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Others lead to unspeakable horror and death.KNOBKNOBSHANDLEHANDLESDOORKNOBHINGEHINGES *I see nothing unusual about that.STAIRSSTAIRSTEPSTEPSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS JA large carpeted stairway leads into the upper part of the castle.CARPETRUGMATCOVERING 6Old carpet lines the surface of the staircase.RAILRAILSRAILINGHANDRAILMETALIRON lAn old iron railing runs up the sides of the steps. Another one can be seen on the balcony outside.LIONSLIONSTATUESSTATUEFIGUREFIGURESIMAGEIMAGESBEASTBEASTSCARVINGCARVINGSCREATURE HTwo evil looking lions are crouched at the foot of the stairway.HEADHEADSFACEFACESEYEEYESEAREARSNOSENOSESPAWPAWSTOOTHTEETHMOUTHMOUTHSMANEMANESBODYBODIESTAILTAILSFOOTFEETDETAILFURCLAWCLAWS TMaddog stares in amazement at the intricate detail of the two stone images.TAPESTRYBANNERHANGINGSKULL Maddog looks at the tapestry hanging on the north wall and remarks, "Someone must really like these because I see them everywhere I go."BALCONYCOURTYAROUTSIDE VThe door to the east leads out to a balcony which overlooks an open courtyard.OUTTHROUGH I can't look out that.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS lOne of the doors leads out to a balcony and the others lead further on into the rooms of the castle.BEHINDBEYONDBACK "I can't look behind that.LIONSLIONSTATUESSTATUEFIGUREFIGURESIMAGEIMAGESBEASTBEASTSCARVINGCARVINGSCREATUREPVMaddog peeks behind the large stone lion and sees...nothing in particular.TAPESTRYBANNERHANGING< OMaddog peeks behind the royal tapestry and to no one's surprise, he finds nothing.OXYI already looked and there's nothing behind there.STAIRSSTAIRSTEPSTEPSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS $I see nothing unusual there. GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKfI can't get that.TAPESTRYBA, pw5A3""N!!???6000 6000 60002t5012X)2e6002wEDORENFRnSZz@\\P]ZMZR@m\PnZhMZ*@~\PZ@TN< N< N< ZN< N< N< ZECOM''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRKbrJPJ[%Y "   f f   M[Sa@\a`j[YY'KbTZ dTooJbs"}"s}PPZsHKLs*} } fs s*ECOM''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRJPJ[%Y "   f f   M[S[a@\a`}YY'[ dTooObs"}"PPZs}sHs*KL} s ECOMENFRKL R2oR1Z1s } s*JLpECOMENFRnS~L K  TS~L  K TS~L K TENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK ZI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELLDUNGEON |A small chest sits on a stone pedestal to the north. A large demon statue stands against the south wall of the room.RUGCARPETMATCLOTH 8There is a purple cloth beneath the small chest.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXPEDESTALPLATFORMSTANDALTAR JA small chest sits on top of a pedestal in the middle of the room.TAPESTRYBANNERHANGINGSKULLCROSSBON RA tapestry hangs next to the east door. It bears a skull and crossbones.WALLSWALL FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 8The rock ceiling hangs high above Maddog's head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS Firmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.There is a statue with a fire on top of its head.TONICCONTAINEVILELABELVIAL I don't see what you're talking about.The small vial lies inside the chest.The label, on the vial, reads, "Dr. Skulls reducing tonic."It's inside the chest.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW bThe light fades into darkness as Maddog strains his eyes to see what lies beyond the door.STATUEFACEEYEEYESNOSETEETHMOUTHHORNHORNSHEADDEMONGARGOYLEIMAGEEAREARSCARVINGHEADBEASTCREATUREBRAGG <A large fire burns on top of a large winged statue.WINGWINGS XThe wings of the statue are posed as if prepared to take to the air in defense.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS j!The dungeon chamber is entirely made of stone. There is a stone winged statue on the south wall.ININTOINSIDE I can't see in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX `I can't. It's closed.Maddog responds, "There is a container inside." It's empty.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW  I can't see under that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX 8There is a purple cloth beneath the small chest.BEHINDBEYONDBACK  *What is it that you wish me to do?PILLARPEDESTALPLATFORMSTAND 4I see nothing that looks of interest there.TAPESTRYBANNERHANGING'fMaddog carefully lifts the corner of the tapestry to reveal .. absolutely nothing.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKREMOVEFI don't think I understand what it is that you want me to do.TONICCONTAINEVILEVIALf"OK.I don't see it.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS R"Maddog responds, "The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls."TAPESTRYBANNERHANGINGCHESTBOXTRUNKCASE NI don't think we will be needing it. Let's just leave it where it is.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOPPPZ$OK.It's already open.CLOSESHUT SLALOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOP &OK.It's already closed.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS.R1^Maddog reaches into the chest, retrieving the dust covered vial.~~LOOK NNERHANGINGCARPETRUGMAT $I see no reason to get that.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS HI'd rather not lug something that heavy around with me all day.ONUPONATOP &I can't get on that.LIONSLIONSTATUESTATUESFIGUREFIGURESIMAGEIMAGESBEASTBEASTSCARVINGCARVIMGSCREATURE &I have no time to play games.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPSBALCONY  I'm willing. Let's go.OPENUNLOCKdI can't open that.NORTHDOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGPP$OKIt's already open.OTHERSDOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS ZAll the doors are open except for the one to the north.All the doors are open.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.NORTHDOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS :The door to the north is already closed.OK"UDV"3!RDDB#SW_]XTZW_p_^_U[][]+=@?2 p@ 0|TlXhXh^~ GO{y8$?? ?+@?8|>?  .!QSCW_]XTPWO_?_P_^_U]+ ;@? @ ?]0~D?8B_@ 0<|TlXhXV~*jT@(??  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On one wall, a window is barred. A small door leads north. The guard lies dead in a pool of blood.The room is barren of any funishings. A barred window is on one wall and a small door lead north.WINDOWWINDOWSBARSBAR The large window is blocked by a group of bars set into the rock wall. There are also bars on the door, it looks like a prison of some sort.WALLSWALL 2There is nothing unusual about the walls.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS TMaddog wonders to himself where all the stones were quarried for the castle.ARMORCLOTHESATTIRECHAINMAILTUNICCLOTHING JThe castle guard is clothed in a very well made chain mail tunic.HEADFACEBEARDEYENOSEMOUTHARMLEGFOOTSHOEEYESARMSLEGSFEETSHOESHANDLE DMaddog replies, "I don't see anything special about that."WEAPONAXEBLADEBATTLEAX Maddog looks at the guards weapon and replies, "The guard's weapon looks like it was crafted by Thomas Gilroy, a famous blacksmith in Sydra. He also made my sword."FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT dCold and damp, the castle floors are slowly crumbling away, leaving large cracks and holes.UPCEILINGABOVEROOF JHigh above the floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNEL !Maddog looks at you and replies, "The east door leads down to the main level of the castle, the north door is closed.""Maddog looks at you and replies, "The east door leads down to the main level of the castle, the north door leads to another room."STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS >The stairs lead down to the main level of the castle.GUARDGUYPERSONCADAVERDUDEBODYMANGENTLEMASTIFFCORPSEBLOODPOOL bThe armored guard sneers back at Maddog.The castle guard lies dead in a pool of blood.KEYKEYSKEYRINGRING Maddog glances around and replies, "I don't see any keys."The assorted keys must fit different locks in the castle.OUTTHROUGH &It's hard to see through that!DOORDOORSGATEGATESARCHARCHWAYDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSGATEWAYGATEWAYS The door to the east leads down to the main level of the castle. The door to the north is closed.The door to the east leads down to the main level of the castle. The door to the north leads to an adjacent room.WINDOWBARSBAR(((hbAs Maddog looks out the barred window, he can see the image of a centaur carved in stone.WINDOWBARSBAR >Maddog replies, "All I can see from here is blue sky."CENTAURIMAGEMARBLE(((h@The image of the centaur is exquisitly carved in marble.CENTAURIMAGEMARBLE "I can't see it from here.HELMETHELMHAT >The guard's helmet is made of a highly polished steel.OUTSIDE(((hbAs Maddog looks out the barred window, he can see the image of a centaur carved in stone.OUTSIDE nMaddog looks through the barred window and says, "I can see the plains of the Westerlands from here."OPEN$What do you want me to open?DOORGATEDOORWAYGATEWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY *OKThe door is already open.CLOSE&What do you want me to close?DOORGATEDOORWAYGATEWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY 0The door is already closed.okTALKSPEAKASKCHATSAYCOMMUNIC,I don't think that will do any good.BODYMANGENTLEMAGUYDUDEGUARDPERSONCADAVERSTIFFHIMCORPSE NThe guard sneers at Maddog.He's dead; and dead men tell no tales.UNLOCKJMaddog scratches his head and replies, "That could be difficult."DOOR%7%N&P7%D&F/! m PM&    .P"d$ VF Q ECOM 00 ENFR ENFR  N@N[NENFR  N@N[NENFRywu s qo  X  V]? S}}ss]?Tmm P JPJPJ P JPJPJ P JPJPJ PPp7%N&P7%D&F/! m PM&    .P"d$ VF Q ECOM ENFR ['FDV 0 WV V MetMNECOMENFRGGs}ssJeECOMENFRGEsEDFX}sJcENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELLDUNGEONDUNGEONS Fire light reflects off the dungeon walls. The room is empty except for a chest on the north wall. There are two exits, one to the west and one to the south.