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The initial "lock-on" range corresponds to missile maximum range if you're at maximum speed. However, if you're moving slower the missile may not get that extra boost needed to reach the target. A much more important consideration is the enemy's flight path. If the target plane is flying toward you, even a maximum range launch is likely to reach him. However, if the target plane is flying away the missie has a long "stern chase" ahead of it. In such a situation you should wait until the oval turns red before launching. Radar Guided Missiles: Your AIM-120 AMRAAM missile is one of the best medium-range weapons in the world. It is the only "fire and forget" radar- guided missile in American inventory. It has sufficient circuitry to penetrate most defenses, and sufficient maneuverability to chase down most fighters, not to mention nailing bombers and transports. Because the AIM- 120 has greater range than the Sidewinder (32 km compared to 17 km), pilots typically open fire with the AIM-120, then switch to Sidewinders if any enemy aircraft survive to that range. IR Guided Missiles: The short-range AIM-9M Sidewinder is probably the best dogfighting missile in the world. It is more maneuverable than the AMRAAM, giving it a better chance of "hanging on" to a twisting, turning target. The most advantageous firing position for the Sidewinder is up the enemy's tailpipes. The next best position is from above, diving down onto the top (hot side) of the enemy plane. The third best position is directly into the enemy's nose. Shots against the enemy as it crosses in front of you, or at its underside (the cold side) have very little chance of hitting. The main weakness of the Sidewinder is its limited range. Technique: When firing a missile, always remember to (1) open the bay doors, and (2) wait for the lock-on. If you don't wait for the target box to become oval-shaped, you're firing without a lock-on, and will almost certainly miss. Then look at your airspeed. If you're moving fast (around 500 kts) or the target is closing, a maximum range lock-on shot will probably hit. However, if your speed is low or the target flying away you should wait until the range closes, ideally until the oval turns red. Missile accuracy doesn't take into account enemy defensive equipment or evasive maneuvering. First line and elite fighter aircraft may prove more difficult to hit. Although the "Mainstay" AEW&C craft maneuvers poorly, it has superior defensive equipment. You may find that guns are necessary against Mainstays flown by a capable crew. Firing Attitude: Also remember that AAMs, like other missiles, will fall 300' to 400' before their motor is powerful enough to guide them away to the target. Until then the missile has your speed and VVI. If you're diving at the ground, the missile may slam into the ground before it can fly away. Firing in a tight turn, or while inverted, can cause the missile to tumble as it leaves the weapons bay. The wisest method is to fire only when you're level and above 500'. Target Discrimination: Sidewinders and AMRAAMs always home on the most prominent target, which is usually the nearest. They will do so even if you were tracking someone else. In Cold War and Limited War, beware of this limited "brainpower" in your missiles. You may be tracking a primary or secondary target, fire a missile, and then discover it goes for one of the fighter escorts that happens to be closer! Notes: Your F-19 uses a tracking camera instead of weapon guidance radars. This system "downloads" appropriate launch parameters to the AIM-120 AMRAAM. Although the AIM-120 itself uses radar, the set switches on when the missile is launched. As a result, missile targeting does not increase your EMV. Of course, opening the bay doors to fire does increase your EMV. A skillful stealth pilot only opens the bay doors just before a launch, or during a dogfight. Guns: Jet aircraft travel so quickly that conventional machine guns and cannons cannot fire fast enough to guarantee a hit: a plane could literally fly between the shells. Therefore, modern aircraft cannon are either a group of guns (such as the twin 23mm cannons in many Russian MiGs) or a multi-barrel gatling gun (such as the six-barrel 20mm M61A1 on most American jets). Cannons are used because they fire explosive shells (machine guns fire less destructive solid lead slugs). Small 20mm to 30mm cannons are used because large weapons cannot fire fast enough. Aircraft cannons have an effective range of 0.5 to 3 kilometers, a maximum range of 6 kilometers. Inside 0.5 kilometers there is a significant danger that a piece from a disintegrating target might hit you. The Historical Gunsight: Your F-19 has the most modern and advanced gunsight available: a "historical" gunsight with automatic laser rangefinder. In normal operation this gunsight "assumes" you are firing at maximum range (6 kilometers). However, if your tracking box is on a closer target, that shorter range is used instead for gunsight calculations. The gunsight computer constantly calculates range, flight path, and ballistics for you. It then displays where your shells @4would be@5 if they were hitting the target now. The gunsight continually calculates firing, delays the appropriate time and display potential hits as they would occur. Therefore, the sight is "assuming" that you fired at the correct time in the past (hence the term "historical" gunsight). Anticipation Firing: It takes about two seconds for M61A1 20mm shells to travel the maximum 6 kilometer range. Therefore, to hit a target you must judge the speed at which the target and your sight converge. You should fire about two seconds before they meet. If the range is less than 6 km, wait a little less. For example, at 3 km wait until target and sight are one second apart; at 1.5 km wait until target and sight are a half second apart, etc. You can use this sight like an old fashioned predicting sight. That is, wait until the sight is on the target, then shoot. But at 6 km range you'll have to hope the target stays on the same course for two seconds to insure a hit. Airplane targets aren't always so obliging! In short, the key to using a historical gunsight is anticipation. Don't wait for the sight to reach the target. Instead, learn to anticipate the meeting of sight and target, then shoot ahead of time. Performance Limitations: Although the maximum range of your M61A1 20mm Vulcan cannon is 6 kilometers, this is not the recommended engagement range. At ranges beyond 3 kilometers accuracy falls off considerably. Also beware of firing at ranges less than 0.5 kilometers. If the enemy is any closer, you could be hit by pieces of wreckage. Your 20mm cannon has a large ammunition supply, bu the huge rate of fire means it goes quickly. Fire short bursts instead of long ones, especially against aircraft. "Hosing down" a target is extremely wasteful. If the shot is that difficult to achieve, you're crazy to waste ammo on it. In air combat cannon shots are usually very good or very bad, with very few intermediate cases. Notes: The historical gunsight requires conscious "retraining" to use well, since it doesn't require you to "place the sight on the target". However, this weakness is more than compensated for by the advantages of anticipation firing. The sight allows you to fire sooner, and more accurately, than any other sight in existence. The historial gunsight is the device of choice among "in the know" fighter jocks. The gunsight on this model uses a laser rangefinder slaved to the tracking camera, rather than the traditional ranging radar. This means you can use your gun without increasing your EMV. AIR-TO-AIR DUELS THE AMBUSH The best way to start air-to-air combat is to surprise your opponent. Enemy aircraft have only forward-facing radars (except the Il-76 "Mainstay" AEW&C craft). The best way to ambush an enemy plane is to slide up behind him. Traditionally fighter pilots prefer to attack from above. This gives them an energy advantage in any dogfight. However, missile tactics and the importance of secrecy make a height advantage less valuable for a stealth pilot. Gaining height makes you visible to enemy radar, which in turn will certainly warn your targets. Therefore, approaching low and from behind is often wiser. Only if your missile attacks fail and the enemy discovers you should you begin to seek an altitude advantage. If you're surprised or "bounced" (attacked from above) by the enemy, immediately look for incoming missiles and take appropriate defensive action. Missiles arrive faster than aircraft, and therefore must be avoided first. Only then can you begin dogfighting or attempt to escape. THE MISSILE EXCHANGE Often an air-to-air battle starts because the enemy has discovered you, and vectors fighters in your direction. The result, quite frequently, is a head-to-head face-off, you against him. In this western-style showdown each side starts with an exchange of long- to medium-ranged radar missiles. Be prepared to decoy, jam, and possibly chaff the "incoming". Once your radar missile is away, switch to an AIM-9M Sidewinder. You may get a second close-range missile shot if the AMRAAM fails. Scoring with a head-to-head cannon shot is much more difficult, and not worth the ammo unless either (a) you're out of missiles, or (b) you're an incredibly good marksman. Naturally, if you can get off a second missile shot, so can the enemy if he carries second-generation IR missiles (the AA-8 or AA-10 IR version). These nasties show up frequently on MiG-29s and Su-27s, but aren't unknown on other craft flown by Veteran or Elite pilots. The Early Turn: One of the most difficult, but most useful tactics in a head-to-head match is making an early turn. This is a maneuver where you make a tight 180 degrees turn so that you come out of the turn already closing on the incoming MiG's tail. Against inexperienced pilots this trick is easy, since greenhorns usually keep boring in, hoping for a cannon shot, and only thinking about a turn after they've passed you. Against vets and better an early turn requires fine timing. If you turn more than a second or two ahead of the enemy you're just telegraphing your intentions. If you wait too long, you get no advantage at all. ENEMY MISSILES Radar-Homing AAMs: The Russian AA-10 Alamo is a "fire and forget" missile just like your AIM-120 AMRAAM. All other Russian radar-guided weapons are semi-active homers. Here the launching aircarft must continue to "paint" you with its radar - the missile homes on the "paint". You avoid radar-homing AAMs just like SAMs (see Air-Ground Tactics, Defensive Tactics Against SAMs, earlier). That is, use reduced EMV, ECM jamming and ultimately chaff. Decoys can be very effective. Note that the MiG-25 and MiG-31 carry extremely long-ranged radar AAMs. Low EMV, ECM and decoy tactics are especially effective against these weapons. Consider yourself fortunate that none of the Iranian F-14s have operational Phoenix missiles. These long-range killers are especially difficult to evade. Infrared (IR) Homing AAMs: All IR homing AAMs are "fire and forget" weapons. Of these the AA-8 is the most dangerous because of its second generation IR seeker and great maneuverability. If enemy MiGs and Sukhois close to AA-8 range (8 kilometers) you're often in trouble. Techniques to evade IR AAMs are the same as those used against IR SAMs (see Air-Ground Tactics, Defensive Tactics Against SAMs, earlier). That is, use the IR jammer at long range, flares at short range. The decoy also works. In practice, many IR homers are fired at short ranges during a dogfight. This means that you've got to leap onto the IR jammer when you get a launch warning, then dodge out of the missile's 45 degree field of view immediately. At dogfighting ranges missile flight times are very short - you don't have time to fool around! If this fails, or you delay too long, the missile approach klaxon will go off. Now you've got bare seconds to react: dump a flare immediately and dodge, or you're history. One nice thing about IR AAMs is that the older AA-2, AA-6 and AA-7 designs all use first generation seekers. The enemy must get on your tail before these missiles lock on. Keep him off your tail and you avoid this entire class of weaponry. Of course, doing that requires dogfighting skills. DOGFIGHTING The essential rule in dogfighting is to get on the enemy's tail. On all fighter aircraft, guns and missile guidance systems only face forward. If you're on the enemy's tail, you can shoot and he cannot. If you can't get on his tail, at least try to place his aircraft ahead of you as much as possible, so you have the maximum number of firing opportunities. Maintaining higher speed or altitude is valuable in a dogfight. A plane slower and lower can only dodge attacks. A plane faster or higher can attack or retreat as desired. Having a higher speed or altitude is termed the "energy advantage". If the enemy is behind you, there are various classic escape maneuvers: Turning Inside, the Scissors, the Immelmann, the Split-S, and the Yo-Yo. Not only should you learn them, but also learn to recognize these maneuvers so you can apply the appropriate counter-maneuver. Turning Inside: The simplest solution to an enemy plane coming up behind you is - turn toward him (i.e., turn in the direction of the enemy aircraft). If you're turning faster than he, you'll gradually circle around and get onto his tail. This kind of a "turn match" is frequently seen when greenhorns dogfight. Of course, if the enemy is turning faster than you, he will eventually come around behind you. If this happens try something else immediately. The longer you wait the worse it gets, until he lines up a shot and toasts you. Scissors: A more complex way to out-turn an enemy aircraft is the scissors maneuver. Begin a turn toward him, but once he begins to turn with you, quickly roll over to turn in the other direction. This opens the scissors. As the enemy realizes you've turned away and turns toward you again, you reverse the procedure and roll back toward him again. If your turns were quicker and tighter than his, and/or you're a slower plane, he will eventually pass in front of you. This allows you to get onto his tail. Novice pilots trying to turn with you can be lured into a scissors with ease. Even if their planes turn better, their slow reactions to each scissor opening and closing will quickly give you the edge. More experienced enemies may avoid this tactic by anticipating your next turn and blasting you (if they're less maneuverable), or by pulling up and over in a yo-yo (if they're faster). Immelmann Turn: This maneuver is an excellent way to reverse direction quickly. First you perform a half loop to reverse direction, then a half roll to right your aircraft. If an enemy aircraft is behind you, an Immelmann can bring you nose-to-nose with him. The original Immelmann, a German WWI fighter pilot, reputedly rolled while vertical, allowing him to finish the loop in whatever direction he desired. He still finished the half-loop inverted - it's aerodynamically more efficient that way. Note that an Immelmann gives you an altitude gain but costs speed, since a half-loop upward slows you down significantly. Split-S Turn: This maneuver complements the Immelmann. Begin by rolling inverted, then pull the stick back to half-loop downward. Many pilots begin the loop before the roll is completed, rolling the plane while looping. The split-S causes you to lose considerable altitude, so it's often wise to reduce throttle and/or use speed brakes to minimize altitude loss. The Split-S complements the Immelmann because you gain speed and lose altitude. Unwary fighter pilots have sometimes tried to Split-S into or away from the enemy without remembering their altitude. The result can be a Split-S right into the ground! Yo-Yo Turn: This maneuver is used mainly by higher speed jets against slower opponents. Therefore the relatively slow F-19 has little occasion to use it dogfighting. However, you may see enemy MiGs attempting it against you! This turn also requires excellent cockpit visibility, something that both the F-19 and early MiGs lack. In a Yo-Yo turn you climb and roll toward the enemy - until he's visible out the top of your canopy. Then pull over into a dive while still turning. During the dive you roll the plane to help line up your shot. Very often you'll take that shot while inverted. Don't let it bother you. Because a Yo-Yo requires good spacial perception, first practice it using the Slot View (if alone) or Tacti View (if you've got a target). In combat conditions switching to a wide angle view is extremely helpful in pulling the HUD around onto the enemy after you come over the top. Then you can switch back to normal view again. In effect a Yo-Yo plane makes a very big turn in three dimensions. Most of the turn radius is "consumed" with the climbing and diving, allowing a faster plane to travel further and turn wider, yet still come out on the tail of the more maneuverable plane. American F-4 Phantom pilots used the maneuver with great success against slower but more maneuverable MiG-21's over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Note that the best defense against a Yo-Yo is to reverse your turn, or to use the third dimension yourself, usually by going into a split-S). ENEMY GUNS The enemy has cannons equivalent to yours in range and power. However, the enemy still uses old predicting gunsights. This means they are virtually required to get behind you before they can make a decent shot. In addition, all but the most elite pilots will be slow to fire, since they must place the gunsight on the target and keep it there to score a hit. If you sense the enemy is behind you and ready to fire cannons, "jinking" (small violent moves in random directions) can throw off his aim. Finally, Russian-built aircraft with the older GSh-23 cannon may not always hit, since the lower volume of firepower increases the chances of you "flying between the shells" and escaping serious injury. Don't rely on this, though - not every 23mm shell is an unlucky one! PART 4 MISSION BRIEFINGS RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Rules of Engagement (ROE) outline what targets a pilot can and cannot attack. In an age of nuclear weapons unrestricted warfare would destroy the planet within 24 hours. Therefore, all wars are limited to some degree. If warfare is limited to just a local area with specific goals, ROEs are much more restrictive. If an official state of war does not exist then the rules will be extremely restrictive. In stealth missions, ROEs also determine what "exposure" of your aircraft is allowed. In cold and limited war situations it is important that the enemy not know exactly who or what performed the attack. This allows the politicians to say whatever they want. COLD WAR SITUATIONS ROE: "You may attack and destroy a target only if it is specifically required by your mission orders. You may engage other targets only if they fire first, or if they have spotted your plane. The mission is completely clandestine. You must avoid detection, especially visual detection by enemy aircraft. Enemy air or ground forces that do detect your should be destroyed, to prevent embarassing disclosures. Neutrals and civilians must be considered friendlies, and above all you should avoid detection by neutral aircraft and radars." Background Notes: In cold war situations the State Department must have "deniability" for every mission. If the mission is successful and the political climate seems good, the USA may claim credit for the deed. In other cases, however, American may not wish to attach its name to the action. You are warned when enemy radar returns are good enough to spot your craft, or when enemy aircraft come close enough to visually identify you. These enemies should be destroyed, although the effort can be counterproductive if the attack generates lots of additional sightings! Gratuitous or wanton destruction of all other targets is very bad in cold war. Hitting targets of value to the civilian sector, such as bridges, oil wells and tanks, refineries, etc., is especially bad. Your record will rapidly accumulate black marks if you act like "Rambo" during the Cold War. After all, Rambo is fiction, this is reality! LIMITED WAR SITUATIONS ROE: "You will engage, attack, and destroy all targets specifically required by your orders. In addition, all other targets with active weaponry (i.e., which could fire on your craft) may be attacked. You may engage these military targets even if they haven't seen you yet. You may never attack non-military targets unless so required by your orders. Neutrals must be considered friendlies at all times, and in addition you should avoid detection by neutral aircraft and radars at all costs." Background Notes: In limited war the State Department may require deniability, since American aid to the contestants may need to be secret. However, since there is a war, and military targets get destroyed in war, you can attack military targets of opportunity and be rewarded (rather than penalized) for your efforts. However, hitting non-combatant targets of value to the civilian sector (unless ordered to) is forbidden. CONVENTIONAL WAR SITUATIONS ROE: "You will engage, attack, and destroy all targets specifically required by your orders. In addition, any and all other targets in enemy territory may be attacked, including civilian targets. If able to select additional targets, select those with immediate military capability first. Neutrals must be considered friendlies at all times, and in addition you should avoid detection by neutral aircraft and radars at all costs. Background Notes: In a conventional war you are allowed unrestricted conventional attacks on enemy territory. This includes civilian targets formerly forbidden. However, targets with immediate military capability are more important. Therefore, destroying enemy aircraft, airbases, SAMs, radars, depots, headquarters, etc., gives more reward than bridges, oil refineries, oil wells and platforms, etc., whose importance is long-term. This is because even conventional wars are fought for short-term goals (such as the Grenada invasion in 1983, or the Falkland Islands campaign of 1984). However, from a pilot's point of view, conventional war is "fun" because anything in enemy territory is fair game. Of course, the disadvantage is that the enemy are prepared and alert for intruders. ONC Map Coordinates ONC maps use the standard US Army military grid system for locating positions anywhere on the globe. The maps are divided into large squares. Each square is identified by a two-letter code, such as WX, JC, etc. Within each square are smaller rows and columns, ruled into smaller squares. These smaller squares are identified by a column and row number from 0 to 9. Following the "read right and up" rule, the column number appears first, then the row number. This is the same as basic algebra, where the "x" horizontal value is given first, then the "y" vertical value. (@4Algebra?@5 American algebra obviously...) For example, coordinate JC79 means large map square JC, column 7, row 9. