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O AMZ CSTO #AMZ DSTO AMZ V O GRAPHPDS O INIT_AMZCSTR 9MUSICPDS R ; NEWDATA R R0 CSTR R1A CSTS 9R1B CSTS R1C CSTS .R1D CSTS R2A CSTT R2B CSTT R2C CSTT R2D CSTU R2E CSTU R3A CSTU |R3B CSTU R4A CSTV  R4B CSTV >R5 CSTV dVOLT W &+M * ##You haven't got You don't have it.@$5,000.@$10,000.@You're not in a position to do that.@You can't do that.@You can't do that now.@You haven't got any.@You don't see that here.@Paco's not here.@Paco's a parrot.@It's already open.@It's already closed.@You already have it.@You haven't got it.@You've dropped You now have It contains a sheet of paper which says: "In emergency activate your computer using code 072. Note: These transmissions are expensive and thus, limited." ^^ The paper oxidizes and crumbles.@#Conditions unfavorable for satellite transmission.@@Computer is off.^^^@That isn't possible.@You drop your backpack. The contents spill out.@Nothing of interest happens.@It's already on.@Ok. You've removed it.@It's now open.@It's now closed.@You're now wearing You can't take that.@You don't want to run the batteries down.@.@You're already wearing Your computer is off.@Better save Paco's food. You'll need it later.@#We detect no real emergency.@You can't take that!@Paco gives you a kiss.@Paco is shocked by your behavior. He flies away and the Amazon mission is cancelled.^ Nice going!@That isn't helpful.@There's no gold inside.@Gold is concealed inside.@!"@2345You count The gold shines brightly.@1 gold piece.@ gold pieces.@Paco says, "Don't look at me. Squaak!"@You notice nothing of interest.@For help, contact NSRT or ask Paco.@Help yourself!@You've nothing fitting that description.@Go where?@Improper sentence.@What object?@I don't know the word "Play again?@1) Video transmission@2) Monkey chase@3) Huni attack@@It doesn't interest you.@Such language...wash your mouth out!@Nothing observable happens.@$15,000.@$20,000.@Don't be silly!@amz6beepamzvertamzlockamz1beepamzclickamzstaramzbadcda backpack&@It's a large nylon pack labeled: Amazon Expedition Pack.@cigarettes&@Typical american brand.@money&@Looks green.@a ticket&@It's to Miami.@an envelope&@It's marked: Open in EMERGENCY only.@a belt&@It's a money belt:@a refrigerator&@@a desk&@@a cupboard&@@a birdcage&@@a dart gun&@It's a gas-powered dart gun with thoralen tranquilizer darts.@a piece of fruit&@It's for Paco.@some food&@It's for Paco.@rations&@Standard NSRT expedition rations.@some medicine&@It's for Paco.@a letter&@It's a sealed letter.@a rope&@It seems too slender to support you;@NSRT has assured you it will.@a parka&@Standard NSRT expedition alpine model.@goggles&@They're heavy with dark lenses labeled: Night vision infra-red goggles@a laser&@It's silver and labeled: "Danger! Cromium-argon laser. Protect eyes!" There's an on/off switch.@a computer&@It's a miniature transmitter with a video screen, keyboard, and on/off switch.@a note&@It says: "Once in the amazon, contact NSRT with your computer. Standard code: 969".@a jacket&@It's tattered and worn.@a large box&@Faded letters say: machine gun ammo 1966.@a paper&@It says: "'MGUBU'. They understood that, though god knows why."@a carton&@Although heavily padded, it's taken a beating in the fall. stencilled on the side is: NSRT expedition equipment.@a parachute&@Brightly colored, it seems intact.@a rifle&@It's ready to fire. It would be good for killing any dangerous animals. The barrel is bent.@a raft&@It's an inflatable rubber raft.@an oar&@It's collapsible and would be a nifty piece of equipment except it's bent and won't extend.@a paddle&@Looks sturdy and reliable.@a notebook&@It's code except for the last part:@@"Finally we are getting somewhere! Have found the secret passage to the emeralds--touch north wall! We should have the emeralds tomorrow!"@emeralds&@They radiate brilliant green light.@a key&@It's gold.@ 13213234834815915926726799z'0:`t  5ES]s"8cf~v7X} ABC]Gl"m b Q . f - ^ S y 8gz{  5 (-*11E1F1G1H1I1J1K )2) ( 55./ */.*%&  " 1&           %z h_ !MD %  ! 1    1-f_ ge10Z 10  X`;*`;*2/W;J   234*3 <*n3 a8*b e  e a@*<,! &:   " a9* g gN p q& h: r s& j' t u& k v w& l V& J V& J x y & H& & J&y KBN2R (  /  M*V6*O7*H*Adh;d6*/8*(9*!d*(.& m&m . .  &) & & m m. 4 m a7*( #(  & m #( m  & m  a*& .. a:init_amz a:r0 a:r1a a:r1b a:r1c a:r1d a:r2a a:r2b a:r2c a:r2d a:r3a a:r3b a:r4a a:r4b a:r5 b:r6a b:r6b b:r7a b:r7b b:r8a b:r8b b:r9a b:r9b b:r9c b:r9d b:r10a b:r10b M *<z:)gP&Cb J J _ _ actioactiv`airplIairpoC4alli.amazF7anac-angeVAanteRanti8arou attaavoiawayact#aid8air^and ask anatabirdc backbatt3beatbehi belo(beltbird)CbleeboarboatM=bone_bookbootL<bottbribbridQboxbutbuybe#bycompuDcage callcampPcarecarr cartcashcaveSchopG8cigacigsclim'closcode=coin2come!compDcouncove9creacros(cupbcust*cuzcVAcop* director'sdirector+door12idoor13hdoor15kdoor2ldoor3jdamndesc(deskdestJ:doorfdown(drag'drap9drop dump digd(east%emba(emer empt enteenveexam exitexpeexpleat-e%friendlfriend#freez#fuckifeed$find fire&fligU@flooYfood free#frigfromfrui fuckefix.fly@forgateU@gato.giveglim<goddgogggold2get gun goheliG8hellFhelpcJhershipp1holeMhoteO?housVAherheyhimhishithop"hehiFinfl$inse0insiTinsp instK;inveIinvIitsin Titijackjagu0jump"jetUkemani'skemani,killkiss?key!kit>lamplaseEleadleavlettleve7lift+lock\londVAlook l murphy'smurphyE6mines5maybGmedimercB3meta<mgubA2miamH9minemonemonk/motimanB3memynotebnairVAnearneednewdnort#notenoth#nounbnovinoGn#officer*officeD5obje"offeokayHopenover oaroffaoutokHon` picturesof pictureson paco'spackpaco)Cpaddpapeparaparkparr)Cpill8planU@plug.poinpoli*pres*pull)purcpush*paypit(potpryputquitoVAquicquiequit restaresto raftrati readrefrremo)repa.rest%riflrive@1rockWroperubbWrunshelf;shelv;savescrasear seasseeksetu shiteshoo&shov4showshutskel_skul_slabYslee%smel^,smil#snak-snif,softsomesout$spea spil staiZstan#star`stas>stat6stay#stilstonWstopastupsureHsweaeswit shesit/s$traceoftraceontheirstheirthron:throu take talk tentRthentheyticktimeBtokyVAtouc*tran&treeXtrip!tubeN>turn thetouncoundeundrunlo0unti#usin0use0up'u'vaseverb vineXwait#wall]wantwate@1wearwest&whilwind[with0w&youryesHyH!*intg*unknowndK, .;?'MOVIE0.GSTMOVIE1.GSTMOVIE2.GST/!MOVIE3.GSTf0MOVIE4.GST>MOVIE5.GSTGMOVIE6.GSTPP01.GSTEZP03.GST}sP04.GST5P05.GSTmP06.GST%P07.GSTP10.GSTP11.GSTP12.GST"P13.GST:P14.GSTrRP15.GST)nP16.GSTP19.GSTP20.GSTβP21.GSTP22.GST=P23.GSTuP25.GST-P34.GSTdP70.GST*P71.GST0P74.GST8P75.GSTAP76.GSTxMP77.GST`P78.GSTsP82.GSTP89.GST֫P90.GSTP92.GSTP98.GST}9      3o  3v ""L3?3~ff L 2#*qBB33ff]UU L#<,333w]UMYL"#000   23]U""w""Ց""w"*U"w" ww"3ww"3ww"3ww03ww3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww#3ww3ww23ww"3ww"  ww"#Ud"""""ww"22D2ww"""Tc+ +ww" ww03ww3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww#3ww3ww23ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"   ww""U""ww0"U"2ww!X""ww" ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww"3ww#3ww3ww23w"3w"3w"3w"3w"3w"303?   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Tune it in with <- -> keys.@^^^  ^ ,+  mZ b$)/J/HJJmZ5m6m( M ) )/` `Dmmmm mmGq:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC4 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&z mZqCm  ) )/` `2P b $"\"` $"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b%#" `["a"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`e#`  `[a  `[a?b"`"`` !)b "`=" D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$)/`  `!C  ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A"( `J(`JK ( `HKM * 9 0Time to get on with the game.