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Info F) FightT) Threaten G) Greetings B) Beg for mercy R) Run away M) Monster NamesH) Party health+) Fast=) Normal -) SlowOptionsGuildFileSpeedOptionsFileSpeedOptionsFile\Graphics\Title.cmp\D\M0\Graphics\Anatomy1.csh\Graphics\Anatomy2.csh\Graphics\Dng.csh\Graphics\Scroll.csh\Graphics\Dlgbttns.cmp\Graphics\Phantasy.set\D\W4.cmp\D\W3.cmp The party cannot afford the stay here.?Q??QFAirMistMudInitItem.Dat:: The Town of Are you sure you want to redistribute?The local armoury is out of stock.Shares for : Shares for : Shares for : Distributing: Pts: Usable?Disburse or Sell forPlayer: Class: SH AR BW WP StatusSell  *YNY !  *YNY? has 9 items.'s Inventory:'s Spells:*<# @@@3@B&f@Jfg@H@Es34?zGy<# ?@@ must gainmore experience pointsto go to the next level.Continue your adventuring. has gained enoughexperience to increase alevel. It will cost The party cannot afford itDo you wish to train, now?.  ?Which item will be used?This character's health improves.This character's magic restores.Trade which item?Select's spell:The character's health improves...The approximate level of the monsters within this region is @V?@The party cannot afford anymore spells for this character.can learn spell(s).Each spell will cost: Spells available to learn are: It is learned successfully! The spell was not learned... Spells available to learn are:is in the armouryParty's Gold:Item: Pt Val: Cost: He cannot carry anymore! Party's Gold: The party cannot afford it! Party's Gold: N/AN/AThe Inn welcomes you.The party's health improves!is resting. in peace.Magic increases!Your Party's score is: .and heroes of Gelnor,and heroes of Ferronrah,and heroes of the Netherworld.and heroes of the Scandor..Select a Race:Race:Select a Class:Race:Select a Class:?@@@3@p@UnknownThe character roster is now full.'s head 's torso 's right leg 's body 's right arm 's body 's left leg 's body 's left arm 's body is injured!is removed!breaks!is injured!'s head 's torso 's right leg 's right arm 's left leg 's left arm is removed!breaks!is injured!The monsters flee!The party teleports away awakens awakens awakens casts parries hits! missesThe charm has some effect...No Effect...Teleportation begins...Teleportation fails...The monsters begin to dissolveNo effect...No effect...The elemental begins to form...The monsters begin to dissolve casts Fireflash casts Quickness casts Strength casts ProtectionThe party's armour is reducedThe party is slowed casts a Mindblast casts a Fireball casts Sleep breathes!@\?fe is stunned! is drained! misses hits! takes damage! dies! takes damage! dies!is deadis asleepis outSelect option: The monsters surrender!They take your gold!You don't get away...The party gets away!findsWill the party keep it?The party can't carry any more items.Monster Identification:Rank :(s)SDOKThey greet you!A night encounter! is on watchand hears them!The monsters surprise you.You surprise the monsters. spots sleeping monsters! Will you attack? hears monsters... Fight? (or try to run)MonsInfo.Dat\D\DNGX.DAT\D\DNGXThat is a wallNo one can pick the lockThere is an exit here. will you take it?\D\SXX\D\DNPXavoids the trap.takes swims.sinks for escapes unscathed.takes Press a keyPress a number\D\PLNXyou have been destroyed!you have been resurrected!you are now undead!How many types of status are there for a monster? (p. 24) Three Four SixHow many skills are there for an adventurer? (p. 3) Nine Eight S evenWhen an adventurer goes up a level he can train how many times? (p. 3) One Two ThreeThe 'Slash' option lets an adventurer swing at least how many times? (p. 10) Two Three FourWhat strength is required for a medium shield? (p. 17) Five Six EightWhat is the attributes required value for a short bow? (page 17) Four Five SixWhat is the attributes required value for a dagger? (p. 18) Six Seven NineHow many different social classes are there? (page 23) Three Four FiveA Flamebolt 1 spell can do up to how many points of damage? (p. 16) Seven Six FiveWhat are a thief's maximum magic points at level 5? (p. 14) Six Eight Nine\D\WX.cmpPluto.Zeus.evilgoodSitting before you is the God He looks at your party in delight and speaks: 'Your accomplishments are truly incredible. Such mortals as yourselves are very rare indeed. Youhave done a great service for the cause of and will be greatly rewarded. I grant thee the highest status a mortal can ever attain. You are now You will be remembered by gods and mortals alike for many years to come. You should now give up your days of adventuring and use your great wisdom to teach others. Farewell my friends'he says as he casts a spell teleporting you away. Press a keyDarklords.Superheroes.The party finds some gold.Smoke fills the air.Some gold was taken.The party is teleported.A noise is heard in the distance.Load previously saved dungeon?An exit. Will you take it?Would you like to save this map?An exit. Will you take it? hears monsters. Continue? picks the lock. spots a trap. Disarm it? disarms the trap.Keep ?Damage Report damage and dies. damage.is dead. The souls of your defeated warriors begin the journey to the Astral Plane. Your party has arrived at the gates to the Astral Plane, awaiting judgement...A Great Demon appears and speaks...\D\s6\D\PLN3\D\PLN3Please insert a data disk.You hear noises and see flashing lightsWhen the noises and lights have reached such intensity that you have lost all sense of reality, they level out and begin to fade.\D\M1H M\D\SXX\D\DNGX.DAT\D\WX.cmp\D\PLNXInsert your Data Disk now.Insert the Phantasie III Data Disk.Name: Clss: Race: Levl: Stat: Age: STR: INT: DEX: CON: CHR: LCK: Will you keep this character?This is not a Data Disk.