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This screen will from now on be known as the 'Help-screen', and can always be called using the [HELP] key, which is located next to the [UNDO] key. See the keyboard for more details. (...) Or call Sam Tramiel on +1248 6631902344 (ask for Horny Pete). This screen briefly describes the functions of the editor. When you hit space, the editor appears. By using the mouse you can paint the level structures. Use the [left button] to paint a block. The [right button] will erase a block. The current selected block is shown on the right of the screen. Here's a detailed description of the available keys: - The general functions: * [F1] - Load a level. Hitting this key brings up the Fil DeSelector box, and let's you select a file to load. This must be, obviously, a Crackman level [*.CML], otherwise strange things can happen (Try loading NEWDESK.INF!). * [F2] - Save a level. This function releases a hungry bear. Beware! * [F3] - Clear map. Wipes out the current map. >>Be careful: NO UNDO!<< * [F10] - Quit. Exit this soft piece of ware. Nice extra: If you have an application installed under [F10], it will be run directly after you have come back to the desktop. Bugs for free! * [HELP] - The infoscreen. Switches to the infoscreen. - These are the block selection keys: * [Q] - Selects walls. You can now paint with wall-structures. * [W] - Select normal pills / special bonuses / other special blocks. For placing these in your level. * [A] - Decrement block. Select another block. More about this below. * [S] - Increment block. Select another block. See below. There are two sets of blocks: The wall structures and the other blocks. Choose between them using [Q] and [W], and select different types by using [A] and [S]. Just try it, eventually you will understand it. - There are five keys to position the creatures in Crackman: * [0] - Select the Crackman start position. You may now select the spot where Crackman starts. Please put Crackman on (1;1), currently, there's a bug in the repositioning routine in Crackman. * [1 - 4 keypad] - Select the startpositions of the ghosts. Place the ghosts in your level. Note that placing more than one ghost of the same kind isn't of any use. Only four ghosts are supported. * [1 - 6] - Select scenario. This determines what sprite-set will be used when playing the level. Just experiment a bit with this. There are some bugs in the editor; Expect The Unexpected! [We want your levels!] If you made a level, please send it to us! If we like the level, it will be included in the full release of Crackman (27th of December 1998). Mail it to me (Phenomenon): Or DCC it on IRC: ph3n0 [Well...] I hope you'll enjoy this TNH - Teenage product. // Phenomenon of TNH // \\ \\ // // 07-11-1998 6' ( ,'  ' '   '   '       '   '       '    '   ' *' ' '  '   '    ' + ' ' '       ' )'     ' ' '  ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. |/ \| |/ \ | \| |/ \| |/ \| | ___. .___ | | \ | | | | | | |/ | | \| | \ | | | [_] | ' | | ' | . \| | | | | | | |\ ` | | ._. | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | g | | | | \ | | | | | ` | ` | \ | ` | ` | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ NK|  \ | \ | \ | \ | \ |  \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \| \| \| \| \| ` ` ` ` ` ( Phenomenon ) ( TiNKer ) ( AntiLamah )