@You are in Murphy's office.@?"@"So, -We have lost the Amazon expedition and everyone is dead. I'm sending you to the Amazon to find out what went wrong. You leave tonight. Okay?@"Good. Now tell me frankly @---How much experience do you have?@Are you a novice, a seasoned explorer, or an expedition leader?"@"Fine. Then I'll treat you as a novice."@"Okay. Then I'll treat you as an explorer."@#0"Hmmm. Then I'll consider you as a leader."@He adds, "You must move quickly to find the emeralds."@He gives you a sealed letter and says, "You're dismissed.^ Good luck,&--Now hurry to the airport."@You haven't got a ticket.@The letter from Murphy reads:@"We believe that vicious Huni warriors killed the last expedition. Go to the Archaeological Institute in Miami and enlist the aid of Professor Beneker, the world's leading expert on the Huni tribes.@You haven't any money.@Professor Beneker has spent his life in the high Amazon jungle. You will never succeed without his help. Good luck, ."@You also find a ticket to Miami and twenty thousand dollars in cash.@Better check your ticket.@To where?@As you board the plane for Miami, a bearded, suspicious-looking man hurries to a phone booth and makes a call...^^@@The driver says, "I don't know where that is."@The driver says, "Okay, you're the boss."^^^@Looks like a door.@You are in the Washington Airport@late at night.@.@That isn't necessary now..@#"Hmmm." Murphy continues to search.^@".^.^.^.^.^.^Here we are!"^@@He comes up with a sheet of paper. (your hiring agreement.)^^^ He studies it while you wait.^^.^^.^^.^^@@"Good. You've been briefed on all the possible dangers." He tosses the paper aside and leans over the desk. "Scared?"@@Murphy nods understandingly.@#You are in Murphy's office.@@Murphy says, "What's your name?"@@Murphy begins to search the papers on his desk. "You say your name is@"Come on, come on, I haven't got all night. What's your name?"@@Murphy looks irritated. "Are you going to the Amazon or not?"@Murphy says, "I can't be bothered with you." He throws you out of his office---and out of the game.@Murphy says, "I asked if you are a novice, an explorer, or a leader?"@Murphy frowns. "I thought I told you to go to the airport...@You have been dismissed---better go to the airport.@Time is wasting.@It's getting late.@G^^^^^#You are in Miami Airport. It is 3 am. You hail a taxi. The driver says "Where to?"@The driver says, "The institute doesn't open until 9 am. You look tired. Want me to take you to a hotel?"@The taxi driver goes to a deserted grapefruit grove. He beats you up and robs you. Your head feels like a grapefruit, too, when the police find you the next morning. They send you back to Washington in disgrace.@You have blown your mission to the Amazon...Murphy fires you. You're washed up, o#@DJ`$l f2`abcdefghi}~ '#$BCEGIKMOQ"ce U   `  ,W+$ b (( _  b,))/  H]_J  O  m<( I 1( ^Z((^Z(^Z((^&ZZHm?( ^Q]_R]_SI V^U^]_I ( ^]^I(J Y4mZ(- _ ID(- ^&_(I/(-_ K(- ^&_(K  b(J(H   f^$?m O((H;m K(LZ b( H (J 5m6m(KfGm( I (^H E b( I 1m(^^ ]^K=Nm(^ ^ ]^K=Nm(^ ^ ^ ]^K=N I@m  UU1(+ M(^(^ (^(^ m F$') ^^]_&$' ^^]_$\  (^^]_^L@==:m0(+ M(^(^ 9m@H4(+ M(^( ^JC D(_ I(_ K i   )/!/)"^1 + '/ /)"^1^) // )"^1(/!/'`   (/!/)"^1  (/!/)"^1 ] b//^1;     !// `D+'%/ / ^.L&@ *'$// ^N@  q'/ /^LT'/ /^M:'/ /^2!'/ /^.^+6 s'//^OV'//^N<'//^O"'//^N^, ;.'/^4'/`3  &/ '`[a=N ` f (/!'`[ a= NH(` ; &/'`[ a= N`  &/'`[ a= N` Jm`5 b) ^ ) )/` `D^Pmmmm mmGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` `2Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`Ae( N N I(ZVH ]_N( ZV^Q]_R]_SI V^U^]_I ( ^]_I /C(  ((HM * v Time to get on with the game.@The letter from Murphy reads:@"We believe that vicious Huni warriors killed the last expedition. Go to the Archaeological Institute in Miami and enlist the aid of Professor Beneker, the world's leading expert on the Huni tribes.@Professor Beneker has spent his life in the high Amazon jungle. You will never succeed without his help. Good luck, ."@The driver says, "Okay, you're the boss."^^^@A policeman blocks your way. "Not so fast. This area is off limits except for official business."@"Then get lost."@"Then give it to me."@#The policeman reads your letter.^.^.^.^@He says, "Okay, ."^^^^^@#He steps aside to let you go in.@"You're too late, .@Professor Beneker is dead. Murdered not one hour ago! What a tragedy! Did you come for the notebooks of his expeditions to South America?"@You're in the Archaeological Institute.@Looks like a door.@"Then go down the east wing to his office. No one's been allowed inside since the murder, but I'm sure it's all right if you take a look."@The crying is pitiful.@You better talk to Paco first.@.@That isn't necessary now.@The policeman asks, "You got a letter?"@G^^^^^#You are in Miami Airport. It is 3 am. You hail a taxi. The driver says "Where to?"@The driver says, "The Institute doesn't open until 9 am. You look tired. Want me to take you to a hotel?"@The taxi driver goes to a deserted grapefruit grove. He beats you up and robs you. Your head feels like a grapefruit, too, when the police find you the next morning. They send you back to Washington in disgrace.@#You are outside the Archaeological Institute. Several police cars and an ambulance are here.@You are outside the Archaeological Institute. The policeman asks, "You got a letter?"@You are outside the Archaeological Institute. You have been given permission to enter.@#You are inside the Archaeological Institute. A secretary is crying.@@"It's terrible, just terrible! Who would want to harm that poor man? He didn't have an enemy in the world!" She seems to notice you for the first time.@@"What's your name?"@@The secretary calls the police who arrest you as an imposter.@The secretary asks, "Have you come for the professor's notebooks?"@She cries loudly, and the police throw you out. Your mission is cancelled.@!Professor Beneker's secretary is here. She says, "Go down the east wing."@You are outside Professor Beneker's office. The door is closed. You hear the sound of crying inside.@You are outside Professor Beneker's office. The door is open. You hear the sound of crying inside.@#You are inside Professor Beneker's office. It's been searched!@You have blown your mission to the Amazon...Murphy fires you. You're washed up,  !"#$%&'()*+,-.-?VWc-.FGHIJKLMNOopqrstuvwxyz{|}~QSW4 >              "  ,U+= m(^#Z(^#ZZHm%(J(^(^%L lm mD(!J_'( ` ? f ) )!)" ^$f)( N L!`(!` )"`f)(! N L `( ` )"`m5m/(/ H!(/ H  m( H(!H m?m O (HXGm%(^H(^(J 0 F$') ^^]_&$' ^^]_$\ mK&(^L(Z(I D("H! K(Z /m("H!(Z /c ( ^]_ LCA *  * *(^T*( H<]a   )/!/)"^1  '/ /)"^1^) (/!/)"^1 ("^*u0/)#/("`'`  B  ;)/!/("`  (/!/)"^1  (/!/)"^1  b'/ /("`^1 b(/!/("` Y     !// `D#+'%/ / ^.L&@ *'$// ^N@  q'/ /^LT'/ /^M:'/ /^2!'/ /^.^+T s'//^OV'//^N<'//^O"'//^N^, ;.'/^4'/`3  &/ '`[a=N `  (/!'`[ a= NH(` Y &/'`[ a= N` 0 &/'`[ a= N` Jm`5 B(^T B( H<]a  ) )/` `D^Pmmmm mmGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` `2Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`Af(ZV (.J(- ^!]_"I/C(!N("N( H(H(H(H(<HM * ., Time to get on with the game.@You haven't any money.@."@To where?@Paco eats hungrily. "Sadness always makes me hungry. Too bad about the Prof. Did you know they were after his map?