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Hl zHnN. Hn?<N\0. nA/?<N\N @f 0<`0. nA/?< N\N?<NTSn nlpN=@0<2.SA=@0<nHV@=@Bn`N0. nA/0. nA/Hl HnN.Hn0.n?N\Rn0.nmN @f 0<`0<W|`N^NuError in set_up_lessonsError in initialize_screenError in display_consultant_screenError in perform_lessonGENDERSWhat are the genders of the following:What is the gender of:Press RETURN (right mouse) for answerGENDERSThe gender of%s is %s%s %sImagine %sLE L'LES LA L'LES (m) (m) (f) (f)GENDERSThe gender of%s is %s%s%s%s%sImagine %s%s%s%s%sGENDERSOf the %d words that you have just learned,ALL have a COMMON gender.%d have a COMMON gender.The %d having a NEUTER gender isare as follows:The gender of%s is NEUTER(HET %s)Imagine %sGENDERSWhat are the genders of the following:What is the gender of:Press RETURN (right mouse) for answerPlease wait for the next piece to load.SPACE (left mouse) to repeat lessonlanguage.datrCannot open language file %d%dError cannot draw the box around the screenGRUNEBERG LINKWORD LANGUAGE COURSE(c) 1982 Text: Michael M. Gruneberg (c) 1987 Program: Chris Barrett & Craig SmithError cannot draw the box around the screenLINKWORD LANGUAGE COURSESection %dCourse writer and designer:MICHAEL M. GRUNEBERGLanguage consultant: %s LinkWord - Lesson %d, Part %d PRESENTTRANSLATE_F_ETRANSLATE_E_FGRAMMARSENTENCES_F_ESENTENCES_E_FSPANGENFRENGENITALGENGERMGENRUSSGENTEXTGREEKGENPORTGENDUTCHGEN%s_%d.datrError opening %sEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishgender and %sEnglishgender and %sEnglishError - no such lessonThis is the end of Section %d.You can now listen to the audio tape for the pronunciationof the words used in this section.firstsecondthirdforthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthPart %dRussianGreekThe word:The for is []Imagine %s %d %d %d %d%s %d %d %d %dWhich section do you wish to see?Lesson %2dExit LinkWord->Select lesson with the mouse or use the up arrow ordown arrow and press RETURN to select the lesson -> ->Lesson %2dExit LinkWordNow translate into :What is the for:Type the answer and/or press RETURN (right mouse)for then correct answerPress SPACE (left mouse) for a 10 second delayRETURN (right mouse) to continuePress SPACE (left mouse) to redo, RETURN (right mouse) to continueRETURN (right mouse) to continueRETURN (right mouse) to continuePress RETURN (right mouse) for answerPress RETURN (right mouse) to load another section. %Error opening up the windowError occured updating windowError getting window informationToo many windows openError closing the windowError deleting the window space TEXTNow translate these words:What is the %s for:%-30s %-30sCON:AUX:PRT:@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d @H Y+AWould You LikeY,Ato Play Again?Y.A(Y)esY.K(N)ofc0b1Y(8You're trapped in the basementY)8of the mad professor's mansion.Y*8The only way you can escape isY+8to have the professor's strangeY,8crew of gatekeepers unlock theY-8gates for you.Y0:Press Any Key to Continue...Y(8C O N G R A T U L A T I%TEXT 0 GRUNEBERG LINKWORD LANGUAGE SYSTEM RUSSIAN COURSE INSTRUCTIONS You will be presented with words like this: The Russian for BULL is BAYK. Imagine you BAK a BULL in your oven. What you do is to imagine this picture in your mind's eye as vividly as possible. # After you have read the image you should think about it in your mind's eye for about 10 seconds before pressing to move on to the next word. If you do not spend enough time thinking about the image it will not stick in your memory as well as it should. If you want to be sure of having ten seconds then press immediately after you have read the image. Ten seconds later a new image will be presented. # Section 1 should be regarded mainly as a training section aimed at familiarizing you with the Linkword method and enabling you to pick up a large vocabulary of words quickly and easily. # REMEMBER In the images parts, when you press a new image will be presented immediately. To wait ten seconds press . # * %PRESENT 1 10 0 ANIMALS CAT KOSHKA you COSH CAts. DOG SABAKA horses are unreliable, SO BACK A dog instead. GOAT KAZA CASA Blanca, full of goats. COW KAROVA driving your CAR OVER a cow. GOOSE GOOS' a GOOSE drinking vodka. BULL BAYK you BAKE a bull in your oven. PIG SVEENYA a German saying "This pig is a real SVINE, YA!" DONKEY ASYOL someone saying "AS YOU'LL know, a donkey is a little horse". WORM CHERV' a CHEF cooking worms. (WILD) ANIMAL ZVER' a large SPHERE containing wild animals. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR There is no word for THE or A in Russian. 0 For example, KOSHKA may mean A CAT 0 -or CAT 0 -or THE CAT. So, the Russian for: 0 THE CAT is KOSHKA 0 A DOG is SABAKA 0 !PIG is SVEENYA 0 THE COW is KAROVA When you translate from Russian, use either 'A' or 'THE' to fit in with the other words in the sentence. # PLEASE NOTE: You will have noticed that some words end with an apostrophe (for example, GOOS'). Just ignore this apostrophe at this stage. # * %PRESENT 2 10 0 MORE ANIMALS BEE PCHELA a bee on a CELLO. ELEPHANT SLON a SLOANE Ranger riding an elephant. FISH RAYBA a fish with RABIES bites you. WASP ASA thinking "AS A wasp I would be no good". SALMON LASOS' Frenchmen always eat salmon with 'LA SAUCE'. RAT KRAYSA you CROSS A rat with an elephant! MOUSE M-AYSH' you MASH up a mouse. FOX LEESA LISA Minelli chasing a fox. WOLF VOLK a wolf on top of a VOLCano. REPTILE GAD GOD sent a reptile to the Garden of Eden. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Genders. All nouns (or things) in Russian are either MASCULINE or FEMININE or NEUTER. # You can tell the gender of most nouns by looking at their last letter: If a noun ends in a CONSONANT it is MASCULINE. So, BAYK and ASYOL are both masculine. If a noun ends with -A or -YA it is FEMININE. So, SVEENYA is feminine. If a noun ends in -O or -YE it is NEUTER. So, ZYERKALO (mirror) is neuter. (ZYERKALO will be found later). # All animals are either masculine or feminine gender. 0 So, 0 KAROVA is feminine 0 SLON is masculine 0 VOLK is masculine 0 KRAYSA is feminine. # PLEASE NOTE: Words ending with an apostrophe in this Section are almost always masculine. MAYSH', however, is a feminine word. # * %PRESENT 3 6 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS QUICK BAYSTRAY you want some PASTRY QUICK. QUIET TEEKHEE it was always QUIET on the KonTIKI expedition. INTERESTING EENTYERYESNAY it is INTERESTING to drink vodka. VICIOUS ZLOY a SLY, VICIOUS man. OLD STARAY an OLD man staring up at a clear, STARRY sky. NEW NOVAY something NOVEL and NEW. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You do not normally use a word for IS in Russian. 0 To say THE DONKEY IS INTERESTING 0 you say ASYOL EENTYERYESNAY. Since ASYOL is masculine, you use EENTYERYESNAY, the masculine form of the adjective, to go with it. When you are given a new adjective it is always in the masculine form. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 A WOLF IS VICIOUS VOLK ZLOY THE REPTILE IS QUIET GAD TEEKHEE THE BULL IS QUICK BAYK NOVAY THE GOOSE IS OLD GOOS' STARAY THE DONKEY IS QUICK ASYOL BAYSTRAY * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ZVER' ZLOY THE ANIMAL IS VICIOUS GOOS' EENTYERYESNAY THE GOOSE IS INTERESTING LASOS' BAYSTRAY THE SALMON IS FAST VOLK STARAY THE WOLF IS OLD SLON TEEKHEE THE ELEPHANT IS QUIET * %PRESENT 4 10 0 SOME MORE ANIMALS FLY MOOKHA a fly on a MOO COW. BIRD PTEETSA that bird is PETITE, SIR! HORSE KON' buying a horse with an old COIN. GIRAFFE JIRAF a GIRAFFE drinking vodka. (N.B. The J in JIRAF is like the GE in rouGE). JELLYFISH MEDOOZA looking at jellyfish in the sea and thinking that they looked like MEDUSA with her head of snakes. CHICKEN KOORA trying to CURE A chicken of chicken pox. WHALE KEET the poet John KEATS, writing about whales. TIGER TEEGR hitting a TIGER over the head with a bottle of vodka. LION LYEV you LIVE near a lion. TROUT FARYAYL' a trout singing "FOR YE'LL take the High Road and I'll take the Low Road, and I'll be in Scotland before you". * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR In the sentences so far only masculine animals have been used, and masculine adjectives (like BAYSTRAY and NOVAY) were used to describe them. If you want to use an adjective with a feminine animal, the adjective must be in a feminine form. To make an adjective feminine you add -AYA to the main part of the word. # 0 So, 0 BAYSTRAY becomes BAYSTRAYA 0 TEEKHEE becomes TEEKHAYA 0 EENTYERYESNAY becomes EENTERYESNAYA 0 ZLOY becomes ZLAYA 0 STARAY becomes STARAYA 0 NOVAY becomes NOVAYA 0 THE DOG IS VICIOUS is SABAKA ZLAYA 0 THE CAT IS OLD is KOSHKA STARAYA # PLEASE NOTE: In the vocabulary, all the adjectives have been given in the masculine form. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE FISH IS INTERESTING RAYBA EENTYERYESNAYA THE WASP IS VICIOUS ASA ZLAYA THE GOAT IS OLD KAZA STARAYA THE BEE IS QUICK PCHELA BAYSTRAYA THE FOX IS QUIET LEESA TEEKHAYA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 RAYBA TEEKHAYA THE FISH IS QUIET MAYSH' NOVAYA THE MOUSE IS NEW (Remember, MAYSH' is feminine). KRAYSA STARAYA THE RAT IS OLD MEDOOZA EENTYERESNAYA THE JELLYFISH IS INTERESTING KOORA BAYSTRAYA THE CHICKEN IS QUICK * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR In the examples you have just been given, the adjective was coming after the verb 'IS'. To make sentences such as THE NEW DOG IS OLD you simply put the adjective in front of the noun, as you do in English. So, THE NEW TIGER IS OLD is NOVAY TEEGR STARAY Now put the adjective before the noun: a masculine adjective if the noun is masculine; a feminine adjective if the noun is feminine. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 A NEW TIGER NOVAY TEEGR THE QUIET BIRD TEEKHAYA PTEETSA A QUICK FLY BAYSTRAYA MOOKHA THE VICIOUS LION ZLOY LYEV AN OLD WHALE STARAY KEET * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 STARAY JIRAF EENTYERYESNAY THE OLD GIRAFFE IS INTERESTING TEEKHEE FARYAYL' BAYSTRAY (N.B. FARYAYL' is masculine) THE QUIET TROUT IS QUICK NOVAY KON' ZLOY  (N.B. KON' is masculine) THE NEW HORSE IS VICIOUS ZLAYA KOORA STARAYA THE VICIOUS CHICKEN IS OLD TEEKHAYA PTEETSA NOVAYA THE QUIET BIRD IS NEW * %TEXT 0 IMPORTANT NOTE Some of the sentences in this course might strike you as being a bit odd! However, they have been carefully constructed to make you think much more about what you are translating. This helps the memory process and gets away from the idea of learning useful phrases "parrot fashion". But of course, having learned with the help of these seemingly odd sentences you can easily construct your own sentences to suit your particular needs. # * aB|@ATA/aHy(aNu(_0S@2<;$9ffgQQN&_?< NN\N09U<|0!aHyTb?<HyaNV`alHyTb?<HyazNV++ +1KU2a yTrg -- 2KU6aZ3RU<09U6yU2mfJyU2ga `a`a`aT9HyaNuHyUaaaN^NuHyaa J]Hy a?-HnaB@.B6Hna|NuBU2BU6IVKTB@a 0<2+|+|;T;l ;@ ;l|B-|B-a^||g@B-B-Nu,_*_IW>09RS@2a||NNVB9SHKBEB.B.aHaL J9SHfaJ@fH@<;f/a,_`<g < g@</g l<<0m4<9n,PB5P%PRESENT 1 10 0 LEISURE WORDS BEACH PLYAJ lying on a beach gives you PLEASure. SAND PYESOK PEAS SOAKed in sand. PICNIC PEEKNEEK taking a large number of vodka bottles on a PICNIC. SANDWICH SANDVEECH drinking vodka with your SANDWICHES. SUN SOLNTSE the sun at SUNSET. SEA MORYE a problem with the sea is the MORE YOU drink it, the thirstier you become. ROCK KAMYEN' saying COME IN and see the rock". SUNTAN ZAGAR rubbing yourself all over with a CIGAR to get a suntan. SAVE ME SPASEE the chess Master SPASSKY shouting "Save me!" MUD GRYAZ' GREASY mud. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have already learned that V and NA are IN and ON. They can mean INTO and ONTO if you use them with a verb that shows movement towards something. 0 So, I AM GOING INTO THE OFFICE is YA EEDOO V KANTOROO You can see that the feminine noun KANTORA changes in the same way as if it was the object of the verb. # Masculine and neuter nouns do not change in this position unless they are the names of persons or animals - neither do plural nouns. 0 I AM GOING TO THE SHOP is YA EEDOO V MAGAZEEN 0 and I AM GOING INTO THE SHOPS is YA EEDOO V MAGAZEENAY Names of persons and animals in this position add -A. I AM GOING INTO THE WHALE is YA EEDOO V KEETA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WE ARE GOING ONTO THE BEACH TO EAT OUR PICNIC MAY EEDYOM NA PLYAJ YEST' NASH PEEKNEEK (THERE) IS SAND AND MUD IN THE SANDWICH. I AM GOING INTO THE RESTAURANT V SANDVEECHYE PYESOK EE GRYAZ'. YA EEDOO V RYESTARAN WHO IS GOING INTO THE SEA? KTO EEDYOT V MORYE? I AM TAKING MY SANDWICH ONTO THE ROCK. SAVE ME! YA BYEROO (MOY) SANDVEECH NA KAMYEN'. SPASEE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE (YOUR) BROTHER ONTO THE BEACH? PACHEMOO TAY NYE BRAL BRATA NA PLYAJ? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 OOTRO YASNOYE, EE MAY VEEDEEM SOLNTSE THE MORNING IS (A) CLEAR (ONE), AND WE (CAN) SEE THE SUN VAY VEEDEETYE YEVO ZAGAR? ON SPAL NA SOLNTSE (N.B. NA is usually used with SOLNTSE). CAN YOU SEE HIS SUNTAN? HE HAS BEEN SLEEPING IN THE SUN YA EEDOO NA NASHE MYESTO NA PLYAJE I AM GOING TO OUR PLACE (SEAT) ON THE BEACH YA NYE LYOOBLYOO MORYE, KAGDA TOOMAN I DON'T LIKE THE SEA WHEN IT IS FOGGY TAY EEDYOSH NA PYESOK? ARE YOU GOING ONTO THE SAND? (to a friend) * %PRESENT 2 10 1 LEISURE ACTIVITIES PARTY VYECHER WE ATE YOUR guest at a party. THEATER TEATR drinking vodka at the THEATER bar. BALLET BALYET BALLET dancers drunk on vodka. OPERA OPYERA the audience drinking vodka during an OPERA. CONCERT KANTSERT the audience throwing bottles of vodka during a CONCERT. RIVER RYEKA you WRECK A river by polluting it. MOUNTAIN GARA a GARAge in a mountain. VALLEY DALEENA it being DULL IN A valley. FOREST LYES there are LESS forests these days. FIELD POLYE someone tries to PULL YOU into a field. * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: When you speak the word TEATR (theatre), you separate the E from the A: TE/ATR. # * %TRANSLATE_F_E 10 * %TRANSLATE_E_F 10 * %PRESENT 3 2 0 ME and YOU ME MYENYA it's ME on the MENU. YOU TYEBYA YOU have fractured your TIBIA. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Whereas the word for I is YA, the word for ME is MYENYA. So, HE SEES ME is ON VEEDEET MYENYA Here, MYENYA is the object of the verb. In the same position TAY changes to TYEBYA. So, I SEE YOU is YA VEEJOO TYEBYA when you are talking to someone who you would usually call 'TAY'. # In the following sentences, remember the difference between V and NA when used: with motion (INTO and ONTO) without motion (IN and ON). # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I AM TAKING YOU TO THE THEATER (Use V for TO) YA BYEROO TYEBYA V TEATR WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME TO THE THEATER? PACHEMOO TAY BYERYOSH MYENYA V TEATR? I SAW YOU YESTERDAY YA VEEDYEL TYEBYA FCHERA SHE SLEPT AT THE OPERA "A NIGHT ON THE MOUNTAIN" (Use NA for AT) ANA SPALA NA OPYERYE "NOCH' NA GARYE" (YOUR) BROTHER IS TAKING YOU INTO THE FOREST BRAT BYERYOT TYEBYA V LYES * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 YA VEEDYEL TYEBYA NA BALYETYE (N.B. Use NA with VYECHER, OPYERA, KANTSERT and BALYET). I SAW YOU AT THE BALLET NA VYECHERYE EEVAN SPAL NA PEEANEENO (N.B. PEEANEENO never changes its form). AT THE PARTY IVAN SLEPT ON THE PIANO GDYE TAY VEEDYELA MYENYA? NA KANTSERTYE WHERE DID YOU SEE ME? AT THE CONCERT (to a female friend) RYEKA, ZYELYONAYYE POLYA .... KRASEEVOYYE MYESTO A RIVER, GREEN FIELDS .... A BEAUTIFUL PLACE V DALEENYE GRYAZ' THERE IS MUD (it is muddy) IN THE VALLEY * %PRESENT 4 10 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS DOCTOR VRACH saying "Doctor I have RASHES". LAWYER ADVAKAT your lawyer is a good ADVOCATE. POLICE MEELEETSEEYA if you want a MEAL, IT'S HERE with the police. ENVELOPE KANVYERT you CONVERT an envelope to Judaism. PAPER BOOMAGA you make a paper bag BOOM AGAin. BANK BANK depositing bottles of vodka in your BANK account. POST OFFICE POCHTA you POACHED An egg in the post office. HOTEL ATYEL' an HOTEL for vodka drinkers. MUSEUM MOOZYEY museums are there to aMUSE YOU. PEN PYERO you PEER Over a pen. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Russian for NOTHING is NEECHEVO Imagine you are NOTHING if not a NEAT SHAVER. # Some of the words you already know can be made negative by putting NEE before them: 0 GDYE (WHERE) NEEGDYE (NOWHERE) 0 KAGDA (WHEN) NEEKAGDA (NEVER) 0 KTO (WHO) NEEKTO (NO-ONE) 0 KOODA (TO WHAT PLACE/ WHERE) 0 NEEKOODA (TO NO PLACE/ NOWHERE) # The word for NOTHING is NEECHEVO Whenever you use these negative words NYE is also used before the verb. 0 So, I AM SAYING NOTHING is YA NEECHEVO NYE GAVARYOO 0 I NEVER SLEEP is YA NEEKAGDA NYE SPLYOO If no verb is used the word may be used on its own, without NYE. 0 For example, WHO WAS SPEAKING? NOBODY is KTO GAVAREEL? NEEKTO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE LAWYER SAYS NOTHING ADVAKAT NEECHEVO NYE GAVAREET I CAN'T SEE THE ENVELOPE ANYWHERE (no where), AND I CAN'T SEE THE PEN OR THE PAPER YA NEEGDYE NYE VEEJOO KANVYERT, EE YA NYE VEEJOO PYERO EELEE BOOMAGOO THE POLICE NEVER SLEEPS MEELEETSEEYA NEEKAGDA NYE SPEET WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE (WE ARE GOING NOWHERE) MAY NEEKOODA NYE EEDYOM SHE HAD NEVER WORKED IN A BANK ANA NEEKAGDA NYE RABOTALA V BANKYE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 PACHEMOO TAY NEEKAGDA NYE VEEDEESH VRACHA? WHY DO YOU NEVER SEE THE DOCTOR? YA VEEDYEL YEVO NA POCHTYE FCHERA I SAW HIM AT THE POST OFFICE YESTERDAY JENA NEEKAGDA NYE SPEET V ATYELYE MY WIFE NEVER SLEEPS IN AN HOTEL VAY RABOTALEE V MOOZYEYE? NEEKAGDA HAVE YOU (plural) WORKED IN A MUSEUM? NEVER YA NEECHEVO NYE GAVARYOO O VRACHYE I AM NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT THE DOCTOR * @2<A$9ffgQQNNVB?< NA\-@N^ _NNV/.?< NA\`,_?< NN\N _ _HyHy/Bg?<KNABgNA   8 3fascreen.monfascreen.colfmfc%PRESENT 1 10 0 THE BODY AND ILLNESSES PAIN BOL' you have a BOIL which gives a lot of pain. COUGH KASHYEL' giving a CASUAL cough. ARM ROOKA your arm gave a ROOK A fright. LEG NAGA an old wife who can NAG A leg off. HEAD GALAVA GULLIVER had a head bigger than the whole body of a Lilliputian. EYE GLAZ you have a GLASS eye. NOSE NOS your NOSE is red with too much vodka. MOUTH ROT someone suffering mouth ROT. EARS OOSHEE asking "WHO'S SHE without ears?" TOOTH ZOOB drinking SOUP through a tooth. * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: You will be given no new grammar in this section. The sentences will be designed to use all the grammar you have learned. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I LIKE HER NOSE YA LYOOBLYOO YEYO NOS IT IS NARROW AND BEAUTIFUL (still talking about the nose) ON OOSKEE EE KRASEEVAY THE EARS ARE ON THE HEAD OOSHEE NA GALAVYE THIS IS MY LEFT HAND ETO MOYYA LYEVAYA ROOKA (N.B. ROOKA means both HAND and ARM) ARE YOU ILL (SICK)? NO? A PAIN IN THE LEG, YOU SAY? VAY BOLNAY? (TAY BOLYEN?) NYET? BOL' V NAGYE, VAY GAVAREETYE (TAY GAVAREESH)? (N.B. NAGA means both LEG and FOOT) * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ADEEN SYERAY GLAZ EE ADEEN GALOOBOY ONE GRAY EYE AND ONE LIGHT BLUE TAY VEEDEESH YEVO ZOOB? ON OCHEN' BYELAY CAN YOU SEE HIS TOOTH? IT IS VERY WHITE SHTO VRACH GAVAREEL O YEYO KASHLYE? (Note the way KASHYEL' changes after O) WHAT DID THE DOCTOR SAY ABOUT HER COUGH? MALCHIK VEEDEET ROT V ZYERKALYE THE BOY SEES HIS MOUTH IN THE MIRROR TAY ZDAROV? KAK ROOKA? YA OCHEN' RAD ARE YOU WELL (HEALTHY)? HOW'S THE ARM? I'M VERY GLAD * %PRESENT 2 10 0 SOME MORE WORDS SKIN KOJA your skin is KOSHER. DEATH SMYERT' someone SMEARED all over the road is usually dead. THIEF VOR you call the police FOR a thief. FIRE PAJAR PERSIA on fire. TELEPHONE TYELYEFON pouring a bottle of vodka over a TELEPHONE. HEART SYERDTSE you SEARCH THE heart for sympathy. HOSPITAL BALNEETSA the BULL NEEDS A hospital. BANDAGE BEENT you BEND a bandage round your arm. BLOOD KROV' a CARAFE full of blood. WOUND RANA you RAN A mile when you saw a horrible wound. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 DOCTORS IN A HOSPITAL ARE ALWAYS SEEING WOUNDS AND BLOOD. VRACHEE V BALNEETSYE VSYEKDA VEEDYAT RANAY EE KROV' THIEVES ARE NOT POPULAR VORAY NYE POPOOLYARNAYYE THERE IS A FIRE (OVER THERE). DO YOU (CAN YOU) SEE IT? TAM PAJAR. VAY VEEDEETYE (TAY VEEDEESH) YEVO? WHO LIKES DEATH? NO ONE. KTO LYOOBEET SMYERT'? NEEKTO WHEN SHE WAS SLEEPING SHE SAW A RED HEART. KAGDA ANA SPALA ANA VEEDYELA KRASNOYYE SYERDTSE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 MALCHIK VEEDEET YEYO KOJOO. ANA BYELAYA, KAK BEENT (N.B. KAK means AS as well as HOW). THE BOY SEES HER SKIN. IT IS (AS) WHITE AS THE BANDAGE TAY EEDYOSH V BALNEETSOO? DA, MOOJ TAM ARE YOU GOING TO THE HOSPITAL? YES, MY HUSBAND IS THERE V SRYEDOO YA VEEDYELA PAJAR NA POCHTYE ON WEDNESDAY I SAW A FIRE AT THE POST OFFICE VOR BYERYOT MASHINOO, BAK EE SHINOO THE THIEF TAKES THE CAR, A GASOLINE TANK AND A TIRE VASH TYELYEFON? DVADTSAT' PYAT', PYATNADTSAT', ADEENNADTSAT'? WHAT'S YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER? 25 15 11? * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE Russian telephone numbers are usually given in blocks of two figures like this: 21 52 16. # * %PRESENT 3 10 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS CIGAR SEEGARA putting your CIGAR out in a glass of vodka. SOAP MAYLO a MILLER milling soap. SURNAME FAMEELEEYA your surname sounds FAMILIAR. FIRST NAME EEMYA EMU's do not have first names. ADDRESS ADRYES your ADDRESS is hidden by vodka bottles. TOURIST TOOREEST TOURISTS love drinking vodka. TOBACCO TABAK TOBACCO and vodka are bad vices. CIGARETTE SEEGARYETA "CIGARETTES and vodka, and wild, wild women" is not quite the name of the song. MATCHES SPEECHKEE SPEECH KEYS people up, so they fiddle with matches. TIP NA CHAY you are NOT SHY to leave no tips. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 AT THREE O'CLOCK THE TOURIST GOES TO THE BANK. V TREE TOOREEST EEDYOT V BANK HE GIVES HIS CHRISTIAN NAME, SURNAME AND ADDRESS ON DAYOT EEMYA, FAMEELEEYOO EE ADRYES (N.B. EEMYA, like VREMYA and SYEMYA, is neuter). I HAVE NEVER READ ANYTHING (NOTHING) ABOUT TOBACCO YA NEEKAGDA NEECHEVO NYE CHITAL O TABAKYE HAVE YOU SEEN THE MATCHES? THEY ARE ON THE TABLE (to a friend) TAY VEEDYEL SPEECHKEE? ANEE NA STOLYE IN A WEEK'S TIME THE TOURIST IS GOING TO THE BALLET CHERYEZ NYEDYELYOO TOOREEST EEDYOT NA BALYET * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 MAYLO NA GALAVYE NYE DAVALO SPAT'  (N.B. DAVAT' can mean TO ALLOW/LET as well as TO GIVE). THE SOAP ON HIS HEAD WOULD NOT LET HIM SLEEP PRADAVYETS VSYEKDA DAVGAL SEEGAROO EELEE SEEGARYETAY NA CHAY THE SALESMAN ALWAYS GAVE A CIGAR OR A CIGARETTE AS A TIP KAGDA EEDYOT DOJD', TOOREEST PYOT CHAY WHEN IT RAINS THE TOURIST DRINKS TEA (N.B. Literally, this means FOR TEA) YA VEEJOO BEENT NA YEVO NAGYE EE RANOO NA GALAVYE I SEE A BANDAGE ON HIS LEG AND A WOUND ON HIS HEAD VAY PRAVAY. VASH TABAK OCHEN' POPOOLYARNAY YOU ARE RIGHT. YOUR TOBACCO IS VERY POPULAR * %PRESENT 4 3 0 THREE MORE USEFUL WORDS THANK YOU SPASEEBO that'S PA'S ELBOW, THANK YOU. PLEASE PAJALOOYSTA shouting "PA SHALL LOOSE STARs, so PLEASE leave him alone". EXCUSE ME EEZVEENEETYE saying "EXCUSE ME, but they EVEN EAT YOU in Russia". * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 EXCUSE ME, WHERE IS THE TELEPHONE? THERE? THANK YOU EEZVEENEETYE, GDYE TYELYEFON? TAM? SPASEEBO YOUR (SUR)NAME, PLEASE. YES. AND YOUR ADDRESS? VASHA FAMEELEEYA, PAJALOOYSTA. DA EE VASH ADRYES? WHERE ARE YOUR MATCHES? THANK YOU, MY FAT HUSBAND GDYE TVOYYEE SPEECHKEE? SPASEEBO, MOY TOLSTAY MOOJ EXCUSE ME, HER CATS ARE ASLEEP EEZVEENEETYE, YEYO KOSHKEE SPYAT WHY AM I TAKING A BATH ON A THURSDAY, PLEASE? PACHEMOO YA BYEROO VANNOO V CHETVYERG, PAJALOOYSTA? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 GDYE NASH ROT? DA EE GDYE NASHEE GLAZA? (N.B. the plural of GLAZ is GLAZA). WHERE IS OUR MOUTH? YES. AND WHERE ARE OUR EYES? PRADAVYETS NYE LYOOBEEL ADMEENEESTRATORA THE SALESMAN DIDN'T LIKE THE MANAGER NYET, YA NYE LYOOBLYOO OPYEROO. ANA SKOOCHNAYA NO, I DONT'T LIKE THE OPERA. IT IS BORING TAY BOLYEN? BOL' V SYERDTSE, TAY GAVAREESH? ARE YOU ILL? PAIN IN THE HEART, YOU SAY? (to a friend) YA BYEROO TYEBYA V BALNEETSOO I AM TAKING YOU TO HOSPITAL * I%PRESENT 1 10 0 FURNITURE BED KRAVAT' someone wearing his CRAVAT to bed. TABLE STOL a table at the entrance to a horse's STALL. CHAIR STOOL sitting on a STOOL for a chair. BLIND SHTORA you STORE A blind on a window sill. MIRROR ZYERKALO a CIRCLE 'O' painted in lipstick on a mirror. CUPBOARD SHKAP someone'S CAP in a cupboard. PIANO PEEANEENO a bottle of vodka on a PIANO. CLOCK CHASAY being very CHOOSEY about the clock you buy. SHELF POLKA dancing a POLKA on a shelf. DRAWER YASHCHIK saying to someone "YES CHICK, I'm in a drawer". * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Do not forget that if a noun is masculine you use a masculine adjective to describe it. If it is feminine you use a feminine adjective. # Some nouns only exist in a plural form - like 'scissors' in English. CHASAY, a clock or watch, only has a plural form in Russian. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE TABLE IS OLD STOL STARAY THE CHAIR IS VICIOUS STOOL ZLOY THE NEW SHELF NOVAYA POLKA THE INTERESTING DRAWER EENTYERYESNAY YASHCHIK A NEW BLIND IS QUIET NOVAYA SHTORA TEEKHAYA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KRAVAT' STARAYA  (N.B. KRAVAT' is feminine) THE BED IS OLD EENTYERYESNAY SHKAP NOVAY THE INTERESTING CUPBOARD IS NEW STARAYA POLKA THE OLD SHELF STOL TEEKHEE THE TABLE IS QUIET STARAY STOOL EENTYERYESNAY THE OLD CHAIR IS INTERESTING * %PRESENT 2 10 0 SOME COLORS COLOR TSVYET you SWEAT and turn a horrible color. BLACK CHORNAY you take a JOURNEY into the BLACK night. WHITE BYELAY you have a very WHITE BELLY. GRAY SYERAY someone SERIOUS and GRAY. YELLOW JOLTAY your going YELLOW results in a lot of JOLLITY. (N.B. The J in JOLTAY is pronounced like the GE in rouGE). ORANGE ORANJEVAY an ORANGE-colored vodka bottle. RED KRASNAY a Scotsman asking "Is the GRASS NAY RED in Russia?" (DARK) BLUE SEENEE a DARK BLUE CINE film. (LIGHT) BLUE GALOOBOY a GAL WHO BE LIGHT BLUE all over. GREEN ZYELYONAY someone raw and GREEN who is SILLY ON HIS own. * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: The names of colors are adjectives. They are given to you in the masculine form. The feminine form will be needed if you use a feminine word. # * %PRESENT 3 3 0 THREE LINKING WORDS AND EE HE AND me. OR EELEE a country is either flat OR HILLY. BUT NO God saved NO one BUT Noah. (N.B. The O in NO is pronounced like the O in NOT). * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR If you want to link words together you use words like AND, BUT and OR. You use the words in exactly the same way as you do in English. 0 So, 0 THE BLIND IS BLACK AND WHITE is SHTORA CHORNAYA EE BYELAYA 0 THE LION IS ORANGE OR YELLOW is LYEV ORANJEVAY EELEE JOLTAY  # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE CUPBOARD IS ORANGE OR YELLOW SHKAP ORANJEVAY EELEE JOLTAY THE CHAIR IS DARK BLUE AND RED STOOL SEENEE EE KRASNAY THE GRAY AND GREEN SHELF SYERAYA EE ZYELYONAYA POLKA THE DRAWER IS LIGHT BLUE YASHCHIK GALOOBOY THE TABLE IS BLACK BUT THE CHAIR IS WHITE STOL CHORNAY NO STOOL BYELAY * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 SYERAY EELEE CHORNAY TSVYET A GRAY OR BLACK COLOR SHTORA BYELAYA NO KRAVAT' ORANJEVAYA THE BLIND IS WHITE BUT THE BED IS ORANGE POLKA GALOOBAYA EE STOL GALOOBOY THE SHELF IS LIGHT BLUE AND THE TABLE IS LIGHT BLUE SEENEE YASHCHIK EE ZYELYONAY YASHCHIK THE DARK BLUE DRAWER AND THE GREEN DRAWER STOOL KRASNAY EELEE JOLTAY THE CHAIR IS RED OR YELLOW * %PRESENT 4 5 0 FIVE ADJECTIVES STUPID GLOOPAY someone who is STUPID and LOOPY. BIG BALSHOY the BOLSHOI ballet is very BIG. FAT TOLSTAY the author TOLSTOY growing very FAT. SINCERE EESKRENNEE somone SINCERE IS GRINNING at you. POPULAR POPOOLYARNAY the Russian army is a POPULAR ARMY. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have already been given the words ZYERKALO (mirror) and PEEANEENO (piano), which end in 'O' and are neuter. An adjective used with a neuter word must have a neuter ending. To make an adjective neuter you add -OYE to the main part of the word. (Pronounce O as in Orange and YE as in YEs). Imagine saying "OH YES, someone wants to neuter you!" # 0 So, 0 NOVAY becomes NOVOYE 0 TEEKHEE becomes TEEKHOYE 0 KRASNAY becomes KRASNOYE 0 A RED PIANO is KRASNOYE PEEANEENO 0 A GREEN MIRROR is ZYELYONOYE ZYERKALO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 A LARGE PIANO AND A NEW MIRROR BALSHOYE PEEANEENO EE NOVOYE ZYERKALO THE SINCERE WOLF IS STUPID EESKRENNEE VOLK GLOOPAY THE FOX IS FAT BUT POPULAR LEESA TOLSTAYA NO POPOOLYARNAYA A BIG FAT MOUSE OR A RED RAT BALSHAYA TOLSTAYA MAYSH' EELEE KRASNAYA KRAYSA A WHALE IS A POPULAR ANIMAL KEET POPOOLYARNAY ZVER' * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 STAROYE ORANJEVOYE ZYERKALO EELEE BYELOYE ZYERKALO AN OLD ORANGE MIRROR OR A WHITE MIRROR PEEANEENO BALSHOYE EE GALOOBOYE THE PIANO IS LARGE AND LIGHT BLUE SHTORA SYERAYA EELEE CHORNAYA THE BLIND IS GRAY OR BLACK PEEANEENO ZYELYONOYE NO SHKAP JOLTAY THE PIANO IS GREEN BUT THE CUPBOARD IS YELLOW TOLSTAY KEET EE BALSHOYE ZYERKALO THE FAT WHALE AND THE LARGE MIRROR * %PRESENT 5 10 0 PARTS OF A HOUSE FLOOR POL St. PAUL sitting on a floor. WALL STYENA you STAY IN A wall. DOOR DVYER' asking "DO WE HEAR the door?" (N.B. DVYER' is feminine) WINDOW OKNO telling someone "ACT NOW, close the window". GARDEN SAD wandering SADly round your garden". CARPET KAVYOR spilling CAVIAR on your carpet. ROOF KRAYSHA watching a giant CRUSH A roof. KITCHEN KOOKHNYA you COOK NEAR your kitchen. BATHROOM VANNAYA someone saying to you "Your bathroom is in a VAN, I HEAR". BEDROOM SPALNYA telling someone "I'll SPOIL YOU, have my bedroom to sleep in". * %PRESENT 6 6 0 SIX VERBS EATS YEST he EATS YESTerday. SLEEPS SPEET someone who SPITS in his SLEEP. SEES VEEDEET a friend telling you that when you SEE his dog, "FEED it". WORKS RABOTAYET I WORK like a ROBOT. TAKES BYERYOT it TAKES a lot not to cry when you can't BEAR IT any more. GOES EEDYOT only an IDIOT GOES out in the midday sun. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You use the verbs that you have just been given in sentences like THE WORM EATS or THE DOG SLEEPS. 0 So, CHERV' YEST may mean: 0 THE WORM IS EATING 0 THE WORM EATS 0 THE WORM DOES EAT. You choose the translation which seems to fit best. # For example, after the question "Is the worm eating or sleeping at the moment?", the answer CHERV' YEST obviously means 'the worm is eating'. If the answer was CHERV' SPEET, then this would mean THE WORM IS SLEEPING. # EEDYOT can mean COMES or GOES. This word is only used for coming or going ON FOOT. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE HORSE IS TAKING KON' BYERYOT THE WASP IS SLEEPING ASA SPEET THE OLD BIRD SEES STARAYA PTEETSA VEEDEET THE CHICKEN IS EATING KOORA YEST THE GIRAFFE IS GOING JIRAF EEDYOT * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 BALSHOY TEEGR VEEDEET STOOL EE CHASAY THE BIG TIGER SEES A/THE CHAIR AND A/THE CLOCK GLOOPAYA MEDOOZA SPEET THE STUPID JELLYFISH IS ASLEE:P LYEV VEEDEET ZYELONAY SAD THE LION SEES THE GREEN GARDEN POPOOLYARNAY, NO BALSHOY KEET EEDYOT THE POPULAR BUT BIG WHALE IS COMING (or GOING - on foot!) NOVOYE OKNO RABOTAYET THE NEW WINDOW WORKS * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Questions. In Russian you simply raise the tone of your voice when you come to the main word of the question. 0 For example, 0 THE DOG IS SLEEPING is SABAKA SPEET 0 IS THE DOG SLEEPING? is SABAKA SPEET? You raise the tone of your voice on SPEET. # IS THE BEDROOM BIG? is SPALNYA BALSHAYA?, raising the tone of your voice on BALSHAYA. As you can see, it is usually towards the end of a question that you need to raise your voice. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IS THE BATHROOM BIG? VANNAYA BALSHAYA? IS THE GARDEN QUIET? SAD TEEKHEE? IS THE WINDOW RED? OKNO KRASNOYE? IS THE TROUT EATING? FARYAYL' YEST? DOES THE OLD LION SEE? STARAY LYEV VEEDEET? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KAVYOR TOLSTAY? IS THE CARPET THICK (FAT)? MOOKHA EEDYOT EELEE SPEET? IS THE FLY COMING (or GOING) OR IS IT ASLEEP? POL CHORNAY? IS THE FLOOR BLACK? BALSHAYA KOORA YEST? DOES THE BIG CHICKEN EAT? (or, Is the big chicken eating?) KRAYSHA ZYELYONAYA EELEE SEENYAYA? IS THE ROOF GREEN OR DARK BLUE? * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: As in the last sentence, if an adjective ends in -NEE (like SEENEE), when you use it with a feminine noun you add -YAYA to the main part of the word (making SEENYAYA). # * %PRESENT 1 10 0 CLOTHES HAT SHLYAPA you SLAP A hat on your head. SLIPPER TOOFLYA two FLIERS wearing slippers. SHOE BASHMAK you BASH MAC, the Scotsman, with a shoe. TROUSERS SHTANAY you wear STUNNING-looking trousers. DRESS PLATYE you PLAIT YOUR hair to fall over your dress. BLOUSE BLOOSKA a lot of women dressed in blouses looking up at the BLUE SKY. COAT PALTO you get a PAL TO look after your coat. JACKET PEEDJAK you PAID JACK for a jacket. SHIRT ROOBASHKA buying a RUBBISHy CAlico shirt. TIE GALSTOOK some GAL STUCK a tie down your throat. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR In sentences such as THE DOG SEES THE WALL, the end of the word for 'wall' (STYENA) changes from -A to -OO. 0 So, 0 THE DOG SEES THE WALL is SABAKA VEEDEET STYENOO 0 ((not styena). 0 THE GOAT EATS THE BEE is KAZA YEST PCHELOO 0 THE COW TAKES THE HAT is KAROVA BYERYOT SHLYAPOO # This change only takes place with feminine nouns. If they end in -A they change to -OO. If they end in -YA they change to -YOO. 0 So, 0 THE GREEN JELLYFISH SEES THE BEDROOM 0 is ZYELYONAYA MEDOOZA VEEDEET SPALNYOO 0 THE VICIOUS WORM SEES THE PIG 0 is ZLOY CHERV' VEEDEET SVEENYOO # You know a few feminine nouns which end in an apostrophe. These words don't change at all in sentences of this type. 0 So, THE FOX SEES THE BED is LEESA VEEDEET KRAVAT'. Neuter words also stay the same in sentences of this type. THE REPTILE SEES THE MIRROR is GAD VEEDEET ZYERKALO. # So, to summarise: Feminine nouns which are the object of the sentence end in -OO. If a feminine word ends in -YA then it changes to -YOO. If a feminine word ends in an apostrophe it does not change at all. Neuter nouns do not change at all. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE GOAT EATS THE SHIRT KAZA YEST ROOBASHKOO AN ELEPHANT SEES A COAT AND A HAT SLON VEEDEET PALTO EE SHLYAPOO THE BIRD EATS A FISH PTEETSA YEST RAYBOO THE BULL SEES A COW BAYK VEEDEET KAROVOO THE DONKEY SEES A MIRROR ASYOL VEEDEET ZYERKALO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KRAYSA VEEDEET DVYER'  (N.B. DVYER' is feminine). A/THE RAT SEES A/THE DOOR RAYBA YEST MOOKHOO THE FISH EATS A FLY KOSHKA VEEDEET MAYSH' THE CAT SEES THE MOUSE SABAKA YEST TOOFLYOO THE DOG EATS A SLIPPER VOLK BYERYOT PLATYE THE WOLF TAKES A DRESS  (N.B. PLATYE can also mean A SUIT) * %PRESENT 2 10 0 FAMILY WORDS FATHER ATYETS your father AT THE VETS. MOTHER MAT' your mother always complaining that she is used as a door MAT. (N.B. MAT' is feminine) BROTHER BRAT  your brother being a real BRAT. SISTER SYESTRA your SISTER drinking vodka. HUSBAND MOOJ your husband going off to shoot a MOOSE. WIFE JENA your wife swigging a GIN AN' orange. BOY MALCHIK saying "There, there, MY LITTLE CHICK" to a small boy who has hurt himself and is crying. GIRL DYEVOOSHKA asking a big, strong Russian girl "DO YOU WASH CARS?" SON SAYN your son is about to commit a great SIN. DAUGHTER DOCH' you have a daughter who looks like a DUCK. (N.B. DOCH' is feminine) * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You saw in the last part that the ending of feminine words changes from -A to -OO in sentences such as THE DOG SEES THE WALL. In this position, masculine words do not usually change. 0 So, 0 THE GIRL TAKES THE SHOE is DYEVOOSHKA BYERYOT BASHMAK 0 THE SON TAKES THE JACKET is SAYN BYERYOT PEEDJAK # However, if the masculine word is the name of an animal or a man, then it changes in this position, adding -A. 0 So, 0 THE CAT EATS THE BULL is KOSHKA YEST BAYKA (not BAYK) 0 THE TIGER EATS THE GIRAFFE is TEEGR YEST JIRAFA (not JIRAF) # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 FATHER SEES THE FLOOR ATYETS VEEDEET POL THE GIRL TAKES THE TIE AND THE SHOE DYEVOOSHKA BYERYOT GALSTOOK EE BASHMAK THE RAT EATS THE CARPET KRAYSA YEST KAVYOR THE TIGER SLEEPS AND SEES AN ELEPHANT TEEGR SPEET EE VEEDEET SLONA THE LION EATS THE BROTHER LYEV YEST BRATA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 MOOJ VEEDEET NOVAY SHKAP THE HUSBAND SEES THE NEW CUPBOARD JENA VEEDEET MOOJA THE WIFE SEES THE HUSBAND SAYN BYERYOT KAROVOO EELEE BAYKA THE SON TAKES A COW OR A BULL ORANJEVAY TEEGR YEST VOLKA THE ORANGE TIGER EATS THE WOLF SYESTRA VEEDEET PEEDJAK EE SHTANAY SISTER SEES A JACKET AND TROUSERS  (N.B. SHTANAY is plural) * %PRESENT 3 10 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS YES DA a little child saying "YES, DA DA". NO NYET saying "NO, no, you big NIT". NOT NYE hearing a sound and saying "This is NOT how horses NEIGH". VERY OCHEN' the OCEAN is VERY big. ONLY TOLKO you hate people who ONLY TALK A lot of nonsense. TODAY SYEVODNYA you want to SEE A WOOD NEAR YOU TODAY. YESTERDAY FCHERA you had to CHAIR A meeting YESTERDAY. TOMORROW ZAVTRA asking "What is HE AFTER TOMORROW?" HERE TOOT you TOOT your car horn HERE. THERE TAM when you go to Russia you must not TAMper with anything THERE. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR When you are talking about relatives, friends and pets in Russian you do not use words like MY or YOUR. It is assumed that everyone knows what you are talking about. 0 So, MY WIFE IS COMING is JENA EEDYOT # To say MY WIFE IS NOT COMING simply put NYE before the verb: JENA NYE EEDYOT. 0 So, 0 MY SISTER DOES NOT WORK is SYESTRA NYE RABOTAYET 0 MY BROTHER IS NOT COMING is BRAT NYE EEDYOT # We have already seen that you do not normally use a word for IS in Russian: MY DAUGHTER IS SINCERE is DOCH' EESKRENNYAYA. To say MY DAUGHTER IS NOT SINCERE simply put NYE where you would expect IS to be. 0 So, 0 MY DAUGHTER IS SINCERE, BUT SHE IS NOT STUPID 0 is DOCH EESKRENNYAYA, NO NYE GLOOPAYA 0 THE TABLE IS NOT RED 0 is STOL NYE KRASNAY # Some adjectives can be given the opposite meaning by putting NYE in front of them. 0 For example, 0 BALSHOY is BIG 0 NYEBALSHOY is NOT BIG, SMALLISH 0 GLOOPAY is STUPID 0 NYEGLOOPAY is NOT STUPID (he has his head screwed on!) # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 NO, THE BOY IS NOT WORKING THERE TOMORROW NYET, MALCHIK NYE RABOTAYET TAM ZAVTRA THE BATHROOM IS WHITE AND SMALLISH VANNAYA BYELAYA EE NYEBALSHAYA NO, THE BATHROOM IS NOT WHITE, THE BATHROOM IS GRAY NYET, VANNAYA NYE BYELAYA, VANNAYA SYERAYA IS FATHER HERE? NO, FATHER IS NOT HERE ATYETS TOOT? NYET, ATYETS NYE TOOT MY DAUGHTER IS NOT ASLEEP (is not sleeping) DOCH' NYE SPEET * %SENTENCES_F_E 10 NYET, CHERV' NYE SPEET NO, A WORM DOES NOT SLEEP (is not sleeping) SAYN NYE RABOTAYET? NYET IS (OUR, YOUR, etc) SON NOT WORKING? NO SYESTRA GLOOPAYA EELEE EENTYERYESNAYA? SYESTRA NYE EENTYERYESNAYA IS (YOUR) SISTER STUPID OR INTERESTING? (MY) SISTER IS NOT INTERESTING STARAY VOLK NYE VEEDEET KAROVOO THE OLD WOLF DOESN'T SEE THE COW TOLKO DOCH' NYE EEDYOT SYEVODNYA ONLY (MY) DAUGHTER ISN'T COMING TODAY TOLKO ATYETS NYE SPEET ONLY (MY) FATHER IS AWAKE (is not sleeping) KOOKHNYA NYE OCHEN' BALSHAYA THE KITCHEN IS NOT VERY BIG OKNO NYE BYELOYE, OK=NO SYEROYE THE WINDOW IS NOT WHITE, THE WINDOW IS GRAY MAT' NYE VEEDEET TOOFLYOO (MY) MOTHER DOESN'T SEE THE SLIPPER SHLYAPA KRASNAYA, GALSTOOK KRASNAY, NO ROOBASHKA NYE KRASNAYA THE HAT IS RED, THE TIE IS RED, BUT THE SHIRT IS NOT RED * %PRESENT 4 10 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS FRIEND TAVAREESHCH trying to get your friend TO VARNISH. HOUSE DOM your house has a high DOME. SNOW SNYEG a SNAKE in the snow. FROST MAROZ your MARROWS killed by the frost. HAIL GRAD GREAT big hail stones landing on you. ROOM KOMNATA telling someone "COME NATTER to me in this room". RAIN DOJD' rain stirring up DUST. FOG TOOMAN TWO MEN lost in a fog. WIND VYETYER we killed a cow and VE ATE HER in a strong wind. BATH VANNA a bath in a VAN, AH! * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR If you want to say IT'S WINDY TODAY you say TODAY WIND: SYEVODNYA VYETYER. You can do the same with RAIN, SNOW, FROST and FOG: 0 IT'S FOGGY TODAY is SYEVODNYA TOOMAN 0 IT'S FROSTY TODAY is SYEVODNYA MAROZ With things that fall from the sky, like rain, hail and snow you can also use the verb EEDYOT (COMES). 