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Blowing in from the East, the salty sea mist can be smelled and from the West the sound of rushing water can be heard.ROOFROOFINGHOUSETOPSHINGLESHINGLES x!I wonder when those new shingles will arrive so that I can start to repair all the leaks and cracks in the roof?WALLSWALLFENCEFENCES  The rock wall, that lies along the northern border of Marinor, was built to keep out the wild and unknown animals that wander near from time to time.DOWNGROUNDDIRTGRASSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSLIMBLIMBS Cluttered with twigs and leaves that have come down from the large trees in the area, the ground is soft and moist from the warm sea mist that blows in from the east.PATHPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAY &A dirt path leads to the pub.SKYUPCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE lMaddog looks up at the summer sky watching small, puffy clouds wander across the clear blue expanse.KNOBDOORKNOBHANDLE (It's just an ordinary door knob.HINGEHINGES ^The two hinges hold the door to the frame so that it will not swing just any old way.BARKTRUNKTRUNKSBRANCHBRANCHESROOTROOTS I see nothing unusual.FOREST NThe forest grows around Marinor to the north and also out to the west.CHIMNEY jLooking up at the chimney Maddog remembers that one of these days he needs to get it cleaned out.BUSHESBUSHBRUSHVEGETATI |Maddog looks at the bushes next to his house and says, "Nice aren't they? I planted them from seed you know."TREESTREEFOLIAGEOAKOAKS z Many trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor protecting the village from the strong sea winds.WHEELWAGONWHEd2xJOld and worn by nature, the wagon wheel rests against the house.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY <The strong oak door keeps out the forces of nature.SIGN @ The large wooden sign above the door reads, "ANTIQUES."ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS FLarge boulders rise up from the soft ground around the house.WINDOWSWINDOWGLASS 2 The window allows sunlight into the house.UPPERTOP x(What did you want me to look at?WINDOWGLASSWINDOWS "That is my bedroom window.MOUNTAIN .Large mountains rise up in the North.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH @I can't look in that.WINDOWWINDOWS(dp8Maddog looks in the window and sees his kitchen.WINDOWWINDOWS >Maddog looks in the window and sees his antique shop.UPPERTOP JLooking up through the window Maddog can see his bedroom ceiling.BEHINDBACKBEYOND That would be tricky.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTREETREESBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKS 0All I can see is the ground behind that.HOUSEHOMECOTTAGESTORE There's nothing back there except some sticks, stones and old leaves. Maddog can see the forest stretching up into the Forbidden Mountains. GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPT< You want me to get what?DIRTGRASSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBSHINGEHINGESBUSHBUSHESBARKBRUSHKNOBDOORKNOBHANDLEROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSWHEELWAGONWHE .I really doubt that I will need that.READ\I can't read that.SIGN $The sign reads, "ANTIQUES."OPENfI can't open that.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRWAYx.@OK.CLOSESHUTSLAMzI can't close that.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY It's already closed. C03" 23D <x|`@08<>|  #`8'|~> 0  @.8`08 80p`?8x8p10 `p08 ?x|`@π 088& >??~| %- 08@`08#``'/߿0 < @@@@    08>| 8x  0  'x?08p08 V  0   80p`/HB@AEDE@@B"! ! "#@DF%|>) B@JPЄPPppѐЂ@`"caP@P $@0#݇;y=) P@P`   @@@@@$Ξ?s)0000 0p`p`  0@pPP@&!  @@$,(hP%)! ! "# ` @'yu)HPP`P@P@P PА0a'fbRT@P 3)ppFz  pH 6!)0k&4?) "    WYۅx? B108|fOC>8S)@d% @&:)`!    @2b 0&x|g;) )! (  "a!%BD FK  JD@BB! 8,l@&&x)@ ` @` ЀP`@pD@P"``  `00H 3p@) @0 0$( t$<,D$4LX\D, XtdLH  >)P 5) <  o)   QB*"  "!   ! !  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To the west there's a large, sandy clearing.Strange and eerie noises emanate from the dark forest.A small trail winds its way north through the foliage. To the west there's a large sandy clearing.Strange and eerie noises emanate from the dark forest.A small trail winds its way north through the foliage. To the west I see the old tree that I chopped, spanning the pool of quicksand.SQUIRRELSQUIRELSQUIRLANIMALWILDLIFECHIPMUNKRODENT JThe wildlife is rather abundant throughout the Forest of Marinor.CHIPSWOODWOODCHIPCHIPSHAVINGSHAVINGS I don't see any.A small pile of woodchips lay on the ground next to the tree.A small pile of woodchips lay on the ground next to the tree stump.TREEOAKDEADndyAn old and worn tree stands apart from the others in the center of the small clearing.A large notch has been cut into the old and worn tree.There's a stump984>xt8x\~70 @@0>8@ `ppp` 80p`A8p!70 `p08 A:@ `ppp`܀P# ,|.>>?e <?@@ `pppp@#8/\9p 0 @@"@@@@@ `pppp<:<>~!70@= @  < @80pp08 h70 80p`5!/?G @80p#x,|.>>O?@@  ! @80p@""x" @80p<:<>~xH<.?#  #3E@C' @80p%`p08#  % @@=`0 0 0`p$vx?;#,|.>>? #@@@$Ap8 ^>x` >X113 p`080<:<>~K?@ #  7'~p<@@`@`@ 80p`@@``p???7 3px~/C9p`<:<>~#>Y   7'pw080709 80p` @  <  0p0 8070;Ј `pp @ :,|.>>??;?808;@΃ܘ @ :gg cЈpc,|.>>?? 8b@@|x~#984>xt8x\~70 @@0>8@ `ppp` 80p`A8p!70 `p08 A:@ `ppp`܀P# ,|.>>?e <?@@ `pppp@#8/\9p 0 @@"@@@@@ `pppp<:<>~!70@= @  < @`80pp08 h70 80p`5!/?G @`80p#x,|.>>O?@@  ! @`80p@""x" @`80p<:<>~xH<.?#  #3E@C' @`80p%`p08#  % @@=`0 0 0`p$vx?;#,|.>>? #@@@$Ap8 ^>x` >X113 p`080<:<>~K?@ #  7'~p<@@`@`@ 80p`@@``p???7 3px~/C9p`<:<>~#>Y   7'pw08(80709 80p` @  <  0p0 8070;Ј `pp @ :,|.>>??3?808;@΃ܘ @ :gg cЈpc,|.>>?? 8b@@|{\/G?=~>{F.~a+v(v(FР׏€zx/:~~(@:~~(@KBA`qC1AH#Aa@(~| GJ?/' G.?|ЀPpP0 `p0@p0xy8L|xPpP0 `p0@p0xy0L~|xFР ׏x<>!`@```@ ` !`@ `@ `@ `@ FBA`pC1@H"@a@~|x~|xcpJV{<`F8?T,O.DADHB|Р 0zx-17 17-17`n?kOw~o;/83;WO?Mq`@8x?gw}9/~8upSG}/???߂ }~^ӏ*}`n?kOw~o;/83;WO?Mq`@G}9/~8upS9 }//?? `}׻>x]`9xx/~?~_WNOlhtv{;,lno/-kf_>Vyuo[XPA8x?gw8<V??6mv?8= ?G9pP@  0h1Qq9x?qO?+|# !$" 6p $"$4Xd$#%,=8p}2|p@|p@-m-n^ZVZ^n/-mkmo.-kf_>Vyuo` G7?>8' `6trvtv^<{/@`pvs9 8pq`|;w? 0pox< pp`9@O?1@ 8]`O3nw}||`@ s3] K^=s~|3~}}Os 3AŅF@;saa)%%|*  ?8?>qmF*0B`hp`& P?6@tWFH 0g2  ???F0`w7C3 FR "AH!@10 F*0B`hp`& P?+ PO'74 |9 PH 04 |9FH 8f`F0,0 17;>?  08=>?F`4b~/pH8xps:}_>C"0  Gm{}?}8????߂yb~~@xnD_~( ?s~~w>y_?[v{?_?}_>C"0  w }8/????=?~? 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Oh well, I don't think it will do me much good now anyway.LISTENHEARrjThe sound of birds and other various creatures can be heard through the trees of the dense forest.GET"What am I supposed to get?ONOVERACROSS $I see no reason to do that.LOGTREEOAK @I can't see one to go on.okI'm already on it.OFF 0I'm not sure I understand what you mean.LOGTREEOAK ^I don't understand.I'm not on it.okI will when I get to the other side.AXEBLADEAXEHEADHEADAX I already have one.I think that I saw it fly behind the tree into the bushes.OI can't seem to find it. Oh well, I don't think it will do me much good now anyway.I can't see one.SANDQUICKSANROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSCHIPCHIPSWOODCHIPWOODSHAVSHAVINGSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIWOOD &I see no reason to take that.TAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT"What am I supposed to get?AXEBLADEAXEHEADHEADAX I already have one.I think that I saw it fly behind the tree into the bushes.OI can't seem to find it. Oh well, I don't think it will do me much good now anyway.I can't see one.SANDQUICKSANROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSCHIPCHIPSWOODCHIPWOODSHAVSHAVINGSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIWOOD &I see no reason to take that.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSC1 @Chips begin to fly as Maddog swings the axe at the tree.C2 VAs Maddog is about to take the last few swings, he hears a splintering noise.C3& He looks in surprise as the axe head flies off to one side and lands in the bushes.Maddog stares in disbelief at the broken axe handle in his hand and wonders why he paid such a high price for it. He quickly discards the handle hoping to never see it again.~~LOOK AXET2 Maddog pushes on the tree with all his might.Suddenly there's a loud crack and the tree falls with a crashing thud to the ground.T4 fMaddog quickly sinks into the quicksand which brings this adventure to a sad and sudden end.QS Maddogs feet begin to sink in the soft sand below him. He suddenly realizes that he's standing in the edge of a pool of quicksand.PL OK~~LOOK AXE 0 "3????0 @ 2 !3D `Z[ZY], 1UA191CP Gw wvo>`x `_#k 0?@?'BG` PA‹ '-ZZ4 h@ ? '6712 b f`Z[ZY],  CyB1 ~ wvo~0?|_^Sss_]W_Y_q\O_/Og3_O?# PAB'-ZZ4 hXxv?_' (,.,LYZRTD #K!$! wvo~`8`x  px\SQppPPppXHX(Hd3_`_#k q ?@?'B' biB  B\`8D:M-%8 hX`<|8|~F~|<1ȑ` b  @( wvo~ 0π q7hxp#37w;37w;@ ??L@x߁wo`8`x>~  8x>=0xx0xxQwo`8`x ~ q<| x`6 @`@0;'?>  7 67}nic_.~}{wgGGGGGGGGA@~8| w8 _O@OǷ wgMUAcwtpo@s@pp X   '#/SA`dobhf`hn`o`nbhb`o`o`hno`cog`o`gcnlhg@?9 S 3`p |8 l׃~"!|??;#A/Р%@/xo/_/cgx_?_/cg>|'0>|p<?? ?>8  ~~p 080Ѐ}OE@-|~|~Ex,EA?}+????E.I@?p`*S$@0Fx,$ @GF_wC~a"G$GQ@vfc@ 0@c$G!FWGqfg@ `E   LH@ !   LH!G@p P@@PHPHP|/77/7(@` C~wspP  _>C" "<Dl }8??? 2`0 s4` (@` C~wsp @D$ @ _>C" 84 8?? ?"d ?i5H`>@<`L80xx~w`@`px|~~|x`@+  <<):|{?/O  ~8P(t="D0 @@ :`L80рmt  \>~|@0gx V@ q0@<~?~|x`@+< Ўp`@`D @` :?cԏ J@`p0ppc|;?n0 ? 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A large rocky cliff, rising above the sea waters to the North, and a large rock wall make it impossible to travel north.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSFORESTBRANCHESBRANCHLIMBLIMBS  Many trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor, protecting the coastal village from the often strong sea winds.ENEMYPIRATEMANVILLAINPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWSWORDSMASWASHBUCTHIEFBODYCORPSEFACEGENTLEMA I don't see anyone.He must be a theiving pirate. I hear they kill for almost anything. The pirate lies upon the ground lifeless.PANTSSHOESHOESSHOESHIRTCLOTHESCLOTHING JWhat is it you want me to look at?I see nothing of importance.SANDBEACHSHORESHORELINSEASHORE 0The soft sand runs along the shore line.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE Maddog looks up at the clear blue sky and quickly covering his eyes he shouts, "Oh great, I looked right at the sun. Now I'll be seeing spots all day!"Maddog looks at you and replies, "Being blinded once a day is enough for me."GROUNDDIRTDOWNGRASS The ground is soft and moist from the warm mist that blows in from the sea.The ground is soft and moist from the warm mist that blows in from the sea.The body of the pirate lies in a lifeless heap.WALLWALLSFENCEFENCES  The rock wall that lies along the northern border of Marinor was built to keep out the wild and unknown animals that wander near from time to time.CLIFFSMOUNTAINCLIFF pThe huge cliffs to the north rise above the shore making it impossible to continue north from here.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS Large rock formations are common to the Valley of Marinor. Often from here Maddog would watch and wait for his father's ship to come in.WATEROCEANSEALIQUIDSEAWATER LThe sea stretches out across the horizon as far as the eye can see.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESROOTROOTSTRUNKTRUNKSVEGETATI *I see nothing out of the ordw{𢀈-< "`<<\|4\, <܆ ?Cc_3`-/? 9&p@x=?wb.F  ^X>^N.N.*"  &N.$*.NB~ގʎn6  bĀ@V:㹎<+< 8 +o!+$ D@D !+P@B@@BVD($D@$b" '!+@@:@l"+/|txd+    J++{b @8@0F+*8xT4+   0 4 @+@@  @H@   (@DH (42"RCA !  +$O@ +% @d+# `@9xha+@ 04X_+ =yg_+ p0D00>^+%@| _+7^+LI+   E+Y+" @8Q+  $+6@@ @` @P@@@"+1~?d+(S+'x+$+( @P@ ( (@` +83+'X+P @?| 8+1@@@8+      +  @@` @@@ DFN@ @@  (B`+ @ pA+@݌`@+>@(|0   t4<7+ '+A!A  A!A!! #!!!!A!!!!A A) щ刂֋㹎Ѕ󦀔ēĕ+ߗ1>86TPVr`A10p  0(@` p,O6?` |`09cJJcNՎ +9>8` ` !@0"@ A~ x #Ǡ,P* +Ѵ<0 r"  AB@BBB  "$@ ~PB$LP+_oc$EPQRFB1#!+!$ `( ($D@H@P$DHTPRVB>?9  0$.B U #B" +ؚ:6.*.PT4<,84t`hx5H\` @H((@$` + G`|{(<5%(545%44,-84}ty0xxOpg (,B`+XDގ"\$"; @FBX D@Q!ehBQ&BiI"#"* DFDFB w"8! @+:VB p\Lxt{b @< 3}8  @T "@x +8P808(H8@8xph @ +2 BBH@@ED  00 $$@+gEuEGENF'vGGVWgWRSAB, ! !  @    $ H H 0# ?+k29a?>²f.46>62 #f _ bL@0 `0 , v?+?=w`:#M'\>~,:~3?67s1{362r2(@ hX@gV o0 >\pp8+ϧ\wcrNknN@j+cBd@' "@@@|݀4,!+?ǃ9ݍݤ7s?t&11 &@"N܀ '1+ H\D`ddDa|`܍`G6@ 'x0` TACX =N#@p@ Ax+%U !H iM M 4 ? )"U7"6A 0^pEq@}@?@# | 8+Ϗ GABP$ (_@ @?٠a~,ۚ/O{6a<q,  @|+ȸh(h pH1@minary.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH X2What exactly would you like me to look in?SKYTREESTREEBUSHBUSHESSANDROCKSFORESTBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBSDIRTSANDSEAWATERSTONESBOULDERSVEGETATI 0I see nothing out of the ordinary there.WATERSEAOCEAN 2The turbulent sea is too murky to see in.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW 2What is it that you want me to look under?ROCKROCKSWALLSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 8Are you kidding that is to heavy to look under.BEHINDBACKBEYOND .What is it you want me to look behind?WALLROCKROCKSTREETREESBUSHBUSHESBRANCHBRANCHESSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS "It is just as it appears.SEARCHINSPECTFRISK*What is it that you want me to do?ENEMYPIRATEMANVILLAINPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWSWORDSMASWASHBUCTHIEFBODYCORPSEGENTLEMA *I don't see anyone here.OK. GETTAKEPICKREMOVERETREIVEGRABACCEPT:I don't understand what you are asking me to get.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESSANDBARKBUSHBUSHESGRASSDIRT ,I don't see any reason to take that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 8Maddog replies, "Do I really look that strong?"WATERLIQUIDSEAWATERSEADRINK l"Maddog replies firmly, "Sea water is useless and tastes horrible. I think I'll leave it where it is.CLOTHESCLOTHINGMANPERSONSHIRTPANTSSHOESHOESSWORDENEMYVILLAINPIRATEPERSONGENTLEMA LWhat is it you want me to get?I really don't think we need that.WET >If you are saying you want to go for a swim, lets go.ININTOINSIDE &What do you want me to get in?WATERLIQUIDSEAWATEROCEANSEA >If you are saying you want to go for a swim, lets go.DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGULPGUZZLESIP&What do you wish me to drink?WATERSEAOCEANSEAWATER H You want me to drink sea water? No thank you, I value my health.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNIC*Who would you like me to talk to?MANENEMYPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWPIRATESWORDSMAVILLANSWASHBUCGENTLEMA XI don't see anyone to talk to.I really don't think he is in a talking mood.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 ~A thieving pirate advances towards Maddog with a very menacing look.Maddog looks at you wondering what to do next.SN HAre you kidding? I don't think he will be to happy about that.SE rMaddog quickly searches the body of the pirate but finds nothing of value.OThere is nothing there.NC (I can't do that from where I am.0""@ 2#3DU?oF 2|yqa@gO`o`\G`x~e ?p X8;80}\-0pytQ@eg9gO|@ ̐h 6  @ @?0n]ݨղt`TY  >|} Iyc50|yqa@ s?&+3"B@H txYS+s#ףVwCwa 1&"(X1@ XT"$&"GEXP0 . sQ9u, 4XDP&`hjcQ@` P @@ p ~) W3C8 8?,Ղ  =bT8\@`o`\G`x~|xp`@.` &O!D<{D<|}?"   ^" +3"B@H txYS+s#ףVwCwa~ wÁ &"GEX P0 . sQ9 ٕ[pp>_`hjcP: @` P @@ p ((Դ|f  =bT* hx @d ` &O?/Tq > u@xߏXV 0 ?;5oX?5?}c@h  5 `ǘ3xx @ ?=;767oH?c :uP`tx|P (  `  ^\@a)fVwCwa  s V1aa~p]=`C*-?`cfgbp8'<`cwb$N QH.W. 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Many strange and eerie sounds come from deep within the dark forest.SKYUPBRANCHESBRANCHCLOUDSCLOUDLIMBLIMBSABOVE V The sky is barely visible through the dark dense trees of the medieval forest.BARKTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESROOTROOTS .I can see nothing that looks peculiar.SQUIRRELCHIPMONKANIMALRODENTRAT :The forest around Marinor is filled with wildlife.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH *What exactly do you want me to do?BUSHESBUSHBRANCHESTREESSKYDIRTGRASSBRUSHFOLIAGELIMBLIMBSCLOUDCLOUDS &I can't see anything unusual.GETTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEACCEPT&What is it you want me to get?ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS @I really don't want to be carrying rocks around all day.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATI 2I can see no reason to take that with me.SQUIRRELCHIPMONKANIMALRODENTRAT :I think we have more important things to be doing.PAB2 0  0@w3DT;Hbk ,(   @W0Pp P@`@  < 0 @ pP p    8@-2xu=n0c`   %Oo/  ? ?{am 2[-L @B@(@PxMt po{`\A0œ<8 'f108HEe( @! p=?_o@.~Nb ()g"d_ -10D@`/@j 4Pa,*.cfZA(|/;@q?p}Y/ a Aw$ 0D0bAF0OO?;1 H-Cqfap"Fx bIX`8PpD ?mC| p@ `@>-.n 0@ x?@ BC1  1`0A} w! jw /0-Qs&h(y8LpW/d>TDq{T|w<=2{-*f6$ ~"πO~s~| ;Y r-c @ @0z߷ Dta!#0{ t@L0 xA XOY- S>3 -`H< = #P@;=~@E@>X-g@<ϟ'd _yI?   ?  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Thick trees surround the clearing on almost all sides.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSVEGETATITRUNKTRUNKS lTrees, bushes and foliage become tangled and dense, blocking any view of what lies in the distance.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS &The ground is moist and damp.SKYUPBRANCHESBRANCHCLOUDSCLOUDLIMBLIMBSABOVE hThe bright sky is barely visible through the dense forest trees that hang over the clearing.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS NThere are many such rock formations throughout the forest of Marinor.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESBARKROOTROOTS :I can see nothing that looks out of the ordinary.MOUNTAIN 2The horizon is hidden by the dense forest.SQUIRRELCHIPMONKANIMALRODENTRAT :The forest around Marinor is filled with wildlife.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH (What do you wish me to look in?SKYBRANCHESDIRTFOLLIAGETREETREESBUSHESBUSHBRUSHOAKOAKSVEGETATILIMBLIMBSLEAVES X!After close observation Maddog replies, "I see nothing of great interest there." GETTAKERETRIEVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPT,What is it that you want me to get?ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS HI really don't want to be carrying rocks around with me all day.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATI *I can see no reason to take that.SQUIRRELCHIPMONKANIMALRODENTRAT JOur time is short. We don't need to be chasing squirrels around.PAB2  0"3w33?7$7zпAh'w2v~>\b~F~~p~~`>~F|Xx`Ax 7?