@Looks like a door.@You're in Professor Beneker's office.@The crying is pitiful.@Looks like a birdcage.@The desk has been searched. All the drawers are empty.@A drape hangs over the birdcage.@Looks like a refrigerator.@Looks like a cupboard.@1Paco jumps on your shoulder. "What a tragedy! I'm starving! Professor Beneker and I, we were together for thirty years. Went everywhere! I'm starving! Open the refrigerator!"@You see some medicine and a piece of fruit.@"The map to the lost city of Chak! They wanted it, same as you. I'll take you to the lost city, if you're nice to me. Okay?"@"You catch on quick," Paco says. "Maybe you're not as dumb as you look." Then he waits for you to do something.@You better talk to Paco first.@You see a piece of fruit.@Paco scratches your ear. "Better take some more stuff."@There is a rather strange gun tucked back on the top shelf.@Paco says, "Let's go, amigo!"@You're outside the professor's office.@.@?"@The refrigerator is empty.@You see some medicine for Paco.@There are two shelves. You see some of Paco's food here.@The shelves appear empty.@That isn't necessary now.@There's a glimmer of metal from the back of the top shelf.@You are outside Professor Beneker's office. The door is open. You hear the sound of crying inside.@#You are inside Professor Beneker's office. It's been searched!@#The drape falls to the floor. Inside is a brightly-colored parrot. The parrot is crying. "It's a tragedy! What's your name?"@The parrot screams for the police who arrest you as a suspected thief. You're shipped home in disgrace.@The parrot says, "I'm Paco^-open my cage so I can get out of here, Paco says, "I'm starving! Squaak!"@Paco says, "I'm starving! Open the refrigerator!"@Paco says, "Gimme that fruit! I'm starving!"@Paco says, "Too bad about the Prof. Did you know they were after his map?@Paco says, "I'll take you to the lost city, if you're nice to me. Okay?"@What do you think this is? A game?@Paco says, "Just one thing. Don't make me cross over water because I almost drowned in a shipwreck with the Prof and I hate water. Okay?"@Paco asks, "You're planning to fly to the Amazon, aren't you?"@"Okay," Paco says, "you got a deal. From now on, whenever you need help, just say Paco." @Paco is waiting for you.@#You are outside Professor Beneker's room. The director of the institute arrives with two armed guards. The director says, "Paco is a valuable research animal. We can't let him go."@ !"#$%&'()*+,-./GHIMNOZ[\]^_`0H@(e>Yt^+7g ' S n p  ,R+2| mp("Z_'d(% ^&Z]_X(&^&ZO('^&ZF((^&Z=()^&Z4(*^&Z+(,^&Z"(-^&Z(.^&Z(/^&ZZ Hm+()^/K(*H,(,J(-J  f($ (+(0 ^$f!(!($ (+(0 `f4(! N L `$( ` ($ (+(0`aGm,()^/K (*J(,H+(-H+ 2 *$' ^^]_$\ bJ("H!?/;5)/^1-/H1$" "" H1 / ^3N9)9  9 ("L/I# 9 9("^*`o)) ("^*(%^-I' G   1/)#/)")/^1  //("/)")/^1^) 8/1+/'!)")/^1("^* (/^(G/@:/60("`()&)')/^1'`  J  ;1/)#/("`)/^1  >/71/-')")&)')/^1  0/)#/)")/^1  b'/ /("`^1f b?/82/.(("` )')&)/^1 $     !// `D+'%/ / ^.L&@ *'$// ^N@  q'/ /^LT'/ /^M:'/ /^2!'/ /^.^+ s'//^OV'//^N<'//^O"'//^N^, ; "`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A`(#ZV (#.J(#- H%N]_/C(1N("N($H(+H(4H(<HM *  Time to get on with the game.@0You haven't got a ticket.@You haven't any money.@."@Better check your ticket.@To where?@Looks like a door.@You better talk to Paco first.@You're in an airport! You can't start dumping equipment all over the place...@Who do you think you are?@Paco whispers in your ear: "The sleazy rat--pay him money."@The guards grab you. You will be arrested and thrown into jail for theft. You obviously didn't know what to do - despite what Paco might have had to say.^^@@But now the director seems to be hesitating.^.^.^@You're outside the professor's office.@Paco says, "He's kidding! Say no!!"@Paco says, "He's crackers! Say no!"@You're too generous with a blackmailer, but suit yourself.^^^@Paco says, "Ok--tell him yes."@"All right, I'll settle for $5,000."^^^@#The director takes your money and leaves. ^ If you hurry to the airport you can catch the 9 am flight to South America.@Better buy the plane tickets.@Paco sees you've dropped the tickets and picks them up for you. He says: "Be careful, Ok. You've got your tickets...@You are at the Miami Airport.@ tickets@#Ok. You have your backpack. You and Paco go to the boarding gate where your flight is about to depart. You better inspect your equipment first.@The two airline tickets are stamped: "One way to the Amazon."@Paco asks, "Is there a movie on this flight?"@.@?"@That isn't necessary now.@##You are outside Professor Beneker's room. The director of the institute arrives with two armed guards. The director says, "Paco is a valuable research animal. We can't let him go."@The director says, "Perhaps we can arrange something...say, twenty thousand dollars? Okay?"@Paco is shaking his head: No. He knows you'll need money in the Amazon. The director is watching you. He says, "Is it a deal for $20,000?"@You didn't listen to Paco. The Amazon trip is cancelled and you're in hot water with Washington.@"I'm reasonable," the director says. "Let's make it fifteen thousand dollars ---yes or no?"@The director is becoming dangerously impatient. You had better pay him what he wants. "Ten thousand dollars---or I'll have you arrested! Yes or no?"@Paco is eager to go to the airport.@You are back at Miami Airport. A ticket to the Amazon costs $2,500. Paco says, "Buy two tickets. I'm not flying with the luggage - that's for the birds!"@The loudspeaker says,"Paging |, Paging |, Please come to the courtesy booth."@You are standing at the courtesy booth. The man here says, "Are you |?"@You have blown your mission to the Amazon...Murphy fires you. You're washed up, |.@The man holds out your expedition equipment. "Here, take your backpack."@You hear final boarding calls for your flight to the Amazon.@#They are calling your flight...you make the plane just in time. You and Paco are on your way to the Amazon!^^^^@No time--your flight is boarding!@ !"#$%&'(,-./0KLdefjkKZ -VGh(g   !#%@5. T V D 2 q  ,W+AE m_(2^9ZS(3^9ZJ(5^9ZA(6^9Z8(7^9Z/(:^CZ%(;^CZ(=^CZ(>^CZZHma(2L3ZU(3JN(5#H4>(5 ^<^?L7R/(6#H4(6 ^?L7R (;L=Z 4m(7 ^VH9 e f5)1#)2)3)5)6)7 ^$-f5)1#)2)3)5)6)7 `f5)1#)2)3)5)6)7 `+(1JCm  ) )(1^7 b(1^8JmGmN(2L5ZB(3L5Z9(5L6Z0(6#H4 (6^>^?L7ZR(;J @m$ U I7mU I@F(> JM(9 ^BL:ZR  *$' ^^]_$\ mK(7ZsK(7Z`bB/;5)/^1-/H1$" "" H1 / ^3N 9 9`  b//^1 b7/0*/& )')&)/^1 Cm  ) )D(2^:8(3^:0(5^;((6^= (7Z(>^I(9Z [+.)1)2)3)5)6 H4*mm mm(9^@Jm`5Im)):);)=)> Y_D +):);)=)> ^A]_ b0(:^CZ#(;^CZ(=^6(>^6 k ^H- (= ^GKE(> H@I> B(=Z B(= H<]a ) )/` `D^Pmmmm mmGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` `2Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A&/C(1N(+H(4H(<HM * l#You are lying on the ground on your back.^^ Your head aches.^^ You don't know where you are.^^@You make an emergency stop in Bogota for repairs. All passengers must disembark for 24 hours. You don't have an entry visa for an animal like Paco. He has been impounded.@You make an unscheduled refueling stop at Guatemala City Airport. There is civil strife here and everyone is corrupt.@Paco says, "Better sit up, You have a moment of dizziness.^.^.^@Now everything is coming back to you^^@--The plane you picked up in Iquitos.^.^.^^@--The pilot that flew you across South America so you and Paco could parachute over the Amazon jungle.^.^.^^^@@You must have landed hard and been knocked out by the impact...