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Take over Mr Wranger.>:::,,b,<: xlThankyou Mr Wellard. The N.E.T. will take the best part of the coming year to construct hence the secrecy.>:::pBy using Europe's most popular comms satelite we can fire the N.E.T. at over two thousand computer systems.>:::pWe will then claim we just returned from business in Spain to suddenly be the monopolist in computer systems.>::WOur sales will boom and each member ofthis board will become a millionaire overnight.>::::1How safe are we from police and detection?>::: :_Ahh, seeing as we will be closely monitoring any police activity over the time period...>:::VWe will have plenty of warning to hidethe N.E.T. and resume a normal business.>:::mThank you Mr Wranger. I can guaranteewe will be undetected. We have the finest security team, 'Group 5'.>:::mThat concludes this meeting gentlemen.Please notify anyone you will be leaving when we are at our site.>:::$Our plane leaves for Spain tonight!>::w:q:2 water.mbk,::,,F,;:, (4,1,310):::mO.k. men, here's to a very successful venture into the world of market domination and unlimited riches.>:: :1Er, Mr Wellard. I just thought of something.>:::What is it Sampson?>:: :3I think I left our executive washroom tap running.>:w:q:2: inpub.mbk,::,,l,:,,l,:,,t,:,,t,:,,u, :,,t,:Eleven months later...>\::RWell, it's the Summer vacation once again. What plans have you made guys?>::L2Me? Hmmm. Maybe I'll go to Butlin's for a week.>:::GWell I think I'll pay a visit to my Aunt Doris on the Isle of Wight.>:::1Hey, it's time for my bedroom's annualclear out.>:::Exciting stuff I see then.>::,Well Dave, where are you going this year?>:::IOh, just a quiet little place abroad, you've probably never heard of it.>:::Mahrjereene Island...>::w:q,[(19,12)(20,12)(21,12)(20,12)(19,12)(20,12)(22,12)(24,12)(23,12)(24,12)(23,12)(24,12)(20,10):::f,>(50,12)(51,12)(50,14)(51,14)(50,12)(51,12)(50,14)(51,14)(48,5)::U:v,V(25,300)(27,12)(28,12)(29,12)(28,12)(29,12)(30,40)(31,12)(32,12)(27,12)(25,4)(25,240)l::,c(35,400)(36,30)(37,12)(38,12)(36,30)(40,12)(41,50)(42,30)(44,12)(44,12)(45,50)(46,12)(47,12)(35,6)l::bܠ,;(6,14)(5,10)(6,14)(5,10)(6,12)(5,12)(6,10)(5,12)(6,12)(5,4)::n:^栽,6(7,10)(8,10)(7,12)(8,12)(7,10)(8,10)(7,10)(8,12)(7,10)::`:j,B(10,10)(9,10)(10,10)(9,10)(10,10)(9,10)(11,10)(12,100)(11,10)(9,5):::|,T(17,10)(18,10)(17,10)(18,10)(17,10)(18,10)(17,10)(18,10)(17,10)(18,10)(17,10)(18,10)::x:w", 6@n::,U,3,,,0,p,,G,,0,,3,p,,w*«:,::": ̴:ѫ:,:zҠ,f,U,,p,,0,0,U,3,3,,3,`,,5::\":N water.mbk,::,,j,::, (4,1,310):::aWhile on the boat taking you to Mahjereene Island, you think back to your last adventure.>::XYou can't help but feel as if this holiday is not going to be as quiet asyou expect.>:w:q:-:h,U,3,,,0,p,,G,,0,,3,p,,wX inv90.bas Lionpoulos,$,$=C(:FTT(:d:#Drive Failure. Please check disk.>:FILE$:w2INV <:F:,pP,U,3,,,0,p,,G,,0,,3,p,,w:::Zw:Dd:0d:::C:W:*nX2():Y2():xDd Move closer.: :2$You don't have the required objects.:4&You don't have enough money.> : Dd:O.k.: Dd:O.k.>:,Sit down first before talking.:!O($):ͦ:ȫ:hP$Mahrjereene Island:MBK:§:MY2:CT:R$Gonad G3T$!O(T):R:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7:F8:F9:F10:F11:F12:F13:F14:F15:F16:F17:F18:F19:F20:F21:F22:F23:F24:F25:F26:F27:F28@,::,,,(,,, 6:d@STDd:%Please insert disk 2 and press a key.:w:ST4J beachspr.mbk: outport.mbk,TDTF::Dd:cThe fresh, clean air of Mahrjereene Island greets your lungs and you sensetranquility all around.:,,,h:$rT2(, ,)H|T2::T4T2:r`K$D:ES^R:K&K$0U>.GF1SVT():TTT3T:rJr6¢X2ȚX22 :*̢X2ȚX225&֤,X22,Y2,:&,X22,Y2,:F꠽,1(15,4)(16,4)(17,4)(18,4)(11,4)(12,4)(13,4)(14,4)l:>,)(3,4)(4,4)(5,4)(6,4)(7,4)(8,4)(9,4)(2,4)l:F,1(20,3)(21,3)(22,3)(21,3)(23,3)(24,3)(25,3)(24,3)l:F,1(27,3)(28,3)(29,3)(28,3)(30,3)(31,3)(32,3)(31,3)l:,a(44,12)(45,12)(44,12)(45,12)(44,12)(45,12)(44,12)(45,12)(46,12)(47,12)(46,12)(47,12)(46,12)(45,2):::Z:j,=(58,10)(59,10)(58,10)(59,10)(58,12)(59,12)(58,8)(59,10)(58,5):::d:l&,>(35,12)(36,12)(35,10)(36,12)(35,12)(36,10)(35,12)(36,10)(35,5)::d:Z:0,M(63,10)(64,10)(63,10)(64,10)(63,10)(66,10)(65,10)(66,10)(65,10)(66,10)(63,10)::n:Z:l:,8(68,10)(67,10)(68,10)(67,10)(68,10)(67,10)(69,15)(67,10)::U:Z:LD,(79,10)(80,10)l::d::DZ:^N,7(85,10)(84,10)(85,10)(86,10)(87,10)(86,10)(87,10)(84,5)::P:pX,(70,10)(71,10)l:, (1,1,200):,(1,-1,6):::::():8bMy mother-in-law is so fat...>::^l:LAUGH():LAUGHv,,,,.vOh, it's a cracker!>::6Tell yer friends that one.>::N3This show's so good I wish I was watching it.>::& Ho, ho, ho.>::8Ha, ha, ha, I love that one.>::;C$UH$T4:WКР:FڢMWM:L:T:T FKWK:M:T:UFPWP:M@:Th:U8 FHWH:M:Th:Ub*:F10,(5,1,3)(5,-1,3)l<F10,(5,1,5)(5,-1,5)l:* , (1,1,320):U4*, (1,-1,320):U4* , (1,1,150):U4*, (1,-1,150)4::>K$ H:::hRDd: Enter Input:: ,:;C$:C$(C$):CJ\(C$,) C$(C$,):\Ff(C$,)saveINV: H:Fp(C$,)loadINV:\" :vzC$quitd:-O.k. Press any key to restart this game. >:w::::D(C$,)invINV:_^t:n(C$,)talkC$hiC$helloDd:E n:E C$lookDd:You are :,:RCZ ,,,,,,,,,,,,$,.,8,B,L,V,`,j,t,~,,,,,,,,i,i,,i,,, ,,,(,2,<,i,i,A,i,i,i,B,F,P,Z,d,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i:C "mnF9standing outside the new Mahrjereene ferry terminal.:Ion top of a small hill giving a panoramic view of the sea all aroundyou.>:DZ:ZOn the horizon you see Faraway island,smaller than Mahrjereene and some distance away.:reoutside 'Sid's Electrical Goods Shop'. It's worth a visit if you need any electronic gadgetry.:\ʡOnext to alley leading to the 'Go-Club'. Various shops are either side of you.:\ԡNon a promenade. The waves come in at a slow rate. There is a boat here.:jޡ]next to 'Loony Len's Novelty Shop'. With a bit of luck Len will bebehind the counter today.:xjoutside the island's thriving nightclub, 'Night Lifers'. It seems to be always open playing cool sounds.:^Poutside the 'Go-Club', a posh place for yuppies to entertain their girlfriends.:VIwandering around on the moors.High mountains dominate the horizon line.:dVstrolling around in front of adense wood. The path takes you round it on either side.:0#on a sandy beach. It is quitebusy.:dVwalking past a slow flowing river. Stepping stones provide accessto the other bank.:d$Vhiking along a small rise in the ground. A signpost points the wayfrom the junction.:.[standing amoung individuals who live for the surf. It looks tempting to have a go.>:Z:F14DA burly life guard stands in the doorway to the club boathouse.:>30The guard is posing to the girl from the disco.:8`inside the surfing club's boathouse. Large amounts of straw cover the floor by the back wall.>:DZ:ZApart from various shelves and cupboards there is a long key rack on the side wall.:BBinside a large garage. Parkedin the middle is one hell of a gun.>:Z:5A control panel full of bright lights is to one side.:\LNstanding in view of a vast lake which feeds from the river on your left.:nV`making your way along a path with rows upon rows of bushes extending back to the hills.:V`Iin a dark and gloomy cave. There are strangely coloured walls here.:Jj=on a precarious path that runsaround the base of this island.:ftXon a precarious path. There are some strange looking rocks near the edge of the sea.:N~Aon a path that climbs up the island. A uniformed guard is here.:n`outside a high fence that stretches all around the complex. Thegate is the only way inside.:ZMlooking at the large garage door which dominates this side of the building.:vion the edge of the plateau that the building is based upon. The view of Mahrjereene island is superb.:L>beside some radiation refuge barrels just under some windows.:Ninside a hi-tec office furnished with desks, computers and cabinets.