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On a big oak table in the centre of the room there lies the wizard's book. It is open. Behind the table,a shelf is fixed to the wall filled with bottles num- bered from I to XII. Beside you,steep stairs run down to the tower entrance.# f al4You are in a forest running along a high mountain range to the west. Forest paths lead in all directions save west. There are some strange trees here -- they are much higher than all trees you have seen before ! To your feet there lies a dead dwarf,his hand still clutching the broken helve of an axe...# efLU*fOVDV+OV+DV(O(DYou are in an ancient vault. In the middle of the room there lies a skeleton which has nearly fallen into pieces,hands still cluched round a sword's hilt. About half of the red sword's fiercely glowing and sparkling blade is embedded in a black stone block -- it is the sword of fire ! The entire walls are covered with various axes,spears,swords and shields,even with some armours,but you can move none of them -- they are cursed ! A closer look reveals some footsteps in the dust on the ground...# e[&L You are in a great temple hall. Opposite of you there is the giant iron statue of a serpent with two big ruby eyes glowing red in the torchlight. Walls and pillars are ornated by strange pictures and some high bowls at the east wall spread a strong, narcotic scent. To the north,there is the door you came through.# A w2!w'w:1S1P1SP,,/ You are at the bottom of a pit. Pointed wooden stakes jut out of the soft ground just beside you. Luckily,you fell between them ! The pit is about 11 feet deep -- you are caught ! An ugly troll leans over the edge above you and his repulsive,scarred face be- comes distorted as he begins to chuckle in a croacking voice... The sun is blazing through the leaves of some trees above. The smooth walls of the pit are already dry and hard,but the ground in the shade remains dark.# f a Q5Ql3!l'l5'l5'lYou are on a forest path with ways leading in all directions but west,where the glacial rock walls of a giantic mountain chain are partially seen past the dense leaves. The forest here mainly consists of old oaks among which there are some other trees to be found from time to time. Those are huge and overtop the largest oaks by more than 50 feet. A dwarf heads toward you,carrying a bundle of wood on his back.#  Q5QYou are at a crossing of forest paths. The paths to the north and west seem to be frequently used as you can see fresh trails on them. Few paces off the path there is a pit. The walls are of a remarkable smooth- ness while steeply falling about 11 feet. The ground is hidden in the shade of the edges,denying you a clear view. Perhaps,someone has been searching for something ?# h Q5QYou are in a forest extending to both south and west. Northwards,trees become less dense and the forest changes into a grassy plain. To the east,there are steep glaciers blocking any further advancement. By accident,you discover traces leading west. They are fresh and easily to be found,although somebody has obviously tried in vain to extinguish them.# k%'k'j;(:&$/&$kj')j)k)jLkLjLkLYou are at the entrance of a large cave high in the mountains. Behind you,a rock wall falls down a few thousand feet.The cave ground is covered by rock debris, smashed bones and rests of cloths. In the back of the cave,a winged dragon sits on its eggs,snarling. A baby dragon approaches to you.# t\You are at a fur bed in a woodcutter's blockhouse. A fire burns in a fireplace nearby. A small window opposite to the door gives light to the whole room. A table with two chairs is placed in the middle of the room.The floor is made of wooden planks. Some spaces between show the hard rocky ground they cover. Under the bed an open shaft leads down.#  y0|0!y!|'y'|'y'|'t-t-You are in the tower chamber of the dark sorcerer ! The wizard is sitting behind a great oak table,reading a book. As he becomes aware of you, he casts a spell and points at you with his staff ! A strange tension spreads over the room and you automatically get ready for combat. A blue fireball grows at the end of the staff -- the sorcerer throws it towards you !#  You are on a field covered with ash and half-burnt tree-trunks. A strong foul smell lies in the air -- perhaps a battle has taken place here ? A closer look at the trees reveals that they are all cut some 3-5 feet above the ground,although no marks of axes or saws can be found. Despite their burnt looking only the mere surface is touched. A narrow rocky path scattered with rock debris leads up to a dimension cave entrance in the mountains to the west and north.# ! Q5QYou are in a forest here. A fresh scent lies in the air and some small birds are singing in the trees. Bright sunrays fall through the leaves from above and warm the soft ground. Great joy seizes your mind as you walk between the trees,disturbed by nothing save a strange smell brought along by a light breeze from the west. A great num- ber of trees have fallen there and the wood consists mainly of young saplings.# "You are on an open plain surrounded by various woods. North,the slim black line of a dark pine forest fills the horizon. South and west,lighter deciduous woods begin. Across a large prairie to the east,you can hardly see the icecovered peaks of a mountain chain blinking in the sun.# #You are in the promontory of high mountain ranges lying east and south of you. The land is caracterisized by the steady up and down of small valleys and hills. Bushes and some single groups of trees break the grassy land. To the west the land becomes plain and the vegetation poor,whereas further northwards there is a dark pine forest.# GQ I }u}You are in the palace entrance hall. Lots of oil-paintings are fixed to the walls on both right and left hand side; the entrance hall seems to be used as a gallery of ancestral portraits,too. The roughcast of walls and ceiling is fissured and worn. Parts of the ceiling are blackend by the smoke of the torches used after nightfall. To the south,there is a door with the engraved sign of three symmetrically crossed swords in red and blue. It is open. A secret passage leads west.#  Mr=!r'rh (r7!^You are in an old chapel. High,narrow windows to both sides of the nave provide a to some degree suffi- cient illumination for the main corridor. Candles create a soft dim light in the few niches the daylight does not reach. At the end of the room,a priest in yellow robes kneels in front of a large altar. In the sanctuary,a lettered cross hangs at the rear wall.# !"1>There is a foul smell here. Rotting flesh and blank bones are scattered around. Northwards,a corridor continues deeper into the cave. It appears to be often used,as it is free from debris and garbage. Walking among the corpses,your attention is drawn to the ragged look of two human cadavers -- most of them is devoured,the remains showing deep marks of fangs and claws.Bones and bowels are torn apart and scattered all over the room. And,what seems to be the strangest,they appear to be roasted...# +"You are at the southern end of a large prairie enclosed by forests in the east and south and a ragged mountain range in the west. A small breeze from south-west brings along a slight,foul smell.# #!"#$Q?QYou are in a dark pine forest. Nearly no sun beam penetrates the branches above,so that the ground lies in complete darkness. To the north,the already dense forest grows completely unpenetratable -- the trees and lianas are entangled as if they were going to strangle each other to death. Some unhealthy feeling grasps for your mind,an unreasonable fear comes over you and seizes your thoughts.# -$"%&Q?QMYou are surrounded by dense dark forest. You have a strange feeling of being observed.You carefully look around,but you cannot discover anything unusual. Despite of that,you cannot help feeling in- creasingly uncomfortable here. The forest seems to clear to the east as well as to the south,but you cannot say that for sure as your sight is severely obstructed by the dense trees. There is a rotten wooden sign fixed to an old pine next to you.# .%#$You are at the southern bank of a river. A prairie runs along the river banks to the east,and a strange dark forest lies west of you. Southward you can see the sparkling icefields of an impressingly high mountain range in the distance.# /$%You are in the promontory of the great mountain chains in the south and east. The plain land to the north and west has changed into a beautiful landscape well covered with bushes and trees of various size and colour. You can occationally hear the whistling of small rodents when they or other tiny animals quickly escape of your approach.# '(0/0o@!o'o AYou are in a small rocky cave with a low ceiling. You can see an old man lying on a bed of brown pelts. In the far back of his dwelling,a pot is heated on a smokeless fire. As you enter,the man glares at you in a strange questioning manner,as if he waited for some action of yours and he does in no way appear to be surprised by your sudden arrival.# )+,\)You are at a fur bed in a woodcutter's blockhouse. A fire burns in a fireplace nearby. A small window opposite to the door gives light to the whole room. A table with two chairs is placed in the middle of the room.The floor is made of wooden planks. Some spaces between show the hard rocky ground they cover.# -.kk'k+'k+'k8You are at the entrance of a giant hall. A dragon is sleeping on the floor. The beast's length equals at least 50 feet, filling the cave almost completely. 2-feet long blood-stained fangs loom between its half-closed jaws. Heavily armoured at head,neck and body,it seems to be a serious challenge. At least for the poor victims at the entrance of the cave. As you carefully enter,you suddenly slip on an old bone -- the dragon awakes!# 5!,You are on a prairie reaching from north to south. To the west it is flanked by a parallel running mountain range. The mountains are ragged and torn, as if they had taken their rise from volcanic eruptions in the distant past. To the east,the ground becomes fertile and a dark pine forest is visible at the horizon.# 6-+,/Q?QYou are in a dark pine forest. The way south is blocked by fallen trees and dense brushwoods.In all other directions, a faint glint of light is visible. A strange object hanging down from a low branch attracts your attention. As you step in closer for examination,you must realize to your disgust that the "object" is a bloody gut. Bloody traces of claws run up the stem.# #.,-D01'Q5QYou are on a forest glade. On top of a small hill there is a huge tower made of white stone. Its thick walls do not show a single fissure from base to battle- ment. The tower gate is open. High above,huge black ravens circle in the cloudless sky,occasionally uttering high,shrill cries. The glade is surrounded by a pine forest which abruptly ends some sixty feet from the tower base. To the north,a high cliff falls down steeply to the bank of a great river.