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Pardon me...I already did.GETTAKEGRABREMOVEPICKRETRIEVEACCEPTI can't get that.TORCHTORCHES @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.WATERLIQUIDPOOLFOUNTAINWELLWATERS `!You must be kidding, I must have drunk half the pool just trying to get to the surface.ININTOINSIDE I can't get in that.WATERPOOLWATERSFOUNTAINLIQUIDWELL `I'm not going back in there if my life depended on   Y  @ Y   #    Y Y  Y@0 P  Y  0  0#  @  Y  Y  Y` p P0 Y 0  0,#   Y0   Y------------------------ """DURp33hsycx~cxyA?cOax@<|asw77w'7gG | S3s6AǟĄv{zO]><?ٛ=Y(89̅܌  8xǟhsycx~cxyA?cOax@<|`prp307qwq'sca`@ | Q2𰻸qt0DGٟ{@v{z_?~0 @?vO+@X ٛ-Q9hIm L|Lq@Hq=Ex|hsycx~cxyA?cOax@<|`pq07ptp r`@ | P2𰺸qt0D _W9pv{z \Ahg?)'>?7owwo>~o_]OGLJ8`@!<x4<|&?|of~H|\z~|=?|}H~x~Z|> {# N O}mg%|ooEW՟]~7 Y}{zC|vdxlcf`sz`秖֗V6a ~i[][Gǃ!<x4<|&?|of~H|\z~|?>H{_}? {# N Omg%|ooEW՟_Ⴞ`gp˩Ϟ#_*ctGUT{Ozo}`vW6>vn>vvc#c{᷎vjᓻߟ!<x4<|&?|of~H|\z~|=>~H{_? {# NOog'ooGWן_??nM>G%{w{W'/oſЛXxݹv|vz|w|w{@ֆwv&d~ &.F?+SfK)K!<x4<|&?|of~H|\z~|?O?_?  {# NOog'ooGWן_?/~|{w{W'/oͿYxϼv|~z|w~@._6<|?/~/o7/_>WoC?= ?71,,, JH@`$02   0@`0(@ 0?HҰ 0AP   ( `@`0 (h0JH@`02    p@`@  `PQ @"  @    H$ (l JH@`02    \@`  P@@ 0 @  HJH@`00@ .  $(, JH@`.00  |< <\4Mx     `  >0 4`@`@`@`@`aflp>>8`@ x           h%&` >4 t @`@z@|t`xl`pzxc?x` a~ x         hL0栨 z ?<>``pЄA*`|t@TxNxo}?x`᷎/ϟ x  nM>G%?PX it.I told you to forget about it.ONUPONATOP I can't get on that.DRAGONCREATURETHINGMONSTERITTAILWINGWINGSBACKIMAGEFIGURESTATUEBEASTDEMON 2I don't have time to play childish games.DRINKSWALLOWTASTEGUZZLEGULPSIPLDNo way! I swallowed too much water while I was down there!RESP YOU BLEW ITD1 rMaddog looks up with horror- filled eyes as two large dragons stare down at him with hunger in their eyes.D2 After jumping out of the small pool of water Maddog looks up at the large-winged creatures and says with a smile on his face, "I knew they were just statues."B1 D Out of breath, Maddog struggles to the surface of the water.Y1"OK~~LOOK ARMOR""U3pRDD 808;8 xGx`@xGx`@xx`@|C|`@|C|`@|` 0 `  08<  >>^?H @8\?|p8 p8808 @@(WWWW `@ 0 `~x 086   p`p8808 $8tx0x8`@0@0 ` 088tyC>88tyC>8<<     808 @Ѐ0x3s@Ѐ0x3sxx`@||<||< `0  0 ` 08 ``>>^?H @8\>=~ 1 N=x` `` 80 ` 08@@@@aa  7ws1@`p8808   -p`@  8@0 ` 08w0p >>^?H @8\ o<8c   p`p88;8  )S8А @ 0 x9{ @'Gp8`@0  @@@L 08<@(pp 8; `?8t`@@@@L 08$48`>~???8p8;  ?/$,;|~ pp8 ` p08`3Hp`p `@@L 08'%<8 8`8; 8xp0 8pH8d p~x @`@@L 08 @ ?|? **?@98p `<88x888 <|xqx @PG`p08@ p8 p~p @@@L 08/_O@?}, x@0p0 |8 @@ @ 8p @ @@L 080  |8 |p0&>>=~ 1 nx`>! px8 8@@L 08) 8 0p/_8`08tyC?@I p `x pƒ q@0`@xp04) @ ܃ |P0"?>?|'?>~=~  7/<@PG||~@px s\ ?/$ .#?   @ p @p0 8<0` qz<0808<8\~<@~@Pls<x p08Ѕz 0 ``p8<> ??7w80 ||z<p~ 8 /80 8/x+@@@@| p8|@@L`p8J@p(  ? 88<<2v|vz|w|w{`@ֆ x ~p?Yx` όv|~z|w~@ޞώ_6n. 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Then he looks at the object at his feet and realizes that it's his royal scepter.GS pWith rage in his eyes, Serak exclaims, "You thief! How did you gain posession of my scepter?"#Then, in a slightly calmer but evil voice, he says, "Never mind. With this I'll be able to retrieve the Orb of Malthazar and there's nothing that can protect you against its powers.Serak again raises his arm, but this time he points his scepter at the doorway.DR !Magically, the doorway is filled with solid stone, leaving Maddog and King Thaylor trapped in the chamber with Serak.Serak laughs and remarks, "That should keep you from going anywhere." Then he turns and begins to walk toward the north wall.OS With a tilt of the torch, a secret passageway opens in the corner of the room.OWith a tilt of the torch, the secret passageway opens.CS FAs quickly as it opened, the secret passageway closes back up.GU jAfter getting to his feet, Maddog can hear King Thaylor moaning as he comes back to consciousness.FR <Maddog releases the shackles from around Thaylor's wrists, and in his weakened state, the King falls to his knees.!He looks up at Maddog and says, "I don't think I will be able to walk for a little while. You must hurry and follow Serak and stop him before he has a chance to retrieve his magical items."ST !Thaylor sits down upon the floor and rests. He then remarks, "Go quickly and I'll follow as soon as my strength returns."LK jKing Thaylor lifts his head and says, "There is no time to waste. You must hurry to stop Serak!"SS$OK~~LOOK SCEPTER"""DURp33Y  #!1), *0+#3p8C`@@p p @ H`Ѕf  '8px@ !   