+Tout s'est pass beaucoup(plus vite qu'on ne 8l'avait prvu.LK }!! 11A|A+Il est trop stupide pour(qu'on puisse discuter 8valablement avec lui.LK **:w:KBK+La situation a volu si rapidement que personne0n'ose plus faire de@pronostics.Lc; B+boy is in the street.LK 5**909+Ce que j'en disais,  c'tait pour vous rendre 0service.LK :11AA+Il n'a pas achev sa (question de peur qu'elle 8ne se ferme compltement.Lc; *+I like one better.Lc; +But . jazz band's excellent.Lc; H+instruments are fun.Lc; 6+I prefer ones.Lc; +But . jazz band's excellent.Lc; *+123 jazz band is excellent.Lc; B+jazz band is excellent.Lc; H+I love jazz.Lc; *+I want to have friends.Lc; +I'd like to play intrument.Lc; 6+What about ?Lc; 0+Willy's good dancer.Lc; B+What . shame !Lc; +Look at instruments !Lc; *+Look at people !Lc; +New Orleans is American city.Lc; 6+You're 123 best pupil.LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +I'm older, I want to bea jazz player.Lc; $+Willy's such . nice boy .Lc; *+I'm not like boy.Lc; $+Look at poor child !Lc; T+is a nice place.Lc; *+All men are black.LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +many players are there.Lc; *+. sun sets in the west.Lc; +Do you want to be . architect ?KX: +Tom and Jane are American and so are . parents.Lc; +I'm afraid of . darkness.Lc; +It's such . incredible night !LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +a pity !LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +did you prefer, L.A. orSanta F ?Lc; +All . people are on holiday.LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +did you play, in L.A.or in New York ?LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +is your favorite jazzsinger ?Lc; +Willy, . boy who dances, is black.L+; +Complete the following sentences0with the proper pronom.LZ; ''&% $  #  "  !  R,,Z +trophee is this, yoursor theirs ?LZ; 6 F 6!F"7E 8D9C:B;A<@=?>>3q%KK%< +I like the people~smile.KX: +Whose ball is this ? Is it . ?LZ; 6 F 6!F"7E 8D9C:B;A<@=?>>3q%KK%N +This is the musicxI heard in6*France.LZ; 6 F 6!F"7E 8D9C:B;A<@=?>>3q%KK%T +L.A. is a city~I'd like 6*to return.KX: 0+.'m glad to be here.KX: $+I think .'s only a child.KX: *+My team won, but . lost.KX: *+. were the best players.L+;P +Tu te dbrouilles mal, car je ne peuxplus rien crire . On repart zro,mais fais bien attention.KX: +.'s the first time I come here.KX: $+Who's . hero in baseball ?LW; $+Let's go. 're going to be late.KX: *+Let . go to New Mexico.LW; $+Hurry up, Malcolm, 're too slow.r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait, 3val.ide avec l'icone O.K.,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste. 4Valide avec l'icone O.K. $@ou en tapant la6Ktouche F10.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide (du clavier, puis valide 4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec O.K. ou avec la(touche F10 lorsque la 4bonne rponse apparat dans@le cadre.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide en cliquant O.K.$@ou en tapant la6Ktouche F10.T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; +0 +Pick the proper solutionLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +Look at the Mets ! They red caps. )A are wearing )C don't wear 9B wear 9D wearsLK; 7C&3&37C&q37qD&37D +The Dodgers never )A loses, + )C lose 9B are losing 9D is losingLK; 7C&3&37C&q3&q37qD&37DP +I to watch a baseball game. )A loves, + )C loving 9B am loving 9D loveLK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7D ek +to the party after the game ? )A you are going)C do you go 9B are you going 9D you goLK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7DM +The Dodgers  very well today. )A don't play )C )isn't playing  9B isn't playing 9D9aren't playingLK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7Ddd +when it rains ? )A Do they play )C)They)')r)e )playing 9B 9T9hey play 9D 9Ar9e9t9h9e9y playingLK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7D +Tom's running fast,  )A doesn't he ? )C isn't he ? 9B does he ? 9D9is he ?LK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7D$f +I to see the ball.  )A am trying )C don't try  9B try 9D trying LK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7D& +He the Mets and so do I. )A is preferK)rR)ing )C prefer 9B prefers 9D :i:s:n:':t :p:r:e:f:e:r:r:i:n:gLK; 7C&3&37C&p3&p3&37pD7pD7D6 +Why now ? )A t)h )e%)y/)a4)r9)eD)sI)tN)oS)pX)p])ib)ng)g)C t)h)e)y )don't )stop 9B they stop 9D a9r9e 9t9h9e9y 9s9t9o9p9p9i9ngL+9L .0 +Justify your choice by6picking A, B, C or D.Lp; &9&&,448448*+A action en cours*B attitude particulire* C fait gnral*.D action habituelleL+; 2 +Complete the sentence with theproper verb at sthe proper tense(present simple or progressive) :#think, win, like, watch, preferLa; $+She the game too, and she likes it.La; +I baseball as much astennis.La; +He soccer to football.La; +The Mets always .La; +They of coming back next year.La; +We the final on T.V. every year.La; +The Dodgers often .La; +Players winning to losing.La; +Judith practising sports as much as reading.La;  +I of becoming a baseball player too.LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D"l +He at him when he threwthe ball.u )A looked )C were looking  9B looks 9D was lookingLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37Dr +They said they verywell. )A play )C were playing 9B 9pl(9ayed 9D was playingLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37Dq +I saw you as I up the stairs. )A was walking )C walk 9B walked9D was descendingLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +He asked me when the game . )A starting )C start 9B started9D starts LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DS +He said he any more. )A was playing )C wasn't playing 9B played 9D doesn't play LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +Did you see them while you  in France ? )A was )C are  9B were going9D were LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D(g +He the ball and then he ran. )A hits )C hit  9B hitted 9D is hitting LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +Can you tell me where you  them at last ? )A saw )C were seeing 9B see 9D are seeing LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D >   +Welcome to Los Angeles. But when ? )A you arrive )C we)r)e )y)o)u )a)r)r)i)v)i)ng 9B you ,9we69r;9eF9aK9rP9rU9iZ9v_9id9ng9D did you arrive LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D.y +Th ey stopped talking as soon as the teams the field. )A were entering)C)was entering 9B entered9D enterL+; WGE_E0j,EHE,;F;0cWc0l_l0ueuZ,LE PASSE+1- BE a deux formes au pass :!,WAS+ pour le singulier I/she/he/it),WERE+ pour le pluriel et you. 3Ex : I was here yesterday.