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As the cop, you must patrol your city looking for the robber. Your police radio will always tell you his location but in order for it to be useful you must remember what city block you are in. This is where memorization of your patrol is vital. Learn how to get around and where the shortcuts are. Because his car is a little faster than yours, you may not be able to catch him in the long stretch. So cunning may need to be used. THE CITY: The city is divided up into 32 city blocks consisting of 8 across and 4 down . The robber starts out in block 1 and the cop starts out in block 21. This is how the city is set up: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Therefore if you are in block 22 and you go off the screen going up then you will be in block 13 if you are in block 31 and you go off the screen going down you will be in block 7. if you are in block 17 and you go off the screen to the left you will be in block 24. If you are the cop and you catch the robber you will see a brief picture of you receiving a medal. If you are the robber and you rob 5 banks, you will see a picture of you with your reward. MAP MODE: In this mode you have the opportunity to edit an existing city or create a new one all your own. Then you can save or load your cities to disk for future use. In map mode the whole city is shrunk down so you can see it all on one screen. you can move your cursor around with the joystick and place character blocks in your city with the fire button. the keys that are active are: < and > - the greater than and less than keys allow you to select which character you want to build with. (i.e. road, water, house, etc.) G - Grid, draws the grid that shows where the city blocks will actually be divided at. For best results, dont make a road run lengthwise along a grid line. This makes it difficult to see a road when your actually driving of f the screen! E - Erases the grid Q - quits map mode and returns you to the main menu where you can save your new city to disk. Remember once you load a city from disk or Create a new city, the one in memory will be gone. so always save a city after making any changes to it. PLAYING THE GAME: Here are the keys that are active while the game is playing. F- Faster, speeds up game play S - Slower, slows down game play (hold these keys down until the desired speed you want is attained) Q - Quit game with no winners C- changes background COLOR. For best results when typing any keys on the computer, both players should let go of their joysticks and wait for their cars to stop. AUTHOR'S PLEA: We would just like to take a second to say that we are glad that there are many atari owners still out there that suppourt their computers. THis game is offered as shareware in the hopes that everyone will continue to use and suppourt atari computers in the future. These shareware programs allow everyone to get quality programs for reasonable prices (unlike many other computer