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C (Ą !D   9* ,DĀ  c L p "D <FF% B  @F` V@!Jb@ @M f[!@(`  @a@'R@@  0H   KP` @! 1`!D# C@((@ ( ( $PH@"P$Ch@A@  (  @!@  @ p A  @a   @@ 0+e( @+f@`CDdb" p )"$Hр! & (&H@   %pp @ @ ("%  0@`(0 |p~ ??*@ H4  *$" xa@&$HP  `!a  /`~47  <  - (P @/  !BD80 @ <<@58=0|BC?<Cpx'<@`B!9`P( 1@ @0P @4 (5  @A"      @`@@ BA@ A@ |#p  @   @ D8:@HDB! &6 ????"<;:9966667?v8 ?v;?xKyJ{J|I|I}I}E}E: 8<&` @` @% -Maddog looks over the edge to the grassy plain below.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS R The old worn path has been cut from the weather beaten rock of the cliffs.ARCHTUNNELHOLE \!The pathway has been cut through an outcropping of rock, forming the delicate arch.TREETREESPINEPINESMAPLEMAPLESBUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATI PMaddog looks over the edge at the pine and maple trees on valley floor.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNICI don't understand.MANCREATUREMONSTERTHINGHAIRYSCARYHIMITGUYANIMALPERSON :There's no response from the small hairy creature.GETTAKEPICKREMOVERETRIEVEGRAB$What did you want me to get?MANCREATUREHIMANIMALHAIRYSCARYIT z$Maddog looks at the small creature and replies, "No, I don't think so."O#Maddog replies, "It might bite me!"ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS JMaddog looks around and replies, "There's no reason to get them." BUSHBUSHESFOLIAGEVEGETATIBRUSH XMaddog looks around the barren area and replies, "There's no reason to do that."PET,$That won't accomplish much.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 ,Maddog plummets to the rocks below.T2  OKT3 As the little hairy monster aproaches Maddog, it begins to choke and gag on the smell of the potent repellent. The creature quickly turns and runs away.T4 PThe little hairy monster throws Maddog to his death on the rocks below.L1 \Maddog stops in surprise as the small creature growls deeply and rushes towards him.C2"3B`"3VDD=?@0 D0 1 ?80J}` ~ U}g; k׫kw=7g; k׫kw=Q. ?wT׫<8܁0q}58܁0q}UT 8xx}p^~T}T\_TUvV ??vU+Dgvp U׮WQU_SS}<_SW_*W,|<˿xoJZ[ʵKN??JU*E:;կEտ=A9_W_ֹW^VV_8|-WUUUT +|UUժUTu_UjƣٸoU(?о+EտU@oU!0xLǀT׾}GkϿoUkjj z $?WUWWh=|y{<8 QDz=VpRZu>y?>?F!_6U*@??>?F!_6 ~ߞ?@`܌DyX-^+իUVVxp0`u@G?vӣxp0`$@`UժUUn`@`pUUn`A0psPk>CS#sGOX[??>k>CS#sGOX[ sR 0 p;x<ŋעק]GE/]`<<- W| x<ŋעק]GE/]`<<- W|  #0(gp֞8qwCʷzx?  #@wCʷzx?  #@ $@~#@8: F @oV@`@oV@``@ 3~`r<`r2@ A@  O0 0 z?5sx8F @>~g; k׫kw="  ? 88{j8܁0q}!6 8xx}p w_կWկvV ?8xp`3@ vv** *k_SS}  x0$0  -pDE?E>x<<  3 @96?>@ px<>?, <px8<@`08< ' <&@ @` @& @- <0@`&'<|80@A?|p+ 0 )@-p `&)0`?8`*|@~ @1`0?- *0 p.8 ?;/DN9 E86 <;Fp ?AE>`8<  3 @:6x@ `p8<,@@ "@`@@`p8x<@ 08<(3000 3002 3000d?3001d201673EDORENFRFECOMENFRF ECOM ENFR oPe!&b 04    aaa['V NV UNVUNECOM ENFRP4MZ~UMVM!@V46Q/"P4[NcPM!{ aa aaZECOMENFRaECOM ENFR [S''TVVV%VcPMpECOM ENFR!{Q Q[X XW X WPW WUVVMECOM ENFRM" 7Q&[U0!?PU!?VU!? !VU!?4VU!? !MT1MetMNECOM ENFRMa"t"!t" a aMECOM ENFR&F !aaaQb fENCHLOOKEXAMINESEEPEERCHECKI can't see that.AROUNDCAVEWATERFALCAVERNCAVERNSROOMSROOMABOUTWATERPONDPOOLLAKERIVERSTREAMFALLFALLSDROPOFFEDGECIFFDROPDROP-OFFLEDGE ^Cascading waterfalls can be seen through a large hole in the side of the cavern wall.GROUNDDOWNDIRTFLOOR bThe hard cavern floor gives way to a cliff edge dropping steeply into the water below. STALACTIFORMATIO 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.STALAGMI 8Many stalagmites protrude from the cavern floor.WALLSWALLHOLEOPENINGOPENINGSHOLES d A large hole reveals an immense cavern, filled with waterfalls and a large underground lake.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSPASSAGETUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGESPASSAGEWPATHPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYS n In the dim, flickering light of the torch, doors and passages can be seen that lead into the unknown.UPROOFCEILINGABOVE 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.TORCHTORCHESLIGHTLIGHTSFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESHOLDERHOLDERS fA small torch hangs on the cavern wall, illuminating the room and water with an eerie glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES 6The entire cavern is carved from solid stone.ININTOINSIDETHROUGHBENEATHUNDERUNDERNEABELOW I can't look in that.WATERLAKEPONDPOOLRIVERSTREAM The water emanates an orange tint from the light of the torch. Maddog can see small fish swimming near the top of the underground lake. GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEPICKGRABACCEPT"I can't get that.TORCHTORCHESLIGHTLIGHTSFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESHOLDERHOLDERS <The torch is securely fastened to the cavern wall.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES @I really don't want to be carrying rocks around all day.DIRTGROUND ,I don't see any reason to get that.WATERDRINK FI don't think that is such a good idea. It's a long way down.FISH 4The water is too far down for me to reach.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 ~For some reason that just baffles the mind, Maddog walks off the edge of the cliff and plummets into the water below.23""D3V"B3Di * D@  @ @ 0 0 @`F!0 @  !$#lp@@   @   @ `@@ `@@# 00&b  A@ @ @(Z QU@@@`0p  H(@?1? #{S?JU*E%5F|2ÎWU_WUWUV_8|x~UUUp_UjƣٸoU?t=Q~Z_kjj z  xp0k?Uz?gtZu>y?>?F!_6@<~,FGU9UTVVxp0`{@p>/UUn```j0psP|ڥX~Ã0<`|l??>k>CS#sGOX[yx<ŋעק]GE/]`<<- W| 0  }J_ylJ!wCʷzx?  #@ ? ?=x< Zۿ R~?&r0K@&߷v ? *gHpP~T}TP_TW_֡~BVV_8|/O'-?WUUUT / U8>UUժTpu_UjƣٸoU(/о+EտU@oUT׾}`p:?=nkǿh?Ukjj z $ 7WUWWh8 QDz=Vp:?;RZu>y?>?F!_6U*@??>?F!_6 ~ߞ"b@`܌DyX-^+իUVVa+_xp0`@u@G?vӣa+_xp0`P $@`АUժUU}5n`@`pЌA>UU}5n`A0psPBS"sGOX[ ?96 k>BS"sGOX[?h,}8Pʼnעק]GE.\{7~x<'_A|&r0Ke*gHp yAx_կTWթv6V l6??o 3@@ ĂBB** *U _SSA  0$0 ?  # PP/JU*Eޘ%52QU_AWEp*PUV_8|/O'zfUUU_UjƣٸoU{=A8NZ_qkjj z   0k?Uz?t3Zu>y?>?F!_6@~,FGU9UTVVa+_xp0`@pЌA>>/UU}5n` `j0psP|ڥX}]Ã0<|l ?96 k>BS"sGOX[yh,}8Pʼnעק]GE.\{7~?>?&@& :}pv???v +@ <B<?/ :+?A?(-?+ߏ'(/?ǀ$ 7?Ͽ?6?6s#?$p0`@p0`$@А`@`pЌC?`A0psÃ0psÃtx/ ?97  ?97 ?h,??_} h,?@ `~1 )p  P C $ A  ( @P C $ A  ( @K@@! 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Large cliffs surround the path as it leads through the forest.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS HThe rocky cliffs give way to small boulders on the valley floor.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHPINEPINESLIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSBARKROOTROOTSFORESTSTUMPSTUMPSLEAFLEAVESTWIGTWIGSNEEDLENEEDLESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIMAPELMAPELS DTrees and bushes line the trail along the edge of the lake.GROUNDGRASSDIRTDOWN &The ground is lush and green.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE FThe sky is bright above but seems to get darker to the north.CLIFFSCLIFFMOUNTAINEDGEHILLHILLS pOminous dark mountains rise up in the north and west sheltering the valley below from the outside world.LAKEWATERRIVERSTREAMCREEKBROOKSTREEM FThe large lake below Lakeville stretches across to the north.PATHTRAILROADPATHWAYTRAILWAYPATHSPATHWAYSTRAILS 0A trail leads north through the forest.CASTLELIGHTLIGHTS 8The Castle of Duridian can be seen to the north.GETTAKEREMOVERETREIVEPICKGRABACCEPTfI can't get that.TWIGTWIGSNEEDLENEEDLESBARKROOTROOTSFOLIAGEVEGETATI I don't need that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS "They're too heavy to take.DIRTGRASSWEEDS I don't need that.WATER I don't need that.PAB4""3C3VD"3DF ,D`=oA;aJSB!$@  ",BȎ~_/~_w.+N;8@ ?0 ߀4~,@|<lѲûgW ~@@,7}ĐX @Haɟ/ 4ȈV o,<||<&τ?_owoQG;?1!(, N;FLؐ`, @$^/>8 z,YAǏ?!?           n>,ˋ;{y}<(  /MO 60FCFDĈ,߁?_/!<`@$g? 51,? ~<  ><0`@ /? h`B ?'a|pao/|FÇ?  ?'q+ +#'Ő4 $g7XH̆?0?~~_޲v~n@J?Z gڽ #ҟ ֿ _ ޿Ɵ"4?Ο ΏA7Hރ;??y? ޿eֽ{;օ0AnS奭 #G/֙~" ޟK ?' #U_rO/}?__ / ~!o %@? 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W+*CR **L.* A|xv*? y* v*r*8xp0@` o**#t*?<8 ? a*̀Ç?$`A T*?8?ࠀĀ qghf4eY31R L*??!ȁ|~|?*܀||Č<||tdD<|Ԝ<\||X3C"VD3""3D8p ? ?x???!$!!!!!! ?|? ?~????ZZ  ]f]i]i]%FDĈ=1 ]K ], ? ]i][ ""3C3VD"3D}E+EEEE.   ?w??'Xv?߼p?p?;޾ssso?{} ?'@8 hang from the cavern ceiling.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGROUNDFLOORTHROUGHININTOINSIDE 2The hard stone floor looks cold and damp.REM1DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXITEXITSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGSOPENINGGATEHOLEBARBARSGATESHOLESCAGECAGESPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSWEBWEBSNMaddog looks into the dark passageway and sees old spider webs spanning across the passageway.As Maddog looks down the dark passageway, he sees torchlight shining in the dark.REM2DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXITEXITSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGSOPENINGGATEHOLEBARBARSGATESHOLESCAGECAGESPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS Looking down the passageway, Maddog can see the torchlight flicker off the tunnel walls leading into the large cavern.!Looking through the bars, Maddog can see the light flickering off the tunnel walls.REM1DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXITEXITSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGSOPENINGGATEHOLEBARBARSGATESHOLESCAGECAGESPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSWEBWEBSNMaddog looks into the dark passageway and sees old spider webs spanning across the passageway.As Maddog looks down the dark passageway he sees torchlight shining through the dark.REM2DOORSDOORENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYSEXITEXITSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGSOPENINGGATEHOLEBARBARSGATESHOLESCAGECAGESPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS Looking down the passageway, Maddog can see the torchlight flicker off the tunnel walls leading into the large cavern.!Looking through the bars, Maddog can see the light flickering off the tunnel walls.LEVERSWITCHSTICKHANDLEBOARDWOOD It looks like an old stick. Obviously it is used as a lever or something.It's kind of useless now, I guess it was a bit older and more brittle than I thought it was.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERSBOULDER 8The entire cavern has been carved out of stone.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ZA small torch hangs on the cavern wall, illuminating the room with an eerie glow.SPIDERCREATUREBEAST :Where?!!He looks mean and I look like dinner.ROPEROPESCORDCORDS dThe heavy iron gates are raised and lowered by thick ropes that disappear into the ceiling.WEBWEBSCOBWEBCOBWEBSSPIDERWE hWhat do you want me to look at?There is a spiderweb behind the gate at the rear of the cave.GETTAKEPICKREMOVERETRIEVEGRABACCEPTI can't take that.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS :The torch is securely fastened to the cavern wall.LEVERSTICKSWITCHWOODHANDLEBOARD fIt's attached to the wall.Seeing as how it broke, I don't think it would do a lot of good.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS BI really don't wish to carry rocks around with me all day.PUSHxI can't push that.LEVERSWITCHSTICKWOODHANDLEBOARD It doesn't push.PULLTUGLOWERlI can't pull that.LEVERSWITCHSTICK $OKOI already did.RESP YOU BLEW ITT1 ~As Maddog pulls the wooden lever down, he looks over to see the closed gate slide open and the main gate slide closed.T2 jMaddog hears a deep growl coming out of the hole and realizes that he just made a major mistake.T3 hMaddog stares in horror as a large and gruesome spider comes out of the tunnel towards him.T4 TMaddog's journey has come to an abrupt end as the spider enjoyes his dinner.PAB3D3"33  ~P@H  !H"@!@#1`10d @0`  $C1 `C1A8d@p0`@@HLF@1~7 `+ (#D n$8<(HH@0P 0`@ @@ @@@@.'x$8fD8 G(rݿH 3C7<+H . 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The a0,2 >0le241c* ;7)8 &m1@@  >%@o^"Ap +2p@ @P >@I΃Hx6 A$>0`01 `:6`1Pt><H 8X  !x  % ?<; |l2>67@A p 0@  E$0@#B\H@DfՄŀP  ( 7`0?CdpQH0 P P@` #($Iq7  @@$A 8!'`1H L@`#5&0ABƒA .큀 @$0 pF p $M 5A P@ $ CapN@$,v3D,G 4@ & h5bF^@"xF  D GCL2p "  ˅"@0 V(PX(40@  P  $P Ga01@ ) I BM ! D`d@B00 GH11 > -?0H ((@ &   @$    9 `0, 0P 0@@`  $@ A H<8 <, @  8t   @@0 ` I- @  @0܄ b RA dA"` A @BJ 0.!8A@!ba( "0 $   B@"L a .># d  !"0H0J 4@!L=O/ p@EA0 0@@@H  !FPHJ`= 2 !a@`CPlB @` x8 `@ @(0  ! D@@0HpH A(@`E3& 5 dX`@B "0$Y@ (XL<B4XBI(p0d6a#  !   A $p@H 4!@  а` @  0@ 0 B !  -  7D  (  0@|!p@D A@`@` @`$$`00@`@P# (A@ a" F@P 0@`1A@ l . ``0@  8P 4@  H(  @d0AƉ@  "* ( @P- @@B@B#  `@@H  FPH , H  FP H  FPD"@`@@0B    X`@7`m9Px yc  X@s$d,`'x$E(wc?@h S7 7 x H1\ pD#A@CD`FhBafYB À"`! F #|@)q  )`U"A! 4MAp fc4x 8ð` X ﱣb@! 1B>!r 2@@Q~ Ć"4x"O/,<b sxV?|`0\0@ "  `Apq`\p-BP@ (gC"` B^@$'R Aoz'.@`cn:,c( 2  xP? & `0 wq0T08Ƞ!2B @2b'zS1 !B("00px 1chDbp 0s!<Qz6 dag0!B=1Т:o$&D}h P$888tvXM÷@1 1`X31`HS3ϼyL`,UaW?⎂lDs\@ hћ  ƣlr .@a{0C? Ð @j h)!;Zૻ>7O@3 X07h XhL; ;$| MZDL;Y ?0, >8MIpX,0(L8X3 > L@{0 &E;a~0 7(do$Ϥ< < w{_ ,b9߸o"  pS 0:ټx?@Jt?dx `w u) XYჁ{DwGGh D4  A'$㰍y! h0 0%"f8h ̇*e1|!ћȅx 8X d)Ä F9toR pY =qn"  T^1XBAx1`.,GDqR@ Rp% wÇl_IYA`=#M=AЍ" O4 h{`Lpo X0 ÈΛ|8 !sm@.,"JgW>'"{4!Z@ BESY4XFkC@": 6 @A&xD af)":'n9 0 faG$ 0v &("1( g1CW4X #L=|)b1?5A#aRb8װ|<7?$B :2d=zR`CDfϝ Mŀ ?+h8#sound of falling water can be heard to the north.Large twisted trees surround the hardened mud hole.TREESTREEBUSHESBUSHFORESTLIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSBARKROOTROOTSFORESTSTUMPSTUMPSLEAFLEAVESNEEDLENEEDLESTWIGTWIGSPINEPINESMAPLEMAPLESBRUSH bLarge twisted trees surround a mud hole.Large twisted trees surround a dried mud hole.GROUNDDIRTMUDMUDHOLEDOWNPUDDLEPITHOLEMUDPITMIRE *A large pit of mud blocks the pathway ahead. Maddog thinks to himself, "If not for the trees above, this summer heat would have surely dried it up and made it a little easier to cross."The hard ground gives way to a large pool of mud.The once mucky mud hole is now as hard as rock.GRASS 8Small tufts of grass surround the large mudpit.