0 So, IT IS RAINING is DOJD' EEDYOT IT IS SNOWING is SNYEG EEDYOT # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IT IS FROSTY TODAY SYEVODNYA MAROZ IS IT RAINING THERE? TAM EEDYOT DOJD'? IT IS FOGGY TODAY SYEVODNYA TOOMAN NO, IT IS NOT RAINING HERE NYET, TOOT NYE EEDYOT DOJD' YES, IT IS SNOWING DA, EEDYOT SNYEG (DA, SNYEG EEDYOT) * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence SNYEG can be put before the verb or after it. In general Russians often put the subject after the verb. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 GRAD NYE BYELAY, GRAD SYERAY HAIL IS NOT WHITE, HAIL IS GRAY KOMNATA BYELAYA EE TOOMAN BYELAY THE ROOM IS WHITE AND THE FOG IS WHITE NO DOM NYE BYELAY, DOM KRASNAY BUT THE HOUSE IS NOT WHITE, THE HOUSE IS RED MOOJ NYE BYERYOT KOMNATOO (MY) HUSBAND IS NOT TAKING THE ROOM SYEVODNYA DOJD' NYE EEDYOT TODAY IT IS NOT RAINING * %PRESENT 1 10 0 IN THE GARDEN FLOWER TSVYET a SWEET flower. (N.B. TSVYET is also the word for COLOR) TREE DYERYVO asking someone "DARE YOU VAUlt over a tree?" PLANT RASTYENEEYE RUST ON Your plants. FRUIT FROOKT drinking vodka and eating FRUIT. EARTH ZYEMLYA the earth in Russia and America is very SIMILAR. LAWN GAZON you GAZE ON a lawn. BUSH KOOST you KISSED under a bush. SEED SYEMYA seed always comes up the SAME YEAR they are planted. (N.B. SYEMYA is a neuter word). PARK PARK everyone in a Russian PARK drinking vodka. PATH TRAPEENKA seeing an old woman and TRAPPING HER on a path. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Russian for I is YA. Imagine I go YA! quite a lot! # You will remember that 0 THE DOG WORKS is SABAKA RABOTAYET. 0 THE CAT GOES is KOSHKA EEDYOT 0 I GO (am going) is YA EEDOO 0 I WORK is YA RABOTAYOO 0 I TAKE is YA BYEROO 0 I SEE is YA VEEJOO. You can see, then, that when I is the subject of the sentence, the verb ends in -OO or -YOO. # -YOO is written after a vowel; usually -OO is written after a consonant. Exceptions to this are: I SLEEP (YA SPLYOO) which ends in -YOO, and I EAT (YA YEM). Imagine I AM eating. 0 So, 0 I TAKE is YA BYEROO 0 I GO is YA EEDOO 0 I WORK is YA RABOTAYOO 0 I SEE is YA VEEJOO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I AM EATING A FRUIT YA YEM FROOKT YES, I AM WORKING TOMORROW DA, YA RABOTAYOO ZAVTRA I TAKE A JACKET OR A COAT YA BYEROO PEEDJAK EELEE PALTO I SEE A PATH AND A TREE YA VEEJOO TRAPEENKOO EE DYERYEVO I AM NOT GOING YA NYE EEDOO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 YA TOLKO VEEJOO BASHMAK I (CAN) ONLY SEE A SHOE YA SPLYOO EE NYE VEEJOO KOMNATOO I AM ASLEEP AND I DON'T SEE THE ROOM YA RABOTAYOO, NO RASTYENEEYE NYE RABOTAYET I WORK, BUT A PLANT DOESN'T WORK DA, YA EEDOO YES, I'M COMING (GOING) YA BYEROO SYEMYA EE KOOST I TAKE A SEED AND A BUSH * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence YA BYEROO SYEMYA EE KOOST I take a seed and a bush SYEMYA does not change because it is a neuter noun, although it looks like a feminine noun. # * %PRESENT 2 9 0 SOME USEFUL QUESTION WORDS WHERE GDYE asking "WHERE is GIDEON?" WHY PACHEMOO asking "WHY PACK A MOO-cow, too?" HOW KAK asking HOW CACK-handed anyone can be. WHO KTO asking WHO wants a CUDDLE. HOW MUCH SKOLKO asking HOW MUCH a fur coat is, then SKULKING away. WHICH KATORAY asking WHICH CATTERY you left your cat in. WHEN KAGDA asking "WHEN will you pass the CAKE DAD?" WHAT SHTO asking "WHAT is to STOP me?" WHERE TO KOODA asking "WHERE COULD I go TO?" * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Russian for YOU is TAY. Imagine asking "Are YOU TAME?" If you are talking to a good friend, a relative, a child or an animal, then you call them TAY - which is the familiar way to say YOU. # So, to a friend 0 ARE YOU WORKING TODAY? is TAY RABOTAYESH SYEVODNYA? 0 ARE YOU EATING? is TAY YESH? 0 ARE YOU TAKING? is TAY BYERYOSH? You can see that the verb always ends in -SH. # You have already learned that THE BIRD IS TAKING is PTEETSA BYERYOT and THE HORSE IS WORKING is KON' RABOTAYET. So you can see that when you use the verb with TAY you take the -T off the end of the verb and replace it with -SH. # 0 So, PYOT becomes TAY PYOSH 0 EEDYOT becomes TAY EEDYOSH 0 SPEET becomes TAY SPEESH 0 ARE YOU TAKING? is TAY BYERYOSH? 0 YOU ARE GOING is TAY EEDYOSH 0 ARE YOU WORKING? is TAY RABOTAYESH? 0 YOU ARE SEEING is TAY VEEDEESH 0 ARE YOU SLEEPING? is TAY SPEESH? 0 YOU ARE EATING is TAY YESH You should pay particular attention to this last verb. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 ARE YOU EATING A FLOWER? TAY YESH TSVYET?  (N.B. TSVYET means A COLOR and A FLOWER). WHERE DO YOU WORK? GDYE TAY RABOTAYESH? MOUSE, WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING? MAYSH', PACHEMOO TAY SPEESH? WHEN DO YOU TAKE THE TABLE? KAGDA TAY BYERYOSH STOL? (CAN) YOU SEE THE SNOW? TAY VEEDEESH SNYEG? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KAK TAY BYERYOSH ZYEMLYOO? HOW ARE YOU TAKING THE EARTH? NYET, TAY NYE VEEDEESH JIRAFA NO, YOU ARE NOT SEEING A GIRAFFE (No, you do not see a giraffe) YA EEDOO, TAY EEDYOSH EE BRAT EEDYOT I'M GOING, YOU ARE GOING AND (MY) BROTHER IS GOING TAY OCHEN' GLOOPAY? NYET, NYE OCHEN' ARE YOU VERY STUPID? NO, NOT VERY KOODA TAY EEDYOSH? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence KOODA TAY EEDYOSH? kooda means 'where to?'. It is used with verbs which indicate motion towards a place. # * %PRESENT 3 8 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS SOON SKORO you hope your team will SCORE A goal SOON. MORE BOLSHE thinking "Not MORE BOLSHEviks". LESS MYENSHE thinking if MEN SHAVE LESS, then beards will grow. ALWAYS VSYEKDA you should ALWAYS have a VASECTOMY after twelve children. THAN CHEM you are more THAN a GEM. HE ON HE is ON me. SHE ANA SHE is ANNA Pavlova. IT ANO IT is ANNOying. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR HE is ON and SHE is ANA. The verb you use with them is the same as if you were using the name of an animal. 0 For example, 0 THE ELEPHANT IS WORKING is SLON RABOTAYET 0 HE IS WORKING is ON RABOTAYET 0 SHE IS WORKING is ANA RABOTAYET ON can also mean IT. # You use ON in place of a masculine noun. 0 So, 0 THE LAWN IS NOT LIGHT BLUE, IT IS GREEN 0 is GAZON NYE GALOOBOY, ON ZYELYONAY. In the same way a feminine noun is replaced by ANA. THE BLIND IS NOT NEW, IT IS OLD is SHTORA NYE NOVAYA, ANA STARAYA Another word, ANO, is used to stand instead of a neuter noun[. 0 So, 0 THE TREE IS BIG. IT IS VERY BIG 0 is DYERYVO BALSHOYE. ANO OCHEN' BALSHOYE # Finally, when IT does not stand for anything (for example, IT IS VERY COLD), then IT is not translated. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 SHE SEES A BLOUSE. IT IS SMALLER THAN (less than) THE OLD BLOUSE ANA VEEDEET BLOOSKOO. ANA MYENSHE, CHEM STARAYA BLOOSKA THE GARDEN IS HERE. IT IS VERY QUIET SAD TOOT. ON OCHEN' TEEKHEE WHICH BOY IS TAKING THE PLANT? IT IS BIG KATORAY MALCHIK BYERYOT RASTYENEEYE? ANO BALSHOYE HE IS NOT COMING TODAY. IT IS FOGGY SYEVODNYA ON NYE EEDYOT. TOOMAN  (N.B. IT doesn't refer to any noun, so it is not translated). SHE SEES THE PARK. IT IS ALWAYS VERY POPULAR ANA VEEDEET PARK. ON VSYEKDA OCHEN' POPOOLYARNAY * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KAK ON YEST! SYEVODNYA ON YEST BOLSHE, CHEM VSYEKDA! HOW HE EATS! HE IS EATING MORE THAN ALWAYS (THAN EVER) TODAY! PACHEMOO TAVAREESHCH NYE EEDYOT? ON SKORO EEDYOT WHY DOESN'T YOUR FRIEND COME? HE IS COMING SOON DVYER' TAM. ANA JOLTAYA THE DOOR IS THERE. IT IS YELLOW GDYE SYEMYA? ANO TOOT  (Remember, SYEMYA is neuter) WHERE IS THE SEED? IT IS HERE KTO RABOTAYET? TAY NYE VEEDEESH? ANA RABOTAYET WHO IS WORKING? CAN'T YOU SEE? SHE IS WORKING * %PRESENT 4 7 0 DAYS OF THE WEEK SUNDAY VASKRYESYENYE someone WAS A CHRISTIAN on SUNDAY only. MONDAY PANYEDYELNEEK riding on a PONY TO HELL NICK on MONDAY morning instead of riding to work. TUESDAY VTORNEEK on TUESDAY WE TORE NICK to pieces. WEDNESDAY SRYEDA THREE HAD A bad time on WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY CHETVYERG JETS WORK on THURSDAYS. FRIDAY PYATNEETSA a POET NEEDS A break on FRIDAYS. SATURDAY SOOBBOTA someone else's girlfriend SUE BOUGHT OLD bottles on SATURDAY. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR FRIDAY is PYATNEETSA ON FRIDAY is V PYATNEETSOO The word V means ON (such and such a day). Imagine you have Visions ON Monday. # When you use V before a feminine word the end of the word changes from -A to -OO. So, PYATNEETSA becomes PYATNEETSOO 0 You have already learned that FATHER SEES THE WALL 0 &is ATYETS VEEDEET STYENOO Again, STYENA becomes STYENOO. # You can see that a similar change takes place in V PYATNEETSOO. 0 In the same way ON WEDNESDAY is V SRYEDOO; 0 ON SATURDAY is V SOOBBOTOO. Some of the days of the week are masculine or neuter. For example, SUNDAY is VASKRYESYENYE Of course neither masculine nor neuter nouns change in this situation (unless they are animals or people). So, ON SUNDAY is V VASKRYESYENYE ON THURSDAY is V CHETVYERG # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IS HE COMING ON FRIDAY? ON EEDYOT V PYATNEETSOO? SHE WORKS ON WEDNESDAY ANA RABOTAYET V SRYEDOO WHERE ARE YOU GOING (TO) ON SATURDAY? KOODA TAY EEDYOSH V SOOBBOTOO? TODAY IS MONDAY. WHAT DO YOU EAT ON MONDAY? SYEVODNYA PANYEDYELNEEK. SHTO TAY YESH V PANYEDYELNEEK? IT ALWAYS RAINS THERE ON SUNDAY VSYEKDA TAM EEDYOT DOJD' V VASKRYESYENYE * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence: VSYEKDA TAM EEDYOT DOJD' V VASKRYESYENYE the sentence could read V VASKRYESYENYE TAM VSYEKDA EEDYOT DOJD', and other permutations are possible. On the whole the least important words come first in the sentence. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 SLON BYERYOT VANNOO V VASKRYESYENYE THE ELEPHANT TAKES A BATH ON SUNDAY TAY RABOTAYESH MYENSHE V PANYEDYELNEEK YOU WORK LESS ON MONDAY SHTO TAM VO VTORNEEK?  (N.B. before the letters VT, V becomes VO). WHAT IS THERE ON TUESDAY? NYET, ON NYE VEEDEET TAVAREESHCHA V SRYEDOO NO, HE DOESN'T SEE HIS FRIEND ON WEDNESDAY KAGDA TAY RABOTAYESH? V SOOBBOTOO WHEN ARE YOU WORKING? ON SATURDAY * m%PRESENT 1 10 0 IN THE RESTAURANT RESTAURANT RYESTARAN a RESTAURANT which serves nothing but vodka. WAITER AFEETSEEANT a very EFFICIENT waiter. CUP CHASHKA you need a CASH CArd to rent a cup in Russia. SAUCER BLYOODTSE saying "This saucer is covered with BLOOD CELLS". BILL SHCHOT the owner should be SHOT for the size of the BILL. MENU MYENYOO the MENU has vodka with everything. PLATE TARYELKA when you have tar on your plate, yell "CAR" and a waiter will come: TAR? - YELL CAR. FORK VEELKA in Russia you only use forks to eat VEAL COWS. KNIFE NOJ you always eat your NOSH with a knife. (N.B. The J in NOJ is like the GE in rouGE) SPOON LOJKA you cannot eat your soup because all the spoons were left in a LOST CAR. (N.B. The J in LOJKA is like the GE in rouge) * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Russian for THEY is ANEE. Imagine THEY always use A KNEE when praying. 0 You already know that 0 HE SLEEPS is ON SPEET 0 HE SEES is ON VEEDEET 0 To say THEY SLEEP 0 you say ANEE SPYAT 0 To say THEY SEE 0 you say ANEE VEEDYAT So, when the verb ends in -EET the ending changes to -YAT. # 0 So, THEY SEE THE BILL is ANEE VEEDYAT SHCHOT Where a verb ends in -YOT, for example ON BYERYOT (he takes) then THEY TAKE becomes ANEE BYEROOT. In other words the verb ends in -OOT. 0 So, 0 HE GOES is ON EEDYOT 0 THEY GO is ANEE EEDOOT # Where a verb ends in -AYET or -AYOT, for example ON RABOTAYET (he works) then THEY WORK becomes ANEE RABOTAYOOT. In other words the verb ends in -AYOOT. One exception is the word EAT: THEY EAT is ANEE YEDYAT. # TO SUMMARISE: 0 THEY SLEEP is ANEE SPYAT 0 THEY SEE is ANEE VEEDYAT 0 THEY WORK is ANEE RABOTAYOOT 0 THEY GO is ANEE EEDOOT 0 THEY TAKE is ANEE BYEROOT 0 THEY EAT is ANEE YEDYAT # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 DO THEY SEE THE BILL? ANEE VEEDYAT SHCHOT? WHAT ARE THEY EATING? THEY ARE TAKING A FORK AND A SPOON SHTO ANEE YEDYAT? ANEE BYEROOT VEELKOO EE LOJKOO WHY ARE THE OLD WAITER AND THE FAT WAITER SLEEPING? PACHEMOO STARAY AFEETSEEANT EE TOLSTAY AFEETSEEANT SPYAT? A HORSE WORKS, BUT THE TIGER AND THE LION DO NOT WORK KON' RABOTAYET, NO TEEGR EE LYEV NYE RABOTAYOOT SHE AND (HER) HUSBAND TAKE A PLATE ANA EE MOOJ BYEROOT TARYELKOO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 KOODA EEDOOT ATYETS EE SAYN? WHERE ARE THE FATHER AND (HIS) SON GOING? ON POPOOLYARNAY EE OLGA POPOOLYARNAYA, NO ANEE NYE RABOTAYOOT (OLGA is a Russian women's name) HE IS POPULAR AND OLGA IS POPULAR, BUT THEY DO NOT WORK SHTO ANEE VEEDYAT? ANEE VEEDYAT MYENYOO EE SHCHOT (N.B. MYENYOO is neuter and never changes its endings). WHAT DO THEY SEE? THEY SEE THE MENU AND THE BILL KAROVA EE ASYOL VSYEKDA YEDYAT TAM THE COW AND THE DONKEY ALWAYS EAT THERE TAY BYERYOSH CHASHKOO EE BLYOODTSE? NYET, YA BYEROO TARYELKOO ARE YOU TAKING THE CUP AND SAUCER? NO, I AM TAKING THE PLATE * %PRESENT 2 10 0 NUMBERS ONE ADEEN ADDING ONE and one. TWO DVA TWO DIVANS. THREE TREE THREE TREES. FOUR CHETAYRYE they SHOULD HEAR YOU on the golf course when you shout "FOUR". FIQ0<1$0 0$'0$8'000!0 00! $< 0$0' 0 31 80'$ 0$0' !$!030<30$<0 !INE Commandments. ZERO NOOL' ZERO is NIL. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have already learned the word CHASAY, which means CLOCK or WATCH and is a plural word. CHAS is the singular form of this word and means HOUR. # The way to ask WHAT TIME IS IT? is to say KATORAY CHAS? (Which hour is it?) # When you are telling someone the time, TWO O'CLOCK is simply DVA - that is, the number on its own. THREE O'CLOCK is TREE, and so on. The exception is ONE O'CLOCK which is translated as CHAS. # The easiest way to deal with minutes is to put the number of minutes after the number of hours - as we often do in English. 0 FIVE PAST SEVEN is SYEM' PYAT' (seven-five) 0 NINE MINUTES PAST EIGHT is VOSYEM' DYEVYAT' (eight-nine). To say AT a particular time you use V, as you did with ON the days uof the week. I AM COMING AT FIVE PAST FOUR is YA EEDOO V CHETAYRYE PYAT' # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHAT IS THE TIME? NINE O'CLOCK KATORAY CHAS? DYEVYAT' WHEN IS THE WAITER COMING? HE IS COMING AT SIX KAGDA EEDYOT AFEETSEEANT? ON EEDYOT V SHEST' HE ALWAYS EATS AT ONE O'CLOCK ON VSYEKDA YEST V CHAS THE BOY IS ASLEEP AT EIGHT O'CLOCK MALCHIK SPEET V VOSYEM' THE GIRL IS COMING AT FIVE PAST FOUR DYEVOOSHKA EEDYOT V CHETAYRYE PYAT' * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ATYETS RABOTAYET V DYEVYAT' FATHER IS WORKING AT NINE O'CLOCK SKOLKO TAY YESH? TREE HOW MANY DO YOU EAT? THREE KATORAY CHAS? VOSYEM' WHAT'S THE TIME? EIGHT O'CLOCK YA VEEJOO TOLKO ADEEN NOJ I (CAN) ONLY SEE ONE KNIFE V PYATNEETSOO V DVA YA YEM I EAT ON FRIDAY AT TWO * %PRESENT 3 10 0 FOOD AND DRINK MEAT MYASO you get MASSIVE portions of meat in Russia. CHEESE SAYR asking "Can I have some more cheese SIR?" STEAK BEEFSHTEKS BEEF STEAKS with vodka. PIKE SHCHOOKA you SHOOK A plate and a pike fell off. OMELETTE AMLYET eating your breakfast OMELETTE with a glass of vodka. WINE VEENO a German saying "VE KNOW what the best wine is". SALT SOL' putting SALT in your vodka. SUGAR SAKHAR the SAHARA Desert covered in sugar, not sand. WATER VODA a German asking "VOULD A man deprive me of water?" MILK MALAKO my illness is due to MY LACK O' milk. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Plurals. In both masculine and feminine nouns in Russian, the plural ends in -AY. 0 So, RAT (KRAYSA) becomes RATS (KRAYSAY) TABLE (STOL) becomes TABLES (STOLAY ) TIGER (TEEGR) becomes TIGERS (TEEGRAY) # However, if the noun ends in K (or KA), G (or GA) or KH (or KHA) then the plural ends in -EE. 0 So, BULL (BAYK) becomes BULLS (BAYKEE) 0 CAT (KOSHKA) becomes CATS (KOSHKEE) Do not worry about this. The AY and EE sound are quite close so you will be understood even if you make a mistake. # TO SUMMARISE: 0 SHKAP becomes SHKAPAY 0 (cupboard) 0 BEEFSHTEKS becomes BEEFSHTEKSAY 0 (steak) 0 SHCHOOKA becomes SHCHOOKEE 0 (pike) 0 SHLYAPA becomes SHLYAPAY 0 (hat) 0 ROOBASHKA becomes ROOBASHKEE 0 (shirt) # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE BOYS SEE THE RESTAURANT MALCHIKEE VEEDYAT RYESTARAN THE WAITERS WORK ON SUNDAY AFEETSEEANTAY RABOTAYOOT V VASKRYESYENYE WHERE (ARE) THE OMELETTES? THEY (ARE) HERE GDYE AMLYETAY? ANEE TOOT THE GIRLS DO NOT EAT MEAT DYEVOOSHKEE NYE YEDYAT MYASO WHY ARE THE PLATES THERE? PACHEMOO TARYELKEE TAM? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 TAY BYERYOSH VODOO EELEE MALAKO? ARE YOU TAKING WATER OR MILK? SKOLKO FROOKTAY? YA BYEROO PYAT' HOW MUCH IS THE FRUIT (are the fruits)? I'LL TAKE FIVE KOORAY MYENSHE VEEDYAT, CHEM LEESAY CHICKENS SEE LESS THAN FOXES KEETAY SPYAT EELEE NYET? SHCHOOKEE SPYAT DO WHALES SLEEP OR NO? PIKE SLEEP PCHELAY RABOTAYOOT, KAGDA DOJD' NYE EEDYOT BEES WORK WHEN IT IS NOT RAINING * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence: PCHOLAY RABOTAYOOT, KAGDA DOJD' NYE EEDYOT PCHOLAY is the plural of PCHELA. E, YE, O and YO are closely related. In the plural E and YE may change into O and YO. # * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR If the main part of a noun ends in -SH, -J, -CH or -SHCH, the plural ends in -EE not -AY. 0 So, ROOFS is KRAYSHEE 0 FRIENDS is TAVAREESHCHEE If a word ends in -YA or an apostrophe ('), the -YA or apostrophe is replaced by -EE. 0 So, KOOKHYNYA becomes KOOKHNEE 0 GOOS' becomes GOOSEE Again, don't worry about making a mistake as you will still be understood. # TO SUMMARISE 0 GAZON becomes GAZONAY 0 NOJ becomes NOJEE 0 DOJD' becomes DOJDEE 0 KRAVAT' becomes KRAVATEE 0 SVEENYA becomes SVEENEE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE KNIVES ARE ALWAYS HERE NOJEE VSYEKDA TOOT (MY) FRIENDS ARE NOT WORKING. THEY ARE ASLEEP TAVAREESHCHEE NYE RABOTAYOOT. ANEE SPYAT THE PIGS ARE EATING THE FISH SVEENEE YEDYAT RAYBOO THE MICE ARE COMING, THE MICE ARE COMING! MAYSHEE EEDOOT, MAYSHEE EEDOOT! WHERE ARE THE BEDS? THEY ARE HERE GDYE KRAVATEE? ANEE TOOT * %PRESENT 4 9 0 SOME MORE NUMBERS TEN DYESYAT' asking "D'YOU SIT here for TEN hours?" ELEVEN ADEENNADTSAT' A DINNER SET has ELEVEN pieces. TWELVE DVYENADTSAT' you haD A VIENNA SET of TWELVE ornaments. TWENTY DVADTSAT' your DAD SAT for TWENTY minutes. TWENTY FIVE DVADTSAT' PYAT' twenty and five is TWENTY FIVE - DVADTSAT PYAT' FIFTEEN PYATNADTSAT saying BE AT NAT'S AT FIFTEEN minutes past the hour. THIRTY TREEDTSAT' you get TREATS AT 30 minute intervals. FORTY SOROK you sat on a SORE ROCK for FORTY minutes. FIFTY PYATDYESYAT saying "BE AT 'THE DEERS HAT' Hotel in FIFTY minutes". * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR TWENTY is DVADTSAT'; ONE is ADEEN To say TWENTY ONE you simply put them together: DVADTSAT' ADEEN. 0 TWENTY TWO is DVADTSAT' DVA 0 TWENTY THREE is DVADTSAT' TREE # Where a number ends in ONE, for example THIRTY ONE, then the noun coming after is singular. 0 For example, THIRTY ONE KNIVES is TREEDTSAT' ADEEN NOJ # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WAITER! FIFTY ONE STEAKS! AFEETSEEANT! PYATDYESYAT ADEEN BEEFSHTEKS! WHAT TIME IS IT? SEVEN THIRTY KATORAY CHAS? SYEM' TREEDTSAT' ELEVEN OR TWELVE? HOW MANY (HOW MUCH)? ADEENNADTSAT' EELEE DVYENADTSAT'? SKOLKO? FIFTEEN AND TEN ARE TWENTY FIVE PYATNADTSAT EE DYESYAT' - DVADTSAT' PYAT' (N.B. The dash is sometimes used to indicate the position of the verb IS or ARE). (MY) SON IS COMING AT 6.25 SAYN EEDYOT V SHEST' DVADTSAT' PYAT' * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Neuter nouns in Russian end in -A in the plural. Put -A instead of the last vowel. 