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This bootsector was done using Bootsector Construction Set the 29/08/04!Don't rip this boot, lamer!cO`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWO`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaW;DESCA61 ADI LGQADIA61 STK }|GP A/ SeM OAw6 QDEC s A61AID0.TOT^1A61CHAP1.TOT7v2A61CHAP2.TOT4A61CHAP3.TOTfA61CHAP4.TOTA61CHAP5.TOTA61CHP1A.TOTQA61CHP3A.TOTA61INTRO.TOT|ECopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0b + N Zc[c N4\c]c[c ^c ;\c]c[c^ c LT1Lr2 BJ@\$c&A]$cwBP[cJcb^^c^$c \c]c \c]cP^c c c c c c c c  c  c  c  c  c c c c c c c b^^c^$Zc \c]c \c]cRRSA8s & ].6`cwv ^"^#8&(n*h-kL+;  x?x|x7 +3/106VERBES IRREGULIERSInfinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to be I was/ been treN&we were/to become I became become devenir8to begin I began begun commenc8erAto blow I blew blown souffleArJto break I broke broken casserSto bring I brought brought apporteSr\to build I built built btireto burn I burnt burnt brlernto buy I bought bought acheterx(1x2)L+;   ?y| y? y% +4/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.I can I could Je peux/$je$pouvais-to catch I caught caught attraper6to come I came come venir?to cost I cost cost coterHto cut I cutHcutHcouperTto do I did done faire]to draw I drew drawn]dessinerfto drink I drank drunk boireoto drive I drove driven conduiroex(13x)L+;  ?x|x?x$ +5/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.!to eat I ate!eaten manger.to fall I fell fallen tomber8to feed I fed8fed8nourrirAto feel I felt felt ressentiArJto fight I fought fought se battrJeSto find I found found trouver\to fly I flew flown volereto forget I forgot forgotten oubliernto freeze I froze frozen gelerx(14)L+;  ?y|y?y% +6/10$VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to get I gotgot obtenir'to give I gave given donner0to goH0I went gone aller9to grow I grew grown crotre/AfAaAiArAeApAoAuAsAsAeArKto have I hadKhad avoirTto hear I heard heard entendre]to hide I hid]hidden cacherfto hold  I held held teniroto hurt I hurt hurt blesserx(15)L+;   ?| ? +(16)7/10VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to keep I kept Kept garder$to know I knew Known connatr$e0to learn I learnt learnt apprendr0e8to leave I left left laisser@to lie I lay@lain@@t@r@e @c@o@u@c@h@Hto lose I lost lost perdreRfRaRiRrReR/Uto make I made madeXfXaXbXrXiXqXuXeXr^I may I might ^je peuxfto mean I meant meant signifiefrnto meet I metnmet rnennncnonnntnrnerwI mustwje doisL+;   ?~| ~? ~+(17)8/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc. to pay I paid paid payer $to put I put$put$mettre0to read I read read lire8to ring I rang rung sonner@to rise I rose risen se leve@rH(soleil)Pto run I ranPrun courir]to say I said said direeto see I saweseen voirmto sell I sold sold vendreuto send I sent sent envoyerL+;   ?~| ~? ~+(18)9/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to shine I shone shone briller$to show I showed shown montrer,to shut I shut shut fermer4to sing I sang sung chanter<to sit I sat<sat<<t<r<e <assisDto sleep I slept slept dormirBLI smeltLsmeltPto smell}}P}PsentirBTI smelledTsmelled\to speak I spoke spoken parlerdto spend I spent spentddpenser/lpassertto stand I stood stoodttttrtetdtetbtotuttL+;   ?| ? +(19)10/10*VERBES IRREGULIERS (suite)Infinitif Preterit ~Part. pas.Traduc.to swim I swam Swum nager"to take I took taken prendre*to teach I taught taught enseigne*r2to tell I told told2r2a2c2o2n2t2e2r2/:direAto think I thought thought penserIto throw I threw thrown jeterStSo SuSnSdSe!Sr%Ss)St-SandASI ISuNSnSSdXSe\Sr`SsdStiSonSosSd uSnSdSeSrSsStSoSodScSoSmpSrSeSnSdSrSe^to wear I wore worn^p^o^r^t^er^(^u^nfvfftfefmefnft)nto win I wonnwon gagnerwto write I wrote written crireL+; ++ 9w9bwbwwwwM +7/9LES PRONOMS ET LES ADJECTIFSN POSSESSIFSBPron. hPron.Pron.Pron. Adj.Singulier<"sujetsh"compl". "poss."rfl."pos".11re pers41. I me mine my1s1e1l1f myA2me pers5A. you you yours yAoAuArAsAeAlAfAyouQ3me pers6Q.YMasc.LYhe him his hYiYmself hisaFm.Kashe her hers ahaearasaealafaheriNeutre it its itsiiitiselif itsx(7x)L+; )) 9]9b]b]]]]6 +8/9LES PRONOMS ET LES ADJECTIFS6 POSSESSIFS (suite)BPron. hPron.Pron.Pron. Adj.Pluriel< sujetsh compl .  poss. rfl. pos ./1re pers4/. we us ours /o/u/r/s/e/l/v/e/s our?2me pers5?. you you ?yours?y?o?u?r?s?e?l?v?e?s ?y?o?urO3me pers6O. they themOtOhOeOiOrOsOtOhOeOmsOeOlOvOeOsOtOhOeOiOr`Ne confonds pas : h,it's+=it+is avec, its+ (adj/phrhohnh.pohshshehshshihf)netr,he's+=he+is avec ,his r+( " "r)x(8)L+; BIBIBII%%< +4/9<LES DEMONSTRATIFSHCe qui est Ce qui estY,prsloin ++Singulier This+That 9Pluriel`9These9ThoseNCes dmonstratifs sont le plus souventVdes ,pronoms+ : ex. what's ,this +here ?_^who's ,that, +over there ?fmais ce sont des ,adjectifs +s'ils sontnsuivis d'un nom : I like n,this +friendlywdog.x(4x)L+; H )=y=)y)y6U+1/9HLA COMPARAISON1- Comparatifs de supriorit et superlatifsB+,COMP.DE SUP SUPERLATIF9ADJ.COURTH9+ADJ.+ ER THE + ADJ + E9ST HSmallNHsmaller the smallestX,ADJ.LONG +MORE + ADJ. THE X+XMOSTX+XADJ ThMore The mostlExpensiveHpexpensivepexpensivex(1)L+; N 6 +2/96LA COMPARAISON (suite)2- Comparatifs d'galit : As...as$John is ,as tall+ ,as+ Jim.,Dogs are, as+ ,intelligent+ ,as +cats. <. Pour dire le contraire :6HNOT AS + ADJ + ASLOU6TNOT SO + ADJ + ASdJohn is ,not+ ,as tall+ ,as+ Jim.lJohn is ,not so+ ,tall+ ,as+ Jim.x(2x)L+; N HyHyy,, +3/9NLA COMPARAISON3- Comparatifs et superlatifsirrguliers"ADJECTIF COMPARATIF SUPERLATIF1good`1better1the best<bad`<worse<the worstGlittle`GlessGthe leastZRfarther the fartheRstVfar {ZZfurther the furthesZt`folderfthe oldestjolder {`nelder the eldestx(3x)L+; ; tvxv*s* x** ??u v +9/9<PLURIELS IRREGULIERS SINGULIER PLURIEL z SINGULIER  PLURIEL  0manN0men~4mouse mice <womanN<women~@child children HfootNHfeet~LoxLoxen TtoothNTteeth~[penny pence `gooseN`geesex(9x)L+;   $$ A +5/9BLES INTERROGATIFS*Pour interroger ExemplesHsur :#,WHAT +un animal, une ,What+'s you#r name #?(+chose, un fait5,WHO'5+une personne5,Who+'s that man ??,WHERE +le lieu?,Where+'s my ?f?a?t?h?e?r??I,WHEN +le tempsI,WhenI+is Ihe IcIoImIiInIg ?S,WHOSE )S+l'appartenance ,Whose S+dogSiSsStShSiSs ?],WHICH +l+]'/]o4]b9]j>]eC]tQ]dV]'Z]u_]n h]cm]hr]ow]i{]x],Which ]+one]is]y]o]u]r]s]?g,HOW +la manireg,How +are you ?q,WHY +la causeq,Why +are you sad q?x(5x)L+;  "" 55  * +6/9*LES INTERROGATIFS (suite)9P>oCuHr RiWn\taefrkrpougzerExemplesTsur :*,HOW MANY B*+le nombre How many birds2are there ?>,HOW MUCHB>+la quantit How much is thi>sFbook ?R,HOW FARBR+la distance How far is NewZYork ?f,HOW LONGBf+la dure How long does iftntake ?x(6x)L+; H 0xH0Hx 0w @@ +1/10HCONJUGAISON,Regarde bien ce schma, il est le mmepour toutes les conjugaisons.#Attention la forme contracte ! 5+FORME STRUCTURE EXEMPLE:BEDAffirmative Suj.+ Aux. She's happy.RNgative S+Aux+Not She isn't happRy.`Interrog. Aux.+ Suj. Is she happy ?h(Yes/No)x(10x)L+; nHHn m  *E* F3F a8a +2/10<CONJUGAISON (suite) FORME STRUCTURE EXEMPLE : like"Affirmative SUJ.+ BV. I like it.Preterit S + BV+ ED I liked it>Ngative J>S+W>D\>Oa>Nf>'T+BV I don't like itIPreteritKIS+D\II`IDeIN'T+BV II didn't likeIitXInterrog. DO \X+dXSlX+ uXBVXDo you like it X?dPreterit DIDad+hdSod+vdBVdDdidd dydodudlike it ?p,Attention, l'auxiliaire do devient doepsx la 3me personne du singulier. +(1x1)L+; J H DOCUMENTATION01- LE GROUPE NOMINAL ... p1P2- LE GROUPE VERBALP.PpP10L+; @@ DOCUMENTATION01- LE GROUPE NOMINAL ... p1P2- LE GROUPE VERBAL . p10!Copywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0b!T +hPCc c sP<ccc>cCcAcsc c c sP<ccc|ctccc c  cncP<ccc|cccc% c c0@ A61INTROLc+cnq$oct$c rdcr o  o cH@c<$=?c>cA61INTRO<<ch@ch>P@@c)Bc c c<BcAcCcAcBA$c4Lc+cccBBch;cp;  c8;;c%%cp%cTcccc p oc opc;cp; ocr`J p ccp ;c*  $c cc%c ; c;;c%cPc A61INTROc&<%=c<<chc5<%=?c <<<chcA$cR ct$cz Mc/aA$B$q%oc Lc+ccc Nn$crrc/ nncXLc+cccPDc Hc Ic Jc Kc LrB<$=c <$=?c % CcBccDcAcBcqcrccpcocncccccccUcTcZc[cVcWcXcYc  %cc19&T$ccTcd A9&Z$ccZcd Q9&[$cc[cd a9&V$ccVcd q9&W$ccWcd 9&X$ccXcd 9&Y$ccYcd 27 /@c cec3c5c c cB7 /@c cecCc5c c cR7 /@c cecSc5c c cb7 /@c ceccc5c c cr7 /@c cecsc5c c c7 /@c cecc5c c c7 /@Uc Ucecc5c c c%DW$$$$$$U$c tc tc?@ABL+ ~P@c Tcc Zcc [cc Vcc Wcc Xcc Yc$c)X4ccec3c5c c cF$c)XDccecCc5c c c $c)XTccecSc5c c c$c)Xdcceccc5c c c$c)Xtccecsc5c c cb$c)Xccecc5c c c)XcUcecc5c c cPc cXc c ccAmericanccXc c ccFrenchccXc c ccGermanccXc c ccItalianccXc c ccIrishc cXc c ccScottishccXc c ccSpanishCcBccDcAcBcqcrccpcocLc+c c7ccc ,EcLc+coLc=c%   E .EE$thisc tc tc?@ABL+ CcBccDcAcBcqcrccpcocLc+c ,EcLc+cLc9c > E *E$thisc tc tc?@ABL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coct ncEc ncqqc  cPc TcUc`hecc TcUc`thatcc TcUc`thiscc TcUc`shecc TcUc`thiscc TcUc`youcc TcUc`hecc TcUc`thatcc TcUc`theyc c TcUc`theyccCTcUcc cE +EE$`c tc tc?@ABL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc Ec "ncqqc  cPc TcUc`shecc TcUc`hecc TcUc`itcc TcUc`itcc TcUc`theycc TcUc`itcc TcUc`itcc TcUc`hecc TcUc`shec c !TcUc`theyccATcUcc cE +EE$`c tc tc?@BL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccpcoc  # sz1 tcz2 tc?@ABL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc  1ncEcqqc  cPc' TcUc`isc'scc' %TcUc`amc'mcc) )TcUc`arec'recc' *TcUc`isc'scc) +TcUc`arec'recc' ,TcUc`amc'mcc) -TcUc`arec'recc' .TcUc`amc'mcc' /TcUc`isc'sc c' 0TcUc`amc'mccTcUcc cE 3EE$`E$c tc tc?@ABL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc   1 ; < =qqc  cPc $Wcc 'Wcc 3Wcc 4Wcc 6Wcc 7Wcc 5Wcc 8Wcc 9Wc c :Wccr'W$c tc tcr'W$c tc tcr'W$c tc tc?@ABL+ 7BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc  F ( Gqqc  cPc 2Wcc ?Wcc @Wcc >Wcc AWcc &Wcc BWcc CWcc DWc c EWcc r'W$c tc tcr!'W$c tc tc?@BL+ O!-90<*1>h]Z-z:kB- - d 1 j ]P-|&o!LSi G!%"##$O%&2&Q& q&:''()O*++,\- .T.S//kA02(I3'L+;  ~ ,Pays d'origineNationalits+I'm French- I'm from France %- I'm from America'I('m American0-the United States?I'm EnglishA- I'm from EnglandPI'm ItalianQ- I'm from Italy a- I'm from Germany aI'm Germanq- I'm from Spain qI'm Spanish74D          *Look at my photograph.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KLL;{ .*Tu dois associer les pays et les  nationalits en cliquant sur les<rectangles jaunes.Tu peux effacer tes rponses enB$cliquant dessus.          &+Who's ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KR+8R &p!p,|$$p!Complte les questions dont tu as lesrponses. Ex : Is he a frenchman?aYes, *he'!s a frenchman.           +What's ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; 9B9g ?(( ((  > 88> +Position prochelointaineSingulier ,ThisThat1+PlurielU1,These1ThoseG+Ces dmonstratifs sont des pronoms :Rex : What's this here R?aMais ce sont des adjectifs s'ils lsont suivis d'un nom :wex : I like this friendly dog.z $!!!     ,Is nice ?Yes he's very nice.z $!!!      - +Jenny is a baby girl.''s a baby girl.z $!!!     % +Dan is your father.)is your father.z $!!!     (,Who's that ?That's your cousin.z $!!!     ',Who's ? This is my sister.z $!!!      ,Is your friend ?#Yes, she is.z $!!!     $,What's ?This is my house.z $!!!     ,Are American ?/Yes I am.z $!!!     ,Is from Spain ?*Yes, he is.z $!!!     !,What's ?That's a chair.z $!!!     ,Are your parents ?#Yes, they are.z $!!!     ,Are friendly dogs ?#Yes, they are.<4I         !Hi! Are you on holiday ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kz $!!!     +Is this a chair ?-Yes it .z $!!!     4H +Your T.V is big.:is big.z $!!!     4 s +This photograph is2beautiful..is beautiful.z $!!!     'T  +Your parents are nice.=are nice.z $!!!     2I +This dog is white.:is white.z $!!!     0E +This car is rapid.8is rapid.z $!!!     < +Billy is happy.7is happy.z $!!!     1  +Pamela is your friend.-is your friend.z $!!!     (W +These carrots are good.