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itsP;elements.?;In ROSTER FORM,(;the elements of the set are:8;* separated by commas orD;semicolonsT;* enclosed in braces or curlya;brackets, which look liken;this "{}"@;SUBSETS@;Some elements of a set can form another set. ;For example, this is the set of flowers.A;The set of tulips is a subset of the set of flowers.B;A subset is: ;* a set whose elements are contained in 0;another setH;In general:X;set F if every element of T is also an element of set F.%h; P;a set T is a subset of ?;We indicate that T is a subsetofF by writing:(;This is read: "T is a subset of F.";We indicate that T is a subset of F by writing:;T:;FC;If B = {a,b,c} and;C = {a,b,c,d,e,f}(;then B is a subset8;of C. H;It is notated as`; B `:`; Ch; D;The set of dogs is a subset of the set of allanimals, since all dogs are animals.EF;To indicate that a set is NOT a subset of another set, put a bar through the symbol : :  ;, like(;this:G(;If C = {a,e,f,g} and B = {h,a}8;then B is not a subset of C.H;"B is not a subsH;It is notated asX;B X:X;C0; (;The set A = {2,4} contains the following subsets:@;{2,4} Set A itself {} The null set {2} A single element {4} Another single element8;How many subsets are contained in the following set?X;C = {a}HIJ ;Remember:4;{x,y}X;{x} and {y}D;b) the sets of theL;single elementst;{ } ;The subsets of {x,y} are:h;c) the null set(;a) the set itselfp:\$3K ;C = {a}0;This set has two subsets: @;the set itself, {a} P;and `;the null set, { }.p:\$30;Which statement is correct?@;1) D = {2,6} @:@;E = {1,2,3,4}P;2) D = {2,6} P:P; E = {1,2,3,4}Hp:\$3: means "not a subset of."":If D = {2,6} and E = {1,2,3,4},2:D is not a subset of E becauseB:not EVERY element of D is anR:element of E.b:Therefore, D  E.;A = {x ;x is a red balloon}(;B = {x} (;x is a balloon8;Point to the correct `;2)B`:`;A P;1)AP:P;B p;3)Bp:p;A@;statement.L;Remember:;If A = {xx is a dog} and B = {xx is an animal}, then A is a subset of B since every dog is also an animal.P;Therefore P:,\;A \: \; Bp:where  is read "is a subset of."E;A = {xx is a red balloon}(;and8;B = {xx is a balloon}.H;Since we know that every elementX;of A is an element of B,h;this can be written as A h: B.p:\$3@;SUPERSETS@;A SUPERSET is:(;* a set which contains8;another set0;ALLthe elements ofH;and?;A SUPERSET is:(;* a set which contains0;ALL0= 0;the elements of8;another setH;andX;* at least ONE MORE`;element?;In;general,(;a set T is a superset of set S if T:@;* contains every elementH;of SX;* contains at least one`;element which is not in SML;It is read:0;of S, write:(;To indicate that T is a superset@;T @:@> @;S X;"T is a superset of S."(;Note that if T is a superset of S,8;thenS is a subset of T.P;Therefore, T P: S is also S  T.;If B = {a,:b,c} and ;C = {a,:b,c,d,e,f}.(;Then "C is a superset of B" or C0:0;B.N;If X = {2,5,7,9}, Y = {5,9},(;and Z = {2}, then the set X is a8;SUPERSETBOTH 8; of 8; sets Y and Z.H;This is written as:T:XY`:XZ`:(;Which statement is correct?@;1) F={a,b,c,...,z} @:@; G={x,y,z}P;2) F={a,b,c,...,z} P:P; G={x,y,z}`;3) F={a,b,c,...,z} `:`; G={x,y,z}H;Given two sets, A= {1,2,3,...