*<They were happy to see you.ILes formes interrogatives et ngatiIvesQse forment comme toujours : [Ex : Was she happy to go to Florida[?0dWere you good at sports ?0mHe wasn't very excited.0vWe weren't in Paris last year.L+;  q UU+2- Les verbes rguliers.a) A l'affirmative :!Ils se forment avec la terminaison),ED+ ou ,D+ ajoute la Base Verbale.5Ex : like = like,d+ , +want = want,ed`=+hope = hope,dM+b) La Yes/No question se forme avecVl'auxiliaire ,DO au preterit + S + BVVb+Ex : ,Did+ you like it ?jRponse brve : Yes, I ,did+.rRponse complte : Yes, I like,d+ it.L+; YZZc9cf((11;Z;,3 - Le prtrit des verbes irrguliers+De nombreux verbes n'utilisent pas la terminaison ED. Ils ont au Preterit un e)forme spciale qu'il faut tout simple-2ment connatre.>Une liste des verbes irrguliers estFaccessible en permanence dans ta DOC.RLe fonctionnement des questions et [ngations est le mme que pour les ver[-dbes rguliers, avec l'auxiliaire DID :pDid you go ? Yes I went there.TxNo I didn't go.L+; XqXxOO),4 - Le prtrit de be + bv + ing+Il sert raconter des vnements enrfrence un moment prcis dans le#pass (un rcit). /On simplifiera en disant que /l/e /preteri/t7simple correspond au pass simple ou?au pass compos en franais, tandis Gque le preterit de Be G+ GBV G+ GingGcorreGs-Opond l'imparfait :[As ,I was going +to the castle (,Alors q[uecj'allais +au chteau), I saw the dogk(j'ai vu / je vis le chien).uConsulte ta DOC sur ce point.L+; .+Put the verb in parenthesis at&the proper form of preterit.Be careful about irregular verbs.La; *+I up in France. `(grow)La; $+I wthey would win. ,Z(know)La; +He a baseball star. Z(become)La;  +I saw the ball as I . (run)La; )+He the fastest. `(run) La; +I baseball because I liked it. Z&(choose)La; +He the ball so fast that no one saw it.T((throw)La; #+He the ball first. Y(catch)La; +I to the crowd whileI was running. f$(listen)LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37Dj +I wonder what to sayafter the game. )A he will )C he's going 9B is he going 9D will heLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +They won't leave,  )A are they ? )C won't they ? 9B will they X9? 9D will he ?LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D4o +When go to Washington ? )A will you )C are you  9B you will 9D you're goingLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D"b +I'm sure his mother will be sad whe n she . )A will know )C shall know  9B know 9D knowsLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D"b$ +They are going to be happy, l? )A are they ? )C will they ?  9B aren't they ?9D sh9all they ?LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DM +I hope you have a good time  in New Mexico. )A )C will  9B do 9D are going LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D!S! +I don't think they'll appreciate, Z? )A do they ? )C won't they ? 9B are they ? 9D will they ?LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D6 +When to play next ? )A are you going)C will you  9B you're going 9D you will LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D \ +When older I will live her e. )A am I )C I am  9B I will be 9D will I be LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D6yx +She come to thegame any more. )A will )C isn't going to 9B is going to 9D won'tL+; Y RxR-f-Z,L'AVENIR+Il existe trois formes pour exprimerl'avenir en anglais. %1- BE + BV + ING .We're playing tennis at 3:00 (comme 6en franais, un verbe au prsent >peut renvoyer l'avenir)J2- BE GOING TO + BV SEn anglais, pour dire ce qu'on a[l'intention de faire, on emploie lacforme BE GOING TO + BV.kEx : I'm going to call my friends.6sJe vais appeler mes amis.L+; :3e3;KkKtt +3- Le FUTUR avec WILL + BV,WILL+ fonctionne comme l'auxiliaireCAN ou MUST ,(il est invariable)+ :+Ex : We will go to the cinema<3tomorrow.<;ou <CWe'll go to the cinema <Ktomorrow. (forme contracte)Z,Attention+ la forme ngativebcontracte : jWe will not go = We won't go.LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D5n +Where go if you were onholiday ? )A will you )C you'd  9B would you 9D do youLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +They said they'd come, ? )A didn't they )C they did 9B would they 9D will theyLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DO +You like to lose, would you  ? )A would )C wouldn't 9B will 9D won't LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D/g$ +I to him if I can. )A will talk )C would talk 9B talk 9D talked LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +What would you do if you him ? )A was )C are  9B\ is 9D were LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D5s +If we enough time, we'd stay in Los Angeles. )A have )C would have  9B had 9D 'd have LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D. +How if you were on the field ?  )A you'd play )C would you play 9B do you play 9D you play LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D-I$ +I rather be on holiday. )A am )C do  9B will 9D 'd LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D5g$ +He to be a baseball$player too. )A 'd like )C like  9B 'll like 9D would LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DN +I think about it any moreif I were him. )A would )C don't  9B will 9D wouldn't L+; M 22NY}YYvxv X FvFddN,LE CONDITIONNEL+1- Formation : ",Would / 'd + BV*+Ex : If I had a chance, I would<2take it.>2- Forme ngative :H,Would not / Wouldn't + BVP+Ex : It wouldn't be nice.\3- Forme interrogative : f,Would + sujet + BVn+Ex : What would you buy if you had<vmoney ?L+; <=5p5=blbbb55##OO<,LA SUPPOSITION : IF+1- Envisager une possibilit :%,IF + present..., FUTUR-+Ex : If I have money, I will buy a<6bike.F2- Supposition propos du pass : R,IF + preterit..., CONDITIONNELZ+Ex : If I had money, I would buy a<cbike.L+; . +Put the verb in parenthesis at theproper form of present perfect.0Be careful about the past#participles for irregular verbs.La; "+They never so happy.p (be)La; (+I already this book. i (read)La; (+he ever you this trick ?i (show)La; +You already him, haven't you?o (see)La; +She Kjust her camera. i (break)La; +They never Los Angeles.i (leave)L+; <22EE%%VVVV%%B,LE PARTICIPE PASSE +1- Des verbes rguliers : )se forme avec la terminaison ED,1comme pour le preterit.