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You see a great female warrior with hair of red, dressed in the finest mail and weilding a rather formidable looking axe. The second champion wears mail as well and carrys a fine Delta sword. This one is a handsome male with a brown cloak covering his mail armor and lockpicks hanging from his belt. The third champion is a male Elf dressed in chain and leather and wearing Elven boots. Finally, the most beautiful creature you have ever seen greets your eye. She has long black hair and brilliant blue eyes and wears a strange stone necklace. She is dressed in leather and wields a bow with black arrows of slaying. Before you can speak the party greets you and says, "Well met, young adventurers." "We have journeyed here from the bowels of this wretched dungeon, some 10 levels in all to help you with the perilous task that you must now face. We will give you our knowlege of this place in hopes that we may all meet and share the glory when the firestaff is retrieved. However, I would warn you that what follows is not for all eyes to see, so if what you see overwhelms you, look away and discover for yourself." Here starts the records of our deeds: Level 1: Be careful of the evil mummys that fill these dark halls, if you must fight them strike and move or you will surely perish. If you find a chest that lies behind a field of force be assured that you will not get through this defense, however not far away is another way to get to the chest if your swing is strong and your blade is sharp. Level 2: The closing gate may be your best weapon... Gem Room: Watch out for pits! If you leave something in the right place they won't be a problem. Many vile creatures inhabit this dwelling so be on your guard. If you observe the walls closely you'll find what you need to get past the gem door at the start... The Matrix: Examine each wall very carefully and your reward will become apparent. Time is of the Essence: smack that button and run 4 left and 2 forward and you will be past your first obstacle. The second requires you to do two things. The first is obvious, the second, well, wind up the old throwing arm... The Vault: The key word in the phrase you will find is "Cast", you should have also found out by now that the ZO spell opens some (HINT) doors. So here's a coin slot...don't be stingy! The Guardian: So you want to know how to get past those gates don't you? Well, I'll guarantee you that can't be done. Yeah, I know, so now how do you get that chest? Those buttons are there for a reason. Follow the chest, be patient, and you will be rewarded soon enough. Level 3: It is here you will meet the monsterous purple worm, so prepare for death! If you are swift, however, you may survive. Circle the worms quickly or strike and move and you may live to see another day. Make sure to run under falling gates QUICKLY! Check those little slime covered aquaducts, you never know what you might find. I recommend avoiding the the shortcut at first because you'll miss a few items and some badly needed experience. It may come in handy later though. Near the end of the level you'll find a prisoner. I need say only this, as long as he remains a prisoner so will you. General notes: Lockpicks are useless (straight from FTL) throw them away if you like. Keep 4 or more chests to store extra food, water, and items. The bow seems to raise the Ninja level VERY slowly so I recommend you use thrown weapons until you gain a few levels or find the slayer arrows; then the bow is a good choice. As for what is the best party combination, I don't think there is a "best" combination. It all depends on what you like. If you like throwing fireballs all over the place then get lots of mana, if you'd rather slug it out and can't be bothered with mana and spells concentrate more on fighter or fighter/mage type characters. Personally, I prefer the slug it out strategy. I use magic only for light, healing, and defense. However, when forced I do cast an occasional fireball or zap an unfriendly non material being. The best advice here is EXPERIMENT and find out what YOU like. Brave champions, you now have the knowlege to triumph over the evil that lies within the first three levels of this dungeon. Sonja, Flash, Erion, and Tara would like to wish you luck in your journeys. Our master is known to us as C(hris).Muller apprentice to great Grey Lord. It is to him that we owe our success and it is for him that we must press on to level 10. Fare ye well, young adventurers.wSubj: Dungeon Master Bug From: Wayne Holder, FTL Games, San Diego Date: 1/15/87 This memo describes three bugs in Dungeon Master which can happen near the end of the game. Not everyone will experience these bugs, and it is easily possible to complete the game with a bugged version. Unfortunately, it is necessary for us to give away a bit of the ending puzzle to describe the bug solutions. If this bug has detracted from your enjoyment of Dungeon Master, as president of FTL games please accept my sincere appology. In order to complete the game you must face Lord Chaos (The black robed figure found on the level with the Black Flames.) The bugs relate to him. Bug 1: You should not close a door while Chaos is standing in it. This can freeze the game. Chaos cannot be killed anyway, so this is not useful to do. Bug 2: Chaos can teleport to escape you, but sometimes he teleports into one of the Black Flames where he becomes