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time, inclination, or diskspace to fit the four maps in... possibly they will appear on a future menu. MISSIONS AIR-AIR MISSIONS SELECTING ARMAMENTS In limited or conventional war situations the AIM-120A AMRAAM is the missile of choice. You can lob these at the enemy from a full 30 kilometers range. If you're firing at a plane with close escorts, space the shots 5 to 10 seconds apart (the higher their altitude, the longer the spacing). This is because a burning, exploding plane is a prominent target to the missile's seeker. If your missiles arrive right behind one another, those following may home on the plane hit by the first. Worse, the terminal homing of the AMRAAM is somewhat questionable - it tends to take the closest target at the time, rather than the target you originally designated! Therefore, when shooting into a group you can't count on which plane will be hit. Finally, if the enemy is veteran or elite, don't be surprised if the enemy manages to outmaneuver your missile by turning inside it. In cold war, guns are the weapons of choice. With these you can insure the proper target is hit, and no others. Unfortunately, getting close enough for a shot may reveal your presence. A good compromise is the AIM-9M Sidewinder, a fast-turning close-in dogfighting missile. It's usually easy to line up a 5 to 8 km shot, where the Sidewinder has a clear run at the target and nobody else is likely to get in the way. AMBUSHING A LEADER Here an important personage is travelling by plane; your job is to make sure he doesn't arrive! The plane takes off about the same time as your own. Remember that his plane, your objective, is NOT the flashing dot on the satellite/radar map (on your left-side cockpit CRT). That is his DESTINATION. Although it's possible to just fly to his destination and wait, roving fighter patrols or local air defenses eventually will spot you. In general, the wiser approach is to find the best way to "sneak through" enemy patrols and SAM radars to intercept him @4en route.@5 In limited or conventional war you can take down his plane and escort with AMRAAMs. In a cold war situation you'll need to close for a clean Sidewinder or gun shot. Remember, though, that if the fighter escorts get a visual ID on your plane you must "zap" them too. If your attack location is well away from any ground radars or Mainstay AEW&C planes, you can attack from above, hit your man, drop a decoy to confuse them, and zoom away with maximum speed at low altitude (say 200'). INTERCEPTING TERRORISTS OR COMMANDOS In this mission you know a transport plane, accompanied by fighters, will head for friendly territory. Your objective is to eliminate them before they arrive. The problem is, you don't know their destination. As you take off, watch the enemy aircraft carefully. Circle around a bit, observing their course until you can guess their objective. Once you know their goal, it's easy to pick a nice quiet spot to ambush them. Often you can stay in friendly territory all the way! Properly executed, this mission is a nice, easy milk run. ELIMINATING A FIGHTER PATROL Enemy fighter patrols have a nasty habit of lurking near their own air defense systems, and/or being supported by Mainstay AEW&C planes. Going in after them can cause quite a battle. One trick to avoid this mess is to publicize your presence in a nearby area. You should pick an area with little or no SAM coverage, and with no nearby airbases. If you can lure the fighter patrol to you, at this spot, the battle may be much easier. The typical way to accomplish the lure is to raise your EMV (by flying high, turning on the ECM, and opening the bay doors). If that doesn't work, clobbering a thing or two on the ground may catch their interest. Once you've "dangled the lure", it's wise to take a low profile again, so you can ambush the enemy fighters as they arrive. As in many other aspects of modern warfare, getting the first shot is a big advantage. DESTROYING A RECON BOMBER In most cases you must chase an enemy plane on its way home. Catch and attack him as quickly as possible. The longer you delay, the closer he gets to SAM cover and fighter aid. This is one mission where climbing to a higher altitude can be rewarding - you travel faster, farther at high altitude than low. Of course, don't go so high that you wake up the enemy and attract lots of fighters and missiles. ATTACKING A CRUISE MISSILE These aircraft are most unobliging targets. They cruise around deep behind their own lines, guarded by SAMs and closely escorted by fighters. Given the defenses, attacking these planes is like hitting a ground target. You need to sneak or punch your way through defenses, elude counterattacks, and blast the primary, just like a strike mission. TAKING DOWN THE MAINSTAY The Il-76 "Mainstay" AEW&C plane is the most difficult aircraft target. Sooner or later its radar will see you, forcing you to fight through fighters and SAMs to reach it. Make your approach as stealthy as possible: it postpones this hour of reckoning. Destroying one or two crucial SAM radar sites on your way in can be useful - it opens a radar-free corridor to the target, and at the same time may draw off enemy interceptors, perhaps even some of the Mainstay's fighter escort. STRIKE MISSIONS CHOOSING YOUR WEAPONS Selecting armaments for ground attacks is always difficult. The favorite weapon is the AGM-65D Maverick missile. It's your longest-ranged ground attack weapon (30 km; the Harpoon fires farther but is only good against warships). The Maverick's also an accurate "fire and forget" weapon. Its only weakness is that one missile can't always do the job (see the Weapon Effectiveness Chart at the end of this doc - ratings below B- mean the missile may not destroy the target). Fortunately, Mavericks are just fine against radar installations. Most pilots carry as many as they can afford, and fear the day when the crew chief tells them no more are available. Choosing between laser-guided bombs, retarded bombs, and free-fall bombs is often a matter of personal preference. Many times more than one weapon will do the job, so you can pick a type whose attack run suits your style. Other times you may be forced to use a certain weapon because nothing else does the job right. When choosing weapons, don't expect much from a weapon rated C or D against a target. Scoring a hit with such always requires a lot of luck. Certainly don't rely on such to take out your primary target. Weapons rated A or B can be relied upon, provided you deliver them accurately. SECRET AIRSTRIPS Dropping off or picking up items deep behind enemy territory seems rather straightforward. After all, you don't have to fly into SAM batteries or go head-to-head with fighter patrols. Instead, a secret airstrip challenges your flying skill. You must manage a landing without an ILS to guide you. Worse, the strip is only half the length of a normal runway. You must land gently, at low speed (under 160 kts, preferably), and touchdown near the start. Otherwise you'll roll off the other end and crash! To make matters worse, the strip's lights are only on for a limited time. Make a note of the time the lights go off, then periodically check the Waypoints screen on the right-side CRT (tap Select Way Pt key) to see how much time you've got. Once the lights are out landing is virtually impossible. If your opponents are skillful, their intelligence may have dangerous information about this mission. You could find enemy fighter patrols uncomfortably close to your objective, or bouncing you just as you're trying to land! AIRDROPS These missions are usually "milk runs". Your job is to avoid action and just fly over a radio beacon that's quite clear on your HUD. The only real worry is reaching the beacon before it is turned off. Make a note of the "turn off" time and periodically check the Waypoints screen on the right- side CRT (tap Select Way Pt key). Once the beacon turns off there's no way to find the drop site. Be warned that skillful opponents may have intelligence about this mission from their spies. You could find enemy fighter patrols lurking around the objective. If so, you could attempt to lure them away, or blow them away, depending on your ROE (rules of engagement). PHOTO RECON RUNS There are two hard things about photographic missions: using the camera, and keeping a low profile while you're doing it! Because the 135mm/IR camera is on a fixed mounting, you must steer the plane to aim the camera. This is more difficult than it seems, since the target swims into and out of view all too fast. Experienced pilots advise you to line up on the target 8 to 10 km away. Set up a perfectly straight course and keep to it. At 2 km to 4 km hit the bay doors and brakes, then pull the nose gradually up, bringing the camera's aim onto the target. Keep in this regime, using subtle pitch changes to keep the target in the camera, while snapping pictures. You've got plenty of film: don't be afraid to take plenty of extras! Success is announced right on the CRT. As soon as you have it, close the doors and brakes, then dive low for your escape. Don't be surprised if the enemy spots you during the photo run. Photo runs over enemy troop concentrations and/or near SAMs are especially nerve-wracking. You may need to take out a SAM radar before making the run. If shoulder-fired SAMs infest the area, your only hope is to dump a decoy before you start, run your IR jammer as long as you can, and/or periodically dump flares. FLYING AGAINST SAMS Destroying a SAM battery requires that you "sneak up" on them as best you can, then nail his radar first with a Maverick or HARM. With the radar out of action, the missiles are helpless. Unless there are other SAMs nearby you can have a strafing "picnic" with the missile launchers until a fighter patrol shows up. Remember that the safest place around a SAM battery is directly above it. The radar cannot look straight up, and the longer-ranged missies (such as the SA-2, -5,-10 and -12) have a minimum range of 4 to 5 km. Of course, getting to this point can be rather tricky. It doesn't hurt to run over the litany of defense techniques before going after a SAM: disappearing, decoys, ECM, chaff and manuevering. HITTING THE SUB PENS The Severomorsk submarine pens in the North Cape are a unique and special target. These must be attacked by toss bombing from the north: you must place an FAE through the sea doors. This means flying straight at the mountain, pulling up at the last minute. You may wish to make your run at 500' to 1,000', instead of 200'. This lets you begin the toss sooner (about 3 to 4 km away), giving you more leeway to clear the mountainside. Beware the Krivak-class frigates that patrol seaward of this submarine base. Their radars and SAMs cannot be ignored! You'll want to bring along a couple of Penguin-3 ASMs to eliminate these fellows. Even in Cold War, chances are good a Krivak will get a radar "make" on you, forcing you to hit him. SINKING SHIPS The ideal ship-killer is the AGM-84A Harpoon. This heavy missile is your longest-ranged weapon. It has a superb targeting system that hits the ship you target, even a carrier with a ring of escorts. However, don't underestimate enemy warships, especially those of the Russian Northern Fleet. The larger ships have exceptionally good radars and very powerful SAMs. Patrol ships can be knocked out with a single missile, but a task force has so many ships that any close approach means you'll be dodging missiles left and right. Most enemy ships stay close to friendly shorelines, with fighter cover nearby (if not overhead already). Don't forget that enemy aircraft carriers have their own fighters: you can count on a few flying CAP (combat air patrol). When fighting a conventional war with Libya, or in the Persian Gulf, be careful about attacking merchant ships. Avoid those on the high seas or near friendly coastlines; only attack ships close to enemy ports or shore. Otherwise, you could end up hitting a neutral ship by accident. BOMBING RUNS When attacking with laser or free-fall bombs, you'll have to rise above minimum altitude during the attack run. This, combined with the open bay doors, raises your EMV considerably. Try to minimize this exposure as much as possible. Remember, the higher your EMV, the better target you are for enemy missiles. The longer you're a big target, the more chances the enemy has to launch and hit you. The most frightening prospect is a bombing run directly over enemy troop concentrations. There's nothing worse than a host of shoulder-fired SAMs rising up at you. These are on the one missile site you can't knock out. Fortunately, they have a very short range. Still, flying through a barrage of SA-14s, dumping a flare every two seconds, while trying to line up a bomb, will turn your hair prematurely white. LIBYA INTRODUCTION Politics: Libya is ruled by Col. Mu'ammar al-Qadhaffi, leader of the secret army organization that deposed the former king in 1969. The capital city is Tripoli and the nation's cjief source of wealth is oil sold to western nations. Military Forces: Rich by third world standards, Libya buys most of its armaments from the Soviet Union. Personnel are trained by Soviet military advisors, but national pride has prohibited (so far) any significant Soviet presence. Soviet advisors are not invited on combat operations. The Libyan Army has approximately 60,000 men, the Navy has 53 ships and 6,500 men, while the Air Force has about 530 planes, 30 combat helicopters, and 8,500 men. A paramilitary "Pan-African Legion" of about 10,000 also exists. In addition, Libya has built and supported a variety of training camps for terrorist groups. Geography: Libya is a desert nation. Along the coast it has only one mountain region that is visually distinctive: the Jabal al Akbar to the east of Benghazi. These mountains greatly restrict the capabilities of Benghazi and Benina radars. Deep in the desert, east of Sabha, are the more desolate and isolated mountains of the Al Haruj al Aswad, while to the west are the great sand seas (ergs). LEVEL OF CONFLICT Cold War: At times Libya has been enthusiastic backer of international terrorist organizations. It provides funds, arms, military training, and base camp sites for a variety of Arab and other terrorist groups. America has already attacked tactical military targets in retaliation for Libya's role in numerous incidents of international terrorism in Europe and the Mediterranean. Limited War: The Libyan army has fought minor border clashes against Egypt to the east. Egypt is an American ally, and so far has proved considerably superior, militarily, to Libya. The Libyan army has also attempted an invasion of Chad to the south. After a protracted campaign against Chad and her ally France, Libyan supply lines through the Sahara desert were cut, forcing a Libyan retreat. Future limited wars between Libya and any of her neighbours are possible. Conventional War: In the even of NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict in the Mediterranean and/or Europe, Libya is expected to provide bases for Soviet aircraft and warships operating in the Mediterranean. These bases could become the westernmost outposts of Russian forces contesting the Mediterranean. FRIENDLY BASES Sigonella on Sicily (UD15): The USA maintains a military base at Trapani, on western Sicily, and the Sigonella military field in southeastern Sicily. The Sigonella runway is the main staging point for air attacks against the North African coast, especially Libya. Unfortunately, the flight distances are quite long. Using this base virtually requires that your F-19 carry extra fuel. CV America at Sea (UD70):@H This 60,000-ton "Kitty Hawk" class conventional aircraft carrier, designated CV66, often serves with the US 6th fleet in the Mediterranean. It participated in the 1986 raids against Tripoli and Benghazi. The carrier is ideally positioned for launching and recovering strikes against Benghazi, the Gulf of Sirte, or targets deep in the Libyan desert. Here it cruises on a southerly course with its traditional ring of close escorts. The carrier remains well north of the Gulf of Sirte to avoid SSM attacks from enemy ships and aircraft. It is surrounded by escorts and regularly replenishes the CAP (combat air patrol) with F-18 launches. NEUTRAL BASES These airbases are in neutral territory. You should not use these bases unless specifically so ordered, or if you must make an emergency landing. Suda Bay on Crete (VD41): This airfield, near the city of Khania, is not an American base, although in years past it was a major NATO air and naval base. It has the advantage of being both closer and less public than equivalent airfields in Greece or Egypt. Halfar on Malta (UD13): This airfield is on the island of Malta. Once a critical strength position for the British Commonwealth in the Mediterranean, it is now a neutral port and sometime tourist haven. SEEING THE SIGHTS IN LIBYA Flying over Libya is a unique experience. It is a truly desert nation, a land of red and brown hardscrabble with patches of tan sand and gray boulder fields. Water is all underground, seeping to the surface in occasional patches of green oasis or mountain valley. Mountain ranges are low, undulating areas full ofsmall hillocks and short peaks. From the air it's often hard to tell the difference between again roadways and the dark wadis (gullies) in the desert. But some works of man stand out, particularly the rust red of oil wells and pipelines, or the distinctive star-pattern of SAM batteries. LIBYA Tripoli (TC87): The capital city of Libya has a large military-civilian airbase at Idris, and is well protected by SAM batteries. Until recently these were long-range SA-5 Gammons, but there are indications that Russian military advisors may replace these with the formidable SA-12 Gladiator. Tripoli is also the site of a major army headquarters, various military depots, oil storage areas, and sometimes terrorist training camps. Missile boats often cruise off the coast. Sabha (UB17): This southern town is the main military base supporting Libya's southerly border expansion. It was the major depot for the Chad war, and is still extremely important to Libyan trans-Saharan ambitions. The most important military installations here are the large airbase and the SAM battery protecting it. Misratah (UC26) & Sirt (UC43): These two coastal towns are much smaller areas, with lower level military headquarters. The ports include oil storage tanks for refueling ships. Sirt is a secondary naval base, supporting missile boats that cruise the western side of the "Line of Death". Ras Lanuf (UC82) & Port Brega (UC92): Ras Lanuf is Libya's largest and newest oil facility. The majority of all oil for export is stored here, and a large number of oil tankers are usually coming and going at all times. There is also a refinery, vast "farms" of oil tanks, and a major military headquarters. Port Brega is an older oil facility, still in operation despite the completion of Ras Lanuf. A number of SAM batteries are sited in this strategically vital area. In addition the Port Brega airfield, west of the town, serves both ports. Benghazi (VC16): This city is the site of Libya's second-largest military base, including the Benina airfield and powerful protective SAM batteries. The city itself is large, with a military headquarters and a few small oil storage facilites to serve the ancient port. Terrorist training camps are not uncommon in the hills to the west. Al Badya (VC37): This sleepy coastal town in the mountainous Jabal al Akbar has major military significance. It overlooks the narrow Ionian sea between Libya and Greece, making it an ideal site for anti-ship missiles. There is a small airstrip and SAM site as well. Oil Fields: The great oil fields of Libya are in the southeast, where literally thousands of wells pump crude from the ground, which is piped to Ras Lanuf and Port Brega. The great producing fields can be found near Raguba (UC90), Waha (VB18), Amal (VC30), Jalo Oasis (VC40), and Gialo (VB49). Most of the great fields have a few storage tanks on site, to hold crude temporarily until it can be piped to the port. However, the majority of storage tanks are at the ports, not here on the fields. Secret Bases: Western intelligence operatives in Libya are preparing two secret, hard-pack surfaces suitable for aircraft landings. One is at Al Mukhayli (ONC VC43), the other is on the edge of the great ergs, at Yafran (ONC TC93). AIR DEFENSES Libyan air defenses use Russian-built equipment. Russian advisors train native Libyan crews, who then operate the equipment. SA-2 Guideline and SA- 5 Gammon SAMs have been the backbone of Libyan air defenses, but there are rumors of upgrades to the new SA-10 Grumble and SA-12 Gladiator systems. Local military forces make use of the SA-7 and SA-14 shoulder-fired missiles. These are also popular terrorist weapons, and can be expected in the vicinity of terrorist camps, Libyan army units use various medium-range SAMs, including the SA-8, -9, -11, and -13. However, these are not always in the best state of repair. AIR FORCE Fighters: The Libyan Air Force is primarily composed of MiG-23MF "Flogger" fighters, with over 140 craft in inventory. It also has a smaller number of MiG-25 "Foxbats" for reconnaissance and long-range interception, as well as some antiquated MiG-21s. The Air Force also has various Mirage 5D fighter-bombers for ground attack missions. Intelligence expects that MiG-23s and 25s will be your primary air-to-air opponents, although in Conventional War, or against higher quality pilots, you may encounter the new MiG-29 "Fulcrum" flown by Soviet personnel. Reconnaissance Bombers: Although Libya does not possess any Tu-95 "Bear" reconnaissance bombers, Russian planes of this type frequently operate from Libyan bases. Airborne Early Warning & Control: Libya has no AEW&C craft. No Russian Il-76 "Mainstays" are expected to use Libyan bases, since they are too precious. In wartime Libya is a distant outpost in the middle of NATO's great strength in the Western Mediterranean. Aircraft losses would be high - too high to permit risking the rare and costly AEW&C craft. Air Transports: It is suspected that Libya's antiquated fleet of C-130H and C-47 air transports (built in America) will be replaced with Russian equipment, perhaps including the new An-72 "Coaler" jet transport. NAVY The Libyan Navy is primarily composed of Missile Corvettes and Missile Patrol Boats. The largest of these are the 770-ton Russian-built Nanuchka II class armed with Styx surface-to-surface missiles, SA-N-4 surface-to-air missiles, and a twin 57mm gun turret. The other boats include the Russian Osa-class, Italian-built Wadi M'ragh class and the French-built La Combattante II types; these have poorer missiles and SA-N-5 SAMs, or no SAMs at all. The Nanuchkas are the best boats in the Libyan Navy. They perform the most aggressive patrols, making them the primary threat. Patrols occur frequently in the Gulf of Sirte, south of the "Line of Death". Sometimes the Libyan air force flies fighter missions in support of the patrols. THE PERSIAN GULF INTRODUCTION Politics: Iran has been ruled by Shi'ite (a Moslem sect) radicals since their overthrow of the pro-American Shah in 1979. In September, 1980 Iraq attacked Iran, beginning a long, costly war between those nations. Both contestants are viewed with distrust by the Arab states along the south of the Persin Gulf. Iran's use of international terrorism as a tool of foreign policy has not improved the nation's image. Iran also calls for a Shi'ite religious revolution throughout the Islamic world. This naturally bothers the leadership of the Arab states, since their governments are Sunni (another Moslem sect). However, Iran is populated by Persians, not Arabs. So far this cultural and linguistic barrier has hindered the spread of Iranian Shi'ite radicalism across the Persian Gulf to the Arab states. Military Forces: Under the Shah, Iran's oil-rich finances permitted massive investment in military forces, mostly from the USA. Since the revolution many complex weapons have failed for lack of spare parts and maintenance, while most of the rest were damaged or destroyed in the war with Iraq. Iran has some sophisticated aircraft and missiles remaining, but these are deployed to protect key cities in the interior, rather than as a border defense. Geography: Iran is a large nation with varied geography. The Elbruz and Zagros mountain ranges run from the northwest corner (where Iran touches Turkey and the Soviet trans-Caucasus) diagonally southeast, along the border with Iraq, and then parallel to the Persian Gulf. South of these mountains, at the head of the Gulf, are Iran's oilfields. North of the mountains the nation is divided into two regions. The western part, near