O`8LoaderN۶Pp  A SAGROTAN 4.14 `0: @`8fA0<BAXQJAf Aa`NuAaV`aY* Bootprogramm zum Schutz vor Virenbefall. */?< NA\Nu * Von Henrik Alt, Kirgelweg 25, 7160 Gaildorf. Kto. 6428662 KSK Schwb. Hall BLZ 62250030 * p Der Bootsektor wurde verndert q p Kein Virus im Bootsektor q *Update besorgen nicht vergessen!*Nq`X@` /@`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ǀ ` ׀ ٠ @  !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEa@` /@`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ǀ ` ׀ ٠ @  !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaBACKUP PRG t jDESKTOP INF I0 INSTALL PRG {t (INVENTRYLIB t \MADDOG HDV zdDMADDOG PRG h`NJMAINCHARPA1 t rDMAINCHARPAK t 3RPATLIB  t LREAD ME t MSCROLL PA1 t %SCROLL PAK t !UNPACK B t UNPACK2 B t MADDOG JOB {d DADDOG DOC u`{ADDOG PRG `}4`ژN Hy ?<&NN\CNx?<NAT<fBgNATCNx?<NATCNxN?<NAT< f3N3N3#,#0NXJyHg Nt`30JN vJyHg Nt`hNCdNxN?<NAT< f3N3N#,#d031JN vJyHg Nt`32JN vJyHg Nt``CNxN?<NAT< f3N3N#f,#03PAB0.PAK60.CNC60.DORf!`0.TXT 0.EN1P0.OB10.SNG+0002.PAK!0002.CNC p02.DOR 02.TXT $z0002.EN1 J02.OB1 z70003.PAK h20003.CNC&0003.DOR03.TXT(d0001.SNG+0004.PAKv+0004.CNC04.DOR204.TXTbV0005.PAK#20005.CNC05.DOR05.TXTJ0006.PAK6D0006.CNCJ 0006.DORT06.TXT0007.PAKD"0007.CNC$07.DORT07.TXT0008.PAK<0008.CNC08.DOR 08.TXT<0010.PAK2N0010.CNC:0010.DORR0010.TXT J0003.OB1!!0002.SNG#0011.PAK$@%0011.CNC&.0011.DOR&h0011.TXT&C0012.PAK))v0012.CNC+0012.DOR+Lr0012.TXT+9TPAB0 DU4w" "C"3fs2"D- 8 ?>80 9=Q@ _߁?l<|?ς d p@$ {~#?s3fbAC \@D\~܀X80`,Xxppp088$/><>Ġ !_/p@ px<>\|Ppxp`!0(8   /p @BP  0 P8?09 m`@ Dׂ$ <`A<<`GD" C8>@P>m0M<D>FLBoQE&|NC 0Ox<` %~@yO0;02x 009b !@g2,\0pp@ 0!G? ?>Q'/?7sԖ H0  7?{8`  |Pс߀ H >|||Np"`|?-?A~on.ÊĀކ Mongܾ ¬;=?=731B#c3ϟ?^?=?ρ\{qqpz{9X}?_?o?9%_>xP@`0! ?wspx0 x8|>9,?% 0Pp~#WG'AX?׉׷7q˟74!@8x0<?:P` 8LmLB?CEF=  FE?>?oPD ~ L?x`0J80D ~>?~~>}?=4= +FLȘ6y7C'G/}=\*( ǁO? ? ?)`=π>ߞ8>s~<ΏproGq}/kۃޜ.@7/?`W_cGޞ;7ww?/ogs3ۄ }=R3JN vJyHg Nt`34JN vJyHg Nt``CNxN?<NAT< f3N3N#,#035JN vJyHg Nt`36JN vJyHg Nt``CHNxN?<NAT< f3N3N#,#H037JN vJyHg Nt`38JN vJyHg Nt``BgNAT/ ?< NA\NuCNxKv;|: 09mN:N0T0UBy CLNxM*N3$.<,NQ><Q!%Jy"g `><NQJy"g ><`><Q><NQJy"f Ry$ y$fZ3"`NjgN`Kv:+|;|N:NBy"Ry R9U 9:Uf0UR9T yP f.<AQKv:N:;|*NKv;|: NNuCNx?<NAT<gNuBgNATCNx30T0UCLNx?</ yPgl"y,NxN?<NAT< fCNx?< ?<?96?<?<B/9:?<NNJ@k:Ry6 yP6f#>:"y0NxN?<NAT< fByBCnNx?< ?<?98?<?<B/9:?< NNJ@k\CXNx?< ?<?98?<?<B/<?<NN"y:$| < f Q` yBg*RyB`Z:Ry8 yP8f>Nu3HNu"y,NxN?<NAT< fCNxKv: 0<y;@N:NByFBy4+|V4 ;|;|:NJy4f@34 < ACf QCPNx?<NATBgNATNu 9.j 3(Nu3PNu>< <*AQ?<?<?<O?< ?<B/<?< NNNu`D1Qq,HRB?< NA\#Kv3>;|330I tNJyg 3>/9?< NA\LRNu3>9`aa$Nu3>-a3>9baaNu3>9daaNu3>9faaNu3>9haaNu>9ta><QNu.- a3333>< aN3>-a>3>9ja,aHaNu(m(.-$a333><a38- |>9naaJmVaNu.-a`3333><a3>9paaaJNu.- a3333>< aL3>-a<3>9la*aFaNu.-a3333><a3>9raaaNu3a|;@3Nu3a|;@ Nu3a|;@ NuafNu3>-|al3Nu+G   .-B<-ކ+GNu09|;@B9 9 9 +A;ANua3aNua09aNu*<Q*< m f*<9g`SgDJyg   .9ma3`09|a;|Nu09|;@ Nu3aLfNu@:< QFNuB>-f a3 <@|9<FNuR6^vpd?<?<NAXJfNuEFORMAT ERROR! The Disk is unusable.0E TRACK: 00 VERIFYING  WRITING OREADING DISK. ONE MOMENT PLEASE TOEERROR! THE DISK IS UNUSABLE! PRESS ESC TO QUIT OR RETURN TO TRY AGAIN. E Maddog Williams Backup Program. This utility is provided so you may make personal backups of the game. Making copies of the game for other than personal backup is prohibited by Federal law and is subject to criminal prosecution. Press any key to continue (ESC=quit)EBefore we begin, you must have 5 blank diskettes labeled, 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CHAPTERS 1&2 3. CHAPTERS 3&4 4. CHAPTERS 5&6 5. CHAPTERS 7&8 Please Write Protect the original disks Press RETURN to continue.iEPlease insert the BACKUP disk labeled INTRODUCTION into drive A: and press RETURN to continue. EPlease insert the BACKUP disk labeled CHAPTERS 1/2 and press RETURN EPlease insert the BACKUP disk labeled CHAPTERS 3\?y!#=>>9;wq+ }|<= 7?n@Ĵ, $&?? nbs 7_޾z"#7  ;L{6$t T\8`p08  ƅ3w???0?- (8x8x l?.࠰|<< \| 7|<  /@D E  |Pс€ĀȂ 8  >|||N,&6 =  0`@"`|<ߏGx8_E~?px?'b  1#"&$eEAIK&$hH@Ԁ Pp` h?+ 88-=~A|ol.CGg?6,=940dDʼnAC^ޖLng ;=B#`3჏?^?=?G Ppx8X|OQ5a18%_>xP@`0𰜌! }?fFpxp0p889L.~_>?~| 00|O/%4? +FLȘ6yƌCG/}9*( pÁo/8p @`@`!?;?  ?)`pჩ+8_~<Ώpr煆'q4`@q}/kۃޜ.@7/?`W_cGޖ97&$ `@` 08(, (hldֲr2   _x!#=>>9;w@Tf  @` 0@` PXHiI  ?qc7?n@Ĵ,|< b"  3"bF 3#   pn‰ 7_޾z"#6 a0  1!aA AL{6$t T\8`p08  ƅ2v`<| x >`<| ! f> ! 8 ?H/pϟ`a~ ` H_?/p/4 and press RETURN EPlease insert the BACKUP disk labeled CHAPTERS 5/6 and press RETURN EPlease insert the BACKUP disk labeled CHAPTERS 7/8 and press RETURN WORKING... PLEASE WAIT. EPlease insert the ORIGINAL disk labeled INTRODUCTION into drive A: and press RETURN continue. 2EPlease insert the ORIGINAL disk labeled CHAPTERS 1/2 and press RETURN EPlease insert the ORIGINAL disk labeled CHAPTERS 3/4 and press RETURN EPlease insert the ORIGINAL disk labeled CHAPTERS 5/6 and press RETURN EPlease insert the ORIGINAL disk labeled CHAPTERS 7/8 and press RETURN EThis is not the original disk! Backups can only be made from the original disks!THIS IS A COPY            2 6*                         ( "\ (>P(.>.: `#a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 58 01 #W 02 00 06 07 0A 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 03 02 14 07 0A 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 15 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A GAMECRAFTERS@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @  @ =`TpC4N N <Ygx<ygp<Ngb<ngZ`EWELCOME TO THE MADDOG WILLIAMS HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION PROGRAM CONTINUE? (Y/N) eBgNATCN N <Ck<[kZ<ckڰ<{k@`EWHICH DRIVE DO YOU WISH TO INSTALL THE GAME TO? [C:]B<a<A T<A3 D??<NAX?<Hy ?<GNAPC FN C N C JN N <Yg2<yg*<Ng <ng`C N N `C N N ?<?<NAXHy?<NA\?<Hy?<NNAPJ@fCtN N `CRN N `EPLEASE INSERT THE INTRODUCTION DISK INTO DRIVE A: AND PRESS A KEY5EFILE ERROR, PROGRAM TERMINATED! 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Who knows!MADDOG.DSKMADDOG.PRGMADDOG.PRGP(.>.: `   6   SWORDLOAF OF BREADPOTIONBEER SERVERGOLDEN AMULET AXE SHORT COTTON ROPECUPEMPTY BUCKETBUCKET FILLED~ WITH LIQUIDFLASK FILLED WITH~ WATERS OF CHANGINGSTAFFBRASS LAMPMETAL HOOK PARCHMENT$GEM STONE)STONE SNAKE HEAD1BUCKET FILLED~ WITH LIQUID3RUSTY LOCK4SOCKS6DIARY7HAIRY SCARY MONSTER~ REPELLENT9SHORT HEMP ROPE;2 MUSHROOMS=BOX OF MATCHES@SCEPTERA2 ROPES TIED TOGETHERBROCKC2 ROCKSD3 ROCKSE4 ROCKSF5 ROCKSLSHRINKING TONICN1 MUSHROOMXKEYSsWARBALL AND CHAINuELIXIRvELIXIR|BREASTPLATEJUG OF XXXAPPLE` 33# "?<?<?<NN\Hyj?<&NN\C 3|w3|w/< ?<NN\?<NNT3J@`ZCN?<NATBgNATEY,8This game requires low resolution.Y-APress any key.?NAX`?:\PABISYS.FILCN?<NAT<0kg<j3CN?<NAT<Yg <yg<Ngΰ<ngNCN?<NAT<1k<j<g3`Jytg~CpN?<NAT<Yg&<yg<Ng<ngN*BytNEY,)Use Ram Disk? (Y/N)EY,*Change Options? 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BLAST I THINK I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE HARD DISK PLEASE REINSTALL THE GAME!"y3# ?<61Z&1Z$1ZJ1ZNOOO01Z20($Y!JPN((OfBTBXB\N!JTN(!JXN(!J\N((Og!J~N(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(!JN(OO!Jd!Jh ENCHg( ZECf ZOMf|N ENFRfNuX#3r"|" 9nJQg(fB2A!Yd!hdh`\`CPByHJQgBY`JyFgJygNP`CPJQg6Yk`A JPk3 ygFC"""B02|2|3KlB<9Jyf NJ`NV:`HB$H0#~EW 2?g 0<?g <Jg <Ng Jyf<Bgh<Cgذ<Dg 8Jy2gB`(&JyfZJyf <;g#Jy;gB`'<NAXNv Do you want to restart the game? (Y/N)EY, Please insert the introduction disk and press any key 9.#/<?<NN\?~f~>~|<|`~><~f~<   `|~f>~`p<~|x?3?>~`p8~||~f~|lfc<>>~f~><~f~`~>ux`6kcf~>~|?3?|~f`>~f~>q0D?08?>>~`p<~|?3>~f~>|~f~|`hFLȘ6~#<~f~`~>j ǁ  <~f~`~><~f`f~<<~f~<|~f`n`=ǀ?3lf~>|~f`~u0>?3?>~ |~f`8<<~f~<3??><~f~<~>~f~>~||~f`{?3?l8<8<lu_?3>~`p<~|<~f<~f~`~>X`p08  ƅ?3?#<>>~f~>>~f~>^ (8x8x,8~~~|~~88>8||~|~ |p~~|||}}|~~~||s|8|8|Ά}s|~~|||~|s|8xy9}|~~~88>~|~~~~x<s~|~~~~||88>j@D8x8|88>~~k|~~~8x8|~x<||~~~s~|8x8|||88>~~s|||~~~||~~|88>p>88|8x8||>??w?|~|~w??w?|8||}?px>~?w?|~~~<>>w>x8||~>~p??w?~||| 88>|||}<>|~8x8|<>||<>}<>88>~~|~||<> ~|>??w?~x<|~~~|~z~~>w>~~y ?px>~~|>w~~88>#|~<>|||||>w~>88p~w~ 88x8|||w?~|}88>~~>??w?8x8|8x8|>w~|||~?w?#|~~~~~,x8| @  @U|Pс @@@@@@@L>|||N,&6 @@@@@@ @  I`|RETURN to continue. &yL^2'Z&'Z*&<4ă7BI4ă7BI4ă7BI4ă7B7|"7| Bk$NupW --> ?NAXCN%/%/CNJy(~fC6RNN&C7NAX?</<$?<NAXHy8?<ANA\J@j |g `Hy8?<ANA\Hy8Hy8?<?<VNA CNC+pN?<NAT` CNC+XN?<NAT` EY+@Error: Disk full.EY+&An Error has occured during saving, Bad Disk or Disk may be full.NYC6,N <"JҼC/$<E_QQ9)--9-,09/<18B.<i4x?</<8?<=NAPJ@k3/<x/?9?<?NA Jk.9 /< /?9?<?NA Jkv?9?<>NAX#X#X3FC <B)QBy9-,9f9--9)fvN.>` CNC-.N?<NAT` EY+4An Error has occured during RESTORE,The disk may be damaged.JybfC.N?<NAT?</</<?<NN M *|.<}"N0.<,<NEM*|.<}N0.< ,<NEN.>` EY,-Please insert the Introduction disk and press any key."| <BBQ"| <BBQ"| <BBQNuCNJybg><M/N.>< M/C/N"NNJR9/QNuM5`?<?<NAXJf*JybfB?<?< NMXJ@g3/N/NJg\< g0<g*B95]95^gR95^??<NAX`NuJ95^g<_S95^C/N`hH@<af^3/Nu_YefY%%A:\= 1:_E 2:_E 3:_E 4:_E 5:_E 6:_E 7:_E 8:_E 9:_E10:_E11:_E12:_E13:_E14:_?