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Nƞ+OYNf+ON62<NNA.-N6 N$=A.-N6EN$^=A.-N6eN$^JGf`NqN"2<NN`NqA.-N6 NJGf`Nq.<B+G~=~=~=~=~NZ~=~=~NͪNƄ~&NNu.--~NJGf`&Nq~=.-N=~=~=~NZ` Nq~=.-N=~=~=~NZ.-<-.<DN-.<DNpN=.-\-.<DN-.<DNpN=.--.<DN-.<AN؆N=.--.<DN-.<AN؆NN~Nu~=~=~=~=~NZ~=~=><@=><N~Nu~=N6 QUESTION STORE -><=~6=><=~6=~NNƄN8.-T-~NJGf`(NqNƄN6 EMPTYNƞN8`~NqNƄN6\ \NN6 -A.NNtNN8NƄN6###N.-TNdNNNƄN6 EntriesNƞN8.-X-.<BNJGf`JNq~=~=~Nͪ~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 NOT YET SAVED NƞN8~N>Nu~N ~=A|.-.-<-.<DN-.<DNpN=.-\-.<DN-.<DNpN=>-bG=>-d=>-`DG^RG G=~N>-`Nں->-dNں-.<AAlNL``Nq.-l->-`NںNp-.<AN؆N=~=~NͪNƄ.-lN=A.6<NNƞAlNn`Nq+OYN +O>->=~NJGf`Nq;m>f.-<-.<DNN=>-@=~ =>->^=~DG^=.-<->-bNںN؆-.<DN-.<ENpN=>-@=~ =>->^=A.N.-<-.<DNN=>-@=~ =>->^=~DG^=A.-~ N2+OYN +O>-B=~N=>->=>-fN^JGf`Nq mBg`JNq.-<-.<DNN=>-@=~ =>-f^=~DG^=A.-~N2`Nq~N>>-f=>-`^=~DG^;Gf~DGN Nu~N0;GD~N0;GF~N0;GBBm>>-D=.-<-.<DN/>Nں-.N=>-D=.-<->-bNںN؆-.<DN-.<ENp/>Nں-.N^JGf`NqNu.-\-.<DN-.<BN؆N;G@>-F=>-@N=>-F=>-@=>-d=>-`DG^RG ^Nڎ^JGf`NqNu>-F=>-@DG^=~ NRG;G>>->=>-d=>-`DG^RGNJGf`NqBm>NuN6X2<NNA.-N6N$JGf`NqN"2<NN`NqNuN62<NNA.-N6NJGf`NqN"2<NN`NqA.N-~HNJGf`RNqpNA.rNA./N NOH2<NNA.NNں+G`6Nq><=A.-~NJN^Nں+GN6 2<NNNuN62<NNA.-N6NJGf`NqN"2<NN`NqA.N-~HNJGf`NqA.NNں+G`4NqA.-~NJ2<NN><=A.N^Nں+GNu~+G>-dNں+G.--.<ENJGf`Nq.<C+G.<E+G`Nq.<A+G+OYN+ON62<|NNBmf~+G>-f=>-dN=.--.<DN^JGf`bNq+OYN`+O+OYN+O+OYN+O+OYN,+O.--.<GN=.--.<DN^JGf`pNq>-f=~NJGf`ZNqA|.-~=>-f=~DG^N2<|NN+OYN+ONƄN6 Nƞ>-f=~DG^;Gf>-d=~xN=.--.<DN=.--.<KN^^JGf`xNq>-f=~ZNJGf`Nq.<D+G`RNq~=>-f=~NDG^H-~ N2<NNA|.-A.N2<|NNA|.N;Gf.--.<EN=.--.<GN^=.--.<IN^JGf`HNq>-fRG;Gf+OYN+ONƄA.NƞA|.-A.N2<|NN.--.<BNJGf`TNq>-fRG;Gf+OYN+O+| <+OYN]+OA|.-A.N2<|NN.--.<BNJGf`TNq>-fRG;Gf+OYN+O+|<+OYN]+OA|.-A.N2<|NN.--.<CNJGf`TNq>-fRG;Gf+OYN+O+|<+OYN]+OA|.-A.N2<|NN`zNqNu.--.<JNJGf`NqNu.--.<JNp+GH.-H-.<FNJGf`Nq><N2<NN.-H-.<FNJGf`Nq~N2<NN.-H-.<FNJGf`Nq~N2<NN.-H-.<FNJGf`Nq~N2<NN.-H-.<FNJGf`Nq><N2<NN.-H-.<GNJGf`Nq><N2<NN.-H-.<GNJGf`Nq><N2<NN.-H-.<GNJGf`Nq><N2<NN.-H-.<FN=.-H-.<GN^JGf`NqA.NNں+GNu>-f=~DG^=~N=.-Nں-.N؆N;G >-f=~DG^=~N=.-\/>Nں-.N؆N;G >- =>- =~NͪNu~=~=~=~=~NZ>-fRG;Gf+OYN+ONƄN6_Nƞ>-f=~DG^;Gf.-N=~=~=~=~NZNu>- =>- =~NͪNƄN6 NƞNu~=N6 Information -.-<-.<DN-.<DNpN=.-\-.<DN-.<DNpN=.--.<DNN=.--.<DNN=~N~ =~=~=~=~NZNu.<E+G<.<D+G\.<E+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6 Use mouse toNƞN8NƄN6 select functionNƞN8NƄN6 required,NƞN8NƄN6 then 'click'.NƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Drive = NƞA.Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6 Enter the question.NƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 TAB Nƞ~NNƞN6 DeleteNƞN8NƄN6 NƞA.Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZ~=~=~NͪNƄN6orNƞ~=~ =~NͪNƄN6New lineNƞ~=~ =~NͪNƄN6DeleteNƞ~=~ =~NͪNƄN6 Text completeNƞN8~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6# Enter the correct answer to theNƞN8NƄN6 question, press Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄA.NƞN8~N>+OYN+ONu~=~=~Nͪ.<D+G~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 F1Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄ><NNƞN6 Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F2Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZ~N-N6 N2<NN+OYN[j+O~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F3Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZ~N-N6 N2<NN+OYN[j+O~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F4Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZ~N-N6 N2<NN+OYN[j+O~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F5Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄ><NNƞN6 Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F6Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄ><NNƞN6 Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F7Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄ><NNƞN6 Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6F8Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄ><NNƞN6 NƞNu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6$ Enter the first incorrect answer.Nƞ~N>+OYN+ONu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6# Enter the next incorrect answerNƞN8NƄN6 or Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄA.Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 to leave blank.Nƞ~N>+OYN+ONu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6 Select option key ....NƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 NƞA.Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 O.K., proceedNƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 DeleteNƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Delete entryNƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Esc Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 FinishedNƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6 Enter a title for this quizNƞN8NƄN6 then press Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄA.NƞN8~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6 Select option key ....NƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 NƞA.Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 OK., proceedNƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 DeleteNƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Re-enterNƞN8~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Esc Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 AbandonNƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6% If your computer has one floppy discNƞN8NƄN6 drive, this is Drive ANƞN8NƄN6$ If you have two floppy disc drives,NƞN8NƄN6 these are A and B.Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6& You may only specify a directory nameNƞN8NƄN6& which already exists on the selectedNƞN8NƄN6& Drive using the standard GEMSDOS pathNƞN8NƄN6& syntax, e.g. \QUIZZES. To remain inNƞN8NƄN6& the current directory, press Return.Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<D+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6" INSERT REQUIRED DISC INTO DRIVE NƞA.NƞN8~N>~=~=~Nͪ.<D+G.<D+G+OYN+ONu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6% Enter filename of the quiz required.NƞN8NƄN6% (The quizzes supplied are Q1 to Q15)NƞN8NƄN6% Use the LIST QUIZZES command to seeNƞN8NƄN6$ details of all quizzes on the disc.Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<D+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6" Specify a filename for the quiz.NƞN8NƄN6$ (Up to 8 alpha/numeric characters)NƞN8NƄN6$ Use the LIST QUIZZES command to seeNƞN8NƄN6$ details of quizzes stored on disc.Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<D+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6 To keep the same title, press NƞA.NƞN8~N>Nu.<A+G<.<E+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6# Use mouse to select display modeNƞN8NƄN6 required, then 'click'.NƞN8~N>Nu.<A+G<.<D+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN6$ If you do not know the answer to aNƞN8NƄN6$ question, you can PASS by pressingNƞN8NƄN6 theNƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Help Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6key.NƞN8NƄN6 To terminate the quiz, press Nƞ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Esc Nƞ~N>Nu.<A+G<.<D+G\.<F+G.<C+G+OYN+ONƄN8NƄN6# Specify filename of quiz to erase.NƞN8NƄN6& You will be able to change your mind!Nƞ~N>Nu+OYN`$+O~=~=~Nͪ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6Aim for the Dragon's nose!Nƞ;|L;|#N;|T>-L=>-N=A\.-~N2>-T=~=At.-~N2><=><=><=><=A.N~+G~+GV.<B+GZ.--~N=.-V-~N^JGf`.Nq+OYN+O+OYN+O`Nq.--.<AN=.-V-~N^JGf`PNq+OYNĔ+O.<A-.<E-.<AANL`Nq~=~=N-.<ENN N=~=~NZ~=N-.<KNNNð>-LG=>-NG=.--.-N-.<CNzN==~=><NF~=~=.-/>Nں-.NN=.--.<BNzN=~=N/>Nں-.NN=~NANn`Nq~=~=~=~=~N~=><3Nð~=~=~=~=~NZ.<B+G+OYNb+O~=~=A$.-~N2+OYNf+ONu.-^-.<AN؆+G^.-^-><=>-DG^NںN=.-V-.<AN^JGf` NqNu` Nq~+G^>-L=>-N=A\.-~N2>-L=~ DG^=.--.<BNz/>Nں-.NpN;GL>-N=~=N/>Nں-.N/>Nں-.N؆-.<DNpN;GN>-L=~NJGf`Nq;|L>-N=~DG^;GN>-N=~ NJGf` Nq;|N>-N=~xNJGf` Nq;|xN>-L=>-N=Ad.-~N2~=~ =.-/>Nں-.NN=~=~=~N~=~=~=~=~N+OYN+O>-L=>-N=Ad.-~N2>-L=>-N=Al.-~N2~=~ 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foundNƞN8.--.<GNJGf`*NqNƄN6Directory not foundNƞN8+OYNf+O+OYN+O~+G |ƨNv.-NpN`"`jt~̜̦̈̒N |56N |dN |iN |rN |N |{(N |~ZN |N`NtNqNT+L+O.<D+G*.<A+G.N͆~=~=~Nͪ~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6$HELP & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INDEX NƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZ.<A-.-*-.<AA2NL`vNqNƄN8~=.-2/>Nں-.N-.<BN؆N=~=~NͪNƄ~@=.-2/>Nں-.N؆NNNƞA2Nn`Nq~=~ =~Nͪ~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6Press a key (A to Nƞ~@=.-*/>Nں-.N؆NNNƞN6)Nƞ~=~=~=~=~NZ~=~=~NͪNƄN6 IntroductionNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6 Basic Principles and DefinitionsNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6Loading a Quiz from DiscNƞN8~ =~=~NͪNƄN6Listing Available QuizzesNƞN8~ =~=~NͪNƄN6Beginning a QuizNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6Answering the QuestionsNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6Creating a New Quiz of Your OwnNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6Editing QuizzesNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6"Saving & Erasing Quizzes From DiscNƞN8~=~=~NͪNƄN6Return to Main Program MenuNƞN6X2<,NNA,.-N6N$JGf`NqN"2<,NN`Nq~+G..-.-.<AN=.-.-.-*N^JGf`hNqN62<,NNA,.-N6NJGf`NqN"2<,NN`NqA,.N=><=~@DG^^Nں+G.`tNq.-.-.-*NJGf` Nq`INq.-.-.<ANJGf` Nq`.Nq~=~=~=~=~NZN͆.-.Np N`&ԪF` ~=~=~Nͪ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6% SPACE=Next B=Back I=Index E=ExitNƞ+OYN.+OA,.-N6 NJGf`Nq.-.-.<AN؆+G.`NqA,.-N6BN=A,.-N6bN^JGf`Nq.-.-.<ANp+G.`NqA,.-N6IN=A,.-N6iN^JGf`Nq`Nq`LNqA,.-N6EN=A,.-N6eN^JGf`Nq`GNq` Nq`Nq`Nq~=~=~Nͪ~ =~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Press SPACE to continueNƞN62<,NNA,.-N6 N$JGf`Nq+OYN.+O`Nq~=~=~=~=~NZN͆NuN6X2<,NNA,.-N6N$JGf`NqN"2<,NN`NqN62<,NNA,.-N6NJGf`NqN"2<,NN`NqNuNƄN6 Kosmos SoftwareNƞN8NƄN6 Answer Back Junior QuizNƞN8NƄN6 _____________________NƞN8NƄN8NƄN61. INTRODUCTIONNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This Kosmos program combines aNƞN8NƄN6&'Princess & Dragon' game with aNƞN8NƄN6&fascinating series of generalNƞN8NƄN6&knowledge quizzes designed for the sixNƞN8NƄN6to eleven age group.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The disc contains a powerful tuitionNƞN8NƄN6&control program which enables theNƞN8NƄN6&quizzes to be used in a variety ofNƞN8NƄN6&ways, including, Multiple-Choice,NƞN8NƄN6%True-False and 'Complete-the-Answer'.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN8NƄN6&Only correct answers are rewarded withNƞN8NƄN6&further opportunities to 'save theNƞN8NƄN6&princess from the dreadful dragon';NƞN8NƄN6&incorrect responses cause the correctNƞN8NƄN6#answer to be immediately displayed.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&In addition to the fifteen quizzesNƞN8NƄN6&provided on this disc, the programNƞN8NƄN6&also allows you to key in specialNƞN8NƄN6&quizzes of your own on any subject.NƞN8NƄN6&These can be very easily edited andNƞN8NƄN6&then permanently saved on disc forNƞN8NƄN6 later use.NƞN8NƄN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&A wide range of ready made quizzes areNƞN8NƄN6&also available from Kosmos in theNƞN8NƄN6&FACTFILE 500 series. FACTFILE 500NƞN8NƄN6&packs provide a wealth ofNƞN8NƄN6&supplementary questions, answers,NƞN8NƄN6&facts and figures for use with any ofNƞN8NƄN6&the Kosmos ANSWER BACK quiz programs.NƞN8NƄN6&They are compiled by teachers andNƞN8NƄN6&experts and are available on an everNƞN8NƄN6&increasing range of educational andNƞN8NƄN6&leisure subjects for all ages. (TheNƞN8NƄN6&SPELLING and ARITHMETIC Factfiles areNƞN8NƄN6&particularly helpful and popular withNƞN8NƄN6the youngsters)NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The remainder of this 'help' sectionNƞN8NƄN6&provides an explanation of the manyNƞN8NƄN6&features which your ANSWER BACK QUIZNƞN8NƄN6program offers.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&If you would like to make a hard-copyNƞN8NƄN6&printout of these help screens you mayNƞN8NƄN6&easily do so using the Atari Desktop.NƞN8NƄN6&Simply click on the file HELP.PRN onNƞN8NƄN6&your Kosmos disc, then request OPENNƞN8NƄN6&from the FILE menu. The box which letsNƞN8NƄN6&you select the PRINT option will thenNƞN8NƄN6appear.NƞN8NuNƄN6$2. BASIC PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITIONSNƞN8NƄN8NƄN62.1 The Quizzes:NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Individual quizzes consist of lists ofNƞN8NƄN6&questions and answers. As well as theNƞN8NƄN6&correct answer, each question hasNƞN8NƄN6&three wrong answers. These are usedNƞN8NƄN6&in the MULTIPLE CHOICE and TRUE -NƞN8NƄN6FALSE quiz modes.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Each quiz has a unique FILENAME soNƞN8NƄN6&that you can specify which one youNƞN8NƄN6&want to use, and a TITLE which givesNƞN8NƄN6$you some idea of the subject matter.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The disc as supplied contains 15NƞN8NƄN6&different quizzes and you can displayNƞN8NƄN6&their titles using the LIST QUIZZESNƞN8NƄN6#command from the main program menu.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN62.2 The Question Store:NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The Question Store is simply a part ofNƞN8NƄN6&the computer's memory in which a quizNƞN8NƄN6&is stored whilst you are using it.NƞN8NƄN6&The box on the right hand side of theNƞN8NƄN6&main menu tells you whether theNƞN8NƄN6&question store is empty or contains aNƞN8NƄN6&quiz ready for use. Only one quiz mayNƞN8NƄN6&occupy the question store at any time.NƞN8NuNƄN6 3. LOAD QUIZNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command is used to load a quizNƞN8NƄN6&from disc into the question store.NƞN8NƄN6&Before you use this command, however,NƞN8NƄN6&you must know the FILENAME of the quizNƞN8NƄN6&to be loaded. You can use the LISTNƞN8NƄN6&QUIZZES command if you cannot rememberNƞN8NƄN6&the filename of the quiz you require. NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&When you select the LOAD command youNƞN8NƄN6&will be asked which disc drive andNƞN8NƄN6&directory you wish to load from. YouNƞN8NƄN6&must specify either floppy disc driveNƞN8NƄN6&A or B, or if the quiz you require isNƞN8NƄN6&stored on hard disc, then specifyNƞN8NƄN6drive C.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&You should choose to remain in theNƞN8NƄN6&'current' directory unless you areNƞN8NƄN6&familiar with the principles andNƞN8NƄN6&commands for using GEMDOS directoriesNƞN8NƄN6and sub-directories.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Your Kosmos ANSWER BACK JUNIOR discNƞN8NƄN6&contains 15 different quizzes withNƞN8NƄN6&filenames from Q1 to Q15. If, forNƞN8NƄN6&example, you wish to load the quiz onNƞN8NƄN6&'Science', you simply key in Q5 whenNƞN8NƄN6&asked for the filename of the requiredNƞN8NƄN6&quiz. The QUESTION STORE box alwaysNƞN8NƄN6&shows details of the quiz currently inNƞN8NƄN6use.NƞN8NuNƄN64. LIST QUIZZESNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&You may use this command at any timeNƞN8NƄN6&to obtain a list of quizzes stored onNƞN8NƄN6 your discs.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&It will not show any programs or textNƞN8NƄN6&files stored on a disc, only the quizNƞN8NƄN6&files supplied and any you haveNƞN8NƄN6created yourself.NƞN8NuNƄN65. BEGINNING A QUIZNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&You may begin a quiz any time you haveNƞN8NƄN6&a quiz in the question store. TheNƞN8NƄN6&quiz may be one which you have loadedNƞN8NƄN6&from disc or one which you haveNƞN8NƄN6created yourself.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&There are two options in the mainNƞN8NƄN6&program menu for beginning a quiz -NƞN8NƄN6&either with or without the game.NƞN8NƄN6&Simply choose whichever you prefer.NƞN8NƄN6&If you select the 'with game' optionNƞN8NƄN6&you will be given another turn in theNƞN8NƄN6&game every time you answer a questionNƞN8NƄN6 correctly.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&You do not have to do all of theNƞN8NƄN6&questions in one session, you canNƞN8NƄN6&specify where you want to start andNƞN8NƄN6&end the quiz. You can also chooseNƞN8NƄN6&whether the questions are to beNƞN8NƄN6&presented in random or sequentialNƞN8NƄN6order.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The computer will ask in which formatNƞN8NƄN6&you would like to answer theNƞN8NƄN6&questions. The options are asNƞN8NƄN6follows:NƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6Multiple ChoiceNƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN8NƄN6&The computer presents a questionNƞN8NƄN6&followed by several answers. All youNƞN8NƄN6&have to do is select the correctNƞN8NƄN6&answer by pressing A, B, C or D asNƞN8NƄN6 appropriate.NƞN8+OYN~+O~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 True-FalseNƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN8NƄN6&The computer gives an answer to theNƞN8NƄN6&question, you have to decide if it isNƞN8NƄN6the correct one or not.NƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6Complete-the-AnswerNƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN8NƄN6&The computer gives you part of theNƞN8NƄN6&answer and you have to fill in theNƞN8NƄN6&gaps which are shown as questionNƞN8NƄN6marks.NƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 SelectionNƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN8NƄN6&If you prefer, you can ask for aNƞN8NƄN6&random selection of the three options.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Finally you are asked if you wouldNƞN8NƄN6like sound effects in the game.NƞN8NuNƄN66. ANSWERING THE QUESTIONSNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&If you answer a question correctly,NƞN8NƄN6&you will hear a high note from theNƞN8NƄN6&computer and you will be awarded aNƞN8NƄN6&further turn in the game (unless youNƞN8NƄN6!requested the 'no-game' option)NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The game is simple in concept butNƞN8NƄN6&highly compelling. A Dreadful DragonNƞN8NƄN6&appears to the right of the MagicNƞN8NƄN6&Castle and your task is to stop itNƞN8NƄN6&from devouring the Fairy Princess. ToNƞN8NƄN6&do this you must first move the airNƞN8NƄN6&balloon (in which you are a passenger)NƞN8NƄN6&by using the Mouse until it isNƞN8NƄN6&precisely above the dragon's nose!NƞN8NƄN6&Then you must quickly drop one of yourNƞN8NƄN6&sandbags by pressing a mouse button.NƞN8NƄN6 Remember, you only have 3 shots!NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&If you answer a question incorrectly,NƞN8NƄN6&the computer will sound a low note andNƞN8NƄN6&then tell you the correct answer. IfNƞN8NƄN6&you do not know an answer you can PASSNƞN8NƄN6&by pressing the 'Help' key. If youNƞN8NƄN6&want to terminate the quiz and returnNƞN8NƄN6#to the main menu use the 'Esc' key.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The sections which follow describe theNƞN8NƄN6&commands for creating, editing andNƞN8NƄN6 saving your own special quizzes.NƞN8NuNƄN67. CREATE NEW QUIZNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&You can create a new quiz of your ownNƞN8NƄN6&by successively keying in questionsNƞN8NƄN6"and answers in the boxes provided.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Each question should be terminatedNƞN8NƄN6&using the RETURN key and you can useNƞN8NƄN6&the TAB or DOWN-ARROW keys at any timeNƞN8NƄN6&to move down to the start of the nextNƞN8NƄN6line in the question box.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Each question MUST be accompanied byNƞN8NƄN6&the correct answer and at least oneNƞN8NƄN6 wrong answer.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Questions can be repeatedly keyed inNƞN8NƄN6&up to a maximum of 50 in any one quizNƞN8NƄN6&or until you see a message advisingNƞN8NƄN6$you that the question store is full.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&Once you have created your new quiz,NƞN8NƄN6&it may be used as many times as youNƞN8NƄN6&like and permanently saved on disc ifNƞN8NƄN6 required.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&There is no limit to the number ofNƞN8NƄN6&special quizzes you can create andNƞN8NƄN6save in this way.NƞN8NƄN8+OYN~+ONƄN6"FUNCTION KEYS & SPECIAL CHARACTERSNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&When creating your own quizzes, youNƞN8NƄN6&may need to use characters which areNƞN8NƄN6¬ available on your keyboard. TheseNƞN8NƄN6&characters have been assigned to theNƞN8NƄN6#FUNCTION KEYS for your convenience.