O `4 sp BCSBCSBCSBCSBCSBCS 1AY&&fB B&B* xNEd4g6<?<%NNTQ1‚@`14@1f^HzF?< NA\4<1?<%NNTQE4g6<?<%NNTQ1‚@`NufUEEE Legends never die! -= ATARI LEGEND =- http://www.atarilegend.com4#Major Havoc greets all the other members of Atari Legend! This bootsector was done using Bootsector Construction Set the 29/08/04!Don't rip this boot, lamer!O`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWYO`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY;DESCA51 ADI LGQADIA51 STK Y`^ A/ SeM OAt6 QDEC sA51AID0.TOTC1A51CHAP1.TOTI1A51CHAP2.TOT("A51CHAP3.TOT_ A51CHAP4.TOTbA51CHAP5.TOTPjA51INTRO.TOTCopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0& + N cc N4ccc c ;ccc c NU1Mt2 BJ@$c&A$cwBPcJcbc$c cc ccPc c c c c c c c  c  c  c  c  c c c c c c c bc$c cc ccRRSA8s & ].6`cwv ^"^#8&(n*,xL+;  x?x|x7 +3/106VERBES IRREGULIERSInfinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to be I was/ been treN&we were/to become I became become devenir8to begin I began begun commenc8erAto blow I blew blown souffleArJto break I broke broken casserSto bring I brought brought apporteSr\to build I built built btireto burn I burnt burnt brlernto buy I bought bought acheterx(1x2)L+;   ?y| y? y% +4/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.I can I could Je peux/$je$pouvais-to catch I caught caught attraper6to come I came come venir?to cost I cost cost coterHto cut I cutHcutHcouperTto do I did done faire]to draw I drew drawn]dessinerfto drink I drank drunk boireoto drive I drove driven conduiroex(13x)L+;  ?x|x?x$ +5/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.!to eat I ate!eaten manger.to fall I fell fallen tomber8to feed I fed8fed8nourrirAto feel I felt felt ressentiArJto fight I fought fought se battrJeSto find I found found trouver\to fly I flew flown volereto forget I forgot forgotten oubliernto freeze I froze frozen gelerx(14)L+;  ?y|y?y% +6/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to get I gotgot obtenir'to give I gave given donner0to goH0I went gone aller9to grow I grew grown crotre/AfAaAiArAeApAoAuAsAsAeArKto have I hadKhad avoirTto hear I heard heard entendre]to hide I hid]hidden cacherfto hold I held held teniroto hurt I hurt hurt blesserx(15)L+;   ?| ? +(16)7/10VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to keep I kept Kept garder$to know I knew Known connatr$e0to learn I learnt learnt apprendr0e8to leave I left left laisser@to lie I lay@lain@@t@r@e @c@o@u@c@h@Hto lose I lost lost perdreRfRaRiRrReR/Uto make I made madeXfXaXbXrXiXqXuXeXr^I may I might ^je peuxfto mean I meant meant signifiefrnto meet I metnmet rnennncnonnntnrnerwI mustwje doisL+;   ?~| ~? ~+(17)8/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc. to pay I paid paid payer $to put I put$put$mettre0to read I read read lire8to ring I rang rung sonner@to rise I rose risen se leve@rH(soleil)Pto run I ranPrun courir]to say I said said direeto see I saweseen voirmto sell I sold sold vendreuto send I sent sent envoyerL+;   ?~| ~? ~+(18)9/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to shine I shone shone briller$to show I showed shown montrer,to shut I shut shut fermer4to sing I sang sung chanter<to sit I sat<sat<<t<r<e <assisDto sleep I slept slept dormirBLI smeltLsmeltPto smell}}P}PsentirBTI smelledTsmelled\to speak I spoke spoken parlerdto spend I spent spentddpenser/lpassertto stand I stood stoodttttrtetdtetbtotuttL+;   ?| ? +(19)10/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to swim I swam Swum nager"to take I took taken prendre*to teach I taught taught enseigne*r2to tell I told told2r2a2c2o2n2t2e2r2/:direAto think I thought thought penserIto throw I threw thrown jeterStSo SuSnSdSe!Sr%Ss)St-SandASI ISuNSnSSdXSe\Sr`SsdStiSonSosSd uSnSdSeSrSsStSoSodScSoSmpSrSeSnSdSrSe^to wear I wore worn^p^o^r^t^er^(^u^nfvfftfefmefnft)nto win I wonnwon gagnerwto write I wrote written crireL+; ++ 9w9bwbwwwwM +7/9LES PRONOMS ET LES ADJECTIFSN POSSESSIFSBPron. hPron.Pron.Pron. Adj.Singulier<"sujetsh"compl". "poss."rfl."pos".11re pers41. I me mine my1s1e1l1f myA2me pers5A. you you yours yAoAuArAsAeAlAfAyouQ3me pers6Q.YMasc.LYhe him his hYiYmself hisaFm.Kashe her hers ahaearasaealafaheriNeutre it its itsiiitiselif itsx(7x)L+; )) 9]9b]b]]]]6 +8/9LES PRONOMS ET LES ADJECTIFS6 POSSESSIFS (suite)BPron. hPron.Pron.Pron. Adj.Pluriel< sujetsh compl .  poss. rfl. pos ./1re pers4/. we us ours /o/u/r/s/e/l/v/e/s our?2me pers5?. you you ?yours?y?o?u?r?s?e?l?v?e?s ?y?o?urO3me pers6O. they themOtOhOeOiOrOsOtOhOeOmsOeOlOvOeOsOtOhOeOiOr`Ne confonds pas : h,it's+=it+is avec, its+ (adj/phrhohnh.pohshshehshshihf)netr,he's+=he+is avec ,his r+( " "r)x(8)L+; BIBIBII%%< +4/9<LES DEMONSTRATIFSHCe qui est Ce qui estY,prsloin ++Singulier This+That 9Pluriel`9These9ThoseNCes dmonstratifs sont le plus souventVdes ,pronoms+ : ex. what's ,this +here ?_^who's ,that, +over there ?fmais ce sont des ,adjectifs +s'ils sontnsuivis d'un nom : I like n,this +friendlywdog.x(4x)L+; H )=y=)y)y6U+1/9HLA COMPARAISON1- Comparatifs de supriorit et superlatifsB+,COMP.DE SUP SUPERLATIF9ADJ.COURTH9+ADJ.+ ER THE + ADJ + E9ST HSmallNHsmaller the smallestX,ADJ.LONG +MORE + ADJ. THE X+XMOSTX+XADJ ThMore The mostlExpensiveHpexpensivepexpensivex(1)L+; N 6 +2/96LA COMPARAISON (suite)2- Comparatifs d'galit : As...as$John is ,as tall+ ,as+ Jim.,Dogs are, as+ ,intelligent+ ,as +cats. <. Pour dire le contraire :6HNOT AS + ADJ + ASLOU6TNOT SO + ADJ + ASdJohn is ,not+ ,as tall+ ,as+ Jim.lJohn is ,not so+ ,tall+ ,as+ Jim.x(2x)L+; N HyHyy,, +3/9NLA COMPARAISON3- Comparatifs et superlatifsirrguliers"ADJECTIF COMPARATIF SUPERLATIF1good`1better1the best<bad`<worse<the worstGlittle`GlessGthe leastZRfarther the fartheRstVfar {ZZfurther the furthesZt`folderfthe oldestjolder {`nelder the eldestx(3x)L+; ; tvxv*s* x** ??u v +9/9<PLURIELS IRREGULIERS SINGULIER PLURIEL z SINGULIER  PLURIEL  0manN0men~4mouse mice <womanN<women~@child children HfootNHfeet~LoxLoxen TtoothNTteeth~[penny pence `gooseN`geesex(9x)L+;   $$ A +5/9BLES INTERROGATIFS*Pour interroger ExemplesHsur :#,WHAT +un animal, une ,What+'s you#r name #?(+chose, un fait5,WHO'5+une personne5,Who+'s that man ??,WHERE +le lieu?,Where+'s my ?f?a?t?h?e?r??I,WHEN +le tempsI,WhenI+is Ihe IcIoImIiInIg ?S,WHOSE )S+l'appartenance ,Whose S+dogSiSsStShSiSs ?],WHICH +l+]'/]o4]b9]j>]eC]tQ]dV]'Z]u_]n h]cm]hr]ow]i{]x],Which ]+one]is]y]o]u]r]s]?g,HOW +la manireg,How +are you ?q,WHY +la causeq,Why +are you sad q?x(5x)L+;  "" 55  * +6/9*LES INTERROGATIFS (suite)9P>oCuHr RiWn\taefrkrpougzerExemplesTsur :*,HOW MANY B*+le nombre How many birds2are there ?>,HOW MUCHB>+la quantit How much is thi>sFbook ?R,HOW FARBR+la distance How far is NewZYork ?f,HOW LONGBf+la dure How long does iftntake ?x(6x)L+; H 0xH0Hx 0w @@ +1/10HCONJUGAISON,Regarde bien ce schma, il est le mmepour toutes les conjugaisons.#Attention la forme contracte ! 5+FORME STRUCTURE EXEMPLE:BEDAffirmative Suj.+ Aux. She's happy.RNgative S+Aux+Not She isn't happRy.`Interrog. Aux.+ Suj. Is she happy ?h(Yes/No)x(10x)L+; nHHn m  *E* F3F a8a +2/10<CONJUGAISON (suite) FORME STRUCTURE EXEMPLE : like"Affirmative SUJ.+ BV. I like it.Preterit S + BV+ ED I liked it>Ngative J>S+W>D\>Oa>Nf>'T+BV I don't like itIPreteritKIS+D\II`IDeIN'T+BV II didn't likeIitXInterrog. DO \X+dXSlX+ uXBVXDo you like it X?dPreterit DIDad+hdSod+vdBVdDdidd dydodudlike it ?p,Attention, l'auxiliaire do devient doepsx la 3me personne du singulier. +(1x1)L+; J H DOCUMENTATION01- LE GROUPE NOMINAL ... p1P2- LE GROUPE VERBALP.PpP10DCopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0'D= +JPccccy!c,b?YQ?Q???`cFc BCcD cOCEcecGc.=BctcHcI E cmjEEcPIc. fcgchci cjamcc fchcjiscc fchcjiscc! fchcjwouldcc fchcjhascc fchcjarecc fchcjiscc" fchcjcannotcc fchcjisc c! fchcjwouldc fcchcct +tt$jc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @|Q??@A c`cFcQ?Lc+ccc B BCcEcecGc~c  D`Bctcc\ccHc>HREEc4're havingcare havingc>'re going to gocHare going to gocR'll takecwill takec'll seecwill seecD> f t n o~ \  %Dot\t$t$$>$H\$R\$$$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @pQ??@`cFcA cLc+ccc BCcD cOCEcecGc GB ctccjcHcI E c/EEcPIc c c c c !c "c #c $c % c  &cLc{c c18PIcccc c Hc@ Hc@cYc{c c28PIccccc Hc@ Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @b?yQ??@`cFcAc 'whichcwhocCcD cOCEcecGc~cT =B cjcHcI E c tEEc oPIc (fcgctcc )fcgctcc *fcgctcc +fcgctcc ,fcgctcc -fcgctcc .fcgctcc /fcgctcc 0fcgctc c 1fcgctc fcgcccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @ MQ??@`cFcAcCcEcecGc =JcTcccBcHcEEcT  3 4Dd  ZJ bT r z %DKJ$whenT$who$that$wherec Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @SQ???`cFc CcD cOCEcecGc =jcBcHcI E c tEEc/#lcPIc 5fcthimcc 6fctuscc 7f ctherclcc 8fcthercc 9fctitcc :fctyoucc ;fctthemcc <fctitcc =fctherc6fcclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @cQ??@`cFc 2AcCcD cEcecGc~cOCV=BcjcHcI E ctEEcdfcgcPIc Etherselfcc Fthimselfcc Gtthemselvescc Htourselvescc Ityourselfcc# Jfcgctherselfcc$ Kfcgctyourselfcc" Lfcgctmyselfcc Ntthemselvesc c# Mfcgcthimselfcfcgc ccj  +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @[Q???`cFc DCcDcEcecGc~cOC=BcjcHcI E cYtEEcPIc >fcttheycc ?fctitcc @fcttheycc Afcttheycc Cfcttheycc Bfctwecfccccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @b?`Q???`cFcLc+ccc OBCcEcecGc VC$B cHcpEEci/PEc Tcc Uc a'$c Hc Hc@ b'$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @}Q???`cFcLc+ccc PBtccjcCcD cOCEcecGc ABcjcHcI E cItEEc8fcgcl cPIc1 a WfcgctgochclccD b Xfcgctare playingc're playingcl cc( c Yt're goingcare goingcc3 d Zfcgctlikeclclcc2 e [fct'm waitingcam waitingcc. f \fcgctprefersckcc, g ]t'm speakingcam speakingcc( h ^tis eatingc's eatingcc.fc i _tlistenscjclc c!fc j `tdockcfcgclccj 3jj$tj$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @eQ??@`cFcAc QtccjcCcEcecGc(BcjcHcEEc ktnext saturdayct j +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @[Q??@`cA cFc RCcD cOCEcecGc=BcjcHcI E cOtEEcSfcgclcPIc lfcgctnextcc mtlastcc nteverycc otnextcc pteverycc qteverycc rtnextcc steverycc ttlastcZfcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @pQ??@Ac`cFcLc+ccc SBCcD cOCEcecGc=BcjcHcI E ctEEc fcgcPIc, ~ ufcgctll beclcc.  vfcgctll comeclcc. wfcgctll wantclcc, xfcgctll beclcc ytll flyclcc7 ztwon't be playingcfcgclcc<fcgcl c {tll be callingclcc6fcgc |twon't be comingclcc }twon't beclc fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @b?}Q???`cFcLc+ccc BtccjcCcD cOCEcecGc!2B cHcI E c3"EEc$#PIc acc acl cc bcc aclcc bcc acc bcc bccfc ac cfc bc .# a'$ac Hc Hc@ b'$bc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @Q??@A c`cFcLc+ccc BtccjcCcD cOCEcecGc$2B cHcI E c$EEc&PIc% fcg-cccc% fcg.c&ccc% fcg.c$ccc% fcg/cccc% fcg-c%ccc% fcg/cccc% fcg/cKccc%fcg,c+cc c% fcg-cCcc c% fcg.ccc&fcgccc Hc@+ Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @Q??@A c`cFcLc+ccc BtccjcCcD cOCEcecGc'5jcHcI E c(tEEc)BcfcgclcjcPIc ti'd like to gocc ti can't flycc tremember mecc tit's funnycc ti like tenniscc tshe's upstairscc twho did thatcc" tshe plays every daycc thurry upc c ti'll call youc)fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @kQ???`cFc BtccjcCcD cOCEcecGc*2B cHcI E c*EEc+fccc*cccPIc cc fcc cc cc fcc cc cc c c c c fc,cccc Hc@ Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @b?SQ???`cFc CcDcOCEcecGc-=BcjcHcI E cX-tEEc7.jcPIc# ti'd rather go on sundaycc" tthey will often travelcc the's going to playcc' tshe's the girl who likes mecc" tI'll see you next yearc>.nj +jj$tc Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @gagacjctcPIc< twho's going with youcwho is going with youcc twhat would you likecc$ twhere are they flying tocc twhen is he comingcc# twhy are they in a hurrycc twhat are you doingcc twhen will i see youcc% twho can't go to the partycc% thow is he going to travelc c twhere will they playc=BcjcHcI E c.tEEc0 1j 3jj$tj$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @[Q???`cFc CcD cEcecGc~cOC0 ABcjcHcI E cc2tEEcH3jcgagacPIc twhich goescc, twho will wincwho'll wincc twho playscc twhich belongscc. twho'll comecwho will comecO3j 3jj$tj$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @Q??@`cFcLc+ccc BActcgagacjcCcDcOCEcecGc 2^ f f _v u     ( 2 %D  (2$us$him$he$his$her $yourself$you$one($she2$mec Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @ D4gBcccccc ccc(c2cHcEEci6 EQ???`cFcCcEcecGcy6 `F F `X X _ `w    %D s $$$>$H$R $$c Hc Hc@?@@@A@B@L+ @ D)7Bcccccc cchellocspeakingc>wellcHsorrycRmessagecall rightcsaturdayc>HRHcEEc8]Q???`cFcLc+ccc BCcEcecGc8P@ccctcc cv  c c c c cMccc!c$cQ'cZ*c,c1c 4c6co9P@c c>cc cd c6 c c c c ccZc c.#c&c)c,c>.c1cO3c4c)7P@c.cDccT c c  c cV cC c cccc!c$c'c*c-c0c 2cy6c8\Pc5ccncP@c cc  c c c BBBcP@cc4cc cT c/ c c ci c ccSc c$#c&c)c+c7.c0cH3ci6c8PAc c c c c c c B c  c B  c B  c  c B B B__cLc+cl?9B@$>c @$>?c >=^^c)_c c c@ _cAccc2$c$Lc+ccc|>XLc+cccP`c c c c c B%cPccA51INTROc&@%>c@@cb?:c5@%>?c @@@cb?:c*@ c^@H$cAlBchckcc BAE$CcF C  C c ^c ^c?F C  C c=@$>?ccA51INTRO@@cb?=Fc9 Bc;wchckcc BB$c;$c!_$c   _=FFcCAhbcpb (#c8bbc%%cp%cXcccc D Cc CDcbcpb Ccr`Jc D cdcpd bc* d $cc ccddcc%c b ccbbcC$Ec Fdc$cc݉Ɗqa&%st u0Nu(vuDu^76E{ID$Dh?ww0\ MP A ; T 1Q J > 2 3> A @ . =* Ak W V 6N R O O>LLCOhLK0cHFPQ/POMQlvL.RFSRkUOSbSST\`O 2=6s65F$;smVq.?J(;c=?- =I/xH<?;>y7!Z#%&(_*,-/`1!3468C:;=~??A-lAAA<A@)B/XB0B-B9B,CDFrHEJLMOEQSflSOSiT]T9T*)U1ZU/U+U.U9V*EV*oV=V0W.^W'W&W,W(W*)X*SX,X,X,X,Y(+Y(SY'zY*Y+Y)Y0(Z%MZ*wZ4Z5Z<[6R[4[8[<[>8\6n\4\']]4^^O__q``ab=[bbcddkeave`ej@fif,gxg+hth(iiw"jjIkxkL l>Kl0{l3l?l[Hmomi nxnxozomp.yz!7{Z{U|R}qFɅL+;R &*Rtablis les formes contractes en formes pleines. Exemple s  :<He's out = He is out.I'd like a coke = I would like a coke.gd: *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.g+:V **We (have) tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you Z (go) shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhaps (take) you to the zoo."you (see) your mother there. *+I'm happy.*I happy. +It's my father's.It my father's.L+;R &*Complte ce texte avec : soit BE + ing,soit BE GOING TO,xsoit WILL, partirdes verbes entre parenthses.L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer BE + ingou$BE GOING TO pour le verbe.$Clique sur la bonne rponse. +He's going to play.He going to play. +I'd like to go.I like to go. +She's got a dog.She got a dog. +They're lucky.They lucky.+:H  *Good work ! Now guesswhat we're going to do!  +Billy's house's nice. Billy's house nice. +She's friendly.She friendly. $+I can't fly.$I fly.  +He'd love to see you.He love to see you+:H  *You (come) with us ?+:H  *Look at these clouds !I think it (rain).+:H #*Just when we (play) tennis !+:H  *We (play) cards then.+:H  *I (call) them and see.+:H *Leave us alone !We (watch) T.V.+:H 0*Hurry up !We (miss) our train.+:H  *Bye. I (go) away.+:H **After all,I think I (stay).+:H 0*Tonight,we (go) to the concert.J9e {{{+1) BE + BV + ING2) BE GOING TO + BVL+;R &*Complte les phrases avec WHICH6ou WHO selon les cas.-  +I remember you are.- +Your house's the one  has got green shutters.- +The city has highbuildings is New York.- +I don't like people mistreat their pets.-  +Look ! This is the tiger0we saw at the zoo.- +These are the girls played tennis with us.- +Catch the fishesare in the river.- +The books are on the table are yours.- +The man has greyhair is your father.-  +The one wears ahat is your mother.L+;R &*Complte les phrases suivantes avec  le pronom rflchi qui convient.Ex : question : Who did this ? Him ?$rponse : Did he do it HIMSELF ?LO: E +I remember I was in France, Ioften p/layed soccer with children were very good at this sport. But here#the sport is the most popular+is football. The place I saw a3football game for the first time is;San Francisco.L+;R &*Complte avec les pronoms relatifssuivants : WHO/THAT/WHERE/WHEN.