=Ex : I have finishED.M2- Des verbes irrguliers :Ydoit tre appris par coeur en aconsultant la liste.L+; ]a]|G| *.*,LE "PRESENT PERFECT" : HAVE + P.P.+L'auxiliaire HAVE est toujours au !prsent : I / YOU / WE / THEY ,HAVE +- B)HE / SHE / IT ,HAS+.7Avec le present perfect, le point de ?vue de celui qui parle est le prsent.IEx : I have finished my work (now).UYES/NO question : Has he finished ?_Rponse brve : Yes, he has.fgNo, he hasn't. sWH-question : What have you done ?L+;  +Des expressions comme ,RECENTLY+, ,TODAY+, ,THIS WEEK+, ,ALL WEEK+, englobent le moment prsent. On emploiera donc le ,present perfect.'+Ex : She hasn't been here all week. /(elle a t absente toute la semaine 7et elle n'est toujours pas l.)@,Dans cette phrase, on se place dansHle moment prsent. T+En revanche, si l'on dit : She wasn't ]here yesterday (elle n'tait pas l ehier), on se place uniquement dans le mpass/m; on ne sait pas si elle est l uaujourd'hui.L+;  +Le ,PRESENT PERFECT +avec ,JUST+ s'emploie pour dire ce que l'on vient de faire : &Ex : I've just finished my work.0.Je viens de finir mon travail. LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D#Z +I very glad when the gameis over.  )A am )C will be  9B was 9D have beenLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D#k +He at 2:00 p.m. Now, it's 2:30 p.m.  )A arrives )C will arrive 9B arrived 9D would arriveLK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D_ +Have you ever z to New Orleans ? )A gone )C going  9B go 9D been LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37Dv +Look ! The Mets back. )A will come )C come  9B would come 9D are coming LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DGw +I really this game. Theyare so good. )A will enjoy )C enjoyed  9B enjoy 9D enjoying LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D +He's got another chance,  )A is he ? )C wasn't he ? 9B isn't he ? 9D hasn't he ? LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D.g +If we , we'll go on holiday . )A won )C would win  9B win 9D have won LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DI +It great if we had more time . )A would be )C is  9B will be 9D has been LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37DZ +I another drink. Can youget it for me ? )A wanted )C like  9B would want 9D want LK; &37C7C&3&q37qD&37D/NT +we leave tomorrow ? )A will )C are  9B would 9D have La; <+you them play yet ?f (hear)La; +I never this before.l (do)La; *+you ever so disappointed ?f (feel)La; +The Dodgers never a final.r (win)L+; w66YAAJJS0S^)^gg+Dans une subordonne commenant parune conjonction de temps, l'ide de futur est exprime par un prsent ou#prsent perfect :.Tell me when you have finished.9Mais aprs un adverbe interrogatif, Bune conjonction de coordination ou unKrelatif, on peut mettre un futur :VWhen will Mark arrive ?_I remember, it was the day when you hgot your driving licence.La; +He to L.A. last year. f(come)#s:D  KV23* * 4C8{Ds }$# . ($ + 8+ cY;a Xi d %\ W Y 1 $ $ (+ $88(8(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0(  , 8(,8() 8()8() 8(,8(,)/8() 8(+)/8() 8(+,8(,,8(+-8( ))8( ,8( -8( ))8( ))8( 8(8(0( ^^~zzzzzzzzzzzz(yy( )) )) )) )) **XX ZZ \\ \\ ]] ZYYZY ZZ YY ZZ YY \ Y ,   (( ( , , , (( ( XX ZZ \\ YHXXHY XYYHY XMX [I\ \IYL, ^^~zzzzzzzzy(z*z) y() ) ) ) ) *^^~zzzzzzzzz(yz*(y ) ) ) ) ) ) * ^^~zzzzzy(z) y() *) ) ) ) *^^~zzzz(yz )z )(y )* ) )* )( ,) ^.}[.p *p {zzz(y***)) , ( ^ ) [}. p. p *{zzzy(***)) , , , , (( , , ,Y,Y ZZ [\ ]] YYYHY YYMY YXH\ Y H[ ,^^((Y (\\X ) XHXX ) YX[*ZHXYHY,ZJYHY ,ZHXIY *z IXI[ )|Y)JZ}Z)H |Z zZyz{{z({)z****)* ) , + ) +* )!)!* * * z [z ] z[z\z ]z ^ yX_ ) yY([XX( ,yY(Z(/ xZ([XX( ( *Z(_ (pZ(_~X[z Z!Z!Z!Z!! 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And you ?LW; ,((''&&%%$$##""!! ,((''&&%%$$##""!! -/-$+- Thank you.$!- r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour,cliquer ton choix.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourcliquer tes choix.'Lorsque cela est fait, 3valide avec l'icone O.K.,?ou bien tape la touche F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste. 4Valide avec l'icone O.K. @ou en tapant la 0Ktouche F10.r> YX *Tape ta rponse l'aide (du clavier, puis valide 4avec la touche ENTREE.r> YX*Clique le(s) triangle(s) etvalide avec O.K. ou avec la(touche F10 lorsque la 4bonne rponse apparat dans@le cadre.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aide du clavier ; dplace-toi (avec les flches, puis4valide en cliquant O.K.$@ou en tapant la0Ktouche F10.T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; &0+Complete the text with theproper expressions of politeness, +:,PLEASE+,, SORRY+,, THANK YOU+,, EXCUSE MELR; N+Sir, could you  tell me where the White House is.0- I'm , but I don't know.@- Never mind, anyway.LR; +- Hello, Mr. I'm but I don't know your name.- I'm Frank, Mr President.- Well, congratulations Frank !(- Mr President. May I have 1your autograph, ?:- Certainly. Here you are. Now, if Cyou'll , I have work Lto do.LR;  +- I'm so that you had to wait. But , sit down. - , Mr President. *- So, was it a tough game ? 6- Well, for saying this Bbut our victory was a piece  Nof cake !L+; $$+Complete the sentences with 6the proper expression. 0Pick the right solution.LW; ""##+to go to'the cinema ?LW; ""##+like'talking to G. Bush ?LW; ""##+interview'this player.LW; ""##+wait any'longer ?LW; ""##+showing 'your trophee to the T.V. ?LW; ""##+we visit 'the White House ?LW; ""##+you, I'd 'stay in Washington.LW; ""##+playing 'another game ?LW; ""##+President, 'I wouldn't live here.LW; ""##+about 'watching the video of the final ?L+; L N+La suggestion(,BV+ = Base Verbale, ,PR+ = Pronom)$ Voici une liste d'expressions)concernant la suggestion et leur2formation :<,.+What about\f@+ ,BV+ + ,ING$D+How about/0L(Que dirais-tu de ...)V,.+Wouldn't you like + ,TO+ + ,BV0^+(N'aimerais-tu pas ...)h,.+Why don't + ,PR+ + ,BV0p+(pourquoi ne pas ...)L+; ,.+Don't you feel +, LIKE ++ ,BV ++ ,ING0+(N'as-tu pas envie de ...),.+If I were you +, PR ++ ,WOULD0%+(Si j'tais ... + conditionnel)B1++ ,NOT+ +, BV62+/5,.+Why69\B;++ ,BV0E+(Pourquoi pas ...)Q,.