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For information|on the updated version, please select|the 'INFO' buttonQuit|InfoEnter Password : ____0123456789ABCDEF|^Password Accepted||^INVALID PASSWORD|^Will continue in Demo Mode|SOLITARE.PRG^Cannot update Serial Number Data||^Installation procedure|^is not compatible with|^program found on this disk^Cannot update Serial Number Data||^SOLITARE.PRG not Found^G a m e O v e r||^Score=Jack QueenKing Ace 6  t*8ZX~  DfP:N$T 0܎*D02@FL2Rpd2@F2T2,p8N".8 ,l |" , L\rp0t.$L|N" 2|02N > DxP &P"6,,  T2bf280$2N0V BRfH0"D:t& "84`$N\jbv"4Z(*l(6N(J2@r.$" "L 0JJ$2>n(z\z, 06` "2F0".B8 t((@PtDZ$8\r&zp~ *l "$ S O L I T A I R E G A M E P A K Cracked by KC Slim - Password 9D87 'Solitaire Game Pak' is a SHAREWARE program which includes 4 of the more popular variations of Solitaire type card games, 'Klondike', 'Scoripion', 'Pyramid' and 'Golf'. VERY IMPORTANT! The first time you run 'Solitaire Game Pak', the program automatically serializes itself. This Serial Number is required in order to provide the activation password. Once you have registered your copy of the program and applied the activation password, DO NOT run an uninstalled copy, as this will create a copy with a totally different serial number and will require a new activation password. If you wish to give a copy of this program to a friend or upload it to another BBS, please feel free to do so. However ONLY AN UNINSTALLED copy may be distributed. To insure that the copy you distribute has not been installed execute 'UPDATE.PRG' against a backup copy. Please do not distribute installed copies of these programs. DO NOT EXECUTE 'UPDATE.PRG' AGAINST YOUR OWN INSTALLED COPY. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST! Playing 'SOLITAIRE GAME PAK' Moving a Card Point at the card, press the LEFT mouse button and drag it to where you want it, then release the button. If you want to move an entire stack of cards, point at the top card in the stack before moving. In 'Golf' simply click the mouse on the desired card and it will move to the foundation area. In 'Pyramid', you need to select two cards (which total 13 points). The first card will change color until you select a second card. Canceling your Last Move Press the [UNDO] key. This returns the board to the same status as it was before you last move. You are only allowed to UNDO one move. Turning over a Card Click the LEFT mouse button while pointing at the desired card. Dealing Cards from the Deck or to turning Deck over. Click on the deck or empty area where the deck was to continue drawing cards. This can also be done by clicking the RIGHT mouse button. Starting a New Game Choose 'NEW' from the Games Option Screen, or press [F2] Accessing the 'Options' Screen Pressing the [HELP] key will display the 'Options Screen'. This screen shows information about 'Solitaire Game Pak' such as game selection, current score, etc. Use of the Function Keys F1 - RESUME Exits the options screen and returns to game. F2 - NEW Redeals the cards and starts another game. F3 - SELECT Moves the selector to the next game. Games can also be selected by clicking the mouse on the games icon. F4 - Options This function key is available only in the 'KLONDIKE' game Draw 1 Card - Sets deal to a single card at a time Draw 3 Cards - Sets deal to 3 cards at a time F5 - HINT Searchs for the first legal move available. NOTE : This function does not necessarily always return the 'BEST' move, just a legal one. F6 - CARDS Selects the Card Back design that will be display. You can also click the mouse on the current card design. F7 - LOAD/SAVE Allows you to save the current game in progress, or to restore a previously saved game. F8 - SOUND Toggles the sound on and off. The current status is shown by the colored indicator. (Green=ON Red=OFF) F9 - FASTDEAL Toggles the FastDeal option on and off. With FastDeal ON, the cards are dealt instantly, with this option turned off, each card is dealt one at a time. The current status is shown by the colored indicator. (Green=ON Red=OFF) F10 - QUIT Exits Solitaire and returns to the Desktop. The current selected options are also saved. [HELP] Displays the 'OPTIONS SCREEN'. If the [HELP] key is pressed while on the 'OPTIONS' screen, then copyright and program registration information is displayed. [UNDO] Cancels your last move. Board reverts to the way it was before the play was made. Only the last move can be undone. Rules to KLONDIKE Solitaire Estimated Time : 8-10 minutes per games Chance to Win : 1 in 30 games The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the foundations from ACE to King. There are (3) three areas on the screen... 