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE Maddog looks into the summer sky and replies, "Boy it sure is a hot day. Any hotter and this darn mud hole would just dry up.The sun's bright rays filter through the trees branches above, hiding the ground below from the sweltering heat.CLIFFSCLIFFMOUNTAINHILLHILLS rOminous dark mountains rise up in the north and west, sheltering the valley below from the outside world.LAKEWATERRIVERSTREAMCREEKLIQUIDSTREEMBROOK FA large lake can be seen through the many trees to the north.PATHTRAILROADPATHWAYPATHWAYSTRAILSPATHSTRAILWAY *A trail leads through the forest.MONSTERTHINGITDUDEMANGUYCREATUREPERSONFELLOWHIMGENTLEMABEAST I don't see that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 6Large rocks surround the small forested area.STRIKEIGNITELIGHTBURNI can't light that.MATCHMATCHBOXMUDGROUNDMATCHESXXXMOONSHINJUGLIQUIDBOTTLE ^I don't have that.That wouldn't do any good right now.OK I already did.THROWTOSSDROPPOURI can't throw that.MATCHMATCHBOXMATCHES ^I don't have that.That wouldn't do any good right now.OK I already did.LIQUIDWATERBOTTLEJUGXXXWHISKEYMOONSHINBUCKET I don't have any liquid.ok I already did.Maddog looks into the bucket filled with water and quickly replies, "I don't think that will do any good.OBJ GETREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKTAKEACCEPTnI can't get that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS  It's too heavy to take.WATER I can't reach it.MANMONSTERITTHING I don't see it.TWIGTWIGSNEEDLENEEDLESROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS I don't need that.RESPpYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 pMaddog takes the match from the box. After striking the match, he throws it onto the mudpit before him.T2 The mudpit is dried by the burning flames, turning it to a dry and cracked surface and sealing the creature below until the next rainfall.T3 RMaddog freezes in fear as a large creature begins to rise up from the mud.T4  OKM1 &That did a whole lot of good.M2 dThe ground shakes violently as Maddog hears a low growl from beneath the hardened mud hole.M3 .Maddog pours the liquid on the mudpit.J1 I already did.B1bMaddog walks to the mud hole and throws the jug of moonshine onto it.~~LOOK JUGB2"OK~~DRINK JUGB3 OK~~READ JUGD1$OK~~POUR BUCKETD2$OK~~FILL BUCKETD3$OK~~LOOK BUCKETD8:OK~~LOOK MATCHES~~STRIKE MATCHD9$OK~~LOOK MATCHESI1 :Don't you think I should get out of the mud first.PAB4wCV2DS""33Db`HCK   * sa@ 0 LO@, 2 ( $0 DL ?!9@AYAPА`B@  @#!6  B@`    ~fE RB  H? 8@L L@ D(6@ @!Y? 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Sh2.[v \hpTJ(ssssss T1oS[u!h`v \hpTECOM ''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRJP J [   n n n'MMMauN  M_a n's } MT3o  ECOM  ENFR[uN uNuNMMM  ECOM ENFR "4z'4$*6=$BdV  ZUV3''$RZlV3''$,ZFV3''$'    3525[ZECOM ''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFR[JP J !6V  !V  !I30043ECOM ENFRS\P|\P|\P| \P| \P| \P| TECOMENFRehECOMENFR cENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDCAVECAVERNROOMABOUT A large broken sculpture of what appears to be a snake, rests on a pedestal in the middle of the room.Off to the side lies what appears to be a large fragment of the sculpted image.A broken statue of a snake rests upon a large, stone pedestal in the middle of the room.There is a passageway in the middle of the floor which had previously been hidden by the large stone pedestal.UPROOFSTALACTICEILINGABOVEFORMATIO 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.STALAGMI :Small stalagmites protrude from the cavern floor.GROUNDDOWNDIRTFLOOR bThe hard stone floor is cold and damp. Small stalagmites protrude from the cavern floor.WALLSWALL The ancient cavern walls are wet and damp. A small torch is securely fastened to the wall, illuminating the dark cave.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTS dThe torch is securely fastened to the cave wall, casting an eerie glow throughout the room.DOORDOORSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSDOORWAYDOORWAYSPASSAGWA It looks as though that is the only door in or out of this cavern. A passageway, which earlier was covered by the pedestal, leads down through the floor.The only other door leads back to where we came from earlier.HEADFRAGMENTOBJECTPIECE The stone object appears to be a severed piece of the stone image on the pedestal.Maddog closely examines the stone object which he retrieved and realizes that it closely resembles the head of a cobra.The stone head rests in its place on top of the snake.PEDESTALSTANDBASEBOTTOMFOUNDATI XThe statue is built ?սnv ?&fA5LJ 9Y@ jN.WWǀkC   C>8ؘx܅lm̀ K{wo_րWPX. >~!{}=;ۂ[Y *"7>\ ÀCrb..5?㣅y@ROxsö!.1憍<~<Fg`1 x >B{>=?.6?>0!i0 (.00q~? `| HC.4O9}(0nLفp{p@`x3.3 Nϙ=?@dl1`x ?N./? bPx<"08Q0#X.6go_=7" !<3?x..oAX?<~?x?C?.+y;@@|<?|pa. 0&T/?[ xa~|. 'i '^P@!xG ?.@IL?x_ ??͎ 0| D 0>/p.G';7=7?'x ?Xp7x|`.@p8XBx5w` R<>~.?p?gxhx8:;9;9 4<~?A p>?.~@?CAHxo<|?߇<->.?/O9;I#}= '_tR~= `t6Aa  0}4x|xX~0.sGGC'ǍA $/?3'.9 @x|<LD&4&2??_?Cx??.?pB ?~Qde`! 4  z 9.!Ã#Ӏ>)!LF@PH 0`@HR^O@ !:/<8?.;?s߄ą 74Vl/_gÂc# P ! Ы~p0.WAϞ_c |4Jxt` `P@@8 .(6 Ax|(8 ?=}y_=ڷ< !#"7FD& |:. @ D3%I?6 :pyF`c4o2paP@ (L ?.,< zΌ & @(`  @!@ @ Tvc!w?.0@`@H(`|.'@p"  4@ Ā.?  @@'  !/ΐxO.G@ @@   =eaSGOߟ>,0yޜ.Cg73a0x3?jC?߄a.# ??0'?=99yiнA@!`h!37?>;??߷ϟ=y.&)-) )O3C 8~ kcO_x[gG 熝̯߅yo .w' 8pA݋/  ?>_^???_}?o>>.Ґ;/}璘?'/ߟזׁ߿? g}?~Ճ;y.ǂUTPς͍Oύ(ćDž>ՀDŽ/'&f .ξ2BcO;|{ֿD ??ۿo߿_g;;޶To/? . wCV2DS""33D}<?`px??? {=? oGFC8v8888@5++'++*p% p  ?????? !s? >]? V6?iwCV2DS""33D  ?/0 ?< ?71P 1wy 0L{pC$~lp!YG? wF@sp  !@`#?o _ @p 1 ~A p@_ pd!8H0 ?p  05} @ @p8m    on a stone pedestal. "It looks like it could weigh a ton."STATUEIMAGESCULPTURSNAKECOBRAIDOL The broken sculptured statue rests upon a stone pedestal. It appears to be a snake of some sort.The statue now stands several feet back from where it was, revealing a passageway which leads down through the floor.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYHOLESECRETSTEPSTEPSSTAIRCAS |I can't see that anywhere. A passageway, which earlier was covered by the pedestal, leads down through the floor.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS tThe entire cavern is carved out of stone."A stone pedestal with a sculpted image, rests in the center of the cavern floor and a small fragment of stone lies off to one side.The entire cavern is carved out of stone. A large, stone pedestal with a sculpted image of a cobra has slid back, revealing a secret passageway leading down through the cavern floor.GETTAKEGRABACCEPTPICKREMOVERETRIEVEI can't take that.HEADOBJECTFRAGMENTPIECEROCKSTONE0OKSMaddog looks at you and says, "I already took it once, I don't need to take it again."~~LOOK FRAGMENT~~ROCKSSTONESDIRTTORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSBOULDERBOULDERS $I see no need to take that.STATUESNAKECOBRAIMAGEIDOLPEDESTALBASESTANDBOTTOMFOUNDATISCULPTUR 8I think it's a bit heavy. Wouldn't you think so?HEADOBJECTFRAGMENTPIECEROCKSTONE0OKSMaddog looks at you and says, "I already took it once, I don't need to take it again."~~LOOK FRAGMENT~~PUTPLACESETINSTALL4What should I put and where should I put it?HEADOBJECTFRAGMENTPIECESTONEROCK lNI don't have one. Put it where?I already put it on the statue.STATUESNAKECOBRAIMAGEITTHINGBODYZ2iTI don't have one.OkI already did that.~~LOOK FRAGMENTGROUNDPEDESTALBASESTANDBOTTOMFOUNDATI >I see no reason to put it there.I don't have one.PUSHSHOVEMOVESLIDELI can't move that.PEDESTALSTATUEIMAGESTONEITSCULPTURBOTTOMBASEFOUNDATIZ2iI'll give it a try. Are you joking? That thing is heavy!ONo way! It could give me a hernia!OI see no further need to discuss the subject.There is no need to. It's already moved.RESPR YOU BLEW ITT0 4Maddog places the head on the broken statue.T1 |He is startled as the stone pedestal slowly slides back across the floor, revealing a secret passageway beneath it.T2 hHe gasps in horror and amazement as the stone image begins to change into a real live snake.T3 ZMaddog regains his composure after a failing attempt to push the heavy pedestal.T4 b!The snake, after coming to life, quickly devours Maddog as though it hadn't eaten in ages.T5  The snake, after devouring our adventurer, slowly changes back to stone. Under the unusual circumstances which have recently evolved, it appears as though Maddog has definitely met his untimely doom.PAB3www33@`@P `@(  ` @  p 2@(@T@0HpH A(@`@G @(p@`  1)ADF!$ HX@  P @ ` @D(0P( @a@`A @ $@P b@AH`dC`@ d'@(3l@,&   PHG#xLH BA@A 0@DH@(I 3;@d@@0$ FPĀ  L@  # *  h @50o{` A @ 1B @E@@ @ D @ ,$@@H"hH@@ `ψ<7m[ @0@ HB-AH@@  D" t(!+ ,1`!pX@Bb @0%?DT@Q#@J -?>27 %)(#)2'mM  X̜:*bc:  D"A`@@@0C @@C aAQBv5E.É%q[{K_H\?W-L@D) -o d 0AFAC& @@H("oCM+?_5GK o_{x980WVSٸY֦$@0$"!@  5Yp,X-~|ȁMKI`4] 2 @0uy P R( AD7 0 &r٪ήBteEJ$7a)MFc1I !L ( !}(p '   <QPTud3@(pD0 .$㐨r`0 xI @@@@A B0`qi@"PC`  Hh$E< q318 '(<h|eq3Qe%! 0p: &6o?/$ ?+ ?7X ; `0 m A@F Cb [L p~lx3 ?~ǘ wF@ρ ~O? m'W?o~ _?O0o " A !}w(_ pd?/  ?7 ?7 p8A/9!u ? 17@  sp?#g {cJ߿ ~l pH D <3 wF@p   >|?o _~_dz &6 @0@? ?#8>+;?0M@Њ贚fzBaH@HLadHhE`B@gr{zs 8  _0M?# A!1Y i Y  {c ? #M?G#J!vG? @#KᰐĚLAP`La@CtZdDBAhnHReF`t? #fDI?# A!iIiY/Sp 0?H?G #H!v@ @p8 H𐨼TLPdPNJuHhAMIRLJXYhZg{ 0I?# AaqQ a_OAC0J?G ?"L?/>! ?#8>+;?x CЅd\0  N 8  _ߊC {?g ?7x~02Z c  0 );g?>Ϙ <⃃@` 0+?: ?@ 9?:p ?/>? ?#8>+;? , 9  8  _,9{s ? , ,  ,+C?9??+ ?? ,+ CЅd\p 0@8)+ç 9,7x~02Z c9,} 0 ))ߘ <⃃@` 0C) $@  ?9$Ax CЅd\9*?:àC  )1?07x~02Z c,;?$ ? 09G# <⃃@` 0@a#1  G#@ @<D 8pF 8p`p `p G $!#D  $"G'@G rz10p@1 ggC8L@G M0p08ss8 @G 0$ p 0R ؀@`@qr@G~?o?;?oGw731oV@Q@L`@|_[rQAUQ@iȤ 1p `pn ?[K+'[O Mť#{`@ px<Lu?_u~?o?;?oGw731`uiВ %u?K+'; /M #-?_8 u~?o?;?oGw731pp8riĀ?[K+MO  ?_  8  6toT@F@L`@|_[rQAUQ@X 0ASVT1pBr  `pn C~o/p px<Lx y?π@>_??߂o'w? rS>_?矏t ߏ߃_?oV@Q@L`@|_[rQAUQ@ u9 10 `pn u?{`H px<Lu#u "<_  6 @@@ uX 0ASVT1pB8r~o/80X y?$xπ@>_??߂o'w?r>_?矏 pr~ގރ^>? 6)X0ASVT1pB)~o/ x x ` @ "<4L**(P(P (A P("@ E  D@@@(P0Q( #& @6U# $4 ,!: 0 @0  AI "8@P\ @$ @ 2` H :??qƈ[Ab1SO"9E N r@" H @05{|>  *I&7^l84;]م`o?+)ZybȨ0  TX"RDc b B$@$ ,.=H I ̎$`VeP0`$1iA⠤'p<: ΂g`FepAa 0<? >H$IX@ @$ H.0&CrSD@!@pPyOa@d@@``hl0V!@Q@@H R` @ a.0D4pā` `ppX  8@84 A  PB@`x$ @J @ $` 4(`X`Cq@p;0ABPOYpX04)bPII@AA@ 04  0@@ @@ AxBI(@cP p @#H@`@. 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Small torches are securely fastened to the walls, illuminating the dark caves.STAIRSSTAIRSTAIRWAYSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS |Cut into the side of the wall are large stone steps. Along one side runs a sheer cliff plunging into the darkness.CLIFFSCLIFFCHASMEDGEHOLECREVASSECREVICEBELOWDROPOFFDEPTHSDROPDROP-OFFPIT TA sheer cliff drops far below the stairs into the unknown darkness below.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERSBOULDER N$The entire cavern has been cut from the ancient stone of the mountain.DOORSDOOROPENINGOPENINGSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSDOORWAYDOORWAYSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS p In the dim, flickering light of the torches, doors and passages can be seen that lead into the unknown.UPROOFCEILINGSTALACTIABOVE 8Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS ^Small torches hanging on the cavern walls illuminate the room with an eerie dim glow.GETTAKEPICKGRABACCEPTREMOVERETRIEVEI can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFLAMESFLAMEFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS >"The torches are securely fastened to the cavern walls.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 ZMaddog stumbles off the edge of the cliff and falls into the bottomless pit below.T2 ( Well, maybe it isn't bottomless."ppp33 `@ ?=M@0<>8 Ma@!A  `8xp0M`@"  0 @P@@ &0@ 1   xp0/ ` @` >|< )A">wcVp/` \?ߵ?Z)<|80`F~|<P6B$`0@H 03`? 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T4 p After Maddog climbs up and gets himself situated, the dragon warns him of the dangers that await them, as they travel the skies toward the evil castle.The dragon explains, "When I heard the music of the lamp calling me, I came quickly thinking that you were Faldor, my former master, in need of my services. On my way here, I came across several of King Serak's guards, mounted upon fierce dragons, as though preparing for battle. They're circling above us in the skies, even as we speak.Hold on tight. I fear that we may have a battle ahead of us," the dragon remarks, as he begins to take to the air.T5 fMaddog enters the water and becomes caught in a strong current which quickly pulls him under.LK >I'm not sure just what good it will do, but here I go.RL lAfter Maddog rubs the brass lamp, it begins to play a mystical tune that whispers across the valley.MV A few moments later, Maddog looks up in surprise and sees a very large dragon coming closer and closer.He quickly steps out of the way to give the dragon plenty of room to land.AH Aah!!!PAB4C2"3B`"3VDDoo?oC2"3B`"3VDD????C2"3B`"3VDD`"l8 "8`8` ("   c 0`@pc @ *x!cCA'?+#A c1 '?G+#A0`@` 0C@@)  T3g ><37< 5/93?< $ f 09O??(`@`o?Opi@` 0 `a?pm@c) 0 `8x`9g p`M@`),W\P0P^ߑ0P0 p㋞^ב0#@0 *)@9_P-p@9P@-p@P p -pP,@@x@@pA8("@ `&6/ x0`@<` 0` 10`@0v0`p   0   0`s  p@@`$0 w  @ z 0(    @@@ P  px  F@\p@ p    (" &6# @0`A6?JN?ZN<8Z Z+?Cu? p?=}Ѐpc<=ub|Ѐ)΂~[F [Fʐ0`@ ΀s@B Yʐ0`@)8Ph8D( >08px8`8v [>8 z;a9~[> t0D(x3 2 @!A r~ا|`  1cƄr~ا|`     @,"A@@?aXؘp0`cXؘ=pP0`?cX 0p*("@ @Pp@x ~!`"??`%?g:<"':|':| )8z:@;:@ ;: ? \0`@p; @ *<= ?2P M_lk=]M_0`@` 0`0`r0c!@@* 3GP?` ;߾;N` 7/;Og` & Ov g`/0p(0(,~0{z}ph, 0 `~>{z}wk^ 0 `$x00 ~Mph_^.APo>O P0o>NPP0 ` CO`0 7 p>@ p  p4`@ 0`0`@ 0``00?f``8``6( x0`@'>| 0` 00`@0v0`p  0   0`s @ p@@` @0 w    z 0(0   @@@ P @px  @\r>@ p 8`p`p  c~3>QXxszvf~n~>~w\^Z2 X[{prb~n<{rw\^[3 X[yprb~>zrw]^[2 ??,⃐Y;?߆Od>W?9w_t>ð sY;3?_OD>? 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Two fountains of clear liquid stand on either side of the image.MOUTH vA large fire burns within the stone image.A dark passage leads north through the mouth of the stone image.GROUNDDOWNDIRTFLOOR .The hard stone floor is cold and damp.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTRAILTRAILWAY The only door I can see is the one I came in.There are two doors now visible. The one I came in and the other in the mouth of the stone image.FIREFLAMESFLAMELIGHTLIGHTS Maddog looks at the fierce fire that burns with an intensity that would sear the flesh from off the bones.The fire is out now.WATERLIQUIDPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLES *The liquid is clear and inviting.FOUTAINSFOUNTAINCONTAINE bThe rock fountains set back into the back wall of the chamber and contain a clear liquid.UPROOFCEILINGABOVE BThe roof of the cave is dark, showing very little detail.EYEEYES "Maddog shivers as he looks into the black eyes of the large stone image and replies, "They seem to be staring back at me."HORNHORNSTEETHNOSEFANGFANGSTOOTH RThere is not much more I can tell you about it. It is just as it appears.