+Let's + ,BV0Y+(Allons ...)L+; %PM~_N_~QYYQffQrr$+Pick the model corresponding$to the degree of probability*expressed in the sentence.TP1 MayT\2 MightTh3 MustTt4 Can'tLQ;w  +It's impossible that you won again.LQ;w $+I'm certain that he's right.LQ;w +Perhaps you'll be here next year.LQ;w  +He's likely to shake hands with you.LQ;w *+It's doubtful that Mr Bush is available.LQ;w 0+It's not possible to tell $the truth.LQ;w *+He's really not sure about$your interview.LQ;w $+They seem to work for C.B.S.LQ;w +I know for sure that he's from C.N.N.LQ;w +He's convinced of your superiority.L+; .*+Complete the sentence withthe verb in parenthesis to give*an order or an interdiction6 according to the meaning.Lb; Z+here. It's dangerous. (stay)Lb; Z+down please. (sit)Lb; Z+louder, I can't hear* you. (speak)Lb; Z+on this carpet, it's wet. (walk)Lb; Z+quiet. Mr Bush's  talking. (be)Lb; Z+while the President's giving a speech. (talk)Lb; Z+up ! They're rising the flag. (stand)Lb; Z+, it's slippery.6 (run)Lb; Z+your hand if you want to ask a question. (raise)Lb; Z+the bell if you  need me. (ring)L+; 46+Ordres et interdictions6 N'oublie pas qu'un ordre 00s'exprime par l'impratif0@(Base verbale sans TO) et$Pqu'une interdiction s'exprime0`avec DON'T + Base Verbale.L+; ENE}7YpY7fpf7rpr6M~qYYpfforr#*+Pick the proper solution:P1 :\2 :h3 :t4 LQ;w +. of going to New Mexico  for the holidays.L+; 9 <+Exprimer l'intention*Voici une liste d'expressionsd'intention, de projets et leur !formation :'ofz+/-. I'm thinking -+ ,INGz3+\3about=. I'm contemplating + ,INGlE++ xF,ING`G+/L. I intend`P\lS+xT,TO ++ ,BV^+. I plan to +, BVi+. I have a good mind to +, BV<t+(j'ai bien envie de ...)LQ;w $+He . to interview you.LQ;w  +I have . to meet Mr Bush.LQ;w D+We . visiting the  White House.LQ;w +They're6.S..`. about the next season.LQ;w +I . to tell him everything.LQ;w +We . to go to New Orleansto celebrate.LQ;w *+Mr Bush . congratulate the whole team.LQ;w +I . shake hands with Mr Bush.LQ;w +I am . winning again  next year.L+; $$+Complete the sentences with 6the proper expression. 0Pick the right solution.LW; ""#1#+They him of'wanting all the glory.LW; ""#1#$+I you for'having lost the game.LW; ""#1#+You have'left so fast.LW; ""#1#+He to have'answered so rapidly.LW; ""#1#+They on the  'T.V. for lying.LW; ""#H#+They /are for 'playing so bad.LW; ""#H#+W"e/a5r;e of 'wanting too much money.LW; ""#1#+I you with'not working hard enough.LW; ""#1#+I the T.V.'of altering information.LW; ""#`#+Why do they 'with us ?L+; AB+Les reprochesVoici une liste d'expressions lies au reproche et leur formation :0. You shouldn't + have0\0participe4+9. You ought not + to + have /9passB. to reproach somebody ,WITH +(reprocher)K. to blame somebody ,FOR+ (blmer)T. to accuse somebody ,OF +(accuser)]. to be guilty, OF +(tre coupable)f. to put the blame ,ON +someone foro. to find fault ,WITH+ someone forL+; &0+Complete the text with theproper adverbs and conjunctions, +:,ALTHOUGH - BUT - WHEREAS - HOWEVERLR; l+he's the President,  Mr Bush can't make all the decisions.;, he chose you to represent &your team he could have 0chosen another player.0:So you can be happy  Ddon't show it too much ...LR; +You can tell what you like to thereporter be careful aboutwhat you say. journalists"are friendly they enjoy sensational,news. strange this may6sound, it's true. You're becoming a@star the reporter is Ijust a shadow.L+;ë ) uA^A[v[*+Le contraste, la concession. Les conjonctions :although / though bien que / quoique : concession(whereas / while 0tandis que / alors que :0contraste9. Les adverbes :Byet, still / howeverJpourtant / cependantS. Les prpositions :]unlikeZ]\facontrairement econtrary to /oin spite of \fsmalgrwdespite /L+; &0+Complete the text with theBproper prepositions,THOUGH - UNLIKE - DESPITE - WHATEVERLR; f+you say, you won !Nthe Dodgers, the Mets played well they could ,have played even better. AndN8your victory, you remainDmodest.LR; N+the bad weather, we'llfly to New Orleans tomorrow, evenH I'd prefer staying in,Washington. my friend, 8I love cold weather. Dhappens, we'll be gone soon.LQ;w *+. you want to see him, you'll have to wait.LQ;w *+He won't come . you ask him to.LQ;w *+I'll talk . I'm interviewed.LQ;w 0+I'll keep the trophee . I get it.LQ;w +I won't talk . I'm interviewed.LQ;w <+If I have time I . Washington.LQ;w 0+If we leave now, we . the President.LQ;w +I . stay here if I could.LQ;w <+If I . President, I'd be happy.LQ;w $+Once you tell me where to go,I . L+; ENE} 6M~7YY6ff7rrff* +Pick the proper solution.:P1 :\2 :h3 :t4 L+; F H+La conditionLes conjonctions :,IF+ (si), ,UNLESS+ ( moins que),%,PROVIDED+ ,THAT+ (pourvu que),.,UNTIL+ (jusqu'/avant que),7,ONCE+ (une fois que)Bexpriment une condition.KLes propositions en IF se construisentW,IF+ + ,PRESENT+, ,FUTUR `+= supposition propos du prsenti,IF ++ ,PRETERIT+, ,CONDITIONNEL+ (would) r= supposition propos du passL+; $$+Complete the sentences with 6the proper expression. 0Pick the right solution.LW; nn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccnn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccXn#X#x+to the Mets, I'm'here to receive the trophee.LW; "wwwxyz{|}~~"wwwxyz{|}~~s#0s#+It's they played 'so well that he's here.LW; nn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccnn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccXn#X#x+he loved journalism 'he became a reporter.LW; l l/Z+h+Z*h*Z)h)[(g(\'f']&e&^%d%_$c$`#b#a"a"l l/Z+h+Z*h*Z)h)[(g(\'f']&e&^%d%_$c$`#b#a"a"Vl0V0*+Mr Bush has become a Presidentr$he was elected.LW; nn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccnn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccXn#X#x+your interview, 'you'll be invited to a coktail party.LW; ""##+You'll be on T.V.,'you'll be famous.LW; nn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccnn"\j\j\j]i^h_g`faebdccXn#X#x+your success, 'you'll be interviewed.LW; ss.a*o*a)o)a(o(b'n'c&m&d%l%e$k$f#j#g"i"h!h!ss.a*o*a)o)a(o(b'n'c&m&d%l%e$k$f#j#g"i"h!h!]s/]/<+Mr Bush is late. As a x#you must wait.LW; ll'Z#h#Z"h"Z!h![ g \f]e^d_c`baall'Z#h#Z"h"Z!h![ g \f]e^d_c`baaVl(V(*+The President's a busy man,rit's difficult to-see him.LW; ll'Z#h#Z"h"Z!h![ g \f]e^d_c`baall'Z#h#Z"h"Z!h![ g \f]e^d_c`baaVl(V(*+I'll go to New Orleansrto your victory.L+; #  v B]B _u_#  $+La raison et la consquence,.+Les conjonctions :because (parce que)&as (comme)/since (puisque)9,.+Les adverbes :Ctherefore (donc)Las a result (par consquent)V,.