^^^^@b#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle.@8^^^^."@#Position is: RD,T4^^@@Thanks for calling in. We@have a Navstar satellite fix on you.@@You are doing well!@@(RETURN) for the bad news:&Your orders were to contact@us immediately on arrival@in the Amazon!^@Survival depends on@following procedure.@@Note Navstar satellite fix@on your position.@@(RETURN) for the bad news:&#Local situation hazardous.^@@* Huni cannibals are on@the rampage.@@* Corrupt government troops@in vicinity.@@* Kemani tribesmen may be@dangerous unless treated@with care.@@* Volcano Macuma is active and may erupt.@@* Good luck!@@(RETURN) when understood:&(RETURN) to record position:&Your position is Guatemala@City, Guatemala.@We record you in La Paz,@Bolivia.@Navstar satellite shows you in Bogota.@#Your mission is to find a@source of dark emeralds@which will revolutionize@computer technology in the@late twentieth century.^@@There is an ancient source@of these emeralds in the@Amazon headwaters, near the@ruined lost city of Chak.@Something is mysterious and@dangerous there.^ The last@party was wiped out.^@@(RETURN) to continue:&#You must make your way fromyour present position to@Chak and find the emeralds.^@@(RETURN) when ready:&Paco offers you no advice.@You're in trouble! Stay@put. We will send money,@transport, and things you@forgot for Paco.@@Meanwhile, avoid suspicious@people.@@(RETURN) when understood:&You're feeling better now and can probably move. The police arrive, siren wailing. They've recovered Paco and will turn him over to you.^..if you will pay them.@You don't have any money.@Relax--You have plenty of time.@This is a real emergency. You leave customs and wander through the crowded streets of Bogota.@You have no use for a parachute.@@@@@@@@@ G O O D W O R K ! !@@E^^Paco has removed the parachute from over your head. He is looking down on you with concern. Perhaps you should sit up.@ b#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paco is impatient to get going. He confidently says, "north!"@You're dead. Don't even ask why. Read the instructions and try again.@ K#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paths lead in all directions. Paco says, "Go west, amigo!"@ JYou are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paco looks confused.@The immigration officer demands cigarettes from you.@You are in La Paz, Bolivia. The police will turn Paco over to you if you will pay them.@A thieving customs officer with a glass eye demands five thousand dollars for Paco's release.@A well-dressed merchant sees you and gestures for you to come talk to him. Perhaps you should avoid him.@Somewhere off the east coast of Venezuela your plane catches fire. The plane crashes in the ocean, killing everyone. It's tough luck but you'd never have made it to the Amazon anyway.@Your flight has landed in Managua, Nicaragua. There's a revolution in progress. You cannot leave the airport to get into town. The rattle of machine gun fire draws closer.@You are obviously not up to the standards of an expedition leader. Frankly, your ego is a problem: Maybe you should try an easier rating.@Mc  %QWXYw@cdef ' ( I J K L M N E  8 9 : ; h i &' ,)+$ b3))) ) $Ho mZfm/'(^JJ b5( ^]_'/ / H#/  O mm mm(+J D`{#` g)) ) UO1..;- `"TS0(N^^ U^ USMN^^ U^ USM]D``1..H-E?/ ^U^^U^US,/ ^U^^U^US/ ^U^^U^USD`Z/ (^U^^US^L:/ (^U^^US^$H/ ^U^^USLZ  `"TS"`C{ImYr# `[a ) V 22#` 2 m*#^ )  (^(Cm  ) )(Z( Z  ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A(NN N N(" / N (" /N (" /N (" #N (# / N (# /N (# /N (# #N (+0 N (+/ N (+/ N (+/ N (/  H^J(/ ^H (/ ^H (/ ^H(/ ^H(/ H(/ H(N ( N (N (N (N (N( N(N(( ((#HM * Paco says, "Oh-oh! I'm lost!"@2Your computer is beeping.@#Position is: RD,T4^@@Your orders were to contact@us immediately on arrival@in the Amazon!^ Survival@depends on following@procedure.@@Note Navstar satellite fix@on your position.@@(RETURN) for the bad news:&#Local situation hazardous.^@@* Huni cannibals are on@rampage.@@* Corrupt government@troops in vicinity.@@* Kemani tribesmen@dangerous unless treated@with care.@@* Volcano Macuma active.@May erupt.@@* Good luck!@@(RETURN) when understood:&There's a small snack bar that sells cigarettes, but they're out.@#The immigration officer takes your cigarettes^ and you continue on your way to the Amazon...^^^@(RETURN) to record position:&Your location is Guatemala@City, Guatemala.@We record you in La Paz,@Bolivia.@We record you in Bogota. #Your mission is to find a@source of dark emeralds@which will revolutionize@computer technology in the@late twentieth century.^@@There is an ancient source@of these emeralds in the@Amazon headwaters, near the@ruined lost city of Chak.@Something is mysterious and@dangerous there. The last@party was wiped out.^@@(RETURN) to continue:&#You must make your way from@ your present position to@Chak and find the emeralds.^@@(RETURN) when ready:&Paco offers no advice.@You're in trouble! Stay@put. Will send money,@transport, and things you@forgot for Paco.@@Avoid suspicious people.@@(RETURN) when understood:&A thief leaps out of nowhere, beats and robs you. He takes most of your belongings and kidnaps Paco. It feels like you may have some broken ribs.@With your injuries it's not wise to move.@There's no one around to help you.@You're feeling better now and can move.^^ The police arrive, siren wailing. They've recovered Paco and will turn him over to you.^..if you will pay them.@You can hear Paco's muffled voice. He's in the trunk of the police car! "Get me out of here, !@Give them your belt!"@You don't have any money.@Relax--you have plenty of time.@#The police take the gold pieces from your belt and hand Paco over to you.^^^ You take him to the Grand^ - the best hotel in La Paz.^..where they tell you parrots are not permitted in the rooms.^^ What prejudice!^^@@You are forced to spend the night on the street.^^^^@@In the morning a NSRT agent appears with a complete set of equipment and helps you on your way.@^^^^#You're a fool!^^ The customs officer has you arrested.^^^@He takes your money but refuses to release Paco. He demands another five thousand dollars.@You have no money.@This is a real emergency. You leave customs and wander through the streets of Bogota.@@@@@@@@@ G O O D W O R K ! !@@E^^#You are lying on the ground looking upward.^^ Your head aches.^^ You don't know where you are.^^@Paco has removed the parachute from over your head. He looks down on you with concern. Perhaps you should sit up.@ b#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paco is impatient to get going. He confidently says, "North!"@You're dead---don't even ask why. Read the instructions and try again.@ K#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paths lead in all directions. Paco says, "Go west, amigo!"@ JYou are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paco looks confused.@The immigration officer demands cigarettes.@You die quickly and cleanly. No One mourns your foolish death.@You have landed in La Paz, Bolivia at night. It's a sprawling city, but very dangerous. You must arrange to get to the Amazon. Better find a hotel and clean up first.@You are lying on a deserted La Paz street at night.@You are in La Paz, Bolivia. The police will turn Paco over to you.^..if you will pay them.@Enraged, the police throw you in jail. You sit awaiting sentence.