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VACANT  BAKER Clive d"   BOZINOSKI Vlado d  THOMPSON Neil   STOCKWELL Mike  GREGORY David w LINIGHAN David JE  WILLIAMS Gerain  GODDARD Paul ^,! c GUENTCHEV Bontzo  WHELAN Phil   KIWOMYA Chris x   JOHNSON Gavin & PALMER Steve @w  cWARK John #  WHITTON Steve    DOZZELL Jason    MILTON Simon    YOUDS Eddie   VACANT  VACANT  SCHMEICHEL Peter 5   IRWIN Dennis 9 VACANT .  "BRUCE Steve   PHELAN Mike cPALLISTER Gary   ROBSON Bryan $Z   INCE Paul     McCLAIR Brian k   HUGHES Mark !,    SHARPE Lee "    GIGGS Ryan #   KANCHELSKIS AndreiL$  WALLACE Danny w%  cBLACKMORE Claytn &"  PARKER Paul '     CANTONA Eric (   FERGUSON Darren) DUBLIN Dion *   VACANT + GERRARD Paul Z,  HALLE Gunnar- BARLOW Andy .HENRY Nick /   IFLEMING Craig 0JOBSON Rich 1    ADAMS Neil 2   BERNARD Paul 3   MARSHALL Ian ?4   BRENNAN Mark  5  BECKFORD Darren,6   POINTON Neil &7 MILLIGAN Mike &X8  VACANT . 9 TOLSON Neil :    SHARP Graeme ;  PALMER Roger  <! REDMOND Steve =    OLNEY Ian >   HALLWORTH Jon ? 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K  MUSTOE RobbieL FLEMING CurtisMPOLLOCK Jamie N  PROCTOR Mark EKOc WHYTE Derek P  HENDRIE John XQ WRIGHT Tommy XR  KERNAGHAN Alan XS   FALCONER WillieXTHIGNETT Craig U  WILKINSON Paul V  PEAKE Andy E^W   MORRIS Chris XX "GITTENS Jon |^Y  VACANT Z IRONSIDE Ian [   COTON Tony X|  VONK Michel k}  CURLE Keith  ~   REID Peter $    eMcMAHON Steve XR  BRIGHTWELL Ian   WHITE David    HOLDEN Rick QUINN Niall !  SHERON Mike 9    LAKE Paul L  HILL Andy   PHELAN Terry    FLITCROFT Gary O  INGEBRIGTSENKare X     VACANT . 9 ! WALLACE Mike R   MARGETSON Martyn  SIMPSON FizroyX  VACANT  FLOWERS Tim  DODD Jason q  cADAMS MickeyDX COCKERILL Glenn &) BANGER Nicky  2WOOD Steve N LE TISSIER Matt R   DIXON Kerry &?  c VACANT .     GROVES Perry X  MADDISON Neil  HALL Rich  q KENNA Jeff X9  HURLOCK Terry &q"   BENALI Franciq    DOWIE Iain &X  MOORE Kevin , "cANDREWS Ian    cMONKOU Ken   VACANT  MIMMS Bobby    HENDRY Colin  COWANS Gordon"  IRELAND Simon wANDERSSON PatrikX DOBSON Tony    SHEARER Alan    SHERWOOD Tim MARKER Nicky X WILCOX Jason L  WRIGHT Alan , ATKINS Mark X    MAY David    MORAN Kevin  $> BERG Hening NEWELL Mike L   GALLACHER Kevin l   LE SAUX Graeme  RIPLEY Stuart   VACANT .     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!  SEAMAN David    ADAMS Tony     HILLIER David k   BOULD Steve R   CAMPBELL Kevin  KEOWN Martin    DIXON Lee   @WINTERBURN Nigel f@MERSON Paul   LIMPAR Anders@     SMITH Alan     DAVIS Paul ,   WRIGHT Ian        LINIGHAN Andy   cFLATTS Mark X,  JENSEN John L  PARLOUR Ray R  CARTER JIMMY , MORROW Steve    VACANT  MARTYN Nigel   HUMPHREY John   SHAW Rich   YOUNG Eric    WATTS Grant     SALAKO John   THOMAS Geoff    WILLIAMS David  SINNOTT Lee L  c  McGOLDRICK Eddie    RODGER Simon X  SOUTHGATE GarethR NDAH GEORGE,! BOWRY Robert"   OSBORN Simon #  cTHORN Andy qX$   ARMSTRONG Chris %    COLEMAN Chris   & VACANT ' VACANT  WALTON Mark (  CULVERHOUSE Ian R)  BOWEN Mark &*BUTTERWORTH Ian X~+SUTCH Daryl Y,  SUTTON Chris -  EKOKU Efan R.  ROBINS Mark  /   CROOK Ian 0  FOX Ruel 1   PHILLIPS David &2)  GOSS Jerry V3 POLSTON John XR4cNEWMAN Rob ~5  POWER Lee ^,6  WOODTHORPE Colin 7  VACANT . 8 GUNN Bryan  9  MEGSON Gary }: ! VACANT ; BOSNICH Mark RM   BARRETT Earl =  STAUNTON Steve L>$   McGRATH Paul ?!9   FROGGATT Steve @  SAUNDERS Dean A#   DALEY Tony B    ATKINSON Dalian9@C   COX Neil &dD REGIS Cyrill9E "cYORKE DwightF  PARKER Garry G  SMALL Bryan dH EHIOGU Ugo 9I  cVACANT . qJ  TEALE Shaun K   RICHARDSON Kevin kkL  BREITKREUTZ Matias <  HOUGHTON Ray kN 0VACANT . O # CROSSLEY Mark FP   WOAN Ian Q PEARCE Stuart .R 2AORLYGSSON Thor S CHETTLE Steve XT  KEANE Roy U    CROSBY Gary V  WILSON Terry RW CLOUGH Nigel lX      McKINNON Ray ?Y cWEBB Neil  Z  BLACK Kingsy[ c  GEMMILL Scot &\ BANNISTER Gary ]   LAWS Brian b  TILER Carl x_  NGLOVER Lee ` MARRIOTT Andrew&Ra  ROSARIO Robert?b   VACANT c JAMES David d    TANNER Nicky 9e  BURROWS David Rf NICOL Steve g  THOMAS Mich dh cWALTERS Mark i   REDKNAPP Jamie j HUTCHISON Don k PIECHNIK TorbenlBARNES John #( mF  JONES Rob n  WRIGHT Mark o*  c !MOLBY Jan Lp   $ROSENTHAL Ronny Lqc MCMANAMAN Steve  r   MARSH Mike  s  WHELAN Ronniet* HOOPER Mike Xu  STEWART Paul v  RUSH Ian w 7   WOODS Chris x!%   NILSSON RolandTy,   cKING Phil &z  PALMER Carltn {  SHIRTLIFF Peter k|  PEARSON Nigel X}  WILSON Danny ~    SHERIDAN John    cHIRST David     BRIGHT Mark   WORTHINGTON Nigel '   WATSON Gordon  WARHURST Paul     HARKES John ^   B.WILLIAMS Chris   WADDLE Chris  >   ANDERSON Viv , $PRESSMAN Kevin    HYDE Graham& cVACANT  STEJSKAL Jan  BARDSLEY David ?   WHITE Devon d   VACANT . q   WILSON Clive X9  MADDIX Danny ?  WILKINS Ray   $T  BARKER Simon  cPENRICE Gary ?k  BAILEY Dennis  SINTON Andy    ALLEN Brad R   PEACOCK Darren  McDONALD Alan # THOMPSON Garry Z! c FERDINAND Les L     HOLLOWAY Ian R ROBERTS Tony  IMPEY Andrew   VACANT  THORSTVEDT Erik M  MABBUTT Gary    AUSTIN Dean w NAYIM Moham ,c HOWELLS David k  ANDERTON Darren  VACANT . L   SAMWAYS Vinny   SHERINGHAM Teddy 4    RUDDOCK Neil  ALLEN Paul d  GRAY Andy   BARMBY Nick DURIE Gordon c SEDGLEY Steve R cEDINBURGH Justin  WTURNER Andy R   VACANT . ?   CUNDY Jason    WALKER Ian   KELLEY Alan x  COWAN Tom   BARNES David XVACANT .    BEESLEY Paul   GAYLE Brian ?  BRADSHAW Carl XcGANNON John q GAGE Kevin R DEANE Brian      BRYSON Ian      ROGERS Paul , c LITTLEJOHN Adrian& VACANT . } HODGES Glyn XX  HARTFIELD Charle9  WHITEHOUSE Dane Xq   VACANT . d !  CORK Alan d !  McLEARY Alan   SOUTHALL Nevill"?  ABLETT Gary   cHINCHCLIFFE Andy L RIDEOUT Paul  WATSON Dave R  SNODIN Ian RADOSAJEVIC Pedrag JACKSON Matt R9 BEARDSLEY Peter 1      COTTEE Tony   JOHNSTON Mo R&  c  BARLOW Stuart  EBBRELL John  WARD Mark    VACANT .     BEAGRIE Peter     WARZYCHA Robert KENNY Billy   HORNE Barry  !VACANT  OGRIZOVIC Steve q#    BORROWS Brian    RENNIE David d   BABB Phil &  FLYNN Sean    HURST Lee k cNDLOVU Peter ?  GYNN Micky     PEARCE Andy   WEGERLE Roy & VACANT . XR    BUSST Dave  wMCGRATH Lloyd Rk   ROBSON Stewrt&  QUINN Mick &  VACANT .     ATHERTON Peter   WILLIAMS John    FLEMING Terry ,w   GOULD Johnat,d   LUKIC John R   FORRESTER JAMIE ,  WALLACE Rod   BATTY David 9    FAIRCLOUGH Chris  cWHYTE Chris cSTRACHAN Gordon#2   SHUTT Carl    CHAPMAN Lee !  MCALLISTER Gary    SPEED Gary     DORIGO Tony   @STRANDLI Frank ^WETHERALL David   HODGE Steve   ROCASTLE David  %NEWSOME Jon    KERSLAKE David  VACANT .    VACANT  BAKER Clive d"   BOZINOSKI Vlado d  THOMPSON Neil   STOCKWELL Mike  GREGORY David w LINIGHAN David JE  WILLIAMS Gerain  GODDARD Paul ^,! c GUENTCHEV Bontzo  WHELAN Phil   KIWOMYA Chris x   JOHNSON Gavin & PALMER Steve @w  cWARK John #  WHITTON Steve    DOZZELL Jason    MILTON Simon    YOUDS Eddie   VACANT  VACANT  SCHMEICHEL Peter 5   IRWIN Dennis 9 VACANT .  "BRUCE Steve   PHELAN Mike cPALLISTER Gary   ROBSON Bryan $Z   INCE Paul     McCLAIR Brian k   HUGHES Mark !,    SHARPE Lee "    GIGGS Ryan #   KANCHELSKIS AndreiL$  WALLACE Danny w%  cBLACKMORE Claytn &"  PARKER Paul '     CANTONA Eric (   FERGUSON Darren) DUBLIN Dion *   VACANT + GERRARD Paul Z,  HALLE Gunnar- BARLOW Andy .HENRY Nick /   FLEMING Craig 0JOBSON Rich 1    ADAMS Neil 2   BERNARD Paul 3   MARSHALL Ian ?4   BRENNAN Mark  5  BECKFORD Darren,6   POINTON Neil &7 MILLIGAN Mike &X8  VACANT . 9 TOLSON Neil :    SHARP Graeme ;  PALMER Roger  <! REDMOND Steve =    OLNEY Ian >   HALLWORTH Jon ? SEGERS Hans X @JOSEPH Roger ?A  VACANT . ,B   BARTON WarrenC BLACKWELL Dean DELKINS Gary &?E MILLER Paul  F McALLISTER Brian wG   FASHANU John H   SCALES John &tI   DOBBS GeraldRJ   EARLE Robbie?KARDLEY NEIL M,L CLARKE Andy ?M  SANCHEZ Lawrie RN!   FITZGERALD Scott O  (JONES VINNIEXP   SULLIVAN Neil wQ  HOLDSWORTH Dean R   VACANT S BEASANT Dave dT"   SPACKMAN Nigel qU  SPENCER John XV  TOWNSEND Andy  [!   HALL Gareth9X cBARNESS Tony +^YSTUART GrahamkZ NEWTON Eddie  RW FLECK Robert4\  VACANT . X] WISE Dennis^    CLARKE Steve R_  ELLIOTT Paul X`     CASCARINO TONY ,a'   SINCLAIR Frank ?b  LEE David wc  cVACANT . rdg ! DONAGHY Mal e #O JOHNSEN ErlandfKHARIN DmitriT     PEARS Steve H   KAVANAGH GrahamI  PHILLIPS Jimmy |&J VACANT . K  MUSTOE RobbieL FLEMING CurtisMPOLLOCK Jamie N  PROCTOR Mark EKOc WHYTE Derek P  HENDRIE John XQ WRIGHT Tommy XR  KERNAGHAN Alan XS   FALCONER WillieXTHIGNETT Craig U  WILKINSON Paul V  PEAKE Andy E^W   MORRIS Chris XX "GITTENS Jon |^Y  VACANT Z IRONSIDE Ian [   COTON Tony X|  VONK Michel k}  CURLE Keith  ~   REID Peter $    McMAHON Steve XR  BRIGHTWELL Ian   WHITE David    HOLDEN Rick QUINN Niall !  SHERON Mike 9    LAKE Paul L  HILL Andy   PHELAN Terry    FLITCROFT Gary O  INGEBRIGTSENKare X     VACANT . 9 ! WALLACE Mike R   MARGETSON Martyn  SIMPSON FizroyX  VACANT  FLOWERS Tim  DODD Jason q  cADAMS MickeyDX COCKERILL Glenn &) BANGER Nicky  2WOOD Steve N LE TISSIER Matt R   DIXON Kerry &?  c VACANT .     GROVES Perry X  MADDISON Neil  HALL Rich  q KENNA Jeff X9  HURLOCK Terry &q"   BENALI Franciq    DOWIE Iain &X  MOORE Kevin , "cANDREWS Ian    cMONKOU Ken   VACANT  MIMMS Bobby    HENDRY Colin  COWANS Gordon"  IRELAND Simon wANDERSSON PatrikX DOBSON Tony    SHEARER Alan    SHERWOOD Tim MARKER Nicky X WILCOX Jason L  WRIGHT Alan , ATKINS Mark X    MAY David    MORAN Kevin  $> BERG Hening NEWELL Mike L   GALLACHER Kevin l   LE SAUX Graeme  RIPLEY Stuart   VACANT .    ̀>>? ̀780bbw ? @@???oo} } + Pod77NAe & & !2od&fD)e )&12od6 @ 9M=A@># > HEK CKCPe P&P&T TX2odZZq$]@ `@ ke k o2odo s C@s D@} &2odN  CC@*2 N;22od; M7;2odA =D K/D2odEN;EN.;H<Q M7QM7R<U >U&>Zoe] K.d L2d2odfK/j M7ue>w>z L2z2odM M72od >N L2 = ><@N M72od ?2odN82of2oe$ ^   Pod :2od j&8&# 9#9'2od7ek7&72od8f:F9@K @mK5g> f;&8 "Mike WALKER Carrow Road Norwich The Canaries 43,984 v Leicester C. 196310-2 v Coventry City 1930 > "Ron Atkinson  Villa Park Birmingham The Villans 76,588 v Derby County 194612-2 v Accrington St. 1882@ >"Brian Clough fred City Ground Nottingham The Reds 49,945 v Manchester U 196712-0 v Leicester City 1909 0> "Graeme Souness  Anfield Road Liverpool The Reds / Pool 61,905 v Wolves Wnd 193510-1 v Rotherham Utd 1896 > "Trevor Francis  Hillsborough Sheffield The Owls 72,841 v Manchester C 19349-1 v Birmingham City 1930  H> "Gerry Francis  Rangers Stadium London Rangers or 'R's 34,353 v Leeds Utd 1974 9-2 v Tranmere Rovers 1960 0>"Doug Livermore  White Hart Lane London The Spurs 75,038 v Sunderland 1938 9-0 v Bristol Rovers 1977 0(> "Dave Bassett  Bramall Lane Sheffield The Blades 68,287 v Leeds Utd 1936 10-0 v Port Vale 1892  H>"Howard Kendall  Goodison Park Liverpool The Toffeemen 78,299 v Liverpool 1948 9-1 v Manchester C 1906   0> "Bobby Gould Highfield Road Coventry The Sky Blues 51,455 v Wolves Wnd 1967 9-0 v Bristol City 1934   >"Howard Wilkinson Elland Road Leeds The Whites 57,892 v Sunderland 1967 8-0 v Leicester City 1934  00> "John Lyall Portman Road Ipswich The Blues 38,010 v Leeds United 19757-0 v Portsmouth 1964 + 0>"Alex Ferguson  Old Trafford Manchester The Red Devils 76,962 v Wolves Wnd 1939 10-1 v Wovles Wnd 1892 0> "Joe Royle Boundary Park Oldham The Latics 47,671 v Sheffield Wd 193011-0 v Southport 1962 ((&"Joe Kinnear Plough Lane London The Dons 18,000 v HMS Victory 1934 6-0 v Newport County 1983 (9}"David Webb fred Stamford Bridge London The Blues 82,905 v Arsenal 1935 7-0 v Lincoln City 1910 ((>"Lennie Lawrence  Ayresome Park Middlesbrough The Boro 53,596 v Newcastle U. 19499-0 v Brighton H.A 1958 '0>"Peter Reid Maine Road Manchester City / The Blues84,569 v Stoke City 1934 11-3 v Lincoln City 1895  0> "Ian Branfoot  The Dell Southampton The Saints 31,044 v Manchester U 19699-3 v Wolves Wnd 1984 H>"Kenny Dalglish  Ewood Park Blackburn Blue and Whites 61,783 v Bolton Wnd 1929 9-0 v Middlesborough 1954 " 0> "George Graham  Highbury North London The Gunners  73,295 v Sunderland 1935 12-0 v Loughborough T 1900 0& "Steve Coppell  Selhurst Park South London The Eagles 51,482 v Burnley 1979 9-0 v Barrow 1959 (> "Mike WALKER Carrow Road Norwich The Canaries 43,984 v Leicester C. 196310-2 v Coventry City 1930 > "Ron Atkinson  Villa Park Birmingham The Villans 76,588 v Derby County 194612-2 v Accrington St. 1882@ >"Brian Clough fred City Ground Nottingham The Reds 49,945 v Manchester U 196712-0 v Leicester City 1909 0> "Graeme Souness  Anfield Road Liverpool The Reds / Pool 61,905 v Wolves Wnd 193510-1 v Rotherham Utd 1896 > "Trevor Francis  Hillsborough Sheffield The Owls 72,841 v Manchester C 19349-1 v Birmingham City 1930  H> "Gerry Francis  Rangers Stadium London Rangers or 'R's 34,353 v Leeds Utd 1974 9-2 v Tranmere Rovers 1960 0>"Doug Livermore  White Hart Lane London The Spurs 75,038 v Sunderland 1938 9-0 v Bristol Rovers 1977 0(> "Dave Bassett  Bramall Lane Sheffield The Blades 68,287 v Leeds Utd 1936 10-0 v Port Vale 1892  H>"Howard Kendall  Goodison Park Liverpool The Toffeemen 78,299 v Liverpool 1948 9-1 v Manchester C 1906   0> "Bobby Gould Highfield Road Coventry The Sky Blues 51,455 v Wolves Wnd 1967 9-0 v Bristol City 1934   >"Howard Wilkinson Elland Road Leeds The Whites 57,892 v Sunderland 1967 8-0 v Leicester City 1934  00> "John Lyall Portman Road Ipswich The Blues 38,010 v Leeds United 19757-0 v Portsmouth 1964 + 0>"nAlex Ferguson  Old Trafford Manchester The Red Devils 76,962 v Wolves Wnd 1939 10-1 v Wovles Wnd 1892 0> "Joe Royle Boundary Park Oldham The Latics 47,671 v Sheffield Wd 193011-0 v Southport 1962 ((&"Joe Kinnear Plough Lane London The Dons 18,000 v HMS Victory 1934 6-0 v Newport County 1983 (9}"David Webb fred Stamford Bridge London The Blues 82,905 v Arsenal 1935 7-0 v Lincoln City 1910 ((>"Lennie Lawrence  Ayresome Park Middlesbrough The Boro 53,596 v Newcastle U. 19499-0 v Brighton H.A 1958 '0>"Peter Reid Maine Road Manchester City / The Blues84,569 v Stoke City 1934 11-3 v Lincoln City 1895  0> "Ian Branfoot  The Dell Southampton The Saints 31,044 v Manchester U 19699-3 v Wolves Wnd 1984 H>"Kenny Dalglish  Ewood Park Blackburn Blue and Whites 61,783 v Bolton Wnd 1929 9-0 v Middlesborough 1954 " 0> &)"( ,!%$'&+*-#'-"#%*)!$(+ ,&!-"$#&% '()+,*#%(), "!$+&'*-"&#$%'!(*) +,-'+( #!,$)&*"-%' "#%$)-&(!+*,!'* "$-&%(,)+#'"#)%+*-(&! ,$$)("+!&#%'* ,-*,#' "-$!&(%)+%#*-! 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RAMAGE Craig / WILLIAMS Paul wd0 KITSON Paul 1   JOHNSON Tommy X2    SIMPSON Paul 3 BENSTEAD Graham4 STATHAM Brian 'F5VACANT . x6 "5 BATES Jamie Ew7  EVANS Terry 8  RATCLIFFE Simon Y|9  GAYLE Marcusr:  CHALMERS P ;MANUEL Billy ,< BLISSET Gary ?=  BENNETT Micky >  SMILLIE Neil ?" MILLEN Keith '@ BUCKLE Paul YA  JONES MurrayKB   GODFREY Kevin ,C   BOOKER Bob  D " LUSCOMBE Lee ^dE  SANSOM Kenny dF "V  VACANT G MIKLOSKO Ludo  h  POTTS Stevenw,i HOLMES Matt Odj   GALE Tony k!cROBSON Mark wl   DICKS Julian m  @BISHOP Ian ?n cBUTLER Peter o VACANT . p ALLEN Martinq  MORLEY Trevorwr   BREACKER Tim  s  THOMAS Mitch ^tcKEEN Kevin Xu SMALL Mike v c VACANT . w   VACANT . x  MARTIN Dean wy MARTIN Alvin dz "  ALLEN Clive { DIGBY FraserE,\  VACANT . J]   VIVEASH Adrianw,^ HAZARD Mick ,_  LING Martinw`   CALDERWOOD Colin aMASKELL Craig b  HODDLE Glenn  c#5    WHITE Steve ,d"  MACLAREN Ross we   TAYLOR Shaun wf BODIN Paul wg  MITCHELL David |h  CLOSE Shaun ^Ei   SUMMERBEE Nicky Ej   HUNT Paul dk  HORLOCK Kevin KlHAMMOND Nicky m   VACANT n VACANT o VAUGHAN John  FENSOME Andy q KIMBLE Alan r  HEATHCOTE Mike s   CHAPPLE Phil Et cO'SHEA Danny ^ucCHEETHAM MichelvROWETT Gary w   FOWLER John wx RAYNOR Paul y  BARTLETT KEVIN w<z   CLAYTON Gary w{   BUTLER Steve ^d| CLARIDGE Steve ^}  DAISH Liam ,~ LEADBITTER Chris w^ VACANT .  SHEFFIELD Jon ,}p   VACANT .    