+Les prpositions :`because of ( cause de)jthanks to (grce )tfollowing (suite )L+; PNP}BY{YBf{fBr{r{YY|ff{rrAM~YYffrr3<+Pick up your choice.EP1 In order toE\2 So thatEh3 With a view toEt4 ThusLI;o $+I'll practise harder . get better.LI;o *+I'll practise harder . I'll get better.LI;o B+I'll come back . I may visit all of Washington.LI;o +We went to Aspen . bein good shape.LI;o *+We went to Aspen . we were in good shape.LI;o $+We went to Aspen . we could be in good shape.LI;o +We went to Aspen .being in good shape.LI;o 6+I'm going to New Orleans *. celebrating.LI;o +I'm going to New Orleans . we'll celebrate.L+; 46+Le but et le rsultat . In order to + BV (afin de)(In order\ ,.T.that + sujet + modal.+ BV*4So /:(afin que) J. With a view to + BV + ING rV(dans le desseiVnVde) b. Thus (ainsi)L+; :<+Les gots, souhaits, < regrets, prfrences.N'oublie pas que :(. la 3me personne du singulier au 0prsent (he/she/it), le verbe prend 8un S : he lovesD. aprs un modal on a une base verbalDe : Lcan't + BV (stand) et que le modal esLt Tinvariable`. le verbe tre se conjugue :  hI'm, you're, he/she's, we're, you're, pthey're.L+; ??IITT__+. aprs les verbes exprimant un got permanent, on a un grondif : I love jumping*. le grondif change le verbe avec6run ,->+ runningAtravel ,->+ travellingLswim ,->+ swimmingWlose ,->+ losingL+;  )) M"MV[[)*+You have three situations.0,1+ ,2+ ,3+to love `to like , +to hate to be fond of to enjoy can't stand,Replace the number (,1+/,2+/,3+) by the4proper verb at the proper form and<complete the action with a gerund. EEx : He ,1 +(ski) -> he loves skiingE.TM,or +he's fond of skiinMg.L;  +He ,3 +(cry) -> L;  +I ,3 +(lose) ->L;  +They ,1+ (win) ->L;  +She ,2+ (play) ->L+; R T+Le souhait ,1+. Si l'on souhaite quelque chose quiest ralisable, on emploie : . I wish + ,TO+ + ,BV (+. I wish + ,SOMEBODY+ + ,TO+ + ,BV2/+I feel like2,\ ;+. ;,|;+I fancy;,|;++ ,BV ++ ,INGB\B/D+I'm looking forward to N. I'd like to, \lR++ ,BV`V/W+I'd love to `,2+. Si l'on souhaite quelque choseid'hypothtique :sIt would be +, ADJ+ (nice,sgreat,setcs)L+; )QNQ}CY|YCf|fCr|rBM~|YY}ff}rr0+Pick the proper solutionBto express wishes.FP1 F\2 Fh3 Ft4 LM;u $+I . go to New Mexico.LM;u +I'm sure he . to be here.LM;u *+He . you to answer some questions.LM;u +He always . meeting Mr Bush.LM;u 0+I . to say a word.LM;u 0+He . leaving now.LM;u 6+It . be great if wecould stay.LM;u *+I would be nice if I . visit the White House.LM;u +I can't believe he . stopping baseball last year !LM;u +Did you . winning this year ?L+; Q T+Le regret ,1+. Formuler des excuses :- I apologize ,FOR +\+, BV ++ ,ING+- I feel awful ,ABOUT+ / (,2+. Formuler un regret concernant le0prsent ou l'avenir :8- It's a pity that@- I'm sorry that J,3+. Un regret concernant le pass :R- If only I had ... / I wish I hadZ- I regret + ,BV ++ ,ING d4+. Un regret propos de ce que l'onmfait : - I regret to + ,BVTu+- I'm sorry to +, BVL+; $$+Complete the sentences with 6the proper expression. *Pick the right expression.LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+I for being late.LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+We having to leave 'so soon.LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+we could stay'longer !LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+Isay that I'don't agree.LW; ""#A#$+What the whole 'team's not here !LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+Iabout what I 'said.LW; ""#A#+I am my parents'can't see me.LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+Imore time.LW; "tttuvwx~y}z|{{"tttuvwx~y}z|{{p#$p#+We about keeping 'you waiting.LW; ""#A#$+They for asking 'so many questions.L+; F H+La prfrence,1+. Pour exprimer une prfrenceportant sur le prsent ou l'avenir :*.I would rather +, BV+ (+ ,THAN ++ ,BV+)2.I prefer +, TO ++ ,BV>+Si la prfrence concerne une autre Gpersonne :R.I would rather +, NOM+/,PRONOM R++ R,PRETERIRT [+I'd rather you stayed heref.I prefer +, NOM+/,PRONOM+ +, TO ++, BV o+I prefer you to stay hereL+;  ,2+. Si la prfrence porte sur le pass  : .I'd rather +, HAVE ++ ,PARTICIPE PASSE +.I'd have preferred to +, BV&+Si la prfrence concerne une autre /personne : 9.I'd have preferred you ,TO+ stay thereL+; R T+Discussion Voici quelques expressions concernantl'accord :%. to be right (avoir raison)-. to agree with5. to be of the same opinion as=. to approve ofE. to have no objection toOet le dsaccord :Y. to be wrong (avoir tort)a. to differ with someone oni. to disagree withq. to disapprove ofL+; L  N+La surprise Pour exprimer la surprise, on emploi edes formes exclamatives : ,1+ - Avec un adjectif :%. How + ,ADJ+ (+ ,Sujet ++ ,Verbe+) !$-How beautiful it is !5. (,Sujet ++ ,Verbe+ +) ,SO ++ ,ADJ6=+It 's so great ! D,2+ - Avec un groupe nominal :L., WHAT ++ ,A+/,AN+ + ,G.N.*T+what a great day ! \,3+ - Il y a galement les expressions :e. I wonder atm. It's incredible that ... u. I can't believe ... !L+; JJ--U+Pick the proper ordereto express a preference.L+; " +Complete the following dialoguesby picking the proper solution.LS:      6EAA@@??>>==<<;;::99886EAA@@??>>==<<;;::99885F5F +- What a great city ! - with you,it's beautiful. +- Too bad, the weather's so cold. :- :this,II love winter.LS:  < .=99887766554433221100.=99887766554433221100->->+- I think football's a dangerous sport.- I'm of as"you, and so is baseball.2- 2you Bhere, baseball's not dangerousNat all.LS:   6EAA@@??>>==<<;;::99886EAA@@??>>==<<;;::99885F:5F+- New York's the capital of the U.S.- . It's!Washington !+- All right, but I prefer New York.:- I haveHto this !L+; $$+Complete the sentences with 6the proper expression. *Pick the right expression.LW; xxx y z { | }~xxx y z { | }~tt+I that Mr Bush will be in front of me !LW; &""!! &""!! '.' +It's a great day !LW; &""!! &""!! '.'+I'm glad to +be here.LW; &""!! &""!! '.'+I at what I'm+going to say.LW; &""!! &""!! '`'$+It's just LW; }}&k"y"k!y!k y lxmwnvouptqsrr}}&k"y"k!y!k y lxmwnvouptqsrrg}'g'+a unique moment!LW; }}&k"y"k!y!k y lxmwnvouptqsrr}}&k"y"k!y!k y lxmwnvouptqsrrg}'g'+wonderful it is +to win !LW; &""!! &""!! '`'+I'm really+at the size of the White House.LW; &""!! ԋ&""!! '.'$+I at my +appearance on T.V.LW; &""!! &""!! '.'+I'm at the  +seriousness of Mr Bush.L+; :< +Degrs de probabilit+Si tu as des difficults faire;cet exercice, je te conseille deKretourner au domaine du verbe pour[revoir les modaux.r> YX *Clique tes choix l'aidedu curseur, puis valide$avec l'icone OK ou avec0la touche F10. Clique  <l'icone CLR si tu tu veux Heffacer tes rponses.LI;o $+I'll come back . visiting all of Washington.*s*( l#-n&   !  u2 C >  z{  ||  P  )  X :  4  C|88(8(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0(  , 8(,8() 8()8() 8(,8(,)/8() 8(+)/8() 8(+,8(,,8(+-8( ))8( ,8( -8( ))8( ))8( 8(8(0(    " " "   ,)))).))