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N NNe~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH mg` Nq` Nq mg` Nq` Nq>-=~NJGf` Nq`Nq;|~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAT.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAT.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NHRm mod~=~=~=~=~NH`Nq~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNA.N NNN# #N N~ =~=~=~=~NRNN!Which type N NNc~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH;|~P=~=>-^;G><=>-=></=>-G =A.N$>- Gg`JNqN Agri-Mule2<lN>-GGK;G>-=>-=A.-~N` Nq>- Gg`JNqN Sol-R-Mule2<lN>-GGd;G>-=>-=A.-~N`Nq>- Gg`LNqN Mine-R-Mule2<lN>-GG;G>-=>-=A.-~N`XNq>- Gg`FNqN Mega-G-Mule2<lN>-GG;G>-=>-=A.-~N~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNA$.N N~ =~=~=~=~NRNNThis N Al.N N will cost $N >-NN N N>-=~=~=A.vBN G./>H-.N8JGf` Nq`Nq;|~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAD.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAD.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NHRm mod~=~=~=~=~NH`4Nq~ =~=~=~=~NRNN$Would you like to buy it? N NNe~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH mg` Nq`rNq mg` Nq`Nq>-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^;G~=~=A.vBN-~=~=A.vBN G.->-HDޞ ^ NaJ~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNA .N NNN# #N N~ =~=~=~=~NRNN%Place it on your plot N NNb>-=>-=A.v"N> Gg` Nq`NNq;|~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNA,.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNA,.N N~=~ =~=~=~NHRm mod~=~=~=~=~NH~=~=~DGAN`tNq~=~N>-=~=~=~=~NRNA\.N N~=>-=~=~=~NH~=~=~=~=~NHAN`Nq`Nq>-=>-=A.v"N->- ^0>-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^;G>-=~NJGf`"Nq>-TG=>-RG=A.-~N>-=~NJGf`"Nq>-RG=>-RG=A.-~N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH~=~=~=~=~NH>- Gg`$Nq>-=>-=A|.-~N`Nq>- Gg`$Nq>-=>-=A.-~N`bNq>- Gg`$Nq>-=>-=A.-~N`0Nq>- Gg`Nq>-=>-=A.-~N` Nq~=~NNAd.N NNAd.N N>-2=~=.<AN />N-.N-.<ANŖN./>N-.NŖN;G~=~=~=~=~NRNN You won $N >-NN N N~=~ =~=~=~NH~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH~=~=A.vBN-~=~=A.vBN G.->-Hޞ ^ NaJ`lNq~=~=A.vBN G.-~2HNJGf` Nq`Nq~=~NNAd.N NNAd.N N;|~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAD.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNAD.N N~=~ =~=~=~ NHRm mod~=~=~=~=~NH`HNq~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNA .N NNAd.N N~=~=A.vBN-~=~=A.vBN G.-~2HDޞ ^ NaJ>-=~DG^;G~ =~=~=~=~NR~=~NNN#Which plot? N NNb>-=>-=A.v"N>;G~=>-DG^ND=~NJGf`Nq>-RG;G~=~N~ =~=~=~=~NR mg`:NqNN#Nothin' but rocks N N~=~=~=~=~NR>-=~NJGf`8NqNN"There's gold in those hills! N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH`Nq~=~NNAd.N NNAd.N N;|>- Gg` Nq~=~=~=~=~NR`ZNq>- Gg` Nq~ =~=~=~=~NR`,Nq>- Gg`Nq~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNNMechitrons turnsN N~=>-=A.vBN G.-~HN8JGf` Nq`Nq~=>-=A.vBN-~=>-=A.vBN G.-~HDޞ ^ ~=>-=A.vBN G.-~HN8JGf`$Nq~=>-=A.vBN-~H ^ ~=>-=A.vBN G.;G~=>-=A.vBN G.;G~ =>-=A.vBN G.;G~=>-=A.vBN G.+G>-=~ NJGf` NqNdl mg` Nq`JNq mg`.Nq>-=>-=A.v"N>JGg` Nq;|>- Gg`6Nq><=~^=></=~i=A.N$>-GGK;G`Nq>- Gg`6Nq><=~l=></=~w=A.N$>-GGd;G`Nq>- Gg`8Nq><=~z=></=><=A.N$>-GG;G`FNq>- Gg`4Nq><=><=></=><=A.N$>-GG;G mg` Nq`Nq>-=.-/>H-.NJGf` Nq`Nq~=>-=A.vBN GR>-=>-=A.v"N->- ^0>-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^;G>-RG=>-RG=A.-~N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH.-->-HDޞ+G.--~5Hޞ-~(=.<AN />N-.N-.<ANŖN.NH.NHLNN\+G~=>-=A.vBN-.- ^ Rm mo;|;|;|>-=>-=A.v"N>=>-RGNJGf` Nq`Nq>-=>-=A.v"N>JGf` Nq`jNq>-=>-=A.v"N>;G mg` Nq`8Nq~=>-Gd=~=>-=A.vBN G./>H-.NJGf` Nq`Nq>- Gg`.Nq><=~l=></=~w=A.N$;|`xNq>- Gg`.Nq><=~^=></=~i=A.N$;|`- Gg`*Nq><=~z=></=><=A.N$;|~=>-=A.vBN-~=>-=A.vBN G.->-GGdHDޞ ^ >-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^;G~=>-=A.vBN GR>-=>-=A.v"N->- ^0~=>-=A.vBN-~=>-=A.vBN G.->-HDޞ ^ Sm>-RG=>-RG=A.-~N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NHRm mo.Rm m oRm mo~=~NNAd.N N~ =.