Iraq, Turkey, and trans-Caucasus Russia, is fertile, heavily populated, and includes most of the major cities and industrial plants. The eastern part, bordering Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Soviet Central Asia, is mostly barren deserts and mountains with a small, impoverished, undereducated population. LEVEL OF CONFLIGHT Cold War: Iran's use of terrorism has been very effective to data. America's confused policy respons, culminating in the Iran-Contra scandal, is one example. However, eventually the continue violence may provoke a military response from the Western nations. Limited War: Iran and Iraq have been fighting a limited war since 1980. The cities of Abadan and Basra, on the national border where the Tigris- Euphrates rivers empty into the Gulf, are largely ruined by the fighting. Running northward are two opposing lines of trenches and bunkers with a "no-man's land" between. Each side attempted to discourage Persian Gulf shipping from aiding the opposition, resulting in missile and rocket attacks on many freighters and tankers. In 1987 and 1988 American fleet units escorting oil tankers became involved in surface battles with Iranian ships and boats, as well as an unfortunate civilian airliner that flew through a battle area and was shot down by the somewhat inept crew of the missile cruiser USS Vincennes. Conventional War: Russia could invade Iran as part of a wider NATO- Warsaw Pact conflict, or as a counter to the Shi'ite radicals, who would like to spread their revolution to the USSR's Moslem population. America may be drawn into invading Iran by its confused foreign policy. The vast and often hostile geography, not to mention a large and hostile population, argue against traditional military invasions. Instead, a gradual escalation from limited war, including bigger and deeper air attacks, is more probable. FRIENDLY BASES America's strongest allies in the Persian Gulf are Saudi Arabia and the tiny island kingdom of Bahrain. CV Nimitz at Sea (KY83): This huge 80,000-ton nuclear carrier is the class ship of the latest and most powerful program of aircraft carriers. Normally assigned to the Pacific Fleet, it is prepared to visit the Indian Ocean at any time. Here it sails with a close escort of destroyes, and has its F-18s on regular rotation in CAP (combat air patrol). American aircraft carriers do not sail into the restricted waters of the Persian Gulf, where they would be "sitting ducks" for land-based air and missile attacks. Carrier task forces remain in the Indian Ocean, although the Nimitz and her ring of close escorts have sailed deep into the Gulf of Oman, to provide a base as close as possible to Persian Gulf targets. If threatened the ship can always sail to the southeast and escape into the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean. Ras as Saffaniyah (JY19): This is Saudi Arabia's northenmost oil terminal and port along the Gulf. Its airfield is in a useful strategic location. Basing privileges for a secret "stealth" mission can be arranged with the pro-American Saudi monarchy. Dhahram (JY54) & Al Hufuf (JY44):@H Dhahram is Saudi Arabia's largest port city on the Persian Gulf, making its airfield and unwise choice for stealth aircraft operations. However, the Al Hufuf airfield slightly inland is a strategically useful and less public position for basing missions and raids. Either can be used for stealth missions, although Al Hufuf is preferable. As Salamiyah (JY00):@H This small airbase outside of the capital Riyadh is a nice, quite location where clandestine missions can be organized easily. Unfortunately, the gulf coast is far away. Bahrain (JY65): This small island nation is strongly pro-American, providing large naval and air base facilities for American military forces. It is fairly easy to operate stealth missions from here. NEUTRAL BASES Kuwait is a friendly neutral nation, Oman is neutral but pro-Western, and the UAE are studiously neutral. (At the time of writing/typing this, Iraq has just invaded Kuwait, but America is being amazingly limp-wristed about it, and have not offered military assistance, though Kuwait has requested it. USS Independence is steaming towards the Gulf, but is unlikely to actually do anything!) Kuwait City in Kuwait (JZ12): Originally neutral, Iranian threats and attacks caused Kuwait to seek US military aid and support. The Kuwait airport can be used to occasionally stage missions that demonstrate America's support to Kuwait, or for emergency landings. However, Kuwait is fearful of provoking more Iranian hostility, and therefore will not grant America basing rights. Besides, they'd like to stay on the good side of the Soviet Union too! Kuwaits great oil fields are south of the city, in ONC JZ20 and JZ30. Qatar (JY75): This small independent nation works hard at the appearance of neutrality, probably because it has strong pro-American and strong pro- Iranian factions. Although missions cannot be staged regularly from here, it is possible to use the pro-American groups to aid in specific clan destine missions or emergency landing situations. Ruweiss (KY01) & Tarif (KY11): These small oil ports of the United Arab Emirates are not especially friendly to the American cause. Because the UAE is a decentralized government, pressure and money in the right places could permit a clandestine mission or emergency landing. Some of the largest oil fields of the UAE are in this area (ONC KY22-23). Abu Dhabi (KY31): Abu Dhabi is the major city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where the appearance of neutrality is most important. Staging missions or emergency landings from this base is very difficult, but not impossible if Iranian diplomacy succeeds in making yet more enemies. Al Khafi at Dubai (KY65): This large airfield, outside the city of Dubai, is the most strategically useful of all UAE airfields. It is the base closest to south-central Iran, and as such an important launching or retrieval point for deep missions. However, as at Abu Dhabi, political problems make the use of this base difficult to impossible. Muscat in Oman (KY90): Oman is careful to remain neutral in all affairs, but is strongly pro-Western. For example, much of its army is trained and officered by "retired" British military personnel. The military portion of the Muscat airfield is available for missions and emergency landings, provided everything remains secret and politically "deniable". THE SIGHTS IN THE PERSIAN GULF The Persian Gulf is a desert region, not unlike Libya, except for the large, high spine of mountains that runs diagonally through Iran from the northwest to the southeast. However, water is more plentiful, especially in Iran, resulting in increased agriculture and a large number of local irrigation works to control the seasonal run-off from the mountain highlands. The Gulf has many interesting and exceptional areas, such as the Tigris- Euphrates watershed that reaches the head of the gulf around Abadan. Once a great seaport and teaming metropolis, the destruction of the Iran-Iraq war has reduced the area to a ruin of small towns and villages. Kharg Island, despite wartime attacks, remains one of the great wonders of the world. Surrounded by oil platforms and supertankers, guarded by missile boats and fighter patrols, it remains the site of numerous refineries and oil storage tanks. There are also great oilfields south of Kuwait City, north of Bushehr in the Bandar-e-Rig, on Bahrain and Qatar, and along the UAE coastline near Ruweiss and Tarif, as well as assorted individual platforms along the Arabian Gulf coast. Another interesting region of Iran is the great valley of Bandar-e-Lengeh and Bandar 'Abbas. Seasonal rivers, flowing from the mountains, have formed a fertile valley floor that empties into the Straits of Hormuz, the strategic doorway to the Persian Gulf. On the opposite side (the southern side) of the straits, the mountainous peninsula of Musandam knifes into the straits, creating a narrow choke-point of naval traffic. Iran Upper Khuzestan Triangle - Dezful (JZ38), Masjed Soleyman (JZ47), Ahvaz (JZ37): These cities are the main "rear areas" behind the Iraq-Iran battlefront. They have a variety of SAMs. Although all originally had airbase facilities, it is believed that only Masjed Soleyman's is still intact. Abadan (JZ24): This city is located at the final junction of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, just before they empty into the Persian Gulf. Numerous battles in and around this area have destroyed a large part of the city. The surrounding countryside, once contained with dikes and irrigation projects, is now reverting to a poisonous marshland in the aftermath of heavy fighting, which included the use of poison gas. Bandar Khomenyi (JZ44): This is the main Iranian military base behind the southern part of the Iran-Iraq front, and a major staging base for military supplies and munitions of all sorts. It has a large airbase, powerful SAM batteries, and a major military headquarters. Bandar-e-Rig Oil Fields: These oil fields, clustered along the coast and inland hills (JZ61 and JZ71) are a key source of Iran's oil wealth. Kharg Island (JZ60): This island is covered with refineries, oil storage tanks, and port facilities for oil tankers. Until the Iran-Iraq war it was the greatest oil terminal in the world. Repeated attacks have ruined many of the facilities, but never all of them. Now protected by SAM batteries, and missile boat patrols, it is still Iran's main port for oil export. Much of Iran's oil wealth is slightly offshore. One of the heaviest concentrations of oil platforms exists in the vicinity of Kharg Island. Beware that some platforms are now used by Iranian Shi'ite "Guards" as military bases. Bushehr (JZ80): This important coastal city was once a major oil port, but is now completely overshadowed by neighboring Kharg Island. The military forces on its airbase, and the SAM batteries, are not always first rate. However, it is home port for many Iranian frigates and missile boats that patrol the gulf. Shiraz (KZ03): This inland city, sited on a highland plateau, is one of the largest Iranian cities. It is also the nerve center and main headquarters for Iran's southern military command - the forces responsible for the Persian Gulf. There is an exceptionally large military airbase here, and it is usually protected by a powerful SAM battery. Esfahan (JZ89): This inland city, nestled in a large col of the Zagros Mountains, is the classic "gateway" to northwestern Iran. As a transportation and population center it naturally boasts an airfield, and SAM sites protecting it. The current state of the Iran-Iraq war has a powerful effect on what sorts of aircraft are based here. Yazd (KZ38) and Kerman (KZ84): These two cities are distant population centers on the edge of the Iranian deserts. Both cities are dominated by a strong traditionalist sentiment, which in recent years has translted into fervent Shi'ite extremism. However, the huge war losses are causing many families to reconsider their support for the Jihad. Bandar-e Lengeh (KY57): This western city on the Straits of Hormuz has a minor military base, including an airfield and SAM battery. However, its primary function is civilian, serving the large oil fields in this area. Seasonal rivers running from the mountains to the west down into Bandar-e Lengeh have a variety of interesting road and rail bridges over them. Offshore Oil Platforms are especially common in KY35-45. Bandar 'Abbas (KY68): This city is Iran's major military base on the Straits of Hormuz. Major Iranian Navy elements are based here, as well as the latest SAMs and a large, well equipped military airbase. Secret Bases: Western intelligence operatives in Iran are preparing two secret, hard-pack surfaces suitable for aircraft landings. One is in the Shalamzar valley (JZ67) in the Zagros Mountains, the other in the mountains south of Kerman, at KZ82. AIR DEFENSES HAWK batteries are Iran's longest ranged surface-to-air missiles. Nearly exhausted in fighting with Iraq, these weapons are formidable defenders of Iran once more. The reason? A large shipment of parts and spare missiles by Lt. Colonel Oliver North, USMC. He hoped to trade them for American hostages in Lebanon. Iran got the missiles, the hostages remained in Lebanon, and North resigned from the Marines Corps. Think about that when one fires at you! Rapier batteries, sold by Britain to Iran, are fast, but shorter ranged, and hindered by a fire control system that is primarily visual, with the radar intended originally as backup. The Rapier radar system never approached the quality or sophistication of the HAWK (MicroProse must have shares in the company that makes HAWKs!). In fact, in the Falkland Islands fighting, the Rapier was surprisingly ineffective. (It was?!) The Tigercat, an antiquated British design, appears in less-important areas. Many Tigercat sites have little or no radar, since the missile is designed for visual control. The Seacat is a naval version of the Tigercat, found on Iranian Vosper Mk 5 type frigates. It is somewhat more dangerous because the frigates have decent radar search systems.  IRANIAN AIR FORCE This service arm is composed primarily of American-built aircraft acquired during the Shah's rule. Before the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war the Air Force had a nominal strength of 75 F-14 Tomcats, about 200 F-4D and F-4E Phantom IIs, 140 F-5E Tiger IIs, plus various other planes and helicopters, including C-130 Hercules transports and P-3F Orion reconnaissance bombers. Fighters: Iran lacks the sophisticated technicians and parts to keep its F-14s operational. Within a year after the revolution fewer than five were functional. No missiles or parts exist for the long-range Phoenix AAM system, but some F-14s still have functional long-range radars. F-14s can carry AIM-7F Sparrows or AIMN-9H Sidewinders. The older but less effective F-4s and F-5s are easier to maintain. These planes are the backbone of the Iranian fighting air force, intercepting Iraqi raids, guarding rear areas and ships from attack, and occasionally attempting a raid into Iraqi territory. Iranian fighters are equipped with AIM-9H Sidewinders, one of the last and best first-generation IR AAMs. The F-4 Phantoms (but not the F-5 Tigers) are designed to carry the AIM-7F Sparrow, a long range radar-homing missile. Reconnaissance Bombers: Iran has few naval reconnaissance bombers, and most of those are P-3C Orions with inoperative electronic gear. Such planes are reduced to making visual patrols only - a waste of aviation fuel in a modern warfare environment! However, it's possible that long-range Russian Tu-95 "Bear" bombers may make an appearance, flying from Afghanistan or Yemen. Airborne Early Warning & Control: Iran has no "AWACS" or other AEW&C aircraft. Instead, the few operational F-14s are used in this role, since the F-14 has an extremely powerful air search radar. Air Transports: Iran has a variety of small, medium and large air transports, including the American C-130 Hercules, German Fokker F.27, French Dassault-Breguet Falcon 20, and Boeing 707 and 747 transport models. The exact types available vary greatly, depending on the supply of spare parts and the presenceof knowledgeable mechanics. Given Iran's dislike of the West, some consider it likely that she will shop in Russia for the next transports bought, perhaps the new and very flexible An-72 Coaler. NAVY The Iranian Navy has suffered greatly in the Iran-Iraq war, since most resources go into the army and air force. Many ships were damaged in the fighting and remain unrepaired; others have deteriorated badly for lack of maintenance. The great naval base at Khorramshahr, near Abadan, was destroyed early in the war and remains a ruin in no-man's land. It is believed that one or more of the four Vosper Mark 5 frigates are still functional. These 1,100-ton ships include a Seacat SAM surface-to-air missile system and a 4.5" gun turret. Occasional patrols by these or smaller ships can be expected in the region of Kharg Island or in the Straits of Hormuz. If functional, the Vosper frigates pose a significant military threat. Iran's Shi'ite "Guards" also man a large number of fast motorboats. The crew carry rocket-propelled grenades to attack shipping, and shoulder- launched IR SAMs to protect themselves from air and helicopter attack. Virtually invisible, these "mosquitos" are a threat only to unarmed merchant shipping, or an aircraft unlucky enough to pass over the area. These boats are based all along the Iranian coast, especially at Bandar 'Abbas, and from a variety of offshore oil platforms. THE NORTH CAPE INTRODUCTION Politics: The North Cape area is shared by four nations. West to east, they are Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Soviet Union. Their political orientation parallel their geographic locations: Norway belongs to NATO, Sweden is a pro-Western neutral, neutral Finland accomodates the Soviets, and the Soviet Union, of course, leads the Eastern bloc. Military Forces: In terms of global politics, the North Cape is the single most important military region in the Soviet Union. Murmansk is Russia's only year-round open-sea access to the Atlantic ocean. Russian SSBNs (ballastic missile nuclear submarines), the heart of nuclear deterrence, sail from here into the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The Soviet Northern Fleet protects these invaluable weapons, as well as maintaining a credible threat to NATO's Atlantic lifelines. Norway fields a large, tough force tailored for a dogged defense of its mountainous homeland. Reasonably well-equipped, the majority of the forces guard the populous southern regions. The northern bases have only token garrisons. Northern Norway seems more important to NATO than it is to the Norwegians, since important NATO air, naval and marine troop assets are planned to reinforce this area in time of war. Sweden's armed forces are designed to make the Russians (or anyone) think twice about violating that country's neutrality. The forces are well equipped and well trained, with a nationwide reserve system that makes a large part of the citizenry part-time soldiers. However, the northern part of Sweden is almost unpopulated, so the defenses there are considerably lighter. Recently Sweden has been greatly irritated by Russian midget submarines literally crawling around inside her fleet bases, and by a Russian diesel sub that ran aground in a harbour entrance while carrying a nuclear-tipped torpedo (a serious insult to anti-nuclear Sweden). As a result, Sweden may be willing to support NATO clandestine operations as a form of revenge. Finland fields a much smaller and less sophisticated force than its neighbours. Although fiercly independent, Finland has learned to accomodate the desires of its powerful neighbour, the Soviet Union. The Soviets maintain this "friendly" attitude by garrisoning powerful military forces near the Finnish border, and strongly encouraging Finland to buy Soviet military equipment. So even if Finland could detect F-19 overflights in its northern regions, it's unclear whether it would bother informing its "friend" Russia immediately. Geography: This entire region is a harshly cold climate. Northern Norway is a long, mountainous country with a harsh climate and "iron" (rocky) seacoast. In this terrain a small group of determined defenders could stop an army for years. The "open" areas of Finland and Sweden are deceptive. On the map it may appear to be an open plain, perfect for attack. In reality it's a frigid wilderness in the winter and a vast, marshy bog in the summer. LEVEL OF CONFLICT Cold war: Because of the potential threat posed by the Northern Fleet's ships and aircraft to the shipping lanes in the Atlantic, NATO and Russian forces are constantly sparring with each other, testing the other's responses and jockeying for position should hostilities break out. Officially at peace, the two sides wage a covert conflict of intelligence gathering and military posturing that can turn deadly at any instant. Limited War: If Russian or American foreign policy was conducted with greater hostilty, the North Cape would make an ideal place for Western raids of retaliations against the Soviets. Similarly, their air and sea defences could get excessively "trigger happy" and shoot before asking questions. Even among men of good faith, there is always a temptation to send in a secret mission to "take out" something that really bothers you. Israel and South Africa, for example, have surrendered to this temptation from time to time. Conventional War: The baloon's gone up. NATO and the Warsaw Pact are officially shooting at each other in this part of Europe (perhaps elsewhere too). The Northern Fleet is making a sortie into the Atlantic, Soviet troops have crossed the border into Norway, Mainstays and MiGs are clouding the skies. Now missions are no joke at all. Getting in and out with your skin intact will be very, very tricky! FRIENDLY BASES The two Norwegian land bases here are civilian airfields, but both are closer to the Russian border than the NATO bases at Banak and Bardu. It is easy and wise to stage stealth missions through either Lakselv or Kautokeino, rather than flying longer distances from more rearward fields. Such staging could be just a quick landing and refueling both inbound and outbound. In effect, the fields can function as grounded refueling tankers. Kautokeino (WX11): Located in the barren tundra of the Finnmarksvidda, Kautokeino airfield is well suited for operations across the top of Finland to Murmansk. The population is very small and the entire area well defended by tundra swamps and bogs in the summer, or sub-zero blizzards in the winter. Lakselv (WX34): Located at the inland end of the Porsangen Fjord, Lakselv town has an airfield ideally suited to operations into Russia. It is far enough from the border to survive the first few days of fighting, but close enough for easy flying. @GCV Kennedy at Sea (WX67):@H In the middle 1980s the Secretary of the Navy announced a new policy - a wartime policy of sending aircraft carriers deep into the Norwegian Sea, to challenge Russia's fleet near its home ports. Although considered suicidal by some, this policy is certainly useful for launching stealth missions. Here CV67, one of the conventional carriers with the US Atlantic Fleet, makes a quick dash to the North Cape to launch your mission. As always, the carrier is accompanied by a screen of escorts, and is constantly launching and recovering a CAP of F-18s. NEUTRAL BASES Available neutral bases in this region are all Swedish. Sweden is strictly neutral in international politics, but economically closely tied to the Western bloc. Given recent events and aggressive Russian moves, it's not unlikely that a few clandestine stealth missions, or emergency landings, would be allowed at northern Swedish airbases. Kiruna (WW28): The northernmost airfield in Sweden, this base is located in the nearly unpopulated foothills of the Esrange mountains. Stealth missions could operate easily from this area, with nobody but reindeer to observe the events. Gallivare (WW26): Although this airfield is also far north in Sweden, Gallivare town is a junction of rails and roads. In the summer months it is also a popular tourist area, with the Muddus National Park a few miles to the west. Stealth missions operating from this base must be very discreet. Lulea (WW13): This fairly populous city is the main Swedish military base in the Northern Region. It is also a port on the Gulf of Bothnia, the northernmost arm of the Baltic sea. THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN The North Cape (Nordkapp in Norwegian) is a realm of extremes. In summer the sun shines throughout the night, while in winter it never rises above the horizon. The most northerly areas are realms of tundra and permafrost - ground that remains frozen thoughout the year, save for the top few inches in the summer. Only moss