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Maze Combat is a shareware program from Two Worlds Software. o These files from this archive can be placed in the Maze Combat archive for distribution purposes if the data files are named as listed in this ReadMe file. o Non-registered versions of Maze Combat can be ordered for $3.50 in the United States from Two Worlds Publishing, Inc., 3837 Northdale Blvd. #225, Tampa FL, 33624. Registered versions can be ordered for $8.00 from the same address. `MAZECMBT is Maze Combat v. 1.095 by Sean Dougherty of Two Worlds Software Production (dated August 2, 1994). This shareware game (limited in that you can only play it five times without either registering or uncompressing it from archive again and no null-modem option) provides you with a massive number of realistic looking mazes, robots, missiles, and mines which you can use to battle things out with friends or enemies. With another computer using Maze Combat (both equiped with modems or null-modem cables), you can battle it out, or you can play in single-player mode (not nearly as much fun!). Chatting windows are provided as well. ST, STe, Falcon, and TT compatible in ST Low. Keyboard controlled. Docs included. wfUD`peV@@P3,CAW07pEEfD75G w????  lll????  lll????  lll @ @ ?? A$!2""_?? A$!2""_??   @@  ??0\ +>%%_ ??00PPP' +>%%_ ??00PPP_@  @ o0 0+ÃF8%??xx|||xx.ԚR'0 0+Ã0Cc'+??xx|||xx.ԚR_Ã0CcH8%??xx|||xx"D @@U1 ))'8xxx))$ccc2?p ?<   UYI))'8xxx))I ?p ?<   v @ @ @ @     *:"   $8ppÇ @`00$l$$((((@@P``c``cffc!!?p ?' @@@HTXL'  78ppÇ @`00HolEHEUU)'`c``cffc2?p ?" 1@@@HTXLI $8ppÇ @`00lIHEUU)L!!?p ?"> u@ @   @lmllolHv "> )3310))xǏ @BBBrJJr ?#@@F)&,33102xǏ 8,2 ?#@@F)&L))xǏ @IBBBrJJr ? @ t  &@@8  :p ǰ 111<@@@0f'  2p >IJJ9%̌ 111<20fI:p >IJJ9J@@@  k662xǏ8<q3 <HH@%662xǏ8<><,3 <HH@dxǏ8<>>00??Ç??0>>00??Ç??0>>00?? @ MCAwfUD`peV@@P3.@!&3 le P,B @.@@@ctFXBG`D_WTjt>.q #  . 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If you don't have anyone else to play with, it can be rather dull. You can, however, press on the options menu to enter single player mode. Be warned, with no one on the other side the other robot won't be doing much. o Null-Modem connections aren't supported in this limited version. o READ THE REAL DOCS. It's mandatory. You must at least read the first section labeled "The Fun Stuff". Some say manuals are for wimps. In this case it is for the smart people who realize it is an edge in this game. o Use a really good graphics accelerator, and a Blitter, if you are using an 8mHz 68000. If you're machine isn't fast enough to keep up with how fast you are moving you'll begin to process modem commands with a delay and that can cause problems. Of course, once you stop moving things return to normal. A Falcon030 and a 14.4k modem will handle nearly anything you throw at it. A 520ST under TOS 1.0 with no acceleration won't be quite so bullet proof.  Maze Combat .Version 1.095 by Sean Dougherty #Released: 08/02/94 Copyright (c) August, 1994 Sean Dougherty A Two Worlds Software Production in its *sixth* year! **The Fun Stuff This program is shareware. You may copy it as many times as you wish, give it to whomever you want, and even better play and enjoy it. Of course, all that is free for a limited period of time. If you use this program more than 5 times or so, please pay for it. How much am I asking for? $50? $30? $20? Nope. $5. Yep, for five dollars (US) you get to enjoy this program for all time. Even better, you get future versions before anyone else, and sneak peaks at other pieces of software we may make. If you don't register after your five games are up, upload the archive to your favorite BBS and delete your operating copy. You can't make money off distributing this, unless you do so by including it on a "PD/Shareware" disk/disc which costs $5 or less if it has less than 40 megabytes, or less than $50 if it has more than 40 megabytes of "PD/Shareware" programs. Further, the purchase of the collection does NOT mean that person has registered this program. Additionally, the documentation (this file) must be included in any form of distribution of the program. If you do not meet the above criteria but still want to distribute this, please contact me via one of the very easy ways listed at the end of this document. And yet another thing, you may not distribute a modified version of the program or the included files (including this documentation). **EXTRA BONUS! If you subscribe to or have been