1. Four Foundation Stacks in upper right corner, these start out empty. 2. Seven card stacks that make up the Tableau. The number of cards in each stack increases from 1 to 7 from left to right. The top card in each stack is dealt face up. 3. The deck of remaining cards in the upper left corner You draw cards from the deck and use them to build up the Foundation. Either the first or third card in the deck is shown depending on the option selected. When you get to the end of the deck, you can turn the deck over and start again. You can move a card from the deck to the Foundation or Tableau. You build up the Tableau by alternating Red and Black cards in descending order (a Red Jack plays on a Black Queen). Cards moved to the Foundation are played in ascending order (ACE to King) and must be the same suit (a 5 of Spades plays on the 4 of Spades). You can move a card in the Tableau to another column in the Tableau or to the Foundation. If you uncover a card that is face down, you can turn it over. Only Kings can be moved to empty columns in the Tableau area. You win when all the cards have been moved to the Foundation area. Scoring 10 points for each card moved to the Foundation 5 points for each card moved from Deck to Tableau - 15 points for each card moved from Foundation to Tableau - 20 points for each pass through the deck (Draw 3) -100 points for each pass through the deck (Draw 1) Rules to 'GOLF' Solitaire Estimated Time : 4-5 minutes per games Chance to Win : 1 in 20 games The object of the game is to play all of the cards in the tableau area. There are three (3) areas on the screen 1. One Foundation Stack next to the card deck. This starts out with one card dealt to it. 2. Seven card stacks that make up the Tableau. There are five (5) cards in each stack. All the cards are dealt face up. 3. The remaining cards are facedown in the upper left corner. Only the top card in each stack of the tableau is available for play. Play consists of move cards from the tableau area to the foundation. You can move a card if its value is one (1) higher or lower than the top card in the foundation (a Jack or a King can be moved onto a Queen). The exceptions to this rule are; only a two (2) can be moved to an ACE and nothing can be moved onto a King. Each time no moves are available, turn up the next card from the remaining deck. Play ceases when all moves have been made and no more cards remain in the deck. Scoring In Golf you start with 35 points. The object is to end with the lowest score. One (1) point is subtracted for each card you remove from the tableau area. Rules to 'PYRAMID' Solitaire Estimated Time : 4-5 minutes per games Chance to Win : 1 in 50 games The object of the game is to play all the cards in the pyramid. There are (3) three areas on the screen 1. The Pyramid. Made up of 28 cards dealt face up. 2. The wastepile in the upper right corner of the screen. 3. The deck of remaining cards in the upper left corner. You can move any two cards that total thirteen (13) points, Kings are moved singly. Aces are one (1) point, Jacks are eleven (11) etc. Cards can be paired from within the pyramid, or a card from the pyramid can be paired with the face-up card from the deck. If the total of the cards equal thirteen (13) the are removed and placed in the wastepile. You win when all the cards have been moved from the Pyramid. Scoring 10 points for each card moved to the wastepile. Rules to 'SCORPION' Solitaire Estimated Time : 8-10 minutes per games Chance to Win : 1 in 10 games The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the foundations from ACE to King. There are (3) three areas on the screen... 