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Next picture will show.Pictures are on already.Okay.That will not work in the Pattern...That will not save you here.Okay, expert.As you wish.If you say so...Choose file: B) rescue ;C) cell ;D) benemeetThrown.You don't have that.Taken..Okay. You are dead...Dropped..Nothing relevant happens.Your effort is fruitless.Your action is futile.+-BXmv} )3<ENWrsy *W_t{} 1 33 8 : 3  7xV== 4? 4>1? ? ?? ?? ?? ??3@ @ 7 @ 9+CB     w  $0      $0   # # # B    &  &  q } v o v p @ K @ J  * v  A X = !H > :  B X   @  J B C  * ##"! d}2C"p56 8 = 7 < =hb\:V9PJ <(88 2 ,/"//2 !  ܀ '1, ,& ,3;4@ !)"*<5G;HK!$6HKNQUYSMGA; 5 / ) #   "!#$%&'(){*v+q,l-g.b/]0X1S2N3I4D6?5:7580:+9&;!<=>? @A ; )* q$ + w |    ;,@+^ ;,@ &  v Ij /2  V 71  4? ?# ? ? ?, v LYour pulls."What do meanȒ?" asks coldly."I understand,,".Your, "I care discuss just now,."Your coldly.Your angry.Your sneers.Your raises eyebrow.Your, "Weʄ talk now."Your sighs. "Let's save discussion later.""What do want talk?" asks. asks.You mutter unintelligibly.Your here.Your here.Your Your shrugs noncommitally. "He holds power."says, "That's sensitive subject right now."looks oddly. "You砒 subject than do,."You fall knees. Your contempt. Your scornfully, "Get up,!" rise feet, abashed.You offer bribe. Your haughtily, "Really,!" Your contempt.You grateful.Your attempts persuasion fail.Your arguments ignored.You blurt truth amnesia. Nobody pays any attention.Your explanation doesn't seem matters.You bow obediantly. Fortunately, nobody notices.You rant rave loud.You twist sneer hatred.You embrace.You embrace.You embrace empty air.Your pulls knife stabs.Your strikes mouth.You draw.You angry.Your coldly.Your angry.Your pulls knife stabs.Your strikes mouth.You angry.Your taken aback.Your grins.Your doesn't notice.Your nods.Your.Your pleased.Your surprised gesture.Your܀.You smile reassuringly.Eric sneers.Random grins claps.Julian܂ offer.Your nods.Flora thoughtful.Deirdre pleased offer.Llewella surprised overture.Your܀.You smile reassuringly."I'm sure take meaning,,".Your puzzledȂ response.You nod.You shake.Your unregarded.Eric bother.shrugs. "He's dead."shrugs. "He's dead."laughs. "You expert."Your܂.Your.Your raises eyebrow.Your fall deaf ears.You snarl.You laugh.You shrug.You wait patiently.You smile.You wink.Your gesture ignored.V6Nx $-6Saov}*Kcu)R ".:KYv6E^nz (3@Sez *4 I  B A H A B S P O E Q u T!k V"a U#W 9 R2 B$ A%&+.y B ʀ 7Y A ΀"? ? ? '7(# A B )*+5UW? B ʀ4 ?) ? ? 4  7V A ΀( ?+ ?, ? -7. A B/69? B ʀ% ?0 ?1 ?23S A ΀% ?4 ?5 ?67 A B8N6>XY B ʀ"9:;<R A ΀#=>? @@ A B @AJN4 B@B' A@C J@D K@E @F?S1? B ށHƀ5.く @Gz "  A% B @H=  ހ% A @I  "  A B,  ހ A @J  "  A B+  ހ A ] "  A B  +  ހ A   w B ʀ ? ?  @KE A ΀ ? @L B@M A @NIZ^<^*]\ [Z U%@O$@P@Q@R@S @T@U ;, v <B How do wish use?It pack tarot cards interesting difference; Trump cards representԁ members. Riffling them, see,,,,, Flora, Fiona,, Caine,,, Llewella.a flame-haired wearing suit red orange silks.̐ devilishކ blue, holds right.a tall thin, strong jaw lank brown hair. His colors orange, yellow brown.a slight red-haired  white horse, cladԆ green. a‡ swarthy countenance, clad green satin, wearing rakish three-cornered hat long feather.a picture, clad silver; boots, silver gloves, cloak claspedȐ silver rose.a handsome smiling‡ dark hair full beard. His colors red, silver.a thick-set wearing blue gray dressing gown claspedȐ wide belt. laughing, holds right͐ goblet wine.an old, dressed flowing robes.a stern-faced, green gold.a dressed scaled white armor, long dark hair passive.a wily-looking… slight build, sharp nose laughing mouth. His colors orange, red brown.a-haired lady long gown, claspedȐ silver girdle.a blue-eyed flaxen-haired, wearing long green gown.a red-hairedه pearly white skin green.a green-eyed, green-haired wearing shimmering gray-green dress.You. clad colors, silver; silver gloves, boots, cloak claspedȐ silver rose.You wearing pair slacks shirt.It antique sterling silver pin, formed shape half-blown rose.It ancient heirloom, name "Grayswandir" entwined Thari runes.It ancient pendant, embossed sign unicorn.The match flares life. After, goes.A short girl springs bushes, shouts, "Hurrah! AMBER done last!" bolts rabbit hole.A‹ up fom studies, grimaces thought being included dumb computer game, goes work.Seth lovely petite stroll, arm arm, arguing fiercely squabs.You pass red-headed guy, stains Michigan T-shirt, trying balance soda bottle nose while juggling avacados.A pretty, dark-haired girl blue Prelude tears doing ninety. She zooms gray-haired, blue-eyed warbling "I did way.", mercilessly mows.A clad long cloak arises suddenly hiding, introduces swords, walksׇ dignity.Your, bit solicitiously, "Are catching cold, dear?"Your makes sarcastic inquiry health.Your stops start."We're finished,," sharply.You hold ancient pendant, green stone embossed Unicorn.You study sister's intently, she calmly returns gaze.A petite blondeً up exasperation piles bug reports. She points finger, "The things could tell game ... gunpowder, tower,.." Sighing shaking؞, she goes work.A figure cloaked moves stealthily along wall. Light dim street lamp catches sheathed. A sibilant whispers, "Death warlocks!" You examine. years imprisonment must affected appearance than knew. gaunt starvation, long hair beard hide most features.You wander.Gesundheit!How do wish use ?You no .You cannot go way. respond.You do.What pin?It ordinary dagger.You no dagger.You do.You.You like.The card shows You see naught unusual.Your gazes.Your gazes.You see unusual.You do.It ordinary enough.That.Your unreadable.That.Your perusal yields new.You see unusual.Matches do function here.You no matches.Whom do wish murder?You޹ murderously.You unexpected.ambphone H [B8t?i)mizn I 8 L Y e y {   * : J \ g |  $ 6 ? ; # $ Ìi|wq+)w! F>6.& B A & A B' ( ) * +,|  -.k w Z/ 01   !2   3   4    Ӏ     5kd]VOHA:3,%  QPKFA<72- ( #    6    ƀF 4'' 4(! 4) 4* 4- 4. i% Z 1 B7 A89b:;MK? A"<- B=> ? ?? @@]& 4; 4= 4< 4>@A  @B- @C @D @E; 4  ?@F?@G, v S stranger7  !"#$%&'()*+,-/2379:;    <=  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQTRSUVWXYZ[\^]_`abc defgihklmnopq--@-------- - - - - -8, NEWDATA 1. TIP: Since there are so many different paths though Amber, you may find it helpful to record exactly where you are and your current situation when you SAVE. For example, the question you are being asked, or some of the decisions you have made on that particular track. 2. TIP: When talking to Amberites, it is sometimes smart to press a topic to get more information. 3. When you see * appear on your screen, it is a signal that you have entered the Fencing Game. Until the bout has been decided, only the fencing commands outlined in your documentation will work. 4. During the Fencing Game, the direction of the feint is implied by the specified direction of your cut. For instance, FEINT CUT HIGH implies a false attack low, followed by your real attack high. Therefore, it is not necessary to specify a direction for your feint. 5. If you prefer to play Amber without music, the command MUSICOFF has been provided. You can type this at any point in the game, and the sound will be turned off. If you wish to turn it on again, type MUSICON. , v t Suddenly awake,޹. hospital. Try might, unable recall any scrap identity. only memories hazy recollections white arms holding hypodermic needles, dark dreams filled terrible urgency. You notice sense detachment heavy casts encase both legs. Other than slight headache, feel fine.A burly enters, seeing awake, moves bed hypo.You hospital. On wallȁ bed chart. You wearing On floor lies still body wearing a white hospital gown.a white orderly's outfit.Your shoots grabs man's wrist prepares inject hypo. AlarmedȂ strength, tries wrench, opening mouth call. Before make sound, other grabs throat expertly applies pressure. slumps floor, unconscious. get bed.The merely sneers, reaches. The He sticks arm hypo needle. As blackness descends again, realize despairingly lost one chance escape.Easily wrenching iron strut bed, break casts legs. Your limbs appear unbroken.Still trifle weak confinement, blows no effect.You exchange clothes.PATIENT: Corey, JohnAGE: 35SEX: Male CONDITION: Both legs fractured, multiple contusions, injuries possible concussion resulting car accident.TREATMENT: Enforced bedrest, morphine needed. Admitted 1/24/85 Evelyn Flaumel,Address: 42 Chestnut Hill Drive Pleasantville, NY 10570As遾, nurse notices sounds alarm. immediately surrounded needle stuck arm. sink helplessly unconsciousness.You wander aimlessly, sure where go.You stumble clumsily.You hospital unremarked. Using some money find orderly's pockets, catch bus take taxi to northern Westchester. arriveDž imposing mansion.You knockDž house, ask see Evelyn.Youǃ wander neighborhood.You remember address.You return sister's.You vent anger broken plaster.You see unconscious, rather ugly.You try pull orderly's pants, casts prevent.The chart large, heavy, affixed wall.You heavy casts both legs.You no convenient way carry broken pieces plaster.The± relax, coming. broken pieces plaster litter bed.You stand outside Flaumel residence.You standing indecisively street corner sure where go.You hospital.You kill, smashing iron strut wrenched bed.You searchƒ find some money pockets.Other than fact rather unusual taste underwear, find else interest.You count money, find just enough get Pleasantville.Again?A burly hosptlfeethosptlfeethosptlhosptlybedMERRY CHRISTMAS MICHAEL (and hello, Peter!)bedYou see bloody corpse orderly.You wiggle toes experimentally.They appear normal enough.You viciously abuse corpse.You stand feet.TheǑ ajar.You do see.You can't go way.maidTheǑ locked.You no key.You already.Check c_levels hospital.You find some money pockets.You wearing thin cotton gown.You.There no phone.You walk.Y5Wk,CKVw  *B[6dp|+Mq#?e 8 & * L m    . M m u  R" T  7 ;#!