>:DZ:2You think there's something under the middle desk.:vhdown an alley between the town's shops and the 'Club-Go'. This is a favourite haunt for stray cats.:\ġNin 'Club-Go's' service lobby. Have a chat with the receptionist for some help.:VF182waiting for the caberet to begin. Take a seat.:nF18Jin the caberet room. You wonder why the caberet has finished soearly.:B5making a guest appearance in front of your audience.:tfambling around the casino and bar. You could take a seat at the Blackjack table if you feel lucky.:bTin a short corridor that connects a private room to the lobby and fire escape.:r ein a sordid bedroom for two. The amount of red and pink suggests who might rent a place like this.::,on a fire escape leading down into an alley.:6)in a corridor that leads to a metal door.:4('outside the sauna in a corridor.:p2bsurrounded by screens, computers, and flashing lights...the control room of Wellard's base.:Z<Lin a sauna. It's very hot in here and you'd better try and get out quickly.:rAdon the other side of the lobby's door. This place seems familiar for no apparent reason.:nB`inside 'Sid's Electrical GoodsShop'. All kinds of electronic junk line the walls and cabinets.:xFjinside 'Loony Len's Novelty Shop'. All kinds of weird and wonderful contraptions fill this shop.:PXinside the 'Night Lifer's' discotheque. If you're in a party mood, have a dance.>:w:Dd:SThere is a bar, for buying 'dutch courage', with a drinks list in the corner.:LZ?inside 'Helga's Fast Food' store. Ask Helga for assistance.:fdYmaking your way along the harbour wall. A path leads up the hill in the distance.:&iin a maze of corridors...:nC$helpDd:^Commands: look, take, sit, stand, use,inv, talk, wear, remove, open, give...to..., fix...to...4(C$,)lookqN(C$,)take(C$,)getvR(C$,)use(C$,)juggle :R(C$,)open(C$,)unlock4(C$,)give tN(C$,)tie(C$,)fixTȢ(C$,)untie(C$,)remove l2Ң(C$,)sit 4ܢ(C$,)stand4(C$,)wear2P(C$,)eat(C$,)drink a2(C$,)putݒp'  -LOOK-(C$,)boat key!O()d:6It is accompanied by a key fob reading'Blue Belle II'.(C$,)cream!O(#)d::Z:RJust put sulphur and phosphorate in a suitable container and handle with care.>:Z:DYou can usually find chemical depositsunderground or on rocks. Tex.֢(C$,)rose!O()d:1It is full of hypnotic beauty. An ideal gift.(C$,)amulet!O()d:=Made of plastic and printed with the words, 'Wyvern Caller'.(C$,)dagger!O()d:KMade of iron but very blunt. It wouldtake a while to cut anything with it.(C$,)rope!O()(C$,)ropeRd:-A coil of rope, about three metres in length.R(C$,) med:You're ready for action.(C$,)beef!O($)d:.A small but tasty looking cooked pieceof beef.N(C$,)moneyd: You have ;MY(C$, ) garage key!O()d:KSmall and dark grey. It could open upsomething important, like the garage.(C$,)panelRDd:FIt has a slot in one side and the words 'Gate Panel 529' above it.(C$,)signRd:8The signs describe forthcoming acts tothe caberet room.>:Z:JOne particular sign seems to be ripped. It just says '..the sec..'.r(C$,)slotRDd:)It looks like you could put a card in it.(C$,)boatRd:pIt is a nifty sports boat called the 'Blue Belle II'. It has a large outboard motor attached to the back.&(C$,)motorRd:Heavy and red, this is one thing that stays here all the time.0(C$,)seaR (C$,)seaRd:cLooking out to sea and observing the many boats out there makes you feel compelled to join them.1(C$,)rabbitR1d:GThe rabbit stands quite content on thelarge box and plays with a yo-yo.2(C$,)manR1(C$,)lenR1d:VLoony Len built and owns this shop. Take a seat if you'd like to buy something.3(C$,)signR1d:QIt reads 'For best performance with your balls, juggle with them every day.'x4(C$,)signR#d:/It reads 'In case of fire use fire hydrant.'5(C$,)stoneR(C$,)rockRDd:FOn the stone's surface is a plaque which reads 'Mahjereene Island'>:DZ:nDiscovered in 1674 by the great explorer Captain Cork, Mahjereene is the biggest in the Corny Islands.>:DZ:dThe island is covered by a vast moorland and has some of the best surfing regions around.>:DZ::w:Dd:-It seems to be surrounded by a tall fence.>:w::,X2,Y2,:F27F27:CT:Vj 7(C$,)signR4d:EIt reads '<-Beach !Ferry Port->'8(C$,)signRd:TThe small sign says 'Trips to Faraway Island cancelled until further notice.'9(C$,)manRd:9The man sits on the edge of the jetty staring out to sea.:(C$,)catsRF17(C$,)catRF17d:jThe cats are fighting over a tiny scrap of food and at the moment are blocking the end of the alley.;(C$,)plantRd:@These minature palm trees try and give'Club-Go' an exotic image.<(C$,)manR(C$,)manRd:FThe doorman's job is to make sure onlythe right people are allowed in.=(C$,)bushR4(C$,)bushR(C$,)bushRd:2The bushes are trimmed neatly to form a partition.>(C$,)manR (C$,)peopleR d:GAll the people here tonight have come for some top class entertainment.?(C$,)signR0d:^The sign reads 'All equipment here is legal. Selling it to you is a different matter.'2@(C$,)binR d:HYou stick your head in the bin and find a screwed up piece of paper.>:Z: It reads 'Caberet acts needed.'>:Z:You toss it back into the bin.:F2F2:CT: A(C$,)kioskR d:HThe kiosk sells ice creams and in thisweather it's doing great business.B(C$,)manR (C$,)peopleR (C$,)girlR Dd:ZThese people are enjoying the sunshineon the beach. Why don't you sit down and join them?C(C$,)manR(C$,)peopleRd:CThis young couple are daring enough for a spot of skinny dipping.E(C$,)treeR(C$,)treeRd:`This tall tree provides shade for a large area. It seems to attract a fair amount of bees.xF(C$,)signRd:/The sign on Doris Brook says 'Gone on holiday'.G(C$,)peopleR2(C$,)manR2d:VAll around you are people dancing, drinking or just posing. Why not do the same?>:Z:EThe man in the white polyester suit looks familiar, can't say why.>:F14Z:DA blond girl catches your attention asshe seems to be dancing alone.H(C$,)royR2(C$,)djR2d::DJ Roy is a well known poseur when he spins those records.I(C$,)doorR,(C$,)doorR(C$,)doorR#d:*The door can only be opened with a key.J(C$,)driverR!O()Dd:VThe huge screwdriver advertises one ofthe most useful items in anyone's inventory.K(C$,)doorR)d:IThe door's lock could probably be opened with the right kind of tool.L(C$,)doorR&d:@The door is made of solid metal. A button is set to one side.\M(C$,)buttond:Buttons were made for pressing.N(C$,)listR2(C$,)listR"d:`Drinks at 2 : Chemical Lager, Yuppie Stout, Old Geezer Bitter, Wurzel Ciderand Shocking Whisky.O(C$,)bedR$!O()Dd:LThe bed looks like its springs are about to give up. A uniform is on it.JP(C$,)drawR$(C$,)boardR$(C$,)wersR$d:gThe drawers contain dubious items while the cupboard contains a nurse and a police woman outfit.>:Z:.You decide not to investigate any further.XQ(C$,)mirrorR$d: You see you.nR(C$,)pictureR$d:!The picture shows Faraway Island.S(C$,)fenceRd:VThe sturdy fence prevents thieves fromrunning off with the surf club's equipment.T(C$,)manR(C$,)guardRDd:ZThe life guards's duty is to look after the club's equipment and not chat up girls.U(C$,)manR d:pOne chap is dressed as a mage and seems to be casting a spell. The other is fighting some unseen force.V(C$,)fenceRd:4The fence stops people from falling off the cliff.W(C$,)helgaR3d:QHelga owns this fast food outlet whichsupplies the island with all their food.X(C$,)barR2d:SIt's the place to buy your drinks and to hear a bit of gossip from the barman.Y(C$,)girlRDd:6As you look at the girl she gives you a sly wink back.Z(C$,)carR1(C$,)carsR1d:Back and forth they go.[(C$,)sidR0(C$,)manR0d:hSid is the kind of guy who stays just on the right side of the law when it comes to electronic gadgets.\(C$,)manR d:dThe man in the red robe looks like a wizard while the man at the back is getting target practice.](C$,)girlR2Dd:gThe girl on her own on the dance flooris the only one available to attempt a chat up on. If you dare.^(C$,)manR d:9The clerical man looks like he's reciting something._(C$,)wrappersRDd:8Just rubbish but someone round here has a sweet tooth.b(C$,)clothesR!O()Dd:,Of particular interest is a snazy blueshirt.nc(C$,)signRd:%The sign reads 'No T-shirts allowed'.d(C$,)posterRd:BThe poster shows DJ Roy, one of a classic line of poseur DJ's.l(C$,)postR d:LIt says 'North-Sliver River', 'East-Soods Woods', 'West-Cake Lake'.>:w:vr!O()d:9Something hanging on the top arm catches the light.>:wJd:0The post could be climbed with the useof a rope.(C$,)bushR!O()(C$,)hedgeR!O()(C$,)grassR!O()Dd:-Poking out of the bush appears to be adagger.(C$,)treesR d:8They form a dense wood which you'll have to go around.(C$,)gateRDd:KThe gate blends in with the rest of the fence and has a small grey panel.(C$,)windowR(C$,)windowRd:9You think you can see an office through the window.(C$,)barrelR(C$,)barrelsRd:_These barrels are full of chemical waste. They look like they've been pushed about a bit.(C$,)fridgeR3(C$,)fridgesR3d:\The fridges hold large amounts of various types of food. Ask helga for today's choices.(C$,)benchR)(C$,)seatR)d:TThe bench allows people to lie back and relax. A small box is fitted at one end.