# $/-D23Q?QYou are in a dark pine forest south of a river. The forest extends to the west and south,clearing eastwards to a prairie. An uncanny feeling takes possess of your mind... You hear a crack from behind -- there's something chasing you !! You glance backwards,but there's nothing to be seen and the only sound you can hear is your own breathing...# %0.D4CCCYou are in a widely extending prairie. As far as you can see,short grass of a light green covers the ground. Only to the north the monotony of the landscape is broken: A river is silently passing,crossed by an old wooden bridge at its narrowest point.# 1/0d5&/&You are at the southern bank of a peacefully flowing river on an open plain ex- tending to both east and west. A narrow stripe of long,green grass runs along the river. Only a few hundred paces south of you, a giantic mountain range raises abruptly from the flat plain. Some three-hundred feet up the steep declivity you can see a cave entrance.A dangerous looking path leads up.# '0dYou are on a large prairie south of a river. Further southwards,the land be- comes dry and desertlike. High mountains bar your way east. Snow storms clear their icy flanks thousands of feet above and make the mountains an unchallenge- able foe. To the west,the prairie extends closed in by a mountain range in the south and a riverbank in the north.# :2B2 You are in a small chamber tusked in the rock. It is obvious that the chamber is manmade. Floor,ceiling and walls are slate and dry.A small turny crack in the south wall leads into the dark. Close to some securely locked wooden chests, there are narrow stairs leading down. A sound of running water can be heard from below. However, the oversized dimensions of room and stairs appear to be quite unfitting for humans...# +6;<You are on the woody southern cliff of a narrow canyon with a river passing some hundret feet below.The fiercely running river falls down some giant rocky stairs here. Clouds of hose and steam obstruct your view. Opposite to you,on the other side of the cataract,you can see a palace. There is a strange,ragged mountain chain of probably volcanic rise to the west which extends further southwards. To the east,there is a grassy meadow.# ,5dYou are on a meadow at a riverbend. There is a flat sandbank where the river turns north into a narrow canyon. To the south,the meadow ends in front of a dark pine forest. West of you,there are ragged mountains to be seen in the distance.# FALL DURCH FALLGRUBE !!# LCYou are at a riverbend. Single trees and bushes cover the banks and to the north you can see a huge building -- seems to be a temple. Eastwards,along the river- side there is a narrow stripe of green grass. West of you,a steep slope descends to the wild-running water of the river.# MDBM///You are at a riverside. Along the banks of the peacefully flowing river there is grassy land with few trees only. North of you, flat land extends to the horizon, poorly covered by dry yellow grass. South of you,a wooden bridge crosses the river. It seems to be seldom used,and the wood looks old and rotten. There is a sign fixed to the bridge.# NECDYou are at the northern bank of a slowly flowing river. The riversides are over- grown by small trees and bushes,but the already poor vegetation diminishes to the north,where the land turns more and more into a steppe. Far east,you can see the cloudy peaks of a high mountain range.# ODYou are on a small grassy meadow north of a river. North of you,the land becomes a steppe and the green colour of the grass fades into an unhealthy yellow. East of you,a high mountain range blocks the way. Its steep,icy slopes and snowcovered flanks make them an impressing sign of invincibility. The river seems to come from a cave or gorge in the mountains,but you can't see that exactly as a rocky edge blocks the sight. The river continues to the west.# QCDnG!n'nSH:H I(n7You are in the throne hall. The walls,floor and ceiling are of pure marble here,ornated with valuable in- laid work and the coldness of walls and floor is mildered by thick carpets. To both sides of the entrance there are huge black marble bowls containing coal and spreading comfortable warmth. The king is sitting on a marble throne at the far end of the room. He does not look very happy indeed,but when he becomes aware of your presence,he seems to have new hopes.# RIEYou are in a small valley between wheat fields. The valley is surrounded by mountain ranges to the east and west and by a river to the south. The eastern mountains are little more than hills and a castle is situated on one of them. The valley opens to the north and ends close to a forest.# TJHIFG imIm\'mYou are standing at the main entrance of a palace. Some guards are sleeping in front of the heavy wooden gate.The open gate allowes you a general look on the large hall behind. To the west,a slight slope leads into a small valley. South of you,a wild river follows a deep east-west chasm,rushing down giant fall just below you with a tremendous roar. North of the palace,there is a forest.# TKIYou are on top of a high cliff with a river from the east passing south of you and continuing west. You are on a way coming from a palace in the west leading further eastwards. To the north you can make out some wheat fields in the distance.# ULJYou are on a west-east way running along the cliff tops. At the cliff's bottom,a wild river forces its way past a narrow crack in the rock. Upstream,the river turns south. The path leaves the cliffs and ends in front of a giant temple in the east, while following the cliffs in the west. North of you,the fertile land turns into a steppe.# VBMKLHI&eYou are standing in front of a colossal temple. Its base is formed by two long pillar halls with an entrance hall between. Dim red light shines through the pillars in front of the main gate. Despite its vast dimensions,the temple has no more visible gates. High above the ground level,some dome-shaped towers rise high into the sky,im- pressingly high but still graceful. Every pillar,ledge,wall and roof of the entire temple complex is trimmed and decorated by rich ornaments and tusked figures. Some pillars are formed like winding serpents,others like men or animals. The temple is surrounded by a steppe,but many tracks and pathes approach from all directions.# WCNLYou are in a steppe.The only vegetation here consists of a few crippled bushes and some kind of knee-high,dry grass... To the west,you can hardly make out some huge building.# DOMXJKYou are in a large steppe which extends to the east,west and south.The ground is hard,dry and chappy,giving life only to the most resistant species. Few paces north,there is a steep slope. A foul smell rises from the swamp on its bottom, and though you may successfully descend, you might probably not be able to climb up again.# ENYOLMYou are in a steppe which continues to the south and west. East of you,there is a mountain range of an enormous height. With the tops of the mountains hidden in the clouds it seems obvious that any attempt of climbing those giants would be a mere waste of energy. A slope to the north descends to a swamp widely extending in all directions but south.# GQPQ(  FL I }u}(uM)uNYou are in the palace entrance hall. Lots of oil-paintings are fixed to the walls on both right and left hand side; the entrance hall seems to be used as a galery of ancestral portraits,too. The roughcast of walls and ceiling is fissured and worn. Parts of the ceiling are blackend by the smoke of the torches used after nightfall. To the south,there is a door with the engraved sign of three symmetrically crossed swords. It is open.# \HS QFQYou are in a decidous wood extending to the north and east. Trails of animals and men,most of which lead in north-south direction, cross here. Only few leave eastwards. Through the dense leaves,you can make out a couple of high mountains in the west.# ]ITR QFQYou are in a forest continuing to the north and west. A narrow path leaves the forest to the south. It seems to be used frequently for the transport of wood, for both sides of the path are covered with scattered bark and small twigs. To the east,you can see the golden shimmer of wheat fields through the trees.# ^JUST@RSoM!o 'oYou are on a field-path crossing between large golden wheat fields. Ways lead northwards to a chapel,westwards into a wood and eastwards as well as southwards into open land. To the southwest you can see some hills,one of them with a castle or palace on top. A man is working on the fields not far from you.# _KVTYou are surrounded by steppe -- steppe in all directions,and even the sharpest eyes can't discover anything but dust and half-dead vegetation. Only a gaze at the western horizon sometimes reveals the shape of fields and meadows. The sun shines down from the cloudless sky,robbing the already dry ground the last pint of water. Despite of the mild breeze,the heat is nearly unbearable.# `LWUV@TzN'zYou are surrounded by steppe. Flat,dusty land as far as the eye reaches ! Only a giant rock formation breaks the monotony of the landscape. Suddenly,you make out a movement on the horizon -- prairie-wolves are chasing you !# MVaUVNOMYou are on a small ledge on the grassy top of a steep slope. The swamp on its bottom extends to the north and east. Narrow,tumble-down stairs lead down. To the south and west,there is nothing but steppe. You can see a wooden sign.# 2CYou are in a small chamber tusked in the rock. It is obvious that the chamber is manmade. Floor,ceiling and walls are slate and dry. A small turny crack in the south wall leads into the dark. Close to some broken-up wooden chests,there are narrow stairs leading down. A sound of running water can be heard from below. However,the oversized dimensions of room and stairs appear to be quite unfitting for humans...# e[WXuPrR!r'r&L)r9)9*r9*9You are in a great hall with stone ornamentals covering walls and ceiling. The whole hall is illuminated by flickering torches spreading some smell of inscent. Dominating the hall is the colossal iron statue of a serpent with a single ruby eye glowing in a wild red in the torchlight. It has somewhat of a hypnotic gaze... Despite of the bad light,you discover an empty setting at the side of the snake's head -- one eye is missing ! A priest approaches.# fR]\MQ5QYou are in the centre of a grassy clearing,just in front of a solid-appearing blockhouse. A few groups of birches grow not far from the cabin. Dense wood surrounds the clearing. To the west,ice-covered mountains block up the way. A signpost is fixed to a tree at the clearing's westend.# S^\QFQYou are in an oak forest. Centuryold oaks surround you and their dense leaves form a protecting green roof some ninety feet above. Their deep rustling gives you a feeling of peace and safety. The forest clears to the west and east.