-% R. T--@T;+/ ;- M?BE<A T T R34 56 : ;<=< >:-C 3M- $).;<?< @@a';<@Aa;4;5 ;<@B6 }a- vc v]9\7Y5F3B1- ,+$= j m  < @C-;+ / 2-   7 ;@D   7 v ]\YF B -+$,   7) j m < @E-;   7 ?wfv:qp=-+*0Zz> && R R,+/&& R R1( ;W j -89 ;5`^j,a:+&GxSY C-@FI R@G@H8 R03) R0@I T; j C 7C@J ;(~ @Kn ?@L@M]  J   z ̀+ R" T  7;#$%'- @N;{ w'p%o(C;<@O(-,7@P1@Q+x ̀@R )U-;wvJs   z ̀* S *7 U +- $%'-!0 # $%'-  $&'- ;;@S ;r;Qq6CX  T@T@U :@V ;+:;@W R"@X;, v ) The maid shows book-lined. All evidence wealth highly cultivated taste; delicate Louis XIV desk stands between oriel windows, wall hangs original Monet. A heavy marble statue stands corner.A beautiful dressed green walks stands desk. She䌀 defiantly, notice she carefully maintains safe distance. A silver whistle hangs neck. She very familiar reasons cannot recall. Your pounds try remember...The gives cool nod seats herself. She sits. "So,... should anticipated arrival, were always one do least expected. take Greenwood was liking?" She cynically. "I warn,, if here exact revenge any small part think may had ... accident, I why here, I'd like warn am unprotected. One threatening movement, this whistle summons four very large loyal Irish wolfhounds even would difficulty dispatching." As if cue, two huge dogs pad sit. Your sharply, "Iʄ play word games,. My patience sort thing what used."The looks puzzled proposal. She, "The gives superior smile. "I choose talk anybody who makes way house under false pretences.Theّ nonplussedȂ reaction. She rises feet, "If that's attitude, weф discuss. Now get, or I'll call four very large dogs way."Theً somewhat surprised, knowing smile crossesض. "I think you'd better,. particularly choose any questions. And I'd hate put dogs."Theٽ. "We understand one another. On another subject, I'm curious what thought might gain coming here. must I'm loyal, so can't expect any scheme might. Unless course..." She narrows speculatively. "Unless course," she slowly, "you wish throw winning side?"Theً irritation. "I'm busy, wasting. Leave."The blows shrill blast whistle neck. Four large Irish wolfhounds instantly rush upon tear pieces.As move menacingly towards, grabs whistle neck blows shrill note. Four large Irish wolfhounds rush tear pieces.The dogs l4eap tear pieces.The dogs growl menacingly.Your frowns prettily. "Now... what game you're playing, must realize putting҆ awkward position. can't guarantee safety,,. In position, can't afford take chances. Now especially.""Don't pretend naivete,,"ٍ sharply. "With coronation so soon, can't afford worry well." She turns pale if sudden thought just struck. "Bleys!, if plan ally, forget. hasn't chance, no one else support. simply too powerful right now."Forł uncertain; she laughs tosses؞. "You actually had believing minute," she chides. She stands up suddenly. "If you'll excuse,,ϗ things attend." She hurries, dogs following.The nods. "No. thought. However, may chosen wisest course afterԆ coming,. needʄ consider move yours its implications. must頻 important errand right now, free remain here guest." She movesǃ turns. "Oh, worry dogs. They only kill signal." She leaves.She relieved, see something regretض too. "Ah,... would old days were ours again." She sighs moves, saying "Please feel free stay here guest. It might safest, things considered. Goodbye now -- won'tݼ until later tonight." dogs follow؟.Your closely, gives little smile shake؞. "I believe mean go! And perhaps even make.ϗ always had special fondness,; you're intelligent wily than any others. Except, course,." She walks, pausing޼. Her softens slightly. "If do manage make, dear, hope you'll remember kindness little Flora..." She leaves.Your insultedȂ response, rises haughtily feet. She coolly, "For once, hold power, do choose stand insolence." Theٱ annoyedȂ silence. She expectantly.Before stop, she raised whistle lips blown shrill blast. The. "Same ever." Theً questioningly.Aޅ alarm crosses woman's. "I anything,."You sister's.The toys suggestively whistle. "I want promise,."Your lower gaze, although slight flush rises cheeks. "Well?" she asks. "Doϗ word behave?"A beautiful blond, dressed green pantsuit.flmeetambfloraflmeetّ waiting speak.ّ looking expectantly.The dogs growl menacingly.She "ambwhistambwhistTheٱ puzzledȂ.waits speak.ambwhistTheً confusedȂ refusal.ambwhistTheٱ confusedȂ action.ambwhistambwhistYour.ambwhistCheck conlevels initfloras.ambwhistambwhistambwhistYou remark sister's taste books.ambwhistYour.A slight blush rises sister's cheeks.F l ( Z <*@Wu;ipy ,5NW`ir| A&, (  -# -A&,;$%A&, "   - :1;&<*?+:C   -A =X 3 }* 3 ;<,&--.+^> -/- Hha$wGpD]2\s[-Z/YNXLU(LdIG4FE.DVBA@N>/=-<+;):9A8?7=6;54310.,+;0 -$ #; -  -;  - X* $  \    l   -0  G;"1- ;d_#Z?27P?37F;@  ,?S P R H I45  -"^i]\[ZMY\XZRXKJIHMGFEvD B A@>7=5<3;1:)9176+543210ρ+  -71 X -; - ?677 %' J - ?87   U V    -9v?:7je ΀O X -   -1#, (-  ;-%wp& AB, ?;7^4]-\@[7Z5YXM&KJD > =<;4 *-' # <;^2]9\7[%Z3Y1X/QM!JG4F-E0D CsBKA#@!=;7sqh_Z  $!?=79  ހ ;> ;; }gqKpXG(FdE$,+k> ??7 ?@@7T     -5 )&?@A7& >@B; ;l;+5 U?@C7L6>XY R \"? ? ?@D@E?S ;, v sYou sister's.ɾ reflects sister's cultured tastes; classic books fill shelves, original marble statue stands one corner, antique furniture tastefully arranged. Between windows stands delicate desk. It life-size marble statue, priceless original.Prominent among books what appearsݻ original copy "The Prince," Machiavelli.Opening book, read, "It necessary Prince who wishes maintain himself learn how good, use knowledge use, according necessity case."You find else interest desk.It delicate desk many drawers.You methodically start pulling examining desk drawers. As pull last drawer, discover something taped its underside. carefully replace drawers study find. It appearsݻ antique tarot deck.Removing cards pack, spread them desk. As study court cards, stunned see picture! Scanning rest deck, recognize Evelyn, whose true name suddenly remember Flora, others:,,,,, Fiona,,, Caine, Llewella,. grasp futilely scraps memory.The telephone desk begins ring.The phone ring.The dogs leap kill.You crackle buzz bad long-distance connection. A faint֍, "Is Evelyn Flaumel, please?" sounds vaguely familiar.Ignoring, raises whistle lips.The֍, "This؊,. Who am speaking?"You hang up phone. The line goes dead abruptly. The demands, "Who hell?"A silence. impatient breathing other end line. After while,֍ experimentally, "Hello?"The‘ silent. Then "Who am talking?" inquires.A startled silence greets. Then֍ slowly, "Yours last expected... I'm quite sure whatԣ means, now discuss. I'm trouble,, need protection. Will give?"The֍ surprise, "This,. Don't recognize?"Random gratefully, "Great. You snort. "Same old.҃ I'll. I'll hour or so. It interesting see again..." line goes dead. The֍, "Well?"After hanging up phone, wander house aimlessly until returns. She shows night, leaves again. In middle night, woken sound sleepȐ strangely dressed‡ beard.,"Nice see again,,". dead.The opens slip deck pocket. Your enters hurries desk, ignoring. She pulls bottom drawer turns. As soon she discovers theft, she up angrily, one going whistle.As stare challengingly each other,You replace desk. After while, your enters agitatedly. She goes desk, think better. She agitated. As she sits tries compose herself, maid ushers slight, somewhat seedy-looking individual. tosses cool "Hello, Flora," coming. "Corwin! By Unicorn, it's good see again!" claps.You raise hands placatingly drop desk between. She blows whistle dogs tear pieces.You stare challengingly. Lying outsideDž two sister's vicious pets. They growl warningly start step them. prudently retreat.You impatient breathing.The֍, "This doesn't sound like The֍, "Stop joking. This, want talk Flora. Who?"You pull card stare intently. All get dull throbbing headache.You shuffle deck, cannot find card person.You open window, peer. Seeingх interest, close window once.Your䌀 angrily, one͠ whistle.You see unusual.Losing patience, blows whistle. It ringing.You no.The dogs easily rip shreds.You alone.What?You put trumps pocket.They pocket already.What?It unreadable.cardsYou do see.ambphoneambphone ambphoneYou phone. There pack desk. fllibfllibfltrumpfllibfllibYou.You wait.ambphone.You wait patiently sister's return.fltrumpAs start, opens your enters.fltrumpfltrumpfltrumpThe glare.Theّ soothed.ambwhistambwhistambwhistYour here.YY3 .