- *+He's upstairs.Is she with ?- +We're going to the cinema.$Come with .-  +She's going to the zoo. Are you going with ?-  +Jane is learning French.Can you help ?-  +The bird is flying away.Can you catch ?- +I'm playing tennis. Can I play with ?-  +They're playing soccer. Go and play with .- +I'd like:toKreadgthisbook.Can(you?give{to me?- +This is my sister. Do you remember ?~   A +My parents are very nice.N're very nice.~   H +This dog 's funny.N's funny.~   H +These women are beautiful.N're beautiful.~  ( +Boys don't like girls.0don't like girls.~   > +Dan and I are good friendsB're good friends~  - +Girls love icecreams.6love icecreams.L+;R &*Remplace le groupe nominal soulignNpar un pronom.- +Who did this ? Her ? Yes,she did it .- +Who did this ? Him ? Yes, he did do it .- +Who did that ? Them ? Yes, they did it .- +Who did this ? You two ?Yes,#we3didIit .- +Did I do this ? Yes, you did this .- +Did she do it ?- +Did you do it ?- +Yes, I did it .-  +Did he do it ?- $+No, they didn't $do it .L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrases entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient(prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y<aller samedi prochain.HComplte la phrase.L+;R &*Complte les phrases avec la*prposition qui convient :HNEXT/EVERY/LAST.L+;R &*Complte les phrases en mettant Bles verbes au futur.+:H *I love New York !+:H *Look ! Max is chasing0the cat.- +a) Prsent simple.b) Prsent progressif.+:H *I never (go) out0at night.+:H  *They (play) very well6today.+:H  *Today, we (go) to the6theatre.+:H *I (like) tennis.+:H *Hurry up ! I (wait)6for you.+:H  *She (prefer) golf.+:H  *Wait &!0I (speak) on the;phone.+:H *Look ! Max (eat) ,the cake.+:H *This dog never (listen)6to me.+:H *I sometimes (do) my0homework.-  +I never out at night.- +They  + very6well today.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +Today, we 'to the theatre.L +;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I tennis.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +Hurry up ! I 7for you.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +She golf.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +Wait ! I1on the phone.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +Look ! Max<a cake.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +This dog never=to me.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I sometimes+my homework.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I'd rather go  .L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- =+week we'll go1to Florida.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +I was in France[month.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +He goes to the cinemaZweek.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +Are you coming to theparty Saturday?R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +She plays tennisfday.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- ++They go out`night. R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- %+I'll see you`year.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +We go to the countryZweek-end.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +I saw your motherZAugust.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L++:H *Today I'm happy.+:H  *My father comes back*from Texas.+:H  *I know what he wants6to do.+:H *He's too tired to*play with me.+:H *We fly to Florida.+:H *John isn't playing.+:H *I'm calling you.+:H *I think he's not6coming.+:H *I'm not scared.-  +Tomorrow I' happy.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +He' back from  Texas .R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +I know what he' 1to do.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+- +He' too tired to0play with me.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +We' a to Florida.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+Վ-  +John .L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I' you.R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I think he .L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+-  +I scared.L+;R &*Dis si cette phrase est au prsentsimple ou au prsent progressif.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Mets les phrase entre parenthses la forme du prsent qui convient (prsent simple ou BE + BV + ING).L+;R &*Dis ton pre que tu prfrerais y6aller samedi qui vient.BComplte la phrase.L+L+;R &+D*Dis si l'intonation monte ou descend.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &$*Clique sur la partie du motBqui est accentue.L+;R & *Remets les lettres de ces mots dans  l'ordre et construis ta phrase. Puis  lis-la haute voix suivant le schma d'accentuation.L+;R &0*Un de ces mots se prononce diffremment. Clique sur ce mot.+:H *Are you going to sta}y ?+:H $*Remember me ?+:H *Yes, I remember you.+:H *Can you catch it ?+:H $*Who did this ?+:H *Did you do this ?+:H *You'll come, won't you?+:H *Listen to me.+:H $*Can't we go ?+:H *You're staying, aren't you ?-  +a)+La voix monte. b) La voix descend.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  T E L E P H O N E+:H ( G O I N G +:H ( V I S I T+:H  T O M O R R O W+:H   S O C C E R+:H  SAN FRANCISCO+:H  P E R H A P S+:H  R E M E M B E R+:H  Y O U R S E L F+:H  S A T U R D A Y+:H *dI'/kile/ot/ og+:H $*I/n'act/ylf+:H **mmeReber/em+:H 6*Ist'/nynuf+:H $*I/ikle/isnetn+:H *Shse'/sputiars+:H $*hWo/idd/hatt+:H *ehS/yapls/rveey/day+:H 0*Huyrr/pu+:H $*Ill'/llca/uoyh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o o Oh; * !+PRONONCIATION :  O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O O o oh; * ?+PRONONCIATION : O o Oh; * ?+PRONONCIATION :  o O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O O oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O o- &MWw +F,I+SH WH,I+CH T,I+MEH *Hello! My name's Dan. - #FTq~ ,WH+Y ,WH+O ,WH+OSEH *Hello! My name's Dan. - GO +P,EO+PLE T,E+NNIS WOM,E+NH *Hello! My name's Dan. -  @I +S,O+CCER, +P,O+PULAR, + SP,O+RTH *Hello! My name's Dan. - "*MU +BILL,Y+ , + M,Y+ BU,YH *Hello! My name's Dan. - FSx ,TH+URSDAYH ,THS +ISy ,TH+INKH *Hello! My name's Dan. - R\ +CH,A+SING, + C,A+T, + G,A+MEH *Hello! My name's Dan. - HO  ,U+S, +SAT,U+RDAY, + POP,U+LARH *Hello! My name's Dan. - ,GU~ +Y,OU+ , OU+R , +W,OU+LDH *Hello! My name's Dan. - S\| +F,A+THER, + , +PL,A+CE, + G,A+MEH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &*Remets ces phrases dans l'ordre.L+;R & *Pose la question suggre par le mot soulign en utilisant le bon  interrogatif et en ordonnant les mots.L+;R & *Transforme ces phrases comme dans l'exemple: Does this boy play soccer? Yes, this is the boy who plays soccer.L+;R &*Complte le texte avec les pronomsqui conviennent : SHE/HE/HIS/YOU/HERZHIM/US/ME/YOURSELF/ONE.L+;R &*Tu es seul chez Billy et le tlphone  sonne. Tu dois rpondre en anglais.Complte le texte avec les mots donns.Y, *(5Pn +rather 'd go Sunday I on Y, *(5k +often will They travelY, +)*M+'s He going play toY, *(!<Yx +the 's She girl likes who meY, *((Nv +next see year 'll you Ie; E.1C%P.~~.-+John is going with you. 's with going you8?e; E.1CR7o.+We'd like some bread. you like would8?e; E.1C%P.~~.{+They're flying to Paris. to they are flying8?e; E.1C7o.d+He's coming today. coming is he8?e; E.1C."J.f.+Because they must play now. in hurry a they are8?e; E.1C%P.~~.]+I'll see you on Monday. you see will I8?e; E.1C7o.(+I'm catching the bird. are doing you8?e; E.1Cf. B.!+Billy can't go to the party. to can't party go the8?e; E.1C"J.f.2g+He's going to travel6 by plane. is travel to i going he8?e; E.1C7o.]+They'll play in Texas. play will they8?R_ 2I *Who What Where (When 4Why @How+:H *Does this plane$go to Paris ?+:H *Will this man win ?+:H  *Does he play with us ?+:H *Will this woman come with us ?+:H *Does this racket belong to you ? (belong = appartient)- +Yes, this is the planelto Paris.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +Yes, this*s+is the manr.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +Yes, this is the boyl+with us.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +Yes, this is the racketlto you.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +Yes, this is the womanl+with us.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+; ~*+- Look Billy ! Isn't this the boy who2plays football with ?:- Yes, it's .  's a Bgood player. But look ! He's with7Jgirlfriend! What's name ?R- I don't remember.Z- You have a girlfriend ,bdon't ?j- Yes, I've got . Her name'srMarie and likes .L+; ~H+Mots donns J:TWell, speaking, Saturday,$message, All right, sorry, Hello.- 697 7688? Martha .$Is Billy here ?,- ... I'm but he isn't.4Can I take a for him ?<- Yes, please, tell him that I like<toDinvite him to my party on Saturday.L- , I will. Good...T- Wait! Aren't you his cousin from \France ?d- Yes, I am. But why ?l- Oh well, you can come too if you twant. Bye Jt!TtSee you on .LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique le mot ou le groupe de mots oula phrase l'cran l'aide de ta souris ou des flches, en fonction del'nonc, ou bien clique sur un des&icnes.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier, la  lettre ou le mot manquant puis, valideavec ENTER. S'il y a plusieurs motsmanquants, valide en cliquant l'icone%OK situ en bas de ton cran (= F10).hw ig  C'EST FAUXhw g  C'EST JUSTEX,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERP53 lm##44ACOCT#TTTc`` *'m est une contraction du verbe to BE.'s est une contraction du verbe toBE.+'d exprime un conditionnel.;Dans Billy's house on a un gnitif.Kcan't est la contraction de can K+KnotWc'est--dire de cannot.P53 ml*- Le futur se forme avecl'auxiliaire WILL + BV.4- Avec un pronom, on emploie@souvent la forme contracte deLWILL : 'LL Xex : he'llP53 ml **Fais attention l'ordre des mots :6:AUX + S + V + COMP. *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- L+; ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir . En anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme : <PBE GOING TO + BVP. `Exemple : I'm going to call my `friend.ElJe vais appeler mon ami.P53 lm*!/!>>\+\*- LAST s'emploie avec un pass.- EVERY marque une habitude. Il %s'emploie avec le prsent simple.6- ON ne s'emploie qu'avec une dateBprcise.S- NEXT s'emploie le plus souvent `avec le futur.L+;R &*Complte la phrase avec le pronom<personnel qui convient.P53 ml *Fais attention au S la 3me  #personne du singulier au prsent. ;Et surtout regarde bien s'il s'agit Cd'une situation particulire ou Kgnrale.L+; ~+L'AVENIR : il existe plusieurs formespour exprimer l'avenir en anglais : (* BE + BV + ING :4we're playing tennis at 3:00.@(comme en franais, un verbe auLprsent peut renvoyer l'avenir). \* BE GOING TO + BV :hPour dire ce qu'on a l'intentiontde faire. ~ L+; ~ +*. LE FUTUR avec WILL + BV :WILL fonctionne comme l'auxiliaire CAN ou MUST (il est invariable) :,We will go to the cinema tomorrow8ou We'll go ... (forme contracte).LAttention la forme ngativeXcontracte :hWe will not go = We won't go. ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: L+; ~+LES PRONOMS RELATIFS WHICH et WHO :On emploie WHICH quand le GNantcdent est neutre (correspond$au pronom personnel IT).0On emploie WHO quand le GN antcde0nt8est une personne.DWHICH et WHO ne changent pas au Lpluriel :XThe man who has grey hair.`The men who have grey hair.lThe animal which is in the zoo.tThe animals which are in the zoo. ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: L+; ~ +Le pronom relatif THAT peut  remplacer WHO ou WHICH . $Lorsque le pronom relatif est 0complment du verbe de la relative,<il peut tre omis : I played withHthe racket (that/which) you gave me. XTous les interrogatifs (WHAT, X,XWHERE dWHEN, etc...) peuvent tre employs pcomme relatifs. ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: L+; ~+LES PRONOMS REFLECHIS expriment quel'action est faite par le sujetlui-mme. Ils sont forms en ajoutant le suffixe SELF (SELVES au pluriel)(aux pronoms complments :$4Billy hurt himself. 8=$@Billy s'est bless.Tmyself himself ourselves`yourself herself yourselves_litself themselves ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: L+; ~6+DATE ET FREQUENCE :Les jours (days) de la semaine (week) : Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-(Friday-Saturday-Sunday.<Pour dire le/les jour(s) qui vien(nen)tDon emploie la prposition NEXT :LNext week/Next day.`Pour dire CHAQUE on emploie lahprposition EVERY :pEvery Sunday... ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: L+; ~ +DATE ET FREQUENCE : Pour dire jeudi DERNIER, on emploie $la prposition LAST : ,Last Thursday/Last week/Last month. <Les mois (months) de l'anne (year) :DJanuary-February-March-April-May.LJune-July-August-September.TOctober-November-December. `Remarque : hEn anglais, les jours et les mois  pprennent une majuscule. ~+L'INTENTION est une faon de parler de l'avenir; en Anglais, pour dire 0ce qu'on a l'intention de faire,@on emploie la forme: LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les mots, groupe de mots, lettres, ou phrases l'aide de ta souris, ou des flches en fonction de l'nonc ou bien clique sur les icones .LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les dessins VRAI ou FAUX surl'cran l'aide de ta souris, ou desflches.  Ou bien clique sur un des icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier les diffrents mots ou lettres manquants et valide avec l'icne O.K , ou bien, clique sur les icones proposs.L+; ~ +Voici un code pour t'aider prononcer les mots : l'accentuation o/ O +. Dans tous les mots de plus d'une ,syllabe, il y en a toujours une qui 8est prononce plus fortement que le8s Dautres : PMorning  O+ o (accent sur la 1re) \Professor o  O +o (accent sur la 2me) hTelevision  O+ o o o (sur la 1re) tAmerican o  O+ o o (sur la 2me)((U 09)0G U : 8: ?< %/ :+p2(:)8p;(< %/ :+p ?p (:)p;(<  "  :+p ~?p (:)p?p(< 0"( -p( :+p {?y(:)p >p ?p(< 0"(/8) x( :+ {?y(:)p >|y?{ x(< 0"(/(( x( :+:|: {?y(:){>|y?{ x(< 0(9(>(/8)8(8(8(8x( :*8:|z xy?{ x(< ?<*9(:)8(>(/((((((x( :*8:|: =xy< x(< >=.8*8)=(/(8(((((x( :*8:|z (/x( :*8-y: =(8 8(-/ :)8-p (8(:)8(|(,0(< 0 ./ :)8-p {x((0 (:)8(|(,0(< :(:,8.y*/ :)8-}(((((0 (:)8(|(,9 < :-8 zy#9 y :)8-8(((((((0 (:)8(p ,9( < 0 z)x (xx(  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( < 8-:(*z)y ,8 x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9 <  (*z)y( 8,8*X)X,x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,0(<  x9(*)y*y) 8,8 8 :)8-8(((((((?(8(:){(p ,9 <  )(YX[{)z* 8,  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( <  )(YYz*z+  ":)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9( <  *x(YXx)x({+  ?