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.WALLSWALL FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW bThe light fades into darkness as Maddog strains his eyes to see what lies beyond the door.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 8The rock ceiling hangs high above Maddogs head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS 6 The dungeon chamber is entirely made of stone.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX 8Against the back wall of the room sits a chest.ELIXERTONICPOTIONCONTAINEVILEELIXIRVIAL lI don't understand what you want me to do.The elixir appears to be brown in color and very old.GOLDCOINCOINSMONEY I can't see what you are talking about.Maddog looks at the stack of gold coins and replies "Not a bad little treasure here."I can't see any more gold here.ININTOINSIDE I can't see in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX \I can't do that while it is closed.OK.There is nothing inside the chest.OUT >I can't look out that.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW bThe light fades into darkness as Maddog strains his eyes to see what lies beyond the door. GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICK8I'm not sure what it is that you want me to do?TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS r!Maddog ponders over your request and then says, "The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls."TRUNKCHESTCASEBOX 4 I really don't see that we need to do that.ELIXERPOTIONTOINCCONTAINEBOTTLEVILEELIXIRVIAL PI can't see what you are talking about.OK.I already took it.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS PI can't see what you are talking about.OK.I already took it.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKP(\OK.OIt's already open.I can't do that right now.I really don't think that is such a good idea.But there is nothing there. I already emptied it.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX DOK. It's already closed.I can't do that right now.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSR1 RSuddenly Maddog is startled by a translucent form emerging from the chest.R2 (Maddog quietly opens the chest.R3 RMaddog is quickly engulfed by the ghostly form and pulled into the chest.R4 ^The chest shakes violently from side to side as if a struggle is taking place inside.R5 LWithout warning, the chest opens and Maddog is thrown into the air.R6 The chest is empty.R7 "OK.OK.OK. R8 OK.0R OK.FD `In his weakened condition Maddog is unable to endure the heat of the firery creatures.GD  As Maddog hits the cold stone floor he loses conciousness. His strength fails him and he fades off into an eternal sleep.F1 !Maddog is surpriseGATEDOORWAYGATEWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY Maddog replies, "I don't have the key to this door.Maddog searches through the assorted keys. Finding one that looks like it will fit, Maddog carefuly inserts it into the lock and gives it a twist.OI already did.LOCK8Maddog replies, "How do you want me to do that?"DOORGATEDOORWAYGATEWAYENTRANCEENTRYENTRYWAY jIt's already locked.Maddog carefully relocks the cell door.I can't lock an open door.SEARCHINSPECTFRISKFAN0&What do you want me to search?BODYMANGENTLEMAGUYDUDEGUARDPERSONCADAVERSTIFFHIMCORPSE Maddog looks at you with surprise and says, "That could prove to be a difficult thing to do now.okThere is no need to search him again.GETACCEPTTAKERETRIEVEPICKREMOVEGRAB Get what?!?GUARDGUYPERSONCADAVERDUDEBODYMANGENTLEMASTIFFHIMCORPSE vHe might object!Maddog replies, "I don't think carrying the body of the dead guard around is a good idea."KEYKEYSKEYRINGRING $ What keys?I already did.WEAPONAXEBATTLEAXBLADE BMaddog replies, "No thank you. I like my sword just fine."ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS MadDog looks at you with surprise and says, "How strong do you think I am?"OYou've got to be kidding!OThink about what you just asked me!CENTAURIMAGEMARBLE ^Maddog looks at the bars in the window and replies, "I can't get out the window."HELMETHELMHAT I don't need it.BLOODPOOL *!No thank you, I have all I need..RESPBYOU BLEW IT GUYSD1  ANIMATION 2D2  ANIMATION 3A1 fMaddog replies, "From the look on the guards face, that probably isn't a good idea right now."L1 The door is locked.S1Maddog quickly searches the guard and finds a ring with an assortment of keys on it. Thinking they may be of some use, he takes them with him.~~LOOK KEYSC1 DMaddog replies, "That's a difficult thing to do from here."PAB5D3D3"V"RDDg~|`@@A@1gHx1a?7  1a&111^1og_1111u1Ɂo11111N71P;1FM1EN1E?M1FM1@C1F 8;1I71q1??w1111RA1N 41 ` 31 ? σǏ;?=11Z91Z91Z91Z~9~v}?0`}=IasqyqyaQqQAiaIk! `c?|~~}xc_??>??OWApx||xBOCY\^_1ޓۗ $|(z??1_OπOϏ/OJlxhx ?1wm_g ?! ?188ڬ1y~?~z~?$?G?17??> ?? G*1X`  |= .~1gc /v  ߄LJ1 1o^o 041ڀف踁g63o~rsvV^y{yprsq~ ?pp~ 6?2۟?><0LRЂ  YJ"81Ò@``Bxp8(2jLT=?~?;1`pd"  + s|w4 ;1?@~>^&Hڊ*B&>n~~ <1 C37/;/- ?_oOmfs9 <1 {拟?q rp`(i)9 =1`AA_ąŀ61p $7 C:1p? =1ߟ_wg'!>1 /?o ;?>1ߋ"aL>1qo}? i|:1cp+3ˆbsR2]PX@X61 ~5 )xz|@B??61ϟ;.0` ť)_z{{<1ǔÁ0</L~_??@>u?>= ;1?wkI-s>:O 53z?;1?Abegogk@??81 w__82|#:;6<1u% Ow7_Wo~? 51]vΞd &~χ?uw11???C @f`.?1Lo~WGdeW?UW~}_d as several fiery creatures emerge from the chest. They fly through the air and land upon the stone floor surrounding him.CH As Maddog peers into the chest he notices a small container of elixir.Maddog peers into the chest and notices a pile of gold coins.GG tI can't see what you are talking about.Maddog reaches into the chest and picks up 100 gold pieces.GdGE I can't see what you are talking about. Maddog reaches into the chest and retrieves a small container of elixir.ucSED<OK.~~LOOK ELIXER~~DRINK ELIXERFX$OK.~~DRINK ELIXERPAB6"""D5UR33 }?}@` O~?'~s/ vglOπ?_???~<(?g8߃/r  |?_?_~\ܼ<|?_ / 8<A?^'/߀~ ;>Fp/ Gm_L~^>nk/['?qo-k v} AC'À/?;߿߆ߎ |du]  O /o߇` }v>?y{Ș"x҆߿ //'ǀgC GCOOGCgGggOπOoO'~ / R_.?/Q|/󵰸p}m|1 a/Ɏn c "Gq3 aR`?fA.{ J/p| `owoN#.GK@1ra&_GfS ' //0yucG hx5-wǏ? 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"FRrPd @E"3" ܐXpA Rbᤳ†`@,?v? x~)x-@pFV<>.0`A large chest sits against the west side of the room.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE HThe tower ceiling disappears into the rafters of the tower roof.TORCHESTORCHHOLDERFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERS lMaddog looks at you and says, "The torches are securely mounted to the walls and can't be removed."PITCHERCUPMUG ,There is nothing unusual about that.PLATESPLATEDISHDISHES &They're just ordinary plates.PILLOWPILLOWCAPILLOWS 2There is nothing unusual about the pillow.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS 6The tower door leads back to the guard tower.GIRLWOMANPERSONMAIDENDRESSLADYHERFEMALEMAIDFAITHSERVANTPRISONERHAIREYESNOSEMOUTHTEETHHANDSFEETBODYEARSSLAVEHAIREYETOOTHFOOTEAR A young maiden sits on a large plank suspended by chains.The beautiful maiden is gracefully crossing the floor.She's not here anymore.BEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCH FA bed made of wooden planks is suspended by two large chains.TABLEDESK 6A large table sits low against the north wall.WINDOWWINDOWSBARSBAROUTSIDE(1TVLooking out the window, Maddog can see a statue of a centaur carved in stone.WINDOWWINDOWSBARSBAROUTSIDE LThe dark kingdom of Duridian can be seen through the barred window.CENTAURMARBLESTONECARVINGIMAGE(1T:The image of a centaur is carved into the marble.CENTAURMARBLESTONECARVING 0I'm not close enough to see the centaur.OUTTHROUGH "I can't look out that.WINDOWWINDOWSBARSBAR(1TbAs Maddog looks out the barred window, he can see the image of a centaur carved in stone.WINDOWWINDOWSBARSBAR((P>Through the iron bars, the dark mountains can be seen.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW  I can't look under that.BEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCHTABLEDESK There's nothing there.BEHINDBACK "I can't look behind that.TABLEDESKBEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCHCHESTTRUNKCASEBOX There's nothing there.ONUPONATOP `I can't look on that.BEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCHPLANKPLANKSBENCHCHESTTRUNKCASEBOX "There is nothing on that.TABLEDESK :A pitcher and two small plates sit upon the table.FLOORGROUNDDIRT ,The tower floor is empty and barren.ININTOINSIDE I can't see in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXZQ?cF50;zsAC,7s$- w@P 80\O_'Ⲑep pVb CAF X g$2 H?""!1C4 -J 00 / F /s.@0r jF 2_|F:g0@xu -  `w LH 0`0{40H؇U%G΄&`! T 8 _- ; 56!/+Š ! /g;$: \^]~4@@- pp` @ Р`0 ` 0@`p`  `А%?- ~8? -z C@8O/gw}|X"0~- @<  @081 xE " }i BVJ?~-F#    @ ,S ( (@Ȉ0ڐ`p 00^-~8 H @  @a!}a &  x` ^> -/ | .S5e ѿ?7 <@  @@`8-A@ `@(`1pPОА0@puP-GsGo# 7@P0 6G "`F!to  D  -,  L ?   (`(``   0-@ (",8l3 ?  z/A&aba  p-#'5 ?uc# !I;I [ a }5  iىIa%s --------] 3-]P|2--2V-0@0p` @P----------2  O-3@` U---------------- """D5UR338p8p 8p 6 r r 6[ 3t`E%3tpE%M Kg W1W2ss aY'7PPECOMENFRnSYK L  TSYK  L TSYK L TECOMENFRaM aM ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK(I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELLDUNGEON  Maddog looks up at the water as it pours out a small stone image and cascades into a small pool of water below.A large staircase leads down to the south.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTEPSTEPSSTAIRCAS DA large stairway leads down inrCENTAURMARBLESTONECARVINGIMAGE $It's too big to lug around.PITCHERMUGGLASS ,I don't need it. I've got a bucket.PLATESPLATE I don't need that.GIRLLADYWOMANFAITHHERPERSONMAIDENFEMALEMAIDFAITHSERVANTPRISONERSLAVE <I think she might object.She's not here anymore.PLANKSPLANKCOTBEDBENCH ,It's securely fastened to the walls.CLOTHESCLOTHDRESSDRESSESCLOTHINGGOWNGOWNS 6I can't see any.What would I do with that?PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA  I don't need the pillow.