published as an author in Processor Direct, you're automagically registered for this program. Even better, if you registered any version DigiPlay Plus at the $15 level this program is you've already registered the program. Membership has it's privileges! **The Concept We at Two Worlds Software have constructed, for your pleasure, a massive number of mazes and robots which you can use to battle things out with friends or enemies. Using a modem, you can connect to another computer running Maze Combat and we'll provide you with plenty of weapons and unlimited robots to solve your problems. Okay, it's not that glamorous. The robots and mazes exist only in your computers, and perhaps your imagination. I wrote this program to prove a point to someone. Well, it got its job done and then I had this program sitting on my hard drive that I thought it was quite nice. "Why not release it under TWS?" springs into my head. It sat for a bit longer, and finally I got around to making a few adjustments to make things a little better, and here it is. **What this program requires: o An Atari ST, STe, TT030, Falcon030, or any other Atari-compatible machine which supports 320x200 16 color "ST Low Resolution". o A modem (2400 baud or faster) that can use a port rate of 2400bps or 19200bps. o Around or abouts 180k. o Another setup fitting these requirements with Modem Combat. What this program DOESN'T require: o a Joystick or Harddrive What goes best with this program: o A copy of Processor Direct Magazine! Things to look out for: o The demo sequence may or may not work out well on an Atari without a Blitter. If it doesn't, you'll be blasted with flicker for a few moments. This has not been shown to cause permanent damage, but as a precaution please keep small children away from the monitor if this occurs. Optionally, hold down  when booting to bypass the screen. o Large falling objects o Jerry Lewis Movie Marathons Potential future features: o More objects, saveable games, continued and larger mazes that don't change when one dies, and scoring! o Much more! Using The Program Maze Combat is terribly simple to use. Double click on COMBAT.PRG from the desktop. If you want to bypass the introduction screen hold while it loads. In area four (see diagram in next section) will be the options area. If you want to play two player, select one of the port rates (2400bps or 19200bps) and click if you want your modem to answer a call or dial. If you want to play in single player mode, press . If you wish to quit, press . If you selected Answer, you're modem and the program will be waiting for a call from another Maze Combat. If you selected dial, you will be at another screen with more buttons (only dial does anything). Press dial and enter the remainder of your dialing command (e.g. "DT5551234", "M0DT5551234"). Once your modem tells the program it has connected, the dialing side will generate a maze and send it to the answering side. When this is complete both sides with synchronize their starts (which can cause a slight delay for one or both sides) and the game will begin. Your "robot" moves by using the arrow keys. Up moves your forward, down backward, and the left and right arrow keys turns your robot the respective direction. To simply quit the program, press . This leaves the connection intact, but places the other player into single player mode and tells him that you have quit. To break the connection, both players must type in "(END GAME)" without the quotes. Once both have typed it in the modems disconnect and each side is put into single player mode. Each player is outfitted with a limited supply of weapons to use against the other player (see the weapons section for complete descriptions of each weapon). Once a player's health (as indicated by the large segmented display on the Status Panel) goes to zero, ie. no red lines, the game starts over with a new maze, refilled weapons, and full health for both players. The Screen +- + |[1 ] [2 ] | 1 = Rendering Area 2 = Map | | 3 = Your Message Area  4 = His Message Area |[3] [4] [5]| 5 = Status Panel +- + Status Panel +- + | STATUS | [==] Weapons indicator | [==] [==]| [||] Health Indicator | [==] [==]| O Light | [==] [==]| | [==] [==]| | [|]| | O [|]| | O O O O O | | O O O O O | +- + The Lights: O 10 1 2 3 4 5 O O O O O 6 7 8 9 0 O O O O O Light Description - -? 