>|yqsϟ~zR89x0n:A/#??@ xpqy{gO_?3 QTd!}e~fm P.8  M 9x<?>?>? 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A land filled with many magical / E/,< QG~,$_`LOOK AROUNDAGES installed at :Y7 SLOWfJ+f33NuFASTfJ+f33NuNORMf33NuWALKfJ+f33Nu< RUN f33NuBy$yBBBBByByByBy.<Ip  gJgQ`2Ip g g,g XN(g"`JfJfJf`XN( fBpBtX#"Jyf#*X*X"Ry3 BVBy #zNJyg2ByJyHg#J"3N By NDBhBlNJyg:ByBBBB3$y" ENCHgT`XG~NBpBtBVJyg Nu3 By 33 #"NDBhBlIhBy\.<Jg3\  gQNR3^ g0 g: 9hgNJ 9lgN$yzNXNNJy\gBy\NJyfRJyg#&"NJyHg09 f#J"3N By `v yg 9*#"N&JyHgN09 f@#J"3N By `" Zf RfTN Jy`g 33 N#Jybg3 N.<I8Q#dX#"Jybg09N09 fBJygN8JyHgdf\#J"3N By `>X"#"&#zJy^fNBy^3NHRJybg BybNuHCNL9 g 3Jyf("y.#?BHJyfXyNBHJyf:yNBHJyfyNBB092<@IyNBB09HyNJyfCOBiLNBJyfCJQg TN:2N"y<Of `,<Sf `<XfT` <YfXXBJyf22"yI:T 9nTJgg `g P`((((N Cf: *Rg8 *Sf&THJyf/ $y@4#@$_N?<NAT< g,H0<NLJyfHNYL`Jy4f&NT#"N"|NN#B09< CN$y`Y KJJyf 9#B<9  JFfNVgNgNgNgNgN gNJy4f0Jyf&# ?<? y. 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It is your mission to aid Maddog in ridding the world of the evil that is spreading on this once quiet land.T8@@ If the two of you should fail, the lands of Duridian and Marinor will be plunged into an everlasting darkness, ruled by the evil King Serak. Now go forth great adventurer and meet your destiny.T9 2Prepare Now Adventurer To Enter MarinorQU@p@Only those of honest heart and noble spirit may journey beyond the borders of Marinor. I, being the guardian of this world, will ask you three questions found on the map of the Lands of Duridian. Only those who can answer them correctly will be permitted into the mystical and dangerous lands beyond the borders of the quiet valley that is Maddog's home.E0@B@How many spires are there on the Dark Castle of Serak?E1@L@How many birds are shown flying west of the Dark Castle of Serak?E2@L@How many trees are shown just south of the Village of Lakeville?E3@J@How many trees are shown on the lower level of the Tower Falls?E4@P@How many houses are shown on the south bank of the Ibercraken river?E5@F@How many flags are shown flying above the castle in Sydra?E6@H@How many trees are shown to the east of the castle in Sydra?E7@@@How many houses are shown in the village of Marinor?E8@@@How many entrances are shown to the Malthazar Caves?E9@F@How many trees are shown to the west of the Dragon's Lair?F0@>@How many ships are shown sailing on the Lorian Sea?F1@B@How many houses are shown in the village of Lakeville?F2@H@How many trees are shown to the west of the castle in Sydra?F3@J@How many sails are shown on the ship sailing in the Lorian Sea?F4@B@How many rivers are shown flowing into the Lorian Sea?F5@$@How do you spell Amulet?F6@\@The desolation of Serak is North, South, East or West of the Forbidden Mountains.F7@J@Cyclops Place is North, South, East or West of Devils Landing.F8@L@The plains of Gilgorath are North, South, East or West of Sydra.F9@F@Mt. Thomas is North, South, East or West of Cyclops Place.G0@T@The Elvin Forest is North, South, East or West of the Valley of Marinor.G1@\@The Forbidden Mountains are North, South, East or West of the Wildrush Mountains.G2@J@The Dogwood Forest is North, South, East or West of Lakeville.G3@J@The Dragon's Lair is North, South, East or West of Mt. Thomas.G4@J@The Village Ruins are North, South, East or West of Salty Cove.G5@\@The Wildrush Mountains are North, South, East or West of the Forbidden mountains.G6@L@Miniko Pass is North, South, East or West of the Malthazar Caves.G7@L@Pantor Peak is North, South, East or West of the Malthazar Caves.G8@F@Chatswood Peak is North, South, East or West of Mt. Thomas.G9@R@The Village Ruins are North, South, East or West of the Dragon's Lair.H0@\@The Plains of Gilgorath are North, South, East or West of the Village of Marinor.H1@2@What pass is north of the Canbur Wall?H2@P@What is the name of the range of mountains south of the Elvin Forest?H3@*@What forest is west of Marinor?H4@4@What peak is south of the village ruins?H5@>@What river passes through the plains of Gilgaroth?H6@,@What lands lie west of Lakeville?H7@4@What caves are to the south of Marinor?H8@*@What cove is north of Marinor?H9@4@What wall protects Marinor to the north?I0@:@What is the name of the Upper and Lower Falls?I1@4@What landing is near the Castle of Serak?WR@|@Since you have not passed this test, you shall not be permitted to journey into the dark forest west of Marinor.NC@@That is incorrect.Z1@@That is correct.Z2@l@You have answered my questions wisely. You may now begin your adventure but remember these words:Z3@,@I'm sorry, but that is incorrect.1ONEOK&*2TWOOK".3THREE"OK!#$%(4FOUROK ,-5FIVEOK+,6SIXOK'7SEVENOK)N49(| :(& 404fJynfJy.f JyNfX 404 f$ByNBy^JyNf.Ng3(yJlf`B0,(|OBtL`N`f"y03N2IIJAf2< J@g4@j@@An0)2IIJAf2< J@g4(Bj@BAnX3X #.JygN 92.fBHBy 3 #T"NDL33N#:#F#R#nJyNg09Vy3X0J@k30J@k30J@g3A8C: <"QN EDORf29NJy fNg69Ƽg0(yJlgâ1yL1yJ1|6N`Â6(6|g<SG33#"BBJyf^09Z@29⸒yⶒ@y¼3| 092<(@¼3| "|NBBBBBB09й.(29gSAЁ"|,@##2949VB|j2<3g f3TA8#Jyf gRA¼3JBf4<36<298<NZ,,QJAgNZ,,)Q8<PNZ,,Q"y,yQJyfQ~NuJyg "|8`"|#SBfVByJyg "|8`"|#ByN|B:iiiFEVnnn09 Nu/C8.<0J@g\X2¼g<g R|AX2¼g<g R|AX2¼g<g R|A2Q.Nu/C8.<0X2¼g S|AX2¼g S|AX2¼g S|A2Q.Nuyf NNuNtNuJy;|330I tNJyg 3>Jy f/9?< NA\LRNu3>9Laa$Nu3>-a3>9NaaNu3>9PaaNu3>9RaaNu3>9TaaNu>9`a><QNu.- a3333>< aN3>-a>3>9Va,aHaNu(m(.-$a333><a38- |>9ZaaJmVaNu.-a`3333><a3>9\aaaJNu.- a3333>< aL3>-a<3>9Xa*aFaNu.-a3333><a3>9^aaaNu3a|;@3Nu3a|;@ Nu3a|;@ NuafNu3>-|al3Nu+G   .-B<-ކ+GNu09|;@B9 9 9 +A;ANua3aNua09aNu*<Q*< m f*<9g`SgDJyg   .9ma3`09|a;|Nu09|;@ Nu3aLfNu@:< QFNuB>-f a3 <@|9<FNuPDSKTABLE6^vpd8-:<D|Ej ;C`;E:N:NmgpklB8-٭ <Q:N|k2;|;|:NmB8-٭ <Q`:;|;CNNu"yp (Jg$g ` (g`3NuBBBB2)4) 0) 6)Nu9ȼBy8By:gl?B898ET8SjjL3:5RBBB"|82*4*6ASB30300UCQ3 Ry8Jg`~Jy:fNu/<8?<NN\Nu"|829X49ZA36SySBJyfN33TAQ30/<8?<NN\Ry:9yfR3`F83000UCQ3/<8?<NN\Sy yfByNuCJgX`",#C2<E@QNu C yf|``|Nu(| <p&y.B9< μЇ <'l'l'l'l QNu(| <мp`C <E@2QNuBy"y.#?<0NBy?<?<NAXJfJyf`B09"<Q<g<g.<gn`JygNPS9SyN` ygNPR9RyN`pH@<agJ<Hg<Pgİ<g`NX9C`B09NB09R@3CNCNNTCNCPNB# ?< CNCN"yN"<QCNCN"yN"<QQNu9#*|,O.M <Q .k 3tNuNu@|Jyg BB><C$RYQJyf&<K|C$09"GVI$y Rf T`Jj`#Ba,yB g g fFT`X`A ^^^^^^^^^^^ `X3<k<<f`BJg8293B3`,B4`+3 #``$y Rf T`Jj`#Ba,yB g g fFT`X`A.^^^^NORTH"OK05:=>SSOUTHOK179EEASTOK36<WWEST OK248;MINIKOOK?WILDRUSHOK@ELVINOKAPANTOROKBIBERCRAKOKCWESTERLAOKDMALTHAZAOKESALTYOKFCANBUROKGTOWEROKHDEVILSOKI0D5E"C#3D????D4#C"3""3Dz_t_/_?}?}?}sy{cx~C{y`?OG{yM}<>?><~}|xvGo]9yx6 1"/-? h(C7C7C&ԠACGDÅ8~`p~8|߿XY[XY[XY[<<?a  7`xX~n,rz{~p?=|||7wo7wo7swo:Ǜ?^?Ǔ<?i?Gd?Q?Gd???Gd~|~}o^82 `~?yq;OnFN/7[ ~|xpqpqw<3<=<sOa1) ρgٸ ?/'/o^ |xp!O??|xp!O??|xp!O?>?> ?< ogwauAEGDGc`ca1Ba?`?@`?D@` <0 @$` ?!#ߟ?3#p?Ϗۛ?΂p?ߟτ ?C?Cy);I?C `ay|~|x `ay|~|x `ay|~|x ӷa?;{3 08x  rv08x  p08x p, $ ,|܃$88G d`?|xaC?x`px|~}~|x|~ ,?8?Ǐ4 ća@p  5s( >? 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He lived an evil life and, for many years, ruled his people with blood and terror.T3 d!Most of the peasants were forced out of their homes and into a life of poverty and sickness.T4 "During his reign, many of Serak's men tried to rebel against him, only to end up as food for the creatures of the dungeons.T5 Often Serak would choose young maidens from among his people. They were torn from their families and sacrificed to the evil god, Malthazar.PAB0DU4$C33"S""3D},<> ?<?  s x@?B ?8>矇 &?= ?< ? Ȝ!==ς_߁߀_ ߁?9 x& |>  !?0ð7`~x؈Po7 ?9A  !?珇S9wgN?@p0p|~|c ׃? "?&> |? ? 'd` ?~??| (gDd~  ?~ ? `'?OO/IqǸH$H?~?a  ??2< 8H!0~?x/o ? ; ) ?{p??>??x? 77#r ?{| A8|?>?x? )?_5 >?|? 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There they waited in darkness for the first sign of dawn.PAB0DU4VCC3"w"3D `"#! ^_O`}8  7%| 8|<|}M}|}tD|x`IA<X? !' <|NXx8,[}ۀ^4fnx0?/?7?>,p^_O <~!xww7wC =f_= = 0=<|9$)cχ?[OG3w7wo?<|k߷o߯M{7cdž?x 0@`~FĂZp^@s@&G#=@!'y<7ʚ;{\?}O_o:Ç 'B yxS7?>??  !080:98:;5a0?@pY(?>͜>?=ђǁNcyr9|>~ϟ?p81Ϟ=t?>phXPSWW{zvtK7qOf'30^(;_ 1+ҐdV A|yyhߟ?}? px_:>p`bxd|x< i@?x>  ~<D0x`d? p~`?cx??9ЊЗ =  ?@|?_a&.\}  @G!;?~F@[;>Mf?OGo?<˹~H! )#?O3:<ٟ~3~>1͕g`?Oc>{TQeGp~*!#0p᠈ xW7K|1  >x{|ޟ?&!.?~`̈?C8~?$,p|8gx ? ?~qy=&qP`0;H| =r}A@  !@A $w~\j`rA@?#0??'ώ??/_kVXp@QFa!! ?*nO 8<> #bc7`&`(Xx{s?CcN#?<1px~>@! |n>P-g1y|yx{  -@I^~  PxtWeIxۻ{ښ8yqia@jo# 0xFH (r K/" ϟ>|cLJG'U$#/%<` ?  ~^: = `ہ ?`x~?Y  6 (( .6   ?WO_?m~^U϶? ?