VACANT  BENNETT Ian ,,  GAVIN PAT J ROBINSON RONNIE^d HALSALL Mick ,  HOWARTH Lee ,} cEBDON Marcus^    ADCOCK Tony &  LUKE Noel IORFA Domini^d  BRADSHAW Darren?R COOPER Gary  STERLING Worell COSTELLO Peter d  WELSH Steve &  BARNES Bobby , cPHILLISKIRK Tony , WHITE Chris @ BARBER Fred  VACANT  VACANT  CHERRY Steve ,   PALMER Charli DEVLIN PAUL ^d  DIJKSTRA Mein w}SHORT Chris  O RIORDAN Don w #THOMAS Dean  cTURNER Phil   WILLIAMS Andy ,   DRAPER Mark , WILSON Kevin &  SLAWSON Steve w  HARDING Paul    LUND Gary   SMITH David w MURPHY .  cAGANA Tony   JOHNSON Mike ^ VACANT . M  VACANT  PARKIN Brian    ALEXANDER Ian , VACANT . d " YATES Steve ^ SKINNER Justin^JONES VaughnU!cCHANNING Justin  REECE Andy   #BROWNING Marcus SAUNDERS Carl E? c POUNDER Tony   TILLSON Andy  w CLARK Billy  CROSS Steve ! TAYLOR JOHN ,   STEWART MarcusEw  MEHEW David   KELLY Gavin    HARDYMAN Paul ,  VACANT  SUCKLING Perry ^ GIBBS Nigel   SOLOMAN Jason  DRYSDALE Jason  HESSENTHALERAndy ,^DUBLIN Keith & BAZELEY Darren^   BLISSETT Luther"c  WILLIS HARRY PORTER Gary  VACANT . |d  PUTNEY Trevor| cCHARLERY Ken  LAVIN GerardONOGAN Lee  FURLONG Paul & VACANT . J ASHBY Barry ,   HOLDSWORTH David   SHEPPARD SIMON d   GOSNEY Andy ,-   CLARKSON Ian , cVACANT . ^ MATTHEWSON Trevorw  SMITH David wHICKS Martin#   MARDON Paul ^w POTTER GRAHAM  ROGERSON Paul  FRAIN John ,  ROWBOTHAM Darren cSAVILLE Andy   GLEGHORN Nigel ,  STURRIDGE Simon   TAIT Paul  MOULDEN Paul  ROGERS Darren^ VACANT . # DONAWA Louie ,dc VACANT  BOLDER Bob "  PITCHER Darren,^   GATTING Steve ^ !BACON Paul  WEBSTER Simon ^ cPARDEW Alan ,    GRANT Kim ,d NELSON Gary w  LEABURN Carl w   BALMER Stuart,  WALSH Colin  ROBINSON John , MINTO Scott ,^  GRITT Steve #  BUMSTEAD John E " DYER Alex E   CURBISHLEY Alan ,#  SALMON Mike    VACANT .    VACANT  WILMOT Rhys W   MCDERMOTT John  cJOBLING Kevin , VACANT . ,d WATSON Tommy , cGROVES Paul E}!  MENDONCA Clive ^"GILBERT Dave w#  !REES Tony $   LEVER MARK E%  WOODS Neil &   DOBBIN Jim ^' VACANT . &(  RODGER Graham^) SMITH Mark w,* CROFT Gary ,+ CHILDS Gary ^,  VACANT . W- &AGNEW Paul .  VACANT / WRIGHT Tommy w,0    ROBINSON Mark '1  HOWEY Steve w2 O'BRIEN Liam E3  SCOTT Kevin w4  SHEEDY Kevin  5+   CLARK Lee  6 PEACOCK Gavin X7   COLE Andy 8  SELLARS Scott r9  VACANT . ,: LEE RobertX;   STIMSON Mark ',<  VACANT . =   BERESFORD John > KELLY David ^?   BRACEWELL Paul @ VENISON Barry A  KILCLINE Brian B SRNICEK Pavel C  KEE Paul ED  ROBINSON Les EE cSMART Gary ^FMAGILTON Jim ,^G  cALLEN Chris AHMELVILLE AndrewXI   JACKSON DarrendJ FORD Mike ^,K PENNEY David ,L   DURNIN John wM  COLLINS David dN EVANS Ceri |,O PHILLIPS Les JP  BEAUCHAMP Joe Q  CUSAK Nicky _R  VACANT . S LEWIS Mickey,T    REECE Paul KU  VACANT V VACANT W LEANING Andy ^X   THOMPSON Dave ^Y  cSCOTT MartinZ HARRISON Gerry d[  BRYANT Matt "\AIZLEWOOD MARK ^] !"  DZIEKANOWSKIJacki ^^ ?OSMAN Russel<_!   TINNION BRIAN X` PENNYFATHER Glenn Tda EDWARDS Robertb  cBENT Juniordc MITCHELL Brian Kd  VACANT . e  ALLISON Wayne f  McINTYRE Jim 'g  SHELTON Gary h " WELCH Keith i  ROSENIOR Leroy ,j  VACANT . k   STOWELL Mike ^wl EDWARDS PAUL wwm THOMPSON Andy wn VACANT . Eo  RANKINE Mark ,,p  MOUNTFIELD Derek wq BIRCH Paul ^r  COOK Paul ^s #BULL Steve t   MUTCH Andy XXu DENNISON Robert&vc VACANT . w  ASHLEY Kevin c^x+ ROBERTS Darren@y DOWNING Keith z  BURKE Mark ,w{  TAYLOR Colin ^K| JONES Paul d} BLADES Paul wd~ VACANT  SANSOME Paul    HYSLOP Chris ,   POWELL Chris , MARTIN David  cSCULLY Pat TILSON Steve ,  HEFFER Steve ,}   JONES Keith  cANSAH Andy  c COLLYMORE Stan X   ANGELL Brett    EDWARDS Andy ,,  PRIOR Spencew   c SUSSEX Andy   CORNWELL John    LOCKE Adam ,^    O'CALLAGHAN Kevin  VACANT . K  CAGIGAO FrancoO  ASHENDEN Scott ,d     NORMAN Tony "  OWERS Gary E  GRAY Martin  BENNETT Gary ,cBALL Kevin ^,  cROGAN ANTON   COLQUHOUN John ARMSTRONG GordonR DAVENPORT Peter  $ GOODMAN Don    KAY John ^,  BUTCHER Terry } #  ORD Rich , cHARFORD Mick !  RUSH David ,}  SMITH Antonyd ATKINSON Brian w  CARTER Tim   CUNNINGTON Shaun  VACANT  KNIGHT Alan ^ POWELL Daryll   SYMONS Kit  BURNS Chris wBUTTERS Guy , VACANT . ww  ASPINALL WARREN c KRISTENSEN BJORN x WHITTINGHAM Guy    CLARKE Colin #   DOLING Stuart, AWFORD Andy T, cNEILL Warren  WALSH Paul    MURRAY Shaun E  + CHAMBERLAIN Mark  cDANIEL Ray ^d  RUSSELL Lee  McLOUGHLIN Alan    VACANT  WATSON D ,,   FLEMING Gary ^  TAGGART Gerry wXBISHOP Charlir BIGGINS Wayne Ew DAVIS STEVE w, O'CONNELL Brendnw   c RAMMELL Andy wE BULLIMORE Wayne  WILLIAMS GarethXARCHDEACON Owen     LIDDELL Andrew, REDFEARN Neil ^^ CURRIE David wVACANT . ,  McCORD Brian   CONNELLY Dino ,  PEARSON John    VACANT  VACANT  MUGGLETON Carl  PLATNAUER Nicky  HILL Colin LOWE David d  WALSH Steve X    VACANT . w  GEE Phil 'THOMPSON Steve &   DAVISON Bobby w2!  MILLS Gary   PHILPOTT Lee  ^  JOACHIM Julian   VACANT .    VACANT .   GORDON Colin  SMITH Rich ?  OLDFIELD David w c GRAYSON Simon ^E  WHITLOW Mike    ORMONDROYD Ian  ,  PETTERSON Andy E   PEAKE Trevor# cHARVEY Rich  CAMPBELL Jamie   OAKES Scott w   DREYER John q   cDALTON Paul     PREECE David  cLINTON Des ^  KAMARA CHRIS  d#  HUGHES Ceri   JAMES Julian REES Jason }  GRAY Phil    JOHNSON MARVIN TELFER Paul    BENJAMIN Ian  WILLIAMS MARTIN,}  VACANT . X  VACANT  NIXON Eric , HIGGINS Dave ^  NEVIN Pat   McNAB Neil d#  HUGHES Mark ^  VICKERS Steven,w  cMORRISSEY John     ALDRIDGE John R "0    MUNGALL Steve P" MARTINDALE Dave  THOMAS Tony wMUIR Ian , BRANNAN Ged dGARNETT Shaun ,  NOLAN Ian "d  COYNE Tommy w MALKIN Chris  IRONS Kenny E  VACANT   VACANT   DAVISON Aidan ^,   STEVENS Keith ^   DAWES Ian ,^COOPER Colin X  MAY Andy ww MORALEE Jamie    BOGIE Ian d DOLBY A d  0MAGUIRE GAVIN  RAE Alex    GOODMAN Jon ^   CUNNINGHAM Ken ,  ALLEN Malc   BARBER Phil Y^ BYRNE John  cROBERTS Andy    McCARTHY Mick ^ !9 KELLER Kasey ,   GAYNOR TOMMY d   VACANT  SUTTON Steve ,,    SHORT Craig  !COLEMAN Simon &,"  KAVANAGH Jason ,#  VACANT . ,$  FORSYTH Mike ^%  GABBIADINI Marco L&   GOULOOZE Rich ,d'  KUHL Martin(   PEMBRIDGE Mark X) McMINN Ted q,*   VACANT . +   WASSALL Darren^&, COMYN Andy -VACANT . . RAMAGE Craig / WILLIAMS Paul wd0 KITSON Paul 1   JOHNSON Tommy X2    SIMPSON Paul 3 BENSTEAD Graham4 STATHAM Brian 'F5VACANT . x6 "5 BATES Jamie Ew7  EVANS Terry 8  RATCLIFFE Simon Y|9  GAYLE Marcusr:  CHALMERS P ;MANUEL Billy ,< BLISSET Gary ?=  BENNETT Micky >  SMILLIE Neil ?" MILLEN Keith '@ BUCKLE Paul YA  JONES MurrayKB   GODFREY Kevin ,C   BOOKER Bob  D " LUSCOMBE Lee ^dE  SANSOM Kenny dF "V  VACANT G MIKLOSKO Ludo  h  POTTS Stevenw,i HOLMES Matt Odj   GALE Tony k!cROBSON Mark wl   DICKS Julian m  @BISHOP Ian ?n cBUTLER Peter o VACANT . p ALLEN Martinq  MORLEY Trevorwr   BREACKER Tim  s  THOMAS Mitch ^tcKEEN Kevin Xu SMALL Mike v c VACANT . w   VACANT . x  MARTIN Dean wy MARTIN Alvin dz "  ALLEN Clive { DIGBY FraserE,\  VACANT . J]   VIVEASH Adrianw,^ HAZARD Mick ,_  LING Martinw`   CALDERWOOD Colin aMASKELL Craig b  HODDLE Glenn  c#5    WHITE Steve ,d"  MACLAREN Ross we   TAYLOR Shaun wf BODIN Paul wg  MITCHELL David |h  CLOSE Shaun ^Ei   SUMMERBEE Nicky Ej   HUNT Paul dk  HORLOCK Kevin KlHAMMOND Nicky m   VACANT n VACANT o VAUGHAN John  FENSOME Andy q KIMBLE Alan r  HEATHCOTE Mike s   CHAPPLE Phil Et cO'SHEA Danny ^ucCHEETHAM MichelvROWETT Gary w   FOWLER John wx RAYNOR Paul y  BARTLETT KEVIN w<z   CLAYTON Gary w{   BUTLER Steve ^d| CLARIDGE Steve ^}  DAISH Liam ,~ LEADBITTER Chris w^ VACANT .  SHEFFIELD Jon ,}p   VACANT .    VACANT  BENNETT Ian ,,  GAVIN PAT J ROBINSON RONNIE^d HALSALL Mick ,  HOWARTH Lee ,} cEBDON Marcus^    ADCOCK Tony &  LUKE Noel IORFA Domini^d  BRADSHAW Darren?R COOPER Gary  STERLING Worell COSTELLO Peter d  WELSH Steve &  BARNES Bobby , cPHILLISKIRK Tony , WHITE Chris @ BARBER Fred  VACANT  VACANT  CHERRY Steve ,   PALMER Charli DEVLIN PAUL ^d  DIJKSTRA Mein w}SHORT Chris  O RIORDAN Don w #THOMAS Dean  cTURNER Phil   WILLIAMS Andy ,   DRAPER Mark , WILSON Kevin &  SLAWSON Steve w  HARDING Paul    LUND Gary   SMITH David w MURPHY .  cAGANA Tony   JOHNSON Mike ^ VACANT . M  VACANT  PARKIN Brian    ALEXANDER Ian , VACANT . d " YATES Steve ^ SKINNER Justin^JONES VaughnU!cCHANNING Justin  REECE Andy    BROWNING Marcus SAUNDERS Carl E? c POUNDER Tony   TILLSON Andy  w CLARK Billy  CROSS Steve ! TAYLOR JOHN ,   STEWART MarcusEw  MEHEW David   KELLY Gavin    HARDYMAN Paul ,  VACANT  SUCKLING Perry ^ GIBBS Nigel   SOLOMAN Jason  DRYSDALE Jason  HESSENTHALERAndy ,^DUBLIN Keith & BAZELEY Darren^   BLISSETT Luther"c  WILLIS HARRY PORTER Gary  VACANT . |d  PUTNEY Trevor| cCHARLERY Ken  LAVIN GerardONOGAN Lee  FURLONG Paul & VACANT . J ASHBY Barry ,   HOLDSWORTH David   SHEPPARD SIMON d   Terry Cooper  St Andrews Birmingham The Blues 66,844 v Everton 1939 12-0 v Doncaster 1903  0>"Alan Curbishley  The Valley London The Addicts 75,031 v Aston Villa 1938 8-1 v Middlesborough 1953 0>"Alan Buckley  Blundell Park South Humber The Mariners 31,651 v Wolves Wnd 1937 9-2 v Darwen 1899 0H>"Kevin Keegan  St James Park Newcastle The Magpies 68,386 v Chelsea 1930 13-0 v Newport County 19460H>"Brian Horton  Manor Ground Oxford The U s 22,730 v Preston N.E 1964 7-0 v Barrow 1964 (>"Russell Osman  Ashton Gate Bristol The Robins 43,335 v Preston N.E 1935 9-0 v Aldershot 1946 0>"pGraham Turner  Molineux Ground Wolverhampton Wolves 61,315 v Liverpool 1939 10-1 v Leicester City 19388H>"BARRY FRY Roots Hall Southend-on-sea The Shrimpers 31,090 v Liverpool 1979 9-2 v Newport County 1936  >"Terry Butcher  Roker Park Sunderland The Rokerites 75,118 v Derby County 19339-1 v Newcastle U. 1908 H>"Jim Smith Fratton Park Portsmouth Pompey 51,385 v Derby County 19499-1 v Notts County 1927  0-"Mel Machin Oakwell Ground Barnsley The Tykes 40,255 v Stoke City 1936 9-0 v Loughborough T. 1899 0>"Brian Little  City Stadium Leicester The Filberts 47,298 v Tottenham 1928 10-0 v Portsmouth 1928 !(0>"David Pleat Kenilworth Road Luton The Hatters 30,069 v Blackpool 1959 12-0 v Bristol Rovers 19360 >"John King Prenton Park Birkenhead Rovers 23,424 v Stoke City 1972 13-4 v Oldham Ath. 1935 #00>"Mick McCarthy  The Den London The Lions 48,672 v Derby County 19379-1 v Torquay United 1927 $(0>"Arthur Cox Baseball Ground Derby The Rams 41,826 v Tottenham 1969 9-0 v Wolves 1891 %0H>"hPhil Holder Griffin Park Brentford The Bees 39,626 v Preston NE 1938 9-0 v Wrexham 1963 &H>"Billy Bonds Upton Park London The Hammers 42,322 v Tottenham H. 19708-0 v Rotherham Utd 1958 @0>"Glenn Hoddle  County Ground Wiltshire The Robins 32,000 v Arsenal 1972 9-1 v Luton Town 1921 (>"Ian Atkins Abbey Stadium Cambridge United 14,000 v Chelsea 1970 6-0 v Darlington 1981 )H>"Lil Fuccillo  London Road Peterborough The Posh 30,096 v Swansea Twn 1965 8-1 v Oldham Ath 1969 * 0>"Mick Walker County Ground Nottingham The Magpies 47,310 v York City 1955 11-1 v Newport County 1949 0H>"John Ward Twerton Park Twerton The Pirates 38,472 v Preston N.E 1960 7-0 v Swansea 1954 ,(0>"Steve Perryman  Vicarage Road Watford The Hornets 34,099 v Manchester U 19698-0 v Sunderland 1982 ->"Terry Cooper  St Andrews Birmingham The Blues 66,844 v Everton 1939 12-0 v Doncaster 1903  0>"Alan Curbishley  The Valley London The Addicts 75,031 v Aston Villa 1938 8-1 v Middlesborough 1953 0>"Alan Buckley  Blundell Park South Humber The Mariners 31,651 v Wolves Wnd 1937 9-2 v Darwen 1899 0H>"Kevin Keegan  St James Park Newcastle The Magpies 68,386 v Chelsea 1930 13-0 v Newport County 19460H>"Brian Horton  Manor Ground Oxford The U s 22,730 v Preston N.E 1964 7-0 v Barrow 1964 (>"Russell Osman  Ashton Gate Bristol The Robins 43,335 v Preston N.E 1935 9-0 v Aldershot 1946 0>"Graham Turner  Molineux Ground Wolverhampton Wolves 61,315 v Liverpool 1939 10-1 v Leicester City 19388H>"BARRY FRY Roots Hall Southend-on-sea The Shrimpers 31,090 v Liverpool 1979 9-2 v Newport County 1936  >"Terry Butcher  Roker Park Sunderland The Rokerites 75,118 v Derby County 19339-1 v Newcastle U. 1908 H>"Jim Smith Fratton Park Portsmouth Pompey 51,385 v Derby County 19499-1 v Notts County 1927  0-"Mel Machin Oakwell Ground Barnsley The Tykes 40,255 v Stoke City 1936 9-0 v Loughborough T. 1899 0>"Brian Little  City Stadium Leicester The Filberts 47,298 v Tottenham 1928 10-0 v Portsmouth 1928 !(0>"XDavid Pleat Kenilworth Road Luton The Hatters 30,069 v Blackpool 1959 12-0 v Bristol Rovers 19360 >"John King Prenton Park Birkenhead Rovers 23,424 v Stoke City 1972 13-4 v Oldham Ath. 1935 #00>"Mick McCarthy  The Den London The Lions 48,672 v Derby County 19379-1 v Torquay United 1927 $(0>"Arthur Cox Baseball Ground Derby The Rams 41,826 v Tottenham 1969 9-0 v Wolves 1891 %0H>"Phil Holder Griffin Park Brentford The Bees 39,626 v Preston NE 1938 9-0 v Wrexham 1963 &H>"Billy Bonds Upton Park London The Hammers 42,322 v Tottenham H. 19708-0 v Rotherham Utd 1958 @0>"Glenn Hoddle  County Ground Wiltshire The Robins 32,000 v Arsenal 1972 9-1 v Luton Town 1921 (>"Ian Atkins Abbey Stadium Cambridge United 14,000 v Chelsea 1970 6-0 v Darlington 1981 )H>"Lil Fuccillo  London Road Peterborough The Posh 30,096 v Swansea Twn 1965 8-1 v Oldham Ath 1969 * 0>"Mick Walker County Ground Nottingham The Magpies 47,310 v York City 1955 11-1 v Newport County 1949 0H>" /John Ward Twerton Park Twerton The Pirates 38,472 v Preston N.E 1960 7-0 v Swansea 1954 ,(0>"Steve Perryman  Vicarage Road Watford The Hornets 34,099 v Manchester U 19698-0 v Sunderland 1982 ->".  