\D\MXTo use these new characters, start this turn in Pendargon.GameSave.DatGameSave.DatWelcome to the World of Phantasie!Disk Error! A save may have been attempted on a protected disk. Make sure a Data Disk is in the drive. Press a key.Insert your backup disk.This is not a backup disk.This will now overwrite any previously saved game.Save to backup failed. Check disks.Insert the Data Disk from which the characters will be loaded.Insert the backup disk to which the characters will be saved.Load from backup failed. Check disks.Insert the backup disk from which the characters will be loaded.Insert the Data Disk to which the characters will be saved.Insert an old Phantasie Data Disk now.final.picfinal2.picInsert the Data Disk on to which these characters will be added.OkayDeadNot a Phantasie I or II disk!Insert a disk. All previous data will be destroyed.DDisk Error. Check disk.You don't want to format this disk.Guild.datCON:AUX:PRN:@$??CON:AUX:PRT:  y.  n F..  n FM0 oF >PLN3  rF M1 tF DNG0 DAT vF DNG1 DAT yF DNG2 DAT {F DNG3 DAT F DNG4 DAT F DNG5 DAT F DNG6 DAT F DNG7 DAT F DNG8 DAT F DNG9 DAT F DNG: DAT F PLN1  F QPLN2  F QPLN4  F S1 F S10  F S11  F S12  F S13  F S14  F S15  F S16  F S17  F S18  F S19  F S2 F S20  F  <;9;<9@<;848;8>;989<99;968 <;9;<9@<;848;8>;989<898989<>@>@>;<>9;<>@EC<>@>@>;<>98694<;;<>;4><<;9998999;<99>@><;99;98 94<;;<>;4><<>@>@A>A@ <>@><;9  $ (# &! $ (&$#$$#!## #% $ # ! !##$&$ # -,*%*%*!!$#!##!#  # &$#$!$$&!!$((&$!$(-#$&&((&$#!!$#!##!#  # &$#$!$!$(-,-&()&!!&($!!$&#  #! ! ! 4200-2/,/,0/04/1 ++0/0/,/-)$)-)+++0/0/,/-,*<9>;>8@<@@;<@@DE<<;<>4<;9;<9>;>;498989/02 89444 89  667997642246644667997642246422w992/127764221/-92/1276421/-+-*679;124679:;=>90/1276421/-+-*679;124679:;=>90/1276421/-+-& w 9BCEECB@>@BB@@BCEECB@>@B@>>@B>@BCB>@BCB@>@9BBCEECB@>@B@>>@B>@BCB>@BCB@>@9BBCEECB@>@B@>> w B>@B;9769>=>@B>@B;976@>=;=>9 79;=>@>9>@B>@B;976@>=;=>9 679;=>@>9>@B>@B9;=>;976421/12m     9         ȑߌ ݌ȋ    ȋ ӑ    摑        Ȏ     !+-79CE   ' ),(+/2AFzGGCAF)8Gd~*# ~+F-EI57Gx:5.Rx *dDK*PO3P4SZ_6_5_~bn7*dfmim9n8~q :~t ;~x} <~> ?~ @ =F}oq =`&Dn1@)MzJbe-&P Arrows fire from a slit in the roof. Molten lead is poured from the roof. Waste disposal areaDamp, dark stone passage. Stone hallwayClean marble hallway. Small room with many useless scrolls.A small room with a table in back.Large stone room with 4 wooden doors. Filmon's Weapon storage roomSpecial archives room. Small room with a desk and writing toolsEmpty roomThere is wine & cheese on the table. There is a weapons case here.A sign reads 'Danger lies beyond'. A metallic pedestal stands here, with a beautiful wand upon it.The wand is cursed. You cannot get ridof it now. Here is a strange altar.1) Inspect it2) Destroy it 3) Leave4) Pray on it it is strange.A minor diety appears and grants you the spell of Divine Aid, to be used indungeons. Filmon the wise old sage speaks, "Gree-tings ye intrepid adventurers,who defeated the Black Lord of Gelnor,who could not defeat the Black Lord,who destroyed the orb of Ferronrah,who could not destroy the orb, prepare yourselves for the greatest challenge of all, to defeat Nikademus. I choose you because you have proven yourselves worthy of the task. I choose you because Nikademus would never suspect you. You must begin by rescuing Kilmor who is imprisoned in the Hall of Giants tothe south, then return to me." You must go to the dwarven burial grounds, to the west, to attend the funeral of Kilmor. Return to me after you attend the ceremony and meet with the guests." You must now meet Lord Wood in the Fortress of Nikademus, in the Netherworldwhich can be accessed from the Castle of Darkness." You must go to the north where the warbetween good and evil is heaviest. Youshould meet Lord Wood at his camp there." You should go to the east where the Chamber of Chronos, keeper of all timeand dimensions, can be found. He will take you to the plane of light where you can find the Castle of Light. You should visit the castle but not harm anything there, unless you are attacked, for it is a place of great goodness. Talk to the 'Light Fairy' and return to me. Remember it is terribly evil to destroy anything in the Light Castle." You should return to the Chambers of Chronus, to the east, but this time seek the way to the Castle of Darknesswhich is a place of great evil where Nikademus was created. Return to me once you find it." "Listen to Filmon of Pendragon" \ SȚ  ͛ˋ̋   蘘֍C  ֑D֒֓֔+CD>J7 #7(#72#<;KU;_iFCsE*@?NN8O8ONN9OE 9OE :F < < ~}AyBy~ DgqDFF,F,  HK  L oq ")>JQX_fm{!Il(/]|-giK86 A spiked iron slab falls from above. Poisoned spears are launched from the walls.Brick hallwayThe walls are wooden and the floor is dirt.Great hallGuest roomGuard roomCell 1Cell full of bones. Prison cellCell 2Cell 3Cell 4Cell 5Cell 6Captain's hutChief's hutDark lifeless room.Wrestling areaKitchenSlave's room Tasting areaRoom full of dead gnomes. Weapons roomThrough the door you see another cell. You hear 2 horrible beasts screaming. You see two dead beasts here. There are 6 buttons here. Push 1-6 or 7 to leave the buttons. You see a terrible beast come out of acell to the north. It looks as if it may rip you to shreds if you approach it. Another beast comes out of a cell to the north and immediately attacks the one in the hall. After a long battle both lie dead. In the corner of the room floating in the air is a black skeleton key. There's a large chest here.1) Burn it2) Carefully open itIn the ashes you find 2 tarnished gems. You set off a poison gas trap!You find 2 nice gems. A burned chest is here.An open chest is here.You have found the gaunt body of the once great dwarf Kilmor who has appar-ently died of starvation. Clutched in one hand is a scroll written in blood. You see bloodstains on the floor here.There is a large rack full of weapons here. A giant here says, "If you wrestle theancient Guaggle Beast without spells it will give you all +1 constitution." 1) Okay 2) No A dark force extinguishes all of your lights and pushes you out of the room. A dark force engulfs the party and ex-tinguishes all of your lights except the key of light which is glowing. The party can continue into the room. You fall down a chute and slide down anarrow passage until you land on a hard floor in a small cell. The hole that you fell from is closed off by a trap door. "Avoid the Giant's living area until you are strong enough to fight them." \ ~Ɂݎގߎᎎ⎎㎎䎎 掎玎莎  /  뎎 !"