invisible. If Chaos vanishes on this level, you should try "Fusing" the Flames to find him. Bug 3: In order to win the game you must "Fuse" Chaos. But, Chaos wants to escape from this fate. You use the "Fluxcage" power to trap him. Chaos is trapped when he is surrounded on all four sides by Fluxcages. However, ONCE YOU TRAP CHAOS YOU MUST NOT PUT A FIFTH FLUXCAGE ON TOP OF HIM. Doing so will prevent the game ending from working. We hope to have these bugs corrected shortly. Once again, please accept my sincere appology for this problem.q3o I know so much about this game I'm starting over. WANT A TIP? Leave a trail of objects (not valuable) so you know how to get back to the surface. -I Has anyone found a way to get past those open pits with no way to close them up? Think about what causes the pits to open. They are not always open - something CAUSES them to open. You can simulate what causes them to open, and what causes them to close. -I Another hint for everyone - what appears dangerous to you and your characters (and is bad and dangerous for them) can also be bad and dangerous for monsters! What causes damage and strange, hurtful things to happen to you can do the same to monsters. This hint will help out! -J I found an easy way to kill those purple worms, move around in a circle hitting and then moving, hitting and moving, they won't be able to touch you and you can kill them with little damage to yourself. -J For the door where none shall pass, get mad at it. Some trips must be held down in order to work. To work magic, read the scrolls and mathch words with the table on page 26 of the manual. -J The first iron gate - Examine the walls next to the pressure plates. You will have to move very fast. -J The best way to get the worms is to move in circles. Hit them and then move to the left and turn right. They will move in front of you, and then you can hit them again. If you do it long enough, you will kill them. I found the Firestaff not too long ago, but I'm short one RA key. According to a scroll I will have to go down a level to find it. The Staff is around th e 6th or 7th level. If you think the worms are hard, wait til you reach the flying snakes!! -J I'm stuck at the gate with the sword behind it. I haven't solved the glimmering gate with the treasure chest but have completely explored the entire area. I used the copper coin to open the other gate (to give you an idea of where I am). Can someone tell me how to get through the gate? both sides are flanked with water fountains but otherwise there isn't anything special -- no buttons, keys, etc, to open the gate. -J HT, I'll try to go back and see how I made it through level three. I sometimes go back there for food. Those worms aren't very filling, but they do the job. Basically, as far as I remember, you have to fight your way through. Watch for secret passages and hidden buttons. Dead ends aren't always dead ends. -J You don't use the scrolls - the writing on them tells you what you need. then you can discard the scrolls, try using them as return trail marks. -K If you use a character with too much kill ability like Ganhu with his darts, then when you get to a door with 8 things behind it none of you other champions has any experience (if you use the darts to j9 aPЧ&"7FW'5). -J If you can get to that "prisoner" mummy, you will be just about near the staircase that goes down a level. I also suggest you do what the writing says. You will have to do a little more fighting if you don't. -K In the "gem" door you have to insert the gem to open the door. -K It says,"show us your INFLUENCE and your MIGHT." Think on that, it is a two step puzzle, using two different aspects of your champions power. Also, it must be done in the correct order. -J To keep that on and off wall open you should remember that you aren't the only 'people' who can step on pressure plates.It isn't necessary to figure it out, but you still get a few prizes. -J "Don't let a closed door stop you." -J Keep an eye open in the wide open arena for the Leprechaun that steals you items and hauls a%&. -J Use each chest to carry only one type of item, food is a good choice. Save your torches as a last alternative for lighting, and save often! -J Conserve food! In the beginning there is an overabundance, but very quickly you find that where you go is dictated by whether you have the eats to get there. -J Also! On your save game disk, there is a backup automatically made of the previous save file. Look at the save game disk from DeskTop and you'll see what I mean. An undocumented feature. -J The healing potions are of course probably the most important, and so is the cure poison potion. I assume everyone can make those? I also have a SURE FIRE strategy against purple worms. -J Magic boxes -> hold them in your ready hand to use them. Anyone besides me figure out the poison gas spell? It starts as a dart kind of thing, then when it hits a wall it explodes into a cloud of poison gas. Also, here is something that I just figured out, maybe it'll help someone else. Too cast a spell that requires more mana then you have, select the first parts, but don't cast it, these parts will be held at the ready, then when your mana regenerates, you can add the rest, then cast away. also you can use the same principle to go into battle with spells "at the ready". -J OK, here are my suggestions. I don't like the way the quiver thing works. firing a bow, I can pull arrows out. This is how it should be, of course. But I can also set it up so I can fire one arrow, then pull a sword out of the quiver (because the upper left-hand spot will accept and it is the first to be pulled from.) Now, why can't I shoot all my arrows first, then pull the sword? But no, I gotta pull up the character, grab the sword and replace while being bashed by critters. detests mapping. Anyone figured out the spell of magical protection? It's like the potion you find in the chest behind the force field, but it covers the whole party. -J I've figured out a bunch of weird spells, I've made that green ball one...