0 So, 0 VEENO becomes VEENA 0 OKNO becomes OKNA 0 RASTYENEEYE becomes RASTYENEEYA 0 BLYOODTSE becomes BLYOODTSA 0 ZYERKALO becomes ZYERKALA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHERE ARE THE WINES AND THE CHEESE? GDYE VEENA EE SAYR? THE MIRRORS ARE (OVER) THERE ZYERKALA TAM WORMS SLEEP WHEN IT IS FROSTY. TODAY IT IS ZERO CHERVEE SPYAT, KAGDA MAROZ. SYEVODNYA NOOL' PLANTS DO NOT EAT AND DO NOT SLEEP RASTYENEEYA NYE YEDYAT EE NYE SPYAT THE FORKS, KNIVES AND SPOONS ARE HERE. ONLY FORTY ONE KNIVES VEELKEE, NOJEE EE LOJKEE TOOT. TOLKO SOROK ADEEN NOJ * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 TOLKO SYOSTRAY EE JONAY EEDOOT ONLY SISTERS AND WIVES ARE COMING MALCHIKEE YEDYAT MYASO EE SAYR THE BOYS EAT MEAT AND CHEESE BLYOODTSA TAM. GDYE CHASHKEE? THE SAUCERS ARE (OVER) THERE. WHERE ARE THE CUPS? ALYEKSYEY VEEDEET EEVANA EE ALYEGA. TAVAREESHCHEE RABOTAYOOT (N.B. ALYEKSYEY, EEVAN and ALYEG are Russian names) ALYEKSYEY SEES IVAN AND ALYEG. (HIS) FRIENDS ARE WORKING SVEENEE NYE YEDYAT SAKHAR THE PIGS DO NOT EAT THE SUGAR * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: Remember that in some words in the plural E and YE may change into O and YO. 0 So, 0 SISTERS is SYOSTRAY 0 WIVES is JONAY # * %PRESENT 1 10 0 VEGETABLES CARROT MARKOV' eating carrots is the MARK OF a civilised man. ONION LOOK you LOOK up to smell onions. BEAN BOB BOB Hope eating a plate of beans. PEAS GAROKH the famous actor GARRICK, being pelted with peas. PARSNIP PASTYERNAK Boris PASTERNAK, the author of Dr Zhivago, eating parsnips. POTATOES KARTOFYEL' they CART OFF A HELL of a lot of potatoes in Russia. TOMATOES PAMEEDORAY saying "Leave the tomatoes BY MY DOOR, AH!" SOUP SOOP vodka SOUP. RICE REES pouring vodka over a plate of RICE. MUSHROOM GREEB a Crested GREBE eating mushrooms. * %PRESENT 2 2 0 TWO USEFUL WORDS ON NA your mother ON A table. ABOUT O saying "OH, I'm sorry ABOUT that". * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Place words. To say THE CAT IS ON THE TABLE you use NA for ON. After NA words change, they add -YE to the main part of the word. 0 So, 0 ON THE WATER is NA VODYE 0 ON THE MILK is NA MALAKO 0 ON THE TABLE is NA STOLYE 0 THE CAT IS ON THE TABLE is KOSHKA NA STOLYE This will work with most words. # The word O (ABOUT - which is pronounced like the 'o' in 'pot') also makes words change in the same way. ABOUT THE WINE is O VEENYE ABOUT THE BATH is O VANNYE You will use this word later. # You have already used V with time and days of the week, as in V PANYEDYELNEEK (on Monday). V has another meaning, IN, but when V means 'in' it makes the noun change in the way you have just seen. 0 So, 0 IN THE RESTAURANT is V RYESTARANYE 0 IN THE BATH is V VANNYE # TO SUMMARISE: 0 ON THE LAWN is NA GAZONYE 0 ON THE WALL is NA STENYE 0 IN THE DRAWER is V YASHCHIKYE 0 IN THE HOUSE is V DOMYE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 4 THE PARSNIP IS NOT ON THE PLATE, IT IS ON THE SAUCER PASTYERNAK NYE NA TARYELKYE, ON NA BLYOODTSE WAITER, THERE IS A FLY IN THE SOUP AFEETSEEANT, TAM V SOOPYE MOOKHA ARE THERE MUSHROOMS IN THE RICE? V REESYE GREEBAY? THE CARROT AND THE ONION ARE ON THE PLATE MARKOV' EE LOOK NA TARYELKYE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 GDYE BOBAY? YA VEEJOO TOLKO KARTOFYEL' V SOOPYE WHERE ARE THE BEANS? I SEE ONLY POTATOES IN THE SOUP PAMEEDORAY NA TARYELKYE. YA VEEJOO CHETAYRYE THE TOMATOES ARE ON THE PLATE. I SEE FOUR REES NA MYENYOO SYEVODNYA? IS RICE ON THE MENU TODAY? (N.B. Some words, like MYENYOO never change their endings) PACHEMOO LYEV NA STOOLYE? WHY IS A LION ON THE CHAIR? DA, KOOST NA GAZONYE BALSHOY YES, THE BUSH ON THE LAWN IS BIG * %PRESENT 3 5 0 SOME USEFUL VERBS LIKES LYOOBEET thinking "YOU BET she LIKES me". SPEAKS GAVAREET anyone who tries to SPEAK Russian will soon GATHER IT IS difficult. GIVES DAYOT she GIVES up all food for her DIET. READS CHITAYET not READing that book about the CHEETAH YET. DRINKS PYOT someone DRINKS from a POT. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You know that when ANEE is the subject, verbs which end in -EET change their ending to -YAT. 0 So, THEY LIKE (OR LOVE) is ANEE LYOOBYAT THEY SPEAK (OR TALK) is ANEE GAVARYAT # PLEASE NOTE: ANEE LYOOBYAT also means THEY LOVE. TO LOVE and TO LIKE is the same verb in Russian. # When ANEE is the subject, verbs which end in -YOT change their ending to -OOT. Many verbs of only one syllable, however, change the ending from -YOT to -YOOT. So THEY DRINK is ANEE PYOOT When the main part of a verb ends in a vowel -YOOT is added. 0 So THEY READ is ANEE CHITAYOOT 0 THEY GIVE is ANEE DAYOOT # TO SUMMARISE: 0 THEY READ is ANEE CHITAYOOT 0 THEY DRINK is ANEE PYOOT 0 THEY LOVE (like) is ANEE LYOOBYAT 0 THEY TALK (speak) is ANEE GAVARYAT 0 THEY GIVE is ANEE DAYOOT # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHEN DO THEY GIVE ONIONS? KAGDA ANEE DAYOOT LOOK? (N.B. LOOK can men both ONION and ONIONS) ANNA TALKS ABOUT (HER) SON ANNA GAVAREET O SAYNYE WHAT ARE THEY DRINKING? THEY ARE DRINKING MILK SHTO ANEE PYOOT? ANEE PYOOT MALAKO DOES HE LIKE CARROTS? ON LYOOBEET MARKOV'?  (N.B. MARKOV' can mean both CARROT and CARROTS) NO, HE DOESN'T LIKE CARROTS, HE LIKES POTATOES NYET, ON NYE LYOOBEET MARKOV', ON LYOOBEET KARTOFYEL' * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 BAYK LYOOBEET KAROVOO, NO NYE GAVAREET THE BULL LOVES THE COW, BUT DOESN'T SAY (SPEAK or TALK) OLGA CHITAYET O SADYE OLGA IS READING ABOUT THE GARDEN PACHEMOO ON PYOT TOLKO VODOO? WHY DOES HE DRINK ONLY WATER? ANEE NYE VSYEKDA PYOOT STAROYE VEENO THEY DON'T ALWAYS DRINK OLD WINE ON LYOOBEET GREEBAY V MALAKYE HE LIKES MUSHROOMS IN MILK * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You will remember that when 'I' is the subject of the verb, the ending of the verb is -OO or -YOO. All new verbs you have been given end in -YOO. 0 So, 0 I SPEAK is YA GAVARYOO 0 I READ is YA CHITAYOO 0 I GIVE is YA DAYOO 0 I DRINK is YA PYOO # I LIKE (or LOVE) is slightly different, since it adds -L before the -YOO: T YA LYOOBLYOO. When TAY is the subject of the verb, the verb ends in -SH. 0 So, 0 HE GIVES is ON DAYOT 0 YOU GIVE is TAY DAYOSH 0 HE SPEAKS is ON GAVAREET 0 YOU SPEAK is TAY GAVAREESH The same happens with other verbs. # TO SUMMARISE: 0 YOU GIVE is TAY DAYOSH 0 I GIVE is YA DAYOO 0 YOU READ is TAY CHITAYESH 0 YOU LIKE is TAY LYOOBEESH 0 I LIKE is YA LYOOBLYOO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHAT ARE YOU GIVING? I AM GIVING WINE SHTO TAY DAYOSH? YA DAYOO VEENO YOU TALK ABOUT (YOUR) CAT MORE THAN YOU TALK ABOUT (YOUR) HUSBAND TAY GAVAREESH O KOSHKYE BOLSHE CHEM TAY GAVAREESH O MOOJYE I LIKE SUNDAY BUT I DON'T LIKE MONDAY YA LYOOBLYOO VASKRYESYENYE, NO YA NYE LYOOBLYOO PANYEDYELNEEK WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING? SHTO TAY PYOSH? WHY DON'T YOU READ THE MENU? PACHEMOO TAY NYE CHITAYESH MYENYOO? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 TAY LYOOBEESH BALSHOYE ZYERKALO? DO YOU LIKE THE BIG MIRROR? V SOOBBOTOO YA CHITAYOO EELEE RABOTAYOO V PARKYE ON SATURDAY I READ OR WORK IN THE PARK TAY YESH MYASO? YA NYE LYOOBLYOO MYASO DO YOU EAT MEAT? I DON'T LIKE MEAT SHTO TAY GAVAREESH O GAROKHYE? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT THE PEAS? YA PYOO KAGDA EEDYOT DOJD' I DRINK WHEN IT RAINS * %PRESENT 1 10 0 FOOD AND DRINK EGG YAYTSO you HATE SO many eggs. COFFEE KOFYE taking vodka with your COFFEE. TEA CHAY getting CHANGE for a cup of tea. VODKA VOTKA the Russians love VODKA. LEMONADE LEEMONAD mixing vodka and LEMONADE. JUICE SOK drinking orange juice from a SOCK. BREAD KHLYEB joining the CLUB to get bread. BUTTER MASLO MY SLOW sister spreading butter. MARMALADE MARMYELAD adding some vodka to MARMALADE. BEER PEEVO being PEEVED at having no beer. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have learned that YOU SEE is TAY VEEDEESH when you are talking to a close relative or a friend. When you are talking to a stranger or an aquaintance, or when you are taking to more than one person, VAY must be used. Imagine saying to a stranger "Oi, YOU must get out of the WAY". # In these circumstances: 0 HE SEES is ON VEEDEET 0 HE SLEEPS is ON SPEET 0 YOU SEE is VAY VEEDEETYE 0 YOU SLEEP is VAY SPEETYE You can see that when you use VAY you add -YE. In the same way: 0 YOU WORK is VAY RABOTAYETYE 0 YOU GIVE is VAY DAYOTYE 0 YOU TALK is VAY GAVAREETYE, etc. # As usual, YOU EAT is different from other verbs. It is VAY YEDEETYE. Imagine YOU'D EAT YOU. # TO SUMMARISE: 0 YOU SLEEP is VAY SPEETYE 0 YOU GIVE is VAY DAYOTYE 0 YOU READ is VAY CHITAYETYE 0 YOU LIKE is VAY LYOOBEETYE 0 YOU TAKE is VAY BYEROTYE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHAT DO YOU EAT ON SUNDAY? SHTO VAY YEDEETYE V VASKRYESYENYE? DO YOU LIKE FISH? VAY LYOOBEETYE RAYBOO? WHO ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU GOING (TO)? KTO VAY? KOODA VAY EEDYOTYE? ARE YOU DRINKING BEER OR VODKA? I AM DRINKING FRUIT JUICE VAY PYOTYE PEEVO EELEE VOTKOO? YA PYOO SOK WHAT ARE YOU READING TODAY? SHTO VAY CHITAYETYE SYEVODNYA? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 VAY SPEETYE TOOT YOU SLEEP HERE PACHEMOO VAY RABOTAYETYE V SOOBBOTOO? WHY DO YOU WORK ON A SATURDAY? SHTO VAY GAVAREETYE?! ON LYOOBEET BOBAY V KOFYE?! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! HE LIKES BEANS IN (HIS) COFFEE?! VAY DAYOTYE KHLYEB EE MASLO, NO VAY NYE DAYOTYE MARMYELAD YOU GIVE BREAD AND BUTTER, BUT YOU DO NOT GIVE MARMELADE VAY BYERYOTYE SAKHAR EE SOL'? ARE YOU TAKING THE SUGAR AND THE SALT? * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Russian for WE is MAY. Imagine asking "MAY WE dance?" You already know that 0 HE SLEEPS is ON SPEET 0 $ HE SEES is ON VEEDEET. 0 WE SLEEP is MAY SPEEM 0 WE SEE is MAY VEEDEEM You can see that when you use WE, the -T is replaced by -M. # In the same way, 0 WE GIVE is MAY DAYOM 0 WE LOVE is MAY LYOOBEEM 0 WE EAT is MAY YEDEEM 0 WE TAKE is MAY BYERYOM 0 WE TALK is MAY GAVAREEM 0 WE WORK is MAY RABOTAYEM 0 WE READ is MAY CHITAYEM # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHEN THE LION SLEEPS, WE SLEEP KAGDA LYEV SPEET, MAY SPEEM WHY DO WE READ LESS AND LESS? PACHEMOO MAY CHITAYEM MYENSHE EE MYENSHE? WE ALWAYS DRINK LEMONADE. WHAT DO YOU DRINK? MAY VSYEKDA PYOM LEEMONAD. SHTO VAY PYOTYE? (or SHTO TAY PYOSH?) WHY AREN'T YOU COMING? WE ARE EATING AN EGG PACHEMOO TAY NYE EEDYOSH? MAY YEDEEM YAYTSO HOW MUCH DO WE TAKE? SKOLKO MAY BYERYOM? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 MAY NYE RABOTAYEM, KAGDA MAY YEDEEM WE DO NOT WORK WHEN WE EAT MAY GAVAREEM O CHAYE. VAY LYOOBEETYE CHAY? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT TEA. DO YOU LIKE TEA? MAY VSYEKDA DAYOM, EE ON VSYEKDA BYERYOT WE ALWAYS GIVE AND HE ALWAYS TAKES MAY LYOOBEEM PEEVO WE LIKE BEER KATORAY SLON? MAY NYE VEEDEEM WHICH (ONE) IS THE ELEPHANT (or which elephant)? WE CAN'T SEE * %PRESENT 2 8 0 EIGHT ADJECTIVES POOR BYEDNAY BAD NEIGHbours are POOR. READY GATOV asking "Are you READY to GET OFF?" GLAD RAD seeing a GLAD RAT. HEALTHY ZDAROV you are the STAR OF a HEALTHY film. SICK BOLYEN Anne BOLYNE was pretty SICK at having her head cut off. WIDE SHIROKAY YOU'RE O.K. if you're WIDE bodied. NARROW OOSKEE you have a NARROW HOUSE KEY. ELEGANT ELYEGANTNAY anyone who drinks vodka is ELEGANT. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Adjectives. You already know that THE CHEESE IS OLD is SAYR STARAY. In this position only, after IS or some other form of the verb TO BE, it is possible to use a shorter form of the adjective. To get this you take the -AY or -EE ending off the adjective. So, another way to say THE CHEESE IS OLD is SAYR STAR. # This is the masculine form to go with masculine nouns. For feminine nouns you must add -A, and for a neuter noun you add -O. 0 So, THE MEAT IS OLD is MYASO STARO THE VODKA IS OLD is VOTKA STARA. The plural form for all genders ends in -AY. 0 So, THE TROUSERS ARE OLD is SHTANAY STARAY. # To summarise: For MASCULINE adjectives, you can drop the adjective ending. For FEMININE adjectives, you add -A at the end. For NEUTER adjectives, you add -O at the end. For ALL PLURALS, you add -AY. 0 So, 0 THE BREAD IS NEW is KHLYEB NOV 0 THE EGG IS NEW is YAYTSO NOVO 0 THE VODKA IS NEW is VOTKA NOVA 0 THE TIGER IS QUICK is TEEGR BAYSTR 0 THE TOMATOES ARE NEW is PAMEEDORAY NOVAY # Some adjectives are used mostly in the short form. One or two have not got a long form at all, like RAD (glad). HE IS GLAD can only be translated as ON RAD. When an adjective is given to you without the ending -AY or -EE, then it is usually in the short form. There are only one or two exceptions to this rule, but you will still be understood even if you make a mistake. Exceptions will be pointed out during the course. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE RICE IS READY REES GATOV WE ARE POOR BUT WE ARE HEALTHY MAY BYEDNAY, NO MAY ZDAROVAY TODAY I AM ILL SYEVODNYA YA BOLYEN  (or BOLNA if you are a woman) THE TABLE IS NEW STOL NOV THE HAT IS ELEGANT SHLYAPA ELYEGANTNA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 VAY GATOVAY? YA RAD ARE YOU READY? I'M GLAD PACHEMOO VAY EEDYOTYE NA GAZONYE? TAM SHIROKAYA TRAPEENKA WHY ARE YOU GOING ON THE LAWN? THERE'S A WIDE PATH VAY PYOTYE SOK KAGDA VAY BOLNAY?  (The plural of BOLYEN is BOLNAY) DO YOU DRINK FRUIT JUICE WHEN YOU ARE ILL? PLATYE SHIROKO. MAY NYE BYERYOM THE DRESS IS (TOO) WIDE (BIG). WE ARE NOT TAKING (IT) SHTANAY OOSKEE, NO YA LYOOBLYOO TSVYET THE TROUSERS ARE NARROW (TIGHT), BUT I LIKE THE COLOR * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence SHTANAY OOSKEE, NO YA LYOOBLYOO TSVYET: As with plural nouns, if the main part of an adjective ends in K, G or KH then -EE is written instead of -AY. -AY cannot follow K, G or KH. # * %PRESENT 3 10 0 SOME MORE ADJECTIVES FIRST PYERVAY it is PERFECT to be FIRST. RIGHT PRAV PRAVda is always RIGHT. WRONG NYE PRAV if it's WRONG it'S NEVer PRAVda. RIGHT (DI6RECTION) PRAVAY your PRIVATE property is on the RIGHT. LEFT LYEVAY there is a LEVY on people who write with their LEFT hand. EASY LYOKHKEE if things are LOW KEY they tend to be EASY. CLEAR YASNAY a YES/NO answer is CLEAR. BORING SKOOCHNAY asking someone if he is Scotch - "SCOTCH NAY!, BORING yes!" BEAUTIFUL KRASEEVAY a BEAUTIFUL GRASSY WAY. RIPE SPYELAY your SPELLING of RIPE is very good. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have just learned the plural of short adjectives. To make the plural of an ordinary adjective you simply add -YE. 0 So, 0 LYEVAY BASHMAK is THE LEFT SHOE 0 LYEVAYYE BASHMAKEE is THE LEFT SHOES # Any adjective which describes a plural word must be plural. 0 So, A STUPID PAIR OF TROUSERS is GLOOPAYYE SHTANAY since SHTANAY (trousers) is a plural word. 0 So, 0 POOR BOYS is BYEDNAYYE MALCHIKEE 0 BEAUTIFUL BEANS is KRASEEVAYYE BOBAY 0 CLEAR WATERS is YASNAYYE VODAY 0 RIGHT SHOES is PRAVAYYE BASHMAKEE 0 RED BIRDS is KRASNAYYE PTEETSAY # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE FAT BOYS DO NOT TALK TOLSTAYYE MALCHIKEE NYE GAVARYAT HE IS WRONG. THE FAT BOYS DO TALK ON NYE PRAV. TOLSTAYYE MALCHIKEE GAVARYAT BEANS AND PEAS ARE GREEN BOBAY EE GAROKH ZYELYONAYYE (or, short form: ZYELYONAY). LAWNS ARE BEAUTIFUL BUT BORING GAZONAY KRASEEVAYYE NO SKOOCHNAYYE (or, short form: KRASEEVAY NO SKOOCHNAY). THERE, DO YOU SEE? THE FIRST RIPE TOMATOES! TAM, TAY VEEDEESH? PYERVAYYE SPYELAYYE PAMEEDORAY! * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 TAY PRAV. PRAVAY BASHMAK NYE NOVAY YOU ARE RIGHT. THE RIGHT SHOE IS NOT NEW VAY BYERYOTYE DVYER' EE OKNO? ANEE NYE LYOKHKEEYE ARE YOU TAKING THE DOOR AND THE WINDOW? THEY ARE NOT EASY VEENA STARAYYE EE YASNAYYE THE WINES ARE OLD AND CLEAR PYERVAYYE DYEVOOSHKEE CHITAYOOT V SYEM' THE FIRST GIRLS ARE READING AT SEVEN O'CLOCK NOVAYYE DOMA ELYEGANTNAYYE THE NEW HOUSES ARE ELEGANT * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence NOVAYYE DOMA ELYEGANTNAYYE: Some masculine nouns add -A or -YA in the plural. So HOUSES is DOMA. # * H%PRESENT 1 10 0 IN BUSINESS MANAGER ADMEENEESTRATOR your hotel manager is a good ADMINISTRATOR. MARKET RAYNOK you have a REAL KNACK of buying goods cheaply in the market. MONEY DYENGEE being thrown into a DUNGEON because you have no money. WORK RABOTA you work like a ROBOT, AH! FACTORY FABREEKA a factory making FABRICS. WAGES ZARPLATA receiving the CZAR'S PLATTERs instead of wages. OFFICE KANTORA a horse CANTERS AWAY from an office. STAMP MARKA you MARK A stamp with a pen. LETTER PEESMO writing a letter saying "Can I have PEAS, MA?" SHOP MAGAZEEN buying MAGAZINES in a shop. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You have learned that THE OLD WATCH IS GOING is STARAYYE CHASAY EEDOOT I SEE THE OLD WATCH is YA VEEJOO STARAYYE CHASAY etc. # The form of STARAYYE CHASAY has not changed, despite the fact that it is now being used after the verb - as the object of the verb. The same is true of all plural nouns except the names of people and animals, which will not be given in the course. 0 So, 0 THE FIRST FACTORIES ARE WORKING 0 is PYERVAYYE FABREEKEE RABOTAYOOT 0 WE SEE THE FIRST FACTORIES 0 is MAY VEEDEEM PYERVAYYE FABREEKEE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 NEEKEETA LIKES BEAUTIFUL STAMPS NEEKEETA LYOOBEET KRASEEVAYYE MARKEE (MY) WIFE IS READING OLD LETTERS JENA CHITAYET STARAYYE PEESMA SHE IS GIVING NARROW TROUSERS ANA DAYOT OOSKEEYE SHTANAY (CAN) YOU SEE RIPE FRUIT? TAY VEEDEESH (VAY VEEDEETYE) SPYELAYYE FROOKTAY? I AM TAKING THE FIRST SHIRTS YA BYEROO PYERVAYYE ROOBASHKEE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 V MAGAZEENYE TOLKO LYOKHKEEYE BLOOSKEE. YA NYE LYOOBLYOO LYOKHKEEYE THERE ARE ONLY LIGHT BLOUSES IN THE SHOP. I DON'T LIKE LIGHT ONES (N.B. LYOKHKEE can mean LIGHT as well as EASY) TAY VEEDEESH ELYEGANTNAYYE SHLYAPAY? CAN YOU SEE THE ELEGANT HATS? (to a friend) ADMEENEESTRATOR DAYOT PYERVAYYE DYENGEE (N.B. DYENGEE is always plural). THE MANAGER IS GIVING OUT THE FIRST MONEY MAY VEEDEEM YASNAYYE VODAY WE SEE THE CLEAR WATERS NEEKEETA BYERYOT TOLSTAYYE BASHMAKEE NEEKEETA IS TAKING THICK (fat) SHOES * %PRESENT 2 4 0 SOME USEFUL WORDS HIS YEVO YOU'VE ONLY HIS word for it. HER YEYO saying "YEH, YOU can keep HER". THEIR EEKH they EKE out a living in THEIR own way. THIS ETO THIS you ATE A lot of. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR It is very easy to say HIS and HER. The only thing to remember is that YEVO (HIS) can refer not only to masculine persons but to masculine things as well. 0 So, 0 THE SHOP IS OVER THERE. IN ITS OFFICE THEY GIVE OUT THE WAGES 0 is MAGAZEEN TAM. V YEVO KANTORYE DAYOOT ZARPLATOO. Here, YEVO is referring to MAGAZEEN; # YEVO can also refer to a neuter noun. In the same way all feminine nouns can be referred to using VEYO, and for any plural noun you use EEKH (their). # PLEASE NOTE: You will remember that you do not use HIS or HER, etc., when talking of the family - for example, HIS FATHER. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 ARE YOU READING HIS LETTER? (to a friend) TAY CHITAYESH YEVO PEESMO? DO YOU LIKE THEIR BEER? TAY LYOOBEESH (VAY LYOOBEETYE) EEKH PEEVO? WHY ARE YOU TAKING HER WAGES? PACHEMOO TAY BYERYOSH YEYO ZARPLATOO? THIS IS THE OFFICE. ITS MANAGER GIVES STAMPS ETO KANTORA. YEYO ADMEENEESTRATOR DAYOT MARKEE DO YOU SEE THE MARKET? HER SON IS ITS MANAGER TAY VEEDEESH RAYNOK? YEYO SAYN - YEVO ADMEENEESTRATOR * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the following sentences: IN is nearly always translated with V, but a few words tend to use NA (ON) to mean IN. RABOTA, KOOKHNYA and FABREEKA use NA. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 NYET, TAY NYE PRAV. YEVO SAYN NYE RABOTAYET NA FABREEKYE (Remember FABREEKA uses NA). NO, YOU ARE WRONG. HIS SON DOES NOT WORK IN A FACTORY YA VSYEKDA VEEJOO YEYO TAVAREESHCHA V SRYEDOO I ALWAYS SEE HER FRIEND ON WEDNESDAY VAY CHITAYETYE EEKH PEESMA NA RABOTYE? (Remember RABOTA uses NA) DO YOU READ THEIR LETTERS IN WORK? TAY VEEDEESH YEYO DYENGEE NA STOLYE? CAN YOU SEE HER MONEY ON THE TABLE? TAY PRAVA, ANNA NEEKOLAYEVNA, YEVO SAD KRASEEV YOU ARE RIGHT, ANNA NEEKOLAYEVNA, HIS GARDEN IS BEAUTIFUL * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: Russians frequently use a first name and another name, derived from the father's name, when talking to each other. Anna's father was called NEEKOLAY. # * %PRESENT 3 10 0 MORE BUSINESS WORDS NUMBER NOMYER drinking a NUMBER of vodkas. BUSINESS MAN BEEZNYESMYEN a BUSSINESS MAN getting drunk on vodka. CHECK CHEK buying so much vodka you have to pay by CHECK. HOLIDAY OTPOOSK you go on holiday with a HOT PUSSY. PRICE TSENA the price IS IN A class of its own. MISTAKE ASHIBKA even A SHEEP CAN make a mistake. SALESMAN PRADAVYETS in Russia all salesmen are PROUD OF VETS. BUSINESS DYELA you'D YELL A lot if you won a good business deal. SECRETARY SEKRYETARSHA your SECRETARY drunk on vodka. GOODS TAVARAY you get the best goods in English TAVERNS. * %PRESENT 4 2 0 SOME PERSONAL WORDS MY MOY I want MY vodka now. YOUR (informal) TVOY you give YOUR friend a TOY. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: My and your. MOY and TVOY agree with the noun, like adjectives. MOY is used with masculine nouns so, MY TABLE is MOY STOL. MOYYA is used with feminine nouns so, MY CAT is MOYYA KOSHKA. With neuter words you use MOYYO so, MY LETTER is MOYYO PEESMO. There is only one plural form - MOYYEE. So, MY MISTAKES is MOYYEE ASHIBKEE. # TVOY behaves in exactly the same way as MOY. TVOYYEE ASHIBKEE is YOUR MISTAKES Do not forget that this word refers to friends and relatives - like TAY. # TO SUMMARISE: 0 MY MANAGER is MOY ADMEENEESTRATOR 0 YOUR SECRETARY is TVOYYA SEKRYETARSHA 0 YOUR LETTER is TVOYYO PEESMO 0 MY BILL is MOY SHCHOT 0 MY WORK is MOYYA RABOTA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 YOU ARE READING MY LETTER AND YOU SEE MY MISTAKES (formal or plural) VAY CHITAYETYE MOYYO PEESMO EE VAY VEEDEETYE MOYYEE ASHIBKEE NO, YOUR SECRETARY IS NOT IN THE OFFICE (to a friend) NYET, TVOYYA SEKRYETARSHA NYE V KANTORYE IS THIS YOUR CHECK? ETO TVOY CHEK? MY PRICE IS TWENTY FIVE MOYYA TSENA DVADTSAT' PYAT' WHERE IS YOUR SALESMAN? GDYE TVOY PRADAVYETS? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 BEEZNYESMYEN VEEDEET SLONA V RYESTARANYE THE BUSINESSMAN SEES AN ELEPHANT IN THE RESTAURANT ON DAYOT CHEK EE BYERYOT SLONA. ON BALSHOY BEEZNYESMYEN HE GIVES A CHECK AND TAKES THE ELEPHANT. HE IS A BIG BUSINESSMAN MOYYEE TAVARAY NA FABREEKYE MY GOODS ARE IN THE FACTORY PACHEMOO VAY BYERYOTYE OTPOOSK? VAY NYEZDAROVAY? WHY ARE YOU TAKING A HOLIDAY? AREN'T YOU WELL? (are you unwell?) KAK DYELA? EE KAK TVOYYA JENA? HOW ARE THINGS? (how's business?) AND HOW IS YOUR WIFE? * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: DYELA is the plural of DYELO, which can be used to mean a piece of business or affair. # * %PRESENT 5 2 0 TWO MORE PERSONAL WORDS YOUR (formal) VASH you give YOUR new guest a WASH. OUR NASH we GNASH OUR teeth. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: Your and our. VASH is YOUR when you are talking to someone you do not know very well. VASH is in the masculine form so VASH CHEK is YOUR CHECK. For the feminine form you add -A making VASHA, so YOUR SECRETARY is VASHA SEKRYETARSHA The neuter form adds -E, so YOUR BUTTER is VASHE MASLO. There is only one plural form - VASHEE. So, YOUR BUSINESS is VASHEE DYELA # NASH, which means OUR or OURS, behaves exactly like VASH. So, OUR PRICE is NASHA TSENA # TO SUMMARISE: 0 #OUR YOUR 0 #--- ---- 0 Masculine VASH NASH 0 Feminine VASHA NASHA 0 Neuter VASHE NASHE 0 Plural VASHEE NASHEE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHERE IS OUR MONEY? GDYE NASHEE DYENGEE? DOES YOUR DOG LIKE MARMELADE? VASHA SABAKA LYOOBEET MARMYELAD? WHAT IS YOUR FRIEND SAYING? SHTO GAVAREET VASH TAVAREESHCH? YOUR LETTER IS IN THE OFFICE VASHE PEESMO V KANTORYE YOUR NUMBER IS FIFTY VASH NOMYER PYATDYESYAT * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence VASH NOMYER PYATDYESYAT NOMYER can also refer to numbered accommodation, and can mean HOTEL ROOM or FLAT. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 YA VEEJOO, VASH MOOJ LYOOBEET VOTKOO I SEE YOUR HUSBAND LIKES VODKA KAGDA NASH OTPOOSK? SKORO? WHEN IS OUR HOLIDAY? SOON? NASHA SEKRYETARSHA RABOTAYET SYEVODNA? IS OUR SECRETARY WORKING TODAY? VAY GATOVAY? GDYE VASHEE SHTANAY? ARE YOU READY? WHERE ARE YOUR TROUSERS? NASH KOFYE NA STOLYE  (N.B. Although KOFYE ends in -YE, it is masculine) OUR COFFEE IS ON THE TABLE * %PRESENT 6 10 0 TIME TIME VREMYA I FRAME YOU and you are now doing time. SECOND SEKOONDA every SECOND you sip vodka. MINUTE MEENOOTA you drink a bottle of vodka every MINUTE. HOUR CHAS you play CHESS for hours at a time. MONTH MYESYATS you MESS YACHTS up once a month. YEAR GOD GOD appears before you once a year. DAY DYEN' longing for a GENUINE day. NIGHT NOCH' a strange KNOCK on your door every night. WEEK NYEDYELYA spending an unforgettable week in the Indian City of NEW DEHLI. MORNING OOTRO the morning is ULTRA bright. (N.B. The o in OoTRO is like the u in uh). * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: In (time) The Russian for IN is CHERYEZ. Imagine eating CHERRIES IN time to music. CHERYEZ means IN with time words such as in the sentence: I'LL BE THERE IN A WEEK. It is used with the same form of the noun as you have after the verb in sentences such as I SEE A PIG - YA VEEJOO SVEENYOO. So, IN A WEEK is CHERYEZ NYEDYELYOO # NYEDYELYA is a feminine noun which has to change in this position. You will remember that masculine and neuter nouns in this position do not change unless they refer to animals or persons. So, IN A MONTH is CHERYEZ MYESYATS In addition, to show the length of time something lasts, you use the same form of the word on its own - without a preposition. 0 So, I AM WORKING THERE FOR A WEEK is YA RABOTAYOO TAM NYEDYELYOO. As you can see, the word for FOR is not used. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I WORK DAY AND NIGHT YA RABOTAYOO DYEN' EE NOCH' WE ARE GOING IN A WEEK MAY EEDYOM CHERYEZ NYEDELYOO SHE IS TALKING FOR AN HOUR ANA GAVAREETT CHAS THE EGG IS READY IN A MINUTE YAYTSO GATOVO CHERYEZ MEENOOTOO WHEN DO YOU SEE A CLEAR MORNING? KAGDA VAY VEEDEETYE YASNOYE OOTRO? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 BEEZNYESMYEN DAYOT CHEK CHERYEZ CHAS THE BUSINESSMAN IS GIVING A CHECK IN AN HOUR('S TIME) KATORAY CHAS? SHEST' DVADTSAT' WHAT IS THE TIME? TWENTY PAST SIX ETO BYERYOT TOLKO SEKOONDAY THIS (IT) ONLY TAKES SECONDS PERVOYYE KAGDA ON BOLYEN, ON PYOT TOLKO LEEMONAD (VREMYA is neuter) THE FIRST TIME (AT FIRST), WHEN HE IS ILL, HE DRINKS ONLY LEMONADE EEVAN SPEET MEENOOTOO IVAN SLEEPS FOR A MINUTE * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence EEVAN SPEET MEENOOTOO: This sentence could have been translated as 'Ivan has been sleeping for a minute'. If actions are continuing in the present, Russian uses the present form of the verb. # * %PRESENT 7 5 0 IN SHOPS DRUG STORE APTYEKA asking "Do pharmacist use an UPTAKER or an undertaker?" KIOSK (a small structure or store) KEEOSK a KIOSK selling vodka. FOOD SHOP GASTRANOM a food shop in Russia is a GASTRONOMIC treat. SECTION ATDYEL you have to pay at the ACTUAL section you buy at. CASH DESK KASSA a cash desk in CASAblanca. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You already know HIS (YEVO), HER (YEYO) and THEIR (EEKH). These words also mean HIM, HER and THEM after a verb. 0 So, I LOVE HER is YA LYOOBLYOO YEYO 0 YOU SEE HIM is VAY VEEDEETYE YEVO Do not forget that all nouns have genders, and therefore YEVO may refer to any masculine noun and can be translated as IT. YEYO may refer to any feminine noun and may also mean IT. 0 So, WHERE IS MY HAT? I AM TAKING IT 0 is GDYE MOYYA SHLYAPA? YA YEYO BYEROO # PLEASE NOTE: In the following sentences the words YEVO, YEYO and EEKH can be put after or before the verb - but not in between NYE and the verb. If NYE is used, it comes directly before the verb. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IS THIS YOUR FOOD SHOP? DO YOU LIKE IT? ETO VASH GASTRONOM? TAY LYOOBEESH YEVO? WHERE IS THE DRUG STORE? I CAN'T (DON'T) SEE IT GDYE APTYEKA? YA YEYO NYE VEEJOO DO YOU LIKE HIM? TAY LYOOBEESH YEVO? WHERE IS THE BREAD? I AM EATING IT GDYE KHLYEB? YA YEVO YEM THIS IS OUR VODKA. DO YOU DRINK IT? ETO NASHA VOTKA. VAY PYOTE YEYO? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 PACHEMOO KEEOSK V ATDYELYE? ON NYEKRASEEVAY! WHY IS THERE A KIOSK IN THE SECTION? IT IS UGLY (not beautiful) GDYE KASSA? ANA TAM. YA VEEJOO YEYO WHERE IS THE CASH DESK? THERE IT IS. I SEE IT V GASTRANOMYE ATDYEL, GDYE PRADAVTSAY SPYAT (N.B. In the plural, PRADAVYETS drops the -YE). IN THE FOOD SHOP THERE IS A SECTION WHERE THE SALESMEN ARE ASLEEP VAY BYERYOTYE EEKH V KASSYE YOU TAKE (COLLECT) THEM IN (AT) THE CASH DESK APTYEKA NYEBALSHAYA, NO YA LYOOBLYOO YEYO THE DRUG STORE IS SMALL (not big), BUT I LIKE IT * %PRESENT 1 10 0 TEN VERBS TO EAT YEST' I wanted TO EAT YESTerday. TO TAKE BRAT' I wished TO TAKE that BRAT away. TO SLEEP SPAT' trying TO SLEEP next to someone who always SPAT in his sleep. TO SEE VEEDYET' asking TO SEE if the gardener has killed a WEED YET. TO WORK RABOTAT' watching a ROBOT AT WORK. TO LIKE LYOOBEET' YOU BEAT up someone you LIKE. TO READ CHITAT' your friend always CHATS AT you when you try TO READ. TO TALK GAVAREET' you TALK about an idea to GATHER IT together. TO GIVE DAVAT' before you GIVE you DIVIDE the cake. TO DRINK PEET' your favourite drink is water which has run over PEAT (whisky). * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Nearly all the verbs TO EAT, TO DRINK, and so on, end in -T'. The 'T'' is pronounced softly, like the T in TUESDAY. It is very easy to make the past tense of the verb from a form such as TO EAT, TO DRINK, etc. If a masculine word is the subject of the verb, you take off the -T' and add -L. 0 So, TO DRINK is PEET' 0 HE DRANK is ON PEEL. # Whatever masculine word you use the verb will remain the same: THE TIGER DRANK is TEEGR PEEL. 0 TEEGR PEEL also means: 0 THE TIGER WAS DRINKING, 0 THE TIGER HAS DRUNK, 0 THE TIGER USED TO DRINK, and 0 THE TIGER HAD BEEN DRINKING There is only one past tense in Russian, so for any action which happened in the past you use this form of the verb. An exception to this is the verb TO EAT (YEST'). The past tense is ON YEL. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE BOY WAS SLEEPING MALCHIK SPAL THE WAITER USED TO GIVE SPOONS AFEETSEEANT DAVAL LOJKEE HE LIKED TEA ON LYOOBEEL CHAY THE HORSE WAS TAKING A FLOWER KON' BRAL TSVYET (MY) BROTHER HAD BEEN TALKING FOR AN HOUR BRAT GAVAREEL CHAS * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: In the last sentence (MY) BROTHER HAD BEEN TALKING FOR AN HOUR BRAT GAVAREEL CHAS remember that you did not have to translate MY. Everyone will assume that you are talking about your own brother # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 RAYNOK NYE RABOTAL V VASKRYESYENYE THE MARKET DIDN'T WORK ON SUNDAYS (wasn't open on Sundays) PACHEMOO ON YEL TOLKO KHLYEB EE MASLO? WHY DID HE EAT ONLY BREAD AND BUTTER? PRADAVYETS VEEDYEL, KAK BEEZNYESMYEN CHITAL THE SALESMAN SAW THE BUSINESSMAN READ (saw how the businessman read) V STARAYYE GODAY SAYN LYOOBEEL VEEDYET' YEVO IN FORMER (old) YEARS THE (his) SON LIKED TO SEE HIM YA PEEL PEEVO, V SRYEDOO I DRANK BEER ON WEDNESDAY * %PRESENT 2 10 0 TRAVELLING WORDS PASSPORT PASPORT spilling a glass of vodka on your PASSPORT. SUITCASE CHEMODAN hitting the CHIN O' DAN Dare with a suitcase. CUSTOMS TAMOJNYA the Welshman THOMAS NEAR you as you go through customs. TOILET TOOALYET flushing a TOILET with vodka. TICKET BEELYET that you have not had the BILL YET for your ticket. ENTRANCE VKHOD a HOOD over an entrance. EXIT VAYKHOD having a VACANT look as you leave through the exit. DANGEROUS APASNO I PASS NO danger in Russia. FORM BLANK having to fill in a BLANK form. BARRIER BARYER a BARRIER of vodka bottles. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR If a feminine word is the subject of the verb you add -A to the masculine form of the past tense. 0 So, HE DRANK is ON PEEL, and 0 SHE DRANK is ANA PEELA 0 SISTER DRANK is SYESTRA PEELA 0 I DRANK is 0 YA PEELA if 'I' am a woman 0 YA PEEL if 'I' am a man. The same applies to TAY. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHY WAS SHE TAKING THE SUITCASE AND A PASSPORT PACHEMOO ANA BRALA CHEMODAN EE PASPORT? "WHERE'S THE EXIT?" SHE WAS SAYING "GDYE VAYKHOD?" GAVAREELA ANA DID SHE SEE A TOILET? ANA VEEDYELA TOOALYET? HAS YOUR MOTHER READ THE FORM? VASHA (TVOYYA) MAT' CHITALA BLANK? THE CAT WAS EATING THE TICKET KOSHKA YELA BEELYET * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 NA TAMOJNYE KRASEEVAYA DYEVOOSHKA BRALA PASPORTA EE BEELYETAY (N.B. The plural of PASPORT is PASPORTA). IN THE CUSTOMS A BEAUTIFUL GIRL WAS TAKING THE PASSPORTS AND THE TICKETS GDYE VKHOD? YA VEEDYELA YEVO FCHERA WHERE'S THE ENTRANCE? I SAW IT YESTERDAY APASNO CHITAT' NA BARYERYE. YA NYE CHITALA IT IS DANGEROUS TO READ (SITTING) ON THE BARRIER. I WASN'T READING (Note, a woman or girl is speaking). OLGA, TAY VEEDYELA EEKH CHEMODAN? NYET OLGA, HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR SUITCASE? NO NATASHA LYOOBEELA NOCH', KAGDA DOCH' SPALA NATASHA LIKED THE NIGHT-TIME, WHEN HER DAUGHTER SLEPT * %PRESENT 3 10 0 VEHICLES CAR MASHINA a car is a beautiful MACHINE. BUS AVTOBOOS passengers on a BUS all drinking vodka. TRAIN POYEZD being POISED on top of a train. AIRPLANE SAMOLYOT SOME OLD YACHT being used as your airplane. STEAMER PARAKHOD landing on a steamer with a PARACHUTE. GARAGE BENZOKALONKA BENZINE KLONKING in a tank in the garage. GASOLINE BENZEEN gasoline is BENZINE in Russia. OIL MASLO MASLO is the word for butter: imagine you use melted butter to oil your car. GREASE MAZ' your MA'S all covered in grease. JACK DAMKRAT you use a DAMN CAT as a jack. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The plural form of the past tense of a verb is made by adding -EE to the masculine. There is only one plural form. 0 So, THEY GAVE is ANEE DAVALEE 0 THE BOYS GAVE is MALCHIKEE DAVALEE and so on. # Do not forget that VAY, the polite way to say YOU, is a plural word and needs the plural of the verb. YOU GAVE is VAY DAVALEE This is true even if you are speaking to only one person. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 DID YOU (plural and formal) SLEEP IN THE BUS? VAY SPALEE NA (V) AVTOBOOSYE?  (N.B. With most forms of transport either NA or V can be used). WE DRANK COFFEE ON THE STEAMER MAY PEELEE KOFYE NA PARAKHODYE THE GARAGES WERE NOT WORKING BENZOKALONKEE NYE RABOTALEE (N.B. BENZOKALONKA is both a GASOLINE PUMP and a FILLING STATION). MY FRIENDS SAW GREASE ON THE JACK MOYYEE TAVAREESHCHEE VEEDYELEE MAZ' NA DAMKRATYE THEY ATE IN THE CAR ANEE YELEE V MASHINYE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 PACHEMOO NA SAMOLYOTYE? NA POYEZDYE NYE APASNO WHY (GO) BY AIRPLANE? IT'S NOT DANGEROUS ON A TRAIN BENZOKALONKEE NYE VSYEKDA DAVALEE BENZEEN THE GASO LINE PUMPS DID NOT ALWAYS GIVE (have) GASOLINE ANEE BRALEE BENZEEN EE MASLO NA FABREEKYE THEY TOOK GASOLINE AND OIL IN THE FACTORY NA SAMOLYOTYE MAY VEEDYELEE POYEZD NA ZYEMLYE ON THE AIRPLANE WE SAW A TRAIN ON THE GROUND (EARTH) AVTOBOOS NYE MASHINA. ON BOLSHE A BUS IS NOT A CAR. IT IS BIGGER * %PRESENT 4 10 0 PARTS OF A VEHICLE STEERING WHEEL ROOL' hitting the steering wheel with a RULer. AXLE OS' a HORSE jumping over an axle. TIRE SHINA you hit your SHIN ON a tire. BRAKE TORMOZ hot TAR MUST make you brake. MOTOR MATOR your motor does not MATTER in your car. TANK BAK asking a Russian policeman "Can I have my tank BACK?" (FAN) BELT RYEMYEN' you REMAIN attached to your belt. SEAT MYESTO you MESSED A car seat up. FAN VENTEELYATOR using a fan as a VENTILATOR. LIGHT FARA seeing a light FAR Away. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR To make the neuter form of the verb in the past tense, you add -O to the masculine form. 0 So, 0 HE GAVE is ON DAVAL 0 THE MORNING GAVE is OOTRO DAVALO At this stage you will not need to use this form very often. The following sentences combine all the forms of the past tense of the verb. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE OIL TOOK MONEY MASLO BRALO DYENGEE THE LIGHTS ON THE CAR WERE NOT WORKING FARAY NA MASHINYE NYE RABOTALEE WHEN I WAS ASLEEP (MY) WIFE USED TO TAKE THE STEERING WHEEL KAGDA YA SPAL JENA BRALA ROOL' THE ENGINE WAS WORKING YESTERDAY MATOR RABOTAL FCHERA WHAT WERE YOU SAYING? YES, THE FAN BELT IS (OVER) THERE WHERE I SEE A FAN SHTO VAY GAVAREELEE? DA, RYEMEN' TAM, GDYE YA VEEJOO VENTEELYATOR * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ETO VASHA OS'. VAY SPALEE (N.B. OS' is feminine) THIS IS YOUR AXLE. YOU WERE ASLEEP YA CHITAL MYENSHE O TORMOZYE CHEM O MATORYE I HAVE READ LESS ABOUT THE BRAKE THAN ABOUT THE MOTOR ANNA NEEKOLAYEVNA GAVAREELA SHTO V BAKYE BENZEEN (N.B. SHTO means THAT as well as WHAT) ANNA NEEKOLAYEVNA SAID THAT GASOLINE WAS IN THE TANK TAY LYOOBEEL TVOYYO MYESTO NA SAMOLYOTYE? DID YOU LIKE YOUR SEAT ON THE AIRPLANE? ON VEEDYEL SHINOO NA TRAPEENKYE HE SAW A TIRE ON THE PATH * .  \ ..  \ LANGUAGEDAT ] &LINKWORDPRG b zSPAN_1 DAT i $SPAN_10 DAT m #SPAN_2 DAT q SPAN_3 DAT u SPAN_4 DAT z #SPAN_5 DAT  SPAN_6 DAT $FSPAN_7 DAT )4SPAN_8 DAT /"SPAN_9 DAT 8BSpanish SPANISH GABRIEL JACOBS 10 }`o ONNNN.tN`N.NlNN|NNNN$N-jN-NNN&NNNN,N N NNN0N0N+zN0VN!lN*N+N*N,|N,@N N N JNfN*N N`N-N/LNN*vN.TN/NJN-NN/NJN.N0&NNNZNN N,NNHNONOVNRNS0NTNTjNUNXZN\N[N\:N[~N\N[NZlN`N`N`lN`LNctNcTNaN]N_NcN`NhDNkNm*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mNF lHhNRX/,?,NL\?<N?<A?<NAXNu)I)J"/0<NB"l$lNu    'NV9n0.| A" AA-H=|` nR2.A츘H0Rn nm/,N.X0,FN^NuNVA츘)HAx)HAV)H"AF)H&A:)H*A2)H.A)H?< NXT9lF0,N^NuNV?<NT n0H n 0J n0L n0N0,FN^NuNV9nV)n :?<NNTN^NuNV9nV9n X9n Z9n\9n^?<dNTN^NuNV9nV9n X9n Z9n\9n^?<eNTN^NuNV9nV?<fNTN^NuNV9nV?<gNlTN^NuNV9nV9n X?<hNNT n 0H n0J n0L n0N0,FN^NuNV9nV9n X9n Z9n\9n^9n`?<iNTN^NuNV9nV?<kNTN^NuNV?.NT nn0<`?.?<>NX9@g0<`0<N^NuNVHl /.N"PJ@g`Hl /.N!PJ@gNHl /.N!PJ@g n(g nf. n-P n(f HnNX` HnNXA-H/./. 0.A PNPLN^/W DNuN^Nu)@HlNXONuHlN XO ,NuNVH n "(fJg"¼м@ LN^NuNVH nB fB`м8 LN^NuNVH n$fBCB`nD6< f႖|NN^NuNVH0&n$n Bn-J @)P)h-l-lBEG>O|g|JGn|m` REHl / NPO`SEHl / NbPO`&0+H@JGgDG0<0dR@0.BAQ,>QQֆG|0QB`Rn0.g$nB`0R 2.HmB`b .6.HЃR$@ nH|0fRZ"` R"H|9n nH|0f$n R&@fSE .6.HЃ @B n0L N^NuNVH0&n BnH|bf=| RH|rgH|wgH|ag  <`F ,$@ f*A`$H`0* |f` A`"Ҽm A`"Ҽm <`BBj Bn+H|+f =|j H|wf?./.N\\>j `hH|afB0<n?/.N\> @f?./.N\>?<B?NPj `0.n?/.N\>j Gf Bj <`05G Bj <$%@?<B?* NtP%@5l^ L N^NuNV/ &n/ NXJ@g0<` k ?./. ?+ N,P'@0<&_N^NuNV/ &n +"Ё"+&_N^NuNVH0&n$K`0.H| f`HSn 0. @o: nSh0( @m n R @H|` /.NX=@ @fB nf f <` L N^NuNVH$.f BB`J". 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Hl zHnN. Hn?<N\0. nA/?<N\N @f 0<`0. nA/?< N\N?<NTSn nlpN=@0<2.SA=@0<nHV@=@Bn`N0. nA/0. nA/Hl HnN.Hn0.n?N\Rn0.nmN @f 0<`0<W|`N^NuError in set_up_lessonsError in initialize_screenError in display_consultant_screenError in perform_lessonGENDERSWhat are the genders of the following:What is the gender of:Press RETURN (right mouse) for answerGENDERSThe gender of%s is %s%s %sImagine %sLE L'LES LA L'LES (m) (m) (f) (f)GENDERSThe gender of%s is %s%s%s%s%sImagine %s%s%s%s%sGENDERSOf the %d words that you have just learned,ALL have a COMMON gender.%d have a COMMON gender.The %d having a NEUTER gender isare as follows:The gender of%s is NEUTER(HET %s)Imagine %sGENDERSWhat are the genders of the following:What is the gender of:Press RETURN (right mouse) for answerPlease wait for the next piece to load.SPACE (left mouse) to repeat lessonlanguage.datrCannot open language file %d%dError cannot draw the box around the screenGRUNEBERG LINKWORD LANGUAGE COURSE(c) 1982 Text: Michael M. Gruneberg (c) 1987 Program: Chris Barrett & Craig SmithError cannot draw the box around the screenLINKWORD LANGUAGE COURSESection %dCourse writer and designer:MICHAEL M. GRUNEBERGLanguage consultant: %s LinkWord - Lesson %d, Part %d PRESENTTRANSLATE_F_ETRANSLATE_E_FGRAMMARSENTENCES_F_ESENTENCES_E_FSPANGENFRENGENITALGENGERMGENRUSSGENTEXTGREEKGENPORTGENDUTCHGEN%s_%d.datrError opening %sEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishgender and %sEnglishgender and %sEnglishError - no such lessonThis is the end of Section %d.You can now listen to the audio tape for the pronunciationof the words used in this section.firstsecondthirdforthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthPart %dRussianGreekThe word:The for is []Imagine %s %d %d %d %d%s %d %d %d %dWhich section do you wish to see?Lesson %2dExit LinkWord->Select lesson with the mouse or use the up arrow ordown arrow and press RETURN to select the lesson -> ->Lesson %2dExit LinkWordNow translate into :What is the for:Type the answer and/or press RETURN (right mouse)for then correct answerPress SPACE (left mouse) for a 10 second delayRETURN (right mouse) to continuePress SPACE (left mouse) to redo, B RETURN (right mouse) to continueRETURN (right mouse) to continueRETURN (right mouse) to continuePress RETURN (right mouse) for answerPress RETURN (right mouse) to load another section. %Error opening up the windowError occured updating windowError getting window informationToo many windows openError closing the windowError deleting the window space TEXTNow translate these words:What is the %s for:%-30s %-30sCON:AUX:PRT:@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d @H 9%TEXT 0 GRUNEBERG LINKWORD LANGUAGE SYSTEM SPANISH COURSE INSTRUCTIONS You will be presented with words like this: The Spanish for BREAD is PAN. Imagine a PAN full of bread. What you do is to imagine this picture in your mind's eye as vividly as possible. # After you have read the image you should think about it in your mind's eye for about 10 seconds before pressing to move on to the next word. If you do not spend enough time thinking about the image it will not stick in your memory as well as it should. If you want to be sure of having ten seconds then press immediately after you have read the image. Ten seconds later a new image will be presented. The word in brackets is the way the word is pronounced. # Section 1 should be regarded mainly as a training section aimed at familiarizing you with the Linkword method and enabling you to pick up a large vocabulary of words quickly and easily. # REMEMBER In the images parts, when you press a new image will be presented immediately. To wait ten seconds press . # * %PRESENT 1 10 0 ANIMALS CAT GATO GATO a cat eating a large GATEAU. DOG PERRO PERRO a dog PIROUETTING. GOAT CABRA KABRA a COBRA striking at a goat. BULL TORO TORO a TOREADOR fighting a bull. COW VACA VAKA a cow with a VACUUM cleaner cleaning the field. DUCK PATO PATO PATTING a duck on its head. GOOSE GANSO GANSO GANGS OF geese going around together. PIG PUERCO POO ERKO eating PORK straight from a pig. DONKEY BURRO BOORRO a donkey at a writing BUREAU. FROG RANA RANA you RAN A mile after seeing a horrible frog. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The first bit of grammar to learn is that all nouns, or things, whether living or non-living, are either masculine or feminine. If they end in an "o", they are MASCULINE. For example, BULL is TORO, CAT is GATO and DOG is PERRO. All these words end in an "o" and are therefore masculine words. Words which end in an "a" are FEMININE words. CABRA for GOAT and VACA for COW end in an "a" and are therefore feminine words. # * %SPANGEN 4 PATO MASCULINE BURRO MASCULINE RANA FEMININE GANSO MASCULINE * %TEXT 0 A few words do not end in "o" or "a". Do not worry about these. We will deal with them later. # * %PRESENT 2 10 0 MORE ANIMALS MONKEY MONO MONO a monkey wearing a MONOCLE. RAT RATA RATA a RAT fighting a bullfighter. MOUSE RATN RATON a RAT ON a mouse, squashing it flat. ANIMAL ANIMAL ANEEMAL a bullfighter surrounded by a whole lot of different ANIMALS. SALMON SALMN SALMON a SALMON leaping over a bullfighter. WASP AVISPA AVEESPA A WHISPER in your ear as a wasp buzzes near you. BEAR OSO OSO a big grizzly bear OH! SO near you. A (LIVE) FISH PEZ PETH a fish in an aquarium eating the PITH of an orange. ELEPHANT ELEFANTE ELEFANTAY a bullfighter fighting an ELEPHANT. BEE ABEJA ABEHA A BAKER being chased by a bee. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You learned after the last group of words that all nouns are either masculine or feminine. If they end in "o" they are masculine, like GATO for CAT. If they end in "a" they are feminine like CABRA for GOAT. If they do not end in either an "o" or an "a", you can assume they are masculine, although you will make the occasional mistake. # If the word is MASCULINE, then the word for THE is EL. 0 So, EL TORO is THE BULL 0 EL GATO is THE CAT 0  EL MONO is THE MONKEY Try to remember that men are HELL to live with. If the word is FEMININE, however, then the word for THE is LA. 0 So, LA VACA is THE COW 0 LA RATA is THE RAT 0 LA CABRA is THE GOAT # As we saw just now, where the word does not end in an "a" or an "o", such as ANIMAL, RATN, PEZ, etc., it is almost always masculine. 0 So, EL ANIMAL is THE ANIMAL 0 EL PEZ is THE FISH 0 EL ELEFANTE is THE ELEPHANT # * %SENTENCES_E_F 12 THE DOG EL PERRO THE SALMON EL SALMN THE GOAT LA CABRA THE COW LA VACA THE BEE LA ABEJA THE WASP LA AVISPA THE MOUSE EL RATN THE ANIMAL EL ANIMAL THE DONKEY EL BURRO THE DUCK EL PATO THE FROG LA RANA THE BEAR EL OSO * %PRESENT 3 6 0 SOME ADJECTIVES (OR DESCRIPTIVE WORDS) HARD DURO DOORO something HARD and DURABLE. QUICK RPIDO RAPEEDO something RAPID and QUICK. QUIET TRANQUILO TRANKEELO everything being TRANQUIL and QUIET. FRESH FRESCO FRESKO seeing a FRESCO FRESHLY painted on a wall. GOOD BUENO BOO ENO there must be something GOOD in BUENOs Aires! BAD MALO MALO a BAD MARSHMALLOW. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Spanish word for IS is EST. Imagine A STAR is born. 0 For example, 0 THE PIG IS is EL PUERCO EST 0 THE DOG IS is EL PERRO EST To say THE PIG IS QUICK you simply say: EL PUERCO EST RPIDO THE DOG IS QUICK is EL PERRO EST RPIDO # If the noun is feminine, such as LA VACA, LA CABRA, and so on, then the ending of the adjective changes to an "a" from an "o" to agree with the noun. So, THE COW IS QUICK is LA VACA EST RPIDA (N.B. not RPIDO) 0 Similarly, THE GOAT IS QUICK is LA CABRA EST RPIDA. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE DOG IS FRESH EL PERRO EST FRESCO THE FISH IS QUICK EL PEZ EST RPIDO THE ELEPHANT IS FRESH EL ELEFANTE EST FRESCO THE GOAT IS QUIET LA CABRA EST TRANQUILA THE COW IS QUICK LA VACA EST RPIDA * %TEXT 0 The other adjectives you have learned can be used in the same way, but exactly how they should be used will be explained in the next section. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL ANIMAL EST FRESCO THE ANIMAL IS FRESH EL OSO EST RPIDO THE BEAR IS QUICK EL GANSO EST TRANQUILO THE GOOSE IS QUIET EL MONO EST FRESCO THE MONKEY IS FRESH LA AVISPA EST RPIDA THE WASP IS QUICK * %PRESENT 4 10 0 MORE ANIMALS INSECT INSECTO EENSEKTO INSECTS crawling up a bullfighter's legs. BIRD PJARO PAHARO a bird is a PARROT. WORM GUSANO GOOSANO a worm reminds you of a GOOSE I KNOW. GIRAFFE JIRAFA HEERAFA a bullfighter fighting a GIRAFFE. HORSE CABALLO KABALYO saying "I'll CABLE YOU if my horse wins". BUTTERFLY MARIPOSA MAREEPOSA a butterfly in a MERRY POSE. JELLYFISH MEDUSA MEDOOSA seeing MEDUSA with her head of snakes, but when you look carefully it is a jellyfish. FLY MOSCA MOSKA MOSCOW invaded by a cloud of flies. CHICKEN POLLO POLYO playing POLO with a chicken instead of a ball. OCTOPUS PULPO POOLPO PULPING up an octopus into a pulpy mass. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR When you have a noun and an adjective together like HARD PIG, QUIET COW or QUICK BEAR, then the adjective usually comes after the noun. 0 For example, 0 THE QUIET BEE is LA ABEJA TRANQUILA 0 THE HARD PIG is EL PUERCO DURO 0 THE QUICK FROG is LA RANA RPIDA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE QUICK INSECT IS QUIET EL INSECTO RPIDO EST TRANQUILO THE HARD ELEPHANT IS QUICK EL ELEFANTE DURO EST RPIDO THE FRESH BIRD IS QUICK EL PJARO FRESCO EST RPIDO THE QUIET GIRAFFE IS QUICK LA JIRAFA TRANQUILA EST RPIDA THE QUICK HORSE IS FRESH EL CABALLO RPIDO EST FRESCO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL GUSANO TRANQUILO EST FRESCO THE QUIET WORM IS FRESH LA MARIPOSA FRESCA EST RPIDA THE FRESH BUTTERFLY IS QUICK LA MOSCA RPIDA EST TRANQUILA THE QUICK FLY IS QUIET EL POLLO FRESCO EST RPIDO THE FRESH CHICKEN IS QUICK LA MEDUSA FRESCA EST RPIDA THE FRESH JELLYFISH IS QUICK * %TEXT 0 IMPORTANT NOTE Some of the sentences in this course might strike you as being a bit odd! However, they have been carefully constructed to make you think much more about what you are translating. This helps the memory process and gets away from the idea of learning usefukl phrases "parrot fashion". But of course, having learned with the help of these seemingly odd sentences you can easily construct your own sentences to suit your particular needs. # * 9%PRESENT 1 10 0 ILLNESS PAIN DOLOR DOLOR being given a DOLLAR to make your pain go away. ILL ENFERMO ENFERMO being ill and INFIRM. COUGH (LA) TOS TOS you cough in the middle of TOSSING a coin, and drop the coin. ARM BRAZO BRATHO BRASS bracelets wrapped around your arm. EYE OJO OHO the doctor saying "OH HO!" as he pokes you in the eye. FACE CARA KARA your face looking as if a CAR HAD hit it. HAND (LA) MANO MANO dropping someone's hand down a MANHOLE. SKIN (LA) PIEL PEE EL your skin beginning to PEEL in the sun. BLOOD (LA) SANGRE SANGRAY being SO ANGRY that you draw blood. MOUTH (LA) BOCA BOKA A POKER sticking out of someone's mouth. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 EMERGENCY AND USEFUL WORDS HOSPITAL HOSPITAL OSPEETAL a bullfighter being carted off to HOSPITAL. BANDAGE VENDA VENDA you BEND A bandage backwards and forwards to get it off. AMBULANCE AMBULANCIA AMBULANTHYA bullfighters being loaded into an AMBULANCE. ACCIDENT ACCIDENTE AKTHEEDENTAY a bullfighter in a nasty ACCIDENT. THIEF LADRN LADRON a thief disappearing down the street with a LADDER ON his back. FIRE FUEGO FOO EGO telling the hotel manager "IF WE GO there will be a fire." DEAD MUERTO MOO ERTO telling someone that he was MORTAL, that is why he is now dead. STREET (LA) CALLE KALYAY you hear someone CALL YOU in the street. HELP AYUDA AYOODA shouting "HEY YOU THERE, help!" TELEPHONE TELFONO TELEFONO a bullfighter using a TELEPHONE. * %PRESENT 3 8 0 MORE USEFUL WORDS THANK YOU GRACIAS GRATHYAS someone being GRACIOUS and saying THANK YOU. PLEASE POR FAVOR POR FAVOR thinking "PLEASE POUR FAVOURS in my direction". SORRY PERDONE PERDONAY saying "PARDON, I am SORRY." HELLO HOL OLA saying "HELLO" to someone who is practicing with a HOOLA-hoop. GOOD-BYE ADIS ADYOS thinking "GOOD-BYE IDIOTS!" BEFORE ANTES DE ANTES DAY it is your AUNTIE'S DAY BEFORE long. EMPTY VACO VATHEE O thinking "How can I BATH YOU if the bath is EMPTY?" ENGAGED OCUPADO OKOOPADO a toilet being OCCUPIED and therefore ENGAGED. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 PLEASE DOCTOR, THE PAIN IS VERY BAD POR FAVOR, MDICO, EL DOLOR EST MUY MALO MY EYES AND MY SKIN ARE BLACK MIS OJOS Y MI PIEL SON NEGROS THANK YOU GENTLEMEN, THE HOSPITAL IS ALWAYS GOOD GRACIAS SEORES, EL HOSPITAL ES SIEMPRE BUENO HELLO, I WANT A BANDAGE BEFORE A DOG HOL, QUIERO UNA VENDA ANTES DE UN PERRO SORRY, THE TELEPHONE IS NOT HERE PERDONE, EL TELFONO NO EST AQU * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 SU CARA ES BONITA, PERO SU VESTIDO ES VIEJO YOUR (or HIS, HER, ITS) FACE IS PRETTY, BUT YOUR (HIS, HER, ITS) DRESS IS OLD LA MANO EST VACA THE HAND IS EMPTY LA SANGRE EST EN EL BRAZO Y EN LA BOCA THE BLOOD IS ON(or IN) THE ARM AND ON (or IN) THE MOUTH EL LADRN QUIERE UN FUEGO THE THIEF WANTS A FIRE ES UN ACCIDENTE Y UNA AMBULANCIA EST AQU IT IS AN ACCIDENT AND AN AMBULANCE IS HERE * %PRESENT 4 3 0 SOME MORE USEFUL VERBS I SPEAK HABLO ABLO when I SPEAK, I BLOW. I LIVE VIVO VEEVO an "in VIVO" experiment in a real-LIFE situation. I SELL VENDO VENDO a street VENDOR who SELLs you something. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Almost any adjective like EMPTY or QUICK can be made into an adverb - EMPTILY or QUICKLY - simply by adding MENTE (pronounced MENTAY) on to the end of the word in the feminine form. 0 So, 0 HE EATS QUICKLY is COME RPIDAMENTE 0 I LIVE QUIETLY is VIVO TRANQUILAMENTE # The next group of words deals with the months of the year. # * %TEXT 1 The Spanish for JANUARY is ENERO [ENERO] Imagine months of Januaries IN A ROW. All of the other months sound reasonably like their English equivalents, so no "images" will be given to help remember them. # 0 English Spanish Pronounced 0 - - - 0 January enero ENERO 0 February febrero FEBRERO 0 March marzo MARTHO 0 April abril ABREEL 0 May mayo MAYO 0 June junio HOONEE O 0 July julio HOOLEE O 0 August agosto AGOSTO 0 September setiembre SETEE EMBRAY 0 October octubre OKTOOBRAY 0 November noviembre NOVEE EMBRAY 0 December diciembre DEETHEE EMBRAY # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I AM ILL TODAY ESTOY ENFERMO HOY GOODBYE; IT IS FEBRUARY; I AM SOON HERE ADIS; ES FEBRERO; ESTOY PRONTO AQU THE TOILETS ARE ENGAGED LOS RETRETES ESTN OCUPADOS I SPEAK QUIETLY; I LIVE QUIETLY; I SELL TELEPHONES IN MARCH, IN APRIL AND IN SEPTEMBER HABLO TRANQUILAMENTE; VIVO TRANQUILAMENTE; VENDO TELFONOS EN MARZO, EN ABRIL Y EN SETIEMBRE HE HAS A BAD MOUTH AND A BAD COUGH TIENE UNA BOCA MALA Y UN TOS MALO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LA MARIPOSA Y LA MOSCA ESTABAN MUY ENFERMAS EN ENERO THE BUTTERFLY AND THE FLY WERE VERY ILL IN JANUARY VENDO SILLAS, MESAS Y CAMAS EN MIS TIENDAS I SELL CHAIRS, TABLES AND BEDS IN MY SHOPS S, EST SUCIO, PERO ES MUY CARO YES, IT IS DIRTY, BUT IT IS VERY EXPENSIVE VENDO MUCHAS CEBOLLAS Y MUCHA CARNE I SELL MANY ONIONS AND MUCH MEAT (MUCHO in the plural - MUCHOS or MUCHAS - means HOW MANY?) DNDE EST EL PERRO HOY? WHERE IS THE DOG TODAY? * %PRESENT 5 10 0 A NUMBER OF USEFUL WORDS SPECTACLES (LAS) GAFAS GAFAS an Irishman saying "GIVE US my spectacles". LEFT IZQUIERDO EETHKEE ERDO thinking the driver in front IS SCARED O' turning left. RIGHT DERECHO DERECHO asking if turning RIGHT will lead you in the correct DIRECTION. ENOUGH BASTANTE BASTANTAY thinking "You've PASSED AUNTIE ENOUGH sweets". SERIOUS GRAVE GRAVAY feeling GRAVE and SERIOUS. TOWN (LA) CIUDAD THEE OODAD pointing to a town and saying "I'll SEE YOU THERE". BUTTER MANTEQUILLA MANTEKEELYA your wife won't let you eat butter, so you hire a MAN TO KILL HER. TART TARTA TARTA a bullfighter eating a TART. GRAPE UVA OOVA someone saying to you "HAVE A grape". SALAD ENSALADA ENSALADA being covered IN SALAD. * %PRESENT 6 10 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS CIGARETTE CIGARILLO THEEGAREELYO Spanish cigarettes are like little CIGARS that make you ILL OH! BREAKFAST DESAYUNO DESAYOONO someone coming up to you in an hotel and saying "THEY SAY YOU KNOW when breakfast is." LUNCH COMIDA KOMEEDA lunch in your hotel is a complete COMEDY of errors. DINNER CENA THENA getting THINNER after eating your dinner. TIP PROPINA PROPEENA PROPPING up a cup with your waiter's tip. TOURIST (EL) TURISTA TOOREESTA a bullfighter talking to a group of TOURISTS. TOBACCO TABACO TABAKO a bullfighter filling his pipe with TOBACCO. NEWSPAPER PERIDICO PEREE ODEEKO looking at your newspaper PERIODICALLY. NAME NOMBRE NOMBRAY asking a policeman for his name and NUMBER. SOAP JABN HABON giving a child a piece of soap and saying "HAVE ONE". * %PRESENT 7 3 0 AND FINALLY, SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS I GIVE DOY DOY thinking that I must GIVE my brother a TOY for his birthday. I PUT PONGO PONGO thinking "If I PUT the deodorant here, it will make the PONG GO". I GO VOY VOY thinking "I GO on a VOYage". * %SENTENCES_E_F 10 I PUT THE SPECTACLES, THE BUTTER AND THE TART ON THE NEWSPAPER PONGO LAS GAFAS, LA MANTEQUILLA Y LA TARTA EN EL PERIDICO I GIVE THE SOAP TODAY DOY EL JABN HOY I EAT THE BREAKFAST, THE SALAD AND THE LUNCH AND I EAT THE DINNER COMO EL DESAYUNO, LA ENSALADA Y LA COMIDA Y COMO LA CENA I AM GOING THERE, AND THE TOURIST IS IN THE STREET VOY ALLA, Y EL TURISTA EST EN LA CALLE I WANT THE SOAP AND THE TOBACCO, BUT I DO NOT WANT A CIGARETTE AND I DO NOT WANT A TIP QUIERO EL JABN Y EL TABACO, PERO NO QUIERO CIGARILLO Y NO QUIERO PROPINA THE NAME IS ON THE BUTTER AND IN THE TOWN EL NOMBRE EST EN LA MANTEQUILLA Y EN LA CIUDAD I AM QUIET. IT IS OCTOBER AND THE GRAPE IS IN THE TART ESTOY TRANQUILO. ES OCTOBRE Y LA UVA EST EN LA TARTA IT IS NOT NOVEMBER. IT IS NOT DECEMBER. IT IS NOT AUGUST. IT IS JANUARY NO ES NOVIEMBRE. NO ES DICIEMBRE. NO ES AGOSTO. ES ENERO I SELL THE NEWSPAPER IN MAY, JUNE AND JULY VENDO EL PERIDICO EN MAYO, JUNIO Y JULIO I DO NOT WANT THE SOAP NO QUIERO EL JABN * +/%PRESENT 1 10 0 FURNITURE AND FITTINGS BED CAMA KAMA a CAMEL lying on your bed. TABLE MESA MESA a MESSY table. CHAIR SILLA SEELYA a girl called CELIA sitting down on a large chair. CURTAIN CORTINA KORTEENA you CONCERTINA your curtains when you open them. CUPBOARD ARMARIO ARMARYO you keep an ARMORY of weapons in your cupboard. MIRROR ESPEJO ESPEHO looking at a SPECKLED mirror. PIANO PIANO PEE ANO a bullfighter playing a PIANO. CLOCK RELOJ RELOH RELOADING a clock. SHELF ESTANTE ESTANTAY putting up INSTANT shelving. DRAWER CAJN KAHON a CAR HORN sounds every time you open your drawer. * %PRESENT 2 8 0 SOME COLORS COLOR COLOR KOLOR a bullfighter with a coat of many COLORS. BLACK NEGRO NEGRO a NEGRO, colored BLACK. WHITE BLANCO BLANKO a WHITE piece of paper, completely BLANK. GRAY GRIS GREES a patch of GREASE on the floor, all GRAY and horrible. YELLOW AMARILLO AMAREELYO an ARMADILLO painted all YELLOW. RED ROJO ROHO seeing someone who is RED and RAW. GREEN VERDE VERDAY the composer VERDI, covered in GREEN paint. BLUE AZUL ATHUL tipping a pot of BLUE paint over someone who is acting like A FOOL. * %PRESENT 3 5 0 SOME MORE USEFUL ADJECTIVES PRETTY BONITO BONEETO thinking "I have a PRETTY BONNY TOE". FREE LIBRE LEEBRAY giving someone his LIBERTY and setting him FREE. DEEP PROFUNDO PROFOONDO thinking DEEP, PROFOUND thoughts. OLD VIEJO VEE EHO saying: "Goodbye OLD man, WE HATE YOU". LITTLE PEQUEO PEKENYO a LITTLE BIKINI. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR You will remember from the last section that the ending of an adjective always agrees with the noun. 0 For example: 0 EL TORO EST BONITO is THE BULL IS PRETTY 0 LA VACA EST BONITA is THE COW IS PRETTY # You will probably have noticed, however, that you have been given some adjectives which do not end in "o" or "a", like LIBRE for FREE. When this happens, you just leave the adjective alone, whatever it goes with. 0 For example: 0 THE BULL IS FREE is EL TORO EST LIBRE 0 THE COW IS FREE is LA VACA EST LIBRE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE QUICK JELLYFISH IS QUIET LA MEDUSA RPIDA EST TRANQUILA THE QUIET WASP IS FREE LA AVISPA TRANQUILA EST LIBRE THE PRETTY OCTOPUS IS FRESH EL PULPO BONITO EST FRESCO THE QUIET DOG IS FRESH EL PERRO TRANQUILO EST FRESCO THE BLACK PIG IS FREE EL PUERCO NEGRO EST LIBRE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL BURRO NEGRO EST LIBRE THE BLACK DONKEY IS FREE EL SALMN BONITO EST FRESCO THE PRETTY SALMON IS FRESH EL PATO VERDE EST LIBRE THE GREEN DUCK IS FREE LA RATA BLANCA EST RPIDA THE WHITE RAT IS QUICK EL TORO NEGRO EST LIBRE THE BLACK BULL IS FREE * %PRESENT 4 10 0 MORE FURNITURE AND FITTINGS STAIRS ESCALERA ESKALERA ESCALATORS in your house instead of stairs. FLOOR SUELO SOO ELO a big SWELLING rising up in the floor. WALL (LA) PARED PARED watching a PARADE from the top of a high wall. KITCHEN COCINA KOTHEENA being COSY IN A kitchen. BEDROOM DORMITORIO DORMEETORYO your bedroom has been turned into a DORMITORY, with lots of people sleeping in it. DOOR PUERTA POO ERTA a hotel PORTER opening a door for you. WINDOW VENTANA VENTANA a German fly that VENT ON A window. GARDEN JARDN HARDEEN someone working HARD IN the garden. DINING ROOM COMEDOR KOMEDOR inviting an Air COMMODORE to dinner in your dining room. CLOAKROOM (EL) GUARDARROPA GOO ARDARROPA someone paid to GUARD A ROPE in a cloakroom. (N.B. This is masculine even though it ends in "a"). * %PRESENT 5 3 0 SOME USEFUL VERBS HAS TIENE TEE ENAY someone HAS a TINNY hat. WANTS QUIERE KEE ERAY someone who WANTS to QUERY everything. EATS COME KOMAY telling someone to COME in and EAT. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE ELEPHANT HAS THE GOAT EL ELEFANTE TIENE LA CABRA THE FROG HAS THE QUIET CAT LA RANA TIENE EL GATO TRANQUILO THE BLACK BEAR WANTS THE TABLE EL OSO NEGRO QUIERE LA MESA THE COW EATS THE QUIET BIRD LA VACA COME EL PJARO TRANQUILO THE DOG EATS THE CURTAIN EL PERRO COME LA CORTINA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL BURRO QUIERE LA CAMA VIEJA THE DONKEY WANTS THE OLD BED EL MONO QUIERE LA CAMA PROFUNDA THE MONKEY WANTS THE DEEP BED EL OSO TIENE EL SUELO GRIS THE BEAR HAS THE GRAY FLOOR LA ABEJA COME LA CORTINA BONITA THE BEE EATS THE PRETTY CURTAIN LA AVISPA QUIERE LA SILLA DURA THE WASP WANTS THE HARD CHAIR * -%PRESENT 1 10 0 CLOTHES HAT SOMBRERO SOMBRERO being given a large SOMBRERO when you ask for a hat. SHOE ZAPATO THAPATO a shoe on THE PATIO. TROUSERS PANTALONES PANTALONES wearing baggy PANTALOONS for trousers. SKIRT FALDA FALDA you FOLD A skirt away. BLOUSE BLUSA BLOOSA a BLUE blouse. COAT ABRIGO ABREEGO someone throwing APRICOTS at your coat. SHIRT CAMISA KAMEESA shouting "COME HERE SIR and get your shirt". DRESS VESTIDO VESTEEDO telling a little girl after putting her dress on that she should wear a VESTI TOO!. SANDAL SANDALIA SANDALYA a bullfighter in SANDALS. BATHING TRUNKS BAADOR BANYADOR you BANG THE DOOR with your bathing trunks. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 FAMILY FATHER PADRE PADRAY your father dressed up as a PADRE. MOTHER MADRE MADRAY your mother very MAD at you. BROTHER HERMANO ERMANO your brother dressed up as an AIRMAN, with wings on his shoulder. SISTER HERMANA ERMANA your sister also dressed as an AIRMAN. (But the word ends in "A" not "O") HUSBAND MARIDO MAREEDO your husband is MARRIED! WIFE MUJER MOOHER your wife is dressed in a MOHAIR coat. BOY MUCHACHO MOOCHACHO a boy who MOOS when a CHAT-SHOW comes on: MOO-CHA-CHO. GIRL MUCHACHA MOOCHACHA a girl who MOOS, then does a CHA-CHA: MOO-CHA-CHA. SON HIJO EEHO your son going EE-HO, just like a donkey. DAUGHTER HIJA EEHA your daughter sounding like a female donkey, with an "a" at the end: EE-HA. * %PRESENT 3 5 0 A FEW USEFUL WORDS ONLY SOLAMENTE SOLAMENTAY thinking "If ONLY SOLOMON MEANT IT". VERY MUY MOO EE WE are VERY good at Spanish. YES S SEE answering "YES. SI Seor! Yes Sir". NO NO NO thinking "NO! NO! Mr. Bullfighter". NOT NO NO saying "No, NOT, NO!". * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR In this section, you will be shown how to use the words AND, BUT and OR. The Spanish for AND is Y (pronounced EE). So, PRETTY AND BAD is BONITO Y MALO. # The Spanish for BUT is PERO. This sounds like PERRO, but the sound of the R is shorter. 0 So, PRETTY BUT BAD is BONITO PERO MALO The Spanish for OR is O. O is the first letter of the word OR. It is as if the Spaniards have forgotten to put the R on the word. 0 So, PRETTY OR BAD is BONITO O MALO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE DOG HAS THE HAT AND THE SKIRT EL PERRO TIENE EL SOMBRERO Y LA FALDA THE FROG WANTS THE SKIRT AND THE DRESS LA RANA QUIERE LA FALDA Y EL VESTIDO THE INSECT HAS THE BATHING TRUNKS AND THE SHIRT EL INSECTO TIENE EL BAADOR Y LA CAMISA THE FATHER EATS THE MOTHER BUT NOT THE SON EL PADRE COME LA MADRE PERO NO EL HIJO THE BOY WANTS THE PRETTY GOAT EL MUCHACHO QUIERE LA CABRA BONITA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL MARIDO QUIERE EL RELOJ VIEJO PERO NO EL PIANO THE HUSBAND WANTS THE OLD CLOCK BUT NOT THE PIANO EL GATO PEQUEO QUIERE EL CAJN O EL ARMARIO THE LITTLE CAT WANTS THE DRAWER OR THE CUPBOARD LA MUCHACHA BONITA TIENE EL ESTANTE GRIS THE PRETTY GIRL HAS THE GRAY SHELF LA MOSCA AZUL COME LA PUERTA AMARILLA THE BLUE FLY EATS THE YELLOW DOOR EL HERMANO QUIERE EL GUARDARROPA Y LA HERMANA QUIERE EL DORMITORIO THE BROTHER WANTS THE CLOAKROOM AND THE SISTER WANTS THE BEDROOM * %TEXT 0 SOME MORE ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The next grammar point is about the word A. The Spanish for this word as used in A PIG or A CAT or AN ANIMAL is UN (pronounced OON). 0 For example, A PIG is UN PUERCO 0 A DOG is UN PERRO 0 A CAT is UN GATO When the word is feminine, then you add the feminine ending A to the word UN to make UNA (pronounced OONA). 0 For example, A COW is UNA VACA 0 A GOAT is UNA CABRA 0 A TABLE is UNA MESA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 A RED COW EATS A WINDOW UNA VACA ROJA COME UNA VENTANA A WIFE WANTS A DINING ROOM AND A KITCHEN UNA MUJER QUIERE UN COMEDOR Y UNA COCINA A BAD PIG WANTS A SHOE UN PUERCO MALO QUIERE UN ZAPATO A BEAR HAS A FRESH SHIRT AND A FRESH COAT UN OSO TIENE UNA CAMISA FRESCA Y UN ABRIGO FRESCO A QUICK RAT WANTS A QUIET BED UNA RATA RPIDA QUIERE UNA CAMA TRANQUILA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 UN ANIMAL TIENE UN ARMARIO DURO AN ANIMAL HAS A HARD CUPBOARD EL PUERCO QUIERE UN GUARDARROPA THE PIG WANTS A CLOAKROOM EL PJARO BONITO TIENE UN JARDN VERDE THE PRETTY BIRD HAS A GREEN GARDEN EL PATO QUIERE EL COMEDOR THE DUCK WANTS THE DINING ROOM UN POLLO TIENE UN ESTANTE VERDE A CHICKEN HAS A GREEN SHELF * %PRESENT 4 10 0 A NUMBER OF USEFUL WORDS FRIEND AMIGO AMEEGO 3 telling my friend that I MAY GO if he is not more pleasant to me. AFTERNOON (LA) TARDE TARDAY being so late and TARDY at getting up that it is the afternoon before you appear. STORM TORMENTA TORMENTA being TORMENTED by a storm. RECEPTIONIST RECEPCIONISTA RETHEPTHEE ONEESTA a bullfighter asking a RECEPTIONIST for a room. NUMBER NMERO NOOMERO someone giving you NUMEROUS numbers for his telephone number. PAPER PAPEL PAPEL everyone throwing paper during a PAPAL visit. ROOM HABITACIN ABEETATHYON thinking "This room is not fit for human HABITATION". MAIL BOX BUZN BOOTHON a BOOTH ON top of a mail box. BATH BAO BANYO they BAN YOU from having a bath. MORNING MAANA MANYANA meeting a MAN YOU KNOW every morning. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 A FRIEND EATS A RECEPTIONIST UN AMIGO COME UNA RECEPCIONISTA A DOG WANTS A RED BATH AND A RED MAIL BOX UN PERRO QUIERE UN BAO ROJO Y UN BUZN ROJO A BLACK CAT WANTS A WHITE PAPER AND A QUIET ROOM UN GATO NEGRO QUIERE UN PAPEL BLANCO Y UNA HABITACIN TRANQUILA THE DOG WANTS THE BLACK PAPER AND THE CAT HAS A NUMBER EL PERRO QUIERE EL PAPEL NEGRO Y EL GATO TIENE UN NMERO THE MORNING IS FRESH AND THE AFTERNOON IS FRESH LA MAANA EST FRESCA Y LA TARDE EST FRESCA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL PERRO QUIERE UN BUZN THE DOG WANTS A MAIL BOX LA TORMENTA EST TRANQUILA THE STORM IS QUIET LA RECEPCIONISTA QUIERE UN NMERO THE RECEPTIONIST WANTS A NUMBER LA MAANA EST TRANQUILA Y LA TARDE EST TRANQUILA THE MORNING IS QUIET AND THE AFTERNOON IS QUIET EL AMIGO EST RPIDO THE FRIEND IS QUICK * E%PRESENT 1 10 0 IN THE GARDEN FLOWER (LA) FLOR FLOR buying flowers from a FLORist. TREE RBOL ARBOL throwing a HARD BALL against a tree. PLANT PLANTA PLANTA giving a bullfighter a potted PLANT. FRUIT FRUTA FROOTA throwing FRUIT at a bullfighter. EARTH TIERRA TEE ERRA an earthen TIARA. LAWN CSPED THESPED a CESSPIT in the middle of your lawn. POND ESTANQUE ESTANKAY coming across a stagnant pond, and IT STANK. PATH SENDA SENDA you SEND A friend along a path. BERRY BAYA BAYA you BUY A berry. SEED SEMILLA SEMEELYA scattering seeds in your SEMOLINA. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 TIME TIME TIEMPO TEE EMPO keeping time to the TEMPO of the music. SECOND SEGUNDO SEGOONDO a bullfighter tapping his feet every SECOND. MINUTE MINUTO MEENOOTO a bullfighter killing a bull once a MINUTE. HOUR HORA ORA waiting in HORROR for the hour to strike. WEEK SEMANA SEMANA going to a SEMINAR once a week. MONTH MES MES being in a MESS once a month. YEAR AO ANYO a year is ANNUAL. DAY (EL) DA DEE A thinking everything is DEAR during the day. (N.B. This is masculine even though it ends in "a") NIGHT (LA) NOCHE NOCHAY NOCTURNAL animals are out at night. YESTERDAY AYER A YER thinking that prices were HIGHER yesterday. * %PRESENT 3 5 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS SOON PRONTO PRONTO telling someone that they had better do something SOON, PRONTO. MUCH MUCHO MOOCHO someone who MOOCHES from you MUCH of the time. (MUCHO and MUCH also sound similar) MORE MS MAS being given a MASS of food, and your host giving you MORE and more. LESS MENOS MENOS getting LESS - a MINUS quantity. ALWAYS SIEMPRE SEE EMPRAY someone who ALWAYS SIMPERS. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR In the first section we learned that the Spanish for IS is EST. 0 For example: LA VACA EST FRESCA is THE COW IS FRESH There are, however, two words for the word IS in Spanish - EST and ES. (ES is pronounced like the letter "S") You use EST for something temporary, and ES for something permanent. # For example: If you mean by THE DOG IS QUICK that it is a quick kind of dog, it always moves quickly, and so on, then the Spanish is: EL PERRO ES RPIDO (It is a quick dog) If, on the other hand, you mean that the dog was quick just now, when it ran away, then the Spanish is: EL PERRO EST RPIDO. # Here is another example: THE CAT IS GOOD In Spanish EL GATO ES BUENO means it is a good cat. EL GATO EST BUENO means that it is being good at the minute. # If you use the word TODAY this will almost always mean that the description will be temporary and you would use the word EST. The Spanish word for TODAY is HOY. Imagine thinking "OY! Today's the day". So, the sentence THE CAT IS GOOD TODAY is: EL GATO EST BUENO HOY. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LA VACA ES RPIDA THE COW IS QUICK (it is a quick cow) EL RTON EST RPIDO THE MOUSE IS QUICK (the mouse moved quickly) EL BURRO EST TRANQUILO THE DONKEY IS QUIET (the donkey is quiet at the minute) EL ELEFANTE ES TRANQUILO THE ELEPHANT IS QUIET (it is a quiet elephant) EL PULPO EST FRESCO THE OCTOPUS IS FRESH (the octopus is fresh now) * %TEXT 0 You must not worry if you do not get everything right at this stage. This is about the hardest part of the grammar. All you need to remember is why ES and EST are different. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LA SEMILLA ES NEGRA THE SEED IS BLACK EL RBOL ES MUY PEQUEO THE TREE IS VERY SMALL EL PEZ EST FRESCO THE FISH IS FRESH EL CSPED ES VERDE Y LA PLANTA ES BLANCA THE LAWN IS GREEN AND THE PLANT IS WHITE LA CAMA ES SOLAMENTE DURA THE BED IS ONLY HARD * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Spanish for ARE is SON, if ARE is meant in the permanent sense. 0 So, THE DOG AND THE CAT ARE QUIET 0 is EL PERRO Y EL GATO SON TRANQUILOS. If ARE is used in a temporary sense, then the Spanish word for it is ESTN. 0 So, THE DOG AND THE CAT ARE QUIET TODAY 0 is EL PERRO Y EL GATO ESTN TRANQUILOS HOY # Please note that you have to make the adjective plural too, so you make TRANQUILO into TRANQUILOS. You should also note that when you have a masculine and feminine word together, like THE DOG AND THE FROG ARE BLACK then the ending of the adjective at the end of the sentence is always MASCULINE and plural. 0 So, THE DOG AND THE FROG ARE BLACK 0 is EL PERRO Y LA RANA SON NEGROS. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE BED AND THE TABLE ARE ALWAYS BLACK LA CAMA Y LA MESA SON SIEMPRE NEGRAS THE BLUE CURTAIN AND THE GREEN DRAWER ARE OLD LA CORTINA AZUL Y EL CAJN VERDE SON VIEJOS THE GARDEN AND THE LAWN ARE FRESH AND GREEN EL JARDN Y EL CSPED SON FRESCOS Y VERDES THE COW AND THE BULL ARE VERY GOOD LA VACA Y EL TORO SON MUY BUENOS THE SHIRT AND THE COAT ARE ALWAYS BLACK LA CAMISA Y EL ABRIGO SON SIEMPRE NEGROS * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL SUELO Y LA PARED SON SOLAMENTE AMARILLOS THE FLOOR AND THE WALL ARE ONLY YELLOW LA FLOR Y EL RBOL ESTN MUY BONITOS HOY THE FLOWER AND THE TREE ARE VERY PRETTY TODAY EL ESTANQUE ES MUY PROFUNDO THE POND IS VERY DEEP LA PLANTA Y LA BAYA SON ROJAS THE PLANT AND THE BERRY ARE RED EL OSO EST MALO THE BEAR IS BAD * %PRESENT 4 7 0 THE DAYS OF THE WEEK MONDAY LUNES LOONAYS only LOONIES go to work on Monday. TUESDAY MARTES MARTAYS you always burn MARTYRS on Tuesdays. WEDNESDAY MIRCOLES MEE ERCOLAYS praying for MIRACLES on Wednesday so that the end of the week will come quickly. THURSDAY JUEVES HOO EVAYS you WAVE US good-bye on Thursdays. FRIDAY VIERNES VEE ERNAYS showing your BARE KNEES on Friday, to celebrate the end of the week. SATURDAY SBADO SABADO Saturday is the Jewish SABBATH. SUNDAY DOMINGO DOMEENGO you play DOMINOES with your family on Sunday evening before pushing them off to bed. * %TEXT 1 PLEASE NOTE: You do not say the word ON when talking about the days of the week; you leave the word ON out and use EL. So, ON TUESDAY is EL MARTES, if you mean NEXT TUESDAY. If you mean EVERY TUESDAY (as you would if you said ON TUESDAYS) then in Spanish you make it plural and use LOS. 0 So, 0 ON TUESDAYS is LOS MARTES 0 ON SUNDAYS is LOS DOMINGOS and so on. # THE DOG EATS ON TUESDAYS is EL PERRO COME LOS MARTES. THE COW EATS ON SATURDAYS is LA VACA COME LOS SBADOS. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LOS MARTES EL PERRO COME LA FRUTA ON TUESDAYS THE DOG EATS THE FRUIT EL PERRO COME LOS LUNES, LOS VIERNES, LOS SBADOS Y LOS DOMINGOS THE DOG EATS ON MONDAYS, FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS NO, EL GATO NO COME LOS JUEVES Y LOS MIRCOLES NO, THE CAT DOES NOT EAT ON THURSDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS LOS DOMINGOS LA NOCHE EST PRONTO NEGRA ON SUNDAYS THE NIGHT IS SOON BLACK EL BURRO QUIERE MENOS PATO Y MS POLLO THE DONKEY WANTS LESS DUCK AND MORE CHICKEN * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The way to ask questions in Spanish when you are speaking is by tone of voice; you do not need to change the word order. ES UN TORO? is IS IT A BULL? In Spanish you leave out words like HE, I, YOU, IT, and so on. 0 So, 0 IT IS A BULL is ES UN TORO 0 HE HAS A BULL is TIENE UN TORO 0 HAS HE A BULL? is also TIENE UN TORO? 0 DOES HE HAVE A BULL? is also TIENE UN TORO? # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IT IS A PIG ES UN PUERCO HE HAS A DOG TIENE UN PERRO IT IS A TABLE ES UNA MESA HAS HE A FLOWER? or DOES HE HAVE A FLOWER? TIENE UNA FLOR? HE EATS A GOAT COME UNA CABRA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ES LA SEMANA, LA HORA Y EL DA IT IS THE WEEK, THE HOUR AND THE DAY ES UN CSPED VERDE? IS IT A GREEN LAWN? ES LA NOCHE? IS IT THE NIGHT? ES LA SENDA O LA ESCALERA? IS IT THE PATH OR THE STAIRS? ES LA HIJA, NO EL HIJO IT IS THE DAUGHTER, NOT THE SON * b%PRESENT 1 10 0 IN THE RESTAURANT RESTAURANT RESTAURANTE RESTA OORANTAY a bullfighter in your RESTAURANT. WAITRESS CAMARERA KAMARERA a waitress with a CAMERA slung around her neck. CUP TAZA TATHA a cup with a TASSLE dangling from the handle. BILL CUENTA KOO ENTA your friend WENT Away when it came to paying the bill. MENU MEN MENOO a bullfighter studying the MENU. PLATE PLATO PLATO you climb a mountain and reach a PLATEAU all covered with white plates. KNIFE CUCHILLO KOOCHEELYO someone with a knife saying "with this I COULD CHILL YOU." FORK TENEDOR TENEDOR prodding a piece of meat with a fork to make sure it is TENDER. TABLECLOTH MANTEL MANTEL a tablecloth on the MANTLEpiece. BOTTLE BOTELLA BOTELYA throwing a BOTTLE at a bullfighter. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 NUMBERS ONE UNO OONO YOU KNOW ONE. TWO DOS DOS you TOSS TWO coins in the air. THREE TRES TRES THREE TREES in front of you. FOUR CUATRO KOO ATRO drinking FOUR bottles of COINTREAU. FIVE CINCO THEENKO being bathed in the SINK O when you were FIVE years old. SIX SEIS SE EES someone who SAYS SIX. SEVEN SIETE SEE ETAY your SETTEE has seen SEVEN deadly sins. EIGHT OCHO OCHO the number EIGHT painted in OCHRE. NINE NUEVE NOO EVAY dialling 999 for the NAVY. ZERO CERO THERO ZERO is NOTHING. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR: PLURALS. Plurals in Spanish are very simple. For MASCULINE plurals EL becomes LOS and the noun adds an S. 0 For example, EL PLATO (THE PLATE) becomes LOS PLATOS (THE PLATES) 0 EL CUCHILLO becomes LOS CUCHILLOS 0 EL SOMBRERO becomes LOS SOMBREROS For FEMININE words, the LA becomes LAS and the noun also adds an S. 0 For example, LA CABRA (THE GOAT) becomes LAS CABRAS (THE GOATS) 0 LA MESA becomes LAS MESAS 0 LA BLUSA becomes LAS BLUSAS # If a word does NOT end in a vowel then you simply add ES. 0 For example, EL TENEDOR (THE FORK) is LOS TENEDORES (THE FORKS) 0 EL MANTEL is LOS MANTELES ADJECTIVES also add an "S" when they are plural. 0 So, 0 THE FREE PIGS is LOS PUERCOS LIBRES 0 THE QUIET MICE is LOS RATONES TRANQUILOS 0 THE RED TABLES is LAS MESAS ROJAS NUMBERS do NOT take a plural ending. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THREE CUPS ARE OLD TRES TAZAS SON VIEJAS FIVE PLATES ARE VERY GOOD CINCO PLATOS SON MUY BUENOS THE KNIVES AND THE FORKS ARE VERY HARD LOS CUCHILLOS Y LOS TENEDORES SON MUY DUROS THE TABLECLOTHS AND THE BOTTLES ARE ALWAYS GREEN LOS MANTELES Y LAS BOTELLAS SON SIEMPRE VERDES TWO MENUS ARE VERY BAD DOS MENS SON MUY MALOS * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 SIETE DAS SON UNA SEMANA SEVEN DAYS ARE ONE WEEK LOS RESTAURANTES SON SIEMPRE BUENOS THE RESTAURANTS ARE ALWAYS GOOD LAS CUENTAS SON MUY BUENAS THE BILLS ARE VERY GOOD LOS DAS SON BUENOS, Y LAS NOCHES SON BUENAS THE DAYS ARE GOOD AND THE NIGHTS ARE GOOD LOS PANTALONES SON MUY NEGROS THE TROUSERS ARE VERY BLACK * %PRESENT 3 4 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS ON EN EN a big letter N written ON a table. IN also EN EN looking IN a box and seeing a large letter N. UNDER DEBAJO DE DEBAHO DAY seeing a DEBACLE UNDER de table. OUTSIDE FUERA DE FOO ERA DAY the famous discoverer of electrical phenomena, Michael FARADAY, OUTSIDE your house. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE CUP IS ON THE TABLE LA TAZA EST EN LA MESA THE PLATE IS IN THE CUPBOARD EL PLATO EST EN EL ARMARIO THE KNIFE IS UNDER A TABLE EL CUCHILLO EST DEBAJO DE UNA MESA THE FRUIT IS ON THE PLATE LA FRUTA EST EN EL PLATO A WAITRESS IS OUTSIDE At RESTAURANT UNA CAMARERA EST FUERA DE UN RESTAURANTE * %TEXT 0 Please note that place words (prepositions) in Spanish are tricky and you will sometimes make mistakes. Do not worry though, as you will be understood. There is one important point to remember: When you use place words like IN, ON, UNDER, etc., then the word for IS is ALWAYS EST, even if the thing is always in a particular place. # * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 SEIS CAMARERAS ESTN DEBAJO DE LA MESA SIX WAITRESSES ARE UNDER THE TABLE CUATRO TENEDORES ESTN EN EL CAJN FOUR FORKS ARE IN THE DRAWER EL MARIDO Y LA MUJER ESTN EN UN RESTAURANTE THE HUSBAND AND THE WIFE ARE IN A RESTAURANT EL PEZ EST FUERA DE UN GUARDARROPA THE FISH IS OUTSIDE A CLOAKROOM EL PERRO EST EN EL ARMARIO AMARILLO THE DOG IS ON (or IN) THE YELLOW CUPBOARD * %TEXT 0 TELLING THE TIME The next part will deal with telling the time but first it will be necessary to learn a few numbers. # * %PRESENT 4 7 0 TELLING THE TIME TEN DIEZ DEE ETH putting someone to DEATH at 10 o'clock. ELEVEN ONCE ONTHAY ELEVEN footballers ON THE field. TWELVE DOCE DOTHAY a DOZEN DOZY people. TWENTY VEINTE VE EENTAY a German saying "Your vision is TVENTY-TVENTY. TWENTY-FIVE VEINTICINCO VE EENTEETHEENKO at the age of 25 you INVENTED SINKS. QUARTER CUARTO KOO ARTO asking a bullfighter for a QUARTER of beef. HALF MEDIA MEDYA thinking it is MESSIER to cut someone in half than to leave them alone. * %TEXT 1 TELLING THE TIME As you learned earlier, the Spanish for THE HOUR is LA HORA which is, of course, FEMININE. The Spanish for WHAT is QU (pronounced KAY) So, WHAT TIME IS IT? is QU HORA ES? quite literally: WHAT HOUR IS? To answer this question by saying, for example, IT IS ONE O'CLOCK, you say something in Spanish which translates literally as IT IS THE ONE. The word HOUR is not said, but is understood. # 0 So, IT IS ONE O'CLOCK becomes IT IS THE ONE 0 or, in Spanish: ES LA UNA. Note that the word THE is feminine because the word HOUR is feminine. 0 IT IS TWO O'CLOCK becomes THEY ARE THE TWO 0 )or SON LAS DOS. Here, LAS is used because HORAS is plural. 0 Similarly, IT IS THREE O'CLOCK is SON LAS TRES IT IS ELEVEN O'CLOCK is SON LAS ONCE # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IT IS FIVE O'CLOCK SON LAS CINCO IT IS SEVEN O'CLOCK SON LAS SIETE IT IS NINE O'CLOCK SON LAS NUEVE IT IS TEN O'CLOCK SON LAS DIEZ IT IS TWO O'CLOCK SON LAS DOS * %TEXT 1 TELLING THE TIME: PARTS OF AN HOUR When you want to say IT IS QUARTER PAST or HALF PAST or FIVE PAST or TEN PAST the hour you say, for example, THEY ARE SEVEN AND HALF or SON LAS SIETE Y MEDIA 0 To say IT IS FIVE PAST THREE 0 you say SON LAS TRES Y CINCO 0 To say IT IS TWENTY PAST EIGHT 0 you say SON LAS OCHO Y VEINTE # When you want to say IT IS QUARTER TO THE HOUR or TWENTY TO THE HOUR or FIVE TO THE HOUR or TWENTY TO EIGHT etc., then in Spanish you say: THEY ARE EIGHT MINUS TWENTY or SON LAS OCHO MENOS VEINTE 0 IT IS QUARTER TO FIVE is SON LAS CINCO MENOS CUARTO 0 IT IS FIVE TO TWO is SON LAS DOS MENOS CINCO The only exception to this is with the hour ONE, which is singular. 