@X3Qn)qY = T c | k ) Z  + 7 > X p w  DLcqy vu@p>N.,q+o((&}$E}   .  ;bv1T U 'U 7?  {+,2 > 374 ; @  <  - 5: . .  6 78 ;q  9O @JA ?? .@@ @A@B!A& - @ p w "#AB- & ,   ހ 7; :=;<@C:[    #      *  } 3B,* & ;<@D;<@E;<@F ;<@G@ q4- 'q<]4N(40. /A -W"  @H@I  W ; A ?@J x 7- - |]L?K=J F9B7@58+Z    Հ -(T -L l     -("     - * - + ) - ( 7 / 1 0 2 .*    Lu , & ' )@KZ-+5 76>?S  + E G X X 7LG FEB A @-X 7 Y(X&M$JGE >=;: 7]QE+5UW K p 7"     VwqDp] FJB@ Du@L o=;<@M@N @O8QF;>8 =;<@P  ; 8Q; # @   # =;<@Q8=;<@RQ \/R-=9)8'7%6# 8 $#- B,@S_ @T 0?@U 7C?S X Y ; 0?@V 7&%?@W7 ;I;+^ @X% q   , v 6x The maid shows street. bolt drawn shut. As sit despondently one large white rocks lining Flora's driveway, slight hurrying pauses stare. Asތ one another, name comes unbidden mind. This. catches amazingly firm grip exclaims, "Corwin! Is really, or am seeing shadows?"The releases grin. "Ofԁ people least expected see... We've got some catching up do, think. But right now, I'm trouble. I hate presume bonds so soon after resurrection,, right҉ band ugliest cutthroats ever walk these streets. There half dozen creatures, frankly, could use some brotherly."The peers uncertainly. "Hm. It's close, differences." curses softly, starts Flora's house, apparently losing interest.You roam up street. try re-enter Flora's house, nobody answers pounding. After while, some men white jackets surround stick hypodermic. As sink unconsciousness, realize lost.The interrupts questions. "We catch upԁ amenities usual brand gossip, later, -- must admit I'm very curious exactly what you've been up last couple centuries -- right now, I'm trouble, it's heading towards us fast. The sighs annoyance. "Well, wish you'd said so first. I'm troubleʔ odd sense humor. The‹ peculiarly, shrugs. Without saying another word, turns heads Flora's. opens closes.Without warning, move. As arm goes, caught expert grip. thrown violently onto. Before evenʄ catch breath, throat slit.At nod agreement, gratefully, "Thanks,. I'll remember." As finishes speaking, group unsavory-looking people rounds corner. It obvious their target. As they pass under street lamp, notice six approaching figures somewhat peculiar each bears six-inch spurs its hands. They do friendly.Random, "Is yes or no,?"You refuse. angry,, like he's hit. Then You call run after. waits catch up,, "Well? I'm hurry, if aren't, I've got no use."You start speak, already earshot. Before catch attention, been admitted Flora's house, shut once."I'll fill details later,. am exaggerating imminence danger, believe."Random waits.The snorts. "Same old. Okay.҃ I'll."You street outside Flaumel residence, sitting one rocks lining sister's drive. Your. You blurt truth amnesia. Random䌀 disbelievingly. Then˃ walks.Random nervously shoulder,. "Well?"Random impatient. "If, awareϗ neither nor< inclination trade idle. Well?"Random waits.The tightens grip upon pulls under lamplight. "Corwin?" questions.You lift one heavy boulders lining Flora's drive, heave attackers. follows lead. Faced such mighty opposition, remaining attackers break flee.The mysterious attackers polish.You start randomly throwing things creatures. Your barrage slows them, they continue forward.You no weapons. attackers continue forward.Random, "Looks like we're outnumbered,."ratrumpA band ugly people approaches menacingly.corwinratrumpambrando  That doesn't.He's short wiry, sandy hair.2/qm1P\O m  + u  4 " ) 1 : ; < = > @ A C D E F G I X 3 } ;< -       * !*  :0;%<"?#:-ONC   -2Kd{CwAp?^h]q\d[mWQVOUMLZKcJVGjEhD[Bk9L8J7H54O332K1/0.,+u 7 C C $7 %7--; l &7 -r    '7O * -A6>?S  -  ; ->p^g\e[cYgXeW3UtKrJ.=,<*;I:&54U3S2Q0O.,+ (7X"  -   N N  )7  u O *O O OL 7D;>6>?S*    +7 ;# * -u.Y V*QPOIHGFED B A@?,7-7 * -JG /-2  l - -7 .7{7sv:O-,7+5&V  /,J  u ,00 7  77 ;?;} q ]%GE%% j1;- ;, v >Random uncomfortably, "I we've never been very close, I'd like think I'd if got similar jam. Will?"Random strangely. " isn't here. I'm, remember?"You greet‡ smile. You embrace enthusiastically. Random interrupts questions hurriedly. "I've no now gossip,, much I'd care indulge. Random, "Let's save discussion later,. "Funny should ask.Random, "Throwing himself nearby chair,, "I'm trouble I'd like call some assistance. There six ugly creatures chasing, I'm sure rid myself them without. They should here soon."Flora angrily. "If think I'm going either one, quite mistaken." She takes desk flounces. "Let's decide whether or you'll, I'll fill details if there's."Flora. "I see no reason situation no doubt richly deserves. Let clean up own mess."Flora, "I've given advice.""No use going after; she'll no anyway," start follow Flora. "Are,?"Without warning, move. As arm goes, caught expert grip, thrown violently onto. Before evenʄ catch breath, throat slit.At nod agreement, Random gratefully, "Thanks,. I'll remember." As finishes speaking, You make mad dash towards Flora. She nimbly evades grasp. Before scene progress any further, you violent crashǃ running footsteps hall outside. springs feet, alarm. Seconds later, group very ugly peculiar-looking people burst. They obviously violent intentions. A chair cracks skull goes. Flora stare shock. Then, "I guess development sizeably lessens chances survival". touches brow ironic salute Flora, exits, ignoring. Flora gives secretive smile, followsƟ, taking.You blurt truth amnesia.Random䌀 disbelievingly. Then˃ leaves house.You refuse. Random bewildered. "What's gotten,?"Random angry, and turnsכ muttered curse. All sudden, and, like he's hit. Then sardonically touches brow ironic salute. "Exit, curtain falls,", vaults window. A later, gunfire night,ԑ still again.but laughs, throws himself chair. "Well, like attend little party.Before move, Flora re-enters tall dark garbed red. approaches, pulling. "What shame won't able attend coronation, dear," smilingly,.Flora smugly. Her triumph short-lived, however, enraged stabs.Random, "Well? Can count or?"Random, "Let's waste talking. wouldn't surprised if she were listening us anyway."Random, "If, I'm probably dead meat. In case, I'll no use."You no weapons. You randomly begin throw things oncoming attackers. Your barrage slows them, they keep coming.You sister's.ɾ reflects sister's cultured tastes; classic books fill shelves, original marble statue stands one corner, antique furniture tastefully arranged. Between windows stands delicate desk.You see antique desk surrounded heavy chairs.Itݐ priceless original.The attackers grin evilly, showing pointed gray teeth, start close. Picking up nearby chair, Lifting Flora's antique desk You grab heavy marble statue, raising above, you heave nearest creature. heavy object breaks audible crack. EncouragedȂ success, continue toss furniture. Next, follows lead, hurling chairs reckless glee. Three attackers fall. You ask Flora assistance. Suddenly, ear-piercing whistle fills air, Flora's dogs rush. remaining two attackers ripped shredsȁ beasts.The remaining two attackers turn flee.The attackers overwhelm fall.A band ugly people approaches menacingly. You see unusual.ambwhistAs start遾, ratrumpambrandoratrumpRandom just asked.As debate whether or, Flora.You greet. backs.You offer. Flora pulls gun shoots.She no longer here.Your܂. You wink. You wait speak. Your gesture goes unnoticed. You smile reassuringly.Your siblingsތ angrily.Your confusion. Random sighs.ambwhistFlora left dogs.The attackers close.That doesn't.Check c_level randenterYou Flora's.As start遾, Qq9eyAWvRg#L\4! k / A w % C v = Z FXabrz'5Ig- )O* <+ ,- & /?4?50,pDYXKJJFXBV?T>=<; : 7 44i#i-&  7H67<7* V  V  ; :+; <7?8:-  BO-  3* ;<9& - -: -2 q O & (3 }& -2  -;7-}5b:\8YXL0G,E)B@%>v=t &  -!  -$ ΀  -   - "7 A ?7@@;&;?S@A}Z^^] @B @C@D]6>XY@EJ+5UW6"  7" & A- @F @G - &  A-p]W V 53207@YJXKKJGeFTBa?_>= < ; :743" X-& !k#fB-W  H G;/ &   O "O@H ;7 ] 2 -@ vB+-V,+& O<)%> & ./?@I?