>? -HAz6n @D`@=? ->%`zc2c??V-jWӀ/`ǁܿ${ ?? -wv`|%ˋ0o<8-6H/8 9Q{/?=(>?;2{?G?-@ y8fBÂÁ…?W?;OS:0w?-@@W J.  ?-~zWobSkA =qs-4[ :gࠤ?!a{/ןcO_{``_qy{~xp~a?s|A_? ?-~?3}En}p{-g~߲vz<{G?<{¼?琼,*oϯ Bf$@p8_>X@  ?"*?ݬ Km:;     ߀灷/W# @ ?*p=jG~A8!p | 0@x?3?  *y#/Aǯ ly3LRD?;UK q?C @*??y[֏yC$(PxC  Co?? %/X1*{x x~q谨A0^~/'p  s*Rsq~i'd@!B!CA @ ~z| ~*o}^}.?~?!D`uwtX0}* P0b ,SGb@"pn?{*||u-{o_׃n ? /+% ɠ? a )*}}G\k Àֿwb@8pw*,G,}n x%=8|^ /3c;*mb6ËxF??`??( *I|B} > }+~AI!M ;IQ{40*߾u|`?}^= ?;o/ ?l}uĀO 834L#>^)<.L?/A`//E o ?q2 a!9xB @ mphK?gz~wM/ !6 is}\j?9w'Gx?s???ϿWqo?Q~?ݾϾ~߿=cn3 i|}??.EI?3 @`ps9=Q>O>???.*5@0lw700`@`ⳟymQZC>bk`&nf4!.W{($x@ W ?- 8[8('w?0/<7-ss p?a` !a!߫ھN; ۿ77- p`p` ````` ``@@ ?V-?=ĭ~-Os?-?\WOG?/g?= /=,{|?Ql?'9??8?!?8-` ? O?Gp?x-4 ~OG7W`7??6- v~׿^?| |x @l7~@-)=Ww??  ??'?p-cB>  o?9?vO-zL8 ut`` @Gow_- 4 ߇*??x  /-`6@~tpGw`B/?cG{}/w`gw_qw!qop~p~hkv}m}?#?x_?? -??âȨgk\6/(? 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As Maddog examines the bottle he notices that the label reads "Grandma Brocks Hairy Scary Monster Repellent".TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBS z Many trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor, protecting the village from the strong sea winds.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS \The ground is soft and moist from the warm sea mist that blows in from the East.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS VRocks are scattered throughout the village, especially along the river banks.SKYUPCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE  Looks like a clear day.WALLSWALLFENCEFENCES p The rock wall that lies along the northern border of Marinor was built to keep out the wild and unknown animals that wander near from time to time.There is a small, woodland elf sitting against it. The rock wall that lies along the northern border of Marinor was built to keep out the wild and unknown animals that wander near from time to time.FLUTEINSTRUME PThe elf has a small, wooden flute in his hands.I don't see one here.ARCHBRIDGEHOLEARCHESHOLESARCHWAY vAs the wall crosses over the small, woodland stream, it's two arches allow the water from the stream to pass.FORESTWOODSGROVEDISTANTDISTANCE d"The forests of Marin&VɊnw_ WxL>=|F: _? 8  ?|  3 H;% ͟@ɀx#Z n< "x$?J2AGL0 z(<#uA< h#0qp|0 t _@6<_ * H @ |+P *R 0qd\~ :96X J\.N`xf`h:H ? +#, %(l@_<iH~}|Bq< 8 _?@OX-x' F@ >6 Ҁly/1T ؁`{ukC@.9"|L܃~"?.=/ D FC?p9h׀OOhf te` rQ0lL||x+ip @0 fP ݐ "@'@ rz *=H6R[@^W~Fϔ` 9" pO-<@xR{p w$@} x>A@O0*ZpG@G|'x{?y8'Ix?g@y>xJ?D@8cp _L?BSq c > BG@?B;C-!? #w t~@`@ ;? o(\<@?  _@?ߓe n}=400?':0#p8( nDd`,)y / =?g >? b?{4t,, b @0<;?(, @?<|0/Ae h p>,L;^'xt2 $1#ާ?_$?UbrY~v??$[~m4j@`?V`?  n?S#?<"3 ?V@x> RD1C-q#?5B  Y 4 X<À?>A0h?A`4߿B Q:X%' 'p {8IOX !x*?M|{?>~!̗@!/@HE8.?@k#?| ]Ia/L 7 ?r$@?3*V ?;3! @8T?i@!jx_8y/á|P_ @O?R<~ JOo!Av{({(,}4 3 ?_D?ތ.)2ʀ1x~n? >wb0{?@5ܸ ??dw5WC~hp?8UϿӺ YV???pGŇ_Ҁ|poo po@N~ ~>?|/>=&"?Cf/@  7 ?#jw ;0 0p0 $&  : & ) fFBA G'.,/   ;!"3#6/#$&$&$,Ȅ 4pfc j aH+ax{_( I@@@@``@ `@`Ѐ+|j`6GN@~ ! 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The many trees begin to look the same as Maddog comes to realize that he could be lost.GRASS 0There is not a whole lot of grass here.MUSHROOMTOADSTOO I don't see any mushrooms.The mushrooms are growing next to a tree.After what I've just experienced, I don't think I can.TREESTREEFOLIAGEOAKOAKSVEGETATITRUNKTRUNKS The large trees look firm and sturdy. Their branches merge together hiding the sky above. Maddog looks around at the many large dark trees and replies, "Oh thanks a lot! You got me lost. Now I'll never see my home again.The large trees look firm and sturdy. Their branches merge together hiding the sky above. At the base of one of the trees there are mushrooms growing.GROUNDDOWNDIRTMOSS Damp and moist, the forest ground is covered with moss and other vegetation.Maddog looks at the ground and says, "Just great! I come all this way just to get lost in a stupid forest and now you want me to tell you what the ground looks like!""Well it looks like it did back home. Hey guess what?It's dirty!!!"Damp and moist, the forest ground looks fertile and good for plant life.There are several mushrooms growing here.UPSKYBRANCHESBRANCHCLOUDSCLOUDLIMBLIMBSABOVE VThe sky can't be seen through the thick and tangled trees of the dark forest.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESBARKROOTROOTSBOULDERBOULDERS .I can see nothing that is of interest.MOUNTAIN 4Nothing can be seen through the thick trees.GETTAKERETRIEVEGRABREMOVEPICKACCEPT$$What do you wish me to get?MUSHROOM321MUSHTOADSTOOFZ(UI don't see any mushrooms.Alright.I already have them.I'm not close enough.I'm already on my way to do that.MUSHROOMMUSH321TOADSTOOFZI don't see any mushrooms.Alright.I already have them.I'm not close enough.I'm already on my way to do that.MUSHROOMMROOMTOADSTOO xI don't see any mushrooms.I'm not close enough.I already have them.I'm already on my way to do that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS @I really don't want to be carrying rocks around all day.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKFOLIAGEVEGETATI *I can see no reason to take that.EATBITESWALLOWCHEWDEVOUR"I don't want to eat that.MUSHROOMTOADSTOO hI don't have any mushrooms.Not even if my life depended on it.OI certainly will not.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS.R1 RMaddog stoops down and picks three mushrooms from the damp forest ground.R2&OK.~~LOOK MUSHROOMZ2$OK.~~EAT MUSHROOMR9 !Maddog looks over the mushrooms, thinking to himself how long it has been since he last had wild mushrooms.He quickly pops one into his mouth, eager to enjoy his new discovery.After devouring the mushroom, Maddog begins to feel light- headed.R8 VMaddog falls helplessly toward the ground as everything fades into blackness.R7 Minutes later, Maddog awakens with a pounding in his head. One that has only been equaled by the times when he had spent too many hours at Petp`@`J - x {߿E ;x'oa -`8Cockjh{? -`  *&\@\@\@\-_;.@?0 F?R/bJBEAp?; pw @<ٸ-DAC6? (b{_?/P#O zʀH< A %@ @c~. @h&Dz P^{8yZ{??&?(-9G@8????/CC',-A$2p!0    ] L6?"$J-C= t BO?  8 3 4zQ-c?o $ ?_GЅ`-WKUZ]^_^]ZUKW ;\/|x< =  /`#.0 Xz 67 c9?y > _?-` D ( $ /       %47EO-嬅|E#LJg4]z_@vQ *}7-P@ Й0 `@D,"ᩨȌ8p ^Ǘ?C(9!o-osw|xaA, ? 8') @@@x_|#1Py!< @@_-` p&G@"B0x;$_>k?C ? タ{_ u@?a 8?`<` @F">.~~x$@ >z 6 v>DB :><>$$* >~МĀ켎ௌ+%@`PIqP ?3!5 ?0N @@7J +A@r7?g޵zf?׶>߿}  @8C?+@8`0` ~ywo?_˯ou=,c `/B+$d?mpnG2~\0`|{=s{߷߿;+ }/< 2 p|ߊ~??}~o`?ӻGm>?+ w~>`s?o0.+ @>G|<ǟ7^o?o~pw+W| x<ߍow{x~o|0+;w߿Ã|}1w/>}_@0$+ ܽ_?ny} x?+ x< xo}wgz_~~``a+<x s?Ӝ??<^~w~?ap |:+~ ?~߁יss  ;+_x?? wgM߁߇_^]߀ ?+x<ߟ7߄x߃ߚ7{~ޜr߾}'G f+p|?#|~xhxxXhxhxظx(Xxx(8xظpgw+ .(  N?+4s.q?s{}ysǝ?}wO{sϟ;`X? _+r&/{ }uOߟ>z=p?~><?p0=t+~ EH.HN a7ȀA%?+| *wwc w;    ,-, -s7+>`8'xockkji?tqc+`  !<\@\D\@\w?_;+@??anao~?gfe's Pub.Slowly getting to his feet Maddog wonders if he will ever be able to think of mushrooms again.D1 xDue to Maddog's weakened condition, the poisons from the mushrooms take away the last of the life from his body.D2&OK.~~LOOK MUSHROOMZ1$OK.~~EAT MUSHROOMPAB2 0  0@3DjK{eHkc{wpWqtv~wtysf'su5quwsm-/oO_G'pP @x?p1l-[cYYp ߏ㰶{~|{l?#9jm|}\]u}m|}ށ~? ~-Up"3;=?_}?o @ (@ -'O`3W~?_{+ro8q<߂0 .|HߌِI)n7ϋ7x?wM]?W?~?_; . 8|{+2p.4ߏo;܍ x}~?5?~'?~.~y2~xxyN"nxd4>w{owfG|_y?>s?`/?O?gws~x??:>@x 0v~؁σߟ_?<O~Lc&0` xx<Ͽ}9jy8? ϟo?#0? p@ ke'38?&޺2u ??8t@ .7Aa?xz;|1/?? ϟx_osA0'-|A O !x?o߆s'π?<ч? ; -eCSoߟ_ńb>j σϏO ρ σC-7a?z~s9yϞ>up& xo-7-=)ofXu~?s}&?`??p?-? paOSK?ς  |_?@-tn_^{7?~߆ߟ`?t|? > V -ߪzAG't28]շ  ޟ?op<???Os.C8=/yM8q:wy!?@-_Gy߂}Cmr^?ߟ??G?߅ @42~-Ğ_?3G? 8߂| @@-{.csܟ??o?NJߟ(G? ~_}3-}Os3\~cwBo ? |o߄?-?d_?# > `/'|>(@پ?-τۃS{S3w3 ۆ ̀̀ΈMݜEŃĀɀكŀ݄͂YO  e?|-Ϝz䝼=yO݃ߟӓws{y}~C }@?_A?-_qgϗ?9Bzqg_7"9?߃obQ ??Gx?ߟu?^y~1({_?+P#O {ˁc }<|~r@ x@ @c~+ h[V]̳\ `S5 CBCCA@0(? ?(+ @@Dd@[[؛ø_ pxw?7~? / '7Q+@ e`n`n`nOMeH 96?x{ $J+wjbjlvfn 8g ?~?! }4 +`0 "[rP ~W??_G+WKEBA@ABDHPi;\@!|x< ? <!  /|#+  XqN.׸vmź[ (7Gx|;9?y G> W?+  08И`x@00 ࠀ`@ `@_fQa *??+    $"  HB @TFR( $$ * $d@BC@Q p @Ǘ<@(!ln+.C (}8d`@'wvtwuv(;? ) @@x_x#_`y<! @@_?B {+Y41 G&$+ %*{os wzp8$>cތp8 0 タ{X u@?a 8? <`F@">+qkoyy%OI߿O??A! w?OEC ;??%!o 3 耠綿ъ倇񆔆ŒĀ࿏ʟ+ڿ/ ~ ފN \@@@@p`w``Jt3!w~OPpP+\<`e]v\0@W07cm+h+~`4Lc޷1?@>{ +; {E`@dШ|8? @+~0l< #}~G>@- +Xxxpo5=(B< +u fV +vЎCnl<  +x@  ?p +uy< ߃ +t~ \ +vPؑf<tN8{C +{@P ? +?1 +~AG  +w'CC +u{ O@ + ?-0,_7$p7? +@p8 , Ma|@ }@"+;?P{ `@+/ ?g%? r@ _+$nL#?anao~?%9:A5+o?wR }#}! ;񏈀>? &G+Vǁǃ0{׀𝄀8-y%`0}+X@4 '9/gQp#1!@8x &8 @+0@ м~9,@??+2߆~G{P@"oX|+3h(f3'J >+3qx? d$:G /z+2g/|@m|  8]s `Y+ 0s78  CD;{8x? +`  0p` @` ` @`#扮h?>yՂ+    $"  HB @TFR( $$ * $d@@C@P 8h$1Z{Z?+  p ;A8:؀s\ ?!dp>~>pxw@+288;oQ5jOcDc[#s;2,AsH~zC?8 _ ?@_?+a]O/=!/+u} i1}YAycuqA1k?;u [} C3D" @0 3D?????   ~??@ :::?.~;#?|>0e??߂?~|/-}Ye<=?ϙ2%2?_~q?߿~?-~~fn6О~>p$LN>~d.fFƞ>~>~ꊦ.ޞ~^~~=ph```X(l PdLH@0 X1i$10$Lc A#q0@Pd8?~-9| Pj^69 tW(@4p ࠑ !f8 bp0xp0` G7?-Gӿ`&C2<nE :~H  p<0A$$@O?O/pzzP@V@ȍxo3wf0@@@ (' @p0 49 F>d/gØ 5! 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AROUNDABOUTVILLAGEHOUSEHOUSESHOMEHOMESCOTTAGECOTTAGESBUILDING The village center is small, but many weary travelers and fishermen stop at the pub.#There they quench their thirst and rest from thier long and tiresome adventures while telling tales of dragons and chivalry.SHOPANTIQUESMADDOG'SYOUR 0I can see my shop, off in the distance.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS :The windows of the pub, as usual, are very dirty.PUBBARBUILDINGSTOREHOMEHOUSECOTTAGE  Pete's Pub has been the local gathering place for generations here in Marinor. It has seen both wars and times of peace. It has seen kingdoms rise and fall but has never failed to welcome a weary traveler in from the cold night air. Maddog looks at the pub and remembers the small altercation he was involved in.He can see a sign on the door that reads...CLOSED FOR REPAIRS.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS BThe small rocks protrude from the ground near the village.FORESTTREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSTRUNKTRUNKSBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBSROOTROOTSBARKVEGETATI vMany trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor, protecting the village from the strong sea winds.GROUNDDIRTDOWNPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAY rThe ground outside of Pete's Pub has been packed hard and rough by the many men who have been booted out.GRASS XGrass covers the majority of this valley, except on the heavily traveled paths.SKYUPCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE bThe summer sun shines down from the sky and small clouds drift silently above Marinor.DOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYOPENINGEXIT The pub door is propped open to let passing travelers know they are welcome.It's a good thing the door was propped open when Frank kicked me out!The pub door is closed and a small sign on the door reads... CLOSED FOR REPAIRS.NOTEMESSAGEPAPERPARCHMEN "I can't see one.OKSIGN 8 The sign on the pub wall reads "Pete's Pub." No one knows why it's called Pete's Pub since the owners name is Frank. The sign on the pub wall reads "Pete's Pub." No one knows why it's called Pete's Pub since the owners name is Frank.There's also a small note attached to the closed door.WALLWALLSFENCEFENCES j$The wall in the distant background was built to keep wandering animals from entering the village.BOARDBOARDSLUMBERFRAMINGROOFROOFINGSHINGLESHINGLESCRACKMORTAR $Nothing looks unusual to me.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH I can't look in that.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASSPUBBUILDINGBAR Men can be seen inside the pub having a merry time.As Maddog peers into the pub, he finds Frank cleaning up the mess that was left behind.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYOPENING  Looking through the door, he sees men having a merry time. As Maddog peers in through the door, he sees Frank cleaning up the mess that was left behind.!I can't see inside. The door has been shut and locked.GETTAKERETRIEVEPICKREMOVEGRABACCEPTI can't get that.NOTEMESSAGEPAPERPARCHMEN bI can't see one.No! Frank is already mad enough at me. I'd rather not make it worse.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESGRASSDIRTLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSKNOBDOORKNOBHANDLEHINGEHINGESWINDOWWINDOWSGLASSTRIMBUSHBUSHESBRUSHBARKFOLI(  `@ 0@"հܹᑠࢠĀЂȅ+/~_ϯT dDHCAC 3 BA@A@0!   @+_8*08}M6`8_}}?o = +Fϟ8}V`aq@~?)LW`8q<߂8<+fs J 8GDO_F5㶷u 4 A?+0p_Vsx}9W?@+pOc}M | %I˸xAC܉"5[/9(L~;q;~?g?~>>+MnX 9 sf~@Zвcd,$]R1;$`$g!_y?+0G؂ s_'〜|z{j47__# ?{o:18?_+w%zsǀ-(txgu`MpFˏ +=`/!."+N`lhǁ/fɉ l_L. 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Because I'm not!T2 ZFrank, very upset at what happened inside, boots Maddog through the open pub door.N1 LThere is a small note on the door that reads...CLOSED FOR REPAIRSN2 4A small note hangs from the closed pub door.PAB10""@ 2#3DvO|JABXcq|t$[wkz$Z>\l,Z<e*^N<,4rR^~| 0cW0&F 8@!B$hPCDHa0? -0 `hti$ L_ޝp`P<*um-#B \x[ ?!{}-pXAy P`pKbp0Z#"KnF L S-_?~xA-qAB `@`DA @Gx A2 $ 0A`@`o  ?h |s-@`MKȘ8q8`RȄ X(B" 8C?  .G>> @xqAN8BH ADA!ÇD& #d !   |.SD7hsmv li LF X09%!H Ñ w?~};~h.朰g8f< 6 z#oY"2i.1J b! Ѝx?N &.Xa-2pD #(g :~ A(0n.3L txy{DE) Ժh~->$C0tc$,$F A !y~&.LE ,W=.@5~ ~;Ā$bKV@-gB|M 6p0`@Y1\EAy  <1AHA=0`^AMf yA!!0~? B\$ 6~.O \?}P~^$@  R@cEs5;B!qx^_u< sL +b@0f@Bo}'s(ߧzkB C -j~n'~k^^ e!,  ՛wMo3 `@0$2ڄG@!aPs@&} @?@>vpб(P-Uo~O?Mؐ?q=vF@*"0P 8D5`G]TN 3<Cq ?xY? 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KN`  pxzKFHPFwRF4iIi4444444440.-,H_??>]P{>$_?/a?t>msgh@_@0  Z?h{>x@X>n 0W ? `X^"$!% I?>X EU!E jϸ( NrR{6{0 >&CscMn$T1/EpG?fd+?:GDkؐ@?B0@w  0 3DSk???2000 2000 2001 2003"`EDORENFRs KP ssssssXsss` eR78?7p?rrssttuuss`ssssss sXsM&MI2006ss`ssssss sXsECOMENFRK s tECOMENFRKP:ssssssXsECOMENFRp ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK(What do you wish me to look at?AROUNDFORESTABOUT A rock wall with a large door in its center towers amidst the forest trees.There is writing above the large oak door and a knocker in the center of it.DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXIT zThere's a door embedded within the rock wall.There is strange writing above it.The large door stands open.PATHPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILWAY \I see nothing there.Inside is a large tree with a door embedded into it's trunk.KNOCKER LThere is a large, iron knocker in the center of the heavy oak door.ROCKSROCKCLIFFWALLWALLSSTONESTONESCLIFFSBOULDERBOULDERS ZLarge rocky cliffs tower above Maddog.There's a door embedded within the rocks.TREESTREEBUSHESB|@Gh w-9x;ϳ{4SG\ &Vxǀ|<@_:@@D?plH0ގh_Ml2&H<`؀0 ɋ*Gڏᇿ.ʴ2Ť^ 8` ga<,73 4_;4?Xi@\LB=  c|~o@  = 1O-tv=^ @:rhɡe`$dDPQw!7ҙ A<8]# @  { ~8x@=x0/0HO Ͻ :1D-O G$1B\0L3}:GwoO~B>;?=>S@ڰÛ˾YZ `?{1Lw{@<hh[` @?3x }D-7kl޸ ",@O={S /ߟȀ'7;X@|@@A @p1099`< (b}; *rd <'?s>y} >0olL@0  @8-0<}y_'\1 z@@\u4xi=~vo.>y`@3` p8`\I.h+p| @]/`o8rX @>   q@&y#-=Oo'?Cw?Wg<\=9K[a8zwomoސ@0@0$SPz `8  5-C [ۺ8?C"΀?08! <@<00T->|_g?m?Q  0@'$@@@ <-?ޯH?A`x   -w;P?cG0 @`$0->n>@%4 |x|z<ej~N<8,4bRV~r x` 0 D~JV|xlBkxm|a@n}+K /2PI 1X@G O`MeEkWM'sH'H(!4P@`z_Gx9A )"`Y>aV0&F 8@!B$hPC@H>ax=={OVB e 6t_/e3(@:7W8@`/2! $ UUTWUTTp` ! 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B-t8 @FB 92oa<t `@  8    `[`-n4B 9` @`@@!OS/?o=s#X?s~-2'o n:B@kp"  ? 6.7?\Û0gARgo?->l Ă0 [@N@DBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSTRUNKTRUNKS |!Many large oak trees and small bushes surround the rock wall entrance, keeping it hidden from the outside world.WRITINGWRITINGSSCRIPTRUNERUNESSIGNMESSAGEINSCRIPTDOORMARKINGS !The old carved writing above the door reads, "RET NEDN ADNE IRFY LTFO SKA EPS."!The old carved writing above the door reads, "ASDO SDIK ET SFKPE OWYM BLGA SV."GROUNDDIRTDOWNGRASS RDeep within the forest the ground is covered with grass and small bushes.SKYUPBRANCHBRANCHESCLOUDCLOUDSLIMBLIMBS LThe bright blue sky is barely visible through the tangled forest.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH Z*What is it you wish me to look in?DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXIT ZThe door is closedInside is a large tree with a door embedded into it's trunk.SKYBRANCHESDIRTLIMBSCLOUDCLOUDS BMaddog looks closely and says, "It's just as it appears."GETTAKEPICKREMOVERETRIEVEGRABACCEPTl,What is it that you want me to get?ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS HI really don't want to be carrying rocks around with me all day.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIKNOBHANDLEKNOCKER ,I can't see any reason to take that.CHOPCUTHITSMACKBEATBREAKPRY *What exactly do you want me to do?DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXITROCKROCKSSTONESTONES *What do you want me to do it with?AXE I don't have an axe.Maddog looks at the big sturdy door and then at his axe and says, "It would probably break the axe."SWORDWEAPON *I would never do that to my sword.HANDHANDSFOOTFEETBODYSELF .Are you kidding? I'm not that crazy.OPENPUSHSHOVEPULLUNLOCK&What is it you wish me to do?DOORGATEENTERANCENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXITPMaddog pushes and pulls on the handle of the large oak door but it won't open.I can see no reason to do that. The door is open. CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCK&What do you want me to close?DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXIT nThe door is already closed.Maddog pulls on the round knocker of the door but the door won't budge.KNOCKPOUNDd,What would you like me to knock on?DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYGATEWAYEXIT !Maddog grabs hold of the iron knocker and pounds on the door several times. He finally gives up and says, "That does a whole lot of good."Knocking on an open door doesn't seem to produce any significant outcome.READOBSERVEDECIPHERINTERPRETRANSLAT,$What do you want me to read?WRITINGWRITINGSRUNERUNESSIGNMESSAGEINSCRIPTDOORMARKINGS !The old carved writing above the door reads, "RET NEDN ADNE IRFY LTFO SKA EPS."