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The valley is flanked by steep and high rocky walls and soon narrows to few feet width. Unfortunately,the valley is blocked by a landslip.Rocky debris and great boul- ders pile up some 200 feet. You examine the obstacle,but you must realize that, however hard you might try,you won't be able to climb over. To the south and east sand dunes reach as far as you can see.# wT+5s5You are in a stalagmite cavern poorly illuminated by some flickering torches along the walls. A dead troll lies to your feet,his blood spilled on the smooth stone floor. A corridor leads to the east,bending north after a few steps. Hidden in the twi- light there is a secret door between two big stalagmites.# +5s5You are in a small cave at the bank of a subterranean river. The bank is sandy and only few boulders are scattered around. Jammed between two big rocks you discover the wreck of a small boat. Behind you,a small adit leads into the rock,ending at a closed door.# 4You are in a large cavern at the south bank of a subterranean river. The black water vanishes through a small hole to the northwest.The bank is scattered with rock debris. Behind you,a stair tusked in the rock leads upwards. There are rests of algae on stairs and cave walls -- the vault is at least partially flooded from time to time.# FP3K You are in the inner court of a gloomy castle... It is flanked by ivy-clad pillars which are as cracked and fissured as the buildings around the yard. Vegetation has already conquered the entire place,yet it looks unhealthy and crippled,suffering from a lack of light. The numerous doors leading into the castle buildings are all securely locked, except of the heavy iron trapdoor the vampire left open. It is leading down into the castle dungeons. It seems to be frequently used,as it is easy-going and free of plants and cobwebs...# You are in a stalactite cavern.Dim light comes from a small hole high above. Stalagmites and stalactites prevent you from seeing very far. Water drops from the ceiling,hitting the slippery floor with a monotonous -slap- . The only exit is a narrow path leading eastwards. Some slight smell of burning pitch and wood comes from there.# jYou are still in the cavern. Water runs down the walls and makes the floor wet and slate. A man(?)-made corridor leads to the south,another to the west. The first seems to be frequently used,as it is marked by the busy work of many feet. Torches are fixed at the walls to your sides,and their flickering light throws dancing shadows on the corridor walls.# Quicksand !!! The sand can't carry your weight -- you sink deeper and deeper, until you are completely covered...# 9=You are in a small cavern run through by a wild river. The ground consists of rock debris and sand. The subterranean stream leaves the cave to the northwest. Behind you,a steep stair is tusked into the rock,leading upwards. Rests of algae 10 feet above show the maximum heigth water reaches. There is a boat pulled up the riverbank.# //You are in a hollow totally enclosed by steep threatening mountains.The shadow of the mountains darkens the basin and gives it a pleasing temperature. Some few hundred feet up the steep rock you can see a small cave ! As you walk a few paces to your left,it is hidden by a rocky ledge. The entrance seems to be visible only from a certain point... The slope consists of black, slate rock offering only few holds for a climber.# You are in Death Valley. The 'valley' is a mere cleft closed in by rock walls,with fissures and cracks as obvious signs of their instability. Five feet wide at the entrance,it seems to narrow deeper inside the rock,yet you cannot see very far. There is open desert to the south and to the east.# 0<The mercyless sun burns down on the already dried-out ground.The slight breeze from the south does not have any cooling and refreshing effect as it is carrying the sick heat of the desert itself. The seemingly endless desert stretches out in all directions but north,where high mountains block up the way. Vultures are circling above you now,beasts of prey with a twelve feet span.# '0<You are in a desert and the heat grows nearly unbearable. Far to the south,you can hardly make out something that might possibly be an oasis -- some palms standing around a handful of flat dwellings. However,the scene disappears again in the flimmering air. The mountain range to the north is turning south in the far west,yet further advancement is still possible.# 1')*MYou are at the edge of a desert to the southeast. Far to the north,the land slowly becomes grassy. A steep mountain range is visible to the west. As you peer southwards,you can see the air flimmering with heat. There is an old wooden sign plugged to the ground beneath you.#  # 679<+5s5You are in a small cave at the bank of a subterranean river. The river crosses the cave north of you,leaving it westwards through a narrow chine. You can make out a dim light from there. A few rocks are scattered over the sandbank at the river's southside. There is a stable boat on the bank some paces from the quickly running water. South of you,there is a secret rock door without keyhole and handle.# 89*0*u0'u'u1(D(uD(D(uDXXYou are in the sepulchre of an ancient king. The cave was cut into the bare rock and as there is only little light coming through the entrance you can hardly make out any details. In the back of the vault,a black statue is sitting on an equally black throne. The statue's expression is so evil that it seems to be the evil-eye incarnate ! A cold horror rises inside of your mind, making you shiver. On the stone statue's knees, tightly held in the grip of it's massive hands, there lies the sword of ice and fire -- sparkling fiercely !# A6 =>Rapids !! Your boat nearly turns over... ...the current grasps your boat with an iron fist and knocks it against some rocks. Several times you try in vane to regain control over your boat,but finally you succeed.# 7 The river grows narrow here and accelerates.You are drifting past an old wooden bridge. The current becomes stronger and faster, forcing you to stay in the middle of the river. When you stare into the water,you can see some dark shadows moving skillfully around your boat.# D09: The river is wide here and the current does not seem dangerous any more. Some 300 feet ahead of you,a flight of birds circles above the stream, diving for fish. Downstream,the river grows increasingly narrow and fast. The current acceler- ates and becomes stronger.# E1:; You slowly drift westwards on a peacefully flowing river. Sunlight ! What amazing joy it gives to bath in the warm rays of sun ! To both sides of the river,flat land extends far to the north and south. The ri- ver itself comes from a dark cave in the eastern mountains. The current is weak and you could steer your boat to the north or south bank.# ; You drift on an subterranean river. To the west,you can clearly make out a dim light through the dark. South of you,there is a sandy bank. Parts of the ceiling are pretty low here and you have to duck to save your head. The strong current pulls you westwards,towards the light.# < You are caught by a vortex of the wildly foaming river. The strong current speeds you up -- the river vanishes into a dark rocky cave !! Now you drift on an subterranean river. To the west,you can clearly make out a dim light through the dark. Southwards, there is a sandy bank. Parts of the ceiling are pretty low here and you have to duck to save your head. The strong current pulls you westwards,towards the light.# H=> ?@The river flows quietly here. West of you the water disappears into a dark cave, whereas south of you a steep cliff rises more than 300 feet directly out of the water,forming the base of a ragged mountain range. To the north,the river passes a fertile valley and the flat sandbanks offer suitable landing places. Eastwards,the cataract webs a curtain of water,falling down a rocky stair with a tremendous roar.# ? You rush down a giant cataract. Several times you bounce against rocks. You swallow water -- everything spins around you. The tremendous roar of the falls is the last sound you hear before you finally lose consciousness...# ? The chine becomes even narrower -- it's not more than thirty feet from cliff to cliff ! The river accelerates and runs through narrow passages at dangerous speed. Again and again you succeed in avoiding the foam-covered rocks rising from the water just in time. You can hardly hear the faint sound of a distant thundering.# @ The river is tightly enclosed by steep cliffs now. The current is strong and requires all your skill. Further onward, the narrow chine turns sharply to the west. The further you go,the higher rise the cliffs to your sides. There is no place to land any more...# FABM Due to the low ceiling,you are forced to duck in this room. You are in a damp cellar far under the castle. The wall bricks are rough here and old. There are niches in the walls,probably once for the storage of barrels. In one of those niches you can see a large stone sarkophag. Its heavy coverstone carries an inscribtion. A thick layer of dust covers the floor and a musty smell reaches your nose. A torch is fixed to the wall at the far end of the room -- it is burning ! At the end of the corridor leaving the room in northern direction you can see the flight of stairs ascending to the surface.# PNOxJ!x+x 'x 'x You are in the inner court of a gloomy castle... It is flanked by ivy-clad pillars which are as cracked and fissured as the buildings around the yard. Vegetation has already conquered the entire place,yet it looks unhealthy and crippled,suffering from a lack of light. Beside the many doors leading into the castle buildings,there is a heavy iron trapdoor leading down into the castle dungeons. However,all doors are securely locked. The trapdoor seems to be frequently used,as it is free of plants and cobwebs... Suddenly, a pale,slender figure leaps out of the shadows: A vampire is going for your neck!