@J,@K @L[ u u j O<)% @M) $) 17) 17@N ;;}QpUG`E^, + &  " 7*   A 7 ;e@O_@P7R  + A&  ,B&  , ; ;, v When fight, Flora distastefully bodies scattered elegant carpet, givesޅ dislike. Being ignored, she picks way, saying, "Do try clean up bit retiring, dear brothers; maid used sort thing we." She exits,. As soon she gone, curiously, "Well,, never thought I'd see Flora same side. Or just stringing along?"When fight惁 bodies disposed, gazes curiously. "Okay, admit, give up. why you're here Flora. My simple mind just isn't up following complex plans. But do our dear threw she probably something unpleasant planned. In case particularly want hang. Care take walk?" heads.Random unconvinced, press point. "At any rate, trust. She's loyal, always had each other. Personally, I've never cared myself,, bowՁ royal wind." moves. "But I one feel somewhat less than comfortable house. How's going little walk?" pauses, looking.Random nods knowingly. "I thought much. It's well known she's loyal, always had each other. All things considered, You follow twilit night. Flora's car, long silvery thing, parked front house. In front sister's house long silvery car parked. Without hesitation, both doors open engine running. grins. "How thoughtful Flora provide our needs. Why walk when one ride, always say." hops driver's seat waits enter car.Random waits longer follow; when, prosaically waves casual farewell. "Perhaps I'll see again,; I'd bet however. Guard well." And gone.Random can't noise engine.Random, waves car.As stand indecisively street,Dž Flaumel residence opens, tall garbed strange costume red emerges. Random, "We'll talk later. Let's get here."Before move, Flora re-enters tall-haired garbed red. The‘Ό side. "What shame won't able attend coronation, dear," smilingly,.Random impatient hesitation guns engine. The car tears street. Having nowhere else go, re-enter house go bed. In night, awakenedȐ whispered goodbye, dagger heart puts sleep -- forever.You blurt truth amnesia.Random䌀 disbelievingly. Then˃ leaves house.Studying dead bodies closely, notice several peculiarities. Each corpse six-inch spurs its hands, skin hard metallic gray. They obviously human.Random waits enter car.You street outside sister's house. You Flora's.ratrumpratrump]M5>W6`}L h   -B ;u.o,Y/Q-P+O)I'H%G#F!EDBA@?531. ,5+38,< N  N    77 7 &  - & . - &  - &  :i ;<:P NAB; & -* & - &   7  - 3;< }&   ހ- W^&\$["Z YXQOMK JD=< ; 74,+-- ;;},w*u(p&Y.X,Q*P(O&JH"G:FE6DBA@?;,-++0 -2 P P  B-;  B-. 7- .  7 ;O;q'GE, +55" -; 7 j;;E, v You climb car beside, who immediately tears street. His reckless makes wonder belatedly if made wise decision. After while, however, slows car, serious replaces grin. turns. "I how closely you've been keeping touch, if want honest opinion, think situation right now critical. If anyone any hope stopping, should now,Ձ coronation."You nod agreement. Random, "I need where stand,."Random slyly. "Rumor̯ preparing-out. I'm sure would appreciate support one or煈 brothers, should rumor prove true. And once disposed, who say?"Random briskly, "And what planning take picture?"You nod, pretending understand what talking. Your, "Well? Are or? Or perhaps...?"Your seem surprise, sidelong glance, begins speak. "Well,́ support Caine, course. threw too, get feeling didn't do any strong love. There's chance, think.; we haven't heardƔ years. That leaves, who's probably dead,."Random somewhat surprised, prosaically. "If were, I'd take care first, settle differences, it's up...Random sighs. "Really been, haven't? must aware taken敃 plans crown himself king few weeks."놐 casual tone. "And course there's...""I recently had strange experience involving... It's worth going now, since we should get soon we if sweet Flora. At any rate, also been put picture."Random little annoyed. "Later,.""We should save discussion later,. This hardly safest we could right now."Random bluntly, "Let's get point so we get. want what after,. might even willing go along, if price right..."Random nods. "So, die cast...Random wolfishly. "I thought much. Random sly. "What's interest?"Random uncomprehendingly.Random indifferently. "Same ever."Random shakes, "Not what expected,."You shrug, trying޵ if coping situation. little oddly. "What plans,?"Random puzzledȂ.Random curiously. "So what do think having king?" asks slyly.Random beginning get impatient.You Flora's car.Random surprise.Random, "Talk what?" How long̯ been since you've been?" Without waiting, "I ask because how aware blocks set up road. made once... barely... probably do again. With permission?"Random Random takes deep breath. "Okay. Let's move!" turns⼄ road. Gazing window, begin notice strange things happening world ... passing under bridge, emerge countryside scattered large yellow windmills... a sudden violent thunderstorm, purple clouds roiling overhead... gray horseman hurtling, collar turned wind... vast desert sides... road beginning sparkle... Soon, car races along straight track dark soil. Golden trees bright grass surround.Looking, notice slacks shirt changed silver garb. At side hangs silver. Random's clothes undergone similar transformation. In distance sounds hunting horn.Random nods. drives ways,挀 expectantly. "Any,"."Shall start?" asks.You try remember way,Ԁ achieve dull throbbing headache.You visualize looking expectantly.Random beginning puzzled. "What's up,," asks."I've told enough,".Random stops car groans loudly. "Great. pick mental incompetent ally. Always was great thinker." gets car starts walking. "See,", calls shoulder. "And watch!"Random obviously believe. gets car. "Maybe we'll meet again,." starts walking.Byʀ get car, sight. follow, disappeared thin air. Random sighs. "Oh well." gets car starts walking.Having nowhere better go, drive Flora's, where big‡ curly beard awaits. grins cheerfully,򀓇 sabre holding. last thing mocking "So long,."You wait while, return. Random disappears hill, ignoring.Random gets car. "I least am getting here!" starts walking soon disappears hill.Random opens wide pretended shock. "Are suggesting overthrowing our own?"You sit quietly, staring window. feel becoming impatient."What exactly suggesting,?" asks.Random glares angrily, gets car. soon disappears hill.Random slightly annoyed avoid question, drops question.You alone Flora's car.ambcarambhornRandom stifles yawn.Random watches curiously.You car."Well?" asks."Well?" asks.ambcarambhornratrumpratrumpYou shrug again. impatient.car.carIqT` Ep@Wl= E v    ^ m '^ E/U-9HW^_gow    *-; | t\5.-) -- E G ; U -+5 U K 5-l6>XY   "4D?S:8  -<)  1- w]H\;YXPMFKJ)F7DB2A0><;:584320/.,,)+&$# h3q; P  P t F    T K  P  P 5  A  17.-- -7 --,* w  = N 2N> N -k N[ p"-#-5- N 2N?N U - * \ƀ N - +ǀ N -- 'À N -  @ E G;v+5 U K 5-\6>XY   "44?S*(   -  1- -! !?@@@A"?@B-@-@- @, :? ;<@C(:-    MBPNC 3 - <@D7 } -7-crw^[Z6YXPK*JGF6EDC.B,A*><;:5430.,+$̀Zp A\X . C - 5 C   C  . M M@Eytni"  Y. ---p" 5- ac .R J! w   m =;<@FK K6 0 4*    m   #-$  95wt1m/G|EzD)z.%;j& @G'\ t "    m D=;<@H; a(+- vumAV:G8F6E4B2A0$,6  " $ ހ ,.7;0.7 /.7 rwYXPJB,A*><;:` 2N-E;*"p   .:4Z K J4!-6- ;;GE;P, v 1 0Aޅ alarm appears Random's. "Ten one that's horn. Let's just hope we're quarry!" puts foot gas, winding road, impossible go very fast. horn sounds again, louder.You forest Arden. Random sharply. "I'm sure there's no quarry would rather hunt than couple brothers."The horn gets louder. As car slows make sharp turn, see pack hounds come sight. curses vehemently† white powerful horse rounds bend. Although car doing fifty miles per hour winding road, horseman gains. Galloping alongside car, motions stop. Random sighs. "We're cooked; no way escape Morgenstern." stops car, gets  horse. unpleasantly. "I no plans, little," sneer. "My business. In fact, might even get Arden alive." turns attention. "Well,; going cower car or like?"Julian up. "Doesn't like yours done much,. Not matter soon." swings sabre experimentally.You leap, taking completely, pullƛ horse. hounds mill frantically throwƄ ground put neck. up defiantly kick reach.Julian sneers sets dogs. torn pieces seconds.You swing. Morgenstern shies way. "A foolish,," laughs. "I'd expected better." Riding, neatly takes񂞇 sabre.You car.Your lost roar engine accelerates. Suddenly, Morgenstern rears, throwing ground feet. Before move, neck. mercy.You blow car horn. Morgenstern rears keeps balance only difficulty. "Get car," grates.You draw challenge. laughs scornfully, dismounts. "This shouldݻ easy victory," sneers. Without warning, swings sabre violently.ambhornmorgambjuliaambhorncarmorg mounted Morgenstern.jutrumpJulian waits car.Julian waits.That.The dogs gleefully tear shreds.Check c_levels arden.&2?Bx3?=;<?- :?:-- @ABZ 3 }E 3 - ;< ;<-   -D!?S0 B F Zʀ vp2@$ɀ  /  <, - Z 7y v .