!The old carved writing above the door reads, "ASDO SDIK ET SFKPE OWYM BLGA SV."SAYSPEAKTALKREPLYNothing happens.SOFTLYFRIENDQUIETQUIETLYSOFT ,Nothing happens.FRIENDSOFTLYQUIETQUIETLYSOFT The ground begins to rumble and the animals of the forest become silent. The sound of breaking rock echoes through the trees as the door creaks open, as if moved by some magical force.Nothing happens. WHISPERNothing happensFRIEND  The ground begins to rumble and the animals of the forest become silent. The sound of breaking rock echoes through the trees as the door creaks open, as if moved by some magic force.Nothing happens.(Z:x       f.'7 H\F3HFHLHKEKJFJHJHF_FHaH        %\"f DZD?M?DIDHIHFMFDMDCMCA=ACJC@P@AOACZC  -\;  T>@a@6 0o1NuC- <?TZPS,vKSKMIPRE.G,.M$Z0\OXLRR0$LTO 8 7       p?< NA\+N_0j00g00j0+g+0g0+g+0j0+g+0j0 ".Dh   FZFE <2 Q1Q% *@ JTJMRMJ:JM;MJ'JM6MJ+Jn uNuC- <l$P+H450M7IOMBMLHLJJJHOMGMLMLJMJH>HHDHMHQOQO@OMCMLLLJLJHEHHAHMIME;EF4FH1HJEJH1H $ (;_~???-!p‡CoV (8 L?ox?/`8f3>ϓo}?o?-P>Ǧ( AYQ(euYac"2 =|_~??<-wƅ㾺Wx  @@~^? G?s?{x-C`$d8n>x8( ǀ?o Ͽ?۬?_>N<~#o-HD! a|/g&7 j os??;?wϫ-!@/o,/{?P=:-!~? C&"/_ AC3 _;7oA-"Ĩ>sn  |?. 2 @~.~>r">^R 2H `  T2>~ؠںР$?+s@Є   #  7@+@!LZހ܂P0 L `+ ( 3 ! 0 Ly+ `  P@+?\c2@, qA@p ` ` 0 B@r+C@`hK@ HA`@G@w "Ph^+]Ȁ  0<@`4IԀ  @Aāa+#60p8x80$KC@b00 0Gs秞oO+h  ":|@@<,p0`@  d B_+ESK+3QH"b1\@ I0 C};}@5@@2+$`` @`Ȑ` @08<@  @8 / o(Ɂ +@@` & ! 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X0?8|xǟ@ *` `h"Hb7 Û /@x@[O _ ÿ! * 0 $ `@B@ D{W]=p?On?*qL( e@   p8?}ܐ,x$` @*`0y:00  0fC  _eW??@8 @ q7<*09#̞P @ d <@ B  n~=G9@?a@?ǀ`@w܂7Ā*<{<`B H b`@_ s,4~ (G*A@`0`0< @ fu<(z>N<"ANgXX *ps & 0@@` ># $*C hxsV K @   !!10038<8'@*IR!UdÊj/hH#dAh)$ H(y1r@1`e`$c12vr0 &$A4ayax!:8:` 0`@*G9E`-He+)Yg d2Ĵ4^>"FVńI DC C!B@@@"b@D ) $%U * D@̄@Goq1FBhb>O |*()`J 03 1000F81001#81001-81013j8Dirk looks over at Maddog and then continues fishing.POLEFISHINGP $Yep, it's a pole all right.LINEFISHINGL *It looks like regular line to me.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS RThe large window is cloudy, allowing nothing to be seen from the outside.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSFORESTBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBSVEGETATI z Many trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor, protecting the village from the strong sea winds.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS ZThe green grass around the house gives way to soft sand as it aproaches the beach.UPSKYCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE  Looks like a great day.BEACHSANDSHORESHORELINSEASHORE BThe sandy beach runs along the eastern border of Marinor.WATEROCEANSEASEAWATER LThe sea stretches out across the horizon disappearing into the sky.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS You can usually find Dirk down here sitting on these old rocks fishing and telling his stories. No one really knows if his stories are true or not, but they make for good entertainment.WALLWALLSFENCEFENCES bThe stone wall that runs along the northern border of Marinor can be seen in the distance.COATRAINCOATSLICKERRAINSLICLINEREALBOOTBOOTSGALOSHESHOODCLOTHESCLOTHING <Maddog looks then replies, "I see nothing unusual."TRUNKTRUNKSROOTROOTSCHIMNEYROOFSHINGLESROOFINGCHIMNEY "It is just as it appears.MOUNTAIN PThe valley of Marinor is surrounded by many tall and majestic mountains.ININTOINSIDE b*What is it you want me to look in?WINDOWWINDOWS 0 The window is too cloudy to see through.OCEANWATERSEASEAWATER 8The turbulent sea water is too murky to see in.SKYTREETREESSANDBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBS .I see nothing that is of any interest.BEHINDBACKBEYOND 4What exactly do you wish me to look behind?MANHOUSECOTTAGEROCKROCKSTREETREESDIRKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 2I can't see anything out of the ordinary.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW *Waht do you wish me to look under?ROCKROCKSMANHOUSESANDSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSAre you ~OBJ ONUPONATOP20,0,0,32,1 What do you want me to look on?HOUSEBUILDINGCOTTAGEBEACHSANDGROUNDDIRTGRASSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSTREETREESQAKQAKS It is as it appears. GETTAKERETRIEVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPT$What do you want me to get?SANDGRASSDIRTIVYPLANTPLANTSTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESBARKWATERSEAWATERVINEVINESDRINK "I don't see a need for it.COATRAINCOATSLICKERRAINSLICPOLELINEREELBOOTBOOTSGALOSHESHOODCLOTHESCLOTHINGFISHINGP 8I really don't think that would be a good idea.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONES >I really would rather not carry rocks around all day.KNOBDOORKNOBHANDLEWINDOWWINDOWSGLASS I can't get that.WET RIf you are saying that you want to go for a swim? I'm willing if you are.ININTO *What is it you want me to get in?SEAWATEROCEANSEAWATER RIf you are saying that you want to go for a swim, I'm willing if you are.OPEN,What is it that you want me to open?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRANCEENTRYWAYGRMaddog pulls and tugs on the door but finally decides that it is locked.CLOSESHUTSLAM(What would you like me to close?DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY It's already closed.DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIP&What do you wish me to drink?WATERSEASEAWATER  Maddog thinks for a moment of drinking the salt@Z& (b +.+Z=vT 2\ .$l:%4\$(; <"+B( @  ?U/FP*`ncdRg΂kewe*j/7N6%RvQ]&w4nX$螲&(Bu@>B`D^^'&r$9`( o}Lj??8*567U\W5-/,(*&2.NmMiKaUW\vZ>4'.{*H]R5o9W45V o; 0Ï*/-+L^ޗUWU'k^ZJ^>6X-/M /Z֖\מEMD%@~3s8ߐ??!ǀ*AN@PAB 6$9,^R _U-Ƣ*elq5 !???* D@A =mJDT DT4X@`rQq9y)9YyYh)I)091 4]XAMHYALH,"( (  >I?* /9:$BCST @Hᄁ)H@Im.ʠ`BhiRpftRT`T^3}`%)+<4?*!,Lyk0Y)yD @ o??߿*fg0`#Z@ 00 P@P d" "(!:Ah13o*(W`Ha* yh 5@[PF!@`( &`@!8LJ$P@89a]Pl3(0x@*@%@0@0 @p$~|?_CAXc @X&4xip8\d! *e"@߻;Cq  0` 0 c<?ws8P'Ohۏ`< a*@`8N4A@ 0A@!?|~<$~0% e"*@ 0< K#]H@0 @@`> 'Ep\a -`2 @0*H~wFV`8@` 0! =?qJ,@ @zxVD8*  >s:@ 2xX ??!pAIvC * }?D   ^!(@g*#4F`4!g+?p#Io>oG 00p *π0xOชp|`~> 8x@*\EWn?[; 8A;,PLRE* 6_~o_ps @*1Ah!}w;I****************i3??8*i@0`p**c*?*v ?>~*[p??*[@?*x?*z* ************** 0@ "  03D 80p`'t<?u p8wx"?{! |  |1|Ap8>;x6 x-`p08 G??`[aV?a?%~g??lVoTqQrOuNwNxNxNwPuRs p6? ?N?;:y:t:s:r:r:s:u:v:v:t:r:m: ?k:k:r:x0@ "  03Dw??? 2001 2000 20012005SEDORENFRKQ OQMECOM#o # ENFR # @`ENFR#$p$`$P$ENFR#$$ $0$@$ENFRKPsZs lsss:K sOROQ M ~eT1XM3$ 0Sx8'[U a TR1 aMM R2JR s}  ~  sZs:s lssssKPsZKRKQssZs:s lsssy sea water, then replies, "You want me to drink sea water? No thank you. I value my health."TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNIC&Who do you wish me to talk to?MANFISHERDIRKFISHERMAPERSONGUYHIMQPdPok.OXYDirk turns to Maddog and motions him to be quiet.KNOCK(What do you wish me to knock on?DOORENTREANCENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAY :Maddog knocks on the door but there is no answer.CLIMBASCEND&What do you want me to climb?TREESTREEROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS < No thank you, I'll just stay on the ground for now.UNLOCKxHow do I unlock that?DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY I don't have a key.RESPLYOU BLEW IT GUYSJ1 J!Dirk turns to Maddog and says, "Hello Mr. Williams, great day for fishing, wouldn't you say? I haven't caught much today but I remember the time when old Frank and I were down by that old cave a few years back.!That reminds me, I saw some men in long dark robes headed that way. Strange times have come to Marinor.A1 Anyway, old Frank and I cast our lines into the water and were just sittin' and talking when all of the sudden Frank's pole near bent in two.Frank grabbed his pole and started to bring the fish in and all of the sudden Frank disappeared right into the water.I thought he was going to drown. I yelled at him to let go of the pole, but you know Frank, he was going to ride that fish to the bottom if he had to. Well, a few seconds later Frank popped up above the surface and started yelling about getting the boat. So I jumped in and rowed out to him.I saw blood in the water and got worried that Frank was hurt. He said that he had cut its throat and needed help getting it into the boat.So we pulled it into the boat and was it a monster. You've heard about the sea monsters around here, well I think that Frank caught one." Just at that moment Dirk's line goes taut and Dirk turns his attention back to his fishing. PAB1#D" @0 3D$X8#@  $0@D64" b#vs?_XC?<?83`;~_<~pM>|B?G?~|{tdS=-``hy!&@ d@6BRsQ"6}6pBAƅ%KȎ ~-\1 (00 :ZafcV}~|ow?^h' `c ?^7 @>-`@ @ @$@BǿHunw2Yςg^ Lp*Wd߃1 - ! ( ,$pTq$m ,9S+>x7/|c#'Yk~- # `H`p@BAd(  @``!$C ǃt?/ BXN"l`oolsϾ-#P|¼0" b:ں%,?! ՘3 <o@zN~{O- \ ϗ-. AKp"8U@#~aA>U-DA JDP@B n @0 -{":m8 .h?Ε-qp )`#0CtւBH(@?#?tY_PExqf-r CBσ (( 0" *(,La!_`n?kOw~o/OM`!`W @'/~ztڭ7y-DOH5?Gԉ@$e 9/~8upSڄ|%_%l7C럽0B3-=B APp\Z\]@T /???߂ 8+ Ew3pyau]f0CpȊ*n.@1?p9t 0(p2ø޼~^ӏ*>貕_/{>@ @rÿO].1@ 5$OV          ??7_?S>ĺ_7nXq|p̀@t-4%X6@@ @:zde}ښzrv~z>>z:`_W \^1 ?{Z} <-7ܡo! 8` =?}u ? ?x?? Zj3hLc(. 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There is a small door at the base of the tree.ROCKSROCKCLIFFSCLIFFSTONESSTONEBOULDERBOULDERS  Large rocky cliffs surround the large oak tree, secluding it from the outside world.There are several flat stones buried in the ground, forming a path leading to the tree.PATHPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILWAY `There are several flat stones buried in the ground, forming a path leading to the tree.WALLWALLS \ Large rocky cliffs surround the large oak tree, secluding it from the outside world.GROUNDDOWNGRASSDIRTFOLIAGEVEGETATI NThe grass covers the earth around the large tree in frequent patches.SKYUPCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE XMaddog looks up at the clear blue sky and says, "It's going to be a great day!"BRANCHESBRANCHLIMBLIMBS pThe thick, heavy branches of large tree offer a pleasant change from the tangled branches of the forest.GNOMEMANPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWCLOTHESCLOTHINGSHIRTPANTSSHOESGENTLEMA A strange looking gnome, in his fancy clothes sits by the large oak tree as if he were waiting for something.I don't see him.DOORDOORSGATEGATEWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYS ~A large wooden door is set into the bottom of the huge oak tree. A small brass knocker is in the center of the door.EXITEXITS .The exit leads out the way we came in.KNOCKER D The small cast iron knocker shines brightly in the sunlight.STUMPCHAIRLOGSTOOLSEAT (I see nothing unusual about it.HANDLEKNOCKERKNOB 2It's positioned in the center of the door.MOUNTAIN :The mountain towers upward behind the large tree.ROOTROOTSTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESBARK .I see nothing that seems of interest.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH 0*What is it you wish me to look in?TREEDOOROAKGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAY LThe door is closed.The doorway leads down into a dimly lit room.SKYDIRTGRASSBRANCHESCLOUDCLOUDS &I see nothing of significance. KNOCKPOUND0What exactly do you want me to knock on?DOORGATEENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAY There's no answer.GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT&What is it you want me to get?KEYKEYS I can't see any here.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESVOULDERBOULDERS BI really don't wish to carry rocks around with me all day.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKFOLIAGEVEGETATIKNOBHANDLEKNOCKER 2I can see no reason to take that with me.GIVE|$What do you want me to give.AMULETMEDALIONMEDALLIO *I think I ought to hang on to it.KILLDESTROYFIGHT"What do you want me to do?GNOMEMANPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWGENTLEMA dMaddog quickly replies, "Now that wouldn't be very nice would it?"He's not here anymore.KICKHITSWINGBREAKCHOPPULLPUSHj&What is it you want me to do?GNOMEMANGUYPERSONHIMFELLOWGENTLEMA >But he seems like such a nice guy.I don't see him.DOORDOORSENTRANCEENTRYENTRYSEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYS bI don't think he would appreciate it if I did that.I can't see any reason to do that.OPENUNLOCK(What is it you wish me to open?DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYGATE PI think he's got the key.It's already open.I don't have the key.3|>x {;{׷{zۂ}풍ݛz!z>rK_#9<\k%0?#-px>b>ځ{z{k}}m}{0Lrqw g?GxGo-071@y8Kim{ku큭={;{zz;m匍|}O ??ÿzsϜ}-tOsC<

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I have important matters to tend to and no time for beggers so be off!"The gnome returns to his meditation.T3 ^The gnome disappears into the oak tree leaving Maddog alone underneath the giant tree.T4 Maddog takes the amulet from among his possessions and extends it toward the gnome."The gnome's eyes widen with excitement as he begins to speak, "So you are the one I have been waiting for. Quick, follow me. We don't have very much time."PD1OK~~R1 RThe gnome looks up with great impatience as he gets up and begins to walk.R2 bThe gnome walks out into the forest mumbling that he has no time for such trivial matters.2R `The gnome looks at Maddog and replies, "Would you please step aside? You're in my way." 0 "3  ???? ~<??><? p <>  ???? ~<?? ><|  |x>? ?????~<    >~???> ~< ` ? >????8~>~~< `  /???& ~<0`>/????'~<1@<0???$ ~<2>0????$~<4</???$ ~<0p.  #   0    p 0   #   0 ȍ    ? 0    #   0         #         `    /#   8    @  ` @   p    # ?~~0`<0<0< 0  >?   0`<0<0     # ?~~0`<0<0< 08<<         # ?>?  >~ 0 0x@   # >?0 >????~<     @  [;  ;vteTFgw{zjJYk{zjK[wWGgutvx{k :457{kK[zj{2@G  ?-` bL2x {;{׷{zۂ}펍ݛz~ 7n?#PB@. `0G `>ځ{z{k}}m}{ϳs3O.0'1@IpKim{ku큭={;{zz;m再?9 q?`-dGp@ ppGq @уٙpр1q1Qq1qq11q1 @o` ~-sXq(aD ݂]YE݀݁]]_?_OX!WϮ x?-!Lo A`0Pmۀ[݂-m-m<@`? oN;.#0% &y FB ?x??|P> C.`0@c0 ;@< |ϟ(@ `Gu=/ @bM1_-N`PZV]UYmnjJ.^ZU]mnjnYUM]mlh`@'?oC @CÀ+?-"l(؂hhXhh~ߠ~`;.}??-">  679+/~ yQpo` s /("c8T~%-P8bB_Z~op'?S@_/ N `?@X"! ?"k - 0J!*Jx*< 9phO< 8$`?p-0  D0Wo<<@|??L X!T??"{-!  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When the mill was turned into a home, the wheel was kept around as a decoration.HOUSEBUILDINGMILLCOTTAGEHOMEWATERMILSHACK nThe house used to be an old mill. It caught fire several years ago. It was later rebuilt into a home.GRASS <The grass grows abundantly in the Valley of Marinor.FORESTGROVE dThe Forests of Marinor grow very thick. Many people get lost or fall prey to wild animals.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEOAKOAKSBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBS v Many trees and bushes surround the small village of Marinor protecting the village from the strong sea winds.STUMPTRUNKTRUNKS dThis is an old stump battered by the relentless chopping and pounding of the miller's axe.AXEAX LThe axe is made of old oak, with an iron blade fastened at the end.GROUNDDOWNDIRT \The ground is soft and moist from the warm sea mist that blows in from the East.SKYUPCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE TThe clear blue sky peeks through the tangled branches of the old trees.DOORDOORWAYENTERANCENTRYENTRYWAY 4The door to the old miller's home is closed.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS NThe window looks cloudy allowing nothing to be seen from the outside.WATERSTREAMRIVERCREEKSTREEMBANKBROOK Maddog looks at the stream that runs behind the mill and replies, "This is one of my favorite fishing holes. The fishing is excellent when the weather gets warmer."WATERWHEWHEEL @The watermill turns gently as the water pushes it along.WOODLOGSLOGFIREWOODWOODPILE b!The cut pieces of wood, that the miller has chopped, are stacked against the mill's wall.MILLERWILLIEMANPERSONGUYFELLOWHIM ZWillie, the miller, sits on a chair next to the old mill, whittling an old stick.CHAIRSEATSTOOL RThe miller takes his afternoon naps while sitting on the old wooden chair.WALLFENCEWALLSFENCES bIn the distance the stone wall that runs along the northern border of Marinor can be seen.STICKSHAFT $It looks just as it appears.ROOFSHINGLESSHINGLEROOFINGROOTROOTS "I see nothing significant.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES 6I see nothing out of the ordinary, only rocks.SHIRTPANTSSHOESHOESCLOTHINGCLOTHES *I see nothing that looks unusual.MOUNTAIN PThe Valley of Marinor is surrounded by many tall and majestic mountains.LEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARK 4I see nothing that looks of interest there.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH P*?? ?{Q?o&?%?????  0w "38182006nEDOR#o # ENFR # @`ENFR#$p$`$P$ENFR#$$ $0$@$ENFR[3\P$#Y  <Y l T5s dM sT1Y Y V MY XT3m ss MK" R1 MK R2"NSZ1Z2ssT6ss  sY 4 ssECOM''p''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRJPJ[3\'  oECOMENFRFECOMENFRS^[T#T  M M[S^`[T#TECOMENFR s%s& s%s&ECOMENFRR9}pECOMENFRR8ECOM' '''''''ENFR '' '0'@'P'`'ENFR 'ENFR ' 0@P`pENFR[ + +  s1R}ECOM 2 ENFR + +2R MECOM 2 ENFR + +3R MECOM ENFRD1ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK *What is it you want me to look at?AROUNDROOMABOUTHOUSEHOME  Large winding roots from the old oak tree above wander down the walls of the small gnomish room. A table sits against one wall and a small chest against the other.A little wood frame bed rests along the wall.GNOMEMANPERSONGUYHIMFELLOWGENTLEMA VThe peculiar looking gnome is plump but has a face that shows great wisdom.The gnome is dressed in curious clothing that is well worn. He appears friendly but preoccupied, as if some important matter is troubling him.Maddog carefully examines the gnome and replies, "He has a flask in his hand."He is not here anymore.TABLE t!The rough hewn table is made of an old tree stump. A candelabra sits on the table lighting the small room.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX LA little wooden chest sits against the wall of the underground home.OBJBEDBEDFRAMEMATTRESSFRAMEHEADBOARBEADKNOBBEDKNOBSKNOBKNOBSBLANKETBLANKETSQUILTQUILTSLINENLINENSBEDDING dThe small, wood frame bed is covered with an old blanket and looks rather tattered and worn.PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA 0Nothing looks unusual about the pillow.ROOTSROOTWALLWALLS z The roots of the old oak tree intertwine as they travel down the walls forming the structure of the gnomes house.CANDLESCANDLECANDELABHOLDERHOLDERS T The bright candles of the large candelabra seem to burn with an eerie force.STAIRSSTAIRSTAIRWAYSTEPSTEPSEXITENTRYENTRYWAYDOORDOORWAYENTRANCE 2The rock stairway leads up to the surface.CEILINGUPROOFABOVE 4Large tree roots hang from the dirt ceiling.STAIRSSTAIRSTAIRWAYSTEPSTEPSEXITENTRYENTRYWAYDOORDOORWAYENTRANCE 2The rock stairway leads up to the surface.