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mkane psegers hjoseph rphelan tbarton wblackwell dmcallister kmiller pkruszynski dfashanu jscales jgibson tearle rsanchez lbeasant dburle cjohnsen etownsend acundy jmyers astuart gdickens adixon klee dwise dclarke scascarino tpears scooper cphillips jmowbray tcoleman sputney tpollock jproctor mpayton ahendrie jripley skernaghan amustoe rcoton tbrightwell icurle kreid pmcmahon sredmond swhite dbrennon mharper aquinn nlake phill aclarke wflowers tdodd jadams mcockerill gruddock ngittens jle tissier mhorne bshearer amclaughlin acook ahall rdowie lmimms bhendry ccowans greid nhill kdobson tspeedie dshepstone pskinner cwilcox jsellars satkins mnewell mthomas mclarkson ifrain jrogerson ioverson vmatthewson tpeer dtait pgleghorn nsturridge sfrancis syates mdolan abolder bpitcher dgatting speake awebster spardew alee rnelson gleaburn cwatson ggorman pminto sgritt ssherwood smcdermott jjobling jfutcher plever mcunnington smendonca cgilbert drees tcockerill jwoods ndobbin jchilds gsrnicek pwatson selliot ro'brien lbradshaw dclark lpeacock gquinn mhunt abrock kroche dfereday wranson rveysey krobinson lsmart gmagilton jfoster smelville ajackson dnogan lpenney ddurnin jsimpson pevans caylott tleaning allewellyn ascott mmay abryant maizlewood mdziekanowsk josman rgavin mmorgan nedwards rmardon pallison wbartram vbennett thindmarch rvenus mmountfield dbirch pcook pbull smutch adennison rpaskin jbellamy gtaylor csansome paustin dpowell cmartin dscully ptilson sclarke pbutler pansah abenjamin iangel bprior scornwell jnorman towers ghardyman pbennett gball kpascoe cbracewell parmstrong gdevonport pbrady kkay jbyrne jhauser tknight apowell dsymons kburns wbutters gmcquire gwigley skuhl mwhittingham gclarke cberesford jawford amurray sbaker cfleming gtaggart gbanks ismith mgridelet po'connell brammell asalville awilliams garchdeacon orobinson mcooper shodge mplatnauer nwillis jmauchlen awalsh sfitzpatrick pwright tthompson sreid pmills grussell kgibson ckitson psutton sgray pharvey rwilliams soakes sdreyer jpeake apreece dstein bpembridge mhughes cjames jrees jnixon ehiggins dmungall smcknab nhughes mvickers snolan ialderidge jsteel jmartindale dthomas tharvey jmalkin chorne bstevens kdawes iwaddock gthompson dmccleary astephenson pfalco mmcglashan jrae agoodman jcunnighham kmcginlay jsutton ssage mdavidson jwilliams gormondroyd igabbiadini mcomyn aphillips jgee phebberd tmcminn tmccarthy mjohnson tbenstead gratcliffe smillen kevans tbuckle prostron wcadette rblissett gsmillie nholdsworth dbooker bgoodyear cgodfrey kmiklosko lpotts sparis ggale tfoster cdicks jbishop imcavennie frosenior lallen mmorley tbreacker tslater sfraser dkerslake dviveash ahazard mling mcalderwood cjones tshearer dwhite smcclaren rfoley ssummerbee nmurray evaughan jfensome akimble abailie cchapple po'shea dcheetham mwilkins rdublin dtaylor jphilpott lclayton gleadbitter cbradshaw pcooper gbutterworth ghalsall mcrosby psterling whine mgavin pluke nbremmer kculpin probinson dcharlery kcherry spalmer cparis ashort cshort co' riordan dthomas dturner pbartlett kdraper mjohnson tdryden rlund gparkin balexander itwentyman gyates ssealey tjones vholloway ireece awhite dsaunders cpounder tbloomer bnixon pjames dgibbs nsoloman jashby broeder gdublin kfalconer wwilkinson pbutler sporter gnicholas pwilliams gthomas rbenney mcrumplin jchapman iwilkins dmccarthy pchivers gbarham mmeade rmcgrath dcodner rwalker cstemp wbissett nfelgate dbrown pcowdrill bpatterson mseagraves mstubbs astorer sthompson scunningham tdarby jstevens iburke dlee sguthrie pbond kmorrell pholmes mmitchell pekoku eo'driscoll scooke rmundee dbrooks sjones amiller ppulis ttomlinson pjames rduxbury ltinnion boliver gmccarthy sjewell pmegson ktracey dleonard mbabb pabbott gtorpey swilmot rbrown kmorgan smarker nborrows asalman dbarlow mmarshall dturner rmorrison aflore mclement aking apearce cmeasham ideakin rdeary jpender jdavis sfutcher rfrancis jjakup jgrewcock neli rfrance psmith nstewart bpreece rpugh dlighfoot cabel gbennett gbarrow gmorton ndale ccroft bbertschin kreeves abutler bmciihargey sdavis mwright agroves pbriggs ggore irodwell thorner pbamber dgarner aeyres dhedworth clancaster dmiller khiley sbrown jtaylor scooper mrowbottom dhobson gjones mneville smoran tmarshall gmcnicholl jeshelby pstannard jnewson mthomas tscott pkelly mnorth sstant phaag kmarshall jbrazil gmilton spike monwere ucox bnobbs kmckinnon rtinkler jmacphail jbennyworth itupling jbaker phonour bdalton pgalvadini rsmith molsson pmartin ltrevitt scharlton smitchell gjackson po'reagan konuora iroberts ihaylock go'doherty kbennett gcampbell dwright mhesford ihockaday djacobs wwilcox rmail dshotton mroberts gpalin ljenkinson latkinson glee wbuckley ndoyle sheald phackett whoward tbennett wwhitbread ataylor rcarter dcastle snugent kharvey lberry gday kachampong kwood tmills shughes dwalker iaspin nglover dkent kearle rjepson rporter ajeffers jwebb aford gfarnworth ssenior sjames mjoyce wflynn mwrightson jthompson dbogie iashcroft ljepson rharper slambert mwilliams nkeeley jjones lrichardson smcpherson kstreete fhicks mbailey dgooding mlovell ssenior tmaskell cwilliams ataylor so'hanlon kforrest gtaylor arichardson nrobinson rlaw ngoodwin sbarrick dgoater sthompson shazel djohnson nhathaway iredfern dtodd lbullock sfrain dthorpe abarras tgannon jmatthews nfrancis kbeaumont ckilner awilliams bknowles dfox pbutler jcarr cbeeston cblake nfowler lkennedy mellis tthomas mbiggins wrennie pkevan dsandford lbracey ljenkins sbowen jgilligan jharris mdavis araynor dcoughlin rlegg athornber schalmers pwalker kdavey sbeesley achambers swhite cclarke mfoster ggray kford gcharles schristie twilkinson sfairclough wwithe cholland pnaylor srodgers dhodson sharbey groberts gburgess dbannister gmcnally bshakespeare cfereday wwilliams pbradley wanderson cadkins nparkinson jpatterson dworthington gtankard aatherton pjones pjohnson alangley krimmer ndaley pgriffiths igriffiths bnixon ehiggins dmungall smcknab nhughes mvickers smorrissey jalderidge jsteel jmartindale dthomas tharvey jmalkin cphillips gwilson pcooper gbodley mnugent rrichardson pstein eclarke abull glowe kevans mnorton dmurphy fprudhoe mgray fmcjannet lwillis jsmith kcoverdale dmardenboro stoman aborthwick jcork dtait mcoatsworth ggill gkelly gstanislaus rkearny mvalentine pgreenall clee drobinson lparkinson phulme kprice gcunningham tknill amcginlay jhansbury rmatthews nsearle dbarnard lperry jlewis aheath pgriffiths cgibbins rpike cheard pbaddeley lblake npriestley jarmstrong ledwards lmiller djones aedmondson dproudlock dfyfe tsendall rgraham mgates ebennett mthorpe jleonard mgunn bryan jlemon prodgers pdyche smcgugan pwilliams splummer cturnbull lhewitt jfrancis lmorris agreygoose djones rcallaghan asmart jcarr djasper dmurphy ahignett cgardiner medwards rrose cswain kclayton psamways msmalley pnoteman kashurst jormsby bdouglas cstiles jwhitehurst bmuir jgormley egrayson nreddish sharle dlim ho'shea tmanuel bclarke bwalker atrusson mo'connor mlovell sbutler pcrown dkimble gcarpenter rbeadle pgould jfleming pbarr bevans dfleming cmartin dellis mnorris sjuryeff irichardson ncooper gcook mbroadbent gwood gjones mdevine spejic mbradley rjones rbrain snarbett jheritage pphillips stester pjones swheeler pwallington msmith pnicholson slormor tbressington gcarmichael mschofield jward pjason lputtnam dalexander kclarke dscott kjohns njesse rrumble pberry lgolley mstebbing ggall mesley klawrence osorrell tlillis jgilbert bhenry lhowells gholmes pelliot msaunders wsmith pmyers ctynan tedwards dloram mhall plloyd pcurran crowland agleasure pchard pwilson pterry swilliams wangus tbeavon sbell madcock tbarnes bbrown sscope dberry swalsh kgoodison wgraham jbrown tcole dward pmilner adoyle smorgan selliot sholmes mburns wdawson jperks sblake mgorman pkelly theathcote mlynch tbrown mo'toole pspink dsummerfield ktaylor mclarke wlyne nironside ikamera alogan dmatthews mrichards shirst lhimsworth gmockler ao'ghani gforeman dcarter sash mlee rmusselwhite plongden plillis mhine mhicks slister sjoyce jhamilton idaws tflounders ataylor kcoton pcawling dgreen rhutchings co'hara smethben csmith dskipper pgrealish tntamark crimmer scerere mmcdonald rmower kmarsh cmorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smaples cmcmillan ahall wreid stutill scrossley rbarrat tmccarthy jhelliwell iblakestone icamham thart nnaylor gjames dgibbs nsoloman jashby broeder gdublin kfalconer wwilkinson pbutler sporter gnicholas pwilliams gthomas rtenney mjones jchapman ilee dmccarthy pspencer gbarnes mmerton rmcgrath dpolner rwalker caustin wdowsett nmcdonnell bslater dmessenger srowlands aknox skelly aatkinson rskivington gbrady cpower gdoherty pnolan srutter sberryman slocke jblundell jjones pfeeley mdonnelly so gorman cstringer dbutler tmcilroy jo connor nhemmings jedwardson gball pwatson ssims ro'brien ldavidson dclarke lpenfold gstern mhunter abradley kronda dferguson wjackson rsandy kroberts lmathews gfranklyn jgodfree sbarwin aavery dlonghurst lgarside dturpin jsimpson pquayle cmargot tdalton abaker acoleman mbatey abye mwigmore mleworthy jbroome rhorton mconey nread rholmes pfleming wbartram vspencer tdale rtramp mdickens dwilson pcook pstevens ssutch aperkins rpallin jdalton gsmith chansome pwoods dblack cconnor dbaker pcherry sclark pbutler psmith aguppy ikendall brushton sbarwin jmckenna tshirtliff gcollins phardy gmoore kraffell ccasey pstoutt gnuttell pjones kadams jretallick jtoone tknight adowell dsimmons kward wstewart gbrown ggough sfinch mread gclark clennox jscott amurray smason challiday gcoathup gmcneilis iburnred mconnor panderson bmcluskie athomas arose galford oheesom mlutkevitch sfoster mjacques nwatts jpamphlett aconnor sashford pblackford twalsh srichardson pcavell gbroom kmayes cfoster gacton bhumphreys cclarke gdyson nbrindley kforsyth tgarratt dferguson pbenbow cgilman jcooke salleyne mwithe mpreston ehedges ddicks sricketts nboyle mcrowley scousins jbanks jbrown jsingleton dmings trandall jgill cprice bsimpson kbradshaw iwood gessex dberry ahemmings pjones mforeman jdawson ahope jburks kpalgrave jbrett pbear mjacobson jwilliams ggriggs ifinch mblackstone mcox jcrook pfarelly tmcgill tjones mkelly phyde rcousins kcrossley skerr ncreaser athompson dcarroll mstapleton dgreene rcasey ascott mguppy aryan abastock shuxford ckeast jnicol tslack scurtis tnorth jbrown mgavin abarker jgraham shill abancroft rgreen dbenton dmcgrath awolsey mweir mgillett cmackenzie tjoseph dwilcox shadley rhenson sdavies nhumphreys ewilliams jbates amullen awellings ccarroll pharold dwall mbravin rrichards dsunders jbrady lmccarty gshaughnessy cfarrelly tsheperd sbimson dedwards ikendall nellis daskey kboughey rgreen rclayton alambert jdoherty atimmons groberts pedwards fdensmore nlee mreid banderson dwiggins rdaws plewis dhadye tMcKenna cburns gmcdonald jwager bwilliams ijames gboyle sabraham twebley vdavey itucker ad auria dhutchison cwilliams tbeattie bsherwood psullivan dhone nrobinson jglover bransom ggolley kwhite whowell pclemmence sabbott grobbins preynolds gbrown rcoles dbatty nferns jshail brutter gconning kcooper wwallace pwilson spritchard gspencer pmcdermott gmcevoy rcoles dbatty nferns jshail brutter gconning kcooper wwallace pwilson spritchard gspencer pmcdermott gmcevoy rkonsel mpecl rpoiger akienast rhauptmann hreisinger aschottel pweber fpfeifenbergehmedford hfjortoft jkern mkeglevitz cpribyl lbokij aslaby mvadura jkotulec mmarosi jhapal pmachala ohanus rdrulak rsedlacek rmrazek pduris zde beer wzorc mgorluchovic snikolic rschulz mrummenigge mlusch mposchner gpovlsen fbreitzke gwegmann jkutowski gfranck tbrockhauser iszlezak zhuszarik lvarga jszabo gkecskes zwagner zvigh crubold pbacsi seszenyi dszonyi tkosa lbeben mgrembocki jstaniek mgolda rjegor pkosela dzagorski kcyron rkraus rwarzycha rstaniek rpiotrowicz mkdziuk givkovic txavier cleal luisinho jorge mvenancio careca filipe litos gomes balakov kmiguel oceano stingaciu darimon abumbescu apetrescu dstan idumitrescu iminea lbalan lpopa mlazar opanduru bungureanu nsavoiu akarlsson aandersson tdahlqvist sskoldmark mstahl pblohm perlingmark mnilsson pstahl tzetterlund ldunberg jsjogren lmillqvist pmutter bkaufmann hbirrer ugmur pschonenberg ubaumann hmoser hwolf snadig periksen jtuce sburri hknup acherchesov ssusloparov ybazulev skulkov vmorozov gpozdnyakov bshalimov ikarpin vmostovoy ashmarov vrodionov sgradilenko dperepadenko ppodshivalov vfillimonov scheltsov aafamasjev avostrosablinvskachenko sgrishin nmartinov atalalayev aulyanov achuganov oshustikov stishkov yladic dpetrovic zperson sgaspar jpreljevic mskrinjar vmladenovic mmedford hboban zshala ksuker distvanic sadzic zmadsen polsen fandersen ppedersen kbjerre anielsen lovesen flonstrup kharen pjohansen molsen jjorgensen hnissen sdalton tvaudequin pgauld sbrady kcurran phealy fcarlyle pcoady jspeak jo brien dhanrahan jmc carthy tgorman dgrishko vyeremin vischak vkuznetsov spuchkov simrekov ospitsyn atsymbalar inikiforov ykondratyev ggusev sgetsko ishelepnitzkyyilsanker hstadler hgarger klainer lpinwinkler hfeiersinger wgassner jscheiber rbierhoff okurbasa sbalzis rweber hwillfurth gzdravkov zvangelov kborimirov dkhubchev pslavchev gyankov zshalamanov vdonkov gmikhtarski pyotov vstoilov sgrekov vgruev imarangos scosta ckouis lionnides ysapuric tpantziaras kstephanou spounnas cgogic spetrosian asotiriou akleanthous dmagnitis njanos zdrahorad murban tmachacek rpenicka msimunek mfaktor lpoviser jvesely fkuka pnovak yvins jbejbl rrindom jbonde pandersen vwieghorst mgothenborg mchristiansenchelt jschaefer mlarsen echristensen fnielsen pnielsen dkuhn akorhonen pkousa kjantti hpekonen eannunen jbostrom srinne jvehkakoski ssaastamonen jjarvinen pkeskitalo mviljanen mkinnunen jchanov dalmchuk gsalenko fmalken amoroz hbal ptsveiba jannenkov jyuran hrohrich vluzhny hderkach mweichert ftalikriadis ihristodoulouymavromatis skarataidis kpahatouridisthantzidis mtsiantakis nlitovchenko ganastopoulosnprotasov osavichev ykofidis smitropoulos tjozsa mvaszil gkeller jlimperger zlipcsei pszenes stopor akereszturi aalbert fpatkos cfischer ptelek afonnyadt zsigurdsson btomasson ethrainsson tjonsson sadolfsson shreinsson spetursson mkristjanson sbogason tgregory amasson gaskelsson hsigmundsson aschaber ftubic vjentgen rwilhelm aferrassini dmelone pgirres jjorgensen tscholten tkrings anovak mgoergen fkrahen mbeck rbyrne pscappaticci tmccullough dmckeown mmcconville fmcdermott kkennedy bconville sfergusson gmccoy rbustard imcbride sbo lchristiansenkboe imyhre mjohannessen gsoltvedt tstorvik kfjetland eaase gtveit ajonevret knilsen rbohinen ldreszer mksiazek aszewczyk rnazimek pgrzesik dnawrocki jswierzewski pguruli dswierzewski mstrojek zwalczak kkubisztal mprabucki pbaia vpinto jaloisio pereira jcouto ftavares magalhaes jPandre semedo kostadinov ecouto jgeraldao paille spaterson abowers bneill gmoore tcampbell rdevine jmathieson amc cartney gmanley rhillis gcraig rmc caffrey cjameson jstelea brednic mselymesi tcristea tdobos acheregi mmihaescu itimofte dmiriuta vdamaschin mmarcu ipana craducanu ssjostrom jrohdin meriksson jhjelm ajohansson jkindlund bsundgren gkindvall ngoransson ghallstrom pharrysson pmjallby jbergstrand kapostolov rurukov mmladenov ddimitrov eyanchev kbakalov mgeorgiev gnachov gmarachliev cpavlov vdimitrov astoilov sredin bpetranovic vseyhmuz kemal sogun tmehmet aabdullah eivanovic gsoner bunal khamdi adjucic mhami mlemi cyeremin mkolotovkin sbyrstov dfokin smalyukov otatarchuk vbroshin vkolesnikov mkuznetsov dsergeev okorneev idmitriev smasalitin vvarvodic zzecevic dlorger tperica jbosilicic mjermanis aboban dpantic mceh apate jgliha pseparovic ienglaro rarapi adema gtaho riliadhi rlutaj eciruna agjondeda lmemushi eshaqiri bkushta sdaullia vzijai aziu vwohlfahrt fpfeffer aaigner esekerlioglu aschneider hflogel tstoger pprosenik cmilewski yhasenhuttl rogris ahormann wivanauskas vwandzik jkourbanas napostolakis skalitzakis ymavridis kantoniou kmaragos schristodou llupu dsaravakos dwarzycha kyorgamlis lfranceskos kchristophi mandrellis xconstantiniucdjouras gioannou ychristodulo cpittas msofocleous lorphanides pgouzil msavva pmavroudis lkoliandris ckouba pbielik jmlejnek mnovotny jvrabec pcabala ilavicka vfrydek mnemec jkukleta rcerny pstudenik jsiegl hjorgensen nlarsen ssimonsen lthorst sboye tfacius crasmussen hhoegh jdissing ssundstrup amoeller pkristensen henevoldsen phuttunen otanttu aheredi akotona gkujanpaa jlaiho mlintunen trasanen jleino alahtinen jrautiainen jkankkunen kpakkanen mvavlov ireich bszangolies uksienzyk wchaloupka pbacks cbonan hkuttner eboer tarndt tpronischew mherzog hrehbein dvencel astupala ttittel dglonek mchvila mhirko mkristofik ojuriga jdubovsky ptimko jpecko lchytil varga ehreidarsson gbjarnason holafsson objorgvinssonhomarsson ttheodorsson hzilnik jadalstenssonahelgason amicic geinarsson agyflason gbjartmarz bvanrijswijckjbirsens mwolf tschonckert lfeiereisen lganser cborbiconi djeitz gjoachim cmorocutti pmogenot dgroff jpicard ykeenan mcurliss istewart amajor pcunningham jmills dmc keever kdoolin pdavidson gfraser scowan sstrain bmagee mvalo gwalseth ojohannessen fwendelborg jwiggen bjambo scamitz unordeide tknutsen gstorskogen hjohnsen oerlandsen agustavsen asidorczuk kkofnyt djakolcewicz ckrygier wrzepka mskrzypczak dbayer dbereszynski pgebura mjuskowiak amoskal ktrzeciak mpachelski bneno william veloso jose carlos ricardo paulo souza schwarz spaneira vthern jrui aguas pacheco isaias sanchez emartin jjack pmcphee icaesar gsmith alawrence abalfour eharvey gcoyle oconn scrainie dsmith jstewart aprunea fmanaila vzamfir nmogosanu dpopescu abica dbadea polaru iciurea gpigulea aneagoe esandoi estoica sravelli tpedersen t nilsson mjohansson msvensson orehn sjohansson meriksson pmild heskelinen knilsson lkamark pandersson klehmann