# hT_]^YM!Q5QYou are standing in front of a chapel. The portal is ornated by simple pictures of religious contence. The chapel seems to be still in use,as there is dim candlelight to be seen inside. The murmur of prayers barely reaches your ears,but shows the presence of man. The chapel is situated at the southeast end of a forest. A field path leads south and disappears between wheat fields. Over the portal,there is a sign.# U`^You are on an open plain which seems to be endlessly extending to all directions save north,where you can see the snowcovered peaks of an unusually high mountain chain,which is abruptly rising from the surrounding prairie.# V_aZ[You are in the steppe-like southern promontory of an icecovered mountain range. East of you,a steep slope descends to a misty swamp. You could probably slide down here,but the slope could prove a one-way passage. Some clouds cross the sky,driven by a slight breeze. To the south and west,the sky clears off and the land becomes dry and grassy.# M&LYou are in the temple's entrance hall. Pictures and strange signs are painted all over the walls. There are niches containing huge metal coalbowls every few paces. The warming smoke spreads a pleasuring odour before it escapes through an air shaft in the ceiling. At the south end of the hall,there is an open folding door.# \fQFQYou are on a forest path in north-south direction,parallel to a mountain range in the west. Treetrunks are piled up to both sides of the path,already covered by a thick carpet of moss.# ]hf`aM8,Q5QYou are on a small clearing overgrown by long green grass. In the centre of the clearing there is an old grave. The grave-mound is densely covered by grass,nearly hiding the cross on top of it. The cross carries an inscription.# ^QFQYou are on a forest path leading west. East of you,the forest ends at the foot of a mountain range. Further south, there is some kind of building visible through the trees. The high number of coniferous trees is remarkable here -- the soft ground is covered by their needles,what makes it a joy to walk on it.# efLU*fOVDV+OV+DV(O(D(4(L4You are in a small grotto in the centre of which there kneels a skeleton,hands still clutched at the handle of a sword. Nearly half of the red-glowing blade is embedded in a black stone block -- it is the sword of fire ! Battleaxes,broadswords,armours,shields and spears cover the walls. However,you cannot move them -- they are cursed !! At its light hand,the skeleton wears a glowing ring.# ghyg|g!y!|'y'|'y'|'t-t-Instead of the sorcerer,there is a giant golem sitting behind the table now ! The golem leaps up and attacks ! Just in time you can dodge aside and the vicious blow shatters a part of the wall beside you. Fissures spread around the location of the impact.# ijy0|0!y!|'y'|'y'|'t-t-Your sword hits the golem with the ice blade -- the golem bursts in a shower of pieces. But then you hear a movement from behind and spin around -- it's the wizard !! With a diabolical laughter,he rushes across the room,spreading coloured vapors, his movements almost too fast to follow. He seems to play with you !# kly0|0!y!|'y'|'y'|'t-t-You go for his head,but your sparkling blade only passes the air where the dark wizard stood moments before ! At the same time,a murderous blow hits your back,throwing you to the floor. With some efforts you manage to come up again,but your whole body aches. Somewhat dazed you stagger against the wall. The sorcerer stands before you,a giant iron warhammer rised for the death-blow. Beside you,stairs lead downwards...# The sorcerer has already expected you ! You ran straight into a trap -- a giant warhammer crashes down on you breaking your skull...# ***NICHT BENUTZT# ]hf~8,MYou are on a small forest glade. In front of you,there is an open grave. On the still closed sarkophag slab there is an inscribtion: ENOIL GAVAT !! - CHOCKMAH... Those cannot die You better let them lie Whose hatred is too great For eternity they wait Beside the grave there lie the rests of a rotten wooden cross.# k%'k'k'k;(:&$/&$k You are at the entrance of a large cave high in the mountains. Behind you,a rock wall falls down a few thousand feet. The cave ground is covered by rock debris, smashed bones and rests of cloths. In the back of the cave,a winged dragon sits on its eggs,snarling.# Q3S-AAYou are crawling in a secret passage. Walls,ceiling and floor are made of big ashlars. There is a dead end to the west,but you can see light from the east where you came from. It must have been ages since this narrow corridor was last used -- your lungs are filled with raised dust that makes you cough all the time.# AA#>>%(You are in a small square-shaped rocky chamber. A console with a lever and a small knob is sunk in the north wall. There are two possible positions for the lever and three for the knob,which are marked with a circle,a single line and two lines. At the other end of the room,there is a transmitter.# :&$/&$You are in a large cave high up in the mountains. The cave is obviously only reachable by air,for the rock wall at the entrance falls down thousands of feet,offering no holds at all... The cave ground is covered with various debris. In the back of the cave,you can see some trampled down eggs.# :/C.You are in a small shack hidden between the branches of a decidous tree. The shanty has obviously been abandoned long ago -- a thick layer of twigs and rotten leaves covers the floor planks. The thatched roof has partially broken in several times -- straw and brushwood pile up under the holes. Bird's nests cover the branches outside the two windows. Some magpies and jays brood within arm's reach.# You are in the royal dungeon, a square room of 10 by 10 feet. The entire cell is directly tusked into the bare rock. Water trickles from thin fissures in the ceiling and soaks the a ready rotten straw on the ground. The heavy oak door is held by massive metal fittings. Faint torchlight comes through a small,barred door window. In the dungeon twilight,you can make out some human bones in the straw...# Your boat's keel slides two feet up the sandbank. Unable to fix the boat some- where,you let it drift down the river.# You hear a sound -- just in time you take cover ! An arrow bores into a nearby tree and two others follow immediately.# Suddenly,pain flushes through your body,fireballs dance before your eyes and a small sun explodes in your head...# A blue lightning leaps from your amulet and hits the fireball,which bursts harmlessly a few feet before you.# The priest takes the ruby and says: I thank you -- you have returned to us the eye of Raak,which was stolen from us a long time ago... Feel free to enter here whenever you please...# The priest climbs the statue and fixes the ruby in empty socket of the statue's head. Carefully,he climbs down again.# Leaving the cave you get within the dragon's reach. His fiery breath burns your flesh off the bones...# You drink some of the blood -- the stuff burns like fire in your throat ! Like an acid the blood eats its way into your bowls...# When you attack the dwarf,he draws an axe and cleaves your skull with a single well-placed blow !# The dwarf desperately attempts to block your sword stroke,but it rends his head from his body...# Your sword hits the wizard just when he swings back for the fatal stroke. The mage utters a piercing uluation and vanishes into a cloud of green fog which quickly evaporates through the windows.# The priest is too surprised to resist. You smash his head against the wall and hide the corpse in one of the niches. Quickly,you make your way out...# When you run towards the priest,a spear hits your back. The peak juts out of your chest and a swell of blood breaks out of the wound as you drop to the ground. You are dragged out of the temple and left to die... Despite your sudden (and unmotivated?) attack,the man seems to be prepared ! He ducks away under your stroke and counters by series of vicious kicks and fist strokes. Gasping for air after a heavy kick into your solar plexus,you are caught by another one at the head and go down,unconscious.# Your sword hits the dragon with the ice blade -- the dragon roars fiercely and raves around in panic. You are hit by a blow of its tail and thrown against the wall. You loose con- sciousness...# You are protected against the dragon's fire,but you lack a weapon to wound the beast. As the dragon realizes that you cannot really endanger it,it smashes you against the wall with a vicious blow of its tail. Blood runs from a wound on your forehead and obstructs your sight. A final stroke of the clawed paws smashes your skull...# As you attack the princess,a deep voice says: You had better not do that ! Looking around, you can't discover anyone. Are you going to to continue your attack ?# Suddenly,an arrow hits your side. Though suffering from the wound,you are still searching for your invisible enemy as an axe cleaves your skull from behind.# As you attack the sorcerer, he throws a strange ampulla towards you. You block it,but its contence scatters over your face -- an acid !! You go down and a hard stroke from above breaks your neck...# Attacking the king,you are suddenly surrounded by guards. You fight hard,but the superiority is overwhelming...# You surprise the guards perfectly. Within moments you have disabled two of them, but the others suddenly receive unexpected reinforcements -- archers ! Bristled with arrows you die...# When the wolves have reached you,you try to defend yourself desperately,but they are too many. You stagger and at once two of them go for your throat...# A girl in ragged cloth sits in a corner. She wears the sign of the royal family round her neck. When she becomes aware of you,she thanks you and decides to follow you.# You take a deep swig... ...and a few moments later you cannot move your feet any more. The paralysis quickly spreads over your entire body and finally your heart stops beating...# The potion spreads over your entire body which gives a strange,cold feeling to the touch,afterwards -- you don't sense the warmth around you any more !# Drinking the potion,you do not feel anything at first,then you black out...# Suddenly a shooting pain rushes through your body -- an arrow transfixes your chest and nails you to a tree !# Again and again you slip off the smooth walls of the pit. Finally,you give up,resigned.# Carefully,you try to climb down the pit walls, but they are too smooth -- you slide down into the pit !# You descend -- it takes you more time than you first guessed, but then you arrive safely.# You climb one of the trees. With branches and leaves completely obstructing your view you have to climb down after a while.# You are unprotected against the dragon's deadly fire -- its glowing breath burns your flesh down to the bones,leaving no more than ashes...