(C$,)boxR)!O()d:(In the tool box is a screwdriver.(C$,)boxR)!O()d:KThe tool box is used to keep a screwdriver for maintenance purposes.(C$,)boardsR(C$,)shelvesR(C$,)drawsRd:`They contain various parts for repairing motor engines. The key rackis more interesting.(C$,)strawRd:QYou fumble around in the straw and discover a trapdoor. It is without a lock.:F19F19:CTCT: (C$,)rackR!O()d:DAmong various keys for motor engines is one marked 'Blue Belle II'.(C$,)gunRd:>This gun looks like it could level a building with one shot.>:Z:gIt seems to be pointing towards a skylight in the roof as if it were going to be used very soon.(C$,)panelRd:BThe panel probably controls the gun, if it is still in one piece.(C$,)deskRDd::w:j: (C$,)wallR(C$,)wallsRd:hSections of the walls are covered in astrange substance. It could be the remains of lumps of sulphur.(C$,)doorRd:9The door has no visible lock but a keypad to one side.(C$,)padRd:UThe keypad has nine buttons on it. You have no idea what the combination could be.p(C$,)beesRDd:&They swarm about on a quest for honey.(C$,)bushR!O()Dd:!By the bush is a pile of clothes.(C$,)signRd::The sign points down the alley and reads 'Town Centre'.b(C$,)keyCd:Please specify which one.(C$,)stonesR (C$,)riverR d::DZ:SJudging by the number of chocolate wrappers on the floor, he likes his sweets.:C "ʡFYou dig around the sleeping guard's pockets and find an access card.:!O():CTCT:Vj &ˢCC "R̙Dd:MESS():MESSNothing special.6͢MESSNothing interesting.ϘC "Њ ---STAND---\ѢR1F1F:,,,:F1ؘA~ ي -TAKE-ڢ(C$,)shirtR!O()(C$,)clothesR!O()!O():E::(): :CTCT:Vj :C "ۢ(C$,)boatRd:0You slide down the slope and get in the boat.>:w:,(60,2):()::F1::ܘݢF20d:.You turn the boat around to escape theisland.>:,(60,20)(94,12)(92,10):,(3,1,5):,(2,-2,10)(1,0,12)(2,2,75):::F1::: "ޢMBKd:5You decide to change back into your beach clothes.>:F24Z::,",,5:,.,,LpDZ:FYou are taken at gun point down a corridor and into a large room.>:w:̨\j(C$,)lumpR!O()!O( )(C$, ) phosphorateR!O()!O( )!O( ):d:@Using your screwdriver you break off asmall lump of phosphorate.:!O()CTCT: d(C$,)lumpR!O()!O( )(C$,)sulphurR!O()!O( )!O( ):d:?Using your screwdriver ypu knock away a small piece of sulphur.:!O()CTCT: (C$,)lump!O()(C$,)sulphur!O()(C$,)orate!O()d:GYou'll need something metal to help you get a lump of this substance. (C$,)uniformR$!O()!O():()::E:CTCT\:Vj $(C$,)daggerRF12d:^As you try to grab the dagger the beesbuzz angrily and you jump away to avoid being stung.%(C$,)daggerR!O()F12!O():()::E:CTCT:Vj '(C$,)ropeR!O()!O()d:QThe rope is tied so tightly to the hoop you'll need something to cut it away.*(C$,)ropeR!O()!O()!O():Dd:SAfter about five minutes you manage tocut the rope free with the blunt dagger.:()::CTCT:Vj tR(C$,)clothesRDd:&I'm not taking those smelly socks too.W(C$,)amuletR !O()F1d:1You need to climb the post to reach the amulet.\(C$,)amuletR !O()F1!O():E:CTCT:Vj :():@^CDd:You don't need it.aA~ f -PUT-p(C$,)sulphur in tin!O( )!O( )!O( ):F5::z(C$,)phosphorate in tin!O( )!O( )!O( ):F6::F5F6F7:F5:F6:!O( ):Z:>You close the lid on the tin and now own a stick of dynamite.:!O():!O()F20CTCT : `(C$, ) card in slotR!O()Dd:iYou push the card in the slot. A slight humming noise comes from the panel before the door opens.>:w:D:A~ ((C$,)honey on groundRF12!O()(C$,)honey on floorRF12!O()(C$,)honey on grassRF12!O()<F:DZ:IYou lob the honey near the bush and the bees start to drift towards it.:,,,C:, (1,1,100):,(1,0,100)(2,1,10):::x:F12:!O()(C$,)fish on groundRF17!O( )(C$, ) fish on floorRF17!O( ) A~  -TIE-$(C$,)mite to timer device!O()!O()(C$,)device to dynamite!O()!O()(C$,)mite to device!O()!O()d:R]Carefully fixing the timer to the dynamite you place it on the floor next to the gun.>:Z:WYou press the button that activates the timer device and a little panel lights up.>:Z:BIt displays '2:00' and is begining to count down. Better move it.:!O():!O():F20:CTCT: :D8It wouldn't be a good idea to set off an explosion here.(C$,)der to walkie talkie!O()!O()(C$,)ie talkie to decoder!O()!O()d:!O()!O()GYou'll need a screwdriver and some wires to connect these two items.:IYou wire together the two items to create an electronic radio scanner.:!O():!O():!O():!O()  -OPEN-\(C$,)door(C$,)lockDd: XR!O( )F:w:z:A~ R^This door is locked with a keypad combination. There must be another way of getting in.: R!O()TYou open the door with the key you found in the office and enter the garage.>:w:6: R#!O( )5You open the door with the room key and go inside.>:w::A~ R)!O()XSeeing as you don't have a key for the locked door you'll have to open itsome other way.: &R& &R)RYou wiggle the screwdriver about in the lock in an attempt to pick it open.>:Z:1The lock clicks open and you are able to escape.>:CTCT*: :w: &RXR,!O( ):w:: <R!O()dBRJust walk through it.: You can't open it.ȘA~ ʊ -WEAR-(C$,)uniformMBK(C$,)disguiseF24d:You are already wearing it.: " (C$,)shirt!O()d:CI'm only wearing this smart shirt if I'm about to go into a disco.Z (C$,)uniform!O()Dd:  & . RRMBKE n:GIt takes you some time to change but you end up disguised as a guard.>:w:: basespr.mbk::,X2,Y2,:MBK:A~ ^ $FI'll wear this when I get to a secluded spot on Faraway Island.: T .(C$,)clothesMBKd: 4 3 6 4RRMBKF4n:;It takes you some time to put back on your normal clothes.>:w:: basesht2.mbk::,X2,Y2,:MBK: F 5MBKNo time to do that here.: 6(C$,)disguise!O()F24RRF24Dd:=You wear the disguise so hopefully no one will recognise you.:A~ R 7(C$,)disguiseF4d: $ 8  9 -USE- :(C$,)boat key!O()F1RF10(C$,)boat!O()F1RF10(C$,)motor!O()F1RF10F:DZ:DYou untie the boat, start the engine and steer the boat out to sea.:, (2,-2,100)::::v > ;(C$,)boat!O()(C$,)motor!O()Dd:You need a key for this boat. <(C$,)boatF10(C$,)motorF10(C$,)boat keyF10RDd:5You try to start the motor but are toodrunk to do so. = A >F4d:]Remembering the usefulness of a disguise, you wear the uniform and fake beard again.:: basespr.mbk:F24:MBK: @* ? basesht2.mbk:MBK @ boating2.mbk,:DTF::Dd:,,,,<:, (2,-2,400)::!You drive towards Faraway Island.:|:BXZ A(C$,)scanner!O()d: C B* E: CRFYou use the radio scanner and begin tohear a repeating radio message.>:Z::1Attention all personel, plans in operation.>:Z?Access to all areas is now restricted to uniformed guards only.::CTCT: : Ed DYYou use the scanner but can't hear much due to interference. Try a higher place.T E(C$,)yo!O(!)Dd: G F2 I GF26F26FYou tie the string to the yo-yo and spend a few minutes practicing.>:DZ:h M H LX I(C$,)balls!O( )Dd: K J Q KF25F25DYou spend several minutes getting usedto juggling with three balls.>:DZ:h M> L&You've practiced enough at this skill.: MF25F26CTCT:Vj :Dd:FYou now feel confident enough to perform in front of an audience.:A~ l NDd:RNow all you need is to be competent inanother skill and you could go on stage.X Q(C$,)cardR!O()~ R(C$,)padRd:5You'd be here forever. Try getting insome other way. S(C$,)rope!O()d:1You're ready to climb almost everything. T(C$,)daggerR!O()!O()!O()::()::CTCT: l U(C$,)nitrogen(C$,)nitrogen on motord: W V Y6 WRF20!>D X9But I don't need to go particularly fast at the moment. Y(C$,)panelRd:DI have no idea how to use it. It would be better to blow it up.z Z(C$,)device!O()d:&You use this by fixing it to dynamite. [(C$,)dynamite!O()d:-You use this by fixing it to a timer device. \(C$,)balloon!O(")(C$,)balloons!O(")d:>You inflate a balloon and let the air out making a rude noise. _A~  ` -EAT-\ a(C$,)honey!O()!O(): iZ b(C$,)fish!O( )!O( ): i\ c(C$,)bread!O()!O(): i\ d(C$,)cheese!O()!O(): i\ e(C$,)melon!O()!O(): i\ f(C$,)cream!O(#)!O(#): iZ g(C$,)beef!O($)!O($): i: hd:You can't eat that.: V iDd:,That was a delicious and sobering snack.:F10 jA~  k -REMOVE- l(C$,)disguiseF24RF4d:Not here, I'd be found out.: m(C$,)disguiseF24F24:d:,Ok, it was starting to itch like crazy.T n(C$,)uniformMBKd: 4 r  s -GIVE- t(C$,)pills to guard!O()R(C$, ) pills to man!O()RE n: v u  vMBKF24X2F4:!O():F:w:Dd::!Hey, mate, have a sweet to chew.>:w:Dd::CCheers. Hmm, not bad. In fact...I'd say...they...were...quite...>:w:Dd:nice.z .:,(73,30)(74,10)(75,5)::2::CTCT:Vj :A~ D wMBKF24x: F ~d:-He'd rather blow your head off at the moment. (C$, ) amulet to man!O()R (C$,)amulet!O()R (C$,)amulet to wizard!O()R !O():!O():Dd::?You champion, man. Here, take this enchanted rose as a swap.:CTCT::Vj Z (C$,)to girlR2Dd::   (C$, ) rose to girl!O()F8:!O():That's sweet of you. Thanks.