};and B = {8,9,1O} :,(;A is a superset of B because:8;* every element of B is contained@;in AP;* there is at least one elementX;of A that is not in Bd;It is written as:p:\$3p;A p:p; B.0;F = {a,b,c,...,z}0:0;G = {x,y,z}@:is the@; correct statement.p:\$3;Which of the following sets is a superset of the sets: {1,3} and {2,4}?8;C = {2,3,4,5}H;D = {1,2,3,5}X;E = {1,2,3,4,5}h;F = {1,3,4,5,6}H ;Remember: (;A superset of a set Amust 8;contain all the elements in A H;and X;at least one other element h;not contained in A.p:\$3K ;E = {1,2,3,4,5} 8;Set E is a superset H;of the sets {1,3} X;and {2,4}.p:\$3 ;The set X = {4,7,9,13} is the superset of which of the following pairs of sets?H;a) {5} and {7,9}X;b) {9} and {9,11}h;c) {7} and {4,13}H(;Set X = {4,7,9,13} is a superset of H;{7} and {4,13}.p:\$3 @;DISJOINT SETS@8;DISJOINT sets are sets:H;* which have no commonP;elements?P;Set A and set B are disjoint sets because they containno in common.X; elementsO (;The sets of humans and flowers are disjointsets because humans cannotbe flowers. These two sets do not have any elements in common.P (;The set of dogs and the set of humans are disjoint sets because dogs cannot be human beings. The two sets have no elements in common.? ;Point to the pair of sets):that are disjoint.8;a) {x,y};{a,y}H;b) {o,s,q} ; {r,m}X;c) {7,3,9} ; {3,2,8,9}h;d) {b,c} ; {g,b}Q (;Disjoint sets are sets that have no elements in common. H;If A = {1,3,5} X;B = {2,4,6}, h;A and B are disjoint. ;Remember:P;andK(;The sets {o,s,q} and {r,m}8;are disjoint since theyH;contain no elements inX;common.0;If set A is a subset ,0= 0;of set B@;then A and B are disjoint@=.P;Assume that A P:0P>= .`:True or False?Hp:\$3(;A is a subset(= (;of B if every element0;of A is also an element of B.@;Two sets, A and B, are disjoint!@; ifH;they have no elements in common.Rp:\$3(;A is a subset(= (;of B if every element0;of A is also an element of B.@;Two sets, A and B, are disjoint!@; ifH;they have no elements in common.X;Therefore, if a set A is a subset of B, the two sets cannot ,`; be disjointh;and the answer is false. ;If sets A and B are disjoint, the set of elements common to A and B is:@;1) @:T @;he set A itselfP;2) P:T P;he set B itself`;3) `:T `;he set {O}p;4) p:T p;he null setH ;Remember: ;The intersection of two 0;sets is the set of elements @;common to both. P;Disjoint sets are sets `;which have no elements inp:\$3 p;common.K ;Since sets A and B are disjoint,0;they have no elements in common.H;The set of elements common to bothX;is the null set.p:\$3 @;INTERSECTION OF SETS@ ;Intersection of Sets(;and0;Union of Sets@;are two operations used to show how two or more sets are related to each other.?8;The INTERSECTION of two sets is the set:PP; X; S8;The INTERSECTION of two sets is the set:PP; X;* whose elements are `;common to both sets.T8;The intersection of two sets A andH:B is written as A  B.H;The intersection of two sets A and B is written as A P: B,UH;The intersection of two sets A and B is written as A P: B,`;and is read: "A cap B."UP;The intersection of two sets can be shown in a Venn diagram by shading the area common to both sets.VH;The intersection of sets A and B is the set whose elements are common to both A and B. It is notated as follows: h;A h:h; B = {2,3}.;A={1,2,3,4}B={2,3,6,8}W X;Find A X:X; B.(;ABp:(If needed Control T =  )Xp:\$3;The intersection of two sets is the set whose elements are contained in BOTH (; sets.8;IfA={p,q,r} H;andX;B={q,r,s}X:,h;Ah: . h;B={q,r}Y ;A = {a,b,d,f,g} ;B = {a,c,d,e,h}8;The intersection of sets A and B isH;the set whose elements are containedX;in both A and B. h:A  B = {a,d}p:\$38;Find the intersection of the following two sets. P;{i,j} {h,i,j,k}H8;sets {i,j} and {h,i,j,k} are i andH;j. The intersection of the two X;sets is {i,j}.