px8H `@P8p!cb! 0! #!=. 10.6F_`@@p &7XH, H`f԰`@|  !1<1( 88`@@p ؜@( `  H`ІDܴxHH0@Ҍ>@  fn"@@ @n&i 08 48<|h_OG"  ?  *@, <@ >hHB0؎> ~n_A@@  @u'A<}h8x^_O'(' ? )@# 0`@N>`@` `@/_ED؜>?~|x<x@?? |? @ x< x080  |=?? s0&>???>؀x08x)?=?8  1p??<`08|?@I `???> ?|~x|? <0`???><8|@p|?Їz|></+|~p8||><x`p8Ip("3B2 fCSDD?~|?a?` D$P 8pW x   !08x%1?p13 @ @  01 =@` `@` `H 1# # 8pX  x )9yq} $%1@@@?  p1 3 @ @0W0? 8L  8p PG|~~@p|p(F0 0?? <3A@p0x"@@@ ?  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Where? I don't see anything.What? Where? I don't see any.!!!It went down the pit, I'm glad I put on this suit of armor.ARMORWARBALLWARBALLCHAINCHAINMAISPIKED  Look at what?It looks like a new suit of chain mail with a war ball! I'll bet these will come in handy in these dungeons. They look like they are in excellent condition.Don't I look great in this new armor?DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEW 8The doors lead into other rooms in this dungeon.STEPSTEPSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCAS HThe old stone stairs lead down into another room in the dungeon.PITEDGEDROP-OFFCLIFFCLIFFSOVERHOLELEDGEDROPDROPOFF PThe pit seems to drop off into blackness. I wonder if it's bottomless?FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT hThe stone floor is cold and hard. A steep cliff falls endlessly into the depths of the earth.STAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYSTAIRCASSTEPSTEPS RA large, dark stairway leads down further into the depths of the dungeon.PITEDGEDROP-OFFCLIFFCLIFFSOVERHOLELEDGEDROP PThe pit seems to drop off into blackness. I wonder if it's bottomless?ININTOINSIDE $You want me to look in what?CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE  It's closed.Looking inside the chest, Maddog exclaims, "There's a suit of armor inside there!"There's nothing else inside there. GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPTPI can't get that.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.ARMORARMOURWARBALLWARBALLCHAINCHAINMAISPIKED vI don't see that.Reaching into the chest Maddog pulls out the suit of armor. OI already have that.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE &It looks a bit heavy to carry.ARROWSTICK jWhat? Where? I don't see anything.What? Where? I don't .!It went down in the pit.OPENUNLOCKI can't open that.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASEPPIJok.I't already open.But there's nothing else in there.CLOSESHUTSLAMLOCKxI can't close that.CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE &ok  It's already closed.WEARPUTI can't wear that.ARMORCHAINMAILCHAINMAI JWhat did you want me to do?OK.OI already have it on.RESP,YOU BLEW IT GUYS!T1 $Pardon me for just a moment.T2 LMaddog plunges to his death as he falls into the depths of the pit.T3 ^Being hit by a poisoned arrow, Maddog falls to his death at the bottom of the stairs.T4 ZBeing hit by a poisoned arrow, Maddog falls to his death in the depths of the pit.T5 RWHEW! That was too close for comfort! 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The door I came in is to the east.A hard stone pathway spirals around a stone pillar in the center of the chamber.A hard stone pathway spirals around a stone pillar in the center of the chamber. There is a door on the east wall.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE zThe center pillar of the chamber arches outward and meets the outer wall, forming an archway above Maddog's head.FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT XA hard stone pathway spirals around a stone pillar in the center of the chamber.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS .The pathway is entirely made of stone.