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS .They're securely fastened to the wall.BARBARSTABLEDESKTRUNKCHESTCASECHAINCHAINSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERLEGLEGSBOX I don't think so.ONUPONATOP "I can't get on that.BEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCH VMaddog looks at you with a quizzical expression and says, "But I'm not tired."TABLECHESTTRUNKCASEBOXDESK 4I don't see how getting on that would help.ININTOINSIDE I can't get in that.BEDCOTPLANKPLANKSBENCH VMaddog looks at you with a quizzical expression and says, "But I'm not tired."CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX 4I don't think it would be very comfortable.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXg$OK.It's already open.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS It's already open.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASE`&OK.It's already closed.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS &I don't see a need to do that.TALKSAYSPEAKCHATASKCOMMUNICI don't understand.GIRLWOMANHERLADYFAITHPERSONMAIDENFEMALEMAIDFAITHSERVANTPRISONERSLAVEdXRokThe young maiden is walking across the floor.I don't see her.RESP$YOU BLEW IT GUYS.T1 The girl gets up from the bed. As she looks into Maddog's eyes she begins to speak in a quiet, soothing voice. "Thank you, sir, for releasing me from this evil tower."My name is Faith and I had once served Serak as his personal slave but Serak imprisoned me here when one of his guards accused me of stealing from him."You are so brave," she says to Maddog. The girls eyelashes flutter and she begins to speak again, "In return for releasing me, I can tell you a secret that I know about this castle."She looks at Maddog and lowers her voice, "In the king's bedroom is a magical mirror which is a secret doorway.To pass through the mirror I have heard that you will first need the king's royal scepter."T2 "This is all I can tell you. I must go now before he finds out that I have escaped."The girl flutters her long eyelashes at Maddog and smiles, "I just love big strong men like you that save girls like me from castles like this with mean old kings like Serak. Maybe we will meet again."Maddog gulps and smiles. Speaking in a lower than normal voice he says, "Goodbye fair maiden and good luck."T3 JMaddog stands speechless as he watches her cross the tower floor.PAB5U"Dw"w3RDD {{w?}| _.}|$`?_2/??O?2 8%߿2&? ߿ 2!>?:߿ 2* ǟ?ۻ {2?ǟ?+2  ? 2??_'?4?2@ϟ2@2 *< 2=? 27v 2ߟ  ÈHK s 2Z& 3q  2=/?  2?4#? 2T $~JBD ? 2?,ŕDEC?2Og@D 2  ? ca 2'p`xGsPwC2"pp 90 (ǟ?„ 2"8 @ŁC2" Q??2"     ?2~2  ?? ?yC22 ? ?2!|pwp' 2%  ߄ 82to the depths of the dungeon.IMAGEFACEMALTHAZADEMONMOUTHEYESNOSEEARSHORNSGODIDOLFIGURECARVINGCARVINGSCREATUREDEMON XWater pours from the mouth of a crudely carved image of the evil god, Malthazar.WALLSWALL FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS 4The dungeon room is made entirely of stone.DOORDOORSEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEOPENINGOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGEWPASSAGESTUNNELTUNNELS ZThe dungeon door exits to the north and a large stairway leads down to the south.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 2The rock ceiling hangs above Maddogs head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT RThe floor is made of stone. A small skull sits in one corner of the room.SKULLHEADSKELETON 0There's nothing unusual about the skull.POOLWATERWATERSFOUNTAINLIQUIDBASINTROUGHFONTWATERFALFALLFALLSTUBRECEPTAC tMaddog looks up at the water as it pours out of a stone image and cascades into a small pool of water below.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFIRESFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.ININTOINSIDE I can't look in that.POOLWATERWATERSFOUNTAINWATERFALLIQUIDBASINFONTTUBRECEPTACTROUGHFALLFALLS6rJMaddog looks into the pool of water but sees nothing of interest.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKtI can't get that.WATERFOUNTAINLIQUIDWATERSFLUIDx6xrTOK."I'm not going to drink that water again if my life depends on it.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.SKULLHEADSKELETON $Ick!! why would I want that?ININTOINSIDE I can't get in that.POOLWATERWATERSWATERFALLIQUIDFOUNTAINBASINTROUGHFONTTUBRECEPTACFALLFALLS  No, I don't need a bath. DRINKTASTESIPSLURPGUZZLELAPGULD(Why would I want to drink that?WATERFOUNTAINLIQUIDFLUIDx6xrTOK."I'm not going to drink that water again if my life depends on it.RESP YOU BLEW IT.W1 rMaddog drinks the water and finds it refreshing.+OMaddog drinks the water and finds it refreshing.W2 XAfter drinking the water Maddog finds himself to be dizzy and drained of power.=PAB6""" D1R33p>~|x`|p<~|}|ywo r? .?|??.?x<h9?.? ? ?_#.?.~.? ?? f.{w. ?"|.ߏ??_? ?? ?_.ׇ#!o=e~\X??ٲ? ? . |8Ԕ4%t@? #Y )aiQ. ς߆ӓ\@ @ ߂g {s?_ ? .? ?p#t` P" `P@LHf|};Blooo/} .~΃?t" @}=Y  : iÿ?7 .x ???;' '`g ? #. p  `e`o O$. vq >>=<=;8;707/ ??$w>>.n? +<Sӣ.$A+A# .  s q1$ .?Ϗ??~ Z߅# . @? 98`x}|}? 8. 0 lPO +H$h `i#L @ . P  ܝ^ P@41 L_{pہ߁#p (. ? ?gCQExc57w' <}Ag{;" D \. ,#<F'y<j@)/Oo??O@EROgG. ~<~>?~ '( . 7&a2 C| 20C}? 2<$ 2 > .>$w*:p|~z|y}uy{y9yx`_?wwOw_'GM] x}|}|xzyz{ypx8(88yg_ _ _?o7<3??w: aX?7uC?_???_?x@ !?2L?x; ~2! 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His stomach retches as the stench of the vile creature fills his nostrils.WALLSWALLROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS JThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torch flames.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE PMaddog shudders as he looks up at the tons of rock suspended above him.STAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS @ The stairs lead up to the upper levels of the dungeons.STAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS @ The stairs lead up to the upper levels of the dungeons.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and gray.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFIRESFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls the torches give off an eerie red glow.MANCREATUREHIMITLIZARDGUYDUDEBLOODWOUNDSMONSTERCORPSESTIFFEYESMOUTHTEETHGUARDBEASTDEMONBODYTEETHMOUTHTOOTHEYEEYESNOSEFOOTFEETHANDHANDSGENTLEMA Maddog looks into the fiery eyes of the creature and sees only evil and corruption.The lizard-like creature lies dead on the dungeon floor. Black blood oozes from its wounds.CLOTHESCLOTHINGBREECHCLRAGSKINLOINCLOT NThe creatures breechcloth looks like it is made of some type of skin.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYEXITEXITSENTRANCEHALLHALLWAYHALLSHALLWAYSTUNNELTUNNELSOPENINGSOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGEWPASSAGES bThe north door leads up to the dungeons above and the west door leads into a dark tunnel.SKULLHEADBONEREMAINS DThe head of some unfortunate soul lies on the dungeon floor.WEAPONSPEARPRONGPRONGSSPIKESPIKES The creature's weapon is an evil looking thing. There are curved spikes at the tip and short spikes protrude from the hand guard.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKI can't get that.WALLSWALLROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS <Maddog looks at the walls and replies "Your joking?"WEAPONSPEARPRONGPRONGSSPIKESPIKES tThat isn't a good idea at this moment in time.Maddog replies, "No thank you, I like my sword just fine."SKULLHEADBONEREMAINS xMaddog replies, "I wouldn't like it if somebody picked up my head and carried it around. Let's leave it there."CREATUREITMANGENTLEMAMONSTERLIZARDHIMGUYDUDECORPSESTIFFGUARDBEASTDEMONBODY That could prove to be a little difficult!Maddog looks the creature over and responds, "That's not a good idea, it might carry some kind of disease."TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFIRESFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERSFLAMES @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.SEARCHINSPECTFRISKFANINSPECT0$There is no need to do that.PAB6"""3DfR33~a~xG?~yg@ W?.?Ͽ@Z .????8O߃ϟߋ?.~?=>>>~ˀk낫Ïg.???|c ???97.}||?Z)xZ*㋗?@k .<t煼|sO?w} P.og'o? 1阨\y??5. {????|93?  .˫ ۛx7;{;;Y9pzQHX Ikiͯ?O @ .GI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCASTLE A large gaping hole reveals a second level of the castle. On the far side of the hole is a wooden door and a small unlit torch.WALLSWALLROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS The walls of the castle are made of cold, stone blocks, some of which are worn and crumbling. On the east wall is a small torch.TORCHHOLDERMOUNT 6An unlit torch hangs on the wall to the east.DOWNGROUNDFLOORDIRTCRACKCRACKSHOLEDESTRUCTGAP pLooking down, Maddog has to wonder what possibly could have happened to cause such a destruction.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE PHigh above the castle floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS tThe many doors of the castle could lead to treasure and magic. Others lead to unspeakable horror and death.KNOBDOORKNOBHANDLE *I see nothing unusual about that.CLOSET |Closet? I don't see a closet.The closet has nothing in it except bare shelves.I can't. The door is closed.SHELFSHELVESSHELVING What are you talking about? I don't see any shelves.The shelves are completely bare.I can't. The door is closed.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS FokThe rope stretches from the torch down into the hole.LASSOROPE|$What are you talking about?TORCHHOLDERMOUNT *I've never been very good at that.TIEATTACHHOOKPUTPLACE~I can't do that.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS  How do I do that?TORCHHOLDERMOUNT hI don't have a rope.How am I supposed to do that from here?okI already did that.DOORDOORKNOBKNOBHANDLE I don't have a rope.How am I supposed to do that from here?Maddog looks at you with a grin and says, "What are we going to do, pull a tooth? Maddog thinks about this for a moment and it suddenly occurs to him. "That's a great idea," he says. "Except I think it would work better tying it to the torch instead."With that, he walks over to the torch and ties the rope securely around it.It's already tied to the torch.DOWNGROUNDFLOOR fI don't have a rope.Why would I want to put the rope down?okOI already did.ROPECORDSTRAPTOGETHERI don't have a rope.I've only got one rope.Maddog takes the two ropes from his posessions and ties them tightly together.OA 9SThey're already tied together.