^^ Murphy bails you out and you're shipped home in disgrace. You didn't get within five hundred miles of the Amazon!@A thieving customs officer with a glass eye demands five thousand dollars for Paco's release.@You find yourself in the old quarter of Bogota. A well-dressed merchant sees you and gestures for you to come to him.@You're sentenced to twenty years in prison. What a cruel fate! What bad food!@A well-dressed merchant sees you and gestures for you to come to him. Perhaps you should avoid him.@Somewhere off the coast of Venezuela your plane catches fire.^ It crashes and everyone is killed. It's tough luck but you wouldn't have made it to the Amazon anyway.@Your flight has landed in Managua, Nicaragua. There's a revolution in progress. You can't leave the airport to get into town. The rattle of machine gun fire draws near.@You are obviously not up to the standards of an expedition leader. Frankly, your ego is a problem: maybe you should try an easier rating.@I$%CZ[ M7 /Z~zF K M O Q S U _   I ,Drtv;=>?@B ,%+$v b!) /  OR b) $H2 m( Z b3(^J'/ / H#/  O mm mm(^ D`T#` @) =71..#- `"TSN^^ U^ USMbD``1..H-E?/ ^U^^U^US,/ ^U^^U^US/ ^U^^U^USD`Z/ (^U^^US^L:/ (^U^^US^$H/ ^U^^USLZ  `"TS" `CImYyG# `[a8) 5//  ^ CHJ!/  ^ CHJ/  ^ CH/ *)( Z(^(Z(Z  * ) )) `( ^ *(^*$( J(J(^!H  22<#`0(%^ TNN======== = = HJ J m*F#^:(^2)/)/ ^"N/^"NC^#_$H Cm  ) ) ( ^( ^]_  ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGp:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC3 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&y mZpCm  ) )/` ^O b $"\"` #" `C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A( N (N (N ( / ^N("N ("N ("N(D(/ =(/ =(/=( (N((N(((( ((#HM * 8You make an unscheduled refueling stop at Guatemala City Airport. There is civil strife here and everyone is corrupt.@(RETURN) to record position:&We have you as in Guatemala@City, Guatemala.@Our computers record you@as in La Paz, Bolivia.@Navstar satellite shows@you in Bogota.@#Your mission is to find a@source of dark emeralds@which will revolutionize@computer technology in the@late twentieth century.^@@There is an ancient source@of these emeralds in the@Amazon headwaters, near the@ruined lost city of Chak.@But there is something@mysterious and dangerous in@the lost city. The last@party was wiped out.^@@(RETURN) to continue:&#You must make your way from@your present position to@Chak and find the emeralds.^@@(RETURN) when ready:&Paco offers you no advice.@You're in trouble! Stay@where you are. We will send@money and special transport@to the Amazon. We'll also@send the things you forgot@to bring for Paco.@@Meanwhile avoid suspicious@people.@@(RETURN) when understood:&You don't have any money.@Relax--you have plenty of time..@#You're a fool!!^^ The customs officer calls the police who arrest you.^^^^@He takes your money but still refuses to release Paco. In fact, he demands another five thousand dollars for Paco's release.@You don't have any more money.@This is a real emergency. You leave the customs shed and wander through the crowded streets of Bogota.@You're in the city of Bogota.@#You follow the merchant as he leads you through the crowded Bogota streets.^.^.^.^^@##The merchant curses you and leaves.^^^^@#You need help and leave the cafe. Soon... #The merchant is a drug dealer.^^^^ Bogota police are not amused, and arrest both of you.^^^^ He buys his way out^^, but the judge doesn't believe you are innocent.^^^^@#The import-export agency is a front for rebel gun-runners.^^^^ The police raid the place and you are arrested.^^^^ Unfortunately, the judge doesn't believe you are an innocent bystander.^^^^@#You avoid the merchant and soon after a representative from Washington shows up.^^^^ He has arranged Paco's release and hands him over.^^^^ Paco says, "Any more screw-ups, and we're through, !"^^^^@@The representative gives you more expedition equipment, and helps you on your way.@The merchant wants to talk to you.@You find yourself in a quiet but elegant cafe. The merchant speaks english very well. "Listen my friend," he says, "I know you are going to the Amazon and you are having trouble. I need to have some business papers delivered there. If you will take the papers for me---a small package only--- I will arrange to release your parrot and send you on your way. Okay?"@The merchant says, "If you will take my papers for me---a small package only--- I will arrange to release your parrot and send you on your way. Okay?"@@@@@@@@@ G O O D W O R K ! !@@E^^^#You are lying on the ground on your back looking upward.^^^^ Your head aches.^^ You don't know where you are.^^@The immigration officer demands cigarettes from you.@You die quickly and cleanly. No one mourns your foolish death.@Enraged, the police throw you in jail where you sit awaiting sentencing. The boss in Washington bails you out and you are shipped home in disgrace. You didn't get within five hundred miles of the Amazon!@A thieving customs officer with a glass eye demands five thousand dollars for Paco's release.@You find yourself in the old quarter of Bogota. A well-dressed merchant sees you are unhappy and gestures for you to come talk to him.@You're sentenced to twenty years in prison. What a cruel fate! And what bad food!@You are in an elegant Bogota cafe.@You're back on the streets of Bogota. This is a real emergency. You've come to an import-export agency.@A well-dressed merchant sees you and gestures for you to come talk to him. But perhaps you should avoid him.@You are obviously not up to the standards of an expedition leader. Frankly, your ego is a problem: behaving as if you know it all will get you killed. Maybe you should try an easier rating.@W{|}~+456#WX ~      " N P R T % hiklmnopqrt ,3+$} m(Z^2(^%ZZ^ b*/ / H#/  O 1D`#`   D`c1..K-HB/ ^U^^U^US// ^U^^U^US/ ^U^^U^US D`>/ (^U^^US^$H/ ^U^^USLZ  `"TSX )(` D b )$"\"` "`CImY b(^+H# `[a)   *(Z  * ) )) `*(^!H p 22#` L m*>#^2)/)/ ^"N/^"NC^#_$H m(^$HmBh(/ #^,]_-T======== = = HJ7(/ $^,]_-T======== = = ^H  r B 3m m+( ^&^0I(^)H(^2 8 B$(^.(^2(^. B ))) HHm(^)HGm(^'H ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`AE( N (N (N ( N(N((( ((#HM * p Position is: RD,T4^^@(RETURN) to record position:&We have you as in Guatemala@City, Guatemala.@Our computers record you@as in La Paz, Bolivia.@Navstar satellite shows@you in Bogota.@Your mission is to find a@source of dark emeralds@which will revolutionize@computer technology in the@late twentieth century.^^^^@@there is an ancient source@of these emeralds in the@Amazon headwaters, near the@ruined lost city of Chak.@But there is something@mysterious and dangerous in@the lost city. The last@party was wiped out.^^^^@@(RETURN) to continue:&#You must make your way from@your present position to@Chak and find the emeralds.^@@(RETURN) when ready:&Paco offers no advice.@You're in trouble! Stay@where you are. We will send@money and special transport@to the Amazon.^ We'll also@send the things you forgot@to bring for Paco.@@Meanwhile avoid suspicious@people.@@(RETURN) when understood:&You don't have any money.@Relax--you have plenty of time..@This is a real emergency. You leave the customs shed and wander through the crowded streets of Bogota.@Rebel troops capture you, take all your possesions and throw you into a sprawling, decaying jail. You spend a restless night, hearing scattered gunfire. In the light of day, you find your cell door is open to the north.