(thanks for the tip on Mana)...I've also made a spell that makes a green 'barrier' (it doesn't move) that justs explodes from where it was cast and does MUCH damage! -J I think I can help some with character strategies. First of all, your front 2 characters should be fighters first and foremost, to absorb and fight well, use their wiz and priest power for things like light spells and the weaker healing potions. Why waste your real magic users on these things? Your third character should be NINJA/WIZARD. A Ninja shoots the arrows. If one of the front fighters is in trouble, you can switch with the Ninja. Develop the Nina's wizard spells so/9k n .LL-ls. Your last character should be Wizard/Priest for taking care of everyone else. However, he's weak so I always give him a shield. Finally, Wuuf has the highest mana (I think he starts with 30 or 35) so I use him as my wizard/priest. He's been very effective. (that's the dog by the way). And I like the character who has skills in all the areas - NINJA, FIGHTER WIZARD and PRIEST. He's the Duke of Zed. Finally, I've also had GREAT success with Azzizzi. She's the black barbarian woman. She's mean as *&&* with an axe, I tell you. I've gotten 122 hits from her with an axe and one of the more powerful commands that she gets later with the axe. -J Time is of the Essence and The Matrix both serve the same purpose as the other rooms in that series - they have key in them somewhere. For the Matrix, you need a compass. Ditto for Time, It's a quikc trick to get over that pit _once_ To use sthe shortcut, manipulate the thing on the wall nearby in the obvious way, then look around. As for characters, I found Gandu to make a great wizard/ninja, with his darts backed up by throwing stars. Also, Linfolas (?) the elf comes equipped with a bow. I usually reincarnate one person (I think - which one brings you back with no abilities? I do that to one) and they usually end up with a pretty balanced list of skills. Except the she devil who has a mana rating of 2! Great fighter tho. -J The ZO spell only works on some doors! In fact, I'm pretty far down and it's only worked on 1 door so far. Fireballs - this is pretty obvious! What is a fireball? It's FLYING explosive light, right? (read the manual for more). One more hint - EVERYTHING is equally dangerous to both sides, which is realistic. fireballs can kill you. And other things that hurt you (like slamming will hurt them. There's something else that hurts you and that you and instinctively run away from that will hurt THEM too. Some parts of this game are so *(&$# obvious that it makes them hard. That's just a general hint. -J By the way! I found a weapon today that's best used by a magic user. Really odd - try all your weapons with all your characters! -J ... I actually started over tonight and reinc. Leyla with the rope. The rope allows you to climb down into the pits without injury. Except you can't go up without the blue transport mist. Maybe this is useful elsewhere. -J As for the trap door in the time is of the essence area, it works pretty much like the other trap doors, the only difference is where the trigger is! -J Rabbit's foot - notice that it goes somewhere on your charcter. I think that it increases your character's luck in combat, I don't know for sure. -K Henry for TEST YOUR STRENGTH do you remember "cast your might"? -J GREEN - you don't open any of those doors to get to the chest. HINT! -K I have the compass...I thought it was some more corn the first time I saw it, (until I saw it was blue)... -J I made a big error at the start -> I chose a character with low mana, the she-devil). Don't do this! As you get further down, every member of your party must contribute to the potion pool. You can be crippling your high- power magical types with always having to cast full spells and healing potions. jeff -> I don't think anyone has gotten through that force field, but a lot of us have gotten the chest [HINT!] -J HELP WITH THE ROOM AFTER THE ROOM OF RIDDLES. First of all, go around that room and place objects on the floor and NOTICE WITH YOUR EAR which pressure plates are affected by objects. Some are only Some are only affected by people. When you figure this out, you've got it about 1/2 way. You have to aI.'@escribed) and combine what your learned from TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. -J Hmm, about the "When is a rock not a rock", have you thought about those rock monsters? -K What about the little stone you get way back on the level before the worms? (or wherever) -K Whoever asked about the wall that says "When is a rock not a rock?" Well, when is a walll not a wall? [HINT!] -K Henry, the two buttons in that section are interconnected. The first one reveals the second one which reveals the key and other goodies. In the grave of Filius, I only found a key and other items. I ended up with one key and two locked doors. I skipped both of the doors and kept the key. Got past WHEN IS A ROCK NOT A ROCK finally. I always knew how to solve it but didn't believe myself since I was looking in the wrong place (but the solution was VERY close by...). -J )wppwU33ss77w%D " AD*# JO1)     7 " AD*# JO1)     7 " AD*# JO1)     7 " AD*# JO1)     7 @  @@      * * * * * * ?? * * ` `? * *  5    (0( *   1$1  .  .     1 *$p* 1? * * * * * * * * * * ` ` @@rQrHJXHH   ` ` *j ? ? * * ?1$1  *` ƪ"""8(8 @RC@    J J   '  X          ? * * ?rRr8? * * * * ?@? * * p * * * * * ?? * * * * * ?   ? * *        .   ` ` * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *    ` ` $ $  .        * * * * * ?       @xP@x@@x@xxxxxxxxDxx@xxHx"#"#AAAAy"""s pAAy(,*)"#"""<<(&""""" <> <@@ >  ">`" ""Ȃ,*)/(/H/((/T8B'B(B/B(y ǀ s r` {ς(ςzor `r ppȊ((({s  ʂ ڀsϊ(ϊozr  @  @@      * * * * * * ?? * * ` `? * *  5    (0( *   1$1  .  .     1 *$p* 1? * * * * * * * * * * ` ` @@rQrHJXHH   ` ` *j ? ? * * ?1$1  *` ƪ"""8(8 @RC@    J J   '  X          ? * * ?rRr8? * * * * ?@? * * p * * * * * ?? * * * * * ?   ? * *        .   ` ` * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *    ` ` $ $  .        * * * * * ? 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X   J J   X    H H                                           ? * * * ** ֪ ? * * * * *              5      1*$*1                       ? * * * ** ֪ ? * * * * *                                            ? * * ?  5       5 ? `* Ԫ           H    HH  HH          xxxxx@xxx0PxPx0xx"#"#"x{p"""">""> < R#(,*)"""" <>"" /"(/(("<(>$ < > "  Ȃ,*)/(/H|Ax@}ǢB'B(B/B(yT8s r`{ς(ςzo /HH//HH/"#"#/ gHH/ #ڀ9EEE9s"">x"p>01`Ǿ( /">"}AyA"((("((πhȼ,)(ǀ< # `" #"# @KRcRK@@CBCB{p 2<2bBBB B>z""zr  Dungeon Master Spell List compiled by Walt Wakefield When you cast a spell it requires at least two symbols. You can use any of the power symbols with any of the other spells. The following list does not include the power symbols so just use whatever power level your champion can use. I don't know what three of the spells do. I also don't know what the Zokathra spell is for but it does create an object that you can pick up and throw. The caster column is not completely accurate. I have not found a spell that uses the GOR symbol. Symbols Effect Caster -< YA = Stamina potion (you need a empty flask) Priest YA IR = A shield that covers the whole party Wizard YA BRO = Magic shield potion (flask) Priest YA BRO ROS = ? 'Wizard YA BRO DAIN= Wisdom potion (flask, temporary) Priest YA BRO NETA= Vitality potion (flask, temporary) Priest VI = Restore health potion (flask) Priest VI BRO = Cure poison potion (flask) Priest OH VEN = Poison cloud Priest OH EW RA = See through walls Priest OH EW SAR = ? 'Wizard OH KATH RA = Fireball ? Wizard OH IR RA = Light #Wizard OH BRO ROS = Dexterity potion (flask, temporary) Priest FUL = Torch #Wizard FUL IR = Fireball Wizard FUL BRO KU = Strenght potion (flask, temporary) Priest FUL BRO NETA=A shield that covers the whole party ? DES VEN = Poison missle Wizard DES EW = Weakens non-material beings missle Wizard DES IR SAR = ? &Priest ZO = Opens doors missle Wizard ZO VEN = Poison potion (flask) Priest ZO KATH RA = Zokathra spell Wizard ZO BRO RA = Mana potion (flask) Priest I compiled this all in one sitting. I will not guarantee that the list is complete but it is awful close. Hint If your champion does not have enough mana, cast as many symbols as you can then let your party sleep( be sure you are in a safe place before sleeping ), when your mana recovers you can complete the spell and then cast it when you need it. A Dungeon Master Spell List Compiled By Michael Stetter Note: The power symbols are required for all spells. Power effects the strength and duration of the spell. All potions require a empty flask. Power 1=LO, 2=UM, 3=ON, 4=EE, 5=PAL, 6=MON Elemental 1=YA, 2=VI, 3=OH, 4=FUL, 5=DES, 6=ZO Form 1=VEN, 2=EW, 3=KATH, 4=IR, 5=BRO, 6=GOR Class 1=KU, 2=ROS, 3=DAIN, 4=NETA, 5=RA, 6=SAR Power El emental Form Class Caster Effect -G 1-6 1 P MON Potion (Stamina) 1-6 2 P VI Potion (Healing) 1-6 4 W Light 1-6 6 W Open Button Doors 1-6 1 4 P Spell Shield 1-6 1 5 P YA Potion (Protection) 1-6 2 5 P BRO Potion (Cures Poison) 1-6 3 1 P Poison Potion 1-6 4 4 W Fireball 1-6 5 1 W Poison Cloud 1-6 5 2 W Weaken Non-Material Beings 1-6 1 5 2 P Magic Footprints 1-6 1 5 3 P DANE Potion (Wisdom) 1-6 1 5 4 P NETA Potion (Vitality) 1-6 3 2 5 P Look Through Solid Objects 1-6 3 3 5 W Lightning Bolt 1-6 3 3 6 P Monster Confusion 1-6 3 4 5 W Light 1-6 3 5 2 P ROS Potion (Dexterity) 1-6 4 5 1 P KU Potion (Strength) 1-6 4 5 4 P Fire Shield 1-6 5 4 6 W Darkness 1-6 6 3 5 W ZOKATHRA Spell 1-6 6 5 5 P EE Potion (Mana) -G !End Of File `w a BgNA/<?<&NN\Nu#p#vpp |@"|2QNu/<V?<&NN\Nu#pp"|@ |2QNuHRyJ09TyJnTByJSyRjRyRJyVg8 |@NN09P2JyLk`1`Q`0Q0LNNV>?<NMTJgD>?<NMT;m(Dn H@@|v |3R3Xp`3XN^Nu#Z?9~?<>NAT/9ZNuNVBW/<~?<=NA\3~J@lB@`H./<}?9~?<?NAP3~ByvBytBynByrByp"|z y f 9zga`B@` 9zf aLB@` 9zof|3vI|3tA3x3rHl D@3n`Dyr3n3vt3xvpqp$|~Q$|29SAQ$|29ySAQa~pN^NuNVa| fa|f/<?< NA\`J@gJyRnByV3vP3tN3nT3rL3pRJyXg 09X |2009TR@3R9zH|oW@>/</<?<NN .~?<NNT>NN @"|$<? 