systems that you have to sell your first born just to buy some software!) . Please, if you enjoy this game and find yourself playing it more than once or twice. Send a donation to : OUTLAND QUEST SOFTWARE % KEVIN AND LARRY SCOTT RT. 2 BOX 323 , CRAIG AVE. VALDESE, NC 28690 For everyone who sends a donation of $12.00 dollars or more, We will send you a free disk with two other games of ours on them and some good p/d favourites we've seen. you will also be on our mailing list for any game updates, new software, and other goodies. (like cheats and backdoors in some of our games) Also, source codes for our programs are available to GFA programmers who might be interested. Just indicate that you would like the codes also. Please feel free to contact us at (704) 438-0732 if you have any questions, comments , or criticisms) G`mX=AON;acp~AVagp~A&aglp#r?~A\agzp2~A>agRp2~A8agFp ~ADag:p~AbagJp~A킒ag>p~A킘ag2p~A킞ag&p~A키agp~A킀agp~A킆agp~AJafp~A킰afp~A킼afp~Aafp~A킶afp~Aafp~Aafp~Aafp~Aafp~Aafp~Aaf~p2~Aafrp2~Aaffp ~AafZp~APaf2p~AafBp+@ak(- m!HRp l+|pJ+|N+|GZp+@^Enp A퀤aOA퀤raBBBpad*-(- m\؅!HRp?lRp#lpa@Bak<(- mV!HRpl <aB"<aaEnp A퀘aOHN&p+@aj+@aj+@aj+@aj+@(-"m&ajF(-*-,-.-aL"Rplp+@p+@Bp+@ -"ЀЁЭ("m8aixحzڭ,-.-aKpѭRp lpѭp+@Rpl+|p+@Bp+@ -"ЀЁЭ("m>aixحzڭ,-.-aKZ\Rp l\+|Rplp+@ai+@ai+@ai+@ai+@(-"mPai(-*-,-.-aJRplB(- mV 0H"-aHrRplaON1a_E,a_praHFpaGpaGpaGp aGaGEn&paQt(raLpaGpaGpaGpaGaGEn6paQt7r#aLp aGdpaGbpaG`paG^aGfEnNpaQt rFaLp aG4paG20<aG.paG,aG4EndpaQd4<r aLZp aGpaF0< aFpaFaGEndpaQ0t 2<4aL&p aFpaF0<aFpaFaFEndpaP4<2<aKpaFpaFpaFp aFaFEnzpaPtKr-aKEnpaPt_r-aKEnpaPtsr-aKEnpaP4<r-aKEnp aPv4<r-aKlA퀞aPaOC퀞aKA퀞pcaDd/A퀞pCaDXg N',N'A퀞pEaD>/A퀞peaD2gN'A퀞pPaD/A퀞ppaDgNA퀞pLaC/A퀞plaCgN+A퀞psaC/A퀞pSaCҀgN+x`|B(- mV 0H"-aERpla>aLp aEZB~ -~rFaC?<?-paC0<mrFaC?< <Э~?paCR~p~lpF+@~"-~paCl?-?<paC"-~pAaCP <Э~??<paCR~pI~lpra\Enp aKhB.B6p+@2B*p+@&B"B -$ЀԀЂrJЁ/ -"X/*-.ڭ"(-*ح m\؅/0H("m8adp$"aE*-.ڭ"(-*ح m\؅ 0HrfN -$ЀԀЂXxح6 m!H -"r'Ёxح6 m!Hpfp+@p+@Rpl.R"p"lR6B(-6"mDadB(<*<|~FaFP*R&p&lp ѭ.R2p2lpfaJpra[Enp&aIpra[pEo#p$aIpra[\EoGp#aIpra[HEojpaIBN1A퀞aM6aLC퀞aHdA퀞p aA g```Eop A퀘aH0N&B(- mV 0H"-aBRplx mp!Hx mp!Hx"mDacpt#raC6x"mDacpt#"<aCx mp!Hx mp;!Hx m!Hx mpX!Hx mp!Hx mBHx mp!Hx mBH <r4<x mAH 00 <r4<x mAH 00x mBHx mBH+|x mBHx mBHBp+@B(-B m 0HJf\(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HZ/(-B m 0Hr Ё/(-B"mJaa(*,.aC`Z(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HrЁ/(-B m 0HZ/(-B"mJaaJ(*,.aC.(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HЀЭB("m&aap$"aA&(-B m 0H(-B m!H(-B m 0H(-B m!HRBpBlBBN1pop+@ o+|p+@ -aC`R -o]aWx m/0Hx m 0Hfp+@Rfpff N,BfaI"CaDApqa=/ApQa=g p+@N&vApfa=|/ApFa=pgpѭApsa=\/ApSa=Pgp ѭRBpBfp+@BpBWHH/pa:&<:<a' BfJAfЀWHHgp+@pЭBa]8+@ pЭBa]2+@p WHH/p fp.p fp.p WHHgB pWHH/pBWHHgTB <r4<(-B mAH 00B RpKf N1BBRpfN&v(-B m 0HSf(-B m 0HSfn(-B m 0HSfp+@ (-B m 0HUfp+@ (-B m 0HYfp+@ (-B m 0HQfp+@ (-B mBHAaG4rKfx mp!HAaGrEfx mp!HAaFrVfx mp!HAaFrIfx mp!HAaFrNfx mp!H - g2(-B mBHt(-B mAH 00(-B mBH - f(-B mAH 24&<x:<a%4gD(-B m 0H+@ <2<4<(-B mAHa%n(-B mp!H`Zx m/0Hx m 0Hg>A80B0 <r4<A8a@fa@fG(-B mp!Hx m/0Hx m 0Hf(-B mBHp f~(-B mp!H -a&J&<x:<a$/??