-# ()*+,-./01?23456AAxAd7 [ ~8 ~(  @9: ;=P>(             ~,2hBkUIFI2|B r-F-$Go -`W!r:JnFp0Y An elegant gold trimmed hallway. A small dark Dwarven Burial Tomb. A small ornate side templeStrange, empty roomLarge cathedral area. To the south lies Kilmor in a small casketTurak the Cleric and his party are sitting hereThe Wood Elf Princess Charista and hercourt sit here. Lefrod, Elf Prince, and his men are here. High Lord Argon & his entourage sit here. Filmon and some other wise aged sages are sitting here. "I am glad you made it here" he says. Lord Wood of Gelnor and Lady Katherinesit here. Pedaloe and other halflings are here. Here sits Pelzer and other important gnomes. Kilmor's parents and immediate family are sitting here. Kilmor's friends Clindroy and Lord Corin Stonepoint sit here. Here sit an odd collection of peoples from many races and many lands who Kilmor met in his famous travels. There are many twisted, burned bodies here. There are many empty chairs here. In this casket lies the highly decora-ted body of the Dwarven hero Kilmor. This casket contains ashes. There is a door here.1)Leave2)Open it The door will not open.The ceremony begins. An aged dwarf walks to the front of the room & speaks. Suddenly a huge, black robed figure appears next to him and begins to castpowerful flamebolts and other spells on the guests. The aged dwarf & many of the guest liecharred and burned, scattered about the room. The rest of the guests are fleeing the room. The figure speaks... "I, Nikademus, warn those who dare oppose me. I am unstoppable! What I have done here today is mere child's play. Only those who turn to evil can succeed in the society I am creating." Nikademus laughs long and hideously ashis image slowly fades away. This area is reserved for your party. 1) Take your seat2) Look around An usher says, "Welcome to Kilmor's funeral you may meet the guests if youwish before the ceremony begins. It will start when you take your seat." An enormous oak chest.1) Open2) LeaveYou set off a trap!"I will ultimately destroy every last shread of decency & good on earth. Butthose who turn to evil & join me will be rewarded." He begins to cast more spells. "Remember, your cause for fighting is just and good. Do not be discouraged." W $\             55       6ҁ      4  ,./I256#97:<G>PUBxxnFH@P_~3  455 ~~- 78  FF;<= FuZ ? u4 C|7D~E::~UUJJ jjrq F|o q,7Da~)a:\^O) K~"a@ Poison gas fills the air Rocks fall from the roof CavernPrison cellStone lined hallway Viper roomDining roomWizards labTraining areaStorage roomSleeping areaGnome templeGuard roomRecords roomSmall, sweet smelling room Small, foul smelling room Here are many boxes marked "records" There is a large immovable door here. A gnome says, "Remove the egg without force"The gnome says, "The air was bad, try later" When you approach the door a covered slit is opened. A voice from the slit tells you that only dwarves and gnomes are welcome. A voice from the slit says, "Welcome, weary travelers, to the catacombs. Food will be served soon in the diningroom". The door opens. There is a magnificent bow here. There is a great ferocious beast in the cell. The remains of a great beast lie in the cell. On the table are several bottles of sweet smelling liquids. On the table are several bottles of foul smelling liquids. You are greeted by a portly gnome at the head of the table. "Sit and eat," he says as several servants bring somefood. Throughout the meal he tells youstories about gnomes & the catacombs, their holy place. Of all his stories, you remember the one about a great and terrible beast he has locked in his dungeons. He alsotells you that the gnomes here are thegreatest of bow makers. When you ask about obtaining one, he issues a challenge. "You must take an egg from my giant viper without attacking it or being attacked" he says, "the viper room is west of here, meet me there! There is an old human wizard here.1) Attack2) Talk He says, "I see you have the powerful ancient spell of summoning. It will beuseful someday." He says, "For all your gold and some experience, I'll give you an ancient powerful spell"1)Fight2)Okay3)Leave "It is done", he says.You have approached an enormous viper nesting a single egg.1)Try to snatch the egg quickly2)Distract the viper from the egg3)Ask the viper for the egg The viper says nothing.The viper backs off. You take the egg.The gnome chief congratulates you for using the monster repellant and not the monster attractant. The gnome chief presents you with an ancinet, powerful bow. In the corner are some nice weapons.An elvin maiden warns you of the beastin the next cell. "Find the prison area. There is some- thing powerful in the air there." \            4  Ȍ    7   Ȗ ȓ ȏ  ȏ Ȓȑ  (0-2A67K8U9__i: sxss: }};;;<<<<>%$ /X ~~/W)~*~+~ ,~ - .1C722<345F       FnoqALz%N|9@k=z>0  A large black stone hallway A narrow stone hallway Large domed room with many tapestries The bedroom of ChronosDragon's room full of rags, bones and hay. Room with a large chair, a desk and books. Empty roomScrolls on the Age of Darkness are here Scrolls on the Age of Chaos are here Many scrolls on the Age of HarmonyAge of Beasts scrolls Scrolls on the First Age of Man Scrolls on the Second Age of Man Scrolls on the Age of Destruction This room has scrolls on the Current Age You see a man & a dragon to the south-east The following is written on a paper onthe wall:Monday-Time Space Deletion Tuesday-Matter Energy TransferenceWednesday-Plane of Light Written on the wall is the following:Monday A7+Tuesday B7-Wednesday C2+ Light comes from a crack in the east wall Chronos says, "I've been watching you" "You found the way to the Castle of Light" "You found the way to the Castle of Darkness" "Now, go and find the Castle of Light.The key is in my chambers." "Now, go and find the Castle of Dark- ness, opposite of the Castle of Light.The key is not around here." "I cannot do anything else for you" An old man here says, "Welcome to the Chambers of Chronos, Keeper of Time and Dimensions. What are you here for?Matter-Energy Transference? No, no, that was Tuesday. Space Deletion? No, that's not it either." There's  a small green dragon here eat-ing cookies and dried lizards.1)Leave2)Scratch his neck3)Talk to him The dragon curls up and sleeps."A little higher please," he says."A bit to the left," he says. "Ah, that's good", he says."Remember Chronos takes long naps", hesays. There is a sleeping dragon here.There is a bright glistening key floating in the air. There is a machine here with many but-tons. Push them?1) Yes2) No The first three buttons are labeled A,B and C.1) Push A2) Push B3) Push C The next buttons are labeled 1-9. Pushwhich? The last two buttons are labeled '+' and '-'.1) Push '+'2) Push '-'There is a large lever here marked, "Activation Lever" Pull it?1) Yes2) No There is a scroll pinned to the wall."Ah yes," he says, "Interdimensional Travel, that's it, the Astral Pl... No, which plane was it?" "The Plane ofLight," the dragon replies, "you set the coordinates this morning." "Ah yes," says Chronos then he curls up and takes a nap.Chronos sleeps."Light is opposed by darkenss"\  ȳȌȳȌȳȌȳȌȳȌȳȳȌȳȌ )߳)߳*)߳*޳*)*)߳1562 (+,/21<2F3PZ ) * ~-( . 