@You're in Managua, Nicaragua.@@@@@@@@@ G O O D W O R K ! !@@E^^^#You are lying on the ground on your back looking upward.^^^^ Your head aches.^^ You don't know where you are.^^@You find yourself in the old quarter of Bogota. A well-dressed merchant sees you are unhappy and gestures for you to come talk to him.@A well-dressed merchant sees you and gestures for you to come talk to him. But perhaps you should avoid him.@Somewhere off the east coast of Venezuela your plane catches fire. The cabin is filled with smoke. The plane crashes in the ocean and everyone is killed. It's tough luck but you would never have made it to the Amazon anyway.@Your flight has landed in Managua, Nicaragua. There's a revolution in progress. You cannot even leave the airport to get into town. The rattle of machine gun fire is coming closer.@!You are in a cell---the door open to the north.@"!" You are in another cell. The barred door is ajar.@!" You are in a twisting, confusing hallway with cells on all sides.@"" !You are in another twisting, confusing hallway in the jail.@You are obviously not up to the standards of an expedition leader. Frankly, your ego is a problem: behaving as if you know it all will get you killed. Maybe you should try an easier rating.@W !"#Ao2ABCDEFGHIJK*+JKMOQSU  ! j  ,3+$( m,(& ((  (!("^1ZZ f')) )!)" `3 b8( ^/DIN'/ / H#/  O D`c#` O)) ) =71..#- `"TSN^^ U^ USM(D``1..H-E?/ ^U^^U^US,/ ^U^^U^US/ ^U^^U^USD`>/ (^U^^US^$H/ ^U^^USLZ  `"TSx"`CbImYY# `[a ) = *(Z ' 22#`  m*#^ )m(^$H ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`AL( N (N (N ( N(N(H(H(H(H(#HM * b???@#You are in NSRT at 10 pm, awaiting a satellite communication from the Amazon.@#The transmission from the Amazon is coming in...@^^^#The phone rings--it's Murphy. He wants to see you in his office. It's Urgent.@#You better go to the office.@#The transmission from the Amazon iscoming in! Tune it in with <- -> keys.@^^^  ^ ,+  mZ b$)/J/HJJmZ5m6m( M ) )/` `Dmmmm mmGq:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC4 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&z mZqCm  ) )/` `2P b $"\"` $"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b%#" `["a"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`e#`  `[a  `[a?b"`"`` !)b "`=" D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$)/`  `!C  ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A"( `J(`JK ( `HKM * | #A jaguar leaps out at you, snarling! You dodge it as Paco screeches angrily!@^^^^ #The jaguar slinks off to the west.@#A wild boar has broken through the foliage. He doesn't look friendly...@^^^^#The boar snorts off to the east. Paco says, "Wow! That was close!"@#Your position: RF,T4@@You don't have a rope.@Your rope can't help you here--silly!@It falls apart in your hands.@Paco says, "Buzz off!! Squaak!!"@You have no use for a parachute.@  b#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. You see Macuma in the distance. Paths lead off in all directions.@Fierce Huni cannibals leap out from the bushes and capture you! There is a boiling pot of water in their village! You make them a fine dinner.@J#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. You hear the ominous beat of native drums from the north.@Splat!!^^ You never should have tried that.@  #You've emerged from the jungle to find yourself at the edge of a sheer cliff a thousand feet high. Looks impassable.@ J#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. Paths lead in all directions.@H  #You come upon a narrow beaten path in the forest--a game trail, going north.@D R#It's easy walking here, although the jungle is high and dense on all sides.@ M#The trail ends abruptly at an impenetrable bamboo forest.@CYou come to a cool, gurgling stream in the forest.^^ The water looks clear and inviting.^^ Paco takes a drink, bending over the stream.^.^.^^^@ There is a hideous, death-smell and a jumbled pile of human skulls. Better get out of here.@The jaguar is waiting for you in a tree. It jumps on your back and sinks it's teeth into your neck. Terrible way to die!@You fall into a concealed pit lined with sharp stakes! It was a trap set by cannibals and you die in agony. That's life in the jungle.@  J#You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Paths lead off in all directions.@H#You are in a jungle clearing. You smell smoke from distant fires. You hear snorting in the bushes nearby.@You have been killed by the wild boar.@J#You hear distant machine gun fire and smell the smoke more strongly here. Sounds like government troops nearby.@1111#You break through the jungle abruptly and come upon government soldiers, most of them drunk or on drugs. It's a dangerous situation.@b#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. You see Macuma in the distance. Paths lead off in all directions.@A patrol of government soldiers captures you!!^^^^ Paco sneaks into the jungle and hides.^^ You are powerless to do anything.^^ The soldiers take you to their camp.^.^.^^@P789:Ryzrz+-:{V          ! # % ' ) + - / 1 3 5 7  ,+2Smm mm")/ ^N  m(/ J m(^m(H b"( H1M(H m(JNMmm mm( /  ^N e"m "((( HDD`P)IC/?91..TZ"- `"TSTZ^^USTZ=N  (^(^ 0#^ "^  m')!)")#)% ^|Cm  ) )Y)!)")#)%<6+^.+/ ^N+/^  )/` `2C') CU@)))!)" )#)% ^I+ ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^ bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A(N N N N NN(,^H(+^H(H(H(H(H(H(&H('H()H(/H(0HM * #Your position: RF,T4@@Problems with the cliff?@@You have a monofilament@rope with high tensile@strength which you@overlooked in the bottom@of your pack.@@(RETURN) when understood:&Okay. Your rope is ready. It is safe to go down..@You waste a lot of it..@You don't have a rope.@Your rope can't help you here--silly!@You almost reach the bottom of the cliff when your rope snaps! You fall the last ten yards---but land safely on your feet. Paco is safe too.@It falls apart in your hands.@The skull is shattered, probably from a fall down the cliff. There are tattered remnants of a jacket to one side.@The skull is shattered, probably from a fall down the cliff.@In the pocket of the jacket, you find a yellowing piece of paper.@You decide not to enter a trackless arid region with a hungry puma.@The box is full of stones.@Paco says, "Buzz off!! Squaak!!"@The box is too heavy to take.@You have no use for stones. Paco says: "You must have rocks in your head!"@Paco says, "I can help!" He looks toward the top of the cliff as if he might climb it.@Paco looks toward the top of the cliff. He is of course able to fly...@Paco says, "I can help!" He looks toward the top of the cliff.@You have trouble finding a suitable path to the top of the cliff. All of your attempts fail.@Paco says, "I can fly, amigo!" He indicates a path to the top of the cliff and you follow. You reach the top of the cliff where Paco leads you back into the dense Amazon jungle.@You have no use for a parachute.@The snakes lose interest in you. They slither away. Carefully, you climb out of the pit.@Fierce Huni cannibals leap out from the bushes and capture you! There is a boiling pot of water in their village! You make them a fine dinner.@Splat!!^^ You never should have tried that.@1111#You break through the jungle abruptly and come upon government soldiers, most of them drunk or on drugs. It's a dangerous situation.