(;The elements that are common in thep:\$3 @;UNION OF SETS@ (;The UNION of two setsis: 8;*the set whose elements@;are contained in either set, or in both.? ;In general, the union0;of two sets A and B@;is the set consistingP;of the elements from`;both A and B.?8;The union of two sets A and BH;is written as A H: B.H;The union of two sets A and BX;is written as A X: B.h:It is read as "A cup B."Z; The union of sets A ;and B is the set whose ;A s are:>U; B element0; h;A h>Uh; B = {1,2,3,4,6,8}.$;* in Aor/;* in B orR;andH;If A = {1,2,3,4}\;B = {2,4,6,8},:;* in both A and B[;Let A = {m,n,o,p} and B = {o,p,q,r}. ;The union of A and B, A  >U ; B, is: 8;{m,n,o,p,q,r}P;Note: Elements "o" and "p", whichZ;are common to both setsd;A and B, are not repeatedn;but are shown only once. (;Given A = {1,2}8;and B = {3,5}X;Find the union of sets A and B. h:Use Controlh;U for .h:H !;Remember: 1;The union of two sets A and B is the set whose elements are: P;* in A or * in B or * in both A and Bp:\$3K ;The elements in sets A and B 0;are 1,2,3, and 5.@;The union of the two sets isP;A P: B = {1,2,3,5}.p:\$3;Find the union of sets A and B. Use roster form and p:Use Controlp; U for p:.(;arrange the answer in alphabetical  order.\:The elements in sets A and B are(:a,b,c,d,e,g,x, and z.8:The elements b and d are common toH:both sets and are H;written only once.h:A  B = {a,b,c,d,e,g,x,z}.X:The union of the two sets isp:\$3;If A = { 1O, 2O} and B = { 1O, 2O, 3O}(:Point (; to the correct statement:@;A @>U@;B = {1O,1O,2O,2O,3O}P;A P>UP; B = {1O,2O}`;A `>U`; B = {1O,2O,3O}p;A p:p; B = {1O,2O,3O}] :A = {1O,2O} (:B = {1O,2O,3O}@;The elements commontosets A and $@:BP;are 1O,2O, and 3O.`;This is written as `:A  B = {1O,2O,3O} ;The final exam includes twenty questions. To choose an exam, @;type @>X@;1@>X@; for informalH>F-GH;(with feedback) `;type `>X`;2`>X`; for formal.h>F-GX>R-T8>R-T?;Which of the following 1 collectionsconstitutes a set?(;1) The collection of wealthy 0;people@;2) The collection of well- H;dressed menX;3) The collection of comic booksh;4) The collection of all singers p;with beautiful voicesH(;Not everybody agrees on the meaning of the words "wealthy," "well-dressed," and "beautiful." Therefore, only the collection of all comic books constitutes a set.p:\$3@;A diagram which is used to describe a set is called a_ _.&;2H0;A diagram which is used to@;describe a set is calledP;a VENN DIAGRAM.p:\$38;Describe, using ROSTER FORM, the set of days of the week that begin with the letter T.&;3H;In roster form, the set whose(;elements are the days of the 8;week beginning with the letterH;T is written like this:X;{Tuesday, Thursday}h;{Tuesday; Thursday}`;orp:\$38;Use partial listing to describe @;the set of odd numbers.&;4H ;To describe the set of odd numbers0;by partial listing, write:@;{1,3,5,...}P;or`;{1;3;5;...}p:\$38;Using the letter 8:x8; and the selector@;method, describe the set of all mammals. X:Use ControlX;V for&;5H ;Using the selector method, we write: 0:{x 0;0;x is a mammal}@;or P;{x:x is a mammal}`;to describe the set of mammals.p:\$30;Which symbol, , should replace0>E0; or 0>N8;the space?P:2P;OOO_{xP;x is a whole numberX;less than 1OOO} h:Use Controlh; E for h>Ep:Control Nfp;orp>N&;6H ;The set of whole numbers less than0:1 OOO is: 0;{O, 1, 2,..., 999} and @;does not include 2.T@:OOO husP;2OOO P: {xx is a whole number `:less than 1OOO}p:\$3;Which of the following is a8;1) The set of all television sets.H;2) The set of even numbers.X;3) The set of odd numbers.h;4) The set {15, 25, 35,...