and coarse grass grows here, although it can turn brilliant green on good summer days. The majority of the region is taiga, vast pine forests that are home to reindeer, artic fox, and rock ptarmigan. The southerly lowlands are a deep watershed, full of small lakes, marshes and bogs. The White Sea coastline is almost entirely marsh as the land blends gradually into sea. The interior of the Kola Peninsula has the characteristic mountains of a tundra-taiga borderland: low, rolling, rocky and bare, with pockets of snow even in summer. The Norwegian coast has more dramatic terrain. Here is the topmost end of the spine of mountains that divides Norway from Sweden. Even here they are still steep, bare rock with clinging patches of ice and snow. Amid this monotonous, desolute terrain are impressive human works, especially the city of Murmansk with its sprawling military complexes. Hideously expensive to build and maintain through the long, deep winter, this region is surely the most valuable military real estate in the world, judging by money invested per acre! NORTHWESTERN RUSSIA Murmansk (XX11): This major city is Russia's only year-round port on the Atlantic ocean. Its great piers and depots support not only a steady stream of merchant shipping, but the powerful Red Banner Northern fleet. Murmansk is literally "at the end of the line", in this case a long railway line that runs southward 700 miles to Leningrad. Murmansk is also the nerve centre of Russia's powerful airforces, including both PVO air defence planes and Naval Aviation of the Northern fleet. Satellite airfields surround the city, including large bases at Kildenstroy (XX10) and Kilpyaur (XX00). The Northern fleet includes, roughly, one aircraft carrier, 75 other major surface warships, one marine brigade, 133 submarines, and 446 naval aircraft. The protection of its cases is the duty of 12 Divisions of army troops (about 300,000 men total) and 150 planes of Tactical Aviation (airforce planes supporting the army) and the PVO (airforce interceptors guarding the border). The great Severomorsk (XX31) submarine pens are also just outside of Murmansk. This underground base is the home port for the new Typhoon class of ballistic missile subs, as well as many other diesel and nuclear undersea craft. Pechenga (WX91): This town is Russia's forwardmost military base in the far north. Just a few miles from the Norwegian border, Pechenga is the inevitably staging point for any invasion into NATO territory. Although it has an airbase and strong SAM defenses, the Polyarnyy airbase complex to the east (in WX80) is somewhat larger. Monchegorsk (XW18) & Olenegorsk (XW19): These two towns, near the base of the Kola peninsula, are major airbases for long-range naval aviation bombers, as well as providing fighter and SAM cover to the railroad link between Murmansk and the south. Kandalaksha (XW16): This small city is the main population centre at the base of the Kola peninsula. It is primarily a transportation hub, with rail lines and a naval port that faces eastward, into the White Sea. South of the city lies the Loukhi (XW04) air defense complex, including a large SAM battery that covers this section of the Murmansk-Leningrad rail line. Kem (XW21): South of Kandalaksha, Kem is the next significant city along the Murmansk-Leningrad line. It too is a small port facing onto the White Sea. It is also the starting point for the Voknavolok rail line that runs westward to the Finnish border. This is a purely military line, intended to support the Russian military presence on the Finnish border. Arkhangel'sk (XW71): This city is Russia's largest port on the Atlantic. Although closed by ice during the winter, it has much better rail and road connections to the interior of Russia, and is almost totally invulnerable to enemy attack. In addition to large port facilities, the city is surrounded by military defenses, the most notable being the complexes at Severodvinsk (XW51) and Kushkushara (XW84). In addition, units of the Northern Fleet patrol offshore in the White Sea. Secret Bases: Western intelligence operatives in this area have secretly created two hard-frozen airstrips suitable for landings, one at XW57, the other at XX20. AIR DEFENSES The Kola peninsula is vital to the Soviet Union because of the access it affords to NATO's lines of communications, but its very proximity also makes it particularly vulnerable to NATO counterstrokes. Consequently, the Kola Peninsula is likely to prove one of the most challenging anti-aircraft environments in the world today. In clandestine missions it may prove impossible to penetrate and escape this area without eliminating at least one radar system. However, you get lucky - the systems often shut down for varying periods of time due to maintenance difficulties in this most rigorous of climates. Long Range SAMs: These are area defense weapons that, along with fighters, are your primary opposition. The older SA-2s and SA-5s have been undergoing continual upgrade to SA-10 and SA-12 quality. The entire system is enhanced by the LPAR early warning system at Kirovsk. Light SAMs: Soviet ground forces in this area are outfitted with the usual battlefield SAMs, including the older SA-9 and SA-13 IR missiles, as well as the newer SA-8 and SA-11 radar guided missiles. Mobile infantry carrying SA-7 and SA-14 shoulder-launched IR SAMs are a significant threat as well. Check out your intelligence briefing (preflight) for "special event" areas showing the latest enemy troop concentrations. THE PVO AND NAVAL AVIATION Fighters: This region is defended partly by the PVO units, with long-range MiG-25 and MiG-31 interceptors using long-range radar-homing AAMs. Naval aviation fighters operating from either carriers or land strips include the Yak-38 V/STOL jet and the new Su-27 multi-purpose fighter. During wartime shorter-ranged units may arrive, including MiG-29 and SU-27 dogfighters with short-range IR missiles as well as long-range radar weapons. All these planes but the Yak-38 are worthy opponents. The Yak can only carry IR homing missiles (generally AA-8 Aphids). It is considerably slower and less flexible than the other fighters. Reconnaissance Bombers: Many long-range Tu-95D "Bears" are based in this area, to keep tabs on NATO naval activity in the North Atlantic. A nuisance in peacetime, these planes pose a serious threat in a war. Eliminating them is always a high priority in NATO war plans. That would blind the Russian high command to activities in the Atlantic and Norwegian seas. Transports: Russia possesses numerous air transports for its huge force of airborne units. The most modern of these is the jet propelled An-72 "Coaler", which is particularly suited to fast, high priority missions like inserting commando teams or transporting critical command personnel. AEW & C Aircraft: The Soviets routinely deploy Il-76 "Mainstay" aircraft in this region. The 300+ mile radars on this plane may be your most formidable enemy. If you're spotted and can't discover how or by whom, chances are it's a Mainstay. THE RED BANNER NORTHERN Russia's Northern Fleet offers both tempting targets and a significant threat. Its modern Sovremennyy-class destroyers carry SA-N-7 missiles, while the numerous Krivak-class frigates sport the SA-N-4. The larger Kiev- class carrier has the powerful SA-N-6, a sea-going equivalent to the SA-10. These warships are more than capable of defending themselves. Stationed off the northern coast, they significantly extend the Soviet anti-aircraft umbrella. In addition to these ships' SAMs, the Kiev carries a complement of Yak-38 "jump-jet" fighter aircraft. While less capable than ground-based fighters, the British Harriers in the Falklands taught the world not to underestimate the capabilities of such planes. An upcoming addition to the northern fleet is a class of huge aircraft carriers fitting out in the Crimea. Tentatively titled the "Kremlin" class, these ships are expected to join the Northern Fleet soon. CENTRAL EUROPE INTRODUCTION Politics: Central Europe is where the full force of East and West meet. Since World War II Europe has been two hostile Blocs, with a few neutrals balanced between. On one side are the communist East European nations, created in the wake of Soviet armies at the end of WWII. On the other side are democratic Western European nations, created by the USA and Britain in the wake of their armies during WWII. Since 1949 the West has been linked by NATO. In 1955 the East formalized an equivalent organization, the Warsaw Pact, dominated by the USSR. From then to now the two greatest military organizations on earth have uneasily eyed each other along the German border. Military Forces: The Warsaw Pact can deploy almost three million men, about 80,000 armored fighting vehicles, and 6,000 combat aircraft. Against this Juggernaut, the Western powers can field around two million men, 40,000 AFV's, and 4,000 combat aircraft. The numerical imbalance is partially offset by the higher quality of the Western troops and equipment, presumably along with the traditional advantages of being the defender. (Of course, the commies are bound to attack @4us@5, aren't they?) Together, the two sides have almost ten thousand nuclear weapons for battlefield use in Europe. These range from small, sub-kiloton shells designed to wipe out troop concentrations, up to multi-megaton city busters. Artillery, planes, and missiles of all types and ranges can deliver these weapons. At one time NATO felt it had to use nuclear weapons to compensate for numerical inferiority. Today it has an alternative plan: "Air-land battle, 2000". In this NATO uses superior technology, including its stealth planes, to attack deep in the rear of the Warsaw Pact armies, destroying their logistical support. If this innovative strategy works NATO need not use nuclear weapons to stem the Red tide. However, if this fails, NATO must choose between a nuclear holocaust and the conquest of Europe by the Soviet Union. Geography: The "Central Front" stretches 1000 kilometers through the middle of Germany, bordered on the north by the Baltic Sea, and on the south by the Alps. The initial strategic objective of a Russian invasion would almost certainly be the Rhine river, only 150 kilometers from the frontier (at the closest point). West German terrain is mildly favourable to the defender, especially in the forested and hilly southern half. The broad, flat North German Plain is the traditional invasion route. But every few kilometers there is a new town, village or city. Each could become a new defensive bastion. One often neglected geographic consideration is the terrain to the east of the frontier. With the development of the "Air-land battle" this region takes on a new significance. The North German plain broadens towards the east, encompassing most of East Germany and Poland. It is crossed by a number of major rivers flowing northward, channeling road and rail traffic into a variety of bridges. This combination of open countryside and numerous "choke points" is well suited to air operations. LEVEL OF CONFLICT Cold War: This is the situation of the last 40 years. The two sides maintain a wary posture, generally trying to avoid overt provocations, probing each other to gain information, stir discontent in the enemy population, and gain psychological advantages. The stealth fighter, designed for clandestine penetration, is the perfect aircraft for the secret operations common in this situation. Limited War: Now the conflict is at the brink of open warfare, but armies have not yet crossed any borders. As military acts escalate, the opportunity for stealth missions increases as well. Military actions are political signals that urge the other to back away in forceful terms. Unfortunately, sometimes fighting just escalates. This technique was successful for America on Grenada and against Libya, but it failed in Vietnam. Well, you're just a stealth pilot, carrying out orders. Conventional War: This is it! Russian tanks pour over the West German border while NATO forces scramble to stem the onrushing tide. On one side lies conventional defeat, on the other the disaster of thermonuclear war. "Air-land battle, 2000" goes into effect. Stealth aircraft, airmobile raiding groups, and long range "smart" munitions make the dangerous crossing over the front to hammer Soviet rear echelons. If they can isolate the Russian spearheads from their base, they may give the politicians an opportunity to avert disaster. FRIENDLY BASES West Germany, Holland, and Denmark are studded with airfields that could serve as bases for stealth raids into Eastern Europe. They form a gentle, north-south crescent bulging west in the middle. Which is the most suitable starting point for a particular airstrike depends mainly on the location of the target. However, the stealth fighter's unique characteristics will be most affective in the areas only thinly covered by radar to the north and south of the main arena. Therefore, deep penetration raids will usually start from Denmark or Southern Germany. Shorter tactical strikes, however, must fly directly into the mouth of the tiger. Jutland Peninsula - Vandel (CC52) & Leck (CB59): These far northern bases make ideal jump-off points for raids out across the Baltic. Often it's easier to deal with missile boats in the Baltic than the heavier SAM defenses in East Germany and Poland. Northern Germany (Hanover) - Ahlhorn (CB37) & Gutersloh (CB53): These bases, directly behind BAOR (British Army Of The Rhine), face across the flat, densely populated North German Plain, the most likely axis of advance should the Warsaw Pact attack NATO. Therefore, they represent the most direct route to one of the greatest concentrations of hostiles in the world. Central Germany (Westphalia) - Rhein-main (CB52) & Ramstein (CB50): These bases are the great, famous bases of American air power in Europe. Rhein- main is one of the largest military bases in the world, while Ramstein is headquarters for the 4th Tactical Air Force. Southern Germany (Bavaria) - Neuberg (CA68), Leipheim (CA57) & Memmingen (CA65): These bases are all Luftwaffe (air force of the Federal Republic of Germany), but like many German bases, are entirely willing to host American aircraft as needed. Any of these bases makes an excellent jump-off point for missions into Czechoslovakia. SIGHTSEEING FROM THE BALTIC TO BOHEMIA Without doubt, the most impressive sights in this region are the vast urban metroplexes, from the northern ports of Hamburg (CB67) and Lubeck (CB77) to the old cities of Leipzig (CB82) or Warsaw (DB95), or the industrial sprawl of Prague (DB30) and Krakow (DB90). Those northern areas not covered with cities, towns or villages are divided into small plots of farmland. Much of the area is watered by extensive river systems flowing northward. Bridges large and small are common near cities. An especially impressive suspension bridge can be found on the southwestern outskirts of Hamburg (CB67). The southern part of this region is dominated by low mountains that virtually surround the Czechoslovakian lowlands of Bohemia (to the west) and Moravia (to the east). The valleys and passes amid the mountains provide numerous natural routes, and not a few flying challenges. Although much of the highland areas were once forested, in the last few decades acid rain has denuded many areas and started rampant erosion. The once green mountains are now more frequently brown, gray, and black. The much higher Alps, capped by perpetual snow, are generally obscured by haze to the southwest. THE EASTERN BLOCK East Germany: During a limited or conventional war the main strength of the Warsaw Pact forces will travel through here, surging into West Germany. The greates natural barrier in East Germany is the Elbe River, running from the Czechoslovakian mountains northward to Hamburg. Destroying these river bridges would cut off the Pact's forward troops from their supply lines. Covering the Pact's forward areas are two main air defense complexes, one in the north near Wittstock (CB97) and Wittenburg (CB87), another in the south just east of Leipzig and Magdeburg, including the big radars at Mittenwalde (CB93) and Grossenhaim (CB92). Poland: In a NATO-Pact confict Poland is the "rear area" through which Russian troops and supplies would flow toward the front lines. Many important headquarters and depots are situated in the central and western part of the nation. The Wista-Vistula river system divides Poland in half, from north to south. Destroying the road and rail bridges can seriously damage Pact operations. Polish defense complexes include a powerful system west of Gdansk at Stupsk (DB48), and south of Lodz at Radom (DB83). In addition, Warsaw (DB95) is a major transportation hub, so active SAM batteries can be expected in that area during wartime. Czechoslovakia: This Pact nation, seperated from Germany by the mountains and the rugged highlands of the Bohemian Forest, is likely to play a secondary role in wartime. Czechoslovakian defenses are also somewhat lighter than those of East Germany and Poland. Tabor (DA38) is the most significant installation. Far to the east, guarding the entrance to Hungary and southern Poland, is another defense complex at Konmamo (DA87). Kalingrad: This region of Russia, named after the major seaport of Kalingrad (renamed from Konigsberg in 1945) at DB89, is the Soviet "front line" on the Baltic. It includes a major OTH (over-the-horizon) radar station at EB09, as well as the Klaipeda airbase (EC02). AIR DEFENSES Equipment: Since the "Central Front" forms the focal point of the war, the anti-aircraft defenses on both sides are the most intensive in the world. The Soviets are certain to deploy large quantities of their most modern weapons, SA-10s and SA-12s, for area defense. In some areas the older, less effective SA-5 long range systems may still be in place. Radar guided SA-8s and SA-11s are the most commonly used for more local defenses, especially near important military concentrations or objectives. A few are even sited near the larger SAM batteries to provide local defense. The shorter-ranged infrared SA-9s and especially SA-13s may appear instead if the radar-guided weapons are not available. At sea the Baltic missile boats typically have either SA-N-5 or SA-N-7 systems, although Krivaks and larger ships with the SA-N-4 can be expected in wartime. Defended Areas: The whole region is alive with lethal metal. The most dangerous areas will undoubtedly be on or near the front lines in West Germany, and perhaps at any invasion sites in Denmark. Also beware of reserve troop concentrations in East Germany or Poland. But these are relative assessments, not absolute. Let down your guard anywhere and your aircraft will undoubtedly follow. AIR FORCES The Soviet Air Force is the largest in the world, and one of the most modern. It deploys a wide variety of interceptor, bomber, and support aircraft. Some are obsolescent, but many can meet the best of the West. The Soviets know the value of air superiority. They'll give high priority to that goal in any European war. Fighters: As always, the primary foe is another pilot. With 6,000 combat aircraft to chose from, you can bet that the Red Air Force will find a few to spare for you. They'll also have the hot new models. If you're lucky, you'll only see second-line MiG-23s, but more likely you'll encounter quality dogfighters like the MiG-29 and Su-27. In the rear areas you're more likely to see long-range interceptors like the MiG-25 and MiG-31. Bombers: The Russians have many different bomber aircraft. One of the most troublesome is the Tu-95 "Bear" modified to carry cruise missiles. Keeping a number of these craft in orbit deep behind Russian lines gives them an "untouchable" airborne nuclear force. Your job as an F-19 attacker is to prove that this nuclear weapon can be hurt too. Airborne Early Warning & Control: The Soviet Il-76 "Mainstay" AEW&C was designed for work in this kind of environment. Flying "racetrack" orbits deep behind friendly lines, its powerful radars can see NATO air operations develop and radio appropriate orders to various fighter squadrons. The effort to develop these planes has been long and costly; the size, weight and expense of the electronic gear is gigantic. Each plane is precious. Eliminating them would cripple Soviet air operations. The Pact appreciates this too, so getting to them won't be an easy job. Transports: Thousands of air transports will shuttle back and forth on both sides of the front line, carrying troops, raiding parties, munitions, staff officers, etc. The new Russian workhorse that flies anywhere and carries almost anything is the An-72 "Coaler". Its high speed and short- field capability make it the natural choice for secret missions, and a natural target for your Stealth fighter. NAVAL FORCES The Russian Baltic fleet, headquartered at Baltiysk outside of Kalingrad, controls 4 cruisers, 16 destroyers (many of them obsolescent), 7 Krivak- class large frigates, 22 missile boats and other light warships, and 21 amphibious assault ships, as well as 45 submarines (mostly older diesel- electric models). It also controls the East German and Polish navies, which have numerous additional frigates and missile boats. This force has two goals: to cover the northern flank of the Warsaw Pact from air attack, and to invade Denmark in the event of war. Stealth missions will generally deal with the former, your problem being how to penetrate the warship screen in the Baltic. Because of the many confusing classes of Russian, Polish and East German missile boats and frigates, it's always wise to check the data on a ship. The SA-N-5 is just a first generation IR homer, and no serious threat. The SA-N-4 uses older pulse radar guidance, but the new SA-N-7 is a more serious problem. Fortunately very few Baltic warships carry the powerful, long-ranged SA-N- 10. EQUIPMENT ORDNANCE & WEAPON DATA CHARTS The charts and tables on the following pages provide a detailed data reference for USAF ordnance available to the F-19. Also included is equivalent data on enemy aircraft weapons and SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile) systems. USAF ORDNANCE SUMMARY (a-a: air-to-air, a-s: air-to-ship, a-g: air-to-ground) Max Max Guidance Attack Attack Qty. Weapon Range Speed System Altitude Technique - M61A1 20mm Cannon 6km 6000kts Hist. sight 0'+ anticipation firing 4 AIM-9M Sidewinder 17km 2000kts IR homing 500'+ a-a fire & forget 3 AIM-120A AMRAAM 32km 2400kts Radar homing 500'+ a-a fire & forget 2 Penguin-3 ASM 32km 500kts IR homing 500'+ a-s fire & forget 1 AGM-84A Harpoon 60km 500kts Radar homing 500'+ a-s fire & forget 1 AGM-88A HARM 20km 1400kts Anti-radar 500'+ a-g fire & forget 2 AGM-65D Maverick 32km 700kts Therm. Image 500'+ a-g fire & forget 2 GBU-12 Paveway 1+km glides Laser homing 500'c toss/level bombing 2 CBU-72 FAE 1+km glides Laser homing 500'c toss/level bombing 2 Mk20 Rockeye II 1+km glides Laser homing 500'c toss/level bombing 2 Mk20 Rockeye 0km retarded none 500'+ level bombing 2 Durandal 0km retarded none 500'+ level bombing 1 ISC B-1 Minelets 0km retarded none 500'+ level bombing 3 Mk82-1 Snakeye 0km retarded none 500'+ level bombing 1 Mk35 IN cluster 0km retarded none 500'+ level bombing 3 Mk82-0 Slick 0km free fall none 3000'+ level/dive bombing 2 Mk122 Fireye 0km free fall none 3000'+ level/dive bombing 1 135mm/IR cameras 10km on plane fixed viewer 200'+ level run 1 special equipment 0km retarded none 500'+ level run KEY TO USAF ORDNANCE SUMMARY Qty: The number of weapons of this type you can carry in one of your bay positions (you have four weapons positions). The M61A1 cannon is fixed in the nose and always available. Weapon: The name of the weapon. Max Range: The maximum range at which the weapon can be launched or fired effectively. A 0km range means the weapon is a free-fall or retarded bomb that must be dropped onto the target. Max Speed: The speed at which the weapon reaches the target. This is given in knots so you can compare it with your own flight speed. glides means the weapon 'flies' without power. Therefore your speed, at the time of launch, becomes the speed of the weapon. retarded means the weapon is a retarded bomb that falls away behind your craft, decelerating as it drops. Some retarded weapons even open a parachute during their descent, to stabilize the fall and line up the warhead(s). free fall means the weapon is a traditional free-fall bomb that arcs downward to the target. Guidance System: If the weapon has an onboard targeting system, it is mentioned here for general interest. Attack Altitude: The recommended altitude for the typical attack method. The "500'+" entry means any altitude above 500 feet is fine. The "500'c" entry means that a toss-bombing technique is used where the bomb is launched while the plane climbs from 500 feet. Attack Techniques: This references the appropriate attack technique. Techniques noted in second place (e.g. toss/level; level is the one we mean here) are alternate attack methods that are either more dangerous or more difficult to learn. See "How to Fight" earlier and "Air-to-Ground Tactics" for more details. KEY TO USAF ORDNANCE, EFFECTIVENESS AGAINST COMMON TARGETS TARGET TYPE ABBREVIATIONS 1: aircraft in flight. 