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6 Key SymbolNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6 F1 DivisionNƞN8NƄN6 F2 Subscript 2NƞN8NƄN6 F3 Subscript 3NƞN8NƄN6 F4 Subscript 4NƞN8NƄN6 F5 HalfNƞN8NƄN6 F6 QuarterNƞN8NƄN6 F7 SquaredNƞN8NƄN6 F8 DegreesNƞN8NuNƄN6EDITING QUIZZESNƞN8NƄN8NƄN8NƄN68. APPEND QUESTIONSNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command enables you to addNƞN8NƄN6&further new questions to the quizNƞN8NƄN6&residing in the question store. It isNƞN8NƄN6&used in exactly the same way as theNƞN8NƄN6&Create facility described in Section 7NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN69. DELETE QUESTIONNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command is used to delete aNƞN8NƄN6&particular question from the quizNƞN8NƄN6¤tly occupying the questionNƞN8NƄN6&store. In order to delete a question,NƞN8NƄN6&you will need to know its NUMBER, i.e.NƞN8NƄN6&its position in the quiz. QuestionNƞN8NƄN6&numbers are displayed on Castle's flagNƞN8NƄN6&during a quiz session but rememberNƞN8NƄN6&that the numbers are only valid asNƞN8NƄN6&'position' numbers when you areNƞN8NƄN6&answering ALL of the questions inNƞN8NƄN6$sequential rather than random order.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN610. INSERT NEW QUESTIONNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command allows you to insert aNƞN8NƄN6&new question at a particular point inNƞN8NƄN6&the quiz occupying the question store.NƞN8NƄN6&As with the 'Delete' command, you willNƞN8NƄN6&need to know the Question Number ofNƞN8NƄN6 the point of insertion required.NƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6#>>>>>>>>>> PLEASE NOTE >>>>>>>>>>>>NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&The INSERT, DELETE, CREATE and APPENDNƞN8NƄN6&commands do not affect the discNƞN8NƄN6&contents in any way, they only affectNƞN8NƄN6&the QUESTION STORE (which is part ofNƞN8NƄN6 the computer's volatile memory).NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&If you want a permanent copy of a newNƞN8NƄN6&or edited quiz, you MUST use the SAVENƞN8NƄN6command.NƞN8~=~=~=~=~NZNuNƄN6 11. SAVE QUIZNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command is only used when aNƞN8NƄN6&permanent copy is required of a newlyNƞN8NƄN6&created quiz or a previous quiz whichNƞN8NƄN6&has been modified in some way. TheNƞN8NƄN6&quiz occupying the question store isNƞN8NƄN6&transferred to disc after you haveNƞN8NƄN6%allocated a title and filename to it.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Quizzes may be saved on any formattedNƞN8NƄN6&floppy disc provided that the writeNƞN8NƄN6&protect tab is closed, or on the hardNƞN8NƄN6&disc if you have one. It is notNƞN8NƄN6&advisable to save quizzes on theNƞN8NƄN6Kosmos Master Disc however.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6&You can use the Save command as manyNƞN8NƄN6× as you like for any quiz. ForNƞN8NƄN6&example, you may wish to save newNƞN8NƄN6&quizzes on more than one disc forNƞN8NƄN6security purposes.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&A warning message appears on the MainNƞN8NƄN6&Menu screen whenever a new or modifiedNƞN8NƄN6&quiz exists which has not been saved.NƞN8NƄN6&You do not have to heed the messageNƞN8NƄN6&but it's there to remind you that theNƞN8NƄN6&QUESTION STORE contents will be lostNƞN8NƄN6 if the computer is switched off!NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN612. ERASE QUIZNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&This command enables you to remove anyNƞN8NƄN6&unwanted quizzes from a disc. TheNƞN8NƄN6&computer will first display theNƞN8NƄN6&filename and title of the quiz youNƞN8NƄN6&wish to erase and then give you aNƞN8NƄN6&chance to change your mind. TheNƞN8NƄN6&command should be used with great careNƞN8NƄN6however!NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN613. FILENAME CONVENTIONSNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&When using the LOAD, SAVE and ERASENƞN8NƄN6&commands you will be prompted toNƞN8NƄN6&specify the unique filename of theNƞN8NƄN6quiz you wish to access.NƞN8NƄN6&A Quiz Filename comprises up to 8NƞN8NƄN6&alphabetic or numeric characters andNƞN8NƄN6&must NOT contain spaces, punctuationNƞN8NƄN6&or any other special characters. TheNƞN8NƄN6&filenames of the quizzes supplied withNƞN8NƄN6&this program are Q1 to Q15 but you canNƞN8NƄN6&choose any filenames you like forNƞN8NƄN6&saving quizzes which you createNƞN8NƄN6 yourself.NƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&For the technically minded, theNƞN8NƄN6&program automatically adds a filenameNƞN8NƄN6&extension of .QUZ to each quiz fileNƞN8NƄN6saved to disc.NƞN8+OYN~+ONƄN6 KOSMOS SOFTWARENƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6&Our range of leisure/learning softwareNƞN8NƄN6&is available for most personal/homeNƞN8NƄN6 computers.NƞN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6$ For details, telephone or write to:NƞN8NƄN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6&Kosmos Software Ltd, 1 Pilgrims Close,NƞN8NƄN6&Harlington, Dunstable, Bedfordshire,NƞN8NƄN6 LU5 6LX, EnglandNƞN8NƄN8NƄN6&Tel. UK: 05255 3942 or 05255 5406NƞN8NƄN6&International: +44 5255 3942 or 5406NƞN8NƄN8NƄN8~=~=~=~=~NZNƄN6 Nƞ><N-N6 Kosmos Software Limited 1989NNƞN8NƄN6 All rights reservedNƞN8~DGNں+G.NuN\Nu~N~N~N O/0C0<HЈ",Іd䒆 Ь `H`// Bg?<JNAO JfLE$LA@,A0,Hp!!!.HA 0D"MBQ;@+F +LfSE;ED;D Ca HNHz+_>?F?F"/FN<+g <-fPN<.g<0e <:dBo?|Bo <:d<0eaG0ajNRo`Jf /k WeR<.f6Bo N<:d<0eanG0a$RoSo ` ooR߰<Dg <EfZ`N<+g <-f?|N<:d"<0e2/A0AA@GA0?AN` g oo8/o gadAC$IaY`ھ<&fN߰<HfBN<:d <0e2G0`"<Gd <Ae G7`<gd<aeGWaa&``H<BfN<2d:<0e4G0aaN`<OfN<8d<0eG0azaN`Jf0 /k eRdS|"` |"Ag ggfN/"g,Sf f" /H/@` e /aSHPz./gLJ/gv?aLD:p`J/"f Jj aSv`J/gDJ$Nu%&!#HJf߯eNua aSBAC$IHaV`W / aS$H PNuJf /Ѐe"ЀeЀe Ёe/@NuaAC$I`W*Jf /ЀeЀeЀe Ѐe/@NuaXoNuJf /ЀeЀe Ѐe/@Nua|VoNuJf /Ѐe/@Nua`RoNuJfaR HGJD[jDD<AB!zVB.T/zTBNd A"O$HaV~JFg O"O$OaVp` JgCA$IaVHGPNu G+HaSe>+DB`a -c4-rAf"fp+@ m hr0R;ANu GaLa+DaJf(-¸dC`xSka`Skr a`Nu|E`|DHaJgC<F;EDm"LHXaOFB-LLAtp gp*J-gd,-gRgSSJkf/g*t-`(R/ft+`4<+ Sg4< /g4<- Jj|a`JEk>RG`,~Jg~8ESDgAM"Ht QSD<0Qtx<-gJk8HSfHDRDHDDHD+D-gRGJkf"/g2t-G`*R/ft+G`4<+Sg4< /g4<-af-m`>8Ggn <%a"` SDaQga (-ERQaa|<^f a|`|Jf2-~<+g ~<-f~apNuaH0m$paCBL NuA ,0-JgPQalgBNu?a0@`  Nu !INu("hNu _x8a2Ho8 ^("hazSoRgSe(`x"Dp!ad.NuaH ^Jk ganc R--`.Nua,`a G("haψa h`E`(aa.NuafXgXSeTaaVf>d`8<ae <{dNuafgSetHB Vfd`z`z Ga~ ^.`vaJfgSetHB Vf֘d`ac`ad`a e`ab`aSe Se gNuJNu G&$P(<Ƅ VȐ"hNu Ga ("P~gNua^ Ga.Nuxa.Nu Gaxa.- NuRGfHx?<HNA\.Nu("hNu/ a _`T >HǏNu0HiH@>Nu&a^.Nu H@g(Jg$HAJ@gJAfHA`JAgH@HAJAf ށeNu~NuDNu$JnDJnDai JkJjDNuJgF //JjDJjDp"~ҁU@D@އeRQ jD jDNuNu^_HNu^]HNu^WHNu^fNu^\HNu^^HNu~Nu_HNu]HNuWHNufNu\HNu^HNu~NuJGjDGNuJjDNu Gaz4)k2BHҁC. 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INTRODUCTION This Kosmos program combines a 'Princess & Dragon' game with a fascinating series of general knowledge quizzes designed for the six to eleven age group. The disc contains a powerful tuition control program which enables the quizzes to be used in a variety of ways, including, Multiple-Choice, True-False and 'Complete-the-Answer'. Only correct answers are rewarded with further opportunities to 'save the princess from the dreadful dragon'; incorrect responses cause the correct answer to be immediately displayed. In addition to the fifteen quizzes provided on this disc, the program also allows you to key in special quizzes of your own on any subject. These can be very easily edited and then permanently saved on disc for later use. A wide range of ready made quizzes are also available from Kosmos in the FACTFILE 500 series. FACTFILE 500 packs provide a wealth of supplementary questions, answers, facts and figures for use with any of the Kosmos ANSWER BACK quiz programs. They are compiled by teachers and experts and are available on an ever increasing range of educational and leisure subjects for all ages. (The SPELLING and ARITHMETIC Factfiles are particularly helpful and popular with the youngsters) The remainder of this 'help' section provides an explanation of the many features which your ANSWER BACK QUIZ program offers. 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 The Quizzes: Individual quizzes consist of lists of questions and answers. As well as the correct answer, each question has three wrong answers. These are used in the MULTIPLE CHOICE and TRUE - FALSE quiz modes. Each quiz has a unique FILENAME so that you can specify which one you want to use, and a TITLE which gives you some idea of the subject matter. The disc as supplied contains 15 different quizzes and you can display their titles using the LIST QUIZZES command from the main program menu. 2.2 The Question Store: The Question Store is simply a part of the computer's memory in which a quiz is stored whilst you are using it. The box on the right hand side of the main menu tells you whether the question store is empty or contains a quiz ready for use. Only one quiz may occupy the question store at any time. 3. LOAD QUIZ This command is used to load a quiz from disc into the question store. Before you use this command, however, you must know the FILENAME of the quiz to be loaded. You can use the LIST QUIZZES command if you cannot remember the filename of the quiz you require. When you select the LOAD command you will be asked which disc drive and directory you wish to load from. You must specify either floppy disc drive A or B, or if the quiz you require is stored on hard disc, then specify drive C. You should choose to remain in the 'current' directory unless you are familiar with the principles and commands for using GEMDOS directories and sub-directories. Your Kosmos ANSWER BACK JUNIOR disc contains 15 different quizzes with filenames from Q1 to Q15. If, for example, you wish to load the quiz on 'Science', you simply key in Q5 when asked for the filename of the required quiz. The QUESTION STORE box always shows details of the quiz currently in use. 4. LIST QUIZZES You may use this command at any time to obtain a list of quizzes stored on your discs. It will not show any programs or text files stored on a disc, only the quiz files supplied and any you have created yourself. 5. BEGINNING A QUIZ You may begin a quiz any time you have a quiz in the question store. The quiz may be one which you have loaded from disc or one which you have created yourself. There are two options in the main program menu for beginning a quiz - either with or without the game. Simply choose whichever you prefer. If you select the 'with game' option you will be given another turn in the game every time you answer a question correctly. You do not have to do all of the questions in one session, you can specify where you want to start and end the quiz. You can also choose whether the questions are to be presented in random or sequential order. The computer will ask in which format you would like to answer the questions. The options are as follows: Multiple Choice The computer presents a question followed by several answers. All you have to do is select the correct answer by pressing A, B, C or D as appropriate. True-False The computer gives an answer to the question, you have to decide if it is the correct one or not. Complete-the-Answer The computer gives you part of the answer and you have to fill in the gaps which are shown as question marks. Selection  If you prefer, you can ask for a random selection of the three options above. Finally you are asked if you would like sound effects in the game. 6. ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS If you answer a question correctly, you will hear a high note from the computer and you will be awarded a further turn in the game (unless of course you requested the 'no-game' option). The game is simple in concept but highly compelling. A Dreadful Dragon appears to the right of the Magic Castle and your task is to stop it from devouring the Fairy Princess. To do this you must first move the air balloon (in which you are a passenger) by using the Mouse until it is precisely above the dragon's nose! Then you must quickly drop one of your sandbags by pressing one of the mouse buttons. Remember, you only have three shots! If you answer a question incorrectly, the computer will sound a low note and then tell you the correct answer. If you do not know an answer you can PASS by pressing the 'Help' key. If you want to terminate the quiz and return to the main menu use the 'Esc' key. The sections which follow describe the commands for creating, editing and saving your own special quizzes. 7. CREATE NEW QUIZ You can create a new quiz of your own by successively keying in questions and answers in the boxes provided. Each question should be terminated using the RETURN key and you can use the TAB or DOWN-ARROW keys at any time to move down to the start of the next line in the question box. Each question MUST be accompanied by the correct answer and at least one wrong answer. Questions can be repeatedly keyed in up to a maximum of 50 in any one quiz or until you see a message which advises you that the question store is full. Once you have created your new quiz, it may be used as many times as you like and permanently saved on disc if required. There is no limit to the number of special quizzes you can create and save in this way. FUNCTION KEYS & SPECIAL CHARACTERS When creating your own quizzes, you may need to use characters which are not available on your keyboard. These characters have been assigned to the FUNCTION KEYS for your convenience. Key Symbol F1 Division F2 Subscript 2 F3 Subscript 3 F4 Subscript 4 F5 Half F6 Quarter F7 Squared F8 Degrees 8. APPEND QUESTIONS This command enables you to add further new questions to the quiz residing in the question store. It is used in exactly the same way as the 'Create' facility described in Section 7. 9. DELETE QUESTION This command is used to delete a particular question from the quiz currently occupying the question store. In order to delete a question, you will need to know its NUMBER, i.e. its position in the quiz. Question numbers are displayed on Castle's flag during a quiz session but remember that the numbers are only valid as 'position' numbers when you are answering ALL of the questions in sequential rather than random order. 10. INSERT NEW QUESTION This command allows you to insert a new question at a particular point in the quiz occupying the question store. As with the 'Delete' command, you will need to know the Question Number of the point of insertion required. >>>>>>>>>> PLEASE NOTE >>>>>>>>>>>> The INSERT, DELETE, CREATE and APPEND commands do not affect the disc contents in any way, they only affect the QUESTION STORE (which is part of the computer's volatile memory). If you want a permanent copy of a new or edited quiz, you MUST use the SAVE command. 11. SAVE QUIZ This command is only used when a permanent copy is required of a newly created quiz or a previous quiz which has been modified in some way. The quiz occupying the question store is transferred to disc after you have allocated a title and filename to it. Quizzes may be saved on any formatted floppy disc provided that the write protect tab is closed, or on the hard disc if you have one. It is not advisable to save quizzes on the Kosmos Master Disc however. You can use the Save command as many times as you like for any quiz. For example, you may wish to save new quizzes on more than one disc for security purposes. A warning message appears on the Main Menu screen whenever a new or modified quiz exists which has not been saved. You do not have to heed the message but it's there to remind you that the QUESTION STORE contents will be lost if the computer is switched off! 12. ERASE QUIZ This command enables you to remove any unwanted quizzes from a disc. The computer will first display the filename and title of the quiz you wish to erase and then give you a chance to change your mind. The command should be used with great care however! 13. FILENAME CONVENTIONS When using the LOAD, SAVE and ERASE commands you will be prompted to specify the unique filename of the quiz you wish to access. A Quiz Filename comprises up to 8 alphabetic or numeric characters and must NOT contain spaces, punctuation or any other special characters. The filenames of the quizzes supplied with this program are Q1 to Q15 but you can choose any filenames you like for saving quizzes which you create yourself. For the technically minded, the program automatically adds a filename extension of .QUZ to each quiz file saved to disc. KOSMOS SOFTWARE *************** Our range of leisure/learning software is available for most personal/home computers. For a complete brochure, telephone or write to: Kosmos Software Limited, 1 Pilgrims Close, Harlington Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 6LX, England Telephone U.K: 05255 3942 or 05255 5406 International: +44 5255 3942 or + 44 5255 5406 Copyright Kosmos Software Limited 1989 All rights reserved  Q1 Nature 50 0 From which tree do we get conkers? Horse Chestnut Oak Beech Elm Swallows are migratory birds which come to Europe during our summer. When our summer ends, where do they fly to? Africa India Russia Iran What are the young of geese called? Goslings Cygnets Chicks Ducklings What are trees which lose their leaves in winter called? Deciduous Coniferous Broad-leaved Evergreen Which creature passes through the egg, larva and pupa stagesin its life-cycle? A butterfly A frog A trout A hedgehog What is the name given to animals where the mother provides milk from her own body for her babies? Mammals Amphibians Vertebrates Reptiles In which continent are koala bears and dingos found naturally? Australia Africa South America Asia Which animals can suffer from foot and mouth disease? Cattle Horses Squirrels Deer What are the young of hares called? Leverets Fawns Kittens Cygnets Basil Brush is a well-known fox. Do you know what a fox's brush is? Its tail Its paws Its head Its ears Which animal has the longest neck? A giraffe An elephant A spiny anteater A horse Which small creature spins a web to catch its prey? A spider A wasp An ant A grasshopper Which bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests? A cuckoo A swallow A crow A pigeon Which was the largest of the dinosaurs? Brontosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex Stegosaurus Triceratops Which is the fastest mammal? A cheetah An antelope A racehorse A greyhound To which country is the emu native? Australia S. Africa China India The acorn is the fruit of which tree? Oak Beech Horse Chestnut Sycamore What is a "forget-me-not"? A flower A tree A butterfly A toadstool What is a "Red Admiral"? A butterfly A flower A bird A fish In which country is the Giant Panda found naturally? China Russia India Australia What type of animals are knownas "ungulates"? Hoofed Invertebrate Grass-eating Flesh-eating Which bird's song is often said to sound like "A little bit of bread and no cheese"? A yellowhammer A blackbird A nightingale A cuckoo What do moths and butterflies use their antennae for? To smell To hear To see To sting What is a group of bees known as? Swarm Flight Flock Charm If we see a red sky in the evening what weather should weexpect the following day? Fine Wet Unsettled Which cats have no tails? Manx Persian Siamese Tabby What is a male sheep called? A ram A buck A bull A stallion What is the name given to a group of lions? Pride Herd Pack Covey On which tree does mistletoe commonly grow? Apple Holly Larch Mountain Ash What can we learn by counting the number of rings inside thetrunk of a tree? Its age Its height Its species Its wind resistance What is the name given to a group of hounds? Pack Herd Bay Bunch What general term is given to animals with backbones? Vertebrates Invertebrates Mammals Reptiles In which continent is the giraffe found naturally? Africa South America Asia Australia A male horse is a stallion. What is the female called? Mare Foal Doe Ewe What is characteristic of nocturnal animals? Are active during night Sleep during winter Only found in S. America Are all winged creatures What do we call animals that eat flesh? Carnivorous Insectivorous Herbivorous Deciduous Where is the coyote found naturally? North America Brazil Australia India What creatures live in an apiary? Bees Birds Monkeys Tropical fish What kind of fruit is a prune? A dried plum A dried grape A dried tomato A dried blackberry What does a botanist study? Plants Animals Weather The sea-bed How does a kangaroo carry its young? In a pouch On its back With its paws With its teeth What is the only food of koalabears? Eucalyptus leaves Berries Kangaroos Grass How many legs does a fly have? Six Four Two Eight What are the young of the horse called? Foals Kids Lambs Calves What is the young of the salmon called? A parr A tadpole A stickleback A newt Which animal "never forgets"? An elephant A monkey A lion A hippopotamus What is the home of the squirrel called? A drey A lodge A nest A set An eyrie is the name given to the nest of which bird? An eagle A crow A pheasant An albatross What is a female fox called? A vixen A bitch A ewe A doe How many tentacles does an octopus have? Eight Six Four Five Q10 Games and Sport 50 0 The Boat Race takes place on the Thames. Where does it start and finish? Putney and Mortlake Hammersmith and Mortlake Putney and Westminster Mortlake and Chelsea On which famous ground is the F.A. Cup Final played? Wembley Lords Twickenham Wimbledon Who won the F.A. Cup in 1984? Everton Watford Southampton Leeds United At which competition did Torvill and Dean win their last Gold Medal before turningprofessional in 1984? World Championships European Championships Winter Olympics Commonwealth Games Pitcher, Diamond and Home Run are terms used in what game? Baseball Cricket Netball Cycling Bradman, Hobbs and Grace were famous names in what sport? Cricket Football Rowing Athletics Toxophily is a popular sport -what is its more common name? Archery Canoeing Angling Darts In what sport are The Derby, The Oaks and The Cheltenham Gold Cup classic races? Horse racing Motor racing Cycling Cross country running Which bird gives its name to asport, is trained with a lure and returns to the gloved handof its owner? A Falcon An Eagle A Pigeon A Parrot What sport is "the sport of Kings"? Horse racing Yachting Motor racing Grouse shooting In what game is the score of 100 referred to as "One Ton"? Darts Weightlifting Baseball Cricket If you are instructed "Not To Pass Go", what game would you be playing? Monopoly Cluedo Backgammon Ludo In the 1980 Olympics who won the 5,000m men's event? S. Coe S. Ovett J. Straub J. Walker In what year was Kevin Keegan first voted European Player ofthe Year? 1978 1982 1974 1976 In which game are the terms "castle" and "check" used? Chess Ludo Backgammon Draughts What is the common, but wrong,name for a rook in chess? Castle Bishop Pawn Knight How many counters does each player have in Ludo? Four Ten Two Twelve How many people play a game ofdraughts? 