# You hit the dragon as hard as you can,but it simply does not seem to feel your stroke. It lowers its head and its sharp fangs lacerate you...# The king thanks you for bringing back his daughter and resigns. Next morning,you are heralded as the new king...# You marry the princess and buy a small manor far in the west...# When you talk to the priest,he has you thrown out of the temple.# Furiously, the priest swings his staff and cries: Death to the unbeliever !! The enraged mob heads towards you. Within seconds,you are disarmed -- then a sharp dagger cuts your throat...# As you pray,the statue's ruby eyes start glowing -- everything around you sud- denly turns black and you fall through some mysterious void,accelerating towards an invisible destination.# As you pray,the statue's ruby eyes start glowing -- a red light fills the temple and suddenly,two red lightnings from the serpent's eyes leap towards you. The impact throws you to the ground and your burning body bursts...# As you pray,the statue's ruby eyes start glowing -- a red light fills the temple and suddenly,two red lightnings from the serpent's eyes leap towards you. Your amulet sets up a protecting force field deflecting the lightnings. Liquid rock vaporizes with a hissing sound. Suddenly,the priests hurl at your feet: He has fulfilled the prophecy ! He is the son of Raak... After the priests have assassined the king,you mount the throne ! With thousands of loyal worshippers,you can easily extend the borders of your kingdom...# A voice inside of you says: You have sinned,but your sins will be taken from you if you regret honestly.# A voice inside of you says: Go and herald to all that the end is near. Convert them to the right belief so that they do not die without having heard the word of God... You become a prophet...# You open the grave. In about 6 feet depth you discover a large stone slab with an inscribtion tusked in. It is the covering slab of a sarkophag !# It takes all your strength to move the stone slab,but then,with great efforts, you drag it aside. In the same moment,a pale skeleton hand flashes out of the grave and grasps your neck,dragging you down into the darkness of the grave... You cannot reach the rusty weapons scattered around in the grave -- the cold skeleton strangles you ruthlessly ! Within seconds,you fall unconscious,then your neck breaks with the immense pressure...# A solid wall at the other end of the stairs prevents you from ascending the next floor !# I can't see anything special.# Touching the painting,it crashes down to the floor with a loud bang,revealing a secret passage leading westwards through the palace walls. It is dark and narrow and seems to turn after a few steps.# You crawl along the passage... Then,after about 15 feet -- a dead end ! You can hear voices from behind.# Crawling backwards, you are suddenly grasped by your legs and pulled out. Kill that dammn' spy ! cries someone and a spear runs through your heart...# Archers storm the room and encircle you. Kill the bloody spy !! cries a voice and the archers shoot...# Moving the lever,the circular platform underneath begins to spin -- a part of the wall turns some 180 degrees and you find yourself in another room... The wall closes behind you,leaving not the slightest crack.# Pulling the lever,an ashlar from above begins moving down -- before you can get away,you are jammed. The ashlar slowly squeezes you to death...# When you attack the dragon,it pushes you off the cave -- you fall from the rocky ledge,down the abyss... Some 1000 feet below, you crush on the rocks.# The dragon puts up a fierce resistance,but when you hit its abdomen severely,it utters a shrill ululation and flies off the cave.# As you play the flute,the dragon starts humming the melody and swaying its head along with the rhythm. Suddenly,an egg begins breaking open and a baby dragon hatches ! The young dragon heads towards you !# You feed the dragon,who accepts the food greedily. Having finished,it immedia- tely turns towards you again -- you can read the young dragon's thoughts ! You are a dragonrider -- the first after 500 years...# As you kiss the princess,you change into a frog ! The princess hates frogs -- she squeezes you under her feet...# A short breeze blows aside the spray before the cataract,revealing a small cave behind the falls. It is at water level and may be reached by boat.# The sorcerer throws a mist of glittering ice crystals towards you which quickly thicken,embedding you in a massive ice block.# The ice encloses you like a cold fist,blocking the slightest movements. Slowly, you freeze to death...# For a moment,the cold takes your breath,then the sword's hilt in your hand gets hot ! A powerful lance of fire bursts out of the sword and pulverizes the ice block, leaving only a hail of ice crystals.# You take the sword's hilt in both hands and run the blade through your body -- you cry out with pain as the sword rends your bowels...# You take the sword's hilt in both hands and point at your body with the peak of the blade, but you cannot do it -- you simply do not have enough courage for it...# As you show the ruby,the priest leaps towards it with a cry and snatches it from your hands ! He thanks you for Having returned the eye of Raak and heads for the one-eyed statue.# Suddenly,a detachment of guards turns round the corner ! A thief ! Stop the thief !! shouts the commander and the soldiers arrest you. You are thrown in the royal dungeon...# The king examines you.Suddenly,he cries: These are things from my palace ! Guards,arrest that thief !! He shall meet the dungeons !!! Guards storm the room and arrest you...# The dragon's serpentlike body is covered over and over by thick scales,which are a bit softer at the abdomen. The dragon's length equals 20 feet,but its long neck and tail make it speedy and agile. Two giant leathery wings with a 25 feet span leap from the dragon's back. From time to time,it hisses with widely opened jaws.# The ground is covered with rock debris,little twigs and bone fragments. Torn cloth rests are scattered all over the ground. Between the rests of a small leather bag you see a faint white light -- it is a lightstone !# The dragon is only 3 feet long -- it is helplessly creeping towards you. It seems to be hungry... Though just hatched,the dragon's fangs appear quite strong.# There are about 20-30 light grey eggs of about two feet length in the nest. Some of them,already fissured,are moving slightly...# As you come closer, the dragon's long neck leaps forward -- its sharp fangs barely miss you...# As you turn the painting,a secret slide opens,revealing an old parchment -- it looks like a map ! Besides the map,the slide is empty.# You knock at the passage's stone slabs,but they seem to be massive. Between two of the ceiling ashlars you find a crack -- you can feel a lever in there !# The nests within your reach are mostly empty,but in one of the magpie's nests you can see something blinking in the sun ! It is a circlet to be worn on the head,richly ornated.# You search the leaf and brushwood piles on the ground. A short time later,your seach succeeds. In different corners of the room you find an iron kettle and a severely damaged lantern without fuel.# The sorcerer wears a long,blue robe with a hood which reduces his face to a mere shade with two fiercely red glowing eyes -- he is indeed a master of the evil-eye ! His scraggy,long-shaped hands are black,and so is his facial skin. The whole person emits an aura of power and magic... The enchanter slowly lifts his arms for a new incantation.# The walls of the pit are slanted,smooth and hard. However hard you try -- with- out tools,you can neither climb up nor carve stairs into them. The soil at the pit's bottom is soft and flexible. Wooden stakes are digged into the ground.# The troll is hidden by the upper edge of the pit, and nothing but his scarred, ugly face is to be seen. Black,matted curls hide his small eyes. His few black teeth are partially covered by thick lips. From time to time he swings a massive wooden club over his head,uttering some terrible howling and growling.# The dwarf is no more than four feet,but burly built. He carries a bundle of heavy firewood on his back and an axe fixed at his broad belt. His blue eyes nearly disappear under his bushy eyebrows,and below his big red nose,there is a long,grey beard.# The dwarf is dead -- his head lies next to his corpse,in a pool of blood. His right hand clutches at the handle ofa broken axe,the left one is clenched to a fist. Twigs and branches are scattered around him in a great circle.# The tree is high,but the first branches start within your reach. Those branches and the rough bark make the tree climbable for you. The treetop forms a green roof of leaves hardly penetrable for the sunlight.# The tree is a giant compared to other trees around -- its top towers over all others around. Its bark is rough and brittle and lianas wind up the stem,disappearing some 100 feet above in the tangle of branches. The bark and the awesome circumference of the stem make the tree unclimbable.# The pit is a square 8 feet in length. The ground lies in the shadow,so that you cannot make out any details. The pit seems to be at least a couple of weeks old -- its walls are dry,smooth and as hard as stone.# You search the bed carefully,but you cannot find anything. Most furs are of bears but there are some wolf pelts are among them,too. The furs are firmly sewed together and surprisingly heavy. You feel a strange magic influence softly intruding your mind !# As you push aside the furs,some strange magic intrudes your mind. A short moment later,it retreats as gentle as it came. In the same moment,you hear a metallic -clic- and a trapdoor under the bed swings open with a squeaking sound,revealing a dark shaft. A pebble thrown down the shaft hits the ground some 5-8 feet beyond.# The priest wears a long yellow robe. His hair is shaven and he kneels down in front of some minor altars from time to time,just as if he feared to allow his attention to be drawn away even for a second. His movements are nervous and he looks a bit crazy,not to say mad.# The carcasses come from men,trolls and animals. They are ragged and partially devoured. A handful of thick troll bones is scattered around,split into pieces. Buried under a pile of corpses,you discover the mortal remains of a huge cave troll -- his body cut into two pieces,right through his plate armour...# The pines are about 100 feet high here. Branches start 10-20 feet above you,both trunk and branches are covered by a viscid resin. The tree as a whole emits some diseased feeling. It does not appear trustworthy at all -- and like the whole forest it gives you the consciousness of danger...# The man wears thick,warm fur cloths,as hunters do usually. Yet,he does not seem to be a hunter for he is much too old for that and furthermore his wrinkled face does not show any scars. His long beard is as disheveled as his grey hair, giving him a wild appearance.