2: airbase hangar, which at military airfields are armored bunkers. 3: airbase runway. 4: planes on airbase runways and aprons (i.e., outside of hangars). 5: airbase tower, including the tower radars and radios. 6: nuclear power plant. 7: bridge over a river. 8: buildings, including terrorist camps, offices, warehouses, factories, villages, homes, etc. 9: bunker, such as fixed Army HQ sites. 10: depot of military fuel and supplies. 11: missile launcher, including both fixed launchers and vehicles. Launchers may have SAMs or SSMs. 12: SAM radar station, usually with SAM missile launchers. 13: Large-scale Phased Array Radar station. 14: Over The Horizon long-range radar station. 15: offshore oil platform. 16: oil refinery. 17: oil storage tanks. 18: oil wells. 19: underground submarine pens. 20: all ships, including cargo ships, warships, and surfaced submarines. RESULTS ABBREVIATIONS The effectiveness of results is graded like a report card; the higher the grade, the more effective the weapon. A+, A and A- means the weapons are especially effective against this target. B+, B and B- means the weapons are of normal accuracy and effectiveness against this target. C+, C and C- means the weapons are not very effective against this target, but may do damage if either you're skillful or lucky (or both). D means the weapon has marginal effectiveness against this target. You have to be very skillful or very lucky to achieve an effective hit. F means the weapon is totally useless against this target. Any attacks will be a complete waste of time and ordnance. USAF ORDNANCE: WEAPON EFFECTIVENESS AGAINST COMMON TARGETS Weapon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CANNONS M61A1 20mm Cannon B F F B B F F B F B B C- C- C- B B B B F C AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES AIM-9M 'Sidewinder' A+ F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F AIM-120A AMRAAM A- F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F AIR-TO-SHIP MISSILES Penguin-3 ASM F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F B AGM-84A 'Harpoon' F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F A- AIR-TO-GROUND MISSILES AGM-88A HARM F F F F F F F F F F F A- A- A- F F F F F B+ AGM-65D 'Maverick' F C- F C-C B B C B C C B B B B B B B F B LASER-GUIDED BOMBS GBU-12 Paveway F B D C-B B+B+B B+ B B B+ B+ B+ B B B B F C CBU-72 FAE F B F F A-B+F A-B+ F F F F F B F F F B+ C- Mk 20 'Rockeye' II F F F B B F F B F B+ B+ B B B B B+ B+ B+ F B RETARDED BOMBS Mk 20 'Rockeye' F F F B B F F B F B B B B B B B _B B F C Durandal F F A+F F D C-F D F F F F F F F F F F F ISC B-1 Minelets F F A-F C F F C F C- C F F F F C C C F F Mk 82-1 'Snakeye' F F D B B F F B F B F C- C- C- F B B B F F Mk 35 IN cluster F D F A-B F F B F A- A- C C C A- A- A- A- F C FREE-FALL BOMBS Mk 82-0 'Slick' F C D C B D D B D B C- C C C C B B B F C Mk 122 'Fireye' F C-F B B C-F B C- B+ C C C C C- B+ B+ B+ D C AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES (AAMS) System Nation Guidance Effective Max Name or plane System Range Speed Maneuverability LONG-RANGE RADAR-HOMING AA-6 Acrid MiG-25 SAPR 50km Mach 4 Poor AA-7 Apex MiG-23 SAPR 34km Mach 3 Poor AA-9 Amos MiG-31 SAPR 82km Mach 3.5 Fair AA-10 Alamo MiG-29 or Su-27 ADR 64km Mach 3+ Good AIM-7E Sparrow F-4,F-15,F-16 SAPR 44km Mach 3.7 Very Good AIM-120A AMRAAM any USA ADR 32km Mach 4 Very Good SHORT-RANGE INFRARED-HOMING AA-2 Atoll any USSR IR1 14km Mach 2.5 Very Good AA-6 Acrid (IR) MiG-25 IR1 50km Mach 4 Poor AA-7 Apex (IR) MiG-23 IR1 34km Mach 3 Fair AA-8 Aphid any USSR IR2 12km Mach 3 Excellent AA-10 Alamo (IR) MiG-29 or Su-27 IR2 64km Mach 3+ Good AIM-9H Sidewinder any Western IR1 12km Mach 3+ Excellent AIM-9M Sidewinder any USA IR2 17km Mach 3+ Excellent KEY TO AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES (AAMS) System Name: The name of the missile system. Plane: The type of plane which can carry the missile. If a specific plane is listed, only those planes can carry that missile. Aircraft listed are restricted to those commonly encountered. and USA means any plane of the US Air Force, but not current or former American allies (and therefore not Iran). any Western means any plane of a western-allied nation, including former American allies such as Iran, or neutrals such as Sweden. any USSR means any plane of a USSR-allied nation, including such Soviet allies as Libya, Finland, Iraq, East Germany, Czecholslovakia, Poland, etc. Guidance System: How the missile finds its target. SAPR means Semi-active Pulse Radar. This requires that the launching plane continue to "paint" the target with radar until the missile hits. ADR means Active Doppler Radar. The missile has its own radar set, allowing the plane to "fire and forget". In addition, the missile's doppler radar is only fooled by chaff if the target plane generates a small doppler (by running perpendicular to the missile's course). IR1 means Infra-Red (First generation). The missile is a first generation infrared homer. It chases the hot engine exhaust only, and is easily fooled by jammers and flares. IR2 means Infra-Red (Second generation). The missile is a second generation infrared homer. It aims at any hot part of a plane, including the nose, wings and tail as well as the engine exhausts. It can recover from jamming and continue seeking a target. Effective Range: The maximum range at which the missile can "lock on" to a target. Maximum Speed: The launching speed of the missile. Mach 1 is about 660 knots at sea level. SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES (SAMS) (Search Firing Max Max Search Range Firing Range Speed Alt Name Mounting Guidance (km) Guidance (km) (mach) (ft) M. Long-Range Radar-Guided SAMs SA-2 Guideline Site Poor PR 200 BRPR 125 3+ 55000 VP SA-5 Gammon Site Poor PR 350 BRPR 150 3 95000 P SA-10 Grumble Site/vehicles Superb DR 320 SACGDR 125 3 70 F SA-4 Ganef Site/vehicles Poor PR 100 SAPR 70 2.5 75000 P SA-12 Gladiator Vehicles Good DR 290 SACGDR 150 3+ 70 F SA-6 Gainful Vehicles Poor PR 80 SAPR 30 2.8 60 F SA-8B Gecko Vehicle Fair PR 125 SAPR 65 2 25000 G SA-11 Gadfly Vehicle Fair PR 200 SAPR 100 2.5 45000 G MIM-23B Hawk Site Good DR 175 SAPR 125 1.5 52000 G Rapier Site/vehicle Good PR 75 SAPR 65 2+ 24000 VG SA-N-4 Warship PR 200 SAPR 30 2 25000 G SA-N-6 Warship DR 320 SACGDR 125 3 70 F SA-N-7 Warship DR 50-200 SAPR 100 2.5 45000 G SHORT-RANGE IR/VISUAL-GUIDED SAMS SA-7B Grail Infantry Eyesight Visual IR1 10 1.5 20 G SA-14 Infantry Eyesight Visual IR2 16 1.5+ 20 E FIM-43A Redeye Infantry Eyesight Visual IR1 7 1.5 10 VG FIM-92A Stinger Infantry Eyesight Visual IR2 10 2 20 E SA-9B Gaskin Vehicle Eyesight Visual IR1 30 1.5 20 VG SA-13 Gopher Vehicle Poor PR 125 IR2 65 1.5 30 VG Tigercat Site Poor PR 65 Visual 30 1.5 12000 G SA-N-5 Warship Poor PR 50-150 IR1 30 1.5 20 G Seacat Warship Poor PR 200 Visual 30 1.5 12000 G ABBREVIATIONS: DR Doppler Radar PR Pulse Radar BR Beam Rider SA Semi Active CG Command Guidance IR1 First generation Infrared IR2 Second generation Infrared M. Maneuverability... VP Very Poor P Poor F Fair G Good VG Very Good E Excellent Site Ground site (fixed emplacement) KEY TO SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES (SAMS) Name: The commonly used name of the system. Mounting: How the system operates when seen. Site means fixed missile launchers are positioned around a central radar station in a "star" pattern. Vehicles (plural) means the missile launchers and radars are mounted on vehicles. The vehicles are usually parked on open ground in an irregular pattern. Radars and missile launchers are on seperate vehicles, so they remain fairly close together. Vehicle (singular) means each vehicle has both radars and missiles. Although a battery usually has 2 to 4 vehicles, often widely dispersed. Warship means the radar and missile launcher are mounted on a warship. Infantry means the missile is man-packed, and therefore carried by ground military units, including installation guards, as well as by well-equipped terrorists. Search Guidance: The type and quality of search radar used by the missile. Eyesight is a very poor search method. Doppler Radar measures the change in range; it is most effective when you fly toward or away from it, least effective when you arc around it at a constant distance. Pulse Radar bounces signals off a surface; it is most effective when you fly sideways to it, least effective when you fly straight at it. Search Range: The theoretical maximum range of the search radar. However, against your F-19 radar performance is greatly reduced. The quality of the radar and local conditions determine its real, effective range. Firing Guidance: The way the missile finds your aircraft. Pulse and doppler radars have varying effectiveness depending on your flight path in relation to the missile (see search guidance, above, for details). BRPR means Beam-Rider pulse radar; the missile uses pulse radar guidance, with the radar receiver at the launching site. It cannot "burn through" jamming at close range. SAPR means Semi-Active pulse radar; the missile uses pulse radar guidance, with the radar receiver in the missile. Therefore it may "burn through" jamming at close range. SADR means Semi-Active doppler radar; the missile uses doppler radar guidance, with the radar receiver in the missile. It too can "burn through" jamming at close range. SACGDR means Semi-Active with Command Guidance doppler radar; the missile uses doppler radar guidance, with the radar receiver in the missile. It can "burn through" jamming at close range. In addition it has command guidance that permits multiple attacks (should the first attack miss). IR1 means IR homing (first gen.); the missile uses infrared homing that seeks hot exhausts. It is very vulnerable to both jamming and flares. IR2 means IR homing (second gen.); the missile uses infrared homing that seeks any hot surface, including nose, wing edges, tail, etc. It has logic circuits that help it recover from jamming or flares. Visual means the missile is guided by a controller on the ground, who must watch your plane and react to your maneuvering. Firing Range: Maximum range at which the missile is fired. Max Speed: Maximum speed in flight of the missile. Mach 1 is about 520 to 660 kts. Max Alt: Maximum altitude the missile can reach. Maneuverability (M.): The turning ability of the missile in flight. AIR-TO-AIR ARMAMENT F-19 WEAPONRY M61A1 20mm "Vulcan" Very short range general purpose gun Quantity: 1 fixed internally Effective Range: 3 km Maximum Range: 6 km Attack Technique: Tracking camera/laser historical gunsight Notes: This six-barrel gatling-gun type cannon is the standard internal armament of most US fighters today, including the F-4, F-14, F-15, F-16 and F-18. It can fire 6,000 rounds a minute, a high rate of fire that increases the chance that a shell will be in the "same piece of sky" as the target aircraft. Of course, this rate of fire also means that a wise pilot must fire in short bursts (otherwise he'll quickly exhaust all his ammunition). AIM-9M "Sidewinder" Short range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Quantity on rack: 4 Guidance: Second generation ("all aspect") infrared seeker Effective Range: 17 km Missile Speed: Mach 3+ Missile Maneuverability: Excellent Attack Technique: Air-to-Air "fire and forget" Notes: Almost every aspect of this missile has been redesigned and upgraded numerous times. The "M" model is the latest, with a greatly improved all-aspect seeker head, a new warhead and an improved rocket engine. Although an "N" model exists, it represents rebuilds of early "B" and "E" models and is less reliable. AIM-120A AMRAAM Medium range air-to-air missile with active radar homing Quantity on rack: 3 Guidance: Active radar homing (has its own radar in nose) Effective Range: 32 km Missile Speed: Mach 4 Missile Maneuverability: Very good Attack Technique: Air-to-Air "fire and forget" Notes: This is the West's first radar-guided "fire and forget" missile. The AMRAAM (advanced medium range air-to-air missile) has its own inertial guidance, onboard track-while-scanning radar, and computerized target discrimination. Pre-production and early production models are becoming available to Stealth units. ENEMY CANNONS M61A1 20mm "Vulcan" Very short range general purpose gun Effective Range: 3 km Maximum Range: 6 km Attack Technique: Radar predicting gunsight Notes: This gun is carried by Iranian F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat fighters, which were purchased from the USA in the 1970s (when Iran was still an American ally). GSh-23 23mm Cannon Very short range general purpose gun Effective Range: 3 km Maximum Range: 6 km Attack Technique: Radar predicting gunsight Notes: This is the standard aerial cannon of USSR-built aircraft. It is a twin-barrel design that fires about 3000 rds/minute. Range is equivalent to the US weapon. The slow rate of fire (compared to the American M61) makes it a less effective weapon. A six-barrel version with a rate of fire equivalent to the American weapon may arm the MiG-29 and/or Su-27. ENEMY IR AAMS AIM-9H "Sidewinder" Short range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Effective Range: 12 km Missile Speed: Mach 3+ Missile Maneuverability: Excellent Attack Technique: Locks onto tail exhaust, then "fire and forget" Notes: This was the most advanced model Sidewinder sold by America to Iran. The missile is solid, reliable and easy to maintain - admirable features that unfortunately means it must be taken seriously by American planes flying against Iran. AA-2 "Atoll" Short range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Guidance:@5 First generation infrared seeker Effective range: 14 km Missile Speed: Mach 2.5 Missile Maneuverability: Very good Attack Technique: Locks onto tail exhaust, then "fire and forget" Notes: This early 1960s vintage IR missile is now obsolete. However, it was produced in vast quantities and sold throughout the world to Soviet clients. As a result, it is still carried by aircraft of poorer nations, as well as the second-line planes of larger and richer nations. AA-6 "Acrid" (IR) Medium range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Guidance:@5 First generation infrared seeker Effective range: 50 km Missile Speed: Mach 4 Missile Maneuverability: Poor Attack Technique: Locks onto tail exhaust, then "fire and forget" Notes: Designed exclusively for the MiG-25 interceptor, this missile is an IR version of the powerful AA-6 radar homer (see below). AA-7 "Apex" (IR) Medium range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Guidance:@5 First generation infrared seeker Effective range: 34 km Missile Speed: Mach 3 Missile Maneuverability: Fair Attack Technique: Locks onto tail exhaust, then "fire and forget" Notes: This missile is an IR version of the AA-7 radar guided AAM (see below). It is most commonly found on MiG-23s. AA-8 "Aphid" Short range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Guidance:@5 Early second generation infrared seeker Effective range: 12 km Missile Speed: Mach 3 Missile Maneuverability: Excellent Attack Technique: All-aspect lock on, then "fire and forget" Notes: This small, lightweight missile is a pure dogfighting missile. Although its IR seeker may be inferior to the AIM-9M, it is considerably superior to earlier Soviet designs. This missile is replacing the now obsolete AA-2, and is carried by just about every Soviet-built fighter, interceptor and combat helicopter now in service. Soviet clients within Europe have the weapon, as do an increasing number of client states and customers around the world. AA-10 "Alamo" (IR) Medium range air-to-air missile with infrared homing Guidance: Second generation infrared seeker Effective range: about 64 km Missile Speed: Mach 3+ Missile Maneuverability: Good Attack Technique: All-aspect lock on, then "fire and forget" Notes: This missile is the IR version of the AA-10. It may be the longest-ranged second-generation IR missile in the Soviet inventory today. ENEMY RADAR AAMS AIM-7E "Sparrow" Medium range air-to-air missile with semi-active radar homing Guidance: Semi-active radar homing (requires radar guidance from plane) Effective range: 44 km Missile Speed: Mach 3.7 Missile Maneuverability: Very good Attack Technique: Semi-active radar guided from launching aircraft Notes: Nicknamed "The Great White Hope" because of its prominent exhaust plume, this missile was America's standard radar AAM in the 1960s and 1970s. The missile is not especially accurate, and depends on a close match with the firing aircraft's radar. Both the missile and radar demand regular and exacting maintenance. Although Iranian F-4s have this weapon, all these drawbacks greatly compromise its effectiveness. AA-6 "Acrid" (Radar) Long range air-to-air missile with semi-active radar homing Guidance: Semi-active radar homing (requires radar guidance from plane) Effective range: 50 km Missile Speed: Mach 4 Missile Maneuverability: Poor Attack Technique: Semi-active radar guided from launching aircraft Notes: This huge missile is the standard long-range armament of PVO MiG- 25 interceptors, and is roughly equivalent (though technically inferior) to the Phoenix AAM on the F-14. The missile is matched purely to the MiG-25; other aircraft cannot control it. MiG-25Rs sold to Soviet client states are not normally equipped with this weapon. AA-7 "Apex" (Radar) Medium range air-to-air missile with semi-active radar homing Guidance: Semi-active radar homing (requires radar guidance from plane) Effective range: 34 km Missile Speed: Mach 3 Missile Maneuverability: Poor Attack Technique: Semi-active radar guided from launching aircraft Notes: This was the standard USSR radar homing missile of the 1970s, the Russian equivalent of the AIM-7 "Sparrow". It requires a matching aircraft radar, found in MiG-23s of the USSR and Warsaw Pact. Many MiG-23s sold to smaller Soviet clients outside of Europe had inferior radars incapable of controlling this missile. AA-9 "Amos" Long range air-to-air missile with semi-active radar homing Guidance: Semi-active radar homing (requires radar guidance from plane) Effective range: 82 km Missile Speed: Mach 3.5 Missile Maneuverability: Fair Attack Technique: Semi-active radar guided from launching aircraft Notes: This new, large missile is a revision or redesign of the AA-6 "Acrid" and is designed exclusively for the MiG-31 interceptor. There are some reports that the missile is an active radar homer (i.e., has its own radar), allowing "fire and forget" launching. There is even speculation that the missile could receive mid-course corrections from the launching aircraft or a ground radar station, but it is unlikely that Russian computer electronics are capable of successfully implementing this yet. AA-10 "Alamo" Medium range air-to-air missile with active radar homing Guidance: Active radar homing (has its own radar in nose) Effective range: 64 km Missile Speed: Mach 3+ Missile Maneuverability: Good Attack Technique: Active radar homing independent of launching aircraft Notes: This new, medium-sized radar AAM is strongly believed to be an active radar homer, that is, it carries its own onboard radar for "fire and forget" use, like the AIM-120 AMRAAM. It is commonly found on the new MiG- 29 and Su-27. AIR-TO-GROUND ARMAMENT M61A1 20mm Cannon The 20mm cannon listed in the air-to-air armament section can be used against ground targets as well. GUIDED MISSILES Penguin-3 ASM Medium-altitude infrared-homing anti-ship missile Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Ships at sea Effective Range: 32 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 0.8 Attack Technique: Air-Ground fire-and-forget launch against any worship Minimum Launch Altitude: 500' Maximum Launch Altitude: 40,000' Notes: Designed by Norway, this modestly-sized and priced missile is aimed at a point on the surface, and flies there under its own inertial guidance. At this pre-designated point the missile switches on an infrared homer, seeking out the heat of a ship against the cool ocean background. The missile is not a sea-skimmer, and is therefore easier to shoot down. However, the missile's guidance system are entirely passive (unlike the Harpoon, which broadcasts its presence with radar signals). Although maximum range in high altitude launch is supposedly 80 kilometers, the range used here is appropriate to a lower altitude attack. Supplies of this weapon are limited because the US government is reluctant to purchase weapons from the same source that sold important military technology to the USSR in 1981. AGM-84A "Harpoon" Sea-skimming radar & inertial-guided anti-ship missile Quantity per bay: 1 Optimum (grade A) Targets: Ships at sea Effective Range: 60 kilometers Maximum Speed:@5 Mach 0.8 Attack Technique: Air-Ground fire-and-forget launch against any worship Minimum Launch Altitude:@5 500' Maximum Launch Altitude:@5 40,000' Notes: The Harpoon is the standard anti-ship missile of the American Navy and Air Force. This weapon is more powerful, longer ranged and harder to stop than the Penguin. It is launched under inertial guidance with considerable computer assistance, flying at sea-skimming altitudes to avoid detection. At a pre-programmed point it turns on its radar, to find and home in on the target. Depending on the terminal guidance package installed it will either pop up and dive on the target, or fly straight in. Like most anti-shipping missiles, the remaining rocket fuel is almost as destructive as the warhead itself. (At this point, I think PP Sledgehammer would like me to say that the Harpoon is a piece of garbage, and Seawolf beats the crap out of it...) AGM-88A HARM High speed anti-radiation ("homes on radar") missile Quantity per bay: 1 Optimum (grade A) Targets: Ground radar stations Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Warship radars Effective Range: 20 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2+ Attack Technique: Air-Ground fire-and-forget launch against any radar Minimum Launch Altitude: 500' Maximum Launch Altitude: 60,000' Notes: This is America's most advanced anti-radar missile. It can lock and home on hostile radars even if they jump frequencies or switch off. The US Defense Department has hinted that it can even home on radar set components that are still warm, even if the set itself is turned off! The missile also has a "loiter" mode where it is fired blind and circles, waiting for a hostile radar to appear so it can attack it. The "loiter" attack mode is not available to HARMs carried on the F-19. AGM-65D "Maverick" Thermal-imaging air-to-ground guided missile Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Bridges, bunkers, radar sites, oil facilities, ships Poor (grade C) Targets: Airbase hangars, ground planes, buildings, depots, missile sites Effective Range: 32 kilometers Maximum