((((8((8())* *+ +()+))** )) ) ( (88( ) (<( ) (<( (9(9( (9(9( ( (99( ( (99( ((8) (99 (99 (99 (99 ( ** ( (*)* ,)))) . )) (((( 8((8() )**++(* ))) ) )) ) (88()(<( (<(( (9(9) (9(9( (98) (8(( (((9)9 )9 ()9*)) ,)))) . )) (((( 8((8() )**++())))* *)) ) ) (88( ) (<( ) (<((9(9*(9+ ,9(*(99( (8)99999999 ** (()( ,)))) . )) (((( 8 )(8(( *)+**(+ ) ))) ) )) )(88( ( (<( (9(9( (9(9( (99( (88( ( 99)9(9) *)) ,)))) . )) (((( 8((8() )**++(* ))) ) )) * (<( =( :)9( :*9( 9*9( 9) 8( 9(  ) 9 8* 98+ 99*)) ,)))) . )) (((( 8 )(8(( *)+**(+ ) ))) * )) ) (88( (<(( (= ( (9): ((9*: )9)9 )8 (9 ) (9 9( ) 9( *8 9 +89*)) ,)))).))((((8)(8((*) +* )(+ *))+) )) *) (88( ( ) (<( (<( (9(9( ( (9(9( ( (99( ( (99( ( )8(( 99( 99( 99( 99( ** *)*(,)))).))((((8)(8(()) ** *+ ,)) ))) )(8< )(> )):*):) )) (*:) + ( ) : )( ) *( ( *( (( 8(( 8((((,)))) . )) (((( ( 8 ( ()(8(( +)+**(+ ) ))) ) )) )(88( (<( (<( (9(9( (9(9( (99( (88( ( 99)9(9) *)) ,)) ( )) ( . 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B{ɠKy.O ManajSimmigtmov.Nȡ[uSjish haxecomI sɠcguageLEa# kɠkuntunreЏwџeautiɠseacrameniows.}'.H(?.W1/f3f-мu+,15:>?r?GT6A<ABC\Df5>5MBD\н\kDc TAo!K.'*nalsn t-%,05+belong\)a/s& In_yΠ=$/! */+} ?#?5?L??m?1&32yn$ ?$5.well-known "T"iM/ G+r2sB"r2: ֲɠ %F :P`(~,U%15%:>A,15:>66GR:>A5(,$GAǖ( 15AǠ>o,, ,,);M_#_5_G_b<5#OB-Los Ange~f(V!N."O$"m5d E?xspok'B7/qineaAr/`0(aPa2Т?GoldӠGp br#id2n.O.U.C.4O"Aqa/;DirectlyяqMX@{QcBg4#!Wash.48~ɠbut ialH)firs~#Amer< PpnGeorkaa}a !cry. DHnd찟d8:m5umb`}Bushmrr lfWhib0HIhs meet.fAOX*3gpr/h rt_@iarmy+allaagon,cQK1. cB8â wi|rh1.+AoCaju AodZQrh8Mar Grasq4bq@kBqre, wanRebjazzr onLdaǠ\1always sNmusVW@&p!danv, g0`a boat-p;OMwissppi`riژvȘhj shrimp nighE# w?t1Rw@umi d_W____@_o"o4dD`p =cJbVohhLouisiana>oĐlonizp)Խt ypnlҧirֻfam<\Ђ !١?2a`@imK@! VmA r]BLٴMatiRf_vitiep4%7e a pn:э  a/ Mexic̈́Sbord0k#n2rlowb g 1YRiondhideli҉ptI;(%betwe k$TexI(0bgq n#I ndsLG8Njs,ca=HyQ@$d@Hpd.80Op PwEwase@PHa@k2ŐlL1'PfW@hǐObuffalo;XcloN ng.-0owaE?0k10mwu0s0wt0l0wi0v0we0o0n;eserv?1޳Navaj.Nribd̀Ⲏhf(ny'b7uil2ir␝pado-zrCad"`tx`llacc &custom's7I[mvag'pr22@c$p;s~"`poughO2 b=q(dEem ޳d`/O9D\RJ"{o4z94"B8  )Ӫ!R>!}^opc"93Đmmun$&bg+o(jtb \ !vyv"uW=#so urfbudP-jO=>PQ=#P'QNNJTQ<,PTQс'QU>PɃIIV_(h_z__D[DUHRD=uF Y^skeshowYT(oF 6ht*tC.tautd8+K!tay˪P!{na9ewaime00n,Ml't /fC P퐎nt4?18fkagqr0vsIeݤN"/fOD0etw~ϖI p@errp0 S#Ђ ob Gven@[b` DvŮ-j)Nev @ yeĭ#sai0dhmo uCb3didk@ ,0@d pIRzT` T` .DpT`1P `jhfT`T`-bie ` `'PA`L`4%@Y` by`CP `SP`QR``T`WP #P.\pa qpWp;E  U7:p9Ep:p#Nb88(Wp(+)w)^p-jpcq)9))#*msjqp8xtkp,v+8v+v*8pw)8)wpxssp8lt8+8tv;99mrar\v0(  , ^p,cp)5)>;,)=/^p) cphp.`,c,2i-_p jp 5 ~$  ˏݏ    * ( z | xzxx z x8 @ { } { x) x:L}Wy2 gm[>  {  zyz * ( ( 0x} z z @* M֑ fx p쑠 *( x% z2B ݐ  |z P(p)((9))(j `((٘ش˜ؚ(!8()) ( *9*+ ((8(9(/p (p)(8( +  ))9( *:+N9+(-() (  ,?(+ * )+) ** )l&)9)е л9)(((8)***й(u+`*k' )mкх+ -*$㹫( k?))'иml ckЧ{#y , )hQm )mЂ9(&y )UU dnXl y%mx,,j98(O  (- (+9(+:** b 5.н) ~pС )"'pL;+* W. !ѹHL 8 U )YO<C,*߽( `  c   f ZP:    Ӑ8 +9(8o9;9( . <(c)Copyright M.D.O. 1992 - version 1.1 <  Kccc NYa cNhb  cNyc cN d c? *B cc NYa cNj b cNz c  cNd  c? *Bc N_a cNpb cNc c? *vBzNcpN .c8NNc%%cp%cTcccc p$$c@."cccA. cccB'Pccv@? *cPcc c c c c c c c  c  c  c  c  cc c c c c c c c c c c 8rV  <Z2n? tdMxELP3VofN 9$O~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRR"GROUPE NOMINAL0......... page 1 1a- La dtermination Ab- La comparaison ........... page 13 Qc- La quantification ........ page 19 ad- Les pronoms .............. page 22L+; MiFirQr"21/2NLes dterminantsUn nom qui n'voque qu'une ide ou une$notion peut tre dtermin l'aide-d'articles, d'adjectifs dmonstratifs,6interrogatifs et possessifs, avec un?gnitif ou une construction dter?mi-Hnante.XIl faut d'abord reprer si le nom estadnombrable (one cat, three cats) oujindnombrable (milk, love, furniture)L+; (o(22"32/2 Attention !  Selon le contexte, un nom peut tre *dnombrable (that was a delicious 3cake)  <ou Eindnombrable (I hate cake).L+; 00:::TV]VYtlt)DLDTD|D6MXMb.bTkdkt(tk%k"63/5Attention quelques emplois particuliers.(- Voici quelques exemples pour les nom(s2propres :*<Prince Charles (titre + nom)=2OE"the Prince (titre)Nthe Joneses (nom pluriel)Zthe English (adj employ comme nomZ)*cEnglishmend2Ol"an EnglishmanL+; S`t`a`aba`ac```c#mEm2m2p TT"74/5Britain (nom singulier) 2O "the U.S.A., the Uq.xS}.S.R.(initiales) "the Thames (cours d'eau) +the Rocky Mountains (chane de monta- 3gne) <the Atlantic (nom de mer ou d'ocan)L- Voici quelques exemples pour L, LtheL, La:M2OX"I go to school on Monday in HY2OYOTc"(lieu c(jour)$dwinter.e2ONk"fonction)p(saison)L+; 5F|==51;1"85/5 I play the piano (instrument dexmusique) )He was a doctor (attribut) 5He came back twice a week (expression=idiomatique=)T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF@"1FLA DETERMINATION0.  1a- Catgories de noms . page 2 Ab- Les articles . page 4 Qc- Les dmonstratifs . page 9 ad- Le gnitif . page 11L+; /!!QQ!!QQ[R[u_u"41/50 Les articles , a/an, the~ 2O"a) Pour parler en gnral :$devant dnombrables %2O,"et indnombrables.5Ex  5:65water boils at 1002V".*62O6="cats are wild animals.*>2OI"b) Pour parler de ce qui est indfini I:S. Dnombrable : \There is %a" bird in the tree.dThere are birds in the tree.Te5Om". Indnombrable :vThere is water on the table.Nw5OL+; G%d9dedudddSDD"91/2H Les dmonstratifs This/ these dsigne ce qui est proch e.,That/ those dsigne ce qui est loign,.T<Le possessif  HIl faut le choisir en fonction du Qpossesseur, non de l'objet possd. \Ex \:$\Jane takes her car to bring her$dchildren to school.L+; "^IqI"102/2Own renforce l'ide de possession.Ex  :*Now she has her own car.-Les possessifs sont plus employs5qu'en franais.AEx  A:*AHe broke his leg.L+; #BGB5B5Dqtttv "111/2 Gnitifs et construction avec o f : Dterminer un nom avec un autre nom. (Un gnitif dterminatif peut tre  0remplac par un dterminant. 9Ex 9:$9Mary's car is blue.0DHer% " car is blue. QAttention ! Certains gnitifs ont une Zfonction adjectivale (on peut les  cremplacer par un adjectif) lEx l:$lGrammar is a child's game$vGrammar is an easy game.L+; 0-M-0-M---e6o666xWWkjj"122/2On n'utilise le gnitif que lorsquele premier nom dsigne un anim.%Ex &%:0%Bob's book - The dog's food.0.The door of the house.