# bYXYou are in a swamp... Dense fog covers the ground and except of the strange noise of bursting sewer- gas bubbles it is completely quiet here. Through the mist,you can hardly make out a precipice south and west of you.# ckXYou are in a swamp. Clouds of mist rise between rotten treetrunks and prevent you from seeing very far. Some strong smell of putrescence, decomposition and death marks the whole scene.# kb\]LqkYou are in a swamp. It is foggy here. The paths become fewer and less trustworthy to the north as well as to the east. To the south as well as to the west there are steep slopes. Some hundred feet northwards you can see the half-sunken skeleton of an animal in the morass. The species is unknown to you but it is obvious that it once must have been of colossal dimensions: Its fangs are up to 5 feet in length,and the total length equals some 80 feet, as far as it is still sightable.# kXcaYou are surrounded by a swamp. Poisonous vapours rise from the pools beside your path. To the north,there is a large pool of black,stinking water. There seems to be some movement in the mud under your feet !# kYkbc^_M You are on solid ground at the gateway to a castle. A draw-bridge gives way to the entrance hall. In the ceiling of the archway, you can see the peaks of a portcullis. The tower battlements are hidden in the thick fog. A strange feeling of danger and fear takes possession of your mind. You can see some kind of inscribtion at the archway.# FLUCHT BEIM KAMPF DER MAGIER !!*** # j bcwS[!w"2"w2'w'w(+55You are in a large stalactite vault. Most of the obstructing stalagtites and stalagmites are cut and the ceiling is surprisingly low. Through some of the few stalagmites left you can hardly see the nearly invisible joints of a secret rock door. A giant troll stands in the cave centre -- he is at least two feet taller than you,and he carries the sword of ice ! His face shows the very expression of hate and disgust as he hurls towards you with a battlecry !# dYou are at the southern end of a stony adit with torches at the walls. A corridor leads to the west into a big cavern. You can see just a small part of the vault,but dark,growling voices can be heared from there. The walls are cold and wet here and the poor light and warmth from the torches cannot help that.# You sink in !!! You are sinking deeper and deeper down into the black,stinking mud... Something chews and sucks at your legs ! Finally,you are completely covered...# ERTRINKEN IN DER HOEHLE MIT STAHLGANG, DA NACH WESTEN GEGANGEN!*** FLUCHT BEIM KAMPF MIT DEM ZAUBERER IM TURM!***# mnyScYou are at the bottom of a shaft that once might have served as a well,as the muddy ground is still under water. Brown algae cover the walls. Those turn ob- lique in about 10 feet height. There is a rusty iron ring fixed to one of the east wall's ashlars. The ring has probably once held the ladder the rotten remains of which now lie scattered on the ground.# zu vw*d4`!x+4v(4v+G(You are in an approximately hexagonal cave with black stone walls. In its centre,there is a cubical black stone block with a diamond as big as a head on top. The diamond emits a pure, white light but turns blood-red from time to time. A slight magic power seems to draw you towards the diamond.# xy!xYou are caught in a diamond ! You are inside of a crystal. In front of you,but outside,there stands a devil, laughing at you -- you ran into a trap,you weak-hearted fool !# z{yb}b!y!}'y'}You are in a cave of volcanic rock. A black stone block with a sword stuck in it rests in the room's centre. A wizard dressed in white robes stands at your side.# kYlbYou are on solid ground with swamp all around. The ruins of a castle lie before you. Some tower fragments are half sunk in the surrounding swamp...# z oYou are at the muddy bottom of a shaft. An ashlar has broken out of the eastern wall,revealing a secret passage. Where it leads,you can only guess,as it is completely dark. Yet,it appears to be the only way to leave this stinking hole.# yu pYou are in a sloping corridor leading further eastwards into the rock. Along the corridor,there are niches with iron racks for torches. In one of the numerous niches you discover a shaft with iron rungs leading down. White light comes from below. The temperature becomes higher as you advance towards the red glowing that can be seen at the end of the main corridor.# z{ qr""You are in a giant vault deep inside the rock,filled with a red-glowing,bubbling lake of magma. The heat is so great that you can't approach closer than 15 feet. A permanent bombing of liquid or glowing rock from the lake surface hits the already heavily fissured ceiling.From time to time,rock debris breaks out of the ceiling under heavy hits and falls down into the lake,vanishing in an eruption of white-glowing magma. Far across the cave,you can make out something which might be a corridor lea- ding further east. However,there is no way over there without exposing yourself directly to the liquid rock.# | s"Ahead of you lies a ragged ice field. Somewhere under the ice there lies your sword now... The corridor to the west is blocked up by a rockslide now,but there is another corridor to the east. The way leads through a field of ragged,sharp-edged ice boulders,treacherous ice-bridges and deep crevasses.# tu*a*>>*>>You are in a small cave of obviously volcanic orgin. The walls are black and in the middle of the room there is a black stone block which seems to be even darker than the surrounding rock. It pulsates,changing from black to a dark blue from time to time. The closer you come,the shorter be- come the intervals. A strange power in the black stone block attracts you !# d yp|E}b*a)|'|)|F)F)}'})}E)E!y!}!|The two wizards stand face to face,both protected by a coloured force field. The dark wizard throws red fireballs at the white wizard who in return counters with blue lightnings from his amulet. Beside you,your sword is stuck in the stone block. The white wizard becomes weaker,for he has to protect you,too. His force field begins to flicker.# l|}Ae"/JAYou are standing in front of a closed steel bulkhead in a small cave behind a cataract. The walls are wet from the permanent clouds of tiny water drops that fill the cave. Algae cover large parts of the walls and floor. To your right hand side there is a lever projecting from a thin crack in the rock wall. Right under the lever there is a little hole spreading a dim blue light. The floor is made of square slabs.# lAeAYou are in a small cave behind a giant cataract. In front of you there is an open bulhhead with a long, well-lighted corridor behind. To your right hand side there is a lever projecting from a thin crack in the rock wall. Right under the lever there is a little hole spreading a dim blue light. The floor is made of square slabs.# -hYou are in a long,well-lighted corridor which ends at a closed bulkhead to the west. An open bulkhead to the east leads into a small room. Walls,ceiling and floor are paneled with large steel plates here.# %i%(%%(You are in a small room with thick steel walls. In front of you,there is a huge transmitter. To your side,there is a keyboard fit into a small pedestral. A corridor leaves the room to the west.# %i%(%%(You are in a small room with thick steel walls. The only device installed here appears to be a transmitter. Again,there is a keyboard fit into a small pedestral not far from you. A short corridor leads eastwards.# (lYou are in a longish room with a huge computer taking up the whole wall oppo- site to you. An energy barrier separates you from the computer. However,to your left hand side there is a keybord set into the wall which appears to be the controlling device for the lasers. Like all others,the room is paneled with steel plates. Through an open bulkhead you can see into a small transmitter room west of you.# %i%(%%(You are in a small room with thick steel walls. In front of you, there is a transmitter. Beside you,there is a keyboard fit into a small pedestral. A broad corridor leads out of the room,northwards. The floor plates are quite smooth and shiny -- a sign of frequent use...# You are in a giant power station's hall. Two giant generator units,both containing twelve seperate segments with a single beam projector each are placed in the middle of the hall. The spaces in their ring-shaped body pointing at one another. Beside you,there is a low console with a keyboard on top. It seems to be some kind of special control device.# tpt@q@ @You are in a long east-west corridor. To the west,the corridor ends at a massive bulkhead. Two bulky robots stand in front of it,desactivated as it seems. To your left hand side,there is a keyboard fit into the wall,while there are lockers set into the wall to your right. Eastwards,there is a small room.# %i%(%%(You are in a small room with thick steel walls,just in front of a transmitter. Beside you,there is a keyboard fit into a small pedestral. A corridor leaves the room in western direction.# 7r.rYou are standing in a corridor. Just in front of you,the ceiling has carved in and an entanglement of twisted steel girders,broken-down reinforced concrete slabs,plastic fragments and scorched cables blocks up your way. Behind you,to the south,there is a small transmitter room.# %i%(%%(You are in a small room with thick steel walls. In front of you there is a large transmitter. Beside you,there is a keyboard fit into a small pedestral. A corridor leaves the room in eastern direction.# @q@ @You are in a long east-west corridor. To the east,it ends in front of a strong bulkhead,to the west at the door to a transmitter room. To your right,there are lockers set into the wall. One of the standard key- board is let into the south wall close to the bulkhead.# $sKu?%$%You are in a giant hangar. The large hangar hall is empty except of a single spaceship. The jet lock is open and seems to be ready to enter. Big searchlights make the ship's silver surface shine. Beside you,in a small niche, there is a console with a keyboard. There is a bulkhead to the west.