>::CTCT:Vj :DZ:Now go for the chat up line.:A~ J +That's a strange present to offer a girl.::A~ r Ģ(C$, ) honey to beesRF12!O() Ȣ(C$, ) fish to catsRF17!O( )(C$, ) fish to catRF17!O( )>^ @ ɢCDd:They don't want it. ͘A~  Ί-SIT-6 ϢR F18  И" h љn:X2X2Y2d:: b ҙ:,,,:, (68,12)(69,5):::Z:dJust as you sit down you hear music and the audience start clapping. the show is about to begin.>::Z:,,x,$:,1(36,5)(37,5)(38,5)(39,5)(40,5)(41,5)(42,5)(43,5)l:, (1,-1,95):::_: ӫ: Thank you ladies and gentlemen.>::CAs you know this is an adults only show so I'll be leaving now.>::dThere was this blind antiques dealer who went round this woman's house to inspect some furniture.>: ԡBSo he started feeling all over the various surfaces and edges.>::j'Hmm,' he says to her, 'these tables and chairs are in good condition. I'll give you 200 for them.'>::qWell, this woman's most impressed by the blind guy's talent and seeing as she's been on her own for a while...>::bshe decides to stick his hand right upher dress. 'What d'ya think of this then?', she asks him.>: ա:'Hmm', he says, 'Welsh sheepskin rug, I'll give you 30.'>::-'Hang on. It's got a hole in it. A fiver!>:l ֡8A friend of mine said he could play the piano by ear.>::8I says so what? I can fiddle with what ever I like!>:l~ יb:JWhen she stands in front of the kids, there's a total eclipse of the son.>:l:6Here, why don't blind people like bunjee jumping?>::+Cos it scares the hell out of the dog.>:l:Two horses walk into a bar.>::3The barman says, 'Gee fellas, why the long faces?'>:l:b ءHWhen she takes a swim in the English Channel, surf's up in California!>:l:QHey kids, before you go to bed tonightmake sure you turn the landing lights out.>::@Otherwise you'll wake up with your house full of aeroplanes.>:l:bThis Colnel went to a foreign legion camp in the desert. The nearest town is twenty miles away.>: ١_He gets there and takes a look at the emptyness that surrounds him. He calls the Captain.>::A'Hey,' he says, 'what do the men do for relaxation round here?>::bThe Captain replies, 'See that camel in the corner? The men take it in turns to use it see?'>::R'Oh,' goes the Colnel, 'Hmm, do you mind if I jump the queue and use it now?'>: ڡbThe Captain nods and watches the Colnel go up behind the camel and giveit a right seeing to.>::k'Well,' the Colnel says when he'd finished, 'bet you've never seen a performance like that before.'>::JThe amazed Captain looks back and says, 'No sir, I certainly haven't.>::GMost people ride the cammel to the nearest town twenty miles away!'>:lx ۙb:IShe had her ears pierced so we could watch the telly through the holes.>:l:No really, she is THAT fat!>::b:TShe applied for a job in the airline industry but they said they had enoughJumbos.>:l:Ok, last joke..>::+I went round my mate's house the otherday.>:v ܡJWhen I nipped into the toilet I noticed he didn't have a loo brush.>::>Seeing as it was his Birthday soon, I decided to buy him one.>::AThe next time I visited him, I asked him if he liked the brush.>::X'Oh no,' he says, 'I tried using it, but it ain't half hurts compared to bog paper.'>:l ݡThank you and goodnight.>:,(44,20)(58,10)(57,60)(58,10)l::,:,1(49,5)(50,5)(51,5)(52,5)(53,5)(54,5)(55,5)(56,5)l:,(1,1,90):::Z::():()::::d:%With the caberet over, you stand up.>:F18:w:CTCT: :, (68,12)(1,5)::: "| ޢR F18d:?There's no more caberet acts to watch unless it's you up there.6 ߢR":w:#2> R n:d:  &* d X2d7Move closer to the only clear area over on the left.: : F21 Not likely!:  ,<,,a:mAs you settle down for half an hour's worth of sun you begin to feel a tingling sensation on your legs.>:Z:XYou think one of the girls is ticklingyou so you lift your head up wearing a big grin.>:Z:It's a bloke!>:,(98,80)::Z:1You spring back and decide not to sit down again.:P:,<,,:F21:CT: L R1F1E n:Dd:&   @ X2Y2x: : F1:E:,,,!H R2d:No room to sit, just dance.n R)d:AJust as you're about to sit down you spot a tool box to one end. A~  -MISCEL- (C$,)swimR(C$,)swimR d:#I prefer to drive boats on the sea., (C$, ) climb downR F1(C$, ) slide downR F1F1:F:w:,(52,10)(53,10)(54,20)(53,10)l:,(3,1,33):::c::():,E,,:,` ^ (C$,)climbR F1E n:*  +l @ X22X2Zx: !O()Dd:@The post is so smooth you'll need a rope to help you climb it.:A~ F1:F:w:,E,,4:,(52,10)(53,10)(54,20)(53,10)l:, (3,-1,33):::c:() (C$, ) climb downRF1F1:F:,7(34,10)(39,10)(38,10)(37,20)(36,25)(35,10)(34,15)(26,2):, (1,0,10)(1,1,34)(1,0,20)(1,1,10):::x:.X )P (C$,)climbRE n:,  .X )V X2(X2dF1X2X2F11F1X2_X2F11F1F1:F:,7(34,25)(35,10)(36,30)(37,15)(38,15)(39,15)(34,10)(26,2):,"(1,0,25)(1,-1,10)(1,0,45)(1,-1,34):::x:A~ @ (F1X2(EJx:C "D )(C$,)climbR. + *1l 2v +Dd:E n:X2F1X2dF1: 2: ,F1F:DZ:/You climb down the ladder and hop intothe boat.:,p,,X:,(88,10)(89,10)(90,10)(89,10)l:,(2,1,40):::P:, (26,15)(1,15):::():,(52,5)::F1:1l 2 -F:DZ:-You climb out of the boat and up the ladder.:,(53,5)::,p,,::,(89,10)(88,10)(89,10)(90,10)l:, (2,-1,40):::P::,p,p,:F1 2(C$,)climbR:,_,,:, (2,-1,30):,(89,10)(88,10)(89,10)(90,10)l:::<:::\ 7(C$,)danceR2Dd:E n:2 F <4 D FX2Get on the dancefloor...: | PF10DANCE$cheer:F28F28:CTCT:Vj 0 ZF10DANCE$nod4 dF10DANCE$giggle2 nF10DANCE$laugh x.You attempt your favourite dance, the wobble.>:,O(33,8)(34,8)(33,8)(34,8)(33,8)(34,8)(33,8)(37,8)(39,8)(38,8)(36,8)(35,8)(36,8)l::DZ:People ;DANCE$; at you.>h (C$,)push(C$,)pullE n:Dd:5B  7 D RF11F16 \ RF11F1Climb down first.: & It won't move.: N X2X2Y2E\:7 DYou slowly push the barrel so it is more or less under the window.:, (2,-1,100):, (2,-1,100):::F11:CTCT:Vj (C$,)climbR(C$,)climbRX2)Dd:AYou can't climb it due to a row of sharp spikes along the top. (C$,)windowRDd:SYou've just sneaked in through it. Make the most of it in here and look around.\ (C$,)windowRE n:Dd:8  9 X2ZX2F19You can see the window but cannot reach it from here.: p ȡTNow you are close enough, you climb through the window into the room beyond.>:w:  ˢC$dungeon masterR,d:hWith the utterance of the secret wordsin the secret room, you suddenly find an extra 10 in your pocket.:MYMY N ̢(C$,)waved:You wave your hand.n ͢(C$,)climbRRd:Far too high for me. ΢(C$,)climbRd:8I'd be seen. There must be an easier way of getting in.p Ϣ(C$,)climbRd:%It is far too steep even with a rope.N Т(C$,)posed:You strike a pose. Ѣ(C$,)listenRd: You hear..>:Z::*Ohh, Harold, your hand is tickling me.>:Z: :Cynthia, that's not my hand...:j Ң(C$,)fuc(C$,)shiDd:Ooo. Such language!d ӢC$ drop fishRF17!O( )  Ԙ?Z ՙF:DZ:OYou throw the fish towards the far wall and the cats madly scramble for it.:,,,^:,(94,15)(95,15)l:::F17:!O( ):CTCT:Vj L ֢C$ press buttonR&d:  ט@L ءVYou press the large button on the walland the door slides back revealing daylight.>:w:^:CTCTq: d ٢C$ drop honeyRF12!O() ڢ(C$,)hit(C$,)punch(C$,)kickd:Now, no need to get violent.< ۢC$sleepd: No time... ܢRF20d:=With no time left to escape, you are merciless gunned down.>:,(90,12)(91,12)l:::::::::::::'& CC ", Dd:MESS()@ MESSB , , , , :C "6 )I don't understand what you want me todo.:8 +Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.:" How can you do that.:* You've baffled me this time.: "K$6 ,GD h::::Kz2 19D h::: 6K$C "& @K$::::K J h T ^:T4 hDd r Location: ;P$ |Rating: ;R$& Score: ;CT;/1000 6 R1F1:B R1RR J& R T4RF14RX2R R"X2dR"T2R$ GRHi.>$ ¢GRYes?>6 ̢GRWhat can I do for you?>4 ֢GRHow can I help you?> w4 :Dd:Subject : (Bye) (Buy)4 R,:(Girls) R,:(Caberet) (Room):F25F26F18 ,:(Job):,::;SB$:P D R2F15,:(Girls)< R",:(Cards) (Room): R,: (Boats) (Sid) R X2Y2,:(Amulet):!O(),:(Rose)B RR,:(Entry) R2F15,:(ChatUp):F9F16,:(Help)P R X2,:(Amulet):P 6 R ,: (Wizards): R ,: (Roleplaying)6 R,: (Complex)> R3,:(List) (Fridges): R1,: (List) (Demo)h R0,:(List):F22,:(Island)^ R X2R Y2,:(Mage)$ ,::;SB$ SB$(SB$)@ (SB$,)buyT :K  0SB$amuletSB$girlsSB$helpSB$caberetSB$cardsSB$boatsSB$entrySB$roomSB$surfSB$chatupSB$helpSB$rose(SB$,)playingSB$complexSB$sidSB$islandSB$fridgesSB$demoSB$listSB$jobSB$wizardsSB$mage6i:K . :(SB$,)byeS N\ D:Dd:0Let's stick with important subjects shall we.>:K T N:BYE():Dd:BYEBye.* XBYEGoodbye.8 bBYENice talking with you.* lBYESee you.