10 Health Warning. If it flashes, you're almost dead. 1 Awaiting Map if lit Red, Map in transmission if Blue. 2 "Potential Modem Error" A modem error might have occurred. If it's something big, you'll notice. This mostly serves as a warning. 3 "Game Paused", or "Single Player". Pausing isn't supported, yet. 4 The other player is using a program which probably isn't Modem Combat. 5 Other player *MAY* be using a cheat program because his robot is exhibiting odd characteristics. 6 "Threat" A enemy missile has been launched. This doesn't indicate proximity or even that it's flight path intersects with you. 7 "Jamming" The enemy's visual signals are being jammed. If it happens to you, you'll know it. 8 Means Nothing 9 Means Nothing 0 The other player is using a different version of the program or your version doesn't understand mines or objects the other player is using. The Weapons! Name Key Description - --- -7 Missiles F1 Fires a missile in one direction and it goes until it hits a player, wall, Fake Wall, or Blocker. It destroys Mines and Jammers that it flies over. Mines F2 The most destructive resting weapons, it's a red disk. Jammers F3 Not very destructive, but it jams the visual transmissions of he who lands on it. They're fun green disks. Blockers F4 Doesn't do much damage at all...but it does stop missiles in their tracks. They explode upon contact knocking out the missile as well as themselves. Not to mention, they're blue! Fake Wall F5 It's a wall. You can't walk through it, but it can blown up or disarmed. Disarm F6 Disarms Mines, Jammers, Blockers, and Fake Walls in the blocks contiguous to you. Find Other F7 It shows you the other guy's position and his movements for 5 seconds. The catch: He also sees yours for the same 5 seconds. The Tongue F10 The weapon dreaded by all, this key sticks out your tongue at the other player providing you are facing them and they are directly in front of you. You've got as many as you want. Strategy There are quite a few interesting ones. Due to the fact your health goes down automatically at regular intervals, and energy canisters appear which replenish it, it's a good idea to keep on the move. Literally, run for your life! You're weapons are limited and don't refill until the next maze, so be careful with their usage. Haphazard usage can leave you without weapons. NOT good. What did I say? Energy Canisters? Yes. Every so often a canister will pop up and you'll be able to pick it up and increase your health, perfect for changing the tide of a game. Problem: They are placed randomly in an empty spot in the maze. Mines and fake walls can be more useful than they sound. You can block the other player into an area of the map (they could get out but they'll have to expend missiles and/or disarms to do it), cause him to have to find alternate routes that land him in your traps, etc. Jammers are particularly nice because I've noticed people like to run when they hit them. Place a few Mines after the Jammer and they're history. Face to face? Drop back and put a Blocker and run for it. His missile will hit the Blocker and give you a decent chance to make it out without a hit. Dropping walls has the function of blocking his view of what corridor you are taking as well as stopping the missile. Use your missiles sparingly. Try and get behind or to the side of the other player when firing to avoid him seeing you so that you can fire multiple missiles. Shooting for the fun of it only wastes missiles and while your missile is in flight you can't launch another. Find Other...try not to use it. While you have no idea where he is, he probably has no idea where you are either. Hope you find him first and that you can blast him unsuspectingly. The best thing is to figure it out yourself as you play, as your strategy should be determined based on that of the other player. As is advisable anywhere, though, cover your back. The Future! Maybe MIDI connections? More than two people in a maze? It's possible. In fact, this game (in development) was designed to work over either MIDI or the modem. Furthermore, the game was written and tested over MIDI for the most part, and worked over MIDI long before I even tried the modem. So you ask, "Why is he telling me this?" If enough people send in their registration a MIDI version capable of more than two players just may be released. And guess who'll be the first to get it/play it/enjoy it? The registered users... Technical Stuff The protocol used for the machines to talk with each other is actually kind of interesting. Perhaps