ssauthier mbrigger jgeiger aclausen npiffaretti bgertschen rlopez abaljic mtudor lcalderon grey oorlando dengin iguvenipoglu uakladent kkeskin gcetin rfidan scambilay rozdilek mgultiken aucar ftekin mwalsh atopcu mchanov vsmatovalenkoatsveiba akuznetsov odemyanenko ayaremchuk irats vlitovchenko gyuran ssalenko oprotasov ozaets skovalets shansbury rmatthews nsearle dbarnard lperry jlewis aheath pgriffiths cgibbins rpike cheard pbaddeley lblake ncini rbriffa rsciberras rmackay wmagri ccamilleri jgyorev blaferla csaliba nzarb jbusuttil asultana szerafa jbyrne jhill ireynolds jcoyle pjudge dkennan vneville mwhelan ade khors rnewe pdully pduffy rbyrne pmartini bcatalano mmazzolini swilliams gkaczmarek zdutuel ddvico eguerreiro rcocard cvahirua pkovacs kdarras fvignola flemasson fpoint ccauet bdangbeto hlebourgeois yrix golsen jrio mdivert fden boer pgermain javenet pgarcia rpreud homme malbert psanders kclijsters lbogers aingesson kversavel bversavel pemmers msevereyns feykelamp rdeferm gwilmots mARSENAL  CRYSTAL PAL NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NOTT FOREST LIVERPOOL  SHEFFIELD W Q P R TOTTENHAM SHEFFIELD U EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED IPSWICH TOWN MAN UNITED  OLDHAM ATHL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA MIDDLESBRO MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON BLACKBURN R BIRMINGHAM C CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN NEWCASTLE OXFORD UTD BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY LEICESTER C LUTON TOWN TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY BRENTFORD WEST HAM SWINDON TOWN CAMBRIDGE PETERBOROUGH NOTTS COUNTY BRISTOL ROV WATFORD BRIGHTON BOLTON BOURNEMOUTH BRADFORD PLYMOUTH BURNLEY CHESTER BLACKPOOL EXETER FULHAM HARTLEPOOL HUDDERSFIELD HULL LEYTN ORIENT PORT VALE PRESTON NE READING ROTHERHAM STOCKPORT STOKE CITY SWANSEA MANSFIELD WST BROMWICH WIGAN COLCHESTER BARNET DARLINGTON BURY CARDIFF CARLISLE CHESTERFIELD CREWE ALEX DONCASTER GILLINGHAM HALIFAX HEREFORD LINCOLN GATESHEAD TORQUAY NORTHAMPTON ROCHDALE SHREWSBURY SCARBOROUGH SCUNTHORPE WALSALL WREXHAM YORK RAYLEIGH TOWN AYLESBURY BARROW NORTHWICH ENFIELD KINGSTONIAN FARNBOROUGH SUTTON UTD FISHER ATH BOSTON UTD HYDE UTD WITTON REDBRIDGE TELFORD UTD BATH CITY STAFFORD CHORLEY WYCOMBE WAND KETTERING TW KIDDERMINSTER RUNCORN MACCLESFIELD ALTRINCHAM MERTHYR TYDFIL WELLING UTD YEOVIL TOWN HAYES WHITLEY BAY BISHXXX UCKLANDKETTXXXNG TOWN CARSHAXXXN BROXXXY BATH XXXY HALESXXXN BASHLXXX DOVERXXX TROWBXXXGE HIBERNIAN ABERDEEN CELTIC DUNFERMLINE DUNDEE UTD DUNDEE ST MIRREN ST JOHNSTONE RANGERS MOTHERWELL HEARTS FALKIRK AIRDRIEONIANS                   ANDERLECHT KV MECHELEN KAA GENT CLUB BRUGGE EKEREN STANDARD ANTWERP FC CHARLEROI LOKEREN SK LIERSE RW MOLENBEEK WAREGEM RKC GENK CERCL BRUGGE ST TROND BEERSCHOT SK BEVEREN   OL MARSEILLE AS MONACO  AUXERRE AS CANNES OL LYONNAIS LILLE MONTPELLIER SM CAEN PARIS S GERMAING BORDEAUX BREST ARMOR FC METZ iST ETIENNE OG NICE FC NANTES FC TOULON FC SOCHAUX TOULOUSE STADE RENNES  KAISERLAUTEN BAYER MUNICH SVW BREMEN E FRANKFURT HAMBURG SV VF STUTTGART FC COLOGNE B LEVERKUSEN BORUSSIA M GLADBOR DORTMUND WATTENSCHEID F DUSSELDORF KARLSRUHER VFL BOCHUM FC NURNBERG ST PAULI BAY UERDINGEN HERTHA BSC   PS EINDHOVEN AJAX AMSTERDAM FC GRONINGEN FC UTRECHT VITESSE FC TWENTE RKC FEYENOORD FC VOLENDAM RODA JC WILLEM II FORTUNA SITTARDSPARTA FC DEN HAAG MVV SVV HEERENVEEN NEC NIJMEGEN   ATALANTA BARI BOLOGNA CAGLIARI CESENA FIORENTINA GENOA INTER MILAN JUVENTUS LAZIO LECCE AC MILAN  NAPOLI PARMA PISA AS ROMA SAMPDORIA TORINO FOGGIA VERONA CREMONESE ASCOLI     ATHL BILBAO ATHL MADRID FC BARCELONA REAL BETIS REAL BURGOS CADIZ CF CD CASTELLON RCD ESPANOL CD LOGRONES CA OSASUNA REAL OVIEDO REAL MADRID REAL SOCIEDAD SEVILLA FC SPORT GIGON CD TENERIFFE VALENCIA CF VALLADOLID R ZARAGOZA ALBA BALOMPIE LA CORUNA     RAPID WIEN SIGMA OLOMUC BOR DORTMUND UJPEST MIEDZ LEGNICA SPORT LISBON STE BUCHAREST OREBRO SK FC LUZERN SPARTAK MOSCOW TORPE MOSCOW BRANIK MARIBOR FC COPENHAGEN DERRY CITY ODESSA SV SALZBURG LEVSKI SOFIA APOEL NICOSIA SLAVIA PRAGUE LYNGBY FC KUUSYSI TALLINN OLYMPIAKOS FERENCVAROS VALUR REYKIAVIKAVENIR BEGGEN GLENAVON VIKING FC GKS KATOWICE FC PORTO GLENTORAN DIN BUCHAREST AIK SOLNA CSKA SOFIA TRABZONSPOR CSKA MOSCOW LJUBLJANA SKONTO RIGA FK AUSTRIA PANATHINAIKOS AP LIMASSOL SPARTA PRAGUE AGF AARHUS TPS TURKU HANNOVER BRATISLAVA VIKINGUR U LUXEMBOURG PORTADOWN DRAMMEN STROM LECH POZNAN SL BENFICA AIRDRIE UNIV CRAIOVA IFK GOTEBORG FC SION BESIKTAS TURK DINAMO KIEV CARDIFF VALETTA SHELBOURNE AUXERRE SM CAEN KV MECHELEN FC COLOGNE AJAX TORINO E FRANKFURT HEARTS JUVENTUS PARMA VFB STUTTGART HIBERNIAN ANTWERP FC CELTIC ADMIRA WACKER REAL MADRID CLUB BRUGGE SVW BREMEN FEYENOORD AS ROMA ATHL MADRID BOHEMIANS FC ANDERLECHT MARSEILLE BOAVISTA PS EINDHOVEN AEK ATHENS RANGERS FC BARCELONA AC MILAN  AS MONACO  WREXHAM illgner bandersen hhigl abaumann kgielchen agiske aflick hheldt hlittbarski pbanach mordenewitz fjanssen ogoetz fmenzo sde boer fblind dvink mwinter awitschge rjonk wwouters jwillems rpettersson svan t schip jkreek mroy bmarchegiani lbenedetti sbaggio dsergio rannoni eromano fscifo efusi lcasagrande wbresciani gaguilera cbruno pmar vasquez rstein ubinz mroth dfalkenmayer rkorbel kbein umoller akruse aeckstein dgrundel hsievers rstuder sdozzell jsmith hwilson tmoyes dmc cathie ndavis birons dkozma imc call irafferty sjack ro'boyle gfarningham rsmith ptacconi sde agostini ljulio cesar sluppi ghassler tfortunato dbaggio rmarocchi ggalia rpapin jschillaci sbonetti ddi canio ptaffarel cminotti ldonati cgambaro egrun gcatanese tcuoghi szoratto dbrolin tosio mmelli aapolloni lmonza aimmel eschneider kdubajic afrontzek mschaefer gsverisson gbuchwald gsammer mbuck awalter fkoegl lkastl mgaudino mgoram acooper norr nhunter ghamilton bfindlay bmacleod mmcginlay pkane pwright phouchen kevans gmc graw mde coninck wquaranta remmerechts gsmidts rgeens lkiekens wschrooten pvan rooy flashaf mlehnhoff hczernatynskiabroeckaert nclaesen nbonner progan awdowczyk dmagilton jelliott pwhyte dcollins jgrant pmc stay pmiller jcoyne tnicholas ccreaney gknaller wgramann welsner mzingler tdegeorgi jdoetzl amuller ubacher gartner pogris eabfalterer jkuhbauer dmarschall obuyo fsolana jchendo mhierro fsanchis mvillarroya phagi gmichel mmaqueda jbutragueno esanchez hspasic ptendillo mverlinden dplovie pborkelmans vdisztl lbeyens lstaelens rcreve pbooy ffarina fceulemans jvander elst fcossey rverspaille creck oborowka ubratseth rsauer gwolther teilts dvotava mharttgen uhermann gallofs kruffer wbode mneubarth fde goey ede wolf jfraser hmetgod evan gobbel uscholten awitschge rkiprich jvander laan hblinker rtaument gheus rsabau icervone gdos santos acaniggia cberthold tcarboni adesideri sgiannini gmihajlovic sbenedetti shassler trizztelli rgerolin mtempestilli aabel rrenones tjuan carlos rsolozabal rjuanito rdonato gschuster bvizcaino jfutre pmanolo mrodax gferreira falfredo so'neill dwhelan pbrady kdwyer dgorman cbyrne amurray dtilson dtuite mdouglas iwalsh oduffy mcooper dde wilde frutjes gcrasson bvan tiggelenakooiman wvan baekel amusonda cverheyen goliveira lnilis ldegryse mde wolf mvan loen jolmeta pamoros mboli bdi meco ecasoni bmoser ctigana jpele apardo bvoller rpapier jvercruysse pgermain balfredo frederico barny marcos anton caetano bobo alves jnelo casaca nelson andrade jgarrido ademir vanbreukelenhvalckx sgerets ede jong jheintze jkoeman evanenburg gbosman jscheepers tellerman jkalusha bvan aerle bpopescu gminou avasilopouloshmanolas skarayannis vkarazopoulosdklopas fpapaioannou pokonski msavevski tbatista dpatikas dsavvidis yyoryadis l cbrown jstevens ggough rspackman ngordon dsteven tmikhalchenkoahateley mmc coist akuznetsov omunro snisbet szubizarreta aserna rnando fferrer akoeman reusebio sbeguiristan aamor ggoikoetxea jstoichkov claudrup mbakero jleadbitter cpazzagli abaresi fsavicevic dpari fancelotti ceranio sgullit rrijkaard fpapin jlentini gvan basten mstroppa gagostini mettori jvalery ppetit emendy rpuel cdib mpassi gbarros rsauzee fdiaz rweah gdjorkaeff ysonor lmorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins slucic jfairclough csterland jwhyte cdorigo twallace rbatty d     !!    !!    !!   !!     !!     !!     !!  !!   !!   !!    !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!   !!    !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!  !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"Ron Atkinson  Villa Park Birmingham The Villans 76,588 v Derby County 194612-2 v Accrington St. 1882B%*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"Dave Bassett  Bramall Lane Sheffield The Blades 68,287 v Leeds Utd 1936 10-0 v Port Vale 1892  B";*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'" .RO/0>I12JA34LM56NG7BPQ9:;<=H?@K8CDER./O>01IJ23AL45MN67GPB9Q;:=<?HK@C8ED  *     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:Bea.d0PP1"  '%  .^_/0`a12bc34de56fg78hi9:jk;<lm=>FG?@HIABJKCDLMEnNOopPQqrRSstTUuvVW\[XYZ  *     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"jshaw rgary ayoung emoralee jsalako jthomas jbright msinnott cmcgoldrick emortimer pwhtye dgunn bculverhouse bbowen mbutterworth iyoung eblades psutton cbeckford jfleck rcrook ifox rpolston jgoss jsealey lprice cstaunton smcgrath pfroggatt snielsen kdaley tatkinson dolney iregis cyorke dkubicki drichardson kcrossley mcharles gpearce swalker dchettle skeen rcrosby gwassell dclough ngaynor twoan itiler c*     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"mkane psegers hjoseph rphelan tbarton wblackwell dmcallister kmiller pkruszynski dfashanu jscales jgibson tearle rsanchez lbeasant dburle cjohnsen etownsend acundy jmyers astuart gdickens adixon klee dwise dclarke scascarino tpears scooper cphillips jmowbray tcoleman sputney tpollock jproctor mpayton ahendrie jripley skernaghan amustoe rcoton tbrightwell icurle kreid pmcmahon sredmond swhite dbrennon mharper a*     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"pbrady kkay jbyrne jhauser tknight apowell dsymons kburns wbutters gmcquire gwigley skuhl mwhittingham gclarke cberesford jawford amurray sbaker cfleming gtaggart gbanks ismith mgridelet po'connell brammell asalville awilliams garchdeacon orobinson mcooper shodge mplatnauer nwillis jmauchlen awalsh sfitzpatrick pwright tthompson sreid pmills grussell kgibson ckitson psutton sgray pharvey rwilliams soakes sdreyer j*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"lkinson pbutler sporter gnicholas pwilliams gthomas rbenney mcrumplin jchapman iwilkins dmccarthy pchivers gbarham mmeade rmcgrath dcodner rwalker cstemp wbissett nfelgate dbrown pcowdrill bpatterson mseagraves mstubbs astorer sthompson scunningham tdarby jstevens iburke dlee sguthrie pbond kmorrell pholmes mmitchell pekoku eo'driscoll scooke rmundee dbrooks sjones amiller ppulis ttomlinson pjames rduxbury l*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"pin nglover dkent kearle rjepson rporter ajeffers jwebb aford gfarnworth ssenior sjames mjoyce wflynn mwrightson jthompson dbogie iashcroft ljepson rharper slambert mwilliams nkeeley jjones lrichardson smcpherson kstreete fhicks mbailey dgooding mlovell ssenior tmaskell cwilliams ataylor so'hanlon kforrest gtaylor arichardson nrobinson rlaw ngoodwin sbarrick dgoater sthompson shazel djohnson nhathaway i*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"mstrong ledwards lmiller djones aedmondson dproudlock dfyfe tsendall rgraham mgates ebennett mthorpe jleonard mgunn bryan jlemon prodgers pdyche smcgugan pwilliams splummer cturnbull lhewitt jfrancis lmorris agreygoose djones rcallaghan asmart jcarr djasper dmurphy ahignett cgardiner medwards rrose cswain kclayton psamways msmalley pnoteman kashurst jormsby bdouglas cstiles jwhitehurst bmuir jgormley e*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    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kgibson ckitson pmimms bhendry ccowans greid nhill kdobson tspeedie dshepstone pskinner cwilcox jsellars satkins mnewell mnixon ehiggins dmungall smcknab nhughes mvickers smorrissey jalderidge jsteel jmartindale dthomas tharvey jmalkin chorne bstevens kdawes iwaddock g*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"UUPUUUUU?UUTU?UUP } p};:;8ª ]@dn???O0??UUUUUUUU QUUUUPUU8U@8=?5?x͍ߙ!??? l p >8>xxx>?>@zBzwUUUUUUUU`UUUUPUUUUiԀ*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"trovic zperson sgaspar jpreljevic mskrinjar vmladenovic mmedford hboban zshala ksuker distvanic sadzic zpetersen puldbjerg ipiechnik tnielsen bjensen jrasmussen jlarsen pkaus bfrandsen pjensen hmanniche mnielsen lrandrup nharrington pbannon pdaly dlong po donoghue fnagle kmurphy lconroy mhyde dcotter ccaulfield jfreyne pmorley pmusta pshulku iocekli aberberi sleskaj lberisha apano lhaxhiu shasanpapa fagalliu l*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"gner jbarboni jbeck rbyrne pscappaticci tmccullough dmckeown mmcconville fmcdermott kkennedy bconville sfergusson gmccoy rbustard imcbride sbahus vbrandtun hludvigsen pbrochmann eludvigsen ibarmen ringebritsen gpedersen kvikenes tlyngvaer ohelgeland aleiknes thagen pdreszer mksiazek aszewczyk rnazimek pgrzesik dnawrocki jswierzewski pguruli dswierzewski mstrojek zwalczak kkubisztal mprabucki pbaia vpinto jaloisio pereira jcouto ftavares magalhaes j*     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!     !!a:\teams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"phanides pgouzil msavva pmavroudis lkoliandris ckouba pbielik jmlejnek mnovotny jvrabec pcabala ilavicka vfrydek mnemec jkukleta rcerny pstudenik jsiegl hjorgensen nlarsen ssimonsen lthorst sboye tfacius crasmussen hhoegh jdissing ssundstrup amoeller pkristensen henevoldsen phuttunen otanttu aheredi akotona gkujanpaa jlaiho mlintunen trasanen jleino alahtinen jrautiainen jkankkunen kpakkanen mvavlov ireich bszangolies uksienzyk w*     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !! 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hrohde fbeiersdorferdkober cdoll teck hsporl hmatysik wfurtok jpinho nando pvon heesen tstratos tsnelders tmc leish arobertson dirvine bmckimmie svan de ven pgrant bconnor rbett jjess egillhaus hmason pbooth skazimierski jmedved dde groote mhallaert pjanssens rdauwen fveyt dballenga hvandenbergh eviscaal everdegem t*     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!   !!   !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!    !!    !!     !!    !!     !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!    !!     !!    !!    !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!     !!   !!    !!   !!    !!    !!a:\tNeams.dat@0@PpP1 +'"rmain behrmann gstumpf rhaber mkranz mkadlec mdooley tschupp mhoffmann gscheer ukuntz shotic dlabbadia bgoldbaek bvanbreukelenhvalckx sgerets ede jong jheintze jkoeman evanenburg gbosman jscheepers tellerman jkalusha bvan aerle bpopescu gpagliuca gvierchowod pmannini mlanna mdossena gcerezo tkatanec spari fmancini rvialli glombardo ainvernizzi gbonetti i cbrown jstevens ggough 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But only secured 9 caps so far. Played for Peterboro Birmingham, QPR and then won the 1990 champions me- dal with the Gunners. / *1Born in Romford in 1966, 249 appearances for Arse- nal, he led the gunners to 2 league championships Nicknamed eeyore he is a totally committed no-nonsense defender and he is a great influence on the side. / *6A regular in the England defence. / *8Has scored 50 goals so far in 167 matches for the gunners. Seems to have curbed his unruly behaviour and looks set to become a regular member of the England team. Great prospects. / *9Swedish international of great talent. He combined to great effect with Tomas Brolin in the 1992 European Championships. Famed for his short temper and his dazzling runs. Scored 4 goals for Arsenal v Sheffield in 1992. / *10Winner of two champion- ship medals, his place at Arsenal has been far from secure, despite 13 inter- national appearances. Scored 157 goals in 402 top matches with Leices- ter, Arsenal and England. / *12First Division top goal scorer in 1992 with 29 goals. But was left out of the England squad for the European championship Born in 1963 in Woolwich 11st 6lb 5ft 11in 143 goals in 309 matches Played for Greenwich, Crystal Palace and Arsenal / above is Ian Wright *20Born in St Austell in 1966 Nigel became Britain's most expensive keeper when he joined The Eagles from Bristol Rovers in 89 Two England caps so far. / *27Club captain and England midfielder, omitted from European Championships despite not being on losing side in nine matches under Taylor. / *37Once struggling to get into Millwall's first team now a 1m pound goal scorer creating great stir among the Palace fans. / *47Born in Newcastle under Lyme in dec 1969, the tiny but talented midfielder won two cup medals with Man Utd where he scored 11 goals. / *63Central defender who won FA Cup medals with United beforfred cccc Bill Avery cccc Jan Cottle cccc Bernard Tapie cccc John Emery cccc Goth cccc Eric Bodge cccc Paul Van Himst cccc Michel Platini cccc Ray Heathcote cccc Roger Stones cccc Sid Scrimgeour cccc Lucky Dowers cccc Stephen Warnes cccc Stewart Arnold cccc Lou Manzi cccc Stewart McKenzie cccc Alf Ramsey cccc Roland Clough cccc John Smith cccc Rob Morris cccc Trevor McDonald cccc Richard Charlston cccc Andrew Hastie cccc Derek Hughes cccc Paul Fairbrass cccc Kevin Webb cccc Gary Clark cccc Mike Danks cccc Jonathan Patching cccc Simon Carter cccc Dave Harris cccc John Green cccc Dave Dawson cccc Maurice Cowen cccc Neil Williams cccc Jason Sheen cccc Ian Benbow cccc George Courtney cccc Simon Davis cccc Darren Noyce cccc Tom Millard cccc Ian King cccc Stewart Bell cccc James Dexter cccc Simon Rush cccc5 &$$e surprise move to Villa in 1989. Troubled by niggling knee injury. 55 caps so far for Eire. / *65Deano is a busy little player, once England's costliest, he scores goals on a regular basis. He's played for Swansea, Cardiff, Brighton, Oxford Derby, Liverpool and Wales 117 goals in all. / *66Born in Birmingham in 1967 flying winger with 193 appearances for Villa. Yet to establish himself at international level. / *69Born in Mariapousoula he appeared for West Brom and Coventry. Now a Villa international. Scored 140 first class goals in his career. Great pace. Still a firm favourite at Villa / *70Top scorer in 91-92 with 17 goals. Spotted by Villa while the club was on tour of Trinidad and Tobago in 1989. Signed same year for 120000. / *73Young defender yet to break into the first team on a regular basis. Very tall, plays full back or centre half, will prove himself this season, much to West Brom's displeasure / *81Tipped as England's future right back. Produ- ces great attacking runs down the right flank. Was rejected by most top London clubs because he was ...too small / *88 Son of you-knwo-you. Has been the club's top scorer for five of the past seven seasons, but usually plays behind the Forest strikers. Now firmly established at international level. / *82Played for non-league Wealdstone before joining Coventry and Forest. Tipped as a future England captain, full-back Stuart has a devastating left shot and loves to move forward. / *100At 6ft 4 and 14 stones the England under-21 star is the schosen successor to Grobbelaar. Very good at crosses. Signed from Watford in May 1992 for over 10 pounds, he has a great future ahead of him. David plays the cello and double bass. His favourite athlete is Daley Thompson. Few strikers have ever managed to lob him... / *103Brought down from Ayr by Bob Paisley in 81. Now, after more than 10 years at Anfield this stalwart is probably the most consistent player in the squad. Versatile and truly reliable. / *104Scored the goal that stopped Liverpool from winning the championship in 1989 and took it to Highbury. After 163 matches and 24 goals for Arsenal, he is now with the merseysiders / *107Sprang out of the shadows in 1992 to set Anfield alight. It is a bit depressing in the reserves so when the chance came he took it with gusto. A fine scoring midfielder. / *109Born in Jamaica in 1963 played 233 matches for Watford before joining the reds in 1987. Despite a superb club record at An- field, he never delivered the goods at international level. / *110A revelation at Anfield Speed is his greatest asset. He can also pass, tackle and recover the ball when he loses it. Looks set to become Eng- land's number one right back. Born in Wrexham in 1971. / r jones *111Probably the best centre- back in the country. Good in the air and powerful when he comes forward. The Liverpool captain is a tremendous fighter. 397 appearances with Oxford, Southampton, Derby and England. / mark wright *112Signed from Ajax in 84 the Danish international has become a major part of the Liverpool midfield. Surprisingly left out of Denmark's European cam- paign in 1992. / *114Flies past defenders for fun. Likes taking on people and creates a cons- tant threat on the flanks Great future ahead of him. Born in Liverpool in 1972. / *116A major influence in the Liverpool midfield. 44 goals scored so far in 322 appearances (Oct 92) Followed his father's footsteps by becoming an Eire international. / *117Fantastic character and still a top class goalie despite the arrival of David James. Erratic but part of the Liverpool success story. Born in Durban in 1957. 8 caps for Zimbabwe. / *118Manchester-born Stewart cost Spurs 1.7 m from Man City in 1988. He was converted from a striker into a midfielder and soon won England recognition. It is as a midfielder that Liverpool intends to use their new capture. Very strong, fine passer, great in the air. / *119The best striker Liver- pool ever had. Still deadly when fit. His only quiet time was during a lean spell in Italy. Played for Chester, Juven tus, Liverpool and Wales. Scored 224 goals at top level. / I rush *120 Won the battle with Arsenal's David Seaman to establish himself as Eng- land's number One. Learned his trade from the great Peter Shilton at Forest. / *127Scored the winner for Wednesday in the 1991 League Cup Final against Man United. Republic of Ireland international, also played for Leeds and Nottingham Forest. / *136Joined from Forest in 1991. Possible England prospect. Scored at Wembley for Forest in 1990 / *135Scored 46 goals for New- castle, then 33 for Spurs. Then had a great spell at Marseille where he thril- led the french crowds. Won 62 caps for England Other occupation: pop singer... / *140Helped Czechoslovakia reached the quarter-finals in the 1990 World Cup. As a result, QPR bought him from Sparta Prague in July 1990 Welcome to FOOTBALL TACTICIAN2 - You can manage any club whose class is equal or below your own rating. As all human managers start with a rating of 3, all 24 division one clubs are accessible straight away. To manage better clubs you will have to win at least 3 matches on the trot. Hit D to toggle between Premier League and Division One. V will allow you to view all 46 clubs and their class number. The oblique slash key is used to activate the automatic mode. For more about what the keys do: press F10.\ FT2 is continuously being updated. The program disk is relentlessly being enhanced while the data disk always contains the very latest player information. If you want to receive the latest version of FT2, just send 1.75 for the data disk (B) or 3.50 for both data and program disk .  Talking Birds 5 Minster Close Rayleigh Essex SS6 8SF United Kingdom Camy Maertens September 15, 1992 ]  The File Menu. - LAST SEASON will load the fixtures and results from the last complete season. On your disk, this file is recorded as fixt_00.dat Once LAST SEASON is in memory, the current season is put on hold. Only friendly matches may now be played. Many functions will be disabled: save, new, kick-off, top scorers, etc are no longer available. The cursor will also change. We are now in REVIEW MODE. \ The whole idea of loading an old season whether from the LAST SEASON or from the LOAD SEASON boxes is to quickly view past results, maybe to check how you did against your next opponents. The obvious path to follow, in this mode, in to click on TABLES, then click on SELECT ANY WEEK. Full records will now be at your fingertips. Another useful feature is to load any logo in, click on it, and select FIXTURE LIST. You will be presented with the full history of that particular team during the season under review. \ Once in 'REVIEW MODE', the LAST SEASON box will now say RESUME. You have to click on RESUME if you want to exit REVIEW MODE and carry on with the default mode. The next box in this FILE MENU is SAVE. If you want to save your records click on this one at any time during the championship, except at the very end of the very last day, when it will instead appear as NEW SEASON. You'll have to click on NEW SEASON to save the ENTIRE championship for posterity. It will always be saved as FIXT_00.DAT. All fixtures will then be reset and a new season may commence with bank balances, skill levels and squads left unchanged. \ SAVE does a complete save of all squad and club records, replay list and results so far. But the week pointer will remain as it is. Whenever you click on SAVE, do make sure that your disk is NOT protected and that there is enough space on it. The next entry is NEW. This is an uncompromising feature. Everything gets reset to the original standard. You are in effect overwriting your records with the default files always held on disk. Needless to say full confirmation will be asked for and you will have to answer with the keyboard only. \ EDITOR , the next entry, gives you access to all 920 players. A version of FT2 is available with facility disabled. LOAD SEASON is similar to LAST SEASON except that here you may choose which particular season you want to load: 0 is the one just gone. You may retrieve up to 21 seasons. Once this feature is active, you are in REVIEW MODE again, as confirmed by the rectangular cursor. A new box will now appear just underneath: SAVE AS. \ The season you have just loaded may be re-saved under any name from 0 to 20. Make sure you do not overwrite a season that you were particularly proud of. PROMOTIONS is only active during the early part of the season. It will re-arrange the two division as per entries shown under HONOURS. As all master files will be changed use with care. This covers all the ojptions under the FILE menu. ] TILSON Steve ,  CLARK Paul !   JONES .  ANSAH Andy    BENJAMIN Ian    ANGELL Brett     EDWARDS Andy   PRIOR Spencew   c SUSSEX Andy    CORNWELL John wX    LOCKE Adam ,^    O' CALLAGHANkevin  ROYCE . K  VACANT  VACANT   The Action Menu. - VIEW CLUBS. This will show all clubs in your division together with their managers humans or otherwise. MANAGERS is a list of 46 ready-made user names. These are fully editable and have individual ratings according to their achievements. Money earned by these managers is also shown as well as their records. SELECT CLUB is one of the most used options in this game. You have to select a club in order to examine its squad and make the selection and strategic decisions that will win or lose a match. \ REPLAY is one of many options UNIQUE to Football Tactician. It gives access to the last 11 matches if in Premier League, or 12 if in division one. Ideal to analyse your last game and see what went right (or wrong) and also to see how the other teams performed.  CLASSICS is another replay facility except that here only selected golden matches are shown. In order to store a famous match in the classic section you need to call the archive routine further down. \ KICK OFF gets the ball rolling! All matches will be played in turn. Those involving no user-managers will have their result flashed for two seconds. The others will be played in full. First the relevant logos will be fetched from memory, then the match will start at a speed defined by the option menu. You'll have access to the two logos where substitions, marking, and change of tactics may be made. If you want to change the clock speed, press ENTER, - or + on the keypad. All matches will be played in a totally realistic way, whether they are shown or not. Computer opponents will organise their squads, change tactics or make substitutions according to the run of the play. \ KICK OFF may also be activated by clicking on the centre circle. Equally, once all the week's events have been reported, KICK OFF will occur automatically. Friendlies are played by getting two logos in the windows and hitting F. If any of the two logos showing is a user-manager, the match will be reported in full, otherwise only the result will show. Even so, the match will have been recorded . To replay it, press R on the keyboard\ ARCHIVE shows the state of the three recording banks. If you click on any of the 36 matches, the mouse will jump to the permanent section where up to five matches may be stored for good. VIEW REFS will list all 88 referees in the league together with their toughness record. Nine is deadly. One is a softy. This covers all the options under the ACTION menu. ] FLEMING Gary ^  TAGGART Gerry w,GODFREY Warrenr   SMITH Mark Ew  cGRIDELET Phil w  O'CONNELL Brendnw  cRAMMELL Andy wE  The TABLES Menu. - TABLES In STANDARD mode, this box may be clicked to reveal a full division table except when the season hasn't started yet. In REVIEW mode, when the cursor is rectangular, this option is inactive, but league tables are then called from the SELECT WEEK option further down. FIXTURES Next week's fixtures are stored here. Eleven matches in the English Premier League. Twelve in division One. \ RESULTS Last week's results are shown here. TRANSFERS This is a complete list of all the players on the transfer list. Although the players ratings are shown the list does not reveal whether they are injured, suspended or with a low morale. Buying a player with rating of 100 may result in its new rating jumping to 107 simply because his old morale was low. To avoid buying a player with a long suspension or some bad injury, you are recommended to check his club logo first. This transfer list changes constantly. Computer players may put a player on  the transfer list and remove him a few weeks later. \ Squad levels are not allowed to drop below 17. You'll find that if a squad is too depleted, a club will go into the transfer market automatically. TOP SCORERS This is where your players should show up if you're doing well in the league. \ SELECT ANY WEEK. A very useful option. You may view any week in the season. If you choose a week already played, you will see the results and the full table for that particular week. If you choose a week not played yet, only the fixtures will appear. This feature is active in both STANDARD mode and REVIEW mode. HONOURS shows the major winners from the last completed season. It shows at a glance who will be promoted and relegated should you decide to call the promotion routine. This covers all the options under the TABLES menu. ] ndly HELP calls this file from disk. ESC quits, but asks for confirmation.