# 0kYou are in a longish room with a large computer taking up the whole wall oppo- site to you. A faint humming comes from inside the computer. Its screen is acti- vated. A corridor leads west.# 6m.nIoYou are in a giant power station's hall. Two giant generator units,both containing twelve seperate segments with a single beam projector each are placed in the middle of the hall. The spaces in their ring-shaped body pointing at one another. Energy beams emerge from the projectors and form a little sun between the two blocks. The generators are set on maximum energy output and their booming fills the entire hall. Beside you,there is a low console with a keyboard on top. It seems to be some kind of special control device. To the east,an extra reinforced bulkhead seperates the fission-reactor from the corridor behind.# Ev+9J@>oYou are in the small conning-bridge of the space jet. Half of the room's front wall is taken up by a large window. The control panel before you is destroyed to a large extend. Three buttons are patched up -- a green one,a red one and a blue one. You cannot discover any exits here.# $"?"J>You are in the spaceship's lock chamber. The small room contains nothing save a keyboard and a square button glowing in a faint red. The chamber appears to be thought to be some kind of elevator.# +A9JBThe jet floats in space at medium speed. It is quite clear that it can't go much faster,for its engines are only partly under control. Through the windows,you can see an alien spacejet -- it is a bit smaller than yours,but it keeps up with you effortless. However,your controls are almost totally destroyed -- only three buttons seem to work still: a blue one,a green one and a red one.# You stagger onwards... Your throat and lips are dry -- you are not far from dying with thirst !# The colossus has reached you -- its iron hands close round your neck and break it with a single shock.# Running down the stairs to the castle entrance,iron portcullis crash down, nailing you to the ground...# You jump out of the boat,which is soon carried away by the current... In the depth, you see a shadow head towards you -- a giant river shark ! There is no chance of escape ... the shark rends you to pieces ...# You leap forwards and touch the vampire with the cross -- the vampire tries to make for the trapdoor and actually manages to open it,but then he utters a final,shrill cry and falls to dust...# You hit the colossus several times with your sword,but it doesn't seem to affect it until you hit the heart: Your sword penetrates the colossus' body and your surrounding explodes...# You attack the troll -- in vain he tries to block your blade. Your fiery sword penetrates his icy blade cleaving him from top to toe...# When you run towards the troll,he spins round surprisingly quick,cutting your head with a single sword blow...# The vampire leaps at you ! His peaked teeth find your neck and at once your resistance fades away...# You go back... The way down proves as most dangerous, and many times you can hardly avoid a fall.# Suddenly, some rock debris falls down from above -- within seconds,a powerful avalance thunders down,running you over.# You climb upwards to the cave. After a little rest you enter...# You try to evade,but the colossus is too fast -- its fist crashes down and breaks your neck...# Carefully you descend the old, cracked stairs. Abruptly,the stairs end and the part you are standing on breaks off the rock wall !# You jump down the shaft. After five feet of free fall you hit the ground -- and immediately slide down a steep ramp ! Then you fall another 10 feet before you finally hit the shaft ground.# Pulling the ring,the giant ashlar it is fixed to begins to move with a crunching sound. Another pull and it falls down to the shaft ground,revealing a dark secret passage leading east...# Touching the diamond,you feel a strange mental power grap for you ! For a moment,you can only see a vortex of colours and shapes. When your sight has cleared again,you must realize that you have changed places with the former inhabitant of the diamond... You are now inside the diamond,whereas the devil,now outside,is obviously glad about his new freedom.# You thrust the sword into the stone... A shrill,shrieking sound fills the room as the blade forces its way through the stone. The noise increases and becomes nearly unbearable,as the sword suddenly faces greater resistance. Then a great explosion shatters the entire room and bathes the room in a harsh light. For a short moment,you are stunned and blinded... With your senses returning,you must realize that there is a man in white robes standing in front of you -- a wizard !# The dark sorcerer hurls fiercely glowing red fireballs towards the white one's protecting aura -- and breaks through ! The wizard's amulet melts in a whirl of blue flames. He himself is too weak now to put up any serious resistance... Your amulet has indeed taken most of the force,yet you are too surprised to prevent the dark wizard from banishing the white back into the stone. The sorcerer draws your sword out of the stone and attacks you -- a short stroke ends your life...# The sword falls in the lava lake... First,the sword vanishes in a cloud of steam,then a shrieking,rumbling noise echos through the cave -- steam fills the entire vault...# The white wizard quickly grasps for your amulet. Taking his amulet in his right hand and yours in his left,he raises his arms,launching a powerful enchantment. A shimmering force field forms between the amulets,soon spreading all over you and the wizard. The dark sorcerer's fireballs burst on its surface,harmlessly. Suddenly,blue lightnings emerge from the force field,webbing in the now weak sorcerer,whose aura flickers and dies. The dark enchanter follows his aura soon after... The white wizard banishes the dark one into the stone and hands you your sword.# You throw your sword far out on the icy surface. The flaming sword crushes deep into the ice. For a moment,the fire in its blade seems to die,but then a giant flash of fire bursts out of the ice. Again,steam fills the cave...# Liquid rock and ice fragments are thrown up,releasing parts of the ceiling... Eventually, the lake changes into magma again...# You carefully climb down the iron rungs. The shaft leads into a small room some 10 feet below...# You climb up the rusty rungs again...# A hollow rumbling shatters the castle walls and single cracks appear. The sound becomes louder and the entire castle begins to quake -- then,with a tremendous thundering it falls to pieces...# A hollow rumbling runs through the walls of the castle and the earth quakes ! Parts of the ceiling carve in -- you are burried by tons of heavy ashlars...# Suddenly,a strange shape forms at the other end of the room -- it is the dark sorcerer ! A sparkling red force field coats him. At once,a similar,but blue field covers you and the white wizard,too. The duel has begun...# Reaching the ice field again, you hear steps behind you. You spin round,but it is too late -- a broadsword hits you right between the eyes...# Advancing,you leave the white wizard's protecting aura -- the sorcerer launches a giant fireball towards you ! Your amulet melts in a blue flame and the liquid metal eats its way through your chest...# You attack the white mage -- he makes a short gesture and points at you with the amulet. You are blind !! Staggering backwards,something ice cold squeezes your heart which immediately creases to beat...# Shadows emerge from the walls and encircle you -- demons ! Slowly,they drain your strength away...# Helped by the wizard and your sword you soon become autocrat of some great king- doms and finally, you learn the secret magic of light...# Pulling the lever,the ground moves under your feet -- a giant rocky trap door ! You fall through a tangle of cobwebs before you hit the ground 30 feet below. Your backbone has broken -- you're paralysed !! The spiders come closer -- they are big poison spiders with hairy bodies. You are sucked out while still living...# You throw the ring into the hollow. For a short moment,the hollow glows red,then it returns to blue. The bulkhead slides aside with a soft,humming sound, revea- ling a well-illuminated corridor.# The diamond's shade gets transparent,it changes into a window through which you can see into another room ! A strange force draws you towards the diamond's shadow -- it grows stronger and finally you are pulled through the shadow...# Demons emerge from the walls and slowly encircle you... The shapeless shades drain your strength away...# Steering your boat through the cataract,it immediately runs full of water and sinks quickly. Completely exhausted,you manage to crawl into a small cave behind the cataract.# You hear a strange,sucking sound behind you -- spinning round,you see a swamp- thing rising from a pond ! It attacks !!# Your attacks do not seem to injure the swampthing seriously -- its plasm body always closes again without a gap !# The swampthing has reached you ! It flows around you and drags you down into the dark morass. Desperately you try to evade,but the lack of air and the digestive acids of the monster break your resistance...# You hold up the lightstone and a clear,white light spreads over the swamp,pene- trating the deepest fog. You are blinded for a moment,but the swampthing makes for the next pond and dives. The lightstone creases to shine.# The lightstone emits a pure,white light. The statue utters a shrill cry and staggers backwards,lifting its arms to protect its eyes.# The staff emits a pulsing,red light and suddenly demons emerge from the walls -- they grasp for your mind,but your will is not strong enough to master them... The demons break your will -- you drop the staff and the demons intrude both your body and mind. You become a mere tool of them...