a bit over complicated, but interesting never the less. There are a total of 49 commands and 23 replies in the protocol, however in this version of the game not all are actually implemented. The best part is that the whole protocol is designed to work under 7-bit constrictions without encoding problems (with the exception of a few commands/ replies which interestingly weren't implemented in this version). This brings to light the fact that all of this could work under the largest computer network in the known universe, the Internet. Imagine a massive maze with tons of robots running around attempting to destroy you, all with a graphic front end. Rather than use this as another good reason to register, I'll just leave it be. So let's say you're a hacker. You load up your trusty term program on your other computer, set up your null modem adaptor and try and figure out my protocol...you know, see what it's made of. I'll tell you right now what will happen. If you have it set to dial, you'll get a zero and a return, and then shortly thereafter, another. The Zero is a command which asks a question, and does it ever want a reply. Giving up, you try receive. It does nothing, and just sits. Being smart, you decide to give it a zero and a return. It sends "M1" and a return, and then sits. Since you're a hacker, you decide to restart the whole thing, and set it to dial. It gives you the zero, you give it the "M1". You get bunch of stuff scrolling up and another command expecting a response. This isn't fun, is it. I've got the solution! Send me $12.50, I'll give you a list of the commands and replies in the protocol, encoding methods, the whole nine yards. (Just remember, try to write a cheat program and odds are if it does anything special you'll get caught. That isn't to mention just how pointless a cheat program is...). Now let's say you're a NUT. You LOVE this program and want to see my terrible programming style. Send me $85.25 and you'll get the source code on disk! That's right, a fully functional GFA Basic version 3.5E .GFA file (or a LST, if you prefer). Of course, you'll also get a spot in the TWS Registered Users' Hall of Fame and a 6 issue subscription to my favorite magazine, Processor Direct. I should say that in either case you don't get the full thing. One command, which checks for the authenticity of the other copy of the program, and it's encoding method aren't included. This is for the protection of other users, though, and doesn't in hamper it's usage. Other o Bugs. There are plenty of them, no doubt. Some bugs may be caused by communications problems, though. If something from the previous maze appears on the new maze, odds are it isn't really there (like missiles hanging in mid-air). In that case, just walk through it if you wish. No harm will be done. o Error Correction. This program has little or no error correction. If your modem supports error correction, use it. Whatever you do, don't pick up an extension and expect things to work just fine. o This program and the associated graphics were created on a Falcon030 with a VGA monitor. I mention this only because ST Low under VGA squashes things horizontally so what looks round on my screen won't on an SC monitor. If you notice this (it bugged me) don't worry about it. :) o On August 1, 1994 a version of this program (1.08) was uploaded to one of the major on7line services. Shortly thereafter I found a few major bugs (isn't it how that always works?). I doubt anyone would have downloaded it, but things should work fairly well in two player mode with it. o This program contains no preservatives or MSG. Comments This game is based loosely on a game called Modem Hunt by Won Rhee. As I wrote this program, I quickly came to admire Mr. Rhee's approach and programming ability. The whole thing seems rather simple, but sitting down and writing it is a MUCH different story. The rendering system and maze generator are a worthy challenge for any programmer. This program was written entirely in GFA Basic 3.5E. Well, I lied. About 300 bytes are in assembly. The program may not work that well on a 8mHz ST with a 2400 baud modem. Most of the time spent in the program is putting the graphics up on the screen, so, if possible, use a graphics accelerator of some sort. Since everything goes through VDI, something like NVDI would probably do nicely. Falcon and TT users shouldn't see much delay at all if they are using a high-speed modem. If