\ To ensure FOOTBALL TACTICIAN The OPTIONS Menu. - The various boxes under this menu are of the toggable type: ie they merely switch certain conditions on or off. The first one is AUTO SAVE. If the switch is set to ON, all positions and records will be saved automatically every four saturdays. Otherwise, if set to MANUAL, you will have to save your positions at your own discretion. Make sure the disk is not protected. \ NEWS This box allows you to determine the amount of weekly events between two saturdays. If set to brief, less than ten events will occur. If set to full, twenty to thirty events will take place during the transition period. You should use this facility to determine the activity level in the transfer market and the amount of injuries and other factors affecting the teams status. \ SPEED The speed of match action is either slow, in which case each ball contest takes about two seconds, or normal, which lasts half a second, or fast which lasts 1/50th of a second. The effective duration of the action depends not only on this setting but on how many illustrations appear during the match. Offside flags, penalties, etc.. take a while to be displayed and slow things down a bit. You will find that intervening with the mouse during a match set to fast is not that easy. Press - on the keypad (repeatedly if necessary) to slow things down, then click on the logos. \ HIGHLIGHTS is another variable affecting the way a reported match will look. The default mode is HIGHLIGHTS which will report all major events: goals, shots, fouls, corners, penalties, injuries and tactics changes. When set to FULL COMMENTARY, the players names will be reported all the time. Home players will be on the left Away players on the right. The player actually controlling the ball is shown in blue. The other setting is GOALS ONLY which will only report the goals scored, who scored them and when. \ TRANSFERS amongst computer teams may either be automatic or off. You should remember that if automatic transfers are allowed, a great deal of player movement will take place, particularly if you have chosen the full weekly NEWS option. To reduce excessive player migration, you may either select BRIEF week events or turn TRANSFERS off periodically. Teams managed by user players will not embark on automatic transfers unless you allow your squad to be unduly depleted. This covers all the options under the OPTIONS menu. ] FIXT_00.DAT. All fixtures will then be reset and a new season may commence with bank balances, skill levels and squads left unchanged. \ SAVE does a complete save of all squad and club records, replay list and results so far. But the week pointer will remain as it is. Whenever you click on SAVE, do make sure that your disk is NOT protected and that there is enough space on it. The next entry is NEW. This is an uncompromising feature. Everything gets reset to the original standard. You are in effect overwri The LOGO Menu. - The LOGO menu may be accessed both during the week and during a match. Some functions will be active all the time, others will be specific to either of these possibilities. \ SELECT gives you access to your squad (or to the opponent's squad!) During the week, all players can be reached and reshuffled (unless injured or suspended). During a match, only the first eleven may be reshuffled, and up to two substitutes may be brought on. Click on the player's name to activate a swap with another player. Some players have variable roles and may be switched from midfield to attack or midfield to defence. Or they may be played as wingers, or sweepers... Click on the RIGHT ROLE to activate the changes. The left role is the default position and is not accessible. If you start a match with two goalies, or none, the program will rectify this anomaly automatically. \ BUY allows you to view the transfer list and buy a player, funds permitting. You canQ have up to 20 players in your squad. APPROACH allows you to approach any player from any club. There are some costs involved. And the player's market value will probably go up. There is no guarantee that the player will join you. You may have to approach him several times. \ STRATEGY. You have a choice a eight different strategies, each one with its own merit (and drawback). Consult your manual. The strategies are: Normal, off-side trap, high crosses, quick counters, through balls, steady build-up, sweeper system and break rhythm. Going for through balls for instance is only of value if you have one or two real attackers up front (ATT) with an above-average speed. On the other hand, they may be caught offside a few times... TACTICS have a significant bearing on the way the match progresses. Rough playing will knock the opposition but land you a few yellow cards. Falling in the box may earn the odd penalty, but also a booking and loss of possession. Again, see your manual. \ FORMATION is a non-accessible box. It merely confirms the current set-up NEXT WEEK not only informs you of your next opponents, but clicking on it, will load their logo and squad. Access to the opponents' squad will be allowed at any time, but, in match mode you will not be able to interfere with it. SELL allows you to put any of your players on the transfer list. Expect morale to drop when you try to sell a player. To remove a player from the transfer list, you'll have to click on UNLIST. \ INFO gives you historical information on your club. FINANCIAL displays the current bank balance and the various trading accounts. You will still be allowed to play if you go in the red, but purchases will be denied FIXTURE LIST is a useful option showing the entire season at a glance, with results for matches played. You can not only examine your own list, but that of any club in your division. In MATCH mode, some of the above options will be disabled , but one new one will appear: MARK OPPONENT. Marking an opponent will severely reduce his performance, but it will be at the expense of your overall rating. End of LOGO options ] \ KICK OFF gets the ball rolling! All matches will be played in turn. Those involving no user-managers will have their result flashed for two seconds. The others will be played in full. First the relevant logos will be fetched from memory, then the match will start at a speed defined by the option menu. You'll have access to the two logos where substitions, marking, and change of tactics may be made. If you want to change the clock speed, press ENTER, - or + on the keypad. All matches will be played in a totally realistic way, whether they are shown or not. Computer opponents will organise their squads, change tactics or make substitutions according to the run of the play. \ KICK OFF may also be activated by clicking on the centre circle. Equally, once all the week's events have been repLEEDS UNITED MAN UNITED SHEFFIELD WED LIVERPOOL ... ANDERLECHT MARSEILLE BOAVISTA PS EINDHOVEN AEK ATHENS RANGERS FC BARCELONA AC MILAN  AS MONACO  WREXHAM BOHEMIANS FC ANDERLECHT MARSEILLE BOAVISTA PS EINDHOVEN AEK ATHENS RANGERS FC BARCELONA AC MILAN  AS MONACO  WREXHAM WREXHAM result will show. Even so, the match will have been recorded . To replay it, press R on the keyboard\ This covers all the options under the ACTION menu. ] E._| &/@=O~&X1 ;)$+9ff .X0 ץe--&&Mon 72 /AIc7ePQ!')U(\_j͕(HIm "+0/)#? %(# ſ>ٮ $,28=?<5.(  #(-.m5 /75/S**(/a]X:ٗ  9-\K6f6(wE{W #+.strachan gshutt cchapman lcantona emcallister growcastle dschmeichel pirwin dbruce spallister grobson bince phughes mgiggs rsinclair bsharpe lkanchelskis awebb ndublin dwoods cnilsson rking ppalmer cshirtcliff ppearson nbright mhirst dwarhurst pwatson gwaddle cbart williamcharkes jjames dburrows dnicol stanner nwright mjones rmolby imcmanaman smarsh mrush istewart pbarnes jwheelan rbodart gcruz abeuken bschaessens mvandemissen gasselman pgoosens mhellers gnassen dmolnar mbettagno atikva svos hmorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins smorris mthackeray ahardy psertori mbeaumont njones jbowden jmurbay jarmstrong cpreece agritfiths iphillips wwatkins sring a match, only the first eleven may be reshuffled, and up to two substitutes may be brought on. Click on the player's name to activate a swap with another player. Some players have variable roles and may be switched from midfield to attack or midfield to defence. Or they may be played as wingers, or sweepers... Click on the RIGHT ROLE to activate the changes. The left role is the default position and is not accessible. If you start a match with two goalies, or none, the program will rectify this anomaly automatically. \ BUY allows you to view the transfer list and buy a player, funds permitting. You cancA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON LUTON TOWN BIRMINGHAM CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN NEWCASTLE OXFORD UTD BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY LEICESTER C BLACKBURN R TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY BRENTFORD MIDDLESBRO SWINDON TOWN CAMBRIDGE PETERBOROUGH IPSWICH TOWN BRISTOL ROV WATFORD ARSENAL CRYSTAL PAL NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NOTT FOREST LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD W Q P R TOTTENHAM SHEFFIELD U EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED NOTTS COUNTY MAN UNITED OLDHAM ATHL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON LUTON TOWN BIRMINGHAM CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN NEWCASTLE OXFORD UTD BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY LEICESTER C BLACKBURN R TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY BRENTFORD MIDDLESBRO SWINDON TOWN CAMBRIDGE PETERBOROUGH IPSWICH TOWN BRISTOL ROV WATFORD oad their logo and squad. Access to the opponents' squad will be allowed at any time, but, in match mode you will not be able to interfere with it. SELL allows you to put any of your players on the transfer list. Expect morale to drop when you try to sell a player. To remove a player from the transfer list, you'll have to click on UNLIST. \ INFO gives you historical information on your club. FINANCIAL displays the current bank balance and the various trading accounts. You will still be allowed to play if you go in the red, but purchases will be denied FIXTURE LIST is a useful option showing the entire season at a glance, with results for matches played. You can not only examine your own list, but that of any club in your division. In MATCH mode, some of the above options will be disabled , but one new The LOGO Menu. - The LOGO menu may be accessed both during the week and during a match. Some functions will be active all the time, others will be specific to either of these possibilities. \ SELECT gives you access to your squad (or to the opponent's squad!) During the week, all players can be reached and reshuffled (unless injured or suspended). During a match, only the first eleven may be reshuffled, and up to two substitutes may be brought on. Click on the player's name to activate a swap with another player. Some players have variable roles and may be switched from midfield to attack or miedfield to defence. Or they may be played as wingers, or sweepers... Click on the RIGHT ROLE to activate the changes. The left role is the default position and is not accessible. If you start a match with two goalies, or none, the program will rectify this anomaly automatically. \ BUY allows you to view the transfer list and buy a player, funds permitting. You ca The LOGO Menu. - The LOGO menu may be accessed both during the week and during a match. Some functions will be active all the time, others will be specific to either of these possibilities. \ SELECT gives you access to your squad (or to the opponent's squad!) During the week, all players can be reached and reshuffled (unless injured or suspended). During a match, only the first eleven may be reshuffled, and up to two substitutes may be brought on. Click on the player's name to activate a swap with another player. Some players have variable roles and may be switched from midfield to attack or miedfield to defence. Or they may be played as wingers, or sweepers... Click on the RIGHT ROLE to activate the changes. The left role is the default position and is not accessible. If you start a match with two goalies, or none, the program will rectify this anomaly automatically. \ BUY allows you to view the transfer list and buy a player, funds permitting. You can have up to 20 players in your squad. APPROACH allows you to approach any player from any club. There are some costs involved. And the player's market value will probably go up. There is no guarantee that the player will join you. You may have to approach him several times. \ STRATEGY. You have a choice a eight different strategies, each one with its own merit (and drawback). Consult your manual. The strategies are: Normal, off-side trap, high crosses, quick counters, through balls, steady build-up, sweeper system and break rythm. Going for through balls for instance is only of value if you have one or two real attackers up front (ATT) with an above-average speed. On the other hand, they may be caught offside a few times... TACTICS have a significant bearing on the way the match progresses. Rough playing will knock the opposition but land you a few yellow cards. Falling in the box may earn the odd penalty, but also a booking and loss of possession. Again, see your manual. \ FORMATION is a non-accessible box. It merely confirms the current set-up NEXT WEEK not only informs you of your next opponents, but clicking on it, will load their logo and squad. Access to the opponents' squad will be allowed at any time, but, in match mode you will not be able to interfere with it. SELL allows you to put any of your players on the transfer list. Expect morale to drop when you try to sell a player. To remove a player from the transfer list, you'll have to click on UNLIST. \ INFO gives you historical information on your club. FINANCIAL displays the current bank balance and the various trading accounts. You will still be allowed to play if you go in the red, but purchases will be denied FIXTURE LIST is a useful option showing the entire season at a glance, with results for matches played. You can not only examine your own list, but that of any club in your division. In MATCH mode, some of the above options will be disabled , but one new one will appear: MARK OPPONENT. Marking an opponent will severely reduce his performance, but it will be at the expense of your overall rating. End of LOGO options ] *2$'|,e$$440 ߵ4L26e2:2.