<are good.R+8R &\j"+]} \k#*\k#,\$k$  *Remplace les mots souligns par des pronoms. Ex : Billy is a nice boy._He is a nice boy.z +1/ Yes I are.2/ No I'm not.y          +He ... my friend.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kz $!!!     +Are you a child ?.Yes I .y          +.... child is young.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +You ... his mother.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr *HE'Sz $!!!     +Am I a teacher ?'Yes you .z $!!!      +Is Billy your friend ?/Yes he .z $!!!      +Are they your parents ? !Yes they .z $!!!     +Are you crazy ?-Yes I .z $!!!     +Are you French ?)Yes we .z $!!!      +Are you a good player ?*Yes I .z $!!!     +To be or not to be that the question.z $!!!     +Are you tired ?/Yes I .O+9O #*Complte la phrase avec la bonne conjugaison du prsent du verbe to be.y           +.... a french teacher.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +They ... very nice.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Max ... his dog.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Tom and Joe I.O.U.dfriends.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Bob and Sue I.O.U.dEnglish.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +I ... in New York.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +You ... beautiful.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +I ... Superman.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +I ... a free man.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr *amr *isr *arey           +. twelve years old.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +This is . dog.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +What's . name ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky           +. parents are nice.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +. very happy.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +You take . bike.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +. a nervous boy.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +. car is marvellous.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KO+8R & *Complte avec HIS ou HE'S en cliquant6sur la bonne version.r *HISU+48  *Clique sur la bonne rponse.>;b #! 8 Q h  *Demande ce que c'est"en employant"this ou that. $!!!>;b # 2 K b  *Demande qui c'est,en employantthis ou that. $!!!r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.r> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aidedu clavier,$puis valide avec ENTREE.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10.T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.L+; ]]"']27]BG]RW]bg]r,#,"&3,'26C,7BFS,GRVc,Wbfs,gr]]"]'2]7B]GR]Wb]gr +France *American +Ireland*French  )+Italy)*German 9+Germany9*Italian I+SpainI*Irish Y+ScotlandY*Scottish i+United States i*SpanishJW z  C'EST JUSTEJW z  C'EST FAUX6C z  C'EST FAUX(( d\'bZU 09)0G U : 8: ?< %/ :+p2(:)8p;(< %/ :+p ?p (:)p;(<  "  :+p ~?p (:)p?p(< 0"( -p( :+p {?y(:)p >p ?p(< 0"(/8) x( :+ {?y(:)p >|y?{ x(< 0"(/(( x( :+:|: {?y(:){>|y?{ x(< 0(9(>(/8)8(8(8(8x( :*8:|z xy?{ x(< ?<*9(:)8(>(/((((((x( :*8:|: =xy< x(< >=.8*8)=(/(8(((((x( :*8:|z (/x( :*8-y: =(8 8(-/ :)8-p (8(:)8(|(,0(< 0 ./ :)8-p {x((0 (:)8(|(,0(< :(:,8.y*/ :)8-}(((((0 (:)8(|(,9 < :-8 zy#9 y :)8-8(((((((0 (:)8(p ,9( < 0 z)x (xx(  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( < 8-:(*z)y ,8 x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9 <  (*z)y( 8,8*X)X,x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,0(<  x9(*)y*y) 8,8 8 :)8-8(((((((?(8(:){(p ,9 <  )(YX[{)z* 8,  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( <  )(YYz*z+  ":)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9( <  *x(YXx)x({+  ?-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:)x(p (y,9 <  *y(Yz(x({+ -0 8-:)8-8(((((((0 (8(:) (p (y,0(<  *y(Yz(x({>/8-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:) (p (y,9 <  *x*X{)|( 8 8-:)8-8(((((((;=(8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X})|( 8 8-:)8:*8(((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X}(x(} 8 8-:)8z:8(((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *{*|(x)} 8 ;x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,0(<  (x)z*X}(x)~ 8 <|(x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  (x)z*X}(y)~ 8-:p (-:)8z8((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (x*{(X}(z)~ 8-8p(8x-:)88((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (y)({(X{)z*y)x 8-8|88}(8x-:)88(((((x(0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8{8*8|(88-:)8)8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(0(<  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8z8(X(|(88-:)8)8((((x((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z()yy(x(,yx 8-8z8(X(8{(88-:)8)8((((x((8 8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z(z(y(y)y(+| 8-8z8*8(8{(88-:)8)8((((((8(:)-(|,,(9 <  (y*{x(yz(x*} 8-8|}(88-:)8*8((((((8(:),(|,,(9 <  (x))z(}(y)~ 8-8|9}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:)*(|,,(0(<  (x*(x|{)}( 8-8z*(}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:))(|,,(9 <  (x+{{~)|( 8-8y |(88-:)8*8((x((((8 :)/-,,(9 <  (x,xp,{) 8-8y,x(x(|(88-:)8*8((x((((8p(:)})-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-x,x(x(x(x(y(88-:)8*8((((((8(:)x)-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-8x y:8-:)8+8((((((8--+:)+x)-,,(0(<  )x){}z(}) 8-8x+y=98-:)8+8((x((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 <  (y{{z)}) *=9:*8-:)8+8((x((((8(:)x>-,,(9+ /<  ({z)|) 8= 8-:)8+8(((((((8--:)x>-,,(9+ /< (~(8z* 8= y(8-:)8+8(((((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 < )}*|(9, 8< (*(y(8-:)8+8(((((((8(:)x-,,(0(< )}*|(;, < x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8 (:))x))-,,(9 < *|((z(<- 8+8(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8p(:)}))-,,(9. ,< -y(z<- 8)?(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8(:)x))-,,(9. 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'`mr griffin's housecccc' (`jenny's bagcc c c'`dan's booksc )c cc#ccc cE +EE$`c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cAcCcDcqcrccp coc= 6 7 8 9 :icccqqc  cPc -c c .c /c 0c 1c 2c 3c 4 c 5c xcccc/$$c tc tc&cccc7$$$ c tc tc&cccc7$$$c tc tc&cccc/$$c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cDcAcCcqcrccp coc E F Gcccc`.......cqqc  cPc ;c <c =c >c ?cc @c Ac Bc C c Dcc c cc.`cȐc|cc-ccG$$$$$c tc tc&cc3ccG$$$$$ c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ & ZcDcAcCcqcrccp coc Ec c ccqqc  cPc Isc`havecc Jic`hascc Kmc`hascc Lvc`havecc Mc`hascc Nc`hascc Oc`havecc Pc`hascc Qc`havec c Rc`hascc.ccccE wE$$$$ c$E$`c tc tc$E$`c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cDcAcqcrccp cCcoc ncEc ^ccqqc  cPc& Tc c`aren't youcc$ U`isn't itcccc$ Vc`isn't heccc$ Wcc`isn't itcc' Xc c`doesn't shecc$ Ycc`isn't itcc% Zc`hasn't hec cc! [c`is itccc& \c c`don't theyc c# ]cc`does itccccccE +EE$`c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ & PcDcqcrccp cocA h i jcc c`...cqqc  cPc _cc `cc acc bcc ccc dcc ecc fcc gc c cccc c cc.`cȐc xcicccG$$$$$c tc tc&cic&ccG$$$$ $c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cDcAcC cqcrccp coc"  m k lqqc  cPc nc oc pc qc rc sc tc uc w c xc8#r2O$$$$$$ c tc tc&r2G$$$$$c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cDcAcC cqcrccpcoc$  z { |qqc  cPc ~c c c c c cK%{n77$$$c tc tc&n77$$$c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ & PcDcqcrccpcoc& }qqc  cPc _cc _cc _cc _cc _cc _ccS' V7'_$c tc tc&7'_$c tc tc&4'_$c tc tc&4'_$c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ & PcDcqcrccp coc(nccEc c...c.cv.cqqc  cPc!`wherec ccc `whenc ccc!`wherec ccc `whatc ccc`whyc ccc`whoc ccc`whoc ccc`whoc ccc `whenc }cc c`howc cc$$ccc c cc.vcZ$$$ccc c cc.ccc c cc.cȐc+ccccE +EE$`c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &gcDcAcCcqcrccp coc, &Ecnc cqqc  cPc& ccCc`iscc) ccCc`wherecc/ cccCc`arecc0 cccCc`havecc( }ccCc`whatcc' }ccCc`whycc' ccCc`howcc( ccCc`whatcc( {ccCc`whenc c cc`whocc.ccccE +EE$`c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &dcDcAcCcqcrccpcoc/  .c`.cqqc  cPcdcc c ccHis ball's big but her ball isn't.`cjcc c ccHis ball's big but isn't.`ccc c cc.ccjczc c ccMy sister's five years old andcc c cchis sister's six.`cjcc c ccMy sister's five years old andcc c cc six.`ccc c cc.ccdczc c ccHer cat's got green eyes and yourcc c cccat's got blue eyes.`cpcc c ccHer cat's got green eyes andvcc c cc has got blue eyes.`cvcc c cc.ccdczc c ccYour parents live in New York andscc c cctheir parents live in Paris.`cdcc c ccYour parents live in New York and|cc c cc live in Paris.`c|cc c cc.ccdcc c ccYour dog's tall but my dog isn't.`cdcc c ccYour dog's tall but isn't.`ccc c cc.ccczc c ccHer dog is in the zoocc c ccbut our dog isn't.`ccc c ccHer dog is in the zoocc c ccbut isn't.`ccc c cc.cc5 N`'$c tc tc&r`+'$c tc tc&`'$c tc tc&`'$c tc tc&`!'$c tc tc&`''$c tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &]cDcAcCcqcrccp coc(7 Ecnc qqc  cPc$ cc`isn't itcc( c c`haven't theycc% c c`isn't shecc! cc`is itcc% c c`hasn't itcc$ cc`isn't itcc$ cc`isn't itcc& c c`hasn't shecc$ cc`isn't itc c' c c`isn't therecc%9ccccE +E`$Ec tc tc&?&@&A&B&L+ &9Q+z.y{z% W| + D ickQ;gs]C0sfV/ o!K!E."N|"G"I #IU#\#X $EN$h$e%e%e%gL&M&C&F"'':((G )CN)F)I)hE*i*j+~+,~,}-w-x-yx.s.u`/w/%0?;1>y1H1@2EF2B2D2> 3IS3K3F3D(4Hp4F4F4D@5D5N5D6@V67dh7e7:8CJ88wO9u9o3:v:v;z;s x>x2?@"@"AEANATMBVBIBL8CZC^C\LDXD]E[\E[JFYFVFQJGHGjGeaHIHRH[WIEIxJJCJH&KK$L~LzMMsNtN^O>PFePAPCP?(QPxQDQ@QB>RLRbRTV<VT(WW*XXkBY_Y'Y(L+;  QQ "212 T1T!u2u,Comment faire une suggestion :- Let's ... +: allons ...$(ex : Let's go to the zoo!8,- What about ... +: que dirais-tu de ..8.$Hex : What about going to the zoo H?X,- How about ... +: pourquoi ne pas ...$hex : How about going to the zoo ?{et +Ok! But ... Look! A dog.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; E H,L'appartenanceComment demander +: qui appartient ... ,- Whose bag is this ? <- Whose book is this ?L,Comment rpondre+ :  \- It's mine (c'est le mien). l- It's Billy's (c'est celui de Billy)l.L4;W " *Demande qui appartient ce chien en6compltant la phrase. +Whose dog is it, then?h" +Whose dog is it, then ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; D H,La possessionComment demander quelqu'un ce qu'il$possde +: Have you got a dog ?4,Comment rpondre :+ Yes, I have.x<No, I haven<'<t.L,Comment dire ce que l'on possde +:\forme dveloppe : I have got a dog.lforme contracte : I've got a dog.L=;` "*Propose Billy, *d'aller voir les  oiseaux et les poissons. Clique sur0la bonne proposition. 0 |s 0+1/ How about go to see birds and fish ?2/ How about going to#see birds and fish ? $!!!L+;  ,Comment poser une question ferme :6rponse par Yes ou no..- Auxiliaire + sujet + complments ?*>+Are you in a zoo ?*NIslNshe your mother, +?^,- Auxiliaire do + suj + verbe + compl^?*n+Do you like nbags ? $!!!z $!!!     +Is Central Park in N.Y.?z $!!!      +Do you like this zoo ?z $!!!      +Are you a nice tiger ?l.z $!!!     +Are you my friend ?z $!!!     +Does he like you ?h.z $!!!     +Is she your mother ?c.z $!!!      +Have you got a father ?l.z $!!!     +Have you got a baby ?r.z $!!!      +Do you eat well here ?h.z $!!!     +Is this a nice zoo ?f.L+;N "*Complte la phrase interrogativesuivante avec le bon auxiliaire. z $!!!     $+How are you ?I'm fine, thank you.z $!!!     +Who's your neighbour ?My neighbour is the dog.z $!!!     +Where do you play ?I play in the park.z $!!!     +What do you do all day ?I sleep and eat.z $!!!     +Where are you from ?I'm from Africa.z $!!!     +How old are you ?I'm eleven years old.z $!!!     +What's your name ?My name's Tiggy.z $!!!     +When do you eat ? I eat at five o'clock.z $!!!     +Who is your best friend?Bob, the monkey.L+;N " *Pose la question correspondant larponse en compltant les phrases.L+;  cc,Comment poser une question ouverte :- Interrogatif + aux. + suj. + (comp.)?"(+Where is Billy ?8,- Avec un verbe actifHInter. + do + suj. + verbe + (comp).H?X+What do you like ?f,where+ : o ,what+ : quoi, when+ : quand$t,who+ : qui ,how +: comment z $!!!     +plate - cat It's the cat's plate.z $!!!      +ring - mother It's my mother's ring.z $!!!     +cat - BillyIt's Billy's cat.z $!!!      +Billy - HouseIt's Billy's house.z $!!!     +doll - JennyIt's Jenny's doll.z $!!!     +ball - dogIt's the dog's ball.z $!!!     +father - key It's my father's key.z $!!!      +Mr Griffin - houseIt's Mr Griffin's house.z $!!!     +bag - JennyIt's Jenny's bag.z $!!!     +books - Dan They're Dan's books.L=;` "*Dis quel est le propritaire de chaqueobjet en employant le gnitif.L+;  OO ii BB ,singulier +on ajoute ,'s +au propritaire,masculin +It's Billy's dog.-,fminin +It's Jenny's doll.<,neutreN<+It's the cat's plate.X,pluriel +on ajoute ,' +au propritairel,tous lesMq+It's my parents' house. v,genresL+; $$  % XX $,,pers.-adj. possessif pron. possessifsing re1M+mymine !,me$2G$+your$yours /,me23;mascK;+his;hisC,fmKC+herChersK,neuKK+itsKits],plurK]+our]oursHiyouriyoursEutheirutheirsw $+It's the cat's plate.Yes, it's plate.w $+It's Billy's cat.Yes, it's cat.w $+It's Mr Griffin's house.Yes, it's house.w $+It's Jenny's doll.Yes, it's doll.w $+It's the dog's ball.Yes, it's ball.w $+It's my father's key.Yes, it's key.w $+It's Mr and Mrs Griffin's<house. Yes, it's house.w $+It's Mr and Mrs Griffin'sBdog.Yes, it's dog.w $+It's Jenny's bag.Yes, it's bag.L=;` " *Complte les phrases avec le pronom possessif qui convient en cliquant.xiv  *itsI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kiv  *herI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kiv  *hisI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kiv $ *theirI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw $+Has Billy got a brother?$No, he .w $+Have you got a dog ?$No, I .w $+Have I got a baby ?No, you .|s 0+The elephant has got five legs, hasn't it ? No, it . $!!!|s 0 +The fish have got legs,$haven't they ? No, they . $!!!|s 0+The sea-lion has gota baby, hasn't it ? No, it . $!!!w $ +Have you got a mother ?$No, I .w $+Has it got a tail ?$No, it .w $+Has she got a house ?No, she .w $+Have they got a son ?No, they .|cp + *hasn'tI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kc p 1 *haven'tI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL=;` "*Rponds ngativement aux questions. Clique sur la bonne forme contracte.a& +Have you got a good friend ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ka& +Has he got a beautiful skin ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ka& +Has the tiger got a friend ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ka& +Have they got a nice pool ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Has he got a mother ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Has she got a sister ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  +Have you got a father ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Has it got legs ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Have I got a tail ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Has Billy got a dog ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+;  7!7 g"g ,Comment faire un tag ( n'est-ce pas) :- Repre bien le sujet et l'auxiliaire-+ex : Billy is American, isn't he ?0=Jenny isn't American, is she ?M,- Si la phrase comporte un verbe actif]+ex : They drink it, don't they ?|s 0+You are in a zoo,*aren't you ?|s 0+This tiger is big,0isn't it ?|s 0+Your father is a journalist, isn't he ?|s 0+This monkey is nice,.isn't it ?|s 0 +Your mother loves you,$doesn't she ?|s 0 +The lion is dangerous,-isn't it ?|s 0 +Billy has got a sister,*hasn't he ?|s 0 +The snake isn't nice,0is it ?|s 0+The fish play in thewater, don't they ?|s 0 +The sea-lion doesn't like water, does it ?U=4` " *Complte les phrases avecGle bon tag.w $+It's in the zoo.It is in the zoo.w $+He's a journalist.He is a journalist.w $+She's in America.She is in America.w $+It's on its nose.It is on its nose.w $+It's got a tail.It has got a tail.w $+It's got babies.It has got babies.w $+It's got a grey skin. It has got a grey skin.w $+She's got a dog.She has got a dog.w $$+He's American.He is American.L=;` " w w" *Rtablis les formes pleines :It's from Africa. It is from Africa.It's got 4 legs. It has got 4 legs.xiv  *isI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kiv $  *hasI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr 0  ( (( (" r + * + ++ & +  0O+4R      # $ $$ & *Dis si l'intonation monte dou descendw +It's nice, isn't it ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Is he your friend ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw $+Is it yours ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Have you got a cat ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Let's go to the zoo.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  +It's a tiger, isn't it ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Look ! A monkey !I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Whose dog is this ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; << <H HH CH nz ns nn zz ,La voix descend quand on est sr de ceque l'on dit (affirmation ou ngation)dans la plupart des WH-questions ou%dans les phrases avec un TAG.3+- You're a boy, aren't you ?A- They're American.P,Elle remonte en fin de phrase dans une\YES-NO question ou quand on n'est pashsr de ce que l'on dit.t+- Are you American ?w +All right ! Let's go !I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Is it your dog Madam ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; @(S( ^KiK ekrk,+Voici un code pour t'aider prononcerles mots :o / ,O+ : He,llo+; ce mot a deux syllabes6+( deux cercles ) et il est 65accentu sur la seconde (, O +)Bo / ,O+ / o : pro,fe+ssor; ce mot de troisNMsyllabes est accentu surNYla deuxime.c,O+ / o / o / o : ,te+levision; la premirceflsyllabe de ce mot estfwaccentue.{n} 5 *RIGHTn} 5 *WRONGQ+6Z . *Dis si le schma d'accentuation correspond la phrase propose : sioui clique RIGHT, sinon clique WRONG.U4 rr r r +Is it yours ?,O +/ o / oU4 rr r r +No, it hasn't .o / ,O +/ o / oU4 rr r r +Yes, I have,O +/ o / ,OU4 rr r r +Let's go !,O +/ ,OU4 {{+Whose dog is this ? ,O +/ o / o / oU4 rr r r +Look ! A tiger ! ,O +/ o / ,O +/ oU4 88 qq  +that Gthese~think thereU4 88 qq  +nice GtigermyBillyU4 88 qq  +at Mhatcat carU4 88 qq  +it Mme tree seeU4 88 qq  +it GBilly~tiger hisU4 88 qq   +thanks Jthis~think threeQ+6Z .y+,z*$*Un de ces mots se prononce diffremment. Clique sur ce mot. ex : cat have name hatw $V +The parrot is in the treeWhere is the parrot ?w $: +They eat at five o'clock.When do they eat ?w $> +I live in New York.Where do you live ?w $Jq *+I eat cakes.What do you eat ?w $< +Because it's a fish. Why(is it in the water ?w $4 +She's Billy's sister.Who)'s this baby girl ?w $Jp $+I like Billy.Who do you like ?w $ . +Billy is my friend.Who is your friend ?w $F  +It closes at 6 o'clock.When does the zoo close ?w $;v +He's just fine.*How is he ?w +Is my father in N.Y. ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Where is my father ?*In New York.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw $+Are my parents in the0same place ?w $ +Have I got a chance tofind my father ?w +What's my father's name?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Why is he in the States?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +How is my father ?BFine.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  +What does he look like ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +When can I see my father?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Who's my father ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KLX;{ "*Complte les phrases avec l'auxiliaireou le pronom interrogatif qui Tconvient.L+; f05E,6D5E,6D5E,6Dy5E,z6DW5qE,X6pD&5PE,'6ODLf +Simplifie les phrases en employant un possessif. Par exemple :Your dog's nice but my dog isn't.'Your dog's nice but mine isn't.9*mine theirs\9his}9ours9hers9yoursw $+It is Billy's dog,0isn't it ?w $ +They have got a house,$haven't they ?w $+She is Dan's sister,0isn't she ?w $+It is not a tiger's ,baby, is it ?w $+It has got a tail,0hasn't it ?w $ +The ball is on the sea- lion's nose, isn't it ?w $+It is the parrot's tree,0isn't it ?w $+She has got a dog,*hasn't she ?w $ +It is the lion's cage,0isn't it ?w $ +There is a snake in thetree, isn't there ?L=;` "*Ajoute un tag la phrase affiche. Fais attention aux piges.L=;` " *Complte les questions suivantes avecNHAVE ou HAS.  7!7 g"g ,Comment faire un tag ( n'est-ce-pas) :- Repre bien le sujet et l'auxilliaire-+ex: Billy is american, isn't he?*=Jenny isn't american, is she?M,- si la phrase comporte un verbe actif]+ex: They like you, don't they?*mThey don't like you, do they?-0J *This tree is tall,0isn't it? $!w $ +It's my mother's ring.Yes, it's ring. $+It's Billy's cat.Yes, it's cat.w $+It's Mr griffin's house.Yes, it's house.w $+It's Jenny's doll.Yes, it's doll.w $+It's dog's ball.Yes, it's ball.w $+It's my father's key.Yes, it's key.w T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.r> YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.r> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aidedu clavier,$puis valide avec ENTREE.Q+6Z . *Complte la phrase avec le pronom interrogatif qui convient. z  C'EST FAUX z  C'EST JUSTEJW z  C'EST JUSTE/oiii);m;o:` (n;o;`oiii);n:o:` (8m;`;`oiii);n9`9` (8n;`:`oiii)8;m:`9` (8n9` :`oiii)99m9ll9` 8o9` :`?<*i8ii) 99n9ll88` 8`9` 9`=0(hii):9n8ml88o9` 8` 9o(<=0 &hii):9ki8ml8o8` 8` 9o&000 &8iii):9ki8ml8n8` 8` 9o$0 0 80 iii):9ki8lk8m8`8` 9o$0 80 ? iii):9kh9lk8k9`8o#;=9>8? iiih)::jh8m8k:k8` `8o; 9>8:=iii*9;jh8l8k9j8` `8o<h00  hii*9:ko8k8i8` `o99ih0;=hii*9:ko8k:h9`8`o 8:ih0 :<iii)h9:hio8j8:` ``  =hi0 :=iih)h9:hn8j9` }`` 9:h0iii)h899hnk:`}x``;i0<iii)h99hok:` Xy``<h(0 9>iii*898hoj9` Y8y``$=i(0 =jii*h9hoj9`Xhiz``$=i0:=jii+ 9h8`j9`88h(yz` `"h:9i?:; jj+h 9i9oj9`8h)|` `"h89 h98:<i:i8nj9` h)z` `"h9 i;:; 9j8ol9` *{` `j i8 hi;> 8k8ok9` |` `i*h j hii9<9(9(29k8om9` X8}`j h+ilhhi<; : 49k8om8`8}`:h h(jiijhhhi;: 9ȀA9l8on9oh8}`8hhhilhihi:9 ɀA9l8no9nhX8x{`8h(i(h(imhii; 8ɀA9l8o8` 9n8iX8x{` 8kh*h)h8iojhh: ȀB9l8o8` 9l8iX88x|` 8nh*i)h9ihi` i; (ȀA:lo9` 9k8iX8x{` 8oh)h)i(8hhinhi: z)h*ȀA9mo9` 8i9jX88xxy` oh)hh(i(8jjlj; {(h+ȀA9mo` 9h9jX8xy`8`h(h(i(8kjjhi9 {(i(48h 9mn`9h8kX8|o8`hi8)i8h hhjii: {(h(1ih:i9:n888ii` 89lX88yxo8`h(h8h(j8i8iijhhk: {(h(0h(hh;k88i8` 8:lX8XXX8xxxo8`h)h8n*8ink; y|)x`(8hhh8hhhn88mX8XYY8xxo8`h)h8*8ijnl8hh9 xy(x)xm0(8i9hhhh8h89m89nX8\8yxo8`(j+9h(hi` h:hxhx(x(yl0h8h9hhhh8h8ih8m99nX[zxo8`h(k-9h(hjojhi98yh)hy(y l0h8h88hh8hh8i8h9lm8:oxȚzxo8`hhi+h(9i(ii)ni(98{)h{(z80 88 hh8hh8ikm99o|l8i8`hi*jh)ii+jih(i8yx+hz(y0":8888hhhhh8i` m9oxxy?j8`hi)jh*hii+ji8(9y+i)x(x0$:8i:hhhih8h8o9k9o8` 8nkhjj+hii+ih9)h8h8y*h(iy(xx0$8:Hh8h8hh8hhm9hj88oX8jxn8i(jj(hh8)9h8{)h~(x808888:KHhh8hhj89k8`9j88o88jXxn8j>i)h9i{(h~(x08888:@ iIh98hi8h8h8hhi` j8k9h8iYXm8h98`0 hzxh~(x90888@ iHi9i9h9ih9hi8` i89ilxYXm89.`(` xxxi~(:0 988889@j:ho9h9o9j88ilxXm *li)o zp (<08888@i`9k8i8nj88oXhYl *mi*8` ~{(>=8:888@hikhK` 8hk9oj88oXk)h*.*nh*)9` z(z(0;8@n@ l8jih8` 88oXk)h(.