-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:)x(p (y,9 <  *y(Yz(x({+ -0 8-:)8-8(((((((0 (8(:) (p (y,0(<  *y(Yz(x({>/8-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:) (p (y,9 <  *x*X{)|( 8 8-:)8-8(((((((;=(8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X})|( 8 8-:)8:*8(((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X}(x(} 8 8-:)8z:8(((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *{*|(x)} 8 ;x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,0(<  (x)z*X}(x)~ 8 <|(x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  (x)z*X}(y)~ 8-:p (-:)8z8((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (x*{(X}(z)~ 8-8p(8x-:)88((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (y)({(X{)z*y)x 8-8|88}(8x-:)88(((((x(0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8{8*8|(88-:)8)8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(0(<  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8z8(X(|(88-:)8)8((((x((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z()yy(x(,yx 8-8z8(X(8{(88-:)8)8((((x((8 8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z(z(y(y)y(+| 8-8z8*8(8{(88-:)8)8((((((8(:)-(|,,(9 <  (y*{x(yz(x*} 8-8|}(88-:)8*8((((((8(:),(|,,(9 <  (x))z(}(y)~ 8-8|9}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:)*(|,,(0(<  (x*(x|{)}( 8-8z*(}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:))(|,,(9 <  (x+{{~)|( 8-8y |(88-:)8*8((x((((8 :)/-,,(9 <  (x,xp,{) 8-8y,x(x(|(88-:)8*8((x((((8p(:)})-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-x,x(x(x(x(y(88-:)8*8((((((8(:)x)-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-8x y:8-:)8+8((((((8--+:)+x)-,,(0(<  )x){}z(}) 8-8x+y=98-:)8+8((x((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 <  (y{{z)}) *=9:*8-:)8+8((x((((8(:)x>-,,(9+ /<  ({z)|) 8= 8-:)8+8(((((((8--:)x>-,,(9+ /< (~(8z* 8= y(8-:)8+8(((((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 < )}*|(9, 8< (*(y(8-:)8+8(((((((8(:)x-,,(0(< )}*|(;, < x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8 (:))x))-,,(9 < *|((z(<- 8+8(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8p(:)}))-,,(9. ,< -y(z<- 8)?(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8(:)x))-,,(9. 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Ctlike parisclike new york toocc5 Dtcan't hear youccan't see you eithercc. Ethate snakeschate spiders toocc; Ft can't watchc can't go out eithercm cc) Gtwork fastcwork well toocc1 Ht m not stupidcm not lazy eitherc5?[fcgcmc cj ccnc c %D7jj$t$c Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;h5;);`cFcLc+ccc )>CcDc|>EcecGc-HcI E cEEc &_{B cPIc Iacc Jbcc Kacc Lbclcc Macf/ a'$ac Hc Hc;A b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;[5;D;`cFcAc *CcDc|>EcecGc @jccHcI E ctEEc( ;B cgcc=cbothcneithercjclc cPIc Nfctcc Ofrcgctcc Ptcfcc% Qfcgctccc Rtcfpcc Stcfpcc Tfctclc/fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;:u5;);`cLc+ccc g>tccjcCcD c|>EcecGch4jcHcI E cEEc `B cPIc Vacc Wbcc Xbcc Yacc Zacc [bcc \acc ]acc ^bclc c _bc a'$ac Hc Hc; b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ; S }    %D[$$$>$H$Rc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ; UliBccccccI E cHce>HREEc P5;);`cFcCcDc|>EcecGcQPIc< ahe'dclikec>you tocHbecRfreecc< bshecwantsc>youcHto gocRawaycc: cthey'dclikec>himcHtocRwincc9 dicwantc>youcHto becRgoodcc9 eshecwantsc>mecHtocRleavec5?:h5;);`cFcLc+ccc >CcD c|>EcecGc)5B cHcI E c`EEc %PIc ibcc jbcc kbcc lbcc mbcc nbcc obcc pbclcc qac, a'$ac Hc Hc; b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;p5;D;Ac`cFcLc+ccc h>CcD c|>EcecGc-HcI E cEEc B cPIc racc sacc tacc ubcc vbcc wacc xbcc ybcc zaclc c {ac  a'$ac Hc Hc; b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;k5;);`cFcLc+ccc >CcD c|>EcecGc !2B cHcI E c""EEc"PIc |acc }acc ~bcc acc bcc acc acc ac c ac c bc" a'$ac Hc Hc; b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;k5;);`cFcLc+ccc >CcD c|>EcecGc M$2B cHcI E c$EEcR%PIc 3cc 2cc 3cc 2cc 1cc 2cc 2cc 2c c 3c c 2cY% 1'$1c Hc Hc;2'$2c Hc Hc;3'$3c Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;: X c n z    %D $eye$eye$eye$eye$eye $eyecx$body$body$body$body$body $bodyc0$head$head$head$head$head $headc$mouth$mouth$mouth$mouth$mouth $mouthc$leg$leg$leg$leg$leg $legcX$ear$ear$ear$ear$ear $earc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ; 5?~& KBcccccc cHcEEc:) M5;D;`cFcAcCcEcecGcJ)S5;);`cFc CcD c|>EcecGc;*=BcjcHcI E cz*tEEc+"fcgc= cjcPIc twouldn'tcc tneedn'tcc teithercc tneithercc twishcc tonlycc trathercc tpolicemancc tbasketc c tcarryc+fcgc=ccj +jj$tc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;S5;);`cFc CcDc|>EcecGc,2B cHcI E c,EEc-PIc bcc acc bcc acc acc ccc cc c cc-i a'$ac Hc Hc;ib'$bc Hc Hc;ic'$cc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;S5;);`cFc CcD c|>EcecGc /=BcjcHcI E cK/tEEc\0fcgcjcPIc twouldcc tcouldccfc thavecc tdoescc tdoescc tcancc twouldcc tcouldcc tisc c taren'tcc0fcgcccj +jj$tc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;lcPIc twhatcc twherecc twhatcc twhocc twherec=BcjcI E cHc1tEEc1 1d j +jj$tc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;_5;);`cFctcCcDc|>EcEcecGc15;);`cFcLc+cc(cLc+ccc > > > >CcD c|>EcecGc3-HcI E c3EEc 4B cPIc bcc acc bcc acc bcc bcc acc acc bclc c ac4 a'$ac Hc Hc; b'$bc Hc Hc;?;@;A;B;L+ ;Lc+coP@cc c!c "cd#cI$cL'c(c*c+c,c!-c#/c)0c)1c`,2c.3c24c3P@ccPcMc c !c "c[#cf$c/'c(cl*c,+c ,c"-cY%/c~&0c+1c-2cc03c14c4P@cEc c* !c "c#c$c'ch(c*c)+c,c!-cM$/cJ)0c;*1c,2c /3c14c3^Pc5ccncP@c c -c .> -!c2c #c$c >BBcP@ccPcCc c !c "cT#c_$c('c(c*c%+c ,c"-cR%/c:)0c+1c-2c\03c14c4PA c  c c > c c c > c fc c >__c:5B@$>c @$>?c >=^^c)_c c c@ _cAccc2$c$Lc+ccc9XLc+cccP`c c c c c >%cPccA51INTROc&@%>c@@c:6c5@%>?c @@@c:6cW; c;H$c<=chckcc ,><E$CcF C  C c ^c ^c:F C  C c=@$>?ccA51INTRO@@c:}8Fc5 Bc7wchckcc +>B$c;$c!_$c   8FFc?<hbcpb (#c8bbc%%cp%cXcccc D Cc CDcbcpb Ccr`Jc D cdcpd bc* d $cc ccddcc%c b ccbbcC$Ec Fdc$ccbV[dF nGDnFV 2<GA><>LyuxpoW~lAak } j nb t oE u k% p q ou r pWqp8qx!x;^3rHf ZG0G( H3=Jsoh[2iZncew?jvnsjjiuHvl*_fdSeh dn_QeO[`IJ\OSKbO i > ;1!S!:!/!4!".O"-|"<"<"1%#/T#/#=#z:$s$s %s%r&sx&{'u'u(0(.(: )0=):w)*)0)/*<<*,h*,*,*,*,+-E++p+*+++++,,.J,-w,.,.,/-,.-/]---.-&-$.').%N.$r.$.".#.&/"#/u/c/}0p0p]1.2S2R2Q$3Rv3O3O4Qe4T4Q 5PZ556$77F88ES9O9B9>":Df:H:C:L=;C;A;>;dc?n><>B>0?D`?4???>@4E@GABY!L)JMDvB}B:-CCX&D^DpDEKNO;PV8QSTFUbWqWXYvZ]L+;R &0*Ecris la phrase proposeTau preterit.L+;R & *Clique sur l'erreur qui s'est glisseNdans la phrase.L+;R &6*Corrige cette erreur.+:H *If she's got a chance,she'll take it.+:H *If he can win, he will*be happy.+:H *If I have money,$I'll buy it.+:H *If it's nice,I'll take it.+:H *If you're not good, you won't come with us.~  +If she got a chancesheTtake it.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If he win,*he be happy.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If I money,0I buy it.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If it anice0I take it.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If you not good, you1notHcome with us.H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If only I can play.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I rather stay here.H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wish we'll go.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If only7 I I havem a bike.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wish he'll come.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I hope he'd play with us.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wishC she'sm there.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +I wish I have afriend like you.H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If* + only* + I* + can.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I hope we'd win.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If only I* + play.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I' * + rather stay here.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wish we'* + go.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If only I * +a bike.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wish he* + come.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +I hope he'+play with us.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I wish she* +there.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +I wish I afriend like you.H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +If* + only* + I* +.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +I * +hope* + we'* + win.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *All right ! Now you !L+;R & *Fais des suppositions propos du  prsent partir des lments donns. Ex : have a job (un mtier)/earn some*money.L+;R &*Ecris l'implicite que cache leZgnitif.L+;R &*Fais des phrases en utilisant leslments donns. Voici un exemple :L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer TOO ou EITHER$dans les phrases suivantes.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Complte les dialogues avec BOTH0ou NEITHER selon le cas.- %+If I had a job,I'd earn some money.H *Hello! My name's Dan. L *+can choose / be a fireman If Ifchoose I' be a fireman.L **+be good / can go out If Ifgood I go out.L *+be a milkman / work early If Ifa milkman I' work early.L **+can / be a policeman If I I' be a policeman.L *+have three eyes / see better If Ifthree eyes, I' see better.L *+be stronger / carry you If Ifstronger I' carry you.L *+have your ears/can hear that noise If Ifyour ears I hear that noise.L *+be you / learn my lessons If Ifyou, I' learn my lessons.L * +have four hands / do many things If Iffour hands, I' do many things.L *+be taller / play basketball If Iftaller, I' play basketball.-  +It's not his raincoat, it's Billy's.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +This doll is Jenny's.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +Let's go to Peter's.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +Go and get some bread at the baker's.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +I bought my bike atSporty's.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. -  +That bone is the dog's.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. L *0+can / dance / singIand I .L *+not know / her name / hisIand I .L **+not be / deaf / blind I'and I' .L *$+like / Paris / New York Iand I .L *+can't / hear you / see you Iand I .L *$+hate / snakes / spidersIand I .L *+can't / watch T.V. / go out IT.V. and I .L *0+work / fast / wellIand I .L *$+not be / stupid / lazy I'and I' .+:H *I like strawberries andI like apples ...+:H  *I don't like cakesand I don't like pie}s...+:H  *She likes the cinema She likes T.V. ...+:H  *I don't know her and I don't know him ...+:H *We can play with you andwe can play with them ..L *+Do you like cats and dogs ?Yes, I like them.L *+- I can't bear snakes.- can I.L * +Do you prefer tigers or lions ? I like lions nor tigers.L *+Do you prefer the parrotor the sea-lions ? I like them .L *+I can't speak Chinese.rcan I.L *$+He doesn't know her.fdo I.L *+Will Mary and John come ?Yes, they'll come.L+;R &$*Remets ces mots dans l'ordre.+:H *I'm just like you.+:H *They'd like to be free.+:H *He'd like to win.+:H *They're like us.+:H  *Animals aren't like0humans.+:H  *I think he'd like to0speak.+:H *You're just like me.+:H *It's like a dream.+:H *I'd like to dream.+:H *She'd like to say*something.- +a) Comparaison.b) Souhait.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. L *(-U}-U(}( +like free be he'd you toL *(-U}-U(}( +to go you she away wantsL *(-U}-U(}( +win to like him they'dL *(-U}-U(}( +to be I you good wantL *(-U}-U(}( +leave to she me wantsL+; } e +Observe bien :$,1. I + ,want to + ,be happy :$0+S + WANT TO + BV$8= je veux tre heureux.P,2. I + ,want + ,you + ,to + ,be happy :$\+ici on indique 2 sujets,$dS + WANT + S + TO + BVL+;R &&*Dis si LIKE exprime une$comparaison ou un souhait.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &!Dis si le schma d'accentuation est juste (right) ou faux (wrong).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.+:H  !If only I could ...+:H !I hope we'll win.+:H !You'll come, won't you ?+:H !What about tigers ?+:H !I haven't got one0either.+:H $!Neither do I.+:H !I wish I had a car.+:H !I'm just like you.+:H !Do you really have 0to go ?+:H  EITHER Oo+:H  WOULDN'T Oo+:H  SUNGLASSES Ooo+:H  DOCTOR oO+:H  I'M SICK Oo+:H  A HEADACHE oOo+:H  NEEDN'TxoO+:H  ONLY oO+:H  TEXAS Oo+:H  BODY Oo+:H *becOme jUst+:H *knOw hOpe+:H *hOpe lOve+:H *lIke cIty+:H *lIke fInd+:H *wOmen bUsiness+:H *tEA nEEd+:H *blUE bEAUtiful+:H *tAke rAIn+:H *hAte thEY're+:H 0*beautiful+:H 6*playing+:H **sunglasses+:H 6*business+:H 0*they're+:H 6*haven't+:H <*nicer+:H 6*cloudy+:H 0*elephants+:H 6*lions- C+one1)C two 2)3)CthreeH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R & *Dis si l'intonation monte ou descend.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.-  +a) La voix monte. b) La voix descend.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +a) Rightb) Wrong*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - +a) Rightb) Wrong*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+; ~.lt".5tF.Yt=lIUlb,+1)4B R A E T82)@M O U T HD3)LL S D W EP4)XS X B Y A\5)dI G ;dENdL Dh6)~  6+n'toulwdH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  7+'enedntH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  =+teihreH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  7+tienherH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  C+siwhH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  C+lonyH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  =+heratrH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  7+onaleicpmH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  =+ketsbaH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  =+yacrrH *Hello! My name's Dan. h; *6+I'd like to go out.a) Je veux sortir.b) J'aimerais sortir. c) Je veux y aller.h; *$+If only it could rain.a )Si"s'eulement il pouvait pleuvoir.b) S'il pleuvait. c) S'il pouvait pleuvoir.h; *0+I'm going to Billy's. a) J'irai chez Billy. b) Je vais chez Billy. c) Je vais vers Billy.h; **+I want him to stay. a) Je veux qu'il reste. b) Je veux qu'il parte. c) Je voudrais qu'il reste.h; *+I don't like tea either. a) Je n'aime pas non plus le th. b) J'aime aussi le th. c) Je n'aime pas le th.h; *6+I want to go there too.a) Je veux partir.b) Je veux y aller. c) Je veux y aller aussi.h; *$+I can bear cats.a) J'aime les chats.b) J'adore les chats. c) Je peux supporter les chats.h; )$+They'd like to be free.Hthey like to be free ?h; )$+He could help them.Hhe help them.h; )<+I've got time.Nyou got time ?h; )*+She wants a coke.Hshe want a coke ?h; )*+He likes the lions.The like the lions ?h; )0+They can eat meat.Zthey eat meat ?h; )+He'd hate to hurt you.Nhe hate to hurt me ?h; )*+It could be better.Tit be better ?h; )6+She's beautiful.Tshe beautiful ?h; )*+They aren't nice.Tthey nice ?Y, *Ai+I'd buy a bike if I had money.0would I buy if I had money?Y, *:n+I'd go to Texas if I had a car.6would I go if I had a car?Y, *- +You'd feed the pigs if you could.<would I do if I could ?Y, * +If I was a boy I'd play with boys.6would I play with if I was a boy ?Y, *+They'd like to go to the zoo.Bwould they like to go ?+:H *The zoo is very small.+:H *You can see snakes*in the zoo.+:H  *The weather is often <cold.+:H *The parrot hatesclouds and rain.+:H *The summer is warm.+:H  *The birds are bathing $in the snow.+:H *There's snow in winter.+:H  *You can see bears and 6zebras.+:H *You can see tigers*and frogs.+:H *There's wind in summer.L+; ~NZ +CHICAGO $This zoo is very big. You can see 0bears, lions, tigers, snakes,  <monkeys, elephants, sea-lions and Heven girafes and zebras. The weather  Tis sometimes very cold. We even have  `snow in winter. I hate it when the  lsky is cloudy or when it rains.L+; ~NZ +CHICAGO4But the summer is very hot andDwindy and I like to watch theTbirds bathing in the sun.L+;R &*Look this article about Chicago's zoo.HCan you read it ?L+;R &*Retrouve les 6 noms cachs dans cecarr magique et qui se rapportent au corps humain. L+;R &*Remets ces mots dans l'ordre.L+;R &*Parmi les traductions proposes, dis laquelle se rapproche le plus6de la phrase en anglais.