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS ,The entire cavern is made of stone.ININTOINSIDE 00What is it that you want me to look in?FIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMES Maddog looks at the fierce fire that burns within the stone image and wonders what evil force or power is present that seems to beckon him to enter what would appear to be certain destruction.The fire is out.MOUTHIMAGEFACEIDOLGODMALTHAZA vA large fire burns within the stone image.A dark passage leads north through the mouth of the stone image.WATERLIQUIDFOUNTAINCONTAINEPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLES_LMaddog looks in the clear liquid and says, "Hey, I can see myself."EYESEYE "Maddog shivers as he looks into the black eyes of the large stone image and replies, "They seem to be staring back at me." GETTAKEPICKGRABPUTRETRIEVEREMOVEACCEPT"&What is it you want me to get?WATERLIQUIDOUT "What do you wish me to do?BUCKETPAILbNOK~~~~~~~~~~C~~CCUPMUGHANDS *I don't think it will do any good.FIREFLAMEFLAMESOKI don't have anything to put the fire out with.But the fire is out. ~~ @~~p~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GROUNDDOWNFLOORDIRTROCKROCKS bI don't have any liquid.Maddog pours the liquid onto the cavern floor.1 ODIRTCONTAINEFOUNTAIN (I can see no reason to get that.FILL:I don't understand what it is you want me to fill?BUCKETPAILbNOK~~~~~~~~~~C~~CCUPMUGHANDS *I don't think it will do any good.SMELLSNIFFINHALE"You want me to smell what?WATERFOUNTAINLIQUIDPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLES`HMaddog leans over the small pool of liquid and inhales deeply.WATERFO2<@ ?l117lIB@8~81/ '?l117lIB@8pp?_vw/K  d`Z `B0`pp?_vw/K 7J0`0 ;?1 g'% @ 7J0`0 ;? 4udF@  }l><?<:&@GPq}H@$JF FpB@8 4udF@  }l><?< esNr8 F@HЁ & @ 0}DINߠAϙc]evcP a0 : esNr8 F@HЁ & @ 0 ׿]O73/XNG @h?``0 8 GO|G 鳟@ 4 J ׿]O73/XNG @h?``0 |qAK?D ~^?p=+' B_#.08J( |qAK?D  ?\~z~?<\] ﯧ?nB<0C _[Wʾ`_s`o e}WL@ ?\~z~?<\] ﯧ?nB<0C .MBc \kl@ l&(c(c,,@^@~@@~@@ @?@ ^~~ ? +VP+VP++AA /MB0:=@-z-z?:X|BBBB0246<<B:HEEHE20B:HEEHE22B:HEEHE24B:HEEHE26Q8Q>:$μ g4|gn nkn`njn.<"z $z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$QAXN>:h>:rμ gF|g&Uhk`2Bh|j` 1|=Th h@j`1|AN>:h>:| gF|g*Yhk`2Bh| j` 1|<`Xh h@k1|JngSnj-z^-z\ NuJnk"Jnf>:gxff`*Yn njXn`Xn nkYnμ g2zg*BnB=G<g =|`L=|`B0:nJng2j n)j$=|(Bn` nk =|BnSnj@=|Jf ngC-I` C-I"z&JQk-Y-IApN`B`Jnfn=|=|=|=|0:<=@0:6=@=|(=|2Bn=| ngC-I\n_n`Cp-I]n]n"zJQk"-Y-IA-z*PNZ-zP`=|0N @NuJnf6JnfxJnk Sn`JnfBnJnk6g Sn`Jnk=|=|`=|=|`=|=| ngC-I=|`C-I=|>N"|=@а<J@g.Jnk \n`]n`=z=|Bn`NH@|=@Bn=|`>:Xn>:XzRf =|`=|  nfn0: |gD>:^nJngXn n@kpBnBnNN|H@=@=|`JngYn>:nj4Bz|Pk&BnBnN|H@=@=|`fSnj4=|"ztJQk-Y-I` ngC`C `Jng ng=| ng nk=|` nj=|0:h2:XAj@A|k00:N2:>Akn n`n n`n `JnjLN|=@N||j*<djn n`n n`n nB0:z=@B0:z=@0:2:f@j2:ZAj=|Nq0:|g2|gXn nkYn`Yn njXnADN`Jnf`=|BnBn=|0:=@ 0:=@ =|/=| ngCx-I\n ]n `CN-I]n _n "zJQk"-Y-I-z PAN8-zP`(BnBnJnk`=|=|,NNuJngJnfv=|0:b|=@ ng.B0:HмP=@=|=| =|=| `>B0:=@=|=| =|=| `0:nSnkANl`BJngJnfv=|0:|=@ ng.B0:мP=@=|=| =|=| `>B0:󄐼=@=|=| =|=| `0:nSnkAN`BA N>:h>:<μ gB|g&]hk`.Bh|@j`1|9\h h@k1|N. :":-@-A?( SG*|BBBBBBB::0246뫈FH@HAHBHCHDJnfQYQYQYQY`PH@HAHBHC<(UFktB8HDDH@HD0H@B8HDDHAHD2HAB8HDDHBHD4HBB8HDDHCHD6HCB@ABCFQYQYQYQYH@HAHBHCBQJnfB@ABCFQYQYQYQY$L"KQ zrNu"z"$z><$$$$$$$$$$$$$!UNTAINLIQUIDPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLESWAWAR I'm not close enough.Maddog sniffs the liquid in the bucket and replies, "I can smell nothing unusual."Maddog sniffs the liquid in the bucket and replies, "It smells awful."THROWPOUREMPTYTOSSFLINGDUMP6*What is it that you want me to do?WATERLIQUIDBUCKETPAIL 2I see no need to do that with the liquid.FIREFIRESFLAMESFLAMEMOUTHIMAGEOKI don't have any liquid.But the fire is out. ~~ @~~p~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GROUNDDOWNFLOORDIRTROCKROCKS bI don't have any liquid.Maddog pours the liquid onto the cavern floor.1 ODRINKTASTESIPSWALLOWGULPGUZZLE^"You want me to drink what?WATERLIQUIDPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLES(dok.WATERLIQUIDPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLESWAWAR I'm not close enough.!Maddog looks down at the water in the bucket and replies, "I'm not going to drink from that old rusty bucket! No way! No how!"RESP  YOU BLEW ITT1 Maddog walks into the fire and is engulfed in flames. For a split second he wonders why he did such a stupid thing.Moments later he is a pile of ashes and doesn't wonder about anything.T2 4!The flames quickly fade and then disappear.T3 !The flame bursts forth from the stone image, engulfing Maddog in a ball of flame.!Within seconds Maddog has become no more than a pile of ashes.T9 Maddog fearlessly steps forward into the flames only to find that he was not as invincible as he had thought he was.Flames envelop him as he is reduced to no more than a pile of ashes.T4vMaddog quickly empties the bucket of liquid into the flaming mouth.~~~~~~~~T5The flames dissipate into nothingness leaving the mouth of the image black and charred.~~~~~~~~~~~~T6 4I really don't think that will do any good.T7 \Maddog sniffs the clear liquid then turns to you and says, "I don't smell anything."T8 v Maddog sniffs the liquid and begins to cough and gag. After catching his breath he says, "That smells awful."R1 RThe cool liquid leaves much to be desired but soothes Maddog's dry throat.R2 RA burning pain fills Maddog's body as he staggers clasping at his throat.R3 RMaddog stumbles to the ground losing all consciousness in a lifeless heap.R4 DMaddog dips the bucket into the cool fountain and fills it.R5 I don't have a bucket.R6 I already filled it.9R PMaddog gently cups the liquid in his hands as he lifts it to his mouth.8RI'm not close enough. ~~ @~~p~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~CD1$OK.~~LOOK BUCKETZ1$OK.~~FILL BUCKETZ2$OK.~~POUR BUCKETD2$OK.~~LOOK BUCKETZ3$OK.~~FILL BUCKETZ4$OK.~~POUR BUCKETNN <I see no reason to do that. The fire is already out.PAB3 www33$`tY@ `d @CwI_}p0@@E; 3&sAB@swQFO#` &_8/|q(@ H?^{_  0ߝn5r@ I}?53ƱTX PBGӈiv ! 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MBM MD M F M(H M0JM M8L M@N MHN MHNM MepT1HN MHN McECOMENFR[ M S\q0M#\0M#\qT0M#VMFT^MF^MFrMFVoMMMT2ECOM MZ MMENFR MMENFR MMENFR MMENFRa[  X  ~X X &  ~cassT3ECOM ENFRe4   Z"ZFDIetMN[WV2%Z  |WV2Z lWV2Zr flWV2ZH <eWV2Z eWV2Z eV2Z e[WV 2 Z WV over.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPT"I can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS D The torches seem to be securely fastened to the cavern wall.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS Grabbing at one of the rocks embedded in the stone wall close to him, Maddog pulls at it, then pushes it and finally decides the person who built this maze-like cavern didn't make it to be torn apart.DIRTGROUND .I see no reason to get a lot of dirt.PAB3 www33(H `"h @$  $H b2H4@@ir0@kjDĢ2&@ @`   `4( : 0~m qÅ8z~Ye¨ QbP,t$@`@2TSw/??Fn5GW/kGB 2^7GK n_{980Ɔ{͡  T$!Jen(B-27onOk_݋A`xC)  H@%! 2x{ᣯD(N -UIz ^~xZ3  !\4V}6,2f.&X^p H?WNK:732  0" $ @@ "^Kf~ 3kv"cϓpy+0 z\x=6,}5Vشq80> #F@fc2DWC` 艒``AEb  |$\ H,+3!Ph42 B   @PQH P.@O12 @` @ `(Q!@#@B@7 ,ߒ԰2q H@hP@  w{DR\|bhl8h P%LF!23(I$  < @@e f@20  1 "B@0@ %  z 2 J 0R U @ @_[D@WB3@%$'HHJ$%2@!  & A H  (" #(2`  @yA  @BP@@ 8Ժhd[4@ @@ Hf@  7>N@aG2 DI! 0! 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Two stone images sit on either side of the steps as though they are guarding the pathway to the castle.CASTLEDURIDIANFORTRESS ZThe castle, from this close, looks more frightening than I ever imagined it to be.CLIFFCLIFFSMOUNTAIN PThe ominous dark mountains rise steeply above the barren valleys below.ROCKSROCKSTONESSTONEBOULDERBOULDERS Sharp jagged rocks surround the small, flat clearing. Two stone images on either side of the steps were carved from the rock.IMAGEIMAGESSTATUESTATUESCREATURECARVINGCARVINGSDEMONDEMONSGUARDGUARDSHEADHEADSGARGOYLEFIGUREFIGURESBEASTBEASTS Two evil looking stone images, that have been carved out of stone, stand on either side as though they are guarding the pathway to the castle.EYEEYESMOUTHMOUTHSTOOTHTEETHNOSENOSES FOFEETLEGLEGSEAREARSFACEFACES *Pretty scary looking, aren't they?PILLARPILLARSPOLEPOLESCOLUMNCOLUMNSPOSTPOSTS PLarge stone pillars rise above the ground on either side of the path.ARCHARCHESARCHWAYARCHWAYSDOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYS @A carved stone archway can be seen further up the path.TUNNELCAVEOPENING ZA small opening at the end of the lower trail leads into the side of the mountain.LOWERBOTTOMOTHER 0I'm not sure what you're talking about.PATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAY `Further down the mountain side, a small trail can be seen winding its way to the bottom.GROUNDDOWNLANDINGPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSTRAILWAYSTEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS pThis solid rock path below Maddog's feet was cut from the mountainside and is known as Devil's Landing.EDGELEDGEDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFFSIDE The hard stone path gives way to a steep ledge which drops to the foot of the mountain.Another small path can be seen further down, winding its way down the mountainside.UPSKYMOONCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE x!The light of the moon peeks its way through the small wandering clouds as the sun fades off into the horizon.SUN :The sun sinks quietly into the horzon to the west.DRAGONDRAGONSCREATURE T He's sure a magnificent looking creature, isn't he?He's no longer here.BEHINDBEYONDBACK "I can't look behind that.ROCKSSTONESROCKSTONEFACEFACESIMAGEIMAGESSTATUESTATUESDEMONDEMONSGUARDGUARDS 2There is nothing of interest behind there. GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT@.Get what? I'm not sure I understand.DIRTGROUNDROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSPILLARPILLARSPOLEPOLESCOLUMNCOLUMNSPOSTPOSTSFACEFACESIMAGEIMAGESSTATUESTATUESDEMONDEMONSGUARDGUARDSEYEEYESMOUTHMOUTHSTOOTHTEETHNOSENOSESFOOTFEETLEGLEGSEAREARSHEADHEADSGARGOYLE ,I don't see any reason to take that.ONUPONATOP R(I see no reason to get on that.DRAGONDRAGONSCREATURE <I'm already on it.The dragon is no longer here.HEADHEADSFACEFACESIMAGEIMAGESSTATUESTATUESDEMONDEMONSGUARDGUARDSHEADHEADSGARGOYLE :Those things look pretty spooky. I'd rather not.RESPz YOU BLEW ITT1 T After the dragon comes to rest upon a flat area, Maddog climbs off his back.T2  He kindly thanks the dragon for helping him safely reach the castle and after a few parting words, the dragon flaps his mighty wings and soars into the air above the castle.T3 PAs quickly as he appeared, the dragon disappears, returning to his magical realm. As Maddog looks around the dark and dismal suroundings, he sees the large evil castle looming above him.He is filled with a sense of dread and thinks to himself, "I have traveled many miles to behold this evil fortress. I must have taken leave of my senses."Maddog breathes deeply and then takes the amulet into his hand and clinches it tightly. Under his breath he mumbles, "I promised you, Leoria. I will find your father." With courage and determination, Maddog continues with his quest.DI  What a shame that after coming all this way and facing all the dangers that he has, our brave adventurer had to be so clumsy as to simply walk off a cliff.C2"3B`"3VDDB#SW_]XTZW_p_^_U[][]+=@?2 p@ 0|TlXhXh^~ GO{y8$?? ?+@?8|>?  .!QSCW_]XTPWO_?_P_^_UP?g$x'h<2|_Đ@̀'|q//JN{6 pfD*P  |u?sGE5x|Pj2H> Cx'IxR(u~X&_ÑZ6s 7Oh ,x oFp%gɄ&wp!= > ('  ( @Fd q~ȿp6y%4_Vp`xů~W/IB q]|_= $[-EEKY@Yם'5ˢ ;=@#|(@aB8 `38v.dyx n~h 8IGo b(v,SRyG|20/@74>6EPsU8 @5_yg/uzrDCISP?߶sWf(4;ތXFV`1{ڈz^Um7uK9&3G>zǂX^|~0*: "+A]%9d Fc`@. 9\p/pN`FPk&\r<(f %8xFz?/Syw 2Vc ˁ9\K "]YT+_SA`;a?2. 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I wonder if that could be the way out?UPCEILINGROOFABOVESTALACTI >There is nothing up there except a lot of stalactites.BEHINDBACKBEYOND l I can't see behind that.WALLSWALL &I can't see behind the walls.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS FThe cavern torches illuminate the walls of the maze-like cave.MAZEMAZESLABYRINTSTRUCTURPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW ^An intricate pattern of walls twist and turn through the cavern, creating a labyrinth.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS t"The entire cavern has been carved out of stone particularly the maze-like walls that weave a confusing path.JUMPLEAPSPRINGHOP( Jumping won't help now.CLIMBASCEND|,It's too high for me to climb over.WALLSWALL *It's to high for me to climb over.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPT.I can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS >The torches are securely fastened to the cavern wall.DIRTGROUND >I don't see any reason to carry around a lot of dirt.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS Grabbing at one of the rocks embedded in the stone wall close to him, Maddog pulls and it, then pushes it and finally decides the person who built this maze-like cavern didn't make it to be torn apart.PAB3"D323"SEC3DaBO?OG&@`pzl\~w?{Yp5Drtutwuwgw~pv7\miMX )vE]oؚ'n~A1 yt HA+?>ygt? ?>=?# `a`!2P` 0p`<8x̌X}Q_$+߅'c࠶А @@lȀȃȈȀ|@pqf$+ ?O OD @%@@  8xhp4qx +"@@G@`@+?owCh` ` p@P    0+8  ?/oGϽ/`+?ED @`   xߟmƂ`"?R+?'& @ }x' |Z4b@B?W:m]P +?'"   |? z0%"?;?ؔbDo_: A`+Ɲ>BA@@ <| {x(@ Sxp D`+?pP`@H@HACo3@0@E A$!;#!#+<0 /k׎,n1XjD$(9 ( @|_oǣ#608=9;=  3"hl+s?`uio)5Gb*c}9i4]0<@AI I I Ɂ IY 5+ =}߁__8{>~>o~}=ymil<>w]8yrp|rv~d@0 'pr./0+Ǘ7w?A  bCT@vdtrp0PA><3xp$8xp@@+ߟ?ʀgaVUP@²Ȋ@  )Do| 7~_~~<8Ѐ؏?MOG @+~cam<\0!g  @pzylp4D@`@GV^?~GM I, RƆB鸎')`p+_)ow_oߝ=w{M}[_O#)-/yQAA?]݌[_}_=񁑣 IEG IyY1! p%+l?)+i?.+j,+m*+p(+q%+o?'+h?++f2+f*+iȁ'+m 쑧.>|\||<|+s_:H+pçBj ?/''??[w+X&,_xƯv+D &/}xy?__|<|yɡ<`ܕ,>?[}k/+ #Y><Ď ?9z%u>覕mL+ 0p0|\hrv|Lv 1scgVŽx(dp qEX+qpZA |}`AO){{7:~+@)> $,4'/*/81v.$ lM  ?/ !8q`d[?~>|x2ptp!в'K=?OJ0` #$?(2\` < 9޵|8?8OqF#P@7@ `HT; >| G{0@c<8~@HPnI?@4h @@ O0  }@8<  A` w8ADH?"`_7q };`@;| @`0 p@@CLj06 u ?>|~ {84.! - :&p /0b_ KAk??0? # rp v`x9gh<;~0`0O3` @`@0p  p0p`@ @` 7`|_0 =_@/"B K `  ? 65;.  _> ~- 7sk4-  `wQ!? 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I wonder if that could be the way out?UPCEILINGROOFABOVESTALACTI >There is nothing up there except a lot of stalactites.BEHINDBACKBEYOND l I can't see behind that.WALLSWALL &I can't see behind the walls.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS FThe cavern torches illuminate the walls of the maze-like cave.MAZEMAZESLABYRINTSTRUCTURPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW ^An intricate pattern of walls twist and turn through the cavern, creating a labyrinth.