( vBYETa ta. : :Dd RCVh,,,,a,,\,\,\,,D,\,>,[,,,,,,,,\,,,,,,,\,,,\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: ƢCTR$Easy puzzle solver4 ТCTR$ Sunday driver. ڢCT2R$Learner. CTdR$Tourist2 CTȚR$ Reasonable2 CT,R$ Average man8 CTR$Above average man0 CTR$ Cool dude2 CTXR$ Skilled one: CTR$Excellent explorer: *CT R$Master Adventurer! 4:: > HnD R::FILE$(*.SAV, Save a game,):$ \FILE$ f#,FILE$n p#,R;,;X2;,;Y2;,;MY;,;R$;,;CT;,;F1;,;F2;,;F3;,;F4;,;F5;,;F6;,;F7;,;F8;,;F9;,;F10;,;F11;,;F12;,;F13;,;F14;,;F15;,;F16;,;F17;,;F18;,;F19;,;F20;,;F21;,;F22;,;F23;,;F24;,;F25;,;F26;,;F27;,;F28;,;MBK;,;P$ T$ #,!O(T)  #  E nD ::FILE$(*.SAV, Load a game,):$ ԢFILE$m` ޠ#,FILE$V 蠤#,R,X2,Y2,MY,R$,CT,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17,F18,F19,F20,F21,F22,F23,F24,F25,F26,F27,F28,MBK,P$ T$ #,!O(T):#J$MBK.,8,B,L,V,`,j:". beachspr.mbk:8 dave10.mbk:B hotelspr.mbk:L woodsspr.mbk:V basespr.mbk:` basesht2.mbk:j lens2.mbk:ftE n:::,,,(,,,: INVENTORY::Ev"~N:LH!O()N:L,N:Boat keyJ!O()N:L,N: Blue shirt^!O()N:L,N:Radio scanner x;!O()L!O()N:L,N: Walkie talkieD!O()N:L,N:WiresJ!O()N:L,N: ScrewdriverLĢ!O()N:L,N: Nitrogen canX΢!O()N:L,N: Dynamite x;!O()Lآ!O( )N:L,N: Some sulphurP!O( )N:L,N:Some phosphorateX!O( )N:L,N: Red tins x;!O( )H!O( )N:L,N:Room keyJ!O( )N:L,N: A big fishF !O()N:L,N:UniformJ!O()N:L,N: Access cardN!O()N:L,N:Sleeping pillsF(!O()N:L,N:DecoderH2!O()N:L,N: Bomb book\NL:NNw,:o,,"R&,,,,,*,k,,,,,,$,X,,6,2,,j,X,,,,,^,,,,,,,,,,,,f,,,\,,,,{,,,,,$,[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:6,RCp0,,,,,4,p,,,,,,.,b,,@,<,,t,l,,,,,h,,,,,,,,,,,,g,,,], ,,,|,,,,,.,`,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6F1r<|4@R,(52,5)::4JR ,E,,4:4TR1,,,!:8^R,X2,Y2,:xhRF20,(,,\:,3,U,Z:,),L,Y:$|,X2,Y2,:MKPs:Tsr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,( ,(1,1,1):t(̠,(1,-1,1):t(֠,(1,-1,1):t.F1,(1,1,1)꠼(TT2 E n:W<Tt,&,0,:,D,I,JRCvH,S,,*,,f,,,,$,X,,,S,S,S,,2,S,,X,S,S,S,,S,S,,,S,,,,S,S,,S,S,,S,S,,S,S,,,,S,S,S,S,,,,,,,S,,,S,,,,S,,&RCwS,,f,,,,*,,,,,2,,,X,S,,$,S,,S,X,S,^,S,,S,,,,,S,,,f,S,S,,\,S,S,,,S,S,,,S,*,f,S,&,,,,S,,S,,,,S,,S,,,0RCyS,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,,,S,S,S,S,,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S:DRC{:S,S,,,S,$,V,,,S,,$,,,S,,S,S,S,S,S,,,,S,S,S,f,S,,,S,,S,z,S,,S,S,S,S,,,S,,,,,S,S,,,,,,,,S,,S,,,,,,,SIRC|S,S,,,S,$,V,,,S,,$,,S,S,,S,S,S,S,S,S,,6,S,S,S,f,S,,,S,,S,z,S,,S,S,S,S,,,S,,,,,S,S,,,,,,,,S,,S,,,,,,,SDJR:,(57,10):: KRF23MBKF23::;Halt! No unauthorized personel is allowed to pass here.:LRF23MBKF24F23::dHey! What do you think you're doing in one of our uniforms? Get out of here before I shoot you!:MRF23MBKF24F23:Dd::Ok mate, you can go on.::NRDd:VAs you are about to leave, you think you can see someone coming down the corridor.>:DZ:[When you turn towards the window you think there was something on the floorunder the desk.:S,X:surf.mbk,:DTF@bD ^:R ,4,,2lR,<,, 8v,,,C:,,,Ix,O(67,12)(68,12)(67,10)(68,10)(67,12)(68,12)(67,10)(68,10)(67,12)(68,10)(67,100)l:F14,F,,E{F14,x,,E:,,,J:,(76,150)(74,10)(75,30)(74,10)l:,V(71,12)(72,12)(71,12)(72,12)(71,12)(72,12)(71,12)(72,12)(71,12)(72,12)(70,12)(69,100)l:,,8,:,,d7,:,6,d?,:,,?,:,,?,R:0: basefrnt.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,2R,1,,2ƢR, ,,2ТR,,,ڠ,, ,:,6,?,:,,À?,:,,?,Bߢ!O(),,,R:N: jetty.mbk,:DTF:P$Mahrjereene Island@D ^:R, ,i, 2R4,,i,:!O(),E,,6 ,,x,M:,@,|,7:,,y,7:,,x,7:,,w,7:,p,v,`:R,X,,5R,6,,4:, (2,-2,400)::::d:5You pull the boat up alongside the jetty platform.:2,,P ,:,,P,:,,q,,:,,W,,g R:B*:R1 beachspr.mbk:MBK,/ outlens.mbk,:DTF@4D ^:R, ,, 2>R,4,,2HR1,,,R,, ,:,6,?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,:,,,\R:bfR2Dd:2As you leave the disco you take off your shirt.>:wBh:R2 beachspr.mbk:MBK,k outdisco.mbk,:DTF@pD ^:R,4,,2zR, ,, 2R2,,,,,,2,, ,:,6,?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,B!O(),,,R:B:R  beachspr.mbk:MBKJ beach.mbk,:DTF:P$Mahrjereene Island@D ^:R,4,,2R, ,, 2ʢR ,P,,"ޤ,,s,@:,,,::,,,8:,,,!:,d,,%:,,,*:,,,':,,,-: ,(,,.: ,,,&: ,,,"V㠽,(58,12)(59,12)l:,,(56,150)(57,10)(56,10)(57,10)(56,10)(57,10)l:,(37,250)(35,50)(36,100)l:,:(41,150)(39,12)(41,12)(39,12)(41,12)(39,12)(41,12)(40,80)l:,B(43,10)(44,10)(43,10)(44,10)(43,10)(44,10)(43,10)(44,100)(42,100)l: ,-(46,300)(47,12)(48,12)(49,100)(48,12)(47,12)l蠽:,, ,:,6,?,:,,?,:,,z?,:,2,{n,R :.: river.mbk,:F@ ^:R,,,,2R , ,, 2R ,,,<,,,,:,(44,100)(45,150)l8,,x,E:, ,,E`,(69,10)(70,10)(69,10)(71,10)l:,(69,10)(70,10)(69,10)(71,10)l:,, ,:,6,?,:,,À?,:,,,:,d,,: ,,x,: ,,?,R :,$:hill.mbk,:DTF@.D ^:R ,4,,28R, ,, 2BR ,,,:L!O(),K,d,*TN,,,!:,%(33,8)(34,8)(35,8)(36,8)(56,8)(57,8)l:@Q,d,,2:,(50,100)(51,150)l:V,,d ,:,6,d?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,:,x,,`R :,j:cave.mbk,:Ft ^:R,_,d,X:,(2,1,30):,(88,10)(89,10)(90,10)(89,10)l:::<:::,_,,,<,nP,:,,n,:,2,,:,2,t,R:0: boatyard.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,2R,\,, ,<,Z,:,,,:,<,,:,<,,:R:.: woods.mbk,:DTF@řD ^:R,,, 2ƢR ,1,,:ɢ!O(),P,,)@ʢF12,P,,H:8ˤ,,,H:,,,C̠,(72,5)(73,5)(74,5)l::,, ,:,6,?,:,,€?,:,,?,:R:B:R  woodsspr.mbk:MBKHӠ trees.mbk,:DTF:P$Mahrjereene Moors@ؙD ^:R ,,,2R , ,, 2R ,4,,(F13(gFrom deep within the woods you hear a loud roar. Moments later you see who was making all that noise.>:DZ: :Cha rge! ,?,,::,,,,;:,(58,12)(48,12)l:,(59,14)(49,14)l:, (1,-2,180):, (1,-2,180):::d ,?,,&:,1,,!:,(38,10)(39,10)(68,10)l:,%(33,8)(34,8)(35,8)(36,8)(56,8)(57,8)l:, (1,-2,180):, (1,-2,180)::::::Dd:2These 'Live Role Players' get everywhere.>Vw:():():():():F13::D h(,,d ,:,6,d?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,:R :,2:lake.mbk,:DTF@<D ^:R,4,,2FR , ,, P,,,<:,,,A:,E(60,10)(61,10)(60,10)(61,10)(60,10)(61,10)(62,8)(63,40)(62,8)(61,80)l:,7(65,120)(64,12)(65,8)(64,10)(65,10)(64,8)(65,12)(64,8)l::Z!O(),\,,B_,U,,+d,,d ,:,6,d?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,nR:0: outsids.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R0,<,,2R, ,, 2R,1,,,,x ,:,6,x?,:,,À?,:,,?,:,,d,R:0: caberet.mbk,:DTF@əD ^:R, ,, Nʤ,,|,0:F18,,3,Sˤ,,,?:,,,?:,(63,12)(70,12)l:,:(63,150)(70,10)(63,10)(70,10)(63,10)(70,10)(63,10)(70,10)l:̠,, ,:,,,:,,6,:,,,,R :0: baseside.mbk,:DTF@ܙD ^:R,1,,@F11,,,!:&,},,!,, ,:,6,?,:,,À?,:,,?,R:,:view.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R4,4,,,Z,7,P:,J,2,Q:,,D,P:,,H,Q:,,K,Q, (80,9)(81,9)l:, (81,9)(80,9)l:,(80,10)(81,10)l:,(81,10)(80,10)l:,(81,10)(80,10)l:, (3,1,450):, (3,1,450):, (5,1,350):, (5,1,350):, (5,1,350)::",,P#,:,6,P?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,,R:.6: garage.mbk,:F@@ ^:R,,,J,, ,:,8,?,:,,À?,:,,,:,,,: ,,?,:,,,TR:L^: baseedge.mbk,:F:P$Faraway Island@h ^:R, ,, 2mR&,Z,, r,, ,:,,,:,,À?,:,<,},:,(,V,: ,,;,: ,(,<,:,2,U,|R:T: outfood.mbk,:DTF:P$Mahrjereene Town Centre@D ^:R,4,,2R, ,, 2R3,,,2R,,,,, ,:,6,?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,:,,,:,,,R:.: rocky.mbk,:F\ ^:RF20, ,j, : R* ,(,,\:,3,U,Z:,),L,Y:d:/Just as you think you're away, troubleappears.>:Z::Blow him into the sky Sampson!>:Z::/You just have time to do one action before...:,,Z ,x:,,Z,x:,,n,~:,,T,dR:0&: outport.mbk,:DTF@0D ^:R4, ,, l:,,Z,<:,,Z,?:, ,Z,<:,,,Z,?;,(60,6)(61,6)(62,6)(61,6)l:,(60,6)(61,6)(62,6)(61,6)l:,(63,6)(78,6)(79,6)(78,6)l:,(63,6)(78,6)(79,6)(78,6)l:D,, ,:,6,?,:,,À?,:,,?,NR:JX: island.mbk,:DTF:P$Faraway IslandbR:Dd:,<,,<:, (2,-2,43):::Dd::CAfter stopping the boat, you climb up the slope and onto the path.>:w:,,i,:,(61,2)::F1:gF20:d::EBOOM! A chain reaction of explosions begins. Get in the boat quick.:v@l ^:R,4,f,2vR,,v, B{RMBK,,,=B|RMBK,,,=,,d ,:,6,Z?,x:,,|,:,,d,u:,n,Z,t: ,,m,: ,,l?,|: ,x,U?,d\F20 ,1,Z;,x: ,,d,R:.: gates.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,2R,d,,,, ,:,6,?,:,,Ā?,:,,?,R:.: guard.mbk,:DTF@ǙD ^:R,:,n,2ȢR,<,V,ɢR!O(),P,V,5:d:5The guard has woken up and is in a very bad mood.>:@NʢF4F20,d,U,K:̢R,2,U,(:,Z(40,5)(41,5)(42,5)(43,5)(44,5)(45,5)(46,5)(47,5)(40,5)(41,5)(42,5)(43,5)(44,5)(45,5)(57,2):,(1,1,70):::,,P,x:F23͢RR,,U,9:R,,P,x:F23Π,,( ,d:,;,Z?,:,,?,:,,R?,b:,,{ ,: ,,t,:,,m,}:,,c,s: ,,z ,:,,s,:,,l,|:,,b,r: ,,K,[Ϡ ,,Q,a:,,C,U: ,,J,Z:F20,,E,WR:F: office.mbk,:DTF:P$ Wellard HQNҙD ^:R,,,:F1Ӡ,,>,:,,,:,,,:,,,:, ,,R:N: alley.mbk,:DTF:P$Mahrjereene Island@ۙD ^:R,,,2ܢR,<,, 2ݢR%,,,ޢF17,K,,[:,:(91,100)(92,12)(91,12)(93,12)(91,12)(92,12)(91,12)(93,12)l:,U,d,:D:ߤ,,,^:,(94,15)(95,15)l࠽:,,7,:,,,:,,,:,,,:,,,R:P:RR, hotelspr.mbk:MBK* lobby.