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Pose la question suggre par*le ou les mots souligns.L+;R &*Dis si les propositions sontjustes(Right) ou fausses(Wrong).- +a) Rightb) Wrong*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &*Dis si les mots suivants se prononcentde la mme faon (Right) ou non (Wrong)$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &$*Mets les phrases la formeNinterrogative.h; *6+I wish he'd come. a) J'espre qu'il viendra. b) Je veux qu'il vienne. c) J'aimerais qu'il vienne.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier, la  lettre ou le mot manquant puis, valideavec ENTER. S'il y a plusieurs motsmanquants, valide en cliquant l'icone%OK situ en bas de ton cran (= F10).X,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERhw ig  C'EST FAUXhw g  C'EST JUSTEP53 ml *- Le preterit de HAVE est HAD toutes les personnes.!- WOULD est le preterit de WILL. Il)exprime un conditionnel. Dans ce1cas, 'd est la contraction de WOULD.=- Le preterit de BE est WERE avecEyou/we/they et WAS avec I/he/she/it.Q- Le preterit de CAN est COULD Ytoutes les personnes. *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- P53 ml *- Le preterit de CAN est COULD toutes les personnes. - Avec HOPE, il faut employer le(futur.4- Avec WISH, il faut employer le<preterit.H- RATHER s'emploie avec lePconditionnel. XI'd rather = I would rather *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- P53 ml +*Attention au S la 3me personneH7du singulier ! *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- L+; ~KT+LE CONDITIONNEL 1. Formation : would / 'd + BV.f$If I had a chance, f,I would take it. <2. Forme ngative :HDwould not / wouldn't + BV.HLIt wouldn't be nice. \3. Forme interrogative :`dwould + sujet + BVd.`lWhat would you buy `tif you had monety ?L+; ~8B+LA SUPPOSITION : IF1. Envisager une possibilit :(IF + prsent , futur.8If I have money, I will buy a bike.P2. Supposition partir du prsent :`IF + preterit , conditionnel.pIf I had money, I would buy a bike.P53 ml+*Regarde bien si la phrase est  7la forme affirmative ou ngative ! *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- L+;R &*Dis combien de syllabes comportentBles mots suivants.L+; ~N+LE GENITIF Observe ces gnitifs : ,1. It's not my toy, it's my sister's.(+Celui de ma soeur (my sister's toy(). 0,2. Let's go to Martha's.8+Chez Martha (Martha's house). @,3. I bought it at Johnny's.H+Chez Johnny (Johnny's shop). UDans ces gnitifs, le GN complment]est implicite: en 1. il est inutile  ede  erpter toy, en 2. et 3. les  mverbes indiquent un domicile prcis.L+; ~JT+VOCABULAIREthe body = le corps * an arm = un bras(the back = le dos0the chest = la poitrine*8an ear = une oreille*@an eye = un oeil$Hglasses = lunettes0Pa leg = une jambeXthe head = la tte`the nose = le nezhthe mouth = la bouchepsunglasses = lunettes de soleilL+; ~I T+VOCABULAIRE*(to be ill = tre malade0the dentist = le dentiste$8the doctor = le mdecin<@a cold = un rhume6Hthe flu = la grippe$Pa headache = une migraineXsome medicine = des mdicaments*`a patient = un malade$hto be sick = tre mal en pointL+; ~+NEITHER est un quantificateur ,1. Il signifie "ni l'un ni l'autre". +C'est le contraire de BOTH (voir les (quantificateurs au Texas). 0Do you want tea or coffee ? 8I want neither / I want both. H,2.Il signifie "non plus" dans lesPcas suivants :ZX+I don't like coffee.Z`Neither do I.ZhShe can speak French.ZpNeither can I.L *0+can't/ drink /eatI ,can't drink +and I ,can't eat either+. LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique le mot ou le groupe de mots oula phrase l'cran l'aide de ta souris ou des flches, en fonction del'nonc, ou bien clique sur un des&icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les mots, groupe de mots, lettres, ou phrases l'aide de ta souris, ou des flches en fonction de l'nonc ou bien clique sur les icones .LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les dessins VRAI ou FAUX surl'cran l'aide de ta souris, ou desflches.  Ou bien clique sur un des icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier les diffrents mots ou lettres manquants et valide avec l'icne O.K , ou bien, clique sur les icones proposs.L+; ~ +Voici un code pour t'aider prononcer les mots : l'accentuation o/ O+. Dans tous les mots de plus d'une ,syllabe, il y en a toujours une qui 8est prononce plus fortement que le8s Dautres : PMorning  O+ o (accent sur la 1re) \Professor o  O +o (accent sur la 2me) hTelevision  O+ o o o (sur la 1re) tAmerican o  O+ o o (sur la 2me)L+; ~HN+LE PRETERITLe preterit simple est un temps du pass.$Le preterit sert exprimer une action,passe dont la date est prcise par4des indications de temps ou par le<contexte :D* We met their friends yesterday.L* He didn't like the film.TOn emploie galement le preterit pour\parler d'une action compltement dtermine :l* He worked in an office. $+a) TOOb) EITHERoopo)})xx)|)p;-;/: (.;/; po)})xx)|)p;.:/: (8-; ; po)})xx){)p;.9 9 (8.; : po)})x)z)p8x;-: 9 (8.9 : po)})x)y)}p99-9,,9 8/9 : p?8?pp )y))*::*(8-8+:+8  8/~p; 9>8:=p|{)))*9;*(8,8+9*8  8/}p<(00 p yy())*9:+/8+8)8  /|p99)(0;=p())*9:+/8+:(9 8 /p ~8:)(0 :|x)))*898(/*9 Y8z  $=)(0 ={*))+9(/*9 X(){  $=)0:=x*))+ 9(8 *9 88)}  "(:9)?:; **, 9)9/*9 8*|  "(89 (98:<):)8.*9 *z  "(9 );:; 9*8/,9 {  * )8 ();> 8+8/+9 |  - * ())9<9(9(29+8/-9 X8} * .,(()<; : 49+8/-8 8} :( ,))*((();: 9ȀA9,8/.9/(8} 8(((),()():9 ɀA9,8./9.(X8} 8((*(()-()); 8ɀA9,8/8 9.8)X8~ 8+(.8)/*((: ȀB9,8/8 9,8)X88~ 8.(/9)() ); (ȀA:,/9 9+8)X8} 8/(/8(().(): z**ȀA9-/9 8)9*X88} /(*,8**,*; ~-ȀA9-/ 9(9*X8| 8 (((+8+**()9 +y48( 9-. 9(8+X8}/8 ()8+8( ((*)): p *y1)(:)9:.888)) 89,X88}/8 ()8,8)8))*((+: p *z0()(;+88)8 8:,X8XXX8|/8 (*8 8).+; p )z (8(((8(((.88-X8XYY8{/8 (*8*8)*.,8((9 |(|){-0(8)9((((8(89-89.X8\x8{/8 ++9*) (:({(x(}({,0(8(9((((8(8)(8-99.X[}/8 ( 9**/*()98y+}({ ,0(8(88((8((8)8(9,-8:/x/8 ((/9*) *98{*}(z80 88 ((8((8)+-99/x~,8)8 (/*) )+8|,|(y0":8888(((((8) -9/x{?*8 (.(+) )8(9|/x(x0$:8):((()(8(8/9+9/x8 8.+(*/)/(9*8(8y.y(z0$8:(8(8((8((-9(*88/X8*x.8-*)(8)9(8{*~(y808888: ((8((*89+8 9*88/88*Xx.8*>)*9){)~(y08888: )(98()8(8(8(() *8+9(8)YX-8(98 0 (}(~(x90888))9)9(9)(9()8 )89),xYX-89 < ~)~(y:0 988889*:(/9(9/9*88),xX- *,)  p(y<08888) 9+8)8.*88/X(Y, *-)*8 ~}(y>=8:888()+( 8(+9/*88/X.*.*.(*)9 z((z0;8. ,8*)(8 88/X.(.*.))8(9( x()z0 9:9888+()8(((8 :/X.)**.((+; p)z0>=8(*(8(8(8(8 :/-(*).((,,+/+z0 :8888)*8* :/,(*)/*,)8(+*-y0 898(*8( ;/*(,)(((),)8+*y ::888(8*88) )88.)(- (,8++ 8(*8)( :.X((+ ( * %:(Y)(* 0Xɺ0 (0*< :(,88 0 B;(X(** ?Xɹ0 (0)< 9(,88 0 =;()* /XȺ 980 ); 8*8-8+ ?<:).Xʸ (;0); 8*8(((+8+.:8<98)(+8:9 +;?); 8*8((+ 8+ ):8=88)X)+ 898 .0); 8*8((())*8==:)X*+ 8 /<)=.*8(- *8 =(=<)X. :/8)=89*8()-(*8 :8(>99)X. 8 );88*8(-)(*9 :9(>99(X.Z8<;/988*8) (*88 =(@9;X-XX88x((98x((,:8*8((/*(*89<(8@9;-888x(x8x(-8*8( (*89=(8@::-8888x88x8x8,*8(/((*8:=(8A=-: +:*8( ((*8=(8B;.9 ;*: *8<)8B;-898 )9*<( (*8=)8B:-88 +*? 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The door is a clock.P# *+There aren't any clouds in the sky.The sky is clouds.P# *+There isn't any water in the riverThe river is water.P# *+She hasn't got an umbrella.'She's an umbrella.P# **+I looked at the clock.Zyou know the time ?P# **+I went there by plane.`you go there ?P# *0+I did it with magic.Zyou do this trick ?P# * +I made it with flour butter and eggs.T you make this cake ?P# *0+I came here by car.<you come to Disney World?P# *0+I liked it very much.Nyou like my castle ?P# *0+I got in by the door.Nyou get in ?P# *+I came out through the window.Zyou come out ?y+:P $0*You've got 2 minutes.... minutes have I got ? y+:P $0*You've 2 minutes.$... time have I got ?y+:P $**There are 35 miles.*... miles are there ?y+:P $**He's got 5 dollars.... dollars has he got ?y+:P $**He's got 5 dollars.$... money has he got ?y+:P $$*This cake costs $ 2.*... is this cake ?y+:P $$*This coat costs $ 50.... dollars does this coat cost?y+:P #*I smoke 5 cigarettes a day. ... cigarettes a day do you Hsmoke ?y+:P $*I run 10 miles every morning. ... miles do you run everyBmorning ?+:H  *There isn't ... time.+:H  *There are ... people.+:H **You've got too ... friends.H *I haven't got ...money.+:H *She hasn't got ...luck.+:H  *There isn't ...work0 to do.+:H *I haven't got ...rmoney.+:H  *She hasn't got ...luck.+:H  *There isn't ... work0to do.+:H *I like ... things.+:H *You've got ... to do$before you go.+:H  *There are ...childrenin Disney World.~  +They worked hard.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +The dog was alone.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +He asked for a coke.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +She wanted to go.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +They were scared.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +She was terrified.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +We looked at the menu.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You called your father.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +I walked to the castle.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +He noticed the dog.?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Did they work hard?Yes, they.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Was the dog alone ?$No, it .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Did he ask for a coke ?$No, he .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Did she want to go ?Yes, she .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Were they scared~?Yes, they .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Was she terrified ?No, she .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Did we look at the menu?Yes, we .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Did you call your father?Yes, I .H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+; ~+- Les questions ouvertes (WH-) seforment en ajoutant un interrogatif:B Why did you like it ?0- La ngation , +s'obtient en faisant8suivre l'auxiliaire de NOT, @contract ou non : BHNo, I did not like itBPNo I didn't. `C'est toujours l'auxiliaire qui`prend  hla marque du temps, prsent ou pass.L+; ~+L'INTERROGATIF HOW permet d'interrogersur la manire :EX : How do you make this cake ?6 comment fais-tu ce gteau ?0Combin avec les quantificateurs MANY8ou MUCH, HOW permet d'interroger sur@la quantit : Pdnombrable : How many calories are `Xthere in this cake ? hindnombrable : How much money do youlphave ?L+; ~0+PLACE DE LA PREPOSITION : 01. YES/NO question :6@Are you coming WITH me ? P2. WH-question :6`Who did you play WITH ?6hWhere does he come FROM ?L+; ~+Le PRETERIT des verbes irrguliers De nombreux verbes n'utilisent pas la terminaison ED. Ils ont au preterit (une forme spciale qu'il faut tout 0simplement connatre. Une liste de  8verbes irrguliers est accessible en @permanence dans ta DOC. HLe fonctionnement des questions et  Pdes ngations est le mme que pour  Xles verbes rguliers, en utilisant `l'auxiliaire DID : Did you go ?hYes I went there.pNo, I didn't go.L+;  +LE PRETERIT DE BE + BV + ING sert  racont/er des vnements en rfrence ( un moment prcis dans le pass (une  4situation particulire) :EAs I was going to the castle, Q(Alors que j'allais au chteau)aI saw the dog.m(j'ai vu/je vis le chien.)L+; ~P Z+LE PASSE ,*. BE +a deux formes au pass : (WAS pour le singulier: I/she/he/it0WERE pour le pluriel et you.*8I was here yesterday.*@They were happy to see you.HLes formes interrogatives etPngatives sont normales :*XWas she happy to go to Florida ?*`Were you good in sports ?*hHe wasn't very excited.*pWe weren't in Paris last year.L+; ~J T+LE PASSE ,*. LES VERBES REGULIERS :(+- A l'affirmative : ils se forment 0avec la terminaison ED ou D ajoute8 la BV. Ex : like --> liked, @want --> wanted, hope --> hoped.H- La Yes/No question se forme avecPl'auxiliaire DO au preterit = DIDXpour toutes les personnes + S + BV`Ex : Did you like it `?hRponse brve : Yes, I did.pRponse complte : Yes, I liked it.+:H *Did you like Disney 6World ?+:H  *What did you prefer,  the castle or the$ghost-train ?+:H *We were here last year.Was Billy with us ?+:H *What about your parents?Were they with us ?~  +a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, he did.c) Yes, I did.~  +a) I prefer the castle. b) I prefered the castle.c) I preferd the castle.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) *No, he isn't. b) No, he weren't.c) No, he wasn't.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) No, they weren't. b) No, they aren't.c) No, they wasn't.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +My mother s here.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +The castlex dark .*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +The trees green.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +The food good.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +Therey a dog.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +My parents y here.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - G +IT happy.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. - dt +The ghost-train scary.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - 9U+There a clock+on the doofr.H *Hello! My name's Dan. - Mm +There pigs.*+:H *Hello! My name's Dan. ,*G :*a) was.b) were.~  $+Heard =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Found =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Went =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Thought =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Had =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Was =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Were =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Spoke =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Took =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Came =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *h 0+I went to France.?P# *t 6+I spoke to my Dad.?P# *O  T+I found it in front of the tree.?P# *e <+I made a cake.?L+;R &*Mets les phrases suivantes *la forme interrogative.L+;R %*Parmi les phrases proposes, choisis celle dont le sens est le plus prochede l'expression souligne.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Trouve la base verbale des verbessuivants qui sont au preterit.L+;R &*Dis si la terminaison se prononce B/t/ ou /d/.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Dis si le "K" ou le "L" se prononce$oui (yes) ou non (no).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Rponds aux questions en cliquant<sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Pose la question correspondant la rponse en employant HOW MUCH ou HOW MANY. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &**Mets la phrase la forme0interrogative avec HOW.L+;R &6*Dis s'il faut employer MUCH ou MANY. Regarde l'exemple quisuit et clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Dis quelle est la base verbale du*verbe qui est au preterit.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Complte la phrase en employant le preterit simple ou le preterit Bde BE + BV + ING.L+;R &*Rponds aux questions en choisissant leverbe dont le preterit est irrgulier.Ex: Did you sail or fly ? I flew.L+;R & *Remets les verbes au prsent simple.6Complte les phrases.L+;R &*Dis si le preterit de ce verbe est rgulier (YES) ou irrgulier (NO).