_ 0((NESS (+/- ON THE NUMBER KEY PAD) CONTROL J- TOGGLE JOYSTICK/KEYBOARD UNDO- ERASE INPUT LINE. SHIFT KEYS- ACT AS FIRE BUTTON WHILE IN THE KEYBOARD MODE ARROW KEYS- 4 DIRECTIONS CONTROL OF MADDOG NUMBER KEY PAD- 8 DIRECTIONS CONTROL OF MADDOG -K HERE IS ANSWERS TO A COUPLE OF QUESTIONS: ~< THERE ARE 6 HOUSES IN THE VALLEY OF MARINOR THE NAME OF THE MOUNTAINS SOUTH OF ELVIN FOREST IS WILDRUSH MOUNTIANS PANTOR PEAK IS WEST OF MALTHAZAR CAVES MT. THOMAS IS EAST OF CYCLOPS PLACE ELVIN FOREST IS WEST OF MARINOR 1 SHIP SAILS ON THE LORIAN SEA THE WILDRUSH MOUNTAINS ARE SOUTH OF THE FORBIDDEN MOUNTAINS MINIKO PASS IS NORTH OF CANBUR WALL `2 those are only a few.. Little Lulu of ST Amigos/Replicants hey what is the name of the game ? Copy all disks 11 sectors double sided! There are 5 disks Send disks and money to Illegal and Maxi 5 et 7 place des Marseillaises 13001 MARSEILLE France (the best country!) The game should run in tos mode ! Illegal signing off. +EOOOH! OWCH! EEK! BLAST I THINK I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE HARD DISK PLEASE REINSTALL THE GAME!"y3#?</Q`2H8-SDAL;p@L8-TNs B8paM-|-.ap0|-@D @><?K. QPaT"@*IApEa-|aaaH nD><?BQNu8<9g <g`PNuHAaFaB k-@`><^a0QAa$a k-@` nD><?BQLNuKQJgNu-.-N-n---aR,"Mpg8<g> HG(I~````IQC .K`|KK`NuH"HJfSH r(@4IIAIH*<JBgRA|JAgSAEHEQ LNuA!p 2|`~3 Q0|p B(QPNuAZ!8p88 882|`~1!BQQCH!pF#Nu,H nLH@PJ.gaLNsThe Replicants and ST AmigosPresentMaddog huh,what is the name?Cracked and fcopy enabled by IllegalGreetings to :AutomationSuperiorPompey PiratesHotline and McaMedway boysDream weaversHi to :Lightman,Silver Surfer,Mob,Yum YumAngel Face,Harry,elrick.Dis game is 11 sectors i know!so it is now enabled for fastcopycopy all 5 disks 11 sectors 2 sides!If you wanna put it in files etc...and you cannot go through my littleprotection then contact me !Send disks and moneyor write to Illegal and Maxi5 et 7 place des Marseillaises13001 Marseille)@DD@D" " ((T$x| ((`| ((&8>PPP$8<p||b`bD$`d"$&F@F 8D@D ((@PPBpr``@``@B$ $x $$B@B ex dx~$ @@@ 08   V&x~r|~    @@@@@@DHN@BB@B0>B@BB@B@@B`~B@BB@B@B&8>8>B@B8<D@D@HH@PP`p@HHD@D@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8@~FƠ(B@BB"`b@PR@RBHJF@F@B$8B@BB@B@@B@BB@B $FB@BB@B$ $ $$B@B@B@@AA@A  "fx~ @@@8@~@@@ `xx8@x ((D@D(8$8<2<>B@B8>@@@@@@dx|@BB@BB@B8@| $8<@@@@@8<$8>@BB@BB@B8> $8<@Br|~@@@8< dx|  $8>@BB@B0>`|@@@@@@dx|@BB@BB@B@B8<`p@@@@@@D@D@HpppH@H@D8< h쐒 dx|@BB@BB@B@B $8<@BB@BB@B8< `|B@BB@B@B`|@@@ >B@BB@B@  o{ `szĀ  I cF|!s Bx  >#gM~?;u |ݟqÃc{ӧ K G5;8|W^>6$?><}usv? ?U^ۉ@PHpGg ` ~?>~p?7SÁЀ"`3  `0B `w5#N  '  `0`8|0 x,l# p  / &"&*no '@@@@<0A` 0Ap 0,o)<& @?߇   s|p?>xP8`08( @ C  @`0 @?? `    d (6  ?  ? x) ?  @ gwrB>  2j@(*٧>] \ 늸gv5dh`@  " &ؚ:) #   # 3w q=!08<>  :0L{;sL 7 >]ae??緃 ǟ  o{48#/#@w >^?   -G  y9tv APV0    "x pPi]Vק0 ,~v ;@ A@A / T 07Άy$? ~?'` Ƅ@D/+zo>Ɂ={߈? 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Many good lives were lost in the rebellion but, in the end, the armies of Thaylor defeated Serak and scattered his men into the desolate wilderness.T4  In time, Thaylor's men captured the evil King Serak. He was taken to the Castle of Duridian where the white wizards cast him into an enchanted cell to live forever in eternal banishment.T5 p#The once great Castle of Duridian was left in ruin, as a reminder of the evil that once ruled there.PAB0DU43$C"3"S3Dh0~}w>:x'?OogGW[CgMyx0 +? ‚"~ p05?i<_?߇7w 7][Wnyc~M3^a~y{go<~| @2#KɀǀπG ^ߟ_߄|sǟ}(-ȝ_?[ߟ>{s3_O ?{~|y{swo?Êc?&''?~  ǂ' g '!# ;   ??"*?????π_{1)8.     808 @Ѐ0x3s@Ѐ0x3sxx`@||<||< `0  0 ` 08 ``>>^?H @8\>=~ 1 N=x` `` 80 ` 08@@@@aa  7ws1@`p8808   -p`@  8@0 ` 08w0p >>^?H @8\ o<8c   p`p88;8  )S8А @ 0 x9{ @'Gp8`@0  @@@L 08<@(pp 8; `?8t`@@@@L 08$48`>~???8p8;  ?/$,;|~ pp8 ` p08`3Hp`p `@@L 08'%<8 8`8; 8xp0 8pH8d p~x @`@@L 08 @ ?|? **?@98p `<88x888 <|xqx @PG`p08@ p8 p~p @@@L 08/_O@?}, x@0p0 |8 @@ @ 8p @ @@L 080  |8 |p0&>>=~ 1 nx`>! px8 8@@L 08) 8 0p/_8`08tyC?@I p `x pƒ q@0`@xp04) @ ܃ |P0"?>?|'?>~=~  7/<@PG||~@px s\ ?/$ .#?   @ p @p0 8<0` qz<0808<8\~<@~@Pls<x p08Ѕz 0 ``p8<> ??7w80 ||z<p~ 8 /80 8/x+@@@@| p8|@@L`p8J@p(  ? 88<< |p0p  0x??N>_(@ @ @8gCGF q~>>  ?   <>  <>%P Hpx 0x #@` p #@` p& <  @ @( PPP   PPP   px< 0x= @@@@ ? 8(8ā`@x8x`x8 0x:qx@08:qx@08P  PP  P     @ x̆? @ x̆? ?GCC?GCC p08؀ށ 0 x8|? 8|?N>_(@ @ @8gCGF q~>>`   ||9>} saq1G?>?>?p0p΁ܸ 0 x``   _(@ @ @8gCGD#s?<90e ?  #@ ``0 Ƅ?~<88`@8 ظx8P@Xx@ p3p  `8t,pxܜ|P@X x /7y(#x0  `߀? ?w? ~.?AK  \ < 0???0x`7VQEm  CS#Ä@ǁ?~> :-} 9?  //ׇ ?π|>^)  ?_o?y><(  B@Wb<|}m8؆ cCÉGLJ` +߿w :=91'π?}}[?}6v׏o߿ ω=:y 6ˏ_gwШ߀@^_^@_~Ϗ=}zׯ_?X5 n??ϧ#3g?'???_5A߿` ?Ǐ8p BÃ#ÃOCCÀ#7p*8`` Ā,*'?‚#># %`7][Wnyc~M3^a~y{go?$`??_??? ^ߟ_߄|sǟ}+&?@ @ ` _O/?{~|y{swo?Êc?0-?O/7Y $ ǂ' g'"$xhȨĖFv& ?? -Ï=nfbkx}=<   Ѐ@**pppp0p0xg_0͙#|sǟ@,K$?{ .?Y!G# ЁP%O5H :#%. @ @ ` ` K*J/*H0  @@`0 376vfv{y|?}y{s 0@JPDl 0p88_/|?| }>     &": ~{ (@|̃{ **~ @G0<8<| @ACFȈ `  @7 ?_gw  0 `06 pPGCa 0`0}z6x|sǟ@.)@P=Gt6׷ @``?{   >0@  ЁPM xh8(,< :#O=nfbkx}=<   (x1(Ix xx8x8wglస2͙#<| I@H @bx8?`%Ã̀옰`=@@  @@ >`M@ 0`~|y{swo???o3  @@hd'L @`0@X 00 p 0`0 #J `KKw1~;7  98 9?o1?|xp`p`xw?>x|yxpqspx~=>/>>1^~|xp@@E5  .8576vfv{y|?}y{sVPDlp@@??p0 <|?| 0<8 ||  4 #@p8@D{ +:d?'q 0 0???z]wCGO_`  @0<~P~  @"a0v` !xjd,)@ 67%bVPg+<|,Js|pgϟ/l;qkbۈ}="Ã̀ ?D q?=    '/  xăp 0@<@ 88Pp P@X x*?  pH8dР `P@X x 8|~ *u@?{x 7w7   >cÃ@ @ 8@ Р  `px< P@X x.G0?~|x< &x@?? ? 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The people of Duridian hailed Sir Robert Thaylor and chose him to be their new king.T3 "King Thaylor vowed to restore the kingdom of Duridian to its good and prosperous state. Once again Sydra by the Sea was a beacon of hope and prosperity.T4 !Twenty years have passed and the kingdom of Duridian has lived in peace. New townships were built along the coast of Duridian and the battle against Serak is just a memory in the tired minds of old warriors.T5 h"King Thaylor kept his vow and has ruled the kingdom for many years with a kind and gentle hand.PAB0DUfV$C"3"w3D0x*Bǿň7;φ>!x<=#߀w;w߁' 2X?? 2L@ 2 wÇ2!/  ? 2&<|x@00<| 2? ./?~~z]^_~?080 2y{ 8x< 2$x?ǁ9<? ?? ` 2"{;??w???2 |r>%=< 2$)G@w 2V?s}~?2?@O@??@O@?"?{; ۀ ہ2    >+x?='ǀ ?='/߃ ?6߿_o  ?2wwww? "/!ww`ww"u|???< ?7cAw04)x<???w?'??;?>/??> ?|~x|?=? <0`???><8|@p|?Їz|></+|~p8||><x`p8Ip(   ? g@g@g@c@c@| x08<>~~|~~~>? ? ? ?%|<<x08?p?p&>?w?<8p8? 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B$ECOMENFR 2M T2Me M :P$PQm `UX$ V.P$ MMT3T1ENCHRESP2YOU BLEW IT GUYST1 OK.T2  For many years the kingdom grew and Sydra by the Sea again is a good and prosperous city.!King Thaylor finally married after satisfying his thirst for adventure. With his wife by his side, they raised their only daughter whom they named Leoria.Princess Leoria grew up in a peaceful land never knowing the evil that her father had faced, except in the stories he would sometimes tell.T3 0!But alas""U3pRDD808 |` @x0?? <>?(`  <8<c~>  ?8808 A! 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Once again the evil name of Serak is whispered in fear among the people."Rumors abound that he has escaped his enchanted cell in the Castle of Duridian and has now captured the good King Thaylor and his beautiful daughter, Leoria.PAB023D2" 23D1-L,"@$?L+??πL) 䇥?L'/.?/+;?./?7;??L%q}=ݽy}ս L4"?  ?L_ׯm?Py`y`L?1L#0-*$ ?L߸W?wczݢ L?2?O-!%@ю L!`{Lw?*L"?+L%4?L?( wL*?? xc>3ĊP?7p/!L,_|c>3LCg?7|L- L\p`<<0 @x<4:* |p`>? ;8#;:8 ?? @M2 @0@P @(@ N ?  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There is a hand- woven rug lying in the middle of the floor, giving the room a homey look.EXTRALINENSLINENBLANKETSBLANKETQPpdI keep the extra blankets and linens handy in case it gets too cold or I have any visitors.CLOTHESCLOTHINGSHIRTSHIRTSPANTSTROUSERS T What clothes?Some old shirts and pants are neatly folded in the drawer.SOCKSSOCKSTOCKING  What socks?Maddog recalls how his mother knitted these socks especially for him just a few months ago, and already they have started to lose their color.KNOBKNOBSBEDKNOBBEDKNOBSBEDPOSTBEDPOSTSPOSTPOSTS <There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it.SHOESSHOEBOOTSBOOTSHOELACEBOOTSTRALACELACES @A pair of old working boots lie underneath the shelves.WINDOWWINDOWS < The small bedroom window is set back into the wall.MIRROR LThe small, simple mirror hangs on the west wall of Maddog's bedroom.CLOCKINVENTIOMACHINEDEVICECONTRAPTTIMEPIEC : Maddog looks at the device and explains, "The sand slowly fills the bucket. Then, when the bucket is full, it drops and opens the gate at the top of the ramp. A ball then rolls down the ramp and triggers the rat trap. There is a string attached to the trap and to a glass of water. When the trap is triggered the string pulls the glass over and the water is dumped on the person lying in bed.""I haven't sold any of them yet. It seems that people don't like to get wet in the morning.""Oh well, you win some, you lose some," Maddog says with a smile.CANDLESCANDLEHOLDERHOLDERSDECORATI fTwo small candles are mounted in holders on the north wall giving light to the small bedroom.FLOORDOWNGROUNDFLOORBOABOARDBOARDSHARDWOOD HThere is a hand-woven rug that lies on the hardwood floor in front of the bed."There is a hand-woven rug that lies on the hardwood floor in front of the bed, and the broken vase lies in front of the dresser.