Speed:5 Mach 1+ Attack Technique: Air-Ground fire-and-forget launch Minimum Launch Altitude: 500' Maximum Launch Altitude: 40,000' Notes: The Maverick is America's standard air-to-ground guided missile, and has a wide variety of guidance systems. The original design put a simple video camera in the missile's nose. While the missile remained attached to the plane the pilot used a miniature stick and screen to aim the bomb at the target below, locked it in, and released the weapon. Once in flight the bomb steered toward the image locked into its computer brain. Later versions added zoom-lenses, PAVE TACK lasers, and ultimately, in the "D" model, a FLIR (forward-looking infrared) thermal imaging system that can "see" through clouds, smoke, and night. The missile usually carries a shaped-charge warhead for maximum effect against hardened targets impervious to normal bombing attacks. However, high explosive warheads can be fitted instead for maximum destructive effect against unarmored targets. LASER-GUIDED BOMBS GBU-12 Paveway Laser-guided glide bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Hangars, buildings, bridges, bunkers, depots, missile sites, radar sites, oil facilities Poor (grade C) Targets:@5 Ships Effective Range: 2 kilometers per 1K' of altitude Maximum Speed: Glide bomb Attack Technique: Toss bombing or level bombing Toss Bombing Attack Altitude: 500' and climb Level Bombing Attack Altitude: 2,000' and turn away Notes: The GBU-12 is one of the standard laser-guided bombs in the US armory. Large fighter-bombers like the F-111 favor heavier 1,000lb and 2,000lb models, but the F-19 must carry lighter weight munitions in its small bays. The Pave Tack guidance system is the most accurate way of placing a bomb on a target (short of using a guided missile like the Maverick). The advantage of using a bomb is that the weapon weight is almost entirely explosive, while guided missiles must, of necessity, use some of their weight for the rocket motor. CBU-72 FAE Laser-guided triple fuel-air explosive ("overpressure") bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Optimum (grade A) Targets: Buildings Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Submarine pens, hangars, bunkers, oil platforms Poor (grade C) Targets: Ships Effective Range: 2 kilometers per 1K' of altitude Maximum Speed: Glide bomb Attack Technique: Toss bombing or level bombing Toss Bombing Attack Altitude: 500' and climb Level Bombing Attack Altitude: 2,000' and turn away Notes: This weapon contains a mixture of three heavier-than-air gases. When the bomb lands, the gases are released into the air, forming an explosive mixture. A delayed-action fuse ignites the mixture, which causes the contaminated air to burn. As well as incinerating everything, the burning gas expands instantly. In the open air this is sufficient to set off mines and flatten soft objects (such as men). However, in an enclosed space the effect is vastly magnified, with the walls, floor and roof of the structure broken and blown apart. The result in underground structures, like submarine pens, is total destruction. Mk 20 "Rockeye" II Laser-guided high-explosive cluster bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Grounded planes, buildings, depots, missile sites, radar sites, oil facilities, ships Effective Range: 2 kilometers per 1K' of altitude Maximum Speed: Glide bomb Attack Technique: Toss bombing or level bombing Toss Bombing Attack Altitude: 500' and climb Level Bombing Attack Altitude: 2,000' and turn away Notes: This weapon marries a laser-guided glide-bomb system with a Mk 20 Rockeye cluster munition (see below). The laser guidance allows for earlier release and greater bomblet release accuracy. With an area weapon like a cluster bomb the former is more important, since it gives an increased safety margin to the launching aircraft. Mk 20 "Rockeye" Retarded fragmentation cluster bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (grade B) Targets: Grounded planes, buildings, depots, missile sites, radar sites, oil facilities Poor (grade C) Targets: Ships Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Retarded bomb Attack Technique: Low-altitude level bombing Level Bombing Attack Altitude: 500' Notes: This cluster bomb breaks open about 100' above the surface, spinning out 247 shaped-charge bomblets that can destroy buildings, armored vehicles, and people. The opening height and pattern can be pre-set for various types of targets. The U.S. Navy discovered these bombs were effective against small warships when a single cluster bomb wrecked a Libyan Nanuchka-class missile boat in 1986. Of course, not all warships are as vulnerable. Durandal Bomb Parachute-deployed runway-penetration bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Optimum (grade A) Targets: Runways Poor (grade C) Targets: Bridges Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Retarded bomb Attack Technique: Low-altitude level bombing Level Bombing Attack Altitude: 500' Notes: This is the standard anti-runway weapon in the USAF arsenal, even though it's French made. When the Durandal is released over target it deploys parachute. This causes it to float nose-down and roughly stationary over the runway surface. Then its rocket motor ignites, blasting the warhead straight down through the concrete, where a delayed action fuse explodes it. This heaves up large sections of runway surface, while smaller shards fly hundreds of feet through the air. The result is a thoroughly ruined surface and tons of wreckage that requires both heavy equipment and considerable time to repair. ISC B-1 Minelets Parachute-deployed minelet dispenser Quantity per bay: 1 Optimum (Grade A) Targets: Runways Poor (Grade C) Targets: Buildings, depots, missile sites, oil facilities on land Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Retarded bomb Attack Technique: Low altitude level bombing Level bombing attack altitude: 500' Notes: This new weapon breaks open at altitude and dispenses a variety of small anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and delayed fuse mines. Used on airfields they prevent flight operations until cleared. They can also cause problems around open-air structures such as refineries, oil wells etc. Clearing the mines is complicated by the variety of types, as well as random delayed-fuse bombs (i.e., you'll never know when another will explode!). Mk 82-1 "Snakeye" Retarded high-explosive ("iron") bomb Quantity per bay: 3 Acceptable (Grade B) Targets:@5 Grounded planes, buildings, depots, oil facilities on land Poor (Grade C) Targets: Radar sites Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Retarded bomb Attack Technique: Low altitude level bombing Level bombing attack altitude: 500' Notes: Retarded bombs use parachutes ar vanes to slow their descent, allowing the plane to clear the area before they land and explode. As a result they can be dropped from a lower altitude than free-fall bombs. However, they are less accurate, making them unsuitable against small targets. For the most accurate release, retarded bombs should be dropped in level flight. The Snakeye is the standard vane-type retarder unit for many US bombs, here attached to the Mk 82 500 lb. high-explosive bomb. Mk 35 IN Cluster Retarded incendiary cluster bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Optimum (Grade A) Targets: Grounded planes, depots, missile sites, oil facilities Acceptable (Grade B) Targets: Buildings Poor (Grade C) Targets: Radar sites, ships Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Retarded bomb Attack Technique: Low-altitude level bombing Level bombing attack altitude: 500' Notes: This cluster bomb is similar to the Rockeye, but filled with 57 incendiary bomblets. The cluster breaks apart in mid-air, spreading the bomblets over an area of several hundred yards. Then each bomblet spreads a burning liquid wherever it lands. The result is a raging fire that completely covers a wide area. Free-Fall Bombs MK 82-0 "Slick" Free fall high explosive ("iron") bomb Quantity per bay: 3 Acceptable (Grade B) Targets: Buildings, depots, oil facilities on land Poor (Grade C) Targets: Hangars, grounded planes, missile sites, radar sites, oil platforms, ships. Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Free-fall bomb Attack Technique: Level bombing or dive bombing Level bombing attack altitude: 3,000' Dive bombing attack altitude: Dive from 8,000', release at 3,000' Notes: This weapon is the traditional 500 lb high explosive bomb, virtually unchanged in concept since WWII. The effectiveness of this bomb depends almost entirely on the skill of the bomber. The most important consideration when using "iron" bombs is that releases below 2000' don't give the bomb time to arm in flight, causing "dud" hits. This occurred in the Falklands war of 1982, when Argentine pilots repeatedly hit British ships with bombs dropped from 50' to 100'. Not one bomb exploded. MK 122 "Fireye" Free fall incendiary ("fire") bomb Quantity per bay: 2 Acceptable (Grade B) Targets: Grounded planes, buildings, depots, oil facilities on land. Poor (Grade C) Targets: Hangars, bunkers, missile sites, radar sites, oil platforms, ships. Effective Range: Nil Maximum Speed: Free-fall bomb Attack Technique: Level bombing or dive bombing Level bombing attack altitude: 3,000' Dive bombing attack altitude: Dive from 8,000', release at 3,000' Notes: This weapon contains an incendiary gel that spreads a burning liquid over a wide area. The liquid can flow into vents, grates, weapon slits, etc., making it effective against vehicles and fortifications as well as open-air targets. Of course, the bomb must be placed on the target with some accuracy to achieve this effect. Bombing skill is extremely important with this weapon. OTHER EQUIPMENT 135mm/IR Camera Visual and Infrared photographic reconnaissance camera Quantity per bay: 1 Targets: Any Effective Range: Not Applicable Maximum Speed: Not Applicable Attack Technique: Level low-altitude photographic run Photo run altitude: 200' Notes: This pallette contains a 135mm high resolution camera for use in visible light and, and a second camera for infrared (IR) thermal photography. Both photographs are taken simultaneously under pilot control. When this camera is deployed through the bomb bay, the F-19's tracking camera is "frozen" into a pre-programmed position, allowing it to function as a viewer for the big 135mm lens. 1900 lbs Fuel Additional fuel for extended range flying Quantity per bay: 1 Targets: Not Applicable Effective Range: Improves flight range by 19% per tank Maximum Speed: Not Applicable Attack Technique: Not Applicable Altitude: No effect Notes: This fuel container gives extra range with the mininum container weight. It replaces the weapons mounting in one bay. The fuel can be transferred into the main tanks by the flip of a switch. The F-19 turbofan engine fuel lines run only to the main tanks; the engines cannot be fed directly from extra tanks. Special Equipment The data below refers to airdropping secret equipment Quantity per bay: 1 Targets: Not Applicable Effective Range: Not Applicable Maximum Speed: Not Applicable Attack Technique: Airdrop from level flight or land at airstrip Airdrop altitude: 500' to 1000' Notes: Airdropped equipment in the F-19 uses a simple ripcord-and-chute design. When the equipment package is released from the weapons bay, a long ripcord remains attached. Within a second the cord draws taught and pulls open the chute. SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE SYSTEMS SAM Technical Specifications Radar Ratings: Pulse radars are generally less effective than doppler radars. Obsolescent radars of either type are greatly inferior to modern radars. As a result, modern doppler radars are the most dangerous, while obsolescent pulse radars are the least dangerous. Ranges are given in kilometers. Note that a maximum firing range is often less than the maximum search range, due to the limited fuel carried by most missiles. Guidance Systems: Radar guided missiles, with or without command guidance, are confused by your ECM jammer unless they are very close. If they are close, chaff is needed instead. Infrared guided missiles are confused by your IR jammer unless very close, where flares are used instead. A decoy is effective against any type of missile. Visually guided missiles cannot be fooled, but are usually slow reacting, allowing you to outmaneuver them fairly easily. Maximum speed is a useful measure of whether you can outrun a missile, and how much reaction time you have if one is fired. Mach 1 or 2 missiles are fairly slow and easier to deal with. Mach 3 or faster missiles are much more formidable opponents. Maximum altitude is also a useful measure, since in some cases you can fly above the missile's ceiling. Maneuverability indicates how easy it is to outmaneuver the missile. The less maneuverable the missile, the better your chance of turning perpendicular to its course and outmaneuvering it. Radar-Controlled SAMs The standard long-range SAM is controlled by radar. First the search radar scans the sky to find your plane. Search radars are graphically portrayed in the pre-flight briefing, and on your cockpit CRT maps. When the search system finds your plane, it will "hand off" the prospective target to a narrow beam fire control radar, usually running on a different frequency. The "TRAK" warning light in the cockpit alerts you whenever a narrow-beam tracking radar "paints" your craft. Tracking continues while the missile is airborne. Beam Rider radar guided missiles are the least flexible. They "ride" the controlling radar's beam. They can be easily jammed, have poor maneuverability, and cannot "turn around" for a second attack if they miss. Semi-Active radar guided missiles are more flexible. They can "burn through" jamming as they approach the target, and often have better maneuverability. However, like beam-riders, they cannot "turn around" for a second attack if they miss. Command Guidance radar-guided missiles are the most flexible. Like semi- active missiles, they can burn through jamming at short distances and have good maneuverability. In addition, they can be commanded to turn around and try again if they miss on the first pass. SA-2 Guideline Long-range fixed-site radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar bunker with missile emplacements Search System: Obsolescent pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 200 kilometers Guidance System: Obsolescent pulse radar "beam-rider" Maximum Firing Range: 125 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 3+ Maximum Altitude: 55,000' Maneuverability: Very poor Notes: This very old system is used by many third world nations outfitted with Soviet equipment. Although the radar systems have been upgraded over the last two decades, they are still inferior to modern systems. The last time SA-2s were used effectively was in the air defense of North Vietnam in the early 70s. Today it is almost worthless. SA-5 Gammon Long-range fixed-site radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar bunker with missile emplacements Search System: Obsolescent pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 350 kilometers Guidance System: Obsolescent pulse radar "beam-rider" Maximum Firing Range: 150 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 3 Maximum Altitude: 95,000' Maneuverability: Poor Notes: The SA-5 is the largest and longest ranged SAM in the world today. However, bigger is not always better. Missile accuracy at extreme ranges is poor, its radar control system mediocre, and the huge missile has very poor maneuverability. Still, the extreme range poses a formidable threat. In its 1986 exchanges with Libya, the US Navy's first priority was disabling the SA-5 Gammon batteries with HARM missiles. SA-10 Grumble Long-range fixed-site or vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar bunker or armored vehicle with missile emplacements or armored vehicle missile launchers. Search System: Phased-array doppler radar Maximum Search Range: 320 kilometers Guidance System: Modern doppler radar and command guidance Maximum Firing Range: 125 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 3 Maximum Altitude: Over 70,000' Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This semi-mobile all-altitude defense system was originally designed to defend the borders of the USSR from both cruise missiles and aircraft. However, recent failures to detect and engage low-flying aircraft suggest this system is less than perfect. The SA-10 is a "new generation" long range air defense weapon designed to replace the obsolescent SA-5 Gammon. Because this weapon is new, details may be innaccurate. SA-4 Ganef Medium-range fixed-site or vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar bunker with missile emplacements, or radar and launcher on tracked vehicles Search System: Obsolescent pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 100 kilometers Guidance System: Obsolescent pulse radar & semi-active radar homing Maximum Firing Range: 70 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5 Maximum Altitude: 75,000' Maneuverability: Very poor Notes: The SA-4 was Russia's first mobile, battlefield SAM, designed to accompany large military formations as they maneuver on the battlefield. It operates in the rear areas of the front lines, attacking aircraft that IR SAMs fail to hit. The SA-4 entered service in the 1960s. It is now obsolescent, found only in 2nd and 3rd line Russian units. It has been sold extensively to Russian allies and client states. SA-12 Gladiator Medium/long-range site or vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Temporary site with radar and missile launchers, or dispersed radar and launcher vehicles Search System: Phased-array doppler radar Maximum Search Range: 290 kilometers Guidance System: Modern doppler radar and command guidance Maximum Firing Range: 150 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 3+ Maximum Altitude: Over 70,000' Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This very new system is believed to be a semi-mobile SAM designed to accompany armies, deploying far to the rear. From that position the missile can provide a wide umbrella of defense against both air raids and missile attacks. Because this weapon is quite new, the details may be innaccurate. SA-6 Gainful Medium-range vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar and launcher on tracked vehicles Search System: Obsolescent pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 80 kilometers Guidance System: Obsolescent pulse radar and command guidance Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2.8 Maximum Altitude: 60,000' Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This medium ranged battlefield SAM is also obsolescent in the Russian army, but extensively used by the first-line forces of Soviet allies and client states. It is designed to accompany combat troops, protecting them from positions only a short distance behind the front lines. The missile was very effective in the first few days of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, but soon succumbed to advanced ECM jammers. SA-8 Gecko Medium-range vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar and launcher on a single vehicle Search System: Modern pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 125 kilometers Guidance System: Modern pulse radar, semi-active with video backup Maximum Firing Range: 65 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2 Maximum Altitude: 25,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: This shorter-ranged but higher quality successor to the SA-6 was the standard "up front" radar SAM of the Soviet Army in the 1970s and early 1980s. Now being replaced by the SA-11, it is likely to appear among the armies of Russia's allies and client states soon. SA-11 Gadfly Medium-range vehicular radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar and launcher on a single vehicle Search System: Modern doppler radar Maximum Search Range: 200 kilometers Guidance System: Modern pulse radar, backup unknown Maximum Firing Range: 100 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5 Maximum Altitude: 45,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: This weapon is the "next generation" battlefield radar SAM designed to replace the SA-6 and SA-8. The weapon is very new, and details may well be inaccurate. MIM-23B Hawk Medium-range fixed-site radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Radar bunker or trailer with missile launcher emplacements or trailers Search System: Moder pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 175 kilometers Guidance System: Modern pulse radar and command guidance Maximum Firing Range: 125 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Altitude: 52,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: The HAWK has long been the standard SAM of the USA, with various models exported to allies, including Iran. Lt.Colonel North's famous arms deal to Iran included extra parts and missiles for HAWK batteries, then Iran's most powerful air defense system. This missile was adequate for the 1970s, but is no longer "state of the art" against first-line 1980s aircraft. The US Army's replacement, the MIM-104 "Patriot" has not been sold to any other nation. Rapier Short-range fixed-site visual/radar-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Combined radar and launcher pedestal, or on tracked vehicle. Search System: Modern pulse radar Maximum Search Range: 75 km Guidance System: Optical command guidance with semi-active pulse radar backup Maximum Firing Range: 65 km Maximum Speed: Mach 2+ Maximum Altitude: 24,000' Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This is a British high-precision, high-speed SAM for general battlefield defense (roughly equivalent to the SA-8). However it is greatly hampered by its short range, and was not very effective in the Falklands for this reason. Fixed pedestal versions were sold to the Iranian air force for airbase defense. SA-N-4 Medium-range area-defense naval SAM. Battery configuration: Integral to warship Search System: depends on the ship, usually some type of pulse radar Maximum Search Range: Depends on the ship. Typically 100-200 km Guidance System: Modern pulse radar with video backup Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2 Maximum Altitude: 25,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: This missile is the naval version of the SA-8 Gecko, used on some cruisers, frigates, newer missile boats (including the Nanuchka class), and amphibious warfare ships. The twin missile launcher pops up from an armored silo when ready to fire. The missiles can be fired against surface ships as well as airplanes, but are ineffective against modern anti-ship cruise missiles. This is a serious drawback, since many cruisers have a longer range than this SAM. SA-N-6 Medium-range area-defense naval SAM. Battery configuration: Integral to warship Search System: Phased array doppler radar Maximum Search Range: 300+ kilometers Guidance System: Modern doppler radar and command guidance Maximum Firing Range: 125 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 3 Maximum Altitude: over 70,000' Maneuverability: Average Notes: This is the naval version of the SA-10 Grumble long-range air- defense SAM, mounted on the Kiev-class aircraft carriers and Kirov-class battlecruisers. It is an excellent all-altitude weapon capable of reaching out long distances to intercept incoming airstrikes before they launch their own missiles, as well as planes that approach more closely. It is also designed to shoot down incoming cruise missiles, should a hostile aircraft manage to launch one. SA-N-7 Medium-range area-defense naval SAM. Battery configuration: Integral to warship Search System: depends on ship, usually modern doppler radar Maximum Search Range: depends on the ship, 50 to 200 kilometers Guidance System: Modern pulse radar, backup unknown Maximum