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,2R",K,, 2R ,,,2R,,x,,,,r,O>R#,,,:f2:Dd:8Before you can leave the receptionist calls out to you.>:DZ::HHey! What's up? You were great out there, listen to that applauding.>:PD::JYou stop and hear energetic clapping and even the odd shout of 'Encore'.>:F18rDZ::hAnytime you're back in town just come right in. I've never seen such a goodcomic act since being here.>:PD:`As to payment, take this 20 and the keys to the upstairs room. You can stay there tonight.>::PD:!O( ):MYMY:CTCT(:Vj :D h:::,8,xH,:,,x,:,<,,:,<,x,:R:.: casino.mbk,:F@ ^:R,,,2RD,,,,,z,;:,(,,<:,F,,@:,N,,A:,G(65,12)(66,12)(65,12)(66,12)(65,12)(66,12)(65,12)(66,12)(65,12)(67,20)l:,2,B,:,,,,:,,?,:,2,,,:,,.,: ,,A,R":.: short.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,v,2R%,,x,2R$,F,x, ,-,dA,:,,d,:,(,{,:,(,d,t:,},e,uR#: d::Hey, intruder!>:Z::TYou are caught trying to escape the complex and are not given another chance.>:'.: sauna.mbk,:F  ^T*R(,d,, :CTCT: 4,F,Z,:,,,:,F,,:,F,,>R)::\:hq.mbk,:DTF::Dd],,s,0:,,y,3:,,s,0:,,,D:, ,,?:,j,,8:,,,5:R',,,NL^R,,,:,,,L_R',#,,:d:VOops, not a good idea to come back here. You dive back out into the corridor.>:R(:w:`,(48,8)(49,8)(50,8)l:,(51,15)(52,15)(51,10)(52,10)l:,(48,10)(49,10)(48,10)(50,10)l:,,(56,150)(55,30)(54,12)(55,12)(54,12)(55,50)l:a7You are met by none other than Mr Wellard himself.>:DZ::]Ahh, welcome. I am honoured to meet you after your first escapade with Binary Bargains.>:0:oMy associates warned me that you came to Mahrjereene Island for holiday and would probably end up around here.>:0:FIn fact I think you are already acquainted with our best agent.>$b0::$The female guard takes off her cap.>:, (77,15)(78,5):::Z:BThe girl from the disco! So that's why she helped me get here.>:Z::7You see 'two' can play the disguising game. Ha Ha Ha.>:0cUWell, I guess you're dying to know what I plan to do this time. Tell himWranger.>:0: :YThe virus I created last year had a big drawback, it was reversable as you'showed' us.>:::QThis time I've gone one better and designed a magnetic particle laser gun.>:::oIt's capable of wiping out all magnetic information to the nearest square inch anywhere in the world.>Bd::GIt does so without detection. It's ready and waiting in our garage.>::::TI intend to hold not just Binary Bargains to ransom but the whole planet!>:0:PIt's a pity you're not going to be around to see it all happen, ha ha ha ha!>:0e7Guards, lock him up in the sauna room,temperature hot!>:0::aYou are escorted again at gun point out of the room, along a corridor, andinto a smaller room.>:w:R(:,f:fire.mbk,:DTF@gD ^:R#,n,},2hR,,,i,P,di,:,,,:,P,,:,y,,:,,,:,P,l,|: ,x,n,kR%:Bz:R beachspr.mbk:MBK({door.mbk,:DTF@|D ^:R#,,z,2}R,,r,~,x,d,:,,d,:,x,|,:,x,`,p:R,:,:path.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,1,,2R,,, 2R,U,,,, ,:,6,?,:,,?,:,,?,:,@,n,:R4:.: cdoor4.mbk,:FP ^:R-R<:,7,, BR/RC:,7,, BR+R<:,,,BR.RC:,,,R!TR9,7,, :,U,,5:,F,,9: R!R5,,,:,,,::,,,9: ,,x2,:, ,x",:,,",:,,s",:.: cdoor8.mbk,:F^ ^:R*TR+:,,,BR9R:,,,BR>R=:,,,BR@RA:,,,BR<R+:,,,BRR:,,,BR*R=:,,,BR.RA:,,,,u,x,:,,x,:,x,,:,x,r,:,,s,:.: cdoor9.mbk,:FP ^:R<R-:,,,BR9R8:,,,BR.R-:,~,, BR7R8:,~,, BR=R>:,~,, BRAR@:,~,, BRBR>:,,,BR?R@:,,,,b,x},:,,x,:,x,,:,x,r,:,,s,:.: cdoor7.mbk,:FB ^:R+R*:4RCR.:4R8R9:*,7,, :4R'R*:4R-R.:*,,,:4R?R*:4RBR.:4R;R9:*,K,,:4R=R*:4RAR.:(RR9,,,,,x2,:, ,x",:,,",:,,s",:,<,tZ,:,,t,:0: manroom.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R#,A,, :ʢ!O(),,},fԠ,,n<,:,,n",:,,,,:,,x,,: ,,,:,,,: ,,,R$:.: cdoor5.mbk,:F@ ^:R, ,,꠿,,x<,:,,x",:,,",:,,s",:R&:.: cdoor6.mbk,:F@ ^:R(, ,,2R),,,2R*,<,, ,,x7,:,,x",:,,",:,,s",:R':.: insids.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,,,,O,,R,,x2,:,,x,,:, ,,,:, ,,:,,,,R0:@$:R lens2.mbk:MBK*) inlens.mbk,:DTF@.D ^:R,,,,8,,w,#:,',w,-:,J,<,[: ,<,,U: ,,,Y=,k(45,200)(50,10)(52,10)(51,10)(56,10)(54,10)(53,10)(55,10)(52,10)(51,10)(56,10)(54,10)(53,10)(55,10)(50,10)l:,(91,200)(83,6)(84,6)(83,6)l: ,(85,200)(87,10)(86,200)(87,10)l: ,(89,200)(90,10)(88,200)(90,10)l:n? ,$(1,1,200)(1,0,10)(1,-1,200)(1,0,10)l: ,$(1,-1,200)(1,0,10)(1,1,200)(1,0,10)l:B,,d,:,-,d?,:,,À?,:,,?,LR1:hVRDd:8As you enter the disco you wear your snazy blue shirt.>:w@X:R dave10.mbk:MBK*[ discod.mbk,:DTF@`D ^:R,,,,j,_,,+:,Z,,/:, ,,9:,,,2: ,>,,A:F14,,,<<t,U(43,10)(44,10)(43,10)(44,10)(45,10)(46,10)(45,10)(46,10)(45,10)(46,10)(45,10)(46,10)l:,(47,10)(48,10)(47,10)(49,10)l:,6(57,12)(59,12)(57,10)(58,12)(57,10)(59,8)(57,8)(58,8)l:,U(50,10)(51,10)(50,10)(51,10)(50,12)(51,12)(50,10)(51,10)(52,10)(53,10)(52,10)(51,10)l0~ ,(65,18)(66,10)(65,10)(67,18)lFF14,(60,12)(61,12)(62,12)(61,12)l:,,,:,6,?,:,,?,:,,?,R2:.: infood.mbk,:DTF@D ^:R,',,,,},TĠ,,x2,:,,,x?,:,,?,:,,?,:,,x?,R3:B:R beachspr.mbk:MBK*Ԡ hotel.mbk,:DTF@ՙD ^:R ,,, 2֢R,1,,2עR,,,2آR,,,٤,,,2:,, ,:,6,?,:,,À?,:,,?,:,,2,:!O(),,,R:.: moors.mbk,:DTF@ܙD ^:R ,,, 2ݢR ,,,Dߤ,,,&:,(38,100)(39,100)(68,20)l,,,/:,2(47,100)(55,50)(46,50)(47,100)(55,50)(46,50)(47,5):,,},G:,(71,200)(40,5):,(1,0,200)(1,-2,100):,,},G:,(71,400)(40,5):,(1,0,400)(1,-2,100)::ᠿ,, ,:,,,:,,€,:,,,: ,,,:R :.: cdoor2.mbk,:F@ ^:R/,,,2R6,,,,,x2,:, ,x",:,,",:,,s",:,,t,R5:.: cdoor1.mbk,:F@ ^:R;,d,,2R8,,,2R6,<,, 렿,,x2,:, ,x",:,,",:,,s",:,Z,tx,:R7:.: cdoor3.mbk,:FB ^:R>RB:TR&R:,,x,:BR5TR6:BR;TR/:4R9R;:4R@R?:*,7,, :4R.RB:4R*R?:4RCR/:BR/TR;:BR7TR6:TRR:,,x,:*,,,:BR?TRB:BRBTR?:BRTR!:BR6TR/:BR/TR6:bR!TR:,,x,:4R7R;:*,K,,:BR?TRB:BRBTR?:4R5R/:B R6TR;:B R;TR6:B RTR!:V R!TR:,,x,,,,2R,,,H,,x2,:, ,x",:,,",:,,s",:,<,tZ,:,,t,:(F15\F10:dIf you buy yourself anymore to drink you swear you'll have your head down the bog all night long.>: Which drink would you like sir?>:w::Dd:Hmm, I'll have a...;DRINK$:DRINK$(DRINK$)::Dd>MYThe drinks aren't free sir.>:#Interesting choice sir, 2 please.>:MYMY:w::Dd:BYou knock back your drink in one and feel much more relaxed.>:w:Dd4F10You are now drunk.>6F10You are quite tipsy.>>F10You are still fairly sober.>F10:What would you like to buy?>:w::d:I'll have a/some;BUY$:BUY$(BUY$)::dX(BUY$,)deviceOB:PRICE:(X(BUY$,)driverOB:PRICE:(V(BUY$,)wiresOB:PRICE:(X (BUY$,)talkieOB:PRICE :(X!(BUY$,)decoderOB:PRICE:(Z"(BUY$,)nitrogenOB:PRICE :(V#(BUY$,)bookOB:PRICE:(*$Sorry, we don't stock those.>:(!O(OB)MYPRICE!O(OB):MYMYPRICE:Thank you sir.>:Z)!O(OB)/Sorry, you bought the last one earlier.>:*:+What would you like to buy?>:w::Dd:I'll have some;BUY$:BUY$(BUY$)::DdV,(BUY$,)beefOB$:PRICE:2V-(BUY$,)breadOB:PRICE:2V.(BUY$,)honeyOB:PRICE:2x/(BUY$,)melon(BUY$,)melonsOB:PRICE:2X0(BUY$,)cheeseOB:PRICE:2<1"Sorry, ve don't have any ov that.>:N:t2MYPRICE!O(OB):MYMYPRICE: Danke sir.>:PjN:3:4:What would you like from our glorious range of novelties?>:w::Dd:I'll have a/some;BUY$:BUY$(BUY$)::Ddt5(BUY$,)tin(BUY$,)tinsOB :PRICE:<V6(BUY$,)ballsOB :PRICE:b<T7(BUY$,)yoOB!:PRICE:b<Z8(BUY$,)disguiseOB:PRICE:b<Z9(BUY$,)balloonsOB":PRICE:<X:(BUY$,)penguinOB:PRICE:<B;4Dang, I used to have that but sold it last Tuesday.>:<MYPRICE!O(OB):MYMYPRICE:*A most excellent choice if I may say so.>:=:>!O()X2XHmm, If you think you could use some sleeping pills then I'll sell them to you for 4.>:w::Dd: :;ANS$:ANS$(ANS$):Dd:@?\0@:ANS$yBRADOk, but if you change your mind, I'll be here on the moors all day.>:BMYMYMY:!O():::CTCT:Vj :C:D4We have ice creams with the chocolate stick for 1.>:w::Dd: :;ANS$:ANS$(ANS$)::Dd(JANS$y^LPKCWell sir, you're the first, they've been selling out fast today.>:JLMYMY:!O(#):Thank you sir.>:M:[!O()SI don't suppose you'd like to buy my 10 Club-Go ticket. It's still valid.>:w::Dd: : ;ANS$:ANS$(ANS$)::Dd:]4\&Sorry, I have nothing I want to sell.>:(]ANS$yL_P^COk, but if you change your mind, I'll be here eyeing up the birds.>:(_MY :`7Cheers matey, good luck at the Blackjack table.>:MYMY :!O()::CTCT:Vj :a!O( )DI was fishing earlier, caught a lovelycod. You can have it for 2.>:w::Dd: : ;ANS$:ANS$(ANS$)::Dd:cb\(cANS$yteVdHOk, but if you change your mind, I'll be here watching the world go by.>:(eMY:f5Cheers man. Hey, watch out for thieving cats.>:MYMY:!O( )::CTCT:Vj :i:Dd:RC,,,,,,,,,, D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:>nF15EI hear that some girls come here on the lookout for a one nighter.>:w:Dd:UOur drinks are specialy strong so onecan get drunk and dance their best quickly.>:w:Dd:RI should have been an entertainer at the 'Club-Go'. The pay is much betterthere.:|xSB$chatup:,Hey good looking. How's about a date?