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Flight Simulator is copyright subLogic. Each of these files must be placed on separate data disks and renamed "F7" (they only use 4K, so you shouldn't have trouble storing them - just label your disks). Don't save one to your original program disk but a scenario file can be safely saved on a backup copy. To load and save situations, follow the instructions in the manual and on the screen. Most of these scenarios start with your plane at rest, safely on the ground, but a few begin in motion. If you want to create your own situations with planes already in flight, you must get it there first, pause, go to slew mode, then set position and save it before doing the fine adjustments. If you put a plane in the air from a rest position, even with the throttle up to full - you plummet to a painful, albeit simulated, death. Note that there are several differences between 8-bit FS2 situation set-up and ST set-up. There are six files here, numbered F7.001 to F7.006. They all try to mix sceanrio locations - at least one airport from each chart is provided. Most are simple take-offs and explorations, but there are others where you must perform a task. Several locations and situations were taken from Gulick's 40 Great Flight Simulator Adventures and 40 More Great Flight Simulator Adventures (Compute Books), so you can follow those adventures by selecting the right start or situation. Others I created or discovered myself. You can customise these situations by changing the time of day, weather, winds, reliability, realism, etc (night flights can be VERY interesting and tricky, especially with the shader off). Be creative. Set the VOR for a destination and fly to it, listen to the COM radio. Use different views as you fly (spot plane, tower, etc) to see how you're doing. Remember to check little things before landing - like gear, lights, etc. After you master a situation with the prop plane, try the jet. Or the multi-player set-up. There are some real challenges in the FS2 database: can you find the Flying F ranch strip? Or Bishop and Lovelock? What happens when you take off from the WW1 scenery and then fly north? Or when you fly west from Fairchild and keep going. Is that Logan coming into view? Can you fly to the north pole? Some of these are described in Gulick's books, the rest - well, the ST version has its own surprises as well as 40 new airports to explore!! Good luck.I'm looking forward to seeing new FS2 challenges you devise soon! 5 F7.001 locations La Guardia Renton Olympia Block Island Grass strip (southern shore of Vancouver Island, Canada!) Tacoma Narrows Port Orchard JFK El Monte Logan Oceanside Muni Central Park (not an airport, sure, but a nice place to visit on a Sunday afternoon...) F7.002 Snohomish Santa Catalina Kankakee Bradley Van Nuys William Fairchild Chester Shady Acres Chino Bremerton San Diego (note the turbulence!) Morris Muni F7.003 Danbury Torrance Westchester Martha's Vineyard Buchanan Chandler San Francisco Lake Tahoe Reno-Stead Bloomington Sammamish (where? a mystery airport, not on the charts...) F7.004 Sanderson Field Hartford Nowhere? (where are you? stay in level flight and just watch out the window first time you try this one. after a few minutes, things change abruptly. The simulator world becomes...well, different!) Alcatraz (yes; the island, still very difficult to leave! can you take off?) Visala Porterville (On the edge of the FS2 universe; you're approaching from 3000 feet. Can you land there or do you drift off the edge of the world?) Livermore Palo Alto Fallbrook Sikorski O'Hare Auburn F7.005 George Washingston Bridge (leave the controls alone and watch. will you make it? if you do, can you circle around and land on it?) World Trade Towers (ditto, but you can't land there, of course) Liberty Island (play the tourist...) Monterey Inflight (really just a simple up-in-the-air situation for those of you who have trouble mastering takeoffs... you're out of Oakland, now fly over the Bay yourself) Space Glide (no throttle allowed: can you glide down from 10,000 feet and land on the island below?) Pyramid Power (just another crazy place in simulator land, from 40 GFSA) Golden Gate (yes, you're parked on it.now get off before you cause traffic jams...) Outer Limits (where are you? run this right after Golden Gate; it changes according to what was run before it. very strange... all those buildings in the middle of nowhere. familiar? sure, but it CAN'T be, right? he he. recall if after another situation - say Liberty Island) Space Needle (buzz Seattle's wonder landmark) Fly Me A River (cruise over the Kankakee) LAX Approach (A nice night flight into LA) F7.006 Spanaway (used heavily in 40 MGFSA...) Arlington Muni Windham U of Illinois/Willard (for Bruce Artwick...) Willows-Glen Deadstick (another challenge: can you land on San Clemente below without power?) Night Flight (from 40 Great...I really enjoy a lot of night flights) Half Moon Bay (did you know there's a place of the same name in B.C.?) Southridge Willows-Glenn Mono Lake (can you land on the island?) Decisions (another deadstick approach, this time at 10,000 feet over Seattle. There are a lot of places to land; which airport do you choose?) McArthur (Long island at night - clouds, turbulence and fog to add spice to your flight) Neue Produkte zum Flight-Simulator 2 von Sublogic: -> FS II - der Flugsimulator. Komplett in Deutsch, DM 119,- -> B-416 - Buch zum Flugsimulator, in Deutsch, DM 49,- Navigation, Landekarten, VOR und mehr... -> Western European Tour, Scenery Disk DM 49,- Landen Sie auf Rhein/Main, Kln/Bonn oder einem Flugfeld in Ihrer Gegend. Versuchen Sie Ihren Wohnort in Deutschland zu finden und dort eine Aussenlandung vornehmen, oder  fliegen Sie nach London zum Nulltarif. Bezugsquelle: Ihr freundlicher PD-Anbieter 06601030305800 1 2# F0110030 9[...............]001 DerOrdnerFS_IIenthltinsgesamt72SituationfrdenFlight SimulatorIIvonSublogic.JedeDatei"F7"enthlt12Scenarios, dieaberindervorliegendenFormnichtdirektgenutztwerden knnen.GehenSiedeshalbwiefolgtvor: 1.)FormatierenSieeineLeerdiskette 2.)KopierenSiez.B.dieDatei"F7.001"aufdieLeerdiskette 3.)Undjetztkommts:EntfernenSieunbedingtdasKrzel".001", indemSiedieDateiimnormalenDesktopinvertiertdarstellen (einmalanklicken)unddannimMenpunkt"Datei"dieFunktion "ZeigeInfo"anwhlen.IndernunerscheinendenBoxkanndas KrzeldurchdieBackspace-Tasteentferntwerden. 