}.%;finite set?&;7H ;The set of all television sets is0;finite because we can count its@;elements completely. This set does,P;however, contain a large number of`;elements.p:\$3;Which of the following sentences describes an infinite set?(;1) A set whose elements cannot be0;counted completely.@;2) A set containing a very largeH;number of elements.X;3) A set containing a very small`;number of elements.p;4) A set which is empty.&;8H0;An infinite set is a set whose@;elements cannot be countedP;completely.p:\$3 ;Which of the following sets is infinite?8:A8; = {197O, 1971, 1972}H:BH; = {a, b, c,...,z}X:CX; = {2, 4, 6,...}h:Dh; = {1O, 2O, 3O,...,1OO}&;9H0;The set {2, 4, 6,...} is@;infinite because its elementsP;cannot be counted completely.p:\$3;Which of the following sentences most accurately describes);equivalent sets?8;1) Sets having the exact same @;elements.P;2) Sets having the same number of X;elements.h;3) Sets having the same number of p;elements and also the same elements.%;1OH(;Equivalent setsare sets having 8;the same number of elements butH;NOT necessarily the exact sameX;elements.p:\$38;Is the following statement true or false?P;Two sets which are equal must be equivalent.$;11H(;Because equal sets contain the8;exact same elements and theH;SAME NUMBER of elements, theyX;must be equivalent.p:\$3(;The sets A = {a,e,i,o,u} and0;B = {o,u,e,i,a} are:@;1) equal but not equivalentP;2) equal and equivalent`;3) equivalent but not equal.%;12H;A = {a,e,i,o,u}and#;B = {o,u,e,i,a} are:3;equal, because they contain the ?;exact same elements,K;andW;equivalent, because they containc;the same number of elements.p:\$3;Which of the following sets is the empty set?0;A = {O}@;B = {x @;x is the set of grade seven H;students}X;C = {xr} X;x is a negative numbeh;D = {x h;x is a whole number between p;2 and 3}%;13H(;D, the set of whole numbers between8;2 and 3, is empty because there areH;no whole numbers between 2 and 3.p:\$38;Which symbol,8: or 8> @:the space?8;, should replaceP;A = {a, b, dP:}__P;_P:B={a, b, c,...,z} `:Use Control`;for `:`; B h:Controlh; P for%;14HC;A is a subset of B since every 3;A3:={a, b, d} B={a, b, c,...,z}S;element of A is contained in B.p:\$30;Let A = {1,2,3,4,5} and B = {3,4,5}.H;Which set is a superset of the other?`:Use Control`; P for`:%;15H(;Set A is a superset of set B because8;it contains all the elements in BH;and at least one element not in B.p:\$3 8;Describe all subsets of@;S = {x,y,z}H;that contain exactly one element.%;16H(;The subsets of S = {x, y, z} which8;contain exactly one element are:H;{x}, {y}, and {z}.p:\$30:A = {8,15,22,30;O0:} B = {15,22,8}P:A and B?H;What is the relationship between`;1) A 3 `:`;) A`>E`;Bp;2) A 4 p:!p;Op;) Ap;B = p; B  `; B%;17H ;If A = {8,15,22,3O} and B = {15,22,8}0;then A is a superset of B because A@;contains B and also one element notP:in B.`;This is written as A `: B.p:\$30;Find the union of sets {c,f}:;and {c,d,e,f}.P;Give your answer in alphabetical order. h:Use Controlh; U for h:%;18H;The union of two sets A and B is ;the set whose elements are:0;* in A or * in B orP;{cP:,f}  {c,d,e,f} = {c,d,e,f}or`:{c;d;e;f}@;* in both A and Bp:\$38;Describethe intersection of the sets {2, 4, 6} and X:Use ControlT for %;19 H;{2, 4, 6, 8, 1O}.H ;The intersection of two sets is the0;set whose elements are common to@;both sets.P;Therefore,`;{2,4,6} . `: `; {2,4,6,8,1O} = {2,4,6}p:\$3;Which of the following pairs of sets is