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS t"The entire cavern has been carved out of stone particularly the maze-like walls that weave a confusing path.JUMPLEAPSPRINGHOP( Jumping won't help now.CLIMBASCEND|,It's too high for me to climb over.WALLSWALL *It's to high for me to climb over.GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPT.I can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS >The torches are securely fastened to the cavern wall.DIRTGROUND >I don't see any reason to carry around a lot of dirt.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS Grabbing at one of the rocks embedded in the stone wall close to him, Maddog pulls and it, then pushes it and finally decides the person who built this maze-like cavern didn't make it to be torn apart.PAB3"D323"SEC3DaBO?OG&@`pzl\~w?{Yp5Drtutwuwgw~pv7\miMXo߿߀O aEG?yzpgo?~K?+ρ_$ѕ!AqscÅ'_ߝ[}[ DV3g"T3Dp8px<p8||~>?????<|   ??0x|$?7&# p G2DTV"D3DN##    ???4001 4000 4001n4006Tu4008EDORENFRaw= iw= ip; ns8 iy7 n6 i4 n  M & i$ n" i" n" i" ns JK#.$ ECOMENFRE tE ta~A zz? t; z1 t. z* t& z& t& z& tJ#K#J! ECOMENFReENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.EDGELEDGEDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFF B!The mountain path gives way to a steep cliff to the right.AROUNDABOUTPATHDOWNGROUND A large stone path leads upwards to the dark castle above. Eerie lights can be seen in the windows of the castle.MOON ,Small clouds wander across the moon.ROCKSROCKSTONESSTONEBOULDERBOULDERSSTATUESTATUESIMAGEIMAGESFIGUREFIGURESHEADHEADSGARGOYLEBEASTBEASTSCARVINGCARVINGSCREATUREGUARDGUARDSDEMONDEMONS zSharp, jagged rocks surround the path. Two stone images on either side of the steps were carved from the rock.GATEGATESARCHARCHESGATEWAYARCHWAYGATEWAYSARCHWAYS 6A small archway can be seen on the path ahead.TRAILTRAILSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSOPENINGOPENINGSPASSAGESPASSAGEPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSTRAILWAY  A passage has been carved from the mountainside leading to the castle above. Two large pillars stand on either side.!Another small passage leads into the mountain below.SKYUPCLOUDCLOUDSABOVESUN XSmall clouds wander across the sky as the sun begins to set in the Westerlands.STEPSSTEPSTAIRSSTAIRSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS Large stone steps lead up the mountain to the dark castle above. Two stone faces sit on either side of the steps as if guarding the way to the castle.PILLARSPILLARCOLUMNSCOLUMNPOSTPOSTSPOLEPOLES PLarge stone pillars rise above the ground on either side of the path.CASTLEFORTRESSBUILDINGHOUSEFORTDURIDIANWINDOWWINDOWS The Castle of Duridian stands atop the dark and ominous mountain. An eerie light emanates from the castle windows.CLIFFSCLIFFMOUNTAINWALLWALLS RThe ominous dark mountains rise steeply above the barren valleys below.EYEEYESMOUTHMOUTHSTEETHEAREARSFACEFACES ,There is nothing unusual about that.BIRDBIRDSBATSBATVULTURESVULTURECONDORCONDORSFOWL High above Maddog, vultures circle waiting for another adventurer to fall prey to the dreaded Castle of Duridian. High above, Maddog can see the vultures perched on the castle, waiting for another adventurer to fall prey to the Castle of Duridian.LOWERBOTTOMSMALLOTHER I can't see that.TUNNELPATHPATHWAYTRAILTRAILS 8A small pathway leads into a small tunnel below. GETTAKEREMOVERETRIEVEGRABPICKACCEPTI can't get that.STONESTONESROCKSROCKBOULDERBOULDERS ,I see no use in taking them with me.PAB4"Vf"34wRDDb><? 0137?'/'/)-)/+&??>?>;3=?>+-??0?2<? #?D 1x ?w~w~? ``'A0? $  0w2#ßǀ / @?1? 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D0q@@H4dDC@$@@0@`Ђ `@|0.000PP00ЀPpPP pw5A3""8p?x`??p<|?(J|J|J pH@}F~DCA@9MyMcHh"Vf"34wRDD'    s M `Ax o@x 1pl|8F A4<?M 0O | @ O@!B@ n s: o ! c/ >@~Hcw!AtJ2# ߝp0@X10;h @< P PPK0 8"00bDxSyOI7B H`'@ s@@@8[? ? ? ? &|&|&|&|&|&|&|&|&|Y @AB@{- @FB |-  {-F |- @|- (   {-xSx  ~-ijCCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS FLarge rocks protrude from the ground around the cave entrance.CYCLOPSMONSTERMANTHINGPERSONCREATUREGUYHIMFELLOWBEASTGENTLEMA A large cyclops stands guard over the exit of the caves.Legends say that this cyclops was once a man who served as a castle guard in King Serak's army.The man fell asleep at his post and for punishment the evil Serak turned the man into this horrible creature and sentenced him here to guard the Caves of Despair for as long as he lives.OHe sure looks big and mean!CLOTHESCLOTHINGSKINSLOINCLOTBREACHCL 0The cyclops is dressed in animal skins.HORNHORNS FOn the top of the cyclops' head are two rather ominous horns.EYEEYESFACE @In the middle of the face of the cyclops is one big eye.CLUBSTICKWEAPON ` The cyclops is wielding a large club and he looks like he could do some damage with it.BELTBUCKLE 4I can see nothing worth mentioning about it.FEETCLAWSHANDSFOOTHANDCLAWMOUTHNOSEEAREARS "It is just as it appears.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE XThe sky seems clear and bright compared to the darkness and stench of the caves.TREESTREEPINEPINESMAPLEMAPLESLIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSBARKROOTROOTSFOLIAGE T!Large pine and maple trees cover the valley around the village of Lakeville.MOUNTAINCLIFFSCLIFFHILLHILLS p"Ominous dark mountains rise up in the north and west sheltering the valley below from the outside world.TRAILTRAILSTRAILWAYPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSROADROADSROADWAYROADWAYS @A small trail leads north into the village of Lakeville.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS d The ground surrounding the cave is rocky and rough except for a few small patches of grass.HOMEHOMESHOUSEHOUSESCOTTAGECOTTAGESVILLAVILLASTOWNBUILDINGLAKEVILLVILLAGE >In the distance the village of Lakeville can be seen.WAGONCART ,In the distance a wagon can be seen.LAKEWATERLIQUIDSTREEMSTREAMPONDBROOKRIVER 0In the far distance a lake can be seen.CAVEENTRANCEDOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW fA dim light illuminates the wall just inside the cave entrance, but nothing else can be seen.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNICB2I'm not quite sure what you want me to do.CYCLOPSMONSTERMANTHINGPERSONCREATUREGUYHIMFELLOWBEASTGENTLEMA Legend has it that if he even sees someone near the caves it means certain death for them.I don't think it's such a good idea to attract his attention.DRINKSWALLOWTASTESIPGULPGUZZLEt0I'm not sure I understand what you want.WATERFLASKWATERSPOTION ok.GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT,What is it that you want me to get?DIRTGRASSBUSHBUSHESBRUSHVEGETATIFOLIAGE 4I really don't think we will be needing it.MANFELLOWPERSONGUYHIMCYCLOPSCREATURETHINGCLOTHESCLOTHINGCLUBSTICKBELTBUCKLESKINSLOINCLOTBREACHCLBEASTGENTLEMA *I really dont think that I should.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS HI really don't wish to be hauling rocks around with me all day.YELLSCREEMSCREAMSHOUTHOLLER@8I don't think that would be a wise thing to do.RESPpYOU BLEW IT GUYSD1"OK.~~LOOK FLASKZ1"OK.~~POUR FLASKZ2$OK.~~DRINK FLASKT2 As Maddog advances toward the cyclops he wonders if he made a big mistake.He freezes in his steps as he sees the large cyclops comming his way.T3 NThe game has come to an abrupt end as Maddog is pounded into oblivion.T4 VThe cyclops looks at the small rock, and vents his anger with one swift kick.T5  Maddog takes his flask from his posessions and gulps down some water. A heavy feeling suddenly fills Maddog as his stomach begins to tighten.T6 I don't have any.DF .I don't think a rock has that ability.PAB323""D3V"B3DKwy}~}~@1  1~?ߜ 1? ?y{?ωۛ=}~1 ~;o/ ?.1 `@CH1 $tTPT BFn/1y{&Ffz:p0܃o/?G1"bgm=}[*EAD.,$&ca? KCӁ~j0x|^}w;?@`}}1OGE-,89 @X\^o@{-u#@A@@{-@H @h@ T {-@ ! |)$~  @~" @2@+@ @@,xLo.@@A@@F*s @@ *u  BP$ *@H @2H@*A@0-ABH3@@`/@; <xx;ŷa09u@9@H F?= ?6?,?$"$"$"$"$"$" }o}| AKpP\ HCCb߀xM0e `/X0djnV_O$>@ 8EU ؀^v<X8_G?Hx9H 7.M$y]w$ pp?a ϓo` {uI Ip[$ ê}o}x"[=PdjnVF#1@DU0M0HW_Gp$K<=`@3 ߪ^   ~H 7p KÒy]oЛ I'AJ :` u28|djn\B[$sr@Df@`}o}8p<@_G?8< #:<b1u M0x3 q $8  g ^X@ H 7`` y]y| l uT<Ϲ[$XA<4:4!% ]%g!8,a< `O -| 4@L p?wp 1{:A  ~8 &0F+ Âr`@?x g9>C    ?t0a% ]%g!8j 1 * A<4AD$(fB, pƯt N `|m# b `[,4Np `s} 8 &z[ 4C 2| @,3  . (i8 2yQ/d?% ]%g!87X"8 !H! ?Ş #A  6YA<4Gci`B~C;  `? 3N=o` wc*C  ?w 'i` 9G 8 &d3 @D 0g0 Hŀ0P&4001 4000 40014007yx(d4009EDORENFRDdss 2     ~  ~0 ECOMENFRn[S M P@M TECOM ENFRw![%|%[UV %$WV%@WVP%0%pMT1MetMN P$[WV% |%[WV%p$WV%@WV%pMT1etNENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK *I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTDOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSTRAILTRAILSCASTLETRAILWAYPASSAGEPASAGESPASSAGEWFORTRESS rStone images stand on either side of a large door. A hallway can be seen through the slightly open door.HALLHALLWAY ~!Straining to see inside the dark hallway, Maddog says, "There doesn't seem to be anything very interesting in there."HINGESHINGE LThe big hinges look like they will hold up the door for a long time.BRIDGEDRAWBRIDCROSSING P The old draw bridge seems to be permanently drawn down across the moat.MOATMOTEWATERSTREAMSTREEMLAKEPOOLPOOLSPUDDLEPUDDLESLIQUID fI've heard that the waters in this moat are dangerous, but the only danger I see is the moss.MOSSGREENSLIME RIt just looks like moss to me. I wonder why they say that it's dangerous.GROUNDDOWNDIRTGRASS : The ground around the castle is hard and lifeless.SKYUPCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE ZThe darkened sky above the castle is infected with the evil of this dark place.IMAGESSTATUESTATUESIMAGEGUARDGUARDSDEMONDEMONSFIGUREFIGURESCREATUREGARGOYLEBEASTBEASTS 4 Stone images stand guard at the castle door.HORNHORNSTEETHTOOTHMOUTHEYEEYESEAREARSLEGLEGSCLAWS $Examining the stone images closely, Maddog notices the intricate detail in the whole image, almost as if it were a real creature turned to stone.SPIDERWEWEB *It looks like any old spider web.SPIDER jHe's just an old black spider. Shall we catch it?He seems to have run away behind the statue. OBJ WALWALLROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS xHard stone walls tower above, with stone gargoyles standing guard protecting the once great Castle of Duridian.KNOCKERSKNOCKERKNOBSKNOBHANDLEHANDLESDOORKNOB b!The cast iron door knockers hang on the door. They seem more for decoration than for use.3w_'gCN7! ?߀ 1AKIiۃׁ   @`|"1 WUCGV}:Z_WGefgW 1_woiMOg'g )JFP+BFBcbc؛syik@``|S1|lmoo&,  :)iacB Nd~?! ˍ12?>tk_nq l5sw@TRV6fduY@VU]M 40P߉?뫋(47AY\́͊Hc`0ngN  7uvw7>?=t;3@P`@l@Aw @$  @?_ ࠀF0P~o&?~~҉8AI! (K~Zؐ]UO7caoki( ? @  Nw6Ws|q@- `O?< W~Ϸ7><b @ ??>  @ __?w{|x{`{?@ `S?o_% ?[>ow'!BSOߟ_AihXp x -! ?7H _G/? DC^4dn"?@_om ODG'B7'꿽C?Ȁ?nkK -@& #C>`Ёٱ`OmU3wG.N€(@`rP%E  ]VWSCswWT  AC?@H|lRPt~ND0@B *+c~/q8C8 @0@ p @ta=?>?: 7.8$ !??=??9?? ۿ a6_u3!@S?׿@Rp|>_@2/*rߍ%Re A, #;{?wE%mϖ_ k +݀D@?wC l2/'7.+#캿?뀿E!@?@@́Ӆ?g{z{Ex-8pPHLn >څ|t|<: 1 r1%?;P\1On0x|^}w;?@@!d1I~^A Z 8 YI1D ۀ L@@"204 pAP *D12 @5   E(j1 ?[c+Waƀ "0p@50   1+ @ P88ـ! 1@ooGPQ^ g= ᡰ C@22  ށ_*0@ߏ #|:0$" G%)?GCcaq`Pl@_\܀\܁ЀED`HB!@|?  . 0G@P Px07?A  5 #X#a` >70K@܁ǃ   HxI0jH>.!?^ ? m` ?S GްsZ@  0>~@Ax`_?y~??`,n2' @S? ߃ ?  @? 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Let's leave them.SPIDER ZLet's get a little closer to it.He seems to have run away behind the gargoyle.WEBSPIDERWE JThe spider hasn't done anything to us. Let's leave his web alone.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS!T1 ^After jumping into the moat, Maddog becomes entangled in the moss and quickly drowns.PAB4UDw"w3!RDD w?l_2@ 2>~~>|}y}1|>~a~]=~~| 2 +Û9|O ( 2 !??? 24>|  2&?Ї//  2?߂g{sG7{s Mag;{}{sp>~ywo?0_ߟ?22*߿#A2<׀W׀U& 2RwwW& 2&2ǟ?~xÏ8ח7& 2a1>~~&2"x|` @ߟ????&2 ??O7ހ݃}|(??2߀~|}wv66Ɔp72 )gO???;2G2G2?3;  :2 ;~>oo72Ā?bxfvw|???}72)?&߀߂2/~<8π&23? &2Հ&@??2 ݀݁݀T&2?#2߀"2%ރއИ8|~2!ϗ7- ߟ0 2/>;߅??? w 82 !(a2 >c( 20 '~~|1<>>9|~}?9}~ 2??/o???߀?? 2 > .>$woz~|}u|~zxzx9yxy`_???{Se|om}o_.|pN |xzxzy{zy;+(9 8g/_??5/?_?: 5?}C ?f'^~4b8\?@3L?8?c^_?/ =1|~>~ >> |<,~>r@\<~<b2Ol~ ?óy9 O+2ǃ?|Ђ@?/? ?;0*2?/W珽 +2v {_?_WyC E]y/94?2y?ϟ߷}~>޾n?Og3:;+ #1y9L` 8x(0P>(`  2n u= d?O/g?/ ?_0"?2<.??W_0> P@&@2   U`)2pwpwsqtptprpqsrprpsqsrsqptwwSQ)2 y_@O?_NC‚B€€+2|WÍ>ríنL,xÏ81074(ā 2 # a1>~`|~??(?2 x<` @ߟ??}O{(2=xXx36܃|*200`@ @ @` l 34?_@ ??pF?   p?`x ߁B p_ρÃ$# ~~S 0@0     *E@@i? !C9#> B L&߁/  !/~ <ߜ /? ? 20?ωٙ<|~/ {s~; @l<o/ w6>?})!/O/H.n>~~ǀ??9Ѓ/6p΀oo'4@玀/\@`||` /J?~>`0 /E? #0/3  !@/ `Pp> ? /+ 42P#/E #/3͞ ށJ"/h؀usz+ /@`phPm@_߀݀]܂Ѐ?_G?/?/vn2HP@?\O/0Plok_[ o~vz> $ N  ?1Ǘ/ !Q'78TT l| b߿珘9 /qp0@ `j|~_wC߷/%t6?;?}/3@`nǃ/OЀp?/ $?]AQUQA\@d|/@0xqy ? @/@` "?? f(/ Ώ8`@{3$/y?߀ >(/p,?>???><880 @|~ ma(/>>`(9(/0 @|<:*  (/' vp@'/  8/?+/ ?//?/{?x_?_??7{??]O6~7?;>kKNo]  ./??;=yzxh  /|x`@   ?gW73;{y/ @>/  < #; X܂<|t/ `PaG^޸@ ?_wo/G/,# '7 Aa ,9  >:;97/BFDL@>8p@{ 7 XXv.`8Ĝz{ko}~/!ACG]}y !qq9&yYYQYy9yq9) a߃ ׀/rxaAO}}S߁Tր?6[C0xyރUDĎz/_/&'3+LfRH@"?=,eANj G"1^VÊ?{? 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To the east is a steep drop-off and to the north is a small lake.SMOKECHIMNEYSTACKSMOKESTA Smoke rising over the small village of Lakeville comes from the mountain tavern, indicating that there is a warm fire inside.WAGONCART \The wagon is probably used from time to time to haul things to and from the village.EDGEDROP-OFFDROPDROPOFF 0The edge looks very steep and dangerous.OVER >I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.EDGEDROP-OFFCLIFFCLIFFS)@As he looks over the edge, he says, "Now that's steep."EDGEDROP-OFFDROPDROPOFF 0The edge looks very steep and dangerous.CLIFFCLIFFS .The cliffs are very rough and rugged.GROUNDDIRTDOWNGRASS BThe ground is lush and green and covered with tall grass.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE bThe sky is blue and clear, except for a few smallclouds slowly drifting their way across.TREESTREEPINEPINESMAPLEMAPLESLIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSLEAFLEAVESNEEDLENEEDLES TLarge pine and maple trees fill the valley around the village of Lakeville.MOUNTAINHILLHILLS rOminous dark mountains rise up in the north and west, sheltering the valley below from the outside world.TRAILTRAILSTRAILWAYROADROADSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSROADWAYROADWAYS BA trail leads down the hill into the village of Lakeville.BUILDINGVILLAGEHOUSEHOUSESHOMEHOMESCOTTAGECOTTAGESTOWNLAKEVILLTAVERNROOFROOFS @ In the village below is a small tavern and a few houses.