# The staff emits a pulsing,red light and suddenly,demons emerge from the walls -- they grasp for your mind,but your will is not strong enough to master them... Your circlet gets warm -- suddenly,you have access to enhanced mental resour- ces. Your will strengthens again and defeats the demons.# The demons carry you towards the hissing lava lake -- they hold you firm,but the hot gases emerging from the liquid magma burn your flesh off the bones.# Several times you hit the statue's body and stone fragments fly across the room, whirring. The statue blocks your strikes with its strong arms,pushes your sword aside and flings you against the wall. The sword slips from your hand and skids across the room. Blood running over your forehead blinds you as a powerful stroke from above crushes your ribs...# The cross seems to shine when you hold it up -- the vampire screams and evades through the trapdoor. You can hear a short scraping of stone on stone,then it is totally silent.# Some of the demons disappear,returning moments later with the sword of ice ! They drop it right above the centre of the lava lake !# The demons lift you and carry you across the lake ! Glowing rocks compel wild evasive movements from them and suddenly,your sword slips from your hand !# The swampthing consists of a colloidal, wobbly mass. It changes its shape every second and leaves a green,slimy trace. You cannot recognize eyes or ears -- it probably spots you by your movements. The swampthing leaps surprisingly fast towards you and tries to seathe you !# Stalagmites and stalagtites obstruct the sight in most directions. All rock sur- faces are smooth and wet. No sharp edges can be found here,as the soft stone is rounded by the steady thin film of water running down the walls. The puddles on the floor do not show the slightest sign of life -- not even algae live there...# The boat is made of hard oak and seems to be completely waterproof,despite of its obvious high age and mouldy parts on its surface. The planks are about two fingers thick and the massive keel seems to be built for heavy tasks.# The sand is still hot a half foot below the surface. The grain size reaches from fingerthick pebbles to fine dust. You dig a hole of some feet depth,but the ground does not even show signs of moisture. Most of the sand is yellow,with a touch of red between,covered by a thick crust of salt.# The vampire is taller than you,but slender and pale. His scraggy hands are moving nervously. The dark gown he wears underlines the pallor of his skin. His red eyes greedyly stare at you and his lips open and shut uncontrolled,revealing large,pointed canine teeth. His ghostly appearance is also supported by the fact that there is not a single hair on his skin -- he has not even eye-brows !!# The troll is about 8 feet tall and quite broad-shouldered. His thick,grey skin is fissured and friable,yet it seems to be quite hard. The sword he is wielding emits blue and white ice crystals.# The dead troll lies on the cavern floor right beside you. His skull is cleaved in the middle and a long,black-red burn runs directly across the leathery skin of his chest.# The diamond is as big as your fist and has the shape of an hexakis-octaeder. Its 48 facets glow in turns in all spectral colours,and a white flame in its centre spreads a blending light,which creates a magic shadow in the room's middle. You can see the blurred shape of a tiny black figure dancing around the flame, running fiercely against the diamond's walls -- it looks somewhat like a small devil !!# The stone is a cube of 4 feet length. Its surface is smooth and does not show the slightest irregularity -- neither cracks nor inclusions can be found in the black stone. The stone pulses. It glows periodically in a dark blue -- the intervals become shorter the closer you come ! An inscribtion on the stone,visible only in the blue phase,reads: MALCUT# The mage wears a white wrap. Round his neck,he wears an amulet quite similar to yours ! His long,grey beard covers his chest,sometimes hiding the amulet. He gazes at a point in the far distance,seeming to concentrate his power...# The shaft walls are made of big stones which are,as a result of the dampness here,overgrown by moss and algae. The narrow slits between the stones do not offer grips for a successful climb. An iron ring in the east wall has once held a wooden ladder,the rotten remains of which now lay on the ground.# The stone is a cube of 4 feet length. Its surface is smooth and does not show the slightest irregularity -- neither cracks nor inclusions can be found in the black stone. The stone pulses. It glows periodically in a dark blue -- the intervals become shorter the closer you come ! On the front side,there is a blood-red pentagram with the bloody inscribtion: ENOIL GAVAT# The lever is about two feet long,and is positioned in a comfortable heigth for human use. It is made of thick,massive steel. The handle has once been taped with leather the rests of which are still attached to the handle. Signs on the lever read: ENOIL GAVAT Beside that,there is another sign,an exclamation mark or a down arrow...# The bulkhead is forged of massive,green steel. The crack between steel and rock is as fine as a hair -- too narrow for any tool to grab. You cannot discover any controlling device for it.# The transmitter consists of a huge gate with a projector pointing downwards at a large teleport disk.# The keyboard includes the whole alphabet as well as the numbers from 0-9 and some extra symbols. Some keys are worn out above average:# The computer has a small screen fit into its front side with two disk drives and a keyboard below. The rest is hidden behind its flat front. A short message on the screen asks you to enter your personal code.# The energy barrier consists of parallel orange laser beams coming from emitters set inaccessible into the left wall. Reaching the acceptors who absorb the lasers is also impossible -- at least without touching the laser beams.# The generators blocks are heavy machines and their height equals at least 6 feet. The principle they work on is completely unknown to you. Each generator is securely fixed to the floor by broad rivet steels. The two generators make the ground vibrate,a proof for the immense power they hold. Masses of hot air stream out of the generator's ventilation shafts.# The cables' diameter equals almost one foot. They consist of about 15 smaller cables,each as thick as your arm,but differently coloured. They are all held to the ground by broad metal strips and connect the genera- tors to the beam projectors. The cables feel warm to the touch.# Each of the energy beam projectors rests on a high steel pedestral. The projectors are parabolic and they all point at the very centre of the hall. There,in the intersection of the yellow energy beams,they form an equally yellow energy field around an incredible bright and hot miniature sun.# The robots merely reach to your chest, but prove to be pretty heavy -- you can- not lift them for an inch ! The bulky-built robots move on chains and are protected by steel plates about two fingers thick. Two heavy rapid-fire energy guns are pivoted at their sides. The robots are desactivated.# The lockers are fit into the wall and are closed by steel doors as thick as a finger. There is no visible lock and they are easy to open. They contain armoured space suits.# Steel girders,concrete,cables and plastic fragments build an impenetrable en- tanglement blocking any further advancement. The destruction is most likely to be caused by a bomb inpact,but perhaps it has been blown up intentional,or an accident has happened -- the length of the cave in area is unsure,anyway. Without heavy machines,any attempt to break through is bound to fail...# The spaceship is only about sixty feet long,half as broad and about twenty feet high -- it seems to be some kind of oneman interceptor jet. The jet is obviously designed for both space and atmospheric use,for its wings are larger than usual. A pivoted cannon is fixed under each wing. Its calibre may be guessed as 1.5 feet. The giant twin-jetted engine in the rear seems to be designed for high maximum speed and fast acceleration,but not for long distance flights. All in all,the interceptor leaves the impression of a flying engine with two cannons and a seat on top...# The lock is open,the jet ready to enter.# The searchlights are round,with a diameter of nearly 5 feet. The sensors of your space suit register warmth when it is exposed to the light. The searchlights are protected by steel bars. They are likely to be pivoted although pointing at the spaceship now. When following the light,you discover narrow crack in the ceiling -- a giant gate which opens when the spaceship is launched !# The control panel has doubtlessly been designed for multiple control functions you cannot reconstruct any more -- the entire panel has been destroyed purpose- ful. Obviously an expert's work,for repairs are impossible now without special tools and detailed knowledge about the system. Furthermore,three buttons have intentionally been left unharmed.# The alien jet consists of a cylindrical hull flanked by two armoured shields. Each of these shields carries an energy gun. The gorgon interceptor seems to be highly superior to your heavily damaged vessel. His superiority grows overwhelming when you consider the fact that you are not familiar with the controls of your ship and can thus not make full use of all its features.# The sign reads: The desert Kahjia-seyn begins here.First go south, then turn west as soon as the mountains allow it. That is the only way...# The vampire seems to be startled when you address him,but then he says with a smooth voice: Come to me... I won't hurt you... Come on... The vampire licks his bloodless lips and comes closer. He does not look very trustworthy.# You adress the troll,and he screams: Ye think yerself sly having made it to here -- but I'll show ye what way in- truders are dealt with in 'ere !! The troll brings forward a vicious sword attack !