2 4-6 1 3 What would you be playing if you were asked for Mr Bung, the Brewer? Happy Families Whist Snap Chase the Ace Where was cricket first playedto rules similar to those in use today? Hambledon Lords Trent Bridge Old Trafford What game is played with four balls coloured red, yellow, blue and black? Croquet Snooker Billiards Lacrosse In what game do you try to wincards by shouting the name of the game? Snap Pairs Croquet Irish football In Snakes and Ladders if you land on this you will be in for a downward journey! What is it? A snake's head A ski slope The top rung of a ladder The Cresta Run In which sport is the term "love" frequently used? Tennis Golf Boxing Football If you were playing "Patience"how many other people would beplaying? 0 4 10 14 Cooper, Clay and Foreman were famous names in what sport? Boxing Athletics Tennis Swimming In which game is the ball ovalrather than spherical? Rugby Cricket Hockey Bowls How many players are needed for a game of Solitaire? 1 2 4 6-8 In which sport would you do the butterfly and crawl? Swimming Gymnastics Scuba diving Running In which sport might you compete in a point to point? Horse racing Gymnastics Scuba diving Running What sport is played at Lords in London? Cricket Rugby Bowls Football What is the maximum height fora pony - after which it is termed a horse? 14.2 hands 12.0 hands 10.2 hands 15.0 hands In which game is a shuttlecockused? Badminton Squash Fencing Diving What sport takes place on the Cresta Run in Switzerland? Bobsleigh racing Marathon Ski jumping Cross country skiing What game was Sir Francis Drake reputed to have been playing when the Armada was sighted? Bowls Tennis Football Whist Which sport is causing particular concern to doctors because of the risk of brain damage to those taking part? Boxing Wrestling Badminton Squash In what sport do the participants use foils? Fencing Croquet Archery Squash To what sportsmen do bunkers cause problems? Golfers Skaters Long-jumpers Hurdlers What is a Number 9 iron? A golf club A type of skate A weight-lifter's bar A grand prix starting grid In what game do two of the players "bully off"? Hockey Lacrosse Rugby Football Wrestling A fly-half is a position in what sort of team? Rugby Football Hockey 4 x 100m Relay Cricket Where do England play their home international Rugby Football matches? Twickenham Wembley Murrayfield Lords Which two countries compete for "The Ashes" and in which sport? England and Australia: cricket England and Wales: hockey Scotland and France: rugby W. Indies and India: cricket What is the sport called in which competitors have to findtheir way across country usingmap and compass? Orienteering Cross country running Marathon racing Hill walking Virginia Wade won the Women's Singles title for Britain at Wimbledon in Jubilee Year. What year was it? 1977 1981 1972 1979 For how many consecutive yearsdid Bjorn Borg win the Men's Singles title at Wimbledon? 5 3 4 7 Which British motor racing circuit is situated near Towcester in Northamptonshire? Silverstone Brands Hatch Oulton Park Goodwood Who was the BBC Sports Personality of 1983? Steve Cram Sebastian Coe Steve Davis Zola Budd Where are the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships held? Wimbledon Bournemouth Eastbourne Brighton Zola Budd is now a British citizen and runs for Britain. In which country was she born? South Africa Russia New Zealand Hungary Q11 Books and Poetry 50 0 Which story is about the adventures of Wendy, Michael and John? Peter Pan Elidor Wizard of Oz Snow White Who wrote "Treasure Island"? Robert Louis Stevenson C S Lewis J M Barrie Alan Garner Who wrote the stories about Winnie the Pooh? A A Milne Lewis Carroll J M Barrie Kenneth Grahame In which story do we meet Dorothy and the Tin Woodman? Wizard of Oz Noddy The Snow Queen Peter Pan In which story do we meet the Psammead, a Sand Fairy? Five Children and It The Magic Finger 1001 Arabian Nights The Worst Witch Who wrote "Heidi"? Johanna Spyri E Nesbit Anna Sewell C Dickens Who was Robinson Crusoe's companion? Man Friday Moby Dick Watson Jeeves Who wrote about a frog called Jeremy Fisher? Beatrix Potter Aesop Hans Christian Andersen Dorothy Edwards What sort of stories did the Brothers Grimm write? Fairy tales Fables Crime stories Horror stories Who is known as "The Bard"? William Shakespeare Charles Dickens Geoffrey Chaucer Thomas Hardy In which book would we read about Lilliput? Gulliver's Travels Just So Stories Alice in Wonderland Heidi In the fairy story what did the Ugly Duckling change into? A swan A chicken An eagle A flamingo Which fictional character's fortunes are linked with an old lamp? Aladdin Dick Whittington The Goose Girl Ali Baba In which fairy story is a spinning wheel linked with a magic spell? Sleeping Beauty Snow White Cinderella Rapunzel Whom did the three bears find sleeping in their cottage? Goldilocks Little Red Riding Hood Thumbelina Snow White What kind of animal is Mrs Tiggywinkle? A hedgehog A mouse A squirrel A rabbit Who wrote "Black Beauty"? Anna Sewell Enid Blyton Susan Coolidge Mary O'Hara In which story do we meet Ratty, Toad, Mole and Badger? The Wind in the Willows Watership Down Bambi Alice in Wonderland Who wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"? Mark Twain L Frank Baum R L Stevenson J M Barrie In which Dickens' story do we meet Scrooge? A Christmas Carol Nicholas Nickleby David Copperfield Oliver Twist In which story do we read about the hamlets of Rivendelland Hobbiton-across-the-Water? The Hobbit Beowulf Chronicles of Narnia Bridge to Terabithia Which story is about Mary, Dickon and Colin? The Secret Garden Peter Pan Carrie's War Great Expectations Watership Down tells the storyof how a group of animals travel to a new home. What animals are they? Rabbits Mice Horses Foxes Which story tells us of how Fern and all the animals and insects of her father's farm save Wilbur the Pig? Charlotte's Web Animal Farm The Tale of Pigling Bland Swiss Family Robinson In the story of Hansel and Gretal where did the witch live? In a ... gingerbread house wooden hut castle cave In "Jack and the Beanstalk" Jack stole from the Giant a hen which laid golden eggs, money and what else? A harp A copper pot Magic beans A golden bird Which famous bear loves marmalade sandwiches? Paddington Winnie the Pooh Super Ted Yogi Bear Who wrote the stories in "The Bagthorpe Saga"? Helen Cresswell Enid Blyton E Nesbit Lewis Carroll "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "George's Marvellous Medicine" are two stories by whom? Roald Dahl Michael Bond Jonathan Swift John Burningham Who wrote "The Mr Men" stories? Roger Hargreaves Enid Blyton Kenneth Grahame Michael Bond In the "Just So Stories" what kind of animal is Riki-Tiki- Tavi? A mongoose A tiger An elephant A snake Where are the adventures of the Swallows and Amazons set? The Lake District The Norfolk Broads Loch Ness Wales In the story, what kind of animal is "My Friend Flicka"? A mare A cat A fox An otter Who wrote "Ballet Shoes" and "Gemma"? Noel Streatfeild Anna Sewell Alison Uttley Julia Dobson In which adventure stories do we meet Anne, George, Julian, Dick and Timmy? The Famous Five The McGurk Mysteries The Hardy Boys Adventures The Secret Seven In the stories by Mary Norton about The Borrowers, who are "the borrowers"? Tiny people Magpies Mice Fairies In "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"what did the town of Hamelin have a plague of? Rats Toads Mice Flies Where did Christopher Robin gowith Alice to see the changingof the guard? Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Kensington Palace Horse Guards Parade What did Tweedledum and Tweedledee agree to have? A battle A picnic A duel A truce What did the Owl and the PussyCat go to sea in? A pea green boat A raft A sieve A tub Who killed Cock Robin? The sparrow The cuckoo The blue-tit The starling What colours are the Jumblies'heads and hands? Green and blue Blue and red Black and white Green and purple "Old Meg she was a gypsy" - where did she live? On the moors On the canals In the fields In the woods The poem which begins "Little ladies white and green" is allabout a flower. Which one? Snowdrop Daisy White violet Rose Who found a crooked sixpence? A crooked man Little Johnny Green Georgie Porgie Jack and Jill Who sailed over the sea to Skye? Bonnie Prince Charlie King Charles Bobby Shaftoe The King of Spain Who was told to go and call the cattle home across the sands of Dee? Mary Polly Susannah Sarah In "The House that Jack Built"which animal ate the malt? The rat The cat The dog The cow What flowers were seen by the poet Wordsworth "fluttering and dancing in the breeze"? Daffodils Snowdrops Buttercups Primroses What did the King ask the Queen and the Queen ask the Dairymaid for? Some... butter for his bread sugar for his tea salt for his potatoes jam for his bread Q12 Fun-Sums 50 0 30 + 20 - 2 = ? 48 56 39 46 How many legs are there on five horses? 20 16 24 15 140 x 2 = ? 280 180 240 260 6 x 9 = ? 54 63 45 60 17 + 25 + 11 = ? 53 57 49 61 What is of 200? 50 75 100 125 What is of 50 + 13? 38 45 27 33 14 x 3 x 1 x 2 = ? 84 56 64 104 If six children each have fouroranges, how many oranges are there altogether? 24 36 18 30 6 = ? 36 12 24 72 60 ? = 12 5 7 3 4 12 x ? = 120 10 8 12 11 ? x 7 = 42 6 5 8 9 45 - ? = 25 20 15 10 25 (3 x 5) + (8 x 6) = ? 63 20 49 67 4 x (5 - 2) + (8 + 4) = ? 24 32 48 44 8 x 5 + 14 = ? 54 48 58 52 If five rabbits each have ninecarrots, how many carrots are there altogether? 45 40 54 36 10 = ? 100 1,000 50 20 246 ? = 41 6 8 20 17 75 x ? = 300 4 6 2 8 (21 + 5) x (12 - 10) = ? 52 42 60 58 57 + 32 - 14 = ? 75 65 82 70 How many legs are there on seven octopuses? 56 64 48 52 363 x 3 = ? 1,089 1,108 1,024 969 9 x 8 = ? 72 64 80 76 38 + 9 + 76 = ? 123 109 97 132 What is half of 162? 81 56 89 72 100 4 - 10 = ? 15 40 10 65 20 x 3 x 2 x 2 = ? 240 160 120 180 74 ? = 37 2 5 4 7 103 + 88 - 2 = ? 189 191 178 185 How many legs are there on thirty-three blackbirds? 66 132 33 54 162 x 4 = ? 648 598 624 688 11 x 12 = ? 132 144 122 112 16 + 245 - 20 = ? 241 235 248 256 527 x 3 = ? 1,581 1,680 1,543 1,594 6 x 4 = ? 24 32 30 20 If twenty elephants each had two buns, how many buns are there altogether? 40 10 20 30 58 + 20 + 93 = ? 171 156 167 163 What is of 540? 270 256 320 230 200 4 + 84 = ? 134 184 234 196 18 x 2 + 4 = ? 40 34 30 44 8 = ? 64 54 72 16 659 + 436 - 234 = ? 861 1034 657 935 2222 x 5 = ? 11,110 11,000 10,000 11,500 4 x 3 = ? 12 16 8 15 61 + 22 + 25 x 3 = ? 324 216 456 298 (18 - 2) (32 - 24) = ? 2 5 8 4 (42 + 6) (24 - 16) = ? 6 8 10 12 Q13 TV Films and Theatre 50 0 Of Long John Silver, Little John, Friar Tuck and Will Scarlet, which one is not one of Robin Hood's Merry Men? Long John Silver Little John Friar Tuck Will Scarlet What is Danger Mouse? A secret agent A spy A policeman A detective How many dwarfs are there in the story of "Snow White"? Seven Four Ten Twenty In "The Wind in the Willows" who lived in a hole in the river bank? Rat Mole Badger Toad What is the name of the heroine in "The Sound of Music"? Maria Anna Fiona Patricia What are Tom and Jerry? A cat and a mouse A dog and a cat A bird and a mouse A cock and a hen Of Bojams, Daemons, Zarbi and Cybermen which ones have neverbeen in "Dr Who"? Bojams Daemons Zarbi Cybermen "Peter Pan" is the story of a boy who could fly. What else was different about him? He never grew up He swept chimneys He was a pick-pocket He climbed a beanstalk What is the cat's name in BugsBunny? Sylvester Tom Puss Cuddles Which animals brought up Tarzan in the jungle? Apes Bears Cheetahs Tigers What is Orville? A green duck A pink panther A yellow snake A blue budgie In which programme does NorrisMcWhirter appear with Roy Castle? The Record Breakers It's a Record Off the Record Break the Record To whom did Winnie the Pooh belong? Christopher Robin Eeyore Piglet Kanga Gobo, Mokey and Wembley are all characters in which programme? Fraggle Rock The Muppets Batman Danger Mouse What kind of animal is Dumbo? A baby elephant A rhinoceros A baby crocodile A monkey Johnny Morris is well known ontelevision. What are his programmes usually about? Animals Ships Cookery Mountaineering Besides Yogi, there is anotherbear in "Yogi Bear". What is his name? Boo Boo Super Ted Paddington Winnie Where do the Wombles live? Wimbledon Common Hampstead Heath Kensington Gardens Hyde Park As well as Sean Connery who made a James Bond film in 1983? Roger Moore Paul Newman Michael Crawford Peter Davison In "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em" what was the name of the man who kept having accidents? Frank Mike Terry Noel Who starred in "Porridge"? Ronnie Barker Paul Daniels Eric Morecambe Ronnie Corbett In "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Alice met someone who was sitting in a tree. Whowas it? The Cheshire Cat The Mad Hatter The Queen of Hearts The Dormouse In real life, how are The Krankies related to each other? Husband and wife Father and son Brother and sister Mother and son Of Miss Piggy, Kermit, Roland Rat and Scooter which one doesnot appear in "The Muppets"? Roland Rat Miss Piggy Kermit Scooter What is Lassie? A dog A horse A kangaroo A cow As well as being a comedian and a musician, what else is Rolf Harris? An artist A magician A conjurer A newsreader What was King Kong? A gorilla A lion A giraffe A dinosaur What are Orm and Cheep? A worm and a baby bird A spider and a chicken A chimp and a kitten A monster and a duck What are Laurel and Hardy's first names? Stan and Ollie Eric and Ernie Bud and Lon Tom and Jerry In "Treasure Hunt" who is the girl who uses a helicopter to search for clues? Anneka Rice Su Ingle Janet Ellis Floella Benjamin What kind of a programme is "Mastermind"? A quiz programme A travel programme A schools programme A sports programme In which book, which was made into a film, was the boy called Mowgli the chief character? The Jungle Book Winnie the Pooh Tarzan The Wind in the Willows What does a Nativity Play tellthe story of? Christmas Adam and Eve Easter Noah's Ark Who said, "Please sir, I want some more"? Oliver Twist David Copperfield Peter Pan Christopher Robin In which programme does Big Bird appear? Sesame Street Blue Peter Play School Jigsaw Of Pluto, Minnie Mouse, Felix the Cat and Goofy which one does not appear in any of the Mickey Mouse films? Felix the Cat Goofy Minnie Mouse Pluto What is the name of the news programme especially for  children? John Craven's Newsround Newsnight Not the Nine O'clock News Sixty Minutes In "The Magic Roundabout" whatis Brian? A snail A cow A dog A man What road was Dorothy and her friends travelling on in "The Wizard of Oz"? The Yellowbrick Road The Old Kent Road The Road to Nowhere The Road to Mandalay In "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat" what did Joseph's brothers do to him? They sold him as a slave They burnt his coat They killed him They cut off all his hair What is the name of Cinderella's friend? Buttons Hansel Goldilocks Jack In a musical about steamtrainsthe characters are all on roller skates. What is it called? Starlight Express Rollerball Midnight Express Rollercoaster Who is Jim in "Jim'll Fix It"? Jimmy Saville Jimmy Tarbuck Jim Davidson Jimmy Hill Apart from a principal boy, what does a pantomime always have? A dame A witch A wicked stepmother A giant What is Paul Daniel's show allabout? Magic Sport Animals Cartoons What do the initials "E.T." stand for? Extra Terrestial Extrovert Extra Territorial Equal Terrestial What is Pinocchio's consciencecalled? Jiminy Cricket Minnie Mouse Winnie the Pooh Dougal What is the code name given toJames Bond? 007 001 700 M Who lived in Transylvania? Dracula Spiderman Superman Frankenstein In the theatre what are the sides of the stage called? Wings Gods Stalls Flies Q14 Spelling 50 0 How do you spell the word meaning a dry sandy wasteland? desert dessert dezart desart How do you spell the word meaning a disguise? camouflage camoflage camaflarge cammaflaje How do you spell the word meaning a jam made from oranges? marmalade marmarlade marrmalaid marmalaide How do you spell the word meaning a spread similar to butter? margarine margerine margereen marjerine How do you spell the word meaning that which cannot be done without? necessary necissary nescessary nesiserry How do you spell the word meaning someone who lives nextdoor? neighbour naybour naybor neighbor How do you spell the word meaning a man who takes part in running his country? politician politissian pollitishun polittishion How do you spell the word meaning a heavy curved sword? sabre sayber saber saba How do you spell the word meaning a change of shape? metamorphosis metamorfasis mettamorfosis mettamorephosis How do you spell the word meaning an instrument for measuring the heat of some- thing? thermometer thurmometa thurmometer thermomeata How do you spell the word meaning to sew patterns onto cloth? embroider embroyda embroida embroyder How do you spell the word meaning the same as another? equal equel equelle equall How do you spell the word meaning a cover for a letter? envelope envellope envelop envellop How do you spell the word meaning untidy or ruffled? tousled towselled touselled towzelled How do you spell the word describing the species of animal with the longest neck? giraffe girraffe jeeraffe jiraffe How do you spell the word meaning a feeling that some- thing is not right? suspicious suspisious suspistious suspisous How do you spell the word describing someone who is guilty of breaking the law? criminal criminel crimminal criminell How do you spell the word meaning a narrow and intense beam of light? laser lazar laiser layzer How do you spell the word meaning the fourth day of the week? Wednesday Wensday Whensday Wedensday How do you spell the word meaning a cafe? restaurant restrant restorant resterant How do you spell the word meaning a soft breakfast food made by boiling oatmeal in water? porridge porredge porige porrige How do you spell the word meaning very valuable? precious preshus prescious pressush How do you spell the word meaning a man-made lake where water is stored? reservoir resavoir resservire rezavire How do you spell the word meaning a light boat with large sails? yacht yot yahct yocht How do you spell the word meaning an army officer in charge of a regiment? colonel kernel collonel kurnal How do you spell the word meaning to bring together? collect colect colleckt colecte How do you spell the word meaning a great snow storm? blizzard blissad blizad blisard How do you spell the word meaning a thing which is put on show? exhibit exibbet exibit exhibbet How do you spell the word meaning to sleep through winter? hibernate highbernate hibarrnate highbernait How do you spell the word meaning to walk along slowly -often stopping? loiter loyter loitter loitar How do you spell the word meaning very unhappy? miserable miserabble misserable misserabel How do you spell the word which describes the group which manages the affairs of the country? parliament parlament parrliament parllament How do you spell the word meaning to come into sight? appear appeer apeer apier How do you spell the word meaning a small church? chapel chappel chapple chaple How do you spell the word meaning something said in praise of somebody? compliment complement commpliment compleement How do you spell the word meaning a fluffy quill which covers birds? feather fether feffer feathar How do you spell the word meaning the farming of land? agriculture agriculcher aggriculture agriculchure How do you spell the word meaning something pleasant? agreeable agreable agreeabell agreeabull How do you spell the word meaning a pencil of coloured chalk? crayon crayen crayenne krayen How do you spell the word meaning something you cannot understand? mystery misterry mistery mysterry How do you spell the word meaning badly behaved? naughty naurty norty noughty How do you spell the word meaning someone who can do wonderful tricks? magician majishian majishan magishion How do you spell the word meaning something suitable? convenient connvenient conveinient connveenient How is the word spelt which describes a large hook which holds a ship in place by chaining it to the seabed? anchor ankor ancher anker How do you spell the word which means a spirit? ghost gost goast ghoast How do you spell the word which means a promise that something will be done? guarantee garrantee guarentee garentea How do you spell the word describing a certain species of bird of prey? hawk hork horrk hawke How do you spell the word which describes a bird of the dove family? pigeon pijon pigion pidgeon How do you spell the word meaning a device used for slowing down a wheel? brake braike break breake How do you spell the word meaning a flying machine with fixed wings which is heavier than air? aeroplane aireoplane airoplain aeroplaine Q15 Take Your Chance 50 0 How often are the Olympic Games held? Every 4 years Every 10 years Every year Every 2 years What unit of currency is used in Denmark? Krone Franc Dinar Deutschmark "C" is a Roman numeral. What number does it represent? 