Firing Range: 100 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5 Maximum Altitude: 45,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: This is the naval equivalent of the SA-11 Gadfly, found on Sovremennyy class and later destroyers. It is a good self-defense weapon against air attacks that fly near or over the ship, but lacks the range to engage distant planes launching anti-ship cruise missiles. This missile is not good enough to shoot down anti-ship cruise missiles, but the Sovremennyys carry 30mm gatling guns for that job. Short Range IR & Visual SAMs Expensive, sophisticated short range SAMs rely on search radars, but the less expensive designs use simple eyesight. Once acquired, the target may be tracked by eyesight, cameras or radar. If the missile is an IR homer, it is aimed along the tracking line, and its infrared seeker turned on. When the seeker locks onto the target the missile is launched. From that point onward the missile steers itself, using its seeker. Infrared seekers home on heat sources. "First generation" seekers were easily confused by the sun, common distress flares, even greenhouses or sun-heated rocks. More modern "second generation" seekers have filters, improved technology and computer logic, making them more difficult to "fool" with jammers or flares. Visually guided weapons require that the controller guide the missile to the target in sight. Early designs (such as the Tigercat and Seacat) required the controller to actually fly the missile like a plane, later designs (such as the Rapier) requier the the controller just keep the target in his crosshairs - the missile automatically guides itself in whatever direction the crosshair sight indicates, Visually guided systems cannot be jammed, have trouble tracking wildly maneuvering targets, or even finding a target in bad visibility. SA-7B Grail Short-range shoulder-launched infrared-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Carried by infantrymen, or in any light vehicle. Search System: Eyesight Maximum Search Range: Eyesight Guidance System: Infrared homing (first generation) Maximum Firing Range: 10 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Altitude: 20,000'+ Maneuverability: Good Notes: One of the first shoulder fired SAMs, this missile has good speed and range but a very weak warhead. The IR seeker has been improved in the B model, but even more upgrades appeared in the SA-14 (see below). FIM-43A Redeye Short-range shoulder-launched infrared-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Carried by infantrymen, or in any light vehicle. Search System: Eyesight Maximum Search Range: Eyesight Guidance System: Infrared homing (first generation) Maximum Firing Range: No more that 7 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Altitude: 10,000'+ Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This was America's first shoulder-fired SAM, and was never really very effective. Its IR seeker was very simple, the warhead small, and the range and speed barely adequate. However, during the 1970s the US Army had nothing better, and a few NATO allies were loyal enough to buy it. SA-14 & SA-16 Short-range shoulder-launched infrared-homing SAM. Battery configuration: Carried by infantrymen, or in any light vehicle. Search System: Eyesight Maximum Search Range: Eyesight Guidance System: Infrared homing (second generation all-aspect) Maximum Firing Range: About 16 kilometers Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5+ Maximum Altitude: 20,000'+ Maneuverability: Excellent Notes: This is a completely upgraded version of the SA-7, with greater speed, range, and a much improved seeker. Even further improvements and refinements will appear with the upcoming SA-16. FIM-92A Stinger Short-range shoulder-launched infrared-homing SAM. Battery Configuration: Carried by infantrymen, or in any light vehicle. Search System: Eyesight Maximum Search Range: Eyesight Guidance System: Infrared homing (second generation all-aspect) Maximum Speed: Mach 2 Maximum Firing Range: about 10 kilometers Maximum Altitude: about 20,000' Maneuverability: Excellent Notes: Entering production in 1981, this was a much-needed replacement for the Redeye. The Stinger is much more effective missile, largely because of its excellent and quite "intelligent" IR seeker. The CIA has been supplying quantities of this missile to guerilla movements, who in turn have traded or given this weapon to groups hostile to America, including the Iranian Shi'ite militia. SA-9B Gaskin Short-range vehicle mounted infrared-homing SAM. Battery Configuration: Radar and launcher on same armored vehicle Search System: Eyesight Maximum Search Range: Eyesight Guidance System: Pulse radar aiming and infrared (IR) homing Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Altitude: 20,000' Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This is an upgraded version of the SA-9 missile vehicle. The original design did very poorly in the Bekaa Valley against Israeli aircraft in 1981. The SA-9 is designed to accompany front-line combat units and provide low-level defense against strike aircraft and helicopters. The missile itself is fairly small and not especially destructive. SA-13 Gopher Short-range vehicle mounted infrared-homing SAM. Battery Configuration: Radar and launcher on same armored vehicle Search System: Obsolescent pulse radars or eyesight Maximum Search Range: visual or 30-60 kilometer pulse radar Guidance System: Pulse radar aiming and infrared (IR) homing Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Firing Range: 65 kilometers Maximum Altitude: 30,000' Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This is an improved SA-9 with a new launcher, better radar, and an improved missile. Unlike the SA-9, it can be linked with a seperate searchradar system, including other obsolescent systems from older radar- guided SAMs. A number of third world nations have received this with the SA-9B missiles on the new tracked launcher. Tigercat Short-range fixed site visual SAM. Battery Configuration: Emplacements with controller position, trailer laucher(s). Search System: Visual or obsolescent pulse radar Maximum Search Range: Eyesight or 65 kilometer pulse radar Guidance System: Joystick (visual) command guidance Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Altitude: 12,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: This inexpensive land version of the Seacat missile is only useful for protecting installations from direct air raids. It is very short ranged, cannot reach high altitudes, and has a primitive "operator must fly the missile" control system. Missiles are heavy, and mounted on trailers that must be deployed well to the rear of any battlefield frontline. It's hard to take this missile seriously. SA-N-5 Short-range point defense naval SAM. Battery Configuration: Integral to warship Search System: Naval pulse radar of varying quality Maximum Search Range: Varies with ship, 50-150 kilometers Guidance System: Infrared (IR) homing Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Altitude: 20,000' Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This is the naval version of the SA-7 Grail. Older frigates and missile boats (including the very common Osa class) use this system. The missiles are aimed visually, their IR locked on, and then fired. Larger launcher systems have four launching tubes and an operator position. The system is effective only against aircraft that fly close to the boat or ship. Seacat Short-range point defense naval SAM. Battery Configuration: Integral to warship Search System: Obsolescent pulse radar (on Vosper Mk 5 Frigates) Maximum Search Range: 200 kilometers (on Vosper Mk 5 Frigates) Guidance System: Joystick (visual) command guidance Maximum Speed: Mach 1.5 Maximum Firing Range: 30 kilometers Maximum Altitude: 12,000' Maneuverability: Good Notes: The Seacat missile is the naval version of the Tigercat, with the same primitive control system and short range. It is the anti-aircraft defense of Mark 5 frigates, built by Vosper in England for export. Iran bought a number of these ships. The Vosper's search radar is the obsolescent AWS-1, whose maximum range is 200 kilometers. Its effective range against a stealth aircraft would be much, much less. WARPLANES KEY TO AIRCRAFT ROLES A fighter plane specializes in air-to-air combat, where the objective is destroying enemy aircraft. An interceptor is a fighter designed to fly long distances and attack distant enemy aircraft. Many interceptors are poor dogfighters. A strike plane is designed to hit surface targets in enemy territory. Close support strikes are against enemy front-line troops, interdiction strikes are against military rear areas (headquarters, supply dumps, columns on roads, etc.), while deep strikes attack enemy installations far behind the front line (railroad yards, bridges, airbases, etc.). Strike aircraft designed to function against warships are sometimes termed attack aircraft. Bombers are designed for interdiction, deep strike, and/or naval attack, as well as carrying nuclear weapons and/or reconnaissance gear. Transports carry personnel and equipment. They are not designed to fight, and almost never carry and armament. AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) planes carry powerful search radar and communications gear, designed to watch friendly and hostile aircraft while simultaneously controlling friendly air operations. CREW If a plane has a crew of one man, cockpit aids are important: the workload for one man in a jet warplane is quite high. Mission Weight This is the typical total weight of the plane, with fuel and weapons, at takeoff. If the plane can serve in both fighter and strike role, the fighter (air-to-air) weight is given. In a strike role a plane often carries 15-35% additional weight. ENGINES The total thrust of the engines (on afterburners if available) is important. Airplanes with greater thrust than weight can fly "ballistically", a useful advantage in air combat. A high thrust/weight ratio is desired by all fighter pilots. RANGE This is the combat radius of the plane when loaded for action, but using only internal tanks (no extra fuel tanks). Often the figure is an approximation. CEILING Maximum altitude of the plane, using afterburners if available. MAXIMUM SPEED AT 0' Sea-level maximum speed is often much less than high altitude maximum speed, especially in high-speed jets. MAXIMUM SPEED AT 36,000' This altitude level is an important benchmark because above it Mach 1 is a constant 573 knots. Although this speed is important, note that the optimum turning speed for most aircraft is Mach 0.75 to 0.90 (i.e., 550-650 knots, depending on the plane and altitude); higher speeds are only good for chasing opponents, escaping from them, or quick dashes into and out of enemy airspace. ARMAMENT Often weapons pylons can be fitted to carry multiple bombs or lightweight missiles. The number of pylons need not limit the number of ordnance items. AIR-TO-AIR RADAR QUALITY As a stealth pilot, you are naturally interested in the range and quality of enemy airborne search radar. MANEUVERABILITY This is a comparative rating of how well the plane can maneuver in a dogfight. All aircraft are rated on the same standard: the superb maneuverability of the F-16 Falcon. AMERICAN-BUILT WARPLANES F-4E Phantom II Designer/Manafacturer: McDonnell Douglas, USA Role: Fighter & strike fighter Crew: Two Mission Weight at Takeoff: 27 tons Engine(s): Two General Electric J79-17 turbojets for 35,800 lbs thrust. Range: 830 kilometers Ceiling: 58,750' Maximum Speed at 0': 800 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1260 kts Armament: 6-barrel 20mm cannon, 4 missile recesses, 5 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Fair quality and range pulse radar Maneuverability: Fair to good Notes: This all-purpose plane served the US Navy and Air Force as both a fighter and strike fighter throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. In the USAF it is now obsolescent, serving mainly for reconnaissance and electronic warfare ("Wild Weasel"). However, hundreds were sold to western nations worldwide, including Iran under the Shah. For air-to-air combat the plane can carry four AIM-9 Sidewinders and four AIM-7 Sparrows. ___ F-5E Tiger II Designer/Manafacturer: Northrop, USA Role: Fighter & strike fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 12 tons Engine(s): Two General Electric J85-GE-21B turbojets for 10,000 lbs thrust Range: 220 kilometers Ceiling: 51,000' Maximum Speed at 0': Not available, probably 500-600 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 950 kts Armament: Two 20mm cannon, 5 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Poor quality and range pulse radar Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This inexpensive and unsophisticated fighter was never adopted by US combat arms, but has been widely sold abroad, including 138 to Iran. Underpowered, with poor avionics, it is useful only against obsolete opponents. It can carry AIM-9 Sidewinders, but not AIM-7 Sparrows. (Microprose get it wrong again... The American Aggressor squadron used F- 5s... even dummies know that... TopGun anyone? And radar? It actually has one!)  F-14D Tomcat Designer/Manafacturer: Grumman, USA Role: Fighter & interceptor Crew: Two Mission Weight at Takeoff: 35 tons Engine(s): originally two Pratt & Whitney TF30-412A turbofans for 41,800 lbs thrust, upgraded in D model to two General Electric F110-400 turbofans for 54-58,000 lbs thrust Range: 1280 kilometers Ceiling: over 56,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 800 kts with TF30, higher with F110 Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1350 kts with TF30, higher with F110 Armament: 6-barrel 20mm cannon, 4 weapons pallets, 2 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Excellent range, high quality doppler radar Maneuverability: Good Notes: This heavy, long-range interceptor has extremely powerful avionics for use with the AIM-54 Phoenix semi-active radar-homing missile, which has a 200 km effective range. The aircraft is the US Navy's long-range defender of carrier battle groups. Standard USN armament is four Phoenix and four Sidewinder missiles (two per pylon). The swinging wings are computer controlled for maximum performance, but their swing also shows the plane's energy state to the enemy. In 1987 the Navy began a program that upgraded the original TF30 engines with the newer, more powerful F110s. About 80 TF30-engined F-14s were supplied to Iran, but engine troubles, complexities in the avionics system, and the delicacy of the Phoenix missiles have greatly reduced their military value. They are often used as radar-warning patrol aircraft. F-15C Eagle Designer/Manafacturer: McDonnell Douglas, USA Role: Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 22 tons Engine(s): Two Pratt & Whitney F100-100 turbofans for 47,660 lbs thrust Range: 1200 kilometers Ceiling: 63,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 810 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1260 kts or greater Armament: 6-barrel 20mm cannon, 4 missile ejectors, 4 weapons pylons, 2 FAST pallet points (extra fuel, not the federation!) Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium range, high quality doppler radar Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This large, powerful dogfighter is the dream plane of many USAF pilots. Although not as nimble as the lightweight F-16, it has longer ranged avionics, plus a brute size and power unmatched by any fighter until the new Su-27 appeared. F-16C Falcon Designer/Manafacturer: General Dynamics, USA Role: Fighter & strike fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 540 kilometers Engine(s): One Pratt & Whitney F100-200 turbofan for 23,830 lbs thrust Range: 12.5 tons Ceiling: over 50,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 800 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1190 kts Armament: 6-barrel 20mm cannon, 7 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium range, high quality doppler radar Maneuverability: Excellent Notes: The latest production fighter added to the US Air Force, the F-16 is the most maneuverable dogfighter in the world (possibly excepting the MiG-29). The inherently unstable airframe that gives this agility would be unflyable except for the computerized electronic controls, hence its nickname "Electric Jet". Advanced air-ground avionics and anti-missile defenses are "extras", making the basic aircraft relatively cheap. Many western nations have purchased F-16s. However, until the AIM-120 AMRAAM it had no long-range AAM. F/A-18A Hornet Designer/Manafacturer: McDonnell Douglas/Northrop, USA Role: Fighter & strike fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 18 tons Engine(s): Two General Electric F404-400 turbofans for 32,000 lbs thrust Range: 740 kilometers Ceiling: 50,000' Maximum Speed at 0': less than 660 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1050 kts Armament: 6-barrel 20mm cannon, 9 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium range, high quality doppler radar Maneuverability: Good to very good (see note below) Notes: Although not as maneuverable as the F-16 (see note below), this heavier multi-role fighter has numerous avionic and defensive aids built in. These were required by the US Navy, its main user, who needed an all- purpose fighter and attack bomber able to fire a variety of sophisticated weapons. Like the F-16, it also is sold to western nations. (Alien here... dunno what Microprose are on about with this 'not as good as the F-16' business! The F-18 is actually reputed to be far superior to the F-16, and in numerous mock dogfights the F-18 consistently came out the winner. Combine that with it's far superior range of ordnance, and I think the F-16 is just cheap junk compared to this baby...) A-6E Intruder Designer/Manafacturer: Grumman, USA Role: Attack & interdiction bomber Crew: Two Mission Weight at Takeoff: 13 tons Engine(s): Two Pratt & Whitney J52-8A turbojets for 18,600 lbs thrust Range: 870 kilometers Ceiling: 44,600' Maximum Speed at 0': 570 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 540 kts Armament: 5 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Poor, but superb air-to-ground weapons radars Maneuverability: Fair to poor Notes: Designed at the end of the 1950s as a low-level attack bomber for use in bad weather or at night, this plane remains an unqualified success. Avionics and weapons have been rebuilt more than once to maintain the "state of the art", with upgrades under development. Electronic warfare (EA-6 and EA-6B) and aerial tanker (KA-6D) versions exist. AV-8B Harrier II Designer/Manafacturer: British Aerospace, UK (original design) and McDonnell Douglas, USA (American version) Role: S/VTOL Fighter & strike fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 15 tons STOVL, 10 tons VTOL Engine(s): One Rolls Royce Pegasus 11-21E for 22,000 lbs vectored thrust (no afterburner) Range: 240 kilometers Ceiling: 55,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 585 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 520 kts Armament: one 25mm cannon, 7 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Poor, target acquisition is usually visual Maneuverability: Very good Notes: Originally designed as a strike fighter, the British-American co- redesign greatly enhanced maneuverability. The avionics are designed for ground attack rather than air-to-air combat. Despite this, Harriers were successful as interceptors and combat air patrol in the 1982 Falklands War. The Harrier is the primary fighter of the US Marines, the British Royal Navy, and frontline squadrons of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) in Germany. Usually it uses short segments of roadway or a "ski-jump" deck for rolling takeoffs, and later lands vertically, like a helicopter. (Oh dear... Royal Navy harriers are primarily fighters, which would explain their success at doing that job in the Falklands, would it not? And the latest Harriers have great radars, AMRAAMs, all sorts of nice kit. The RAF uses them for ground attack, as does the USMC. And one cannon? I think not. Two slung under the belly is a bit more like it!) A-10A Thunderbolt II Designer/Manafacturer: Fairchild Republic, USA Role: Close support aircraft Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 20 tons Engine(s): Two General Electric TF34-100 turbofans for 18,130 lbs thrust Range: 960 kilometers Ceiling: under 40,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 370 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': Unknown, probably less than 370 kts Armament: 7-barrel 30mm cannon, 11 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Poor, air-to-ground avionics quite basic Maneuverability: Very good Notes: This slow, heavily-armored plane was designed purely for frontline ground attack with "tank busting" its speciality. This role (unglamorous to the USAF), along with its peculiar appearance, earns it the unofficial nickname "Warthog". Although intended for combat in Europe where low clouds and bad weather are frequent, the A-10 is a fair-weather day-only plane. The manafacturer hopes to interest the USAF in a night-flying variant, currently without success. Unless protected by good fighters (F-15s and F- 16s), this plane is doomed if sent into airspace contested by USSR fighters. (The USAF is now gradually getting rid of the A-10... numerous accidents may have had something to do with this.) EF-111A Raven Designer/Manafacturer: General Dynamics, USA Role: Electronic warfare escort Crew: Two Mission Weight at Takeoff: 43.5 tons Engine(s): Two Pratt & Whitney TF30-3 turbofans for 37,000 lbs thrust (with afterburners) Range: 1,900 kilometers Ceiling: 54,700' Maximum Speed at 0': 700 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1020 kts Armament: ALQ-99E electronic warfare system, no other weapons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium-long range, high quality pulse & doppler Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This is a specially built electronic warfare version of the F-111 strike and interdiction bomber. The original concept of the F-111 was a high-speed bomber for deep strikes at high and/or low altitude, especially at night or in bad weather. The EF-111 is popularly known as the "Electric Fox", or "Spark Vark" (the unofficial nickname of the F-111 is "Aardvark" or "Vark"). It is designed to accompany deep strike and interdiction missions, providing electronic screening and jamming. It is the fastest, most powerful such craft in the world. B-1B Bomber Designer/Manafacturer: Rockwell International, USA Role: Strategic bomber Crew: Four Mission Weight at Takeoff: 225 tons with internal load only Engine(s): Four General Electric F101-102 turbofans for 120,000 lbs thrust Range: 5,900 kilometers Ceiling: Unknown, probably under 50,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 530 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 725 kts Armament: 37.5 ton capacity bomb bay, 29.5 tons additional on external mounts if desired Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium range, high quality doppler radar Maneuverability: Poor Notes: This redesign of the B-1A (cancelled in the late 1960s) emphasizes low-level attack and minimal radar signature. The aircraft is now seriously overloaded by the numerous revisions and often unreliable electronic defensive gear. Despite the usual carping from the US press, in combat against first-line Russian aircraft this bomber has some hope of survival. The obsolescent B-52s it replaces would have no chance whatsoever. E-3C Sentry "AWACS" Designer/Manafacturer: Boeing, USA Role: Airborne Early Warning & Control Crew: 15 to 17 Mission Weight at Takeoff: 162.5 tons Engine(s): Four Pratt & Whitney TF33-100/100A turbofans for 84,000 lbs thrust Range: 3,000 kilometers (11 hours unrefueled endurance) Ceiling: over 29,000' Cruise Speed at altitude: over 350 kts Maximum