# The inscribtion says: Condayl castle,built in the age of dark wizards. Resting in these walls is the spirit of Condayl. May they be unbroken until the last Condayl dies. Below there is a satanically smiling devil's mask.# The inscribtion on the sarkophag reads: Margor Condayl -- as an everlasting warning to those who try to cheat the Dark Force...# The figure in the diamond whispers: Help me to get out -- you just have to touch the gem then I'm free and the dia- mond is yours ! I have been imprisoned here for three centuries now and you're the only one who can help me...# The devil laughs at your foolishness and cries: I wish you a pleasant stay for the next few centuries -- perhaps you're lucky enough to find another fool to take your place !# The wizard thanks you for his rescue and says: The dark sorcerer has sensed me already. He's quite likely to appear here before long to banish me again -- but I have gathered some power too... Prepare for a ruthless duel and do not leave my magic shield during the fight!# The two mages are so busy with fighting that they don't hear you...# Suddenly,armed stormtroopers emerge from the transmitter at the corridor -- they are Gorgons !! The combat robots shoot forward,blocking the corridor with a shimmering energy field. The robots open fire with their heavy twin guns. The surprised Gorgons,armed only with light weapons,cannot use their higher agility in the narrow corridor. For some time,the robots seem to be able to hold the gorgons in spite of their overwhelming number,but then the gorgons succeed in setting up a mobile shield generator. Protected by the force field,they build up a small rocket pad. After two greater field projectors are installed,the Gorgons are completely protected against the robots' shots. The robots now systematically destroy the ceiling to prevent the gorgons from progressing further,but their situation is desperate. The gorgons now launch eight rockets in short intervals -- the first two break down the robots' shield,another changes the left robot into a burning pile of trash. The bulkhead behind it opens and closes uncontrolled -- the electronics seem to be affected... The fourth rocket shoots past the robots and blasts off the bulkhead. Another one,following straight after,rushes through the gaping hole into the reactor room !! Hit by the rocket,the generator next to the bulkhead turns into a glowing wreck. Metal fragments fly across the room,then the generator field breaks down. The giant plasm sun breaks out towards the corridor. The corridor's metal plates start glowing and the robots leap towards the Gor- gon's shield in a wave of liquid metal. The shield can't hold the extreme stress for long: It breaks down just when your space suit begins to melt and all metal around you vaporizes...# Another series of heavy impacts can be heared -- this time,the explosions seem to come closer !! A loud bang shatters the entire corridor as the steel plates at its end burst and cables,pipes and rock debris crush down from the ceiling.# Suddenly,armed stormtroopers emerge from the transmitter at the corridor -- they are Gorgons !! The combat robots shoot forward,blocking the corridor with a shimmering energy field. The robots open fire with their heavy twin guns. The surprised gorgons,armed only with light weapons,cannot use their higher agility in the narrow corridor. More and more gorgons emerge from the transmitter,running directly into the deadly trap. The robots kill them by the dozen. Some gorgons carry heavy weapons and portable shield generators,but they do not get a chance to set them up. Then it is over -- small cleaning robots carry off the invaders' remains.# Station report ACC Status: Red alert -- station evacuated Damages:Access to quaters carved in. -- Transmitter links still working. Hangar for cruisers and battleships: no battleships no cruisers no freighters Hangar for light and heavy interceptors: 1 light jet Hangar for ground tanks: 20 heavy tanks 35 light tanks 12 explorers# The dark sorcerer takes the staff and points at the white wizard. He casts a spell and immediately the room is filled with demons ! The white enchanter desperately ties to defeat them with the amulet's dwind- ling power,but his attention is distracted for a short moment -- the black sor- cerer raises his wand once again and points at his opponent with a striking movement. A tremendous energy bolt shoots from the staff and sets the white wizard's aura ablaze. Red lightnings leap over from the burning aura to the wizard -- for a moment,his glowing skeleton stands in the centre of the flames, then a blue flame bursts out of his amulet and burns him to black ashes... The black mage carefully collects the remains and drops them on the stone cube which absorbs the ashes silently. Then he draws out your weapon with a lax movement,tosses it to you and says: You are fast and couraged -- I forgive you for having attacked me in my tower that viciously and I offer you to become an adept of mine ! I command several thousands of demons up to the seventh circle,and when your apprenticeship is completed,we will possess more power than any mage before, perhaps even more than the Demon Lord himself. Then we will summon the demons of all circles for a final encounter with the NIGHTRIDER and the ENOIL GAVAT brotherhood...# Jerkly,the robots turn towards you and open fire !! For a short time,your space suit absorbs the energy beams,then their fire con- centrates on your chest -- a glowing spot appears on the chest plate of your suit,then it breaks...# Suddenly, hidden demolition charges explode behind the walls -- the whole area carves in !! You are burried under tons of rock...# The lock doors shut and air streams in. The ceiling opens and an invisible force field lifts you up into a small room. The floor closes under your feet and the force field dies.# You hear a warning signal and the screenshows a brief message: SELF-DESTRUCTION PROGRAM ACTIVATED. Few seconds later,the ship's hull begins shaking -- then the space ship is blown up in a mighty explosion...# A message appears on the screen: AUTOPILOT ENGAGED. DESTINATION: DRAKON The space jet starts vibrating and takes off,slowly.# Suddenly,a powerful stroke shakes the ship. The screen flickers and reports: GREAT HANGAR LOCK CLOSED !! SYSTEM BREAKDOWN C-F... GENERATORFIRE... The lights flicker and go out. The ship falls down to the hangar ground like a stone and its generators explode...# Various messages appear on the computer screen: PASSING GREAT HANGAR LOCK... LEAVING ATMOSPHERE... LONG RANGE FLIGHT ESTABLISHED.# You put the space suit on -- it clings to your skin and the catches click into place. The space suit is obviously designed for heavy use in evacuated areas.# An egg-shaped robot of two feet length shoots from a hidden slide,grasps the space suit and disappears again.# There's nobody here you could talk to. But go on talking to yourself. Perhaps it keeps you from going mad.# Touching the lasers,their projectors' angle changes ! You burn to ashes in the centre of the high-energy lasers...# Touching the lasers,their projectors' angle changes ! For a short time you stand in the centre of the laser beams -- then the barrier breaks down. A faint burnt smell lies in the air...# Two thick laser beams shoot towards the gorgon interceptor,which stands in their very centre for a moment and then explodes,leaving behind only a rapidly expan- ding cloud of dust...# Two thick laser beams shoot towards the gorgon interceptor,the shields of which flash up for a brief moment,when a laser brushes against it. Then it repeats the fire -- your shields hold the fire for a second,but then the lasers break through and your spacecraft explodes...# Pressing the red button,a sudden acceleration presses you deep into your seat. The auto pilot conveys some fast evasive manoevres,but the seat belts hold you securely.# Finally, your interceptor flies quiet again. At the end of a long journey you arrive at your destination -- DRAKON# Suddenly,some vicious impact shakes the entire ship. The shields flicker and die out. Then another hit strikes the main engine and the ship explodes...# The first quick acceleration throws the surprised Gorgon against the rear wall. His helmed head bounces against a sharp edge of a machine. Though his vizor,you can see his frozen expression -- his neck seems to have broken...# When pressing the button,the space-ship slowly begins moving towards the gorgon interceptor and finally docks. After a minute,a heavily armed Gorgon carefully enters the room.# The Gorgon gives the devasted central a short glance,then he takes you away, cursing furiously. You spend the rest of your life in the theonit mines of a gorgon concentration camp...# The enemy interceptor opens fire ! For a short time,your shields can defeat the attack,then they break down and the Gorgon's lasers change your ship into a glowing wreck...# A mechanical voice booms from a loudspeaker at the computer's front side: PLEASE IDENTIFY BY NAME !# The voice continues: USER ACKNOWLEDGED. The screen fills: 1 -- replay message 2 -- station's report 3 -- selfdestruction 4 -- (des)activate security systems 5 -- end of dialog# Suddenly,you can hear hasty steps behind you -- when you spin round,dozens of armoured stormtroopers rush into the room. Without warning,they open fire !!# Your space suit can hardly absorb the heat,but then a Gorgon throws a long stick towards you -- a thermit bomb ! The heat of the explosion melts even the corridor's heavy steel plates. Liquid steel runs from the walls,burning holes into your space suit...# You are thrown against the wall behind you and your body burns to ashes under the immense heat...# A voice comes from a loudspeaker to your left: SELF-DESTRUCTION PROGRAM LAUNCHED. WILL BE COMPLETED IN 300 SECONDS. NO FURTHER COMPUTER ACCESS POSSIBLE.