100 50 10 1,000 What is the fifth month of theyear? May July March April What is a cactus? A plant A cat A dance A tree In what year was the Battle ofWaterloo? 1815 1724 1066 1918 Which ship was found in perfect order but deserted in the Bermuda Triangle? The Marie Celeste The Santa Maria The Mayflower The Golden Hind The Swiss speak three languages: German, French and what is the third? Italian Austrian Greek English Of Cook, Magellan, Livingstoneand da Gama which one exploredAfrica? David Livingstone Ferdinand Magellan James Cook Vasco da Gama Holyhead is a port on the island of Anglesey. To which country do ferries from Holy- head go? Eire USA South Africa France Which European country gives us a Christmas tree every December which is then erectedin Trafalgar Square? Norway France Israel Poland Where were the 1984 Olympics held? Los Angeles Moscow New York Paris Which planet is furthest away from the sun? Pluto Saturn Venus Jupiter By what other name is a guineapig sometimes known? A cavy A chameleon A coypu A coyote What colour is puce? Brownish-purple Pinky-green Bluey-yellow Yellowy-brown Who would traditionally wear aten-gallon hat? A cowboy A milkman A window-cleaner A Red Indian What is the name given to the signalling code comprising dots and dashes? Morse Semaphore Cipher Braille Who constructed the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol? Isambard Brunel James Brindley David Clifton Thomas Telford In the story about Mary Poppins what was "Mary Poppins"? A nanny A steam ship A toy shop A ballerina In which game is the British touring team called "The Lions"? Rugby Union Football Cricket Tennis In which country was Adolf Hitler born? Austria Germany France Holland In which year did the first man step on the moon? 1969 1967 1963 1972 How many Apostles did Jesus have? 12 13 10 20 Who would be guided and helpedby a wind sock? An air pilot A motorist A runner A cyclist In which American state is Dallas? Texas Ohio Louisiana Colarado On the outside of which moderncathedral is a bronze sculpture of St Michael and the Angel? Coventry Durham Liverpool Exeter After London which is the largest city in England? Birmingham Newcastle on Tyne Liverpool Bristol What is the name of the river which flows through Paris? Seine Danube Hudson Rhine Where would you find a delta? At the mouth of a river At the source of a river Under waterfalls In water meadows Which mythological king turned everything he touched into gold? Midas Minos Odysseus Tantalus Who robbed the rich and gave to the poor? Robin Hood Dick Turpin William Tell Dick Whittington On what date is Guy Fawkes' Night? 5th November 25th December 31st October 23rd June What is the name of the bridgewhich connects England with South Wales? Severn Forth Menai Humber What is the rabbit in The Magic Roundabout called? Dylan Ermintrude Dougal Zebedee Where is Snowdon? Wales Scotland Lake District Northern Ireland Where are The Windward Islands? West Indies Aegean Hawaii Shetland From which country does Gorgonzola cheese come from? Italy France Germany Holland What is the colour of sapphire? Blue Green Red Yellow What do we call the molten rock which flows from volcanoes? Lava Alluvium Moraine Silt What is Popeye's favourite food? Spinach Baked Beans Ice-cream Bananas Which big town lies at the mouth of the River Humber? Hull Preston Bristol Southampton What colour is the flag of surrender? White Red Blue Black Who lives at the Vatican? The Pope The President of the USA The Russian President The British Prime Minister How many days are there in a Leap Year? 366 350 370 282 In which country are the majorroads called "autobahn"? W Germany Italy France Greece The pop group Ultravox sang about a European city and reached number one in the charts. Which city was it? Vienna Venice Rome Paris What would you be if you looked after people's teeth? A dentist An optician A doctor A ventriloquist Which famous comedienne recently had a hit with "Move Over Darling"? Tracey Ullman Pamela Stephenson Marti Caine Janet Brown What would you be if you made bread? A baker A butcher A blacksmith A confectioner "Yellow Submarine" was a successful animated film produced by which 60's group? The Beatles The Rolling Stones The Moody Blues The Who Q2 Music and Nursery Rhymes 50 0 How many men did the Grand OldDuke of York have? 10,000 3,000 900 20 Where was Little Boy Blue fastasleep? Under the haystack In the garden On a wall In the well Who did Simple Simon meet going to the fair? A pieman A coalman A baker A milkman Englebert Humperdinck wrote anopera for children. What is itcalled? Hansel and Gretel Jack and the Beanstalk Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Which famous pop group did Paul McCartney used to belong to? The Beatles The Rolling Stones Queen The Who What is Cilla Black's real name? Priscilla White Cilla Brown Sally Black Priscilla Smith How is Monday's Child described as being? Fair of face Full of woe Full of grace Loving and giving What was Old Mother Hubbard's dog doing when she had fetchedhim a hat? Feeding the cat Smoking a pipe Reading the news Laughing What did Little Bo-peep lose? Her sheep A dog A cow Her shoe As well as being a pop star, Elton John is also the Chair- man of what club? Watford Football Club Culture Club Judo Club Arsenal Football Club What is a ballet? A story danced to music A story sung by a choir A play acted on the stage A game played with a ball Which famous person did TraceyUllman make a video with for her song "My Guy"? Neil Kinnock Margaret Thatcher Paul McCartney Cliff Richard What did Jack and Jill go to fetch? A pail of water Some bread A bunch of flowers A kettle of water What did Tom the Piper's Son steal? A pig A mouse A loaf of bread Some tarts What did Little Polly Flinders' mother do to her? Spanked her Kissed her Hugged her Sent her to bed Of which group is Boy George the lead singer? Culture Club Duran Duran Kajagoogoo Style Council Stradivarius was born in the 17th Century. What did he make? Violins Pianos Oboes Spinets How is a percussion instrumentplayed? It is hit or banged It is blown into It is played with a bow It is plucked In the ballet "Coppelia", whatis Coppelia? A doll A clown A witch A fairy Where did Mary's little lamb follow her one day? To school To the shops To the woods Home What was Wee Willie Winkie wearing when he ran through the town? His nightgown His coat His shoes and socks His pyjamas What did Lucy Lockett lose? Her pocket Her bicycle Her kitten Her sheep What did Humpty Dumpty sit on? A wall A chair A tuffet A rug As well as his pipe and his bowl, what did Old King Cole call for? His fiddlers three His jesters His conjurers 10,000 men Where was the baby in "Rock-a-bye Baby"? In the tree-top In the pram In the playpen In a swing What is Spandau Ballet? A pop group A dance A song A play What is one of Rod Stewart's greatest hits? Sailing Mull of Kintyre I'm Not in Love Space Oddity In "Peter and the Wolf" the characters are represented by different instruments. What isthe Bird's instrument? The flute The bassoon The oboe The clarinet In "Hey Diddle Diddle", what did the cow jump over? The moon The sun The fence The hedge What famous music by Ravel didTorvill and Dean skate to, to win a Gold Medal at the WinterOlympics 1984? Bolero Swan Lake The Skaters' Waltz Espagnol What had the dame lost in "Cock a doodle doo"? Her shoe Her hat Her cat Her children In "Rub a dub dub" what did the butcher, the baker and thecandlestick maker all jump outof? A bad potato A leaking boat An oven A crooked house "The Nutcracker" is a ballet in which toys come to life. What is the name of the girl who is also in the ballet? Clara Sylvia Giselle Carmen Which composer wrote the incidental music for Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Mendelssohn Delius Grieg Chopin What did the fine lady in "Ride a Cock Horse" wear on her toes? Bells Rings Bows Buckles Aurora is the Princess in the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty". What is the Prince's name? Florimund Romeo Albrecht Siegfried In "Diddle Diddle Dumpling" what did my son John go to bedwearing? Trousers Pyjamas A nightgown A dressing gown What grew in Mary's garden besides silver bells and cockle shells? Pretty maids Harebells Canterbury bells Sea-shells Who pulled the pussy out of the well in "Ding Dong Bell"? Johnny Stout Polly Flinders Johnny Green Tom Which DJ is well-known for hiswork for handicapped people? Jimmy Saville Paul Gambaccini Dave Lee Travis Tony Blackburn What type of instrument is theclarinet? Woodwind Brass Stringed Percussion Which group had a No. 1 hit with "The Reflex"? Duran Duran Culture Club Queen Human League Paul McCartney recorded "Say, Say, Say" with another famous pop singer. Who was it? Michael Jackson Stevie Wonder Lionel Ritchie Ringo Starr Who had hits with "Green Door"and "This Ole House"? Shakin' Stevens Cliff Richard Status Quo Alvin Stardust Can you complete the name of this band - Kid Creole and the???? Coconuts Pineapples Lemons Palm Trees Madness sang about which famous film star in 1984? Michael Caine Peter Cushing Paul Newman Elizabeth Taylor "Can't Hurry Love" was first ahit in the 60's for the Supremes. Who had a hit with it in 1983? Phil Collins Bananarama Bucks Fizz Tracey Ullman "Summer Nights" and "You're the One that I Want" come fromwhich film? Grease Saturday Night Fever Footloose Fame According to the rhyme what kind of meat did Jack Spratt eat? Lean Fat Pork Beef In "Baa Baa Black Sheep" how many bags of wool were there? Three Two One Four Q3 Lucky Dip 50 0 Which cat disappears leaving only its grin? The Cheshire Cat Sampson, the Church Cat Mog The Cat in the Hat What is the Paris underground railway system known as? The metro The tube The subway When did the First World War begin? 1914 1920 1910 1912 What name is given to a picture made from such things as wool, paper and cloth pasted out? A collage A mosaic Papier-mache A fresco What is the unit of currency in France? Franc Dollar Guilder Peseta On what date each year do we remember the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605? 5th November 31st October 21st June 23rd April Where is Hadrian's Wall? North England Welsh-English Border Scotland London Where does coral grow? In the sea In forests In marshland In mountains What is the name given to animals which eat grass? Herbivores Mammals Carnivores Amphibians Who rode Black Bess? Dick Turpin Robin Hood Henry VIII Caroline Bradley How many flat surfaces does a cube have? Six Ten Eight Four Who wrote "Great Expectations""Oliver Twist" and "A Tale of Two Cities"? Charles Dickens Hans Christian Andersen Jonathan Swift Daniel Defoe The octopus, shark, dolphin and sea horse are all sea creatures. Which one is a mammal? The dolphin The octopus The sea horse The shark The English Civil War was fought between the Cavaliers and who else? Roundheads Jacobites French Lancastrians Which race of people traditionally lived in homes known as igloos? Eskimos Red Indians Maoris Vikings What is the name given to a huge river of ice found in mountainous regions? A glacier A cascade An ice-floe An iceberg What does the Roman numeral "X" stand for? 10 5 20 50 What is the seventh month of the year? July August October May Which country has the largest population? China Russia United States of America Canada Which is the saltiest sea in the world - it contains practically no living things? Dead Sea Black Sea Caspian Sea Red Sea What is the name of the currency used in Australia? Dollar Franc Pound Shilling In which capital city's harbour is the statue of "The Little Mermaid"? Copenhagen Paris Madrid Stockholm In degrees centigrade at what temperature does water boil? 100 0 200 1000 How many people would ride on a tandem? Two Four One Eight What kind of ship was the Nautilus? A submarine A barque A schooner A steamship What would you be if you cured sick and injured animals? A veterinary A paediatrician A blacksmith A zoologist What would you be if you made or sold spectacles? An optician A dentist A chiropodist An osteopath What is the name given to the red felt hat with a black tassel which is worn in Egypt? A fez A beret A turban A skull cap On what day might people expect Tricks or Treats? Hallowe'en New Year's Eve Bonfire Night April Fools' Day On which day do Druids celebrate at Stonehenge? The Longest Day The Shortest Day Easter Day Midsummer's Day In what year was the Battle ofHastings? 1066 1815 1666 845 Cobalt and prussian are both shades of which colour? Blue Red Green Brown From which country does true champagne come? France Spain Italy Germany Which meat is traditionally accompanied by mint sauce? Lamb Beef Pork Turkey What is the name given to the tents were Red Indians used tolive? Tepees Igloos Totems Marquees What is a "hitch" and a "sheetbend"? A type of knot A type of sail A type of signalling code A type of roadway How many colours in a rainbow? Seven Ten Twelve Five In the Bible who wore a coat of many colours? Joseph Jacob Jesus Judas From which animal do we get pork? Pigs Bullocks Sheep Deer How many years are there in a century? 100 10 50 1000 In the Bible who was found as a baby in the bulrushes? Moses Joseph Noah John the Baptist What is a rhododendron? A shrub A bird A four-sided figure A dinosaur Which disciple betrayed Jesus? Judas Peter Matthew Luke What colour is saffron? Orange-yellow Blue-green Red Purple Which disciple is also known as "The Rock"? Peter Paul Mark John How is the height of a horse measured? In hands In knots In metres In fathoms Which is the first book in theBible? Genesis Exodus Acts Mark How many sides has a hexagon? Six Eight Five Ten With which day are Hot Cross Buns associated? Good Friday Shrove Tuesday Boxing Day Hallowe'en What relation to you is your father's sister? Aunt Cousin Grandmother Niece Q4 Famous People 50 0 Who first brought tobacco and potatoes to England? Sir Walter Raleigh Francis Drake Thomas Cranmer James Cook Who defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066? William the Conqueror Alfred the Great King John Oliver Cromwell Julie Andrews is a famous ...? Film actress Writer Ballerina Politician Which king was killed in a hunting accident in the New Forest? William II Henry I Henry IV Harold Who lives at the White House? The US President The Pope The British Prime Minister The British Monarch Who was the first man to walk on the moon? Neil Armstrong John Glenn Alan Shepard Charles Conrad Vincent Van Gogh was a famous what? Artist Author Politician Engineer Who was the first wife of Henry VIII? Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn Jane Seymour Anne of Cleves Who was the dictator of Nazi Germany? Hitler Mussolini Stalin Bonaparte Who was killed in his boat Bluebird on Coniston Water at 328 mph in 1967? Donald Campbell Lee Taylor Malcolm Campbell Roy Duby Who invented the television? John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell C.S. Cockerell T. Edison Everest was first climbed on 29th May, 1953. By which two men? Hillary and Tenzing Hillary and Fuchs Irvine and Mallory Who was the longest reigning British monarch? Victoria Elizabeth I Henry VIII George III In 1911 the South Pole was first reached. Who was the leader of that expedition? Amundsen Scott Fuchs Peary Which animals are associated with Hannibal? Elephants Lions Tigers Horses Who was the wartime legless fighter pilot who later inspired many disabled people? Douglas Bader Leonard Cheshire Geoffrey de Haviland Reginald Mitchell Who was king of the Knights ofthe Round Table? Arthur John Lancelot Alfred Jane Austen was a famous what? Author Dancer Actress Nurse Who burnt the cakes? Alfred the Great Robert the Bruce Queen Victoria Mrs Beeton Who was known as "The Lady of the Lamp"? Florence Nightingale Marie Curie Elizabeth Fry Sylvia Pankhurst In 1983 the youngest ever leader of the Labour Party waselected. Who is he? Neil Kinnock David Owen David Steel Tony Wedgewood Benn Who was "not amused"? Queen Victoria Margaret Thatcher Elizabeth I Queen Anne How many wives did Henry VIII have? Six Eight One Five Kenneth Grahame was a famous what? Writer Army general Chemist Composer On which ship did Nelson die? HMS Victory HMS Trafalgar The Golden Hind The Mary Rose Who first explored China? Marco Polo Christopher Columbus James Cook Robert Scott David Bowie is a famous what? Pop-singer Comedian Scientist Tennis player Who made the first single- handed voyage around the world? Francis Chichester Clare Francis Alec Rose Chay Blyth Who said "We shall defend our island...we shall fight on thebeaches...we shall never surrender"? Winston Churchill King Harold Elizabeth I General Galtieri What creature is associated with Robert the Bruce? A spider A mouse A fly A dog Which was the last battle fought by Napoleon Bonaparte? Waterloo Trafalgar Hastings Balaclava Harold Wilson was a famous what? British Prime Minister Architect Explorer Aviator What was the Princess of Wales' family name before her marriage? Spencer Shand-Kydd Althorpe Smith Who first flew an aeroplane across the Straits of Dover in1909? Bleriot Wright Lindbergh Alcock Sue Barker is a famous what? Tennis player Actress Designer Pop-singer Who said "Dr Livingstone, I presume" on coming across a stranger in Africa? Stanley Scott Speke Grant Who was the Lord Protector of England? Oliver Cromwell Thomas Fairfax General Monk William Pitt Who discovered America for Spain in 1492? Christopher Columbus Captain Cook Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Which American president was assassinated in Dallas in November 1963? Kennedy Lincoln Washington Garfield Who followed Jo Gormley as president of the National Union of Mineworkers? Arthur Scargill Mick McGahey Ian McGregor Peter Heathfield Which American president was afilm star before entering politics? Ronald Reagan Jimmy Carter John Kennedy Richard Nixon Keith Harris is a famous what? Ventriloquist News reader Scientist Astronaut Who was the South African doctor who performed the firstheart transplant operation? Christiaan Barnard Roger Bannister Alexander Bell Thomas Barnardo Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin John Glenn Alan Shepard Colonel Leonov Which sea captain and explorerclaimed Australia for England in 1770? James Cook Francis Drake Henry Hudson Walter Raleigh Who founded the organisation of Boy Scouts in 1908 and GirlGuides in 1910? Lord Baden-Powell Lord Roberts Lord Haig Lord Kitchener Who was the first man to run the mile in less than four minutes in 1954? Roger Bannister Christopher Chataway Sydney Wooderson Alan Simpson The promenade concerts now held at the Albert Hall each year were first started by which famous conductor? Sir Henry Wood Sir Malcolm Sargent Andre Previn Sir John Barbirolli When Mike Yarwood portrays an ex-Prime Minister as laughing quietly with shaking shouldersand a big grin, who is it? Edward Heath Harold Wilson James Callaghan Alec Douglas Home The leader of the campaign of non-violence for Indian independence was assassinated in 1948. Who was he? Gandhi Nehru Jinnah Sadat Q5 Science 50 0 If a metal lid on a glass is difficult to turn it may be freed by running hot water over it. Why is this? Metal expands quicker It is easier to grip The contents are melted Glass expands quicker What are the three small boneswhich vibrate in the human earcalled? Hammer, anvil and stirrup Mallet, block and chisel Femur, tibia and clavicle Humerus, anvil and sternum Where in your body is the "funny bone"? The elbow The knee The ankle The back A stretched piano wire will give a note when struck. If the wire is tightened what happens to the note? It will be higher It will be lower It will be louder It will be quieter What do semicircular canals inyour ear help you to do? Balance Hear high notes Hear watery sounds Enjoy music What do decibels (dB) measure in a sound? Loudness Frequency Harmonics Resonance What do Hertz (Hz) units measure in a sound? Frequency Loudness Harmonics Resonance Why is it hotter in the tropics than in England? The sun is nearly overhead It is closer to the sun There are no clouds The winds are southerly Gliders can stay in the air byusing thermals. What are thermals? Rising currents of hot air Strong winds Wing controls Patches of sunlight Which star is due North at alltimes? The Pole Star Castor Pollux Sirius Which organ pumps blood aroundthe body? The heart The liver The lungs The kidneys What can be called cumulus, nimbus or cirrus? Clouds Gliders Insects Continental cars Why do men climbing high mountains need oxygen masks? There is not enough oxygen To frighten away Yeti To warm the air To filter out snow What is the earth's satellite called? The moon Mars The sun Venus How would you separate a dry mixture of iron filings and sulphur? Use a strong magnet Heat it Expose to sunlight Grind it What causes tiny holes in a sponge cake after baking? Carbon dioxide Mice Water drying out Sugar dissolving Where in your body would you find the femur? The thigh The chest The back The hand When mixing paints with what colour would you mix blue to get green? Yellow Red Brown White Of wool, nylon, cotton and silk which is not a natural fibre? Nylon Wool Cotton Silk Which is the most common element in the universe? Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Iron Which two elements make up water? Hydrogen and oxygen Carbon and oxygen Oxygen and sulphur Hydrogen and carbon From which plant do we get iodine? Seaweed Toadstools Deadly Nightshade Ivy How many square metres in a hectare? 10,000 100,000 1,000 5,555 What is the common name for the International System of Units? Metric System Decimalisation Troy Weight Imperial Measures What are the "strongest" partsof a magnet called? Poles Nodes Plates Cells Mercury is often used in thermometers. What type of substance is mercury? A metal A gas A powder A crystal What is the chemical reaction called when metal rusts? Oxidation Reduction Enzyme activity Distillation What units are used to measureelectrical potential or pressure? Volts Amperes Ohms Watts When mixing paints which colour would you mix with yellow to get orange? Red Brown Green Blue What is acetic acid commonly known as? Vinegar Lemon juice Washing soda Bleach Why will a hot air balloon rise and carry basket, equip- ment and passengers? Hot air is lighter Hot air is heavier Passengers throw out sand Wind blows the balloon up Who was the Italian astronomerwho perfected the telescope in1610? Galileo Copernicus Kepler Herschel Water boils at 100C. At what temperature does it freeze? 0C 32C -50C -100C As you go up a high mountain how is the boiling point of water affected? It falls It rises It remains the same What type of lens is a magnifying glass? Convex Concave Plano-concave Plano-convex What causes an eclipse of the sun? The Moon hides the sun Mars hides the sun Very thick cloud Sun spots Light travels very, very fast.In one second how many miles does it travel? 186,300 miles 86,300 miles 8,630 miles 43,150 miles The sun is 93 million miles away. How long does the light from the sun take to reach us? 8 minutes 8 hours 8 seconds 8 days In which part of the body is the retina? The eye The arm The foot The ear What is the name of the deviceused for magnifying small objects? A microscope A periscope A stethoscope An oscilloscope Diamonds and coal are made of which single element? Carbon Helium Lead Plutonium Where does the sun rise? East North South West What is used by boats to detect submerged submarines? Sonar Laser Depth charges Radar Which planet is nearest to earth? Venus Saturn Mars Pluto A light-year is the distance light travels in one year (6,000,000,000,000 miles). Howfar away is the nearest star? 4 light-years 1 light-years 7 light-years 11 light-years In daylight green plants are able to make sugars and starch. What gas do they produce? Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Monoxide Methane When light is passed through aprism what do you see? The colours of the rainbow Green and red only Yellow and blue only Darkness How many teeth do we have in our "permanent" set? 32 16 28 20 What is the "normal" temperature of the human body? 37C 32C 40C 20C At what speed (in metres per second) does sound travel through the air? 331 1089 48 128 Q6 The British Isles 50 0 Who is the patron saint of Wales? St David St Andrew St Patrick St George Latitude is expressed as degrees North or South of the Equator. What is the latitude of London? 51N 2N 41S 75N The ice age shaped much of thecountry. How long ago did the last ice age end? 10,000 years 2,000 years 25,000 years 5,000 years The Romans invaded and conquered most of Britain. When were they here? 43 AD - 407 AD 43 BC - 407 AD 300 AD - 950 AD 150 AD - 600 AD Many town names have the same ending derived from the Roman word "castra". What is it? ...chester ...henge ...bury ...stone Where do the Manx people live? Isle of Man Ireland Channel Islands Cornwall Which is the longest river in Great Britain? Severn Trent Thames Ouse Where was King Arthur's Camelot supposed to have been sited? Cadbury Castle, Somerset Glastonbury Tor, Somerset Tintagel, Cornwall Winchester, Hants Which sport is popular on the North coast of Devon and Corn-wall where there are wide, sandy beaches? Surfing Tennis Water polo Skin diving What name is given to the granite rock piles on Dart- moor? Tors Peaks Cliffs Heaps What is the title of R D Blackmore's famous book set inExmoor? Lorna Doone David Copperfield Jane Eyre Emma What is the tourist attractionof Cheddar Gorge? Caves Cliff railway Mountain goats One of Thomas Hardy's most famous books is "The Mayor of Casterbridge". On which town did Hardy base Casterbridge? Dorchester Weymouth Bournemouth Winchester Which cathedral in England hasthe highest spire (123.1m)? Salisbury Norwich Lichfield Wakefield What are the Needles on the Isle of Wight? Remains of chalk cliff Standing stones Radio aerials Martello towers Where were the stones brought from to build Stonehenge in about 1700 BC? Prescelli Hills Malvern Hills Avebury Portland What is the name of the Roman road from Exeter to Lincoln? Foss Way Watling Street Ermine Street Stone Street Where is Shakespeare's birth- place? Stratford-on-Avon Bath Warwick Broadway What are the hills called thatrun North-South in N England and are known as the backbone of England? Pennines Chilterns Mendips Cheviots Of which country is the rose the national emblem? England Scotland Wales N. Ireland Where, in London, is Nelson's column? Trafalgar Square Westminster Hyde Park Waterloo Place Where is the Black Country? S Staffordshire/W Midlands N Wales Yorkshire Clydeside What is going to happen in theVale of Belvoir, Leics that will change the district? Coal Mining Fox hunting ending Canals to be drained A beaver reserve opening How were the Norfolk Broads originally made? By peat cutting From sea flooding Old river courses By the ice age Who lives at Buckingham Palace? The Queen The Prime Minister Duke of Buckingham Archbishop of Canterbury There is a statue in Kensington Gardens, London of a boy who wouldn't grow up. Who is he? Peter Pan Oliver Twist Pip Christopher Robin Apart from walking how else could you get to the summit ofSnowdon? Rack and pinion railway Coach Abseiling Cliff railway On what date is St Patrick's Day? 17th March 23rd April 1st March 30th November On which river is London situated? Thames Severn Mersey Tyne Who was reputed to have lost his treasure in the Wash? King John Henry VIII King Richard Edward IV What type of country are "The Downs"? Rolling hills Marshland Woodland Moorland In which county is the Queen'scountry residence of Sandringham? Norfolk Berkshire Suffolk Grampian What is the airport for Belfast? Aldergrove Stansted Prestwick Gatwick What is the name of the motor-way being built to circle London? M25 M23 M20 M26 The mountain behind Fort William is the highest in Britain at 1,343m. What is it called? Ben Nevis Snowdon Snaefell Scafell What modern industry has brought prosperity to Aberdeen? North Sea Oil Aircraft manufacture Hydrofoil design Satellite launching The Giant's Causeway is a lavaflow which cooled into columns- where is it? Co. Antrim Isle of Wight Fort William Portland In what part of England did Beatrix Potter live? Lake District Yorkshire Dales Peak District Cotswolds What was the name of the RomanEmperor who ordered the build-ing of a wall across Northern England? Hadrian Julius Claudius Caligula From "Arthur's Seat" wonderfulviews may be had of which capital city? Edinburgh Belfast London Cardiff Where is the Mull of Kintyre? Strathclyde Ulster Yorkshire Gwynedd Which song commemorates L S Lowry who painted scenes of industrial Lancashire? Matchstick Men Sally in Our Alley Lancashire Clog Dance Scarborough Fair What is the number of the motorway from London to South Wales? M4 M1 M6 M62 What is the name of the small town near the most northerly headland on mainland Britain? John o'Groats Land's End Ullapool Inverness How many counties are there inmodern Ulster? Seven Five Ten Twelve What is the name of Britain's largest airport? Heathrow Gatwick East Midlands Stansted "Lady Isabella" can be seen atLaxey on the Isle of Man. She is the largest in the world. The largest what? Water-wheel Mountain Statue Chimney The tower of St Botolph's Church, Boston can be seen formiles across the Fens. What isits nickname? Boston Stump Boston Lighthouse Fen Tower Botolph's Lantern Where in London can the Crown Jewels be seen? Tower of London Palace of Westminster Buckingham Palace St Paul's Cathedral On which river is Liverpool situated? Mersey Trent Severn Thames Q7 Word Fun 50 0 Of daffodil, violet, daisy andoak which one does not belong? Oak Daffodil Violet Daisy Of Jane, David, Rebecca and Katy which one does not belong? David Jane Rebecca Katy Of William, Peter, Ellen and Simon which one does not belong? Ellen William Peter Simon Of lemon, orange, lime and pear which one does not belong? Pear Lemon Orange Lime Of apple, carrot, turnip and potato which one does not belong? Apple Carrot Potato Turnip Of tiger, rabbit, lion and cheetah which one does not belong? Rabbit Tiger Lion Cheetah Of sparrow, blackbird, cuckoo and bat which one does not belong? Bat Sparrow Blackbird Cuckoo Of sugar, tea, coffee and cocoa which one does not belong? Sugar Tea Coffee Cocoa Of Alsatian, Poodle, Siamese and Labrador which one does not belong? Siamese Alsatian Poodle Labrador Of skateboard, bicycle, rollerskates and toboggan which one does not belong? Toboggan Skateboard Bicycle Roller Skates Of pike, herring, mackerel andplaice which one does not belong? Pike Herring Mackerel Plaice Of stream, brook, river and canal which one does not belong? Canal Stream Brook River Can you complete this phrase "The white cliffs of ...."? Dover Kent Land's End France Can you complete this saying "Too many cooks spoil the ...."? Broth Stew Cake Pastry Can you complete this saying "Don't put all your eggs in one ...."? Basket Bag Nest Box Can you complete this saying "When the cat's away, the micewill ...."? Play Rest Escape Dance Can you complete this saying "You can't teach an old ..... new tricks"? Dog Man Parrot Dolphin Can you complete this saying "A bird in the hand is worth ..... in the bush"? Two Four Ten Twenty Can you complete this saying "Red sky at night, shepherd's ....."? Delight Worried Pleased Disappointed Can you complete this saying "Once bitten, twice ...."? Shy Afraid Hurt Annoyed Can you complete this saying "Look before you ...."? Leap Fall Dance Sing Archaelogy is the study of .....? Ancient relics Arks Arches Bows and arrows Zoology is the study of ....? Animal life The solar system Fungi Plant life Campanology is the study of ....? Bell-ringing Camping Camels Herbs Astrology is the study of ....? The influence of the stars The universe Electricity Mosses Meteorology is the study of ....? Weather Meteors The metric system Meters Ornithology is the study of what? Birds Bones Mountains Ornaments Who would have used a cutlass? A pirate A cook A glazier A butcher In what type of building wouldyou find a chancel? A church A court room A castle A palace What is a savage who eats human flesh called? A cannibal A cannelloni A canteen A vegetarian Flags used for decorating streets and buildings are known as what? Bunting Beacons Pennants Stars and stripes Lychees, pomegranates and limes are all types of what? Fruit Bird Vegetable Insect Macaroni, lasagne and spaghetti are all types of what? Pasta Pulse Vegetable Car What part of your body does an optician look after? Eyes Ears Feet Bones Where would you find nectar? In flowers In necks In ponds In roots Nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves are all types of what? Spice Herb Toadstool Gem What is a rickshaw? A vehicle pulled by a man A haystack A boat A Chinese house What is a kayak? A canoe A waterproof jacket An Indian tent A fortress What name is given to a shelter with a rounded roof built of blocks of ice or snow? An igloo A wigwam A mosque A snow-hole What is a hornet? A wasp A musical instrument A tree A type of headwear What is a gondola? A boat A dinner gong A seaweed A dress What name is given to a bowl with many small holes - used in the kitchen? A colander A calendar A calendula A cultivator Thyme, dill and basil are all types of what? Herb Tree Spice Boys' names What is a florin? A coin A Flemish king A drink A small flower If someone can make plants grow well, what is he said to have? Green fingers Green Cross Code Green hands Green touch What would you do with a Sari? Wear it Eat it Play it Drink it Demerara, caster and granulated are all types of what? Sugar Pepper Sand Coal What is a spinet? A musical instrument A loom A spinning wheel A spider What would you do with castanets? Play them Eat them Feed them Fish with them What is ebony? Black wood Ivory A semi-precious stone A flower Q8 Around the World 50 0 Which country is called "Helvetia" in its own language? Switzerland Norway Greece Sweden What is grown in a paddy field? Rice Paddy Spaghetti Tea What is the name of the canal which cuts through Central America? Panama Suez Grand Union Welland Which is the longest river in the world? Nile Mississippi Amazon Yangtze What is the name of the mountain range which divides France and Spain? The Pyrenees The Alps The Andes The Rocky Mountains Brazil, Argentina and Peru arecountries in which continent? South America Australia Asia North America In which country would you find the towns of Hamburg, Cologne and Munich? W. Germany Holland Denmark Austria In size which is the largest country in the world? Russia China USA Brazil Into which ocean does the River Amazon flow? Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic The Andes are a great range ofmountains running down the length of which continent? South America Asia North America Africa What is the capital of Spain? Madrid Lisbon Rome Oslo What are The Himalayas? Mountains Islands Lakes Winds In which country would you find the most well-known fjords? Norway Scotland Spain Yugoslavia What is the capital of the USA? Washington New York Los Angeles Dallas Which country is known as "theland of the rising sun"? Japan China Singapore Burma To which country does the island of Crete belong? Greece Libya Turkey Italy Which Italian city is situatedon a network of canals? Venice Pisa Naples Florence Which country do you associatewith bullfights? Spain Italy France Greece Off which country's coastline is the Great Barrier Reef? Australia New Zealand South Africa Mexico Of which continent is Great Britain part? Europe Asia Australia North America In which country would you find Disneyland and the Grand Canyon? USA Canada Australia England What is the capital of Australia? Canberra Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Of which country do the Channel Islands form part? Great Britain France Belgium Spain In which country would you find the states of Queensland and New South Wales? Australia Canada South Africa USA In Europe which country resembles the shape of a boot? Italy Greece Austria Portugal What is the regional name given to Sweden, Norway and Finland? Scandinavia The Aegean The Black Forest The Iberian Peninsula Which is the largest continent? Asia South America Australia Europe In which country are the cities of Calcutta, Delhi and Jodhpur? India South Africa Thailand Egypt The island of Tasmania is partof which country? Australia New Zealand Argentina Chile In which country would you find the Pyramids? Egypt Italy China Spain From which country do we get Camembert cheese? France Italy England Germany What is the capital of France? Paris Brussels Bonn Marseilles Which country has the largest population? China India Russia USA Which is the highest mountain in the world? Everest Mont Blanc Mt McKinley Annapurna Which is the largest ocean in the world? Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic What is the capital of Italy? Rome Pisa Naples Florence In which country is Quebec? Canada France Australia Venezuela Of which country is Moscow thecapital? Russia USA Poland China In which city would you find the Parthenon? Athens Rome Istanbul Cairo Where is the Eiffel Tower? Paris New York Blackpool Jerusalem What language do the people ofHolland speak? Dutch Flemish German French In which country is Tokyo? Japan Pakistan Korea China In which city is the Statue ofLiberty? New York London San Francisco Rio de Janeiro Of which country is Delhi the capital? India Iran Egypt China Which is the largest desert inthe world? Sahara Gobi Kalahari Australian In which country is Cape Town? South Africa Argentina India Australia In which country do the Maorislive? New Zealand Borneo Australia Kenya Mount Popocatepetl is an active volcano - in which country is it? Mexico Chile Russia Italy In which country is Shanghai? China India Japan Nepal In which country is Rio de Janeiro? Brazil Argentina Chile El Salvador Q9 Brain Strainers 50 0 What colour is indigo? Violet-blue Dark red Mustard yellow Light green What would you be if you were a doctor specially good at performing operations? A surgeon A physiotherapist An optician A chiropodist What is the unit of currency in Italy? Lira Drachma Franc Dinar What is the more common name for St Stephen's Day? Boxing Day Midsummer's Day Good Friday Epiphany How many are there in a Baker's Dozen? 13 12 10 24 What colour were letter boxes before they became red, the colour they are today? Green Orange Blue Yellow The Minotaur was half bull andhalf what? Man Horse Sheep Dragon Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? The cuckoo The blackbird The swallow The nightingale Heathrow, Orly and Kennedy areall what? Airports Presidents Stations Cities What would you be if you designed buildings? An architect An artist An archer An archaeologist In Roman figures "V" is a number. Which number? 5 50 10 100 How many people make up a netball team? 7 10 14 3 In which year did the Great Plague of London start? 1664 1604 1695 1582 Which English queen reigned for only nine days? Lady Jane Grey Anne Boleyn Mary I Jane Seymour Who worships in a synagogue? Jews Muslims Buddhists Christians Who was Sherlock Holmes' assistant? Watson Man Friday Mr Hyde Jeeves In the Bible who was cast intoa den of lions? Daniel David Jesus Goliath On which day do we hold Pancake Races? Shrove Tuesday St Valentine's Day Ash Wednesday Good Friday What is the eleventh month of the year? November July October September What is made in a mint? Coins Sweets Herbs Cars How much of the total area of the world is covered by sea? Nearly three-quarters A half A third A quarter Where did the Great Fire of London start? Pudding Lane Fleet Street St Pauls Cheapside What creature terrorised people in "Jaws"? A shark A piranha A giant squid A killer whale Of which country is the shamrock the national emblem? Ireland Wales Scotland England Which ship was sunk by icebergs on its maiden voyage in 1912? Titanic Queen Mary Lusitania Britannia What is the head of the Frenchstate known as? President Prime Minister King or Queen When all the people in a country are counted it is called a what? Census Century Centaur Centurion Who founded the modern police force? Sir Robert Peel William Pitt Sir Issac Newton George Fox How many legs do starfish have? 5 4 2 8 Which is nearest to London - Northampton, Birmingham, Sheffield or York? Northampton Sheffield Birmingham York Ronnie Corbett is one of The Two Ronnies. Who is the other? Ronnie Barker Ronnie Barnes Ronnie Baker Ronnie Brown On which river is Newcastle situated? Tyne Dee Severn Mersey When did the Second World War start? 