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT rMaddog strains to get a good look at the floor, but in the dim light he notices nothing unusual about it.FLAMEFIREFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSFIRES  As Maddog looks into the flame, he is overwhelmed by an intense sorrow. He quickly looks away from the flame, not wishing to remember the terrible dread that somehow filled his soul.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESSEATSEATSSTONESTOOLSTUMPCHAIRCHAIRS <The smooth stone stool looks uncomfortable and hard.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW ~:I don't understand what you want me to look under.TABLE bMaddog leans over and looks under the table saying, "All I see is some dust and cobwebs."BEDCHESTTRUNKCASEBOX &There is nothing under there.PILLOW(+(ROK.OXYI already did.I am in the process of doing that.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH 0What is it that you want me to look in?CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX , It is closed.The chest is empty.BEHINDBACKBEYOND *What is it that you want me to do?TABLEBEDCHESTTRUNKCASEROCKSEATSTONESTOOLSTUMPCHAIRBOX LNWhat would you like me to look in?WATERRIVERSTREAMCREEK ,The water runs too fast to see into.HOUSEBUILDINGMILLHOMEWAERMILLWINDOWWINDOWSDOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY VMaddog strains his eyes and replies, "The window is too dirty to see inside."ONUPONATOP *What would you like me to look on?GROUNDHOUSEMILLSTUMP *I see nothing out of the ordinary.CHAIRSEATSTOOL VThe miller rests upon his chair, contently whittling on a small shaft of wood. GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPTH$What do you wish me to get?AXEAX((ZThe miller notices Maddog looking at the axe and says, "Mr. Williams if you really want the axe, I can sell it to you for ten gold pieces."Maddog takes the axe.OXYI already bought the axe.~~LOOK AXEWOODFIREWOODLOGLOGS NMaddog looks at you and replies, "I don't steal things. It's wrong."WINDOWWINDOWSGLASSKNOBDOORKNOBHANDLECHAIRSEATKNIFESTICKWATERGRASSDIRTLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARKDRINK 2I really don't think we need to take that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES :I really don't want to carry rocks around all day.SHIRTPANTSSHOESHOESCLOTHESCLOTHING 0I don't think he would appreciate that.WET OK. You lead the way.ININTOINSIDE *What is it you want me to get in?WATERSTREEMSTREAMRIVERCREEKBROOK OK. You lead the way. DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIP(What is it you want me to drink?WATERSTREEMSTREAMRIVERBROOKCREEK XMaddog looks at the forest stream and replies, "It doesn't look very appealing."BUYPAYGIVEOFFERPURCHASEZ2What exactly is it that you want me to do?AXEAXMONEYMANGOLD<(UThe miller looks up at Maddog and says, "I'll accept nothing less than ten gold pieces for the axe."The miller takes the money and quickly pockets it.OXYI already bought it.~~@~~~~@TALKSPEAKSAYCOMMUNICCHAT&What is it you want me to say?MANMILLERWILLIEPERSONGUYFELLOWHIMxPU@ OKOPENHow do I open that?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRANCEENTERYWA XI don't think that would be a good idea right now. After all, it's not my home.UNLOCK Unlock what?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRANCEENTRYWAY 4I don't have the key to the miller's house.CLOSE&What do you want me to close?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCE It's already closed.ASKINQUIRE Ask what?MILLERWILLIEMANPERSONGUYFELLOWHIM  Ask him what?AXEAXEHEADAX d"What did you want of the axe?" asks the miller."It's your axe now," states the miller. KNOCKPOUND>I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRANCEEXIT ,But the miller is siting right here.LISTENHEARok. RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS.W1 BThe miller looks at Maddog and says, "How can I help you?"D1C"OK~~~~D2 OK.~~LOOK AXER1 I hear a sweet melody being whistled by the old miller as he whittles away at his small shaft of wood.I hear only the village stream.PAB1 C03" 23D!)189 B`;3s3 +cIsܞ=9s15 @ o 00 8;8:;:89;89;8otpxA33?=tL?g?o?u0p   ???v``nj'"?'/`   ??((|c~Ή~?~~?~à  c*~؀|tp   'x]D  |`c`NN TP<]@`3p  P8UUUe@`P`P0`P0`P0`P0`P0`P0`P0`P0`ظp"??_   l 0Wk<ڄ  iܸv`~jŨ@?Ƞ@i_ ?p?'` xy@A@\_C\_C\S_[x`c`o=.7|;??owk&Alophd߿_\oj{~ v>xhX8XtBz* ?xs8 ?<8Maddog looks closely and replies, "I don't see anything important."OPENl"I'm not sure I understand.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX  It's locked.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEPICKGRABACCEPTxI would if I could.CANDLESCANDLECANDELABLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS $Now that would be stealing.FLASKWATERSCONTAINEBOTTLEWATERPOTIONGIFT(Kok.FLASKWATERSCONTAINEBOTTLE ok.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESSEATSEATSCHAIRCHAIRSSTOOLSTOOLS .It's too heavy to lug around all day.BEDMATTRESSFRAMEBEDFRAMEHEADBOARBEDKNOBBEDKNOBSKNOBKNOBSBLANKETBLANKETSQUILTQUILTSLINENLINENSPILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCACASETRUNKCHESTBOXBEDDINGCHESTCASETRUNKBOX :I don't think I should. It doesn't belong to me.FLAMEFLAMES &How am I suppose to take that?ONUPONATOP *What is it that you wish me to do?BED I'm not tired yet.CHAIR LThere are more important things to do right now, instead of resting.TABLECHESTTRUNKCASEROCKSEATSTONESTOOLSTUMP *I don't think that is a good idea.SIT(Could you please rephrase that?CHAIRBEDFLOORTABLECHESTTRUNKCASEROCKSEATSTONESTOOLSTUMP I prefer to stand.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNIC*What is it that you want me to do?MANGNOMEPERSONGUYFELLOWHIMGENTLEMA hHe doesn't respond.filler.He's just waiting for me to take the flask.He's not here.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCK|*What is it that you want me to do?CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX It's already closed.UNLOCKz"What do you wish me to do?CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX "But I don't have the key.RESP YOU BLEW IT GUYST1 As the gnome continues to stare into the flames of the candles, he begins to speak."The armies of the evil Serak are advancing once again. You must free King Thaylor and destroy the evil Serak before darkness swallows the land.Marinor and the surrounding kingdoms are depending upon you and your wisdom to save us.I can't give you much help, but I can give you one thing that might help you along your journey."T3 The gnome retrieves a small flask from the chest and offers it to Maddog saying, "This flask contains The Waters of Changing. Use them with care and judgment."T6 As Maddog takes the flask, the Gnome continues his counsel.""To travel around the forbidden mountains on your way to Duridian would take all the short time we have left. Therefore you must take the dangerous shortcut, the Caves of Despair. In ancient times cave trolls cut the passageway through the mountains. Now evil Serak uses them as a passageway for his evil purposes.The entrance lies somewhere in the forest west of Marinor. Think well upon this problem. Many travelers have searched for this route, but only few have found it." The gnome pauses and lowers his voice. "No one has ever come back alive."The gnome continues, "You must find the one named Derik who lives in the valley beyond. He was once a guard for Serak and he knows much about the Castle of Duridian.There is only one other thing I can tell you. Beware of the bridge that no man has crossed over and lived.Go quickly now. Take care, you are our last hope.Now I must be going," the gnome says as he bids Maddog farewell. He then disappears through the wooden doorway that leads up and out of the gnomish house.Maddog is once again left to ponder upon this great task that has been thrust upon him.T5 Z!The gnome stares into the flames as if he was contemplating the fate of the world.R1 The gnome sharply replies, "Well if you aren't going to accept my gift, perhaps I was mistaken about you being the wise one."R2  The gnome turns to Maddog and says, "I have more important matters to attend to other than wasting my time on you."The gnome quickly turns and walks out the door.R9  Maddog replies with a puzzled look, "I can't see it anywhere."Maddog takes the small flask of liquid while pondering upon the wise gnomes words. OMaddog replies, "I already took it."R8  Maddog replies with a puzzled look, "I can't see it anywhere."I'm not close enough.Maddog replies, "I already took it."NS"OK.~~LOOK FLASKZ1$OK.~~DRINK FLASKZ2"OK.~~POUR FLASK1R @Sliding his hand under the pillow, Maddog finds nothing.2R XThe gnome looks at Maddog and says, "I must go, so could you please step aside?"3R fThe gnome looks at Maddog and says, "I need to get to my chest. Could you please step aside?"PAB2  " @03D'gGW?G'CQ  J(##0DhfgC/c0l i[K3 C@kqx~&CABP NFQ:H` PX60BhJdzydak QY(@`8l-)18L =% +1 a%<wo_>|3Ogc`p, 0@  i?;          ˁ0 h8jT֠^^^NN&PpVRTzZsh 1?<g??6:Z[MUVZ[]^_\]\]\^EYGS[VNM]S,:UK۾7g<ЁPPАP0pp0pppP<  ~||~ށ>h>!$C|y~x`HZ@ ;83sSԀKW:(,=-)xPHJ0fƅTP@ K?Q 2 2 Q pAd'@d'@?Q? @  N @?g{ {&"<&"$``@R~|x|~~G??`pqw? Q% S%?W)?\3?  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Maddog looks around the room and replies, "There's quite a crowd here today."BARCOUNTER >The bar is lined with chairs and usually with drunks.SHELFSHELVESCABINETSHELVING DThe shelves behind the bar are lined with bottles and mugs.TABLESTABLEGAMEPOKER jMany men are sitting around the tables telling stories and jokes or just enjoying a game of cards.KEGBEER It's full of beer.MANGUYPERSONFELLOWPATRONHIMGENTLEMA &He looks like a local patron.MENGAMBLERSPLAYERSGUYSPEOPLEFELLOWSPATRONSPIRATESTHEMGENTLEME V They look like they're leaving their daily troubles behind and enjoying life.ROPECORD :A large rope secures the chandelier hanging above.CHANDELIUPCEILINGCANDLESCANDLEROOFLIGHTLIGHTSABOVE FThe large, ominous looking chandelier lights the entire pub.GROUNDFLOORDOWN BThe floor is covered with dust and small puddles of beer.WALLSWALLFISHTROPHY @A large fish mounted on a plaque hangs on the west wall.RUGCARPETMAT XThe small woven rug is used to clean the patron's feet before entering the pub.BARRELCONTAINEPICKLESPICKLE ^A large wooden barrel filled with Frank's famous pickles, sits against the west wall.FRANKBARTENDEBARKEEPEBARKEEP !Frank is a rather stout fellow. Some say he killed the original owner of the pub. That's how he came to own it. Maddog doesn't believe it though.SERVERMACHINEDEVICEINVENTIOCONTRAPT "Everything seems to be in good working order," says Maddog.Maddog examines his invention closely and realizes that the main spring has somehow worked loose.Maddog replies, with a slight mumble to his voice, "I think I may have overtightened it just a bit."DOORDOORSGATEGATES<"|Ѓ<8* +~9qpCO5i͙?*HXP8((( `03?u _x2e >ڤ(*@b)-(8;O*    xpP8`$?*  62E +>!"ZQ ) @   6" "$2 !9`F#>|o*0@@@UW @@&* 0@ =@ )* Q>*   @@9>sϐ*0    pN~q|~* 00`;*  cl&."8 .o*+@jeq'=@ p}*!Q11gWIAA!sC"am@@ C`A0] 3eH'>HB_=Ocp(|0@;@p ; Fi?@@xB {   !O#a0BG?lC 9cx"|_8  o9 p`>x?p@0_?`?x|o0Cs6@Wcx   hvt { 3O߂@0\w.8>7?i7y  @W8` =C3 0P  t^#p#: ? ?>h :$3\3 (E?>g&#p? 83 y5￁r|F@}qX`0@@@@@ @ @ ~zt{ _`@2# 0| V=( @ pO$ A$2_|P"`P& y xP#P/G!_o}? / 9 ?3@@?  "p&{X(o} ~!>|B9}7 9޵|8?8OqF#P@7@ `HT; >| G{0@c<8~@HPnI?@4h @@ O0  }@8<  A` w8ADH?"`_7q };`@;| @`0 p@@CLj06 u ?>|~ {84.! - :&p /0b_ KAk??0? # rp v`x9gh<;~0`0O3` @`@0p  p0p`@ @` 7`|_0 =_@/"B K `  ? 65;.  _> ~- 7sk4-  `wQ!? X r3b  O @`?\>~B@` r0hVNp܄ G  " @03D8p<8xp'j<80p3b8pVEEEE}D|D|D}DEEtLsLqSok under that.RUGCARPETMAT Maddog looks at you strangely and replies, "Look under what?! People will think I'm strange. I can't believe you want me to look under the rug."OXY<S Oh alright!I already did!~~(OUTTHROUGH "I can't look through that.DOOREXITDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYWINDOWWINDOWSGLASS 0I can see part of the village from here.BEHINDBACKBEYOND ,I see nothing special behind there.BARCOUNTER Frank, the bartender, keeps busy behind the bar, trying to get his customers what they want and cleaning up after them.LIFTELEVATERAISE,&I see no reason to lift that.RUGCARPETMAT Maddog looks at you strangely and replies, "Look under what?! People will think I'm strange. I can't believe you want me to look under the rug."OXY vS Oh alright!I already did!~~%xGETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPTSTANDBUYPAYPURCHASEORDER2I'm not sure just what you want me to do.WHISKYRUMLIQUORWINEALCOHOL I prefer beer myself.BEERDRINKBEERS  .GLASSGLASSESCUPCUPSMUGMUGSBOTTLEBOTTLES It's not mine.WHISKYRUMLIQUORWINEALCOHOL I prefer beer myself.BEERDRINK  .RUGCARPETMATFISHTROPHY (Maddog replies, "It's not mine."PICKLEPICKLESP.That's what I'm doing!I don't want another one!I should get on with my business with Frank.I don't have enough money.Not right now.SERVERMACHINEDEVICEINVENTIOCONTRAPT TI don't see one.I already have it.I can't. It belongs to Frank now.UPFEETOFFFLOORGROUNDI'm already standing.Maddog gets up from his seat. I would if I could!Let me finish my drink first.~~-H~~5OUTOUTSIDE 0The door is over there. I'll follow you.THROUGHOVERABOVEUNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW I'd better not.ININTOINSIDEONATOPUPON I'd better not.STOOLCHAIRSEATd}$kMaddog goes to his favorite chair and sits down. I'm already sitting.I'd love to, but I'm rather busy at the moment.~~-H~~5~~/~~-HOPENUNLOCKPUSHPULLSWINGENTERGO I don't think so.DOORDOORSGATEGATESBARCOUNTER<" It's propped open and I'm going to leave it that way.GIVEOFFERHANDPUTzI can't give that.SERVERMACHINEDEVICEINVENTIOCONTRAPTd}$k"But I don't have it," says Maddog..O.I already gave it to him.Maddog replies, "Let me finish my drink first."~~LOOK SERVERMONEYGOLDCOINCOINS PWhat are you talking about?They don't seem to be interested in that.DRINKSWALLOWGUZZLEGULPSIPTASTE Drink what?BEERDRINK I have to buy some first.That's what I'm doing!I already drank it.I should get on with my business with Frank.Not right now.CUTSEVERCHOPHACKWHACKSLICETI can't cut that.ROPECORDCHANDELI  .SITRESTx$Could you be more specific?DOWNSTOOLCHAIRSEATBARd}$kMaddog goes to his favorite chair and sits down. I'm already sitting.I'd love to but I'm rather busy at the moment.Not right now.~~-H~~5~~/~~-HDOWNSTOOLCHAIRSEAT &I'd prefer to sit at the bar.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNICSAYN Talk to whom?PETE N There's nobody here named Pete. Frank, the bartender, owns the place.MANPERSONTRAPPERHUNTERGUYFELLOWPATRONHIMGENTLEMA<eX"Maddog, having previously been aquainted with this man, happily greets him saying, "How's the fur business going?" The man turns to look at Maddog and replies, "Haven't had much luck with the trappin' lately, but a few beers now and then can sure take my mind off the hard times.""Take my friend here, for example. He lost his one and only love the other day. I brought him here to cheer him up and as you can clearly see, he has no hard times on his mind now."!Maddog chuckles a bit and wishes him luck with both his trapping and his friend.OI don't want to bother him again.MANPERSONCAPTAINCAP'NGUYFELLOWPATRONHIMPIRATEGENTLEMA6Cx#The man mumbles, "It's been a long day. Just leave me alone to enjoy my drink."OI thought I told you to leave me alone!MANMENGAMBLERGAMBLERSPLAYERPLAYERSPERSONPEOPLEGUY 'o'n?'n 'n 'n Kn KnLnMnLn Ln Kn 9o 9q 9t9vK"""  ??"`$!Y??  ?? ??s??"??!F8_@> x?L6*???Mj ?5?j[k2 jT;?rTq +2xHrH/+>=n=8_m>@>p= xp>pp=?n=Ln=o`=m 0?1.@p=s=?n?=f= ?a=f =a?=mPX?3< >?W-03Nb3c 4 3\3[>3 ]53`3 b20/02  " @03DY?=0 ?=0  80 80  p0@#C?=0 ?=0  80 80   0CCCCCCu??>x ?  u@u<80 @ ?8!p00 #C}=u???0 $p00@C}Cu?0??0`?p00/CCu??u 'u<8`>p00/Cip0pCG?>/! 0pCG?>/! @@?y1!#" x?y1!#"  P_\ 00ЁP?0pCG?>/! 0pCG?>/! m? @$%@n?y1!#" `??y1!#" mσ  q0>   [0pCG?ǃ 0pCG$%ޞ@$%߂΀@ `??;6|@`??9'x    m 0pGO?b`?{{N8   S?<Bq?=0 ?=0 !80 80  p0-@?=0 ?=0 !80 80    0;??>x ? @<80 @ ?800 m7???0 00@h=?0??0`?009?? !<8`>00ep0p@ 0p@ '@@! x    P_\@0@ 0000Ёu0p@ 0p@ '@$%@! `>     >@0>  _0p@ 0p@$%@$%@ `>@@`>@  > >0p@  0p@$%$% `> `>  > >@&0p@ 0p@ $%$%#`>`> > >80p@ 0p@  $% $% `>`> > >e2000 2000 2000(F2004EDORENFR PECOMENFRMM!'#ECOM ENFR4   " &p'"' PQe [V!  V/P$ etMNVECOM ENFR JTsssss [r'CGENTLEMAGUYSFELLOWFELLOWSPATRONPATRONSHIMTHEMPIRATEPIRATESGENTLEMEx "They're too busy to talk.MANDRUNKDRUNKARDPERSONGUYFELLOWPATRONHIMGENTLEMA0kRMaddog speaks to the man, but there's no reply.OHe's not conscious!FRANKBARTENDEBARKEEPEBARKEEPMANPERSONGUYFELLOWHIMGENTLEMAL|gbThe bartender looks at Maddog and says, "Well, Mr. Williams, I hope you remembered to bring that new beer server you were making for me?"Frank looks at Maddog and replies, "I'm waiting for you to fix this contraption so I can try it out again."Frank responds quickly saying, "I don't want any trouble from any of you fellows here today."ADJUSTFIXREPAIRTIGHTEN&I don't see that it needs it.SPRINGSERVERINVENTIOMACHINEDEVICECONTRAPTIT DI don't see that it needs it..I already did that.PLAYGAMBLE$I shouldn't play with that.CARDSGAMEPOKERMENGAMBLERSPLAYERSGUYSFELLOWSPATRONSTHEMPIRATESGENTLEME @I'd rather not. I've never been very good at gambling.TRYUSEOPERATE$I'm not sure what you mean.SERVERMACHINEDEVICEINVENTIOCONTRAPT I don't have one.I need to give it to Frank, the bartender.I'm getting around to it!I already did that and I'm not sure it was a good idea.RESP OUCHT1 #Frank anxiously grabs a mug from the shelf and places it on the bar in front of the server.