*ni)8(9h`x(xy)y0 9:9888@Ik@ hi8hhh8` :oXm()*L*nh(+;+ozyy)y0>=8@hJj@h8h8h8h8H` :oi(j(*M)nh(,*i+*l|x+y0 :8888@iKj8@jJ` :oi(i(*N)oi(,)8h+*-x0 898@hKj8@hL`;oi((,O)hhhh(h+)8+*y i::888@h8Kj8@8i@ iI88ni(-O (,8+)h(h m8@hLj@8ih@ :nXh(+@ ( (i@`%@:hLYi(*@ 0Xɺ0 (0(i99iXh-@ 8`(h;88)h8hmih)h9@ :9h@>99hXh-@Z8<;m(h988)h8i` h)h88@ =h@@9;Xh,@XX88hh98hhj(h:8)h8hhojh)h89Ooh)h8@38)*@:(i(:n<l)h8=hj80+O8h)*@ j(9n=h)h8ij8E)( HP$$*(8hh#((h*M_h(P:ZZ *i ;hhhhhhoiihjh*j+mPX(PY8i8icA61INTRO<<ct@ct|>P@@c)Bc c c<BcAcCcAcBA$c4Lc+cccBBch;cp;  c8;;c%%cp%cTcccc dp oc opc;cp; ocr`J p ccp ;c*  $c cc%c ; c;;c%cPc A61INTROc&<%=c<<ctc5<%=?c <<<ctcA$c^ ct$c jc;aA$B$q%oc Lc+ccc kn$crrc; nncXLc+cccPDc ec fc gc hc i~B<$=c <$=?c Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc C*  qqc  cPc( Wccrc c cc02:30c( Wccrc c cc01:20c( Wccrc c cc04:55c( Wccrc c cc07:30c( Wccrc c cc08:00c( Wccrc c cc05:45c( Wccrc c cc11:05c( Wccrc c cc05:35c( Wccrc c cc12:10 c( Wccrc c cc01:50cT t 1'W$c tc tct 2'W$c tc tct 3'W$c tc tc?ABL+ Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc   *   qqc  cPc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wc c Wcc zn='W$c tc tcnA'W$c tc tc?@ABL+ Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccpcoc J  ncEc* "Xccqqc  cPc4 Wc_ c`there arecthere'recc: Wc_ c`there isn'tcthere is notcc: Wc_ c`there isn'tcthere is notcc2 Wc_c`there iscthere'scc4 Wc_ c`there arecthere'recc< !Wc_ c`there aren'tcthere are notccWbcXc_ccE 3EE$`E$c tc tc?@ABL+ *`ghost-traincScBcc(CDcAcBcCcrccpcocqcnc} l m ncc c cc*cc c cc*cc c cc*cc c cc*Rc_c c cc Turn right ! RcSc c cc KG-Rc_c c cc NG@BL+ K`ScRc_c c ccRight = droite RcSc c ccLeft = gauche };cWcp;  c4Wcc c cc*WWc;;c oRc_c c cc Turn left ! RcSc c cc GG-Rc_c c cc @BL+  ;cX}cp; c4cXc c cc*XXc;;c;cWcp;  c4Wcec c cc*WWc;;c nRc_c c cc Turn left ! RcSc c cc GG-Rc_c c cc 1@BL+ ;cX]cp; c4cXc c cc*XXc;;c nRc_c c cc Turn left ! RcSc c cc GG-Rc_c c cc {@BL+  m o;cWcp; c4Wc5c c cc*WWc;;cRc_c c ccGo straight ahead!RcSc c cc 'GG@BL+ 'XRc_c c ccGo straight ahead RcSc c cc Va tout droit } 7;cWcp; c4Wc5c c cc*WWc;;cEcOcSc c cc Oc_c c cc You're there ! Ockc c cc OcSc c ccQuel est l'endroitOc_c c cco tu es arriv ? Dc3Rk E +EE$`c tc tc@BL+ 3Bcc(CDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc A mEc* q 7qqc  cPc) + /Wc_c`oncTcc1 , 0WcXc_c`incTcc- - 1Wc_c`behindcTcc. 8 2Wc_c`outsidecTcc5 4 3WcXc_c`behindcTcc3 5 6WcXc_c`nearcTcc2 9 :Wc_ c`in front ofcTcc- 4 ;Wc_cTc`insidecc1 . <WcXc_c`oncTc c4 = >WcXc_c`abovecTcct5'T$c tc tc3'T$c tc tc6'T$c tc tc?ABL+ Bcc(CDcAcBcCcqcrccpcoc TcD;*Ec q p #XcYcncqqc  cPc $Wc_c`nearcc* %WcXc_c`insidecc' &Wc_ c`in front ofcc% ( 'Wc_c`behindcc$ * )Wc_c`underccWcXc_cYcE +EE$`c tc tc?@ABL+ Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc  /*;c L ? @ AXcUcWcTcqqc  cPc  BZcc CZcc DZcc EZcc FZcc GZcc HZcc IZcc JZc c KZcc!j'Z$c tc tcj'Z$c tc tcj'Z$c tc tc?@ABL+ Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc # 4* N ? OXcWcTcqqc  cPc Pc QWcc RTcc SW}cTcc TWcTcc UWcc VWcTcc WWcTcc XWcTc c Yc$j'T$c tc tcj'T$c tc tc?@ABL+ Bcc(DcAcBcCcqcrccpcoc *& nc*Ec ZXcqqc  cPc- [Wc_c`is itcis itcc/ \Wc_c`is shecis shecc3 ]Wc_c`are theycare theycc. ^Wc_c`am icare youcc- _Wc_c`is hecis hecc. `Wc_c`am icare youcc0 aWc_c`is billycis hecc5 bWc_ c`are therecare therecc.(Wcc_ccE 3EE$`E$c tc tc?@BL+ rRF9r ?{ # @ &1 &W g v4 y x% r |r}uwtva`qQl~;g#m?wj nFxs,Mjrq !!A""uf##w$+%% %%&r&''r'(o()p)pf**dP+f--e1.t.~#/u/w0w0w0~1t1s2w2v3p3nT4{4zI5z5v96z6y,7q8<8T-99/:k:<(<'G;P<(=(6=(=t?>L+; ^/YsZs_ s)s. iY~,En anglais, on dit d'abord les minutespuis les heures :`!+o'clock4'five to'five pastn0,1t0243+ten to3ten past?+a quarter to?a quarter pasta@,9@3"K+twenty toKtwenty pastpP,6 W+twenty-five toWtwenty-five pastZchalf-pasto,ex : 5:10 a.m. +It's ten past five a.m.O:l *Look at the clock !What time is it ?r $+1/ It's three o'clock.2/ It's a quarter past two.3/ It's half past two.D      r $+1/ It's twenty to one.2/ It's twenty past one.3/ It's twenty-five to one.D      r $+1/ It's five o'clock.2/ It's five to five.3/ It's five past five.D      r $+1/ It's ten past six.2/ It's half past six.3/ It's half past seven.D      r $+1/ It's seven o'clock.2/ It's eight o'clock.3/ It's nine o'clock.D      r $+1/ It's a quarter to six.2/ It's a quarter past six.3/ It's half past six.D      r $+1/ It's eleven o'clock.2/ It's five to eleven.3/ It's five past eleven.D      r $+1/ It's twenty past four.2/ It's twenty-five to six.3/ It's twenty to four.D      r $+1/ It's twelve o'clock.2/ It's ten past twelve.3/ It's half past twelve.D      r $+1/ It's ten to two.2/ It's ten to one.3/ It's ten past two.D      n} (*00:12 L+; VzV e/e 0  WW Eee 0e0n EeEo EpEw 0o0w WW VV EϋV EE z6zV z66 16 0 00  g gg VV U +ghost-traincastleIfast-foodhmerry-go-rounhdx,you are herezn} ;*There is n} ?*There areL=;` ")X}0*Dis s'il faut employer, **There is ou There are.r $,.?.+ a clock on!the castle door.D      r $,.?.+ towers infront of the castle.D      r $,.?.+ horses onthe merry-go-round.D      r $,.?.+ children on0the horses.D      w ,.?.+ a ghost-train.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $,.?.+ a fast-food0restaurant.D      w ,.?.+ a little train.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ,.?.+ nobody.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $ ,.?.+ people behind0the castle.D      r $,.?.+ cups on the$merry-go-round.D      L+;  ,Comment dcrire ce que tu vois :+- S'il n'y a qu'un seul lment, le  verbe est au singulier. ,,ex : +There is a castle. Il y a un *8There's a castle. chteau.H- S'il y a plusieurs lments, leTverbe est au pluriel. `,ex :+ There are horses. Il y a desgchevauxv,Ngation +: There isn't, there are not.r $ +Are there trees in Disney World ? Yes, .D      r $+Is there your father here?$No, .D      r $$+Is there Billy ?$No, .D      r $$+Is there Dan ?$Yes, .D      r $ +Are there ghosts in the train ? Yes, .D      r $+Are there dogs in the castle ? No, .D      L=;` "*Rponds aux questions en compltantla phrase avec une rponse courte.74D         *Where is Dan ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $$+He is near the$merry-go-round.D      w +He's inside the park.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+He's in front of0the train.D      74D          *Where are the waggons ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+They are behind the0locomotive.D      74D         *Where are the cups ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+They are under themerry-go-round's roof.D      V;c         *Where are the children ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c          *Where are the ghosts ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c         *Where is the clock ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c         *where are the cups ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $ +under - on - behindThey're 5,.`+the horses. D      r $ +above - up - inThey're ,.+ the0ghost-train.D      r $ +above - under - behindIt's ,.+ the castle.D      r $ +inside - in - outside He's ,.+ the castle.D      r $ +behind - near - inside$It's ,.+ the $merry-go-round.D      V;c         *Where is the fast-food ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c         *Where is the castle ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $ +inside - into - nearIt's ,.+ the fast-food6restaurant.D      L/;R " *Rponds la question en choisissant  la prposition qui convient parmi les*trois qui te sont proposes.V;c         $*Where is Dan ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c         !*Where are you ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+in into - under - x front o fI'm ,. + my computer.r $ +inside - outside - aboveIt's ,.+ the park.D      r $+on - into - underThey're ,.+ the$merry-go-round.D      V;c         *Where is the roof ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+into - above - under$It's ,.+ the $merry-go-round.D      jy *thejy  *ajy  *anr $+There's ,...+ animal in0the park.D      r $+Look at ,...+ dog ! It'sin front of the trees.D      r $+There's ,...+ castle and a fast-food restaurant.D      r $+The children are on6,...+ horses.D      r $+Dan looks at ,...+ clock and goes to the ghost-train.D      r $+The castle has got0,...+ door.D      r $+I've got ,...+ idea ! Let'sgo to the fast-food 6restaurant.D      r $+There's ,...+ lady in <the zoo.D      r $+She's got ,...+ dog andBa cat.D      r $ +He's got a new friend.$It's E,...`+animal.D      L+;N " *Complte la phrase avec les articlesqui conviennent : a - an - theL+; K ^ 6E+F+] 5 6 ii5 JJ  J7JD 7D iFi] F] N,Les articles +singulier f,indfini +pluriel ,un$ +It's, a +boy There are ,booksr&des,une!,+It's ,a +girl,and ,dolls. :+singulier f:,dfini :+plurielH,le3Hthe +bookH,The +books arerN,lesTla the +table , +on ,the +table.`,danger +: She likes  YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.r> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aidedu clavier,$puis valide avec ENTREE.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10.L+;  ,Tu vas maintenant apprendre te diriger sur le plan de Disneyland. $Ton dplacement apparatra sur le ,plan avec des toiles (*).<Va dans la direction qui t'est Dindique.TPour te diriger, clique une des\flches jaunes dessines dans tondcran de travail.lBonne route !6C z  C'EST JUSTE6C z  C'EST FAUXGY   GY    GY    LD;_ *Rponds la question en compltant l'aide de la prposition qui convient.LA;d " *Rponds la question en compltantla phrase avec la prposition quiZconvient.yER         *Look at the picture.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%K2$p4(?yp (80 ؘ0 8(8p (p0x(8(Jp4(?yp (8~0 ؘ90 8(8p (p/(8(Jp3(0 p(9|0 ؘ80 8(8p (p.x(8(K p3(0 p(8{0 ؙ0 8(8p(9p$~(8)Kp2(0 p(89y0 ٘0 8(98p(9p$8|x(8 Lp2(0 p(88x0 0 8(98p(9p$}(8 (HJp1(0 (+0 **0 (+88~(88p#8zx(8xx(HHIp1(0 ~(()80 蘩((0 (()9}(88p"(8z(8xx)II p0(0|*(80 蘩((0 *(9|(88p!)9x(8(LH p/(0z*H*0 0 *H)9z(88p *8(8xx)Np.(0z(H٘(0 蘩((0 (H){(.p!(8x(8+ILp- zH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(p#(x(8)KJ 8 8p-(yH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp )8x)J 888888p-@(x8Hؚ0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp(8+H88888:888p.I(8H٘ 蘩((Hؚ~)(((p8(8((H 8888:88888p.H((((8+H٘ 蘩(( H٘~(p9+8888:8888 8ppp H***(8H٘(( H٘~(p9 888;888pp p H***(8H٘蘩((H٘~(zp}8x88:8888!ppp H (8H 蘩(( H٘}(.xp};88888 yppp HȐ (8xH(ؘ蘩(((H})(ypzx8x98:88 xp pp Hژ٘ܘ(8xH(ؘ蘩(((H}(.yp*<988 $yppp IؘؘژH(8L(ؘ蘩(((H})(yp(8(((:; *yppp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HH(ؘ(Hxxx)xp(8(<8 .yp xxxxxxxp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HxHH H蘾(p(8((89 2yp ٰ p Șؘ(8HzIH>((9p(8(; 5yp (0(p 8ػ(8HzIIIIIIIIIIIH蘯((p(8((; 8yp (88(p 9ذ (8H|H H((p(8((:) 6yp (88(p 8Ȱ(8H|H'H((p(8(9(9 6yp (88(p 9Ȱ(8IzHO%HO (p (8(8H(9 6xp (88(p 8ȿ(8H|I(H%8I(Hp (8(J(8 6xp (88(p 9(8(8H|HHH(0 0HH((8p (8(J(8 6p (88(p8(8(8H|HؘH( :89H((8p (8(8(I(8 78p (88(p9(8(8H|HؘJ 9**88J(8p (8(8(H(8 68(88(8(8(8H|HؘIؘ 9蘩((88Iؘ(8(8(8((8X 68(88(~8(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8(8(8)8Y 68}(88(~(8(8H|HؘH٘ 988H٘(8}(8(8(HY 68}(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8}(8(8(HY 58|(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ (8{(8(8(HX 28{(88({) 8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ ) 8z(8(8(H : 8z(88(y* (>(9*=+?(0غ(HXٚ(8(0 9(: =(?+>(>(>(0 +?(: 9(ظ(H (8p )=(+9(9(9(9(9+9(?+>(=*=(0 +?(+9(9(9(9(9)8(8 (8 ):)0 +9(8(9(9(9(8(9+?+>(0(0 +?+9(8(9(9(ظ(8)8ܙ(8 ڟ(8Xp):)?)9 )8(8)9)9)9)8)8(9(+(0( +()8(8)9)9(غ(8)ܚ(8ޛڛ(HXy+y)z){)9)0)0 )*8(0)8(:(+(: :( +()8(0 ظ9ܙ(8ڛޘ(HXx)y)x*y)z*9)0( (9;(;(:+>(:(>(:(0 +:(9)9 ܚ(8 (HXx*{+x)z*0 )08((+(:((:( +((0 ۚ (8X (Hy*z)x+y)y? 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It's 8 o'clock.D      r $+Jim's going the ranch.D      r $+The cowboy puts his hat.D      r $+Take your coat :it's hot.D      r $+Come :the door is open.D      r $+I don't want to go to New York.D      r $+Come the stairs and have dinner.D      r $+The cows are going the hill.D      r $ +The plane is flying .D      JW z  C'EST JUSTEw +I rodeos.