1939 1944 1936 1918 Where would you find chlorophyll? In plants In swimming pools In churches In houses What nationality was Joan of Arc? French Belgian German English In Mythology what were the monster giants with one eye called? Cyclops Gorgons Centaurs Muses What is the name given to a structure which carries a roador railway over land? A viaduct An aqueduct A lock A tunnel Who was forced to shoot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow? William Tell Oliver Cromwell Robin Hood Captain Kidd What nationality was Alexanderthe Great? Greek French Roman English How many people did Jesus feedwith five loaves and two fishes? 5,000 20,000 1,000 500 Who had hits with "Eleanor Rigby" and "All You Need is Love" in the 60's? The Beatles David Bowie Cliff Richard The Rolling Stones The Crimean War was fought between France and Britain on the one side and which countryon the other? Russia Germany Italy Greece What is the unit of currency in Spain? Peseta Escudo Kroner Franc What did Renoir, Constable andPicasso all have in common? All artists All composers All scientists All explorers Which pop group had hits with "Radio Gaga" and "I Want to Break Free"? Queen Ultravox Spandau Ballet Culture Club What was the name of the squirrel in the Beatrix Potterstories who loved to sing riddles? Nutkin Twinkletoes Jemima Samuel Which of Glasgow, Bristol and Liverpool is the furthest awayfrom London? Glasgow Bristol Liverpool Which children's television programme would tell you a good story? Jackanory Blue Peter The Record Breakers Animal Magic What is the capital of Greece? Athens Madrid Copenhagen Rome At the beginning of the story of Alice in Wonderland what was it that Alice followed? The White Rabbit The Mad Hatter The Cheshire Cat The Dormouse SL1.QUZ Common Problems 25 0 Which letter is missing from this sentence? John saved all his m-ney to buy his favourite book. o u a e How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Mary rushed home ______ she was late. because becos becuase becouse Which of the following words is spelt correctly? everyone evvyone eferyone everywon everyone everywon evvyone eferyone How do you spell the word thatdescribes a meal eaten in the morning? breakfast brekfast breckfast breckfarst Which of the following words is spelt incorrectly? thay them there that thay them there that Which phrase is incorrectly spelt? Mary goes Peter stayed John whent Ann stays John whent Peter stayed Mary goes Ann stays How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Last night I watched the news on ______. television televition televisoin telivision What is the correct spelling of the missing word? You ______ be kind. should shuold showld shoude How is the word that describeshair growing above a man's mouth spelt? moustache mousetache moustashe moustoche Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? "You must tidy up f--st" said Mum. ir ur er or Which letters are missing fromthis word describing a person at school who helps you to learn? T--cher ea ee ae ie How do you spell the missing word in this phrase? _____ upon a time once onse wons ounce What are the missing letters in this sentence? Sally likes w____ing cartoons. atch otch ach och This is an object that tells us the time. What letters complete the word? cl____ ock ok oc oke Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? never always sumetimes often sumetimes never always often Which correctly spelt word completes this sentence? I like egg ______ (sandwichs samwiches sanwichs sandwiches) sandwiches samwiches sanwichs sandwichs Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? shouted cried siad screamed siad shouted cried screamed Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The man was wearing a blue andwhite sh--t. ir ur er ih This word describes an object with two wheels and pedals. What is the correct spelling? bicycle bycycle bycicle bisycle How do you spell the first word in this sentence? ____ is your name? What Whot Wot Whatt How do you spell the missing word in this sentence? They ____ driving to London when their car broke down. were where wear wher What is the correct spelling of the word that means "to take care"? careful carefull carful carefal Which letters complete this phrase? Stand to atten---- tion sion toin shun Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt: windy weather shineing sun pouring rain cold snow shineing sun pouring rain cold snow windy weather Which word completes this sentence correctly? I cooked my dinner in the ____ kitchen kichen kitchin citchen SL10.QUZ Trees and Plants 25 0 How do you spell the word thatis missing from this sentence?A ____ tree is decorated at Christmas. fir fur fear fire Which of the following plants is spelt incorrectly? rose iris thistel ivy thistel rose iris ivy How do you spell the name of the tree that has conkers? horse chestnut horse chesnut hoarse chestnut horse chessnut Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? holley and ivy holy and ivy holly and ivey holly and ivy holly and ivy holley and ivy holy and ivy holly and ivey How do you spell the last wordof this sentence? A tree that has big leaves is the ________. sycamore sicamore sycamor sickamor Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? When da__odils appear it is a sign that spring is here. ff ph f gh What letters are missing from this word that is the name of a plant growing in the desert? cac--- tus tas tes tis Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Grass, leeves and mosses are all green. leeves grass mosses green How do you spell the missing word in this sentence? ________ wood is dark brown and expensive. mahogany mahogony mahoginny mahogenny How do you spell the name of the plant that hurts you if you touch it? stinging nettle stingeing nettle stinging nettel stinging nettal Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? a you tree a yew tree a yoo tree a yeuw tree a yew tree a you tree a yoo tree a yeuw tree Which of the following words is spelt correctly? buttercup butercup buttarcup butterkup buttercup buttarcup butercup butterkup Which letters are missing fromthis word that is the name of a tree that has acorns? --k oa ow ou oh How is the last word of this sentence spelt? A common herb used in cooking is called _____. thyme time tyme thymn Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? My favourite trees are the parm, ash, lime and pine. parm ash lime pine How do you spell the name of the plant that is grown from abulb and is often blue? hyacinth hyasinth hyaccinth hyacynth How do you spell the name of the tree that has glossy leaves? beech beach beche beache How do you spell the missing word in this sentence? I picked a _____ from my garden. pansy pancy pansey pansie Which of the following is correctly spelt? forget me knot; foreget me notforget me not; fourget me not forget me not forget me knot foreget me not fourget me not Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The woods were full of beautiful bl--bells. ue ew oo eu How do you spell the name of the plant under which people kiss at Christmastime? mistletoe miseltoe misseltoe misseltow How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? I had some __________ with my salad. watercress wartercress watercrest watercres What is the correct spelling of the name of the tree that is very tall and straight? poplar popular popplar popler Which of these trees is incorrectly spelt? weeping willow walnut older olive older weeping willow walnut olive How do you spell the name of the plant that often grows up walls and has a yellow flower? honeysuckle huneysuckle honysuckle honeysuckel SL11.QUZ Ourselves 25 0 How is the part of the body that is often called the tummyspelt? stomach stumach stomack stummack Which of the following is a part of the body? I knows ears hare ears I knows hare How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? If we did not have a ______ wecould not speak. tongue tungue tung tunge Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? a long beurd a long beard a long baerd a long beourd a long beard a long beurd a long baerd a long beourd Which letters complete this sentence? The little girl was rushed to hospital with append_______. icitis isitis issitis acitis How does this word meaning "the top part of the leg" end? th___ igh iy iye ih Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? In our bodies we have a hart, lungs, bones and blood. hart lungs bones blood Which of the following is not part of the human body? spine vain chin bone vain spine bone chin Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? neck head back mowth mowth neck head back How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Strong people usually have large _______. muscles musles mussels muscels Which is the silent letter in this sentence? Our hands are joined to our arms at our wrists. w j h t How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The girl has ________ on her nose. freckles frekles freckels frecells Which of the following is not part of the human body? hand foot finger tow tow foot finger hand Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? A twisted an___ can be very painful. kle kel ckle ckel How does this word, meaning the hair above the eyelids, end? eyebr___ ows oughs ouws ouse Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? peirced ears piersed ears pierced ears pearced ears pierced ears peirced ears piersed ears pearced ears Which one of the following parts of the body is correctly spelt? armes teath legg elbow elbow armes teath legg Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Do you know the song "Head, Sholders, Knees and Toes"? Sholders Knees Toes Head How is the word describing thebones at the finger joint spelt? knuckle nuckle knukel knuckel Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? see hear tuche taste tuche see hear taste Which is the silent letter in this sentence? A cut knee can bleed a lot. k l c n How is the last word of this sentence spelt? A person who has no hair is ____. bald bauld borld balled How is the word that describesa dull pain spelt? ache acke ake aeck Which of the following words is correctly spelt? skeleeton skelaton skeleton skelleton skeleton skeleeton skelaton skelleton How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? When we are hot we _____. sweat swet sweet swete SL12.QUZ People 25 0 How is the word meaning "a grown-up" spelt? adult adolt addolt addult Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The shop a____tant asked for the money for the goods. ssis siss sis scis How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The girl was the man's _____. niece neice niese neise Which of the following words is correctly spelt? nieghbor neighbour neighbor nieghbour neighbour nieghbor nieghbour neighbor Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? I have many relatives such as arnts, uncles and sisters. arnts uncles sisters relatives Which letters are missing fromthis word describing a person who works in politics? politi___ cian tion tian cion Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? a car mecanic a car mechanica car mechanick a car mecanik a car mechanic a car mecanic a car mechanick a car mecanik How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The woman's ______ came to visit her. nephew nefew neffew nephue How is the word that means "your uncle's or aunt's child" spelt? cousin cuosin cousen cousan How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Paul is Philip's best ______. friend freind frend frende Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The crim_____ was sent to prison. inal inle inel anle Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? prince princess duchess quene quene prince princess duchess Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The docter called to the nursefor medicine. docter nurse called medicine What is the correct spelling of the missing word in this sentence? A ________ can type quickly. secretary secretry secratary secretery How do you spell the name given to someone who fights fires? fireman firman firemon fierman How is the word that describesa person who is trained to fight wars spelt? soldier soldeir solder soldar How is the last word of this sentence spelt? We had a problem with the lights so we called an ______. electrician electritian electricion electrition Which of the following words is correctly spelt? referee referree refferee refferree referee referree refferee refferree Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? he's my enemie he's my enemy he's my enomy he's my emeny he's my enemy he's my enemie he's my enomy he's my emeny Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The pol___man caught the thief ice ise ese ess Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? My mother, farther, sister andbrother are my family. farther mother brother sister How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The air_______ looked after the people on the aeroplane. hostess hostes hoastess hosetess Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The b_____ sells meat. utcher ucher utchar uchar Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? vet dentiste nurse surgeon dentiste vet nurse surgeon How is the word that describessomeone who looks after a building spelt? caretaker cartaker caretacker caretakar SL13.QUZ Places 25 0 Which is the silent letter in this sentence? The moat surrounded the castle. t in castle t in moat s in castle s in surrounded Which of the following words cannot be used in front of desert? sandy hot dry chocolate chocolate sandy hot dry Which of these words is incorrectly spelt? resevoir lake river pond resevoir lake pond river Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? sinema cinemer sinemer cinema cinema sinema cinemer sinemer Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? a big mantion a big mansion a big mansoin a big mantoin a big mansion a big mantion a big mantoin a big mansoin Which of the following is not a place? a town a beech a forest a park a beech a town a forest a park How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The Atlantic is the name of an_____. ocean osean otion osion What letters are missing from this word which describes where you can go to see a play? thea____ tre ter tar tere Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? We are going to eat out in a rest--rant today. au or ua er What is the correct spelling of the word missing from this sentence? I buy magazines from a ______. newsagent newsajent newsagant newsajant How is the word that describesa large hill spelt? mountain mowntain mountian mountin Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Churches, cathedrels and chapels are all buildings. cathedrels churches chapels buildings Which of the following phrasesuses the word sea incorrectly? I can sea you by the sea I like the sea the cold sea I can sea you by the sea I like the sea the cold sea Which of the following countries is incorrectly spelt? England Scotland Wales Irland Irland England Wales Scotland Which of the following is not a country? America Germany Whales France Whales America France Germany Which of the following phrasesis incorrectly spelt? in a bungalow in a howse in a palace in a flat in a howse in a bungalow in a palace in a flat How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Another word for a public toilet is a public __________. convenience conveniance conveniense conveenience What letters are missing from this word that is the name of a country on the other side ofthe world? Austral__ ia ier iar er What is the correct spelling of the word missing from this sentence? We looked around the ___ home. stately statly staitely statley What is the correct spelling of the words that describe a place where you can skate? skating rink skateing rink skatting rink skating rinke What is the correct spelling of the word missing from this sentence? Many people work in a ______. factory factry factrary factary How is the last word of this sentence spelt? I bought some food from the shopping ______. centre center senter sentar Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? I enjoy staying in hottels by the sea-side. hottels staying sea-side enjoy Which of the following words is correctly spelt? office ofice offise offis office ofice offise offis How are the last two words in this sentence spelt? We live in a country called the ______ _____. British Isles British Iles Britisch Isles British Isls SL14.QUZ Food 25 0 Which is the silent letter in this sentence? Jim had fresh salmon for his dinner. l in salmon J in Jim r in fresh f in for Which of the following is not a type of food? meat bread serial chips serial meat bread chips Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Sam spread margerine thickly over his bread. margerine bread thickly spread Which of the following phrasesis incorrect? dried currant fast currant blackcurrant tasty currant fast currant dried currant blackcurrant tasty currant Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? gravey graivy gravy graivey gravy gravey graivy graivey Which of the following phrasesis incorrectly spelt? glass of milk cup of cofee drink of squash pot of tea cup of cofee glass of milk drink of squash pot of tea How is the last word of this sentence spelt? My favourite snack is ________yogurt. strawberry strawberrie strawberie strawbery Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Mum cooked a delicious cas______ for our dinner. serole erole sarole serolle Which letters are missing fromthis word describing a small, thin, flat cake? bisc--t ui ua ie iu How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Ann likes ________ better thanfish fingers. sausages sosages sausiges sausajes What is the correct spelling of the name given to white granules put in tea to sweeten it? sugar suger sooger shugar How is the last word of this sentence spelt? A common Italian meal is _________. spaghetti spagetti spagetty spaghetty Of the following words which one is correctly spelt? cabage cabbage cabbege cabbige cabbage cabage cabbege cabbige Which letters are missing fromthe word describing small fishoften eaten on toast? sard---- ines enes eens inse Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? baked beens backed beans baked beans bakt beans baked beans baked beens backed beans bakt beans Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The children all had a glass of lemon____. ade aide aid aed How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? _______ is the main part of a green salad. Lettuce Lettuse Lettiss Lettise What is the correct spelling of the word meaning "to cook an egg in water without the shell"? poach poache poche pouch Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Amy sprinkled a lot of solt over her vegetables. solt vegetables sprinkled over How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Monkeys enjoy eating _______. bananas bannanas banarnas banarners Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? pork beef turky lamb turky pork beef lamb Which letters are missing fromthe word describing a way to cook meat in the oven? r--st oa ao ow ou How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The chef sliced the ________ into little pieces. cucumber cucumbre cuecumber quecumber What is the correct spelling of the word describing the liquid squeezed out of fruit? juice duce deuce juise Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? We can fry, poach, scrambel orboil eggs. scrambel fry poach boil SL15.QUZ Living Creatures 25 0 Which of the following is not an animal? cow bare horse lion bare cow horse lion Which of the following begins with a different sound? giraffe guinea-pig goldfish grasshopper giraffe guinea-pig grasshopper goldfish What is the correct spelling of the name of a creature thatwas on earth before human beings? dinosaur dinosaw dinosuar dinosaure How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The ________ swung his