#He then puts his hand on the lever and says, "Let's give it a try."T2 After the lever was released, they were both disappointed to see the mug go only about halfway down the bar. Maddog looks at Frank and says, "OOPS!! Looks like the main spring needs to be adjusted."T4 As Maddog looks in disbelief at what just happened, two large men get up from their chairs, with menacing looks.!One of them says, "That thar was our cap'n ya just knocked out." They begin to advance toward him then they pause for a moment to see what his reaction will be.T5  .T6 "Maddog's sword swings through the air and cleanly severs the rope, causing the heavy chandelier to crash down upon the two angry men below it.T8 N$Maddog can hear the two men moaning beneath the heavy iron chandelier.TA ( I think I should sit down first.TB l#Maddog places his invention on the bar and asks Frank, the bartender, to come over and test it out.TC8After a few moments, the two men attack Maddog.G1 @"That will be one gold piece Mr. Williams," says Frank.G2 R Maddog reaches into his pocket and hands the bartender a shiny gold piece.G3 PMaddog reaches into his pocket and realizes that he has no gold pieces.ST TMaddog walks over to where the chandelier rope is anchored to the pub wall.CR I don't have my sword.I don't see any need to do that.I think it's a little late for that now!Maddog takes his sword in hand and swings it at the rope.OI just did that!FS Maddog quickly tightens the main spring and says, "That ought to do it. Let's give it another try Frank."Frank hands Maddog some money and replies, "Here's the eight gold pieces as promised."XY I'm not close enough.BP lMaddog asks the bartender for a pickle.Frank replies, "One gold piece will do it, Mr. Williams."GP Maddog gets a pickle from the large barrel and pops it into his mouth.The pickle was slightly bitter to the taste. Maddog mumbles to himself, "Usually they're much better tasting than this.""I think it will be a while before I buy another one."HY h#Frank thanks Maddog and replies, "They're over there in the barrel. Go ahead and help yourself."RG  Maddog looks to see if anybody is watching and carefully lifts the corner of the rug.!He replies, "All I can see are a few dead bugs and a lot of dirt."BB I think I should sit down first.. I should get on with my business with Frank.Wait until I finish this one first.I don't have enough money.Not right now.ZZ @You'll have to excuse me. I'm a little busy right now. C03" 23D!~yg~yg^X 0?}?"H(?ytwvyO}|fq[ouZ7/]>w7?/ 8`@Z@l`1h 0~?gsNyg"@̏ x`$ bg4 h!@_|~}|fq[ouZ7/W<>?(` ~p~}px04!P pg<>` A l?/@!?/@!}|zwo](X7/W @`0 @`<ph0 CP8! (@@v #aa[}p0P& U0U0 P&aI2001mECOM' '''''''ENFR '' '0'@'P'`'ENFR 'ENFR ' 0@P`pENFRKSsssssaa0 W0W0 M[0gzP!z! p' aOSosssssaECOMENFRDns4#sssss aaoMnQoM"f#o[S\J[TDECOMENFRKULOUaa,nPQo[\JECOMENFR""0JVI2001m2QoM!oPfa[S\0OUOVsssssTOH'nM4%n ixQa[\0sssssOECOM ' '''''''ENFR '' '0'@'P'`'ENFR 'ENFR ' 0@P`pENFRPf#"oM! JP J[a p p    om axECOM ENFR ECOM ENFRoMECOM ENFRDi(sECOM ENFRsDZ   sD[\*!\*!\*! sD!dZP sD[\*!\*!\*! [+0MM+M+0 M ++< M +0<ZECOM ENFRENFRENFRENFR+PQ[ "~ ",~ "<sDECOMENFRMK6<P6PECOMENFR[M"\*!M"\*!M"\*!ECOMENFRKpe peENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKPI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTFOREST Large cliffs tower above the ground, blocking the path to the west and the south. The forest trees fade back into darkness.TREESTREEBUSHBUSHESOAKOAKSBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATITRUNKTRUNKS The forest trees and bushes grow dense in this area of the forest.Many travelers have lost their way in the Forest of Marinor.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESCLIFFCLIFFSMOUNTAINBOULDERBOULDERS Large cliffs tower above the ground, blocking the path to the west and the south.Other jagged piles of rocks are scattered round about the Forests of Marinor.GROUNDDOWNGRASSDIRT |All I can see is the thinning forest grass and the old, dead tree laying across the pool of quicksand to the east.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE Rays of sunlight find their way through the heavy foliage of the trees, giving life to the green grass and bushes of the forest.LOGDEAD \The old, dead tree that I chopped down lies motionless across the deadly quicksand.QUICKSANSANDCLEARINGPATCH PThe pool of quicksand seems less dangerous with a tree lying across it.PATHPATHSPATHWAYTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAYPATHWAYS PThe path has almost faded into nonexistence in this area of the forest.ELKDEERBULLBUCKANIMALGAME I can't see that.A large bull elk can be seen in the edge of the forest, wandering and grazing on the plentiful grasses of Marinor.He's vanished into the heavily wooded forest.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH j Look in what?QUICKSANSANDPOOLCLEARINGPATCH 2All I see is the tree that I chopped down.ROCKSSTONESTWIGSLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATITREESOAKSBRANCHESLIMBSROOTSFORESTMOUNTAINCLIFFSSKYBOULDERSCLOUDS I see nothing unusual. CRAWLSCOOTSHIMMYpI can't do that.LOGTREEOAK *OKOI'm already doing it!WALKSTEPCLIMBGO.Just lead the way and I'll follow you.ONOVERACROSS v$I see no reason to do that.LOGTREEOAK $ok I'm already on it.OFF 0I'm not sure I understand what you mean.LOGTREEOAK HI'm not on it.ok I will when I get to the other side.GET.Get what? I'm not sure I understand.ELKDEERBULLBUCKANIMALGAME "I'm not much into hunting.ONOVERACROSS v$I see no reason to do that.LOGTREE͉v@`P`@ <8<&"$8G[@g^X ` {ጄ@ `L1?/8`yL@`Á`0p8oC?HAcw?><|x @@`bx< `0@p8 {|vXT8>6?p~D`xx 0p87C?h 8@ `  ςIp ? @@` xph0 CP8 @x 8|}zR I? <pȸ  @\x py(p@e^   pX ?1@@Y  0p7и P8?~yg~ygZX??"H3??80|xP (?p [8`@XDh@  Sj?<><W-lD" ;pȸ`0`80|~~ >? ?   |7q<|80<   x`?/?C??/?>_?|~ ` ?|sO?|sO???>">>0<|80`<  ??x`d$ 0`3? 39?<&#?|` _BAP_^  ? >?  9 _o/<|80<  ,?/?q?/?q? <>?(` x~}?00? @>~>~ @`pp` x`39? 0`3;?{;;@ @ ?9 Gߟ?=?/?q?/?q{z{z{z{ys``C ``0 ?8?>}{τ?=00?????|~ >#cp`39? 0`39? ?3?`0p `  ?< pX ?x?|x``C ``s``C ``,88 >#c~ >#c<&"$8 ?3  <`  ?3?`0p`@C?< < pX ?~*s~x`~xpPx$ ? 3?XY{>g  ?{s%gO_?*8ς80 ?xAOY3??3p ` ~|냣#? @ @ 8D8?{s%gO_?*?)   p +Y+~ ?? #pg?߄o   #W'gO_?* ??p@@@p@ @x@ @x+ ? w:??> <~  ? ? OAK/ft3Aߟ? <&"$8<&"$8Bs||~xpPx$ `0p?PtrÄ??uφ(( ?x4|O|` @0Ac7  @<~qsDÄ?/_@ D= Ā`xx0A3wC?? 4>?>? ?B x@@@'G? B>o:??? 4@s??OAK/| > 0a3w ߄B~x`;~|s?$ ڧ?   oWc??$0aC?x@OAK $ok I'm already on it.OFF 0I'm not sure I understand what you mean.LOGTREEOAK HI'm not on it.ok I will when I get to the other side.SANDQUICKSANROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIBOULDERBOULDERS "I see no need to get that.TAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPTb.Get what? I'm not sure I understand.ELKDEERBULLBUCKANIMALGAME "I'm not much into hunting.SANDQUICKSANROCKROCKSSTONESTONESTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSBARKBUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIBOULDERS "I see no need to get that.PAB23 "@w0 3D @$}F|G'h6@b~|{wn];wo_?{uvfcCAC@CO_|x`HVgV8Kx@8y}{vtj-p 0?!0~? L8EA dɾ_-(w @0 ; ߆0cA@@ @P@,0'`aO  @  @?1Ͽx ހހފ\~h0PH@(!, >O@@82  ?w ! ]&@830 `8 gm ͍   @@KAH1    / = 7-+>j9>.{m>]4[c[k[;/߿߁€  -8G?1~ y xp@@@/?킛wo8"Hذp`0w L7`b` @$ 2?/B<#F07h0x  @AA@,_Ggg,`@pvRM`-_߀?  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"There sure wasn't a lot left here when Serak's army attacked this village," Maddog says as, he looks around. "It looks like they helped destroy the already crumbling village.WELLWATERHOLHOLE LAn old, abandoned well sits in the center of the now ruined village.SONG OK METALLADDERP(}NMaddog can see a ladder disappear into the darkness of the well below.METALLADDER 2Looking around Maddog asks, "What ladder?"HANDLECRANK 8!After close examination of the old crank, Maddog says, "My best guess would be that this wooden crank is in fact a wooden crank,and that the people who lived here possibly used it to lower that bucket down into the well to draw water. It looks like it's broken. But of course that's purely a guess.POSTPOSTS BIt looks like they are about all that is left of the well.BUCKETPAILCONTAINE hA badly beaten pail rests next to the well.The pail appears to have seen many days of abuse.DOORSDOORWALLWALLSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSARCHESARCHWAYARCHARCHWAYS Z The frames of the old buildings are crumbled with falling walls and broken doors.CLIFFSCLIFFMOUNTAINHILLHILLS fThe cliffs surrounding the ancient ruins are the base of the impassable Forbidden Mountains.ROCKSROCKSTONESSTONE TBits and pieces of the old buildings litter the ground around the village.DOWNGROUNDDIRTGRASSPA> ~h |p6iI?{)??d/aA?ϻ 3oy?| 54<6$RT~z~$J 0"(Tld40@V j~>>tr>vJ>'pQ  #x`0A@240P0(@8} yXpz@?8'Xx~|m}log[A@_Op 4|0pN@%| GSB@@x0T?<@! x @@yh~@ ?qX : ApR ` `@  @ @hL``%#2  x$ !'8  ')b  0 H(p q~ @?Gs|_Oq> @40,G?48Ba0w f6:$` @  p 4yb" 8` ( G<K2 00 @  A (Ny߻G38@$E 1Q#C p3 !{ ??58`h4 H` ! p( , %?  | @ D07D \G`( >wc<8p32 @s~Wpf`:!'`8 <(8l ( @ `@ @@e+>6X`     ` GD;a˿_@Á?1@a  #8@xoy ##b? |_ "A2  @؈\xH@840?qrwy #CG8Oc9ylLH40*XDD0 0pA Ob}'=6x`ា|. ?x5$0$@H 00-2` 8 S! ]=wt>%_`@O4x. 08`0`"@ &8?$Os, : hٞ!?? ?߼==8v;8 HG00$gE~~88r@~'o((@~+j` ߕt* Ogzq`+?|b0? p?G (p[8| 6| 0v`8i @ @(pHOG Yo ? zg  x@0ѐ(`08AQ@x?){0 AÎp0 `8@P`@`0? ?-`Hoo5 |Ӏ0+`@<< 1/&7A 0 c`@WPCpq@0>8$b؆A,fnā  %A[ ?3x`=!??@?60 ` $`@!34; h @Z<|p#iN_H<6/C9@ǁx@`Aw# w' ?S8~ 8p N:02X9!0  @`@ `@@@E0p8x0(0Ə0@<T@+ p90 & 8     0c^?4`(`0MB & !80`}#OGj ]30 !0 ;fuh26؅0k82x?|~o@ _ `cp 1= V5l1~#y@s0H@( @cf@> ׿[8?t O7}> ?8?΀eb5 6`@CB 6 D`> qA(#pDC@p@3Co_08 H렁'F8υjw2~ GG}< $L@?CA27X $<>-Dbc|2b9?P @DpޮP5`F1 %qO_ x@B2$7*o?A!1 h}EKTwϛwЎ<03G#A0Dݛz]`83  >D@><0@>~< ~^(: $z: ~rN4| >Kτ+  (* }THPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAYTWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESFOLIAGEVEGETATIWOOD Dry dirt and grass cover the ground of the once great village center. Maddog can also see evidence of pathways leading to and from the many buildings.WELLWATERHOLHOLEP(}FA small iron ladder leads down in the darkness of the well.WATERDRINKLIQUID I don't see any water.UPSKYCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE NSmall clouds drift over head, dimming the view of the blue sky above.WINDOWWINDOWS(~^Maddog stretches to see into the high small window, but can see nothing of interest.WINDOWWINDOWS3 JAs Maddog peers into the big open window a sense of sorrow overwhelms him as he imagines the families that once lived here.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH I can't look in that.WINDOW(~\Maddog stretches to see into the high small window but can see nothing of interest.WINDOW3 JtAs Maddog peers into the big open window a sense of sorrow overwhelms him as he sees the desolation inside.WELLWATERHOLHOLEP(}FA small, iron ladder leads down into the darkness of the well.BUCKETPAILCONTAINE(s~ It appears to be empty.BUILDINGBUILDINGRUINS JThe ruins have been emptied, plundered and robbed over the years.DOORDOORSENTRYWAYENTRIESEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYS XThere doesn't seem to be a lot in there, except for pieces of the broken walls.BEHINDBACKBEYOND "I can't look behind that.WALLSWALL 8Behind the walls are empty rooms full of rubble.WELLWATERHOLHOLE *There is nothing behind the well.CLIMBGODESCENDCRAWLI can't do that.DOWNININTOINSIDE v$Where did you want me to go?WELLLADDERHOLEOPENINGWATERHOLMETAL@ okLADDER@ okGETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPTI can't get that.ROCKSROCKSTONESSTONE 8Why should I carry around a bunch of old rocks?BUCKETPAILCONTAINE(p($OKI already have it.TWIGTWIGSLEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSFOLIAGEVEGETATIWOODHANDLECRANKPOSTPOSTS LThere's no reason to carry around a bunch of excess stuff like that.WATERDRINKLIQUID 2 Where's the water? I don't see any of it.ININTOINSIDEDOWN zI can't get in there.WELLOPENINGHOLEWATERHOL &OKI'm not close enough. RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 fMaddog climbs down into the well with caution, wondering what great adventure lies below.T2 I can't right now.R1LMaddog reaches down and picks up the bucket.~~LOOK BUCKETR2:OK.~~LOOK BUCKET~~FILL BUCKETR3$OK.~~POUR BUCKETPAB2@32" 0 3D80?:\ `p`  as!vA W5q]f` P %?zl᷶p0p=&E{T$ (z?Ao?3}/@  ?},:},@@`\}, `},_._ /=^F?. [C`},@ PP@ ( }C}, ?a}, s!},P@d @D@v},@@  A},&##3W5},P@Ґ@ @q]}-@ f}/ o _, C`@`Г3As3brbssPPqss0qssr#òSq scӣqrcs3cs"cÓsCSÓ3,ps7 ܟ?ߑ9=<>93'???|xs7ܟ?ߑÙ???  f.{eoη:3?ŕ}<1>8, ԻoV,0k1vZw 1-ȼp`^0b|l||||ܼ|1, ?9H@@D8@(D?ߟ}؟?p.@ @@pp0/|3߄>>A?/|?3ɝ,`= ? <>/'-3 7$: >3/;>;/9*.?>+9>;'5;1:5:=>:5>7 :7?5!?)69.?.?78>4/-;1;?"/-'7<=/9 ?+'>436,  ???????" 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The amulet swivels to the left and the large door swings open revealing a large cavern inside.T2  I don't have the amulet.3 "@w0 3Da{?&`` x|~P@08 0y98~n~>>~  0 8~v~|?``@@0@ $ ) p  p~|x0 Hx^6x|>18   <p80 `pq9< pL |  : <  :`hdcwp0 8<?Μ|pN @`%8||< +``cgp0  `W`   g @`bq9< p19;(Oooh, rocks!!!GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS 0I see nothing out of the ordinary there.SKYUPCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE vA clear blue sky peeks through the tangled branches of the forest trees, giving light to the vegetation below.WATERSTREAMSTREEMCREEKBROOKRIVERBANK NThe rushing stream flows east along the southern edge of the village.WAGONCARTWHEELWHEELS fA small, broken-down wagon lies half-covered by trees. It seems to be missing a wheel or two.VILLAGEBUILDINGHOUSEHOUSESPUBHOMEHOMESCOTTAGECOTTAGES 2It's too far away to see much of anything.ROPECORD `"The rope seems to be very old. It must have been left here when the wagon was abandoned.WALLWALLSFENCEFENCES hThe wall in the distance runs along the northern border of the village and out into the forest.TRUNKTRUNKSROOTROOTSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARK *I see nothing out of the ordinary.MOUNTAIN PThe valley of Marinor is surrounded by many tall and majestic mountains.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH 0What exactly do you want me to look in?WATERSTREAMCREEKRIVERSTREEMBROOK2\Maddog looks into the water and says in a surprised voice, "Hey! I can see myself."WAGONCART<8dI<There is a rope in the wagon.The wagon is empty.TREETREESSKYBRANCHESBRANCHOAKOAKSLIMBLIMBSFOLIAGECLOUDCLOUDS ,I see nothing that seems important.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW .What is it you want me to look under?WAGONCART *I see nothing of importance there.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS (I don't think it's in my power.WATER Do I look like a fish?BEHINDBACKBEYOND 4What exactly do you wish me to look behind?TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHOAKOAKSBRUSH z A small, broken-down wagon lies half-hidden among the trees and bushes which have overgrown the once sturdy cart.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS (I see nothing that interests me.WAGONCART *I see nothing of importance there. DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIPf00,0,0,0,1 What do you want me to drink?WATER I'm not thirsty.SITREST,What is it you would like me to do?ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS I don't need to rest.GETTAKEPICKGRABREMOVERETRIEVEACCEPT\,What exactly do you want me to get?DRINKWATER *Maddog replies, "I'm not thirsty."ROPECORD<8dI Maddog reaches into the wagon, picks up the rope and carries it with him.XYI don't see any rope.~~ ~~ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES :I really don't want to carry rocks around all day.LEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSDIRTGRASSBARKWAGONCARTWHEELWHEELS ,I really don't see that we need it.WET OK. You lead the way.ININTOINSIDE *What is it you wish me to get in?WATERCREEKSTREEMSTREAMRIVERBROOK OK. You lead the way.WAGONCART 6Are you kidding? That wreck is a death trap!REPAIRFIXMENDHEAL>I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.WAGONCART It is beyond repair.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSR1JOK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHER~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERZ1"OK.~~LOOK ROPER2,OK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERZ2"OK.~~LOOK ROPEK1 OK~~TIE ROPEK2"OK~~UNTIE ROPEPAB10""@ 2#3D@h @`` ` HA k*aba GnDS@|'p_N-   0p@ "=G ?1BJ<\W>!@@p<ؤs-E!4% ! !1 aI$- ,|*(?=Ϙ$0>%@ 3$ m- R tRЀНР°`DԳ秆थK (gOރG~P>sA>` H @ p02" -& |"i*18   ,L ` pL |  :   :cgp0   0O @`ry9> p89o ?# >@P DT00>|p<  @  @@  n Ёpx80#ǃ0аpx8>(x| 0 080|܀9  0,608Ygxhy|Ah{@<87 ;d^ 2@ x@8  >=; pXx8,4,>6&97;!w_cg_b|88p``0x*`|D#q5E /7[oQn\08x( `8x|><8@xp <@>_? 8"x@;@&  Z@D @(4 ?<p`oh8HD8 @ `00p8xt\&oq Ptw @ P@`0 Ƃ`px80 tyI< 5 8T7lxp00  ?=܁"wD,_#~.0 @@ |⋥xy o@"<>;avҋ?v ;t  @{ڱ \`%?m -02(V`po@rh;(4 't{~>?@xA @ 0HE;)KWi408kQaGpЀ `p0X4  `P8!~ @@@ *``@p,0  @ x8,t @91 ;o~ <,BBx @  @".~|q 8x1  @ xcgb`asy8_$~=(qvQoDžϝpvhp; <|܆nOKno.p`@xZ4 0p`#C xtއՁNnx`@`phN3"48ā_~x 0x|6   /|.B <|x0 ajd <pЛ>߀ 08<p`^6B%/ `p0p88,NG0  ?(`  0xyq>p`'6n\̼X0&?x```0(㱻@tqV`[  %? wG> 6,tnfNs?09+i@@`` `@17|%Wx]x? a/;$*wJ; -XdBp~2( ?x|<|80 ǿ|  8\F Q><  '`08X8`+@pxT,<(p $@08<2o3Da{?& nqnq~{}~{}~{ yx|~P@08|8 >~  >80pp} wN)"  mZ8 G <8G入%`pq9?  pr z2:`hdc?  8< N @ `%8  >,`nq`nqc? `Vp px @@`bq9?  p19? 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It keeps wildlife from entering the village.SANDBEACH*( D P@(R  ` D!.@x`x,! *Hw}?  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Maddog remembers how he and his brother, as kids, would jump across the stream on the rocks.UPSKYABOVECLOUDCLOUDS \Looking up at the clear blue sky, Maddog replies, "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"STONESROCKROCKSSTONEBOULDERBOULDERS RLarge stones protrude from the stream just before it empties into the sea.CLIFFCLIFFS (Large cliffs rise to the south.MANFISHERMADIRKPERSONFISHERGUYFELLOWHIMPOLEFISHINGPGENTLEMA 4In the distance, a man can be seen fishing.HOUSEBUILDINGCOTTAGESHACKHOME <A vine covered cottage can be seen in the distance.TRUNKTRUNKSROOTROOTSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARK *I see nothing that looks peculiar.MOUNTAIN LThe Valley of Marinor is surrounded by tall and majestic mountains.ININSIDEINTOTHROUGH 0What exactly do you wish me to look in?WATER B Which water do you want to look into the sea or the river?OCEANSEASEAWATER 2The sea is too turbulent to see anything.RIVERSTREAMCREEKSTREEMBROOK JMaddog looks into the water and replies, "Hey!, I can see myself."TREETREESSKYOAKOAKSBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBSCLOUDCLOUDS $I see nothing of importance. GETTAKERETRIEVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPT,What is it you would like me to get?ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS BI really don't wish to carry rocks around with me all day.LEAFLEAVESDIRTGRASSTWIGTWIGSBARKSANDWATERSEAWATERDRINK (I don't think we will need that.WET <Well if you want to go swimming, just lead the way.ININTOINSIDE *What is it you want me to get in?WATERSEASEAWATEROCEANSEASTREAMSTREEMRIVERBROOK <Well, if you want to go swimming, just lead the way. DRINKSWALLOWGULPGUZZLESIPTASTE&What do you want me to drink?WATERSEAWATER ~Maddog looks at the water and making a face, replies,"Sea water! You want me to drink sea water!?! No thank you!!"PAB1#@  0"3DTuw_|B#k'35O 745>z}H'l~UQsb# KwWPSVzBmpF/ofN?{ L1y~O3 _'@~` `@|Gp}dN_ߏN~gƧ߯_~ ckӛk+Q3Q)0G^|~kD$08<0 vx-ww׏>dF ;?߀_ߙׇ^\=80o;39{oZg D{x~s'=-w~͏wA~|z;uqo?Fw.pǟxso*'Hy7  -?)d/p2y|@ Dpt\x0% }?"|_ x>>U?3? 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P .x???2000 2001 2000((]2012u),<]2015`P2010EDORENFRJF aECOMENFRJJ pssFs<s} P1P2bK`\ECOMENFRMMeENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't look at that.AROUNDCAVEABOUTROOMCAVERN tDim light illuminates the dark and damp cavern. Two passages lead into the darkness in opposite directions and another leads the way back to the well of the ruined villageA small parchment is fastened to a hook on one of the cavern walls. Dim light illuminates the cyavern revealing two doors on either side and the secret door that goes back to the south.STALACTIUPROOFCEILINGABOVE 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.DOWNFLOORDIRTGROUNDSTALAGMIFORMATIO `Stalagmites of all sizes rise up from the hard stone floor, like demons from the abyss.WALLSWALL <The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. A small torch is securely fastened to the wall illuminating the dark cave.A large metal hook has been driven into the north wall of the cave.The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. A small torch is securely fastened to the wall illuminating the dark cave.HOOKMETAL rA large metal hook, embedded in the wall, has a parchment attached to it.It looks like any other hook.MESSAGEPAPERPARCHMENNOTEWARNINGSIGN There is a small piece of parchment attached to the wall with a hook.It's just a small piece of parchment that has been left here.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ZA small torch hanging on the cavern wall illuminates the room with an eerie glow.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXIT  2#f}'@}}|?߃-|k|&A`0`@``p~wvhA_G?o@ 9@XȘx ϟ|.~x".@X`(Ѡ YDB@AF>??X;R0XtOACF@GGAF}>_ow{}>B@G -_{#E A" vFh00f!^a; d׃)[0)u/ގ?L2&}9on?-.2/2~ ˞A -1 <Ր޾#?q`030Р@pp0`?}-;Ž8+@ (YЊ?vg?e"Q?!}]`- (`A"@s<OPؤ^`zAO =`S {ÒlF|n>-?_w߮* Zk/j. &~ ,\w4<0X\x\~.O<\=oi?;{;K+K_; -_;g| ?-޿~jq c+?_fC@>]7?w;!O-˸c2@q8$O=}83@yO?ĸ<ཝ ` p{ou~OOݝ'-66 V18,/01;Ϳ $ D8?a =?=;rPp?ߟ-̝^Gw"|x wr,q7wpÒ|87@{9(?q?N݂6e5׾tvx߿p$7 ?'| -~߿ B(#ܞwy0.&?qo1./D?|{{-?xl'pN|\gGyswwOOϻu!! q| 0G?? -]ͩOc|.y}<*l M I8==}?va>G?N~ 8@"@ |-AHߗLJ_J(Y [S[{KSs{ ^ +;K*m(}]Vj)l̀sz> &p, ߀? -Ewy~o?+&?a&¨\?| jt`Ͽ<|@ - ,(yP 9yɸ(z8zp2`y2r+``G#l:_`# -sP@AACDHWbK@OoOon+ L''7ÕvGWx r 1n |\-ښ`f@LLrޠ <`X޾bR`|^>:6^~>>ܲt!01 DI %icW]63>? >8V2iIni`p|no_xR@@`0p` aQ @!@ ?o|{o~'c?'  ;ax4ps}uFԈ\xw(< H @D >w:NgPG4Ěbp 8&C@H@.A\_[s1 0$ DȚ7aP鍽 ^4()-B|{NO6l@<@*  #5}L 8P97Tx\PZ:" )(>80py,錈*,( 4( (XTP@HJHLXH쨀@ @@@ @` @p@??/5ćԉ2ŎfpL$鸘yw<>=]y,z8@ 0@@0'!6)A@d@btb;B>tBz;Rv3sc&@ ? ||  ^>4AA q1@*v, ׿z$v0_[?Á{Up`x ><~c5N`⣈;w @ @[OX Mx p8:70@ h\~  rD(Iw pȞ^V h?> 7@DFGD |CGo{?=‚_G7YNOodPp(~@\#x,0EXITSENTRANCEENTRYWAYENTRYENTRIESPASSAGEPASSAGEWPASSAGESTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGOPENINGSHOLEPATHPATHSPATHWAYSPATHWAY  Looking around at the doorways, Maddog notices that they are also lit with torchlight as if someone had been expecting him.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES JMaddog can see how the entire cavern has been carved out of stone.GETTAKERETREIVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPT*I can't get that.MESSAGEPAPERPARCHMENNOTEHOOKMETALSIGNWARNING vMaddog, looks at the metal hook on the wall then says, "I think it was put here for a reason, let's leave it."TORCHTORCHESLIGHTLIGHTSFIREFLAMEFLAMESFIRESHOLDERHOLDERS pThe torch is here to give light to the cavern. Let's leave it so others who come this way can also see.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES HI really don't want to be carrying rocks around with me all day.READI can't read that.MESSAGEPARCHMENPAPERNOTESIGNWARNINGBLOOD NWritten in blood are the words;GO BACK NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSP1:OK~~LOOK HOOK~~LOOK PARCHMENTP2&OK.~~READ PARCHMENTPAB2 !ww33Йݹ߇э֖ޒɐ􄀈Ї؀€* " H&mMEQ7#>_k]}Y?[2>x}(:9IP(1 /bq 3D>hv5W* 0d16#(0>|;*jXhp`0p   `_s~7?a\p H *8@ A ~5+8ߨ9") Ckt!|"~  *`VC#.L(D:d` % 9 C?D`0* ĘHx`  r81R 8ݕ  ( #L0`@q*@ @A^l 4|^ab!0 Xl@0PP@1@Cg@ A #@`#* H$ , dRp!.G?nAp2 )    @@? 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Small torches are securely fastened to the walls illuminating the dark caves.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS n In the dim, flickering light of the torches, doors and passages can be seen leading into the unknown.UPCEILINGROOFSTALACTIABOVE < Many stalactites hang down from the top of the cave.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ^Small torches hanging on the cavern walls illuminate the room with an eerie dim glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS j#The entire cavern is carved out of stone. Large boulders and rocks are scattered about the room.GETTAKEREMOVERETREIVEGRABPICKACCEPTI can't get that.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS BThe huge cavern formations are too big and heavy to take.DIRTGROUND $It wouldn't do me any good.TORCHTORCHES 0They are securely fastened to the wall.FLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSFIREFIRES That would hurt.PAB2   33 ȒР*1W@@  @H H@ @@co SGW !@` *x@@!p D   # (   amow?z[O>oۻPC  H *@PH !D 0A>FSI€202B+hHdF(  6'Ov?g}w߿SE0 0(  *8 H@Dp0 )\1f7'OD@`0D`@XHX0`(0(!tߏ{u+A!A  ND 0*`X8R0 >XtO@`@ +~ xAPH& #?7+L3xĦ0" ?` @300 +88H|?@ H8@` 2TDg ?v{!~#p A+@ 0*`@ T@ x PXxȘ```҈2@  ~+v>1C V X+9X%P8K a)RƁC\mL!"e{<# p a H1 `pw `@+FiPr   <;P?p +0cGAX(wsly  lpÐ|87@`9({h'S@E+o    |/^O`,CJ?gp"D ~ + gwL!DG! ' N0 N7% tvxOPp$97   ? _+~@(+@`80." ?qo1 ./?D?|~{ i ,+0  tP$gZGy{@{&$@DOϻpu! q| @? +@Ĉ (@Be$ @AA^~k  <<|v0 >G?~ 8"@ +D Al̀@~z> &`,+"ڃ/'&?@`޼D?|  T8 q ǧw8` ?@ +8 pHD$`p(ج@8xh8(x8XHxp0`x0p0``G nGuʋDqFt>o@3 +B`?          xpr ) D`}BpX~!;1@*<+ϙ-?]ٱ AE7o{ߡ =Ao'ߟC_#}_q! 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Many trees and some small bushes lie to the north.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS d Large rocks line the south side of the forest stream that winds through the medieval forest.  !`><|⑄40@ `0H"@`H}um{|[ 4`P* {@2ؒy@-[g_Y?}o^|%kߎw@H *D וE'aqx#;! 2R 2Mg;:{׷Y6Z *@  *`Fv> / g%_ @ )iI훐MAt.}߃}d*%!\0* $ҠdPX@x$,lWCόY8O/x&;mz wZZw}MلON 9 4CA* (".' 38 ?gz~:zx pXtw'?|m{1$@a 0*`>gНDqxB(iÖVdx3){ 628" ^i[{z?:~@*`04.+<m9?>`Yp::YOG迶w0| Az%ѳm /|⥀F0*xCkwS5"pt>@ !qtdNŅYaxńlhcp~_{/8*`0@N@A @@Ђ @Ёq l4f}x4 )A `D *@ ` 1IDd,6LJ`0H  ŀ 5j IC(@ , @0L  i  @ C ;a X6 i+$"N@|@ @$p H3g_oA F O D B@!Xh M"pBp$"1+9 H ؎ a! 6$x(a3B >xSD+!A`2P 1PA@pP ' A 0@F8@` ``Oxd|hX`@@( 10 @@`@!1B@pb@ jP@( @?@\``0( 8  @!( B`a08BPdL$DA@B H H  i8a Hd`#0K"bp Hlp1 `((@a@@Iq r$QH @%28#`08@ '@ `0@  pX(@) @@*` @0B;|>CA@uD$A`a!A@ Dv9  Cd@@h8" (t@:|` N  `HP` p0x`<Ƣ` x@`@AŒS& D0 &  1A1A?oN   ?߀6!O] Zf`,//+@Xƒ"%0L(H( /_?y~ixacs7g x{x8DT$U$@W5E 9!@ r" @&{Kp߀9zD8?:0&iH*C01uDc!` @&AF(^tP4W!aq[ $ W  H -&3`a5$L(3od@%8@r " U`.<4  (!  { i$q"&! 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T2     [}n0PsXss>sps ss K;O;JNp feONpfeP1ECOM ENFR\.\Q .  V/P $  ECOM ENFRUG1GQ 1  V/P $U  ECOM ENFRF 1FQ 1  V/P $   ECOM ENFRV 1VQ 1  V/P $   (M  ECOM ENFRr$rQ $ V/P $  ECOMENFRwspBsQ V/P$wpB ECOMENFRF K;KNss ss ECOM ENFR[wd  wd@ wd` cECOM ENFR[ e e' MM^`!MMX'oECOMENFR wspBwspXwvpXwypXwypB  V/P$wpX ECOM"^ENFR" wV/VP$wX  V/P$V/P$w f     ECOMENFR^ 33 ~}y`ks"^ 33M^ 33M^ 33M^ 33 M ^ 33M^ 33M^ 33M^ 33Mks"}y`~ MMetMNECOMENFRK;>sXss>sps ss |KN>sXss>sps ss :sXss>sps ss @ECOMENFRe hECOMENFRP2ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK2Look at what? I'm not sure I understand.AROUNDCAVECAVERNROOMABOUT v!In the dim light of the torch, a large patch of discolored dirt or sand can be seen on the floor of the cave.UPCEILINGROOFSTALACTIFORMATIOABOVE 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.DOWNFLOORDIRTGROUNDPATCHSAND DThere is a large sandy area covering most of the cave floor.WALLSWALL  The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. A small torch is securely fastened to the wall, illuminating the d%Vt~~ ?+08 sߌyh.>#h2`_z(/Fdppx( b`rzOxf>$A0 yCoʠOX@ $2ah\$@oԂK}BÞ ??`>xpgBr l;7AA^gB;{iѢ ϰ<@.8v0|&y{Ɍ  -Xx7P :`0pF.0Y W3Od kߋ>aq6qo`DHNmww-x0 ?۷`"}o( 88apCxS€ǀ0?tad80/`H;؀G48rp} ̏C?テ@#s?Ї > ~ߗހO @ ;/?/ NgqC?__?4o4GW z+%O~/5w-[*(o*#@0`@X*  `@e*&@@ DdZ*"[** ` $ b******1]*AY 0  ^*"@  @,@P \*  $    ?߀ *  @`T @   ?;y|hxacqs07g x{x * H { kU9zD *@ 0 A@@0x`x|<   *x#  @ @   =o *TP@@@`0(pPpP+ۅ۟ =?=9;*@)*@ $pPp؀ *`@***V y28*X<**#5=*W @* c' D*!p8  G*****@**-[*(o*#@0`@X*  `@@e*&@@ DdZ*"[** ` $ b******1]*AY 0  ^*"@  @,@P \*  $    * Ok S @ cx 07g * H  z߽@hkU9zD*@ 0 Bb@ 0Шx`x|<  >*x#  @ @ #5*TP@@@`0(; *@)*@ \*`@***V y28*X<**#5=*W @*c' D*p8  G*****@** pw5A3""?>~*:~<o?@oMo~Mn?NnOoLq?LrLo?LoNq?Iuark cave.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWOPENINGOPENINGSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS f!In the flickering light of the torch, doors and passages can be seen leading into the unknown.SQUIDSQUIDSTENTACLESANDSQUIMONSTERMONSTERSANIMALANIMALSARMARMSCREATUREBEAST |Maddog looks around in fear but sees nothing. He then replies, "Don't scare me like that!"One of the large tentacles extending from the creature below the sand, seems to have a tight grip around Maddog's waist, flinging him from side to side.The others are waving around aimlessly.The creature still seems to be below the sand. I hope it's still unconscious!MOUTHMOUTHSTOOTHTEETHFACEFACES What do you mean? I can't see that anywhere.The large mouth of the sand creature has razor sharp teeth and anxiously snaps at its long awaited meal.The creature still seems to be below the sand. I hope it's still unconsious!TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ^A small torch hanging on the cavern wall, illuminates the room with an eerie dim glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 2The entire cavern is carved out of stone.STALAGMI $There are none in this cave.KILLDESTROY&I can't kill that.SQUIDSQUIDSTENTACLESANDSQUIMONSTERMONSTERSANIMALANIMALSARMARMSCREATURETHINGTHINGSITTHEMMOUTHMOUTHSBEAST fI can't see anything that I need to kill.I'm open to suggestions.I hope I already did.FEED|I can't feed that.SQUIDSQUIDSTENTACLESANDSQUIMONSTERMONSTERSANIMALANIMALSARMARMSCREATURETHINGTHINGSITTHEMMOUTHMOUTHSBEAST xI can't see anything around to feed.What do you want me to feed it?The creature is down under the sand.MUSHROOMTOADSTOO I can't see anything around to feed.Maddog throws the mushroom into the waiting mouth of the sand creature.The creature is down under the sand. Maddog throws his last mushroom into the waiting mouth of the sand creature.Mushroom? I don't have any mushrooms!THROWTOSSDROPPUTPLACEGIVEtI can't do that.MUSHROOMTOADSTOO 6I don't see any reason to throw a mushroom.Maddog throws the mushroom into the waiting mouth of the sand creature.The creature is gone. Why should I throw a mushroom? Maddog throws his last mushroom into the waiting mouth of the sand creature.Mushroom? I don't have any mushrooms!GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT&$What do you want me to get?SQUIDSQUIDSTENTACLESANDSQUIMONSTERMONSTERSANIMALANIMALSARMARMSCREATURETHINGTHINGSITTHEMMOUTHMOUTHSTOOTHTEETHBEAST What are you talking about?What do you mean? It has me!!!No thanks! It can stay under the sand where it belongs.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESDIRTSANDTORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSBOULDERBOULDERSHOLDERHOLDERS ,I can't see any reason to take that.RESPrYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 PA large tentacle grabs Maddog throwing him violently from side to side.T2 ZIt struggles against the effects of the mushroom but soon drops off, fast asleep.P1(OK~~LOOK MUSHROOMP2$OK~~EAT MUSHROOMPAB2  w33А֐ *@C `2  @F@ @ `  @@*8A "B@@ A @@HH * P b@L 4  # P@+  *p C2@Hk# I`  G`2̸ =`SwN 80 5`0*@#aQspЀyWraKL{/>$ ƴ 2 ;q* CO8ǁ73yz /LzsCʍ 8$*(6pi$H@@`#*  {C?:=䨾%/@MCwQyqcXl0?= *B͜ `ዧZ*/TN-Ɔ,\|LܿE]yz9s4"Pd0xH( !%I ~e?EI(d֖EUv>()n`?@0,a0* >C < I?( DR\?/|fm^?|@?q4ODX^_@!@@$*` Z@<9 @"D98 d#>p.<( p 1<*ua@@!A0D@0G`䐜iH@ ACp P~OtXc  2* @0ƄE?Dz ~><|xM&M%<>M!MAMDM IN? ?OO ?FP??Q~?4R? 3T U X "Z &[ *] .^ 1` 4b4e;?g) T?11 M);;;;;ǃ??@)}J{LyNvQs&"s)sSs% s, 3  2"33?>< p8<xxx<8<<<px<8888xxpxxx<<<8x8x8p0x<p8 p<xprGE ?"'*???1000 1001 1001>1011?a*1012,|EDORENFRK  Sd,y,],o (ss"rs>s's s/s/s-ss)s#s#s2sDsFKZK8do@ ([\o[sss s!s)s/s-TECOMENFRK"eM/#ZZ]MMMMT3foMT4MM]M]4MSd0,y0,,TMM4TMz`d_zT5et[S\ 2\22\d2\2T`MNZECOMENFRK8r+*ECOMENFRECOMENFRECOMENFRLSECOMENFRn  M  o (o (  o (o (   M no (ECOM ENFRz`okPQS[\ [k''^2"33zTdMtM]MpF   2PbZM12kZPbZ|sASo@ (o` ([\o[TMM]t`dzS_G\zYF^Dw"3"3&4DzTne TAPkZbZTBFkZpbZYAFkZZbZYBFkZDbZYGkZ.bZYCPkZbZYYkZbZYD2kZbZYEkZbZTC(kZbZTD(kZbZss*s*P1M|I|*?]dM/,kbZ]|A1s*s0s2Mi kbZT2*Ǡ@0& @ !0 a x:wG0p2 A*) 0 E!EUDB0 @( $ # (88* Hx`08 & $ 0 @0F)}_{lH |2*?`C 6H% J R# ! ` _AOY@.! * '7+swvT80 $c  dЄ$.PcKLAq1pY:dwp_ O/pB=&et|ZPpX<?<~??xXa8``*8|4X8vJt131//iݍv 'rpqa!#! 5p<8XH :1~V<# f.0yLC^ Op( x*@"):gatN\9?C{|wEXDuzkZ3Zܼ.ɋhdD }{v Ȑ|800@`{V>@3& *A@ p2ɠ$rth\u=ox<Ogљ|?E2Xȁ cP$ YBz* @@ `0"HpB H gD$, .MN@0?{ϿF@ @"H *  .(IQ1`0>I  !  * ! sc8(`!F@ (XDcALAp@X @ `0*  JB(G@ Mae }$P!q* F# A@   V$4` 0 @Ѐ@f"p @`#*:`@A  @ ` 0@  @!Ff"0 *[a ' A;A1% !1 A1;* 7$L@vL8 @N A  '_lr$ 84"<IH r8 1`2E\7@Qc H50`6bS\`k|8 @$@pBC@dHh@ b x_ 8 > 0  pG:aH10D$$aB^s`GJ80 0$  H`B@ @&5ȏp?*4c   #| "2` `P рqQ P" g 8w $ $0DӀ` !< w8$T@u$  Vz`0:^"@Px B(302!C fGHd ``2 A8x9! </0@2X 6 @08/ @XxJL_@B4WH8|!E  $L`n  W # ޶FHQd';"A`  0Y@ DHc@';݀0D?B(p(ʀ y'a8DL@oC`0 `qA*7@O A T<"PP#6` ; :`ǿ\@ `? E#?4x*;p`}<2Kz~˜'<1 (Y"=u' p pO9考O~90D=p ,@Ƹ2'@ɂnvy<`#>}xUG]@>m>O~( ߕTsl>GT NBpAx:'1>&2"9 ;¡#q8 x3?2"q㠝'5G 2@-ԯVO'rh@YHc\agu a[(@p,!z/ZX(yPN R"Cd+p}zc:2D SF'x #`}5F!T O7u)<N0 !+08h#U(?NQ3$V|bWoiCf`#~70J "rhxg?<C =Zzkr;@(?< A1QϘ:0ĉ6R=#@%1?pN00)豈'P "wލHr*ΣF!$S @#wP  ΋=,@ A@DeǏ B A(f  $Ap'Gח0@"h\x/ p08>[c`R_>  sր0R1})Js)JoJ9[qECOMENFRM66='<P6PECOM ENFR M ECOMENFRM&Fs=6s=s=6s=ECOMENFRMheECOMENFR1KECOMENFR2KECOMENFRK1K2ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK8I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTCAVECAVERNROOM The cavern reeks of death and despair. On the north wall is a graven image of the evil demon god, Malthazar.The robed men around the altar are chanting softly.The maiden struggles against her bonds.Maddog looks in horror at the group below preparing to sacrifice the beautiful maiden to their vile god.The cavern reeks of death and despair. On the north wall is a graven image of the evil demon god, Malthazar.!In the center of the cavern is a beautiful maiden struggling to free herself from the ropes that bind her to a large stone altar.The cavern reeks of death and despair. On the north wall is a graven image of the evil demon god, Malthazar.In the center of the cavern is a large stone altar used for ancient rituals of sacrifice.AMULETMEDALION I can't see one.The round golden amulet is fastened to a leather strap and has a raised image of a unicorn on one side.TORCHTORCHESLIGHTLIGHTS BThe torches give a strange and eerie feeling to the room.HOLDERHOLDERS 6They're securely fastened to the cavern walls.FIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMES l!The fire within the mouth of the stone image burns very brightly, illuminating the large damp cave.WALLWALLS x The walls of the cave are damp. On one side, there is a stone image. There are two torches hanging on the wall.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS The entire cavern has been carved out of stone, including the large stone image on the north wall of the cave and the horrid stone altar in the center of the room.ALTARTABLEALTER Maddog sees a beautiful young maiden tied to a large stone altar near the center of the cavern.Three robed men surround the altar intently involved in the dark ceremony to honor their evil god.Maddog sees a beautiful young maiden tied to a large stone altar near the center of the cavern.The large, blood stained altar is ornately carved from solid stone. The sides are painted, showing demons and men locked in everlasting battle.TUNNELPATHPATHWAYWALKWAYHOLESHOLEOPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEW A large, dark tunnel runs along the side of the cave.Small amounts of light filter into the tunnel through small holes in the rock wall.FACEDEMONGODIDOLMALTHAZAIMAGE P!The stone image is of the evil demon god, Malthazar, whose high priests have gained a large following in this land. In the stone god's mouth burns a large flame.WORSHIPPFOLLOWER These dark robed figures are obviously followers of the demon god, Malthazar.I can't see who you're talking about.FACEMOUTHEYEEYESNOSESNOUTHORNHORNSTEETHFANGSTOOTHFANG @The face of the stone image really gives me the creeps.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTEPSTEPSSTAIRCAS 0The stone stairs look crumbled and worn.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT rThe floor's made of dirt and fragments of stone with stains of dried blood in the area of the stone altar.BLOODSTAINSTAINS TTraces of blood can be seen on the altar and on the cavern floor around it.