<AN />N-.N-.<ANŖN.N;G;|;|;|>-=~=~NhJGg` Nq`Nq`Nq`Nq>- Gg`Nq`Nq`Nq>- Gg`Nq`Nq`vNq>- Gg`Nq`Nq`XNq>- Gg`Nq`$Nq`:Nq>- G g`Nq`Nq`Nq>- G g` Nq`(Nq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNN"New fertilizer doubles crop outputN N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|~=~=~=~=~NH`tNq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNNSevere drought cripples cropsN N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|~=~=~=~=~NH`Nq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNN$Solor flares increase energy output N N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|~=~=~=~=~NH`2Nq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNNDust storms cut energy outputN N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|~=~=~=~=~NH`Nq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNN!Plate shifts expose new ore veinsN N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|~=~=~=~=~NH`Nq~=~N~=~=~=~=~NRNN!Earthquakes total mine productionN N~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~ =~=~=~NH;|N`>-=>-=A.v"N> Gf` Nq`Nq>-=>-=A.v"N2>-=>-=A.v"N2>-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^;G>-VG=>-VG=>-G=>-G=A.N$;|~=>-DG^NDRG;G>-=>-^=>-=>-^=A.-~N~=~=>-DG^=~=~=~NH~=~=~=~=~NHRm mo~>-RG=>-RG=A .-~N~=~=><=><=A .N$~=~=~=~=~NH~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNAd.N NNNProduction PhaseN N;|>-=~=A.v"N-~=>-=A.vBN G. ^0Rm mo;|;|>-=>-=A.v"N>;G mg` Nq`Nq>-=>-=A.v"N>=~DG^;G>-=~NJGf` Nq;| mg`8Nq>-=~=A.v"N GRP~=>-=A.vBN GR>-=~=A.v"N>JGg` Nq`lNq>-=~=A.v"N GSP~=>-=A.vBN GS>-=~DG^;G>-=~DG^RG;GBm;|~=~ =~=~=~NH>- Gg`.Nq>-RG=>-RG=A .-~N;m`Nq>- Gg`.Nq>-RG=>-RG=A .-~N;m`rNq>- Gg`,Nq>-TG=>-=A.-~N;m`8Nq>- Gg`&Nq>-TG=>-=A,.-~N;m>-=>-=A.v"N>RG;G>-=>-=>-=A.v"N>;G mg`*Nq>-=>-=A.v"N>=>-;G~ =.<AN />N-.N-.<ANŖN.N;G>-=>-NJGf` Nq`Nq~=~=~=~=~NH>-RG;G>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=A<.-~N`Nq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=AD.-~N`ZNq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=AL.-~N` Nq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=AT.-~N`Nq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=A\.-~N`Nq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=Ad.-~N`rNq>- Gg`,Nq>-G=>-G=Al.-~N`8Nq>- Gg`&Nq>-G=>-G=At.-~N~=~ =~=~=~NH>- Gg`(Nq>-RG=>-RG=A.-~N`Nq>- Gg`(Nq>-RG=>-RG=A.-~N`fNq>- Gg`&Nq>-TG=>-=A$.-~N`2Nq>- Gg` Nq>-TG=>-=A4.-~NRm mo\~=~=~=~=~NH>-=>-=A.vBN->-=>-=A.vBN G.->-Hޞ ^ Rm m oRm moNa*~=~NNNHit any key to continueN NNe~=~ =~=~=~ NH~=~=~=~=~NH~=~=A .-~N~ =.<AN />N-.N-.<ANŖN.-.<DNJGf` Nq`Nq~=~NNAd.N N;|~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNN#Pirates raid the colony! N NNN#They take all the Gold!!! N N~=~ =~=~=~NH~=~=~=~=~NR~=~NNN#Pirates raid the colony! N NNN#They take all the Gold!!! 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The lure of unreliable rumors promising un- told fortunes lead you to sign a colony charter. Each colony is given a 15 year charter. At the end of this period, the most successful member will be appointed Governor of the colony. MULES: Of course by now the use of robotics has become standard and the Galactic Council has adopted a standard robot to assist you in colonization. The Wiz-Bang Corp. won the low bid contract and delivered thier first M.U.L.E. two years late and 2 billion dollars over budget. M.U.L.E. (Multi Purpose Labor Element) Mules come in four different varieties based on the same chassis. All are of dubious reliability and have caused the loss of more than one colony. Agri-Mule - Used to produce food for the colony. They work best near the river and worst in the mountains. Sol-R-Mule - These provide the energy for the rest of the mules. They need flat open spaces to work properly. Mine-R-Mule - Used to mine the raw metal ore used to build new mules. They produce more in mountains and and