trunk. elephant elefant elephent eleffent How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The man was frightened of the large _________. alligator aligator alligater alligatter Which of the following words is spelt correctly? spidar skunck sparrow shepe sparrow skunck shepe spidar Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? In the pond there were frogs, todes and newts. todes newts frogs pond Which of the following phrasesis incorrectly spelt? fierce sharks lively dolfinshuge whales fat seals lively dolfins fat seals huge whales fierce sharks Which letters are missing fromthe word describing lizards, crocodiles and alligators? rept---- iles eils iels ails Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The bu________ escaped from its cage. dgerigar jerigar dgarigar dgeriger Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The rhinosourus, elephant and tiger were all at the zoo. rhinosourus elephant tiger zoo How is the name given to a brown and white animal spelt? weasel weesel weasle weasal How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Tony's pet is a little ______. hamster hampster hamstre hammster How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Have you ever seen a black andwhite animal called a _______? badger bagder badgar badgre Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? golden eegles golden eagels golden eagles golden eagals golden eagles golden eegles golden eagels golden eagals Which letters are missing fromthis word describing a reptilelike an alligator? croc______ odile adile udile erdile What is the correct spelling of the name given to an insectwith hard wings? beetle beatle beetel beatel Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? thrush sparrow robin blackberd blackberd thrush robin sparrow Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The poler bear could not be seen in the snow. poler bear seen snow Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? A popular pet is the guin__-pig. ea ee ie ey How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The ___________ was jumping high in the air. grasshopper grashopper grasshoper grashoper What letters are missing from this word which is the name ofa snake found in Britain? ad___ der dar er ar What is the correct spelling of the name given to a creature with a shell on its back? tortoise tortouse tourtoise toretoise Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? woodlouce woodlouse woodlause wouldlouse woodlouse woodlouce woodlause wouldlouse Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Whales, human beings and cows are all mammels. mammels Whales human cows SL16.QUZ Colours 25 0 What is the correct spelling of the word describing a pale brownish yellow colour? ochre ocher ockre ocker Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The man went p----- with rage. urple urpel erple erpel How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The girl's dress was a bright _______. scarlet scarllet scarlett scarllett Which of the following is the correctly spelt colour? indego indigo indigoe indago indigo indego indigoe indago Which of the following is not a colour? blew red green yellow blew red green yellow Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The primary colours are red, yelow and blue. yelow blue red primary Which of the following phrasesuses the word red incorrectly? red flag red a book red rag to a bull red hot red a book red flag red rag to a bull red hot Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? grene grass grean grass grien grass green grass green grass grene grass grien grass grean grass Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? A colour that is pale brown iscalled b--ge. ei ie ea ae How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? ______ is a colour and also a small purple flower. Violet Voilet Viollet Voillet Which letters are missing fromthis word that describes bright crimson? ma_____ genta jenta gentar jentar Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? emareld emerald emirald emereld emerald emareld emereld emirald Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Red, indigo, yellow and orengeare colours of the rainbow. orenge red indigo yellow Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? saffire blue saphire blue safhire blue sapphire blue sapphire blue saffire blue safhire blue saphire blue How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The car was deep purple or _____. mauve mouve moave muave How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The sea looks __________ on a sunny day. aquamarine aquamarene acuamarine aquamerine What is the correct spelling of the word that describes a bright green colour and is also a precious stone? emerald emarald emereld emareld Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? marroon crimson mauve purple marroon crimson mauve purple Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Am--- is the second colour on a set of traffic lights. ber bre bar bir What letters are missing from this word describing a very pale orange colour and a fruit? ap_____ ricot recot ricott recott What is the correct spelling of the missing word in this sentence? The ________ flower is blue. lavender lavendar lavendre lavander Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Some colours such as cherry, creme and lemon are also food. creme lemon cherry colours How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Most jewellery is made from gold and ______. silver silvre silvar sillver Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? lilic flowers lillac flowerslilack flowers lilac flowers lilac flowers lilic flowers lillac flowers lilack flowers Which of the following is the incorrectly spelt colour? olive white rubey navy rubey olive white navy SL17.QUZ Numbers and Measurement 25 0 How is the number 9 spelt? nine ninne nein knine Which of the following is not a number? five three for six for five three six Which of the following phrasesuses "two" incorrectly? I have two eyes eat two cakesit's two hot in two hours it's two hot I have two eyes eat two cakes in two hours Which of these numbers have silent letters in them? three six eight twelve eight twelve six three What is the correct spelling of the number 16? sixteen sixeteen sixtene sixsteen How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? ________ is supposed to be an unlucky number. Thirteen Therteen Thirtean Thirtene Which letters are missing fromthe word spelling the number 14? f___teen our ore or uor Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? in sixtey days in sixty days in sixety days in siksty days in sixty days in sixtey days in sixety days in siksty days Which of the following numbersis incorrectly spelt? twenty thurty forty fifty thurty twenty forty fifty Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Three milion is much more thanseven thousand. milion thousand seven three Which of the following is not a number? ten won nine eleven won nine ten eleven How is the number 40 spelt? forty forety fourty fortey How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The train arrived at quarter past nine or nine _______. fifteen fifeteen fiftene fiphteen How is the number 98 spelt? ninety-eight nintety-eight ninety-ate ninety-eihgt Which of the following numbersis incorrectly spelt? fifty hundrid twelve twenty hundrid twelve fifty twenty Which of the following is the correctly spelt number? ninetene ninteen nineteen neinteen nineteen ninetene ninteen neinteen Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The number se_____ is larger than sixty. venty ventey vanty vantey What is the correct spelling of the number after ten? eleven elevan elaven elleven Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? one meter long one metre longone metar long one metir long one metre long one meter long one metir long one metar long Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? litre liter letre leter litre liter letre leter Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? quartre of it quater of it quarter of it quorter of it quarter of it quartre of it quater of it quorter of it Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Litres, metres, grammes and sentimetres are measures. sentimetres litres metres grammes Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? wate weight wieght weite weight wate wieght weite How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Half a litre is the same as five hundred ___________. millilitres militres milliliters milelitres What is the correct spelling of the word meaning "measurement from bottom to top"? height hight hieght hite SL18.QUZ Time 25 0 What is the correct spelling of the month that follows July? August Agust Augest Augast How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Julie kept a _____ to remind her of appointments. diary dairy diarey dairey Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The party was held last Sat__day evening. ur er ure ir Which letters are missing fromthis word that describes something that is there for a very long time? per______ manent menent menant manant How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Mum said "Come here ________." immediately immedietely immediataly immediatally Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? liesure time leisure time lesuire time leasure time leisure time liesure time lesuire time leasure time Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? before aftar later sooner aftar later before sooner Which of the following phrasesuses the word 'hour' wrongly? hour or two an hour later for one hour hour home hour home for one hour hour or two an hour later Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? A lot of people go on holiday in June, Juley and August. Juley June August holiday Which of the following does not describe a time of day? day knight evening afternoon knight day evening afternoon Which is the silent letter in this sentence? The seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. n in autumn n in winter n in seasons n in spring Which letters are missing fromthis word describing the monthfollowing January? Feb_____ ruary uary ruarey uarey Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? centrury centery sentury century century centrury sentury centery How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The talk seemed to last an ________. eternity eturnity eternaty eternitty What is the correct spelling of the word meaning "all the time"? always allways alweighs alweys Which letters are missing fromthe last word in this sentence? We can usually hear the cuckoo in Ap___. ril rel ral rul Which of the following phrasesis incorrectly spelt? this day next munth last year past century next munth this day last year past century Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The days of the weekend are Saturday and Sonday. Sonday Saturday weekend are Which of the following phrasesuses "morning" incorrectly? good morning last morningmorning a death this morning morning a death good morning last morning this morning Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? present futere past now futere present past now Which letters are missing fromthis word meaning "ten years"? de____ cade caid ciad ckade Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? long periode long peariod long perioud long period long period long periode long perioud long peariod How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Sally was ten _____ old last birthday. years yeres yaers yeers What is the correct spelling of the word describing a few months in the school year? term turm tirm terme Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Wensday, Tuesday and Friday are days of the week. Wensday Tuesday Friday week SL19.QUZ Take a Chance 25 0 What is the correct spelling of the word describing a placewhere we can borrow books? library librery librarey libary How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Do you _________ anyone? recognise reconise recegnize recennise Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The man was held up by the tra__ic jam. ff ph f gh How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The customer was very _______. awkward arkward orkward awkwerd What is the plural of 'loaf'? loaves loafs loavs loafes Which of the following words does not rhyme? turn fern learn born born turn fern learn Which of the following cannot be carried in a bag? purse pen quay wallet quay purse pen wallet Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? clene clothes clean clothescleen clothes clien clothes clean clothes clene clothes cleen clothes clien clothes Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? We buy goods from a butcher, a baker and a cemist. cemist butcher baker buy Which two of the following words sound the same? suite suit sweet sweat suite and sweet suite and suit sweet and sweat sweat and suite How can the words 'you have' be shortened? you've you'v you'ave you'av Which is the silent letter in this sentence? Paintbrushes can be made of bristle or nylon. t in bristle t in paintbrushes l in nylon r in bristle Which letters are missing fromthis word meaning a distance travelled? j___ney our er ur ear What is the correct spelling of the word that describes theheat of something? temperature tempreture tempretare tempereture What is the plural of "robbery"? robberies robberys robbereys robberyes Which two of the following words sound the same as each other? peel pale pall peal peel and peal peel and pale pall and pale pall and peal How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The teenager was __________ inhis examinations. successful sucessful succesful successfull Which shortened word can replace the words in capital letters? He wished that heHAD NOT done it. hadn't had'ent haddn't had't Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? necessary neccessery neseccary nesessary necessary neccessery neseccary nesessary Which of these words does not sound the same? poor pure pore pour pure poor pore pour What word completes these phrases? Today I wear Yesterday I ____ wore war weared ware Which word begins with a different sound? choice chaos churn check chaos choice churn check How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The fair ride was very ______. exciting exsiting ecsiting eciting Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The monster looked very w--rd. ei ie ea ee What is the plural of tomato? tomatoes tomatos tomatose tomatoss SL2.QUZ Endings 25 0 Which letters are missing fromthis word which means "sad"? miser---- able ible abel ibel How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Children sometimes ______. quarrel quarel quorrel quarral Which of these phrases is correctly spelt: in troubel in troubal in trouble in troubell in trouble in troubel in troubal in troubell Which of these words is incorrectly spelt: invasion stasion attention pension stasion invasion attention pension How does this word meaning "quiet" end? sil____ ence ense ens ance Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The magi___ did clever tricks. cian tion sion cion Which of these is the correctly spelt word?: hospitle hospital hospitel hospitol hospital hospitle hospitel hospitol This word means very good. What letters complete it correctly? Excell____ ent ant ente ante What letters are missing from this word meaning "to moan"? grumb__ le el al lle Which of these words is incorrectly spelt? apple crumbel table level crumbel apple table level Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The two cars had an accid---. ent ant ont unt Which of these phrases is correctly spelt?: be sencible be sensibal be sensible be sensibel be sensible be sencible be sensibal be sensibel How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The doctor saw his ______. patient pationt patiant patent How does this word which means"not nice" end? horr____ ible eble ibal ibel Which of the following words is correctly spelt? obediant obedient obedeant obediente obedient obediant obedeant obediente This word describes something that can break. Which letters complete it? Break____ able eble ible abel Which of the following words is spelt correctly? usuale usuel usualle usual usual usuale usuel usualle Which letters are missing fromthis word meaning "awful"? terr____ ible abel eble able How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? A carrot is a ________. vegetable vegetible vegetabel vegetibel Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt: descripsion television fraction position descripsion fraction position television Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The par___ waved at her child. ent ant unt ont How does this word which means"a crash" end? colli____ sion tion sian tian Which of these is the correctly spelt word? permision permission permition permmition permission permision permition permmition This word means "normal". Which letters complete it? natur___ al el le all Which of these phrases is correctly spelt: paper modle paper modal paper model paper moddle paper model paper modle paper modal paper moddle SL20.QUZ Ready for More? 25 0 What is the correct spelling of the word describing a midday meal? luncheon lunchon lunchen lunchien How do you spell the word missing from this sentence? The guests drank _________ at the wedding. champagne champain champaine shampayne Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The man had a guilty con______after the crime. science sience csience sciense How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The weather is __________. marvellous marvelous marverllous marverlous What letters are missing from this word that means "not satisfied"? di______fied ssatis satis ssaters saters Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? that's curius that's curios that's curious that's cureus that's curious that's curius that's curios that's cureus Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? langauge langwich languaje language language langauge languaje langwich Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The police were suspicous of the strange person. suspicous strange police person What is the correct spelling of the word describing a person watching a sport? spectator spectater spectaitor spectaiter How do you spell the word missing from this sentence? Factories __________ all sortsof objects. manufacture manuafacture manuafactore manufactore Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The mis________ children got into trouble. chievous cheivous chievuous cheivuous How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The wise man was very _______. knowledgeable knowlegdeable knowledgable knowledgeble What letters are missing from this word that describes something distorted and ugly? grot_____ esque esck essque esqeue Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? see an opticion,see an opticansee an optician,see an optitin see an optician see an opticion see an optican see an optitin Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? critacism critisism criticicm criticism criticism critacism critisism criticicm Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? People appresiate help and kindness? appresiate help kindness people What is the correct spelling of the word meaning one person? individual individaul individualle individuale How do you spell the word missing from this sentence? The radio had a _________ for one year. guarantee guarrantee guarantea guarantie What is the correct spelling of the missing word in this sentence? The men argued over their __________. disagreement dissagreement disagreemant disaggreement How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The kind man offered some __________. assistance asisstance assisstance assistanse How is the word describing a lizard that can change colour spelt? chameleon cameleon chamelleon chamelion Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? secret ajent secret agant secret agent secret ajant secret agent secret ajent secret agant secret ajant Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? embarass embarrass embarras embarrasse embarrass embarass embarrasse embarras Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The jewel in the necklace was oppaque and turquoise. oppaque turquoise necklace jewel Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? magazine magasine magerzine magezine magazine magasine magezine magerzine SL3.QUZ Plurals 25 0 What is the plural of fairy? fairies fairys fairyes faires Which letters complete this sentence? The girls put on their dress__ es ies s ess Which of these phrases is spelt correctly? two halfs two halves two halvse two halfes two halves two halfs two halvse two halfes This