~~,DROPRELEASE4I'm not sure just what you're talking about.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS bI don't have a rope.Why would I want to drop the rope?okOI already did.LET~4I'm not sure just what you're talking about.GOLOOSE $Let go of what?okOUNTIEDETACHUNHOOKUNDOI can't do that.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS fI don't have a rope.It's not tied to anything.I don't see any need to untie the rope.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING ^OKIt's already open.How am I going to do that from all the way over here?!?CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCK Close what?DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENING &It's already closed.OKGETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEZI can't get that.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS bI don't see a rope.OKI've already got it. What would you like me to do now?TORCHHOLDERMOUNT h"Maddog looks at you and says, "The torch is securely mounted to the wall and can't be removed."ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKSKNOBDOORKNOBHANDLE &I see no reason to take that.SHELFSHELVESBOARDBOARDSSHELVING HI don't see any.They're securely mounted inside the closet.CLIMBGOREPELDESCENDSLIDEJUMPLEAPFALLI can't climb that.DOWNBELOWHOLECRACK 2How am I supposed to do that?ok_ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS *I don't see any rope.ok_RESP` YOU BLEW ITT1 TMaddog ties the old rope to the metal hook and drops the end into the hole.T2 LMaddog climbs over the edge of the hole and down into the unknown.T3 After falling through the large hole in the floor, the only significant sound that could be heard, was the impact of Maddog's body against the cold, hard floor below.D1 After carefully walking to the closed door, Maddog swings it wide open, eager to see what lies beyond it.OMaddog swings the door open.D2  His excitement quickly turns into discouragement as he fix ԁă  S9` .  3+]>L? .a<#>otb@𘸱~ ㈍y6쨰}}?. _Ԁ'>ח !cQT@LHf|}ׇ;aq15&†._?=a<}0xypsQ3S.` ?{!37/L97÷???ߟ.i`['e ? e .?_'9~H?9 ߟ;g_ $@.߿G ~G!a{ߎ/IS$p$b@ .? ? ?<~?/YPx?|~?$ǹ._?]a |$sZ:Cl@>$;k.` ? ?<ǟ,h}>$o/o.?`Ԁ @p $ . ??uՑ*ѣ+Kx~@p`;D" . ? } A9+(S { .w^?Ó䤬 .߀_?ππ ~~ .O ;xbD":>?.0D @!ދ|`.?+{g'g'w.? s{; @U_? .79'p?''7?y.?=.<|| tX켜<"" :2 ~%/ !hH $- A?@`FA&.#0 18 0ab_W ;~ " B x&'s'`d h Zc Dpu| g?0.?>c ǟ| kB ,OVOGw~@@ ?* ՞"?LgP <.X04epp  :RbVvVF`ܮE :/|?l|h`@@@ܟ4@^Z`p`qv?҅NEYGG!>g?~/@8`8<\XxH`p |PhtP`@:q?. #(1wqCyh8xIfc3O_{cW܀` _2‡~>ܼ3@/L-  /;!<`@P@  <ϟ>@>o?2. % v@HHÀ+j'N/ {:G^*?wO_  *`hb@/pXP00py058$ p` `` p(x(x0x؄ ?o`Ab|3"# ^ *p0?F?Ac19@ . ??a / '~@ %("@WO֮̽Q000 ^w0 F3=G@ ?/@9YplDC?/|'k?'~~>~/ K?  Aq q/0q@?+0?3~ߒcg|D`Ɔ$y- `|1Oqk8~`Hq?}~}}sǎxA0TEhx0~D~2|8 ǏoN8@Ӓ.'CC @h`3|B|3@8`ys? ,0X') 8?Ƃ? o9. w1@ =~ h4g?6?A!ARq8@8 x,@1 pJj`,˅I_#-#ckc?*}1  hX ĒF>\vd hÇ. k3) #dhl? $ A9`ӷ/ioッÏ/>Ň`7 1{?ݳ?s 6 G0L(` #/0@x ͕PP08(lxyO~?{{xc0@8 P 0=?>nds that he had risked his precious life jumping across that gaping hole, only to find an ordinary closet behind the closed door.D3  He slowly turns to face you and says, "Well, what do I do now? I seem to be stuck over here since the piece of rock that I jumped from has broken off.LR I don't have a rope.Among my posessions, I have a short length of cotton rope.I see no other rope here.Among my posessions, I have a short, braided hemp rope.I see no other rope here.I have two short lengths of rope among my posessions. One made of cotton and the other of hemp.I see no other rope here.The short ropes have been tied together to make one longer rope.R1*OK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERR2"OK~~LOOK ROPESR3$OK~~UNTIE ROPESPAB5 fD2"3CBDD {{w?}| _.}|$_2/?? 2 8%߿ 2&? ߿ 2!>?:߿ 2* ǟ?0_ߟ?2?;q= a+ 2 ?CA2???'?5qt$  vX?} 27A4@^_ۛ! 2 ?@?7> 2 89{ ~ |1LJ2=??O 25Ǖ\po  2-y??>< 2<Ɔ  2?( 2( 2??oN( 2(?2( 2( 24(2<>(2ϟ`(2[(2['?2 `%2  ??"22%ރއИ8|~2!| ϗ7- ߟ0~~2&>#Ϗ?Fgcsxa-0#6TUK1<`\0}NP7 82 !BG|Yt>a2 >a@+X@0\@ 9=O 20 '~~|>>? >8<>}?F(??=9~ 2??????? 2 > .>$w*:p|~z|y}uy{y9yx`_?wwOw_'GM] x}|}|xzyz{ypx8(88yg_ _ _5??w: aX?7uC?_???_?x@  ?@3L?x; ~<b2! Wwߊwd{ ?Ͽ?_oogo/[IeU\M_G2DŽȃ<?!?>| 2 ?|#Wyl1Go?|? 2 ?{[__?/<?g߀ׁǀӃɀ2˛0} wNE@  2 > `'_wS kd1{ p`<?2Fqw~nq > @2b?????>???_O/?{o?k). 1p < 2'x??@2 }_@?www{g{ 2|Ws?߃^x ǃR2#o?}D ?2 xN?!2?o?7<|   ><  2?p+ 2:`/, 2@? u nG,2s_@?oq|C ,2#πOGD?`?,??$2??8/|3w  db`,4088pG?*ǰ2o_߇Ow7/ +2 &\+23sCz??]+2? 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E+ PPPPPPPPp       *8 6001 6001 6000 6000EDOR ENFRJPJ.n  $2Q$ 2 Q$ (2Q$ 2,Q$S  Tsts s    ECOMENFR[Q VE nVE eh ECOM ENFRn[Q(  V m3Q ,(6V mSQ ^HV m ^Dmn^DetMNECOM ENFR[nYcQ  SJ  T3Q$2Q$ YGQ ,SJ  T3Q$2Q$ Y=Q SJ  T3Q$2Q$ nSJ  TECOMENFR R1$ ! s R2 R3ECOMENFR KL NTTDZ14oM[U'MDTMV[sJOL! 0@ISVss}sECOM ENFR `P`p`ENFR ENFR `P`p`ENFRs2sN[U M%n"k"]6!,4        "/"L":"%0r h&Z P F&i8 .p JPJ{I60061ECOMENFRnScN O  TScN  O TScN O TECOM  ENFRnECOM  ENFR:Q Q  SZjTV S ZXV MQ +Z>VM Z.V TQ SZVT p N< N< $  n  7Q    N< N< ZECOM ENFRPJ6&X<&<%2<P6MENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKTI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELLDUNGEONDUNGEONS  Fear washes over Maddog as he looks up and sees the large spiked ceiling lowering on him. He quicklg>G_~Ae|?<i<i<i<iip8i p8ip8< jg? ?zLzL#U?!07?   "3B2 fCpSDDx<x<x<x<???5002 5001 5000 5005GtEDORENFRaKA0tt--ECOMENFR]KA&e 7&V  &V oO O9OAepP1P2P3P4tt]& &V e  P!V V#RMP1P2P3P4D1etMNECOMENFR  ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCASTLE zMaddog can see a room from a large gaping hole above. A small dangling rope hangs from the hole just out of reach.WALLSWALLBLOCKBLOCKS hThe walls of the castle are made of cold, stone blocks, some of which are worn and crumbling.FLOORDOWNGROUNDFRAGMENTPIECESROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS @Large fragments of the fallen ceiling litter the floor.UPCEILINGHOLEUPPERABOVE XA large gaping hole reveals the room above. The rope hangs down from the hole.DOORSDOOROPENINGPASSAGEPASSAGEWENTRANCEEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRIESOUTSIDEENTRYOPENINGSPASSAGES <A large opening to the right leads into a courtyard.ROPEROPESKNOTKNOTSCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS PA long rope with a large knot hangs from the ceiling just out of reach.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKI can't get that.ROPEROPESCORDCORDSSTRAPSTRAPS  I can't reach the rope.OUTTHROUGH I can't do that.HOLECRACKGAP <I can't climb back up, the rope is out of my reach.ROCKROCKSFRAGMENTSTONEFRAGMENTSTONESBOULDERBOULDERS "I don't think I need that.CLIMBGOASCENDlI can't climb that.UPROPEABOVE "The rope is out of reach.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSD1 V After Maddog daringly lowers himself down the rope, he falls to a fatal death.P1@OK~~LOOK ROPE~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERP2 OK~~TIE ROPEP3*OK~~TIE ROPES TOGETHERP4"OK~~UNTIE ROPEPAB5"ww23S"2UwDD~|}|~}y{y|~~xqso~{}{xXyY[QW/_x{|2 yw!6dž?bx~~? ~tfO??~z~|?/o_ 2Ͽ?|1rRڮ~xɄloOoj># tvч;w'C+}yqMw}Xk?_;È<ߟ2+o'??/(`gρ??~|~<x>~|`pxpXx|hːi^ncqu{Rq{3;:3O+{;>ΖLM'O2 ?>~ d}A㏙Ϋ$K/_?Lk⨂t2 P+{?<^? }LJã#%EGx2ށ^ށ ~~ߜEAmo#w~v~8ly;Y d\ 2" g?wc|;7k߉7onH*20ށߍ߯?GO??_}LrX`@33;{y|~}y{ s {;{@9n_8 " !@,AC |2n?;#  8`2r.8qx@ĄĄ$D2@' 8Ld@P '2hF  L _?2h~~ Āp@ # 2Z??*GOƎ߁ހ@`0*F_ 7;?*G  E*MG?߀߄_]YQ@*H *gH"R"jB"j*gC8A2  *iDžP 0 2k ) A 2q? @ P @  2s@` 0 2Q>"@B$2 2;+@0@a@`!%`@338:zzx>Fx/__?>wc>@22 }=6qÂ@4݂ف%}֓j 60{@`s wKӠC˱'^޷r3 >:;߈O#22`y looks over at you and asks, "Well, now what do I do?"WALLSWALL |The dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.The walls of the dungeon are left dark and gloomy.CEILINGROOFUPABOVESPIKESPIKES @A large spiked ceiling is quickly lowering upon my head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT r The stone floor is cold and hard. I have an uneasy feeling that I'm about to become very attached to it.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS Firmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.The torches are now lying in a dark heap on the floor.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW dMaddog looks at the closed door and replies, "I have a feeling that it's not going to open."CRACKHOLEOPENINGOPENINGSMOUSEHOL  There is a small hole at the back of the room but it's much too small for me to get through.It sure looks a lot bigger now.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS @The chamber walls and floor are entirely made of stone.CHAINCHAINSLINKLINKS  I don't see any chains.SITLAYLIESQUATSTOOPCROUCHvnI really think we should use our time doing more productive things, such as finding a way out of here!PUSHPULLMOVESLIDESHOVE>I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.WALLWALLSTORCHTORCHESHOLDERHOLDERS DThat looks solid to me. I don't think it will do any good.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITS3I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.DOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW tI can see no way of doing that. There are no handles or latches. I think it's going to stay the way it is.