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPT8I'm not sure what it is that you want me to do.TORCHESTORCHFIREFIRESFLAMEFLAMESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS J"Maddog responds, "The torches are securely fastened to the walls."RESPYOU BLEW IT GUYSF1 pAs Maddog tries to walk along the narrow pathway, he looses his footing and plunges to the floor below."""UDDR33 @|yqgo>?~>?~0~v~vnfbnjrvFvdL _^~\XtLA?~><p?E_?>.>*~gO??>1 ?>}|}|}|xyg?&>aa1G޼y`o_O?  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There are curved spikes at the tip and short spikes protrude from the hand guard.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPTI can't get that.CLOTHESCLOTHINGBREECHCLLOINCLOT I don't need that.WEAPONSPEARPRONGPRONGSSPIKESPIKES That isn't a good idea at this moment in time.Maddog replies, "No thank you. This War Ball and Chain will do nicely."CREATUREITMANMONSTERLIZARDHIMGUYDUDECORPSESTIFFBODYGUARDBEASTDEMONGENTLEMA That could prove to be a little difficult!Maddog looks the creature over and responds, "That's not a good idea. It might carry some kind of disease."TORCHESTORCHFIREFLAMESFLAMEFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS dMaddog looks at them and replies, "The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls."SEARCHFRISKFANINSPECT0$There's no need to do that.""" 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A large bed sits against one wall and a large mirror against the other.SCEPTERSCEPTORSCEPTRESEPTERSEPTORSEPTREOBJECT "Serak has the scepter now.BED (The royal bed is soft and plush.COVERSBLANKETCOVERBLANKETSQUILTQUILTSBEDDING !Maddog looks at the quilt and replies, "The redness of the quilt that covers the king's bed reminds me of all the bloodshed that King Serak caused while in power."PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA TMaddog looks at the plush pillow and asks, "It sure looks soft, doesn't it?"MANKINGSERAKDUDEGUYPERSONFELLOWHIMGENTLEMAVILLAIN Maddog can see the evil king Serak entering the misty mirror.He went behind the mirror. I can't see him anymore.King Serak is standing in front of the mirror.THAYLORROBERTSIROLDMAN TI don't see him.King Thaylor waits patiently next to the secret doorway.ORBBALLTHINGCRYSTAL XI don't see that here.King Serak holds a mystical looking orb in his hands.POSTPOSTSBEDPOSTBEDPOSTSBEDKNOBBEDKNOBSKNOBSKNOB "I see nothing significant.CEILINGUPROOFABOVE PHigh above the castle floor are the arched ceilings of the large castle.DOWNFLOORGROUNDDIRT 4The floor of the bedroom is unusually clean.WALLWALLSROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBLOCKBLOCKSBOULDERBOULDERS The castle walls are made of solid stone. On one wall is the large mirror and against the other is the secret passage.A colorful tapestry hangs upon the west wall and a painting of the demon god, Malthazar, hang on the north wall.PAINTINGPICTUREFACESKULLTEETHEYESGODMALTHAZAMOUTHDEMONMONSTERIMAGEIDOL JA painting of the demon god, Malthazar, hangs upon the north wall.TAPESTRYHANGINGBANNER 6A colorful tapestry hangs upon the west wall.MIRRORGLASS HMaddog looks into the bedroom mirror and sees nothing but mist.MISTCLOUDCLOUDSFOG <Maddog looks into the mirror and sees a cloudy mist.CLOSETCABINETDRESSERDRAWERDRAWERSHANDLEHANDLESKNOBKNOBS ,The bedroom cabinet is made of wood.WINDOWSWINDOW JThe bedroom windows look out over the barren kingdom of Duridian.TRUNKCHESTBOXCASE .The chest sits against the west wall.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSSTEPSTEPSPASSAGEPASSAGEWTUNNELTUNNELSSTAIRSTAIRSSTAIRWAYPASSAGESSTAIRCAS hThe large door to the south is closed. And a secret passage leads back into the dungeons below.ININTOINSIDE T(What do you want me to look in?y ooMz#MQzECOMENFRnSvM L  MvM  L MvM L MECOMENFRM"z##ep ECOMENFRMz MMMMoENCHLOOKEXAMINEPEERSEECHECK I can't see that.AROUNDABOUTROOMCHAMBERDUNGEONCELL !Maddog gets a dizzy feeling as he looks down into the pit that lays before him. Rising out of the invisible depths are several large stone pillars.WALLSWALL FThe dungeon walls seem to glow with the light of the torches.CEILINGROOFUPABOVE $The rock ceiling hangs oppressively over Maddog's head. He mutters to himself, "This is no time to get claustrophobic."FLOORDOWNGROUNDDIRT *The stone floor is cold and hard.