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+;N "*Complte les phrases avec la 0particule qui convient.JW z  C'EST FAUX6C z  C'EST FAUXwwq&);p((8p((8p(*8(8p((98p@ p*pLIp())p?+x*pn(H Hx)Hp((88(p>-Jpg)@H((Hp(()GIpf*M(HIp((8(HPP*PIpe(N((Ip((8(8(IPXPP_[ZIxHp_(H(((IzIp (+(I_]X\PY]\[XXJ(p])I((()IzHp *8(8(HPX[X\PZZP XXJ(p\ +H(())(zHp (8(8((I]X[^][Y[PXIؘ(pQ | *K(H((()( H y {(8)(9(H^XX__^[\P I(pO *I(ؘ(((((H H (-(I^P\^[\X][J(p y | p1*M(ؘ((((H I -9((9(H\PP^P X][HIpp4*K(**HxJ((8((8(IP!ZP ZZJ(Hpp z p -J)HXJ)(Iy(*)(8(HPHH(Hp p{-L(HXY)((J()8((*8(@J(Hp Hy p*IH((XXY)()I-8-*K^\\ZP\]X\(Ix x xI y |p|X)N)XXXX()H|*,8),K_Z_Z[\XZP Ip ~ x |{*N(XYXX((Hz ()(8((**I,JP#P!(HHp y x ( p -I(XYYX) ()*8*(8(8)I(K Lx|)H~p((p (*L(XYYX (((((8(8)I(L(H(J(HM(HJ(H(J(H@ (HJ(H(J(H(H(H(HI(H({)I}p( x* XZYX{()/)I(L(HI(HO(HI(HI(H@(HI(HI(Hh(h)H(HI(HH(IH y|,L*z(8x(Iؘ(x-I(XP{/9(*)(I((Hؘ(Hؐ (Hؘ(Hؘ(Hؐ(Hؘ(Hؘ(Hij(I(HH(HI*HH p,K{(8x(I٘(x P I(((8():(I(L(H(H-M(H(H(H N,H(H(HHm(J(H(HK*HIp /H|- K(P I()()-:(I((HH؞()H(HHؐ (((H(HH(HhhiI(H(HJ)JJ+L{-x((x H(P H(()))I(L(HO(L(H)H@ (L(M)HH(IhiJH)HI*HN{+H*J+*8z){(H((,P H (()**I(*H *H H,ɘh(KI(H+JJ K M+*8y((x9*()P X 8(9(I(I((H.H((J(H(H H(J((H-HH(ɘ*JI(HH,IKH@ n/I)H+8(8y((x8x((H(X][x((8(8)8)8(9(I(((H.H(((H(H H(((H-HH()H(O(HH,KO` @k(8x(8x-y(x(K(Xx[xYz h(((8(8()I(I((H.H((J(H(H H(J((H-HH()H(O(HIhi+jHۘ٘` I+Nl*8((x*k)zYzYxXil(()8(*))(I(((H.H(((H(H H(((H-HH()HlHhI(HhHll(` ؘؙ` H(Om)8(+(x)l(Yx[x[Ylhh((8)+:(I(I((H.H((J(H(H H(J((H-HH()HmHh(HjnljiHj` hj(8(((ii(Z]]Ihii :(I(((H.H(((H(H H(((H-HH()Hhh(HihhihH(hkh`h((i(LP IZiiih()8)8(8((I(I((H.H((J(H(H H(J((H-HH()Hih(HihhihH(؍ih` jih)^)(\@ YJih((8(8(8**I(((H.H(((H(H H(((H-HH()H(Hih(J(ـ h ؚ؀))h(XLP IZ(((()+8(9(I(I((H.H((J(H(H؊()H(J((H-HH()H(H)I(ـ ih ؙـ))i(]@ ] )8)((8(9(I(((H ((H(H؊((H((/H))H(H )jij(عm((X(X(X(X)(P` )8( (I(J*HO+K(H(Hؙ((H(K+M(HH+H(H(H(Hٰ))(((X(X(X(X)(P[ȸ` )8(9((8)+I((H (H(H؈((H(/H)(H(H (Hۋٌ(ع( ()8((((((((\_[ȸ` )8()():(I(L(H(Hؙ((H(@ (H(Hظ(Hً(ؙ٘(*((((()(\][` (8.*:(I((H H؈((H((H Hذ(Iڽ(عؘHؙ(8 (X\]^`(8-(I(L(H@(H(Hؙ(( L(HM(H(Hظih(Hي(ظ(Hٚ(9 (P__xn9(8(8**I((I(H(I(( (I(H(IijhXhIي(ظHܙ)**X)P P)]xXm)h(H)(8(8(9(I(L(H@(H(Hؙ(( L(HM(H(Hi(XiXk(H پ+ؙۘ()X((X)X({P+ZyYHl(i+)(8(9(I((hHh (H(I(( p I(H(I(k(niik(Hhjnܘؘi([)\([|P ,yZHXHlh(Hk/ ij H | (H M(H(i(hXlXh* ع ((X((XX(I^p -YJXHXh` Im@(HJ-H(H@(H(ok)(HK ((X((XX(YKP -IZHZh(Hn(kXk)hh(h  #h(hiXjXj) ((-X(J[@ X.XJ\(h؀ )k(o`( .*`)lm()ذ (عݎ((HH(X(ZKP /H[X*h(Hh)i(hXlXiȸ/ښ*,lXhh(((ع ݎ((+(X([@ X/[XXi،ih)ojhɸ*((( n(( َ(X(I(Y(XP/YXZY(Hh)h(iiXjj((((**m( (I((X(I(Y(ZYZ] ʹXY(H )mm (ؘ(*`((I۹(Z)[(XĹXXXYY XY[(H +k)i"(ؘ)-mhh(HژH؍(I_I(ZYZXX P (H-&(ؙ*+jml(HHk(8Ox(PXYY P (H+(((ۘ)\'j`jHn(HzHzHx(P \ P (H*(( (((XH[1n k(i(8HxH8HxH8H(XP P (H*(( (((H(YH7n (k(h*8H:H9(XP P (H*)( (((Iؘ)Y8n(Hk)(?(XP Z _*Y(H(h!)(-(((J٘ZZH8mk(j)X P Y _*X(H(ih!)(),XZ[88n (j)Y(^(ZPZ [)X(HY(')(HP(94ihm l(̸([PZ)` -\(H((ۘݙ)H^(9=m o((ZPZ)` (H,ښؘۙ(H](88@m n(xxxx(\(khh (H+ٚ؛ۘHH8ZH(9Dmlj(8~(l` (P(H+(ڛؘؙI8XI(8Gm(xXxXxXx(.i**(H+(؛؛I8H8(8Jm(^( ))(H*(HH8HH(8Mm (P+}*II*(H)(HH8J(8Pm(Yȉ*p *ܘ*h(H hh(HHH88I(8Tk(؉Y(z*))؀*ۙ*k(Hhhhh(III8I(8Wh(Y(z)((٘,H*i(Hhihih)HIH)H(8(9_(؉Y(z()(ڀ,,i h)HIH*I(8H(88Xi(8xYȈ(y(y)(ۀ,HX/(HIH)I(88J(:Ym(8|(y(z()ڀ-HX.(HIH)I(8I)8Ym(X{(x*z+ڀ(J)XX-(HHII(ؚ8I(87h m(](h)z*ژ(IXX,(HHJH)ؚ8K(=5ihhm(^h (HZH,(ؙII(Hؚ88J(8'+hihm(ZhZ (IXH+(ؙHI)Hٙ8J)8&((.nXiXh(-(I(HHI+(ؘIJ)Hٙ88H*8%((((2m(؛)Ȁ(I(HHI,(ؘII*Hؙ89)8):%+)(6i(ؘʘ(ɀ(I(IHI,(HI+Iٺ8((8%((6(ؘ̘ژɀ(I*IIH,(HJ,Hؿ(9(9&()(6(ؘ̘ژʀ (I,K-(I.Hٽ9;%(8*(8(5(ؘ٘͘ʀ (JH*J,(؛H/HL8&(9(8(!hh(٘Θ٘ʀ (KH(H-(H/IK:'(8(8(8(jh h(ژؘ٘ʀ(@ (ڀ-(ٙ(I M88!h(89)ih(ژٙʀ(:.(K)I Iܺ8ih(88(5(ۘH(;.(K)J Hݽ I'(8(5(ۘ: (;.(I)K IܸK#(8()/(ܘ 9(888/(IH I Kـ((8((8(hh(ܘ 8l(8ۻ8/(I IKٙـ((8((((8( iih(ݘ8m(8ݸ90 I K܀((8(((8(h(ޚ<8l(:ۘۘ/( IY(J؀(8((8(+ ih( 08j(-Hژ h#(K KZ(Jـ(9*8((3( <88j(,N hhh (J LY) Jؘ؀)8((8(:(3h,?88j+l.Jhhih(J LY(I؀(9*8+2j+Hlo*h h$(K LX(( Iؘـ+*0il*Hik0(K IX) J؀Shhm)KihB(K X) IـXl* lih@(L X+ I؀Yl*)HHjhE(M ) J؀[l-iMhiB(M * J؀_omM(N (J؀(O J؀(@ Jـ(@ JـK 88(+))8(-))8()9))*8())))88()),8())+88())+8())*88())+8()),8()))8)8()))*8(-)8)8(8+8))8(;998(8(8(8(0( OCopywrite MDO (Avril 1990) version 1.0bO$ +]/Lc+cRV//Dcmcnc .ocpc3qcrc( k q cqqcY=scPkc  scc  sc`Md12s$c tc0uctc0Md 22s$c tc0uctc0Nb 32s$c tc0uctc0?0@0A0B0L+ 0`Pkc$u$c u$c c$u$c u$c .V/Dcmc/nc .ocp c3qcrcY"k q c}qqcPkc$ vcan't hecccc" vcan hecccc" vcan itcccc# vcan shecccc$ vcan't hecccc$ vcan theycccc$ vcan't hecccc% vcan't youcc cc$ vcan't heccc `cccc c` .``$vc tc0 tc0?0@0A0B0L+ 0\/Dcmc/nc . 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Clique sur la bonne rponse.\z *Hi! My name's TOMq. I'm a football player .Canyou1comeNto_thevgame?M c%+1/ Yes,4I can't].2/ Yes*.3/ Yes, I can.H *Hello! My name's Dan. LW;~ &*Tu te contredis :I can't : je ne peux pasLW;~ &*Rponse incomplte, il faut reprendre le sujet et l'auxiliaire.[x *Look at the dog ! It can't be here,can it ?M c%+1/ No, it can't].2/ No, it canT.3/ No.H *Hello! My name's Dan. MW;~ &*Attention tu te contredis.L+;R &*Complte les phrases suivantes avec le tag qui convient, en tapanten lettres minuscules sur ton clauier.L;  +T he dog can't go to the stadium  , ?L;  +Tom can play football, ?L;  +Billy can't go out at night, ?L;  +Jenny can't swim, ?L;  +Dan can go to Paris, ?L;  +Animals can't speak, ?L;  +Billy can speak French, ?L; $ +You can work, ? L; * +He can play, ?L+;R & *Dis ce qu'un chien a la permission ou non de faire dans une maison. Clique sur CAN ou CAN'T.V4 'O+A dog Teat at the table.~ +can't~ +can~ ,ERREURV4 'O+A dog Trun in the garden.V4 'O+A dog Tsleep on the sofa. V4 'O+A dog Teat in your plate.V4 'O+A dog Tsleep on the floor.V4 'O+A dog Tjump on the bed.V4 'O+A dog Teat in its plate.V4 'O+A dog Teat the flowers.V4 'O+A dog Tjump on the table.V4 'O+A dog Tdrink in your glass.L+;R & *Dis si le groupe nominal soulign est sujet ou complment.^ f",1) sujet2) complmentk%  } +The football team is playing a game.k% F+Tom is running withthe ball.k% p+The Golden Gate bridge isthe biggest bridge.k% ; +I like this stadium.k%  v +The Chicago bears aregood players.k% S +Baseball is a nice sport too.k%   +I like swimming in the ocean.k% M +The cars are nice.n# f +I can watch the game.k% F +His friends are very nice men.LW;~ & *Attention la place du  groupe nominal dans la phrase.L+;R &$$ *Remplace le Groupe Nominal complment par un pronom. Exemple : She's going with Billy.NShe's going with him.L: %$,They're winning the game.$+They're winning .M: %,I want to play with Tom and his friend.+I want to play with .M: %<,Can I see my father ?<+Can I see ?M: %6,I can't play with Jenny.6+I can't play with .M: %0,Don't run after the cat.0+Don't run after .M: $ ,Come to New Orleans with Dan and I. +Come to New Orleans with .M9 %6,I love music.6+I love .M9 $0,Can I find my parents+ ,?0+Can I find ?M: %0,Where is Jane+ ,?0+Where is ?M: %<,Who are my friends ?<+Who are ?L+;R &*Rponds la question.Clique sur la bonne rponse.Zw *The Golden Gate bridgeis beautiful, isn't it ?0 %+1/ Yes.2/ Yes,0it'sLvery hbeautiful.3/ It's a beautiful bridge.H *Hello! My name's Dan. LW;~ & *REPONSE INCOMPLETE.LW;~ & *Attention tu ne rponds pas vraiment, tu rptes ce qui est dit.LW;~  &{   *OUI. "VERY" sert accentuer une  proposition. Il est trs beau.L+;R % *Clique la partie du Groupe Nominal quiest le dterminant du nom.[/ +a beautiful brown dog\0 *+my very sweet friend\0 +this dangerous white tiger\0 +his really nice horse\0 +a fantastic football player\0 +the good French restaurant\0 *+these very big cows\0 *+a nice blue skyL+:I *Dis si l'adjectif soulign a une valeurqualitative ou apprciative. MMl _+1/ qualitative2/ apprciative[/ v*a b,a beautiful brown dog[/ Zv*,my very sweet friend[/ q,this dangerous white tiger[/ _v,his really nice horse[/ $X,a fantastic football player[/ 0F,the good French restaurant[/ .,bad young American boys[/ k{*,these very big cows[/ Sj*,a nice blue sky[/ ;M,good hot French friesL+;R & *Demande pourquoi Tom ne peut pas jouer. Clique sur la bonne rponse.qk 5+1/ He can but he can't ?2/ Where can he play ?3/ Why can't he play ?*4/ Why can he play ?X4X $,Tom can play footbawllbut he can't today.LW;~ &*Attention, tu rptes ce que dit le supporter : "il peut mais il ne peut pas".LW;~ &  *Attention, tu demandes o il peut jouer.LW;~ 5& *Attention tu demandes pourquoi il peut jouer./"T W% ,Because  he's hurt.LW;q : *HURT veut dire bless./"T W% ,Ok,  now you !L+;[ /0/.,M,v,,,,*Rponds ngativement aux questions et justifie ta rponse avec l'adjectifpropos. Exemple : Can you buy this camera ? (expensive) $No, I can't, it's too expensive. V;| &$*Can you play football ?(difficult)[; &$*Can he go to the USA ?(expensive)\: &$*Mum, can I swimin the ocean ?6(cold)]; &$*Can we drink thiscoffee ? (hot)^: &$ *Can I run on the bridge ? (dangerous)]: &$ *Can she put on thesetrousers ? (small)]: %# *Can we go out tonight  ?(late)\: %# *Can you play tennis ?(young)Y: &$ *Can he ride a bike ?6(old)[: &# *Can she speak French  ?*(hard)c" ! ,No, I can't. It's too difficult for me.c" ! ,No, we can't. It's too hot for us.c" ! ,No, you can't. It's too dangerous for you.c" ! ,No, she can't. They're too small for her.c" ! ,No, I can't. I'm too young for that.c" ! ,No, we can't. It's too late for us.c" ! ,No, he can't. He's too old for that. c" ! ,No, she can't. It's too hard for her.LW;~ &*Attention, regarde bien l'exemple :Can you buy this camera ? (expensive)No, I can't. It's too expensive for me.LW;~ &*Attention la ngation de CAN :CANNOT, ou CAN'T la forme contracte(la plus souvent utilise).LW;~ &*Attention TOO prend deux O.A ne pas confondre avec la prpositionTO.Ok7 *difficult = difficileO\7j  *Regarde bien l'adjectif :Ok7 *expensive = cher (cot)Ok7 $*cold = froidOk7 *hot = trs chaudOk7 *dangerous = dangereuxOk7 0*small = petitOk7 $*late = tardOk7 0*young = jeuneOk7 0*old = vieuxOk7 $*hard = difficileL+;R & *Maintenant dis si CAN exprime  une capacit ou une permission. Clique la bonne rponse.M[x V+1/ capacit2/, +permissionc" ! ,No, he can't.  It's too expensive for him. c" ! ,No, you can't. It's too cold for you.L+;o D'h/+E(h0*E4=+E5}=+E6}>*E3~5*E'h'*E&h&*~6~>*C *Complte les phrases : 1- en interdisant quelque chose 2- en demandant la cause de cette interdiction(Exemple : +Don't D*go+.on't H4why can't *I go ?c# !+Don't run.Why can't I run ?c# !+Don't stand up.Why can't I stand up ?c# !+Don't look there.Why can't I look there ?c# !+Don't watch T.V.Why can't I watch T.V. ?c# !+Don't come tonight.Why can't I come tonight ? c# !+Don't feed the animals.Why can't I feed the animals?c# !+Don't go back to Texas.Why can't I go back toTexas?c# !+Don't take this plane.Why can't I take this plane ?c# !+Don't ride this bike.Why can't I ride this bike ?L; '*'+'*Rappelle-toi, l'interdiction se formeavec DON'T + GV.Recommence encore une fois.L; ' *Why veut dire pourquoi. Fais attention l'ordre :Iinterrogatif + Aux + NgationM+:K   *Dis si la base verbale ou l'auxiliairemis en vidence prend "S" ou "ES".MMp G#+1/ YES2/ NO_- $,Do+ , +she want coffee ?_- EU+She can ,go +with you._- Km+It can't ,sleep +on the bed._- Od+Yes, he , do._- 6N+They ,like +animals._- 9M+Dogs ,eat +meat,._- ?Z+Billy ,like +music,. _- E[+You can ,run +with them._- -=+He ,do +not like football._- i+She doesn't ,hate +you._- *Does she want coffee ?_- *Yes, he does._- *Billy likes music._- *He does not like football.L+;R &'& *Dis si l'intonation monte ou descend. Clique sur la bonne rponse.T0w G# . <. 3<== ..< <<4 < F+1/ 2/_. +Can't we go ?_. +Yes, I can._. +Don't do that._. $+I can, can't I ?_. +Is it nice ?_. $+Are you a good player ?_. +I hate football._. +Are you going to win ?_. +It's beautiful, isn't it ?