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCK>I don't understand what it is that you want me to do.DOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW It's already closed.RESPVYOU BLEW IT GUYS.R1 d%As the large, spiked ceiling presses its way towards Maddog, he struggles to find an escape.R2 " As Maddog crouches to avoid his awaiting death, the heavy weight of the ceiling rips the torches from the chamber walls, leaving the room darkened. Maddog gasps in terror as he contemplates the fate that has come upon him. He turns and says, "There must be a way out from this barbaric place. We have come too far to fail now." As Maddog tries to avoid his awaiting death, the heavy weight of the ceiling rips the torches from the chamber walls leaving the room darkened. Maddog gasps in terror as he contemplates the fate that has come upon him. He turns and says, "There must be a way out from this barbaric place. We have come too far to fail now."R3 NUnable to escape, Maddog is crushed beneath the weight of the ceiling.NT *I don't have any of that to drink.DT Maddog, without wasting time, quickly swallows the contents of the vial.His skin begins to tighten as pain fills his entire body.IS :Within seconds, Maddog is reduced to just inches.TD"OK.~~LOOK VILEZ1"OK.~~DRINK VILE"""3DfR33 ? /  ? Ã-?  0@@`@@ Ξ΁ހ`cCU\O~<@Bsq b23pӆ * 22Á Ӂk1{h8;j3ԇQSCSL3'2ioon}u|l2Z??2n߃ߟ_߂22*~΂ @@t48xH@@ h`"dPЀ@  08  @gLtDČl-'&<8  @  c D @x20 0? @@<  D4= 0 `   `@@80@ t@4  `?  ,>G0 oDn.Y) @ |2 0 ɏ |  D p  8`3 8 0  0     @x4dD$45  >   8@ @ 7    @ >`@  @@DAA@p@3`@   B  @AG| @Ā( S  D  @ @` 0?? 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KjK+?|W&10|?◡|! _`x~S}2QPg|2z`D͈@ @$}<@I can't see that.BALCONYAROUNDABOUTCOURTCOURTYAR  "Maddog looks around the castle courtyard and notices that there are three balconies that lead out here. The courtyard itself has been neglected with broken rails, crumbling rocks and general disrepair. To the north, A large door on the bottom level leads back into the castle.UPSKYCLOUDCLOUDSABOVE bThe sky above the castle is dark and ominous. Small clouds wander across the evening sky.DOWNGROUNDDIRTGRASSEDGEWEEDS The ground around the castle seems to be very hard, with lots of weeds growing around the courtyard. There are also vines growing up the sides of the castle walls.FLOOR .I can't see the floor from down here.RAILINGRAILRAILSHANDRAILMETAL X A metal railing surrounding the balcony is old and rusting and not very stable.WALLSWALLCASTLEBUILDING pThe walls of the castle have stood many a battle but are now old and crumbling by the forces of nature.BUSHESBUSHBRUSHVEGETATIFOLIAGEVINEVINESLEAFLEAVESFLORA The railing doesn't look like it will hold any weight.CLIMBGOASCENDDESCEND:I can't do that.UPDOWNWALLSWALLBALCONYTOWERBLOCKBLOCKSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS (I can't climb the castle walls.VINESVINEDOWNFOLIAGEFLORA 2They don't look strong enough to hold me.PAB53D"3"RDD~_^?|~2 T? ?2o5? 2 3?߁? 2 ?. 2kJՀ 2MU y2 0_ߟ?2)ހ 2 ? @2 2ځ:z:zꃀ? p_?2] 2珿%2?.?2 ˛;<>?+?2<,0 2p:2YP3yP߀x3O3H2 灏?xp0 + ?2??02?|?(~2uu5"5u Հ~2]݀UT 2 ?? 2,߀ ?2?߀ 2"? 2? 2]]]U 2]߀O 2# 820  `29 8~~U_ ? 2!/( @?25~~<@Ё '2@N+~~?`~_O_w__7-O^=}%}ng?d`ajicgfongmoknmop?Og?W^T1GO?W]Ook/u4;> >1?6'ON\T ?|>2g> }~_?_??o~p? ?G3? |o]gzkaao?߿_}*uK_ x~? 2O@_O?'?wPO`OMߟ?=R;o~s9||?O3I plk'%qO0a-`ak Q(@Ye/7]܁ 죇U:&r~x@~?XZ!̹t*JqKW?W4-ѵ&nMߠ+?~b<A7hӜ$k<4oa;bXZ3";+w30kLyٯ|?"?CcdߎIq9L@YooS f`-V^Ѥ $QPAyqAooJ @6]^SD'r0鄢p/''=Pߵ=~N c1%II /p Ž}$|J@W. 6 HoM BA@ÞH`B1!e鈀%D- f0d<< @tH*de<k@D A@ A j ׆#`Y?@ `Ђ ee7 ႯB&`/?opp7۳@ hF pr`nĄÀdc -`C vlͯpB3.aq`iFwΟB{| `y`P=arPw<H{z(`x}!]~vS0P%O|  X[ osopfo!Q}p}  m×o\׀! m4|~@? $.&,կP?LGF81 @ ><=B|Dt?>!4E?Atb |v ?#AL|vznFX|z|~]_cH&qib9V}_?[(ep9ad鿆@EΝh |<[\Id M6W@H}|,^8=(ogq)hItp|]a T>?8B.{b&A@|`Ux'@0y c?88QT|{c@ ]*AI|xi  D8 /0|%(y^U!)Q'|cx,q?PD |8b*o?|I<2 ώ=K?}A@'Gh}@d;}@|6s]}p\{}KrA}٤Q?}ay4}ۘgP}Ԁ}+}0{#Vo}۱\{||}\u}dS?}A}o#5}}g"}/T8<=g8 {'C_@x ; ?JcO^h}@"P2B>yWY/d`@P7@uvp=~ !Oq/>fdx; @|{ hxK˟00??~=8 `^lN0t?@8' ) `,tH|6@G@@`0d`DC>#`@L<@ `b>)@ v D|"WƁ >F@k Sp`V qq@H m@?`p@ !?۠98= L> EX`wi!g0?%=(P@&%`%@%%%&0%%M'@%%@%@%%%%%% `M&& %`&%% %@%P%% 5g pߟOta(>ZWXF_ 3,7 `Xu>x!PyWF @͎z Ė|$+6[  ?'ة`Wu8 }\{xp3H#tjDOS6L(x`@`\278ܵ-~qw8G9`8|/:g(^mk q48Cx lb o8~9pD~h* >/s3A] @LJHp l\lcgZ|:k`&*dn(N"0Ew @(8֏g>_Ox)~\:ߦ"ppWLyq?Ǐ~p̏c77@ClPcLIo 'X ėAl P*!_!|ph@ |`'4 0k\~ /_nb @M 3"n 2~M_ h!0zfc ԷӘ nF0S  x "n v t.>s xÿ!H;ɔ0 ;ǀM anF^į00f`Zq|aZ?G 8P fd F@y+bo`ȿ)4 6x *@*kp[ /(8 4xv$d.D ؀#x_` WNw0&`m}xr=kI , OlVǀQmЇf@{ m?LW  P<z@&zpʀqغ0[߈0FRjo(:WhtO7` Fǁ> [s<2C95/OnOg~W+Ãe,:o^oo3 8!&!(3 Jiu|e_}-2ߞPv? <[Da,"`3߀3&!+eo dX-p!CF L %q@n?߼a = "a?a`%8' :!0:Q> D9K?4[=$}P!h^e +#~?ͮ?3 6o R@2w/߿q/ v7dv?by/ "8G?8YZBnt]BOϞ{h ҟp`GyaB~r *xz| R|!#~\xq_*/=M㿁8WC{3Ft/f(x- @V~Fu ?R.J{!]O8 7?'7?V\!? 2 D`xk~my?Ns?1!?OCY  2k k  +k k+ k k k  @U 20U x2>}?3ן__?` b?w?[{N@C' 0?7x2~_?  ـĄd``F{ 2@wo  X?4XhaS @2ψ  !{)sq <2 Bj zj*2:z:z  j? p3] 2?`???? 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A large, rock throne sits at the north end of the room and a large tapestry hangs on the wall.WALLSWALL jOn the walls of the throne room are well-preserved royal crests of a kingdom long since foR5H8#?BDѮV28#ofsx pӿO?'1@_9;C[`ؾhn "0;0GئF|#a~B~8֎Og x @wOx_ 7)ܖ}aAE O9d`@FF{:@ haO2oH1)7n Cϲ /w7T?AdX-$[:8&lWnsAێ2$,7`.?Aۧe9Y~>[Da,"`3߀3&!+eo dX-p!CF L %q@n?߾ = "a?a`%8 :!0:Q> D9K?[=$}P!h^e +#~?ͮ?3 6 R@2w/߿q/ v7dv¿by/ "8G?8YBnt]BOϞ{h ҟp`GyaB~ *xz| R|!#~\xq_/=M㿁8WC{3Ft/(x- @V~Fu ?.J{!]O8  _TBA'z,c۔ːPĀ Cy f7{>$ 'q'_?a,`?\F; &PNHqX0]0 q ~g CxI"J!(\L.[vx ﮯG7߿Gɢ\ ;gKO{]7zn J]Q &ߜv* *x=qۃ ? ?_ O὾HK\8r!> [z? @fR'骇ؿe_&8FsK>Cz63_pPF'>`rPֆ`Z֮v Zdӎ2 rƝ ^:ՐJXgj0q´?zSo´rsC’> PBbP܇z=xpը~g `.rq@H{ Tۉ-s0?}/ OG:1q P|"APlO⿛ c Ɍx+7 a0> XBxr&[ီ{t "rY P$g*C{Pp>*+k ;c}? 3jܩ}$Np~r }< ;澀 Pʂ`D *0¬ @@o˜ e|" Bp@Z&LppbN@@7C1ݯUv?EЀȀ_#??`Qn`H`I8ޗ4`?~x@_ ?`6xZs?Y |Jꋷ0/c?Oayys?M)}9@A}7mg9~kw> ?=lq$_wc߳O=9>q ?k8 oo'PAB6"""DDR33~c?|yq?ns* -i-8߀ׂ@~- ^x????~ˀk낫g-? ??A ㏟? ?-}[+{Z*? @k -<?t烸ǟ?ǟ P-goo/?og 阨\?5 - {? ~}3?1O -˫ ٘x?;{;;[9{;یSIX {kϿ?  -    $` -Lx3+]>!-p<#votb@~r6쨰}}?- _T'> !cQP@MHf}׈g@=a<}"qs#CÃ- ?{?!37/9? ??-i [ 'g ? -? 9 ߟg_# -߿ ~G!{ߎ/IS&$b@ - >D ??<~?/YP?|~$ǹ-8= l@ $;k-` ?3 ? ??ǟ,h} @$d`kD/OO-`?Ԁ Argotten.CHAIRTHRONESEATARMARMREST #The stone chair is cold and smooth except for a small indentation on the right arm of the chair. The indentation is in the shape of a five-pointed star.FACEEYEEYESTEETHMOUTHHORNHORNSNOSEGODIDOLDEMONMALTHAZAIMAGEMONSTERSKULLHEADCREATUREFIGURE VOn the back of the throne is another stone image of the demon god, Malthazar.HOLEINDENTATSTARIMPRINT @The indentation is in the shape of a five-pointed star.RUGCARPETMAT HThe royal carpet lies in the middle of the immense throne room.TAPESTRYHANGINGBANNER `The tapestry is made of the finest cloth and bears the royal crests of a ruined empire.CRESTCRESTS <The crests are from the ruined kingdom of Duridian.TAGLABLE What is it that you want me to look at?There's a small tag behind tapestry.The small tag rests upon the cold, stone floor.STAIRSSTAIRSTEPSSTEPSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS &They are just ordinary steps.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT FA large colorful rug lies on the floor in front of the throne.UPCEILINGROOFABOVE PHigh above the castle floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTS RThe light of the torches cast both light and shadows throughout the room.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGS 6The door leads out to the castle's courtyard.BEAMBEAMSPILLARPILLARSCOLUMNCOLUMNSPOLEPOLESPOSTPOSTS jAlong the back wall of the throne room there are several pillars that span from floor to ceiling.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS @The walls and floors of the throne room are solid stone.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW 2What exactly is it that you want me to do?RUGCARPETMAT$0OKThere is nothing under the rug.BEHINDBACK *What is it that you wish me to do?TAPESTRITAPESTRYBANNERHANGING=? ?+E -+ O}=  _ -x ? s{[SCU57>?ۉ - ? 8" y-|<|||\|c ǟ~ kB ,OVOGw~@@ ?* ՞"?oP8<-X04eqp  :RbVvVF`ܮ :/|?l|h`@0ܟ3@^Z`p`qv?҅NEYGG!>g?~.@8`8>\XxH`p |PhtP`@:q?- #(1wqCyh8xIfc3O_{cW؀ _2‡~>ܼ2@/L-  /;!<`@P@  <ϟ>@>o?3Ȅ- % v@HHǐ+j'N/ {:G^*?wO_  *`hf`/pXP08xx058 p` `` p(x(x0x؄ ?oc|7"# ^ *|?F?Ac1 @ . ??a . 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A much larger door leads east into the dungeons.WALLSWALL JThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torch flames.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW bThe light fades into darkness as Maddog strains his eyes to see what lies beyond the door.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 8The rock ceiling hangs high above Maddog's head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS 6 The dungeon chamber is entirely made of stone.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX 8Against the back wall of the room sits a chest.ELIXERTONICPOTIONCONTAINEVILEELIXIRVIAL lI don't understand what you want me to do.The elixir appears to be brown in color and very old.GOLDCOINCOINSMONEY I can't see what you are talking about.Maddog looks at the stack of gold coins and replies, "Not a bad little treasure here."I can't see any more gold here.HOLECRACK V There's really nothing special about the hole. Except that it saved my life.ININTOINSIDE  I can't see in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX ZI can't do that while it's closed.OK.There is nothing inside the chest.HOLECRACK V There's really nothing special about the hole. Except that it saved my life.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICK>8I'm not sure what it is that you want me to do?TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS R"Maddog responds, "The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls."TRUNKCHESTCASEBOX 4 I really don't see that we need to do that.ELIXERPOTIONTONICCONTAINEBOTTLEVILEELIXIRVIAL 8I can't see what you're talking about.OK.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS 8I can't see what you're talking about.OK.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOPP(\OK.OIt's already open.I can't do that right now.I really don't think that's such a good idea.I see no reason to reopen the chest. I already emptied it.