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYEXIT jMaddog looks at the door that he came in and says, "It's an exit, and I think we should use it."UPCEILINGROOFABOVE >There is nothing unusual about the roof of the cavern.ROPEROPESSTRAPSTRAPSCORDCORDS D!The rope is tied securely around the young woman, holding her to the altar.The rope is lying on the ground next to the altar."Maddog examines the rope closely and says, "It looks like a strong but short piece of hemp rope."I now have two ropes in my posession. One made of cotton and the other of hemp.GIRLPRINCESSWOMANMAIDENHERLADYFEMALE A beautiful young woman lies struggling upon the altar.Ooooh, she's beautiful.Maddog looks at you with a puzzled look and says, "I don't see anyone here."DRESSGOWNBOWRIBBON LIt looks pretty good on her, wouldn't you say?I can't see that.MENWORSHIPEMANPERSON.PGUYGUYSFELLOWFELLOWSHIMTHEMFOLLOWERGENTLEMAGENTLEME These dark robed figures are obviously followers of the demon god, Malthazar.I can't see who you're talking about.ROBEROBES dThe men in the cave below are clothed in long, gray hooded robes.I can't see any robes.HOODHOODS VThe hoods on the robes nearly cover the men's faces.I can't see any hoods.SHOESHOESBOOTBOOTSKNIFEKNIVESWEAPONWEAPONSDAGGERDAGGERS *I see nothing unusual about that.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH (What do you want m䈁xEg!+EA R08 (EbB`g !>@ @ ^|2@yāĈ!X"BP 0`  J|`@dM$PJ01j~'1 `ED$fE#@g2Qrxp uv_2u&`:  ~8o`2@ 8@ d!D_, fa @ a'FE0? @&0*@^ho~P C"x[@P !˜L0 b߷#!@`` @0[F0 @ pVçC|w@%(5 `WVoQ"0@c`$__,m0 a0PHv-   @HHGs(``r@x@ Gz00P` `@i?7!!@}?>h=@D)'00@.@8h+ M|w@@"lr @@>C&b<r D#G}X$04 tܳ80b$ H`Rh] `AHz0o`@ 9 0 @ ?@D!``@w2B@ ^@A'=}p$ cϊ0@ ?=PAf@ C@ h?}z!  @XPA??|te<Od  d`@? ;S \ f0@?w*L( t{gha 8`  <J Q<ߏ `Lk | a|?y 0@@@e`Ht00?~?,@$( 5@ 00 |d?~  0P a~@ :3@7߇` 0?˝ "xq?~@ 1|~pWu0 @??[?`&I"08 '#>'w?/O׈ ;? @8>"??߿]9h/MN?r pl *3߃3}C?@~!~=`{?ߕ?< A'??@a | (~Aӿ>@р?˿gw.?pc ߃0x 8o?;@~ߟ^xD? 㷏A;נ>`?_?  `??Z #8#C l_=ߎ}|yp?nx'x_=ߎ}|&x?.<ƛɇ3sy$}/gɇ3sばy8|`<>/sば~{s8gOlg'0,>7{s8f?y~c g1ڎ%ϿGy~bO  p` 0~8` @( @(p` zw@0p` @`pp` z w33">| #>|<|/ /y? /u? /q? /l?  /j /i/g?/f?0fXfYfYfYgDCBBAAXgXgWhViUkSl%?n?~p?| s ux||~!!"?%? ??? R? ? ?*?25K?6u6t  5?t5sA?aA]Ao w""??????? 2002 2001 200020134EEDOR''P 2  @ ENFR 2`ENFR 2 22 2@2 2ENFR', 22`2222ENFR 2 22 2@2 2ENFR', 22`2222ENFR + 12@@ENFR + 12@@ENFR + 12@@ENFR 6;/2@dd@ddENFR 6;/2@dd@ddENFR6;/2@dd@ddENFR 2ENFR 2ENFR 2ENFR', 2 ENFR', 2ENFR', 2 ENFRKUe to look in?FACEDEMONSTONEEYESMOUTHGODIMAGEMALTHAZA BA large flame burns brightly inside the huge stone image.FLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRES P Maddog feels an eerie, hypnotic influence as he stares into the flames.OPENINGTUNNELPATHPATHWAYWALKWAYPASSAGEPASSAGEW T Light reflecting off the sides of the wall can be seen through the opening.BEHINDBACKBEYOND  Look behind what?STAIRSTAIRSSTEPSTEPSSTAIRWAYALTARTABLEALTERFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRES 2I don't see anything special behind there.MENMANWORSHIPPGUYGUYSFELLOWFELLOWSPERSONPEOPLEFOLLOWERGENTLEMAGENTLEME lI don't see anything behind them, except for the young woman tied to the altar.I can't see them.FACEDEMONIMAGEIDOLGODMALTHAZA 2 I get the feeling this could be dangerous. GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT You want me to get what?ROPEROPESSTRAPSTRAPSCORDCORDSKxPIt's tied around the girl.OKI don't see any rope to pick up.GIRLWOMANPRINCESSMAIDENHERLADYFEMALE fShe might object.I don't see her.I'd love to, but I don't think those men will let me.TORCHTORCHESLIGHTLIGHTSFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMES I might burn myself.AMULETMEDALLIOI can't see one.OKBut the princess already gave it to me.I think it's a little too late now.~~LOOK AMULETONUPONATOP (I can't see a reason to do that.ALTARTABLEALTER ,I think I will avoid that situation.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESDIRTDUSTBLOODHOLDERHOLDERSDRESSGOWNBANDHEADBAND ,I don't see any reason to take that.LISTENHEAROKYELLSCREAMSHOUTHOLLEROK UNTIEUNDOLOOSENCUTRESCUEFREECHOPSEVER*That didn't make much sense to me.GIRLMAIDENPRINCESSWOMANLADYPERSONHERFEMALEROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS$s`I'd love to, but I don't think that's a good idea right now!OKI already did.TALKSPEAKCHATSAYASKCOMMUNIC Talk to whom?MENMANWORSHIPPPERSONPEOPLEGUYGUYSHIMTHEMFOLLOWERGENTLEMAGENTLEME LThat's probably not such a good idea right now.I can't see them.GIRLPRINCESSWOMANMAIDENHERLADYFEMALE That's probably not such a good idea right now.The maiden looks up at Maddog strangely and says, "It would help if you untied me first."She just looks at Maddog with a helpless look on her face.She's not here.WEAR.I'm not sure just what you're saying.AMULETMEDALLIO 0 What amulet?I'm already wearing it.PUTPLACESTRAPLOOP:What you're saying doesn't make much sense to me.AMULETMEDALLIO 0I don't think that will do us much good.NECKTHROATCHEST & What amulet?It already is. BREAKCRUSHDESTROYDEMOLISH.I don't think that would do any good.ALTARTABLEALTER I don't think that would be such a good idea right now.I'd love to, but I don't think there's enough time for that.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSTA@""I am indebted to you for saving my life. You can be assured that your bravery will be rewarded. I am Princess Leoria, and my father is King Thaylor, ruler of Marinor.TB@!You are surely a brave man and I have need of your assistance. For you see, my father has been taken captive and is being held in the dungeons of the Castle of Duridian. Life as we know it is on the brink of destruction."YA@She lowers her voice and continues, "For you see, the dark lord, the evil King Serak, is the one who holds my father prisoner. It was he who ordered my death in this cave by the priests of his evil god, Malthazar."YB@"You have saved my life," she says, as she looks at Maddog with tear-filled eyes. "I will always be indebted to you." Maddog feels his knees begin to buckle. "She is so beautiful," Maddog thinks to himself.YG@P "Never have I seen such beauty. What a day this is turning out to be."YC@!The princess continues, saying, "You can save my fathers life and the life of our lands by finding Serak and putting an end to his evil reign. Will you help us?"YY@xMaddog takes a few moments to think and begins to smile and says, "You know, you have the most beautiful eyes."YD@The princess slugs Maddog in the chest. "You barbarian," she cries, "I'm trying to be serious. The future of our world is at stake. We need your help!!"YE@h "I will help you," says Maddog. "I love these lands and know of the evil that Serak can bring."TC@|"It's a dangerous thing that I ask but only a person with courage such as yours can save my father," she says.TD$sss sev'p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFR)  ENFR$))ENFR&&'0rrrENFR&&'0rr`rENFR&&'0rrrENFR ', '0KKKENFR ', '0KK`KENFR ', '0KKKENFR) `ENFR) `ENFR) `ENFR$))@ENFR$))@ENFR$))@ENFRs 7Q  P  E E EECOMENFR Z1Z2pJs Vs .sM`nECOMENFRF ECOMENFRP,ECOM ENFR[4 @WV !VNVDUV  !W V0NWV0etMNECOMENFRs [4 HVM UVMMSlTLVM WVMMSlTJsss pe.)MECOMENFRECOMENFR[n 2 M R1ECOM ENFRK SN8"@&$7&.&  SENCENCHLOOKEXAMINESEEPEERCHECK 40What is it that you want me to look at?AROUNDCAVEROOMCAVERNABOUT The foul stench, of trolls and dead animals, fills the air of the room. Large rocks and crudely carved stones make up what seems to be the central living area for a troll.STALAGMI @Stalagmites of all sizes protrude from the cavern floor.STAFFSTICKOBJECTBRANCHCRITHWOOD An ornately carved staff lies abandoned against the north wall.The old worn staff is inscribed with ancient runes. An aura of power emanates from it.RUNERUNESWRITINGINSCRIPTHIEROGLY bWhat is it you want me to look at?The writing on the staff is ancient and unreadable.GROUNDDOWNDIRTFLOOR The hard stone floor is cold and damp. Many large rocks protrude from the cavern floor.The hard stone floor is cold and damp. Many large rocks protrude from the cavern floor.The large troll lies lifeless on the floor.The hard stone floor is cold and damp. Many large rocks protrude from the cavern floor. RWALLSWALL < The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. Small torches are securely fastened to the walls illuminating the dark caves. An old worn staff leans against the back wall of the cavern. The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. Small torches are securely fastened to the walls, illuminating the dark caves.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS The entire cavern has been cut out of stone. Large rocks and boulders fill the dingy cave. A wooden staff lies against a small rock at the rear of the cave.The entire cavern has been cut out of stone. Large rocks and boulders fill the dingy cave.DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYPASSAGEPASSAGEWEXITOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELPATHPATHWAYPASSAGESEXITSTUNNELSPATHSPATHWAYS h In the dim flickering light of the torches, a door can be seen that leads back the way we came.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS :The small torches flicker, giving off a dim light.UPCEILINGROOFSTALACTIABOVEFORMATIO 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.MANTROLLCREATUREPERSONHIMGUYFELLOWMONSTERTHINGENEMYBODYCORPSEGENTLEMABEAST He sure looks upset. I don't think he's friendly.The large troll lies in a lifeless heap upon the floor.Maddog gets an uneasy feeling when he notices that the troll is nowhere to be seen.CLOTHESSHIRTPANTSCLOTHING HThey look tattered, torn and stained with the blood of its prey.SEARCHINSPECTFRISK*What is it that you want me to do?MANTROLLCREATUREPERSONHIMGUYFELLOWMONSTERTHINGENEMYBODYCORPSEGENTLEMABEAST *I don't see anyone here.OK. GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT4I don't understand what you want me to get.STAFFSTICKOBJECTBRANCHCRITHWOOD4@#As Maddog takes the wooden staff in hand, he is filled with a sense of power that seems to emanate from it. XYI already have it.~~~~~~~vROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS @I really don't want to be carrying rocks around all day.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSFIREFIRESHOLDERHOLDERS 6The torches are securely fastened to the wall.DIRT ,I really don't see that we need it.TROLLMANGUYFELLOWHIMCREATUREMONSTERENEMYSHIRTPANTSCLOTHESCLOTHINGGENTLEMABEASW@"I give this golden amulet to you for your bravery. Use it as a guide, key, and symbol to help you along your way."T2@!Before getting to her feet she remarks, "There is one who can help you on your journey through the forbidden mountains between Marinor and Duridian. He lives in the forest across the river."T3 The sound of chanting grows more intense.Suddenly the cave is filled with a blood curdling scream as the high priest drives his knife deep into the maiden's chest. Then everything turned to silence.T4 VMaddog gasps in horror at the sight.Maddog gasps in horror at the thought.4T RHe looks at the men in robes and can see them staring back at him.#One of them says in an evil voice, "Well, well, it looks like we'll have two for dinner."!The robed men hear Maddog's gasp and realize that they have an intruder.#One of them says in an evil voice, "Well, well, it looks like we'll have two for dinner."T5 jMaddog is quickly captured by the robed men and falls prey to the same fate as the lovely maiden.M1@!The princess looks at Maddog and says, "Well sir, if you're not going to take the amulet and help me, I'll go find someone who will!"TN OKT6  Maddog looks down at the girl, his soul filled with dread. Several men in robes surround her, preparing to sacrifice the beautiful maiden to their evil god.T9"I must be going now," the princess says as she bids farewell to Maddog. "I must return to Sydra, my home, to secure the castle against the impending attack if you should fail."As she stands, Maddog's eyes meet with hers, and they both know they will meet again.#She walks across the cavern floor and leaves the evil place that was to be her doom."I must be going now," the princess says as she bids farewell to Maddog. "I must return to Sydra, my home, to secure the castle against the impending attack."She stands to her feet and once again thanks Maddog for his help.She then quickly walks to the door and leaves the place that was to be her doom.~~*A1@fMaddog accepts the amulet and, with a pleasant smile, the princess places it around his neck.A2 |Maddog pulls the rope free from her strong and slender body. She sits up with a sigh of relief and begins to speak.LS Maddog, listening closely, can hear the robed men chanting in the cavern below."Maddog listens intensely but can hear only the young maiden below, fighting furiously against the ropes, trying to free herself.I can't hear anything.YZ I don't think it would be a good idea to make a lot of noise right now.Maddog breathes deeply and bellows at the top of his lungs, "ARG!!!"Whew, I sure feel better.RP j#As Maddog reaches down and picks up the rope, he remarks, "I wonder if this could be of any use?"UN nAs Maddog begins to untie the struggling maiden, he suddenly becomes aware of her nobility and grace.R1.OK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERR2HOK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHER~~TIE ROPE ROPE1KOK~~JK1 OK~~TIE ROPE2K"OK~~LOOK ROPEK2"OK~~UNTIE ROPEP1$OK~~LOOK AMULETDF lMaddog notices nothing except for the princess holding out the amulet, waiting for him to accept it.Dw"3"3&4D(?'?^5@A @ ( n'0@@ఈ@3LJ tr ?Qy `@p`El}z|?/! 08 pxp@`08?'?ޘ ou c 1 8.NW p<? 0p @@ @ఈ`03 LJШvs  Qy8@@ @I@c c ( @ @IɁ0LD@K<!!DB!,$XLFB@`|~!p 8ð8 d#Aspx|~!p 8ð7;a <<9a'9o**зд`g*L G$`b +I$ChE<G$`b!+I Ghe@Dl ̜TtFp<>k8qÇp ?A  >>k`@A @` @ ,@0@ @`px|<0@?P V 9sS{   0  $&<>k8ppx8^@ h@ p  >>k>k8qÇp ?e  2>>k`@A @`   5@0@ @`px|"$&<>k    Ah( #c @ 0 3@ h@ p`p>\">>kp08A `y"3 c'7>| "$&<>k '327B 0`dpp>\">>k`p8,  F$Ђ"|"$&<>k    Ah( #c@xLpLT Dlx8x`p>\">>kp08A `A"+Gc `p8@`a ``pP=? 8vp< <>k p ?k@ >>k `@A  @`?@?J@0@ @`px8x|0@x?RX ?~ '?4 $&<>px8R@ hx p@ >><>$) ,@ @`|& '?4>> p ?k@ 2>>k `@A X`  7@0@ @`px<|?A@C$@ ` `pyx8<-2 ?~a .>>|$&<> $Ah<0 #c  )@ hx p`pz~|xx<> >> pxA `y& `3 k.>?}  $&<> > !J 0`j@`z~|< >> g,  F&@Ѐ"<|?@D `H2  .>>|$&<> $Ah<#c0x|8LTDlx8x`pz~|x<> >> pxA `y& `-?x%X? @ @`Y}xp!?|0@0 c.6@`x pv/wb3? p<>B% nx?8$@ @`q 8& r   >܁}x܁}H@5Gt4.GBr<p 8&C0xX@"DeX A`d x0  (Ć`0 <H\/ $"2  'Vp0@ "`p@pP*T' )H@`A-@(E@a0WX  9sFG/Nlh P(0.P/b:C #AV8 8 @A#X A`@"DeX A`@"DeX A`?808 x0 0?p0 0` x0 !hL.Ёpxxx8 `@ Ёpxxx8 @x0 @>~p0@ "`p@pP*T' )H@`A~'a'y?_x{O  (`/   92+'6>=73%/??By8p8mۿ?7?/_[`K` ?ހ_Nw{><|p=q x mmY×&E  A@&? ?)p@0`@8 1 6tg98}z*0,`"8|7X?{ `ou c?  x8m/_6ۿ @Wx>~7C) 3/.>:vp 88 mԈh?_?+ߍ67'+ovcpw6OS@P@0`@8   }??ow>Ͽ{׷J`p8P0pqq0`f`cd@F@CD@*@W79_J|>` x< 0pJB~pX"XA G3a9 ~?>?y 8" # DX,O vC?` ,DP80y(x 8" # DX,O vCw?@`@  +a <8(`'9l*{;*зг``*z :   K </A#!")H J (8 $D  L$pP 8'^@B`  L$`pP P @J@@ $?e~'a'y?_x{~HpG$?e~'a$xy|>_x{~HpGt Bsƌ9y ǃ9 3sƌ9yt`@ ``tmۿ?7?/_?`k`~8<?7?/_?`k`~tm~<~H/C~v>|0`@`P(0wG3a9AG3a9AH  8@@  Cy| # DX,O vnCwo?o@pAh @A`40c!EaYx CA%0>/;5`@`x02(VP0_]]/W' ;8iy  >`~/|_~k?r~a I B H 4V/C~w;~1cfGonlh`P(0=I# H,DиV 8 8 @Ah!Cg/9scb!EAh @A`40`c!EAh @A`40`c!E?<?8 Yx 0x`C? ?>?=<>?=>=?; +'?"=;?=  ;:;wo Gǀρ-߀?_N| l|<>w{~`x|xowv#`LJYnos}~  ;wo'#! 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A narrow rock bridge spans the large chasm, providing the only visible means of crossing the hole.UPROOFSTALACTIFORMATIOCEILINGABOVE 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.GROUNDDOWNDIRTFLOOR .The hard stone floor is cold and damp.STALAGMI I can't see any here.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS NThe entire cavern has been carved out of stone, including the bridge.EDGECHASMCREVICECREVASSEHOLECLIFFOPENINGGORGEGAPDROPDROPOFFPITDROP-OFF!As Maddog looks over the edge of the crevice his vision darkens and everything around him begins to spin.Moments later he regains his composure and says, "Remind me to never do that again."OI get dizzy just thinking about doing that again.EDGECHASMCREVICECREVASSEHOLECLIFFOPENINGGORGEGAPDROPDROPOFFPITDROP-OFF 8The giant crevice is spanned by a stone bridge.RUNGSRUNGLADDERMETALHANDHOLD What are you talking about? I can't see that.Maddog carefully takes a closer look at the metal rungs under the bridge."Now that's strange! I wonder what they're for," says Maddog. !"They were pretty handy, weren't they," says Maddog. "Now I know just what the little gnome was talking about."OThey are to use as handholds to cross under the bridge, since it's impossible to walk over the bridge and live.WATER LThe water emanates a dim orange glow from the light of the torches.WATERFALFALLFALLS A large waterfall flows out of the cavern wall and plummets into the darkness of the depths below.I can't see the bottom, but if I fell, I'm sure I would.POSTSPOSTPOLEPOLESMARKERMARKERS >They're probably some kind of markers for the bridge.WALLSWALL  The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. Small torches are securely fastened to the walls illuminating the dark cavern.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGOPENINGS l In the dim flickering light of the torches, doors and passages can be seen leading into the unknown.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ^Small torches hanging on the cavern walls illuminate the room with an eerie dim glow.BRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAY > A narrow stone bridge stretches across the deep chasm.ON 8I can't look on that.RUNGRUNGSLADDERMETALHANDHOLD JWhat are you talking about?I don't see anything special there.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESDIRTTORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSWATERPOLEPOLESPOSTPOSTSWALLWALLSGROUNDFLOORCEILINGROOFSTALACTIFORMATIOPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSBRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANWATERFALFALLFALLSBOULDERBOULDERSHOLDERHOLDERSMARKERMARKERS ,I don't see anything special there.UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW  I can't see under that.BRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAYLooking under the bridge, Maddog can see a strange series of rungs running across the bottom of the bridge. ~~.~~~~@CLIMBGOCRAWLCROSS:You're in charge. Lead the way and I'll follow.RUNGRUNGSLADDERHANDHOLDMETALP2dDOK~~.~~~~J~~"~~xUNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW I can't go under that.BRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAYP2dDOK~~.