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS .From here I see nothing to comment on.BUSHBUSHESBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATIROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS *I see nothing of importance there.WALLWALLS JA wall runs along the northern border of the village of Lakeville.LAKEWATERLIQUIDSTREEMSTREAMRIVERBROOKPOND ,In the distance a lake can be seen.GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPT,What is it that you want me to get?DIRTGRASSBUSHBUSHESBRUSHVEGETATIFOLIAGEROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS 8I can see no reason to take that along with us.RESP YOU BLEW IT.T1 p!As he quickly approaches the ground, Maddog wonders what kind of noise he is going to make when he hits.T2 2Great! Now, how do I get back to normal?T3 :Just then, Maddog feels a swelling inside of him.T4 Thawump!T6 0Well I guess that answers that question.T5 .I don't think a rock has that ability.F1 @n0@@m0 t0pp0'w      =0!?/;h0)i000000000000000"3wc@UrRDD~ >| ? ~~>|4~;;;~;y ?~@t?~GtLtLtLtLtLtLtLk>P?LtLtLtLtLt~?Gy ~?@~?;;;8~2 |>~ > ~?VI}I} }? |J|J&?&&&&&&&%&&&&&%&& ??&&%&&&&&#&&&&%"3wc@UrRDD6?2?22?2?88Q?nQ&!Q @pH4?@7-7-7-W!Q @@@Ԁ`!Q(T((P@0!Q/'*/% , !Q @?h?W` H!Q @@D~xv $̚$H @z{-&*%/(-)%*,$# ?_UW[   ??| p>xx|.$>ψ`?/{pp`0O?}@  >Ǐ?  00 `@ZR ZR:23?F  i?8@@A_߂n,[?2 vZvZv#'?=< R?0 X???X?p` ?pLp}7O   ? <~W  @ @ xX ?80`fuh 0`@   7PUTZ ? 8  x ~8</s< 08 }` <@ <  8p  ~ U-27X0P@P 9~0<~ $$$9.)?vs0 ??+2iuv @p`p-X0M   ?`=>?= / ???jժU_޿o_x~@pPp~ժUv}j <Ȑ @@@@d>޾?8?<# <5?  ? 5?ΟwlߪUՖ]Wpx| ?__|_>vvv'?/ {pد__X~>NN} ?@PV_~?{*Ն44* 0 ` |~>  0@~< SVժժU{U~<9=#/'``X 4001 4000 4001d4008m=%2q4010$kP(J4014<2l4015gEDOR'RX-0Z@Z0ZPZ0ZENFR-ZZZ ZZENFR  -ENFR  + - @`@ENFR  -ZZZENFR.-Z`ZZENFR. .-'@--@--ENFR. .-'@--@--ENFR. .-'@--@--ENFR',8#-@@EN TMaddog carelessly steps off the edge of the cliff and plummets to his death.D1HOK.~~RUB REPELLENT BODY~~RUB REPELLENT BODYPAB3""3230C3Da# A    3* \Y1s,߿&* H,?-*,/O,/6=~ ,/%~A@?  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A castle guard lies dead on the cold stone floor.Two demon statues stand on either side of the north door which leads out to a balcony.GUARDGUYPERSONCADAVERDUDEBODYMANGENTLEMASTIFFHIMCORPSEEYEEYESHEADFACENOSEEAREARSMOUTHARMARMSSHOESHOES Maddog looks at the man and wonders what could fill him with so much hate.The castle guard lies dead upon the stone floor.WALLSWALLROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKSBLOCKBOULDERSBOULDER The walls of the castle are made of cold stone blocks. Large pillars and demon statues stand against the north wall.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS \Two demon statues hold small torches in their hands, lighting the hall around them.PILLARSCOLUMNSCOLUMNPILLARPOSTPOSTSPOLEPOLES 8Large pillars stand in the corners of the room.DOWNGROUNDFLOORDIRT PCold and damp, the castle floors show signs of disrepair and neglect.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE JHigh above the floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSENTRANCE x!The castles many doors can lead to treasure and magic or they may lead to unspeakable horror and sudden death.OUTTHROUGH P,$That's a little hard to see through!WINDOWWINDOWS  What window?DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSENTRANCE The east and west doors lead to adjacent rooms. The north door leads out to a balcony and the south door exits the castle.BALCONYRAILFENCERAILINGRAILSCOURTYAR <Maddog replies, "I can't see much from inside here."CLOTHESCLOTHINGATTIREARMOR 8The guard is wearing finely crafted chain mail.WEAPONAXEBATTLEAXBLADE NMaddog shudders as he looks at the deadly blade of the guard's weapon.STATUESTATUESDEMONDEMONSPEDESTALTAILTAILSWINGWINGSIMAGEIMAGESBRAGGBRAGGSGARGOYLEFIGUREFIGURESBEASTBEASTSCREATURECREATURECARVINGCARVINGS zThe stone statues are wrought in the image of Bragg, a vile demon who serves Malthazar and those who worship him.TALKASKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNICNothing happens.GUARDGUYPERSONCADAVERDUDEBODYMANGENTLEMASTIFFHIMCORPSE XThe guard sneers at Maddog.Maddog speaks to the corpse and gets no response.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVE0 Get what?!?TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS \Maddog looks at you and says, "The torches are securely mounted to the statues."GUARDGUYPERSONCADAVERDUDEBODYMANGENTLEMASTIFFHIMCORPSE And just how would you propose I do that?Maddog replies, "If I carry the dead guard around I might look a little conspicuous."ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERSBOULDERSTATUESTATUESDEMONDEMONSPEDESTALTAILTAILSWINGWINGSIMAGEIMAGESBRAGGBRAGGSGARGOYLEFIGUREFIGURESBEASTBEASTSCREATURECR~v6| !Ĕ!0* +D9$(ߟ#Ng(~~~qt6<mo +>;  `*h6`,%q}Ӥ!؋ p0 @# *  EB?;orvV0 $0`@*  Y% "/O\ @D@$@(`* xC% 1D}}4 !B@` @P`H*  S+S@t?ޗP3 ^|,L8L  08h~P(n? *  \~x kL~zF#1( >bB#K1*| Aqx D3~ ~6>L_P~Ӏ?7S̩sP*-9x_o?>=( ~_3oC 38 L`P* ߿ `@N{3"gpr͗H6,Ll}*F D?ݿߧnpǏ?>~]ܧms~>*SL>~wN߃~~~0_O*  7;x9( w?m~{tp> hacp|o?7vs >??~/*  `0׺֗[a!nI= `psiq4}-/g~׉A(* e/E﷼{G?1@G?/ gws|m |EgIs9,*^{  =&Y=} =|}= -}u !<]m}=N;*v ߀w??!<ȏ~/G]}/~~zw*w ޿ }'7߃~ qsA*n @*n @`^x** 6*l  S"`*`` p@ *c  @9` *no7 &C, 0*n\***g` @V???*bǏ*n****M*E & =7Y3hB ޖͧ ˘\BEL @*Dt'Yڛfގnh!*n'T >,8ߟXq,!!OĔ~8 /` *B*xa p8O0pp003pp@P`PP *As:5?(-(?87*Agǀ?on@@  *>Mڌ z7 #6V0aWxÏ:acs[֎*J20*J-$b$*J     *i @*s!@*j 0*i  *op *W @ Aԡ*51   *7`0 G *?`0  mm? *Hq95QI  AA  pw5A3""6 ?~???  ?|~:~> ,pC CCCCCC@ pw5A3"EATURECARVINGCARVINGS $You're kidding, aren't you?WEAPONAXEBATTLEAXBLADE My sword is fine.SEARCHFRISKFANINSPECT0&What do you want me to search?BODYMANGENTLEMAGUYDUDEGUARDPERSONCADAVERSTIFFHIMCORPSE Maddog looks at you with surprise and says, "That could prove to be a difficult thing to do now."okThere is no need to search him again.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS!!!S1 xMaddog quickly searches the guard and finds ten pieces of gold. Maddog takes the gold and carries it with him.C1 DMaddog replies, "That's a difficult thing to do from here."PAB43D"U3"RDD w?q_-@ ->~~><|}y}1|>~a~]=~~? - +Û9|O ) - !?_?  -4>|  -&?Ї// - ~>ނfzrF6~zr L`f:zx|xrp>~xwo?_ߟ?-4 - |@? A-??? ؀@0pswO?5?_ ---y>{` -?x`-8< ǃ-=? -W߁`  -"߂~>?~~ޚΞ>~~( -ޞ>   -~ -? . - 00 . -ߟ  .?- w}<>881980&2:0?/?<>==>< - -?? - -~--<>--<ϟ`--<--9-?-J?@o`a!Aa&- - ?`?@ l,8-     @`- 0p  ?-7't |8-?@]D; * |܁|0@a-9?1?]l ~?  - ` -l -~ ~iwoz~|}u|~zxzx9yxy`_??{om}o_.|pN |xzxzy{zy;+(9 8g/_?_7?? 4 0 /??? 5?C ?f'^~5b9\`@?@.L8?c^_?/< y=1|~~ >> |<,~>r@\<~|8b-Ol~ ?߆yÙ9 O/-ǃ?@??/- W珽 /-v {_?_WyC E]y/9 Ȭ4A-y?ϟ߷}|<ܼl|< dp``D0x8PL`":zx|(2P>(`    -n u= d?oW?-<.>~>W^1|@! @-b?????>?؀@0p@??-'x8:r8{yxhx`|__@F@?- }_@?wwg{ -|Ws^x# ǃR- #o?}|! ?-0O?  `` -=g>? Ξ^0 -ގ O 9 -~?g -F?9-?`  9-_ϐ͠'O 9??$- wW}=% <82?<<0-  -h }??߀90 -o_߇Ow7/ 0- &\2-ǣ3sCz?_?]0-@X1-|?=?_]_]_Y]KY[KG {/?_?7PO-J?@ole)Mm, (-?9_ " #-G`?@l, , l,8#-    5-` ?4-?"=  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$???3000 3001 3000((3013}EDOR''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRJPJaaY'Y[    R1S[z2['Toa}}2([S[z2TaaY'YJPJ[    [Sz0J2['To}}2(aS[z0J2TJECOMENFR%e PQaECOMENFRnb b  b0 b  ECOMENFRECOMENFRMM!2%&y$I3016 tI3011yI3014ECOMENFRM%ccENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTVILLAGELAKEVILL T#A small tavern and a few scattered houses make up the village of Lakeville.BUILDINGHOUSEHOUSESHOMEHOMESCOTTAGECOTTAGES The buildings in this area are made of stone, rock, and wood. They were built to withstand the cold and snow of this mountainous region.DOORSDOORWAYSEXITSENTRIESOPENINGSDOORDOORWAYEXITENTRYENTRANCEOPENING :The doors in this village seem to be very strong.FLOOR Are you talking about the floor of the tavern? I really don't know about you, but I can't see through doors that well.From here the wooden floor of the tavern looks like it needs to be swept.TAVERNPUBINN ,This looks like a comforting sight.UPSKYCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE $It's a clear blue sky today.DOWNGROUNDGRASSDIRT >The ground is lush, green and covered with tall grass.TREESTREELIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSBARKROOTROOTSFORESTLEAFLEAVES NMaple and pine trees fill the valley around the village of Lakeville.MOUNTAINCLIFFCLIFFS rOminous dark mountains rise up in the north and west, sheltering the valley below from the outside world.SIGNBOARD 2 The sign on the building reads, "TAVERN."BUSHESBUSHBRUSHFOLIAGEVEGETATI 2There is nothing unusual about the bushes.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASSdtLooking at the windows from this distance, all I can tell for sure is that they appear to be made of glass.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING LLooking closely at the door, Maddog decides that it is truly a door.ROOFSHINGLESSHINGLEROOFING ,It looks like a regular roof to me.CHIMNEYSMOKESTA FIt looks just like any old chimney to me. What do you think?SMOKE \Maddog watches as the smoke travels upwards and dissipates into the clear blue sky.DOORKNOBKNOB  Hey, that's a doorknob.WAGONCARTWHEELSWHEEL |The old wagon looks like it's been sitting here for a long time and the weather seems to be getting the best of it.BRICKWALLWALLS The walls of the tavern look as though they were built to withstand the strong winds, the snow and rain that comes in this region.FENCEFENCES |My guess would be that the wooden fence was put there to keep out the wild animals that may come in to this region.ININTOINSIDE I can't look in that.WAGONCART 4There doesn't seem to be anything in there.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASSdPMaddog can see the warm lights of the tavern welcoming strangers inside.DOORSDOORWAYSENTRIESEXITSOPENINGS 2The other doors of the village are closed.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING dThe door is closed.Looking through the doorway, Maddog can see the inside of the tavern. KNOCKz&That should do a lot of good.ONUPON .Knock on what?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING T"Isn't a tavern a public building? Why don't we just open the door and go in?DOORSDOORWAYSENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITSOPENINGS 8I can't reach the other village doors from here. READrI can't read that.SIGNBOARD 2 The sign on the building reads, "TAVERN."OPENI can't open that.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING2(NOKIt's already open.~~~~~~~~DOORSDOORWA      @,-G?@]D ;:; # #+;on/(|hp܁|_-B 9?1?]lo??  '-r ` ->pl-|~~~N ~e<Ȁ珿× ß!+٬t31|+C߻o/gۆßOrq}~>8|}y1pxa~U9z~?+ߞ>|6|)tx9O )+@_w??;? ??|w?_0> +~'8{>g+|  ^ +  {?aЁ+/   + ?oC K[{ۀ~R>~ކҞ&*z:zrFvzr@drp|xr`>~xwo?8`r~< GLJ>~+?#3ss]2 +|<[Y؁>~|vtf~|p@oO C?  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Why don't we leave them there?ININTOINSIDE I can't get in that.WAGONCART HI'd prefer not to. You never know what's been in those things.RESPjYOU BLEW IT GUYSR1 0The tavern door opens with a soft creak.""3230C3D-?8|`'@@AG^x|`@HXHXP @ACN| ?{|~|xp|<?1|< w ? p0p0ps q7464w q1q1qo?7?'? a!a5*p` `bgegb` ( € B1   ĀDĀD ?00 0 s##"$" "  @x8Y_Xx Xx|x8Y_Xx Xx|;; ?;; ?>3as{~xpx|~|<@G_x||8x|<^\8q`| @a#1  p8  @@|<2@D F `p `p   0pglo@A ?@ @p8Mm؀ ??  x00ox` QY}>wPH6wYy>w~???x`>@ ?#"@ `@ @px`wg~  ?? ?NLMLNFBX@LN@OLIKIMLMLMEAYAM @?$0  ]݀]_@`  }́== @@p.p0 ߾7ϯos319xy -  __G". xy{yxyxy9@@`xgg`xY>   0ρ//@@@>>$!8 { lmt@ o/pg7 ?? s ?.? ?'? #?3x2 OGCYALO@yxy{yxyxy9@@`x0 }{wo_>=}ywo ρ//@@@8?( w>ϯ?>|y{sw> 0@8߂__cp[;mw~珿ρȊu~ c|~~NN~  ?~>> ~~> ? 'CX >?=;7/><;7#?}mEm}E?? &&n;ςρws1 %s3??? ?߀_&_߃_  @` 0 Fcs~|~  {z{}|}=0߯o߀77wyIO?G |p  $ ʁ ?  7 $- 3Dm (p$"24  g' 0x\  y? L'owp x~?C?D ('?_ @  * X?<}|~|<~|8|@<4t0~<<|xpdl 0|P}<@ 0?Lq9  `{`{??/U ?<}|~|<~|8|@<4t0~<<|xpdl 0|P}<_~l   ? ??/ 22pg>y_w?? ??/* &&M?(@C~F_GG?gKo?Cgwso/E? BB oS`5;!!?(@C~F_GG?gKo?Cgwso/E|~:c 0 &)?}ss}??oS`Ao hP`l)X )s~>?o?~?O__O?/?>?oSy9M4002 4000 4001<JD2D330O130ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMLIBRARYCHAMBERCASTLE  The castle's room seems to be a library. Large books with many strange symbols and characters line the shelves of the large bookcases.APPLEFRUIT Maddog looks at the apple with hungry eyes and says "I don't think they will miss it, do you?I took it. Don't you remember.FIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTCANDLECANDLESHOLDERCANDLEST BA small candle sits on the table at the south of the room.WALLSWALLSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSROCKROCKSBLOCKBLOCKS The walls of the castle are made from large, cut stones and boulders.The walls are lined with bookshelves filled with many different books.BOOKSBOOKLITERATUSHELVESSHELFBOOKCASEPfMaddog browses through the many different books. He finds he cannot read the strange writings which fill the books.Maddog does notice that next to one of the books is a small metal lever.BOOKBOOKSLITERATUSHELVESSHELFBOOKCASEdO(V The books in the small bookcase are very|>  03x,l0@B0攧'B0v&B0`@x  <0C@A Kߟ߃) 7?/?=y{y}?@ހֻ aio|?}y`   x|?`  ?_r  Gg@̟~<x茟7?8 $  )% $lA`$ @  @D,  ?sgn~> 0?Oϯ?wϏOgsx~? 5O@ ?'?Gg>~| ߃}{w?>_? @Rf% > `p߀*p|"@`|p~< ?#~|{wo_^>=|}y{z V)3D?_g3s47?'. 6q#Є0pt6߂ܚ_?wO ( 8<w?ϋ D 73[Kcws{y9  ~~|~ .Cxx8p006!xx@8\z|~ w_[_B?{?  7 d`   ?!b ? 0@``@~V~V~'7 p080)`8 ЁP"P  p @0 `  @` F ?gwC?Qy1? /.?8|`@ACGO_@AG^x|`@G_o~| ?{|~|xp|< 0 9}| 9 wwpp0?s qwtvtwq1?o?7?7? a!aun~p` `bgegb` `l~ € B1   ̀L̀L ?? 0`p ##"$"" {;Z^[{]||{;[_[{]||; ;?; ;?~?m? ~xpx|~|<@G_ x|<^\8~p =%=Cc"3 p8 ` P؄0䍤pp{{y}y~~}~|}~}~ /?0_X_?pp8o r" & =|>px086>2s1 @0?$ "#" P 2"BCBXxL, @. nϱ?p0 ϿÀ |<-  `      @0. Ff@ x`x䃂  00PpPsLC@ AA1 !ACBECOS{q@  d $|jmetp 0 7 ??`0<< ` /@0 ?'? 4`@02 08<6>30p0@0 Ff @ 0 p` 00PpPXxX_L@ @8?(  m}Zw.A@BCECOS{q@ >8  p Ąnmetp" 4?5ue  j  `` )p1I1yO?A1   'A@~80\ similar to the ones on the other side of the room. I can't understand any of the symbols on them.BOOKBOOKSLITERATUSHELVESSHELFBOOKCASEP[ZThe large book on the table is written in a strange language and I can't read it.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT PCold and damp, the castle floors show signs of neglect and disrepair.