_. +I can watch the game.L+;G  *Clique la syllabe accentue._ +foot/ball_ +fan/tas/tic_ +A/me/ri/can_ $+rea/lly_ *+Gol/den_ +res/tau/rant_ +Chi/ca/go_ +San/ Fran/cis/co_ $+sta/dium_ $+pla/yerV0l 9 O oU1k 9 o O oT0j 9 o Oo%oT/j 9 O o oT1j 9 o  o O oL+;R & *Rordonne les lettres de ces mots en t'aidant du schma intonatif.g $ OoO&+sye, I nacg $ OOo'+tn'od od athtg $ Ooo'+revy iceng $ OoO'+'ntac eh ogg $ oOOo'+a odgo ypalerL+;R & *Clique RIGHT si les mots se prononcent de la mme faon sinon clique sur WRONG.b# )1[[$+Can Planeb# )1YY$+can't~wantb# 4?[[+Motherlteacherb# 4?__+Mother~thereb# 0:]]$+Fatherthenb# 5;__*+whyfindb# ~$-__+dangerousxcan'tb# ~$-\\+don't~uncleb# $)~YY+morersmallb# $)}\\+herexreallyL+;R & *Dis si les mots sont accentus de la mme faon (RIGHT) ou  diffremment (WRONG).b# YY +difficult intelligentb# [[+openlparentsb# [[+computer expensiveb# [[+dangerous ridiculous b# \\+better todayb# ^^+animal beautifulb# aa+fantastic elevenb# ]]+tiger becauseb# __ +ridiculous fantasticb# ]]+come in sit down`" ' *di/ffi/cult ind /n*tel| /*li /*gent O o odo O o o`" '*o/pen hpa/rents O o *  O o`" '*com/pu/terfex/pen/sive  o "O o * p oO o`" '*dan/ge/rous ri/di/cu/lous O o 0o lo~O oo`" '*be/tter to/day" O o oO `" '*a/ni/mal beau/ti/ful O o 8o|O o o`" '*fan/tas/tic e/le/ven o *O o xoO o`" '*ti/ger be/cause O oo O`" '*ri/di/cu/lous fan/tas/tic o$O oHo o O o `" '*come /in sit/ down O oO o T%g < ,RIGHTg%z < ,WRONGg%z < ,WRONGT%g < ,RIGHTT%g << *RIGHTg%z << *WRONGL+;Q % *Parmi la liste des mots proposs trouve les 6 mots qui se rapportent  au sport.`] D((66``C +footballvgame winvsmall difficultvbear +playu+ball 9ridiculoust9soccera^j  *footballalw  *win a  *play^j *game *ball *soccerL+;Q % *OK : le football est ici*amricain.L+;S '*OK : win veut dire gagnerL+;Q %*OK : play veut dire jouer L+;Q % *OK : game veut dire match.L+;Q %*OK : ball veut dire ballon.L+;Q % *OK : soccer est le nom que donnent$les Amricains au football$franais.L+;Q % *ERREUR : difficult est un adjectif qui veut dire difficileL+;Q % *ERREUR : ridiculous veut direBridicule.L+;Q % *ERREUR : bear veut dire ours. Un ours ne fait pas de sport !L+;Q % *ERREUR : small veut dire petit.ay *ERREURa *ERREURlw *ERREURy *ERREURL+;Q %*Parmi la liste des mots proposstrouve les 5 qui expriment une motion.`] D((66``C +happy vsad scared vdangerous furious vold +ridiculousu+young 9generous t9prouda^j *happyalw *scareday *furious^j *sad *proudL+;Q % *OK : happy veut dire heureux.L+;Q % *OK : scared veut dire effray.L+;Q % *OK : furious veut dire furieux.L+;Q % *OK : sad veut dire triste.L+;Q % *OK : proud veut dire fier.L+;Q % *ERREUR : ridiculous veut direBridicule.a *ERREURa *ERREURL+;Q %*ERREUR : generous veut dire <gnreux.L+;Q % *ERREUR : dangerous veut dire Bdangereux.L+;Q % *ERREUR : old veut dire vieux.L+;Q % *ERREUR : young veut dire jeune.lw  *ERREURy *ERREUR  *ERREUR]  _ _(`(5_5`C +delighted surprised pleased +excited 8amazed^i *delightedy *pleasedL+;Q % *OK : delighted veut dire trs heureux*(very happy).L+;Q % *OK : pleased est bien un synonyme*de happy.kw *ERREUR  *ERREUR  *ERREURL+;Q % *ERREUR : surprised veut dire surpris.L+;Q %*ERREUR : excited veut dire Nexcit.L+;Q % *ERREUR : amazed veut dire tonn.Ce serait plutt un synonyme de surprised.L+;Q 5%1;+<(; *Maintenant, trouve les 2 synonymes de happy.nw 3,can't:play`why they~ ?L+;Q % *Remets ces phrases dans l'ordre. Respecte les rgles de ponctuation  et l'utilisation des majuscules.nw 3,we can when gof ?nw 3,can where I find him ?nw 3,you can answer f ?nw 3&,work he can't f ?nw 3,yes you go can outx .nw 3,I can come inZ ?nw 3 ,what we do can l ?nw 3,no can't they win  .o *Attention l'ordre :,att**AUX + S + Vo *Attention l'ordre :AUX + NEG + S + BVo  *Attention l'ordre : Interro+ AUX + S + BVo  *Attention l'ordre : Rponse, S + AUX + BVo *Attention l'ordre :Rponse +S +AUX +NEG +BVo *Attention l'ordre :Interro + AUX + NEG + S + BVL+;Q % *Mets les phrases suivantes la  forme interro-ngative.nw* 3,Tom plays football. ?nw*  3,I can run on the bridge. ? nw* 3,Billy's your friend. ?nw* 3,They are walking with Tom. ?nw* 3,It can help you ?r ?nw* 3,You can find your father. ?nw* 3,Dogs can play with xJenny. ?nw* 3,He can come in. ?nw* 3,Your son goes to pDallas. ?o) *Attention au "s" la troisime personne.o) *Attention l'ordre :AUX + NEG + S + BVo) *Repre bien le sujet, le  verbe et l'auxiliaire.o) *Attention la forme en "ing"(tu peux la revoir au TEXAS)o) *Attention au pronom complment(tu peux le?sLrevoir New York).T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer. z  C'EST JUSTE z  C'EST FAUXr> YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.r> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aide"du clavier,,puis valide avec ENTREE.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10._; ;),1) can2) can'tVo \ *1 )  CAN* o4 \ *2 ) & CAN'TRRh i h#萎i i 8萑i i 8i i h萔i i h萗"jp*h)xixh\k\*+[|p (8m pX"` p k)h)YPh*X,x)Z}p(8kipP/p+i{iP,z)Y8}x(8mkpP:-lxhP}+8}p (9hh` pO:{)}*izhP}*8{p(9hhhp p- 7p /hzh^P |i8{(9ikhip!{p,`(p |h^P |h8p(i-j8pZ`"pk {h^P{hp (8k({(9ppp p3npi|nyk_Pzh8p (88i(|(:p|zp-`p`ymxjh_Pyh8p (=h*{(;pljp`zhP]_yh8p(8h((z(cA61INTRO<<cn@cn#>P@@c)Bc c c<BcAcCcAcBA$c4Lc+cccBBch;cp;  c8;;c%%cp%cTcccc p oc opc;cp; ocr`J p ccp ;c*  $c cc%c ; c;;c%cPc A61INTROc&<%=c<<cnc5<%=?c <<<cncA$cX ct$c c5aA$B$q%oc Lc+ccc n$crrc5 nncXLc+cccPDc c c c c VxB<$=c <$=?c Bcc"=DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc@ $   qqc  cPc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc Wcc2r2'W$c tc tcr2'W$c tc tc?ABL+ Bcc"DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc  $Uclc\c`c qqc  cPc M cT{cZc[cVcV$c]c^ca/cc M TcZ{c[cVcVc]7c^ca:ccc M TcZc[{cVcVc]c^CcaLccc M TcZc[{cVcVc]c^BcaMccc M TcZc[{cVcVc]c^CcaLccc M TcZ{c[cVcVc]+c^ca@ccc M T{cZc[cVcV#c]c^ca0ccc M TcZc[{cVcVc]c^AcaNccc M !TcZ{c[cVcVc]5c^ca<cc c M "TcZ{c[cVcVc]2c^ca?ccc#  TcUcVc c*$c tc tcZclc]c c*$c tc tc[c\c^c c*$c tc tcVc`cac ctc?@ABL+ Pc #c $c %c &c 'c (c )c *c , c -Bcc"DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc $ 9 : qqc  cPc Wcc +Wcc =Wcc ?Wcc AWcc CWcc EWcc GWcc IWc c KWcc{n7*W$c tc tcn7*W$c tc tc?@ABL+ Pc c <c >c @c Bc Dc Fc Hc J c LBcc"=DcAcBcCcqcrccp coc $ 9 : cqqc  cPc /Wcc 0Wcc 1Wcc 2Wcc 3Wcc 4Wcc 5Wcc 6Wcc 7Wc c 8Wcc{n7'W$c tc tcn7'W$c tc tc?@BL+ "=BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc nc$EccYc Uqqc  cPc4 TcXcVc`he ische'scc< ;TcXcV c`he is notche isn'tcc: MTcXcVc`they arecthey'recc4 NTcXcVc`he ische'scc2 OTcXcVc`i amci'mcc2 PTcXcVc`i amci'mcc: QTcXcVc`i am notci'm notcc: RTcXcVc`i am notci'm notcc: STcXcVc`they arecthey'rec cB TTcXcV c`they are notcthey aren'tccTcXcVc cE 3EE$`E$c tc tc?ABL+ "=BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc$ bqqc  cPc% WWcXTc_cYcc% YWcXc_cYcc% [WcXnc_cY#cc% \WVcX7c_#cY]cc% ]WwcXc_$cY$cc% ^WcXqc_=cY8cc% _WcXc_dcY%cc% `WcXc_HcY%cc% aWzcXGc_/cY ccWcXc_cYc tcL+ tc?@ABL+ "BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc$ k `nc$ m jqqc  cPcQdcc c ccHe doesn't wear ? on his headȐWcXec_+ccPdcc c ccHe wears ? over his shirtȐWcXKc_AccKvcc c ccHe wears a pair of ? ȐWcXKc_@ccUXcc c ccHe doesn't wear ? around his neckȐWcX0c_+ccPgcc c ccHe wears black ? on his feetȐWcXec_+ccQdcc c ccHe wears ? under his jacketȐWcX0c_@ccVRcc c ccHe doesn't wear ? over his jacketȐWcXc_@ccS[cc c ccHe doesn't wear ? on his handsȐWcXc_@ccUUcc c ccHe doesn't wear red ? on his feetȐW cXec_+ccGWcXc_cc tc0ctc ?@ABL+ Mc<cccPc Zc Xc ic dc ec gc hc fc e"=BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc!nc n |qqc  cPc% qWQcX/c_=cYcc% sWcX/c_5cYcc% rWcXDc_fcYcc% tWcX/c_5cYcc% uWcXDc_.cYcc% vWcX/c_QcYcc% xWcX/c_5cYcc% yWcXDc_.cYcc% {WLcXDc_OcYcc"WcXc_cYc tcLc/cc)c tc?@ABL+ "=BccDcAcBcCcqcrccpcoc$$ H$ lXcEc_cncqqc  cPc oWc`whatcc wWc`iscc zWc`whatcc }Wc`howcc Wc`howcc Wc`wherecc Wc`whencc ~Wc`isccn%WcXcc cE +EE$`c tc tc?@BL+  T<6(^'k6N i x ?  [C^:&[XXBj/SU& !"#l$F%&&'(l)F*"h*"*$+Rv+S+Q,Wq,R,[-f-]-oP.T.Q.ZO/j/R 0Q\0Q0a11`223E445&66U7 88Z99:L;<<b=>>P ?q?)@@BAArBC[aCC}D0EF4GHsIJstJKuK-LLy*MMPNtNWOOYPP|QL+;  ii ZZh h ,Voici une liste de professions et )comment les accentuer. +photographer , i+photographeo ,O +o o -doctorh-docteur-,O +o =teacher h=enseignant , O +o Mprofessor hMprofesseur , + o, O+ o]policemanh]policier]o ,O +o ol,O +: syllabe accentuevo : syllabe non-accentuer> YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.T3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.JW z  C'EST JUSTEJW z  C'EST FAUXr> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aidedu clavier,$puis valide avec ENTREE.y          +My name's Billy.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KO+9R &*Clique sur la partie du mot quiCestYaccentue.      y           +Good afternoon!I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KQ/6^ .*Dis si les mots sont accentus de lamme faon (right) ou diffremment(wrong). Clique sur la bonne rponse.y          +A / me / ri / canI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KTn3} rr r r ,O +/ 3oD/ Xoo /,O+ / oy          &+Are you sure ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Where are you from ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Is this a chair ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +He's a French professor.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky           +Where is your father ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +That's my mother.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          %+I'm American.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr + * + ++ & +  0r 0  ( (( (" O+4R      # $ $$ & *Dis si l'intonation monte dou descendU4 rr r r +jour / na / listpro / fe / ssorz $!!!      +Is Billy your cousin ?%Yes, g.y          !+Pro / fe / ssorI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          -+Cou / sinI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          2+Mo / therI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          -+Mor / ningI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Af / ter / noonI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Te / le / vi / sionI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          1+Bi / llyI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Jour / na / listI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          +Pro / fe / ssionI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          +o / 5,OE+/ Soc/ oI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          &+o / G,O V+/ koI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          2,O + / oI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          7,O D+/ YoI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          Y+o2,O +/ I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          ,O++/ o / doI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          ,O +/ 5oE/ Soc/ oI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          7,O D+/ SoI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KU4 rr r r +he / llo mo / theryr          &,O+ / Go, V+/ koI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kyr          #+o / D,O S+/ hoI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; @(S( ^KiK akrk,+Voici un code pour t'aider prononcerles mots :o / ,O+ : He,llo+ ; ce mot a deux syllabes6+( deux cercles ) et il est 65accentu sur la seconde (, O +).Bo / ,O+ / o : pro,fe+ssor ; ce mot de troisNMsyllabes est accentu surNYla deuxime.c,O+ / o / o / o : ,te+levision c;cla premirceflsyllabe de ce mot estfwaccentue.y          2 8 ,n s t t +American NameI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +Dan womanI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +houseinoI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +BillyimyI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +heimeI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky           ! h u +this ithatI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky           ! h u +whoiwhereI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +nameoareI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          & g n +howioldI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Ky          n s t t & +fineihisI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%K{n} 5 *RIGHTn} 5 *WRONGz $!!!     +Is Dan your father ?%No, a.Tn3} rr r r !+o4/A,O+ ,O +/ oU4 rr r r +Bi / lly tea / cherTn3} rr r r !,O.+/ Ao ,O +/ oU4 rr r r  +pho / to / graphs En / glishTn3} rr r r ,O+ / o / o ,O+ / oU4 rr r r +A / me / ri / can pro / fe / ssionTn3} rr r r +o /  ,O +/ o / o o / ,O+ / oU4 rr r r +jour / na / listvpho / to / graphsTn3} rr r r ,O +/ 5oF/ To{,O +/ o/ oU4 rr r r +wo / man pa / rentsTn3} rr r r !,O.+/ Ao ,O +/ oU4 rr r r  +te / le / phone A / me / ri / canTn3} rr r r ,O +/ )o:/ Ho vo / ,O +/ o / oU4 rr r r +so / fa win / dowTn3} rr r r !,O.+/ Ao ,O +/ oU4 YY +ta / ble , +te / le / vi / sionTn3} ZZ !,O.+/ Ao g,O +/ o / o/ oz $!!!     +Are Billy9'=sFparents nice?%Yes, y.z $!!!     +How old is Billy ?,twelve years old.z $!!!     +Are you very happy ? Yes, h.z $!!!      +Are you Billy's friend?)Yes, .z $!!!     +Are you Jenny's brother?No, .z $!!!     +Are you tired ?No, r.z $!!!     +Are Dan and Jane Billy's0 parents ?Yes, r.z $!!!      +Are they your parents ?No, v.U+4Q   %*Complte les phrases en rpondant  aux questions :Ex: Is this a T-V ? Yes, it is.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10.B:O         *This is a television.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    *Over his shirt : par-dessus sa chemise.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         *That's a telephone.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    **On his head : sur sa tteI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         *This is a little boy.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O          *This is a man.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         *This is Ka dog.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         *This is a woman.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         *This is a table.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KB:O         "*That's a sofa.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%K\:i          *This is a video recorder.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%K+:@ *Clique sur la personne ou l'objet Y propos.j2 R  *Clique sur RIGHT si les mots se prononcent de la mmefaon sinon sur WRONG.M<:I     *Around his neck : autour de son cou.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    -*On his feet : aux pieds.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    '*On his hands : aux mains.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    *Under his jacket : sous sa veste.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    *Over his jacket : par-dessus sa chemiseI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM<:I    *Un pantalon possde deux jambes.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM;  I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KiM. 2 *Dis ce que Dan porte (wears)ou ne porte pas (doesn't wear). %Clique le mot qui convient.j2 R *Complte les phrases avec$ l'interrogatif ou l'auxiliaire qui convient. $!!!,; :1*E2*D2, C1aSf,bTea2,b 1.,-v9L,w:K9.L,:-K=9gL,>:fKSCf,TBea,bi *a tiek a shirt$a jacketi$trousers >a hatC>shoes|>socksXglovesnXa coatL+; A,@N,O,,,+N,,M+U,,V+ *Thank you Please % *How are youSee you soon]Sorry Nice to meet you $!!!z $!!!     /+'s his name ?L+;  zz  ,Voici une liste de mots qui te sera utile pour russir l'exercice.#A pair of trousers +un pantalon.,A hat.+un chapeau9,A coat9+un pardessusD,ShoesD+des chaussuresO,SocksO+des chaussettesZ,A shirtZ+une chemisee,A jackete+une vestep,A bagp+un sac  ii ZZh hz $!!!     #+How are you ? I'm fine, .z $!!!     +I'm Jane Griffin.w.{ +Sit down, .I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kz $!!!     +Tell me, where is myfather, ?{ "+, but I don't know.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kz $!!!     +Hello, ?I'm fine, thank you.z $!!!     5+he American ?{  +Can you repeat, .I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kz $!!!     +I can't hear you.I'm very .z $!!!     #+'s his profession ?{ +Bye, .I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KM\;~ !*Complte la phrase avec la formule depolitesse approprie. Certaines sontutilises deux fois. Clique dessus.z $!!!     5+old is he ?z $!!!     ;+he tall ?z $!!!     /+is he, today ?AFine.z $!!!     5+is he leaving ?5To Paris.z $!!!     5+is he coming ?#At five o'clock.z $!!!     5+is he away ?Because he's working.(U 09)0G U : 8: ?< %/ :+p2(:)8p;(< %/ :+p ?p (:)p;(<  "  :+p ~?p (:)p?p(< 0"( -p( :+p {?y(:)p >p ?p(< 0"(/8) x( :+ {?y(:)p >|y?{ x(< 0"(/(( x( :+:|: {?y(:){>|y?{ x(< 0(9(>(/8)8(8(8(8x( :*8:|z xy?{ x(< ?<*9(:)8(>(/((((((x( :*8:|: =xy< x(< >=.8*8)=(/(8(((((x( :*8:|z (/x( :*8-y: =(8 8(-/ :)8-p (8(:)8(|(,0(< 0 ./ :)8-p {x((0 (:)8(|(,0(< :(:,8.y*/ :)8-}(((((0 (:)8(|(,9 < :-8 zy#9 y :)8-8(((((((0 (:)8(p ,9( < 0 z)x (xx(  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( < 8-:(*z)y ,8 x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9 <  (*z)y( 8,8*X)X,x(x(x)8 :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,0(<  x9(*)y*y) 8,8 8 :)8-8(((((((?(8(:){(p ,9 <  )(YX[{)z* 8,  :)8-8(((((((8 8(:){(p ,9( <  )(YYz*z+  ":)8-8(((((((0 (8(:){(p ,9( <  *x(YXx)x({+  ?-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:)x(p (y,9 <  *y(Yz(x({+ -0 8-:)8-8(((((((0 (8(:) (p (y,0(<  *y(Yz(x({>/8-:)8-8(((((((8 (8(:) (p (y,9 <  *x*X{)|( 8 8-:)8-8(((((((;=(8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X})|( 8 8-:)8:*8(((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *xy)X}(x(} 8 8-:)8z:8(((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  *{*|(x)} 8 ;x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,0(<  (x)z*X}(x)~ 8 <|(x-:)8}8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 <  (x)z*X}(y)~ 8-:p (-:)8z8((((((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (x*{(X}(z)~ 8-8p(8x-:)88((((((8 (8,:)/(|(|(y,9 )<  (y)({(X{)z*y)x 8-8|88}(8x-:)88(((((x(0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8{8*8|(88-:)8)8(((((x(8 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(0(<  (y)x({(z(z.z 8-8z8(X(|(88-:)8)8((((x((0 (8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z()yy(x(,yx 8-8z8(X(8{(88-:)8)8((((x((8 8,:)/(|(|(y*(9 <  (z(z(y(y)y(+| 8-8z8*8(8{(88-:)8)8((((((8(:)-(|,,(9 <  (y*{x(yz(x*} 8-8|}(88-:)8*8((((((8(:),(|,,(9 <  (x))z(}(y)~ 8-8|9}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:)*(|,,(0(<  (x*(x|{)}( 8-8z*(}(88-:)8*8((((x((8(:))(|,,(9 <  (x+{{~)|( 8-8y |(88-:)8*8((x((((8 :)/-,,(9 <  (x,xp,{) 8-8y,x(x(|(88-:)8*8((x((((8p(:)})-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-x,x(x(x(x(y(88-:)8*8((((((8(:)x)-,,(9 <  *x({(y*{) 8-8x y:8-:)8+8((((((8--+:)+x)-,,(0(<  )x){}z(}) 8-8x+y=98-:)8+8((x((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 <  (y{{z)}) *=9:*8-:)8+8((x((((8(:)x>-,,(9+ /<  ({z)|) 8= 8-:)8+8(((((((8--:)x>-,,(9+ /< (~(8z* 8= y(8-:)8+8(((((((8p(:)}>-,,(9 < )}*|(9, 8< (*(y(8-:)8+8(((((((8(:)x-,,(0(< )}*|(;, < x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8 (:))x))-,,(9 < *|((z(<- 8+8(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8p(:)}))-,,(9. ,< -y(z<- 8)?(x(x(((((y(8-:)8,8(((((((8(:)x))-,,(9. 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WcXc_ c`do theycc& !W}c_c`does hecc' # $Wc_c`does shecc% ( )W}c_c`do youcc- + -WcXc_c`do youcc* . 2Wtc_ c`do childrencc1 3 4WcXc_ c`does billyc c+ 5 6Wc_ c`does the dogccM WcXc_ccE +E`$Ec tc tc#?#@#A#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp cocE.......c nc qqc  cPcUWccc c ccAre you a nice boy?cc c ccYes, I .Ecc[Wc|cc c ccDoes Billy play with you?cc c ccNo, he .EccVWccc c ccDo they live here?cc c ccNo, they .EccYWccc c ccDo animals eat meat?cc c ccYes, they .EccWWccc c ccIs she your friend?cc c ccYes, she .Ecc\Wcycc c ccDoes your cat want a coke?cc c ccNo, it .EccUWccc c ccDo you want a coke?cc c ccYes, I .EccPWccc c ccDoes it think?cc c ccNo, it .EccSWccc c ccAre you an animal?cc c ccNo, I .Ec cVWccc c ccDoes she know you?cc c ccYes, she .Eccz qa'W$c tc tc#a''W$c tc tc#a9'W$c tc tc#Zy'W$c tc tc#y''W$c tc tc#y'W$c tc tc#y9'W$c tc tc#?#@#A#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc ncEc Xcqqc  cPc% %Wc_ c`don't youcc& &Wc_ c`doesn't hecc$ 'Wc_c`isn't hecc$ *Wc_c`don't wecc' /Wc_ c`aren't theycc% 0Wc_ c`don't youcc' 1Wc_ c`doesn't shecc& 7Wc_ c`doesn't itcc$ 9Wc_c`isn't hec c& :Wc_ c`doesn't heccWcXc_ccE '`$Ec tc tc#?#@#A#B#L+ #E.......c`.cBccDcAcBcCcqcrccp cocR| qqc  cPc`Wccc c ccJim's a cowboy.`ccc c ccJim .Ec a cowboy.`ccpWccc c ccIndians live in Texas.`cjcc c ccIndians .Ec live in Texas.`ccqWccc c ccThe man plays football.`cpcc c ccThe man .Ec play football.`ccfWccc c ccBilly's got a dog.`ccc c ccBilly .Ec got a dog.`cc_Wccc c ccI've got a cat.`ccc c ccI .Ec got a cat.`ccjWccc c ccThere are trees here.`ccc c ccThere .Ec trees here.`cc^Wccc c ccI like music.`ccc c ccI .Ec like music.`ccmWccc c ccHe wants to go there.`cvcc c ccHe .Ec want to go there.`cc`Wccc c ccThey know you.`ccc c ccThey .Ec know you.`c chWccc c ccIt's got four legs.`ccc c ccIt .Ec got four legs.`cc ea''W$c tc tc#a''W$c tc tc#a9'W$c tc tc#\y9'W$c tc tc#y9'W$c tc tc#y9'W$c tc tc#?#@#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcC cqcrccp coc  = ? Bqqc  cPc Wc Cc Wc Dc Wc Ec Wc Gc Wc Hc Wc Kc Wc Lc Wc Nc Wc Occ2'W$c tc tc#c2'W$c tc tc#?#A#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcC cqcrccp cocD  fTyc ,TcUcqqc  cPc ATycUcWcc FWcTycUcc IWcc PTycUcWcc RWcc TWcc VWcc ZWcTycUcc ]TycUcWc c cWcc!TcUc,c c tc#7 'W$c tc tc#- 'W$c tc tc#?#@#A#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcCcqcrccp coc<#  M 8 QWcqqc  cPc Sc Uc Wc [c \c _Wcc `c bWcc d c fWcc${n7'W$c tc tc#n7'W$c tc tc#?#@#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcC cqcrccpcocc% TncEc aXcYcqqc  cPc# e gWc_c`fivecc* h nW~c_ c`how much iscc3 i oWcXc_ c`how much arecc2 k qWcXc_ c`how much iscc* l rWc_ c`how much iscc&WcXc_ccE +EE$`c tc tc#?#A#B#L+ #BccDcAcBcC cqcrccp coc @ J' QncEc`c @$cc,Xcqqc  cPccc c ccHot dogdcc c ccIt's one dollar and eighty centsȐWcTc_cVconeceightycccc c ccsalad bar^cc c ccIt's three dollars and fifty centsȐW|cTc_cVcthreecfiftycccc c ccshrimp salad^cc c ccIt's three dollars and sixty centsȐW|cTc_cVcthreecsixtycccc c ccham sandwich^cc c ccIt's two dollars and seventy centsȐW|cTc_cVctwocseventycccc c ccapple pieUcc c ccIt's one dollar and twenty-five centsȐWscTc_cV conectwenty-fivecccc c cccherry pieRcc c ccIt's one dollar and seventy-five centsȐWpcTc_cV conecseventy-fivecccc c ccmilk shakedcc c ccIt's one dollar and fifty centsȐWcTc_cVconecfiftycccc c ccorange juiceUcc c ccIt's one dollar and twenty-five centsȐWscTc_cV conectwenty-fivecccc c ccteajcc c ccIt's one dollar and ten centsȐWcTc_cVconectenc ccc c cccoffeeacc c ccIt's one dollar and twenty centsȐWcTc_cVconectwentycc;.WcXc_ccE TcXcVcc` $D7E`E$`$c tc tc#?#@#A#B#L+ #wBccDcAcBcqcrccp coc/ ncEc XXcqqc  cPc( jWc_ c`twenty-sevencc# mWc_c`chickencc! pWc_c`sixtycc$ sWc_c`fourteencc( tWc_ c`eighty-threecc& uWc_ c`fifty-ninecc( vWc_ c`ham sandwichcc" wWc_c`coffeecc% xWc_ c`hamburgerc c) yWc_ c`cheese-burgercc1WcXc_ccE +EE$`c tc tc#?