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Parmi les verbes suivants, clique surceux qui sont des auxiliaires.L+;R &*Parmi les verbes suivants, clique surceux qui se rapportent aux sens(entendre, voir, toucher etc...).L+;R &*Parmi les verbes au preterit suivants,clique sur ceux qui expriment un mouvement puis donne leur base verbale.P# *+Did you drive or sail ?6I .P# *+Did he hate it or eat it ?0He it.P# *+Did she like it or drink it ?*She it.P# * +Did you stop the dog or~run after it?I after the dog.P# *+Did you leave or stay ?0I .P# *+Did he sleep or watch T.V. ?0He .P# *$+Did he stay or go ?0He .P# **+Did she lose or play ?*She .P# *+Did you win or stop ?6I .P# **+Did you take the book<or look at it ?0I it.P# *+I (just give) you this ticket.I you this ticket.P# *0+We (just play).*We .P# *+She (hate) the ghost-train.She the ghost-train.P# *+They (love) Disney World. They Disney World.P# *+I (just come) to see you.I to see you.P# * +I (work) when you came in. I when you came in.P# * +We (watch) T.V.when they arrived. We T.V. when6they arrived.P# *+We (just wait) for him.We for him.P# *+The dog was alone when I (find) itThe dog was alone whenBI it.P# *,+You Bwere a baby when<she (see) you.You were a baby when she you.+:H 6*Smoked+:H 6*Played+:H 0*Walked+:H 6*Opened+:H 6*Loved+:H **Disappeared+:H 6*agreed+:H 0*Prefered+:H <*Chased+:H 0*Noticed+:H 6*Wanted+:H **Television+:H 6*Loved+:H <*Hated+:H 0*Sailed+:H 6*Posted+:H **Remembered+:H **Exaggerated+:H 6*Helped+:H 6*Learned+:H <*Could+:H 6*Knife+:H B*Key+:H <*Cold+:H <*Would+:H <*Know+:H <*Knew+:H 6*Should+:H <*Old+:H <*Sold~  <+a) "t"<b) "d"H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  <+a) yes<b) noH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+; `4C,49C,4D,7@*5C,N9^+N9^,`N^,N^, h0z,Ghpz,hz,hz,8*Did , * Hear, + *HadRWill lSMake , + , + *WeremRead , + Pm*Know mCould + *CanL+; 4IG,i4G,4G,NI^,cN^,N^, h*x,:h`x,nhx,hx,$:*Leave + *Saw + *Meet$RHeard + *Listen + *TouchlRun + *Sold+ *Broke + *TastedLW;~ &B*DID : preterit de DOLW;~ &*Ce n'est pas un auxiliaire,0hear signifie entendre.LW;~ &6*HAD : preterit de HAVELW;~ &**WILL : auxiliaire du futurLW;~ &*Ce n'est pas un auxiliaire<make signifie faire.LW;~ &<*WERE : preterit de BELW;~ &*Ce n'est pas un auxiliaire<read signifie lire.LW;~ &*Ce n'est pas un auxiliaire6know signifie savoir.LW;~ &T*Can : pouvoirLW;~ &0*COULD : preterit de CAN.LW;~ &T*Leave : laisserLW;~ &*Preterit de see, signifie voir.LW;~ &N*Meet : rencontrerLW;~ &*Preterit de hear signifie entendre.LW;~ &H*Listen : couterLW;~ &T*Touch : toucherLW;~ &T*Run : courirLW;~ &*Sell au preterit signifie vendre.LW;~ &*Preterit de break signifie casser.LW;~ &*Preterit de taste signifie goter.L+; `4C,49C,4D,7@*5C,N9^+N9^,`N^,N^, h0z,Ghpz,hz,hz,8*Came Knew, * DroveRReadfRMeantSCaughtmFlewPmToldmThrewnWentLW;~ &*Preterit de know signifie savoir.LW;~ &*Preterit de read signifie lire.LW;~ & *Preterit de mean signifie signifier.LW;~ & *Preterit de tell signifie dire.P# *0+I look at the sky.$I at the sky.P# **+He rides the horses.$He the horses.P# *+She loves the ghost-train.She the ghost-train.P# **+They hear the song.They the song.P# **+The dog chases a cat.The dog the cat.P# *+I leave the castle's door open.I the castle's door open.P# *$+They enter the woods.They the woods.P# *<+I want to eat.*I to eat.P# *0+I know my father.*I my father.P# *0+He speaks too much.$He too much.~  <+a) YES<b) NOH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H 6 *Learn+:H < *Keep+:H < *Stay+:H < *Love+:H < *Read+:H < *Pay+:H * *Disappear+:H < *Teach+:H < *ThinkLW;~ & *Le preterit de apprendre est<learnt ou learned.P# *0+Did he like it ?The like it ?LW;~ &*Le preterit de garder est kept.LW;~ &*Le preterit de aimer est loved.LW;~ &*Le preterit de rester est stayed.LW;~ &$*Le preterit de lire est read.LW;~ &$*Le preterit de payer est paid.LW;~ &$ *Le preterit de disparatreNest disappeared.LW;~ &*Le preterit de enseigner est taught.LW;~ &*Le preterit de penser est thought.P# *$+They went to the castle.They to the castle.P# *6+She knew him.$She him.P# *6+It was wonderful.*It wonderful.P# *+You were here, weren't you ?You're here, you ?P# *6+The dog ran away.$The dog away.P# *0+The horse went up.The horse up.P# **+He liked Disney World.$He Disney World.P# *6+She heard you.$She you.P# *<+I caught a bird.0I a bird.~   +Yesterday,he goes to TexasH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Yesterday, he 6to Texas.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Tomorrow,she had a presentH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Tomorrow, she 6a present.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +He came now.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +He now.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +He arrived later.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Hex later.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +They took the train.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +They the train.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +She go to the fast food.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +She to the fast food.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +I already eat a hamburger.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +I already a hamburger.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +She drinks a coke earlier.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +She a coke earlier.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Last time,Joe come with meH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Last time, Joe <with me.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Soon, I saw my Mum.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Soon, I my Mum.H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *Where is Disney World ?+:H *Give the name of acity in Florida ?+:H *Which city is near*Disney World ?+:H *What special animals canyou see in Florida ?+:H *How long can alligators<live ?+:H *Where do alligators<live ?+:H  *What are the Everglades ?+:H *What's a synonym0for "once" ?+:H *What's the nationality of many people in 6Miami ?~  $+a) In Texas$ b) In Florida$c) In CaliforniaH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  6+a) Miami6 b) Palm Beach6c) OrlandoH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) Norman b) Dallasc) OrlandoH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  6+a) Lions6 b) Bears6c) AlligatorsH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0+a) 100 years0 b) 150 years0c) 200 yearsH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) In the desert b) In the evergladesc) In the mountainsH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) A river b) A forestc) A tropical jungleH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0+a) One time0 b) One0c) One footH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0+a) Mexican0 b) French0c) Puerto RicanH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+; ~+Disney World is in Florida, near Orlando. Miami is a nice city, there,are many Puerto Ricans who live8there. Once, I saw some alligators.DDid you know that they can live for P200 years and can grow to be 12 feet\long ? They live in the Evergladeshwhich is a sort of tropical jungle.+:H * *I knew it.+:H  *When did you see her ?+:H $*You saiMdZthat )didn't you ?+:H  *Did you like it ?+:H  *Were you scared ?+:H  *Was she with you ?+:H  *Who was she with?+:H 0 *I saw her.+:H  *Disney World was great.+:H *I gave it to you,0didn't I ?~  #.,Ye,, +SMOK,ED+ , +PLAY,ED+ , +WALK,EDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  "/,ej,, +OPEN,ED+ , +COMMAN,D+ , +PASS,EDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  " LY,  +SAI,D + LOV,ED + PASS,EDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $),Y_,, +LEF,T+ , +CHASE,D+ PLAYE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  <A,eq,, +DIFFICUL,T +WORK,ED + LOV,EDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  (/,,X_, +LIKE,D+ , +HATE,D+ , +POSTE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  ).,_d,, +OPENE,D+ NOTICE,D+ WANTE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  ,SX,, +AC,T+ STOPPE,D+ LISTENE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  ",_e,, +MEAN,T+ HAPPENE,D+ CHASE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  #(,dj,, +DEMAN,D+ , +RETURNE,D+ , +ASKE,DH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H 0*Come in.Who are you with ?+:H *How much money have you got ?~  +a) with Dan I am. b) I'm with Dan.c) I'm Dan.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +a) I've got many money. b) I've got many dollars. c) I've got much dollars.H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *There isn't any sun$in my home.~  +a) My home is without sun. b) My home is with sun.c) The sun's without home.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +a) see b) seenc) sawH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *I saw you last year...y+:P $*You can see many things inmy castle, but there isn't*much food to eat.L+;R &*Rponds la question en cliquant<sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &6*Rponds la question.<Complte la phrase.L+;R & *Pose la question suggre par le motsoulign en utilisant le bon Ninterrogatif.L+;R &!*Mets ces phrases au preterit.L+;R &!Dis combien il y a de syllabes dansBles mots suivants.H  !If only I could ...+:H !I hope we'll win.+:H !You'll come, won't you?+:H !What about tigers?+:H !I haven't got one0either.+:H $!Neither do I.+:H L+;R &0*Un de ces mots se prononce diffremment. Clique sur ce mot.L+;R & *Dis si l'intonation monte ou descend.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Pose les questions correspondant Naux rponses.L+;R & *Clique sur l'erreur qui s'est glisseNdans la phrase.L+;R &<*Corrige cette erreur.~  +Did he walk to the castle.(No, he .H *Hello! My name's Dan. {W ~ &H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *w +I took the train at 4:00 p.m.?-  +a) La voix monte. b) La voix descend.H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *2,Sw,3T(,w(,, 1b23?45~  +a) How much ...b) How many ...H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+a) MUCH$b) MANY~   +Did he notice the dog ?Yes, he .H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# * *+He's waiting for you.? * $+I'm plauing whit Billy.P# L+;R &*Dis s'il faut employer WAS ou WERE.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &<*Complte la phrase.LW;~ LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier les diffrents mots ou lettres manquants et valide avec l'icne O.K , ou bien, clique sur les icones proposs.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique le mot, ou le groupe de mots oula phrase l'cran l'aide de ta souris ou des flches , en fonction del'nonc ou bien, clique sur un des&icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les mots, groupe de mots, lettres, ou phrases l'aide de ta souris, ou des flches en fonction de l'nonc ou bien clique sur les icOnes .LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les dessins VRAI ou FAUX surl'cran l'aide de ta souris, ou desflches.  Ou bien clique sur un des icones.L+; *.+Lis attentivement le texteT>qui va suivre :LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier, la  lettre ou le mot manquant puis, valideavec ENTER. S'il y a plusieurs motsmanquants, valide en cliquant l'icone%OK situ en bas de ton cran (= F10).X,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERhw g  C'EST JUSTEhw ig  C'EST FAUXP53 ml *Le preterit des verbes rguliers  !se forme avec la terminaison ED. 9En ce qui concerne le preterit des Everbes irrguliers, va consulter Qta liste. *+We tea at 4:00 p.m. Then,) you  shoppingwith Billy. Tomorrow, your fatherPerhapsByou to the zoo.!you your mother there.- 2$2$p4(?yp (80 ؘ0 8(8p (p0x(8(Jp4(?yp (8~0 ؘ90 8(8p (p/(8(Jp3(0 p(9|0 ؘ80 8(8p (p.x(8(K p3(0 p(8{0 ؙ0 8(8p(9p$~(8)Kp2(0 p(89y0 ٘0 8(98p(9p$8|x(8 Lp2(0 p(88x0 0 8(98p(9p$}(8 (HJp1(0 (+0 **0 (+88~(88p#8zx(8xx(HHIp1(0 ~(()80 蘩((0 (()9}(88p"(8z(8xx)II p0(0|*(80 蘩((0 *(9|(88p!)9x(8(LH p/(0z*H*0 0 *H)9z(88p *8(8xx)Np.(0z(H٘(0 蘩((0 (H){(.p!(8x(8+ILp- zH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(p#(x(8)KJ 8 8p-(yH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp )8x)J 888888p-@(x8Hؚ0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp(8+H88888:888p.I(8H٘ 蘩((Hؚ~)(((p8(8((H 8888:88888p.H((((8+H٘ 蘩(( H٘~(p9+8888:8888 8ppp H***(8H٘(( H٘~(p9 888;888pp p H***(8H٘蘩((H٘~(zp}8x88:8888!ppp H (8H 蘩(( H٘}(.xp};88888 yppp HȐ (8xH(ؘ蘩(((H})(ypzx8x98:88 xp pp Hژ٘ܘ(8xH(ؘ蘩(((H}(.yp*<988 $yppp IؘؘژH(8L(ؘ蘩(((H})(yp(8(((:; *yppp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HH(ؘ(Hxxx)xp(8(<8 .yp xxxxxxxp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HxHH H蘾(p(8((89 2yp ٰ p Șؘ(8HzIH>((9p(8(; 5yp (0(p 8ػ(8HzIIIIIIIIIIIH蘯((p(8((; 8yp (88(p 9ذ (8H|H H((p(8((:) 6yp (88(p 8Ȱ(8H|H'H((p(8(9(9 6yp (88(p 9Ȱ(8IzHO%HO (p (8(8H(9 6xp (88(p 8ȿ(8H|I(H%8I(Hp (8(J(8 6xp (88(p 9(8(8H|HHH(0 0HH((8p (8(J(8 6p (88(p8(8(8H|HؘH( :89H((8p (8(8(I(8 78p (88(p9(8(8H|HؘJ 9**88J(8p (8(8(H(8 68(88(8(8(8H|HؘIؘ 9蘩((88Iؘ(8(8(8((8X 68(88(~8(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8(8(8)8Y 68}(88(~(8(8H|HؘH٘ 988H٘(8}(8(8(HY 68}(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8}(8(8(HY 58|(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ (8{(8(8(HX 28{(88({) 8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ ) 8z(8(8(H : 8z(88(y* (>(9*=+?(0غ(HXٚ(8(0 9(: =(?+>(>(>(0 +?(: 9(ظ(H (8p )=(+9(9(9(9(9+9(?+>(=*=(0 +?(+9(9(9(9(9)8(8 (8 ):)0 +9(8(9(9(9(8(9+?+>(0(0 +?+9(8(9(9(ظ(8)8ܙ(8 ڟ(8Xp):)?)9 )8(8)9)9)9)8)8(9(+(0( +()8(8)9)9(غ(8)ܚ(8ޛڛ(HXy+y)z){)9)0)0 )*8(0)8(:(+(: :( +()8(0 ظ9ܙ(8ڛޘ(HXx)y)x*y)z*9)0( (9;(;(:+>(:(>(:(0 +:(9)9 ܚ(8 (HXx*{+x)z*0 )08((+(:((:( +((0 ۚ (8X (Hy*z)x+y)y? 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H!T+.7.`cFc 3CcEcecGc&$BcHc&EEc'facgclccjcPEc+ tshe will certainly comecacc( tyou're probably latecacc% tperhaps i'm wrongcbcc, tmaybe it's too difficultcbcc) the will certainly wincac'fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .S!T+.7.`cFc DCcD c1EcecGc )6BcHcI E cB)tEEc|*8fcgcl c cjcPIc tdangerouslycc teasilycc tstupidlycc tcoldlycc tpatientlycc thappilycc tnervouslycc tsadlycc tanxiouslyc c tnicelyc*fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .h!T+.7.`cFcLc+ccc  1CcD c1EcecGc+5B cHcI E c+EEc ,PIc acc bcc bcc bcc bcc acc bcc bcc bc c ac, a'$ac Hc Hc. b'$bc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .-PMB@$>c @$>?c >=^^c)_c c c@ _cAccc2$c$Lc+ccc.SXLc+cccP`c Gc Hc Ic Jc K 1%cPccA51INTROc&@%>c@@c-Nc5@%>?c @@@c-Nce. c.H$c/0chckcc M 1/E$CcF C  C c ^c ^c-F C  C c=@$>?ccA51INTRO@@c-[QFcPM BcPwchckcc N 1B$c;$c!_$c   QFFc)2/hbcpb (#c8bbc%%cp%cXcccc LD Cc CDcbcpb Ccr`Jc D cdcpd bc* d $cc ccddcc%c b ccbbcC$Ec Fdc$ccep!T+.R.A+c`cFcLc+ccc  1CcD c1EcecGc2*HcI E c2EEc4g,ccjcB cPIc%fcg0c%cp c c%fcg1c%1cpc c%fcg2c%/cp c c%fcg1c%Ncpc c%fcg0c% cpc c%fcg1c%cpc c%fcg1c%&cpc c%fcg/c%cpc c%fcg0c% cpc  c%fcg/c%1cpc 4fcgc%cpc Hc.- Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .h!T+.7.`cFcLc+ccc  1CcD c1EcecGc56BcHcI E c56tEEc7fxcgclc cjcPIc! ti'm as good as youcc" the's better than mecc# tany indian can dancecc tall babies crycc) thorses run as fast as carscc tall cowboys smokecc tnothing's readycc! tget off that horsecc& twe should milk the cowsc7fcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .a'$ac Hc Hc. b'$bc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .8PIc acc acc acc bcc acc bcc bcc acc ac c bc5B cHcI E c9EEc }9h!T+.7.