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE PHigh above the castle floor is the arched ceilings of the large castle.LEVERSWITCHLATCHMETALOBJECTTHINGITPxfHMaddog looks between the books and notices a small metal lever.SYMBOLSWRITINGMARKSMARKINGSYMBOLWRITINGSINSCRIPTCHARACTEP[(TLooking in the large book, Maddog finds that he just can't read the symbols.SYMBOLSWRITINGMARKSMARKINGSYMBOLWRITINGSINSCRIPTCHARACTE RMaddog trys to intepret the writing but finds that he just can't read it.DOORKNOBKNOBHANDLE &There's a handle on the door.DOORSDOORPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWENTERANCEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYSOPENINGOPENINGS |There is a large wooden door on the north side of the wall.There is another exit to the west, but it has no door.TABLE .A large table stands against the wall.ININTOINSIDE 8I can't look in that.SHELVESSHELFBOOKCASEdO(VHMaddog looks in the small bookcase and finds nothing but books.SHELVESSHELFBOOKCASE ~Maddog looks in the shelves and notices that next to one of the books in the center of the bookcase is a small lever.ONATOPUPON I can't look on that.FLOORGROUNDDIRT &There's nothing on the floor.TABLE zA large book, a small candle and an apple rest on the table.A large book and a small candle rest on the table.SHELVESSHELFBOOKCASEPNext to the books on the shelf is a small metal lever.SHELVESSHELFBOOKCASE 4Many books line the shelves of the library.UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW h I can't look under that.TABLE *There is nothing under the table.READINTERPRETRANSLATDECIPHERI can't read that.BOOKBOOKSLITERATUWRITINGSINSCRIPTCHARACTE <I don't understand any of the symbols on the books.MOVEPUSHSHOVESLIDEI can't do that.BOOKCASECASESHELFSHELVES I'm not strong enough.TABLE 2I don't see any reason to move the table.GETACCEPTTAKEREMOVEGRABRETREIVEPICKI can't get that.CANDLECANDLESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESHOLDERCANDLEST JMaddog looks at the candle and replies, "I don't need the candle."APPLEFRUIT0(OKSI already took it.BOOKBOOKSLITERATUP[r1 Maddog looks at the book on the table and replies, "It wouldn't do me any good. I don't understand it."BOOKSBOOKLITERATU ~Maddog looks around at the many books that line the shelves but finds none that would be of use to him or his mission.LEVERSTICKLATCHMETALOBJECTxfokROCKROCKSSTONESSTONEBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS 6The stone walls are too big and heavy to take.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESEXITEXITSPO ~0x|?1O 8{Gk%?|sc#O  ?~??9\>]E-o??40%QsX8@   %  <  @@ 0($ @0  ? &  `  " QJA"s"Q( ~ "@PPPPPаPPPPPPp0p0  PP xHȀHh > ~vC:\:?>? }q}uqrtx@NJN@P:?/)0@7 d`   ` ` 'x~p70`@ 0@``@~V~V~! g7 p080)`8 ЁpP Pp0hp @0 `  @` F00ܿ@8p$PQ~@,?>8 ??0xp`@p|\`@`@@p?CGCGOGC  o|p`hh`h/ o/o/|p`` #!# ` ` p`XPXHP@ ^ p`@@ @/P2        ?~s p<|x|~|x808>orbBZBg`Cc#3 @  @|<#'#'/'#/<pp 4$($#  p8Oo ߏ <| >px08<9xL" @`QY=X<%&xZ_!͟ "@` `@` @ p@@p`+0`H@Pp08q†`0 0" 0ql@4@a? ~ 0    ?  0`@p$x:_!͏`@N?N ?x:_!͏ݟ>?x pf@0@t%s7@``@@````% 0?8g0`0 /083`D` s` |@<9%@@%=|> + HTHa?o?9 6>p`a!=@ 97 `0P0p`p898 1!{  8nG .  <h@<4`10!?~wo ? 8 Dd#``$0@FG@0`6 x>?!1HF=|?>Ø!,@!:@8 G   8  \yx|La@@0`p`2` @?NN?~;7  \  3K<? #<&PH (U?0`@;z: ;(h<PAB33"C"w5S3DL!6&770fsy}|~@gM4B\`?0@I]8@BCBGOό@ࠣ? ? 9@ ` ?:?{[SB@IUM];|4А<ڃ @`%u<?ጅ 7;=E ||̅RH ?Р@>3̿Ѐ >חog1 Lj< ( =ߟ$f``)}'7?? =~<' `@LJ  ( N??# @=Sp' 0 G.+ ؄V Ͽpr|~&=??߁x8x0ؘ8xT޿? 07  a`o`F?{8 @@  $@`p6nk5 `  @0Ɓ `ʼn7gϟ?p?>}b05`?? ?O' b5 5f5 5 o?>0 % 0   ?7? )?% >p@B< % e   j?? ?  n  s kP` x _ ` } 0   0  0 ` 0`50 90 =7v}}y_ OMOEWQUCQSC{{{w >>  woO_oo.g'OA &i  'gOm_GWOKkoO?7' & OW_E;=_C_{x ~w8`z> 0`Q߀gJM ? ~3/?  6 %?? 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Maddog notices a banner belonging to the evil Serak on the wall above the door.The small mountain tavern is empty, except for the bartender, who is still fast asleep.TABLESTABLE BSeveral small tables sit against the walls of the tavern.CHAIRSCHAIRBENCHESBENCHSEATSEATSSTOOLSTOOLS 2There is nothing unusual about the chairs.MATCHBOXMATCHMATCHES RA small matchbox rests on the fireplace mantle.I don't see a matchbox.MANTLEMANTEL ^A small matchbox sits on the large mantel above the fi?>/O~> `p3 3M?W7`($vC?x3@  _7#'p Ml.>93   `@  `  0 #?`p|fca``0?|p3 /048400o|X<X8< ` x?_3B!8 4    ?C## x !3 `p0wp@kp p~S@CCK c3?;?<7? ?@ `3 '3?'31!a!aAa!#"'k `` !/~ ` p>edgc`` ~3 @>  bca`a C3b@3PA@~ y?3c Ak3@`~>{| |f3^@<3.@ ' 83  8 `0@  p^S`@@  `@` 3& ` B `  ` "3U3"3RDD??;;;?;{?~?u?~EtKtLtLtLtLtLtLtDDDDDLtLtLt <t <t ??t <~|xt ?t? w|p yv> x8xt "q>?"n ?"k h?  f? )?c ?2~?OLzLz z2?~|x0???~`l9?q)uPuMwKyHO; ?? `0?> y+?"3U3"3RDD??|?~~~pK p`p p`p8 pp`?8pp`?p80`?8880`8`?p8`p p8`?p8pa?88a??p8a?;;c I???4002 4000 40014010S8(F4012FEDORENFRENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK0What is it that you want me to look at?AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCASTLE pTwo royal stone lions sit on either side of a large stairway leading to the upper part of the castle.WALLSWALLSTONESTONESROCKROCKSBLOCKBLOCKS hThe walls of the castle are made of cold stone blocks, some of which are worn and crumbling.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT nCold and damp the castle floors are worn and corroded, having large cracksand holes in some places.UPCEILINGABOVEROOF PHigh above the castle floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.STAIRSTAIRSSTARIWAYSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS XThe stairs lead up to a small landing. There apears to be a door to the north.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSSTEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS "The castle doors could lead to treasure, magic or to unspeakable horror and sudden death.!There are a set of steps leading up to the east.RAILRAILSRAILINGHANDRAILMETALIORN 0I see nothing that is worth mentioning.STATUESTATUESLIONLIONSBEASTBEASTSTAILTAILSLEGLEGSEYEEYESMOUTHMOUTHSNOSENOSESFIGUREFIGURESFIGURINEIMAGETEETHTOOTHMANEPAWPAWSFURCLAWCLAWSIMAGEIMAGESCARVINGCARVINGSCREATURE ZTo the sides of the stairway are two statues of lions posed as if waiting to kill.RUGCARPETCOVERING `The stairs are covered with a strip of purple carpet that looks tattered and very worn.BALCONYCOURTYAROUTSIDE <The door to the west leads out onto a small balcony.OUTOUTSIDETHROUGH 0*What is it that you want me to do?DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS There is a door to=replace.It's just a mantel.CUPCUPSMUGMUGSGLASSGLASSES 8Many cups and mugs are strewn about the tavern.FIREPLACFIREHEARTHFLAMESFLAMELOGLOGS n!Maddog feels warm and secure for a few moments as he looks into the fire, watching the dancing flames.WOODWOODBOXBOXFIREWOODKINDLING The old wood box looks like any other wood box. It looks like it holds enough wood to keep the fire burning and the tavern warm.MOOSETROPHIESTROPHYDEERELKANIMALANIMALSHEADHEADSMOUNTMOUNTSMOUNTINGBULLBUCKBULLSBUCKS Maddog looks up at the animal heads mounted as trophies on the wall and wonders how anyone could kill such beautiful animals.BOTTLEBOTTLESWINEWHISKEYBEERBOOZEDRINKDRINKSFLASKFLASKSALE tMaddog looks at the many different kinds of beer and wonders if he has enough money to buy himself a drink.PAINTINGPICTURE d!The painting depicts the peacful landscape of Duridian before Serak ravaged and polluted it.KEGCASK ^Maddog looks at the keg on the back counter and wonders what kind of liquor it holds.WALLSWALL A painting hangs on the wall above the bar and a banner with the symbol of Serak hangs above the door. Several animal trophies hang on the other wall.PEOPLEMENPERSONMANGUYGUYSFELLOWFELLOWSHIMTHEMGENTLEMEGENTLEMA zMaddog looks around and replies, "I only see the bartender and an old battered man."I only see the bartender.MANWIZARDFALDORGUYHIMPERSONFELLOWGENTLEMAddvThe old man looks up at Maddog with glassy eyes and then lowers his gaze again.I only see the bartender.BARTENDEMANBARKEEPEBARKEEPGENTLEMA 6The old man behind the bar seems to be asleep.COUNTERBAR vThe tavern counter stretches nearly the entire length of the room.An old man is asleep behind the counter.GROUNDFLOORDOWN >There is only some dust and dirt on the wooden floor.DUSTDIRT "There is a fine layer of dust covering the floor of the tavern. !Maddog thinks to himself, "It doesn't look like this place has seen many people lately."CEILINGUPROOFABOVE ^ The plain, wooden ceiling keeps out the cold rain and snow during the winter seasons.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS vThe large wooden door in the front of the tavern leads outside. The door behind the bar leads to a back room.PITCHERFLAGON The old and worn pitcher is sitting on the table next to the old man.The old and worn pitcher is sitting on the table where the Wizard was sitting.WINDOWWINDOWS 8"Sunlight slants through the dirty window panes.OUTTHROUGH I can't look out that.WINDOWWINDOWS @ Maddog can see bushes and trees through the dirty pane.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS *!The door to the tavern is closed.ONUPONATOP I can't look on that.TABLETABLES 4There is nothing of interest on the tables.COUNTERBAR @!There are a couple of dirty mugs sitting on the counter.SHELFSHELVES BMany bottles line the shelves of the wall behind the bar.MANTLEFIREPLACMANTEL VThere is a matchbox sitting on the mantel.There is nothing on the mantel.LAMPBRASS I don't see a lamp."The simple, brass lamp is sitting on the table.As Maddog looks at the lamp he turns it over and discovers an inscription.OIts a simple brass lamp with an inscription on the bottom.INSCRIPTWRITING vWhat inscription?!The inscription reads, "When the world seems at an end, rub this lamp and find a friend."READINTERPREDECIPHER&What did you want me to read?INSCRIPTLAMPWRITINGBRASS vWhat inscription?!The inscription reads, "When the world seems at an end, rub this lamp and find a friend."WAKEAWAKENALERTDISTURBI can't do that.MANBARTENDEPERSONFELLOWGUYHIMGENTLEMA PMaddog is unable to wake up the old man from his deep and restful sleep.SITRESTI can't sit on that.DOWNCHAIRSTOOLSEATBENCH &I think I'll stand, thank you.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS)(OKGETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPT0I can't get that.MATCHESMATCHBOXMATCHBOX((dVMaddog reaches up and takes the matchbox.OI aleady took the matchbox.LAMPBRASSI don't see any lamp.Maddog reaches out and picks up the lamp.OXYI already took it.~~LOOK LAMP~~READ LAMPFLAGONPITCHER I don't need it.MUGCUPGLASS 4I don't think the bartender would like that.WOODBOXWOODBOXFIREWO the west that leads to a small balcony. The door to the south leads back to the library. A set of stairs leads east. GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETREIVEPICKACCEPT4What exactly is it that you want me to get?CARPETRUGCOVERINGSTATUESTATUESLIONLIONSBEASTBEASTSFIGUREFIGURESFIGURINEIMAGEIMAGESCARVINGCARVINGSCREATURE *I can see no reason to take that.ON  Get on what?LIONSLIONSTATUESTATUESIMAGEIMAGESFIGUREFIGURESFIGURINEBEASTBEASTSCARVINGCARVINGSCREATURE  I have no time to play.PAB4"g"3"wU3DDb1xX π# -ϋ˓]_Omo/00pЁ'={O?o]|p-3G,?=[{/? ~|G-0?77? ? _?9. ! ~-7?_?_??~|@*s㋫?>f -??~>tt4ҢJ*8p-?߱         JՊ          ??@- 1G `wUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU' .>~^~~? __OO_^^___OO_\W][[Z[\P!0.__߃$7o? u=lذ`-; ـ8xxpPpPppn~n??; - - a, ? +-?o +rA1.{߾û}|<<@ 89  @`  -O'?4?ą<C@- |xd`D 50 8 ` , &?`20    <ذ`A?$? N8| @@ @? >? 4`|9!!??:AA4` g  %@ @.? q$"t0x$@v ,_l?U?j /}0 i+ فy~珿+Y `  ~n~^>/?`+/'oWw7Ǐ 0 ?+Ø< >?Ovܰ@+ 7Ӏ3ц5- 8 ` ps??~8 ~Z+~   `0x؜? D!+7W p~ <hxϟ ??E 8S'+I p@_,?@ +g_3 ?_/o, +с#=ؙAؘ8 0(`+ogsxz|? )?+} ǂGwgEFa@JWG__|%a+|l|xLX0`& )<+}wy<߇w7# ! $ ?+ 7ހ? ` ":Ƴ@   + 1mYODKINDLING .I don't think it will do me any good.HEADANIMALSANIMALTROPHYTROPHIESHEADSMOOSEDEERELKMOUNTMOUNTINGMOUNTSBULLBUCKBULLSBUCKS RThey are too high on the wall for me to reach; besides, they are not mine.TALKSPEAKCHATCOMMUNIC:<I don't understand, could you please rephrase that?INNKEEPBARKEEPEBARTENDEMANBARKEEPGENTLEMAZ(z6!The old man behind the bar seems to be asleep.MANWIZARDFALDORPERSONFELLOWGUYHIMGENTLEMAj<With a weary look on his face the old man begins to talk, "I am Faldor, a once great and powerful wizard."!The drunken man moves closer to Maddog, nearly knocking him over with his breath and starts to speak again, "I could have brought peace and prosperity to this desolate land but as I was traveling through the forbidden mountains, all hope was lost.!There I was surprised by a large troll who stole the object of my powers. Without it I am but an old man with a few hat tricks.!The drunken man suddenly sits up and demands that Maddog be gone and leave him to his broken and drunken legacy.OFaldor watches Maddog through bleary eyes, hiccuping and belching occasionally.I don't see him anymore.MANGUYFELLOWPERSONGENTLEMA (Yelling from here would be rude.PUTPLACE6.I don't think doing that is necessary.GIVEOFFERHANDI can't give that.STAFFCRITHSTICKBRANCHSTAVE 2I don't have it.okI already did.BUYPURCHASEPAY$What did you want me to buy?BEERLIQUORMUGGLASSDRINKPITCHERWINEALCOHOL JMaddog replies, "The bartender is asleep and I can't wake him up."RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST2 LThe old man, surprised at what he sees, takes his staff in trembling hands and a look of peace comes over his face."Smiling, the man begins to speak, "You have returned the staff of Crith to its rightful owner. I thank you for your wisdom."The old man stands with his staff at his side and murmurs a few arcane words.T3 The wizard turns and looks at Serak's banner and a look of anger comes over his face. He raises his staff towards the banner and whispers an incantation. The room is filled with magical energy.T4 A sense of power emanates from the great wizard as he begins to speak, "Though you have returned my powers to me, I cannot go on to the Castle of Duridian. Serak's powers have grown too strong and I would wither before him. The task has been given to another of noble heart and strong spirit.But in return for your great deed of unselfishness, I will give you this brass lamp. You will know when to use its magical powers."~~(XT5 NThe wizard, holding his staff, looks at Maddog and bids him farewell.C1 I'm not close enough.Z1"A OK~~LOOK STAFFZ2A,OK~~READ INSCRIPTION STAFFZ3A OK~~READ STAFFZ4A OK~~LOOK LAMPZ5AOK~~RUB LAMPZ6A,OK~~READ INSCRIPTION LAMPZ7A OK~~READ LAMPZ8A"OK~~LOOK MATCHESZ9$OK~~LIGHT MATCH\(Z:x       f.'7 H\F3HFHLHKEKJFJHJHF_FHaH        %\"f DZD?M?DIDHIHFMFDMDCMCA=ACJC@P@AOACZC  -\;  T>@a@6 0o1NuC- <?TZPS,vKSKMIPRE.G,.M$Z0\OXLRR0$LTO 8 7       p?