&*$ ԷU'/_O*0.8$mgȒ  *&)C, ,Tb(4ޙk  ΂ n have up to 20 players in your squad. APPROACH allows you to approach any player from any club. There are some costs involved. And the player's market value will probably go up. There is no guarantee that the player will join you. You may have to approach him several times. \ STRATEGY. You have a choice a eight different strategies, each one with its own merit (and drawback). Consult your manual. The strategies are: Normal, off-side trap, high crosses, quick counters, through balls, steady build-up, sweeper system and break rythm. Going for through balls for instance is only of value if you have one or two real attackers up front (ATT) with an above-average speed. On the other hand, they may be caught offside a few times... TACTICS have a significant bearing on the way the match progresses. Rough playing will knock the opposition but land you a few yellow cards. Falling in the box may earn the odd penalty, but also a booking and loss of possession. Again, see your manual. \ FORMATION is a non-accessible box. It merely confirms the current set-up NEXT WEEK not only informs you of your next opponents, but clicking on it, will load their logo and squad. Access to the opponents' squad will be allowed at any time, but, in match mode you will not be able to interfere with it. SELL allows you to put any of your players on the transfer list. Expect morale to drop when you try to sell a player. To remove a player from the transfer list, you'll have to click on UNLIST. \ INFO gives you historical information on your club. FINANCIAL displays the current bank balance and the various trading accounts. You will still be allowed to play if you go in the red, but purchases will be denied FIXTURE LIST is a useful option showing the entire season at a glance, with results for matches played. You can not only examine your own list, but that of any club in your division. In MATCH mode, some of the above options will be disabled , but one new one will appear: MARK OPPONENT. Marking an opponent will severely reduce his performance, but it will be at the expense of your overall rating. End of LOGO options ] VACANT  NIXON Eric , HIGGINS Dave ^  MUNGALL Steve E"  McNAB Neil #   HUGHES Mark ^  VICKERS Steven,w  c MORRISSEY John      ALDRIDGE John "    B. A. XX   MARTINDALE Dave  THOMAS Tony  MUIR Ian   for 625,000 / *146Former England skipper who returned to English football after a highly successful time with AC Milan. The gifted play- maker started his career at Chelsea before a move to Old Trafford. Other spells with Rangers and Paris St Germain. / *150Born in Newcastle and previously with Cambridge Brentford , he has won England recognition and his all-action style attracts interest from many top clubs. / *152Central defender who joined from Hereford in 1990. steady and reliable. And what a fine head of hair. / *161Captained Spurs to a record 8th FA Cup success in 1991. A rock-steady performer in the Tottenham defence. 16 England caps at Sept 92 / *162Former under-21 defender signed from Southampton in 1992 for 750,000. Born in London in 1968. / *165Although he badly misses his Portsmouth fans his career at Spurs looks rosy. Admires the likes of Bryan Robson and Gordon Strachan and can't wait to score against Bruce Grobbelaar... Darren was born in South- ampton in 1972 and scored 13 goals in 77 matches. Though he prefers to play wide on either flank, he is equally good in the middle. / *173Appeared at East Fife, Hibs, Chelsea (where he formed a lethal combina- tion with Kerry Dixon) and now Spurs where he is hoping to replace Lineker. 21 caps for Scotland / *189Born in Leeds in 1968, giant 3M-rated striker who is amongst England's most wanted acquisitions. Played for Doncaster and England. / *193Championship winner with Arsenal in 1989. Won one cap for England. Born Seaham Harbour 1960. / *200A supremely talented goal-keeper, dominating the Everton and Wales last line for a decade. Born in Llandudno, star- ted with Bury. / *203Born in Bournemouth in 1964 Paul started at Swindon where he scored 39 goals. He went to Villa, Bari, Southampton, Notts, Rangers and now hopes to add to his career total of 104 goals. / *208Played for Carlisle, Newcastle, Liverpool and now Everton. Won two championship and one FA Cup medals with Liverpool before he moved to arch- rivals in 1991. Still very reliable and talented. / *209At 22 he became Britain's most expensive player when Everton bought him from West Ham for 2.3 million to secure his goal-scoring talents. He then scored a hat-trick on his debut. Now at 26, he has played for England and scored 200 goals. His stay at Everton was marred by illness and injury. /*210Prolific goal-scorer. Scottish international. Joined Everton from Glasgow Rangers for M1.5 in 1991. Also played for Partick and Celtic, and spent some time in France with Nantes. / *223Versatile midfielder who signed for 500,000 from Bradford City in 92. Began his career as an apprentice at Millwall. / *226The bullawayo bullet has hit the headlines with some breath-taking goals in 1992. A regular inter- national in zimbabwe. / *233Born in Billericay, educated at Alleyn Court in Westcliff, had a four year spell at West Ham plagued by injury. Former England under-21 captain. / *237Cost 250,000 from Swansea after just one season in league football. Won the Rumbelows 1992 Sprint Challenge at Wembley. / *240Started his career at Elland Road before joining Arsenal. Won the 1991 cham pionship with the gunners and the 1992 one with Leeds. 450 league appea- rances to Sept 92. / *242Little winger with an exciting burst of pace and a real eye for goal. Injury-prone and a little inconsistent but on his day can add extra sparkle to an attack / *243His presence alongside Gordon Strachan is vital. Tidies up the defence with great composure in support of his midfielders. Now an England regular. / *246A master midfield sup- remo. His precise passing creates many openings. The scottish dynamo just seems to get better all the time. As Leeds captain he has a great influence on the team. / *248Scores goals in all situations. Excellent fin- isher and target man. / *249Played for Motherwell, Leicester, Leeds and Scotland. Midfield dynamo combining efectively with fellow scot Strachan. / *250Fine central midfielder sometimes on the left. Great runner off the ball with skill to match. Destined to become a superb player. / *251A good little defender with great pace. Greatly improved since his villa days, likes to come for- ward. Born in Melbourne played for Villa, Chelsea and England (10 caps) / *255A great buy from Arsenal Skillful midfielder with plenty of pace, he's tricky to stop. Born in Lewisham in 1967, he had 218 matches with Arsenal and so far 14 caps for England. / *257Bought from Blackburn in 1992, this skilled win- ger can take on the toughest of defences. / *280Burst on the world scene in the 1992 European cham- pionships where he helped Denmark to a famous vic- tory. A daunting obstacle to any opposing forward. / *285Tall central defender cost more than 2M in 1989. Still a crucial member of United's defence. Intermittent England calls / *286Captain Fantastic is the inspiration in United's midfield. Although plagued by injury throughout his famous career, Robbo always leads by example and still is a major part of the Old Trafford setup. 197 appearances for West Brom, 316 for United and 90 for England. Quite a record! / *288Born in Airdrie in 1963 played for Motherwell, Celtic and Man United where he scored 70 goals in 193 matches. Played a major role in United's recent success. 26 scottish caps by 1992. / *289Born in Wrexham in 1963 scored 37 goals for United and won 43 caps for Wales. Explosive, temperamental and always compelling. Won the Cup winners Cup with United. Had a spell at Barcelona in 1986. / *290Born in Halesowen in 1971. Initially rejected by Aston Villa and Birmingham joined Torquay in 1988. Started at United as a left back then became a winger. Gained his first full cap against Eire in March 91. First teenager to win a full cap since John Barnes in 1983. Injured in 1992, he now has recovered and regained his amazing pace. / *291One of the most exciting prospects to come out of Old Trafford since George Best. Won the League Cup with United in 1992 and three caps for Wales. Born in Cardiff in 1973 / *292Flying soviet winger joined United from Donetsk in 1990. Won 23 caps for USSR/CIS. / *295Made 153 appearances for Fulham and 125 at QPR before joining United. Now established as a regular England defender despite injury problems. / *296Came from Nimes in 1992 and had an immediate impact on the Elland Road crowd. Often used as a substitute his skills are undeniable. Average campaign in Sweden 92 but scored a hat-trick in Charity Shield against Liverpool. Shock move in 1992 to Old Trafford / *310Signed from Port Vale for just under 1M in 1991 where he was top scorer for his last 3 seasons. After a spell at Norwich went to Oldham in 93. / *312Eire International who captained Oldham in the 1990 League Cup final against Forest. Transfer- red to Everton but was unable to command a regu- lar place. Now back with the Latics. / *315Has won all the major honours during his spell at Everton for whom he scored 111 goals in 322 matches. Also appeared for Dumbarton and Scotland. / *328Scored more than 90 goals for the Dons since he joined them in 1986. Won an FA Cup winners medal in 1988. Brother of former striker Justin. / *331The club's record signing at 775,000 from Port Vale. Scored 14 league goals in his first season with the Dons and earned England status. / *336Original member of Wimbledon's crazy gang. No-nonsense midfielder who will win the ball by hook or by crook. Born in Watford, played for Wimbledon, Leeds, Sheffield Utd and Chelsea Fined a record L20000 in 1992 for his part in dirty play video. / *338Had a prolific season for Brentford in 91-92 scoring 38 goals. Hopes to repeat this performance at wimbledon. / *340Giant goalkeeper who will be best remembered for his penalty save against Aldridge and Li- verpool in the 1988 FA Cup Final. His stay at Chelsea was marred by some appalling slips in the 1992-93 season. / *347The industrious midfield player is now an regular member of the Eire squad. Scored 23 goals in 254 matches for Southampton, Norwich, Chelsea and Eire. / *348Battling striker who performed at Partick, Rangers and more recently Norwich. Born in Glasgow in 1965. Four scottish caps. / *379Much-travelled striker involved in four 1M trans- fers. Despite his prolific strike-rate he never established himself in the England side. / *382Born in Bristol in 1963 played for Bristol Rovers, Torquay, Bristol City, Reading, Wimbledon and now Manchester City. Lively defender who made a hesi- tant debut at right-back for England in 1992. / *383overcame three years of continuous injury at Bolton to become the mid- field inspiration of Ever- ton's awesome side of the mid-80's. Succeeded Howard Kendall at Maine Road as player-manager in 1990. / *384Played for Everton, Aston Villa, Liverpool and now City. Hard-tackling player adding extra bite to City's midfield. Enjoyed most of his suc- cess at Anfield where he scored 29 goals. / *386Born 1967 in Manchester 12st 9lb 6ft 1in scored 74 goals in 272 matches for Man City. / *388Was languishing at Arsenal before joining City in 1990 where he scored 36 goals in 82 matches. A very tall striker with great skills on the ground. A regular in the Eire squad. / *406On his day, one of the most exciting players in the league. Former under- 21 star, destined for full international recognition. Scored 60 goals in 173 matches for the Saints. / *407Profilic goal-scorer once rejected by Spurs. Went to Reading and then Chelsea where he scored 147 goals. / *408Tenacious striker whose aggressive style often lands him in trouble with referees. Helped Blackburn with promotion in 1992 before joining the Saints. Also played for Barnsley, Darlington, Chelsea, Coven try, Liverpool and Scotland / *563Yet another Man Utd reject who could come back to haunt the red devils. The 28 year-old dubliner has stamped his authority at St James park. A powerhouse in midfield who works just in front of the back four / *576Gifted midfield player successfully recovered from a series of injuries which threatened his career while at Goodison Park. Left Sunderland for New- castle in 1992. / *568long kept in the reserves at Arsenal, his move to City was an immediate sen- sation with 18 goals in 20 appearances. All I wanted was for George Graham to give me a chance, but it never came. Now he is making his point with a vengeance / *625Played for Tranmere, Everton, Villa and now Wolves. Sturdy defender whose dependability was part of Everton's success story in the mid-80's. Could also steal into the box and score vital goals. / *650After spells at Portsmouth and Derby, Brett had the chance to go to Blackburn but doubted his own ability. So he stayed at Roots Hall and will try to score another 20 goals for the blues. / *688In-form hit-man who has the scouts flocking to fratton park. Can score with his feet and his head / *746Britain's most expensive player. Moved from South- hampton to Blackburn in July 92 for a record 3.6 m At 21, his ambition is to establish himself as a regular in the England team. Scored 43 goals in 158 appearances. Already a devastating menace at the heart of Blackburn's attack. / *750Highly rated player who was Dalglish's first signing, costing 500,000 from Blackpool. Now a mem- ber of the under-21 squad / *756Born in Clydebank in 1966, Kevin is 5ft 8in. Scored 68 goals in 280 appearances for Dundee Utd and Coventry. Quick, skil ful and incisive, he earn- ed 12 caps for Scotland. / *757left-sided midfielder made his England debut in 1989. Born in Jersey in 68 Left Chelsea for Rovers in March 93 / *758joined rovers from middlesbrough for M1.3 in July 92. Had been with Boro since 1985. / *759The veteran goalie of no fewer than eight league clubs has been in such an outstanding form in 92 that nobody would dare challenge his place in the Ewood Park line-up. / *767One of football's deadliest strikers, for Liverpool were he replaced Italy-bound Ian Rush, for Eire where he scored eight goals, and now 22 for Tranmere who bought him from Real Sociedad for a bargain 250000. / *8386Attacking left-back who became the first british defender to cost 1M in 1980. Had a regular place in the England team for most of the eighties. left Everton for Brentford in March 93 / *840Highly talented goalie. On the verge of interna- tional recognition. In the country's top six. / *848Born in Glasgow in 1968 international class centre back, he is lightning quick. 4 caps for Scotland by October 92. / *851Born in Otley in 1967, spent his entire playing career at the Boro, except for a spell on loan at Charlton. Old-fashioned centre-back fully deserving recent international recognition. / *852Born in Aberdeen in 1966 played for Aberdeen, Watford and Middlesbrough International honours beckon for this top-class play-maker. / *867Played 370 matches for Spurs where he won two FA Cup medals before joining Monaco. Now player-manager at Swindon, still passing the ball nicely and scoring goals. / *920Canadian international and former ice-hockey player. Stands at 6ft 4in Now a regular between the Ipswich posts. / *925Club captain and former player of the year whose brother Andy is on the books at Arsenal. Played for Hartlepool, Derby and Shrewsbury before Ipswich signed him in 1988 for a club record of 300,000. / *933Veteran attacking mid- fielder who returned to Portman Road for a third time and played a major role in the club's promo- tion. 516 League and interna- tional appearances and 154 goals in his spells with Ipswich, Liverpool and Middlesbrough. / *960Was tipped as a future England goalkeeper until he conceded 9 goals at Liverpool. Crystal Palace then replaced him and leeds rangersP Seuropean cup 2r 2legroundnovember 4 1992 at elland roadattendance 25118rangers lead 2-1 from first legthe referee is mr alexis spirin (russia)Z kick offlong througball from rocastlecantona's effort is saved.brilliant volley by mark hateley3 ally mc coist shot ...over 8 shot by faircloughover 8 ferguson injured leeds attack<chip from strachantrachan wide8fairclough concedes corner4good save by lukician ferguson needs treatmentrangers now on 15 consecutive winsare very dangerous on the breakdurrant shot.over8chapman stranded5durrant blastZwide8mccoist is throughlukic saves again!cantona shoots from 6 yards!great save by andy goram!4!4#mccoist through again#5$cantona cross$4$cantona shot ...over$8&mccoist meets a deep crossbrilliant save8&gough is cut. he is ok.