>Le 2me nom peut tre omis pourFviter une rptition,OEx &O:0OThis car is Dan's.Xou pour indiquer un lieu.bEx &b:0bGo to the baker's Mary.L+; h""h""h""R""F""@""13KLA COMPARAISON 8a- Comparatif . page 14 Hb- Superlatif . page 16 Xc- Accroissement . page 18L+; M (( IAI%I%K jj"141/2N La comparaison a) Comparatif de supriorit. ,adj. court + er .than 5My car is faster than yours. Aadj. long + more + adj. + than J(> 2 syl) SMy car is more comfortable than yoursS. bb) Comparatif d'galit : las + adj. + as uDan is as tall as Gordon.L+;   II"152/2 c) Comparatif d'ingalit. not as<$+ adj. + as (not so 1Jill is not so tall as Dan. Ad) Comparatif d'infriorit. Mless + adj + than WMy car is less comfortable than _yours.L+; TT(Z(e\ep=="161/2T Le superlatif . Supriorit :,the + adj. court-est5Dan is the tallest.Dthe most + adj.MIt's the most interesting idea. ]. Infriorit :ithe least + adj.rIt's the least difficult question.L+; "172/2 Attention aux irrguliers :&good better the best/bad worse the worst8little less the leastAmuch/many more the mostJfar farther farthestSold older the oldestL+; L)R)QLQ"181/1N L'accroissement . Progressif :0Things are getting worse and worse0. H. Parallle :XThe more the merrier.L+; C DDDD8{888{{~8|8~"191/3HLA QUANTIFICATION$L aussi il faut d'abord reprer si le-nom est dnombrable ou indnombrable.<;dnombrables indnombrablesGExcs far too many far too muchSTotalit all allN]everyNgbothoQuasiNsmost most wtotalitL+; A A~A A~ Xdk"202/3H dnombrables indnombrablesMoiti half half&GrandeT*many*much.quantit:Quantit T>enough>enoughBsuffisanteNCertaineTRsome someVquantitBZ(rponse positive envisage)Tcany anyHk(pour indiquer l'incertain xtet le ngatif)L+; AA~AA~xz~w{"213/3Hdnombrables indnombrables%Faible few%little.quantitZ.a few.a littleBAbsenceTBnot any not any`KnoKnoL+; M 3"3}Q"Q~o"o~"}}~"~00FF[["221/2TLES PRONOMS%sujet I you he/she/it we they3compl- <7me you him/her/it us them ;mentrHhis/hers/Iposses- <MmAMiFMnKMe VMy[Mo`MueMrjMs MoMuMrMsMtheirMs QsifsrRits_adj.<cmy your wch|cics/hcecr/ictcscocucr their gposs.L+; 11$$1BB0rr101Iffff717CDDDDSpS"232/2r flchi&my0s4e8l<fGyLoQuVrZs^eblefuhyi}mself ourselvesthemselvesT/Ys]ealdvhels wh|erselfw'its'e'l'f7r7 7c7i7p7r 7o%7q*7u/7e each other/ one anotherKLe pronom one peut remplacer un groupKeSnominal comportant un dnombrable.]Ex ]:]I love ice creams. Let's buy one.L+;    (}(4X4QcQ=4=N=]=E.ENEENZ^ZZZb3b"52/5 c) Pour parler de ce qui est dfini soit d'aprs la situation, soit  d'aprs le contexte : ,. Dnombrable : 5Look at the dog over there.=The dog which barks is a nuisance. I. Indnombrable :RThis is the water we took from theZwell. fCe qui est unique par nature est donc ndfini : vthe moon, the sun, the East ...L+;    (}(4X4QcQ=4=N=]=E.ENEENZ^ZZZb3b"52/5 c) Pour parler de ce qui est dfini soit d'aprs la situation, soit  d'aprs le contexte : ,. Dnombrable : 5Look at the dog over there.=The dog which barks is a nuisance. I. Indnombrable :RThis is the water we took from theZwell. fCe qui est unique par nature est donc ndfini : vthe moon, the sun, the East ...(c)Copyright M.D.O. 1992 - version 1.1  & Kccc N]a c*Nnb  c*N~c c*? B cc NQa c*Ob b c*Nq c c*Nd c*N e c*? Bc Naa  c*Nsb c*? vBc ,Nba c*Nsb c*Nc c*?  BzNcpN .c8NNc%%cp%cTcccc p$$c@."ccc*<A. ccc*<B3Pccvc @? c*Pcc c <c <c <c <c <c <c < c < c < cc  c < c <c <c <c <cc ,c <c <c <c <c <c <8rVKK<ZSQv!  v]{v$}g/w&_} 1O~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRKL"LE GROUPE VERBAL 6a- Les temps ................ page 1 Fb- La modalisation .......... page 11 Vc- Les structures ........... page 17T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF@"1XLES TEMPS )a- Temps et aspect .......... page 2 9b- Present .................. page 4 Ic- Preterit ................. page 5 Yd- Present perfect et apluperfect ............... page 6p8 qe- Dclencheurs ............. pageL+; h""h""h""R""F""@""11ILA MODALISATION :a- Valeur des modaux ........ page 12 Jb- Remplacer les modaux .... page 15L+; X eue"21/2ZLes temps Ne pas faire correspondre les temps (grammaticaux franais et anglais. 4Pour trouver la forme correcte, il <faut considrer la fois le temps Dchronologique et le point de vue du Llocuteur. ]Les formes simples vhiculent des  finformations.L+; "32/2- Les formes complexes renseignent surle point de vue du locuteur.&. s'il s'agit d'une situation .particulire : T7-> %Be + V-ingG". s'il s'agit d'un bilan : TP-> %have + pPpL+;  &_& VrV@@____ggggggw////SNzpzyzz"41/1TLe Prsent Prsent simple : '- habitude : they usually stay homeZ/for Christmas. 8- gnralit : she hates driving atl@night. NPrsent be + Ving : W- action en droulement : look ! It's_raining. i- commentaire sur l'activit du sujeti:rMark is always teasing me !L+; #p#SZZ--T66oo@@@@"51/1T Le preterita) Preterit simple :%- vnements rvolus : I went to*.London last week.8- distanciation modale : if I were*Ayou I would not do that.Rb) Preterit be + V-ing :^- Point de vue centr sur l'activit^gdu sujet : he was still watching meZpwhen I slammed the doorp.L+; A(r(RRzFz<<q<<<*ESE)pIppp$"61/2$ Present perfect et pluperfect a) Present perfect :+- Bilan au prsent d'activits passe+s.4Ex  4:*4We have read two novels this *=morning.Jb) Present perfect be + V-ing :V- Constat prsent commentant l'acti-_vit du sujet. hEx  h:*hWatch their faces. They've beenqplaying video games all night long.L+; S0;k;;;"72/2c) Pluperfect : - bilan un moment donn d'une)priode antrieure.3Ex &3:03When I met him Fred had become0<a real baseball star.L+;  =n=pApMpQpZnApAn[p[Q"81/3T Dclencheurs Prpositions et adverbes sont des &dclencheurs. 4Reprage temporel @%at" (2 o'clock) prsent simpleH%in" (July)HoupK%>Pon" (Sunday)Ppreteritb%for" (3 weeks) p.perfect ou preteribtp%since" (Monday) p.perfectL+; rr!r&r0prp1r1r8r=rBrGp8r8pHrHTYAYYAYTZTeTjTtRZTZRuTu"92/3 Droulement at the momentnowr%> "present be + V-ing'these days7thenr;%>};"preterit be ;+ ;V-ing?in those days QHabitude[usuallycoften %> "prsent simplekneverL+; %1%s.s:s?sKq.s.qLsL"103/3Bilan 6,before64alreadyr8%> "present perfect6<recently6DyetL+; I"121/3H Valeur des modaux Les auxiliaires modaux servent  $exprimer le point de vue du locuteur ,sur les chances de ralisation d'un 4vnement.@%presque certain...hypothse...incertai@nI"must%/"will%/"should%/"may%/"can%/"cIoIuIlId%/"miIgIhIt%/"cIaInI'ItYChaque modal a une valeur particulireaqui porte sur la libert laisse auisujet.L+; "132/3 %can" Capacit physique ou intellec-*tuelle - I can't speak Spanish.