#@#B#L+ #z<&(NT!k'SU!vxvdq<o8m' z r u6 x t" Y{ 1})|zmMvz=ywk[nq:wcoh8rloy~kyo"i m| "#h$X%:%1+(v(C(rV)k)x9*x*m+t+n,ll,m,sL-"n-u-tW.u.]/o/W0m0L1n1N2o2)3g44x5v5"88)99Q:n:M;l;E2>^>y?t?ZG@o@v,A`AhAdXBgB\CbCXT3  "Tape une touche pour continuer.6C z  C'EST JUSTEr> YX *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer ton choix.r> XW *Utilise le curseur pour+cliquer tes choix et6valide avec OK ou en tapant>F10.r> YX*Utilise le curseur pourrordonner la liste ;%clique OK ou tape F10/pour valider.r> YX*Tape ta rponse l'aidedu clavier,$puis valide avec ENTREE.r> YX*Tape tes rponses l'aidedu clavier ;$dplace-toi avec les .flches,7puis valide en cliquant OKAou en tapant F10.6C z  C'EST FAUXjy **doL+;N "**Complte les questionscorrespondant aux rponses.jy * *doesL+;N "   *Dis s'il faut employer do ou does encliquant sur la bonne tiquette.w ,....+ you like me ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $,....+ my parents live6in France ?D      L+;N " *Complte la phrase avec un tag.V;c          *I like the ghost-train.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $,....+ my father play6football ?D      w ,.+ Dan drink champagne?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $$+Do you like the *ghost-train ?D      w ,.+ Billy like cats ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $,.+ my mother live*in New York ?D      V;c         $*It runs fast.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ,.+ I know you ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ,.+ we eat snakes ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Does it run fast ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; N^,O]drr *6?F,7>ENH^,OG][N^,\O]6F,7EW6}F,X7|E +Transforme l'affirmation en ngationen cliquant sur la bonne tiquette.  Ex : He's English - He isn't English:*don't\:isn't:hasn'tRhaven't gRaren'tRdoesn'tL+; N(^,O']=Nc^,>Ob]N^,O]%6?F,&7>EwN^,xO] drr 6F,7ES6yF,T7xE+Clique l'tiquette qui complte -la rponse la question.-:*is [:does:'m notRdo BRdon'tRam doesn'tw ,.+ you think about me ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  ,.+ your dog eat mice ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c  *They play in DisneyworldI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $$+Do they play in*Disney World ?D      L+; MM  ,L'auxiliaire DO s'emploie dans des  phrases de ce type : - interrogatif : +Does he like you ?(,- avec un tag:+ He likes you, doesn't h(e?4,- ngatif : +I don't like you. D,Attention la conjugaison au prsent.P+I do / don'tPIt does / doesPn't\You do / don't\We do / don'thHe does / doesn'thYou do / don'ttShe does / doesn'ttThey do / don'tV;c         *He eats hamburgers.w +Does he eat hamburgers ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; K N,La ngation+Avant de l'employer, il faut reprer :,- le sujet(- la prsence ou non d'auxiliaire4+puis il faut suivre la forme : @,sujet + auxiliaire + ngation + verbeL+ex L:LHe does not playBT(doesn't)`I haven't got a dog.lYou aren't in France.xShe cannot (can't) go with you.V;c         *She drinks wine.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Does she drink wine ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+You love horses,0don't you ?D      r $+He plays with her,*doesn't he ?D      r $ +Billy is a good friend,0isn't he ?D      V;c         *You like animals.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Do you like animals ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+We like to play here,6don't we ?D      V;c         *We love Disney World.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KO+9R &*Clique sur la partie de la phrase%ou du mot qui estaccentue.      r $0+Do we love*Disney world ?D      V;c          *Children like to play.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+They're your parents,0aren't they ?D      r $+You like to play,0don't you ?D      r $+She loves to play,*doesn't she ?D      r +Do children like to play?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KV;c   *Billy plays on a horse.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+Does Billy play on6a horse ?D      V;c         *The dog eats meat.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  +Does the dog eat meat ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+Your dog runs away,0doesn't it ?D      {n} 5 *RIGHTr $+Jim's in Texas,0isn't he ?D      r $+Jim loves horses,0doesn't he ?D      L+;  ii ZZh h ,Voici une liste de professions et )comment les accentuer. +photographer , i+photographeo ,O +o o -doctorh-docteur-,O +o =teacher h=enseignant , O +o Mprofessor hMprofesseur , + o, O+ o]policemanh]policier]o ,O +o ol,O +: syllabe accentuevo : syllabe non-accentueL+; << <H HH CH nz ns nn zz ,La voix descend quand on est sr de ceque l'on dit (affirmation ou ngation)dans la plupart des WH-questions ou%dans les phrases avec un TAG.3+- You're a boy, aren't you ?A- They're American.P,Elle remonte en fin de phrase dans une\YES-NO question ou quand on n'est pas hsr de ce que l'on dit.t+- Are you American ?O+4R      # $ $$ & *Dis si l'intonation monte dou descendL+;  7!7 g"g ,Comment faire un tag ( n'est-ce pas) :- Repre bien le sujet et l'auxiliaire-+ex : Billy is American, isn't he, +?0=Jenny isn't American, is she, +?M,- Si la phrase comporte un verbe actif]+ex : They like you, don't they, +?*mThey don't like you, do they, +?cr 0  ( (( (" L+; _QQ^ oo^ ^ c}pp +hamburgerU,2.50r+chicken sandwich, 2.50 +cheese-burgerU ,2.80r +ham sandwich ,2.70+hot dogU,1.80+ rapple pie,1.25!+fishU!,3.00r!+cherry pie!,1.75++French friesr+milk shake+,1.505+largeU5,1.50r5+orange juice5,1.25?+smallU?,0.90r?+coke / diet coke?,1.00I+salad barUI,3.50rI+coffeeI,1.20US3.60rS+tea S,1.10T+shrimp saladw +a / cas / tle.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kcr + * + ++ & +  0w +How much is it ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+You want a coke,0don't you ?D      w  +There's a castle here.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +the / to / wers.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+We're in florida, 6aren't we ?D      w +Why are you here ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw R+be / cause.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL;  *Ecris le prix des lments donnsex : fish - It's three dollarsw *+I'm hungry.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Are you thirsty ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kn} 5 *WRONGw +It's three o'clock.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +Go straight ahead.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +e / le / venI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KQ+6Z . *Dis si les mots se prononcent de lamme faon (right) ou diffremment(wrong). Clique sur la bonne rponse.w F+thir / teen.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw # * e l +N,i+ce - l,i+keI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw R+se / ven.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw # ) e l $,I+t - dr,i+nkI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw F+twen / ty.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ) / j p q q +cl,o+ck - d,o+gI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+;N "*Tu dois remettre les lettres dansl'ordre pour former un mot et le taper.L+;  jj  ,Comment demander : combien cote...?+- Un lment : How much is a coke ?`$How much is it ?4- Plusieurs lments :`DHow much are the pies ?`PHow much are they ? `,Comment dire ce que l'on veut: p+I want a coke - He wants a cokew +the / ghostj/ vtrain.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw 4 ; p w *+wh,y+ - m,yI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ( / k p $+N,o +- kn,o+wI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw +in / front / of.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL+; E H,Les chiffres.+1 one 12 twelve 30 thir,ty+2 two 13 thir,teen + 40 for,ty(+3 three 14 four,teen + 50 fif,ty2+4 four 15 fif,teen + 60 six,ty<+5 five 16 six,teen + 70 seven,tyF+6 six 17 seven,teen + 80 eigh,tyP+7 seven 18 eigh,teen + 90 nine,tyZ+8 eight 19 nine,teenZ+100 a hundredd9 nine 20 twen,tyd+1000 a thousandn10 ten 21 twen,ty+-one 1 000 000x11 eleven 22 twen,ty+-two a millionw " ) k q +N,a+me - wh,e+reI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw ) / q v +wh,e+re - th,e+reI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KQ+6Z .*Tu vas au fast-food avec Dan et tu as 5 dollars en poche. Tu vas donc lui demander le prix de ce que tu veux.w  " k p q q +p,a+rents - ,a+reI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw L+out / side.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  # e l +g,i+rl - th,i+rstyI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL_{ z*How much money have$you got?  $!!!w  # j x ,th+irsty - ,th+isI<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kw  +I've got five dollars.I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%KL_{ z*It's one dollar andfifty cents. $!!!L_{ z*They're ninety*cents. $!!!r $*+wesveentnyt-*twenty-sevenD      L_{ z *It's two dollars  and fifty cents. $!!!L_{ z *It's one dollar. r $<+cncikhe<chickenD      w +How much is a hamburger ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $+How much are the small*French fries ?D      r $B+tsiyxBsixtyD      r $+How much is a chicken6sandwich ?D      w +How much is a coke ?I<% ( *Clique sur la bonne rponse.I=%Kr $9+uofenert9fourteenD      r $0+reitehgtyeh-0eighty-threeD      r $0+nftfiynie-0fifty-nineD      r $0+mnsawdhchia-ham sandwichD      r $<+efcfoe<coffeeD      r $3+bamhurrge3hamburgerD      r $*+ehscegerbreu-*cheese-burgerD      r $*+shueerbecgre-D      2$2$p4(?yp (80 ؘ0 8(8p (p0x(8(Jp4(?yp (8~0 ؘ90 8(8p (p/(8(Jp3(0 p(9|0 ؘ80 8(8p (p.x(8(K p3(0 p(8{0 ؙ0 8(8p(9p$~(8)Kp2(0 p(89y0 ٘0 8(98p(9p$8|x(8 Lp2(0 p(88x0 0 8(98p(9p$}(8 (HJp1(0 (+0 **0 (+88~(88p#8zx(8xx(HHIp1(0 ~(()80 蘩((0 (()9}(88p"(8z(8xx)II p0(0|*(80 蘩((0 *(9|(88p!)9x(8(LH p/(0z*H*0 0 *H)9z(88p *8(8xx)Np.(0z(H٘(0 蘩((0 (H){(.p!(8x(8+ILp- zH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(p#(x(8)KJ 8 8p-(yH٘0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp )8x)J 888888p-@(x8Hؚ0 蘩((0 H٘~)x(x(x(pp(8+H88888:888p.I(8H٘ 蘩((Hؚ~)(((p8(8((H 8888:88888p.H((((8+H٘ 蘩(( H٘~(p9+8888:8888 8ppp H***(8H٘(( H٘~(p9 888;888pp p H***(8H٘蘩((H٘~(zp}8x88:8888!ppp H (8H 蘩(( H٘}(.xp};88888 yppp HȐ (8xH(ؘ蘩(((H})(ypzx8x98:88 xp pp Hژ٘ܘ(8xH(ؘ蘩(((H}(.yp*<988 $yppp IؘؘژH(8L(ؘ蘩(((H})(yp(8(((:; *yppp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HH(ؘ(Hxxx)xp(8(<8 .yp xxxxxxxp 8Ș8ؘ8(8HxHH H蘾(p(8((89 2yp ٰ p Șؘ(8HzIH>((9p(8(; 5yp (0(p 8ػ(8HzIIIIIIIIIIIH蘯((p(8((; 8yp (88(p 9ذ (8H|H H((p(8((:) 6yp (88(p 8Ȱ(8H|H'H((p(8(9(9 6yp (88(p 9Ȱ(8IzHO%HO (p (8(8H(9 6xp (88(p 8ȿ(8H|I(H%8I(Hp (8(J(8 6xp (88(p 9(8(8H|HHH(0 0HH((8p (8(J(8 6p (88(p8(8(8H|HؘH( :89H((8p (8(8(I(8 78p (88(p9(8(8H|HؘJ 9**88J(8p (8(8(H(8 68(88(8(8(8H|HؘIؘ 9蘩((88Iؘ(8(8(8((8X 68(88(~8(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8(8(8)8Y 68}(88(~(8(8H|HؘH٘ 988H٘(8}(8(8(HY 68}(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘(8}(8(8(HY 58|(88(}(8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ (8{(8(8(HX 28{(88({) 8(8H|HؘH٘ 9蘩((88H٘ ) 8z(8(8(H : 8z(88(y* (>(9*=+?(0غ(HXٚ(8(0 9(: =(?+>(>(>(0 +?(: 9(ظ(H (8p )=(+9(9(9(9(9+9(?+>(=*=(0 +?(+9(9(9(9(9)8(8 (8 ):)0 +9(8(9(9(9(8(9+?+>(0(0 +?+9(8(9(9(ظ(8)8ܙ(8 ڟ(8Xp):)?)9 )8(8)9)9)9)8)8(9(+(0( +()8(8)9)9(غ(8)ܚ(8ޛڛ(HXy+y)z){)9)0)0 )*8(0)8(:(+(: :( +()8(0 ظ9ܙ(8ڛޘ(HXx)y)x*y)z*9)0( (9;(;(:+>(:(>(:(0 +:(9)9 ܚ(8 (HXx*{+x)z*0 )08((+(:((:( +((0 ۚ (8X (Hy*z)x+y)y? 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