# The kettle is made of black iron. As a lid closes the kettle,you cannot get a look at the contence,but the smell hints at herbs or something simular.# The chests are made of thick oak wood and held together by coarsely forged metal fittings. They are about 5 feet long,2 deep and 2 high. Moreover,their contence must be quite heavy -- you can hardly lift a single edge of the chests ! Rusty locks keep the chests closed.# The chests have been opened by force -- parts of the fittings and wood splinters are scattered over the ground. The locks are dangling from the loosely down- hanging lids,smashed.# The hilt is more than a foot long and its end forms a dragonhead. The blade glows in a faint blue,fizzling ice crystals and spreading a tough chill which even intensifies at your touch. From time to time a strange writing appears on the blade: ELOYN# The sorcerer wears a long,blue robe with a hood which reduces his face to a mere shadow with two fiercely red glowing eyes -- he is indeed a master of the evil- eye ! His scraggy,long-shaped hands are black,and so is his facial skin. The whole person emits an aura of power and magic... The enchanter slowly lifts his arms for a new incantation.# The tree is high,but the first branches start within your reach. Those branches and the rough bark make the tree climbable for you. The treetop forms a green roof of leaves hardly penetrable for the sunlight.# The king looks aged -- his face is full of wrinkles and his eyes look lustreless around. He wears a fured,red wrap falling down to his knees. His heavy crown is stud with jewels and a sceptre is placed beside the throne to his right.# The king seems to be quite enraged by your inquiry: You're snooping round here like a damn'thief... he says,then adding: Perhaps you're actually one... Surely it was that treacherous priest who sent you to rob me,to spy me out,or even for murder... Guards -- arrest this assassin !! Guards rush into the room and lead you to the torture chamber. Your death is slow and painful...# The guards are sleeping. Most of them are wielding swords or spears and wear light leather armours. Some others, probably officers,are equipped with chain armours and big,round shields additionally. Many of them have indeed the appearance of experienced warriors -- the fact that they are sleeping plainly indicates that there is not much to do for them around here...# The coats of arms show mostly animals or abstract symbols. Three coats of arms are painted on huge warshields,exclusively showing swords. The right one a glowing sword on blue ground, the left one an iceblue sword on red ground and the one between a sword which seems to be a mixture of the two others...# The oil paintings are nearly exclusively portraits. One of the paintings catches your eye imidiately -- it shows a flute-playing man around whom some dragonriders have settled down. Now you realize what drew your attention towards that picture -- it is slightly lop-sided !# The man is slightly taller and broader than you. He wears short pants,leather sandals and a broad straw hat. Four long,parallel scars run across his chest,probably earned in a struggle with one of the wild creatures of the land.# There are about 10 to 15 wolves,most of them fast prairie-wolves with a shoulder height of just 3 feet,but there are 4 or 5 great snow-wolves too,with a shoulder height of 4 feet and half-feet-fangs as sharp as a razorblade. Those are a slightly slower and their denser pelts are grey instead of light brown.# The stair is directly tusked into the rock wall. Some single stairs are missing and the entire rock is fissured. A thin steamlet is running down the rockand the stairs are moss-grown where it crosses them.# The statue shows a giant snake. It is at least 50 feet high and made almost ex- clusively made of dark iron ore. The snake's head is worked out singular detailed and the widely gaping mouth reveals the two-feet-long ivory poison fangs. Strangely though it might appear -- the snake has only one eye ! The first eye socket is empty,but the ruby in the other is still worth a vast fortune !# The statue shows a giant snake.It is at least 50 feet high and made almost ex- clusively made of dark iron ore. The snake's head is worked out singular detailed and the widely gaping mouth reveals the two-feet-long ivory poison fangs. The two ruby eyes of the snake stare at you hypnotically. It takes you a great deal of self-conquest to shake off their mind-lulling influence.# The priest wears a long,black-red robe which is ornated with snake-patterns. In In his right hand he holds a snake-shaped staff. His face is slightly painted,emphasizing especially eyebrows and lips.# The skeleton is obviously human. It must have been a remarkable strong man,most likely a warrior,for the skeleton has nearly the size of a troll's. The skeleton's hands are heavily burned,yet still clutching desperately at the hilt of the sword -- whoever the ancient warrior was,he died in the very attempt to pull the eagerly glowing sword out ofthe stone -- or even to ram it into the stone !# Half of the sword's blade is embedded in the black stone block. The still visib- le part emits red and yellow glowing sparks and,strange though it may appear,the entire blade seems to consist of mere fire and sparks ! At your touch,the sparkling suddenly increases. Occasionally,there is some writing visible on the blade: AGIA# The stone is a cube of 4 feet length. Its surface is smooth and does not show the slightest irregularity -- neither cracks nor inclusions can be found in the black stone. The stone pulses. It glows periodically in a dark blue -- the intervals become shorter the closer you come ! An inscribtion on the stone,visible only in the blue phase,reads: NETZACH Those cannot die They cannot be forgotten Who live in memories Fighters,hear their cry Their everlasting will For with the strength of mind Involves our destinies Even Death might die.# The golem is at least 9 feet tall and 6 feet broad. His body consists of small, exactly fitting stones,crunching at the slightest movement. Despite of its clumsy-looking shape,it is frightening agile. With a quick but powerful jerk he sweeps aside the heavy table,which you certainly could not even have lifted ! The golem attacks !!# You talk to the troll,but he laughs only and says: I don't believe you'll come out here any more ! I'll watch ye a while starvin'. Perhaps ye'd make some bloody good wolves'food, too... The troll's joy of having caught someone is quite obvious and he does not seem to be willing to let you out again... You had better think of a way to get out here quick !!# You talk to the dwarf. The dwarf says: You had better be pretty cautious here in that forest,stranger,for some lousy troll-scum lives round here. Should you still insist on walking that forest, then pay attention to their traps and don't bargain with them -- they are all treacherous and don't even shrink back from murder.# You talk to the sorcerer. The dark wizard laughs: Die, you daring fool !!! and casts a spell...# You talk to the priest. He says: 'has been a long time since a stranger came here. And the land has changed. His face shows a mad expression as he continues: ...the evil is lurking behind every tree,behind every stone,round every corner. Black,evil shadows have risen from the realm of shades and threaten our minds... Actually,the only mind threatened seems to be his. Somewhat cooled down,he says: Take that cross -- may it protect you on your journey.# The eremit says: I have expected you and questioned the oracle... There are mighty signs involved in your destiny. There is the sign of a warlord arising and I can see streams of blood and pain through misty clouds. But towering over all is a dark rider with dark sword and axe in hand. He is fighting sorcerers and demons for the possession of a sword made of pure ice and fire. Gain the sword. Its wielder is to rule.# The inscribtion reads: I.N.R.I.# The letters are difficult to decipher: D ng ! The d k so c rer's re t beg he . Go t# The rest is illegible.# The man says,obviously surprised: You have earned the sword ? You seem to be more than your appearance promisses... Perhaps you can fulfill the old oracle's prediction... He seems to size you up,but he appears to remain undecided.# The man hesitates,then says: I do not want to talk you into things you could regret later,but... The man hesitates again,then continues: Collect the three swords and free your spirit,then you will gain the absolute power over time itself -- if your mind does not brake in the try... The man becomes silent,as if he had already revealed too much...# The wizard's book reads: I ad V ... venum crudelis IX ... auxilia flammis X ... et ulterior necant ' ... aliis incognita (!) The other page reads: ENOIL GAVAT ! AGIA,ELOYN,ADONAY,JESSEMON KETHER !!!! You can't turn the pages as the book is provided with a protecting spell. Furthermore,you can't lift the book...# The princess says: Please,take me back to my father -- he is the king of this land and will certainly reward you generously.# The king gazes at you and says: You look like an adventurer... I have a job for you. Years ago my only daughter was kidnapped by the evil sor- cerer Zafra Togg. If you bring her back to me and kill the bloody wizard I will resign and make you king. To prove I sent you,you can show her this mirror -- it was hers. He hands you a small mirror.# The serpent's priest gives you a short glance and says: Ye're no disciple of Raak... If the thievish king sent you,then tell him he can't count on us until he gives us back the eye of Raak. Drat you !! Thinking of the king,the priest seems to become furious pretty soon.# You talk to the sorcerer. The dark wizard laughs: Die, you daring fool !!! and casts a spell...# The man looks up and says: Aye,an adventurer again... You certainly want to get some advice from me. I can only say: Beware of the swamp -- nobody has ever returned from there alive... He stresses the 'alive' so strangely that you question him more precisely. But he won't speak any more...# The sign reads: Attention ! Crossing the bridge in the south you enter the land of darkness...# The wooden sign reads: Caution -- there is no path in the misty swamps and unknown dangers lurk everywere...# The signpost points in nearly all thinkable directions: North : Dragon's Land,Land of Darkness South : river Southwest : Leyhin Palace East : plains of Tuan,misty swamps# The richly ornamented sign reads: May God protect this land against evil to the end of time... Enter and pray to the allmighty lord !# Big letters on the wooden cross read: Here rests Doriath Yarn,killed in heavy combat against the cave trolls. He perished,but he died like a warrior,facing his enemy and sword in hand.