`cFcLc+ccc  1CcD c1EcecGcU:h!T+.7.`cFcLc+ccc  1CcD c1EcecGc`;5B cHcI E c;EEc h<PIc bcc acc bcc acc acc bcc acc bcc bc c bco< a'$ac Hc Hc. b'$bc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ . W  W f  f v  v   %D  $rodeo$rodeo$rodeo$rodeo$rodeo $rodeo$rodeo$rodeocb$indian$indian$indian$indian$indian $indian$indian$indianc$ranch$ranch$ranch$ranch$ranch $ranch$ranch$ranchc$west$west$west$west$west $west$west$westc0$milk$milk$milk$milk$milk $milk$milk$milkc$horse$horse$horse$horse$horse $horse$horse$horsecl$cow$cow$cow$cow$cow $cow$cow$cowc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .  C2U= Yccccc cccBcHcEEc7A E!T+.7.`cFcCcEcecGcGAp!T+.R.`cA"cFcLc+ccc E 1CcD c1EcecGc[B*HcI E cBEEcWDjcB cPIc%fcgc0cl c c%fTcgc,cl c c%fcgc,cl c c%fcgcOcl c c%fScgc4cl c c%fcgcDcl c c%fcgcDcl c !c%fcgc:cl c "c%fcgc6cl c # c%fTcgc'cl c $ aDfcgcclc Hc.Q* Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .S!T+.7.`cFc %CcDc1EcecGcpE6BcHcI E cEtEEc^Ffcgcl c cjcPIc tsomethingcc teverybodycc tcountrycc tanybodycc tnothingceFfcgclccj +jj$tc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .S!T+.7.`cFc &CcD c1EcecGcuG2B cHcI E cGEEcfHPIc acc bcc bcc acc bcc bcc bcc acc bcmHR a'$ac Hc Hc.S b'$bc Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .S!T+.7.`cFc FCcD c1EcecGcI >BcHcI E cItJEEcNL dflcgcm cp cccncq cjccJgagacPIc' tsincerelycsincerementcc( tseriouslycserieusementcc# tcoldlycfroidementcc9 twarmlycchaudementcJchaleureusementcc2 treallycreellementcJvraimentcc( tcertainlyccertainementcc2 tactuallycen faitcJen veritecc' tprobablycprobablementcc4 ttrulycvraimentcJveritablementc c, treasonablycraisonnablementcC2XLfcgcmcpcj ccncqc %DAjj$t $$J c Hc Hc.?.@.A.B.L+ .WP@UcVcVWc}XcwYc ac4bcccdcecfcgchc<ic_ jc!kc$lcc&mc(nc>+ocT2pc5qc:rc:scAtcAucEvc GwcSIWP@UcVcWcYXcR Yc acbcccodcecfcgcyhcic jc_#kc%lc'mc*nc,oc4pc7qc8rco<scU=tcaDuceFvcmHwcXLWP@UcVVcWcXcYc acbc cctdc,ecfcgchcic jc"kct$lc&mc )nc+oc2pc5qcU:rc`;scGAtc[BucpEvcuGwcIlPc5ccncP@Vc Pbc Qcc Ricjckc 'mc Otc ) 1cBBcP@UcVcWcRXcK Yc acbccchdcecfcgcrhcic jcX#kc%lc'mc|*nc,oc4pc7qc}9rch<sc7AtcWDuc^FvcfHwcNLPAc * 1 +c *c +c ,c -c .c /"c 2#c 3'c 0 1 1(c 3 1 4 1 5)c 4 1 5*c , 1 3+c 6 1__cLc+c7Q/h1.5+7b/2,1 ,L,xWa0bX[E V Y [O Y [ KN I c vp a Z+ k L V8xR^`fl2*\J?upnljw^rnnnZIur=qphvTaoZr;ig lwr}fih7}t(kUVWeX oYOZDZ(Z0Z[ \oY]7?0JL3AJ AK0{DL _j^34/0_>=42@0p,9^3>q8,9 7E 9~ A - 9%!Hm!1!G!D)"Bk"k"?#CX#2#:#,#gW$A$0$;%AD%J%e%fY&Z&V 'T]'i'T(Tn(P(L )FP)@)n)FD*k*U+PT+a+O,X\,\,R -jt-T-Z".Z|.V.R$/[/M/R0Vt0Z0@1>L1;1D1> 2cl2Y2T3Xq3V3["4c4X4_<5Y545&506A`6*626=6(!7.O717U7,8Z[8,8.8`9Zo9Z9&9.:8U:9:::6:64;6j;7;6;8<0?<1p<2.S>0>*>*>+?,.?)W?*?.?#?!?!@ 4@#W@"y@!@!@"@"@WVAWAVBVYBVBhCkCD{|DkDjQEpEo0FaFIF<G9OGGG9G< H;FH=H9H?H}xIsIs^J|JnHKkKs&LnLv MwMcMO3NxNu OOf%P~P]Q{{QhRR;'S&MS/|S0S1S?T.JT2|T2T4T:U^ _`_`Hacd}%ffh@irkmno6p+:H Z **Hi ! I'm Jim, the bestcowboy in Texas.~  <+a) Bon< b) Bad<c) GoodH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H 5*New York6(large)+:H <*a fly6(small)+:H 9*a lion *(dangerous) +:H 0*champagne *(expensive)+:H 6*horses 6(fast)+:H 0*my father 6(nice)+:H <*Jim 6(good)+:H <*dogs *(friendly)+:H ?*Dan 6(tall)+:H @*cows <(fat)~  l+isftown.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  f+is fanimal.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  `+is xanimal.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  f+is~drink.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  `+are`animals.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  l+islman.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  l+islcowboy.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  f+areranimals.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  r+isrperson.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  f+arefanimals.H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H i *Tell me, are you as tall as me ?+:H N **You must be taller than5my dog.+:H Ny*What about you in your  class ?Are you the tallest ?P# *+a) comparatif d'galitb) superlatif de suprioritc) comparatif de suprioritP# * +New York is nicer than Paris.New York is Paris. P# * +Texas is bigger than France.Texas is France.P# *$+Dogs are more intelligentNthan cats.Dogs are cats.P# ** +I'm happier than you.*I'm you.P# * +Cheese is better than ham.Cheese is ham.P# *+The desert is warmer than the sea-side.The desert is !the sea-side.P# *$+Snow is colder than ice.$Snow is ice.P# *+Horses run faster than zebras.Horses run zebras.P# * +The ranch is larger than my house.The ranch is my house.P# * +My Mum is more beautifulthan yours.My Mum is yours.+:H $ *Listen to me.+:H *I think you should finish your exercises.+:H *Shall we go for a ride then ?~  *+a) ordre* b) conseil*c) propositionH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H *If I were you, I'd leave that dog alone.L+;R &*Quel est l'adjectif que cache ce Tsuperlatif ? Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &*Complte les phrases partir des$mots donns en employant lesTsuperlatifs.L+;R & *Dis de quel type de comparaison il s'agit. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &$*Corrige ces affirmations. Ex: Boys are more intelligent than girls. Boys are as intelligent as girls.L+;R &*Lis la phrase de Jim et dis si c'estun ordre, un conseil ou une proposition."Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer ALL ou BOTH.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Clique sur le quantificateur qui0convient pour la phrase.L+;R &*Dis s'il faut employer EVERYTHINGou EVERYBODY. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer ANYTHING ou ANYBODY. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer NOTHING ouNOBODY. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &[{ *Complte ces phrases avec SHOULD Lou WOULD ('d).L+;R & *Transforme ces conseils en propositions . Ex : We should go. => SHALL we go ?L+;R & *Dis quel auxiliaire convient le mieux au sens de la phrase. Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R & *Complte les phrases avec MUST/MAY ouSHOULD selon le sens de la phrase.L+;R & *Complte les phrases avec MUST/MAY ouCAN'T selon le sens de la phrase.L+;R &$*Construis des adverbes $partir des adjectifs donns. Ex: mysterious => mysteriouslyL+;R &**Dis quel est le sens de GET*dans la phrase en cliquant*sur la bonne traduction.L+;R & *Transforme ces adjectifs en adverbeset donne la traduction de l'adverbe .+:H *Jim likes ... whisky0and beer.+:H  *I like ... animals.+:H *He rides ... horses andbulls (taureaux).+:H  *Let ... the horses go.+:H  *Jim and Dan: ... are*my friends.+:H *Billy and Jenny: ... are0my cousins.+:H  *... of my parents are6Americans.+:H  *I like ... Indians.+:H  *France and U.S.: I've0been in ... .+:H  *My Dad has travelled  ... around the world.~  <+a) ALL<b) BOTHH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  6+a) ANY6b) ALLH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *... man likes talking.+:H  *... fish live in water.+:H  *... child can swim.+:H  *... Indian boy rides6a horse.+:H *... Indians have0got horses.+:H  *... woman wants a home.+:H  *... cow likes eating.+:H  *... horses eat hay.+:H  *... babies cry.+:H  *... humans lie` (mentir). d* +a) anything b) nothing c) everything d) everybody+:H *No, I have ... to*say to you.+:H *...'s waiting 6for you.+:H $ *..t. is perfect.+:H  *... knows you are her e.+:H *Is there ...6to eat ?+:H *No, there's ...6to eat.+:H *Yes, ... 's ready$for the rodeo.+:H  *No, ...'s ready.+:H *Is there ...0I can do ?+:H  *... knows that Jim has #the best horse.+:H  *In Texas, ... burns.+:H  *Last year, ... burntaround the ranch.+:H *Yesterday, ... waswaiting for you.+:H *Today, ... will go *to the rodeo.~  *+a) Everybody*b) EverythingH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *Did .. help the Indian s ?+:H  *No, there isn'tb ..r to do .+:H  *Can ... see the dog ?+:H  *Can .. ride Jim's horse ?+:H  *... can happen.~  6+a) Anybody6b) AnythingH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H *... knows horses as*well as Jim.+:H  *There's ... to eat.+:H *... rides better4than Jim.+:H *... knows where your mother is.+:H *... 's better than agood glass of water.~  6+a) Nobody6b) NothingH *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *+We should tell him the truth.(la vrit)Bwe tell him the truth ?P# * +We should speak to the Indians.7we speak to the Indians ?P# * +I should go to San Francisco.>I go to San Francisco ?P# * +He should learn his lessons.Bhe learn his lessons ?P# * +We should dance with the Indians.1we Ddance with the Indians ?P# * +They should watch the rodeo.Bthey watch the rodeo ?P# * +We should stay in the house.Bwe stay in the house ?P# * +He should ride that horse.Hhe ride that horse ?P# *$ +We should milk the cows.Nwe milk the cows ?P# *0 +We should go outside.Zwe go outside ?+:H *Perhaps you'll see*your mother.~  6+a) may6 b) must6c) shouldH *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *6+Perhaps he'll win.6He win.P# *+Your mother is certainlyxin the States.She be in the States.P# * +If I were you, I'd be happy..You be happy.P# *0 +Maybe he wants to go.0He want to go.P# * +Perhaps Jim has a cake for you. He have a cake for you.P# *0 +I'm sure Jim is nice.*He be nice.P# * +Perhaps she is your friend.She be your friend.P# * +I'm not sure that he's the best.0He be the best.P# *$ +I'm sure he dances well.0He dance well.P# *+If I were him, I'd take the plane.He ntake the plane.P# *$ +I'm sure it's not my dog.$It be my dog.P# * +I'm certain it's on Tuesday.It be on Tuesday.P# * +I'm sure she's not in Texas.She be in Texas.P# * +I'm not sure she's Indian.She be Indian.P# *$ +I'm not sure it's today.$It be today.P# * +I'm sure he's coming tomorrow.$He come tomorrow.P# *$ +I'm sure we're not going.$We go.P# * +I'm sure they're not here.They be here.P# * +I'm not sure it's your dog.*It be your dog.P# * +I'm not sure he's a cowboy too.&He nbe a cowboy too.P# * +Will / she / certainly / come.P# * +'re / probably / you / late.P# *$ +I / wrong / perhaps / 'm.P# * +'s / maybe / too / it / difficult.P# * +He / will / win / certainly.~   +Dangerous => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Easy => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Stupid =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Cold => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Patient => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Happy => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Nervous => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Sad => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Anxious => H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Nice => H *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *Are you as tall as me ?+:H 0 *Go away !+:H  *I know everything !+:H  *Jim's the best cowboy0isn't he ?+:H & *Shall we go ?+:H  *I'm sure it's my dog.+:H $*We should go,$shouldn't we ?+:H . *He may win.+:H  *Everything burnt.+:H  *Did everybody stay ?+:H  EV(E 4R?YJTUH`IkNvG+:H   P R O B A B L Y+:H   I N$ T/ E; LG LR I^ Gj Eu N T+:H   S U R P R I S E+:H   S O M E T H I N G+:H   M Y! S, T7 EB RM IX Oc Un Sy L Y+:H   D A$ N0 G< EH RT O` Ul Sx L Y+:H   P A" R. T: IF CS I_ Pk Ax T E+:H '  R O D E O+:H   C E R T A I N L Yh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O o O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O o o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O o O o o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION : OoooOoOh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O o O oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  O O o Oh; *+PRONONCIATION :  o O O o O+:H  *as/as/good/'m/I/you+:H  *'s/he/than/better/me+:H  *Indian/can/any/dance/+:H  *babies / all / cry+:H  *horses/fast/as/cars/ as/run/+:H  *all / smoke / cowboys+:H  *'s / ready / nothing+:H  *off /( thatF /R getj /v horse+:H  *milk/cows/we/the/should+:H  *mysteriOUs dangerOUs+:H  *shOUld gOOd+:H  *everYthing anY+:H $ *hOrse dOg+:H $ *lIke I'll+:H $ *EAsy cIty+:H  *perhAps Ask+:H * *mAY sAY+:H $ *mUst jUst+:H  *paintED askED+:H 6 *Should+:H < *Milk+:H < *Know+:H < *Ask+:H 6 *School+:H 6 *Could+:H < *I'll+:H < *Knew+:H < *Known+:H 6 *Would~   +insogmteh =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +ybdoreevy =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +yunocrt =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +yynbdao =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +gnontih =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *6+Somebody's waiting.$a) Quelqu'un attend.$b) Tout le monde attend.P# *6+Is there anybody ?$a) Tout le monde est l ?$b) Y a-t-il quelqu'un ?P# *+Have you got something to say ?a) N'as-tu rien dire ?b) As-tu quelque chose dire ?P# *$+All Indians are friendly. a) Tous les Indiens sont amicaux. b) Tout Indien est amical.P# *6+Nobody can see you.a) On peut te voir.b) Personne ne peut te voir.P# *0+You may be surprised.a) Tu es surpris.b) Tu es peut-tre surpris.P# *6+Maybe she'll come.a) Elle viendra sans doute.b) Elle viendra peut-tre.P# **+Perhaps we can see it.a) On peut peut-tre le voir.b) On peut le voir.P# *6+Everything's ready.6a) Rien n'est prt.6b) Tout est prt. P# *T +Sincereadv: trad: P# *T +Seriousadv: trad:P# *` +Coldadv: trad:P# *Z +Warmadv: trad: P# *Z +Realadv: trad:P# *T +Certainadv: trad:P# *Z +Actualadv: trad:P# *T +Probableadv: trad:P# *Z +Trueadv: trad:P# *N +Reasonableadv: trad:~   +You come in andget something to eat.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You `get ready $for the rodeo.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You Tget on that*horse and go.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You Tget off thatcow : it's dangerous.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You get in the <house.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You fget someBrest.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If I were you, Iget a better horse.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If I were you, I*get up and go.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If I were you, Iget out of this house.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +If I were you, Ihave got my sunglasses.H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R & *Dis si l'intonation monte ou descend.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &$*Clique sur la partie du motBqui est accentue.-  +a) La voix monte. b) La voix descend.H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &<*Construis ta phrase,0puis lis-la haute voix suivant le schma d'accentuation.L+;R &*Dis si les mots suivants se prononcentde la"mme faon (Right) ou non (Wrong).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.- +a) Rightb) WrongH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R & *Dis si le "K" ou le "L" se prononce0(yes) ou non (no).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.~  <+a) yes<b) noH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &*Retrouve les 7 noms cachs dans cecarr magique et qui se rapportentau$Far West.L+; ~0^{=^IU^am^m 0,{80D{P0P{r,+1),2)4R H W R M N r<3)<4)@H O T Z I A LC R D D L I 5)L6)XN S Y E K Dr\7)dA E X B O N pR T S E W I P# *+OBTENIR MONTER DESCENDRESORTIR ENTRER PRENDRE AVOIR SE LEVER SE PREPARER+:H *Get on that horse,6quick !+:H 0*Get out !+:H *Get in that house.+:H *You must get ready.+:H *Can I get a ticket ?+:H *You should get off*that horse.+:H *Get down and eat.+:H  *Get up and hurry up !