4.)StartenSiedenFlugsimulatorvonSublogic 5.)ImMenunter"Situation"whlenSie"LoadRamfromDisk" 6.)DrckenSiedieTaste[A]aufderTastatur 7.)WhlenSieeineSituation 8.)FliegenSiewieblich ==>Achtung,dieScenarioslaufennurinFarbe!! Flight Simulator Scenarios compiled by Ian Chadwick for use with subLogic's FS2 program for the ST (colour). Flight Simulator is copyright subLogic. Each of these files must be placed on separate data disks and renamed "F7" (they only use 4K, so you shouldn't have trouble storing them - just label your disks). Don't save one to your original program disk but a scenario file can be safely saved on a backup copy. To load and save situations, follow the instructions in the manual and on the screen. Most of these scenarios start with your plane at rest, safely on the ground, but a few begin in motion. If you want to create your own situations with planes already in flight, you must get it there first, pause, go to slew mode, then set position and save it before doing the fine adjustments. If you put a plane in the air from a rest position, even with the throttle up to full - you plummet to a painful, albeit simulated, death. Note that there are several differences between 8-bit FS2 situation set-up and ST set-up. There are six files here, numbered F7.001 to F7.006. They all try to mix sceanrio locations - at least one airport from each chart is provided. Most are simple take-offs and explorations, but there are others where you must perform a task. Several locations and situations were taken from Gulick's 40 Great Flight Simulator Adventures and 40 More Great Flight Simulator Adventures (Compute Books), so you can follow those adventures by selecting the right start or situation. Others I created or discovered myself. You can customise these situations by changing the time of day, weather, winds, reliability, realism, etc (night flights can be VERY interesting and tricky, especially with the shader off). Be creative. Set the VOR for a destination and fly to it, listen to the COM radio. Use different views as you fly (spot plane, tower, etc) to see how you're doing. Remember to check little things before landing - like gear, lights, etc. After you master a situation with the prop plane, try the jet. Or the multi-player set-up. There are some real challenges in the FS2 database: can you find the Flying F ranch strip? Or Bishop and Lovelock? What happens when you take off from the WW1 scenery and then fly north? Or when you fly west from Fairchild and keep going. Is that Logan coming into view? Can you fly to the north pole? Some of these are described in Gulick's books, the rest - well, the ST version has its own surprises as well as 40 new airports to explore!! Good luck.I'm looking forward to seeing new FS2 challenges you devise soon! F7.001 locations La Guardia Renton Olympia Block Island Grass strip (southern shore of Vancouver Island, Canada!) Tacoma Narrows Port Orchard JFK El Monte Logan Oceanside Muni Central Park (not an airport, sure, but a nice place to visit on a Sunday afternoon...) F7.002 Snohomish Santa Catalina Kankakee Bradley Van Nuys William Fairchild Chester Shady Acres Chino Bremerton San Diego (note the turbulence!) Morris Muni F7.003 Danbury Torrance  Westchester Martha's Vineyard Buchanan Chandler San Francisco Lake Tahoe Reno-Stead Bloomington Sammamish (where? a mystery airport, not on the charts...) F7.004 Sanderson Field Hartford Nowhere? (where are you? stay in level flight and just watch out the window first time you try this one. after a few minutes, things change abruptly. The simulator world becomes...well, different!) Alcatraz (yes; the island, still very difficult to leave! can you take off?) Visala Porterville (On the edge of the FS2 universe; you're approaching from 3000 feet. Can you land there or do you drift off the edge of the world?) Livermore Palo Alto Fallbrook Sikorski O'Hare Auburn F7.005 George Washingston Bridge (leave the controls alone and watch. will you make it? if you do, can you circle around and land on it?) World Trade Towers (ditto, but you can't land there, of course) Liberty Island (play the tourist...) Monterey Inflight (really just a simple up-in-the-air situation for those of you who have trouble mastering takeoffs... you're out of Oakland, now fly over the Bay yourself) Space Glide (no throttle allowed: can you glide down from 10,000 feet and land on the island below?) Pyramid Power (just another crazy place in simulator land, from 40 GFSA) Golden Gate (yes, you're parked on it.now get off before you cause traffic jams...) Outer Limits (where are you? run this right after Golden Gate; it changes according to what was run before it. very strange... all those buildings in the middle of nowhere. familiar? sure, but it CAN'T be, right? he he. recall if after another