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTEPSTEPSSTAIRCAS (That goes down into my kitchen.RUGCARPETMAT A hand woven-rug lies in the middle of the floor. It was purchased at the market from a mysterious traveler who claimed it was imported from Persia.DRESSERDRAWERSDRAWERCHESTCABINET  The solid oak dresser stands against the north wall of the bedroom. A small Chinese vase sits on the top of the dresser.The solid oak dresser stands against the north wall of the bedroom. A small Chinese vase lays shattered on the floor in front of it.WALLSWALL xSmall candles hang by Maddog's newly invented clock on the north wall and a small mirror hangs on the west wall.VASEJARPIECES The ancient Chinese vase was a gift from one of Maddog's old sailor friends.Maddog looks down at the shattered vase and replies, "Do you have a magnifying glass?"CEILINGUPROOFABOVE XThe ceiling is old and worn with small cracks that leak during the rainy season.STAIRSSTAIRSTEPSSTEPSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS >These finely crafted stairs lead down to the kitchen.RAILINGRAILRAILSHANDRAIL  It's a simple iron rail.BEDMATTRESSHEADBOARHEAD R!The old bed is kind of beat up and worn but it's good enough to sleep on.COVERCOVERSBLANKETBLANKETSQUILTQUILTSBEDDING d Looking at the bed Maddog says, "Nice quilt isn't it? It was made by my Grandma Williams."PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA "Now that's a soft pillow.SHELVESSHELFSHELVING On one of the shelves rests my sword. The other shelves hold extra blankets and linens.The shelves hold extra blankets and linens.SWORDWEAPON tThe finely crafted sword was made of the finest metals in the world. Its quality has never been surpassed.DOORENTRANCEEXITDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYOPENING L"The door on the east side of the bedroom leads down to the kitchen.GLASSCUP !The glass is attached by a hinge to the small shelf. There is a string hooked to the glass that runs through a loop on the wall to the rat trap.RATTRAPMOUSETRA B!When the ball triggers the trap, it pulls the glass over.BUCKETPAIL `When the bucket is filled with sand, it drops and opens the gate at the top of the ramp.RAMPSHOOT (It's a small ramp made of wood.LEVER XAttached to  8x808x~ >8x~ >8   ??s ?s?`@?<?<x808 ? ?>|~?>~~>c ? >??~|>??>?̘8<x808@@~|| ?w?80p8? .`@8d  < x808??|~?> ><<8o  ~?~>xp8 ր`|< `x808%>? 8`??}p0 8pH8d`x808 ? =?w0&>??~|>> p<9Çx808x`0p ?9 8` 10`??<`0x ?@- `|p~? ?  x<0` ??7?<<`@p|?~z|<<8p`p8<~ x?w91 |>?~~|<8?? /80?7?<8?7? |~p8||<<8p`p8Jpx01000 1000 1000 1000EDORENCHADJUSTBOUNCEBUILDBUYPURCHASECASTTHROWTOSSFLINGCHUCKCHOPCUTSEVERTEARRIPCOMMANDORDERCRAWLDROPLICKCROUCHSQUATSTOOPPAYWADECAPTURECATCHCLOSESHUTSLAMCROSSREACHYANK,$I see no reason to do that.ALERTBLOWBREAKSHATTERSMASHCRUSHDESCENDFALLLOWERREPELDIVEDRAGFEEDFRIGHTENLIFTELthe lever on one end is the bucket and on the other end is the gate.GATE >When the gate lifts up, the ball rolls down the ramp.BALLMARBLE @!The ball rolls down the ramp and triggers the rat trap.STRINGTWINE 6!The string connects the glass to the rat trap.FUNNELBIN FThe funnel, filled with sand, slowly empties into the bucket.SANDGRAINGRAINS vThere is nothing unusual about the sand. I just stepped down to the beach and got a bucket full to use here.WATERLIQUID dMaddog looks at his wet bed and blankets and sighs, "I guess it does have some draw backs."PLANTPLANTS 8Maddog enjoys having this bit of nature inside.DIRTDUST .I don't see anything unusual about it.OUTSIDE((PbfMaddog stretches his arms and yawns as he looks off into the forest of the valley of Marinor.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW ,I see no reason to look under that.DRESSERDRAWERSDRAWERCHESTCABINET PMaddog looks underneath the dresser and replies "I don't see anything."PILLOW x"Maddog looks under the pillow and says, "Nothing there. What were you expecting, a visit from the Tooth Fairy?"BED "Nothing there except dust.SHELVESSHELFSHELVING 8A pair of old boots sits underneath the shelves.RUGCARPETMATA.okSI already did.~~AVASEJARPIECES(PqCPOKOS It's broken.~~0~~<~~0~~<BLANKETCOVERQUILT 4The only thing under the blanket is my bed.OUTTHROUGH I can't look out that.DOOR @Looking out the door, Maddog can see his large kitchen.WINDOW((PbfMaddog stretches his arms and yawns as he looks off into the forest of the Valley of Marinor.BEHINDBACKBEYOND ,I see no reason to look behind that.BED nMaddog strains to see between the wall and the bed and finally replies, "I can't see behind the bed."SHELVESSHELF ,There is nothing behind the shelves.DRESSERDRAWERSDRAWERCHESTCABINET @It looks like it hasn't been cleaned back here in ages.MIRROR p\Maddog peeks behind the mirror and says, "Yep, just as I suspected... a blank wall."ININTOINSIDE n Look in what?JARVASEPIECES(_The ancient Chinese vase is empty.Maddog looks down at the shattered vase and replies, "That's easy, now that it's in a million pieces."MIRRORd (oTMaddog looks in the small mirror and says, "Now that's a good looking chap."DRAWERDRAWERS ok.TAGLABELA.okSI already did.~~AGETTAKERETRIEVEPICKGRABREMOVEACCEPT ,$What did you want me to get?PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA DWhat do you want me to do, lug it around like a teddy bear?DRESSED DLooking down at himself Maddog says, "I'm already dressed."DRESSERDRAWERDRAWERSCHESTCABINET &I see no reason to take that.QUILTQUILTSCOVERCOVERSBLANKETBLANKETS b Maddog looks at the blanket and says, "What am I going to do with it, send smoke signals?"STRINGBALLSANDBUCKETLEVERGLASSPAILSHOOTMARBLECUPTWINETRAPGATERAMPMOUSETRACLOCKINVENTIOMACHINEDEVICECONTRAPTTIMEPIEC 6If I take that, the clock won't work anymore.WATERLIQUID bRight. You want to explain how you plan to do this? I have never qualified as a magician.MIRROR .No, I think it looks good where it is.SWORD(p#Maddog takes his mighty sword from the bedroom shelf and admires its fine craftsmanship for a moment. Maddog then carefully sheaths it.I already have it.~~*~~/~~/VASEJARPIECES(PqCTokOXY It's broken.~~&X~~0~~<~~&XCANDLESCANDLEHOLDERHOLDERSDECORATI 8I think they look nice there. Let's leave them.RUGCARPET R Maddog looks at you and replies "I'm not going to carry it. You carry it."SHOESSHOELACELACESSHOELACESTRAPSTRAPSSHOESTRA n Looking down at the shoes he has on, he replies, "The ones I have on are very comfortable, thank you."BOOTSBOOTBOOTSTRA tShaking his head, he turns to you and says, "Never did like those boots. They're too heavy to lug around."CLOTHESCLOTHING xI don't see any.Maddog looks over the assortment of clothing and replies, "I think what I have on is fine."SOCKSSTOCKINGSOCK NMaddog retrieves his socks from the drawer. I already have them.BED TRight! That's kind of heavy to carry isn't it? Let's leave it where it is.EXTRALINENSLINENKNOBSBEDKNOBSPLANTS *I can't see why I would need them.KNOBBEDKNOBMATTRESSHEADBOARPLANT *I can't see why I would need that.WINDOWWINDOWSSHELFSHELVES Oh that'wEVATEPETRAISESHAKESHAVETELLWEIGHBRUSHFLIPWHIP6.I don't think that would do any good.FORCEPUSHPULLTUGSHOVEPRYSTOPTURNTOUCHCLIMBASCENDSHIMMYMOUNTMOVESLIDESWITCHUNLATCHUNHOOKOPENTICKLEHANGINSTALLLASSOLOOPROPETIGHTEN6.I don't think that would do any good.REVEALSHOWASKINQUIRESAYSPEAKTALKCONVERSECHATCOMMUNICREPLYPRAYCHANTMOAN Nothing happens.CALMFEELFIXREPAIRINSERTLETMAKEMENDLOOSENSTICKTRYBURDENSTARTACTIVATENODON'TCEASEREFRAINDISCONTI<4I'm not sure just what you're talking about.KILLHURTSTEALSWIPERIDE I'd rather not.BREATHBREATHE,$Yes I'm breathing. Are you?BURN6.What are you some kind of pyromaniac?BURY&I don't have a shovel.CALL2Hey you!Nothing seems to have happened.MOTHERMOM 0My mother's not here. Let's call yours?CAREFULLCAREFULD<I'm always careful, but what did you want me to do?CLEANMOPSWEEPWASHCOOK>6I don't have time to stand here and be a maid.CRYWEAP<4I'm an adventurer and adventurers don't cry.CUREHEAL@8Right, am I suppose to be a doctor or something?DESTROYBEATCRUSHDEMOLISHSMASHPOUNDJBDestroying that will not help in finishing this adventure.DIE@8I don't know about you but I would rather live.DIGBURROW.&What, do I look like a gopher?DRINKLAPSIPGUZZLESLURPGULP,I don't think that will do any good.ELIXERELIXERSELIXIRELIXIRSI don't have that.Maddog opens the container of elixir and quickly swallows its contents.+uvOSMaddog opens the container of elixir and quickly swallows its contents.+vOS~~LOOK ELIXIRFLASKWATERSWATER I don't have any.Maddog turns to you and says, "That would be a waste to drink it right now."I already drank it.POTIONBOTTLEREPELLEN I don't have that.Maddog brings the bottle up to his nose and breathes deeply. Coughing, he says, "I wouldn't drink that even if my life depeneded upon it."TONICSHRINKINVILEVIAL ZI don't have that.I see no reason to do that here. It would only be a waste.XXXJUGWISKEYMOONSHINLIQUORALCOHOLBOOZE @I don't have that.No way! That stuff is too strong.EATBITECHEWDEVOURCONSUMETASTESWALLOWI'm not that hungry.APPLEFRUIThI don't have one.Taking the apple out, Maddog quickly eats it.