# You can see a lot of strange pictures showing serpents and human sacrifices. The letters are unknown to you,seem to be runes. One eyecatching part occurs surprisingly often: ENOIL GAVAT... GEBURAH !!# As you move the lever,the transmitter arch begins to glow in a bright red and the screen turns on.# As you move the lever,the screen turns black and the glowing of the transmitter arch fades slowly.# The lever is in the lower position and both transmitter arch and screen are activated.# The lever is in the upper position. Both transmitter arch and screen are dark.# You feel pain shooting through your body and colours dance before your eyes... As the pain abates,your surrounding has changed...# # Something is wrong with the destination coordinates -- you are lost forever in hyperspace...# You can hear some guards approaching to your cell -- the door opens creaking. You are taken outside the palace and set free.# A guard passes -- a short glance through the barred door window and he dis- appears again. His steps slowly die away in the distance.# Two red glowing eyes peer through a for the rest black visor and the rider says: I am looking for the dark warlord of the Army of the Dead... In case you should meet him -- tell him that the NIGHTRIDER waits for him... With an agile movement the NIGHTRIDER draws his giant black sword ! That sword is a soul-slayer... It kills even the immortal demons -- but there are very few of its kind left: Demon Hammer,sword of the warlord of the Army of the Dead, Stormblade,sword of the hero incarnate,already lost, Vengeance,sword of the Dark Avenger, Black Death,my own sword, Black Demon,sword of Bowan the Black,founder of ENOIL GAVAT, Black Shade,sword of Darkstar... Bowan has left this world long ago,but the dark warlord is bound to be here -- perhaps he ran into a trap and both him and his sword are destroyed... The existence of your sword appears to prove that,for the violent destruction of a soul-slayer gives rise to three other swords -- one of ice,one of fire and and one ice and fire. Your sword might have been a part of the Demon Hammer...# You grap the sword's hilt firmly with both hands and run the sparkling blade through your heart. Your spirit leaves your dying body and intrudes the skeleton's ! The spirit of the skeleton has ceased to exist long before -- you have a body for yourself -- alone ! Through the skeleton's eyes you watch a strange spectacle: An invisible force appears to pull the sword of fire which is securely stuck in the stone block -- the blade vibrates more and more vehemently,bathing the en- tire room in a blinding light. The scintillating intensifies quickly. Then,the flaming blade slowly comes out of the stone,emitting a shrill shriek- ing and screeching which,thrown back and intensified a thousand times by the rock walls of the vault,merges to a single,sharp tone which threatens to burst your head. When the sword is finally freed from the stone cube to its full length,the stone bathes the cavern in a deep blue -- then it explodes with a deafening detonation. The vault breaks to pieces -- the rock walls are blown outwards,forming a large circle around the former cave... The three swords slowly float towards the centre of the circle. As the blades clash,they merge to a single weapon in a dark flame -- a heavy,long and black broadsword -- a soul-slayer,the only weapon capable of killing an immortal soul... As quick as lightning,the sword leaps into your hand by itself !! Within a circle around you,a thousand paces in diameter,the earth turns up -- pale bone hands rise from the ground, helmed skulls peer out of the opening chasms, awaking to new life. Moments later,a large skeleton army has gathered around you,clad in time-worn armours and carrying rusty spears,swords and shields,but filled with a boundless hatred... Thousands of swords,held by bone arms,are raised high into the air and a many- voiced cry leaps from the crowd: Hail to you,warlord ! - Death to the sorcerers ! DEATH TO THE SORCERERS !!! You become the new great warlord of the Army of the Dead against the sorcerers and their demons. Your sword ends the demons' immortality while you yourself are,just as the rest of the dead's army,immortal -- for what can kill a dead ?? And one day perhaps you and your army will intrude the dark depth of the demon hells and kill the very last demons...# What is hidden behind the crack in the north wall ?# The bottles certainly all contain magic potions -- what leaves the question what purpose these potions are for...# Read the wizard's conjuring book to find out about the application of the magic potions !!# Going through the door to the south will of course bring along a high risk,but it could be worth while trying...# Who dares wins. Or dies.# Well done,but what are you still doing here ?# Your only chance to get up again is to make the troll help you... Or might there be another way...?# The pit ground is quite soft -- try to dig yourself out !# Dwarfs are friendly people,normally -- unless they are attacked,of course. They are a little traciturn,but always well informed.# You should talk to the dwarf -- perhaps he can give you some important piece of information !# You might find something of importance in this pit -- but be careful,it might also be a trap !# The pit is worth while examining,but you had better take a weapon with you,for it might easily change into a trap if its creator returns...# It will surely prove interesting to find out who caused that tracks...# The wizard has attacked you -- so fight to the end or try to escape ! But perhaps you can offer him some kind of deal...# The fight has begun -- if your equipment is sufficient, you are bound to win,as your amulet defeats his magic !# The foul smell fits well to a battle,but you cannot see a single corpse,not even a broken weapon or shield. Furthermore,that would not explain the burnt tree- trunks...# The burnt land hints at a dragon's lair to be somewhere in the surrounding moun- tains...# Try to talk to the priest.# Talk to the priest and keep in mind -- a cross can sometimes be a more effective weapon than even a sword.# The appearance of the corpses hints at a violent struggle -- lucky those who are well armed ! The dead don't look as if their armours,strength or weapons had helped them.# The dead were killed rather by fire than by direct contact. The open wounds are not burnt -- they do not come from the combat... You need a protection against fire. Perhaps a wizard can help you...# Be careful here,especially if you are unarmed !# This forest is dangerous for unarmed,but much of what you believe to hear is just a product of your own stressed senses...# I suggest going onwards only armed. The sign could help you find the right way -- if it tells the truth...# If you are armed well,you need not worry about the beasts in this forest.# Try to start a conversation.# This man is more important than he seems to be. He knows secrets most people can only dream of -- visit him from time to time !# Often things are not as they seem to be and the wisest deed is done in vane be- cause its time has not come yet...# Return to here when you are great and mighty,to end what must be ended...# A dragon is difficult to defeat... His weapons are claws,fangs,tail and fire -- his armour consists of scales and can hardly be penetrated by normal weapons. You need a special equipment...# You need a good sword and a protecting spell against fire.# You should try to get out of this forest pretty soon, if you do not want to end like the thing on the tree.# That tower stands in the middle of this strange forest with an open door -- that is the very appearance of a trap !# Whatever lives in that tower -- it must be strong enough not to fear the forest beasts. The white stone of the tower does not seem to be natural -- perhaps some wizard dwells in there...# You can only keep eyes and ears open. On any account,you should make up your mind quickly whether to go on or retreat for it does not appear wise to stay here any longer.# Keep cool -- you are too nervous for a good fighter. Keep your eyes open and be careful,but don't be afraid of your own fantasy !# If you trust that bridge -- then use it.# Take a closer look at that cave...# Examine the chests carefully.# A jolly good viewpoint -- perhaps there is something important to see from here, occationally...# A magic cloak obstructs the view -- but not only for its wearer...# The king is worried -- a clever guy can make money of other people sorrows !# It is a good omen that the king has not had you thrown out yet.# Take a closer look at that palace -- it is certainly inhabited !# If you are careful,you can safely sneak past the guards -- a good opportunity to look around inside the palace...# Enter the palace and show yourself openly and honestly should you meet someone!# The temple is likely to be important. But be careful -- the motives on the pillars do not seem a sign of peace...# Enter the temple,but be careful and keep your weapons ready ! Weapons might be regarded as hostile,but it is better to die in combat than to be slaughtered like a sheep...# If you feel ready for the swamp,then go!# Do you know enough about the swamp...?# If you feel ready for the swamp,then go!# Do you know enough about the swamp...?# Take a closer look at the pictures.# There is something of importance in that room...# Talk to the man -- he is a native and can thus provide you with valuable in- formation...# The natives of this land have to fight for their lives day by day,and they have learned to survive,so do not try to use violence...# In the open land,there is no chance of defeating the wolves for you -- but you might try to reach that strange rock.# Do you feel ready for the swamp ?# Do you know enough about the swamp ?# One of the snake's eyes is missing,but the one left is more than enough to make you a rich man !# Some clever thief has already tried his luck -- the priests will be even more careful now !# If you can spare some time -- then feel free to enter !# If you feel ready for the swamp,then go !# Do you know enough about the swamp ?# Who is buried here ?# Open the grave -- but do not disturb the dead...# When you have finished searching that vault,then start thinking how to get out again...# The ring is a magic ring -- you could try to escape with its help.# Perhaps you should not have entered the tower at all...# A magic sword can defeat even a golem...# The sorcerer can't be killed even with the magic sword ! You had better leave the tower and come again another time !# Now you can fight the wizard himself !# You can certainly reach the stairs before the sorcerer kills you -- it is your last chance of saving your life...# You can now either continue fighting and win or die,or escape downstairs -- and leave the sorcerer unharmed.