(4(4)8*cantona shotgreat save again by goram4hal 9f timeleeds do all the work but the dangercomes from rangers.leeds attack.4.strachan shotwide80desparate clearance by gough040great save by goram2counter by rangers243shot from fergusonsaved88another good chance for cantonastopped by goalie88header by chapman, quiet so far8saved889free kick to leeds99:durrant feeds hateleybinesprecise cross by hateleysuperb header by mccoist ally mccoist3<5>8>substitutionson: hodge off: rocastleon: wallace off: faircloughTAshot from wallace from close rangesaved off the post by goramChodge cross4Dfree kick to leeds9Dmcallister sends it in the clouds8Fnewcome otherwise very steady commitsprofessional foul6Jwallace headerwideJ8Nshot from speedwide8Rrangers now full of confidenceheader by brownsaved8Uanother leeds push... the ball is looseshot from cantona from close rangeU2Xwallace shotgreat save againX5Xferguson unnecessary pushX6Xstrachan takes the free-kick4Yhateley shotyY8Ymikhailichenko who replaced gordonteases on the left flank8Zgood effort by speedsaved again[final whistlerangers go through4-2 on aggregateman of the match:Z andy goram andy goramZXYcg everton coventrymatch of the day bbc sat 17 oct 1992 venue: Goodison Parkweather: sunny pitch:excellentcrowd:22199 the referee is mr bob hamer from bristolP Q long ball from dave watsonFgoal kick8beardsley avoids 4 defenders. shoots.just over8cottee is brought down9hincliffe's shot is stopped by goalie8nice everton move with final shot bybeardsley tipped over 4shot from warzycha. miles over8 shot by beardsley againeasily saved. 8 deep cross by hincliffe for cotteecut out by goalie 8Z<rough tackling by williams9everton get a free-kick outside the box9beagrie shot...Z2great beagrie somersault!!cross by warzycha!back pass... goalie handlesfree-kick given on the 6-yard-line!9"hincliffe takes it... great save%4&sansom concedes corner&4 )beardsley slips...coventry break away +ndlovu goes on his own all the way+his shot is deflected over southall !+32sudden driving rain4another shot by beardsley... wide48<overlapping cross by keownbeagrie blasts it over<8Afleming takes on defenceA4Bheader by pearce. cleared off the linecleared againXFeverton survive by the skin of theirteethPanother great run by ndlovu on the leftRcoventry now on topS8Rradosavljevic replaces warzychaTbeagrie clear in the boxT9Zfinal whistleXman of the match:Z peter beardsleyZcc RccENDb leeds rangersP Seuropean cup 2r 2legroundnovember 4 1992 at elland roadattendance 28992rangers lead 2-1 from first legthe referee is mr alexis spirin (russia)Z kick offlong througball from rocastlecantona's effort is saved.brilliant volley by mark hateley3 ally mc coist shot ...over 8 shot by faircloughover 8 ferguson injured leeds attack<chip from strachantrachan wide8fairclough concedes corner4good save by lukician ferguson needs treatmentrangers now on 15 consecutive winsare very dangerous on the breakdurrant shot.over8chapman stranded5durrant blastZwide8mccoist is throughlukic saves again!cantona shoots from 6 yards!great save by andy goram!4!4#mccoist through again#5$cantona cross$4$cantona shot ...over$8&mccoist meets a deep crossbrilliant save8&gough is cut. he is ok.(4(438*cantona shotgreat save again by goram4half timeleeds do all the work but the dangercomes from rangers.leeds attack.4.strachan shotwide80desparate clearance by gough040great save by goram2counter by rangers243shot from fergusonsaved88another good chance for cantonastopped by goalie88header by chapman, quiet so far8saved889free kick to leeds99:durrant feeds hateleybinesprecise cross by hateleysuperb header by mccoist ally mccoist3<5>8>substitutionsTon: hodge off: rocastleon: wallace off: faircloughTAshot from wallace from close rangesaved off the post by goramChodge cross4Dfree kick to leeds99mcallister sends it in the clouds8Fnewcome otherwise very steady commitsprofessional foul6Jwallace headerwideJ8Nshot from speedwide8Rrangers now full of confidenceheader by brownsaved8Uanother leeds push... the ball is looseshot from cantona from close rangeU2Xwallace shotgreat save againX5Xferguson unnecessary pushX6Xstrachan takes the free-kick4Yhateley shotyY8Ymikhailichenko who replaced gordonteases on the left flank8Zgood effort by speedsaved again[final whistlerangers go through4-2 on aggregateman of the match:Z andy goram andy goramcENDcENDbcENDb cENDbcEND b   080833ppMASSARO Daniel  AC MILAN DE AGOSTINI Stefan  ATALANTA SIGNORI Giusep LAZIO GASCOIGNE Paul    LAZIO BACCI RobertL LAZIO SCHILLACI Salvat    INTER WALKER Des 1  SAMPDORIA LAUDRUP Brian    FIORENTINA SUKER Davor DINAM ZAGREBBLANC LaurenLt   MONTPELLIER FACH Holgar BORUSSIA M Gvacant  "SORLOTH Goran X %   ROSENBORG BKKACZMAREK Zbignit AJ AUXERRE ELOY Olaya   VALENCIA CF OLSEN Lars t > TRABZONSPOR SIVEBAEK JohnnyLS    MONACO AS BARTRAM Jan t& BAYER UERDINVOLFORT Kim 1  BRONDBY IF GALYAMIN Dmitrit  CSKA MOSCOW ZIOBER Jacek      MONTPELLIER URBAN Jan Lt 5  CA OSASUNA PAZ Rafael   SEVILLA FC GOMEZ Fernant    VALENCIA CF SOLER Miguel   FC BARCELONALJUNG Roger  t ADMIR WACKERDAHLIN Martin     BORUSSIA M GKIRIAKOV Ilian Lt  ETAR TARNOVOMORAVCIK Lubo    ST ETIENNE BRUUN Mortent    SILKEBORG IFvacant  "OLSEN Jesper +  SM CAEN REUTER StefanRt$  BOR DORTMUNDHAGI GheorgA     BRESCIA vacant  "GINOLA David t  PARIS ST GERBERGOMI Guisep M  INTER LOMBARDO AttiloLt     SAMPDORIA RUOTOLO Genaro   GENOA vacant  "vacant  "JESS Eoin t   ABERDEEN SHEARER DuncanX  ABERDEEN VATA Rudi Xt     CELTIC CRABBE Scott   DUNDEE UTD WEIR David wt   FALKIRK MILLAR John  HEARTS HUNTER GordontHIBERNIAN FERGUSON Ian RANGERS KUZNETSOV Oleg qt RANGERS MCSKIMMING Shaun    KILMARNOCK MAHOOD Alan t  MORTON DALZIEL Gordon RAITH ROVERSLAVETY Barry t    ST MIRREN vacant  "vacant  "HARPER Steve  BURNLEY BRADLEY Darrent WEST BROM OTTO Ricky LEYTN ORIENTFRANCIS Kevin   STOCKPORT COWALKER Andy  BOLTON MARADONA Diego =   SEVILLE FC FLUCKINGER Phil     METZ vacant  "'MASSARO Daniel  AC MILAN DE AGOSTINI Stefan  ATALANTA SIGNORI GiusepH LAZIO GASCOIGNE Paul    LAZIO BACCI RobertL LAZIO SCHILLACI Salvat    INTER WALKER Des f1  SAMPDORIA LAUDRUP Brian H  FIORENTINA SUKER Davor DINAM ZAGREBBLANC LaurenL   MONTPELLIER FACH Holgar4 BORUSSIA M Gvacant  "SORLOTH Goran X %   ROSENBORG BKKACZMAREK Zbigni AJ AUXERRE ELOY Olaya   VALENCIA CF OLSEN Lars  > TRABZONSPOR SIVEBAEK JohnnyLS    MONACO AS BARTRAM Jan ,& BAYER UERDINVOLFORT Kim 1  BRONDBY IF GALYAMIN Dmitri  CSKA MOSCOW ZIOBER Jacek ,     MONTPELLIER URBAN Jan L< 5  CA OSASUNA PAZ Rafael@   SEVILLA FC GOMEZ Fernanh    VALENCIA CF SOLER Miguel   FC BARCELONALJUNG Roger  ^ ADMIR WACKERDAHLIN Martin     BORUSSIA M GKIRIAKOV Ilian L>  ETAR TARNOVOMORAVCIK Lubo h   ST ETIENNE BRUUN Morten@    SILKEBORG IFvacant  "OLSEN Jesper +  SM CAEN REUTER StefanR"$  BOR DORTMUNDHAGI GheorgA     BRESCIA vacant  "GINOLA David $  PARIS ST GERBERGOMI Guisep M  INTER LOMBARDO AttiloL     SAMPDORIA RUOTOLO Genaro   GENOA vacant  "vacant  "JESS Eoin    ABERDEEN SHEARER DuncanX  ABERDEEN VATA Rudi X<     CELTIC CRABBE Scott <  DUNDEE UTD WEIR David w4   FALKIRK MILLAR John  HEARTS HUNTER Gordon4HIBERNIAN FERGUSON Ian RANGERS KUZNETSOV Oleg 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GALLACHER Kevin 6 COVENTRY 90 229 24 SMITH David 6 COVENTRY 104 230 26 BILLING Peter 2 COVENTRY 105 231 23 MCGRATH Lloyd 2 COVENTRY 110 232 32 ROBSON Stuart 3 COVENTRY 99 233 27 DRINKELL Kevin 6 COVENTRY 102 234 24 ROSARIO Robert 5 COVENTRY 105 235 23 ATHERTON Peter 4 COVENTRY 96 236 27 TITTERTON David 1 COVENTRY U83 237 22 VACANT 7 COVENTRY 20 238 0 VACANT 7 COVENTRY 20 239 0 LUKIC John 1 LEEDS UNITED 103 240 25 STERLAND Mel 2 LEEDS UNITED 100 241 28 SNODIN Glyn 2 LEEDS UNITED 107 242 25 BATTY David 2 LEEDS UNITED 114 243 22 FAIRCLOUGH Chris 3 LEEDS UNITED 111 244 24 WHYTE Chris 3 LEEDS UNITED 109 245 30 STRACHAN Gordon 4 LEEDS UNITED 112 246 31 SHUTT Carl 4 LEEDS UNITED 115 247 24 CHAPMAN Lee 6 LEEDS UNITED 114 248 28 McALLISTER Gary 6 LEEDS UNITED 108 249 25 SPEED Gary 6 LEEDS UNITED 98 250 24 DORIGO Tony 3 LEEDS UNITED 108 251 24 HADDOCK Peter 3 LEEDS UNITED 98 252 27 WHITLOW Mike 3 LEEDS UNITED 97 253 26 HODGE Steve 5 LEEDS UNITED 99 254 27 McCLELLAND John 3 LEEDS UNITED 93 255 23 WALLACE Rodney 5 LEEDS UNITED 101 256 25 DAY Mervyn 1 LEEDS UNITED 79 257 28 CANTONA Eric 5 LEEDS UNITED 95 258 25 THOMAS Dean 4 LEEDS UNITED 93 266 26 CHERRY Steve 1 NOTTS COUNTY 91 260 25 PALMER Charli 2 NOTTS COUNTY 96 261 25 PARIS Alan 2 NOTTS COUNTY 108 262 23 SHORT Craig 2 NOTTS COUNTY 100 263 26 SHORT Chris 3 NOTTS COUNTY 103 264 26 O RIORDAN Don 4 NOTTS COUNTY 91 265 26 KANCHELSKIS Andrei 5 NOTTS COUNTY 107 292 26 TURNER Phil 5 NOTTS COUNTY 110 267 25 BARTLETT Kevin 5 NOTTS COUNTY 93 268 22 DRAPER Mark 6 NOTTS COUNTY 106 269 25 JOHNSON Tommy 6 NOTTS COUNTY 99 270 26 VACANT . 7 NOTTS COUNTY 20 0 0 HARDING Paul 2 NOTTS COUNTY 94 272 26 LUND Gary 6 NOTTS COUNTY 91 273 25 COX Neil 4 NOTTS COUNTY 107 274 21 YATES Dean 3 NOTTS COUNTY 97 275 25 AGANA Tony 5 NOTTS COUNTY 94 276 25 BLACKWELL Kevin 1 NOTTS COUNTY 79 277 23 VACANT 7 NOTTS COUNTY 20 278 0 VACANT 7 NOTTS COUNTY 20 279 0 SCHMEICHEL Peter 1 MAN UNITED 104 280 26 IRWIN Dennis 2 MAN UNITED 105 281 28 DONAGHY Mal 2 MAN UNITED 114 282 31 BRUCE Steve 2 MAN UNITED 119 283 27 PHELAN Mike 3 MAN UNITED 108 284 27 PALLISTER Gary 3 MAN UNITED 109 285 24 ROBSON Bryan 4 MAN UNITED 112 286 35 INCE Paul 6 MAN UNITED 106 287 26 McCLAIR Brian 5 MAN UNITED 110 288 28 HUGHES Mark 6 MAN UNITED 114 289 28 SHARP Lee 5 MAN UNITED 119 290 21 GIGGS Ryan 5 MAN UNITED 110 291 19 VACANT . 7 MAN UNITED 20 0 0 WALLACE Danny 5 MAN UNITED 114 293 26 VACANT . 7 MAN UNITED 20 0 0 PARKER Paul 3 MAN UNITED 105 295 27 WEBB Neil 4 MAN UNITED 109 296 28 WALSH Gary 1 MAN UNITED 88 297 23 DRYDEN Rich 2 MAN UNITED 91 271 25 VACANT 7 MAN UNITED 20 299 0 HALLWORTH John 1 OLDHAM ATHL 95 300 24 GUNNAR Halle 2 OLDHAM ATHL 107 301 23 BARLOW Andy 2 OLDHAM ATHL 100 302 25 HENRY Nick 3 OLDHAM ATHL 105 303 25 McDONALD Neil 3 OLDHAM ATHL 107 304 25 JOBSON Rich 4 OLDHAM ATHL 94 305 24 ADAMS Neil 4 OLDHAM ATHL 100 306 24 BERNARD Paul 5 OLDHAM ATHL 105 307 23 MARSHALL Ian 5 OLDHAM ATHL 105 308 26 RITCHIE Andy 6 OLDHAM ATHL 101 309 25 HOLDEN Rick 6 OLDHAM ATHL 104 310 23 FILLIERY Mick 2 OLDHAM ATHL 105 311 24 MILLIGAN Mike 4 OLDHAM ATHL 94 312 25 FLEMING Terry 4 OLDHAM ATHL 96 313 25 KANE Paul 5 OLDHAM ATHL 98 314 24 MOULDEN Paul 6 OLDHAM ATHL 100 315 20 PALMER Roger 4 OLDHAM ATHL 88 316 25 FREDRICKSON Rory 1 OLDHAM ATHL 75 317 23 MORALEE Jamie 4 OLDHAM ATHL 102 25 22 HYDE Graham 4 OLDHAM ATHL 100 138 27 SEGERS Hans 1 WIMBLEDON 101 320 24 JOSEPH Roger 2 WIMBLEDON 104 321 23 NILSSON Roland 2 WIMBLEDON 108 121 23 BARTON Warren 3 WIMBLEDON 97 323 24 BLACKWELL Dean 3 WIMBLEDON 100 324 23 McALLISTER Kevin 4 WIMBLEDON 100 325 24 MILLER Paul 5 WIMBLEDON 92 326 24 KRUSZYNSKI Detzi 5 WIMBLEDON 96 327 23 FASHANU John 6 WIMBLEDON 114 328 27 SCALES  John 6 WIMBLEDON 107 329 25 MARWOOD Brian 5 WIMBLEDON 103 193 26 EARLE Robbie 3 WIMBLEDON 93 331 24 HOUGHTON Ray 5 WIMBLEDON 110 107 30 WHITE David 4 WIMBLEDON 97 386 27 SANCHEZ Lawrie 5 WIMBLEDON 100 334 25 CORK Alan 3 WIMBLEDON 101 335 28 McGEE Paul 6 WIMBLEDON 98 336 25 SULLIVAN Neil 1 WIMBLEDON 78 337 23 WORTHINGTON Nigel 6 WIMBLEDON 106 130 29 VACANT 7 WIMBLEDON 20 339 0 BEASANT Dave 1 CHELSEA 102 340 28 BURLE Craig 2 CHELSEA 100 341 23 JOHNSEN Erland 2 CHELSEA 98 342 25 TOWNSEND Andy 2 CHELSEA 122 343 23 OSBORN Simon 3 CHELSEA 109 35 23 MYERS Andrew 3 CHELSEA 98 345 18 STUART Graham 4 CHELSEA 101 346 28 DICKENS Alan 4 CHELSEA 107 347 27 DIXON Kerry 5 CHELSEA 113 348 27 LEE David 6 CHELSEA 103 349 24 WISE Dennis 6 CHELSEA 110 350 24 CLARKE Steve 2 CHELSEA 107 351 23 ELLIOTT Paul 2 CHELSEA 101 352 32 LE SAUX Graeme 4 CHELSEA 100 353 23 WILSON kevin 5 CHELSEA 89 354 22 ALLEN Clive 5 CHELSEA 87 355 30 JONES Vinnie 4 CHELSEA 103 356 28 HITCHCOCK Kevin 1 CHELSEA 82 357 24 CASCARINO Tony 5 CHELSEA 92 358 25 WARZYCHA Robert 4 CHELSEA 96 216 29 MIKLOSKO Ludek 1 WEST HAM 102 360 28 POTTS Steve 2 WEST HAM 95 361 25 PARIS George 2 WEST HAM 107 362 24 GALE Tony 2 WEST HAM 113 363 25 BARNES David 2 WEST HAM 93 182 24 VACANT . 7 WEST HAM 20 0 0 BISHOP Ian 4 WEST HAM 113 366 27 McAVENNIE Frank 5 WEST HAM 108 367 26 ROSENIOR Leroy 5 WEST HAM 107 368 25 ALLEN Martin 6 WEST HAM 97 369 26 MORLEY Trevor 6 WEST HAM 106 370 21 BREACKER Tim 3 WEST HAM 112 371 23 THOMAS Mitch 6 WEST HAM 100 372 31 KEEN Kevin 5 WEST HAM 101 373 23 VACANT . 7 WEST HAM 20 0 0 SLATER Stuart 5 WEST HAM 103 375 22 STEWART Ray 3 WEST HAM 92 376 25 McKNIGHT Allen 1 WEST HAM 86 377 28 BROWN Ken 4 WEST HAM 91 378 26 RYAN Vaughn 3 WEST HAM 91 332 27 COTON Tony 1 MAN CITY 97 380 25 BRIGHTWELL Ian 2 MAN CITY 110 381 22 CURLE Keith 2 MAN CITY 118 382 24 REID Peter 2 MAN CITY 111 383 34 McMAHON Steve 3 MAN CITY 105 384 30 REDMOND Steve 4 MAN CITY 95 385 27 DICKS Julian 3 MAN CITY 103 365 24 BRENNAN Mark 5 MAN CITY 106 387 25 QUINN Niall 6 MAN CITY 107 388 27 SHERON Mike 6 MAN CITY 107 389 28 LAKE Paul 6 MAN CITY 102 390 24 HILL Andy 2 MAN CITY 107 391 24 POINTON Neil 3 MAN CITY 115 392 31 HEATH Adrian 4 MAN CITY 98 393 23 CLARKE Wayne 5 MAN CITY 99 394 26 MEGSON Gary 5 MAN CITY 93 395 24 HUGHES Mich 4 MAN CITY 95 396 23 DIBBLE Andy 1 MAN CITY 84 397 22 VACANT 7 MAN CITY 20 398 0 VACANT 7 MAN CITY 20 399 0 FLOWERS Tim 1 SOUTHAMPTON 96 400 23 VACANT . 7 SOUTHAMPTON 20 0 0 ADAMS Mickey 2 SOUTHAMPTON 100 402 22 COCKERILL Glenn 2 SOUTHAMPTON 102 403 25 RUDDOCK Neil 3 SOUTHAMPTON 96 404 25 GITTENS John 4 SOUTHAMPTON 108 405 22 LE TISSIER Matt 4 SOUTHAMPTON 114 406 25 HORNE Barry 5 SOUTHAMPTON 102 407 24 SHEARER Alan 5 SOUTHAMPTON 115 408 27 McLOUGHLIN Alan 6 SOUTHAMPTON 99 409 26 MADDISON Neil 6 SOUTHAMPTON 109 410 22 HALL Rich 3 SOUTHAMPTON 98 411 24 KENNA Jeff 2 SOUTHAMPTON 105 412 24 HURLOCK Terry 4 SOUTHAMPTON 98 413 34 BENALI Frank 6 SOUTHAMPTON 96 414 25 DOWIE Iain 5 SOUTHAMPTON 99 625 27 MOORE Kevin 5 SOUTHAMPTON 94 416 25 ANDREWS Ian 1 SOUTHAMPTON 82 417 21 FOSTER Colin 3 SOUTHAMPTON 94 364 24 VACANT 7 SOUTHAMPTON 20 419 0 SUTTON Steve 1 LUTON TO SWN 101 420 28 GRAY Paul 2 LUTON TOWN 102 421 27 HARVEY Rich 2 LUTON TOWN 108 422 23 WILLIAMS Steve 2 LUTON TOWN 97 423 24 OAKES Scott 3 LUTON TOWN 107 424 23 DREYER John 4 LUTON TOWN 100 425 24 ELSTRUP Lars 4 LUTON TOWN 119 426 27 PREECE David 5 LUTON TOWN 106 427 24 VACANT . 7 LUTON TOWN 20 0 0 PEMBRIDGE Mark 6 LUTON TOWN 106 429 26 HUGHES Ceri 6 LUTON TOWN 97 430 23 JAMES Julian 2 LUTON TOWN 89 431 18 KAMERA Chris 3 LUTON TOWN 101 432 25 MCDONOUGH Darron 2 LUTON TOWN 94 433 24 VACANT . 7 LUTON TOWN 20 0 0 TELFER Paul 4 LUTON TOWN 101 435 23 HARFORD Mick 5 LUTON TOWN 106 436 32 CHAMBERLAIN Alec 1 LUTON TOWN 85 437 22 PEAKE Andy 3 LUTON TOWN 88 438 25 VACANT 7 LUTON TOWN 20 439 0 b1p Talking Birds q - b3 FOOTBALL TACTICIAN v 1.02 (c) 1992 Talking Birds and Camy Maertens All marketing rights reserved. :#a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d - #E 98 11 #W 00 00 0A 02 10 10 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 02 0B 26 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0A 0F 1A 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 01 1A 09 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A Football@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B Tactician@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF Own Goals@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF 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