+O~~LOOK APPLEBREADLOAF|I don't have any bread.Feeling very hungry, Maddog eats the entire loaf of bread.+O~~LOOK BREADMUSHROOM ^I don't have any.Not even if my life depended on it.OI certainly will not.FETCH Arf Arf Arf!FILL.I see no reason to do that right now.BUCKETPAIL ~I don't have a bucket.I don't see any reason to lug a full bucket around with me right now.It's already full.FINDLOCATEI can't find that.MADDOGYOUSELFYOURSELF I'm right here.MEMYSELF You're right there.FISH4,I don't seem to have a fishing pole.FLYNFI'll bet I'd make a great bird, but let's stay on the ground.GETTAKERETRIEVEGRABREMOVEDETACHRETREIVEACCEPTPICKI can't take that.UP I'm already up.BREAK VOK, that sounds like a great idea, but is this really the right time for that?UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW I'd rather not.GIVEOFFERHAND6.I don't think that would do any good.GOENTEREXITFOLLOWLEAVEWALKSTEP:2Maddog looks at you and says, "After you."GOODBYE80Where are you going?Will you be long?HELP Press F2.HIDE*"Will you come and find me?HIHELLOGDAYG'DAYHello.INVENTOR Press F7.JOGEXERCISE&I don't need exercise.JUMPLEAPHOPSPRINGTLPress: -Fire button (Joystick mode) -Shift key (Keyboard mode).KICKHITWHACKSMACK*"Oh right, that might hurt.FIGHTATTACK Press F1.KISSSMOOCHTLI don't think that kissing is an appropriate thing to do right now.KNOCKJNothing happens.KNOCK  Who's there?LAUGH( HA HA HA HEE HA HA HA!!!LIESLEEPREST,$Adventurers never get tired.LAY,$I see no reason to do that.LIGHTIGNITESTRIKE&How am I supposed to do that?MATCHESMATCHMATCHBOX xI don't have a match.Maddog looks at his matchbox and says, "I don't think that will do any good right now."LISTENHEARxF*PE m CW'F ;Cd+$k yc1qw FR DnpFR`K??8@<~F~|<~|Ǐ? ǀǼǁЀK'ۄژ? >B~<;?5N?*apsqp0@!@A@?0sc|~K) <a|K7նwնwd?<x8?d f! 7.?8?>%qm? #@H@@H@P{HP?#L?``ۀ[@p{/#{Pommmmoo#((4J@@|??<??> ?@H@ \@? <|8|F?!?70`<?!  @0L ߂؀ߟwpxp/)ya' 0` `@>O{~Hx@B~|tD  2B  @#`pЁPp P@  |??<??>0p8U@ < @?4iT  <?8889>S 08| @  }D‚,/_S0 9? KDGDO\x`|(6@p?L?08| @  M?!@ < ?|>L??8|~~ !8p3?{ <8/)yKC"(C0L?- b    H(\޿ό?L'rBBN@`L? _? :?_ ?_߃_` <    o~|~%.4 ' '?8,pmQ|P ||p|$>`fy~3?z< ? (`f?Qx|P $kЂ$| ?z< "P|og   ?< |80?!|>?_~8| C?||p| ?70f8?>?? ?  3xx08<8xp`@'%/?oւ! 0` ?z Ҁ0xx50< |p 8ـ00px Q%oM00?7 jB0xp`@|fapFB7}xL < ?FSd`~|<8x~Y]?=<-9?  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He then puts it back with the rest of his posessions.OA 9They're already tied together.~~LOOK ROPE~~UNTIE ROPEUNTIEUNDODI can't undo that.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS I don't have a ropeIt's not tied to anythingMaddog takes the rope from his posessions and struggles for a while with the knot that he tied and says, "This is useless. I guess I tied it a little too tight."USE*Could you please be more specific.WEAPONSWORDWARBALLCHAIN zI don't have a weapon.Press F1 and then use the fire button (joystick mode) or the shift key (keyboard mode).WAKEAWAKEN I'm not asleep.WATCHOBSERVE&Fascinating, isn't it?WHISPERF>Ok, I'm whispering. Now tell me why we're whispering.WIPEn$I see no reason to do that.FEETSHOES $Ah, they're not that dirty.WHO4I'm not sure just what you're talking about.CARESGIVES (I, Maddog Willams. That's who.YAWN"But I'm not tired.YELLSCREAMSHOUTHOLLERHOOTzrMaddog breathes deeply and bellows at the top of his lungs, "ARG!!!"Whew, I sure feel better.MINIKOMONSTERMOSSNORTHNOTHINGNSEWONEOPENINGPANTORPASSAGERESPONDROCKSALTYSEAWEEDSECRETSERVANTSEVENSIXSLAVESOMESOUTHSTARSTONETHETHREETOWERTUNNELTWOVULTUREVULTURESWALLWESTWESTERLAWILDRUSHWOMAN OK,ZAP:.I don't possess any magical abilities.*Thank You for purchasing THE ADVENTURES OF MADDOG WILLIAMS Vol 1. To help you in getting started we have provided the following information. MIDI Support. We support several of the Roland sound modules. To get MIDI playback select YES at the CHANGE OPTIONS? prompt. You then will see a list of the currently supported devices. Select the sound module you have by pressing the number next to it. If you do not have one of the supported modules then select 6. NONE OF THE ABOVE. RAM DISK. The RAM DISK is supported only on a machine with 1Meg or more of memory. The default option for using the RAM DISK is YES. If you would rather that each screen is loaded from the disk separately then select YES at the CHANGE OPTIONS? prompt. Then select your MIDI device, (if you don't have one then select #6). Select NO at the USE RAM DISK (Y/N) prompt. Now each screen will load individually from the disk during a screen change. The RAM DISK is not supported when running the game from a Hard Drive. BRIGHTNESS CONTROL. We have found that monitors range from very dark to very light. We have provided a means for adjusting the screen brightness. To brighten the screen hold the Cntrl key and press the + key on the number pad. To darken the screen hold the Cntrl key and press - on the number pad. For best visual results we suggest you play the game in a dimly lit room. Please consult a physician before playing any adventure game. (Ha ha, sorry about that.) HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION. To install the game to a hard drive, create a directory named MADDOG on the hard disk. Copy the install program into the directory and then run the INSTALL program from the hard drive. Follow the prompts and you are on your way. To run the game double click on MADDOG.PRG. MAKING BACKUPS. We have provided a utility to make a backup of your original disks. We suggest you play from the backups and store your originals. To make backups you must have 5 blank disks labeled: INTRODUCTION CHAPTERS 1/2 CHAPTERS 3/4 CHAPTERS 5/6 CHAPTERS 7/8 PLEASE WRITE PROTECT YOUR ORIGINALS. Double click on BACKUP.PRG and follow the prompts. The backup utility is provided for your convenience in making a backup for personal use. The material on these disks is copyrighted material and it is against federal law to make copies for any other purpose other than for personal use and is subject to criminal prosecution. In other words don't make copies of this program for frTt0Db,2g  !$ ""&~L.' J:JG6GE*EC%CEGEG0GE8EG?GJ4G/JGE(G4EE4GC-ECEAEG#E7@:>>%@@8>><@>e      93 +A28+279;A;>2>;(7+I;4;+7:<9<@)@<074+><28+7:2;>;>$>7;/+A;49+7<<1<@*@<,7<+H42<+27=;<7>D;>C6CgxX]~$NuC- <hO#OO2OO$Oe?< NA\+NcO?OO@OOCO  S  c `  <  |#C#ݰ7F77B77Z77O7CME?ECCJCCMCCdCCZCCIC>O>;m;;Z;7P7;O;>R>CHCCHC>4>>A>>J>tR0             V.' 0Z0+O+0P0+I+0X0+O+0O0+L+0M0+L+0X0+L+0R0+L+0T0+L+0P0+P+0T0+J+0Z0+M+0X0+J+0P0+I+0T0P   (   '3 y@d@CCCCMCEJECLCC_C@g@CXCC_CE>ECdC@g@CZCC\CEGCLECCdCCXCCOCA5A@8@HHLHHMHHPHHPHHRHHVHH\HHVHHZHHVHHTHHRHHXHHVHHVHHXHHZHH\HH\HH\HH\HHZHHXHHXHHVHH_HPAB0 3 ""UD3D%`|cp?W'$ EGH @h`\  o__/gp_~.gW<~_~yG?x`A?;rBE ?q?>97070707070707070707070707070707 ?=1~0B@"@G>w?}=  !A! 0P(ЄA,  7> <` ?~~8  ; {zyuM=0pwpw`G?:| / /7pw`O???Y~ {x{?~\~a `go ހ ހހ??_> ߿b>=G@?@_? ?G0??usp{{??Gր̀ڂ770G @߀C3C3C&C `8  ր^@@@^@ ??\ χ??\ ?   iaa?4`\ w3$$$$$$$ʵZq[q ǀǏ?0?0`g00\? c;p\ ̀>\ |???\ `??^ `` x?h   !'CCCCCC ? TsbdTVfgm/+#gGY\]}a\  gWI P( ?~|xpo@-  7MGG/ '"??P ?. >?EO%_ ~?p@, Ĉ<|ܼlD?, . .?| x .:?0/  ~~?. . B 7wgG0`_. ?? <?00@ @???. ~.  ! !?!?. "?  @. %?BB~B. ?? ?. Tiends and relatives. We have worked long and hard to bring you a quality game and we depend upon you the consumer to buy it so we can earn a living and continue to create new games for you. THE MAP. The map is provided so you may answer the questions the guardian at the beginning of the game will ask. Keep it handy as it also shows the area you will be traveling in. If you are unable to answer the questions posed by the guardian, the game will go into DEMO mode. You will only be allowed to travel around the valley of Marinor. You will be prevented from going into the ELVIN FOREST west of marinor. SAVE/RESTORE. To save a game press the F4 key. To restore a game press the F5 key. MISCELLANEOUS. It is recommended that you try and run the program with no desk accessories or other TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs in memory. The program requires all of the available memory. To use a joystick, plug it into PORT 1 and press CNTRL J. You will see the key icon at the top of the screen change to a joystick. We hope enjoy playing THE ADVENTURES OF MADDOG WILLIAMS and would love to hear any comments you have about the game. Please send then to GAME CRAFTERS 390 West 800 North Suite #208 Orem, Utah U.S.A 84057-3866 For technical assistance please call (801) 226-4355 "3B2 fCSDD?~|?a?