O p O`  @`! #@%`') O`  @`! #@%`')NASA  4 s.  4..  4F7 eF README  hF + SLFRWY33PI2 jF "}dRTLS/LEAR JET  Twg۪~<@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@% G@@@@% d.#,X} F$VSHUTTLE/FSTO  *+:@F|BB@jGh#(#(  ? >F? *9X@@@@@% @@@@% d. @U P|}>ESCAPE/LEARJET  *+:@F|BB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@@% #@@@@% d. @U I|}>LEARJET/RTLS  2~#=u|,A@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@%  @@@@% d.LU V,~TAKEOFF LEARJET  *+:@:BB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@@% @@@@% d. 4U Q8ADVACED RTLS  2~#=u|,BA@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@%  @@@@% d.&@LU Y,~ESCAPE TOWER  *+:@:BB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@@% @@@@% d. 4U Q8ESCAPE II  *+:@:BB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?[ *9X@@@@% @@@@% d. 4U Q8CAPE CANAVERAL  ԮPB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?\ *9X@@ @% @@@@% d.?, "STRAIGHT IN APP  "/;xsxLBB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?\ *9X@@ @% @@@@% d$S ULLEARJET SLF  AgnBB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?\ * 9X@@ @% @@@@% d?, $gnLEARJET SLF  AgnBB@jGh#(#(  ?l >bFl?\ *9X@@ @% @@@@% d?, $gn |Nu`These situations are for the Flight Simulator II and the East Coast Scenery Disk from Sublogic. The premise behind most of these situations is that your Lear Jet has been converted to a shuttle simulator. Load Flight Simulator and the East Coast Scenery Disk. Then under situations load ram from disk that has the f7 file from CAPE_CAN.ARC. Tune Nav1 to 110.0. Turn on ADF,tune to 313. Move OBI on Vor1 to 354 from Melbourne. Press A and select one of the situations. Good luck! A brief discription of the situations: RTLS/LEAR JET: This is a simulation of a return to launch site abort of a space shuttle launch. Press P for pause before selecting situation. You are at 71,400 feet and are attempting an abort. Press P to start. Let plane do an inside loop till horizon appears. Level off then decend at 2,000 ft per minute,turn towards Cape Canaveral Skid Pad using the ADF as referance. Turn at Cape Canaveral to a heading of 315 degrees. Shuttle Landing Facility will be visible to the right. Line up with runway and land. SHUTTLE/FSTO: Launch your Lear Jet from Shuttle Tower. Press P for pause before selecting situation. Press P to launch. ESCAPE/LEARJET: Press pause before selecting situation. When ready press p to do a tower side abort. Trick is can you regain control and land your shuttle/jet. LEARJET/RTLS: This is for advanced pilots. You are lower and it is dark. Use emergency approach plate. TAKEOFF LEARJET: a variation on ESCAPE/LEARJET ADVANCED RTLS: a variation on learjet/rtls. ESCAPE TOWER: another version of a launch abort. ESCAPE II: another version of escape jet. CAPE CANAVERAL: What's wrong with this picture. Your facing 310 degrees but the runway says 13,should be 31. Take off on a heading of 315 degrees climb to 2000 feet. Reduce power to 60% maintain 200 knts. When you are lined up with Shuttle Landing facility turn right to 333 degrees and decend for a landing at SLF. STRAIGHT IN APPROACH: You have an emergency. Both engines have flamed out. Lucky for you Nasa's Shuttle Landing Facility is straight ahead. LEARJET SLF: Take off and climb to 2,000 feet, reduce power to 60%,turn left and circle Shuttle facilitys. *enjoy, *Kevin Fanning wfDwppwU33ss } z ̏Nj"x"xyy &   """"""22"""" &   >>>>""**>>!!@@&  ǀǀ""""&&""  &   z""xxNj"x"x""yyǜ &   b   ǀǀ  2 5 1 5 2 yy88xxCC8888  `` EEQQ@D@D@D@D||$$ rr'<'<!!ȼȼrraa EE}}@D@DGG@@   ""$$ ((    yy<<@x@x88    " "$"$"##袂    AA @@ ""GGqqr r ppGG  ! .  qqǜȀȀss"" . (("  ``**hh"" yy@@ ""qqyyrr'' QEQEPQPQ0088  << EEWW@@& EE``& !``& * & * & *@@ & ) 00% )  % ) % ) ``% ) pp% ) 88% ) %)@@00 <<   )@@  ""qqQQ<``@@ `` CCyy99}} 7788 DDEEEEQQAAHH DDMM44 ppDDyy}}WWyy UU! DDAAEE4J4JADADHH YeYeYY! @@ CCAAEEDD}4}4OO 88  @@@@  !xxpp@@@@  @@! @@AA  @@$xx@@@@ @@$ @@ @@ pp   @@  @@  AA  >5 % 200% 1 % >>100% .<<" -  00"  &<< " yy&11" NN& < <! 88&00! @@& ! yy``% 00! o  !" 00 !!  " 00 %||  % 00 &  )|| 00 )  * 00 -~~  -00 .  1~~00 1  200 5??   F00 F  F00 F  F00 F  F00 %   % 00 %   % 00 %    00 F    @@ @@00 >><<88@@@@  DD@@@@00 hhPP||@@@@  (( DD@@@@00 & & DD@@@@    @@ @@00  F   600   6    NN100  !!QQ1   __1 11    1  ==QQ1 00   6!  F!33   @@ !  88NN@@ 1 EEQQ@@ 1 EE__@@ 1 EE@@ 1 88QQ@@ 1  @@ 1 F""<< >>qq<