disjoint?0;a) {4, 5, 7} and {4, 9, 8}@;b) {a, c, e} and@;{b, d, f}P;c) {1, 2} and {2, 3, 4}%;2OH(;b) {a, c, e} and {b, d, f} is the8;only disjoint pair of sets becauseH;they have no elements in common.p:\$3 0;Your score:H;\#AG percent^;USE THESE WORDS TO:;*Go to another concept:;goto, show me, teach(;*Review a concept:0;review, review all@;*Test your progress:H;exam, H:testX;*Ask questions:define,`;example, what isp;*Other commands:p:scorep;, overview,x;quit, x:again, restart, resume_ ;OVERVIEW !:DISK%; 28:SUBSETSJ:DISJOINT SETSS:INTERSECTION OF SETS\:UNION OF SETSe:FINAL EXAM ;Here is what you will learn (:odisk(;n this (;:A:SUPERSETS?@;THE END` 8;You will now return H;to the main path!8;Subsets8:\$6 :Sets and Notation;_!(:Disk 2@;Supersets@:\$7H;Disjoint sets\$3:SCOREP;IntersectionX;of sets\$4`;Union of sets\$5p;Final exam \#AG percentabc&:When you learn about sets, you/:arelearning some basic elements8:of logic.F:This logic is essential toO:computer programming. 00||l|88||8||8||8|<<><~~<||xx00<~~< 0``0$ff$<~~< fffllll>`<|fl0fF8l8pvp88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff<<f<flxpxlf`~fv~~nfff<ff<f>``|fff|<```<>fff>ff>|``|f8<p``flxlf8<|ffff>|f```>`<|~f>fff<|lf<|~ 0~0p p` 44b~l|88||8xx8||8|<<`<|fl0fF8l8pvp88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff<<f<flxpxlf`~fv~~nfff<ff<f>``|fff|<```<>fff>ff>|``|f8<p``flxlf8<|ffff>|f```>`<|~f>fff<|lf<|~ 0~0p p` 44b~ ~~~~l|88||88|8|8|8||8|<<><~~<ff{>c8ll8x~~~<~~<<~~< 0``0$ff$<~~< fffllll>`<|fl0fF8l8pvp88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff<<f<flxpxlf`~fv~~nfff<ff<f>``|fff|<```<>fff>ff>|``|f8<p``flxlf8<|ffff>|f```>`<|~f>fff<|lf<|~ 0~0p p` 44b~ ~~~~l|88||88|8|8|8||8|<<><~~<ff{>c8ll8x~~~<~~<<~~< 0``0$ff$<~~< fffllll>`<|fl0fF8l8pvp88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff<<f<flxpxlf`~fv~~nfff<ff<f>``|fff|<```<>fff>ff>|``|f8<p``flxlf8<|ffff>|f```>`<|~f>fff<|lf<|~ 0~0p p` 44b~ 0HH0~$ff~f&$,4$d<<f ~Ù}xc8ll8x~~~ `` 8||8  $ff$<~~< 888llllllll0|x 00f8l8vv``0```0`00`f<Aa43Aa4)Aa4'Aa46Aa4BAa4AAa4BAqrstuvw0`0F1a4BAxy0`Az{|}~0`4A@1a:QAa,5A1a&A1a" A1a A1aA1aAa'Aa 9Aa :Aa 9A@2b 2A@z{|}~0`4A@1a:QAa,5A1a&A1a" A1a A1aA1aAa'Aa 9AaTAaSA@2b2A@0`2b/A@b-Ab+Ab)Ab(A@1a 'A1A1A1A1A1A@1aAy:4:D88N0` 1a:TqA0`41a2b(A@ 1a3cA@ 1a3cAlkm1a"IA0`L>A`J>A`H>A`F>A`D>A`B>A`@>A`>>A`<>A`:>A`8>A`6>A`4>A`2>A`0>A`.>A`,>A`*>A`(>A`&>A`$>A`">A` >A0`A@0`A@ 0`Ay8,8<88N0` 1a8TqAxA@A@0`71a72bA@ 0`71a72bA@0`A0` 1a4 A` a0 A` a, A` a( A` a& A01aA0`1a42b3c4A`a0bc0A`a,bc,A`a(bc(A0`1a2b3cAxy0`+1a02bA0`*Ac.HAc.RA3c0WAA2b8"A@`4U2b:J4d8"AA`4TA`4SAAA@2b8"4dA`4UA`4VAAA@A2A0`>2b>5e4'A@4d0Ad0Ad0Ad0Ad0Ad0Ad0Ad0Ad0A@1a@Aa>Aa< A0`>1a:2b>3c< 4d05e4'6f7gA@3c<$A@ƀ0`&11aF12b$VA0`1aF2b 3cB 4d5e6f7gA2b 3cB A2b 3cB A‚ÃĄ0`1aTA2b}3cbAbvcbAbocbAblcbA` aObgcbA`aJbbcbA`aEb]cbA@ƁǂȃA0`1ayA`aoA`aeA`a[A`aQA`aGA`a=A`a5A`a-2bT3cHUA` a%bTc>UA` a!bTc6UA`abTc.UA`ab Tc(UA`abTc"UAabTc UAabTcUAabTcUAA =&####ꪪꪪꪪꪫ꾪ꪫꪫꯪ꾪ꪫꪫ꾪꾪ꪪꪫꪪꯪꪫ 꾪###+.++++++$ꪪꪪ꪿ 꾾꾾꾾ꪯ"++'꾾 꾪꾪ꪣꪣ+++++ ;"????򪪯 ?򪪯 ?򪪯?򪪯?򪪯??򪪯????򯪫? ??򯪯 ?򯪫????X? ?    ?            ? ?    ?    ?  ?  ?   ?    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   ?  ? ?    ?  ?          ? ?   ?    ??  ? ?? < ?0 ???    <0   ? ?  ? ?  ??3?<? ??<    ?  ?  < ? 0? ??3 ?* (" 00, (  (" ? *?** (?0   ??0 A?ꠀ??( 0`*??7=*C4(?_U<?wAU]T CWP?@P0P@TP?4?? ?@? ?? 0?????? ?O,3C:P< T B R AT PU T@UTUAP<UP?<UTT0UTT UTT0UTTUTTUTTTT !   ?? ???   ? ? ?.*??ʿ+?*?ʨ?/*?+?(+ ?  ??0???<3???<+$                     ?    ??       ? ? ?D   ? ?? 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