you find this program does not perform well on your machine, try Modem Hunt (by Won Rhee). Thanks to ALL of those who have supported us over the years. A complete list of everyone would be impossible to place here, however that certainly doesn't mean they are not appreciated! The Built-In Advertisement Subscribe to Processor Direct, the magazine for Atari Computer users. Individual issues are $3.50 and subscriptions are $25.00 for 12 issues. (Canadian rates, Individual: $5.00, Subscription: $33.00) Check to see if your dealer has 'em! Mail orders to the address below. Checks must be drawn from a bank in the United States or Canada, in US or equivalent Canadian funds. Contacting me! I'd love to hear from you! Tell me what you think about this program, or tell me what you think about anything. Checks can be made out to either Sean Dougherty, or Two Worlds Publishing, Inc. All dollar amounts listed are in US dollars unless otherwise noted. USmail: Two Worlds Publishing, Inc. 3837 Northdale Blvd. #225 Tampa, FL 33624 Email: GEnie: P-DIRECT Delphi: pdirect Internet: pdirect@delphi.com Call the Loose Moose! Discussions, debates, and Atari support! (813)684-5923 **Bonus Section This section of the manual contains some of my favorite quotes. Some were chosen for their relevance, others just because I like them. Get from them what you may. I've found all of them to be quite valid or useful. "The starvation of inspiration is the motivation." -- words from the Parliament-Funkadelic song "Funkentelechy" "Knowledge of what's to come is best left to those willing to shut up and be quiet about it." -- Sean Dougherty "A beaver and another forest animal are contemplating an immense man made dam. The beaver is saying something like, 'No, I didn't actually build it. But it's based on an idea of mine.'" -- Edward Fredkin "When I'm at home watching my TV, I know the king is always looking down on me. He looks so handsome, he stands so tall. So glad he's big enough to cover up that hole in the wall." -- Weird Al's "Velvet Elvis" "When they call the roll in the Senate, the senators do not know whether to answer 'present' or 'not guilty.'" -- Theodore Roosevelt "We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -- William Shakespeare "Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults." -- Ben Franklin - May the power of the Sampo guide you! `6? 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Program must end.v94.06.25NOK-OKAYBoth sides are refusing to accept a map!ATS0=1DIALING COMMAND:CONNECTThe file wasn't found.Game cannot continue. Please place thefile in the same directory as MazeCombat.Press any KeyYou've been playing Maze Combat.If you like it and/or play it pleaseregister! Read the docs for moreinformation.This is the first game from TWS,and if we're convinced you want morewe'll make even more and certainlybetter games.Programs, Pictures, and DocumentsCopyright 1994 Sean DoughertyPress any key to exitcombatdm.datz f<BFR : (^~(B ^& &d\HT B& J@@|& llHJ 0$$2$" 8"6 *n ~  .2z*" " $2&& V2>JZ $jLHNLt2V2z(@&. &6  >&     ((  (z$ $  > df`&P<*zHH , *RVL:NH&,2&2B"rn bXr R   R`\rt * f((@4$ p|pUD}y;j 1w_"1 le P,B @AlllEAAG~te`cnnNDt{zbBGD|}wakKQ@S}rfbssGFN\QbA@@ctFXBG`D_TPbD>?aC\x|9p pBF>}LJ;z633q=;rjA  ?8!)I%EIaBt>ܘHA  TB(av+??~|y{g/~~\~x{{R PH[[_~~|EO_|YY}\M]}y{GFN^^~~cO__NLxyqsH@X@IB@@IP@@@D@>㇟ ??3χ?#w3{* D$ A?v x@~}omz[{_oW=@BBNx@@BG\@CDDDLXqC@@@FDDL_@@@AAEDLHXP@@A~^yg{_{xko]{$ p w c0a‚0 (mG0`  ݿ A?v x@H@BBNx@@BG\@CDDDLXqC@@@FDDL_@@@AAEDLHXP@@A~$ p  c0a‚0 (mG0`  $Ͻac݅ 9AɁ9!19'##)IY1!m<oϞ(l|̀ eJhK8  3!#!'&4011 !# 11 8"! +=813?4$ #',! ?sǟ? ?w ?9??߿? $ 4&?, "'?- 5A !9   y1!yW `< f‚#&s0`{O390  ; <=01 1=>??=;7?;7?*8? >80+ 888>7??&7??A !9   y1! `< f‚#&s0`4 ?90  ; <=01 1= ? ?8? >80+ 888 ?NÁ 899!;#3s@&BaA+vȂ2'bhI/ {⌽@"M t dPۥ:.(7&$? 8=73  <?;389?/?#1#000) oo)&@"'@ O?8?Z4f|†HxB|F*0|>?pcfx{nr !q :??,=9;?.?4?/?&?;#>17?;?6?/)/>?) 4f|†HxB|  0|>?pcfx{nr N???,=9;?.?4?#>17?;?6?/?_p`Qb PP?bR`0 P!q` ScÂ3 @5 E #R Eаs0;0sSs0pаpp#r !q 3ӳs43sSs> аppr$:sgǏ̉^1abAWAg ?.~_j`,`@Nj~yÁCxY>n|< oo#?nx@AÇ|?!!'o\ÃCC {Cpxx88+``}I._F  ?~00 `@< 0` >?D?$>? ?$8xȈ8xHx8ȉ8xxi Ȉix88 9`ᡉ hxɉȩ80I ؑ`@PQ)hhɈ`(P@X-, I>pA@vycH9c߈ pn'[""@08C=ya?d]y{lX qc@ooȈ8xxȈ)9999y鉥 999y88Hh((( xY x9 9yiI@ɸؙ9x ` s )yoG"ߟ?ݥ       p@0@@@@@x𨸰xx 5 `a!o@0 0C pؾݺ& p0 !CF@|  ?~`Ȉ          x p@0@@@@@x 4 `a!o@0 0C p? p0 !CF@| ?+0 H(x@x 9x1Ȉ80X Х(`i@񱸙 aPP9 h0P 5  F@АH ٥6e道f /E "NAͥ )`xxс9qaiyy8 8 y HO_5!P P18 ! 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