0  0  0 K 4<56 7>o&q|4f 5Y V >nT Guard roomBright white room Draw bridgeYou see a glowing arch to the east andwest You see a glowing arch to the north & south There is a huge crystalline gate here with a large keyhole. You cannot pick the lock or break downthe gate. The "Key of Light" opens the gate.You feel a warm glowing feeling walk- ing under the arch. The arch begins to glow brightly and a scorching heat fills the air.On a glass table here lies a clear gem There is an empty glass table here.Here is a large crystalline statue of a man.1) Leave it2) Break it It shatters into white dust.There is a large crystalline statue ofan elf here.1) Leave it2) Break it Here is a large crystalline statue of a dwarf.1) Leave it2) Break it There is a small delicate fairy sit- ting on a glass mushroom.1) Leave her2) Attack her3) Talk to her "Ho wanderers!" says the Light Fairy, "Chronos told me you wZould be coming. It is nice to see such adventurers as yourselves fighting to put down evil. It is sad that you must now go to the Castle of Darkness, a place of pure evil." "You can reach it through the Plane ofDarkness just as you reached this Cas-tle through the Plane of Light. Usual-ly only creatures who have displayed extreme evil can get in, but you may get in with the Key of Darkness from the Hall of Giants.""Remember to do just the opposite of what you did to reach here & you will be okay. Good luck." She flutters up into the air and wavesgoodbye. "It is a mirror image of the Castle ofLight." Bright glowing hallwayWhite marble courtyard "Remember your steps"q\ ȌȌȀȌȌȌ 䌌))+)**)*)*=BAG12< )( 2-.(1PS4dn6x8:栴 )8, +~= *  </  0 ~~ 2~PY~3 5ƫd7Ʃx9ƞ~ ;<~ ;=d  ȏ>~ ;? =o$KPr2M:yRh Dull black hallway Black marble courtyard Guard roomBlack lifeless roomDraw bridgeThere are dark ominous arches east andwest There are dark ominous arches north & south. A circle of blood is on the floor hereVoidThere is a black gate here.1) Leave2) Knock 3) Try the lock A slit opens in the door and two beadyeyes peek out at you. "You haven't done enough evil deeds toenter here G," a voice says. "Enter evil ones," a voice says, "Wel-come to the Castle of Darkness.Nikademus is not in." A voice says, "You are not quite evil enough to enter here." A cold empty feeling overcomes you.All your light is extinguished as you are totally engulfed by a soul-suckingblack cloud. You cannot pick the lock. Your "Key of Darkness" opens the lock.As you enter a voice tells you that Nikademus is not in. There is a black statue of Nikademus here holding a wand.1) Destroy the statue 2) Take the wand3) Leave You cannot even scratch it. The wand seems to overpower you. You feel as if you cannot get rid of it. There is a black vase on a pedestal1) Break it2) Take it3) Leave itOn the pedestal where the vase sat these words are written: "Welcome in will wandadventurers my be into evil greatly the" 9There is a black urn on a pedestal 1) Break it2) Take it3) Leave On the pedestal where the urn sat these words are written: "My ways rewarded magiccastle and to circleif destroy find in" 4There is a black jar on a pedestal1) Break it2) Take it3) Leave On the pedestal where the jar sat these words are written:"You Lord me myjoin Wood break roomme you the" +You are in the center of the room. Nikademus is not here.1)Leave2)Place the wand on the floor3)Turn around 3 times & wave the wand4)Break the wand5)Throw the wand at the wall6)Wave the wand & say 'Straticonuble'7)Wait You do not have the wand. The wand will not leave your hands.A terrible explosion!!!Nothing happens.As you start to break the wand you hear a terrible ripping sound and a black void appears before you and sucks you in."Don't use the wand until you're readyto withstand its terrible power." s\ ޏ փՃ    FEG= __& &66*=z( !~d~"#$%&- '\)14o .;JZwr8qcP You have entered the tent. It is quietinside.There is a large tent to the south A large prison full of monsters. In the midst of a huge battleInside the tentFood storage room Medical roomMunitions roomLord Wood's There are many weapons here.Lord Wood is sitting here. When you approach he stands up and turns to greet you. "Welcome," he says.  There is no one here."The first thing I should do is give you these two scrolls so you will knowwhat we are dealing with", he says as he hands you two scrolls. "I apologize if you had any difficultygetting here. As you can see we are under heavy attack here today. I couldkeep the enemy at bay with my magical powers but I am saving them for our confrontation with Nikademus." "It seems we must find Nikademus in the Netherworld and destroy him there.If I engage him in a battle of psychicenergies while you attack him, we may have the strength to defeat him." "You must find the Fortress of Nika- demus in the Netherworld. Go there andconfront him. Cast the 57th spell, it will open a portal through which I will come." "This will surprise Nikademus and he will not have his psychic defenses ready. If this plan works we will havea chance to overpower him." "Go now my friends, do not forget the plan. The gods will be with you." "I cannot tell you anymore than I already have. I will repeat the plan for you.""If you don't have spell 57, go to theGnome Catacombs." "You are here to see Lord Wood only."\ &              ݋             2<@EB=) *7A+(+-.2#0 FKF4i.2nz )#8 M,-O </M1ud26Z8_- 3 , 75 N"o $8S|By{b: Through the crack you hear a hideous laugh A cold lifeless feeling overwhelms you Narrow black passage Outside a big black building Terrifying, lifeless area There is a charred body here.You see the hideous figure of Nikade- mus lurking in the corner. He steps out of the shadows and looks at you ina casual, unsurprised manner. He seemsto be concentrating on something else.1)Fight 2)Talk to him3)Cast a spell Nikademus casts a spell creating a large ball of flames and smoke. Sec- onds later you can distinguish the figure of Lord Wood, choking and con- fused in the middle of the smoke. "I have been watching you for months,"Nikademus says. "You have shown some evil tendencies. If you prove your- selves to be truly evil by defeating Lord Wood, I will reward you greatly." "I have been watching you for months,"Nikademus says. "You have proven to betotally evil in your actions. You may join me if you pass one test first, defeat Lord Wood." 1)Fight Lord Wood2)Fight Nikademus "I have been watching you for months,"Nikademus says. "You are too pure and good for me. Prepare to die fools!" Cast which spell? 