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Once you'veY*$passed all of the gatekeepers,Y+$you have to CATCH the ghost toY,$escape.b5Y.*G O O D L U C K !b1Y0&Press Any Key to Continue...b1Y+&CRACKED BY b5THE MEDWAY BOYS YYY HOW MANY PLAYERS ?Y.01or2 PLAYERSfY++How Many Screens ?Y,0(1 or 2)fc0b9Y'*S c o r e b o a r d:b2Y)3Right WrongY*3- -b1Y0&Press Any Key to Continue...b3Y'Player : Y>Y$b6>>>c0b3Y(-Player Wins!Y+-Now Catch theY,/b7G H O S TY-.b3to Escape!!b1Y0&Press Any Key to Continue...c0b3fY*0PLAYER Y,(b1Please Enter Your Name :Y/0fY*)PLAYER : b1DIFFICULTYb3Y,)(1) Easy ProblemsY-)(2) Average ProblemsY.)(3) Hard ProblemsfY)*PLAYER : b1PROBLEMSb3Y+*(1) AdditionY,*(2) SubtractionY-*(3) MultiplicationY.*(4) DivisionY/*(5) VarietyfY),Player : b1TIMERb3Y+%How Many Seconds per Problem ?Y,'(0 will disable the timer)Y.3 Y.3c3b0EY ;Your Answer Was Incorrect.c3b0EY =You Ran Out of Time !!Y#+To add or subtract fractions:Y%01: Find a common denominator.Y&02: Represent each fraction in terms of the commonY'3denominator.Y(03: Add or subtract the numerators.Y)04: Place the result over the common denominator.Y*05: Reduce to lowest terms.Y#+To multiply fractions:Y%01: Multiply the numerators.Y&02: Multiply the denominators.Y'03: Reduce the resulting fraction.Y+0Therefore, the problem becomes this:Y#+To divide fractions:Y%01: Invert the second fraction.Y&02: Multiply the numerators.Y'03: Multiply the denominators.Y(04: Reduce the resulting fraction.EY 9TO FIND A COMMON DENOMINATOR:Y#+1: If the denominators are the same, then the fractionsY$.already have a common denominator.Y&+2: If one of the denominators can be divided evenly intoY'.the other, then leave the larger fraction alone andY(.multiply the numerator and denominator of the smallerY).fraction by the number of times that the smallerY*.denominator goes into the larger denominator.Y,+3: If one denominator cannot be evenly divided by theY-.other, an easy way to find a common denominator is toY..multiply the numerator and denominator of each of theY/.fractions by the denominator of the other fraction.Y0.(NOTE: This method will not always result in producingY1.the least common denominator!)Y(JYES!Y++To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, divide theY,+numerator and denominator by the largest number that willY-+go into them evenly.Y1+The correct answer is:Y(JNO.Y,CTherefore:Y.+This problem,Y.PBecomes this problem.EY +Solving the problem,Y(+Can this fraction be reduced?becomesY6:Press Any Key to Continue...---+-xY!Wb0c2Time Left:b3c2Y!?G O O D J O B !!>V E R Y G O O D !!=Y O U G O T I T !!>G R E A T J O B !!Y#8b0Let Me Unlock the Gate for You !b3c2Y"0D O W N T H E S L I D E W I T H Y O U !c Eb3c2Y"(Player :Player YY!fb0c2 b3Y#Wb0c2Basement Level # 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