=,;+9%r "j T  [,  ;D  " Q   / 6 ,  7  7 7, v You find royal palace. walls lined hundreds books shapes sizes. A thing catches attention crystal case containing deck.The case locked, protectedȻ alarm.You realize no key.The lock appears fairly simple one skills. You draw dagger pick lock, point too blunt.Using pin cloak, skillfully manipulate delicate mechanism until click. case opens remove deck.You carryingѬ, Grayswandir, dagger, clothes wearing.As fool, opens strolls. Seeing, draws. Seconds later, troop men clad livery burst surround. dragged unpleasant fate.You stroll palace, eventually return.It already open.It appearsݻ ordinary deck.You flip some books. seeх interest.As start, strolls.You realize if, certain discovered.As lift heavy case arms, set alarm.You smash case open, setting loud jangling alarm.The case contains deck. You royal palace. Against wall glass case.erlibtrumpserlibtrumpsThe case locked.You already.You already.It already open.That doesn't work.You already.The case open.Check levelsIt delicate crystal case. TheDž case open. You see unusual.How do wish use?#/u@k 0?Qdt8 `* / - . `  , -,  :< / -- -`0 -  =;< @E71  @F "7 @G7;~  & -- ;s & --Z  " C !7- ;0;* Y :Y @H " $7 "  77-  "- :W - <@I ;<@J ->-:- NCZY  3 }N 3; " <@K<@L- 3 @M2-'"G}vSYXPHGFEB?;5, + 'w"S O7  " !7;~  & 7 ;    "7;v;p Y8 @N/3&"@O  $7    -; " $71wup ,+R7Q   p u" " ",   ';7^9\7[5Z3W1V/U-JG#E!B1?/5!43210.,@+>KE;O;I7="! @P770wYv\p_Y1XIBA+?>A=%;=5,+)B"@[!Q7K  ހ -;1-)#$ Y ", ;7; v1B:?850,.+,)%"#    ɀ 7 ;id7^  N #N@Q@ .    !   "/+;@R ;6; v omJsGwEu5-,+'$"ƀ   [= ;  " # &   5- ;@S~ !     E    -. @T-@U;7$ ;;+5  "7Q, v The three continue walking. Twice accosted men livery, twice orders them let pass. Eventually come edge cliff. road past cliff.You point tell contemplate death. watches.You tell grateful life, turn., composure shaken, makes no move walk. You tie securely nearby tree., "Let's go."Random subdued, "Let's get here.Random, "There's no use taking any further; he'll turn us soon gets chance. Kill now."You force edge cliff. With cry hatred, falls death. You watch walk without. You prod very edge cliff., white set. You. parries initialՀ disengage, stabbedȪ.Julian angrily.Alone forest Arden, wander helplessly until troop men dressed red find put misery.The three continue road. As pass tumbled outcropping rock, ambushedȐ party archers livery. slain.Leaving cliff, set after.You run, neatly wipe shirt.As abuse corpse, disappears distance." strikes northerly direction.You stand near cliff. Julian, "Look. I'm going beg life, no point killing. give wordК hunt if spare now."Random surprised treachery, lightning reflexes, draws slays.You beat up. endures bitter silence.jutrumpratrumpRandom.Random walking׌ rapid pace.You cliff.You mercilessly taunt.Your brothersތ oddly.Julian䌀 hostilely.Julian.Random gazes confusion.ratrumpCheck c_levels cliff.As brothers watch baffled wonder, take running jump leap cliff death.You peer edge cliff. Far below, see jagged rocks ocean surf.Julian glares hatred.Random surprise.Julian silent.Randomˌ.(Ip+a,  ?Mf~'j :-: CY 38; "<< " --JwjuhszpeaYXPJFBA ?>=<;:65i+G' &C"  " " -;3  7 "-   7 Y Y C"-n Y"-"-I *( C C  ;wPuNJL,+' "  7"r  " "  7 ;F   p u < ,    7  7! ;3;} y"7 3 #; ;c;+.7F+5UW$%+6>XY?S&' ;, v z Night fallen; overhead stars preternaturally bright. A nagging headache plagues walk familiar-seeming wood. Breaking reverie,, "I like; it's been too easy get far. I've feeling set trap we're walking straight. This road too obvious."Random nods. "Good idea." The two road, walking woods next. Ahead see large clearing. pulls whispered warning. Ahead, see clearing.Random. "You're boss." continue walking road. Suddenly, group armed men wearing red livery leap woods. struck repeatedly. All goes.Random uneasily, "Maybe we should get road?"Random motions quiet, moves stealthily clearing. follow.You crawl carefully up edge clearing. see front bright campfire. Sitting several large men wearing red livery. On opposite side clearing slender clad silver, bound stake. Her turnedכ. Despite, recognize؛ Flora's. It.You burst clearing, blades drawn. Together, make mincemeat men. slash girl's bonds she comes gratefully arms. "Corwin," she exclaims. "We thought dead." interrupts. As crash clearing, men ready. made mincemeat."We hardlyʔ touching reunions,; men certainly our trail. Suggestions, anyone?"Deciding come tell the true state affairs, confess lack memory. There stunned silence., "How...?" lets trail."He may well," explains situation., "Deirdre, owe us one now. As, due past ... indiscretions, life forfeit Rebma. accompanyƵ far border. Will take rest way?" bows؞ silently assent.You blurt truth amnesia. stunned. He finally, "Well, if truth, we'll needԁ we get." motions forward. You leap clearing kill men. unties girl, explains situation., "Deirdre, owe us one now. My life forfeit Rebma;Ѐ escort our?" bows؞ assent.With word, carefully circle clearing proceed forward.Random chuckles. "Looks like got herself pretty predicament. Well, we rescue, or should we just abandon؄ fate? I've never liked bitch, fond." Finally sighs, "Since I've taken responsibility, guess it's up҄ see get Rebma safely. Maybe walking Pattern bring senses.""Let's," cheerfully. siblings "IԲ,". Your sighs. "No use going state you're. We've got figure way restore memory..." snaps fingers. "Rebma! I'll send Rebma you'll walk Pattern. won't able accompanyԁ way reasons I'll explain later, should able talk way without."Random puzzled. "I see..."Random draws.Random motions silent.You road forest Arden. suggested road dangerous.Random awaits decision. "Are we rescue,?"Random, "I think there's something going up ahead."ratrumpambrescudetrumpambrescudetrumpRandom oddly.Fl. knows, J. lives, R. bluffed. BUG!Check cur_flstateYou crouch edge small glade.You forest Arden.roadroadstakeroadstakeambdeirdYou see shadowy figures distance.Her turnedכ.stakeambdeirdratrumpratrumpambrescudetrumpambrescudetrumpambrescuambrescudetrumpambrescudetrumpTheّ too far.Random awaits lead.You recognize,.You feet.Random. "So,."Random grins.Random܀.I0`xXj<eV3  ( B ~   D V w     ' 0 9 A J R b w =<#-S  f  ?$ <% %,IG ?& <' %  &  &  "! C ,,,(% & .  "  ,) ", , & <  "!C ,, "! C ,,G & <  "!C ,, "! C ,,*  %  &  &  "! C ,,,-     +, :=;<--N:B } 33- ;<.;</ ;<0- sJU5w1p e-`K) L = ހ -;.    . 7;- |4wTq6poM_KFBA=;<1?2- [ " R3 4 ;{R% w   _ !=;<5?6- [ .=;<7- ;=;<8-;y"wpweuKsJkFB:c4g2e, +%W:86jT =  ?9 <: , ?; <<c ?= 7; R31  ?> <? , ?@@ <@AcF"  B  N N! @B;%G E :HR    ހ$     ;  C u-p`J * = ހ -;@C7 ;c;qGEK @D;?@E9     c@F ;; ;; p! "7 ;\+5 U 7H6>1-? ? ?@G@H?S ;v, v e due past ... indiscretions, life forfeit Rebma. accompanyƵ far border. Will take rest way?" bows؞ silently assent.Random, "We'll talk later. Right now we should get going.""You could refer Pattern old heirloom,. It probably best chance getting memory." tells.Random, "It's settled,. Unfortunately,Random sarcastically. "Any particular direction?", "You're right,; we had best gone.Random demands, "And what lies direction? We've gotten close; I'm going." Corwin right. They stare each other hostilely.Random܀, saying, "We. How situation?" Deirdre shakes؞. "If bound, turn. From point, every stone, every tree hides…. no chance."Deirdre shakes؞, wishes well, melts shadows. You proceed. Suddenly, drops ground, arrow protuding chest. Scarcelỵ fact registeredՀ too, struckȐ feathered shaft. die, pondering irony ignoble death."You turn, ask if she would like join. frowns. "Eric kill;. What plan; am no friend might, an' should persuade."Random angry. "I've risked neck,; I'll go no further till tell҂ plan."Deciding come tell siblings the true state affairs, confess lack memory, relating eventsʀ escaped hospital until now. There stunned silence., "How...?" lets trail. merely nods, addresses. "Can escapeƄ Shadow?" loudly "No! I've come far I'm damned if I'll turn tail now. We'll takeƄ Rebma; Pattern repair mind, if anything."Random explodes, "The hell,!" storms. glares angrily, follows.Before move, six men clad red silver leap clearing. Although far stronger than they, overcome sheer numbers. As sink unconciousness, rememberԀ lost.Deirdre doubtful outline plans. You turn, saying, "Nothing changed. We knew way was heavily guarded gave us warning. Let us proceed." shakes؞ bids farewell. "No use trying. score." gruffly."Stop being evasive,," sharply."We're waiting plan."You draw, quicker. run.Random glare angrily. Without word, they turn disappear forest.Deirdre exchange heated whispers.Random puzzlement. "Why should go?" asks.You hum little tune under breath..You stand small glade forest Arden. ratrumpFl. knows, J. lives, R. bluffed. BUG!ratrumpratrumpCheck cur_flstateRandom. Deirdre stands nearby.detrumpYou suggest continuing. "Deirdre unconvinced.ratrumpCheck # c_levels glade.Random regards coldly."And where going?" demands./,U8h|;F? d  > F N ` l  -# 2 w %A %A & %  "  < ,!, & @  "!C , <", "! C ,,K & @  "!C , <#, "! C ,,$ B% A& :-:NBAO  3;<' }-  ~[weVGEBA&,+ y (  -;.  -    -.     -  -b  .   -  -7 )  -   -;;    -!wEeCYXPOGxFDsB?;2%,+  %AB;   2  . %AB  ;O y D %A;& X  --;D wJQPlGE D@2>,#+!t;y Q;~  .7e .   ހ ;?  *;(   A7wpFWDVBU@O>K-LT]_g} :7 B A A< ?  -:  3 };< -c !7-IWQK#JE543210.,+ <,7 C C 7, v <Suspicious long delay, stabs. dead.Deirdre pulls knife toys idly. "Now," she.Random gone. return arch. waiting.You wander Rebma few minutes, return arch. Llewella awaits.You followYou follow long marble staircase. You turn make way up stairs. Nobodyݹ.You find way pattern. Your gone. Your gone.indicates Pattern. "You must walk,."tugs arm.On way, challenged twice green-scaled, brandishes royal pass, they move respectfully aside. At foot stairs lies sight makes pause wonder -- fiery Pattern glowing greenly water. sight makes dizzy. A single challenges foot stairs, moves respectfully aside recognizes. pushes open another. Beyond lies sight dazzles dark-accustomed; fiery blue pattern inlaid dungeon floor.You set foot Pattern. Immediately, sparks arise, feel terrible resistance beginning.leads beneath green-covered arch, starts stairs. leads twisting passages stairs. Finally reach ancient. Opening, starts long gloomy stairway. You watery world Rebma.waits catch up.You return chambers. reappear. pass days lazy inaction, until one day, anonymous arrow hits during patrol.You wander until arrested thrown jail.You palace.Your, "It ancient heirloom. Nobody really understands except perhaps Dad. It may݁ only way restore memory. Walk,."pattrnRandom That unhelpful.Deirdre Random Llewella Deirdre Random Llewella Deirdre The Pattern liesՀ, glowing gently.bluegreenYou unable go way.Random glares leaves.Llewella glares leaves.Deirdre glares leaves.Your.Random raises eyebrow.Your fall upon deaf ears.Your blushes.Random܀.Your fall upon deaf ears.Your܂.Random silent.Your fall upon deaf ears.3*[0JXfv<c<Xl$%*0F_z!9w* >;<  B A - :n  C: - -- %/  BAABAB 3 }:%    !" -# %  -Twu1"  -  ;B  7qyw p2 =,Ws J $, >;-.>;B- B?S ; ;30-] #wu=  ; - % ;yw pG R,s J  %,  >;-&s>;A-e AY?Ss B 97 %'    7 ; ; ;;+5 UF %5 'B -7(A -7  )A{6>N? ? ? A* B+, A- B./)?S A0 B12 ;z, v '"You led spacious. At one end elaborate, upon seated beautifulه green hair creamy skin. She waves, move aside.Moire shakes؞. "I cannot thee."You throw knees front queen. She gazes dispassionately, lips curled scorn. Without speaking, she motions take. thrown cold cell languish years.You incline. She leans slightly addresses cool tone. "Your presence here strange one,. What brings son Oberon our realm?"Without preamble, askٔ. She arches green eyebrow. "Never our history recorded son Oberon asked our. Thou must explain thyself fully."The queen shakes؞ decisively. "IК aid thee thy power struggles, Prince. ensuing Chaos would reflected our own realm."As further persuasion, queen's grows cold. The young returns greeting stiff nod.Theٍє,؞ bowed thought. Raising؞, she, "I am knowledgeable enough matters concerning Blood able propose cure thee, Prince. Therefore shall let case decided one better known thee than." She beckons side young clad gray green. She familiar. newcomer meets gaze no sign deference. "Corwin," she softly."Thou must݆ dire straits indeed recognize Moire, Queen Rebma. What plight brings?"Moire disbelieving. She motions gurds take.You Moire's.The queen waves, dismissing subject. "I naught."The inclines؞ regally towards.The young laughs, bitter edge. "It's rare member noble asksҔ anything. suppose should feel flattered." She appraisingly. "So hour need, turn last poor Llewella. Well,, advise go instead; am sure she would welcome attention." She starts turn.The young leaves. Moire, "It without friends realm,. `Tis pity thou hast none plead thy case us." She motions lead.You tell Deirdre's plight, lack involvement matter. young䌀 astonishment. She hesitates uncertain crossesض. Then she come decision. "You've obviously changed,. Perhaps make exception case." She furrows brow thought. "The Pattern!" she exclaims triumphantly. "If walk, may regain memory. Are willing?"The youngٽ again. "It's settled." She seriously, putting lightly arm. "Perhaps come when remember who was helped when most needed." She starts, beckoning follow."I'll questions later," Llewella.Your, "This way,."Aޅ outrage crosses queen's features. She calls, led executed.The launch their tridents move threateningly towards queen. die.You start towards. Before reached, Moire called. taken thrown cell.The young merely silence.The queen gazes confusion.The youngٽ. "And would like, dear,?" she inquires sweetly.Moire gazes consternation. "I tell little whereof speak. It one mysteries our realm, lying deep below palace. Your Llewella stands front.Your. "IѲ them, care less."The䌂 outstretched͆ confusion.The queen. "I naught matter.""Yon miscreant well-known realm. dealt according crimes."The queen slightly irritated. "Waste ourʇ idle chatter, son Oberon," she regally.Your, touch scorn, "Do jest,. We both situation. refuse involve myself sordid affairs." She starts turn.The raises eyebrow. "What interest hast thou artifact?""Wasteʇ talk scoundrel."Moire shakes؞, "I little.""What thy request?" asks.lltrumpambllewerebcort rebcortlltrumpYou blurt truth.The queen puzzledȂ.The obviously believe tale. The queen܀.The youngٽ amusement.Your pauses, looking."It's old heirloom.""Stop stalling,!" Llewella.Lllewella awaits.She waves after.Check c_levels m_courtLlewella confusion.The queen wavesׂ.The stop.Theٽ.A slight blush touches woman's cheeks.The܂.?Ou#M(9q,|9 ^ t  U t P q  q ) G f  :QokX -^l  -M I !I%8s J J&# ' F " E   =;<( ?)A-; :+=;<*+B-  IJC: 3+- ;<, =;<-  }-  - f \LJI GFEEBA8 Z7U-M E   .s/"   ;7\,L*J(G+FE'B8<   % s$! s;QGED07s 7;\YAX?LJCIAGqFoEmB9Ai;,-986  S1n#-f SX k J -2;4  ހ - ;;]1G F A@$'%9 ;  -; C 3C77 ]HMFK Ss4  -75 ;6Kw upJB %(,/   ր7 78 ;;p=YDXBU%R>P? ? ?<=% K U?S> ;, v  You part. The two proceed cautiously AmberRebma. As enter small clearing, puts͠ arm. rustling noise increases ten men clad red step trees. Each holds loaded crossbow.You remain motionless dark-haired, bearded strolls clearing. clad leather, red cloak clasped neck. A silver sabre ruby pommel hangs belt, next wooden Trump box. "Welcome, brothers," smiling.At move, ten arrows thud body. dead.Eric laughs. "You expect҄ believe such offer? No, dear, Flora informed most faithfully intentions. She seemed quite angry... No,, think we'll settle matter another way." draws sabre strikes en garde stance.Eric laughs scornfully. "Afraid fight? Very well; shall die coward's death!" signals archers, ten arrows thud one body. dead.Eric fiercely. "Very well,; let's settle matter once!" draws sabre strikes en garde stance.You draw leap. Your blades clash together.Eric, "I noʄ deal traitors. chose oppose; now feel wrath." raises arm, signal, ten arrows thud one body.Eric thoughtful. paces clearing, comes stand front. "I how far trust,," finally. "Flora said you've changed, perhaps so..." pauses, come decision. "If willing give҂ princely word honorК opposeҔ, rather work side destroy enemies, accept fealty."Eric grimly., "I am amazed Corwin's ability play part prince when doesn't even what." Eric turns. "I'd like propose deal,. Perhaps we've both changed enough able each other. And after, current state mind, you're much threat. You draw. archers, misinterpreting gesture, shoot full arrows.At Random'sޅ astonishment, laughs derisively. "You mean didn't our suffering amnesia?" glares walks edge glade.ƃ turns. "I'd like discuss matter,," silkily."As must realize,... impetuousity slaying our dear departed deprived҅ one most loyal talented allies. need someone fill gap,ϗ chosen. Eric nods grimly, turns. "And?" asks ungraciously.. "Me? I'm harmless, well." snorts, turns. "Follow҄, where you'll receive assignment." It becomes immediately apparent request, fall.Eric snarls, "Foresworn so soon?" signals. slain."Swear oath now," quietly.Eric startledȂ gesture friendship.You forest Arden. You surrounded silent men crossbows.Eric, "Let's talk,."Eric taken abackȂ. "I had thought find so cordial mood,". "Considering position.""Eric nods. "Julian informed҅ encounter."Eric grimly, "Soݯ," draws."Whatever could we two talk?" asks surprised tone. near.ermeetratrumpermeetambericYour soothing ignored.Random throws warning glance.Your ignored.Your fall upon deaf ears.Eric surprised.Eric䌀, frown.Eric䌀 bemusedly.Eric wavesׁ mention.Random silent.Eric܂.You draw.You slyly wink Random's direction, although sure catches.Your eye twitches.Check c_levels ericmeet.1.4:0@fmm 2 X o  ; [  " 3 G Z r C   ]]   -- :4 %^-C:   3 - ;< ;< , },- - |TvL]\ I B.7'$ >I=;<!?"