>:DZ::zy!zF28AI only go out with guys who know how to dance with real spirit.>::Z:CWhat a knockback. Better start doing some dancing to impress her.>:F8KWell, you're a good dancer, but shouldn't you seduce me with a gift?>::DZ:SYou've got your work cut out here. Better find something to give to her Iguess.>:SB$chatupaOk, I'll go out with you sometime nextweek. If you need any help come and talk to me about it.>:F9:SB$helpF16F9:ZThere's a life guard I need distractedfor a while, he says he likes to show off to girls.>::DZ:-Ohh, he sounds just my type. Not drunk.>:F14:DZ::LThe girl turns and runs out the disco to meet this 'Batwatch' impersonator.>:DZ:PX:AWell, you've blown a date but you feelas if things are improving.:CTCT-:Vj ::::$You sound drunk to me.:RX21No one shall find the magic amulet of the dragon.:dVTalk to the good wizard, not this evilmage who's being casting spells all day at me.:SB$rose!O()X2Y28The flower I gave you is a magical rose of seduction.:X2Y2!O()HI seek the magic amulet of the dragon.I know it's around here somewhere.:bX2Y23This amulet will help defeat the evil mage, thanks.:D6I suspect the evil mage of hiding the wizard's amulet.:.nMy name's Jarin Armtyle, the legendarycleric of Wyvale. Well, it's more exciting than Bob from Stockport.>:Z:II'm a member of a 'Live Role Playing' club. Great fun for the weekends.>:Z:@I thought I saw something on top of the sign post by the hill.:SB$listoI have Yo-Yos 2, Balloons 2, Red Tins 3, Disguises 3, Juggling Balls 4, Toy Penguins 5.:::KI know you'd just love to see some of our exciting novelties demonstrated.>:&:LAs a matter of fact, I just got a loadof novelty tins in from the mainland.>:&:,(39,8)(43,8)(44,2)::3Hey, Dizzy! Show our customer your balls trick!>:Z: : Ok, Len.>::,(43,8)(39,8)(35,2):,(46,6)(47,6)(48,6)(49,6)l::ZROdd thing is, when I usually shout that, our customer legs it out the door.>:&:,+(39,8)(37,8)(38,12)(37,8)(39,8)(35,8)(40,2)::: ,,X,K: ,7(75,14)(91,14)(75,14)(91,14)(75,14)(91,14)(75,14)(91,2)::"Right out, screaming 'AAIE!'>:&:,(45,2)::.Now, where was I? Oh yes, selling things.>ÙZ:=Oops mind out for George, he like to skateboard around town.:,;,,H:, (2,-2,120):,T(72,50)(78,12)(79,12)(78,12)(79,12)(72,48)(78,12)(79,12)(78,12)(79,12)(72,48)(82,15):,(1,0,220)(1,-1,16)::::()::d:1Hmm, artic animals reminds me of something.>:&:ȡEI'll demonstrate to you our amazing range of musical toy penguins.>:&:Come on out lads.:,,,J:,(74,12)(73,90)(74,12):::,,,Q:, (1,-1,75):,(2,1,10):,(81,10)(70,50)(57,3):::~ɤ,,,Q:, (1,-1,65):,(2,1,20):,(81,10)(70,50)(64,3):::vʤ,,,Q:, (1,-1,55):,(2,1,30):,(81,10)(70,50)(59,3)::6ˠ:():: :ZH̡$A one, a two, a three four six ten!>:Z:,We Are The Penguins, Penguins That AreWe...>:Z:;Catching Fish And Playing About, In The Deep Blue Sea...>:Z:%If you wonder why we swim so fast...>:Z:&It's cos we've got nitrogen up our...>::Z<ӡ$Ok lads, back to the practice room.>:&Ԥ,,,J:,(74,12)(73,120)(74,12)::,(1,1,75):, (2,-1,10)::ՠ,(1,1,65):, (2,-1,20)::#:()::,(1,1,55):, (2,-1,30):::()::()::():lיd::QWell, that concludes the demonstrationyou must be tempted to buy something now.>ۋrܢSB$list>Ve hav Bread 1, Melons 2, Honie 2,Beev 3, Cheese 3. Ya?:N:iOur freezers vere designed by none ovher than Loony Len. They're pratically boottoomless. Ya?:N:F22SB$islandGI came here about eight months ago. It makes a change from the city.>:DZ:dSince then I've been doing great business, especially with the company over on Faraway Island.>:DZ:XThey're building something pretty technical for sure. Wellard & Co.'s their name.>:DZ:XI recommend my DIY radio scanner. Youjust need a walkie talkie, decoder andsome wires.>:rI sell Screwdrivers 1, Bomb Books 1 Wires 2, Decoders 8, Nitrogen 10, Walkie Talkies 12, Timer Devices 15.:EThis is a top secret project and I'm in charge of the access cards.>:DZ:&You won't catch me asleep on the job.>:DZ:"I don't suppose you've any sweets?:SB$boatseIt looks like good conditions for a trip to Faraway Island in one of the surf club's boats today.>:DZ:?Well, that was before they cordoned off the area over there.>:]If you need any fancy electronic gadgets, just see Sid in his shop in the town centre.>:DZ:/Have a chat with him, he's a good mateof mine.>:F22:9I seem to be the only 'surfie' withouta girl to impress.>:Z:HWell, gotta stop people from poking their noses around our club house.:F16:n!O()DLook mate, I aint lettin' you come in 'ere withart a shirt to wear.>:REOk mate, I sees you 'ave a shirt, justwalk in an' 'ave a nice night.>:p!O()FLook mate, I aint letting you come in 'ere if you dant 'ave a ticket.>:REOk mate, your ticket is valid, go right in and have a nice night.:"SB$caberetF18iI'm afraid our juggling act had to cancel at the last minute. The comedian is still on though.>:D:DIf anyone was a good enough juggler here I would offer them a job.:d#SB$caberet:You did a great job, there's no more acts till next week.:\%F18SB$jobF25F26<'f&XThe private room is reserved for visiting caberet acts or special guests only.:'ZSo you think you got what it takes to be an entertainer, eh? Ok, I'll give you a chance.>:PD:SIf the crowd like you then I'll see what reward you'll get. Who are you again?>:PD::My stage name is;NAME$:Dd:WAs you are taken back stage you begin to wonder if this is a good thing after all.>:w:R":\(Dd::&And now, fresh from his holidays is ;NAME$;.>:w:,,x,:M:, (1,-1,95):::_::,(19,5):::Dd::6Good evening ladies and germs, er, I mean gentlemen.>:DZ:0For my first trick, I'd like to jugglemy balls.>::DZ:!The audience burst out laughing.>)DZ::0I mean, I'll be using my balls for juggling.>:DZ::More laughter.>:DZ::-Oh dear, I mean, oh never mind, here we go.>::DZ:fYou juggle just as you practiced earlier but can't help wiggling your tongue and pulling faces.>:,(76,7)(78,7)(77,7)(78,7)l::DZ:[The audience laugh hysterically at your expressions as you try not to drop anything.>*DZ:?You stop before your sweating creates an indoor swimming pool.>:,(19,5)::::DZ:>And for my next feat, I will toss my yo-yo around the world.>:DZ::#Some people start laughing wildly.>:DZ::9I mean I'll spin my yo-yo around the world. Here goes.>::DZ:,#(71,20)(72,6)(73,50)(74,10)(75,10)l:+BYou spin the yo-yo several times before doing the 'big' one.>:DZ:,,2,S:,(82,100)(19,5)::XSNAP! The string breaks and your yo-yo soars into the air and smashes alight bulb.>::DZ:,(84,5)::RBy now most of the audience are in hysterics. You decide to make a swiftexit.>:w:R#::D6SB$room5I suppose you know about our special room upstairs.>:Z:dIt's supposed to be reserved for visiting caberet acts but we rent it out for other purposes.>:Z:ZWe had a guy from the Faraway Island complex here last night. At it for hours I heard.:J;=Here's a tip for playing Blackjack, save when you're ahead.:@Z:F20:fJust as he is about to shoot, the dynamite explodes and sets off every alarm around the complex.>:Z:ZWith the guard's attention diverted you deliver a quick kick where it really hurts.>:Z:, (74,10)(75,5):::Oow!!!>:::Z:7Now move it before the whole complex goes up in smoke.:RJ:1Trying to blow up something huh? Not this time.>:'!4 ---WINNING---H!>jWithout hesitation you swiftly pour the contents of the nitrogen can into the fuel intake of the motor.>:Z: WRkOM!:,(1,4,80):,(1,0,20)(1,1,40)::d:d:9You leave Wellard and his hoods standing in shock.>:CTCT: :w!H: boating.mbk,:F::d:You drive away just in time...:,,x,]:, (3,2,200)::!R,,X,O:,0(79,8)(80,8)(81,6)(82,6)(83,4)(84,4)(85,2)(88,2):::<:,,O,V:,(86,15)(87,15)l::,!\: boating2.mbk,:F::d:,,,\:, (2,1,100):(): !!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!>::Z:KWell done...You have stopped Mr. Wellard's fiendish plans once again.>:Z:lWith all the time in the world you drive back to Mahjereene Island to enjoy the rest of your holiday.>!uZ:!You have finished with a score of;CT:Your rating is ;R$:Z:`We hope you have enjoyed playing Investigation 2 and wish you all the best for the future.:Z:gEach card scores the same as its face value with picture cards scoring 10. Aces score either 1 or 11.>:Z:GIf your first two cards total 14 you can 'burn' them for another two.>:Z:`At the betting prompt either enter an amount to play or 0 to quit. Maximum opening bet is 10.