situation - say Liberty Island)  Space Needle (buzz Seattle's wonder landmark) Fly Me A River (cruise over the Kankakee) LAX Approach (A nice night flight into LA) F7.006 Spanaway (used heavily in 40 MGFSA...) Arlington Muni Windham U of Illinois/Willard (for Bruce Artwick...) Willows-Glen Deadstick (another challenge: can you land on San Clemente below without power?) Night Flight (from 40 Great...I really enjoy a lot of night flights) Half Moon Bay (did you know there's a place of the same name in B.C.?) Southridge Willows-Glenn Mono Lake (can you land on the island?) Decisions (another deadstick approach, this time at 10,000 feet over Seattle. There are a lot of places to land; which airport do you choose?) McArthur (Long island at night - clouds, turbulence and fog to add spice to your flight) ScenariosfrdieWesternEuropeanSceneryDiskknnteesgeben, wenndafrgenugInteressebesteht.Also,denPD-Anbieterin IhrerNheanrufenunddieDingeinsRollenbringen! VielSpawnschtIDLSoftware x"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@@@xxxZZX@@@x%% xZZRl"ZZZqи"$$$q   "ZZZqи"qиx    x иx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xx@@@xxx@@@xxxxxxd  H@@@S @ H@ @@S@ H@$@`T H!!@H @ T H!!@H @ N$ BB@@}@@NH H@@ @NH H@ @ N@ @@v @ O@ @@ @ O @? 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m15280Seitenruder15310Hhen- und Querruder15340Stellen Sie die Ruder in 15355Neutrallage (Fadenkreuz- 15370deckung) und Quitieren 15385Sie mit linker Maustaste.410320ein410380aus452350Landeklappen (Flaps)24032Knstlicher Horizont00***-150-79-8378-8330125200506013017085470856112257812210032085270370-4518535135210155310255100260205330155430255100102901103901003203452702953703952652855302906303902808562757082755510285421230033143253016340401835050203556522355802435095263351082840302010 010203040140150016315731751726180190917021512155230151352351811523021100215249519027100168301151553345519004601701475155250015035221574535175K546021014772282500235352022845352105440115041010513988523986034104044403054644064776074778584651059DeskInfo-123456DateiLadenQuitStartRunOptionenStartzeitWetterberichtTurbulenzEinstellungWertungFlugplatzWendepunkteProtokollHelpAuswahlmenuFliegenLandenStreckenflug***01614Maus {Ruder}213614F1 {Flaps}224014F2 {Landen}235214F9 {Great}245614F10 {Foto}056014Help116 1. Das Auswahlmenu105 1.1 Desk104 1.1.1 Info100 Information zum Programmautor105 1.2 Datei104 1.2.1 Laden100 Laden und Anzeigen schon abgespeicherter Flge.104 1.2.2 Quit100 Beenden des Programmes105 1.3 Start104 1.3.1 Run100 Es wird das Cockpit mit den Instrumenten Kompa (10 Skalenfaktor), Fahrtmesser (10 km/h Skalenfaktor), knst- licher Horizont (getrennt Hhenlage- und Querlageanzeige), Hhenmesser (100 Skalenfaktor, 50 m Teilung) und Variometer (1 m/sec Skalenfaktor,oben Steigen, unten Sinken) ge- zeichnet. Zustzlich werden unter dem knstlichen Horizont zwei Landkarten dargestellt: Die Linke stellt einen Ausschnitt 50 auf 50 km dar (ein Bildschirmpunkt entspricht dabei 500 x 500 m). Sie be- finden sich dabei immer im Mittelpunkt. Die vorhandenen Aufwinde (Bords) und eventuelle Wendepunkte werden durch diesen Ausschnitt geshiftet. Die Shiftrichtung ist analog zur Komparichtung. Aufwinde werden als Quadrate, Wende- punkte als x und der Fluglatz als Quadrat auf dem Kopf dargestellt. Auf der Rechten knnen Sie den Flug durch den 500 x 500 m Ausschnitt verfolgen. Erreichen Sie einen Aufwind wird dieser Ausschnitt dunkel dargestellt, beim Wendepunkt erscheint eine Box, die Sie beim Durchfliegen mit der Funktionstaste F10 'fotografieren mssen. Im Landeanflug (max. Entfernung zum Flugplatz 2.5 km und max. Hhe 300 m) knnen Sie mit der Funktionstaste F2 eine Anflugdarstellung ein- und ausschalten (Erklrung dazu spter). Darunter befinden sich die Anzeigen fr das Seitenruder (entsprechend linker und rechter Maustaste) und der Hhen- (Maus oben-drcken, unten-ziehen) und Querruder (Maus links-Rollen nach links, rechts) Zuletzt noch die Anzeige fr die Landeklappen (Flaps) rechts daneben (ein-schwarz oben, aus-wei unten). Zuallererst stellen Sie das Hhen- und Querruder in Neutrallage (Mitte) und dann bettigen Sie die linke Maus- taste. Sie befinden sich nun ber dem definierten Flugplatz in 1000 m Hhe mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 120 km/h im Geradeausflug. Viel Erflog ...105 1.4 Optionen104 1.4.1 Startzeit100 Hier knnen Sie die Realflugzeit festlegen. Wurde noch keine Startzeit festgelegt und existiert im Wurzelver- zeichnis keine Datei mit Namen 'INIT.DOC' (--> Einstellung speichern) gilt die Defaultzeit 9 h Vormittag.104 1.4.2 Wetterbericht100 Fr Ihre Flugaktionen steht ein Feld 250 x 250 km zur Verfgung. Dieses ist in 50 x 50 km Bereiche untergliedert. Zur Hilfe bei der Auswahl der Wendepunkte werden je Unter- bereich die mittleren Thermikwerte fr den Vormittag, Mittag und Nachmittag (untereinander) angezeigt: keine (0 - 1 m/sec) schwach (1 - 2 m/sec) mittel (2 - 3 m/sec) stark (3 - 4 m/sec) Hierbei ist zu bedenken, da ein Bord auch einen Tagesver- lauf hat. Er entsteht im Laufe des Vormittags (vorher 0 m/sec), erreicht fr einige Stunden maximale Werte (4 m/sec) und geht schlielich in die Abendthermik (1 m/sec) ber. Der Bereich mit den ausgewhltem Flugplatz wird dick um- randet dargestellt.104 1.4.3 Turbulenz100 Hier kann die Turbulenzhufigkeit eingestellt werden: keine (Defaulteinstellung) schwach stark104 1.4.4 Einstellung100 Anzeigen oder Speichern der Lage des Flugplatzes, der Wendepunkte, der Flugrealzeit und der Turbulenzhufigkeit. Eine abgespeicherte Einstellung wird bei einem erneutem Programmstart zur Defaulteinstellung. 