# A grave -- you will certainly find something in there -- perhaps even weapons or magic tools...# Beware -- not all dead are as dead as they are expected to be...# Search carefully -- perhaps you can find something that helps you to escape from this cliff...# Try to fly on a dragon's back !! What knowledge do you have about dragons in general ?# Dead end ! Or are there secret slides anywhere ?# Examine the walls -- and keep in mind that there are two directions you can move a lever in.# Technology -- here ?? Where does it come from and how are you to handle it ?# There are two ways of using a button. You can press it or turn it...# You should remember the scene of a oil-painting in the palace...# Perhaps there's a corridor at the cave end -- that's your only hope...# Search the hutt carefully -- perhaps its former inhabitants have left something useful...# Take the useful things -- but leave the trash !# You should perhaps have been more careful. But perhaps someone has provided a secret passage for you.# Don't worry -- if they did not want to let you free again,they would have exe- cuted you at once. But perhaps they just want to watch you starve...# The sorcerer throws a strange ampulla towards you. You block it,but its contence scatters over your face -- an acid !! You go down and a hard stroke from above breaks your neck...# #"42ECVEVgtv]&~8??pǿ_8 ϸ?8w0@<?#w~0#fǑgp_w:>~( ďs9| c ???xq0`x ^>y~" >g<C28>81m>ox@p ;6{yw~ !(`|A:w q?wg<SWs@7`Fq8?`Hoo] ?19;>p>ca` < `wgp1g8qxcp0X_;;y~`>@@`?ܙ`:`oy|C}9CN7<M@og 18s<3|6AOy{?`{`ܙ`HpI| |~@`ĎCʯ?@ .w>3<yt~DHqA #ؙ8v$ @Wq߷@~| )xr&>9]"n~x x>DyOb  ؖ`'`9x? @@~ `:1Aَ3N^}g (?Fg{Ǿ?d}v`$`9!t3,|~?@)zD7L ?:1yo|?sހ!POΟBifx8=8s,L~c)fC=1~D;0!<$rp|af xpgv||,xx!fA)ف: pπ 璈o{8|џ`89yxb0e'q??8w10r0/L _ fN@ ols'L FA>9c_E^A)>3bl6  x}/ 8?π?>~>abc>%8 0_>yq[E!~^4 @ǔ8a8"<>cB<\;<8r 1o: wL?1d[g: ]>Aɀ]?7 &8?K.8_@0b ?1@?0xf `o`_f}ǂ aY>  \Gx 066~3? rL k. ~2A3 D?d[f|C=~~D@ΎY0>>1 5c0cϼ`n# { r~ppR7Nd[f ɺٹ'~  !s|(|d>{?t-^FAp17q_ę{fD_߻!~6aq?3!x(}>3 `@<AB>ĝL0!=08QFqȬ?Q#o ="~N@c` Gy&/Y>; vl79=?o<^O`0 7q?|}σA ɀ!~~c 7rߘomsǁ(AG# {5@3>so#$ۇ 4?` ;?ȻE`)~>4?!'xq0c@~/r\!sL$B>q7:E` SP?=?~~&m7 ?^x|0@C@:@o$$f};Mx@} 3)n?>\~!9 |== l?k ( ?/4`Ȍ`_ =8?Px1?o':;~ .E{>)?_ x^86G0u6w{?36 x< 8 ۗ8'E }S10>?B>11 < ` e<;Q9.0=1ȟ8pZ]`8AA^9h<>9(t1;>w|!p@ۈ<'Z &?? ? ȥ0X ?E/?||/Y&!i0?΀HACmw>81O>3154ʠpx7 `dE9a# G|=lcxv?z!!O?NsZ<دؑ N9>!Cg e?GȺE{^v攆lܟc Y.p{Ȅ?C@~ ?&.d 8?D6E ^x |p67f!??~=?~;8r' .22>̯C$??#1Ė>>&==㶡\HFl3s?'!1??G n'1. ?/oD'~ ?@^~8<y\|=c c0&g01~JxG`xD`#l? = |Bs#|9xwK|wSr|ݐ~o#p|)Np 01W ??(7~~~s=<|{ .Y ơ)G>xs|?mT~[&w$߁/'"ϰN1K?x9 >9p3,y;7Ge067@?L^`$ÿA;}8>-<Q1` ?\  ErCD&?G >vx????'طI B>1/T>r?C9 /!,%w |>X)7gΟ.1 H0?_Ϟb8?1?@q ?)\ C@sm’ .pD~,txxml2nB'>&{ /yC GLBŀ80A |nX11}8 !<&3 X_| 89Ưry6css0s>|O~?6vxH{ {xT$T bw'8/ ߘ`0FD_d0 ?8=t@ :`10a0>J@ ~> :v<{8B8?1  `@H?8'H po c( >79G0{ njPabyǷǐ8h?,>஀&'3<G<xNH@h n'?f}1w4@ 8r`!oۈߌ p07,<@78Vg׾BD@~w1>Lƌ $os ^eb?C;>3x?0*zWBc|~ޏذ8?  >qnqGP'cA09z8!m.0|  ((A ǜ`?Ï 5r~p! !?&EBDM? 9#P71\dE/D98dz^2$| 9ixb6Bӂp`/IV@p@c88?3?̐4 dE/D?@l:B 1_G /I./ 9I502@͔! @`g߶?|>3?߀ 7 Xf_$C/@!>BQ?g~~ &`?FI4Iðpi@, A<@cF??/@~ 3G'7G8Ȝ0`&> }(/py4@"K!@y`΍q?3 ؎b~?w'CȾH0@&x&'?r<l@3씽"{`?01?30~a^??'|?08%;t3  . ?}OCt.ndG@@@("gx< @9H>x  υ z4><x0  .|n}y?Ͱ||C  avxC=^>'%># < Ͼ C?" h w0Ѕρ~?||I101(+{GaBO" 8'!?  χ {~0\?< .ޟd?1ssy_ k~?qn`F!,-~'H _?@<|>< `pF޹.}y?F ?l#okߐ`hCEs? y{!o }'x!G_m $/aa"D&ppiP؉v?kBlh?RX2p??~ /[8u1uψ̍ p tP{p䣘`D @aa|'YP?xBxwn<9?p!DxOt|AXLJ0x1ӳ,L?#"sG'ap2~tN- }b{ {'p@{ 7v!.cA|A >p0x:)<7 @?фxx0 g.<[y!0} @LP?`nxxX``;N9 ~"ߏ}A>LhrxAh@&[ѽφx 9ϻ0D!@>n=8ǂ0xs@oPB=! p8.>$ @(.O1ߎYA~Ahwg,1x;0DY lm?XKH0O ˜C<b8g<>@)1}ώGGG2h&Dx!0~|b0c,Y(w|\ @wL3  8D0g$;97F`m~Ax k2نx0,8 {0^?  @6?4 3.p wЇ@?8 ?:s0q? 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A wild magic -- great in power,but not easy to master...# The NIGHTRIDER says nothing more.# Some flying dragons circle high above. From time to time,one of them dives down with put back wings,stopping about 100 feet above you and then returning to the others.# One of the winged dragons suddenly dives down with incedible speed -- and heads directly towards you !! The blast throws you to the ground when the dragon spreads his awesome wings to pull out of the dive. The dragon's claws clutch you securely and the dragon soars again. You are carried up into a wild mountain range. Far below,in a valley,you can see a small town !!# The dragon tries to shake you off and flies off the cave ! It leaves the mountains and makes for a great river in the plain -- it dives ! You are thrown off the dragon's back and can hardly reach the riverbank...# As you concentrate on the crystal ball,the mists form to pictures inside... Horrible creatures wander dreadful landscapes and black shades rise from dark places... The scenes change,but the horror remains in them... Gazing in the crystal ball,you directly look into the deepest abyss of the demon worlds -- a view only few mortals have seen before... Spellbound,you gaze into the crystal,which seems to grow until it fills the entire room. Laughing demons come out of the crystal ball and drag you down into their dark realm...# The staff begins glowing and scintillating red sparks ! Suddenly,black devils appear all around you -- the wand falls off your shaking hand and the devils take you down to the deepest hell: SHEOUL ANAHL NATRAT.# From the staff,a red flame lance leaps towards the amulet that starts glowing with heat and veils the wand by a net of blue lightnings. Then, the amulet melts -- liquid metal sprays around and the staff explodes releasing the full power of both wand and amulet. Your body bursts...# Wearing the cloak,your sight is somewhat blurred and the shapes around you seem to fade for a moment,but when your eyes have got used to it,everything appears just a bit strange.# Suddenly,some alien interceptors appear and open fire ! Torrents of molten rock come down from the hills and form white-glowing lakes. You are run over by a stream of lava...# Rubbing the lamp reveals red patterns: Back in 5 ghost minutes -- standby,please. The lamp ghost.# When you open the bag, black sand runs into your hand. It is as light as dust and seems to be of the same material the statue was of.# A slight breeze blows the sand from your hand -- a cloud of dust wafts round your head and you get dust in your eyes. You are blinded for a moment,until your tears have washed the dust away.# Suddenly,a rider appears at the horizon,quickly approaching ! He wears a black armour and rides on an equally black warhorse. The rider heads directly towards you !# The rider has reached you. The vizor of his black armour hides his face. A black broadsword and a black,two-edged battle-axe are both strapped on his back,cross- wisely. His horse,a pitch-black stallion with awesome muscles,snorts and bares its tigerlike fangs when the rider stops it short before you.# The rider says: Who has placed that guardian in Death Valley ? It must have been a mage -- I will check that and find out what has happened here -- and how the sword got there...# The rider hisses,surprised,and says: You carry an amulet of the ENOIL GAVAT Brotherhood ! Bowan's work,there's no doubt... This amulet is a valuable and powerful protection against demons and dark sor- cery -- heed it well...# As the rider becomes aware of the staff,he draws his sword with a cry of hatred: Death to the demons' sorcerers !!! With a quick but powerful stroke he runs the weapon through your body -- the weapon devours your soul...# The rider nods appreciating and says: I did not expect a lightstone on this world... Use it well -- it offers you power over many monsters created by magic,and it can even stop a guardian -- for some time,at least...# The rider seems to size you up and says: You do not belong to the dragonriders,do you ? -- Perhaps there are no dragon- riders any more on this world... The demons have worked properly here...# The rider's gaze darkens when falling on the crystal ball. This is no toy for little children... You had better throw it into the next river. There are things mortals should not see... Even if you use a fortifying circlet,you cannot win a duel of minds against the demons. I myself have tried it once -- and have almost lost my soul. They are much too strong in their own domain...# The rider laughs and roars: You dare to attack the NIGHTRIDER ? Then take this !! With a movement as quick as lightning he hurls two sharp-edged throwing stars at you -- one breaks through your forehead, the other rips your neck...# In a single fluent movement the rider draws his broadsword and strikes ! Your sword batters under the stroke of the black blade and fragments of the once powerful weapon fly high into the air. The black sword absorbs your soul... The lightstone is a diamant as big as a fist and of perfect cut. You cannot spot any inclusions. It shines in a clean,white light,and the stone itself lays warm in your hands.# The sword's hilt is more than a foot long and its end forms a dragonhead. The blade glows in a faint blue,fizzling ice crystals and spreading a tough chill which even intensifies at your touch. From time to time some strange writing appears on the blade: ELOYN# The 5-feet-blade of the sword glows red and blue in turns. The end of the long hilt forms a bi-headed dragon. When you touch the hilt,the sparkling ofthe blade intensifies and it begins to pulse in the rythm of your heartbeats,just as if it was a part of yours ! A feeling of unlimited power comes streaming into your mind...# The bottle is made of tanned and impregnated leather. It is closed by a small stone which is fixed to the bottle by a thin cord. The bottle cannot hold much,however,it will be sufficient for two or three days under normal conditions,if you are frugal.# The ring is made of a metal unknown to you. Its exterior bears magic signs,the meaning of which is a miracle to you,but the interior reveals an inscribtion you can read: When shadows touched the land And drove them back to hell The warlord made a stand But finally betrayed was he By moonlight he did ride By a wizard's treachery. Ten thousand by his side Avenged will be the wizard's lies He fought the demons well When another warlord will arise.# The amulet is shaped as a pentagram and made of a hard,red-shimmering metal un- known to you. The edges bear rubies and in the centre there is a seven-edged gem with a black fire pulsing within.  The names AGIA,ELOYN,ADONAY and JESSEMON are engraved into the front side, forming a circle round the word JESOD.# The cross is made of massive silver and quite heavy. It is about a hand long and a bit more than half as broad. Both sides look similar -- a narrow border and a man crucified in the middle. Above the crucified,the word BINAH is engraved into the silver. The cross is hanging on a thin chain.# The treasure consists mainly of gold,but it contains some diamonds,sapphires and rubies as well. The treasure has nearly your weight,and you can hardly carry it.