< NA\+N_0j00g00j0+g+0g0+g+0j0+g+0j0&@ d ~ <.248   " ! $#!%!# ""%!" #$" # !   !"     !"##! #  $  "! ! 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The scepter appears to be made of fine gold with a large, red stone mounted on the top and a five-pointed star on the bottom.BED (The royal bed is soft and plush.COVERSBLANKETCOVERBLANKETSOUILTQUILTSBEDDING !Maddog looks at the quilt and replies, "The redness of the quilt that covers the king's bed reminds me of all the bloodshed that King Serak caused while in power."PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA TMaddog looks at the plush pillow and asks, "It sure looks soft, doesn't it?"POSTPOSTSBEDPOSTBEDPOSTSBEDKNOBBEDKNOBS "I see nothing significant.CEILINGUPROOFABOVE PHigh above the castle floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOWNFLOORGROUNDDIRT 4The floor of the bedroom is unusually clean.WALLWALLSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKS The castle walls are made of solid stone. On one wall is a large mirror and against the other is a closet and a chest.A colorful tapestry hangs upon the west wall and a painting of the demon god, Malthazar, hangs on the north wall.PAINTINGPICTUREFACESKULLTEETHEYESGODMALTHAZAMOUTHDEMONMONSTERIMAGEIDOL JA painting of the demon god, Malthazar, hangs upon the north wall.TAPESTRYHANGINGBANNER 6A colorful tapestry hangs upon the west wall.MIRRORGLASSMISTCLOUDSCLOUD HMaddog looks into the bedroom mirror and sees nothing but mist.CLOSETCABINETDRESSERDRAWERDRAWERS ,The bedroom cabinet is made of wood.WINDOWSWINDOW JThe bedroom windows look out over the barren kingdom of Duridian.TRUNKCHESTBOXCASE The chest sits against the west wall of the bedroom. Maddog wonders to himself what treasures might lie inside.The chest sits open against the west wall.The chest sits against the west wall.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSSTEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS 4The door leads back down the way I came in.CLOTHBUNDLEWRAPWRAPPING What is it that you want me to look at?!Inside the chest, a large object lies wrapped in cloth.There is nothing in the cloth.ININTOINSIDE Z(What do you want me to look in?BUNDLECLOTHWRAPWRAPPING*I x>OK.I don't see one here.I already did that.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE Maddog looks at you strangely and says, "I'll have to open it first." A large object wrapped in cloth lies inside the wooden chest.The chest is empty except for a large cloth.CABINETDRAWERSDRAWERDRESSERCLOSET The cabinet is closed.MIRRORMISTGLASSCLOUDCLOUDS HMaddog looks into the bedroom mirror but sees nothing but mist.OUTTHROUGH :I'm not sure I understand what you want me to do.WINDOWSWINDOWXfMaddog looks out the window and across the barren valleys of the desolate kingdom of Duridian.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS 4The door leads back down the castle stairs.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW J2What exactly is it that you want me to do?BED NMaddog looks at you and says, "What if there's a monster under there?"PILLOWPILLOWS Maddog looks at you and says, "Are you going through a Tooth Fairy phase in life or what?"OIt really would be a waste of time.BEHINDBACK "What do you wish me to do?BEDX(There is nothing behind the bed.MIRRORGLASS=|8 xА@x~!?8 |? @7?8 <9#G'7W7'gww7GD Z~[|*<O8‚ {;;{s_é`qc9 "9@0 |w 9| @P8 Ɵ ϟ/{ <|p o߿ qC;ހ/ <   p/  [\]  A/ @@! @/ %J2 @/? Ȁ" 0`T  /Ά  {zxp`@ @PpI)1`( /{;_/^܁`d @Dp@8/]^~>@T`IP0Bq:/R `@0 @ >3;qbF/@ Cr 0@07 g~/}}uw7C <@2A  0 /U݀p  @.I@B@/ @ ??/??@??#Oo?Ok* h / @ 8 )@  / @|C@ / @'2? @P/*3 ~C~K`_LHp /"? @ <q%* /*{{2@ `@ / $ ` @q!@/_s;? 0/x|}w{=? @_Da b(@%/z|>  P@&/7?=|}=Ǘx<60 &/og'59   /@ @C@ _@ /z{; F& E"@/рLM_> ?pB ` @/J  聉  B$wa{# /Ã;0 #p 78y0@#<P!  !@/0!#>#B`0 T .@R/q<0?4u  Ac#s;(iP0@< $\A/#2`0 9@ @ p/?\֡;P  ఱۙ86- pFp/? Ox=}|P `@p0P< &/|\֡; p~%7/@y:?! L @/I7a={1 w?/5怀%ƃÇ/+'32xx`g)9nfg?~ge|~`y`9no^nF P8|TX"//'ww?o?`` `pp0p0xXxpPh؀x8/.3/ e/.  ,/? I-/Ά@  -/{;_ @`q/]^~u//@ m /}}uw7C?~m/U݀w/?.?/߿~#@X@8/߿Á B@3ÁC=/߿?`AJ :/?b/b/"x " ?/?XXx?@ !ax  >/< ? 8HxXHhx@ 9/_}>?| x08(:/x|}}~?  @:/z?88ؘX8Xx8XxxXxX88`@8/7?=|}=Ǘ?m/og'5m/@ @z/z{; |/рLM_> v/J  6/??COVERSQUILTQUILTSBEDDING I'm not sleepy.TRUNKCHESTBOXCASECLOSETDRESSERCABINETDRAWERS .I don't think it will do us any good.ININTOINSIDE (6I'm not sure I understand what it is you want.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASECLOSETCABINETDRESSERDRAWERDRAWERS .I don't see a need for me to do that.BEDBLANKETBLANKETSCOVERCOVERSQUILTQUILTSBEDDING I'm not sleepy.MIRRORGLASS "I may need a little help.UNDERBENEATHBELOWUNDERNEA &What is it that want me to do?BEDBLANKETBLANKETSCOVERCOVERSQUILTQUILTSBEDDING I don't think so.OPEN,What is it that you want me to open?DRESSERCABINETDRAWERSCLOSETDRAWERa ^4OKOIt's locked. I can't open it.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE*Ix.OK.OK It's already open.UNLOCK2I don't understand what you want me to do.DRESSERCABINETDRAWERCLOSETDRAWERSa ^*OK OI don't have the key.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE*Ix(okIt's already unlocked.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKvI don't think so.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE &OK.It's already closed.MOVEPUSHPULLSLIDE*What is it that you want me to do?DRESSERCABINETCLOSETDRAWERS "It looks to heavy to move.BREAKSMASHSHATTERDESTROY*What is it that you want me to do?MIRRORGLASS V!Are you kidding? Seven years of bad luck is one thing I don't need right now.DEMONHANDCREATUREDANGERCLAWCLAWSMONSTEROKFAITHGIRLWOMANMAIDENMAIDLADYSERVANTSLAVEFEMALEOKCENTAUROKPASSAGESECRETDOORHOLEOPENINGTUNNELDOORWAYOKBRAGGOKMOSSSEAWEEDOKNOTHINGWALLOKSTARFIVE5FIVE-POI5-POINTEOKVULTUREVULTURESOKROCKSTONEHIDDENSECRETSAYTHESOMEASPEAKRESPONDYELLSHOUTWISPERANSWERF OKDEMONHANDCREATUREDANGERCLAWCLAWSMONSTER OKFAITH OKCENTAUR OKPASSAGESECRETDOORHOLEOPENINGTUNNELDOORWAY OKBRAGG OKMOSSSEAWEED OKNOTHINGWALL OKSTARFIVE5FIVE-POI5-POINTE OKVULTUREVULTURES OKCIAHTLAMALTHAIC 8 ok.POWERS OK MALTHAIC^2I don't understand what you want me to do.POWERS@OKRESP YOU BLEW IT GUYS.D1$OK.~~LOOK SCEPTERMA@That is not correct.R1 I already have it.R2 Maddog carefully unwraps the object revealing a glistening scepter. As he holds it in his hands, he is taken with its beauty.Q0@>What danger lies in the moat just outside the castle?Q1@PWhat is found behind the tapestry in the chamber west of the courtyard?Q2@<What is mounted to the bottom of the king's scepter?Q3@>What bird of prey flies over the castle night and day?Q4@8What lies behind the bolted door in this castle?Q5@2Who is kept in the castle's tower chamber?Q7@6What lies behind the bookcase in the library?Q6@JWhat creature can be seen from the west windows of the west tower?Q8@6 What is the name of Malthazar's servant demon?W2@That is not correct.W1@8The image fades into the mist and all is silent.E1 \As Maddog stands before the Mirror the scepter begins to glow with a powerful light.1E JAs he looks into the mirror he notices an image beginning to form.E2@HThe image comes into focus in the form of a large reptilian eye.E3@tA voice echoes forth from the mirror saying, "To see the secrets that I hold you first must prove yourself."3E@R!Answer correctly these questions three and all I hold I will let you see.PW@hYou have answered my questions wisely. Now speak the secret words of passage and you may enter.C1 PMaddog pulls on the dresser doors but they are locked and will not open.C2 fMaddog fumbles through the keys, trying them on the lock of the dresser but none seem to fit.L1 ZMaddog fumbles with the latch for a moment, only to find that the chest is locked.O1 Maddog searches through the keys and is surprised to find one that fits the lock. He quickly unlocks the chest and opens it.O!Maddog opens the chest revealing its contents.AC@?? .6`c7/" € ?7/" ?/@@ 8/" _Og/?Ͽǣ8/"~n<80 7/" 2I/!?_Oa/(  B/A! { ?7? : D"V23"0"3D~??z??|v ?$v?    ?M_g_g_ $,,,, R....n? -)%##C?P?P?P?P?P?P?P?p"S23"0"3V3DsO???3000 3001 300033015 30120EDORENFR_23Ml&MMT1MMMM_e3ECOMENFR~M*MyP0%%MP0%%s sMMMMK1M/" .~M**s ss l~M**s sECOMENFROT+MU0%MU0%MMMMMMMT3MU0%MO+T3ECOMENFRs ECOMENFRDP(ZT4D(PdZECOMENFRsECOMENFReT5ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTVILLAGETOWNBUILDINGHOUSEHOUSESCOTTAGECOTTAGESHOMEHOMESLAKEVILL Several small houses enclose a small corner of the village. A large wooden fence lines the border of the village to the west and to the north.CHIMNEYSCHIMNEY 4There is nothing unusual about the chimneys.DOORKNOBKNOBSKNOB 6There is nothing unusual about the doorknobs.WALLWALLSSTONESTONESROCKSROCKBRICKBRICKSBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS FThe small houses are made from large boulders and cut stones.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE lThe sky above Lakeville is blue and clear except for a few small clouds floating across the horizon.DOWNGROUNDGRASSDIRT 2There is nothing unusual about the ground.FLOWERPLANTFLOWERSPLANTSBUSHBUSHESFOLIAGEVEGETATIBRUSH 8Small flowers grow wildly around the buildings.SIGNCHAINCHAINS RA sign hangs from two chains above the door of the building to the south.ROOFROOFSFENCESFENCE *There is nothing unusual about it.OBJTREESTREEPINEPINESLIMBBRANCHBRANCHESTRUNKTRUNKSBARKROOTROOTSFORESTLEAFLEAVESMAPLEMAPLESLIMBS DLarge pine and maple trees fill the valley around Lakeville.MOUNTAINMOUNTAINHILLHILLSCLIFFCLIFFS vOminous dark mountains rise up in the north and west, sheltering the valley below from the outside world.TRAILTRAILSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSWALKWAYTRAILWAY r A small path dwindles to an end as it comes to the small group of houses nestled at the end of Lakeville.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS It's just a window.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS @Maddog looks at you and says, "It's just a plain door."ININTOINSIDE |I can't see in that.WINDOWWINDOWSGLASS 2Hey, what do you think I am a peeping Tom? GIVEr.I don't think that would do any good.AMULETMEDALLIO I might need it later.KNOCKPOUND (What do you want me to knock on?DOORDWEBDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS(P>okOThe door is open.There is no answer.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS)'T@ OKDOORDNNYDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS(,hLOKI don't care what you do. I'm not going to answer the door!SAYSPEAKTALKCHATCOMMUNIC<I don't understand. Could you please rephrase that?MANDERIKPERSONFELLOWGUYHIMDUDEGENTLEMA I don't see who you are referring to.The man looks at Maddog and asks him, "If you be the one that was chosen, show a sign of the good King Thaylor or be off with you.OBe off with ya if can't show me the royal symbol.WOMANLADYGIRLFEMALEMAIDMAIDEN I don't see anybody.SHOWREVEALPRESENTvI can't do that.AMULETMEDALLIO RThat is correct.NK "I have no way to do that.KL@ OK.6 6!(Z:x       f.'7 H\F3HFHLHKEKJFJHJHF_FHaH        %\"f DZD?M?DIDHIHFMFDMDCMCA=ACJC@P@AOACZC  -\;  T>@a@6 0o1NuC- <?TZPS,vKSKMIPRE.G,.M$Z0\OXLRR0$LTO 8 7       p?< NA\+N_0j00g00j0+g+0g0+g+0j0+g+0j0T,>   ?  A   =g\;  JZJAMACCA@A@>@>I>JOJ,?A*>-<:  iF.'N f&H&&E&0500<0/4//6/.:.-F-&E)<&)-:-202 ?   $!?  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PP /h/\w ;[T 3)n4aI4012 w[nS\<`@T[T2&8&T&[''V V `Ve%Vc tMMeN[''VVVae%Vc tMMeN"a['VNVUNVUNe%VNcNNtMMeN"a['VWlVlVWee%VeceetMMeNECOMENFRn< O< SECOMENFRn]M]M]MECOMENFRSe\edzdzhPsP    TMMMT1Se\eTENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK .I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBER \Floating in space, the strange room seems to have been torn from its foundation by some magical force.Maddog realizes that this must be some kind of enchanted chamber.A large table stands at the far end of the room while a wooden chest sits on the floor.A large mirror balances near the edge of the floor.Floating in space, the strange room seems to have been torn from its foundation by some magical force.Maddog realizes that this must be some kind of enchanted chamber.A large table stands at the far end of the room while a large mirror balances near the edge of the floor.EDGEDROPDROP-OFFDROPOFFSIDELEDGE n$Maddog looks over the edge of the floor and replies, "There's nothing but a multitude of stars below."MIRRORGLASS l#Maddog looks at the magical mirror and wonders what could give it such strange and wonderful powers.DESKTABLE &It's an ordinary wooden table.CHESTBOXTRUNKHANDLEHANDLESLOCKCASE !As Maddog looks at the ancient chest, chills run up and down his spine, and he is filled with a sense of deep foreboding.The chest has fallen into the void.OThe chest is now... LOST IN SPACE!!!  (he he he)BOOKJOURNALDIARY8>ZThe strange book has a purple cover with strange magical symbols embossed in gold.COVERJACKETBINDINGSYMBOLSRUNESCHARACTEINSCRIPT8>DThere are gold symbols embossed into the cover of the book.FLOORDOWNGROUNDROCKSTONEDIRT VIt's your every day ordinary evil castle stone floor.floating in space.CANDLELIGHTLIGHTSCANDLESTFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESHOLDER *A small candle sits on the table.UPCEILINGSKYSTARSSTARSPACEROOFABOVE !Maddog stares in awe for several moments at the vastness of space around him and then replies, "There's nothing but stars as far as the eye can see."UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW z*"What do you want me to look under?DESKTABLE *There is nothing under the table.BEHINDBACK "I can't look behind that.MIRRORGLASS ^Maddog peers around the mirror and replies, "There's a small ledge behind the mirror."DESKTABLE :There is nothing but empty space behind the table.ONUPONATOP I can't look on that.DESKTABLETABLETOP BOn the table is a strange, purple book and a small candle.MIRRORGLASSGROUNDDIRTFLOOR  $There's nothing of interest.PUSHSHOVEMOVESLIDETHROW Moving that won't help.CHESTBOXTRUNKCASE Rok Maddog replies, "I have already pushed the chest over the edge."OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTLOCKERTRUNKCASEBOX  Maddog can sense a dark evil presence within the chest. He turns to you and says, "I don't want to!"OAbsolutely not!It's no longer here.