` D$P 8pW x   !08x%1?p13 @ @  01 =@` `@` `H 1# # 8pX  x )9yq} $%1@@@?  p1 3 @ @0W0? 8L  8p PG|~~@p|p(F0 0?? <3A@p0x"@@@ ?  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An oak table is in the corner and a small cabinet stands against the west wall.STAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRSTAIRCASSTEPSSTEP 8These old wooden stairs lead up to the bedroom.BREADLOAF 2It is just a small loaf of homemade bread.RAILSRAILRAILINGHANDRAIL :There is nothing unusual about the stair railing.CURTAINSCURTAINDRAPES 0The curtains partially cover the window.TABLE !The old, solid oak table sits in the corner of the kitchen. A small loaf of bread sits on it. The old solid oak table sits in the corner of the kitchen.RUGCARPETMAT This well preserved Asian rug was made in a land far to the East and was brought to the port city of Marinor by boat.PAIN"3B2 fCSDD?~|?X ?`  0p8></<>?(` ~b~}  8xx87 48 80p` 40 x|<`p08   C  #]>~  p?#?~à #  80E`   స~> 2  ?><8<>?(` ~b~}  40 Ѓظx|<ϼxp ep08 ? 5, 80p`     ><8p`x$ǰD p@px|< >~  0`?#?~à ??w6?><8` x0 ظx|<! xJ<>?(` ~b~} ?C#~?      ><8p`)`p08 #&x@px|<' #3?x?><8?yx !@0  ȸx|<>~  0?#?~à  V` L>x`% #8p?<>?(` ~b~} p  ??Dx80 Ppx? 80p` #@?_ ~/C#`|1x8x*b6v6$>1<>?(` ~p~|}{wsq1g?(H8x0(HH _ 80p`U` Sh~pD]>~  0`p?#?~ÃDt`D_ Tg~pS\>~  0`p??>}{wD8xA  ?? /<>?(` ? W 88 }? 0  D&>~  ~ V  809 `V  L} <>?(` > ~0   μxp /Ck  0p`709 V  >>~  > ^p|?  `}0   %&<>?(` > 2? V  0p`& ? ?y~ }0   >~  > 1 `Ds8p<>?(` > \ ??; [ 0 Ppx~` N<>?(` > 1 ";  4 ~p &>~  > 1 `y ~p4>~  > 0?|? X  ??><8)>|~??~ % @x83&2?8x 80p`&2x|<`p08 %C %0)>/?~|~?Ã% 80`+`08% @> %?><88x>|~?>~ &2|< p'V p08 *? /, 80p`  ><8p`x$ @|<>/?~|>?Ã???><88x`08&x|<%xC>|~?>~ &?/#?% ><8p`)`p08 %#@|< %2??><88x?x%@|<>/?OTING !This painting was given to me by an old Italian friend by the name of Leonardo de... something or other. It depicts a green mountain valley with a small river running through it.PICTUREPORTRAITFRAMEFRAMES ,8Quite a handsome young man, don't you think so?DOORDOORWAYWEST !This painting was given to me by an old Italian friend by the name of Leonardo de... something or other. It depicts a green mountain valley with a small river running through it.STOVEFIREPLAC The slight scent of burning hickory wood emanates from the black iron stove which serves as the only source of heat for the small cottage dwelling.ROCKSROCKCHIMNEYSTONESTONESHEARTH l"The rock chimney used to be a fireplace, but I filled it in and put in the stove," Maddog explains.PLAQUESPLAQUEDECORATIHANGINGHANGINGS VThe plaques are there just for decoration. A man sold them to me for a knife.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS lLight from outside pours in through the old cloth curtains that cover most of the kitchen window.CHAIRSTOOLSEAT((^>"This was the first thing I ever built", beams Maddog.CHAIRSSTOOLSSEATS  The chair in the center of the room, I call a sway chair. It is one of my latest inventions. The only other chair in the room is an ordinary kitchen chair, it was the first thing I ever built.ROCKINGSWAYSWAYCHAICHAIR ~This is one of my latest inventions. It's called a sway chair. I think it will be all the rage in years to come.FLOORDOWNGROUNDBOARDSBOARDWOODFLOORBOA As Maddog looks at the floor he notices it needs to be swept. The urge to sweep the floor passes after a few seconds. As Maddog breathes a sigh of relief he whispers, "Whew, that was close!"CEILINGUPROOFABOVE  Tilting his head upward, Maddog examines the ceiling, seeing only the small chandelier that hangs in the middle of the room.STAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRSTAIRCASSTEPSSTEP 8These old wooden stairs lead up to the bedroom.LIGHTSCANDLESLIGHTCANDLECHANDELI |There is nothing unusual about the chandelier. It seems to give enough light to keep the room relatively bright.WALLSWALL The walls are sparsely decorated with a large painting and a rather handsome portrait that hangs above the stairs.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS JOne door leads to my bedroom. The other leads to my antique shop.CABINETCUPBOARDCABINETS The well crafted hardwood cabinet sits against the west wall of Maddog's rather large kitchen. It has a small wash basin that rests on the cabinet top.KNOBKNOBSHANDLEHANDLES ,They just look like normal handles.BOWLBASINWASHBOWLWASHBASI ^The small pewter bowl was made by one of the finest smiths in the kingdom of Marinor.CUPMUG I can't see one.A nicely crafted silver mug sits to one side of the cabinet. It's Maddog's favorite.It's a nicely crafted silver mug.DISHESDISH bI can't see them.Several of Maddog's old dishes are stacked on the cabinet shelves.LEGLEGS 2They look like regular wooden legs to me.WATERLIQUID "It looks like water to me.SHELVESSHELF(9(kNThe doors are closed.The shelves contain several old dishes.ININTOINSIDE I can't look in that.CABINETCUPBOARDCABINETS(9(kNThe doors are closed.The shelves contain several old dishes.STOVEFIREPLAC  It's closed.BASINBOWLWASHBOWLWASHBASI(9(k$The basin is full of water.OUTTHROUGH I can't look out that.WINDOWWINDOWS 0The window is too cloudy to see through.DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS ,I can see my shop through the door.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW  I can't look under that.TABLE |Under the table is evidence of Maddog's poor housekeeping skills.From this angle I can't see under the table.CHAIRSTOOLSEAT((^Not much there except a little dirt.From previous experience, I can safely say that all I will see is a little dirt.ROCKINGSWAYSWAYCHAICHAIR 6All I can see under my sway chair is the rug.RUGCARPETMAT nok No, I don't think that's a good idea.How do I do that while I'm sitting in this chair?STOVEFIREPLAC @There is nothing there except some ashes from the stove.ONUPONATOP  I can't look on that.CABINETCUPBOARDCABINETS The well-crafted hardwood cabinet sits against the west wall of Maddog's rather large kitchen. It has a small wash basin that rests on the cabinet top.TABLE fOn the table is a small loaf of bread.There are a few crumbs where the bread was sitting.CHAIR((^2The small wooden chair has nothing o,~|>?Ã&8`08'/>x`%* #8p? >|~?>~ x ? ?~?A@x808*>|~?>~wsq1 7!1g? (H8x0+Ix=_ 80p`:` Sh~pA[>/?~|>?ÃA]`08A_ Tg~pAZ>/?~|>?A\?|? X  ??><8)>|~??~ % x83&2?8x 80p`&2x|<`p08 %C %0)>??~|~?Ã% 80`+`08% > %?><88x>|~?>~ &2|< p'V p08 *? /, 80p`  ><8p`x$ |<>??~|>?Ã???><88x`08&x|<%xC>|~?>~ &?/#?% ><8p`)`p08 %#|< %2??><88x?x%@|<>??~|>?Ã&8`08'/>x`%* #8p? >|~?>~ x ? ?~?Ax808*>|~?>~wsq17!1g?(H8x0+Ix=_ 80p`:` Sh~pA[>??~|>?ÃA]`08A_ Tg~pAZ>??~|>?A\F'H(F3$F$"GBBBBB<m"g4<mBgT< mdgx`RNTRSyk>`N TRSyk(`NjTRSyk`NTRSyk`tNTRSyk`\N>TRSyk`DBB8<BBJAg0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@j`BB8<BBf0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@jR`BB8<BBIf0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@j`NuBB<<BfBNQ`NQ|mNuBB<<BJEgBNQ`NQ|mNuBB<<BfBNQ`NQ|mNu||}lNuB0HF|NuLNsZH(F3$F$"GBBBBB<m"g4<mBgT< mdgx`RNTRSyk>`NTRSyk(`NfTRSyk`NTRSyk`tNTRSyk`\N:TRSyk`DBB8<BBJAg0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@j`BB8<BBf0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@jR`BB8<BBIf0PCCRQ`0PCCRQ@j`NuBB<<BfBNQ`NQ|mNuBB<<en it.ROCKINGSWAYCHAIRSWAYCHAI >The sway chair sits empty and motionless on the floor.RUGCARPETMAT 4The only thing on the rug is my sway chair.FLOORGROUNDFLOORBOA As Maddog looks at the floor, he notices that it needs to be swept. The urge to sweep passes after a few seconds, and he mutters to himself, "Whew, that was close!"STOVEFIREPLAC &There is nothing on the stove.STAIRSTAIRSSTEPSSTEPSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS 8The old worn stairs lead up to Maddog's bedroom.WALLSWALL |The walls are sparsely decorated with a large painting and a rather handsome portrait that hangs above the stairs.SHELVESSHELF(9(kNThe doors are closed.The shelves contain several old dishes.BEHINDBACKBEYOND "I can't look behind that.PORTRAITPICTURE_<FMaddog peers behind his portrait and finds... A blank wall!PAINTING I'm not tall enough.CURTAINSCURTAINDRAPES .There is a window behind the curtains. OPENI can't open that.CUPBOARDCABINETDOORSDOORCABINETS(9(kNMaddog opens the cabinet door.OIt's already open.~~-DRAWERDRAWERS9kMaddog grasps the handle and tugs, but the door doesn't open. "Blast!! This thing never did open right." It's stuck.~~*~~+BOTTOMLOWER I can't open that.DRAWERDOORDOORSDRAWERS9kMaddog grasps the handle and tugs, but the door doesn't open. "Blast!! This thing never did open right."O It's stuck.