105 1.5 Wertung104 1.5.1 Flugplatz100 Hier kann der Bereich fr den Flugplatz ausgewhlt werden. Er befindet sich dann in der Mitte des 50 x 50 km Bereiches. Gleichzeitig wird aber auch ein neues Wetter berechnet, um etwaigen Tricks vorzubeugen.104 1.5.2 Wendepunkte100 Diese knnen erst gesetzt werden, nachdem der Flugplatz bestimmt ist. Hierzu wird die Thermikkarte dargestellt, wobei Sie mittels Maus die Bereiche mit den Wendepunkten (wieder in der Mitte) auswhlen, die dann dick umrandet dargestellt werden. Bei 2 Wendepunkten ist die Reihenfolge des Markierens magebend (entsprechend mssen sie auch geflogen werden). 1 Wendepunkt --> Zielrckflug 2 Wendepunkte --> Dreieckflug Zur Information werden die zu fliegenden Mindestkilometer angezeigt.104 1.5.3 Protokoll100 Nach beendeten Flug kann man sich die Flugdaten (Barogramm, Flugwertung) anzeigen lassen.106 Save100 Speichern der Flugdaten des zuletzt beendeten Fluges. Hierzu mssen sich die Ordner 'SBFS' (im Wurzelver- zeichnis) und 'FLUG' (im Ordner 'SBFS') auf der Diskette im Laufwerk A befinden. Es ist mglich zwischen zwei Speicherungsvarianten zu whlen: Kurz Die Flugdaten werden unter dem Namen 'FLUG.000' abgespeichert. Eine eventuell schon vorhandene Datei dieses Namens wird dabei berschrieben. Lang Die Flugdaten werden unter dem Namen 'FLUG.xxx' abgespeichert. Die Laufnummer xxx der Datei wird aus der Datei 'PROTOKOL.DOC' (wird automatisch im Ordner 'SBFS' erzeugt) entnommen.***116 2. Flugkriterien105 2.1 Startsituation100 Sie befinden sich 1000 m ber den gewhltem Flugplatz. Ihre Geschwindigkeit betrgt 120 km/h. Folgende Funktionstasten sind aktiviert:104 F1 {Flaps}100 Aus- und Einfahren der Landeklappen. Ausgefahrene Landeklappen verursachen ein strkeres Sinken.104 F9 {Great}100 Bei Streckenflgen knnen Sie hiermit eine groe Landkarte (250 x 250 km) rechts unten einblenden. Darauf sind der Flugplatz, die Wendepunkte, die aktuelle Position und schon bewltigte Teilstcke des Streckenfluges eingezeichnet.105 2.2 Fliegen100 Ihre Hauptaufgabe ist das Flugzeug in der Luft zu halten Dazu mssen Sie die Geschwindigkeit zwischen 60 und 280 km/h halten. Es gibt mehrere Mglichkeiten den Flug zu beenden:104 Flugplatzlandung100 Sie haben auf dem Flugplatzfeld aufgesetzt. Hierbei darf die Querlage nicht grer als 5, der Aufsetzwinkel nicht grer als 3 und die Geschwindigkeit nicht grer als 90 km/h sein. Bei geringerem Aufsetzwinkel kann man einige km/h dazurechnen. Bercksichtigen Sie auch den Ausrollweg von ca. 50 m.104 Auenlandung100 Sie landen nach den selben Kriterien auerhalb des Flug- platzes.104 Bruchlandung100 Sie erreichen den Boden, wobei aber mindestens eines der Kriterien nicht erfllt ist.104 berlastung100 Sie knnten die hchstzulige Geschwindigkeit von 280 km/h berschritten haben. Weiters sind ab einer Geschwindigkeit von 200 km/h keine ruckartigen Ruderbewegungen erlaubt.105 2.3 Trudeln100 Unterschreiten Sie 60 km/h gert das Flugzeug in Steiltrudeln. Dabei verlieren Sie rasch an Hhe. Um diese Phase zu beenden, mssen voll drcken(Hhenruder nach vorne), Querruder in Neutral- lage bringen und das Seitenruder(Maustasten) gegen die Flugzeug- drehrichtung voll ausschlagen. Jetzt kommen Sie steil aus dem Trudeln und nehmen Fahrt auf. Sie sollten gleich mit dem Abfangen beginnen. Whrend dem Trudeln sind die Funktionen F1 {Flaps} und F9 {G reat} nicht aktiviert.105 2.4 Kunstflug100 Die Instrumente sind kunstflugtauglich. Versuchen Sie mal einen Looping. Bedenken Sie dabei aber, da Sie keinen Motor haben, der die Geschwindigkeit reguliert.***116 3. Landen100 Sind Sie 2.5 km vom Flugplatz entfernt und haben Sie eine Hhe unter 300 m, dann knnen Sie mit der Funktionstaste F2 die Landeanflughilfe einschalten. Durch erneutes Drcken der Taste F2 wird sie wieder ausgeblendet.105 3.1 Der Landeanflug100 Sie sehen 2 Kreise und einen drehenden Pfeil. Ein Kreis ist lagekonstant mit variablem Radius. Der Andere ist in Lage und Radius variabel. Der Erstere symbolisiert den Flugplatz. Der Radius ist umgekehrt proportional zur Entfernung des Flugzeugs zum Flugplatzmittel- punkt. Der Mittelpunkt des Zweiten ist das Flugzeug, der Radius ent- spricht der Hhe. Der Pfeil schlielich gibt die Flugrichtung an. Rechts daneben befinden sich noch Digitalanzeigen der Hhe, der Entfernung und der Geschwindigkeit. Die sicherste Landetechnik ist direkt ber dem Flugplatz durch Kreisen (eventuell Landeklappen) die Hhe abzubauen und dann am Rande des Flugplatzfeldes in Richtung zum Mittelpunkt aufzu- setzen.***116 4. Streckenflug100 Haben Sie vor dem Starten der Flugroutine einen oder zwei Wendepunkte ausgewhlt (siehe 'Einstellung'), so erlangen zwei weitere Funktionstasten ihre Aufmerksamkeit:104 F9 {Great}100 Einblenden der groen Landkarte von 250 x 250 km.104 F10 {Foto}100 Erreichen Sie einen Wendepunkt (hoffentlich in der richtigen Reihenfolge), so sehen Sie in der 500 x 500 m Karte eine Box. Sie mssen jetzt durch diese Box fliegen und dabei die Taste F10 bettigen. Ist es der richtige Wendepunkt und sind Sie in der Box, erfolgt eine 'VDI-Growbox' als Rckmeldung. Sie haben den Wendepunkt 'fotografiert'. Das sehen Sie auch auf der groen Landkarte durch eine Linie von der letzten Markierung (Flugplatz oder Wendepunkt) zum Wendepunkt.***< N  H02X$  r ~Nf  J 4X 4@ȊH~VH^&, 2 >F`2(0T0$&Bx| "PxpL. 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