-Z#U  "$%?;9;3?S 3 1 56>XY&7P]Y\>Y[XYU5R5L9J7GFBAE>C=A / ˀ %  ?. -   7> , + w p p; 7 wvqEp =,+ ];  /% U B U ", ;N <0-<1-)  ;  7  -#wpX=ED/B ,+<;;-3 %  -77;wvp =,+*;+ U B U ",;7wu p,+$-; 7[ wpY9X7F5ED'A/,+4;7 %  -77 72 ;?;w vp,+%37"~7;; ;;+5 UA ;3 - - 74#6>Q? ? ?56.7& - -8#E?S89.:& - -;< ;, v  Eric... name sends thrill hatred remember who left die during Black Plague. realize chill had been seemingly accidental concussion, might still, living life ignorance.You remember other relatives, none whom trust... father Oberon, stern complicated... tutor Dworkin, mysterious guardian Amber's secrets. With shock, memories itself pour... eternal city golden light color. prince royal Blood, pang would die possess. understand locked deadly game politics royal kin, game goalꅕ, stakes life death.You realize those blood gifted talents than human... among them ability walk, means altering environment thought. Members power find whatever they desire myriad shadows casts. remember well use Trump cards. With such deck, members speak visit one another ease.Choose color: red, blue, white,Memories flood... images Earth...scenes long centuries spent...not knowing true self or heritage...the Champs-Elysees springtime...the blaze glory Napoleonic wars... the mad painter Van Gogh, whom called friend...the smell chestnuts bloom... the guns explosions World War II... the anguish lost love... the hospital where awoke after accidentthe accident, realize,was deliberate murder.Memories... the delicate scent Deirdre's hair...brothers Osric Finndo, barely remembered who died deadly game politics...Benedict, older perhaps wiser...your ambiguous feelings father, Oberon...a flash Fiona, red-haired mysterious... you bent chess-board...an image, mounted white horse,poet mystic, unpredictable moods...a fierce duel between...Llewella, enigmatic, withdrawn presence...Gerard, open nature warped constant suspicion...A dark-haired† green, Caine...A long-ago ball, Flora gown green sea...Bleys, hearty manner masking complex mind...Wiry, ofttimes brunt jokes...Avernus, where trained first militia...Memories Pattern walk symbol Amber's order perfection...to Pattern completion die...the Jewel Judgment, holding mysterious power...The apparent immortality those line... their powers regeneration event injury...the long years spent quest power...the plots, schemes, treachery court...your own, beautiful Avalonwhere ruled generations...the palace, green gold flags Oberon...Rebma, watery reflection...The Courts Chaos, end orderwhere shadows go wild...the countless worlds between Chaoswhere shadows may mimic deeds... the Unicorn, graceful creature legend royal symbol... the cliffs Kolvir, upon rests...With each step,煂 self comes...images, memories, scraps power... the moonlit city Tir-na nog'th airy reflection...a once loyal ally, whom exiled crimes...walking Pattern first, centuries ago...hunting Forest Arden, now claimedȪ... the dying curse prince, potent irrevocable...As near final Veil, anticipation mounts...each step growing harder harder... your entire being tied upȁ task... you no further thought... Alas, foot strays Pattern, high energy swirling destroys.You closedԂ options.ambrazzambstarambpat1borderambpat2borderambpat3borderambpat4border.....borderCheck initialization routine.border12345Try rephrasing.1Try rephrasing.That option.That option.That option.2Try rephrasing.That option.That option.That option.3Try rephrasing.That option.That option.That option.4Try rephrasing.That option.That option.That option.5Try rephrasing.That option.That option.That option.The new path RED.The new path BLUE.The new path BLACK.Choose number: 1-5zZGr$K|!;Ks=Y|@m'Iz# A ^  , U h 6 a  7 U      > E G I K M O ` b s )+<L\ln}> rn@C?@E7=\?@F&;?@G8; <@H+*;?@I ; <@J+`&;?@K; <@L+7$;?@M; <@N+ ,=* ~lcZ Q H  ?  6 -$ @O ~lcZQH ? 6 -$ @P lZQ H!?"6 #- $$ % &' @Q $()~*u+l,c -Z .Q /H0?162-3$456 @R 7o8f9]:T;K <B =9 >0?'@@@A@B @S  :< =C8C:-   ;;<@T+@U 3 } <@V+ @W @X @Y @Z @[   @\ @] eN9q )*    @^  @D7> )@_+ )@` )@aZ @b eN9q )*    @c  @D7> )@d+ )@e )@f @g eN9q )*    @h  @D7> )@i+ )@j )@kD @l eN9q )*    @m  @D7> )@n+ )@o )@p @q eN9q )*    @r  @D7> )@s+ )@t )@u  7@v@w@x @y 7=*, v  You march, where assigned patrolling the foot.the forest Arden. next day, taking ease chambers, storms. "What hell gotten? would think were best buddies way you've been licking boots!""Why didn't tellҲ state memory? Some ally turned, afterԁʃ effort spent! guess where part." heads.Random calms, though narrow dangerously. "All right; suppose spoke line. But would mind telling what plan? relish idea hanging here indefinitely. I'm side remember?"Random starts draw, think better. coldly, "Don't count, whatever plan might," leaves. Random glares, leaves. You start go after, already sight. You stay contentedly, patrolling during day relaxing night. Your idyllic life interrupted one afternoon when arrow hits during patrol. kills fit pique.Random obviously believe, nods noncommitally when. bows ironically wishes well. "I'm Shadow; I've had stomach while," leaves.Random shakes. "I think I've helped enough. Random܂ greeting. Random comes halt front chair lounging. angrily, "He coldly, "I've just had enough whims. I mean,; either trust enough tell what's going, or I'm. You've been acting too strangely҄ trust now."For instant, Random's cynical registers pure astonishment. silent. Then, "And managed get far without even suspecting. It's almost impossible believe..." breaks񃋌 curiously. "So why tellingң now?"Random laughs. "You're no position dictate terms.""Let's stick current problem now. Do expect҄?"Random disgust. "Never mind. I've changed mind. If won't trust after you've asked, I'm going bother." stalks.Random thoughtfully. "It might worth, if only spite." snaps fingers suddenly. "I've got! I'll send Rebma take Pattern. If anything restore memory,." laughs pulls deck. "Lucky happened pick these up dropping." falls silent, staring card. His lips move. Afterř turns, "Come take while maintain."I'll take Pattern. That restore memory if anything." furrows brow. "Of course, won't easy,ԁ our royal posted, it's worth shot. Come." leaves.Random, filled scorn. "You've changed,. find am no longer interested dealing. " leaves. "Well?" asks lazily, enjoying.Random, "Deirdre waiting. Just extend̓ she'll pull."Random. "Fine." leaves.The card holding towards shows Deirdre's animated. Her͑ extended towards. "Damn! If hadn't picked us up, you'd safely Rebma now." With quick change mood, grins. "Quick thinking, telling you'd join. I'm surprised fell."Random܀, continuing same track. "Now Rebma's, you'll walk Pattern here."You chambers..Random, "I need than,."You step. find under water, able breathe speak normally., "Random informed҅ condition,." She takes̓ starts lead watery hall. "We feel Pattern may݁ key memory.""Countҟ,." calmly.Random draws.Random draws.Random prosaically.Tiring encounter, leaves. ratrumpratrumpYou wink. Random䌀 confusion.Random䌀 confusion.Random䌀 confusion.detrumpRandom "Take,."detrumpdetrumpYou fail follow. Random pauses. "Well?" asks coldly.Random pauses doorway. "Well?"Random leaves. Random snorts disgust, leaves. :-9LU v3Tk4H'6lOA|P r   & D  ' ; P p x  5 V e g  YHXFIB;?51,+X! % -B-  -"  " % -B-%O-G O O&72  " '7#( )   7   X B X :\<*O:  BAC "   ] - -  - 3 ;<+" }"- *.L ^1VQ=G;E9B08532,N -;UL,C<  ހ -- C C   7jp[Q>G\Y@) Y  % D [ r :=<:AO     _ - - 3 } 3 ;<-YH]I\LRJPHK9J7IBGE D/;:9876648     -8 70+& * *   - 7' 8wu4p]0\.KJ*,+/ 76sˀ  ,- 7 ,-  KvIG E B-.A+?=[     -=  -' . - 7-W w oOBK@JE#     s=; ,-;--wpKJ ,+ 7(s Jˀ  ,- 7;K7J+GE8     -%--  7aK-J5GE5     - .-$!    - - CENTER CST F LIB_ENEMCST F REBMA2 CST F  CARDPIX  F JULFIGHTCST F CERICFIGHCST F ERICKILLCST F MUSICPDS  F -AMB DST F ERIC FEN F @JULIAN FEN F @AMB T F AMB TOK F AMB V F B, v 0You stand center Pattern, behold feeling awe its terrible beauty. As contemplate Pattern just negotiated, remember another property heirloom; instantly transport center.You stand next, memory intact. However, lost one chance getդ crowned king.You materialize next. Startled sudden appearance Moire's royal court, royal shoot. die.You use power Pattern transport. Alone unaided, wander until men catch up slay.You materialize Arden, near. laughs gleefully.You find Arden. So, unfortunately, patrol men. killed.ambpat5Nothing happens.You unsure Random's location.You uncertain location.Nothing happens.You unsure Random's location.You stand think happier days.Random Random too far.Your too far.You stand alone.xMUf  : C7;?:BA 3 }swqc@ $A(bY. "1EG,@78 " 77!   