1)#8 2)#243)#324)#365)#40 6)#49 7)#528)#579)#20 Your spell has no noticable effect at this distance. A black gate suddenly appears and LordWood walks through it into the room. He looks at the party and shouts, "Attack him! Attack Nikademus now!" His voice trembles slightly saying, "No, attack Lord Wood and I will give you true greatness." Lord Wood stretches both hands out toward Nikademus. Suddenly an arc of blue energy forms between them as theyengage in fierce psychic combat. You momentarily watch in awe of the spectacle as the combat continues. A sickening charring odor fills the roomand jars you back to reality. You realize you must now take action... Nikademus turns towards the party and addresses you, You do not know that spell. "Have courage mighty warriors."\        ጌ     z⃃*6B 2:B>===B?=B?===C>===A>==@A7@A %TN=B KMQSP@9TP===PPRXX>==BSPP=@AXX>===CXSOPA>QXXSOOON=@=LXS>=PRS?@@@A?CX>=@A MQX>=C MWX?@PQSON<?R?RXXK XK>=L>=QXXXSN=L>=@PRTOP===RSOP=@=@@AXSP=@=A  QI, Kilmor, am writing this ac- count of my last days for posterity. Months ago I led my Dwarven people in battle against the great army of the evil Nikademus with little suc- cess. In our final battle we were de- feated and I was captured and impri- soned here in the Hall of Giants, far to the south where no one would sus- pect. %Nikademus himself then came and took me to a dark and evil place, the exact location of which I cannot guess. There I was tortured and he attempted to brainwash me. I was told of the great power I would re- ceive if I betrayed my people and joined Nikademus. Proudly, I never gave in, so I was returned here and left to starve.-% d The universe is divided up into many planes. The Material Plane is that upon which mortal creatures dwell. Occasionally mortal creatures can leave the Material Plane or other creatures can visit it. The Planes of Olympus are the homes of those gods and minor dieties who are bent towards goodness. These planes lie above the Material Plane. The exact number and extent of the planes are not known. The first plane is the closest to the Material Plane, the second is the one above that, and so on. "The planes of the Netherworld are the homes of evil gods and other immortals bent toward chaos. These planes lie below the Material Plane. The river Styx is a magical river which surrounds and connects many of the planes. It was created many ages ago during the Age of Harmony, as a  means of transportation between the planes. It is not accessible by mortals and does not connect with the Material Plane. Powerful magic is the only other means of transpor- tation between the planes. The Astral Plane consists of all the "empty" space not used by the other planes. It is filled with light from the other planes. The Plane of Light lies adjacent to the Material Plane. It provides light, warmth and other energy to the Material Plane. It is a place of extreme goodness. The Olympic gods select only the purest of mortals to live there and watch over it. The Plane of Darkness lies opposite to the Plane of Light and is the antithesis of it in every way. It is inhabited by some of the most evil mortal beings. -& k QThe Pendragon Town Archives WThe Town of Pendragon is known throughout Scandor for its scholars who contribute so much to the current knowledge of nature, history, etc. Most of the work of these men has been collected at the town archives which are said to be among the most extensive in the world. The organ- izer of the archives is the wise old sage Filmon. Some say he is the most learned man alive, others say he is an old fool who knows only of flowers and trees. Some areas of the archives are said to contain sacred items and are so heavily guarded that it would take a small army to reach them. -&  }The Hall of Giants 4The Hall of Giants lies in the southern part of Scandor. The Giants who live there are said to be very unfriendly and some peo- ple even say that they have sided with Nikademus. This is probably just a rumor. It is true, however, that many of the visitors to the hall have been thrown into the dungeons and left to rot. The dungeons are not well guarded but they are solidly locked. :+-#+ u xThe Dwarven Burial Grounds 1Whenever a great Dwarven leader dies, a funeral is held at the Dwarven Burial Grounds. Such events are traditionally attended by the greatest leaders or worthy representatives from all of the races in Scandor, Gelnor, and Ferronrah. Even the Elves have been known to send representa- tives in the past. Being invited to a Dwarven burial held there is considered to be one of the greatest of hon- ors and attending is a somber but unforgettable experience. ,+-"+ > +The Gnomes of Eastern Scandor .There is a large section of east- ern Scandor which is covered with rock strewn hills. This is where most of the Gnomes on the continent make their home. The capital of the Gnome community is the town Rocky Hills. #The Gnomes are a peaceful and jolly people. They are content and safe in the hills. They are very seldom invaded because there is a general agreement that the Gnomes have nothing of great value. The most sacred place of the Gnomes is a series of catacombs dug out of the rocks thousands of years ago by the Gnomes. It is here that the most respected elder Gnomes go for deep undisturbed meditation. -&  TThe Chambers of Chronos 2Chronos is the keeper of all time and dimensions. He is perhaps the oldest being alive except for the gods. He keeps extensive re- cords on the history of the entire universe. His records are kept in a large set of chambers. They are all made in magical writing which only he can read. Chronos has the ability to move the chambers around magically to any plane. He