# Despite of her ragged cloth and heavily dishevelled hair the princess is a nice appearance. As to her occational glances,she seems to like you...# The ruby is twice the size of your fist and has the smooth shape of a slightly stretched egg. In its centre,a hypnotical fire is shimmering ghostly. Doubtlessly,that is the most beautiful and most valuable ruby you have seen in your life !# The flute is made of dark,heavy wood and about one foot long. There are seven slightly oval holes on the upper and two on the lower side. A dragonrider is skillfully carved into the mouthpiece.# The mirror is as big as a hand and mounted in richly ornated silver. There is an inscribtion engraved on the mirror's backside: Sheya Yarn# The crystal ball is as big as your head and quite heavy. Though appearing transparent at first,its interior is filled with movements. coloured clouds whirl around,shapeless until you concentrate on them -- then they change into pictures of strange worlds which quickly make you cast your eyes down...# The circlet is just as broad as a finger and surprisingly thin. Yet,it is of in- credible robustness and elasticity. It consists of red,shiny metal and its inside is covered by runes. Moreover,the words ENOIL GAVAT -- MEM are written on the circlet's front side in great,black letters.# The wizard's staff is about one foot in length and as thick as a finger. It is completely black and,considering its size,comparatively heavy. Touching it,you feel a power coming from the wand. The staff nearly seems to live -- as if some part of the mage was still living inside... Occationally,red,pulsing letters appear at the wand's end:SHEOUL ANAHL NATRAT# The dragonstatue is about two feet high and quite heavy. It is made of gold- plated,black marble. The eyes are two great sapphires. The statue shows a dragon,wings spread and mouth opened. Its bottom carries an inscribtion: Mnemeth -- by Armoon,mastersmith.# The rock is of a pitch-black material and almost seems to drain the light from its surrounding ! It has right the size of your head,but its weight is higher.# The rock is most likely to be a part of the statue's which has been teleported with you...# The bag is a bit bigger than your fist and closed by a leather cord. It is made of soft,yet strong leather and carries some strange magic symbols.# The sand is quite likely to be the very material the statue was made of -- at least,it looks the same. It is heavy,but as fine as dust... Like a black shade it lies in your hand,reflecting no single sunbeam...# The skull is obviously human. It appears to be very old. Signs of frequent use in magic experiments,burns,cover it. The jaw is plugged and rattles with the slightest movement.# The bat is quite large -- about 2 feet ! Thin,peaked teeth lurk in the half-opened mouth. It does not seem long since the bat died,for its body is still warm... At the wings,there are sharp claws.# The wide cloak covers you from shoulders to feet and a hood hides your face. You become a mere shade... The cloth is soft and silky and gives a pleasant feeling to the touch.# The lantern is battered -- some of the windows are broken,the frame twisted. There is no oil in the tank which only contains some leaves. The lantern seems to be totally useless and unrepairable.# The kettle is made of heavy black iron. There are a few rust-coloured holes in the bottom,however all in all the kettle seems quite well preserved. The material is as thick as a finger and makes the kettle heavier than you expected at first sight.# The screen flickers and the head of a young man in a space suit appears. A deep voice says: Tarn ! -- we could not get you back to the station in time. There is a Gorgon mothership approaching and some of their interceptor jets are already bombing the area around the station. They didn't yet locate us exactly,but that is just a question of time. We have already taken some heavy hits and the south corridor to the quarters has carved in. As we cannot expect any help from Drakon right now,we have decided to abandon the station. We'll take all freighters,cruisers and destroyers,leaving you a single interceptor jet equipped with auto pilot control. We cannot leave it with normal controls,as the Gorgons might reach the jet before you. Moreover,we have desactivated the main reactor to lower our energy emissions. The station runs on emergency power,now. All defense systems,the energy shield, main lock and the planetary camouflage are without energy. All other systems are working as usual,the codes are left unchanged. We have set your auto pilot to Drakon. I'm the last to leave the station now. There might be still interceptors around here or the Gorgons have already been in the station when you read this. Good luck.# You climb one of the smooth stems... A branch breaks under your weight -- you fall ! You hit the ground and your backbone breaks. Paralysed, you await death....# Vocabulary (see your manual,chapter 2.2) Besides a lot of substantives (which you will find in the adventure text) the parser can understand the following verbs: ASK ATTACK CLIMB CLOSE CROSS DESCEND DON DOWN DRESS DRINK DROP EAST EAT ENTER EXAMINE EXIT FEED FIGHT FILL GET GIVE GO HIT INVENTORY JAM KILL LAY DOWN LEAVE LOOK LOOK INTO MOUNT NORTH OPEN PRESS PULL PUSH PUT QUESTION QUIT READ RUB SHOW SLAY SOUTH SPEAK TAKE TAKE OFF TALK THROW THRUST TOUCH TURN TYPE UNDRESS UP USE WEST# Please note that some of these verbs require a certain syntax,especially when used in different meanings,such as ENTER BUILDING when you refer to a movement and ENTER "CODENAME" when a data input at a keyboard is meant. Remark: You can also use abreviations for some verbs: I = INVENTORY N,S,E,W,U,D = (GO) NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST,UP,DOWN EX = EXAMINE L = LOOK ( different from LOOK INTO ) Remark: There are some verbs intentionally not mentioned in this list especially those which give a direct hint at a possible solution. So feel free to try verbs not enlisted here,too.# 0 Talon the Mighty founded the first Nitram kingdom 666 the year of the first magician conclave. 777 the conclave breaks up and splits into the colour orders. 777-2987 The Dark Ages -- steady war between the different orders shake the land and terrify the population. 2988 Oromir of Loor,head of the grey order,establishes a new conclave and becomes head magician. 2994 some orders leave the conclave,which is still held by the majority. 2994-4097 the war between the orders leaps up again. The white party becomes dominant in the conclave,while the black and blue parties become strongest among the free orders. 4098-4502 the kings of Nitram fight the most militant orders to stop the fighting. Magic becomes illegal in Nitram and magicians are persecuted. 4502 500 years of persecution and inner quarrels have thinned the lines of magicians and a new conclave is formed. Zelinor from the green order becomes head magician. 4503-4512 the conclave successfully defeats the royal troops. However, the price is high. 4512 both king and conclave agree on the Act of Magic which says that the practice of magic shall be free as long as the population is not harmed. 4512-7522 the land flourishes. Great progress is made in science and magic research. The harvest,protected by spells,is immense and Nitram's economy prospers. 7523 on the final day of the annual conclave meeting,the contest in magical practice released some dreadful events. Regarding the contest as manipulated,the black order wizard Thulgar  started the battle between the orders which had slept for more than 3000 years afresh and most of the present wizards died in the fighting.# 7523-7525 the demons summoned in the fight get out of control and roam the land,slaying and destroying. Bowan the Black,a member of the mysterious Enoil Gavat brotherhood and great magician (though he belonged to no order) had to evoke the army of the dead and their awesome warlord. The demons were driven back into the demon hells but the army of the dead vanished completely -- noone knows what has become of it though there are rumours that a wizard of the black order trapped them.# 7526 simultaneously,both black and white order discover a spell that grants its caster immortality. Unfortunately,only one member of each black and white order is left by then. 7527 in a great fight the sole white wizard finally beats the remaining black one with the help of two magic amulets. As he cannot kill him,he banishes him into a magic stone. 9202 the black sorcerer has somehow freed himself from the stone he was imprisoned in and,with the help of his ally Margor Condayl,a local landlord,he plans to take the white wizard by surprise. Condayl steals the magic amulets and the plan succeeds. The white magician is banished into a magic stone which is hidden in a secret subterranean stronghold. 9203 Margor Condayl demands immortality for his support and,as the black sorcerer refuses to meet his demands,turns against him.# 9203-9206 An army of trolls brought in by the black magician throws down the army of humans under Condayl's command with the help of magic -- after three years of combat. That Condayl's army was able to resist so long was doubtlessly the merit of the three magic swords that appeared in this time though noone could tell where they came from. One was of ice,one of fire and the third,the most powerful,of ice and fire. Now the black wizard takes his revenge: Margor Condayl gets his the immortality he yearned for so strong -- yet in another way than he thought. His castle and city is drowned in a swamp and a seperation spell is laid over the valley: if you leave it to the north,you will automatically be teleported to the south end. The three swords were lost in the final battle. 9206- 9566 the surviving humans gathered at Leyhin castle. A new king was chosen -- Salinor Yarn. Occasional fights with rests of the former troll army become part of the everyday life. 9123 unnoticed by Nitram's population,a subterranean drakonian station is installed in the mountains to counter the gorgon empire's expanding. A planetary camouflage hides the planet and the starting space crafts. now by mere accident,gorgon scout squads have discovered the station by its energy emissions. A gorgon mothership is on the way to Nitram... furthermore the Nitram population still waits for the hero who,as it is fortold,shall free their planet from demons and bring back again the old times,when "the magic was strong and true" and the land flourished.# #"43EDUduevw=ױ?BF$?p}G'F0#yO|>?σ|?`q{wf?y  @ Ϸ?@b vo0{O هx?󀿀xC?6ޟ98q??oD@'pd@@0\?"/"Bs12“`X&98N|O?gXA|>BJL'! ŒŒ=s:&{ &"!ٿ ߂b?~#ƒG0l9rq#~D"|!"P1?@c``@|;h?s8@?`01ol^ɝc~oc ?lt9z.D0wld6@.!߹t?1!w|~?A|Q|Xr0{0{τZs8>;wppqeGC ;`g`D>|2Xpcp}>tf(fu~ H !`Ѿ?Asd?0|ppٸ }`P?B/ch>>`effp/B$>`1o?gczPppx0/}`??9O?ӀX>98L:0ZKܜ`0~~rcɜ?hsτ{9 M<?dρϟ0`?t€Ep ؄J~C|||"|~Qz/ɴO?ssg`p__?? 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