O p @`  @` @`  @`hPALEDIT DOC 0HDaPALEDIT PRG 1HDYPALEDIT RSC 1HD ALF PAL 0HD!2  !PAL-EDIT A Character Editor for Omnitrend's PALADIN NOTIFICATIONS - This program and documentation are released into the Atari ST public domain. All contents are copyright 1988 by Anthony L. Farmer and ALF ENGINEERING. There is no warranty of ANY KIND on any part or the whole of this software product. I also do not guarantee that it will work with all future releases of PALADIN, nor do I guarantee that it works with the current one. Heck, maybe it won't even run on your machine! I don't know! Use this program at your own risk! --- How's that for a disclaimer? And while simultaneously disavowing any responsibility for the fitness of purpose for this program, I would like to ask that you send me any amount of $$$ you think fitting as a donation for the continued release of quality ALF ENGINEERING products like this one. Sending $$$ is *NOT* a requirement, however! You are perfectly free to enjoy and distribute the program at no charge! I just thought I'd pass the hat. =" RELEASE 1.0 --- SEPTEMBER, 1988 =" This is the original release. Here you will find a quick and dirty explaination of how to use PAL-EDIT. First of all, PAL-EDIT works in either medium or high resolution and requires about 50K (I think) to run. Also, PALEDIT.PRG and PALEDIT.RSC must be in the same directory! *NOTE* = PAL-EDIT is for EDITING an EXISTING PALADIN DATA FILE. It is NOT for creating them, even though it may look like it. That feature may become available in future releases of PAL-EDIT, presuming PAL-EDIT becomes popular enough to warrant future enhancements. A Note On Error Handling - Try as one might, one cannot catch all errors. Therefore, please do NOT *TRY* to cause PAL-EDIT to crash. I have complete faith in that you probably could do so, sooner or later. If you come accross some terrible bug that shouldn't be there, however, please let me know by contacting me via any of my addresses or phone numbers given at the end of this doc file. Also, there is ONE "bug" that I know of for sure, but I have NO CLUE as to what's going on. If you try to SAVE a Paladin file and put garbage (legal garbage, that is) in the filename, the "HEALTH" title in the main menu gets overwritten with part of the file name. Most notably this happens when you try to save to a filename with more than the legal number of characters. It could be PASCAL's problem or mine, I don't know. But I AM working on it. How to Use PAL-EDIT - (1) Double-Click on the program while in Medium or High Resolution (2) Press [RETURN] at the title screen (3) Click on "LOAD" to load a Paladin data file from disk --- PAL-EDIT first looks for data files in the directory from which the program was booted (4) Edit the values of the Paladin characteristics to your heart's content (5) Click on "SAVE" to save your modified Paladin to disk (6) "LOAD" another Paladin and repeat the above steps, or click on "QUIT" to exit back to GEM and play Paladin Note that you must read the Paladin manual to understand what all of the characteristics are in the main menu. Here are some special notes on a few of the characteristics: (*) BASE MOVE and BONUS can be a MAXIMUM of 99 and all other values can be a MAX of 255 (the max value of a byte) (*) The number you enter for COMBAT TIME is interpreted by PALADIN to be the COMBAT TIME DIVIDE BY TWO, thus a combat time of 20 would translate into 40 when you run PALADIN Lastly, if you enter a value higher than 255 (or 99 in the two special cases of BASE MOVE and BONUS) and then attempt to save the file, PAL-EDIT will take the liberty of changing the too-high values to 255 (or 99). Thus you cannot save an illegal Paladin data file. = That's all for now! I hope you enjoy using this program! = For more information or to report errors/bugs or just to chat, you can reach me (ALF) on GEnie where my address is (of course) "ALF". You may also reach me by phone at (605)-394-2861 until the end of December, 1988, at which time I will be moving. You can reach me at the following address for sure, however: (ALF ENGINEERING + P.O. 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