Speed at altitude: 460 kts Armament: Surveillance radar, communications, air traffic control, and electronic defenses; weapons pylons may be added Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Excellent range and quality radars Maneuverability: Poor Notes: This 707 airliner frame holds the most sophisticated and effective airborne radar in the world. No other nation has a plane of equivalent effectiveness (the British Nimrod and Russian Moss are failures, the new Russian Mainstay is stil unproven). Flying "racetrack" circles behind friendly lines at 25-30,000', this AWACS can watch and direct aircraft out to 300 miles range. Until the "C" model upgrade, too many aircraft and limited computer power caused temporary "blind spots". In wartime weapons pylons carrying AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAMS could be added. In addition each Sentry carries various electronic defenses and always has a fighter escort. RUSSIAN-BUILT WARPLANES MiG-21 Fishbed Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: Fighter Crew: one Mission Weight at Takeoff: 9 tons Engine(s): One Tumansky R-11F2S-300 turbofan for 14,500 lbs thrust Range: 630 kilometers Ceiling: 59,000' (often only 50,000') Maximum Speed at 0': 700 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1220 kts Armament: Two 23mm cannon, 4 weapons pylons, 1 fuel tank pylon Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Very short range, low quality pulse radar Maneuverability: Good Notes: This agile, maneuverable, easy-flying fighter waas the premier dogfighting plane of the 1960s and early 1970s. It has simple avionics and a standard armament of 2 or 4 AA-2s (now often replaced by AA-8s), making it inexpensive to buy, arm and maintain. However, it has little or no HUD, weak radars, and low quality defenses, making it obsolete as a fighter. Unfortunately, its limited carrying capacity makes it poor as a strike fighter. MiG-23 Flogger Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 16 tons Engine(s): One Tumansky R-29B turbofan for 27,500 lbs thrust Range: 900 kilometers Ceiling: 61,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 740 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1190 kts Armament: Two 23mm cannon, 4 weapon pylons, 1 fuel tank pylon Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Very poor, short range pulse radar Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This swing-wing fighter replacement for the MiG-21 originally had few avionics and a 22,485 lb. R-27 engine. This variant, incapable of firing sophisticated weapons and with serious performance flaws, is often sold abroad. The more advanced models, listed above, are mediocre performers. All commonly carry AA-2 and/or AA-8 missiles, most USSR and East European versions use the AA-7 radar homing missile also. With its MiG-27 brother, this plane has huge production runs, making it the cheapest fighter available today. This alone makes it one of the world's most popular aircraft. MiG-27 Flogger [Physical appearance equivalent to MiG-23, but slimmer 'duck-nose'] Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: Strike Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 22 tons Engine(s): One Tumansky R-29 turbofan for 25,353 lbs thrust Range: 400 kilometers Ceiling: 52,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 635 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 925 kts Armament: One 6-barrel 23mm cannon, 5 weapon pylons, 2 bomb racks Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Very poor, very short range pulse radar Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This is the ground-attack variant of the MiG-23. In Russian frontline units it includes a laser designator for laser-guided munitions and simple terrain-avoidance radars for low-level attacks. Improved jammers and decoys are added as well. However, many sophisticated attack aids common on western strike fighters are not present. Presumably the MiG-27s compensate for this with quantity, as huge production runs greatly lower its cost. MiG-25 Foxbat Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: PVO Interceptor Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 40 tons Engine(s): Two Tumansky R-31 turbofans for 48,500 lbs thrust Range: 1,100 kilometers Ceiling: 80,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 570 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1860 kts Armament: 4 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium quality, medium range pulse radar Maneuverability: Poor Notes: This plane was originally designed to defend the distant borders of the USSR from air attack, working with special ground radars to attack enemy bombers with a special long-ranged AAM (the AA-6). It is extremely fast, but quite unmaneuverable. A few are bought by client states for status reasons, but the reconnaissance version (MiG-25R) is more popular - it's 88,000' ceiling makes it immune to normal SAM or fighter interception. MiG-29 Fulcrum Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 18 tons Engine(s): Two Tumansky R-33D turbofans for 36,600 lbs thrust Range: 650 kilometers Ceiling: Probably 55-65,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 700 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1260 kts Armament: One multi-barrel cannon, 6 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Medium quality and range doppler radar Maneuverability: Very good to excellent Notes: Originally designed to outfight the F-15, this plane is a modern, lightweight dogfighter with superlative agility. It has engine power in excess of its weight. Common armament is AA-10 "fire and forget" radar- homers along with some AA-8 and/or AA-10 IR missiles. The degree of sophistication in the avionics is unknown, but unlikely to match western models. Considerable debate exists regarding the relative superiority of this plane versus the F-16. MiG-31 Foxhound Designer/Manafacturer: Mikoyan-Gurevich, USSR Role: PVO Interceptor Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 45 tons Engine(s): Two turbofans or turbojets, estimated thrust 50-60,000 lbs Range: 1,500 kilometers Ceiling: 75,500' Maximum Speed at 0': 790 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1400 kts Armament: Cannon possible, 4 missile recesses, 4 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Superior quality and range doppler radar Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This aircraft is a redesigned MiG-25. Although slightly slower, it is improved in all other categories, especially low-altitude interceptions against planes and cruise missiles. The new AA-9 long-range missile is designed for look-down attacks on low-level cruise missiles. It also has AA-8s and AA-10s. Su-24 Fencer Designer/Manafacturer: Sukhoi, USSR Role: Strike Fighter & Interdictor Crew: Two Mission Weight at Takeoff: 43.5 tons Engine(s): Two Tumansky R-29B turbofans for 50,700 lbs thrust Range: 300 to 1,800 kilometers (varies with mission profile and load) Ceiling: 57,400' Maximum Speed at 0': 765 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1400 kts Armament: 6-barrel 23mm cannon, 8 weapon pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: nil, avionics designed purely for air-ground role Maneuverability: Fair Notes: This is the most advanced air-ground attack plane built by the USSR. Externally it appears similar to the F-111, including the side-by- side seating in the cockpit. However, its armament and avionics are designed for front-line and rear-area strikes, into the teeth of enemy air defenses. Western air and ground commanders fear the Su-24 more than any other Soviet aircraft. The aircraft may carry a few AA-8s for self-defense, but it is not designed for air-to-air combat. Su-27 Flanker Designer/Manafacturer: Sukhoi, USSR Role: Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 25 tons Engine(s): Two unknown turbojets for estimated 60,000 lbs thrust Range: 1,150 kilometers Ceiling: probably 60,000' or more Maximum Speed at 0': 725 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 1350 kts Armament: Probably a cannon, 6 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Above average quality and range doppler radar Maneuverability: Very good to excellent Notes: This aircraft was designed to defeat the F-14 and F-15 fighters. It is a large, powerful dogfighter whose usual armament is probably four AA-8 and four AA-10 missiles. In comparison to the MiG-29, the Su-27 is a larger, heavier plane. If its avionics and flight controls are truly modern, the Su-27 may be the superior plane. However, in dogfighting maneuverability the MiG-29 and F-16 probably have the edge. Yak-38 Forger Designer/Manafacturer: Yakovlev, USSR Role: VTOL Fighter Crew: One Mission Weight at Takeoff: 12 tons Engine(s): One Lyulka AL-21 vectored-thrust turbojet for 17,985 lbs thrust (no afterburner), plus two Koliesov lift engines Range: 370 kilometers Ceiling: 39,370' Maximum Speed at 0': 535 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 550 kts Armament: 4 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Poor quality and range pulse radar Maneuverability: Fair Notes: Originally known as the Yak-36MP, this vertical take-off fighter operates from the Kiev-class aircraft carriers. These lack the equipment and deck space for conventional jets. Initially thought to be a Russian equivalent of the Harrier, the Yak-38 is considerably inferior. It has a limited interception ability and very limited strike capacity. However, until this plane the Russian navy had nothing bigger than helicopters for its warships at sea. Tu-26 Backfire Designer/Manafacturer: Tupolev, USSR Role: Bomber Crew: Four Mission Weight at Takeoff: 61 tons Engine(s): Two uprated Kuznetsov NK-144 turbofans for 88,180 lbs thrust Range: 5,500 kilometers Ceiling: 55,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 525 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 970 kts Armament: Three heavy Air-Surface missiles or 13 tons of bombs Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Fair, with excellent air-to-surface avionics Maneuverability: Very poor Notes: Many of these swing-wing bombers are in service with the Soviet naval air arm, carrying long-range missiles to attack hostile warships up to 3,000 kilometers out to sea. The Backfire's exceptionally long range and high speed, plus its powerful missiles make it a mortal threat to USN aircraft carriers. With aerial refueling it has sufficient range to get within curise-missile-launch position of the USA. As a gesture to arms control, the USSR has removed air refueling equipment from its Air Force Backfires. Tu-95D Bear Designer/Manafacturer: Tupolev, USSR Role: Reconnaissance bomber Crew: 7-12 Mission Weight at Takeoff: unknown, about 145-165 tons Engine(s): four Kuznetsov NK-12MV turboprops Range: 8,250 kilometers (7 hours endurance) Ceiling: 41,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 410 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 475 kts Armament: Unarmed Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Very good long-range pulse radars Maneuverability: Terrible Notes: The Tu-95 has been the world's most sophisticated turboprop bomber for over thirty years (it entered service in 1955). It is primarily used for long-range reconnaissance, electronic intelligence, electronic warfare (jamming), anti-ship missiles, and cruise-missiles. The "D" model is a reconnaissance version, the "H" model (on a slightly modified airframe) a cruise-missile carrier. (Believe it or not, this plane's design ancestry can be traced back to the WW2 American Flying Fortress...) Il-76 Mainstay Designer/Manafacturer: Ilyushin, USSR Role: Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) Crew: Estimated at 15 to 20 Mission Weight at Takeoff: About 150 tons Engine(s): four Soloview D-30KP turbofans for 106,000 lbs thrust Range: About 6,400 kilometers (7 hours endurance) Ceiling: About 40-50,000' Maximum Speed at 0': 400 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 460 kts Armament: Possibly twin 23mm tail cannon, 2-4 weapons pylons Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Excellent long-range doppler radars Maneuverability: Terrible Notes: The "Mainstay" is a conversion of the huge Il-76 Candid transport plane to "AWACS" duties. Its purpose is to detect enemy aircraft and low- flying missiles, and act as a mobile, airborne command post that controls friendly aircraft engaging such threats. The earlier Tu-126 "Moss" AEW&C with turboprops was a disastrous failure. Like many AEW&C planes, the Il-76 could carry a few AAMs (AA-8s or AA-10s) for self defense, as well as extensive jammers, decoys, etc. An-72 Coaler Designer/Manafacturer: Antonov, USSR Role: Air transport Crew: 3 Mission Weight at Takeoff: 28 tons Engine(s): Two Lotarev D-36 turbofans for 28,660 lbs thrust Range: 1000 kilometers (max cargo) to 3,800 kilometers (no cargo) Ceiling: 36,100' Maximum Speed at 0': 350 kts Maximum Speed at 36,000': 410 kts Armament: unarmed; can carry 32 passengers or 11 tons cargo Air-to-Air Radar Quality: Navigational only Maneuverability: Terrible for a fighter, but good for a transport Notes: This is the latest general-purpose medium air transport of the Soviet Union. Its jet engines and short-takeoff performance make in an outstanding utility craft for transporting all types of personnel and cargo between remote airfields. APPENDIX Glossary AAM: Air-to-air missile. Ace: Pilot with five or more confirmed kills of enemy aircraft. Ace-of-the-Base: Best flyer in the squadron. AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle, and armored vehicle designed for front line combat. This includes tanks, armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft tanks, SAM missile carriers, etc. AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile. Originally used by the US Air Force for missiles designed to hit land surface targets, but commonly extended to mean missiles designed for use against land or sea targets. ARM: Anti-radiation Missile. Missile designed to home on enemy radar sets. ASM: Air-to-Surface Missile. Often used for missiles designed to attack ships, but sometimes generalized to mean any missile launched against targets on the surface of the Earth. Bravo Sierra: Military words for BS, which in turn is an abbreviation for a common expletive, here indicating something especially unpleasant or unbelievable. For example: "Doing the bunny hop down the runway to a bellyflop landing, then complaining about wind sheer, is true Bravo Sierra!" BVR: Beyond Visual Range. Any engagement where you cannot visually distinguish the target. During peacetime pilots are often prohibited from firing BVR, for fear of hitting the wrong target. CAP: Combat Air Patrol. Aircraft patrolling over friendly forces. Originally it meant fighters launched from aircraft carriers, and assigned to patrol over those carriers, protecting them from air attack. Check your Six: Watch your tail; literally, watch the six o'clock position of your aircraft. Colors: Silk neck scarf worn by fighter pilots. Ditch: Bail out, esp. over water. Driver: Pilot. ECM: Electronic Counter-measures. Devices designed to jam or fool ("spoof") enemy electronic sensors, notably radar. ECCM: Electronic Counter-counter-measures. Devices designed to protect against jamming or "spoofing" by enemy ECM. Electric Jet: F-16 Falcon. Fangs Out: Seeking air-to-air victory in a dogfight, regardless of other dangers or considerations, such as worry about other enemy aircraft, your EMV, or even your altitude. See Knife Fight. FEBA: Forward Edge of Battle Area. Older NATO abbreviation for the front line or battle line with the enemy. FitRep: Fitness Report. A report by commander that recommends subordinates for promotion (or not, as appropriate). FLOT: Forward Line of Troops. Current NATO abbreviation for the front line or battle line with the enemy. Flying a Desk: Staff or command job with no flying duties. Frisbee: Unofficial nickname of the F-19 Stealth Fighter. HUD: Head-Up Display. A large piece of glass mounted on the cockpit front, arranged so a pilot can look forward through the glass. All crucial (i.e., "real time") information is projected onto the glass, so the pilot can watch the outside while getting detailed information. Some HUDs have become so complex they defeat their designed purpose (and are equipped with a "de-clutter" switch!). Knife Fight: Dogfight to the death - what happens when you go "fangs out". This situation is advantageous to low-speed, highly manueverable planes and disadvantageous to higher speed but less maneuverable planes. However, either or both contestants can be surprised by other fighters and SAMs. ILS: Instrument Landing System. A device that receives signals from an airport and displays to the pilot his position in relationship to a hypothetical glide path. INS: Inertial Navigation System. A device that keeps track of an airplane's position (using a gyroscope) and displays that position and a desired destination. There are many different types of INS systems; those which use cockpit CRT maps and HUD pointers are the most sophisticated. IR: Infrared. A portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum where the intensity of the signal is directly related to the heat of the object. Mike Mike: Military words for "mm", generally referring to 20mm cannon shells. Ex: "Then I placed some Mike Mike right up his tail". MiG: Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau, which specializes in the design and construction of jet fighters for the Soviet Union. Often used as a generic name for all Soviet-built fighter aircraft (even though other bureaus contribute fighter designs). Niner: Reference to the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile. The 9L version is known as the "Niner Lima", the 9M version used by the F-19 is a "Niner Mike". Obsolescent: Outdated but not yet useless; not quite obsolete. Promo: Promotion. Pucker Factor: Level of fear (e.g., "When those 20 Flankers jumped us, the pucker factor sure went up!"). Punch His Ticket: To shoot down an enemy fighter plane. Punch Out: Specifically to bail out using an ejection seat, but generally applied to a departure ("Let's punch out of here!"). SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile. Sierra Hotel: Military expansion of the letters "SH", here an abbreviation for heated excrement. Curiously, the expression denotes admiration and excitement. For example, "Sierra Hotel, look at that guy smoke MiGs!". Skunk Works: Quasi-official nickname of the Lockheed plant in Burbank, California that designs and builds top-secret aircraft. Smoke: To destroy, as in "Smoked that MiG!". Originally from the smoke plume emitted by burning aircraft as they fall to earth. Star: As in, "getting your star". Refers to the much coveted promotion from Colonel to General, where your rank insignia is now a single gold star. VVI: Vertical Velocity Indicator. A gauge that indicates how fast a plane is ascending or descending. Whiskey Delta: Military expansion of the letters WD, which in turn refers to weakness in a certain male organ rarely discussed in polite company. The term is an especially derogatory and insulting description of a fighter pilot (e.g., "that Whiskey Delta couldn't even find his own airbase, much less hit it with a bomb."). Wing Weenie: Administrative staff officer attached to a fighter unit, but with no combat or flying duties. A mildly derogatory term. Zero-Zero: Nickname for the zero-zero type ejection seat. So named because, in theory, a pilot can eject safely from a plane with zero speed and zero altitude (i.e., sitting on a runway). 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Control Stick - o Pitch down stick forward, or up-arrow, or mouse forward o Roll right stick right, or right-arrow, or mouse right o Roll left stick left, or left-arrow, or mouse left o Pitch Up stick back, or down-arrow, or mouse back o Down & right stick forward & right, or up & right, or forward & right o Down & left stick forward & left, or up & left, or forward & left o Up & right stick back & right, or down & right, or back & right o Up & left stick back & left, or down & left, or back & left Adjust stick sensitivity 'Ins' key (tiny, small and medium stick movement) Throttle - o Max Pwr (maximum power) Shift and '+=' key o Incr (increase throttle) '=' key o Decr (decrease throttle) '-' key o No Pwr (no power) Shift and '-_' key Other Flight Controls - o Gear (landing gear toggle) '6' key (on main keyboard) o Flaps (extend/retract toggle) '9' key (on main keyboard) o Brakes (on/off toggle) '0' key (on main keyboard) o Autopilot (on/off toggle) '7' key (on main keyboard) o Accel (accelerated) time Shift and 'Z' key o Norm (normal) time Shift and 'X' key Out-of-Plane Viewing - o Slot View Shift and 'F1' key o Chase Plane Shift and 'F2' key o Side View Shift and 'F3' key o Missile View Shift and 'F4' key o Tacti view (you & enemy) Shift and 'F6' key o Invrs tacti (enemy & you) Shift and 'F7' key Out-of-Cockpit Viewing - o View ahead Shift and '?/' key o View rear Shift and '>.' key o View left Shift and '<,' key o View right Shift and 'M' key Other View Keys - o Zoom (view or map) 'z' key o Unzoom (view or map) 'x' key o View Angle (narrow or wide) 'c' key Cockpit Controls - o Coc kpit View 'F1' key o HUD Modes 'F2' key o CRT Maps (toggles left-side CRT) 'F3' key o Data (on right-side CRT) 'F4' key o Ordnance (on right-side CRT) 'F5' key o System Damage (on right-side CRT) 'F6' key o ILS (on/off the HUD) 'F9' key o Mission (on right-side CRT) 'F10' key o Eject (bail out) Shift and 'F10' key INS (Inertial Navigation System) - o Select Waypoint (on right-side CRT) 'F7' key o Change Waypoint (on both CRTs) 'F8' key o Reset Waypoint (all) Shift and 'F8' key o Select/Change Previous Waypoint Minus (-) key on numeric keypad o Select/Change Next Waypoint Plus (+) key on numeric keypad o Move Waypoint Up (changing pt) Up-arrow (numeric keypad '8') key o Move Waypoint Down (changing pt) Down-arrow (numeric keypad '2') key o Move Waypoint Left (changing pt) Left-arrow (numeric keypad '4') key o Move Waypoint Right (changing pt) Right-arrow (numeric keypad '6') key Tracking Camera (appears on right-side cockpit CRT) -3 o Cam Ahead '/' key o Cam Rear '.' key o Cam Left 'm' key o Cam Right ',' key o Select Target (in current view arc) 'b' key o Designate New Target (ahead only) 'n' key Armaments - o Ordnance (on right-side CRT) 'F5' key o Select Ordnance space bar o Bay Doors (toggles open/close) '8' key (on main keyboard) o Fire Ordnance or return key, or right mouse btn. o Fire Cannon joystick button, or ba.space key,or left mouse btn. Defences - o Flare (drop one cartridge) '1' key (on main keyboard) o Chaff (drop one cartridge) '2' key (on main keyboard) o IR Jammer (toggles on/off) '3' key (on main keyboard) o ECM (radar jammer on/off) '4' key (on main keyboard) o Decoy (drop one) '5' key (on main keyboard) Simulation Controls - o Pause (press any key to un-pause) Alt and 'p' key o "Boss" (hides simulation) Alt and 'b' key o Quit "Alt and 'q' key o Resupply (training only) Alt and 'r' key o Change missions to training Alt and 't' key Keyboard Control Stick Adjust 'Ins' key -1 - kebd sensitivity 3 = keypress causes large stick movement - kebd sensitivity 2 = keypress causes moderate stick movement (default) - kebd sensitivity 1 = keypress causes small stick movement Volume Adjust (4 sound levels) Alt and 'v' key -7 - sound level 3 = all sounds - sound level 2 = all sounds execpt engine background noise (default) - sound level 1 = firing and explosions only (no warning sounds) - sound level 0 = no sound Detail Adjust (2 levels) Alt and 'd' key -7 - detail level 1 = maximum detail on Tactical and Track Cam Displays - detail level 0 = normal detail on Tactical and Track Cam displays Slew Controls (4 directions) - - slew north (training only) Alt and 'i' key - slew west (training only) Alt and 'j' key - slew south (training only) Alt and 'k' key - slew east (training only) Alt and 'l' key i