is equally welcome in all places from the Netherworld to the Olympic planes. "He will help those who have what he deems to be a worthy cause, but since his chambers can be anywhere he might be difficult to find. +-$+  0The Plane of Light 4When the gods created the Material Plane they also created the Plane of Light next to it. It provides light and heat for the mortal beings who live on the Material Plane. The most pure and innocent mortals are selec- ted by the gods to watch over the Plane of Light. The Castle of Light was placed in the Plane of Light for its occupants to stay in. The castle contains many very precious items and is watched over by the gods. In spite of this it is often invaded by evil beings. "The Light Fairy, the most pure of mortal beings, watches over the cas- tle while her servants are sent out to inspect the Plane of Light. -&  .The Plane of Darkness 4When the gods created the Mater- ial Plane and the Plane of Light, they instantly saw the need for ano- ther plane to "balance" the other two and created the Plane of Darkness. At first the Plane of Darkness was empty but it was soon used as a place of exile for the most evil and vile mortal creatures. After thou- sands of years, a community of great power grew there. The greatest wiz- ards of the plane created a Castle of Darkness and there created the most evil and powerful mortal imaginable, Nikademus. His power was great enough to open a portal to the Mater- ial Plane and the entire community went through, led by Nikademus on a campaign for bloody vengence. -&  -News About the Great War 1When Nikademus brought his army to Scandor he surprised everyone by landing on the northern shores. With the element of surprise behind him, he was able to take the northern part of the continent, all the way down to the Great Forest, in a few months. Nikademus then took a break to reorganize his troops and set up military rule in his newly gained territory. When Nikademus finally be- gan to move further south he was dis- turbed to learn that Lord Wood was leading a counter attack against him on the northern shores near Lansing. This move has slowed Nikademus con- siderably since he has had to divert troops to the north where the fight- ing is still heavy to this day. -&  TThe History of Scandor YScandor is known to be the center of the civilized world. It is also the largest known land mass. To the south of Scandor lie the much small- er islands of Gelnor and Ferronrah and the Pookney Islands. These areas are generally inhabited by the more intelligent humanoids including Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, and to a lesser extent Halflings, Kobold, Ogres, etc. To the north of Scandor lies the great northern continent which is generally occupied by Trolls and Giants. They have occasionaly been known to invade Scandor in crude boats or to cross on ice bridges (press return to continue)   ,The Fortress of Nikademus 2Nikademus is one of the very few mortal beings ever to achieve the power to freely teleport between any of the planes. When Nikademus first perfected this power he frequently visited his favorite place, the Ne- therworld. Though most gods do not care to dwell near mortals the gods of the Netherworld found Nikademus so delightfully evil they made an ex- ception and gave him a small plot of land on the third level of the Ne- therworld. He constructed a fortress there and now uses it as a confer- ence place to meet with his highest ranking officers and discuss plans of his assault on the Material Plane. Nikademus was also given undead ser- vants and guards for his fortress. -& S3 F S4 F S5 F S6 F S7 F S8 F S9 F W0 CMP F  5W1 CMP F i5W2 CMP F (W3 CMP F +=W4 CMP F 0}CDNP0  F ADNG0  F FZDNP2  F GDNG2  F LZDNP:  F MDNG:  F RZDNP1  !F SDNG1  &F XZDNP3  *F YDNG3  /F ^ZC which form between the two continents during the winters. Other lands are rumored to exist but little is known about them. Though there have been small skirmishes between the different races in the Scandor area, for many thousands of years, nothing could prepare the citizens for the most terrifying period in their history which began just a few years ago and continues today. A great army of men, beasts and even undead creatures invaded the island of Gelnor. They came in thou- sands and thousands of ships from lands unknown and waged war upon the better trained but hopelessly outnum- bered Gelnorians. Though Gelnor is said to have the most powerful mortal wizards alive, and its citizens fought heroically, the island fell. (press return to continue) ( Nikademus, who is the leader of of the terrible army, then moved his troops on to the smaller island of Ferronrah. Within a matter of days Ferronrah too fell to Nikademus who cast a great curse on the entire island which prevented anyone from easily leaving. This feat established him as the greatest mortal wizard of all time. "Nikademus then moved to invade Scandor. He was joined by thousands of its citizens who were tempted by bribes or were simply afraid of oppo- sing his evil army. He has taken the north, including the mountains of the Dwarves who made a fierce charge at him, led by the great Kilmor, but made no real progress. Everyday now the evil army makes more progress and the future of Scan- dor seems more in doubt. -&  1Departed Souls Whenever a mortal from the Mater- ial Plane dies, his soul begins the journey to the Astral Plane for judgement. The journey can take years and a resurrection spell cast during this time may recall the soul to the body. If the soul arrives at the Astral Plane it will be judged, and if deemed unworthy of existence, it will be destroyed. The soul may be judged as premature and be returned to its resurrected body. If the soul belonged to an outstanding being, it may be accepted into the Olympic Planes if good, or deep into the Netherworld if evil. Those souls that are left are returned to their bodies as 'undead' and left to roam the Material Plane or lower levels of the Netherworld. -&  !2CTR1bA46 Uw v f@_XYXYXYX_@`x0 ~>?`??~<?@`x|>` ``?~<???<0? `` j  H /x|?x0 ? ??>?`@???? x<<~<?????? ~<??? x L I>`nf>f>|}y?|f`cac<>f>?|f|`?`|ff>|??f>|f>f>~ ?g`|>??x`x~x@`|>?`Á?`?`??fgo????p`as?p8?????