(-B mAH24 a$a%(-B mAH(-B m 0H(-B mAHѐNp f~(-B mp!H -a%&<x:<a$R/??(-B mAH24 a$8:&ax m/0Hx m 0HrЁ^HH/x m/0Hx m 0H]]HHgN&vNpp fT(-B m/0H(-B m 0HS"a,+@(-B m 0HZ/(-B m 0HS"a,+@"p fX(-B m/0H(-B m 0HrЁ"a,+@(-B m 0HZ/(-B m 0HrЁ"a,^+@"p fV(-B m 0HS/(-B m 0H"a,,+@(-B m 0HS/(-B m 0HZ"a,+@"p fZ(-B m 0HrЁ/(-B m 0H"a++@(-B m 0HrЁ/(-B m 0HZ"a++@"(-B m 0HSfN&fpWHH/p"fp.pBgBpWHHgp+@Bp+@x m 0HSWHH/x m 0HSgBx m 0HSgBx m 0HSgBx m 0HSWHHgp+@pf"(-B mBH(-B mBHN&. -WHH/pfp.pfp.pfp.p fp. -"gBp"fp.p"fp.p"fp.p "WHHg"(-B mBH(-B mBHN&.pWHH/p"WHHgp+@pa%@R+@pa%4R+@(-B m 0HJf2pf -(-B m!H`F -D(-B m!H`0pf -(-B m!H` -D(-B m!H(-B mBH(-B mBHN&. <r4<(-B mAH 00(-B mp!H(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B"mJaI6p$"a)Xx m/0Hx m 0HfrpBf6x m 0H/x m/0Hx"mJaHp$"a)`4x m 0H/x m/0Hx"mJaHp$"a((-B m 0H(-B m!H(-B m 0H(-B m!H(-B m 0HJf\(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HZ/(-B m 0Hr Ё/(-B"mJaH(*,.a)`Z(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HrЁ/(-B m 0HZ/(-B"mJaG(*,.a)(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HЀЭB("m&aGdp$"a'x m/0Hx m 0HfpBfFx m 0H/x m/0Hx m 0HЀR("m&aFp$"a'`Dx m 0H/x m/0Hx m 0HЀT("m&aFp$"a&(-B m 0H(-B m!H(-B m 0H(-B m!H -gN/6`pfp+@pfp+@pVHH/pVHHgp+@praE(-"mPaFptaDp$"a%Rp?lRp#lp!+@p+@p+@pa$ N1a;N,pa<A퀞a.6a-C퀞a)dA퀞pga" /A퀞pGa"g\p(+@z"-zpa"$?-|?<pa"bp(ѭz >zop-+@z -zra!?<>?-|pa"4p-ѭz zoA퀞pQa!/A퀞pqa!gz -"Ё/ -"Ё/*-(- m\؅/0H("m>aCp$"a#zx m\؅p!Hzx% m\؅p!Ha*xN+vA퀞pea!/A퀞pEa gH -"Ё/ -"Ё/*-(- m\؅/0H("m>aC.p$"a#P`A퀞p.a /A퀞p>a gRp)fp+@A퀞p,a t/A퀞paBp$"a" -*-(- m\؅!Hpa@>+@ - gD -"Ё/ -"Ё/*-(- m\؅/0H("m>aB$p$"a"Fp fRp@fBp fSpfp?+@p fSpfp#+@p fRp$fB -"Ё/ -"Ё/(-"m>aAp$"a!a1(-"m8aAxp$<"<a!`Nu0<Ura a(BA퀤a*pra8Eop$a'Fa-BA퀪a.tA퀪ra4BB*-(- m\؅ 0Hra/Rp?lRp#lpaNu0<Ura la'Eopa*4a1:a&a&Eopa&A퀤a*>a,A퀤a-A퀤raBBpa:p*-(- m\؅!HRp?lRp#lpaNua9\+@a'(p ra7 -a=a4p2a7a=BNuCJAN  " -Jr a -Nr ax m/0Hx m 0HfCZA^  " -Zr a^Nu -B&<:<a&<:<a a f/(-B m/0H("mDa?pt#"a(-B m 0HJf\(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HZ/(-B m 0Hr Ё/(-B"mJa?(*,.a `Z(-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HrЁ/(-B m 0HZ/(-B"mJa>(*,.a (-B m/0H(-B m/0H(-B m 0HЀЭB("m&a>vp$"a(-B mp!Hpra5Eopa$\x m 0Ha$a$(Nux m/0Hx m 0HfrpBf6x m 0H/x m/0Hx"mJa=p$"a`4x m 0H/x m/0Hx"mJa=p$"aNupfhR -UHa&<:<a@&<x:<aa0&ptra<0pa4pfvptra<pa4BBpfhR -UHa&<:<a&<x:<aa&pt ra;pa4JpKfvptra;pa40BBpfhR -UHa:&<:<a`&<x:<aH@Ѓdh`^HCH@:">H@`H2g&HCH@:<HC>H@Ѓd(`HCH@:H@r` gDBgkDE`HDBDEaBDBNugDBa8DBNutNua 11!Nux`xa`a` 24&8:HoHoEBJAgJDfr:g,|HC҅H@:ۆ<HC>H@Ѓd`vHCH@:H@`fgDBgkDE` DBDEaDBNugDBaDBNutNuHoHoEBz:g|HC҅H@:ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuJBj^tNuk(g.JBjDBAр[SBDBjNutNuAр[SBkNuJlNu0gH@rJBkB JkЀ[`DBЀ[`J.;gP:pr4<Nup`+0xa2`Ba411!Nux`4 24&8:`& 24&8:`a&8:` &8:@ABJEoHnfNup`*tNugDEDBHngDBEBkQ*HEJDg?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi ?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<,>CEdGH@0r`xJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riR?0i?`?<`"_KoMrI4O:HQ <-H*,`N,dd d3 d# d# # 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