# You have found one of the most complicated ways of solving this adventure and have thus earned a place at the side of the mighty NIGHTRIDER -- a place as an overlord...# You will get out through the door -- but how to open a door like this one ?# The door is enchanted -- you need something that bears an intense magic power.# You will certainly not be able to get up here again.# The corridor and the torches hint at the presence of inhabitants here -- you had better be careful !# You could enter the boat and go down the river,but then you would have to rely on the current,as the boat has neither oars nor sails.# The cave seems to be worth while taking some risk...# You have to go up on any account.# The valley is dangerous to walk,but perhaps there is something of importance beyond...# Enter the valley ! These walls have been standing here for thousands of years,and they will still stand here when you have passed.# The vultures look dangerous -- if you are unarmed,you should better look for covering !# As long as the vultures stay where they are,you need not worry. You had better worry about your water supply...# Be careful -- not every oasis welcomes a stranger...# Do not trust the treacherous flimmering air -- stay on the path !# Read the sign carefully before you enter the desert !# You should provide yourself sufficiently with water and follow the way the sign describes.# Using the boat would surely be a risk,but it offers you the chance of returning to the surface...# If you want to get out here,then use the boat and don't stand around gazing !# The sword would surely prove useful for you -- but it will not be easy to take it away...# You need that sword in any case. But to win against the statue,you need some magic -- or the sword itself...? Perhaps the NIGHTRIDER helps you...?# You could land at the sandbank to the west -- that would offer you the oppor- tunity of examining that tower in the south a bit more closely...# The river seems to continue faster and perhaps this is your last opportunity to land.# That cave does not look very inviting... You should land at the sandbank to the north !# Driving into the cave is dangerous,for the river narrows there and you do not know how it continues inside. Perhaps the ceiling gets so low that your boat will be pressed under water...# Collect all you need -- but choose carefully ! Where one vampire can be found,there are others lurking,too !# Get all you find then leave the castle,for this place will become quite uncom- fortable pretty soon -- if you had read the inscribtion at the gate,you'd know why !# What kind of weapon hurts a vampire ?# You need a cross -- what is most likely to be got in a church...# If you encountered such a beast alive...# Dead is dead -- that skeleton will not bother you !# A castle surrounded by swamp ? It is not very likely to be inhabited,but there could still be some deadly traps left...# A necromantic spell is cast upon this castle -- you need some strong magic to break that spell...# Try to blind the troll (you could throw some dust etc.).# Ice blocks ice,fire blocks fire,but ice and fire penetrate each other...# If you want to go west,then prepare for heavy combat...# Look around carefully -- perhaps you can discover something of importance...# The ring is somewhat misplaced -- one ring alone can't hold a ladder ! Try to pull the ring...# What are you waiting for ? You can only enter the passage to the east !# Choose your way carefully -- your life could depend on that...# The lake consists of liquid magma. To cross it,you need a strong magic or some- thing to cool the magma down...# Think of the elements -- what is cool ?# Your sword is lost forever...# Be careful now,think hard ! Do you remember having ever seen such a stone before ?# A wizard is imprisoned in that stone. You can free him by jamming your sword into the stone. If that is wise or not,I cannot tell.# Examine the diamond carefully before you act...# A devil is caught in that diamond -- do not believe him a word and be glad not to be in his place !# You got yourself in that situation,so get out yourself,too.# I can't help you now any more. Wait,until someone passes and try to make him take your place...# Whom do you support -- and what do you get for your help ?# Hand your amulet to the white wizard -- it will help him !!# It would be interesting to know what is hidden behing that bulkhead ! The lever or at least the hollow seems to be some kind of opening mechanism.# You are expected to throw something into the hollow,perhaps.# The bulkhead to the west is impossible to open from here -- there is no other way than going east...# You are in an artificial station here,so there must be a control room somewhere. As the only way leads eastwards here,it will certainly be easy for you to decide where to go.# Seems you have not yet reached the main tract of the station ! Try to activate the transmitter -- perhaps by a code or something similar.# Use the keyboard to enter a code -- but perhaps you need some destination coor- dinates as well... Perhaps you have found a secret station of the ENOIL GAVAT brotherhood...# Try other codes ! The station seems to be composed of many widely scattered sections linked by a transmitter grid.# The consoles control every device of the entire station -- so be careful with accepted but seemingly useless commands...# You cannot pass the energy barrier -- if you want to reach the computer,then try to desactivate the barrier -- or protect yourself very,very well.# Certainly the energy barrier is code-controlled just as the transmitters are. But you could also continue searching the station for protection against the laser barrier -- or do you already have something ??# Try a code.# Are you sure you have tried all codes ? And, what is even more important -- do you actually know all codes ?# The reactor is not working -- that means that the station is on emergency energy supply ! You should try to reactivate the reactor by a code...# The reactor is a fission reactor -- it is bound to produce a vast quantity of heat when working. You had better not be present or be well protected when it is put in operation.# The robots appear to be combat robots. They are desactivated now,but perhaps they can be useful when activated again.# The lockers are put up here for a certain purpose... The robots look as if they could hold a whole army here in that narrow corri- dor. What ever they have guarded -- it was of great importance...# # # Digging with your hands is useless here. The corridor has probably carved in at its full length -- to break through,you need heavy machines.# If you do not have any machines,you have to hope for a second entrance. The corridor has been often used -- this section must have been the quarters or the dining rooms.# Continue trying codes.# Try all codes,including those already used. You know all codes,don't you ?# The lockers are put up here purposeful. You are bound to need something from in- side when progressing further...# Take a space suit if you don't wear one already -- you will certainly need it. Of course it is no use carrying a space suit in the hands -- put it on !# The space ship is literally waiting for you ! So hurry before it's too late !# Before starting you should perhaps think about how the jet shall get out here...# O.k.,access to computer established. But what is uncertain now -- how to make use of it ? Just try the well-approved code-method !# The computer is the key to the entire station -- get it under your control...# The generators work -- giant energies are produced... Again,the maximum energy is available to the station now !# The turning on of the station will present you to any spaceship in orbit over the planet like a beacon in the dark -- but perhaps you gain some important advantages,too...# Repairing the control panel will prove most difficult -- if you are not provi- ded with some special tools. But you could also try the three buttons which are still working.# There's no other way than trying out the buttons -- but are you sure there is enough energy left to open the bulkhead of the launching lane ?# The red button triggers the lock mechanism -- but perhaps this mechanism is da- maged or without energy... Probably,a code solves this problem,too.# Try a combination of button and code.# The choice is yours -- but consider the damaged status of your ship -- you are superior neither in fight nor combat,and should you surrender to the Gorgon,then prepare for a fate worse than death...# You might try to make for surrender,but attack as soon as the Gorgon isn't pre- pared. As the Gorgon is bound to be armed,you have to use a trick...# Suddenly,a loudspeaker above you cracks and a voice raises: Attention -- here board computer DR-7 Enemy interceptor classification Gorgon-X-30 within laser reach. Gorgon pilot demands immediate surrender and threatens with destruction of spacecraft... AUTO PILOT REPORTING: Offensive systems ready -- control by auto pilot,triggered by BLUE button. Longe range scanner destroyed -- short range visible on screen. Emergency pulse drives ready -- control by auto pilot,start evasive manoeuvre by RED button. Docking jets ready -- dock spaceship to Gorgon interceptor by GREEN button.# The troll attacks you and cuts your head with a single sword blow...# The river turns to the north into a narrow chine flanked by high rock walls which cast their shadows across the river,leaving it in a gloomy twilight. To the west,the water becomes shallow and slows down. A sandbank makes it easy to land there. The river passes north of a steep cliff on top of which you can see a high white tower with ravens circling above.#  #04@EV7gWwwwhGds~,`^??'O6g??6yOް_ w@^?3`0gy8~~~61/cͅϐ?ow=>o9AC`}7m^E$ ??qB>42r Gq?!y hԈv0__O}{]k8?1{|?O?A?X/oOw4;ߟ_>C?ߏ>! fo 7;?>t1< E>~s/ A</,?GG~wL??Gᅴ@Eχw/B8}o/·>?d& }6;8yG/Gy?5>Ў:0h(?~?Nmd)w? .?;co8KN z` o?~E?Y?@/O/B? 9Bl 96~(г!M} ???/{07? w?п?{O``?\__\?c?ދ{88 lo3p9nx͝6w?ؓ9__ > #?Y0xϿ0 b=F?