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOP DOK. It's already closed.I can't do that right now.RESP&YOU BLEW IT GUYSR1 TSuddenly, Maddog is startled by a translucent form emerging from the chest.R2 (Maddog quietly opens the chest.R3 RMaddog is quickly engulfed by the ghostly form and pulled into the chest.R4 ^The chest shakes violently from side to side as if a struggle is taking place inside.R5 LWithout warning, the chest opens and Maddog is thrown into the air.R6 The chest is empty.R7 "OK.OK.OK. R8 OK.0R OK.FD `In his weakened condition, Maddog is unable to endure the heat of the fiery creatures.GD  As Maddog hits the cold stone floor he loses conciousness. His strength fails him and he fades off into an eternal sleep.F1 !Maddog is surprised as several fiery creatures emerge from the chest. They fly through the air and land upon the stone floor surrounding him.CH As Maddog peers into the chest he notices a small container of elixir.Maddog peers into the chest and notices a pile of gold coins.GG tI can't see what you're talking about.Maddog reaches into the chest and picks up 100 gold pieces.GdGE I can't see what you're talking about. Maddog reaches into the chest and retrieves a small container of elixir.ucSG1 BA strange feeling comes over Maddog as he begins to grow.ED<OK.~~LOOK ELIXER~~DRINK ELIXERFX$OK.~~DRINK ELIXERPAB6"""fDR33   . ??? . ߀ϭ߆|.߀ρ/G߁߂Ñ???'[K{K{ 9{?!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!? !!!!!!!!!$?! """p3DRD%33##???5001 5000 5000 ?>_ޜ?~ τ?P .?>???9??!? ǀ  . =?ϟ# h߿ .ۘ;s7F ;SӔã1/X Oφ? `{㿟.졇yCߞ>oވ ظkx  A )aiQ.c"s #+bAߟ$)1>BZ@xZ@ 8 .G?]a   ,@ϟ?__? 0  .>//(!R 6 pa``h7'?? .ߏGϗ| /--$*`A,aJ/?1+ 7O1s$  .=`G?O1  _ w. wFqAxD.ف4???;99<? Sgwtp3c At` . ߐ< ???<>'???? 1??߇(? .x*?? 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The only way out is through the door." RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 I'm already standing.S1 4Maddog grasps the scepter and pulls it free.R1 NMaddog lifts one corner of the rug and says, "There's nothing there."L1 !Maddog looks around the chamber and discovers he has entered the Dungeons of Duridian. Fear fills his soul as he remembers the stories of this evil place.Maddog grabs the scepter and twists with all his might. Sweat trickles down his forehead as he realizes the throne is not going to return to the upper level.Maddog takes a deep breath to calm himself, stands and retrieves the scepter.""" 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It's made up of stone blocks that have been fitted tightly together.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS The entire chamber is made of stone. The floor looks a lot different from the others here in the dungeons. It's made up of stone blocks that have been fitted tightly together.CRACKCRACKSSEAMSEAMS tMaddog looks at the cracks in the floor and wonders to himself why this floor is different from the others.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW bThe light fades into darkness as Maddog strains his eyes to see what lies beyond the door.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKZI can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS R!Maddog rsponds, "The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls."ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS :I really don't think I could, even if I wanted to.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYS.R1 | As Maddog steps onto one of the smooth stones, it falls out from under him and he plunges unexpectedly to his death."""43uRP#D3 px|~~|~fgfgoysgo?#x{A~|yp!cw[ Q`C#x{A~|yqs!apX P`C#x{A~|xqp! ?ow[ Q`C`@0 `0@@p@V_^ gisgo?p`#3p`?~?p` _~|}{psutfF`asprpxOJu'5  #/Ͽ?#/ǿ>#/?~?MKJR]] D 7<'#7w{<#7{;<z[Ki)m.,3=9 КZRHwedhjBJb : fgfoysgo??3A#'?A#???A#2&.n 6͉ KJ `gisgo?"3}]?脂u߃_,5P:26'2 @ K    fgfoysg/?F?ߟ??Y^VrpzR0|g`h~??/? _kbk+B@OGwky}~}x]3 ~}/ذ1~}/<~}/_??_?? >? ?>|w?>??> @@0pa}|>* #+*PO ~|fgfoyp`!<|~p`acYuT~ XuT~YuT~1tE!֖ )fh`h~?x |x"1 P~x"1 P`"10P0knhkK[;[g foS5}5KI?~?o?߄?@6{oߛ3? o?LJ wOƈWEM HcA0<0&>fNv??`=?1G{??o?MnJCfD}L5!IY/o]-=7fgfoyp`!<|~p`ac_/#O}?';{y>'/$*"<*PO}Uxfh`h~? |0 ߟ?OGFаԄ$@OO?"?~ > W0ƃ :    @ P TX *" B   IDu4% ( 1R!  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I think I'll pass on that!BATHSWIMMINGWET There's no time!ININTOINSIDE 2I'm not sure what you want me to get into.WATERFOUNTAINLIQUIDFLUIDFONTPOOLWELLTROUGHBASINTUB There's no time! DRINKTASTESWALLOWGULPGUZZLESIP"That could be interesting.WATERLIQUIDFLUIDFOUNTAINFONTPOOLWELLTROUGHBASINTUB LOK I already am!No thank you! I think I'll pass on that!RESP$KAWABUNGA! YOU BLEW IT DUDE!W1 hMaddog stops drinking suddenly and gags. The water from the fountain burns violently in his stomach. He begins to retch violently.Shaking his head to clear it, Maddog gets up from the fountain.As Maddog drinks from the fountain, his body is filled with a sensation of intense cold.Maddog gets to his feet feeling refreshed and strengthened.C1 I'm not close enough.PAB6"""0D R33gwswswsuwcse`rx{y{y{y{yix {)>GO_.Q D*.!>*~.`! . \!_??????_/.!*'.!*. .~혰=ʐ?.ëKi~e`Lڹ?????. ?/??????ƀfFfg߿?.Ǐ;hp@ `$Ȉ?ܿ̚;xׁƦfgfgoysg?.g<~;>?{zx~><|8,!"1,×__nM ? onmikc?#.DŽcWCGGD@!0ӃGЇ׷gs..{>? 0>9x@`  t1.πkÁkx  flLJ  ,_@o`wj n-.?9o*N0? pl~/.ط?~!‚q8hJ:8:(hg2.C 8 ???~"@Q.?/gu]PX]߁OQ.` ?}_wD_Q.~.{ _0Q.ۋ;{A ??@(0!ǁՂǃԃׄ5.? }_~|yA;+(Vp ?;2.`w}{;!y CPC01K_}xtm0.|2>~Ύ^, R#/.?_޿3//# 1$C ?<,\|<\ $@(/<5!a@AA0Ѡ ]@…X0`6 ?9A@9@A3B`qAYAJjmGCa1pI[SCc6d0o` @`y?(!ЀC9PO#[x@!D8@€|? `ptCB@@`P@(83#4@Gr;10 D@4>;'m d`l`@DJR~v{32=?}O/  0040"!3!67;>*/=  :9<>?>?>;?;?3'.ݜ(p8@@  ^`|zCp@@`0xj~7@f;r v6v6 Rz:<p@0(8(<04$<04<$ @                                      ,@@@@L` ?B@E _NX`: @F`@ C@`" ,@ " 1 @RnG\(`@0xA"P|P m , @A17@Ȍx`PdM` @&ko!D)U5ǫˆ@ k`=߾,   @@`!g'   F !8 Tq` T,`Фh  X@@gz:p @`Bf@$QnK},`P! 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"""0D R33twIwIwIwIwIwIwIwI+ .???6000 6002 6000<S60082s6010|Ҟ6011XEDORENFRanSvP P  TSvP  P TSvP P TECOM ENFRe T 9"T09"aSTP9"PW 9WPTSTp9"PR TT9"T9"T 9"T9"T1etMNENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMHALLHALLWAYCHAMBERCELLDUNGEON 8A steel grate is set into the side of the hall.GRATEBARSBAR JThe small grate is embedded into the side of the dungeon hallway.STONESTONESROCKROCKSBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS 4The entire dungeon chamber is made of rock.DOORSDOORDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNENFRKtP2 RK KB P3K P4P1RKs2ENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELL  Looking around the room, Maddog notices a chest resting against the north wall and a small rock resting next to the east wall.Looking around the room, Maddog notices a chest resting against the north wall.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS ZI don't see any.Maddog peers into the chest and notices a pile of gold coins.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES OK.BOULDERBOULDERSWALLSWALLBLOCKBLOCKS  The dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torch flames. A small rock sits along the side of one wall and a chest rests against another.The dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torch flames. A chest rests against the northern wall.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWFRAME 8The doors lead into other rooms in the dungeon.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 2The rock ceiling hangs over Maddog's head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.ELIXERPOTIONTONICCONTAINEBOTTLEVILEELIXIRVIAL XWhat? I can't see any.The elixir appears to be brown in color and very old.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX Inspecting the chest for a brief moment, Maddog says, "It seems to be an ordinary chest. It looks strangely out of place in this almost empty room."ININTOINSIDE I can't see in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX \I can't do that while it is closed.OK.There is nothing inside the chest.DOORFRAMEROOMARCHARCHWAYDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGPATHPATHWAYPASSAGEPASSAGEWDOORSFRAMESROOMSARCHESARCHWAYSDOORWAYSENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITSOPENINGSPATHESPATHWAYSPASSAGESPASSAGEWe\4It looks just like the rest of this dungeon. GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPT"I can't get that.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.TRUNKCHESTCASEBOX 4 I really don't see that we need to do that.ELIXERPOTIONTONICCONTAINEBOTTLEVILEELIXIRVIAL VI can't see what you are talking about.OK.But the chest is closed.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS rI can't see what you are talking about.OK.But the chest is closed.I already have the gold.ROCKSTONE<(c(okOI already have it.ROCKSSTONESBOULDERBOULDERSWALLWALLS 8They look just a bit too heavy to carry around.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXPe(\OK.OIt's already open.I can't do that right now.I really don't think that is such a good idea. But there is nothing there. We already emptied it.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX DOK. It's already closed.I can't do that right now.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSR1 Suddenly Maddog is startled by a translucent form emerging from the chest.OSuddenly Maddog is startled by the translucent form again emerging from the chest.R2 TMaddog cautiously opens the chest, not knowing what lies inside.Ook.R3 RMaddog is quickly engulfed by the ghostly form and pulled into the chest.R4 ^The chest shakes violently from side to side as if a struggle is taking place inside.R5 LWithout warning, the chest opens and Maddog is thrown into the air.R6 The chest is empty.R7 "OK.OK.OK. R8 OK.0R OK.FD `In his weakened condition, Maddog is unable to endure the heat of the fiery creatures.GD  As Maddog hits the cold stone floor, he loses conciousness. His strength fails him and he fades off into an eternal sleep.F1 !Maddog is surprised as several fiery creatures emerge from the chest. They fly through the air and land upon the stone floor surrounding him.CH As Maddog peers into the chest he notices a small container of elixir.Maddog peers into the chest and notices a pile of gold coins.CI@OK.OK.OK.GG HMaddog reaches into the chest and picks up 100 gold pieces.GdGE T Maddog reaches into the chest and retrieves a small container of elixir.cP1A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKP2A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW fTwo doors lead north and south from the hallway. A large metal door seems to be rusted open.WALLSWALL LThe dungeon wall seem to glow with the light of the torches flames.