~~*~~+STOVE(~|The small iron stove door is too hot to grasp.That would be quite a feat if I could do that while sitting here.CLOSESHUTSLAMI can't close that.CABINETDOORSDOORCABINETSCUPBOARD9kNThey are already closed.Maddog gently closes the cabinet doors.STOVE It's already closed.GETTAKEGRABRETRIEVEPICKREMOVEACCEPT I can't get that.BOWLBASINWASHBOWLWASHBASI *I don't see why I would need that.BREADLOAF((djMaddog picks up the bread and takes it with him.Maddog replies, "I already took the bread."RUGCARPETMAT PMaddog looks at you in disbelief and replies, "You can't be serious."CUPMUG(9(kzMaddog looks around the room and then replies, "I don't see one."OKMaddog replies, "I already took it."DISHESDISH >I can't see any.I don't see any need to take them.CHAIRSWAYSWAYCHAIROCKINGCHAIRSSTOOLSTOOLS bThat's clever, I can just see myself carring around a chair! You carry it if you want to.UPOUTFLOORGROUNDFEETOFF >OKBOWLBASINWASHBOWLWASHBASI *I don't see why I would need that.BREADLOAF((djMaddog picks up the bread and takes it with him.Maddog replies, "I already took the bread."RUGCARPETMAT PMaddog looks at you in disbelief and replies, "You can't be serious."CUPMUG(9(k|Maddog looks around the room and then replies, "I don't see one."OKMaddog replies, "I already took it."DISHESDISH >I can't see any.I don't see any need to take them.CHAIRSWAYSWAYCHAIROCKINGCHAIRSSTOOLSTOOLS ok.BREADLOAF((djMaddog picks up the bread and takes it with him.Maddog replies, "I already took the bread."TABLELIGHTLIGHTSCHANDELIWINDOWWINDOWSCUPBOARDCABINETGLASSFLOORBOABOARDSBOARDWOODDIRTDUSTFRAMEFRAMESKNOBKNOBSHANDLEHANDLESLEGLEGSPORTRAITPICTUREPAINTINGPLAQUEHANGINDECORATICANDLECURTAINSDRAPSDRAPESPLAQUESHANGINGSCANDLESCURTAINCRAPE $I see no reason to get that.ONININTOINSIDEUPONATOP *I don't see why I should do that.TABLE tRolling his eyes, Maddog looks at you and says, "Didn't your mother teach you not to get on the furniture?"CHAIR((avMaddog eases himself into the chair and relaxes for a moment.I'm already sitting.~~8~~7NROCKINGSWAYSWAYCHAICHAIR(~<OKI'm already sitting.~~9d~~7SITX(What did you want me to sit on?CHAIRDOWNSTOOLSEAT((^Maddog eases himself into the chair, relaxing and pondering for a moment what to do next. I'm already sitting.~~8~~7NROCKINGSWAYCHAIRDOWNSWAYCHAI<2OKI'm already sitting.~~9dSTANDholdWASHCLEANI'd rather not.HANDSHANDFACESELFYOURSELFUPMADDOG(0(m@6OKSOI already did. Once is enough.TOUCH( Touching that doesn't affect it.STOVEOVERHOT(~|The small iron stove door is too hot to grasp.That would be quite a feat if I could do that while sitting here.DRINKTASTESWALLOWGULPGUZZLESIBJEgBNQ`NQ|mNuBB<<BfBNQ`NQ|mNu||}lNuB0HF|NuLNs{M1~~~ ?~~~?? ~@? ~{$H`O7~@?߷0`'w8À(<g_7x>@`7A O/_?xxB< K^3>w{G^;>{ \y<{9l\}<{l9\<qGH??x q?!! H8{tE?DDCOx7Hpd@ 0kog?FEC ^^^iDxl'w?>?>?>?i&w??}}?}?i >&6?i66? i,Ĉ?6?|7I??c1.``πv?;Iؿ(?a 0ov??J_a@??H/? ?>1>`Uw@(@P&I can't see anything to drink.WATERBOWLBASINWAHSBASIWASHBOWL rRight! You want me to drink that water? No way. I wash my hands and face in that water, I don't drink it!LIGHTIGNITEHow do you light that?CANDLECHANDELICANDLES nBut it's light outside and just about as light in here, so why would I need the light of the candles?CLIMBASCENDI can't climb that.STAIRSSTEPSSTAIRWAYSTAIRSTAIRCAS 8Just lead the way and I'll be right behind you.SHAVEhNo! I've spent a lot of time growing this beard out, and I'm going to keep it just like it is.MUSTACHEHAIR .No, I like my face just the way it is.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSA1 I'm already standing.A2 RMaddog plops himself into the sway chair and begins to rock side to side.A3\Maddog gets to his feet feeling refreshed.~~8~~9d~~7N~~7A4A OK~~LOOK BREADA5AHOK~~~~(~~~~J~~/~~3(A6 4Maddog's favorite mug sits off to one side.A7 TMaddog reaches into the wash basin and proceeds to wash his hands and face.A8 \Feeling very refreshed, Maddog steps away from the basin wondering what to do next.A9  Maddog lifts one corner of the rug and gasps in horror. He quickly drops the rug and says, "Nice weather we've been having lately, don't you think so?"A0 I'm not close enough.B3"OK~~EAT BREADB26OK~~EAT BREAD~~LOOK BREADB1 BMaddog reaches in the cabinet and takes his favorite mug.B4 OK~~LOOK MUGPAB0 3 ""20@3D(x ~|> ~` ~x@> ~x`~ywoxp@~}A | p~p |p@8€߿B g'?~ܸ`@C  ||?̰`@ D+ =` @D 0?E}߉߄} ?Fӿߛ{7uwP ?GoǫmH#OONMJHNOH$߇WH H?~ϟ?!HOO )H ͝=}? H gsNx`H&| C* ` `c#&>yg `?CC?p 1y@ C |88| `<<CÃ??<~C???C* < 8<ރ^<w E(  <==W???@ ؁< o s???< {x{;ǿyipp??< ހހ ކ }=NA?<7?b<???? E  }D??;Lwy|}|}|D?p| 3&+- (,lmam     C?? ? ?_ow}~|x~B"?? @A?&$??o@+~R~` xI{wO?~|- C;̾ - = @/;x€=O?0s>`( ] (. =`0'@@X? >~`@?$#/- ?|? <`8.0"!/ 8? ?_=`}?\Z{::`0??|D~X? >Z@E;  ;|`000U0tsB0? ??w??```S ~/=  3;S ~]?9  M2S?pv?yހ  @@@| RY>}?W?>~>|||RR ;o~@ CzR0Ο;~~@@@@@AO` {gC?M? ;>~xVK@ aIw}р;~   F[>@ @ @ IG881~~` L000`ISWA1HϾ @ 7 & & & H({?1> 0 H7@000PPPI>?P0<O _#GGGJoP0}hx#@ K/dp@170 1@@@H@ 7Hp170P!  8|l  CPp<;8 ?!J@??_p:d98 @@?@I*/?8p>H>@>@?PPP I.-3p!  ?0H w<'??o~ ` ? 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Antiques, odds and ends, and just plain junk cover the tables and walls of the shop. A metal scale sits on the counter and a full suit of plate armor stands against the east wall.A small mechanical device sits in the middle of the counter.Antiques, odds and ends, and just plain junk fill the tables and walls of the Antique Shop. A metal scale sits on the counter and a full suit of plate armour stands against the east wall.SHIELDSHIELDSCRESTCRESTS  The many different shields and crests that adorn the walls of the shop are all that remain of Maddog's greatest collection.PLANTSPLANTBUSHBRUSHBUSHESPOT 0A large house plant sits in the corner.SPEARSPEARSLANCELANCES dMaddog looks up at the spear and says, "This spear comes from a land far to the south."TORCHTORCHES It's just a torch.SCALESCALESBALANCE VThe small metal scale is used to weigh gold, silver and other precious metals.KNIFEKNIVESCL ~t xD{@x@ @0W suw~t ߣ xp`{߀0xx0S svx?? h`9|9(s>_?t? F@wE:p_9?'?09QcFp?@@C<@E'p9Z0c??w@@X^à<_ ?g8388`9 0c LB2?>x_`@90cNB0xw}x%!!?@9 0#! F0O?K0"7  ???0π9#E"h0@?E8XN@_m|@"OPw?x,1e~^@?P`x@ @ 0?|A?'  A@ !94 0C?{??$ ~~~A A=0O???`f`~@4  @????xx _??Y@@????O4 x%^y?>@@=@~~7 x+\?8 s@p@p@@>@%gox,7X(? >@}>? ?4X?88H{~ <?0<X?8 8 8ƀH}> <x/"(7\8?p@@@H8o </!.w\h? x@@@H6q <p'_:?X@@AIze|go/ <xvp _?~A|IuCʿ?/ <x99_?| IAA_ ? =>>@?g( ?I@ ?x??π@-0!!PS@,  @S@?$  @ Ql0r :U;H0#QU*4Hx>QꑕoB } |`o>7>Q6'_~O\d0ddX*e~ǿ />Cg3<`X 9oo ?Oxg@ )>c X A?{@ xxx|@Y~F>8;``aEAVER HTwo ancient knives lie on the table in front of the candelabra.BOXMONEYBOXCOINBOX JThis is my money box. I've had it ever since I started this shop.COINSCOINCOLLECTIBOX,=(stMaddog looks at his coin collection and says, "This collection contains many coins from various lands."GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS pI don't see any money.All of equal value, the gold coins are stamped with the face of King Thaylor.ARMORARMOURKNIGHTSUIT Old and worn battle armor, from the ancient wars, stands against the east wall. The armor was purchased from an old man claiming to be one of the brave knights of the now fallen kingdom known as Duridian. Nobody has seen or heard from him since.INVENTIOSERVERDEVICEMECHANICCONTRAPT & A series of gears, cranks and pulleys make up the whole of Maddog's latest invention. It's called an automatic beer server and was built for Frank, the owner of Pete's Pub. A small lever is pulled down which releases the arm, sliding the beer down the bar to the customer.TAPESTRYRUGHANGINGCARPET An old and worn tapestry from a far away and ancient race hangs on the wall.Maddog says, "I got it from a trader who came by this way late last year."WARBALLWARBALLSMACEMACES bTwo large maces are mounted on the north wall. They were used in the dark wars long ago.SWORDSSWORDP,P( Several swords lay on the table.SWORDSSWORD BThe fine ornamental swords are mounted on the north wall.COUNTERBENCHBAR "On the counter is a small metal scale used to weigh gold, silver, and some other precious metals. Maddog's money box and a mechanical device occupy the middle of the counter.On the counter is a small metal scale used to weigh gold, silver, and other precious metals.TABLETABLES Antiques from around the world sit upon the shop tables. Some were handed down to Maddog from many friends and relatives, while others were purchased from travelers of many different lands.ANTIQUESANTIQUEITEMITEMS I have collected all these antiques over the years. Some of my most prized items include the sundial and those two broad swords mounted on the wall. The suit of armour by the wall came from one of the knights of the now fallen kingdom of Duridian.The coin collection comes from many different lands and places. Most of these items are for sale but business this time of year is fairly slow. During the fishing season it picks back up though.FLOORDOWNGROUNDFLOORBOABOARDS  Maddog looks down at the floor shaking his head and says, "I wish I could get people to wipe their feet before they come in. Then I wouldn't have to think about mopping so often."DUSTDIRT "Man, that stuff is dirty!LEGLEGS (Now those are nice looking legs.FEATHERFEATHERSPLUMEPLUMESPLUMAGE $Right. Those are feathers.WALLSWALL  A wide assortment of antique weaponry and royal crests line the walls of the shop, with a tapestry hanging in the corner.LAMPLANTERNLIGHTLIGHTS !The oil lamp was bought from an old sailor who said he retrieved it from an old sinking galley belonging to a royal family in a far and distant land.URNPITCHER , Maddog looks at you with pride in his eyes and says, "This is one of my most valued antiques. It comes from a mystical land to the far East where there are castles made of pure gold and giant sea monsters wander the ports. The land is filled with many wonderous things and strange people."BOWL R The man who gave me this bowl said it came from the castle of Duridian.