0 So, IT IS QUARTER TO ONE is ES LA UNA MENOS CUARTO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 7 IT IS HALF PAST THREE SON LAS TRES Y MEDIA IT IS FOUR O'CLOCK SON LAS CUATRO IT IS QUARTER TO SIX SON LAS SEIS MENOS CUARTO IT IS TEN TO SEVEN SON LAS SIETE MENOS DIEZ IT IS HALF PAST NINE SON LAS NUEVE Y MEDIA IT IS TEN TO ONE ES LA UNA MENOS DIEZ IT IS THREE O'CLOCK SON LAS TRES * f%PRESENT 1 10 0 FOOD AND DRINK SOUP SOPA SOPA a soup which tastes like SOAP. RICE ARROZ ARROTH someone shooting ARROWS which land in your plate of rice. ONION CEBOLLA THEBOLYA one onion turning to another and saying "THEY BOIL YOU in this place". MUSHROOM SETA SETA being told to SAY TA by your mother, when she gives you a mushroom. TOMATO TOMATE TOMATAY throwing TOMATOES at a bullfighter. CHEESE QUESO KESO a CASE O' cheese. EGG HUEVO HOO EVO you give a WAVE O to someone who throws eggs at you. WATER (EL) AGUA AGOO A an AQUADUCT bringing water to your hotel. SUGAR AZCAR ATHOOKAR stuffing A CIGAR into the sugar bowl. COFFEE CAF KAFAY drinking coffee in a CAF. * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: AGUA is a "funny word"; it is EL AGUA. It is a feminine word which takes EL for THE. # * %PRESENT 2 10 0 MORE FOOD AND DRINK WORDS BREAD PAN PAN loaves of bread stuffed in a PAN. MEAT (LA) CARNE KARNAY CARNIVORES eating meat. CAULIFLOWER (LA) COLIFLOR KOLEEFLOR throwing a CAULIFLOWER at a bullfighter. POTATO PATATA PATATA throwing POTATOES at a bullfighter. WINE VINO VEENO a German saying "VE KNOW what a good wine it is". MILK (LA) LECHE LECHAY LEECHES in the milk. BEER CERVEZA THERVETHA demanding SERVICE for your beer in a pub. PEAR PERA PERA buying a PAIR A pears. CAKE PASTEL PASTEL a PASTEL colored cake. CABBAGE (LA) COL KOL you CALL someone a cabbage. * %PRESENT 3 9 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS HIGH ALTO ALTO flying at a HIGH ALTITUDE. LONG LARGO LARGO a LONG drink of LAGER. EXPENSIVE CARO KARO buying an EXPENSIVE CAR. CHEAP BARATO BARATO a Spanish BARITONE going CHEAP at auction. DIRTY SUCIO SOOTHYO you SOOTHE a child who is very DIRTY. RIGHT CORRECTO KORREKTO something is CORRECT and RIGHT. WRONG INCORRECTO EENKORREKTO something is WRONG and INCORRECT. EASY FCIL FATHEEL someone has a FACILITY for making things look EASY. ANGRY ENOJADO ENOHADO someone being ANGRY and ANNOYED with us. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Spanish for WAS is ESTABA when you use phrases like the following: 0 THE PIG WAS QUICK -- EL PUERCO ESTABA RPIDO 0 THE DOG WAS DIRTY -- EL PERRO ESTABA SUCIO 0 THE COW WAS QUIET -- LA VACA ESTABA TRANQUILA # The Spanish for WERE is ESTABAN when you use phrases like the following: 0 THE PIGS WERE QUICK -- LOS PUERCOS ESTABAN RPIDOS 0 THE BULLS WERE CHEAP -- LOS TOROS ESTABAN BARATOS 0 THE FROGS WERE DIRTY -- LAS RANAS ESTABAN SUCIAS # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE RED ONIONS WERE VERY DIRTY LAS CEBOLLAS ROJAS ESTABAN MUY SUCIAS THE PIGS AND THE DUCKS WERE ANGRY LOS PUERCOS Y LOS PATOS ESTABAN ENOJADOS THE TOMATOES WERE PRETTY LOS TOMATES ESTABAN BONITOS THE PEARS WERE CHEAP LAS PERAS ESTABAN BARATAS THE CAULIFLOWER AND THE CABBAGE WERE DIRTY LA COLIFLOR Y LA COL ESTABAN SUCIAS * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 EL ARROZ ESTABA SUCIO THE RICE WAS DIRTY EL MENU ESTABA CORRECTO THE MENU WAS RIGHT LOS QUESOS ESTABAN FRESCOS THE CHEESES WERE FRESH EL MENU ESTABA INCORRECTO THE MENU WAS WRONG LAS SETAS ESTABAN ALTAS THE MUSHROOMS WERE HIGH * %PRESENT 4 5 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS FIRST PRIMERO PREEMERO being in the FIRST, the PRIME position. LAST LTIMO OOLTEEMO getting an ULTIMATUM for the LAST time. HERE AQU AKEE leaving A KEY HERE. THERE ALL ALYA shouting "Are you THERE - ALL O' YA?" SECOND SEGUNDO SEGOONDO a bullfighter being the SECOND person into the ring. * %TEXT 0 NOTE: PRIMERO and LTIMO usually come before the noun as in English. For example, THE FIRST COW is LA PRIMERA VACA # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE SOUP AND THE MILK WERE HERE LA SOPA Y LA LECHE ESTABAN AQU THE WATER WAS HERE BUT THE BEER WAS THERE EL AGUA ESTABA AQU PERO LA CERVEZA ESTABA ALL THE LAST EGG IS HERE EL LTIMO HUEVO EST AQU THE COFFEE AND THE CAKE WERE HERE EL CAF Y EL PASTEL ESTABAN AQU THE MEAT IS HERE AND THE BREAD IS THERE LA CARNE EST AQU Y EL PAN EST ALL * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ES LA PRIMERA VACA IT IS THE FIRST COW EST AQU SHE IS HERE (or HE, IT) EST ALL HE IS THERE (or SHE, IT) ES EL LTIMO TOMATE IT IS THE LAST TOMATO ES LA SEGUNDA CEBOLLA IT IS THE SECOND ONION *  %PRESENT 1 10 0 BUSINESS WORDS OWNER PROPIETARIO PROPEE ETARYO asking to see the PROPRIETOR, the owner of a business. MANAGER DIRECTOR DEEREKTOR asking to see the manager, and the Managing DIRECTOR being brought to see you. BOSS JEFE HEFAY your boss behaves like an Indian CHIEF. JOB EMPLEO EMPLEO being EMPLOYED to do a job. FACTORY FBRICA FABREEKA a factory making FABRICS. SALARY SALARIO SALARYO a bullfighter collecting a SALARY. PRODUCT PRODUCTO PRODOOKTO selling a bullfighter your factory's PRODUCT. BUSINESS NEGOCIO NEGOTHYO having to NEGOTIATE for your business to be successful. CHECK CHEQUE CHEKAY a bullfighter waving a CHECK around. OFFICE OFICINA OFEETHEENA a bullfighter sitting in a big OFFICE, behind the desk. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 MORE BUSINESS WORDS RECEIPT RECIBO RETHEEBO getting a RECEIPT from a bullfighter. THING COSA KOSA asking if that thing COST A lot. HOLIDAYS (LAS) VACACIONES VAKATHYONAYS the person you are trying to get hold of has gone on VACATION for his holidays. PRICE PRECIO PRETHYO asking an Arab street seller "PRAY THEE what is the price of this?" MISTAKE ERROR ERROR a bullfighter making a bad ERROR. MARKET MERCADO MERKADO a bullfighter buying goods in a MARKET. SHOP TIENDA TEE ENDA feeling TENDER as you enter a shop to buy your loved one something. SALESMAN VENDEDOR VENDEDOR a salesman who BENDS A DOOR in order to get into a business. ACCOUNTANT CONTADOR KONTADOR an accountant sitting in his office, COUNTING DOORS instead of money. MONEY DINERO DEENERO using your money to buy your last DINNER. * %PRESENT 3 5 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS WHERE DNDE DONDAY asking "WHERE on earth is DUNDEE?" WHY POR QU POR KAY asking your mother "WHY PORK for tea again?" HOW CMO KOMO asking "HOW COME?" WHO QUIN KEE EN an ignorant person asking "WHO IS QUEEN?" HOW MUCH CUNTO KOO ANTO asking HOW MUCH it is when you buy a large QUANTITY. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR When you ask questions using words like WHERE, WHEN or WHY, you ask a question in the same way as in English. For example: 0 POR QU QUIERE UN ELEFANTE? 0 is WHY DOES HE WANT AN ELEPHANT? 0 DNDE EST EL MERCADO? 0 is WHERE IS THE MARKET? 0 CMO COME EL ELEFANTE? 0 is HOW DOES HE EAT THE ELEPHANT? 0 QUIN ES LA MUCHACHA? 0 is WHO IS THE GIRL? # When you want to say YOU in Spanish (for example, YOU EAT), you do not need the word for YOU. 0 So, in Spanish, YOU EAT is the same as EATS (COME) 0 YOU WANT is WANTS (QUIERE) 0 YOU HAVE is HAS (TIENE) Remember, that you also do not need the words for HE, SHE, IT, etc. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 WHO IS THE OWNER? QUIN ES EL PROPIETARIO? WHERE IS THE MANAGER? DNDE EST EL DIRECTOR? WHY IS THE ELEPHANT QUICK? POR QU EL ELEFANTE EST RPIDO? HOW DO YOU WANT THE DUCK? CMO QUIERE EL PATO? HOW MUCH MONEY HAS HE? CUNTO DINERO TIENE? * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 DNDE ESTN EL PROPIETARIO Y EL DIRECTOR? WHERE ARE THE OWNER AND THE MANAGER? POR QU LOS JEFES Y LOS DIRECTORES SON BLANCOS? WHY ARE THE BOSSES AND THE MANAGERS WHITE? CMO QUIERE LAS TIENDAS Y LAS FBRICAS? HOW DO YOU WANT THE SHOPS AND THE FACTORIES? CUNTO ES EL SALARIO? HOW MUCH IS THE SALARY? POR QU LOS CHEQUES Y LOS RECIBOS ESTN SUCIOS? WHY ARE THE CHECKS AND THE RECEIPTS DIRTY? * %TEXT 0 Remember the word order is not changed in Spanish when you ask a question. Don't worry if you have made mistakes. You will be understood. # * %PRESENT 4 6 0 BUSINESSES AND SHOPS BARBER'S SHOP BARBERA BARBEREE A that the barber who is cutting your hair is a BARBARIAN. PHARMACY FARMACIA FARMATHYA a bullfighter going to the PHARMACY for some asprin. HARDWARE STORE FERRETERA FERRETEREE A FERRETS running wild amongst the pots and pans in a hardware store. LAUNDROMAT LAVANDERA LAVANDEREE A someone spilling LAVENDER water all over the laundromat. SUPERMARKET SUPERMERCADO SOOPER MERKADO bullfighters doing their weekly shopping in a SUPERMARKET. TOBACCONIST TABAQUERA TABAKEREE A a bullfighter in a TOBACCONIST'S SHOP. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE SUPERMARKET AND THE PHARMCY ARE HERE EL SUPERMERCADO Y LA FARMACIA ESTN AQUI THE SALESMAN WANTS A RECEIPT AND THE MONEY EL VENDEDOR QUIERE UN RECIBO Y EL DINERO THE ACCOUNTANT HAS A JOB IN THE OFFICE EL CONTADOR TIENE UN EMPLEO EN LA OFICIN)A THE BARBER'S SHOP AND THE LAUNDROMAT ARE GOOD BUSINESSES LA BARBERA Y LA LAVANDERA SON BUENOS NEGOCIOS (N.B. GOOD often comes before the noun) THE MISTAKE IS HERE EL ERROR EST AQUI * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LAS VACACIONES ESTN AQUI Y NO ALLA THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE AND NOT THERE LOS PRODUCTOS SON MUY BUENOS THE PRODUCTS ARE VERY GOOD EL PRECIO ES SIEMPRE ALTO THE PRICE IS ALWAYS HIGH LA FERRETERA TIENE COSAS CARAS THE HARDWARE STORE HAS EXPENSIVE THINGS LA PRIMERA TIENDA ES MUY LARGA THE FIRST SHOP IS VERY LONG * %PRESENT 1 10 0 TRAVELLING AND ARRIVING AT YOUR DESTINATION PASSPORT PASAPORTE PASAPORTAY a bullfighter stamping your PASSPORT when you arrive in Spain. SUITCASE MALETA MALETA MY LETTER is in your suitcase. CUSTOMS ADUANA ADOO ANA going through the customs saying "ADD ONE. Add two", etc. TOILET RETRETE RETRETAY RETREATING to the toilet. TICKET BILLETE BEELYETAY thinking "I will BE LATE if I don't find my tickets". DANGER PELIGRO PELEEGRO someone shouting "Danger don't eat that, it will make your BELLY GROW". GENTLEMEN SEORES SENYORAYS a number of SENIOR men entering the gentlemen's toilet. LADIES SEORAS SENYORAS a number of SENIOR ladies entering the ladies' toilet. ENTRANCE ENTRADA ENTRADA a bullfighter ENTERING a bullring. EXIT SALIDA SALEEDA SALAD spread all over the exit to your hotel. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 MORE TRAVELLING WORDS BOAT BARCO BARKO a dog BARKING as you embark on a boat. CAR COCHE KOCHAY your car is converted into an old-fashioned COACH. BUS AUTOBS A OOTOBOOS A BUS filled with bullfighters. TRAIN TREN TREN bullfighters leaning out of TRAIN carriages. GARAGE GARAJE GARAHAY a bullfighter serving gasoline on the forecourt of a GARAGE. GASOLINE GASOLINA GASOLEENA filling your car with GAS instead of gasoline. OIL ACEITE ATHE EETAY oil being so ACIDY that it burns a hole when you drop some. FLAT TIRE PINCHAZO PEENCHATHO when a lady bends down to inspect a flat tire you PINCH HER, THOUGH we're not saying where! WHEEL RUEDA ROO EDA little wheels appearing on a RADAR screen. JACK GATO GATO using a sponge GATEAU as a jack. (It's the same as for CAT). * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR EATS, HAS AND WANTS. You will remember that the Spanish for: 0 EATS (or YOU EAT) is COME 0 HAS (or YOU HAVE) is TIENE 0 WANTS (or YOU WANT) is QUIERE 0 The Spanish for I WANT is QUIERO 0 (pronounced KEE ERO) 0 The Spanish for I EAT is COMO 0 (pronouced KOMO) 0 The Spanish for I HAVE is TENGO 0 (pronounced TENGO) Remember that I means "O" at the end of the word. # 0 So, I HAVE A TICKET is TENGO UN BILLETE 0 Note that in Spanish I WANT and I AM WANTING, 0 #I EAT and I AM EATING, etc. are the same. # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I HAVE A TICKET TENGO UN BILLETE I WANT THE CUSTOMS QUIERO LA ADUANA I AM EATING THE PIG COMO EL PUERCO HE IS THE BOSS ES EL JEFE I HAVE A BOAT AND A CAR TENGO UN BARCO Y UN COCHE * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ES EL PROPIETARIO HE (or SHE) IS THE OWNER or YOU ARE THE OWNER TENGO UN PASAPORTE Y UNA MALETA I HAVE A PASSPORT AND A SUITCASE COMO EL BILLETE, Y EL PERRO COME LA RUEDA I AM EATING THE TICKET, AND THE DOG IS EATING THE WHEEL QUIERO UN GARAJE I WANT A GARAGE ES UN CONTADOR HE (or SHE) IS AN ACCOUNTANT or YOU ARE AN ACCOUNTANT * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The next elementary grammar point is about the word for I AM. In Spanish the phrase I AM is: 0 ESTOY if the state is TEMPORARY, or 0 SOY if it is PERMANENT. # 0 For example: 0 PERMANENT TEMPORARY 0 STATE STATE 0 - - 0 I AM A PIG I AM QUICK 0 SOY UN PUERCO ESTOY RPIDO 0 I AM A DOG I AM FRESH 0 SOY UN PEQRRO ESTOY FRESCO 0 I AM THE MANAGER I AM FREE 0 SOY EL DIRECTOR ESTOY LIBRE # In an earlier section you learned that the word for NO is NO, and it is also the word for not. 0 To say THE CAR IS NOT SMALL you say EL COCHE NO ES PEQUEO 0 ,(THE CAR NOT IS SMALL) In other words, you put the 'NO' in front of the verb. So, THE DOG IS NOT QUICK is EL PERRO NO EST RPIDO There is one important rule to remember: the word for A is usually omitted when you use the word NO. 0 For example: I DO NOT HAVE A COW is NO TENGO VACA (Remember "I" is also left out in Spanish.) # 0 YOU DO NOT HAVE A BULL is NO TIENE TORO 0 YOU DO NOT EAT PIGS is NO COME PUERCOS 0 I AM A DOG is SOY UN PERRO 0 I AM NOT A DOG is NO SOY PERRO EL and LA are LEFT IN, however, with the word THE: I AM NOT THE PIG is NO SOY EL PUERCO # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 IT IS NOT A CAR NO ES COCHE HE IS NOT A WORM NO ES GUSANO I AM NOT THE OWNER NO SOY EL PROPIETARIO I HAVE A PASSPORT TENGO UN PASAPORTE IT IS NOT A SUITCASE NO ES MALETA * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ESTOY SUCIO. EL RETRETE EST AQU I AM DIRTY. THE TOILET IS HERE SOY PEQUEO, PERO COMO UN CABALLO I AM SMALL, BUT I EAT A HORSE LA CAMA ES DURA Y VIEJA THE BED IS HARD AND OLD TENGO UNA MALETA AMARILLA, Y LA MUCHACHA TIENE UNA MALETA AZUL I HAVE A YELLOW SUITCASE, AND THE GIRL HAS A BLUE SUITCASE SOY UN MARIDO, Y QUIERO SOPA O LECHE Y AZCAR I AM A HUSBAND, AND I WANT SOUP OR MILK AND SUGAR * %PRESENT 3 10 0 SOME MORE TRAVELLING WORDS TIRE NEUMTICO NE OOMATEEKO blowing up a PNEUMATIC tire. EXHAUST ESCAPE ESKAPAY exhaust fumes ESCAPING from a car. MAP (EL) MAPA MAPA a bullfighter studying a MAP. PUMP BOMBA BOMBA a BOMB on your pump, which explodes when the pump is switched on. KEY (LA) LLAVE LYAVAY that you have left your key in the LAVATORY. ENGINE MOTOR MOTOR your MOTOR car won't start because the engine has broken down. DRIVER CONDUCTOR KONDOOKTOR the driver of your car is a bus CONDUCTOR. FAN VENTILADOR VENTEELADOR you use a fan for a VENTILATOR for your car. SEAT ASIENTO ASEE ENTO you have to ASCEND TO sit on your seat. TANK DEPSITO DEPOSEETO you DEPOSIT gasoline in your tank. * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR The Spanish for SOME is UNOS or UNAS. 0 UNOS is MASCULINE 0 UNAS is FEMININE 0 So, TENGO UNAS VACAS is I HAVE SOME COWS 0 COMO UNOS TOROS is I EAT SOME BULLS # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I HAVE SOME TICKETS TENGO UNOS BILLETES I EAT SOME CATS COMO UNOS GATOS I WANT SOME WHEELS QUIERO UNAS RUEDAS SHE HAS SOME TABLES TIENE UNAS MESAS IT HAS SOME GEESE TIENE UNOS GANSOS * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 NO ES ENTRADA Y NO ES SALIDA IT IS NOT AN ENTRANCE AND IT IS NOT AN EXIT QUIERE UNOS PASAPORTES PERO NO EL BILLETE HE WANTS SOME PASSPORTS BUT NOT THE TICKET NO, NO ES LA ADUANA NO, IT IS NOT THE CUSTOMS LOS SEORES Y LAS SEORAS ESTN AQU THE GENTLEMEN AND THE LADIES ARE HERE EL AUTOBS, EL COCHE Y EL TREN ESTN EN EL GARAJE THE BUS, THE CAR AND THE TRAIN ARE IN THE GARAGE * %TEXT 0 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR To say you have NOT got some cows, or tables, and so on, you leave out the UNOS and UNAS. 0 NO TENGO MALETAS is I DO NOT HAVE (ANY) SUITCASES 0 NO COMO PATOS is I DO NOT EAT (ANY) DUCKS # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 YOU DO NOT WANT (ANY) TICKETS NO QUIERE BILLETES HE DOES NOT EAT (ANY) WORMS NO COME GUSANOS YOU DO NOT HAVE (ANY) PASSPORTS NO TIENE PASAPORTES SHE HAS SOME CARS TIENE UNOS COCHES I DO NOT HAVE (ANY) SUITCASES NO TENGO MALETAS * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 ES UN PINCHAZO PERO NO TENGO GATO IT IS A FLAT TIRE BUT I DO NOT HAVE A JACK EL CONDUCTOR QUIERE GASOLINA Y ACEITE EN EL DEPSITO THE DRIVER WANTS GASOLINE AND OIL IN THE TANK LOS NEUMTICOS SON MUY VIEJOS THE TIRES ARE VERY OLD NO QUIERO RUEDAS, NO QUIERO BOMBAS PERO QUIERO UNOS ASIENTOS Y UNOS VENTILADORES I DO NOT WANT (ANY) WHEELS, I DO NOT WANT (ANY) PUMPS, BUT I WANT SOME SEATS AND SOME FANS NO TENGO BARCOS AMARILLOS I DO NOT HAVE (ANY) YELLOW BOATS * x %PRESENT 1 10 0 ON THE BEACH AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES BEACH PLAYA PLAYA PLIERS scattered all over the beach. SAND ARENA ARENA clowns in a circus ARENA throwing sand at each other. DECKCHAIR HAMACA AMAKA a HAMMOCK slung between two deckchairs. PICNIC MERIENDA MEREE ENDA your picnic coming to a MERRY END, possibly because people have drunk too much. SUN SOL SOL SAUL in the Bible, staring at the sun. COLD FRO FREE O being FREEzing cold. HEAT CALOR KALOR using CALOR gas to heat something up. (TO) RESCUE SALVAR SALVAR giving someone a silver SALVER after they have rescued you. SEA MAR MAR yelling "MA! get me out of the sea". ROCK ROCA ROKA a bullfighter standing on some ROCKS. * %PRESENT 2 10 0 LEISURE ACTIVITIES PARTY FIESTA FEE ESTA having a FEAST in the middle of your party. BULLFIGHT CORRIDA KORREEDA having a bullfight in a CORRIDOR. LAKE LAGO LAGO a lake made of LAGER beer. RIVER RO REE O a famous river, the RIO Grande. MOUNTAIN MONTAA MONTANYA mountains in the American state of MONTANA. STAMP SELLO SELYO someone who wants to SELL YOU a stamp. ENVELOPE SOBRE SOBRAY being SOBER enough, just, to stick down an envelope. LETTER CARTA KARTA Ex-President Jimmy CARTER reading a letter. PEN PLUMA PLOOMA PLUMAge sticking out of your pen. BOOK LIBRO LEEBRO a LIBRARY with books. * %TEXT 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR Here are some useful words: The Spanish for MY is MI (pronounced MEE) Imagine thinking "Give ME MY car". The Spanish for YOUR, HIS, HER and ITS is SU (pronounced SOO) Imagine thinking, I will SUE, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS family for damages. # The Spanish for MY and YOUR when the noun is plural is MIS or SUS. In other words, you add an S. 0 So, 0 MY COWS is MIS VACAS 0 MY TOILETS is MIS RETRETES 0 MY BEACHES is MIS PLAYAS 0 YOUR DECKCHAIRS is SUS HAMACAS 0 YOUR PICNICS is SUS MERIENDAS # * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 I AM YOUR BOY SOY SU MUCHACHO I AM HIS BROTHER SOY SU HERMANO IT IS MY PIG ES MI PUERCO IT IS MY BEACH ES MI PLAYA IT IS MY SUN ES MI SOL * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LA ARENA EST EN SUS HAMACAS Y EST EN MIS CARTAS THE SAND IS ON YOUR (or HIS, HER) DECKCHAIRS AND IS ON (or IN) MY LETTERS ES SU SOBRE, Y MI SELLA IT IS YOUR (or HIS, HER, ITS) ENVELOPE, AND MY STAMP QUIERO SUS MONTAAS Y SUS ROS I WANT YOUR (or HIS, HER, ITS) MOUNTAINS AND YOUR (or HIS, HER, ITS) RIVERS PELIGRO! SU FIESTA EST MUY TRANQUILA DANGER! YOUR (or HIS, HER, ITS) PARTY IS VERY QUIET EL AGUA EST FRA HOY PERO LA MERIENDA EST AQU EN UN BARCO EN EL LAGO THE WATER IS COLD TODAY, BUT THE PICNIC IS HERE ON (or IN) A BOAT ON (or IN) THE LAKE * %TEXT 0 Remember: SU can be YOUR or HIS or HER or ITS # * %PRESENT 3 10 0 SOME MORE USEFUL WORDS DOCTOR MDICO MEDEEKO your doctor with bottles of MEDICINE. DENTIST (EL) DENTISTA DENTEESTA a bullfighter at the DENTIST'S. LAWYER ABOGADO ABOGADO a lawyer eating an AVOCADO pear in the middle of the defence of his client. POLICE POLICA POLEETHEE A the POLICE arresting a bullfighter. BANK BANCO BANKO your BANK filled with bullfighters. HOTEL HOTEL OTEL a bullfighter's convention at your HOTEL. POST OFFICE CORREO KORREO a post office in KOREA, with Korean signs outside. CAMPING SITE CAMPING CAMPEENG bullfighters CAMPING at a camping site. ROAD CARRETERA KARRETERA CARROTS strewn all over the road. MUSEUM MUSEO MOOSEO an exhibition of bullfighters at your local MUSEUM. * %SENTENCES_E_F 5 THE HEAT IS HERE TODAY EL CALOR EST AQU HOY THE SEA AND THE ROCK WERE HERE, BUT THE ROAD AND THE MUSEUM ARE NOT HERE EL MAR Y LA ROCA ESTABAN AQU, PERO LA CARRETERA Y EL MUSEO NO ESTN AQU THE BULLFIGHT WAS IN THE HOTEL LA CORRIDA ESTABA EN EL HOTEL YOUR DOCTOR WANTS MORE MONEY AND MY DENTIST WANTS MORE CHEESE SU MDICO QUIERE MS DINERO Y MI DENTISTA QUIERE MS QUESO MY DOGS WERE UNDER A BANK MIS PERROS ESTABAN DEBAJO DE UN BANCO * %SENTENCES_F_E 5 LA PLUMA Y EL LIBRO ESTN EN LA MESA THE PEN AND THE BOOK ARE ON THE TABLE MIS ABOGADOS ESTN FUERA DE UN GUARDARROPA MY LAWYERS ARE OUTSIDE A CLOAKROOM LA LLAVE Y EL MAPA ESTABAN EN LA CARRETERA THE KEY AND THE MAP WERE ON THE ROAD MI MOTOR Y MI ESCAPE SON MUY VIEJOS MY ENGINE AND MY EXHAUST ARE VERY OLD EL CAMPING Y EL CORREO TIENEN FLORES AZULES THE CAMPING sSITE AND THE POST OFFICE HAVE BLUE FLOWERS * %TEXT 0 PLEASE NOTE: PLURALS Verbs in sentences such as the previous sentence (THE CAMPING SITE AND THE POST OFFICE HAVE...) or THEY HAVE, or THEY EAT, etc., always end in "N". 0 So, The camping site and the post office HAVE... 0 is El camping y el correo TIENEN... # * P