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE 2The rock ceiling hangs above Maddogs head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS HTwo torches are mounted to the walls, giving off an eerie glow.VINESVINEVEGETATIGROWTHLEAVESLEAFTHINGMONSTERCREATUREBEAST ,I don't see anything like that here.ININTOINSIDE I can't see in that.GRATEBARBARSHOLE RMaddog strains to see into the small hole and notices some movement below.DOORDOORSEXITEXITSDOORWAYDOORWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEOPENINGOPENINGS T Two doors lead into chambers to the north and the hall leads further south.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKI can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.BARBARSGRATEHOLE (It looks pretty permanent to me.VINEVINESLEAFLEAVESTHINGMONSTERGROWTHVEGETATICREATUREBEAST ,I don't see anything like that here.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.DOORDOORSMETALCELLGATE Maddog looks at the hinges on the large metal door and says, "By the looks of the rusted hinges, I don't think even the old Cyclops could close this door."RESP YOU BLEW ITT1 `Maddog is pulled to his death by a man-eating vine, after wandering too near the grate.PAB6"""fDR33??>0?> ?> ?>1' ??91<?2ʡ?O??? 82`_0< 80/2'߂߁߄ ߀߀Oހ????2 ?+~2kחo /2 <'|2Zdž0?_2 ?˫e߿w? 2>~}Ď>?ޜYG??_ P2???????>??_?_"???//???/2 <~2ڛ;[8[ cQ;gOπτǟ#`{2= ϟ>|p  \Ȧh a9 <A )ai27:b`1E-!F B 2+7 02?>Ā?χ %D IS),O_x~ o2 ?Ax~7'#D 1w_ "2ߟN 7|//GЁP?}~?`" ǀO$2<3' [|sgxp  ~$w2 ]t z4 $D2>?/?￰< ! ,<`0?$ At` 2  ` U}x~``2&$(?2s{ > @???/<90+0#,RB/3 Ql|\X[}~??w$@@2.rH~p8__D$2 WhCGPB1DCCO¾v?~"2 Ͽ2!@6 yq/P2>x p'<㭫rP (f63aI>݀>??>??/Ph(2߈? q`\Oa: RCӅ߾}y'?(D \2 @ фO/C}[bH2'ϟ 1@ER_2 _ ׯA3??~|o?? 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Could you please reprase it?MANGETLEMANJEFFJEFFORYBRIERWOOPERSONGUYFELLOWHIMPRISONER DOKOYou must go now and leave me to my punishment.RESP@ YOU BLEW ITP1"OK~~LOOK SOCKSV1"OK~~WEAR SOCKST1 Maddog looks at the old man with puzzled eyes as he begins to speak in a rasping voice."My name is Sir Jeffory Brierwood of the once Great Calandor Guard. I came to the kingdom of Duridian many years ago from a land far to the west. That is before the desolation of Serak destroyed our villages and settlements in the valleys below.Now there is only desert and dust where entire cities once stood. During the battle, I was in command of one of the regiments that fought against the evil Serak. But after killing many men in my struggle to reach the Castle of Duridian, I stopped in the midst of a great and bloody battle and threw down my sword. I then vowed never to take another life.After the battle and after everyone had abandoned the castle, I then came down to these lower chambers and chained myself to the wall. I have been here since, living the life of one who has disgraced his people.Although Serak has begun to regain his powers, he has not bothered me, thinking me to be old and crazy.I have nothing to give you but there is this that I can say, "In the depths of the dungeon you will face your greatest trials. But it is this that will prove to give you your greatest triumph."OThank you for your gift and may the gods protect you from evil.T2 R Maddog pulls out his red socks and offers them to the old man. A feeling of goodness comes over him as the old man accepts the socks and smiles at Maddog with crooked and missing teeth. He then mutters a simple thank you and looks down at his worn rough feet. With that the old man looks the socks over and begins to put them on.A1 OK*Hx~                                9 ft -O-4:49H9<<@D<@E5EHFH(L(/?/4A479;B7>9;>C@C-\-4J49T9C;>CTC)Z)0O05P59H9J;>C;CGDG-d-4I49T9@EHOH(X(/G/4O47@;I7>@;CL>C-V-4F49V9EHLH(X(/J/4Z47D;L7>A;>COC-\-4E49P9>;>CIC-P-4G49L9<;@D<@E8EHCH(L(/C/4J47<;E7>@;>CBCj%kk#ah$lL.% r@2@E7EC.CE2EC3@-CE9@C3ECE/C7EC@.@@1@>/@3>C@@E>CC8ECE/EC-@.CE5@C/EE4CEi h h!hT5  f<7;+<;<?>?}p~W__?#4JC3z{x.߀'ln} pCssv ~{Vyx}> M Ю|. /?_x&?=3."~O?_oooo?wߟ|ƩGww37wwupqǟ?eÇ.F>{;{{ }]zc~~~pw~~x?=?>u3/^=߿~. %9Gٓ~r_w!gOGK)Ow7)߿듫 3+9JPϟ?>|ۻ .>> ۿ0+Grx|P"cG0/do^=a/?//?;T~<0w=?x^ޮ@8Oo`ޱ@30̯ ??7޾=<mW0J_߁߇  /Ӹu ??1w0|{~wsqz{7ӱؒJS@ 0L ݀wo_?L(0G! `ƶ B#g7@7014`#p 9- _ow<zp! X8t  ߿v~07wghizQAŃ#ga@P`> $_0YUo޾|?p8yx ? C 808?s_ > @$`Z~@G ? 0|џC?>?<@?~0@??;8$`q?A8l G?h0 ?_o70}< 0  19z ?  Tv{0>v x* _@/w?>p?  0_@xi"tx6 Ka ? ?0? 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M.....W? ?0FFFFM_Jfy7 pw5A3""<0p`8888888x p>x8<pxx<|8x88 px8<xpp x8px8x 1PvPvPvPvLzI~EA>;841.+'#""""""""""""""""L?? 5001 5000 5000(5010 e,(J5012rEDOR''p'''''''ENFR''' '0'@'P'`'ENFR'ENFR'  0@P`pENFRJPJJPJ[ D   D[D'H #S[e} ,p[P`NTH #WXmoKEOEJFLKDODJE:KCOCJD(KBOBJCJJBJtO[eECOMENFRnS`) ;  < TS`)  ; < TS`) ; <  TtECOMENFReZMT1MtMeN[WV 2 WV 2 `WV2V2%MZECOMENFRECOMENFRKtP2 RK KB P3K P4P1RKENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECKI can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELL v Cold shivers run up and down Maddog's spine as he looks over the edge of the stairs into the empty blackness.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHWAYPATHSPATHWAYSHALLHALLSHALLWAYHALLWAYSENTRANCEPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW 8The doors lead into other rooms in the dungeon.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE BThe ceilings of this dungeon are made of cold hard stone.FLOORDOWNGROUNDSTAIRSDIRTSTAIRSTAIRWAYEDGECLIFFCLIFFSOVERDROP-OFFSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPSLEDGEDROPDROPOFF 6The stone stairs give way to empty blackness.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS@~',f,0&d0 1&0|?!!|94\,>9H {9<Wt,, @Nj3   ~,>&@ 0`3x7/&0h dik,CLG(PX XDq 4?2;)&?<=!76?1 91$+   $    0 6 8`,Yjզx"z`H sx"@`?$!Jyq d@!N@2 p|? 0,L HR då @$8%cb/ @Ng秨 8 @``,B : o;~M @"p@!R&1?:pFp0p>` (`,v r@hHƋ>A@&$@ Uݷᙗz3@*@ @&>q9- !,??|npth(,`&'0&  `n#'?<2 <,?b,0$ N,o@  ?|pbf2 Bh-~HgP   B,`!,Ф$FA@C3@$ `@`@`bbG21uB`b''灡,|CAÀ@qA4XPϰf #p0   /px,L0E(*Ўr9 , 98>p ~?db#'%-$6?'SP@4#} c`p| , ;H` P#'p콹@_P)!P@#I @0f8N",hPB #|} @0y $F76~1@ G &'$@B@1a# B`b, A!1 A!?EqM%['}1 as3yuOǁ Aq1=_,,,,,,,,,, ,{O~_?,y?ߟ,v?px,DRP@,@* m?,r#B," PH @D?,qǗ@,,hP`@20 G2,g``  *"7!,<.O ,qI~,"($P(D Cp̏,r  6,s/M->,s}u,v?,x,{@>@,@@@|@,,,,,,,,H 6,N`D,- i pw5A3"" 8p 8p 8p8p 8p&011111<x1r><|;rL>x ??`p0rx<Eyx|<>51111111-x<& p88p8?! Z?   pw5A3""R bl? ??     ))++   ?#??6000 6002 6000Q6009EDORENFRnS>0>0'd  TS>0>0'd TS>0>0'd TtECOM' '''''''ENFR '' '0'@'P'`'ENFR 'ENFR ' 0@P`pENFRJPJ['a v v  [va'S\0[\[va'Ts>s s s }2P1 OK.BLOCKBLOCKSWALLWALLS FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKpI can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @"The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.ROCKSTONEPPD(OKOI already have it.ROCKSSTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS ,They look a bit big to carry around.RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYST1 xAs Maddog falls into the darkness, he yells some incoherent words and something about learning to walk straight.P1A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKP2A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKP3A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKP4A& PATDISABLE~~RESP RKPAB5"""fDDR33  .  ߀Q @ .߀ϭ߆|. ߀߄/߁߀^܁؀????g.~p +. ʀcߟwG /Qi . 1ߟo_߻I'' D.yx (lp4??_   ??. ~ؗˋS'WGww7߿w1 .?Ć>>>_g?~?_ @ .?_??9?????/?// p ` .= ϟ# o.ۘ;3+k7F ;Qє3/CO쨰}}?.졇yCߞ?o߇<ظkx` x.cy%9`Aߟ->CBR˛@xZG> .?G?]"L*Ji,@ϟ?__? =C .>`?/#`a=#23sw a .߀߈Gׯ| ?-.?/+ ,[/ϟ+7O1s<? .=`Ga< \ $v>. +CCK CÀ $B .݅?y=>9<9??v v vvvvp$ .7O ߉<  -  .x>  ۂۀ . #†?A #!#! #+;x{y{yxO? .hVj~{vzL~@ _$ . ޟ^ ̘0 =?$ .!?6Asr؂SJhgf73I>݀ :=>?  . ?Ogs3{#tT]s}9w?ON2QM?ݞ.?U,}=pz. {=>}\~?????8ɠ@ FƃF. ~ ?cx OoIuEC|??.??%` ?ǎ o{s]GUSCosq?=?_ .?ͯ  K og7 .  ? y.~~~ ~F~>&         >!|IK ```Æ  'OKXv@   5@ 8g?0 0! M߭Mۙ>\$ m[ٹw~xbC O 90m};*w?>v '=mi  ??P8<[eJ$p[v' oa[\0[\ECOMENFRnQ[ $Q $Q $ECOMENFR4w  F  W Vu$WV z VW Vu$WV hW Vu$WV 6W V$WV WV MMI6012ECOMENFR  M 6<#oENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELL Water swirls around a large rock pinnacle at the end of this strange hall. A large and beautiful gem sits perched on the top of the rock.Water swirls around a large rock pinnacle at the end of this strange hall.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTIRESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSSTEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWSTAIRCAS ZOne of the doors leads into another room and the other one leads down the hallway.HALLHALLWAY RIt looks like a normal hallway, except for this pool of water at the end.BARBARSGRATINGGRATE FThere doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it from here.FLOORGROUNDDIRT 4The castle floor is made of cold hard stone.DOWNWATERPOOLEDGEOVERSTREAMSTREEMLAKEPOOLSLIQUIDFOUNTAINWHIRLPOOWHIRL 0I don't see anything unusual down there.CEILINGUPABOVE 2The rock ceiling hangs over Maddog's head.ROOF RLaughing a bit to himself, Maddog says, "I don't see any dog around here."TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS rAll the torches in this castle so far have been the same kind. I wonder if they have any different ones.PINNACLEPILE vA large gem sits on top of the pinnacle.The rock pinnacle sits in the middle of a swirling pool of water.FLATTWO JTwo stones stick out of the water as if they were stepping stones.GEMGREENJEWELPRECIOUSBEAUTIFUGEMSTONE vA beautiful gem sits on top of the rock pinnacle.It seems to be a clear gem. I wonder where it came from?WALLWALLSBLOCKBLOCKS $The walls look very strong.STONESTONESROCKROCKS The entire dungeon is made of stone.A pinnacle of stone sits in the center of a swirling pool of water. Two flat stones protrude from the water on either side of it.A beautiful gemstone rests on top of the pinnacle.The entire dungeon is made of stone.A pinnacle of stone sits in the center of a swirling pool of water. Two flat stones protrude from the water on either side of it.