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTIRESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS BOne door leads to the kitchen and the other leads outside.BOTTLEJAR pThe small bottle comes from an ancient race of elves that live in the northern forests of Duridian.VASE dThe little water vase was found when they started digging the foundation for this house.CANDELABCANDLESCANDLEHOLDERHOLDERS 6A large candelabra stands on the center table.CEILINGUPROOFABOVE (There is nothing on the ceiling.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS bLight shines through the large shop window, illuminating the room with a soft white glow.OUTTHROUGH "I can't see through that.WINDOW bLooking out the window Maddog can see his yard and the many trees that surround Marianor.KITCHEN :I can see the kitchen a lot better from in there.OUTSIDE fLooking outside Maddog can see part of his yard and some of the trees that surround Marianor.SUNDIALSUNDIAL  Maddog looks at the sundial and remembers when his father gave it to him."His father had been gone for over a year on one of his adventures. Maddog can still remember how happy he was when he saw his father. He was carrying the sundial on his back as he left the ship. The sundial made a dull thud as his father laid it on the ground. gX4@?xZ;A 0 XpY|;8ǯP''p@~Y <  ?|)!!X`~?_@>@ƀ9`~ ?X?d>`~ ?X?}J?@@@ 5. X?8}~` X`?`8ha hŽ~@ x@@ @h|@@D h 9ǿ@`hp  ` `ߟ;h  ph @0@phH ? '0x{${{:h/xy0hH7|?1hU*|ހ|Xgb@~?pp@@@lb ;|~?z  `| ?x?8 @8`  ? [`o ˘ww  Y ˘7À@@@`Yd7?oooYJ{17?~ ~~["t{y ;g< <<À`xH0`8;|HA?`WG9@??h=`y7>h?x|h(׿`?````=€iP@__?^"Well son," his father said as he approached him, "I know you have always liked exotic things, so I brought you this genuine sundial from Rome."That was the last adventure Maddog's father went on. He died about a month after returning home. The sundial is Maddog's most prized posession and is not for sale.BROWNGREENSQUARE What was that? Where?WALL You mean that brown green square on the west wall! That's a tapestry! I got it from a trader who came by this way last year.ONUPONATOP I can't look on that.WALLSWALL xAncient swords, maces and other artifacts cover the walls of the shop with a tapestry hanging in the corner.FLOOR .The only thing on the floor is dust.COUNTER  On the counter is a small metal scale, Maddog's money box and a mechanical device. On the counter is a small metal scale and Maddog's money box.TABLE2#doVSeveral swords and a small box containing a coin collection sit on the table.TABLE`doA large candelabra sits in the middle of the table. Several knives lie in front of the candelabra. A small oil lamp stands next to it.TABLEPdoUpon one end of the table there is a large pitcher, and a gray antique vase. An old elvin wine bottle and a ceramic bowl are in the middle and a sundial rests on the end of the table.TABLESTABLE Antiques from around the world sit upon the shop tables. Some were handed down to Maddog from many friends and relatives, while others were purchased from travelers of many different lands.ININTOINSIDE :0I don't see any reason to look in that.BOX(X(XhIt's not open.Maddog looks in his money box and sees five gold pieces.The box is empty.BOTTLEJARVASEURNPITCHERBOWL "There is nothing in there.ARMORARMOURSUITKNIGHTrCautiously Maddog peeks inside the armor then, breathing a sigh of relief, says, "Nope, nobody in there."DOORDOORWAYEXITENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYKITCHENDOORSDOORWAYSEXITSENTRIESOPENINGOPENINGS OK UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW *I see no need to look under that.CRESTSHIELDSSHIELDPLANTARMOURARMORSUITKNIGHTTABLETABLES ,There is nothing unusual under that.BEHINDBACKBEYOND "I can't look behind that.SHIELDSSHIELDCRESTCOUNTERPLANTARMOURARMORSUITKNIGHT .There is nothing unusual behind that.TAPESTRY PMaddog lifts the tapestry and peers behind it finding. a bare wall. PUTWEAR|I can't do that.ARMOURARMORSUIT 6If I were wearing it, then I couldn't sell it.OPENI can't open that.BOXMONEYBOXCOINBOX(X(X@Maddog opens the box. OThe box is already open.CLOSESHUTSLAMI can't close that.BOXMONEYBOXCOINBOX(X(XXMaddog reaches out and shuts the money box.O The box is already closed.MOPCLEAN(I'm not into cleaning right now.FLOORSHOPSTORE BMaddog looks at you and says, "I only clean once a month."GETTAKERETRIEVEGRABPICKREMOVEACCEPT ^I can't get that.SCALESCALESBALANCE ZMaddog looks at the scale and then at you and replies, "I need to keep it here."BOXMONEYBOXCOINBOX FMaddog replies, "The money box always stays here in my shop."BOXCOLLECTICOINSCOIN(=(s8My coin collection is for sale, not for taking.MONEYGOLDCASHCOINSCOIN I can't see any money.Maddog reaches into the box and retrieves his five gold pieces. MI already took the gold.BOX FMaddog replies, "The money box always stays here in my shop."ARMOURARMORKNIGHTSUIT XMaddog looks at you strangely and asks, "But what if someone wanted to buy it?"SUNDIALSUNDIAL $It's too heavy to carry far.INVENTIOSERVERDEVICEMECHANICCONTRAPT(n(JMaddog looks the server over and checks to make sure it's ready. Having checked it over, Maddog picks it up and carries it with him.OXYI already have it.~~LOOK SERVERSWORDSWORDS h The swords are for sale. How am I going to sell them if they are not left here in the shop?SWORDSWORDS ~The swords are securely fastened to the north wall of the shop and it would take some doing to take them down.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS nI'm not going to rip out my shop windows just so you can have me carry something else around with me.TABLETALESCOUNTERBENCHBARLEGLEGS @Right! I can just see myself walking around with that.FEATHERFEATHERSPLUMEPLUMESPLUMAGE .No, the feather stays with the knight.DUSTDIRT BMaddog looks at you and says, "I only clean once a month."VASEJARBOTTLEKNIFEKNIVESCLEAVERLAMPLANTERNLIGHTLIGHTSBOWLTAPESTRYRUGCA L[OOi.__@?iOq@q ipo iN>>i<|E||~8cvcp?aaaa8  a>@@@a~~~><   @@@cD$y Rf T`Jj`|3<#$y <A g. g2 fT>< <`><0<` `(gGQ#`f$y Rf T`Jj`|3<#$y <A g. g2 fT>< <`><0<` `(gGQ#`f$y Rf T`Jj`|3<#$y <A g. g2 f <T><`><0<` `(gGQ#`f$y Rf T`Jj`|3<#$y <A g. g2 f <><T`><0<` `(gGQ#`f$y Rf T`Jj`~3<#$y <A g0 g4 f <T.<`><0<` `(gGQ#`d$y Rf T`Jj`|3<#$y <A g. g2 f <T><`><0<`  `(gGQ# `f$y Rf T`Jj`n3<#$y <A g f <`><0<` `(gGQ#`tJCfByFNuNu]<skNMu5W'ϧ]6Ŭ}hS@. ʾxqke_ZUPLGC@<9520-*(&$"   4?N0NuJytgNJybgNA,N3Kb: 0<y;@NA,NKbրּ;A;B+C,92.ހ+F #NByNȔ,9ܼ.<NEA8NKbրּ;A;B+C,92.ހ+F #N,9.<NEADNKbրּ;A;B+C,92.ހ+F #N,9.<NEAPNKbրּ;A;B+C,9".ހ+F #NNuJybfJJytfAN;A;B,92+F ּր#|ѹNNuJybf.JytfAN;A;B,92+F ּր#|ѹNNu#JybfhJytfAN#Z;A;B,92+F ּր#|ѹNCiD y&9ZQNuAN#ZN(,9^.<iDNNuAN#ZN( @CiD&9ZQNuA,NN(#NȔ,9X.<NEA8NN(,.<NEADNN(,.<NEAPN#jN( @&9j#""yQNuANN(,.<NENuANN(,.<NENuAN#ZN(,9^.92N#2NuAN#ZN(,9^.92N#2NuA,N#ZN(,9^.92N#2NȔ,92X.<NEA8N#ZN(,9^.92N,92.<NEADN#ZN(,9^.92N,92.<NEAPN#ZN(,9^.9"#NNu?</<d?<=NAPJ@kT3?<?9/?<BNA Jk0//9Z?9?<?NA Jk?9?<>NAXNu?>"6     (>P(.>.: `. *.:(       *2n * ,   & ",:(  ",:(  ",:( 82  &J &J &J &J &L &J &<H                     0&J"PQZWHyrEhibo|bclazkpix}to|s~S~qp}twvuЫϹ򍇝ȏ׋ЋŃܝ۝֝ƹϓ͓܋˓ޏŝ։ڋϝҋǝޕϳґ˕П݉ҍ˝҇ٗ흦Ɖډŷȝ -   $'$7.)*!&#,!*'*+<74=230?>5636;4-FGDKNMNMNE@[FEJIVWTABCPQV_\]ZSXjgdibclobIlabk`evx}ryp]pgvqz{xuȔτ֚Ɏ܈ϚސגڊۚhƖՐȖǚ̆۔ՐڔӘЖӚܚߚܚݖښӒКَɔ'x ;0   K2#0%*'B' !"#,-`33#"?<?<?<NN\Hyj?<&NN\C 3|w3|w/< ?<NN\?<NNT3J@`ZCN?<NATBgNATEY,8This game requires low resolution.Y-APress any key.?NAX`?:\PABISYS.FILCN?<NAT<0kg<j3CN?<NAT<Yg <yg<Ngΰ<ngNCN?<NAT<1k<j<g3`Jytg~CpN?<NAT<Yg&<yg<Ng<ngN*BytNEY,)Use Ram Disk? 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Use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to a line, Then type in a description of the game to save. (you may write over an old description.) Then press RETURN. UNDO returns to the game. 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