~~~~J~~"~~xBRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAYQdxOKFILLDRINKTASTESWALLOWGUZZLEGULPSIPI don't need that.BUCKETPAILCONTAINEWATER JI think I'll try to stay closer to solid ground if you don't mind.GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT:I'm not sure I understand what you want me to get.WATERDRINK JI think I'll try to stay closer to solid ground if you don't mind.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESDIRTTORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSPOLEPOLESPOSTPOSTSBOULDERBOULDERSHOLDERHOLDERSMARKERMARKERS &I see no reason to take that.UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW  I can't get under that.BRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAYP2dDOK~~.~~~~J~~"~~xBRIDGEWALKWAYCROSSINGSPANPATHPATHWAYQdxOKRESPYou blew it guys.T0 ^As Maddog steps onto thep?+38wg0 ?;}J!xk 3u~y??f@+?_W?;'oGx+x11p?? h?0WbJ1/+Oe=0+RaÝmw_@'x{Yo=`; [?4\}+vDZ޸ ?+/﯇ iž?]c; P Mp D?{>/yϱkpx+_N P@?`|`^?<Cu o׳޿6`_?0+~g0Ȱ>p ?qɃP_]{_O~$ >~o+@ |z<:4@_?``@?p. 4q+  `@p`o0@? +Ͽ+~`0?+0 p!?7  +1p8?I+4``P=?+;HP`^?. }+Ab¨t'+D @ TH?+KP@ @"녪?+R@$5DXVԩx?+V@@ @ *q}v? +eѠ 0́{]? +f@@ 0`0rGU=+m@ @@x @\~o|+wH"+~@5ðp|+~  [ag3+sA!?++++++v ?O?+j ??wU?_`)ݕ@+jY_gdWw萀+j HRrT >n+h )>,+[ ?97{üߍ-2ޝ ~+"7?$Aѳlh_@ޟ+0J???*\̀b@Ct $ba>0 ?3\@0 ! v}8 7)*#JdFގP@+(  D ΁? @ ?Ă;jy=3̊B'D@+( p ؐ?K T`gϨ@p8԰ bF@@+R/O/>7>dD$T3 |pbԉ8N!G ?+ ࠀiŁh ?? ? ^o:WTW3?0NI20px+ hp.@4 ?3@K0_(L!@@0+??_}ow{ x>?o6|KB7q>~o+7???G?  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A small cave entrance can be seen in the side of the cliff.GROUNDDIRTDOWNGRASS JThe green grass gives way to soft sand as it aproaches the beach.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESCLIFFCLIFFSLEDGEMOUNTAINBOULDERBOULDERS `The steep cliff walls rise above the shore preventing any further travel to the south.UPSKYCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE "The sky is clear and blue.ENTRANCEHOLECAVEOPENINGDOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYEXITTUNNELPASSAGEPASSAGEW ZMaddog looks into the cave entrance and says, "It looks dark and kind of eerie."BEACHSANDSHORESHORELINSEASHORE JA beach runs north and south along the eastern border of Marinor.OCEANSEAWATERSEAWATER LMaddog looks at the sea then replies, "It's seems to be low tide."RIVERSTREEMSTREAMCREEKWATERBROOK 8The village stream can be seen in the distance.FORESTTREETREESBRANCHBRANCHESLIMBLIMBSOAKOAKS 0Many trees can be seen in the distance.TRUNKTRUNKSROOTROOTSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARKSANDFOLIAGE :I can see nothing that looks out of the ordinary.WALLWALLSFENCEFENCES ^ In the distance the wall that runs along the northern boarder of Marinor can be seen.BUILDINGHOUSEHOMESHACKCOTTAGE <A small, beach cottage can be seen in the distance.MANDIRKFISHERMAPOLEFISHINGPGUYFELLOWPERSONHIMGENTLEMA 2A man can be seen fishing in the distance.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH *What is it you wish me to look in?WATERSEAOCEANSEAWATER lTrying hard, Maddog finally turns to you and says, "I can't see anything through the salty water."ENTRANCEHOLECAVEOPENINGDOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYEXITTUNNELPASSAGEPASSAGEW XMaddog looks into the cave entrance and says, "It's dark and kind of eerie."SKYCLOUDSCLOUD 0The sky is blue and has very few clouds. GETTAKERETRIEVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPT,What is it that you want me to get?ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSCLIFFCLIFFSLEDGEMOUNTAIN :I really don't want to carry rocks around all day.DIRTGRASSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSBARKSANDWATERSEAWATERFOLIAGEDRINK 6I really don't think we will need to get that.WET >Well if you want to go in for a swim it's ok with me.ININTOINSIDE ,What would you like me to get into?WATERSEASEAWATEROCEAN @Well, if you want to go in for a swim, it's ok with me.DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIP0What exactly is it you want me to drink?WATERSEAOCEANSEAWATER J!You want me to drink this water? No thank you. I value my health.PAB12"33 x`#  @AD  0ab 0@ X`@ @(@ 7LR$DI:"3LA H1@pp@0c0&DH 0@P@'@80@2dF(!"B`~O(TPi%. d` !x&!0`#@%@@r e A$H@ H0H @ p("AhY qB2&P`Ę 8P0.@8H$I"a@ $f@ 2$ @ =BH{wi Dm)p pr-|' ĐAp" yĨ$|`Ѐ M qHf?OAhll 訁 ?ÿ MINW?j`l@/H8d  "?C!Ӑ2qdIʎp8D4 ?p~g"كHr~ 8@4C5L ?prHY4`s"? 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A human skeleton rests against the side wall.The prison door stands shut, closing out the view that lies behind it, making the cavern again look normal.STALAGMIFORMATIODOWNFLOORDIRTGROUND rA large stalagmite protrudes from the middle of the cavern floor and extends up into the roof of the cave.LATCHBOARDHOOKBOLT I really don't see anything unusual about it. The latch and board, though, seems in much better condition than the old rusted lock.LOCKRUSTCHAIN An old rusted lock and chain hang on the old wooden door.The old rusted lock is lying on the ground.It's just an old rusty lock that looks like it has been here for a long time.SMALL  Look at the small what?ROOMCAVECAVERNCLOSETPRISONCELLCHAMBERSPACE I can't see through doors.!A large wooden door stands open. A human skeleton is resting aginst the side wall, a tattered book resting in its hands.!A large wooden door stands open. A human skeleton rests against the side wall.OBJ WALLS,WALL 0,0,0,0,1 The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. A small torch is securely fastened to the wall, illuminating the dark caves.DOORDOORWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYEXITTUNNELOPENINGPASSAGEPATHPATHWAY OK DOORSENTRIESDOORWAYSEXITSPASSAGESTUNNELSOPENINGSPASSAGEWPATHWAYSPATHS There's a large wooden door built into the cavern wall, Maddog can see two other passages leading off into other caverns.UPCEILINGROOFSTALACTIABOVE LA large stalactite hangs from the ceiling and joins with the floor.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ZA small torch hangs on the cavern wall, illuminating the room with an eerie glow.SKELETONBONESBONERALPHMANHISBONYSKULLHIMGENTLEMA X: Skeleton!? Where!? I don't see any skeleton!Don't scare me like that!A skeleton rests against the wall of the small room. There appears to be something in its hands.A skeleton rests against the wall of the small room.I don't know about you, but I can't see through doors that are closed.HANDHANDS What skeleton's hands? I don't see any skeleton.The bony hands clutch a tattered book.!The hand looks like it is going to crumble into dust at any time.I can't see his hands from here. Could that be because the door is closed?HANDSHAND RMaddog looks down at his hands and says, "Nice looking hands aren't they?"SKELETONRALPHMANHIMBONESBONESKULLGENTLEMA What skeleton's hands? I don't see any skeleton.The bony hands clutch a tattered book.!The hand looks like it is going to crumble into dust at any time.I can't see his hands from here. Could that be because the door is closed?BOOKDIARYJOURNAL I don't see any book.A small journal-type book is clutched in the skeleton's hands.It looks like a journal.Are you talking about the book that the skeleton had in his hands? I believe that it is still there.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES ^ Maddog looks around the cavern, noting the fact that it's entirely made out of stone.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEPICKGRABACCEPT(I can't get that.LOCKCHAIN XBut the lock and chain are fastened to the door.OK.I already took it.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSFIREFIRESHOLDERHOLDERS 4The torch is securely fastened to the wall.BOOKDIARYJOURNAL hI don't see any book.okI already took it.It's back in the room with the skeleton.SKELETONBONESRALPHMANBONESKULLHIMGENTLEMA I can't see what you're talking about.Maddog looks at you in disgust and says, "I'm not going to touch it, you touch it."Let's leave him back in his room.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES @ I don't see any reason to carry around rocks or stones.DIRT I do;,,,,,,,,,,,, 2"33   ?!>|#-0133333444421??  ~"&uQuQuQu5u ?x   ?  ?      ?$! 2"33?8 v     ??1000 1001 1001&|1010(EDORENFR,|oJ s s s |sfT1MepJOECOMENFRMT2 dM T6 M T3s s s |syjMMyjMMyj MMM:M:M: MMMMT5z`d_zDDMfet[S\ 2\22\d2\2T`MNECOM ENFRXW,MMMV,MMMVBVBT4fetMNECOMENFRMehECOMENFRYEECOMENFRF ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK4I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTCAVECAVERNROOM \"The light of the fire reflects off the inside of the stone image of the evil god, Malthazar. The eyes and mouth of the stone image show parts of the large cavern outside.!The walls look as though they were carved from the solid stone of the cavern. There's an opening to the left and a large fire is burns brightly in the carved mouth.DOORDOORWAYEXITENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYOPENINGTUNNELWALKWAYPASSAGEPASSAGEWPATHPATHWAY <It looks like that's the only way back out of here.MOUTHGODDEMONIMAGEMALTHAZAIDOLFACEOUTOUTSIDE bThe furthermost part of the outer cave is visible through the mouth of the stone image.EYESEYENOSESNOUTTOOTHTEETHFANGFANGS "Pretty scary aren't they?WALLSWALLCRACKCRACKS d!The cracked stone walls look as though they were carved from the solid stone of the cavern.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE \I see a lot of cracks in the rocky ceiling. I sure hope it doesn't collapse on me.GROUNDDOWNFLOORDIRTDUST :The floor of the small cave is made of solid rock.ROCKROCKSSTONE STBOULDERBOULDERS *I see nothing unusual about them.FIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESPITFIREPIT | The fire that burns endlessly in the mouth of the stone image lights the sides of the small cave with an eerie glow.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPTI can't get that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESDIRTDUSTBOULDERBOULDERS ,I don't see any reason to take that.PUTDOUSEEXTINGUI6I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.FIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTS .I don't belive that would do any good.YELLSCREAMSHOUTHOLLERSAYSPEAKOKSTOPNODON'TDONTCEASEREFRAINDISCONTIQUIT NStop!I did that already.It's a little late for that now!RELEASEFREEUNDOUNTIEUNHANDLEAVE  Release what?GIRLWOMANPRINCESSMAIDENHERLADYFEMALE ~In a deep resonant voice, Maddog shouts, "Release her!"I did that already.It's a little late for that now!LETSET <I don't understand, could you rephrase that please?GOLOOSEFREEBE tMaddog says in a stern voice, "Let her go!"I did that already.It's a little late for that now! STOPNODON'TDONTCEASEREFRAINDISCONTIQUITWho, me?SACRIFICRITUALCEREMONYWORSHIPPMENKILLINGMURDERSLAYING <Great thinking. Now how am I supposed to do that?RELEASEFREEUNDOUNTIEUNHANDLEAVELETSET.&How am I supposed to do that?PRAYCHANTMOAN<4I don't think that will do us any good here.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 The chanting of the robed men outside is silenced. The worshippers look up in horror at the face of stone.Shocked and terrified by the talking of their stone god, the robed figures scatter in all directions~n't think so.LATCHBOARDHOOKBOLT 6It seems to be securely fastened to the door.RUST `Get the rust! You want me to get the rust. Let's try to think of something else to do.LOCK"What do you want me to do?DOORLOCKENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYEXITOPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEW 4It is already locked.The lock is broken.PUTPLACE$What did you want me to do?LOCK 8I don't have any lock.Place the lock where?DOORLOCKENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYEXITOPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEW 4It is already locked.The lock is broken.FLOORGROUNDDOWNDIRT I don't have any lock.First you want me to pick up the lock, now you want me to put the lock back down. It would be nice if you knew what you wanted. I think I will keep the lock now that I already have it. OPENI can't open that.DOORLOCKENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYEXITOPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEW Maddog replies, "There's an old rusted lock and chain preventing me from opening the door."OK.It's already open.CLOSESLAMSHUTI can't close that.DOORLOCKENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAYDOORWAYEXITOPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEW $But it's not open.OK. PULLPRY`I can't pull that.LOCKCHAIN  OKI already did.BREAKbI can't break that.LOCKCHAIN  OKI already did.RESP$YOU BLEW IT GUYS!R1 A large wooden door stands against the cavern wall.The door is open, revealing a small space behind it.Resting against the wall are the remains of a human skeleton.The large wooden door again stands closed hiding the skeleton from view.R2 `Looking down the passageway, Maddog can see torchlight reflecting off wet cavern walls.R3 rGlancing toward the tunnel, Maddog can hear the water from the waterfall crash down into the chasm below.R46OK~~LOOK BOOK~~READ BOOKR7 I'm not close enough.R8 PMaddog pulls on the large wooden door and with a low creak he opens it.R9 6Maddog walks to the door and pushes it closed.P1"OK~~LOOK LOCKNN jMaddog mumbles something about doing two things at once, then continues on with what he was doing.p"" 330  ?1? ( 1:0  ?1? @*``0p`o/ 0 ?1? d#C `* u 7w? 5`y???;ma60h.v_oAGw6=w )   \`p0`}>``w0?~8``p0`}>`V  .8      $F A@ @  # 0@    # 0F A@ @   # 0F A@ @   # 0AF @ICb"RZj"*"2R 2"Z  : 2Ba%8YRAa\zD|t=fc>pM?@&~C!\@9VfȈHȈhH4C 0r$$G?#k]΀a0 JB@.?0 P Aǀkx H 2@@"` H / 0 ?  (1:0 ?    &b?o`  0 ?  ^#C @`(@`:~dw::,: `2r~232:892~23;9.~ONv1>Opp(02323232:89-B (8n'aPX!^\x?GX^_^FpxNo^P |~^_^FpxNo^\x?GX^_^FpxNo^x?GX^FpxNo  'gw 'gw 'gww 319.8Ґ9319319 a`>n'aPX`0 > n'aPX`0a`>- n'aPX`0a`>- n'aPX`05"ax0  y1! AqyqY!qyqyAyqyIy9yiyx M2$0 0Y<5??-i0Rbr"23" ) A0G>. 0P 0|8< 9~th ax|)}x_ $= to flee its wrath.T2 #The chanting becomes soft for a moment as one of the men in robes begins to talk. "Oh great god, Malthazar! Give us thine approval of this great sacrifice," he says.The men continue on with the horrible ceremony and the eerie chanting.T3 The sound of chanting grows more intense.Suddenly, the cave is filled with a blood-curdling scream. Maddog gasps in horror. There is scurrying and voices as two demon worshippers peer through the face of the stone image.T4 vFor some unknown reason that just baffles the mind, Maddog walks into the burning fire and bursts into flames.T5 d#One of them says in an evil voice, "Well Talgor, it looks like we'll have two for dinner."T6 (Maddog can hear the maiden struggling below the stone image. The strong voice of the high priest resonates throughout the cave."The great god does not voice his objection to the sacrifice of this young maiden."The robed men then continue with the horrid sacrificial ceremony.DD jMaddog is quickly captured by the robed men and falls prey to the same fate as the lovely maiden.YE If I do that, they'll know I'm here!Maddog breathes deeply and bellows at the top of his lungs, "ARG!!!"Whew, I sure feel better.PAB1cP1D5!0w#3D l}A|n-?-/e - ?---- ?-}-;? - ? -- ^_?-{-}O--y-?-?-G~-) -/- o`N-s-~-?- -_--{- -??>-{_-=-? -}O<--y-a/->~.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%pw5Ac3""???>u>u0D5E"C#3D????1000 1003 1000 1000EDOR d`I@I IIENFR6 6@6`6ENFR 0`ENFR  0 ` ENFRJPJ6<         6<#M   6<#vM RYY @YY .YY U YY W XXVVECOMENFR"&!6$&F%M   ECOMENFRENFRENFR@PENFRs 0e3QU !d!x!6"6MECOM ENFRENFR@\`\ENFR\ \ENFRV/P3(  *   Ms 0R1 ECOM ENFRM MECOMENFRM!DxnECOMENFRMK/PJ/ECOMENFR/ PI1013pO/P$ $&$,$2J1I1001,pI1004,pI1008,pI1011,pECOM ENFR.PI1013pECOM  ENFRs e  WX%W X(7WXPEMR3MMMPMMUV7 UV+%U VM eR4tNECOM  ENFR UXWVUV  MMMMm ECOM ENFR3&QI1013ECOM ENFR2%QI1013PECOMENFR 'ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDSEAOCEANWATERABOUTSEAWATERHORIZON hMaddog looks around the vastness of the sea that surrounds him and wishes he were#HK HBaf@E&'Cd`$ DdfEG$B3!21 >~}? ? $8>~}? ? Θ[?o? <>~}? ? [Ç `pxLF> @?jMmMLMEGFMMLMEG.o4o4.oA0`WwyOMLMLMEGF-wo0،Q!!#{@8'!aq91!/{s!aq91!#{@8'!aq91!y@8'!aq91#q x|~} x|~q x|~ x OLOMNL̃LMLMEG FOMLMLMEG FOLOMNL̄LMLMEG FOLOMNL̄OMLMLMEG F 9po0،QMlJK?j0،QMlJK9p>~0،QMlJK9p>~0،QMlJKSY9&$d\TtL $D|TL$td|< |L|| CA Xd60oz: *O'G'lDvnc+G6v-BEK6T4ttT  V0߂ށ݀߀܀߀߁܎İL8 `8)ET?s(dAm?Sq`_}_ϧo1 (-@xMm- mML<N ;N;+;(Џǣ˂Dx c0D򞇃) `#k<?bu5؁8;[;;y? - , s     ,>~? ? $8>~? ? $x?o? <>~? ? xÇ `px`~ ~   Z|p`p||wp`p||p`p|[.8*_Bh  on dry land.SKYUPCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE NMaddog looks up at the small clouds and wonders if it will rain soon.UNDERWATDOWN 0The salty water is too cloudy to see in.SHARKFIN |SHARK!! Where? Lets get out of here!I'm about to be eaten by a shark, and you want me to stop and look at it?SEAMONSTMONSTERCREATUREBEAST Sea Monster!! Where?! Are you just trying to scare me, or can you really see a Sea Monster?Right, as if I have a lot of time to float here and look at this thing. You seem to have the time, why don't you tell me what it looks like!UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW ~ I can't see under that.WATERSEAOCEAN 0The salty water is too cloudy to see in. GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPT` You want me to get what?WATERSEAWATERSEAOCEANDRINK *I can't see why I would need that.SHARKFINDORSAL 2I want to see you do something like that!MONSTERSEAMONSTCREATURE Cute, really cute.WET *I suppose you think I'm still dry!DIVESUBMERGEPHI think it would be a wise idea if I stayed on top of the water.SWIM&I'm already swimming.DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIP*"That would taste horrible!CLIMBASCEND I can't do that.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSR1 The pounding of Maddog's heart begins to calm as the shark swims out of sight.Maddog sighs in relief as he wonders why he was so fortunate.R3 f!Fear grips Maddog's heart as he imagines the sea monster sinking its teeth into his abdomen.R4 ^Maddog sinks beneath the waves having become a tasty morsel for the great sea monster.=kot$I"@@ $$"HAADEPEPEPEPEPEPEADPEADI$I$I$I$II$I  G:???@@AC?E}?G}I}I}I}I}H~FC%??2000 2000 2000FD2002;1009 EDORENFRK  s3 pz(C1m  m @m wS