+:H  *Go and get some rest.+:H *Jim's got a nice horse.L+;R &*Remets ces mots dans l'ordre.L+;R &*Parmi les traductions proposes, dis laquelle se rapproche le plus<de la phrase affiche.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique le mot ou le groupe de mots oula phrase l'cran l'aide de ta souris ou des flches, en fonction del'nonc, ou bien clique sur un des&icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les mots, groupe de mots,  lettres, ou phrases l'aide de ta souris, ou des flches en fonction del'nonc ou bien clique sur un des%icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les dessins VRAI ou FAUX surl'cran l'aide de ta souris, ou desflches.  Ou bien clique sur un des icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier, la  lettre ou le mot manquant puis, valideavec ENTER. S'il y a plusieurs motsmanquants, valide en cliquant l'icone%OK situ en bas de ton cran (= F10).LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier les diffrents mots ou lettres manquants et valide avec l'icne O.K , ou bien, clique sur les icones proposs.X,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERhw g  C'EST JUSTEhw ig  C'EST FAUXP53 mlM(V(* *Attention, l'adverbe se forme avec le suffixe LY ajout l'adjectif. 0Prend)0s60garde au doublement de  <consonne ! LLe Y de l'adjectif se transforme  Xen I pour l'adverbe.P53 ml*- Regarde bien si c'est un adjectifcourt ou long.(- Le superlatif de GOOD est 0irrgulier !@- Superlatif de supriorit : HThe + adj + est ou the + most + adHjPC'est selon la longueur deXl'adjectif.P53 mlB,*Fais attention ! 8La phrase est-elle au singulierBDou au pluriel ?P53 ml*- ANYTHING s'emploie dans les phrases interrogatives ou ngatives.,- Fais atteD,nK,tion au sens de la phras,e,:4vrifie si on parle de personnes<ou de choses.H- Attention : EVERY ne peut Ps'employer avec une rponse  Xngative.P53 ml*- PERHAPS est un adverbe d'incerti-tude (peut-tre).'- MAY indique aussi une incertitude.5- MUST indique une forte probabilit5.C- SHOULD indique un conseil.Q- CAN'T indique une forte improbabi-Ylit.P53 ml+*Le Y de l'adjectif se transforme 67en I pour l'adverbe.P53 ml*- Fais attention la particule quis'accroche GET.,- Ready = prt8To be ready = tre prtH- Rest = reposX- 's = HASL+; ~$+LE SUPERLATIF DE SUPERIORITEIl sert comparer un lment $plusieurs autres en dterminant0lequel est LE PLUS ceci ou cela.<Il se forme comme suit : H1. the + adjectif court + "est"*TEx : the smallest. `2. the most + adjectif long*lEx : the most beautiful.L+; ~2 7+LE COMPARATIF D'EGALITEIl sert comparer deux lments *gaux. Quelle que soit la longueur6de l'adjectif, il se forme comme Bsuit :BN,as + adjectif + as^+Ex : Billy is as nice as Dan.0jJenny is as beautiful as Jane.L+; ~5<+CONSEIL ET SUGGESTION Pour conseiller quelqu'un de "faire quelque chose, on emploie  .SHOULD. Cet auxiliaire est invariable  :et fonctionne comme les autres Fauxiliaires (COULD / WOULD / etc).REx : You SHOULD eat your meal.$ZTu devrais manger ton repas.fYou SHOULDN'T ride this horse.nTu ne devrais pas monter ce chevanl.L+; ~ +Si l'on se met la place de quelqu' un pour mettre un avis ou donner un  conseil, on emploie la formule :,If I were you ... + conditionnel:Ex : If I were you, I'd put a coat on.B(I'd = would)NSi j'tais toi, je mettrais un Vmanteau.bIf I were you, I wouldn't do thisb.nSi j'tais toi, je ne ferais pas an.L+; ~3":+LES QUANTIFICATEURS ,On utilise BOTH quand on parle de 8deux lments.HEx : Do you prefer rodeos or jumpingsH?$TI like both (j'aime les deux).L+; ~+ALL dsigne la totalit d'un ensemble.Dans l'exemple, on peut remplacer ALLpar ANY : All cows are stupids = any...*Toutes les vaches sont idiotes = Tout*e6vache est idiote. (n'importe laquelle)BATTENTION la place des quantifica-Nteurs dans la phrase !ZAvec un pronom personnel, on a:fI like them both / I like them allrJe les aime tous les deux / tousL+; ~ +LES COMPOSES DE SOME, ANY ET NO. Phrasel-body -thing *affirmative somebody something :interrog. anybody anything Fngative n'importe n'importe quoi Raffirmative qui/personne bngative nobody nothing navec V aff. personne rienL+; 06+LES PRONOMS INDEFINISIls permettent de dsigner une totalit - soit pour des choses :,Ex : EVERYTHING's perfect.64Tout est parfait.@- soit pour des personnes :LEx : EVERYBODY's ready.6TTout le monde est prt.\Remarque :dEVERY et tous les pronoms composs avedclEVERY sont toujours suivis d'un verbetau singulier.L+; ~+GET est un verbe qui s'emploie dans de nombreuses circonstances avec dessens trs varis selon le contexte etla particule qui s'y ajoute. On connat$dj le sens de get dans I've got=j'ai$.,En voici quelques autres:8GET out ! (sors) / GET in ! (entre). BGET down ! (deYBs`Bcends)LGet up ! (lve-toi).VGET me a coke ! (prends-moi un coke)V.`Can I GET a ticket ? (puis-je obtenir hun hbillet ?). rGET ready ! (prpare-toi).L+; ~> N+LA PROPOSITION "On connat dj la proposition avec .let's. On peut galement utiliser :SHALL : F- soit dans une phrase interrogativeRShall we go ? ^- soit avec un TAG :jLet's go, shall we ?L+; ~2 <+LA FORTE PROBABILITE %Elle s'exprime avec MUST (que l'on  1connat dj); les adverbes de forte =probabilit sont : certainly~Isurely YAttention son contraire qui est  eCAN'T et exprime une IMPROBABILITE.L+; ~ +Si l'on parle d'INCERTITUDE, onemploiera MAY qui fonctionne#comme les autres auxiliaires et/est invariable. ;Par exemple :GThis may be true = Perhaps it's truerS= Maybe it's truecPerhaps et maybe sont des adverbes od'incertitude (peut-tre).L+; ~ +Voici un code pour t'aider prononcer les mots : l'accentuation o/ O +. Dans tous les mots de plus d'une ,syllabe, il y en a toujours une qui 8est prononce plus fortement que le8s Dautres : PMorning  O+ o (accent sur la 1re) \Professor o  O +o (accent sur la 2me) hTelevision  O+ o o o (sur la 1re) tAmerican o  O+ o o (sur la 2me)L+;R &*Remets ces phrases dans l'ordre. ((+))(-))(-)*()))*()),()),())+())+())+()),()),()))*(-)*(-))(+))(((( wwq&);p((8p((8p(*8(8p((98p@ p*pLIp())p?+x*pn(H Hx)Hp((88(p>-Jpg)@H((Hp(()GIpf*M(HIp((8(HPP*PIpe(N((Ip((8(8(IPXPP_[ZIxHp_(H(((IzIp (+(I_]X\PY]\[XXJ(p])I((()IzHp *8(8(HPX[X\PZZP XXJ(p\ +H(())(zHp (8(8((I]X[^][Y[PXIؘ(pQ | *K(H((()( H y {(8)(9(H^XX__^[\P I(pO *I(ؘ(((((H H (-(I^P\^[\X][J(p y | p1*M(ؘ((((H I -9((9(H\PP^P X][HIpp4*K(**HxJ((8((8(IP!ZP ZZJ(Hpp z p -J)HXJ)(Iy(*)(8(HPHH(Hp p{-L(HXY)((J()8((*8(@J(Hp Hy p*IH((XXY)()I-8-*K^\\ZP\]X\(Ix x xI y |p|X)N)XXXX()H|*,8),K_Z_Z[\XZP Ip ~ x |{*N(XYXX((Hz ()(8((**I,JP#P!(HHp y x ( p -I(XYYX) ()*8*(8(8)I(K Lx|)H~p((p (*L(XYYX (((((8(8)I(L(H(J(HM(HJ(H(J(H@ (HJ(H(J(H(H(H(HI(H({)I}p( x* XZYX{()/)I(L(HI(HO(HI(HI(H@(HI(HI(Hh(h)H(HI(HH(IH y|,L*z(8x(Iؘ(x-I(XP{/9(*)(I((Hؘ(Hؐ (Hؘ(Hؘ(Hؐ(Hؘ(Hؘ(Hij(I(HH(HI*HH p,K{(8x(I٘(x P I(((8():(I(L(H(H-M(H(H(H N,H(H(HHm(J(H(HK*HIp /H|- K(P I()()-:(I((HH؞()H(HHؐ (((H(HH(HhhiI(H(HJ)JJ+L{-x((x H(P H(()))I(L(HO(L(H)H@ (L(M)HH(IhiJH)HI*HN{+H*J+*8z){(H((,P H 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MDaM0M(Mj#OePDKEjEYEgDFmFhGhG[GgCHmHdIRfIQIR JLUJLJMJM;KMK@KK8RoShUsV}WkXZ [a]]]I^X_^Y^?^>5__B`:|`T`S#aaQaTSbWbTbQOcRcVcWNdTdezf8f}g5g5gh9i44i5ii2i1iklfl<la+:H  *What a great day !+:H  *Let's go for a walk.+:H *Why don't we playa tennis game ?+:H  *How good he is !+:H  *I'm a good player too.+:H  *Tennis is so difficult ! d*+a) exclamationb) interrogatio_nc) affirmationd) propositionL+;R & *Lis la phrase et dis de quel genre il s'agit. Clique sur la bonne rponse.~  . +a beautiful bridge!H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+San Francisco isWnice !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  :+hot the weather:is today !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  : +kind you are !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  <+crowded this6street is !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  <+gorgeous hair9she's got !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +It's great 0to be here !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +a dangerous place  !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  < +a crazy man !H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +You're wonderful !H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer WHAT ou SO.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.~  <+a) WHAT<b) SOH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *... a friendly dog !+:H  *... a lovely park !+:H  *This town is ... green !+:H *These roses are.... lovely.+:H  *... lovely roses !+:H  *... a difficult game !+:H  *Your boat is ... big !+:H & *... a shame !+:H  *... nice flowers !+:H  *You're ... sweet.L+;R & *Il faut employer HOW, WHAT ou SO.Tape la bonne rponse et valide.~  <+a) WHAT<b) HOWH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H * *.... nice !+:H  *.... stupid of me !+:H  *.... an idiot !+:H  *.... intelligent !+:H  *.... an intelligent man !+:H  *.... wonderful !+:H  *.... wonderful flowers !+:H  *.... beautiful she is !+:H  *.... crazy you are !+:H  *.... beautiful g hair !L+;R &*Dis si la conjonction souligne exprimeun contraste, une continuit ou une al-ternative. Clique sur la bonne rponse. d* +a) contraste b) alternative c) continuitQ+:H t**I'd like to play but I don't know if I can.+:H _n* *We'll go there and play .+:H RZ*" *Say yes or no.L+;R &! *Complte les phrases avec AND,6BUT ou OR selon le sens.~   +It's time to go play.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +He's got to get readyZleave.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +She has left I'm<not sad.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +We can go stay here.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +We can play tennisLwatch T.V.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Do you want to go to thecinema to the concert?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +I'd like to see herHI'm afraid. H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  &+She played wellJshe lost.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+She played wellMshe won.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +We have gone to Texas,*we haven't seen her.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Have you seen the Golden Gate ? YesB,QI .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Did you catch the cable-car ??NYes, I .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Have you been to NewOrleans 1?@No, I .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Has he played with you before 1??YesN,]he .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Did she like it ?:No, she .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Has he worked all day ?0Yes, he . H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Have you finished yourwork ? No, I .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Did she watch T.V. lastnight ,?<Yes, she .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Have they seen the game ?$No, they .H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &$ *Trouve le participe pass deces verbes conjugus au preterit.~  * +Knew =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +Put =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +Ran =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Read =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Lost =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Threw =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Took =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Made =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Wrote =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Rode =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +It hasn't happened,~?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+They've won,~?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+He's been there,?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +We haven't lost it,r?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +She hasn't seen you,x?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +She's played here,~?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +You've known that,x?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  "+You've told her, r?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +I haven't been herebefore, ?H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +I've got a chance,~?H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &$ *Retrouve la base verbale de6ces participes passs.~  * +Been =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Driven =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Eaten =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Taken =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Drunk =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Found =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $ +Given =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +Lost =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +Won =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &   *Dis s'il faut employer ALREADY ou YET+pour complter la phrase.*Clique sur la bonne rponse.~  0+a) Already0b) YetH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *Has Billy arrived ... ?+:H $ *No, not ... .+:H  *He has ... seen it.+:H *They haven't been0here ... .+:H  *She hasn't found her .. .+:H  *They've ... gone.+:H  *I'm not ready ... .+:H  *He's ... a winner.+:H  *I haven't played ... .L+;R &*Dis s'il faut employer le preterit6ou le present perfect. $Clique sur la bonne rponse.~  +a) Preteritb) Present perfectH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *I (be) in Texas all wee k .+:H *She (come) here0last year.+:H *Billy (play) with!me in New York.+:H *Dan (take) me to the$zoo last year.+:H  *Jim (help) me all week.+:H *My Dad (come) with$me last night.+:H  *We (go) to the concert*last week.+:H  *I just (finish) my wor k.+:H  *He just (win) the game.+:H  *They just (tell) where$my mother is.+:H  *What a great dog !+:H $ *He's so nice !+:H  *How beautiful !+:H  *Is this a shoebrush ?+:H $ *My hair's dry.+:H  *Yes, I have been here.+:H  *Where has he gone ?+:H  *Has she left already ?+:H *He has come back,*hasn't he ?+:H $ *What a pity !+:H #  WONDERFUL +:H #  TERRIFIC +:H '  GORGEOUS +:H "  FANTASTIC +:H (  REPORTER +:H +  MILKMAN +:H *  POLICE +:H $  POLICEMAN +:H  *Toothbrush / Hairdryer+:H  *Furniture / Fantastic+:H  *Luggage / Goldfish+:H  *Dishwasher / Windsurfer+:H  *Machine / Milkman+:H  *Policeman / Photographer+:H  *Homework / Blackboard+:H  *Swimming-pool / Reporter+:H  *Postman / Milkman~  ,HK,x{, ,K+NEW / ,N+EWS / ,K+EYSH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  ,UX,, +T,A+KEN / PL,A+Y / H,A+VEH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  ,@I +R,EA+DY / R,EA+D(B.V) / N,EE+DH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  `c +R,EA+D(P.P) / R,E+D / M,EA+NH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *1 2 3 4 5P# *6+delicious this cake is !Za delicious cake !This cake is delicious !P# *f+interesting books! These books are interesting!*interesting these books are!P# *$+This movie is great !Hgreat this movie is !la great movie !P# *6+gorgeous this woman is !This woman is gorgeous !Za gorgeous woman !P# o*T+a beautiful dress !0beautiful this dress is ! This dress is beautiful !P# **+This dog is big !la big dog !Hbig this dog is !P# *+This sport is dangerous !0dangerous this sport is !Za dangerous sport !P# *H+happy this boy is !la happy boy ! *This boy is happy !P# *6+huge this building is !This building is huge !Za huge building !P# *r+a fat cow !Nfat this cow is !