ࠟZ6w??8}|++gȿ_^70?0 <X4|Cd6w?CAE&&@ng> p 9 K@~#p| ߿.w?рm0~x~1?#Kk{g8 ?~??~|3oo#'@/ X`Lr {%'oo6 "#{f hl#?DD߻GBs8 'p< %O!01/ tt#ddfoq>y9lq߱=`]@NKK p2q0g0/ sߌ sg.gq,~}=oCw`lܐ`1Md899p 8  b g? sa???8w=ߘ/_6wА`80g1A10 @?1}ua߼r sxg۟/6zoހ "}?s>w d @` ?p| 0>|h>OB?^8 \`?z{.EO p`ZSs@ {ɏs xp!G۞/w???y?`?q {`>Mh2bg;0r {ZX0'` ?;N3mO  / d~!g"og  {0sO珟aM_G / 6?< 001~Y/N!!g"'E'ט8gw_xyO_GP~AAd10gr23~[YN0 0 d#  &$~9_G3P08x '?0??|`Ba!cg PP8~7ǹ8wg0 }'99 '`!90rg0d'BB!B!XXw|/pz0&=aϿ{:c  ?!!#c)@90rc9{A?<&@ ? s0(80rr:zօ)s o7?6f?Ɏ  0ssǟ`8990 @`St10!PP?9vQOP/==B>=;>70|}3 @'`/!0!{Z@@7+_K {&Fd0>p078@?A9?(8\>N>N ?C#?9s{Pu(s!翄>({~ ~ tt=Ѐ8~?'ﺹe}?@4C. s@g =3< ,,:~=٬x?}Y=d4Cp'|<} .{ ?> w.A?}˳{3?@c&@ #029|2x| 0 0??~?F&g}|?C:?8 Ǒ8N`&/sPrk|8.0?~pp?>s_Ǽ8C?=Os?,hӗ1%0 8:`6/yp"g| 0`?/s˭5/}/K?L 1ڜcK0` pǠ 00<? &poۃ_~+|W?h-FqF%cy `ρ6 0 PP~,?o/xx0Ac>' 0s6?o%lx9/4>ACc>'0dq"`` _???z8'}Qt" s  Bsy@ =c}/}ho4^?S;n{@0` l8p/?_ ;?wP@<>'>_璙o~|8wx': )B X00=_ ?>~;ƃB|`>8lZkȰ! ) ! >Bo<@@7#=q:{   b!߀ b  "0!?q?;Oi |> @ ߁~ ?pp'_8'\)yH;Cc\@9~!L߿܀Ox 9`@>,&;@=y,i<_ߡ@@9>}~3gжp99>  !?MsP8CB @Os ٸ66Cw\\0~'?N<8~Fc?{?.wOw <_ϭ0~_8 3/ h> z P/`w00<'?px80 (7gW%~|d ?D<>0oOe@0?]X9wb{޿!Ar؇7O00xixF}P@s?~ Osއ))/0>w>@@1L(>? rR-{Pzs8o0w׎(s ![??B[9))8 010u@'  'P(<A  {" @@=gxx? 8O7=Sp Fs )  J( 0!|| w~j7}o )-;F~~NPw|>>߹ 83o`O?lc`a ?;D@g>?s|| Ljxov\ ac<'|???  <<'Rf0ad  ??0;`?? 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A`@/ oIA!/!6w@?`?'?@ %$@"ULB/o,y0:s Ice&FireYou sleep... This sleep will be one of the longer kind,for you will never wake up again...# You feel a strong magic having its source in the amulet -- a power you can neither understand nor control... A wild magic -- great in power,but not easy to master...# The NIGHTRIDER says nothing more.# Some flying dragons circle high above. From time to time,one of them dives down with put back wings,stopping about 100 feet above you and then returning to the others.# One of the winged dragons suddenly dives down with incedible speed -- and heads directly towards you !! The blast throws you to the ground when the dragon spreads his awesome wings to pull out of the dive. The dragon's claws clutch you securely and the dragon soars again. You are carried up into a wild mountain range. Far below,in a valley,you can see a small town !!# The dragon tries to shake you off and flies off the cave ! It leaves the mountains and makes for a great river in the plain -- it dives ! You are thrown off the dragon's back and can hardly reach the riverbank...# As you concentrate on the crystal ball,the mists form to pictures inside... Horrible creatures wander dreadful landscapes and black shades rise from dark places... The scenes change,but the horror remains in them... Gazing in the crystal ball,you directly look into the deepest abyss of the demon worlds -- a view only few mortals have seen before... Spellbound,you gaze into the crystal,which seems to grow until it fills the entire room. Laughing demons come out of the crystal ball and drag you down into their dark realm...# The staff begins glowing and scintillating red sparks ! Suddenly,black devils appear all around you -- the wand falls off your shaking hand and the devils take you down to the deepest hell: SHEOUL ANAHL NATRAT.# From the staff,a red flame lance leaps towards the amulet that starts glowing with heat and veils the wand by a net of blue lightnings. Then, the amulet melts -- liquid metal sprays around and the staff explodes releasing the full power of both wand and amulet. Your body bursts...# Wearing the cloak,your sight is somewhat blurred and the shapes around you seem to fade for a moment,but when your eyes have got used to it,everything appears just a bit strange.# Suddenly,some alien interceptors appear and open fire ! Torrents of molten rock come down from the hills and form white-glowing lakes. You are run over by a stream of lava...# Rubbing the lamp reveals red patterns: Back in 5 ghost minutes -- standby,please. The lamp ghost.# When you open the bag, black sand runs into your hand. It is as light as dust and seems to be of the same material the statue was of.# A slight breeze blows the sand from your hand -- a cloud of dust wafts round your head and you get dust in your eyes. You are blinded for a moment,until your tears have washed the dust away.# Suddenly,a rider appears at the horizon,quickly approaching ! He wears a black armour and rides on an equally black warhorse. The rider heads directly towards you !# The rider has reached you. The vizor of his black armour hides his face. A black broadsword and a black,two-edged battle-axe are both strapped on his back,cross- wisely. His horse,a pitch-black stallion with awesome muscles,snorts and bares its tigerlike fangs when the rider stops it short before you.# The rider says: Who has placed that guardian in Death Valley ? It must have been a mage -- I will check that and find out what has happened here -- and how the sword got there...# The rider hisses,surprised,and says: You carry an amulet of the ENOIL GAVAT Brotherhood ! Bowan's work,there's no doubt... This amulet is a valuable and powerful protection against demons and dark sor- cery -- heed it well...# As the rider becomes aware of the staff,he draws his sword with a cry of hatred: Death to the demons' sorcerers !!! With a quick but powerful stroke he runs the weapon through your body -- the weapon devours your soul...# The rider nods appreciating and says: I did not expect a lightstone on this world... Use it well -- it offers you power over many monsters created by magic,and it can even stop a guardian -- for some time,at least...# The rider seems to size you up and says: You do not belong to the dragonriders,do you ? -- Perhaps there are no dragon- riders any more on this world... The demons have worked properly here...# The rider's gaze darkens when falling on the crystal ball. This is no toy for little children... You had better throw it into the next river. There are things mortals should not see... Even if you use a fortifying circlet,you cannot win a duel of minds against the demons. I myself have tried it once -- and have almost lost my soul. They are much too strong in their own domain...# The rider laughs and roars: You dare to attack the NIGHTRIDER ? Then take this !! With a movement as quick as lightning he hurls two sharp-edged throwing stars at you -- one breaks through your forehead, the other rips your neck...# In a single fluent movement the rider draws his broadsword and strikes ! Your sword batters under the stroke of the black blade and fragments of the once powerful weapon fly high into the air. The black sword absorbs your soul... The lightstone is a diamant as big as a fist and of perfect cut. You cannot spot any inclusions. It shines in a clean,white light,and the stone itself lays warm in your hands.# The sword's hilt is more than a foot long and its end forms a dragonhead. The blade glows in a faint blue,fizzling ice crystals and spreading a tough chill which even intensifies at your touch. From time to time some strange writing appears on the blade: ELOYN# The 5-feet-blade of the sword glows red and blue in turns. The end of the long hilt forms a bi-headed dragon. When you touch the hilt,the sparkling ofthe blade intensifies and it begins to pulse in the rythm of your heartbeats,just as if it was a part of yours ! A feeling of unlimited power comes streaming into your mind...# The bottle is made of tanned and impregnated leather. It is closed by a small stone which is fixed to the bottle by a thin cord. The bottle cannot hold much,however,it will be sufficient for two or three days under normal conditions,if you are frugal.# The ring is made of a metal unknown to you. Its exterior bears magic signs,the meaning of which is a miracle to you,but the interior reveals an inscribtion you can read: When shadows touched the land And drove them back to hell The warlord made a stand But finally betrayed was he By moonlight he did ride By a wizard's treachery. Ten thousand by his side Avenged will be the wizard's lies He fought the demons well When another warlord will arise.# The amulet is shaped as a pentagram and made of a hard,red-shimmering metal un- known to you. The edges bear rubies and in the centre there is a seven-edged gem with a black fire pulsing within. The names AGIA,ELOYN,ADONAY and JESSEMON are engraved into the front side, forming a circle round the word JESOD.# The cross is made of massive silver and quite heavy. It is about a hand long and a bit more than half as broad. Both sides look similar -- a narrow border and a man crucified in the middle. Above the crucified,the word BINAH is engraved into the silver. The cross is hanging on a thin chain.# The treasure consists mainly of gold,but it contains some diamonds,sapphires and rubies as well. The treasure has nearly your weight,and you can hardly carry it.# Despite of her ragged cloth and heavily dishevelled hair the princess is a nice appearance. As to her occational glances,she seems to like you...# The ruby is twice the size of your fist and has the smooth shape of a slightly stretched egg. In its centre,a hypnotical fire is shimmering ghostly. Doubtlessly,that is the most beautiful and most valuable ruby you have seen in your life !# The flute is made of dark,heavy wood and about one foot long. There are seven slightly oval holes on the upper and two on the lower side. A dragonrider is skillfully carved into the mouthpiece.# The mirror is as big as a hand and mounted in richly ornated silver. There is an inscribtion engraved on the mirror's backside: Sheya Yarn# The crystal ball is as big as your head and quite heavy. Though appearing transparent at first,its interior is filled with movements. coloured clouds whirl around,shapeless until you concentrate on them -- then they change into pictures of strange worlds which quickly make you cast your eyes down...