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS TFirmly mounted to the dungeon walls, the torches give off an eerie red glow.PILLARPILLARSCOLUMNCOLUMNSSHAFTSHAFTSPINNACLEPINNACLE ^"Several ominous-looking, stone pillars rise up from the darkness of the depths below.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKS The chambers of this dungeon are made entirely of stone.!The huge stone pillars, which rise up from the dark and gloomy depths, instill a feeling of terror in Maddog's heart as he realizes that he must somehow find a way to the other side.DOORDOORWAYENTRYENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITOPENINGTUNNELPASSAGEPASSAGEWPATHPATHWAYU"Maddog takes a looks through the iron gate and sees just another dungeon chamber. Unfortunately he can find no way to get through the gate.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS Doors and passages can be seen leading into other darkened chambers. The passage to the east has been sealed up with an iron gate.GATEGATESIRONMETALBARSUMaddog takes a close look at the gate and replies, "It doesn't look like we'll be able get through this one.The device for opening it, is probably somewhere on the other side."GATEGATESIRONMETALBARS LA large iron gate has been used to seal off the passage to the east.ININTOINSIDETHROUGH  Look in what?GATEGATESIRONMETALBARS ZLooking through the iron bars, Maddog sees nothing but an empty darkened chamber.DOORDOORSDOORWAYDOORWAYSENTRYENTRIESENTRYWAYENTRANCEEXITEXITSOPENINGOPENINGSTUNNELTUNNELSPASSAGEPASSAGESPASSAGEWPATHPATHSPATHWAYPATHWAYS Doors and passages can be seen leading into other darkened chambers. The passage to the east has been sealed up with an iron gate.HOLECREVICECRACKPITDEPTHSDARKDARKNESSBELOWDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFFEDGELEDGEBOTTOM 0It's definitely dark, wouldn't you say?HOLECREVICECRACKPITDEPTHSDARKDARKNESSBELOWDROPDROPOFFDROP-OFFEDGELEDGEBOTTOM  Maddog begins to feel a little dizzy as he peers over the edge and sees nothing but the long stone pillars disappearing into the darkness.GETTAKEGRABREMOVERETRIEVEPICKACCEPTI can't get that.TORCHTORCHESFLAMEFLAMESFIREFIRESLIGHTLIGHTSHOLDERHOLDERS @The torches are securely fastened to the dungeon walls.ROCKROCKSSTONESTONESBOULDERBOULDERSBLOCKBLOCKSPILLARPILLARSBLOCKBLOCKS jEven if I could get one, you wouldn't catch me lugging something that big around with me all day!DIRTGATEBARBARSMETALIRON (I don't believe I'll need that.OPENLIFTPUSHRAISESWINGPULLUNDOF&What is it you want me to do?GATEGATESBARBARSMETALIRONUMaddog looks around for some type of device which might possibly open the gate but finds nothing. "I suppose it must be somewhere on the other side of the gate," he replies.YOI can't figure out how!RESP YOU BLEW ITDI rDue to a slight miscalculation of his footing, Maddog falls helplessly into the darkness of the deep pit."""fDR33y99>~9   X\_~>~P@@@ pxXQ    I:} <}@ 9<<0;IPB >~PJ">~ "?>~$p>~Q x<<W *" B  ! T` 0(WR `  6 6    @ P TX *" B   IDu4%>CHESTTRUNKBOXCASE $I don't need to it's empty.CABINETDRAWERSDRAWERDRESSERCLOSET The cabinet is closed.MIRRORMISTGLASSCLOUDCLOUDS HMaddog looks into the bedroom mirror but sees nothing but mist.OUTTHROUGH :I'm not sure I understand what you want me to do.WINDOWSWINDOWXfMaddog looks out the window and across the barren valleys of the desolate kingdom of Duridian.UNDERBENEATHUNDERNEABELOW R2What exactly is it that you want me to do?BED NMaddog looks at you and says, "What if there's a monster under there?"PILLOWPILLOWSPILLOWCA Maddog looks at you and says, "Are you going through a Tooth Fairy phase in life, or what?"OIt really would be a waste of time.BEHINDBACKBEYOND "What do you wish me to do?BEDX(There's nothing behind the bed.MIRRORGLASS=