@b#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. You See Macuma in the distance. Paths lead off in all directions.@J#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. You hear the ominous beat of native drums from the north.@  #You've emerged from the jungle to find yourself at the edge of a sheer cliff a thousand feet high. Looks impassable.@J#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. Paths lead in all directions. Directions.@ J#You are somewhere in the dense Amazon jungle. Paths lead in all directions.@$%"You are at the bottom of a sheer cliff.@$!#You are moving along an easy path at the base of the high cliff.@$"You've come to an impasse. Further progress is impossible. There is a sun-bleached human skeleton close by.@!You are leaving the jungle, and entering an arid region of dry savannah plains. There does not seem to be any water here and very few landmarks. In the distance you hear the growl of a hungry puma.@$)!You are at the base of the cliff where you find you've come upon a treacherous region of enormous stone boulders. Further progress seems unwise.@You are lost in a trackless dry plain with high grass. You stumble upon a puma who kills you.@The box contains machine gun ammunition which is old and unstable---it explodes in your face. You had no possible use for machine gun ammo anyway. Better luck next time.@You slip and fall among the boulders and break your leg in a compound fracture. You writhe in terrible pain. Vultures begin to circle overhead. You die within hours from loss of blood. The vultures are going to enjoy eating your eyeballs...@You are somewhere in the Amazon jungle. You can hear distant machine gun fire. Paths lead off in all directions.@--.-You've come upon a ruined city in the jungle, the buildings overgrown with vines. Paths lead off into the city to the west, south, and north.@You've fallen into a pit filled with snakes. They are hissing all around you. You have just moments to live.@111/You are back in the jungle. Paths lead off in all directions. There is a ruined city to the west.@You die a fool's death---so fast you don't even realize what has happened to you. No one mourns your passing, fool. You'd better reconsider your rating...@A dozen bushmaster snakes bite you at once. ^ The poison is flowing through your bloodstream.^ You have ten minutes to contemplate the fact that you are hardly an expedition leader before the poison takes effect...@A patrol of government soldiers captures you!!^^^ Paco sneaks into the jungle and hides.^^ You are powerless to do anything.^^ The soldiers take you to their camp.^.^.^^^@P %Lp6Ru:#WY[]_ac)+-/13579;=?ACEGXM O ; ` q s kmxT ,+2 m(-Z}#m(-^Jh b"( H1M(-H0 Cmm mm,(++H(++J m mm(.H"m "(((HD`P)IC/?91..TZ"- `"TSTZ^^USTZ=Ngm(1(#H(" ^ CI! -  (^0<(#^ )("^ #^ "^   _))##/ ^N ?/ ^ _)# ^ ##/ ^N = m  ^Y '^=82,'!+^@+H'  W'^ m mm-($+^($+H& m')!)")#)% ^|Cm  ) )Y)!)")#)%<6+^.+/ ^N+/^  )/` `2C') CU@)))!)" )#)% ^I+ ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^ bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A2(H(H(&H('H()H(/H(0HM * #The captain of the troops comes into the tent with your backpack. He points a gun at your face^--he is slurring his words and very dangerous...@Enter directional move:@The captain opens your pack. "I see no belt here---liar!! At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^The captain opens your pack. "I see no belt here---liar!!"@@He shows you: the money belt that was in your pack is gone. The other troops must have taken it. The captain says, "At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^The captain takes your belt. "Liar!! I see no money here. At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^The captain takes your belt. "Very good spy." He takes your gold coins. He laughs, "I still will not release you---fool!! At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^"Where? I don't see any money."@The captain opens your pack. "I see no money here---liar!! At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^The captain opens your pack. "I see no money here---liar!!"@@He shows you: the money that was in your pack is gone. The troops must have taken it. The captain shrugs. "Since you have no money, you will die at dawn. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^He shrugs. "Then I cannot help you. At dawn you will die. Perhaps earlier if we need entertainment."^^^^^Your hands are tied.@You hear him but you can't see him.@If you will follow our@directions, we'll lead you@out of this jam.@You have reached a safe@campsite. Murphy says@congratulations. Rest here@until morning.@@(RETURN) when understood:&Paco says, "It sure is dark.."@Time to quit typing "TIME".@All around you, soldiers are firing machine guns and drinking potent banana beer.^^^^ Your pack has been taken from you.^.^.^^^^@F#You are taken into a tent and tied securely.@F#You are a prisoner in the government camp.@#The captain says, "What are you doing here, my friend?"@#The captain grows angry. "You are a spy!! I will kill you!!"^^^^@#Now he smiles.^^ "Unless, of course^, you can pay me.^^..Hmmm?^^ Can you pay me?"@#The captain says, "I don't understand you miserable spy!! Can you pay me?? Yes or no??"@The captain loses patience with you.^^ "Enough!!^ You will die!!"^^ At the captain's order, you are taken out and machine gunned to death.@F#The captain leaves the tent, having put your backpack to one side.^^^^^@G#Night has fallen. The camp is quiet, the men snoring drunkenly. You hear a sound from outside your tent--a squaak.@G#Night has fallen. The camp is quiet. You see the shadow of Paco passing on the outside. He is looking for you.@You didn't help Paco locate you in his rescue attempt. Dawn comes and you are machine gunned to death. Brutal!!@#Paco enters the tent.^^ He sees that you are tied and releases you.^.^.^^^^@G#You are in a tent in the government troop camp at night. Outside, soldiers snore drunkenly. The tent opens west.@You are in the center of the government camp at night. It is very dark. You can barely see the outlines of sleeping soldiers clutching their machine guns. The wrong move here will mean instant death.@In the darkness, you stumble over a sleeping soldier who awakens, gives the alarm, and machine guns you to death.@#Wearing the night-vision goggles you can see a clear exit path to the north.@You have escaped into the jungle but you don't want to run the batteries in your goggles down. Better remove them.@You are captured by the troops. They show you no mercy--you are executed.@;4/y -K c R " l n BCDEFGH ,+$w m8(LZ,/Z^"(ZT^JVHJK( Z<Hm( ^ %  m( ^NGm( ^ T(H H?Cm  ) )T/LF( Z?( LZLZN0( LZLZN!/` (^ (^ ^ | ?( ^ TZ1(^ )( ^ $( ^ (E : D( /^T(H H?'( 0^ T(H H?CN  2 ( /!^T(H H?( 0/^T(H H?NCy( 00^T(H H?NCS(  /^T(NCH H?.(  0^T(NCH H?  b'( /J( O  b3( ^JVHJK!( Z(LZ(H mmmm mmGIm/ YxDa/ STH# 0` U b/^@ #( LZ> )(H  )) HD`#`  )`T ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`Ak( NN( NNN(N(DHI(N(0^USTH4T(J( (( (!(#HM * > Enter directional move:@You hear him but you can't see him.@#We thought you'd be asleep@by now. Is anything wrong?@#Your position: AU,F1^^@@Hi there! We thought you'd@be sound asleep by now.^^@@Here in Washington, it's@a beautiful evening, not@too humid, and the L.A.@Raiders are killing the@Redskins 42-0 at halftime!!