1. Four Foundation Stacks in upper right corner, these start out empty. 2. Seven card stacks that make up the Tableau. There are seven (7) cards in each stack. The top three cards in the first four (4) stacks are dealt facedown, all the rest are dealt face up. 3. The remaining three (3) cards in the upper left corner. You can move a card in the Tableau to another column in the Tableau or to the Foundation. Cards moved within the tableau area must be in descending order and of opposite colors (a RED 5 plays on a BLACK 6). Cards moved from the tableau to the foundation area must be in ascending order and of the same SUIT (a 3 of SPADES plays on the 2 of SPADES). Any card in the tableau, no matter how deeply buried, may be moved; however all cards above it must be moved as a unit. Only the top card in any stack can be moved to the foundation area. If you uncover a card that is face down, you can turn it over. Only Kings can be moved to empty columns in the Tableau area. When no more moves are possible, the remaining three cards can be brought into play (Click the left mouse on the face down card). One card is dealt on top of each of the first 3 stacks in the tableau area. You win when all the cards have been moved to the Foundation area. Scoring 10 points for each card moved to the Foundation Registration 'SOLITAIRE GAME PAK' is a shareware program. Copies of an activated version of this program cannot be sold, copied, given away or transmitted by any means. To recieve the password required to convert the DEMO version of this program to a fully active version, and to become eligble for any future updates or enhancements to 'SOLITAIRE GAME PAK', please send the following : 1) Your Name and Address 2) a check or money order for $15 + $5 for S&H 3) the serial number that appears within the program 4) any comments or ideas you may have. TO:  R.David Sisemore 986 Fifth Ave #32 Chula Vista, CA 91911 NOTE: The serial number is generated by the program the first time you execute it, and each serial number requires a unique password. So if for some reason you lose your installed copy, another password will be required to activated any new copy you download. Copyright (c)1990,1991 R.David Sisemore `=@AONZa~;| 0?< Epa*/NJ;| 0?<0Ep#a /NJ?<@Epa/NJ?<PE pa/NJ?<dE p%a/NJ?<tE ;p$a/NJ?<E _pa/NJ?<E yp$a|/NJ;|0?<E pa^/NJ?<E paF/NJaCaAp a Nu$H$& K-KC"e a2"d aA"ךf B &nNupNH>d d3 d# d# # d# # # # d ALH dAL H LH d AL`H L|0H>L|H>d~# # # # A`@ALH L|H>L|H>L|PH>L| H>L|H>L|H>L|H>L|`H>L|0H>L|H>QL|Nu$H$&"BA -KaXA"f B &nNuH>dd2d"d""d""""d LHC dLHLH C@d LHL|H| L|H|PCd~""""C`:LHL|H| L|H|PL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|pL|H|L|H|CQL|Nu`@a8A-Hhp apMa=@F?<NNTT@A0r p0Q`pdr ta0.F=@=@ACp,2QAp 2Qaa:`x`tpeahp`(p?a(adabaHz?< NA\?<LNAfCR2A0A82r22a"< 0<NBLNurt=@:=A@=B2::(   F..26"8@"PQ1!P1P!0PP`0  q#p"AӘQNuA Nu|^|  R^,T:Hz(` N Hz ?<&NN\Nu9^gNuW^NuaaavNuNuNupc?a0QNurdAd6Ag,B(dB(dH Ac<abtgBAp` NuNu?<OA`d?<IA`Z0<H Ia Lt Ig Og Ug Ag Rg*afNup`a p`p0ahfHRa >Er$Wgr STD:gr COM:g r LPT:f2FA$_0=@D~CA0< Bha 0B2"pNu$_AF Ge><QBAFpNuahgzp=` a\gzp _a4$FAFp_@[000][vx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSrQ][vx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQStQ]BAF0-H,=@p4a`2HNu <}a$Ia `$XaH`aHR?<NNT @"_ <}Nuvn\n^~Ha0 @xepw2AtE4*jDjHB t`0QTAtp =| D`ab`QNuHg"cc/ 0)a@ _$PS@kH2QNu2(g$PRAA4DBH%$Y2Pg 1AHRAA%NuBhNuao aШNupNuaJFoHPJhja?<?B?<BNAO _*kBg?/(?<BNAO Jk NuNafoazJBkAf`a|??/?<BNA.k \Hx?<BNAO [HHNux`x*0ao< 2fJjr` Nu~dGdEH<Nup` 0@F@AJhg PLNu` LJg(HPBHh/??<@NAXLf ѨLNuJkp%` aJBja!| ??<>NAXOJkpNu0< aF`0< CF2p`p a0`p CFp`aCF"p`Hza `Hz"J`pB.@=|DNua.@FpAR@C`N B.@=|DNuB.@a=GDgNup` a`aCF"E p`.@<.DAp$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.DjZ\FkBJn`g Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ/?"R~>Cx"c aҳ"b(K&JHP~"S>/ /?.D?<?NAO _JkѨf L"[6\`$Y4jDB`Q]CnL>Nu&ZRf`Q`a`aH>"R~>Cx"c a:"bj(K&JHP"[6>X L` $Y4j DB`Q`&ZRf@`Q]Cn/ /?.D?<@NAO _Jk$ѨfL>Nup`p`p%L>`aAdgHAAHP P (R` / aAdgHAA HP$_ R2 S b`v6aL2<<.D>HRaP$_Nur ?HQa _/ ?a0 _4gSB@c:Ad,J@gB@BmS@,. 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