$This cow is fat !L+;R &*Fais 3 exclamations diffrentes  partir des lments donns. UtiliseHOW, WHAT et SO en compltant les`phrases.~  $+A man who sings.$A .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +A bird which lives bythe sea. A.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +A ship which goes intospace. A .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +The day you celebrate yourbirth. Your .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +A man who takes photo-graphs. A .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +A man who keeps a shop.!A~.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +Girls who go to school.'A~.H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  +A star in rock n' roll.A .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  $+A star in films.$A .H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +A wife who works in the house. A.H *Hello! My name's Dan. P# *T+ThoughtPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *Z+BoughtPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *Z+LookedPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *`+TakenPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *Z+SpokenPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *Z+FoundPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *`+PutPret: B.V.: Trad:P# *`+ComePret: B.V.: Trad:P# *`+KnownPret: B.V.: Trad:L+;R & *Donne le preterit et la base verbale de ces participes passs.Puis,$traduis cette base verbale.+:H  *Where's San Francisco ?+:H  *What's a cable-car ?+:H  *What's the Golden Gate  ?+:H  *Where's the Golden Gate ?+:H  *Who's on the ocean ?+:H  *Which is a university-near S.F. ?+:H  *What's Stanford ?+:H *What's a famoussport-team in S.F. ?+:H  *What is there in S.F ?+:H *What can you see with many colors ? d* +a) Florida b) California c)Texas d* +a) A tramway b) A car c) A boat d*+a) A bridgeb) A riverc) A road d* +a) In Miami b) In Brooklyn c) In S.F. d* +a) Sailors b)Windsurfers c) Boats d*+a)%U.C.L.Ab)%Berkleyc) Harvard  d* +a) A school b) A universit_y c) A monument d*+a)A!f&o+o0t5b:a?lDl NtSeXa]mb)A "s'o,c1c6e;rFtKePaUmc)A "t'e,n1n6i;s FtKePam d* +a)Alligators b)A zoo c) A bay d*+a) Sailsb)+Fishc) PeopleL+;R &6*Rponds la question.<Complte la phrase.P# * +Can you give me a brush to clean  my shoes ?6You mean a ?P# * +Can you bring me a pot of tea ?6You mean a ?P# * +Do you know this boy who goes to school ?6You mean a ?P# * +Do you like to go into these sh]ops with books ?6You mean a ?P# * +My sister is in the room with the bathtub.6You mean a ?P# * +I love sitting into this chair with arms.0You mean an ?P# * +Where is the brush for my teeth ?6You mean a ?P# * +Do you like to sit by a place with fire ?6You mean a ?P# * +Did the man who delivers milk  come yesterday ?6You mean a ?P# * +What about the man who bakes cookies ?6You mean a ?P# * +A man who works for a post officera P# * +A woman who works for the policera P# * +Two men who work for the policeftwo P# * +A man who works into a bankra P# * +An object to dry your hair ra P# * +A machine to wash the dishesra P# * +A machine wich records tapesra P# * +A man who practices windsurfra P# * +A man who playsra P# * +A man who reports the newsra LP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier, la  lettre ou le mot manquant puis, valideavec ENTER. S'il y a plusieurs motsmanquants, valide en cliquant l'icone%OK situ en bas de ton cran (= F10).X,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERhw ig  C'EST FAUXhw g  C'EST JUSTEL+; ~,4. Un adjectif + un nom :+a grandfather = un grand-prethe grandchild = le petit enfant$a blackboard = un tableau (d'cole)0,5. Verbe/nom + terminaison ER<+the banker = le banquierDthe baker = le boulangerP,6. Nom + verbe + ER\+a shopkeeper = un commerantda tape-recorder = un magntophoneL+; ~IN +PARTICIPE PASSE&Le participe pass des verbes rgulier&s.se forme avec la terminaison ED, comme6pour le preterit. >ex : I have finishED my work.JLe participe pass des verbes Rirrguliers doit tre appris par coeurZen consultant la liste des verbesbirrguliers dans ta documentation.L+; ~HN+LE PRETERITLe preterit simple est un temps du pass.$Le preterit sert exprimer une action,passe dont la date est prcise par4des indications de temps ou par le<contexte :D* We met their friends yesterday.L* He didn't like the film.TOn emploie galement le preterit pour\parler d'une action compltement dtermine :l* He worked in an office.L+; ~9 ? +LE PRESENT PERFECT%On emploie le present perfect pour-parler d'une action commence dans le5pass qui se poursuit dans le prsent. =ex : he HAS livED here for two days.IIl faut employer le present perfectQpour parler d'une action passe dontYle moment n'est pas prcis. aex : I HAVE SEEN this film.L+; ~EJ+ALREADY et YETLes adverbes ALREADY et YET s'emploient frquemment avec le present perfect(pour dire :0- Ce qui est dj arriv (,ALREADY+)<- Ce qui n'est pas encore arrivD(not ,YET+).PExemples :\- She hasn't come yetd- She has already arrived.l- Has she arrived already ?L+;  +LES EXCLAMATIONS : HOW et WHAT- HOW suivi d'un jardjectif:(comme ...!, que ...!, combien ...!4How fast he goes !(comme il va vite!4)@- WHAT suivi d'un groupe nominal :Lquel ...!, quels ...!, quelles ...!XWhat a day! (quelle journe !)dWhat lovely flowers ! p(quelles jolies fleurs !)L+; ~1 <+LES EXCLAMATIONS : SO SO porte sur un adjectif ou sur,un adverbe( si ... tellement ).8Exs : You're so kind.HDTu es si gentil.HTHe did it so sincerely.H`Il l'a fait tellementHlsincrement. L+; ~FL+LES CONJONCTIONS - AND ( ET ) sert unir deux mots ou deux parties d'une phrase. AND*exprime une continuit. 6- BUT ( MAIS ) exprime un contraste,Bune opposition entre les mots, lesNides ou les phrases. Z- OR ( OU / OU BIEN ) exprime une falternative entre deux ou plusieursrpossibilits.L+; @K +LES NOMS COMPOSESIls se forment de diverses faons :#,1. deux noms ajouts: /+Ex : a bathroom (une salle de bains).$7a bedroom (une chambre).$?a bookshop (une librairie).$Ga library (une bibliothque).$Oan ice cream (une glace). $Wa fireplace (une chemine).$_a toothbrush (une brosse dents_).$ga post office (un bureau de postge)$oa crossroads (un carrefour).L+; ~ ,2. Un nom + man / woman (mtiers)."+Ex : the milkman (le laitier).6.the postman (le postier).6:a policeman (un policier). J,3. Un nom verbal (V + ING) + un nom.V+Ex : the living-room (le salon).6bthe swimming-pool (la pibsbcine)L+;R &!Dis combien il y a de syllabes dansle mot. Clique sur le nombre exact.H  !If only I could ...+:H !I hope we'll win.+:H !You'll come, won't you?+:H !What about tigers?+:H !I haven't got one0either.+:H $!Neither do I.+:H L+;R &0*Un de ces mots se prononce diffremment. Clique sur ce mot.L+;R & *Complte le texte par le motqui manque.L+;R &*Rponds aux questions en cliquant<sur la bonne rponse.L+;R &$ *Complte les phrases suivantes$avec le TAG qui convient. d* +a)montante b) descendanteL+;R &*Clique sur la bonne accentuation.~   7>ag +T,A+PE / M,A+N / PR,A+CTICEH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  8?bi +B,U+T / P,U+T / S,U+RFERH *Hello! My name's Dan. +:H  *I have ... done my work .~  0 +HAIRDRYERH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   +Done =>H *Hello! My name's Dan. ~   BHs{ +P,O+LICE / W,O+MEN / B,U+SINESSH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  6 +POLICEH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +POLICEMANH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  * +TOOTHBRUSHESH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +PRACTICEDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  B +WANTEDH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  6 +ALREADYH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +POLICEWOMANH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +PHOTOGRAPHERH *Hello! My name's Dan. ~  0 +WONDERFULH *Hello! My name's Dan. LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique le mot ou le groupe de mots oula phrase l'cran l'aide de ta souris ou des flches, en fonction del'nonc, ou bien clique sur un des&icones.LP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les mots, groupe de mots, lettres, ou phrases l'aide de ta souris, ou des flches en fonction de l'nonc ou bien clique sur les icones . KK  O o o X o O oLP; 02 2 11 22 +Clique sur les dessins VRAI ou FAUX surl'cran l'aide de ta souris, ou desflches.  Ou bien clique sur un des icones. KK  o O o O o o KK  o O ` O oLP; 02 2 11 22 +Tape, l'aide de ton clavier les diffrents mots ou lettres manquants et valide avec l'icne O.K , ou bien, clique sur les icones proposs. KK  o O o ` O o o KK  O o o o O o KK  o O o o o O  KK  O o a o O KK  o Oi O oL+; ~ +Voici un code pour t'aider prononcer les mots : l'accentuation o/ O +. Dans tous les mots de plus d'une ,syllabe, il y en a toujours une qui 8est prononce plus fortement que le8s Dautres : PMorning  O+ o (accent sur la 1re) \Professor o  O +o (accent sur la 2me) hTelevision  O+ o o o (sur la 1re) tAmerican o  O+ o o (sur la 2me)L+;R &*Dis si les mots ont le mme schma d'accc*entuationd(Right) ou non (Wrong).$Clique sur la bonne rponse.- +a) Rightb) WrongH *Hello! My name's Dan. L+;R &*Clique sur la bonne intonation.L+;R & *Dis s'il faut employer WHAT ou HOW.$Clique sur la bonne rponse.77( ) (#p) ) 8yp) ) 8p) ) (p) ) (p<) =) ( }p) ) 8p p) ) 8pp))~(%p) )p (y,p) ){8~$p(8)8 8zp(8888) ( p(8888) (p(8888)8 (+p(8888)8{8p p(8888)x~y8}p(8888)|(yy p(8) (p3ypF()8 8p(pC(8)8 8p"zp@() (pyp()~(p p(8 )8y8p%p(z)8p8xp(~) (888p) ) (8ؼ8pps) )8 88ؼ8p "pY) )z8}88ؼ8 p"pp5) ){(8ؼ8pHp:) ) (888غpFpO۰) )8 88ػ8غp  ) )8 88ػ8ذ.} p[)9) (8ػ8ذCp[) )( (8ػ8ذ7 pS) )( 8888ٰp! pO )(888غ8ذp( pxp? )(8(8غ8ذ pNp@/)(8(8غ8ذ p*8(8 )(8(9ع8ذ pv*8(8*8(8*8.)( (89ڰ4ph*8(8*8(8*8(8*.)( (9ڰ#p{*8(8*8(8*8(8*(((-( (89p}*8(8*8(8*8(8*((((((+ ( (8 9p~*8(8*8(8*8(8*(((((((- ( 8(89p p\*8(8*8(8*8(8*(((((((*- 8(89p^8(9)8(8*8(8*8(8+(((((*). 9(8#9pc8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8(8(8()*)*-9(88&9ps8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8(8(8((())* (89*9pr8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8(8(8(((,*,-(8,9pp8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8(8(8(((*/)++(808pm8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8*8(8(8(8(((*/, 8)*9pj8(8*8(8*8(8(0 */,*.*+8ph8(8*8(? -.*/9p!}8|{~p ?/,) ,/8p){{y{*p :, -*)  -/8p,8y~88*8p ****)  - ((8p.(888*p *)  - )(8p/*889*p *)  - *( 8px/*8=8*p *)/8 - +"8p }y.*=8*8p *))(/8 .(*${y.*.8,).8p -)())*8 -(+%|xy.).-8*.p ,)(((,8 -(,'yx.*9*({{+)(*,8*.(-2).*((988*(x{* )(((((-88,(--+)/*((8(8).)(xz/))()-8*-*,*.* 88*/)*z/ ))*(-)98*, *(),-)+.( ,))( 988++ )(1)++/( ,)(*( 898,*)(4+++)*())(( 8(98,*+ (JX)*)()( (8( 9(98,*,WX)*)+) * ()98+(). 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X,  *TAPE UNE TOUCHE POUR CONTINUERL+;  Consulte la grille de ( couleuW r` s de cette application et cliquela couleur de la case H#demande.@3CASE :C1- BLANCC5- BLEUS2- NOIRS6- ROUGEc3- JAUNEc7- GRISs4- VERTs8- MAUVE(3oN2$rL7p 8I.xp&8P 7:xp&S~:9x8p'W{p , z8p)Qp9 z8p'8Nz9~x6 y8p)Rpx& 9y8p*4{;{91 |8p+?xp9{5}8p*>zp 9p 1 }8p+#p 8x9p ~p)8+p  p*8 p8x:|8x9yp8p, ~9p  p 98p, {:}9pp88p, p 98z9|9z}x 9p9p- p 88x8|:9z y8pA {9{9x89z99}9zx8p@ 898x8::{8p ~8p@ 8 9p9| }8p?} p:p  x x y 8}8|8p p?8 xx x 8~{8p8 x8p=8 x xx 8z9x88x8}9z xxp>8 xx x 8~8y9y8x xx8p<8 x xx 8}88 x8p=8 xy x 8} |8x8 xp=8 xz x ˈz8 8x8y9x8p=8 y xYz8 8{8 xp=8 x x[8y8 }xp>8 x x[: |xp=8 x xYɀ y xp=8 x x x8p;8 x x xp<8 x xp;8 x  xp<  x  xxp'  x xˉ8p' x xYyp'  x y[zp&  x y[zp&  xx x Yzp& xx y {p& x xx p|p& xxx x|p&xyy {x x|p'yx  xy x~ x|p)ˌx xx x y8{p(Yɋx xx x y8|p'[ȋx xx xx88}p'[ȋz xxxpEYɋyx xxx pEˍ xy xyx x x8pC xy yxzxyz 8p3& xy {yy{!8p2 xz y 8p2 xzx p2 x{x8p1 x zxp2 x zx p0& xz{xp0|xxyyx8p1xyxx xx9p2xy x x x8p2x x x xp2x x x xp2&xx  xx pG xx  yx  pH8 x xxx pI8 x x yx pJ8 x x yx pK8 x xxx pL8 x xyx pN8 x xy  pO8 x xyz x  xpO8 x xx{xx xxpT x xy{y xpW8x xyxXpW8x x yx XpW8x x yx pYxx yx pZxx zx pZxx  y pZxx x p[xx x Xp[Xx x xXp\x8 x xp\8yx ȋ~p;8zx xx }p;8|8x xz |p;~x p[{p;~8 xz p{YYzp;~8 x p}XXyp;}8xp p~XXyp;}|ppYYyp<8|xpyp[yp<8} x [ ppxp<8}x YYpp xp<8|8 x XXpp"yp=8yz yXXpDyp=xzyYYpFyp>8xz y[pIp[8x{9x pLp pN8yyz8 xpLp XpM8|x8xpK}xxXpM{8xpL|89pL8{x8xpL}YpK8{x8xpUXxXpK{y8xpVyXpL~8zpWZ{XpL|xpZX{XpKx8{xpXY8pP}xypW8pO p xpV8pN p pXpN p pVpN p pUpN p !pVp&U 09)0G U : 8: ?< %/ :+p2(:)8p;(< %/ :+p ?p (:)p;(<  "  :+p ~?p (:)p?p(< 0"( -p( :+p {?y(:)p >p ?p(< 0"(/8) x( :+ {?y(:)p >|y?{ x(< 0"(/(( x( :+:|: {?y(:){>|y?{ x(< 0(9(>(/8)8(8(8(8x( :*8:|z xy?{ x(< ?<*9(:)8(>(/((((((x( :*8:|: =xy< x(< >=.8*8)=(/(8(((((x( :*8:|z (/x( :*8-y: =(8 8(-/ :)8-p (8(:)8(|(,0(< 0 ./ :)8-p {x((0 (:)8(|(,0(< :(:,8.y*/ :)8-}(((((0 (:)8(|(,9 < :-8 zy#9 y :)8-8(((((((0 (:)8(p ,9( < 0 z)x (xx(  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( < 8-:(*z)y ,8 x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9 <  (*z)y( 8,8*X)X,x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,0(<  x9(*)y*y) 8,8 8 :)8-8(((((((?(8(:){(p ,9 <  )(YX[{)z* 8,  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( <  )(YYz*z+  ":)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9( <  *x(YXx)x({+  ?-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:)x(p (y,9 <  *y(Yz(x({+ -0 8-:)8-8(((((((0 (8(:) (p (y,0(<  *y(Yz(x({>/8-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:) (p (y,9 <  *x*X{)|( 8 8-:)8-8(((((((;=(8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X})|( 8 8-:)8:*8(((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X}(x(} 8 8-:)8z:8(((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *{*|(x)} 8 ;x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,0(<  (x)z*X}(x)~ 8 <|(x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  (x)z*X}(y)~ 8-:p (-:)8z8((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (x*{(X}(z)~ 8-8p(8x-:)88((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (y)({(X{)z*y)x 8-8|88}(8x-:)88(((((x(0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8{8*8|(88-:)8)8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(0(<  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8z8(X(|(88-:)8)8((((x((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z()yy(x(,yx 8-8z8(X(8{(88-:)8)8((((x((8 8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z(z(y(y)y(+| 8-8z8*8(8{(88-:)8)8((((((8(:)-(|,,(9 <  (y*{x(yz(x*} 8-8|}(88-:)8*8((((((8(:),(|,,(9 <  (x))z(}(y)~ 8-8|9}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:)*(|,,(0(<  (x*(x|{)}( 8-8z*(}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:))(|,,(9 <  (x+{{~)|( 8-8y |(88-:)8*8((x((((8 :)/-,,(9 <  (x,xp,{) 8-8y,x(x(|(88-:)8*8((x((((8p(:)})-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-x,x(x(x(x(y(88-:)8*8((((((8(:)x)-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-8x y:8-:)8+8((((((8--+:)+x)-,,(0(<  )x){}z(}) 8-8x+y=98-:)8+8((x((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 <  (y{{z)}) *=9:*8-:)8+8((x((((8(:)x>-,,(9+ /<  ({z)|) 8= 8-:)8+8(((((((8--:)x>-,,(9+ /< (~(8z* 8= y(8-:)8+8(((((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 < )}*|(9, 8< (*(y(8-:)8+8(((((((8(:)x-,,(0(< )}*|(;, < x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8 (:))x))-,,(9 < *|((z(<- 8+8(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8p(:)}))-,,(9. ,< -y(z<- 8)?(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8(:)x))-,,(9. 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