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEI can't get that.GEMJEWELGREENPRECIOUSBEAUTIFUGEMSTONEwbMaddog reaches out and grasps the gem from the rock pinnacle.OI already took it.WATERDRINKLIQUID "I'm not thirsty right now.WET ,Well let's just go and jump in then.ININTOINSIDE nI can't get in that.WATERLIQUID ,Well let's just go and jump in then.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS ^I'm not going to carry any of these stones around with me all day. I don't need them.TORCHTORCHESFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS 0They are securely fastened to the walls.BARBARSGRATINGGRATE I'm not close enough.ONUPONATOP v(What did you want me to get on?ROCKSSTONESPILEPINNACLE I'd rather not.RESPZYOU BLEW IT GUS.P1 OK~~LOOK GEMPAB6#4"F33 g{|@ .~}}|{wO-)1y9#_ ߿-??+ly(_*@? -?Ow}/?wqxy      >=}-?jw???6?? Ͽ-!]u5߿-%$ Q!-%%O>>~!-%&%zQ W1!-%$^ ?!-  ? N!-ǟ<'{ !-?" | !-}<Ǐ? ;  -?? 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P@(@C( 0x>r(!X`@  0\@bB@ "@@0@ "LN$ $`nOb'D$0 H4 ` (0x0x??`p o"V0r0Wpp`(.`"  t  X<(K(D -7%D&F/! m PM&    .P"d$ VF Q ECOM ENFR[ o''FDV 0 WV V eMtMNMECOMENFRGGs"s/s(|ECOMENFRGEs" s/0s(|Y1V3Y2ECOMENFRM<#s8R#s8>#s8s:s/0s8s:s/ECOMENFRKt P2M RK KB P3K P4P1RKECOMENFRoPENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERCELLDUNGEON A large metal chain hangs from the high ceiling of this curious chamber and an iron gate prevents Maddog from exiting to the north.A bucket hangs from the large, metal chain in the center of the room.BUCKETPAIL fIt looks like your average every day rusty old bucket.A bucket hangs from the large chain.CHAINCHAINSLINKLINKS 4A large, metal chain hangs from the ceiling.ELIXIRPOTIONTONICCONTAINEBOTTLEVIAL LI don't see that.There's a small bottle of elixir in the chest.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS BI don't see that.There's a pile of gold in the chest.CHESTBOXLIDCASETRUNK $It's just an ordinary chest.METALMETALICIRON The door or the chain?CHAINLINKCHAINSLINKS .A large chain hangs from the ceiling.DOORDOORSBARSBARGATEGATESDOORWAYGATEWAY 0A large metal gate is on the north wall.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERS OKDOORGATEBARBARSDOORSEXITEXITSENTRANCEENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESOPENINGOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYWAYGATEWAYGATES A large gate prevents Maddog from exiting to the north.Another door exits to the west.The large gate is now open. Aother door exits to the east.WALLSWALLBLOCKBLOCKS FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE DThe ceilings of the dungeon are made of cold and hard stone.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.TORCHESTORCHFLAMEFIREFLAMESFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls,the torches give off an eerie red glow.ININTOINSIDEWITHIN I can't look in that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOX DI can't do that while it's closed.OK. It's empty.BUCKETPAIL The bucket is empty.There are five rocks in the bucket.There are four rocks in the bucket.There are three rocks in the bucket.There are two rocks in the bucket.There is only one rock in the bucket.DOORGATEBARBARSDOORSEXITEXITSENTRANCEENTRANCEENTRYENTRIESOPENINGOPENINGSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYWAYGATEWAYGATES FA small passageway leads to the north and another to the west. OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOPVWOK. It's already open.I can't do that right now.I really don't think that's such a good idea.I don't need to. There's nothing in there.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKCASEBOXLIDTOPVWDOK.It's already closed.I can't do that right now.GETACCEPTTAKEGRABREMOVERETREIVEPICKI can't get that.BOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS DEven if I could get them, I don't think I could carry them.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESVWDok I don't think taking those rocks would do any good.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.TRUNKCHESTCASEBOX 4 I really don't see that we need to do that.ELIXIRPOTIONTONICCONTAINEBOTTLEVIAL NI can't see what you're talking about.OK.I already took it.GOLDMONEYCOINCOINS NI can't see what you're talking about.OK.I already took it.BUCKETPAIL ZI don't see a bucket in this room.I think it's of more use to me where it is.CHAINCHAINSLINKLINKS &It looks much too big to take.PUTHANGPLACEATTACHHOOKSUSPENDSETLIFTFILLVI can't do that.BUCKETPAIL 6,Where do you want me put the bucket?CHAINLINKCHAINSLINKS <I don't have the bucket.OKI already did.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONES jI don't have a bucket.I'd rather not have to carry around a bucket filled with rocks.OK RO  @Q@( x@^j "1CGA&c+ 1! P"` @,hx 1$2 `,  @2@ Qy@ $*"`0 @ plZp")`1$ ! ! 8> `1 1& # `D@KF6~(}@"?B$D~"  A@(@\᎜E2@I<qv>@$@@@Q hP $;ZB(2 ( Am,J 0><(L(inә?71!5wC$ Q XT@P>A#;{?3,;}qPUe @t$ d b1(4.6NVx|Τ~Ԃ }~->y?4q\b   @$ \F1@"b9 TJN@܊   Ev&MA;0hsG "1( BB@6|K ` `P$n`"6"hf/6o?^>^=|}3~#7 Of=>3?Z2&:/>)+BNr#@?@ @  P"`~  ~]ߗߜ ,2h1ҢVtx rWjfg@HФt?Y[F 0 0d8?"qDTXC 4@!I  `h oA@P@ ("`;` n4@ĀpA@ #/" ;EB%?k \0J)H  €z|"0XpC _@0I0 im ` .? @1 A `p o r0Wp p`(~`"?0/H|\h@Bk|p b>-J:1h @L y" H @A~ B Q"@&>@ s y@ L$*"_ ?"Pz@@ZHD-:䙀` ? `@"?B$D"Cw?C"!T dP  ,M  `@ @ 0&?o~_ !H7W  H 4 ?1 #?@b0!2ِ 9D b`z@TB(?@$\F1"  6@(@C( 0x((!X=0`P  0\@bB@;`2#G$ $knOb%D'= 1N8 ` (0x\??i Hހ  P"  ? A X<( , ( @ 0?"R|jGA&c+_ފP <0P"c4hc   1$2 `"@#plp")$ ! 8  fr # f @>KF6(ǻ"P@JwA@(@\E eXHB*#@@@Q x@`p o r0Wp`(`"z;ZB(2 ( Am, 0><(L(inӛ;31!l05wC$x Q XT@P@H  @LH" {{?3,;}`;Ue @t$ d b14.6NV|~Ԃ }~->Y4q\b ~@ Qy@ $*" TJ@@^j  EF&MA;0hsG"1(n BB@6Q{ ` `P`@"?nB$D'"2o/6o?^=|}3~#7 O =>3Z2&8>)+BNr#@b  # U]\ ,2h0ҢVtx rWjf@Фt? Y[F 0 0(-# DT_ 4@!I fY A@P@9h@$,\F1A" n4@Āp΁*@,a#"  ' bd ~|` `"4# @0@0 i`0 `@ .;l1 Nx0_p@ P  P"?\  H   -J:0=@6E?@?/ @+S@A~ B KpC  "P`@@Z4 `D-:䙀` o CB<>B" T dP  ,L  I4@@(c` Pr@1`"!0@P0 `@@@@@"(@ ‰` G@0 @5>&0@ B @%@J'C ,@ :0@ B q|< !&.  D @p `a`B@@ "4#89"  @ @ @c   (`"@U8 ! @`0Q/ pCKSROCKSTONESTONES $I can't put the rocks there.BUCKETPAIL jI don't have a bucket.I'd rather not have to carry around a bucket filled with rocks.OK PULLHANGI can't pull on that.CHAINLINKLINKSCHAINS ZOKI think the bucket idea is better.What do you think I'm trying to do?LETRELEASEI can't do that.GOLOOSECHAINCHAINSLINKLINKSUP &I'm not holding that.OKRESP YOU BLEW IT GUYST1  I don't have any rocks.T2 ~Maddog walks to the bucket and places a rock inside.Maddog walks to the bucket and places all of his rocks inside.P9$OK~~LOOK BUCKETV1$OK~~FILL BUCKETV2$OK~~POUR BUCKETR1 TSuddenly, Maddog is startled by a translucent form emerging from the chest.R2 jMaddog cautiously opens the chest, not knowing what lies inside.Maddog opens the chest again.R3 RMaddog is quickly engulfed by the ghostly form and pulled into the chest.R4 ^The chest shakes violently from side to side as if a struggle is taking place inside.R5 LWithout warning, the chest opens and Maddog is thrown into the air.R6 The chest is empty.R7 "OK.OK.OK.FD `In his weakened condition, Maddog is unable to endure the heat of the fiery creatures.GD  As Maddog hits the cold stone floor he loses consciousness. His strength fails him and he fades off into an eternal sleep.F1 !Maddog is surprised as several fiery creatures emerge from the chest. They fly through the air and land upon the stone floor surrounding him.CHAs Maddog peers into the chest, he notices a small container of elixir.Maddog peers into the chest and notices a pile of gold coins.~~6GG zI can't see what you're talking about.Maddog reaches into the chest and picks up 100 gold pieces.GdezGE I can't see what you are talking about. Maddog reaches into the chest and retrieves a small container of elixir.cuzSJ1 OKP1 OK~~RESP RKP2 OK~~RESP RKP3 OK~~RESP RKP4 OK~~RESP RKY1$OK~~DRINK ELIXIRV3$OK~~LOOK ELIXIRY2$OK~~DRINK ELIXIRH1 4I don't need to. There's nothing in there.Q1 "Maddog walks to the chain. O@&1NtTl<  B! !  T$R@!@ (A@G)@T ! pP0p@L%`E^斌€NBF  "D@@  @@p|BJ,J,@# y_@ Y3 `"zox+OG "# Aa:LaK* 6 ! ĥW@]@&r@UAT׊ZzPp1 t@Ώ@ʈ98(8<8 Sx蠍 2! @ 8`Ȁ! 0@!  DHS>=ߓs1 OE1! B 1  "I _? @  ! w0LCn@o,bqc!/2?{#u߁:|}s7aLJVotsSa}?(?IH ߕ/z'0 gф` > @! 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Still dizzy from all the churning and spinning, he realizes that he's once again found himself in another very dangerous situation, drifting slowly downward into the home of a hungry-looking creature.BB jMaddog struggles to swim against the swift current flowing through the small passage.OOKCC vAfter turning several shades of red, due to lack of air, Maddog passes out and drowns in this underwater trap.DD %Maddog swims a little too close and the squid-like creature reaches out with one of its long tentacles and wraps it tightly around Maddog's torso, squeezing the last bit of air from his lungs.k>~4|>  ( ?  ?<3>9'?!5x^|< / !  ?>=3>975?8AQ a95G.g'#STPA1 0 5 =  #+G,`ϟ5[/!~ 縼% #/ljcwc'[zyxРOCLJÇ  ?<:9?=;7<;'/?o?5?~rUOs2Ͽ<? ?'?R `-? ׯ+A o?wo,ǏCϟ 8?-/y?-ߗW׃Pϯ/MϋGWǒחו*?@- ?߃΄߿o'y}  @(-s?,(-< C.(- ??7w  +/37=:3X`~:3C=[@ x^[?Lqyz{{xyxyx{{:3t?Ɛ*6?ށ93 ~=/Os9yqcsq`EAqaXZ|~"PaIy}{cs{|x@93 hIߟ߁ ?/3]7w7ι꾼ࠏLJސŌ̅Ҟ+| 0?$``@/~P` 0 +    `1?/ !&` +=85`Р@  @+ @@ 08(N > ߀+} @`|(B. 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