>.#KZ::P1:P2:P3:P4:P5:PT:D1:D2:D3:D4:D5:DT:BET:PONT:FIVE:PACE:DACE:BURN:WINV#P,:Money ;MY:,:Opening Bet ;BETz#Zd:BET0Declining to play any further, you stand up.>:Z::f#dBET BETMYYou cannot bet that much.>:Z:#P#nMYMYBET8#oD( ):&f:D1D8#pP( ):&H:P1P8#qP( ):&H:P2P&#r,: Your Cards :<#sP1 ,:A:#v^#tP1 C(): ,:$Z:P1 :#v#u ,:P1<#vP2,:A:#y^#wP2 C():,:$Z:P2 :#y#x,:P26#y#:BURN#&#z,: Dealers :<#{D1 ,:A:#^#|D1 C(): ,:$Z:D1 :##} ,:D1##T#COL():COL,F,,=:##,F,,>T#COL():COL,Z,,=:##,Z,,>T#COL():COL,K,,=:##,K,,>p#PT,:&You are bust...> :WIN:&#PT PACEP3PT:,:&Blackjack... :<:#h#PT,:&Automatic stick... :<:###*#P3PONT#$z#P5FIVE:,:&5 card trick... :<:$#PTP3$,: :,:$ouble, wist, tick, urn :;BET$:#`#,: :,:ouble, wist, tick :;BET$V#BET$bPTP3BURN:#p(#BET$s###F#PACEPT PTPT #$(#BET$d#(#BET$t##Ø#F#ȢBETMY,::w:#:#MYMYBET:BETBET#ҙ%#ܙ###T#P5,:A: ,,,=:#x#P5 C():,:$Z:P5 : ,,,>:#V#P5,:P5: ,,,=:#T#P4,:A: ,,,=:#x#P4 C():,:$Z:P4 : ,,,>:#V#P4,:P4: ,,,=:#T#P3,:A:,n,,=:#x#P3 C():,:$Z:P3 :,n,,=:#P#P3,:P3; :,n,,>D#PTP1P2P3P4P5:,D#PACEP3PT = 21:^#PACEPACEPT =;PT; :>$=;PT; or:#,:PT :T$D5,:A: ,,,=:$ x$D5 C():,:$Z:D5 :,,,=:$ V$D5,:D5: ,,,>:$ T$D4,:A:,,,=:$ x$D4 C():,:$Z:D4 :,,,=:$ V$D4,:D4:,,,>:$ T$D3,:A:,s,,=:$ x$D3 C():,:$Z:D3 :,s,,>:$ V$ D3,:D3:,s,,=:$ T$ D2,:A:,_,,=:$ x$ D2 C():,:$Z:D2 :,_,,=:$ J$ D2,:D2:,_,,>D$ DTD1D2D3D4D5:,D$TDACED3DT = 21:^$UDACEDACEDT =;DT; :>$V=;DT; or:#,:DT :"$ZCK:"$^CQ:$hJ:j$DT,:Dealer is bust...> :WIN:&$¢DT DACED3,:&Dealer has a Blackjack and wins...> :WIN:&$̢DTPONTFIVEDACEDT PONTFIVE,:!Dealer has 21 and wins...> :WIN:&$֢D5PONT,:&Dealer has a 5 card trick and wins...>:WIN:&$D5PONTDTPONT,:%You win with a Blackjack...> :WIN:&$DTPTFIVEPONTDACEDT PTDT FIVEPONT,:!Dealer wins...> :WIN:&^$,:#The dealer takes a card... ::$:$$$N$D2D( ):&f:D2D:N%D3D( ):&f:D3D:N% D4D( ):&f:D4D:N%D5D( ):&f:D5D:N%P3P( ):&H:P3P:N%&P4P( ):&H:P4P:N%0P5P( ):&H:P5sP:*&HPPACE&R*&fDDACE&pX&WINFIVEMYMYBET:#KX&WINPONTMYMYBET:#K<&WINMYMYBET&ʘ#K'-LOSING-0'w:q :?::ͦ:::L'$,w,p,:,,,(,,,|'.::XLooks like you've blown it. Press anykey to begin again and re-load a game if you can.>:w:Lionpoubnkcok  ,lookloU30pG03pwx>??????}??>??|=|}{w߿?|}= ?gBr=iKBNqǟ?x?=}yϏwws{gw7????mmmmm?m?nmmmÃ?U/P??? O?χ?_/Ą?@??@HH0C ?v@A@ nߵkZXZo/5?Ã={vmۻmۺlh]o-6np?;m޽>:=;Oπ?=>=~~~>@@m{m?wvֶk{o7?kmnw?]{ogϏCK~K ?C? A?o?ߵk[_?vmۻmۻo n?m޽>:=;Oπ?=>=~~~> A@m{m?ֶk{?kmow " "`<<础`" " ;p    :x  $` <99`  x`& 8 g>~sh<<<0<#{݌ٷٳw `.` (8 > & "wf?ax`8888cXX8888g?6p\0X~=l;=`8><<础`8@+8 ;p  # .h #n@$F :x !1$}߾ <99` z?x2 x`& 8 ȟpxx>#8 ( (,( > .  "w Txb!b!b!bH?N/b!b!b! W@@Ep{*_⨎#͇%@l;%H"`<<<<    <<<<8,  " " "Os@. " " "@@{x*a7χ==" " "`8```" "    `  `8  g>~h 0 0 0,#c݌ٷٳ7 l`@0 .` @0 (8 > & "wf?axcXX.ngx?{Ɓp\/sl0XƇ~=!B! @=" ? `0p|>?x pp`0 c? ``|0pp?~FFLAGSC1wC0Lionpoubnkc(l wpp00U3305o?GgO?{?GGO??'G燏??Gǧ??ߏǧO??G?;;;gyOs||ggy~Os|@*k˪ ˫i˫?{ۻs{?{{{{o`oǺn`A]I0?~???_W70wn`n`hǻrrr"F@_? ƹ11{ww G???̀W?__[;;[XX_lG~>~m?˳33аk>o[X@/'#; 4_/ _m ma357     888gyOs||ggy~Os|@{"câãaãxظpxxxxx @@@Ǻ A?~??G?p`n`ǻpp @? 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S1 ǛSAәÍ˟ىx`Ns9s9s9?wT {U??g 3c9`=s9s9s9  o bbbcc*cpccccccddTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiZ;NY;A$^X AFFFLAGS <C1wC0Lionpoubnk cokPlookloU30pG03pwUUUUUUUUUU  ZH%^bCwU^@D*yU行h*} Uh,$Uh1-Uܨ$!U(} U~U |Uh U`Uc}`n?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU8U83*pwUD'*UU U EB U@ Us@U:U@U U }k{! ?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR(T@U*U*UUUUUU U UU}n?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??ZO%^#U^UxxU >*` mUڪU> UêUU5U|xUUɪTlTdD1e<01c1c1c 1c1c1c1c1c1`!1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c !1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c1c c1c1c1c1c1c1`!C1c1c1c1c1c1c1c c1c1c1c1c1c1`/~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~Z NY?A$i X AFFFLAGSC1wC0 'INVESTIGATION 2' AN ADVENTURE WRITTEN IN STOS. BY D.A.WEEKS. (c) 10/3/1996 INTRODUCTION. Hello and welcome to the second in a great series of graphic adventures written in STOS Basic. You may already by familiar with this system from other games which have only appeared before comercially, this adventure however, is in the Shareware scheme and so can be enjoyed by anyone for a fraction of the c_ost. DISKS. The intro sequence and main program are on the first disk where upon after loading a message will prompt you to insert the second disk in the drive. This disk must be kept in the drive thereafter during play except when using a 'Save Game' disk. HOW TO PLAY. You take the part of Denim Top Dave, an 21-year old student who decides to take a holiday on the Island of Mahjereene. Unfortunately, this is the same island where the now infamous 'Welard & Co.' have decided to set up a secret headquarters for their latest plans. Will you be able to find out more? Will you be able to stop this latest dastardly scheme? Will you lose all your money at the Blackjack table? The game is controlled using the cursor keys in order to move the character to any location. Any commands are typed in and, if applicable, they will be carried out. When the '>' text character is displayed then press any key for the next section of text. COMPLETION. As well as following the plot to the end there are a maximum of 1000 points to be obtained. These are awarded for performing tasks or obtaining information from people which will help you to progress. However it is possible to complete the game without having to gain the maximum score. (When you win some points a short bell is sounded.) PLAY AREA. The game is divided up into over 60 graphical locations, spread out over the scenic Mahjereene Island and the remote Faraway Island. There are many buildings and shops to browse around and discover how they could help you in your adventure. Someone mentioned there being a 'secret room' in Investigation 2...I wonder where they got that idea? It is adviseable to make a map to note down where everything is. LOSING. You lose the game if 'Wellard & Co.' carry out their plans, or you are stopped by their men, caught breaking the law or if you run into some unfortunate accident. If this happens you can either start again or re-load a saved game.  COMMANDS. The following is a list of the most common commands: (It is not required to use small words such as 'at', 'in', 'to', etc. as phrases like 'look watch' and 'read sign' are sufficient.) ACTION COMMANDS: LOOK, TAKE, TALK, OPEN, WAIT, DROP, DRINK, EAT, INFLATE, WEAR, UNLOCK, CLIMB, SIT, STAND, LEAVE, LISTEN, SING, SHOUT, PUT, PUSH, DANCE, WAVE. USE.ON. FIX.TO. GIVE.TO.  MISCELLENEOUS: INV, MONEY, LOAD, SAVE, HELP, QUIT.  TALKING. In order to have a conversation with someone, first walk up to them and enter the command 'talk'. This puts you in talking mode where anything typed in is what the character is saying. To avoid confusion, the text is colour coded: Black---Normal messages or instructions used to control Denim Top Dave. Blue-Speech said by Denim Top Dave. Purple--Speech said by other person. If they do wish to talk with you then a subject box appears giving you the main subjects you can talk about whereupon you enter the subject you would like to discuss. To finish a conversation, simply type 'bye' at the subject box. Buying-This tells the person that you are interseted in buying anything they might have to sell to which they might have something for a fixed price. (Various)--Various other specific subjects are available with different characters. Some of them could be completly trivial or useless, or could contain some helpful hints.  Buying things rapidly depletes your money. There are numerous ways to earn more. Try the Blackjack table for starters. Your money is displayed in your inventory or by typing 'money'. THIS IS SHAREWARE! For the measly sum of 5 for shareware regestration, you will receive an exclusive 'Investigation 2' Hint Sheet. Also available for 5 is the origional 'Investigation 1'. This includes the accompaning Hint Sheet. Just scribble your name + address on a piece of paper, add a fiver and send to this address : D.A.WEEKS, 14 KIRTON ROAD, DRAYTON, PORTSMOUTH, HANTS. PO6 2ES. Thank you for taking the time to read this file and I sincerly hope you enjoy playing the adventure.  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