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEI can't get that.MIRRORGLASS 8Maddog replies, "I don't think I could move it."CANDLETABLECANDLESTA?OO~~?f!@ @D@:zb`pt0^$v̧VBLDCQP@BJIDFpRSY@PXNCcau}?O~?_.</7 `0 H ???_/hz?!@ @D@:zb`pt0^$v׃CD@LT`asYMLldez@Hazldf?O~?}/?>Ã3;%GC3 ???_/!@ @D@:zb`pt0^$ֳEA@pxZKLt`PZFCA@`XPXngc?O> Ogc;53 3 ???_/h:?;O<|ps''7?3u`a}|W?xp`O<|ps''7?3u`a}|W?xp`O<|ps''7?3u`a}|W?xp`kOApn?ކ<OApn?ކ<OApn?ކ<k?v=9wQ7Y|?v=9wQ7Y|?v=9wQ7Y|k3%? ???3%? ???3%? ???kg5?Eg5?Eg5?Ek߯ ߯߯k? ? ?k??!?kyAA>yk_y ?Or?/x|rA IHs>A}85c~ ?~ 83p< W` g:q80 ?oI  h|8 ?.G8 -8 ,  |P: ,~ ? ; ,g38 -2M M?? 8M0 -?|?~?~~>~_~>~0 .!@ @@*jb" 0a .$_G]^S_U`r^KeGpZ[]G`Lx\OCc!5?a /@`@`0H}}8Z=L^kxa0$ ` 0 (, H|a?!@ @@*jb" 0a?$VFw|XYL}`has{OnfgF@^Kal%<.a ???@`@`0Hhl=}m}xΆ:=oc n$ ` 0 (, |n,!@ @@*jb" 0n,$ᰘַ_OCpaDr}^Lt`XZv_ksy^|xn7'7n,@`@`0H}Ehx{}'_7n,$ ` 0 (, hn,,,,,?\8zaOoq`a}|x80`!b?\8zaOoq`a}|x80`!b?\8zaOoq`a}|x80`!bk@pn? cp@pn? cp@pn? cpk<|y8vQ3mY|<|y8vQ3mY|<|y8vQ3mY|k0 ,J}!`??~?0 ,J}!`??~?0 ,J}!`??~?k?%3>E?%3>E?%3>Ek}F׮}F׮}F׮kL`{"D&~;BNL`"D&~;BNL`"D&~;BNk`o 8 ao$ 8 o 8 k??vBA0?=vBA0?dMaddog looks at you and says, "I can't read the book, it's written in a strange language."RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS!T1 R Maddog is filled with relief as he watches the chest fall into the void.T2 X!Fear grips Maddog as he stumbles over the edge and falls into the eternal void.PAB4"ww23S"2UwDD~|}|~}y{y|~~xqso~{}{xXyY[QW/_x{|2 yw!6dž?bx~~? ~tfO??~z~|?/o_ 2Ͽ?|1rRڮ~xɄloOoj># tvч;w'C+}yqMw}Xk?_;È<ߟ2+o'??/(`gρ??~|~<x>~|`pxpXx|hːi^ncqu{Rq{3;:3O+{;>ΖLM'O2 ?>~ d}A㏙Ϋ$K/_?Lk⨂t2 P+{?<^? }LJã#%EGx2ށ^ށ ~~ߜEAmo#w~v~8ly;Y d\ 2" g?wc|;7k߉7onH*20ށߍ߯?GO??_}LrX`@33;{y|~}y{ s {;{@9n_8 " !@,AC |2n?;#  8`2r.8qx@ĄĄ$D2@' 8Ld@P '2hF  L _?2h~~ Āp@ # 2Z??*GOƎ߁ހ@`0*F_ 7;?*G  E*MG?߀߄_]YQ@*H *gH"R"jB"j*gC8A2  *iDžP 0 2k ) A 2q? @ P @  2s@` 0 2Q>"@B$2 2;+@0@a@`!%`@338:zzx>Fx/__?>wc>@22 }=6qÂ@4݂ف%}֓j 60{@`s wKӠC˱'^޷r3 >:;߈O#22Ξ΁ހ`cCU\O~<@Bsq b23pӆ * 22Á Ӂk1{h8;j3ԇQSCSL3'2ioon}u|l2Z??2n߃ߟ_߂22*~΂ @@t48xH@@ h`"dPЀ@  08  @gLtDČl-'&<8  @  c D @x20 0? @@<  D4= 0 `   `@@80@ t@4  `?  ,>G0 oDn.Y) @ |2 0 ɏ |  D p  8`3 8 0  0     @x4dD$45  >   8@ @ 7    @ >`@  @@DAA@p@3`@   B  @AG| @Ā( S  D  @ @` 0?? 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It appears to be a jug.WATERFALFALLFALLSTREETREESPINEPINESLIMBLIMBSBRANCHBRANCHESLEAVESNEEDLESFOLIAGETRUNKTRUNKS .I don't see anything special in there. GETTAKEREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEGRABACCEPTh.Get what? I'm not sure I understand.JUGOBJECTGARBAGEDEBRISGLASSBOTTLEXXXWISKEYMOONSHINLIQUORALCOHOLBOOZEIT LGet what? I'm not sure I understand.OKI already took it.WET "Not right now, thank you.WATERDRINKLIQUIDDIRTGRASSLEAFLEAVESNEEDLENEEDLESROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBARK &I see no a reason to do that.DRUNKWASTEDSMASHED ^I'm not sure what you're talking about.No way! This stuff is too strong to drink.FILL2*I don't see any reason to do that.DRINKTASTESWALLOWGUZZLEGULPSIPSNIFFSMELLINHALE$I see not reason to do that.JUGOBJECTGARBAGEDEBRISGLASSBOTTLEXXXWISKEYMOONSHINLIQUORALCOHOLBOOZEIT VI'm not sure what you're talking about.No way! This stuff is too strong.THROWTOSSLEAVEDISCARDDROPBREAKCRUSHDESTROYDEMOLISH,$I see no reason to do that.RESP YOU BLEW IT.AH Aah!!!T5 fMaddog enters the water and becomes caught in a strong current which quickly pulls him under.JU "Maddog reaches into the water and pulls out a glass jug filled with a clear liquid. A label on the jug reads; .- . : X X X : '- '!With a smile on his face, Maddog pulls the cork from the jug and sniffs to see what it contains.#A powerful burst of alcohol fumes, blasting through Maddog's sinuses, nearly knocks him off his feet.!He quickly puts the cork back in the jug and says, "You'll never get me to drink this! It felt like I nearly burst into flames just smelling it!"JJ"OK ~~LOOK XXXJ1"OK~~DRINK XXXJ2 OK~~READ XXXPAB3""3"23DV03Dn`dp`p`@ \t| <   5?? w   w Aam HJj83J@Τ3Z $ @3X  3[ 3[ 3[?3Q@0  ΀3E +.4?KC `†3) DH`~B ;3? ??SA|<0|~_cPF_@ 3)?Ǔ._/=?ߟ wf  3D͜^?/?>.^?g!#3D  9{sgGЀ0n3G@`> xYg@Ep~O <8@E`@9 #O> BO >  ߀_L# @U<+  ?g@Oo%$|<;?Ğ `"'bΎt}5$;/=%AS9πσ?@C?$`P<|]_\p>|>J5@p`pxptp|_F/ ww;1@0)!)+3;89€ppHh(X8ܜN`>  ?߀ogws݀]\㷒a4@{GCA:"?/>/76  k ?g7i, gsgu@%?{[ۻ}|>P} 2? `)|>= #+@1 Hy }}|~v~|}}y7}{# mn m vO?? _?A@?l@  :`Pl  Hm   7|>) ? ?@?yoO1=7$ ! = (?Ag/G>>>>>?9 %[hdO0 Ξ΁ހ loK]\x<ԉ~0~~Y'-߅Qq߄߃߂Ӂ{Kãwח#" ko??70[o^ 6~Q[oGX~vOCq'GqUvw1 0?o?o_}r1F.?o_ܟ|>~>?Gp^F s+Fc䆤W׋?>0_?~O??qPM;NZ?k??'?'.ׯ?sy-Gsy?0߈_[#?w/_O/?#ς߃3#;cWYOӻwҀ ㏟ Ĝܜ؀؄Ǐ€䇿ǟ0ȁ9) ]M(.- m7p " d~x^>/6 "6|td@  _w0< @P@`T$L`Q@D`b`@dBrb6 @$fPC#)HxS E! 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To the north, a large door on the bottom level leads back into the castle.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE bThe sky above the castle is dark and ominous. Small clouds wander across the evening sky.DOWNGROUNDDIRTGRASSEDGEWEEDS The ground around the castle seems to be very hard, with lots of weeds growing around the courtyard. There are also vines growing up the sides of the castle walls.It looks like a long way down.FLOOR hIt looks just like all the other floors in the castle.I can't see the floor from down here.RAILINGRAILRAILSHANDRAILMETAL X A metal railing surrounding the balcony is old and rusting and not very stable.WALLSWALLCASTLEBUILDING pThe walls of the castle have stood many a battle but are now old and crumbling by the forces of nature.BUSHESBUSHBRUSHVEGETATIFOLIAGEVINEVINESLEAFLEAVESFLORA {gpU?~{ .@p  011{n޿w'0C@@DXd0@H"1n>~6OP,OZF (< 0 080 `0R " 0 L @1 ?w}U_?? #L  @1 ˛{}_o|&@ 1  @!a@~ @D1 og?wnԦ 0 (08  @@@0 |&f1 n}~]Wo 89 &`1 }{>7f@@@y 9π@1 ?>ח> ` 8q0 H1 7go{8?><<# `†1 ?߿u߳R O   l@) E1h ʎd F` 0)1 @F^@@H0x( ` 7oN^( @p 1++@Lܞ 31X@@AH xq[ 1X !\(B A{v8 1X@ H(1X`A \1X  "1Xp" " _^1X HRЀ`  1X`" C@` `1X8r1X@05p@h$k< 1 (41? Y08p@` 1?G1/?R1B?/'J1JC1O_91[/11d?%1n?1v?1~ D"V23"0"33D?? y> x!    8?p?????M3'D"V23"0"33Dy?840+>??$??!??! ?"??"??~#??}% ??|(??xxxxxx???| ? )Y?? 3000 3001 30003017PU301530122?3011yEDOR ENFR"e['V NV UNUVNUVNVUNa!VNcMT1hetMNoMM2Q ECOMENFRaENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKjI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTFORESTVILLAGE Cool air rushes up from the steep canyons below. A small house sits on the edge of the cliff and a large path winds its way down the rocky edge.TREETREESPINEPINESBUSHBUSHESFOLIAGEPLANTSTRUNKTRUNKSBRUSHVEGETATI 4A small pine tree stands against the house.GROUNDDOWNGRASSDIRT nThe village ground gives way to a rocky cliff. An old and worn path winds its way down the mountain.MOUNTAIN nDark and ominous mountains rise up in the north. Death and desolation seem to rule the haggard peaks.UPSKYCLOUDSCLOUDABOVE fThe sky above Lakeville seems to darken as it fades to the north, over the lands of Duridian.WATERLAKERIVERCREEKSTREAMWATERFALFALLFALLSBROOKSTREEM jIn the distance, the lake spills over the edge of the mountain cliffs crashing on the rocks below.ROOFROOFSSHINGLESSHINGLE 2The cottage roof is covered with shingles.BUILDINGBUILDINGHOUSESHOUSECOTTAGESHOMEHOMES "A small stone cottage sits on the edge of the mountain plateau.Behind the house, the lake spills over the mountain cliff, crashing onto the rocks below.WINDOWSWINDOWGLASS XThe windows of the small house are dirty, making theFLOOR I don't need that.TIEATTACHFASTENHOOKI can't tie that.RAILRAILINGMETALRAILSHANDRAIL >The railing doesn't look like it will hold any weight.CLIMBGOASCENDDESCEND:I can't do that.UPDOWNWALLSWALLBALCONYTOWERBLOCKBLOCKSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS (I can't climb the castle walls.VINESVINEDOWNFOLIAGEFLORA 2They don't look strong enough to hold me.PAB4D""@5330DD&B5 15/} Ï5$~~>>~x~b2~>?O~>~\<~~yqg?59|@2 5# G5? > ?5 @4P/w  @AGO?0_ߟ?5?߅ߟgs{x  ;{gC;{}y{q~ywo?5 9ϟ?$A5 ?,5  ?>/5 $/5Cӿ  /|1LJ5  `/5+ /5  /5 |<~8@4t0~<<|xpdl 0|P/5=}}<@ 00 05:  054 05@>{? 05 ??Ο??/   05 ?y=}qqcsq`Meua>_"x}{{|x@/5y  ?/5@p0/5&p`.eC,=):N ~/5ǃ;*. 0??A/5 @/?5??/5.5C*5"51;{;3{;A`sx{{;{53_/м|i 850F߀>~ /a5 $~>v  $6 ?߀oOoۄ%u@5?<>?ނ?q}› Ï5??=`~Orq||>:|~x`0p>~>~N|<p|c Q ? 5' ٘3ќ /_O/ `!P.wf / /,/ /?0GLJ>~5}݀}?_??_]gCKCS[3x3{gC Ca}y{a~ywo?5? ϟ?$A5{okI^Gߞ낫'Àc3с`O?,!5| ?>/5w2/WO5Bӿo {?0:/|0@5]_{_qׯow?O`/p85@?/5 T/5?{_w?'sȀ| 88@4p@|<xpd hP/5=}!8  0?5705X`~0 5C=[@ x^[?Lqy:{ {0O5 ?t?Ɛ*6?Y05 ~=/Os9yqcsq`EAqaXZ|~"PaIy}{cs{|x@/5 hIߟ߁ ?/5]7w7 /5=͉jYi  ?~:2/5???ǃ|  ϟ??A/5 wwT/h7w_5yh~??h /}d5 esw5u 5]}b9m impossible to see through.WINDOWSI  It's just a windowsill.PATHTRAILWALKWAYPATHWAYPAHTWAYSPATHSSTEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAY hLeading down from the village, the worn path winds its way through the rocky canyon below.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSDOORKNOBKNOB ,There is nothing unusual about that.CLIFFCLIFFSLEDGEROCKROCKSDROPOFFEDGEDROPDROP-OFFSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS nThe village ground gives way to a rocky cliff. A rocky and worn path winds its way down the mountain.GETTAKERETRIEVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPTzI can't get that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS I don't need them.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS ,It's locked and I don't have a key.KNOCKPOUNDI can't knock on that.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS 8Maddog knocks on the door but gets no response.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 PMaddog steps off the edge of the cliff and plummets to the valley below.PAB3"D33w"wVww3Dc px|f,}o`?_OodgGgcbsSCAEAasrqx|xLfwsy}|t~fr{ypqAgoo:w?|@@@?~h[À 0@B ؐ`? ?Q)`\Z oO1||˂C????xaC@??6v??8p?@`?@~k8?Aϟ_Ge Ȅϟ??_߀NJFחw߷ߧr8;x_:܆ޟ?~oℛ6v ?ο|cߘ _4ÞE}!rCx''owwcËqsvfnlǓ=;{[_Z߀2 %=݃o_}|}]>~߄X8?&oOޞ!kDޞ}-%2? 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CAVEENTRANCETUNNELENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYTUNNELSOPEININNOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASAGEWAPASSAGEW The mountain path disappears into a small tunnel.The cave is dark and dirty but it seems to be the only way to continue down the trail.MOUNTAIN nDark and ominous mountains rise up in the north. Death and desolation seem to rule the haggard peaks.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE RThe skies above get darker and more ominous the closer we get to Duridian.TOEFOOTTOES z!Oh, I see that you also noticed that it looks like a foot. And I thought I was the only strange one around here.PATHTRAILPATHWAYTRAILWAY XWinding its way down the mountainside, the path suddenly enters a small tunnel.CLIFFSLEDGEROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSCLIFFEDGEDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFF DThe winding path gives way to rocky and treacherous cliffs.OVER  I can't look over that.EDGELEDGESIDECLIFFCLIFFSEDGESSIDESROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFF ( Ooh. That's a long way down! GETTAKERETREIVEREMOVEGRABPICKACCEPTI can't get that.ROCKSROCKSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS "I don't think I need that.RESP YOU BLEW ITT1@ OCHH!!T2@ OOOWWCH!!T3@UH OH...C1 $OOOH! It's dark in here.  ^BZB@LOFNTB@.p) z?  @Pp8 0`9?s` @ < 9Ȁx{ 1x}89p<0^@0p @7(?   ? |?à ??v:6ȸ |Ë?? v26 Np?# 0 3; f|>?_~8|~|<8@`p yw1y{ }=9)qQW_[_YQW_[_YQS|@w1y{ }=9)qQW_[_YQW_[_YQS|@Tqё pqё pV 0 0Yl=9%5=51%=18l=9%5=51%=18\pTHMJIHxHIHpTXEn =%!1ox|4<,Dccogi`|wkgma`agca`aox|4<,Dccogi`|wkgma`agca`aoTw1y{~>6&jJKOKNJKOKNJKJLx@w1y{~>6&jJKOKNJKOKNJKJLx@Tzjꪮ쬨zjꪮ쬨Z?u="vZJz_^ʇoZ?u=#u]M}\_ϟm]o?DDD?hX_u2PqRq0P`@sw1y{z:2"bBwBwBp ,#!!!p   x|4<,DCqaccgnocgi`|wkgca`ai5bcs??v}m_{|c}av`|dq@ @ ?'ꗭX%ϻk]"@?+Pti5bcs?}=uU UTWVT[S?w}u UVTXP` ?WO/7WVWU_RQxD@? !>?!  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There's a closed door to the north and a large, bolted door to the west.WALLSWALL pThe walls of the castle are built of large stones.On the north wall of the room is a small tapestry.STONESTONESROCKROCKSBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS HI see nothing unusual about them except for their enormous size.TAPESTRYBANNERHANGING PMaddog can make out the faint outline of a skull on the castle tapestry.SKULL :I don't know about you but it gives me the creeps!FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT LThe cold and damp stone floor shows signs of neglect and disrepair.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE JHigh above the floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGP8(i>Curiously, the door to the west has been bolted shut.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS The many doors of this evil castle could lead to magic and treasure, but some could lead to unspeakable horror and death.HANDLEKNOBDOORKNOBHINGEHINGES *I see nothing unusual about that.BARLO "CKBOLTBOARDPLANKPOSTLATCH HA large wooden bolt has been placed across the door to the west.UNDERUNDERNEABENEATHBELOW 4I'm not sure just what you're talking about.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXIT $Not much can be seen there.BEHINDBACK ,What do you want me to look behind?TAPESTRYBANNERHANGING. PMaddog looks behind the tapestry, hoping to find some clue as to where he must go or what he must do but finds nothingXYO.There's nothing there except the wall.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGF8(i8How can I look behind it if I haven't opened it?NORTHDOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGP(FjHow can I look behind it if I haven't opened it?All I see is another castle room behind there.EASTDOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGQdg6All I see is another castle room behind there. OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGP8(iOKNORTHDOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGP(F<Maddog pushes the door open.It's already open.SLIDEMOVEPUSHPULLUNDO8I don't understand what it is you want me to do.BARLOCKBOLTBOARDPLANKPOSTLATCHP8(iOKCLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGP(F:It's already closed.Maddog closes the door.GETACCEPTTAKEREMOVERETREIVEGRABPICKI can't get that.BANNERTAPESTRYHANGINGLOCKBOLTBOARDBARPLANKPOSTLATCH &I see no reason to take that.RESP YOU BLEW ITOP LMaddog slides the wooden bolt to the side and pushes the door open.T1 hSuddenly a large demon claw reaches out from beyond the door and pulls Maddog into the darkness.T2 t A deep gurgling voice rumbles loudly from inside the darkened room saying, "It's about time someone fed me."