# The circlet is just as broad as a finger and surprisingly thin. Yet,it is of in- credible robustness and elasticity. It consists of red,shiny metal and its inside is covered by runes. Moreover,the words ENOIL GAVAT -- MEM are written on the circlet's front side in great,black letters.# The wizard's staff is about one foot in length and as thick as a finger. It is completely black and,considering its size,comparatively heavy. Touching it,you feel a power coming from the wand. The staff nearly seems to live -- as if some part of the mage was still living inside... Occationally,red,pulsing letters appear at the wand's end:SHEOUL ANAHL NATRAT# The dragonstatue is about two feet high and quite heavy. It is made of gold- plated,black marble. The eyes are two great sapphires. The statue shows a dragon,wings spread and mouth opened. Its bottom carries an inscribtion: Mnemeth -- by Armoon,mastersmith.# The rock is of a pitch-black material and almost seems to drain the light from its surrounding ! It has right the size of your head,but its weight is higher.# The rock is most likely to be a part of the statue's which has been teleported with you...# The bag is a bit bigger than your fist and closed by a leather cord. It is made of soft,yet strong leather and carries some strange magic symbols.# The sand is quite likely to be the very material the statue was made of -- at least,it looks the same. It is heavy,but as fine as dust... Like a black shade it lies in your hand,reflecting no single sunbeam...# The skull is obviously human. It appears to be very old. Signs of frequent use in magic experiments,burns,cover it. The jaw is plugged and rattles with the slightest movement.# The bat is quite large -- about 2 feet ! Thin,peaked teeth lurk in the half-opened mouth. It does not seem long since the bat died,for its body is still warm... At the wings,there are sharp claws.# The wide cloak covers you from shoulders to feet and a hood hides your face. You become a mere shade... The cloth is soft and silky and gives a pleasant feeling to the touch.# The lantern is battered -- some of the windows are broken,the frame twisted. There is no oil in the tank which only contains some leaves. The lantern seems to be totally useless and unrepairable.# The kettle is made of heavy black iron. There are a few rust-coloured holes in the bottom,however all in all the kettle seems quite well preserved. The material is as thick as a finger and makes the kettle heavier than you expected at first sight.# The screen flickers and the head of a young man in a space suit appears. A deep voice says: Tarn ! -- we could not get you back to the station in time. There is a Gorgon mothership approaching and some of their interceptor jets are already bombing the area around the station. They didn't yet locate us exactly,but that is just a question of time. We have already taken some heavy hits and the south corridor to the quarters has carved in. As we cannot expect any help from Drakon right now,we have decided to abandon the station. We'll take all freighters,cruisers and destroyers,leaving you a single interceptor jet equipped with auto pilot control. We cannot leave it with normal controls,as the Gorgons might reach the jet before you. Moreover,we have desactivated the main reactor to lower our energy emissions. The station runs on emergency power,now. All defense systems,the energy shield, main lock and the planetary camouflage are without energy. All other systems are working as usual,the codes are left unchanged. We have set your auto pilot to Drakon. I'm the last to leave the station now. There might be still interceptors around here or the Gorgons have already been in the station when you read this. Good luck.# You climb one of the smooth stems... A branch breaks under your weight -- you fall ! You hit the ground and your backbone breaks. Paralysed, you await death....# Vocabulary (see your manual,chapter 2.2) Besides a lot of substantives (which you will find in the adventure text) the parser can understand the following verbs: ASK ATTACK CLIMB CLOSE CROSS DESCEND DON DOWN DRESS DRINK DROP EAST EAT ENTER EXAMINE EXIT FEED FIGHT FILL GET GIVE GO HIT INVENTORY JAM KILL LAY DOWN LEAVE LOOK LOOK INTO MOUNT NORTH OPEN PRESS PULL PUSH PUT QUESTION QUIT READ RUB SHOW SLAY SOUTH SPEAK TAKE TAKE OFF TALK THROW THRUST TOUCH TURN TYPE UNDRESS UP  USE WEST# Please note that some of these verbs require a certain syntax,especially when used in different meanings,such as ENTER BUILDING when you refer to a movement and ENTER "CODENAME" when a data input at a keyboard is meant. Remark: You can also use abreviations for some verbs: I = INVENTORY N,S,E,W,U,D = (GO) NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST,UP,DOWN EX = EXAMINE L = LOOK ( different from LOOK INTO ) Remark: There are some verbs intentionally not mentioned in this list especially those which give a direct hint at a possible solution. So feel free to try verbs not enlisted here,too.# 0 Talon the Mighty founded the first Nitram kingdom 666 the year of the first magician conclave. 777 the conclave breaks up and splits into the colour orders. 777-2987 The Dark Ages -- steady war between the different orders shake the land and terrify the population. 2988 Oromir of Loor,head of the grey order,establishes a new conclave and becomes head magician. 2994 some orders leave the conclave,which is still held by the majority. 2994-4097 the war between the orders leaps up again. The white party becomes dominant in the conclave,while the black and blue parties become strongest among the free orders. 4098-4502 the kings of Nitram fight the most militant orders to stop the fighting. Magic becomes illegal in Nitram and magicians are persecuted. 4502 500 years of persecution and inner quarrels have thinned the lines of magicians and a new conclave is formed. Zelinor from the green order becomes head magician. 4503-4512 the conclave successfully defeats the royal troops. However, the price is high. 4512 both king and conclave agree on the Act of Magic which says that the practice of magic shall be free as long as the population is not harmed. 4512-7522 the land flourishes. Great progress is made in science and magic research. The harvest,protected by spells,is immense and Nitram's economy prospers. 7523 on the final day of the annual conclave meeting,the contest in magical practice released some dreadful events. Regarding the contest as manipulated,the black order wizard Thulgar started the battle between the orders which had slept for more than 3000 years afresh and most of the present wizards died in the fighting.# 7523-7525 the demons summoned in the fight get out of control and roam the land,slaying and destroying. Bowan the Black,a member of the mysterious Enoil Gavat brotherhood and great magician (though he belonged to no order) had to evoke the army of the dead and their awesome warlord. The demons were driven back into the demon hells but the army of the dead vanished completely -- noone knows what has become of it though there are rumours that a wizard of the black order trapped them.# 7526 simultaneously,both black and white order discover a spell that grants its caster immortality. Unfortunately,only one member of each black and white order is left by then. 7527 in a great fight the sole white wizard finally beats the remaining black one with the help of two magic amulets. As he cannot kill him,he banishes him into a magic stone. 9202 the black sorcerer has somehow freed himself from the stone he was imprisoned in and,with the help of his ally Margor Condayl,a local landlord,he plans to take the white wizard by surprise. Condayl steals the magic amulets and the plan succeeds. The white magician is banished into a magic stone which is hidden in a secret subterranean stronghold. 9203 Margor Condayl demands immortality for his support and,as the black sorcerer refuses to meet his demands,turns against him.# 9203-9206 An army of trolls brought in by the black magician throws down the army of humans under Condayl's command with the help of magic -- after three years of combat. That Condayl's army was able to resist so long was doubtlessly the merit of the three magic swords that appeared in this time though noone could tell where they came from. One was of ice,one of fire and the third,the most powerful,of ice and fire. Now the black wizard takes his revenge: Margor Condayl gets his the immortality he yearned for so strong -- yet in another way than he thought. His castle and city is drowned in a swamp and a seperation spell is laid over the valley: if you leave it to the north,you will automatically be teleported to the south end. The three swords were lost in the final battle. 9206- 9566 the surviving humans gathered at Leyhin castle. A new king was chosen -- Salinor Yarn. Occasional fights with rests of the former troll army become part of the everyday life. 9123 unnoticed by Nitram's population,a subterranean drakonian station is installed in the mountains to counter the gorgon empire's expanding. A planetary camouflage hides the planet and the starting space crafts. now by mere accident,gorgon scout squads have discovered the station by its energy emissions. A gorgon mothership is on the way to Nitram... furthermore the Nitram population still waits for the hero who,as it is fortold,shall free their planet from demons and bring back again the old times,when "the magic was strong and true" and the land flourished.# $4DUeffwvw _ <y 9B@"6Cn|?ccݓ c{ZD@@-`?|h؋/o S </5?62}?| :o`?? D |D'^qD J k==6 ^>D-`6@.`'| ݏp"k?!1w>x[9@ yr>kk^ ']] \A8{=`@k?Aw`ww&&[{{`{992@@7xRo_tH`!y@x~?gS }||^vv^^ __0 s @σ xoZΥ7Cz"x" <0SR' ,{^/||oQJ>~?t  !ֆy)>?A@ `ߟ]~0] 6@6@ɿldL^1%7%7_ g@lL`yаа/OwZ  qq=‡x7_ r`?E!_ N`@MhL {6G <!  `0_18\8\ǣݐXMnp,9Pl?{`Ҁ`0@B@Bcc`ɽ A&pُ`/<<{7 E pr~B FF66{2|x200/'\1b/a??H<1g3w)]7slb!?d$??{( ""80{B@b>??&!B<>:R: z&n`!<x<`0O 00??]p[0p:Qg\?c@O`>.== P" r| , @ `Ɵ "s'H@R7` ckߔ 07}" )_ p{{L?>dd? @t?mB#Mh``~|A|Ń:;>˜">?>b&?t=H3Dww{c_@  svs/4t'/`@ZZ'`^__AD(/ pA Gـ 9 9}|? 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