word describes more than one berry. Which letters complete it? berr___ ies ys es yes How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Black smoke came out of the _________. chimneys chimnies chimenies chimneyes How is the word which means "more than one potato" spelt? potatoes potatos potatoss potatose Which of these words is incorrectly spelt? cupboards drawers shelfs wardrobes shelfs cupboards wardrobes drawers Which letters complete this word meaning "more than one penny"? pen_____  nies nys neys ies How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The old lady put on her ______to read the newspaper. glasses glassis glases glassies Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? six marbles three holidays ten sweets two partys two partys ten sweets six marbles three holidays Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The wol___ were howling in thewood. ves fs fes vs What is the plural of knife? knives knifes knivse knifse Which word is incorrectly spelt? girls boys babies ladys ladys babies girls boys How is the word meaning "more than one pencil" spelt? pencils penciles pencills pencilse Which sentence is correctly spelt: Flyse are insects. Flies are insects. Flys are insects. Flyes are insects. Flies are insects Flyse are insects Flyes are insects Flys are insects Which letters complete this word meaning "more than one church"? chur____ ches chs chese chse How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The cat ran over the ______. roofs roofes roovs Which of the following is the correct spelling of the pluralof tray? traies trayes trays trayse trays traies trayes trayse Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? plant pots milk bottles cornflake boxs jam jars cornflake boxs plant pots milk bottles jam jars How is the word meaning "more than one donkey" spelt? donkeys donkys donkies donkyes Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The children felt very warm intheir scar____. ves vs phs fes Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? ponys rabbits horses cows ponys rabbits horses cows Which of these phrases is correctly spelt? good storys good storyes good stories good storries good stories good storys good storyes good storries What is the plural of elf? elves elvs elfs elfes What letters are missing from this word meaning "more than one person"? p--ple eo ee oe ea SL4.QUZ Vowels (Vowel Digraphs) 25 0 What is the correct spelling of the missing word in this sentence? The child was very ________. naughty norty nuaghty nauty Which of the following words is correctly spelt? beautiful beuatiful bueatiful bueutiful beautiful beuatiful bueatiful bueutiful How is the word that describesclapping spelt? applause appluase applouse apploase Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? queue coluor proof boar coluor queue proof boar Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? a soft cushoin a kind aunt a high figure a huge mansion a soft cushoin a high figure a huge mansion a kind aunt How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The family went on a very long________. journey juorney jerney jeorney What are the missing letters in this sentence? The peng--ns slid across the ice. ui iu ie ei This is an object that goes with a cup. Which letters are missing from the word? s--cer au ua ou ae Which of these sentences is correctly spelt? The theif ran. The theef ran.The thief ran. The theaf ran. The thief ran. The theif ran. The theef ran. The theaf ran. How does this word meaning "the opposite of false" end? tr-- ue oo oe eu How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? Stephen ________ everywhere for the lost kitten. searched seerched saerched sourched How is the word that describesa large white vegetable spelt? cauliflower couliflower cualiflower caoliflower Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? a loud bang nousy children a black cloud a proud man nousy children a loud bang a black cloud a proud man Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? sneeze teese trees breeze teese trees sneeze breeze Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? receeve recieve receive receave receive recieve receeve receave Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? A wedding is a very spec--l occasion. ia ea ai ou How is the word that describesa place where trains collect people spelt? station statoin statian statain Which of these phrases is spelt correctly? a bleading nose a sandy beecha boring speach if you please if you please a sandy beech a bleading nose a boring speach How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The tea came out of the _____. spout spoat spuot spaot Which letters are missing fromthis word that describes what we do when we are happy? l--gh au ua ou uo Which correctly spelt word fills the space? The ______ was wet after the rain. ground groand gruond groend How does this word that describes a piece of information end? cl-- ue oo eu oe Which of the following words is spelt correctly? releif releef relief releaf relief releef releif releaf Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The kettle was b--ling. oi io ui ou Which of these phrases is spelt correctly? a white diasy, a tear in your shirt, a red bote, a good veiw a tear in your shirt a white diasy a red bote a good veiw SL5.QUZ Consonants (Digraphs) 25 0 Which of the following words is spelt correctly? chiken chord chiner chuse chord chiken chiner chuse How do you spell the word thatmeans "the opposite of son"? daughter dauchter dauwhter dauhter Which of the following words is spelt incorrectly? white wheat whatch while whatch white wheat while How does this word that describes an action to clear our lungs end? cou-- gh ff ph fe Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The photogra-- was very clear. ph gh ff fe In this sentence which lettersare silent? The plough turned the soil over. gh th er ed Which of the following words begins with a different sound? child choir chip chat choir child chip chat Which letters are missing fromthis word describing an insectlike a midge? --at gn kn th gh Which of these words sounds the odd one out? tough bough enough trough bough enough trough tough Which phrase is spelt correctly? meet at knoon, it is knormal,knock at the door, a fish knet knock at the door a fish knet it is knormal meet at knoon How is the last word of this sentence spelt? B is the second letter of the ________. alphabet alfabet alffabet alghabet Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The children wispered about their secret. wispered children secret their How is the word that is missing from this sentence spelt? A caterpillar becomes a ______ and then a butterfly. chrysalis shrysalis crysalis krysalis Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? bite kite nite site nite bite kite site What letters are missing from this sentence? We use scales to wei-- ourselves. gh ph ye wh In this sentence which lettersare silent? The carnival was a wonderful sight. gh th ar on Which letters are missing fromthis word meaning the oppositeof north? sou-- th ff ph gh How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The castle was haunted by a _______. phantom fantom ghantom ffantom Which of the following words begins with a different sound? wheel which whole while whole which wheel while Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The family had a large turkey for Cristmas Day. Cristmas turkey family large Which of these words does not rhyme with the others? slush mush gush push push slush mush gush Which of the following words is spelt incorrectly? phone phine photo pheasant phine photo phone pheasant How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? The skiers stayed in a little _______ on the mountain. chalet shalet calet schalet How is the word that describesa man who used to wear armour and fight wars spelt? knight night knite nite Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? a clock ticking, blue socks, soacking wet, picking plums soacking wet picking plums blue socks a clock ticking SL6.QUZ Past and Present 25 0 How do you spell the word thatcompletes this phrase? Today I think Yesterday I th______ ought ort aught ourt How do you spell the word thatcompletes this phrase? Yesterday I walked Today I will ________ walk wark walke walked Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? I am going _________. swimming swiming swimmeing swimeing Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Last week I th____ my rubbish away. rew row rough roo Which of these sentences is correctly spelt? The bee flu. The bee flue. The bee flew. The bee flied. The bee flew. The bee flu. The bee flue. The bee flied. Which word completes this sentence? If you drove your car yesterday, then today you are ________ your car. driving driveing driveng drivving Which of these words is incorrectly spelt? drank; skiped; clapped; ran skiped drank clapped ran Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? This morning I ______ a story. wrote wroat rote roat Which correctly spelt word fills the space? I ______ my clock up yesterday wound wind wounde woand Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? I b____ a new toy last week. ought ourt uyed ort Which word completes this sentence? If you hurry now, yesterday you would have _______. hurried hurryed hurred huried Which correctly spelt word fills the space? I hurt my knee and I _____. cried cride cryde cryed Which word is incorrectly spelt? looked sleped called pulled sleped looked called pulled Which sentence is correct? My clothes tore. My clothes teared. My clothes tor. My clothes tour. My clothes tore. My clothes tor. My clothes tour. My clothes teared. Which word completes this phrase? Today I break Yesterday I _____ broke broak brok breaked Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? He ____ for the sweets. paid payde paide pade Which word completes this sentence? If you draw a picture now, yesterday you ____ a picture. drew drawed druw drough Which word is incorrectly spelt? hopped jumpt climbed slipped jumpt hopped climbed slipped Which correctly spelt word fills the space? I ______ a cold. caught court caut cort Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Ben p_____ the dog's head. atted ated atied attied Which of these sentences is correctly spelt? The boy corled. The boy caled.The boy called. The boy cald. The boy called. The boy corled. The boy caled. The boy cald. Which word completes this sentence? If you sing a song today, thenyesterday you ____ a song. sang sange singed sanng Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? I _______ to her letter yesterday. replied repled reply replyed Which word completes this phrase? Today I listen Yesterday I ________ listened listned lissened listend Which word is incorrectly spelt? cooked cleaned washt dusted washt cooked cleaned dusted SL7.QUZ Shortened Words 25 0 What does the word in capital letters mean? "I WON'T be late" said Ann. will not can not should not would not Which letter does the apostrophe (') replace in the word: shouldn't o a e i How can the words "shall not" be shortened? shan't shalln't shaln't sh'lnot Which of these pairs of words cannot be shortened? we will they will I have they can they can I have we will they will Which shortened word can replace the words in capital letters in this sentence? I HAVE been on holiday. I've I'll I'm I'd Which shortened word is missing from this sentence? Those apples _____ for eating. aren't isn't shan't can't Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? they'l go I'll go he'll go she'll go they'l go he'll go I'll go she'll go Which of these phrases is correctly spelt? they're asleep; he'se asleep;I'me asleep; we'er asleep they're asleep he'se asleep I'me asleep we'er asleep Which letters are missing fromthe word in capital letters? THEY'__ done their work already. ve ll de re What does the word in capital letters mean? WHO'LL help me? Who will Who was Who would Who is How can the words "you would" be shortened? you'd you'ld you've you'll Where does the apostrophe go in this sentence? I cant go any faster. I can't go any faster. I ca'nt go any faster. I cant go a'ny faster. I cant go an'y faster. Which letter does the apostrophe replace in the wordI'm? a i e o Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? we'ev eaten I've eaten they've eaten you've eaten we'ev eaten they've eaten I've eaten you've eaten Which of these pairs of words cannot be shortened? you will it is he is I did I did you will he is it is Which of these is correct? Jack wassn't well. Jack wasn'twell. Jack wasn'te well. Jack wase'nt well. Jack wasn't well. Jack wassn't well. Jack wasn'te well. Jack wase'nt well. Which shortened word can replace the words in capital letters in this sentence? She DID NOT know that. didn't did'd did't did'ent Which shortened word is missing from this sentence? _____ going shopping. We'd We'll We're We've We're We'll We've We'd Which letters are missing fromthe first word in this sentence? I'__ see you later. ll le el lle Where does the apostrophe go in this sentence? Its raining now. It's raining now. Its' raining now. Its rain'ing now. Its raining n'ow. What does the first word in this sentence mean? He'd like to play football today. He would He will not He may He did Which of these pairs of words cannot be shortened? she would they will he is she can she can she would they will he is Which letter does the apostrophe (') replace in the word: here's? i a u o Which shortened word can replace the words in capital letters in this sentence? THEY WILL write soon. They'll They'd They've They're How can the words "you are" beshortened? you're your you'er your'e SL8.QUZ They Sound the Same! 25 0 Which of the following phrasesuses the word "sum" wrongly? a difficult sum; sum people;an adding sum; the sum is two sum people a difficult sum an adding sum the sum is two Which of the following words sounds the odd one out? to two true too true to two too Which word in this sentence isspelt incorrectly? Mum cut the meet up with a knife. meet knife with cut Which correctly spelt word fills the space? The dog ____ outside the door. whined wined wind winde How do you spell the word thatdescribes the mixture that makes bread? dough doe dow douhe Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? we write stories; wright hand;right one; the right answer wright hand we write stories right one the right answer Which of these phrases is correctly spelt? buy the sea; we can by books;by with money; by the road by the road buy the sea we can by books by with money How is the last word of this sentence spelt? The girl was brushing her ___. hair hare hiar hear Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? I would like a p--ce of cake. ie ea ei ee Which of the following words sounds the odd one out? for fore fur four fur four for fore Which of these phrases uses the word "not" incorrectly? it's not fair tie a not not much not now tie a not it's not fair not now not much Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? I am horse because I have beenshouting. horse because shouting been Which of these phrases is correctly spelt? I don't no I know that yes and know do you no? I know that yes and know I don't no do you no? Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? We _____ dough to make bread. knead kneade kneed nead Which of these phrases is incorrectly spelt? I like the sea do you sea I see you see-saw do you sea I like the sea I see you see-saw Which of these phrases uses the word "you" incorrectly? you are ill if you want the you tree died you may the you tree died you may you are ill if you want Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? The w--ther was very cold. ea e ae ee Which of the following words sounds the odd one out? sew so sue sow sue sew so sow Which correctly spelt word is missing from this sentence? The man's ___ was at school. son sun sone sune Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? The girl through the ball at the window. through window ball girl Which of these phrases is correctly spelt? go over their it's there cattheir she is their new car their new car go over their their she is it's there cat Which of these phrases uses the word "one" incorrectly? one apple Sam one the raceone hour later one day Sam one the race one day one apple one hour later Which of the following words does not rhyme? dear hear bear near bear dear hear near Which of the following words sounds different? eye I a aye a eye I aye Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? Last weak Sally went to the cinema. weak cinema Last went SL9.QUZ The Home 25 0 Which of the following cannot be found in the home? light draw sink plate draw light sink plate Which letters are silent in this sentence? The lights were on in the room? gh oo th on Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? At the moment I am using a computar. computar moment using am How is the last word of this sentence spelt? We should put our belongings in the ________. cupboard cuboard cubered cupbourd Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? wooden tabel wooden table wooden taible wooden tabele wooden table wooden tabel wooden taible wooden tabele Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Sally put the clothes into thewashing _______. machine machene mashine mashene What is the correct spelling of the word describing a placeto put the car in overnight? garage garaje garadge garidge What is the correct spelling of the word missing from this sentence? Dad mowed the ____. lawn lorn lown lawne Which letters are missing fromthis word that describes the material hanging in front of the window? Curt--n ai ui ia ur Of the following, which is thecorrectly spelt word? sausepan sorsepan saucepan sorcepan saucepan sausepan sorsepan sorcepan Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? My house has a dining room, loange and bedrooms. loange bedrooms dining room house How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Tables and chairs are called _________. furniture ferniture furnicher fernicher Which of the following phrasesis incorrectly spelt? a book shelf; window frame; pictur on the wall; china vase pictur on the wall china vase window frame a book shelf Which letters are missing fromthis word meaning knives, forks and spoons? cut___y ler lar lr lur Which of the following is the correctly spelt phrase? boiling kettal; boiling kettelboiling kettle; boiling ketle boiling kettle boiling kettal boiling kettel boiling ketle Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt? mirrer window glass bottle mirrer window glass bottle What is the correct spelling of the word describing a pieceof furniture that you sit on? chair chare chiar chaire How is the missing word in this sentence spelt? I have a continental _____ on my bed. quilt quelt kwilt quilte Which word in this sentence isincorrectly spelt? In some bathrooms there is a showar. showar bathrooms some there Which letters are missing fromthis sentence? Emma took a cool drink from the fri___. dge je gde dch How is the last word of this sentence spelt? Ben dried his hands on the _____. towel towl towle touwel Which of the following phrasesis correctly spelt? thick carpit thick carpete thick carppet thick carpet thick carpet thick carpit thick carppet thick carpete What letters are missing from this word which describes an object used to wake people up? a___m clock lar llar lir llir What is the correct spelling of the word describing a placein which clothes are kept? wardrobe wardroeb weardrobe whardrobe Which of the following is the correctly spelt word? setee settee sette settie settee setee sette settie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###@@@???@@@ """   ???@@@@Tw#w,?@?@? ??@Pp pUw"w )D99@?@@@ `[$-?@?_ /??W߀@@Uw"w0)K99 @@@PZ~$~-?@?Pp p(88(8 8H @@Uw"w()J99 (88@@@HZ~$~-?@?Pp p(88(8 8HAUw"w$)J99 (88@@@D[$-?@?_ /? ?HBUw"w")J99 @@@>>BTw#w,?B?@? ??4|Uw"w!J?@@@>>A E_ `/? ?HBUw"w iJΐ `@@@@TmHPp p@(8 8HA@U@w"@w JP @??@@@@dPRPp pPp p(8 8H @@Uw@"w IJy0y Pp p@@@@[$M`2Pp p(88/? ?H@@@" )K99 (88@@@@Tw#w,?@?Pp p ??G@Pp p@"?Pp p)D99Pp p@@@@@@###@@@ GGG@@@ ???  @@@@@@@@@ " D@ @@@ " JC  @@@ " J@Pp p @@@ J@Pp p @@@ J@Pp p@@@ J@Pp p(88@@@ J@Pp pPp p@@@  J @Pp p@@@@ J@Pp p@@@@  J@Pp p@@@ @Pp p@@@ C  @@@D @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. &O9t.. 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NO PROTECTION WAS FOUND NO PATCHING WAS DONE R ATARI LEGEND IS BACK WITH ANOTHER RARE TITLE.. FAMILY CURRICULUM JUNIOR MODULE! SUPPLIED BY KLAPAUZIUS! THANKS MATE!! CREDITS FOR THIS INTRO GOES TO. CODE : ZORRO 2, GFX AND DESIGN : MISTER A. OF NOEXTRA, MUZZAX : EIA. THANKS GUYS... ENJOY THIS GAMEDVD SPECIAL RELEASE... L8RS.... 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