77Y, (      .Y bǀ ,tɀ " 77T  7>"    7     7; ;:;?S& ΀   ;, v hAs contemplate, strolls. His widen surprise sight, drops. carefully locksƃ turns. "So,, long last return,", draws. we meet again. And,К escape unharmed." draws.You men pounding., blood running. "So, may won match. Be may, affect fact menЗ,݆ power." His borneȐ renewed battering.You select Bleys' Trump deck stare intently. In, comes. sitting dimly lit tent, bent map. His do quite focus. "Who?" asks.You pull Gerard's trump deck stare. Contact comes. "Who?" asks.As stand indecisively, splintering crash, men fill. overcome."Then come, if would,", extends.Bleys breaks abruptly. left staring painted card.Gerard passes card, breaking.Impatient delay, You palace.. You unbar. Immediately, men pour overcome.You lunge, well-shieldedȁ heavy screen. You pass card, breaking.bltrumpambtarotBleys respond.Eric䌀 incredulously.getrumpambtarotGerard respond.Your action futile.Staring own card no effect. respond.ertrumpambericertrumpbltrumpgetrumpEric drawn.Eric's men battering.You holding Trump.You draw.ambfenceEric.You unable reach.Check c_levels.Eric snarls wordless hatred.Eric scornfully.Eric sneers.Eric܂.Eric䌀 hatred.+snJ)Au 3R^fnv~ +?NWo C<?-CNF _<?-_(      :J C: - -.,=;< :_ ^? 3 }^ 3-;- <<< -  -, Q.,+ !?"6,#7m8vEqp c0,3+1*G 7V  ;  761 7'~$;  ;7 * - - =-=C-w v J-& +U " J,;=-  -w v J-& +U " J,;=- =  -? * " = -- - =-= C-% ;Y;+5 U&A6>? ? ?'(?S) } * ;, v  rRandom takes lead. The three You Quicker than lightning, slit throat.continue until come bluff overlooking bluest sea ever seen, sparkling beneath sky nearly identical hue. "Rebma,", pointing water. Suddenly, hoofbeats. Turning, see troop cavalry clad red bearing.As pause indecision, horsemen catch up lop.You bravely stand ground thunder. Meanwhile Deirdre clamber cliff runRandom scrambles cliff heads top speed water. Your admirable courage availsѵ mownȁ horses.turn make wayε possible water. Once, Deirdre wade Random wades into water without hesitation. Soon they up their necks.You follow water.You plunge after companions. To surprise, see steps leading crystal clear water. Deirdre far ahead, following slowly. Your soon covered water. Next appears breathing normally. "It's death if go death if stay," glumly, making way staircase. horsemen.You experimentally inhale. watery atmosphere breathable.You turn make way. horsemen dismember.Over shoulder see horsemen following stairs.At foot stairway great marble arch. Beyond waits Deirdre, several green-scaled men holding tridents. As pass beneath archway, he are surrounded disarmed. As led, waves sardonic farewell.Deirdre catches arm. "Never mind,; talk way anything Moire planned. We mustݲ our own business." "Follow us!" yells, turn make water."Follow!" shouts shoulder.Smiling naivete, horsemen mow.You standing cliff blue water. A band cavalry thunders.You stairs going Rebma. Behind men close pursuit.You watery world Rebma.detrumpratrumpstairsrebhall Soon up neck.stairsstairsrebhallyou are separated.rebhallCheck cur_clevels rebma2Your glares.Your.Your pretends.Your܂.5")Q/dL\j@Bu $K'f !:JTg- " #$ :M=>; :\ % - - } 3?;-  % %<%<&<'<(- 4 w9u7p5o3]I FBP7, p!7o %  7  7R %   )-   -- O %  OO  77mw u p okeE ? 9 3 "- %   w e - %=<*-=<+- ;7wup k e a`b     7@ 75 %<,-., </-7Yw!u6B-:2,.?,7.,,,,,,0 ;O;+5UW166>? ? ?23?S4 ;(T l$Lt , T |4\<dDl$          <          wwwwwwww<9          wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww          wwwwwwwwZ            R            R                      Z           1N           www 1L           1 www www www           www^           N          www L           wwwwwwwww          www^          p J          wws0p H          p wws0wws0wws0          wws0X          ?I          www?H          ?wwwwwwwww           wwwY           F          www F           wwwwwwwww           wwwZ           N          wwwp N           wwwpwwwpwwwp          wwwp`          D""D"DD"T"DQ"DE*@ wݻwwݻw          Z          Z          Z          Z          Z          Z          Zl, v C Julian maliciously Julian, drenched sweat, sneers nastily A gloating appears Julian refuses give ground Julian's show hint fear, masked Julian glares angrily Julian falls, surprise Exhaustion written features, Julian winces pain Julian䌀 bitter hatred as slashes. as flashes chest. as aims. as thrusts direction liver. as feints heart, changes lines slash vulnerable neck. as flashes, disengages strike suddenly exposed leg. aWt/FVxM3`5j?f Hm! J  ^ |   < K \ J1 ; 2 < 3 =     :u>?+)@@ 6 -, ( - ,!(;1<@A?@B:Q        @C( y + - , *7( Q  +7( Q     Q  QQ 8Y@fyP-,+n  2'-'$C C ' '9 ʣE  2'-'$C C ' '9  2'-'$C C ' '9W  2 '-!'$C C  ' !'9,7( -7(  "' #'  @D9uހI  2%' -&' $C C &'  %' 9v  2''-('$C C (' ''95C C $' .7($'  :7(? ? ?4 /7(? ? ? 5Q 07(` 6 &? ?7(-,  )7((&? ?7(- ,! )7(8Q@E  67(  6 -, ( - ,!(? ?@F ?@G ?@H? ?@I ?@J ?@K, v  Aޅ glee appearsö Sweat running, Aޅ triumph flashes킴 Determination, holds ground, You see flash fear Eric's set rigid lines anger Eric faltersޅ surprise tinged fear crosses Fatigue etched features, An expression pain crossesö The death as slashes. as flashes chest. as aims. as thrusts direction liver. as feints heart, changes lines slash vulnerable neck. as flashes, disengages strike suddenly exposed leg. as lunges chest. As moves parry, shifts strike furiously exposed. as moves closer, only shift suddenly lunge heart. as lunges. as lunges direct line heart. as reels under onslaught, barely parrying. as deflects aims vicious slash. as parries cuts leg. as parries, lunges forward, flashing. as parries, lunges exposed. as parries assumes defensive stance. You aim vicious cutÞ. You slash. You feintÞ. You feint. You feint chest, raise slash downwards exposed. You feintÞ, drop lightning fast maneuver. You fake slash, lunge forward decapitate. You feint cut, lunge suddenly exposed chest. You lungeÞ, slashing. You lunge chest, trying beat aside. You switch abruptly purely defensive stance. surprisedȂ change tactics, ruthlessly presses. You parry, aim nasty cut. Beating aside, slash. You parry, lungeÞ. You deflect cut, aim. Taking advantage inattention,. You fail defend deadly, neatly skeweredȈ. You feint wildly, parryé flashes. Alas, slips impales. Eric,ޅ triumph,܂, counterattacks. skewered. Eric surprisedȂ abrupt change tactics, grins wolfishly presses. driven up wallȈ onslaught stabbed heart. You try duck underé, ready, neatly slices. You try leap way, flashes block escape. Before recover,. You feel stinging cut temple, blood begins trickle. You feel sudden sharp painé rakes leg. Eric's grows tight pain rips gash ribs. You narrowly dodgeé, whistle passes悞. You jumpé, narrowly escaping fatal wound. presses furiously jab kidneys. Bleeding many wounds, fall beneath. You run kamikaze yell. startled, drops fraction instant. As flashes, takes refuge heavy wooden screen. As lunges, slips bloody turf falls feet.You weave, searching opening. takes advantage momentary pause press. lunges vicious slash. You search opening. You drop run, extended. merely, last, extends. impale. You parry, weak feint without follow-through. laughs viciously. A secret passage opens, tall dark† three-piece suit enters. pleads case so eloquently, moved tears, breaks givesꄕ.A searing pain burns ribs. You open up long cut forehead. Your cuts open leg. ericNO ROOM FOR FENCING GAME.*ambfencemasonBUG!Eric's bleed. The red stain side grow. Blood leg. Blood drips. The pain side steadily increases. You feel hot trickle blood leg. N*Cf"3JZ|I1^/dyMJ5f Z 4 K _ }  , ; L q K0 > 1 ? 2 @@     :Y@A@B" @C 6,-,,:Q        @D?@E( y + - , )7( Q  *7( Q     Q  QQ HY@ey_-,+}  2'-'$C C ' ': ʣE  2'-'$C C ' ':  2'-'$C C ' ':W  2 '-!'$C C  ' !':+7( ,7(  "' #'  ::qހJ  2%' -&' $C C &'  %' :  2''-('$C C (' '':EC C $' -7($@F =7 $'  <7(? ? ?3 .7(s? ? ? 4Q /7(L? ?$6( 68, -7, ;7(9Q@G  57(  ( 68, -7,? ?@H ?@I ?@J? ?@K ?q@L ?@M, v *To mutual shock, himself strolls.Seeing two standing, draws addresses. "Well,; knew was fool ever trust."While stand smiling placatingly, pulls sabre stabs heart.As try遾,򀓇 sabre.As hesitate, lunges, taking. die.Before astonished, turn ally runƓ. claps. "You earned trust day." aims contemptuous kick bloody corpse lying feet. Together,. rules, gratefully accept side.Eric fights fiercely, outnumbered, soon falls beneath blades. Lying own blood, pronounces horrible curse dying breath.You close, swords drawn. defends himself fiercely, death. At, alertedȁ clash blades, men burst. surrounded disarmed.ertrumpertrumpYou.䌀 hostilely. Random side.Bleys stands next. 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