@@By the way, anything wrong?@Get a good rest and we'll@contact you in the morning.@#Well why didn't you say@so? We'll lead you out of@this jam.@@(RETURN) when ready.&If you will follow our@directions, we'll lead you@out of this jam.@You have reached a safe@campsite. Murphy says@congratulations. Rest here@until morning.@@(RETURN) when understood:&Paco says, "It sure is dark."@Paco says, "Let's go!!"@Time to quit typing "time".@You hear the computer beeping.@In the darkness, you stumble over a sleeping soldier who awakens, gives the alarm, and machine guns you to death.@#Wearing the night-vision goggles you can see a clear exit path to the north.@You have escaped into the jungle but you don't want to run the batteries in your goggles down. Better remove them.@You are somewhere in the jungle at night. You can see nothing. You hear the shouts of government troops who have now discovered your escape.@You are lost in the jungle in the middle of the night. Government troops are searching for you. They are getting closer!@The troops find you, capture you, and kill you!@You are captured by the troops. They show you no mercy--you are executed.@+11*#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: AU,F1@,2)2#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: AU,T1@-)1,#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: SS,F1@.122#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: SS,T1@/11.#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: SR,F1@0)/1#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: SR,T1@21*0#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: WP,F1@#Your position now: WP,T1@2)22#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: EV,F1@2212#Safe campsite at: WP,T1@@Your position now: EW,T2@You and Paco are exhausted by now and quickly fall asleep. In the morning, Paco awakens you.@You are in a shaded glen in the jungle. It is morning--a path runs north.@P !"#$%Jn> )+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABD(*,.02lTXZ  ,+8O m%(/^/Z^Z'Hm (/ ^UH)   m( ^NCm  ) )p/hb/` Y(^ Q(5^I))8)*1)+*),#)-).)/)1)2^^ [ bC(//H!'(/"^O  b"(/ ^TSH# m0)5)7"0 M NMmmmm mmGIm/ YDa/ STH# 0` ^ b/^I)!(H( LZL= % )) H D`>#` *)`T 1..TH#^ ) )/` `Dm*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` ^Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm^bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`A&(0^USTH4T(J(H(!H(#HM * d@Paco says, "Yuk! I'm not going to eat that!"@#The Kemani find you tedious.^^^^@K#They take you out into the forest and drop you off unceremoniously.@Paco says, "Kemani people want smoke!"@The Kemani takes you to his village.^.^.^.^^@#You come to the Kemani village. There are ten huts arranged in a circle. The men gather around you and make funny gestures with their fingers against their lips. It looks like they are kissing their fingers--or something...@#The Kemani is pleased you speak a greeting in his language.^^^@Paco says: "Smile, amigo!!"@#You see a side tunnel to the west.^^^^@You remove your goggles to conserve power.@It consists of fried grasshoppers and grub larvae. It smells awful. The Kemani are eating it, grinning and licking their fingers with delight. it could make you very sick. Want to eat it?@The government soldiers capture you!!^^^^ Paco sneaks into the jungle and hides.^^ You are powerless to do anything.^ The soldiers take you to their camp.^.^.^^^@The Kemani are pleased that you managed to swallow their food. They are very excited and lead you to the mouth of a cave which goes north.@The Kemani are disgusted with your faint-heartedness.^^^^ K#They deposit you in another part of the Amazon jungle.@You come out of the cave into dense rain forest^--where you head east.^.^.^^@The Kemani point their fingers: north.@The Kemani are offended by your refusal to eat their food.^^^^K#They take you out into the forest and drop you off unceremoniously.@The Kemani are making funny gestures with their fingers.@#Position is:^^ UNKNOWN^@@We can't get a satellite@fix on you right now.^@@If you're lost, or all@directions look the same,@drop a possession from your@inventory in each location@to identify it and make a@map. Once out of the@confusing area, go back and@get your possessions.@@(RETURN) when understood:&#@You shouldn't be lost in the first place but I guess it's only human.@@Our regards to Paco.@@(RETURN) when ready:&Paco says, "Oh-Oh!! I'm lost...^@ drop things each place and make a map!!"@#The Kemani are pleased you speak a greeting in their language. But, #An arrow wisks past you and thuds into a tree-trunk!^^^^^@#A Kemani steps from the jungle, his bow and arrow held ready--the wrong gesture here will mean instant death.@The Kemani doesn't understand what you are saying. What are you going to do?@#You are in the Kemani village. There are ten huts arranged in a circle.@The Kemani men take your cigarettes gleefully.^^ They pass them around and smoke them all^ but you have made friends.^^@They lead you to their campfire and offer you dinner. Do you want to eat the food?@The Kemani offer you some of their food. Want to eat it?@You are at the mouth of a cave which goes north. The Kemani are very excited.@ You are in a north-south passage in the cave. It's dark and smelly. Bats rustle leathery wings overhead, and a warm rain of bat guano falls on your head. Perhaps this isn't such a good idea...@You are in a cave with a north-south passage. It is too dark to see but you feel a fresh breeze from the north.@You fall down a hole, break your neck and die.@Other Kemani hiding in the forest kill you with poison arrows. You writhe on the ground and die in agony.@Rabid bats attack and bite you repeatedly. You have fourteen days to live before you foam at the mouth and die of insanity. You need rabies vaccine but you haven't got any.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@JYou are lost in the dense jungle.@You are in a clearing in the Amazon rain forest. A path leads north.@#You break through the jungle abruptly and come upon government soldiers, most of them drunk or on drugs.^ It's a dangerous situation.@618QNv8i-tvxz, | F ) h j   Jv  ,+ b(N^ Mm mm( ^ INm mm(0Jrm9( J/( +H( ^ H( M 6m6( ^ IN&( +H ( ^ IN m( H (^ H m( ^ Hmm mm.('!( ^IN( ^ING m(Z^Zp (^\D`(ys#` c(`T Y0`T N+`T D1..TZ-- `"TSTZ-^U^]^^USTZ `T Cm )+($0+  ^]_#m(^K`32m1))`( ^^K(^_ W ,2(Z((^ (Z( ^( ^ ",m/H`Cm  ) )$(^(^(^`2 ) )/` `DJm,`4`5D`` `[a b) Zt#`( JJKC`SHm -m- (^ K`2Gm( ^IN`Sm( J`( ^ImY b3( ^IN#( ^ IN( ^ IN m*m$mmmm bbGr:#`//`.a$/ `.a/ `.aB / `.aC5 2$/ \`'$0 \`(  2$0`/2T#`I/`@/`.a05/ `.a*a1(/ `.a+a1/ `.a,a1/ `.a-a1 2 2`&{ mZrCm  ) )/` `2Q b $"\"` %"`C b1"%" `["a="""`"` ` # `[a`F b!#"`6"" `["a?"a & " `["a" `["a>"`j#`  `[a  `[aDb"`"`` &)b "`="D`` `[aE`` `[a)/` `$@)CU/` `2$) /`  `! ~)/` `%Hhb5$"'"` "$"&" `@"$"`` 0b5$"'" `A" $"&"` $"`` ImY,b`3Jm,`4`5Bm`&bTbNbH!bBb<Bb6%b0&b*'b$-bb@b.b /b0b`&ibT(bN1bH3bB4b<5b66b08b*:b$9b;bb`  b`AP(/c H( NN(HK(N(N(H( H(HA AMZ ST Disk 1 of 2 Eng v. 1.5 3/12/86 `b, g.h` /H$@P,Z($$$h(R$$~&Dߜ <I`L'xHwL'PHwL'(HwL'HwQp'$QE/zI?"Sd?|Nqa (Dp~|N$DN,,,,QHxB/<TNAO J@g`Hz?<&NN\`R.IN/8/8,/8"OA!!,!NqA`ANz"AN{N{!!,!NqNuNuOL gN $Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer http://upx.sf.net $ $Id: UPX 1.24 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 the UPX Team. 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