~χ??? Nh .The Wand of Nikademus 4The origins of the infamous wand are uncertain, but it is believed to have been created by Pluto or another evil god and given to Nikademus. Some say that it is the wand itself which turned Nikademus to evil by corrupt- ing him with power. The wand is so powerful and com- pelling that no person or group of people could willingly part with it. Once Pluto had to take it from Nika- demus so he would not become over- powered by it. The wand can only be used with the aid of Pluto. Thus if it did fall into the hands of good beings, it would be useless to them. Nikade- mus would locate the wand and event- ually a confrontation would occur. -&  RThe Great Gnome Bowmakers 2It is said that many years ago the gods in Olympus looked down upon the Material Plane and saw that the Gnomes were not equal to the other humanoid races. They decided that to help the Gnomes they would send the god Aries to teach them the art of making bows. It is rare that the gods will make such direct interven- tion in mortal affairs. Aries taught the Gnomes how to make bows with magical qualities. It takes an elder Gnome many months of work to make a good bow. It is rumored that Gnomes will give these bows to great warriors who can prove themselves. +-"+  3The Universe ^ /-/ level / Olympic Plane / 3 and / level 2 / above /-/ /-/ / Olympic Plane / -Astral- / level 1 / Plane /-/ /-/ /- / /-/ / Plane / /Material / / Plane / / of / / / / of / / Dark / / Pl ane / / Light / /-/ /- / /-/ /-/ / Netherworld / / level 1 / /-/ /-/ level / Netherworld / 3 and / level 2 / below /-/ v S 1E4#B1 W@bw4 A 0` 8 8  836|`aA!cЇώ?4@`x8 0p2|> @~| 7V{3 nfbcwgg`|0?>;/824  8 z ><>?8 y} ɯ=i#h~w' [Ӱl~ [+ @ _xG߿<89+wͽ4<@$e}f3;(0p,T1 ᄐ9@h@n@Ğ7 LHKCF 5rfeG o/ #  {,;>1~<51;> C욺a]MIw% ^h ?Ïf3;'~|< ?`? <@0p``p@  D?/!.Έ ( @>x1z&L<  @I _?? ? ?m? ?`C}<?۟r0pHh` ?;n@# 㰿? x`?zw ?wgc۾~ϟ @@pȜ c|$?8 0 $\}߿g8.'./' ̞̃=7?> ?    tϟ>"?ۜ~0#E[~OK>wTw#sp0 ` ~@ O\(wn|')^ `섕2:X"|3?'ӡ LԜ  UE%Q1!OA??2bopc`=kਜXPgx ?2ƿ{qs2s ""#"8(@HYZ۹)0 y3?>b< Bx=F:`@ p?Ȉ_t͎>a 32 @d$eeo@@~!0A"|?{w ۚfgO pAI` @A#! `!AׇOC"@;C@ ͕1wvM]{0?Ĉ|?/@)290ac|F;|IX<'?Aؗ0|:8<>H …: Dq C?ko/  _mI|@ؚ+ h4?1 ߟ?xQĒU|| ?7ijK :9:2(> / O B#Ĥ A"G"  C=nl 総@?!Y^|A󃂓#aAY0` Bo ?v ?| @ ẍˎ*8 <ۋ ;1xp |0p`!7@ c㣃@ ./+-gG+"7eM8p0A"x`#v2ᷝ(lXPߎ̋8 9{BFRP . k`pquw! 6& $%aZ8A@  10 ?~0  >~vfv(h@vf76: # !@4#0x\8P ssqAĄMIHMLN x1Q0p< ! 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Molten lead is poured from the roof. Waste disposal areaDamp, dark stone passage. Stone hallwayClean marble hallway. Small room with many useless scrolls.A small room with a table in back.Large stone room with 4 wooden doors. Filmon's Weapon storage roomSpecial archives room. Small room with a desk and writing toolsEmpty roomThere is wine & cheese on the table. There is a weapons case here.A sign reads 'Danger lies beyond'. A metallic pedestal stands here, with a beautiful wand upon it.The wand is cursed. You cannot get ridof it now. Here is a strange altar.1) Inspect it2) Destroy it 3) Leave4) Pray on it it is strange.A minor diety appears and grants you the spell of Divine Aid, to be used indungeons. Filmon the wise old sage speaks, "Gree-tings ye intrepid adventurers,who defeated the Black Lord of Gelnor,who could not defeat the Black Lord,who destroyed the orb of Ferronrah,who could not destroy the orb, prepare yourselves for the greatest challenge of all, to defeat Nikademus. I choose you because you have proven yourselves worthy of the task. I choose you because Nikademus would never suspect you. You must begin by rescuing Kilmor who is imprisoned in the Hall of Giants tothe south, then return to me." You must go to the dwarven burial grounds, to the west, to attend the funeral of Kilmor. Return to me after you attend the ceremony and meet with the guests." You must now meet Lord Wood in the Fortress of Nikademus, in the Netherworldwhich can be accessed from the Castle of Darkness." You must go to the north where the warbetween good and evil is heaviest. Youshould meet Lord Wood at his camp there." You should go to the east where the Chamber of Chronos, keeper of all timeand dimensions, can be found. He will take you to the plane of light where you can find the Castle of Light. You should visit the castle but not harm anything there, unless you are attacked, for it is a place of great goodness. Talk to the 'Light Fairy' and return to me. Remember it is terribly evil to destroy anything in the Light Castle." You should return to the Chambers of Chronus, to the east, but this time seek the way to the Castle of Darknesswhich is a place of great evil where Nikademus was created. Return to me once you find it." "Listen to Filmon of Pendragon" \ ZȊݎގߎᎎ⎎㎎䎎 掎玎莎  /  뎎 !"-# ()*+,-./01?23456AAxAd7 [ ~8 ~(  @9: ;=P>(             ~,2hBkUII2|B r--%o -`W!r:JnFp0Y An elegant gold trimmed hallway. A small dark Dwarven Burial Tomb. A small ornate side templeStrange, empty roomLarge cathedral area. To the south lies Kilmor in a small casketTurak the Cleric and his party are sitting hereThe Wood Elf Princess Charista and hercourt sit here. Lefrod, Elf Prince, and his men are here. High Lord Argon & his entourage sit here. Filmon and some other wise aged sages are sitting here. "I am glad you made it here" he says. Lord Wood of Gelnor and Lady Katherinesit here. Pedaloe and other halflings are here. Here sits Pelzer and other important gnomes. Kilmor's parents and immediate family are sitting here. Kilmor's friends Clindroy and Lord Corin Stonepoint sit here. Here sit an odd collection of peoples from many races and many lands who Kilmor met in his famous travels. There are many twisted, burned bodies here. There are many empty chairs here. In this casket lies the highly decora-ted body of the Dwarven hero Kilmor. This casket contains ashes. There is a door here.1)Leave2)Open it The door will not open.The ceremony begins. An aged dwarf walks to the front of the room & speaks. Suddenly a huge, black robed figure appears next to him and begins to castpowerful flamebolts and other spells on the guests. The aged dwarf & many of the guest liecharred and burned, scattered about the room. The rest of the guests are fleeing the room. The figure speaks... "I, Nikademus, warn those who dare oppose me. I am unstoppable! What I have done here today is mere child's play. Only those who turn to evil can succeed in the society I am creating." Nikademus laughs long and hideously ashis image slowly fades away. This area is reserved for your party. 