*!Possibilit - I can help you if})you want. 0pret. %Could @may" Permission - May @I @have@a @biscuit @?xHYou may not drive xPmy car. \%must" /\O6\bligation - I must get up at \10/eDduction -xeYou must be tired.HnYou went to bed very late.L+; "143/3 %should" Conseil - You shouldn't smoke $%shall" Volont du locuteur,6,suggestion - Shall we go ? <%will " Bonne volont du sujet,6Dprdiction - Boys will be boysD. T%would" Prdiction lie une habitudeT,6\ une caractristique du sujet\-6dOf course, many would forget6lmy birthday.L+; =++"151/2<Remplacer les modaux#exp. verbales /capacit CAN be able to 9permission MAY be allowed to Cobligation MUST have to Mconseil SHOULD had better Wprfrence would ratherL+; "162/2AdverbesB$MUST$certainlyB0WILL probablyB<MAY perhaps, may beBHCOULD possiblyBTMIGHT unlikelyL+; h""h""h""R""F""@""17LLES STRUCTURES :a- Tag et rponse courte. page 18 Jb- Passif . page 20 Zc- Discours indirect . pageZ22L+; 7eenBneenCn"181/26 Tag et rponses courtes %Le tag est une reprise par auxiliaire $ une forme contraste" (ngative si  ,la principale est affirmative, ou le 4contraire). @La rponse correcte peut tre la Hmme forme ou une forme contraste. TOn l'utilise : ]- pour tablir ou maintenir le fcontact.o. The match is starting at 11, $wisn't it ?L+; %:%BB%:%BBKRK"192/2- pour se faire confirmer quelquechose.&. You can do it for Monday, can't *.you ? :- pour ragir aux paroles de Cquelqu'un. M. You're American, aren't you ?*UOf course, I am.a.- I can't swim. $i- Neither can I.q. You like tea but I don't.L+; Y"201/2ZLe passif %Il est form sur le mme principe )qu'en franais. 5"Ex 5:$5A cow bumped into my car.$=My car was bumped into by a cow. MIl est utilis trs souvent en anglaMis Vpour dcrire objectivement, quand on _ne sait pas qui fait l'action (on), hou pour mettre en valeur un lment.L+; "212/2Ex ,:6200 persons were invited.6 I was told to mind my own6'business.61I was asked to call you.6;It can't be done. Forget about6Cit.L+; ;PPmTm"221/2<Le discours indirect Mary : "Can you take me downtown ?"*Mary asked if I could take her 2downtown.>%Attention !H"- au verbe introducteurQsay, tell, mais aussi ask, wonder,Yregret ...e- au pronomnqu'il faut reprer en fonction duvlocuteur.L+; RR"232/2- la concordance des tempsprsent -> preterit'can -> could0may -> might9will -> wouldJ- certains adverbes et expressionJsThere - there]last night - the night beforefcome - goL+; RR"232/2- la concordance des tempsprsent -> preterit'can -> could0may -> might9will -> wouldJ- certains adverbes et expressionJsThere - there]last night - the night beforefcome - go&(c)Copyright M.D.O. 1992 - version 1.1 & & Kccc N^a cNvb  cNc c? tB cc  NS a cN_ b cNk c cNx d cN e cN f cN g c? tBc NY a  cLh b  cNw c  cN d  cM e c? tBc NZ a cNl b cN~c cNd c? tBzNcpN .c8NNc%%cp%cTcccc p$$c@."cccA. cccB3Pccc@? tcFPcc c c c c c c c  cc  c  c  c  c c cc c c c c (,bVqT<Z#$*2K #; ^ ^ Y@N LO~ |. "Clique sur un sujetou tape sa lettreau clavier.L+; O~ |. "Dplace-toi dans lecours en cliquantsur les icones.L+; hhhRK..."Fonctions de communication 6a- Relations de civilit ->Discussion . page 1 Nb- Influence exerce surVautrui . pageV9 fc- Apprciation . page 15T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; hhhRF "1RELATIONS DE CIVILITE - DISCUSSION .a- S'excuser, regretter . page 2 :b- Offre et remerciement . page 3 Fc- Surprise . page 4 Rd- Reproche . page 5 ^e- Incrdulit . page 6 jf- Moquerie . page 7L+; B###nFnko}o#fnf"21/10Quelques expressions pourBs'excuser, regretter 2- Sorry, so sorry. >- Please excuse me. J- It's a pity I have forgotten theRtime. ^- I apologize for being late. gI regret arriving so late.L+; A$$X}X"31/1B Offre, remerciement - Dire "je vous en prie"(. It's all right.0. Never mind.8. It doesn't matter.@. Don't worry.P- Remercier poliment\. That's all right.d. Don't mention it.l. you're welcome.L+; <"41/1< Exprimer la surprise"- Really !.- How strange !:- You don't say !F- It's amazing !R- Isn't that surprising ?^- I can't believe oit !j- What an idea !L+; B?_?f?v?MeM[k[r[[i_i"51/1BFaire des reproches )- That 's not fair. 7- How dare you say that ? E- You shouldn't have said that. S- Why didn't you keep quiet ? a- Couldn't you keep quiet ?L+; 6"61/16Exprimer l'incrdulit(- You're joking !8- You're not serious !H- That's incredible !X- Don't make me laugh !h- You're kidding !L+; _%H%[["71/1` Moqueri e- Se moquer :(. That's a good one.1. You must be joking.:. Don't be silly.C. Don't be funny.R- Rpondre une moquerie :^. Very clever.g. So what ?p. That's just like you.L+; hhhRF "9#INFLUENCE EXERCEE SUR AUTRUI 1a- Suggestion . page 110 ?b- Ordre . page ?11 Mc- Conseil . page M12 [d- Projet, intention . page[13 ie- Souhait . pagei14L+; _1L1R1]1d1p1@3@;@F@N@Y@QRQgQwQavaaaq7q<qHq"101/1`Suggrer (- Why don't we go out tonight ? 8- Shall we go out tonight ? H- What about going out tonight ? X- Do you feel like going out tonighXt ? h- Let's go out tonight.L+; S)=A=_=l=MLM])]/]G]m:mAmYm"111/1T Donner un ordre$- Come here.4- I want you to come.D- Come and see me.T- Do keep quiet.d- Don't stay here.L+; X60Y06AfA6QdQaaqqqq"121/1ZConseiller(- You should go by bus.8- You ought to go by bus.H- You'd better go by bus.X- If I were you I'd go by bus.h- I would advise you to go by bus.L+; AH\\SPlP+DMD/8Z8\\aqqqqKD`DiPP"131/1BProjets, intentions$- I think I'll go to Los Angeles.0- We plan to go to the movies.<- I intend to become the best.H- I didn't mean to hurt you.T- We are contemplating crossing the]Rocky Mountains.i- You aren't thinking of driving torLos Angeles !L+; \(,S,'<^<~<<'LLLL'eOeSe`e0u_uuu"141/1\Souhaiter$- I wish to go to Europe once.4- I feel like driving my own car.D- I'm looking forward to skiing thisMwinter.]- I'd like to go with you.m- It would be great to be together.L+; B"81/1B"Exprimer son accord-- Of course4- Sure=- ExactlyE- SurelyM- AbsolutelyU- Definitely]- CertainlyL+; O"15SAPPRECIATION 1a- Prfrence . page 16 Cb- Indiffrence . page 17 Uc- Insistance . page 18 gd- Enthousiasme . . page 19L+; A)6J6$gWg^gwg"161/1BChoix et prfrence.- I prefer chips.>- I like it better.N- I like them best.^- I'd rather stay here.L+; P"171/1NIndiffrence,- I don't care.<- I don't mind.L- If you like.\- As you like.L+; UA00HAjA:QSQ;`j`Gyjy"181/1BDegrs d'insistance(- We enjoyed it very much indeed.8- That's pretty clear, isn't it ?H- It's most difficult.X- It's far more interesting withoutathe results.q- That's rather obvious.L+; 0"191/10Exprimer son enthousiasme ,- Wow !,- Fantastic ! <- Super !<- Smashing ! L- Great !L- Marvellous ! \- Terrific !\- Wonderful !Tl- Lovely !L+; 0"191/10Exprimer son enthousiasme ,- Wow !,- Fantastic ! <- Super !<- Smashing ! L- Great !L- Marvellous ! \- Terrific !\- Wonderful !Tl- Lovely !7