1) Take your seat2) Look around An usher says, "Welcome to Kilmor's fuPneral you may meet the guests if youwish before the ceremony begins. It will start when you take your seat." An enormous oak chest.1) Open2) LeaveYou set off a trap!"I will ultimately destroy every last shread of decency & good on earth. Butthose who turn to evil & join me will be rewarded." He begins to cast more spells. "Remember, your cause for fighting is just and good. Do not be discouraged." {\>]>4        ጌ     ⃃*6B 2J7 #7(#72#<;KU;_iFCsE*@?88O9E 9OE :F < < ~}AyBy~ D gqDFF,F,  HK  L oq ")>JQX_fm{!Il(/]|-giK86 A spiked iron slab falls from above. Poisoned spears are launched from the walls.Brick hallwayThe walls are wooden and the floor is dirt.Great hallGuest roomGuard roomCell 1Cell full of bones. Prison cellCell 2Cell 3Cell 4Cell 5Cell 6Captain's hutChief's hutDark lifeless room.Wrestling areaKitchenSlave's room Tasting areaRoom full of dead gnomes. Weapons roomThrough the door you see another cell. You hear 2 horrible beasts screaming. You see two dead beasts here. There are 6 buttons here. Push 1-6 or 7 to leave the buttons. You see a terrible beast come out of acell to the north. It looks as if it may rip you to shreds if you approach it. Another beast comes out of a cell to the north and immediately attacks the one in the hall. After a long battle both lie dead. In the corner of the room floating in the air is a black skeleton key. There's a large chest here.1) Burn it2) Carefully open itIn the ashes you find 2 tarnished gems. You set off a poison gas trap!You find 2 nice gems. A burned chest is here.An open chest is here.You have found the gaunt body of the once great dwarf Kilmor who has appar-ently died of starvation. Clutched in one hand is a scroll written in blood. You see bloodstains on the floor here.There is a large rack full of weapons here. A giant here says, "If you wrestle theancient Guaggle Beast without spells it will give you all +1 constitution." 1) Okay 2) No A dark force extinguishes all of your lights and pushes you out of the room. A dark force engulfs the party and ex-tinguishes all of your lights except the key of light which is glowing. The party can continue into the room. You fall down a chute and slide down anarrow passage until you land on a hard floor in a small cell. The hole that you fell from is closed off by a trap door. "Avoid the Giant's living area until you are strong enough to fight them." \ #             55       6ҁ      4  ,./I256#97:<G>PUBxxnFH@P_~3  455 ~~- 78  ;<= FuZ ? u4 C|7D~E::~UUJJ jjrq F|o q,7Da~)a:\^O) K~"a@ Poison gas fills the air Rocks fall from the roof CavernPrison cellStone lined hallway Viper roomDining roomWizards labTraining areaStorage roomSleeping areaGnome templeGuard roomRecords roomSmall, sweet smelling room Small, foul smelling room Here are many boxes marked "records" There is a large immovable door here. A gnome says, "Remove the egg without force"The gnome says, "The air was bad, try later" When you approach the door a covered slit is opened. A voice from the slit tells you that only dwarves and gnomes are welcome. A voice from the slit says, "Welcome, weary travelers, to the catacombs. Food will be served soon in the diningroom". The door opens. There is a magnificent bow here. There is a great ferocious beast in the cell. The remains of a great beast lie in the cell. On the table are several bottles of sweet smelling liquids. On the table are several bottles of foul smelling liquids. You are greeted by a portly gnome at the head of the table. "Sit and eat," he says as several servants bring somefood. Throughout the meal he tells youstories about gnomes & the catacombs, their holy place. Of all his stories, you remember the one about a great and terrible beast he has locked in his dungeons. He alsotells you that the gnomes here are thegreatest of bow makers. When you ask about obtaining one, he issues a challenge. "You must take an egg from my giant viper without attacking it or being attacked" he says, "the viper room is west of here, meet me there! There is an old human wizard here.1) Attack2) Talk He says, "I see you have the powerful ancient spell of summoning. It will beuseful someday." He says, "For all your gold and some experience, I'll give you an ancient powerful spell"1)Fight2)Okay3)Leave "It is done", he says.You have approached an enormous viper  nesting a single egg.1)Try to snatch the egg quickly2)Distract the viper from the egg3)Ask the viper for the egg The viper says nothing.The viper backs off. You take the egg.The gnome chief congratulates you for using the monster repellant and not the monster attractant. The gnome chief presents you with an ancinet, powerful bow. In the corner are some nice weapons.An elvin maiden warns you of the beastin the next cell. "Find the prison area. There is some- thing powerful in the air there." \??' .  3 F_..  3 FDLGBTTNSCMP 4F `GIANT1 CMP 7F eGIANT2 CMP :F j*HEROS CMP @F u%+PURPLE1 CMP DF .%PURPLE2 CMP HF TITLE CMP KF DYELLOW1 CMP OF )YELLOW2 CMP SF ANATOMY1CSH VF ANATOMY2CSH YF DNG CSH \F SCROLL CSH aF QPHANTASYSET eF ɋ!2CTR1bA46 UwSgggggggggg]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >??????~{3{p{8`{Շ {,~=7~ 0G7~0G7~ 7~97?:u?:u?$ɒu?̞ru?u>~_>~H>~>~ȍ>~؃?{4?{&{D ?{?{,?=]ɟ=d Ƶ=\@=]=]?6>)ܵ6$@6$ ܵ61ܵ69 ܵ a  \     Sppppp^{^{^{^{^{Sgggggggggg]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >?????? {{{~{{,~?=7~xg7~,xG7~.A7~=7?u?u?vu?ru?Zu>~_>>R>~~>~˿{?{e/{Vh?{ǜ?{٬?=]=v-=]R=]=][6?ܵ6665Oܵ69ܵ06= ܵ a  \     Sppppp^{^{^{^{^{yQ'g'g'g'g'g]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >??????k3kpk8`kՇ k-~n=7nF0G7n0g7n 7n97/:/:d/$ɒ/̞r/._.>H..ȍ.؃?k6~k&kD k񇎿k./ɟ/dǵ/D//?&~)&dP&d &q&yo oaoo o \ooooo00000S0 0 0 0 0 ^{^{^{^{^{Q'g'g'g'g'g]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >]}# >??????k3kpk8`kՇ k-~n=7nF0G7n0g7n 7n97/:/:d/$ɒ/̞r/._.>H..ȍ.؃?k6~k&kD k񇎿k./ɟ/dǵ/D//?&~)&dP&d &q&yo oaoo o \ooooo00000S0 0 0 0 0 ^{^{^{^{^{yS     |D|D|D|D|D        H     %   @ "   @ @@@@@ J J @J J  J# !  # # # p0pS81(81(81(81(81(BBBBBBBBBBS     |D|D|D|D|D      Jp#(ǟ*x W~$@$H($HCH$ $ " R$I "A I "' . 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