least in rivers. Mega-G-Mule - Hibrid version of the Mine-R. These only mine for rare gold ores to be sold off world. Terrain is unimportant because gold can be any- where. PLAYING THE GAME: The game will begin once you click on the title screen. The colony will be shown with the town in the center of the map. The player information will be displayed to the right of the colony. Below this are the four mule types. the top mule is an Agri-Mule followed in order by a Sol-R-Mule, Mine-R-Mule, and finally a Mega-G-Mule. Directly below the colony is the command line. This shows what happens if you press either mouse button or the space bar. TURN SEQUENCE: The first thing you will be asked to do is select a free plot. This plot is given at no charge by the Galactic Council to each developer. Once you have chosen a plot, the computer play- ers (Mechitrons) will choose thiers. Now it will be your turn again. You will have three options; Buy Mule,Pros- pect, or Gamble. BUY MULE: Once selected the computer will ask which type of mule you want. Select a mule from the right of the colony. The computer will tell you how much that particular mule cost and ask if you want to buy it. If the house is out of mules or the mule cost more than you can afford, you will not be able to buy it. Once you buy a mule you'll be ask- ed where you want it. You can place it on any property you own. If you al- ready have a mule there, it will be re- placed. If you put on someone else's property, the mule will run away. This option uses up two food units. PROSPECT: Once selected the computer will ask you to indicate which property you would like to prospect. You can prospect any property on the map. Once you select a property the surveyor will tell you if there is gold there. Each prospecting option cost $50 and uses 1 or 2 food units based on how far from the house you prospect. GAMBLE: This option will end you turn. If your food goes below 1 you will gamble auto- matically. The more food you have left the more you'll win. After you use up your food, the Mechi- trons will do thier thing. They are very efficeint. They can also get credit, which you can't. PRODUCTION: Now the mules will go to work. If a mule is properly placed, i.e., an Agri- Mule on a river plot, it will generate 4 units. Improper use will decrease the output. Also, occasionally the colony will be affected by an outside influ- ence such as a drought or solar flares. This will change the production values of some of the mules. You'll be told when this happens. MARKET: Now you get to buy and sell colony pro- ducts. All buying and selling is done with the colony storehouse. The store will mark up all sales 30%, so only sell as much as you can live with, be- cause when you by it back it will cost you more. The prices of the colony products are directly controlled by colony need. Each colonist can use up to 4 food per turn, so having less than 16 in the colony drives the price up. Every mule uses energy except Sol-R-Mules. Any shortage will increase the price. The colony only starts with 8 mules in the store. The rest will be made with ore mined by the colonist. The store will pay premium prices if the number of mules it has gets low. This will also increase your cost per mule, however. A bucks a buck, right? Gold is sold off planet so the price fluctuates from $50-$250 per unit. SPOILAGE: After each turn 25% of all food and en- ergy will be lost due to poor storage. STOREHOUSE FIRES: Wiz-Bang Corp. also designed the store- house. It will self-destruct for no apparent reason. If you don't like it write to your Galactic Councilperson. BERZERK MULES: I told you they were unreliable! PIRATES: These are planet killers. When they raid the colony they will take all the gold. This can really hurt late in the game. THEN IT'S TURN TWO. And on it goes until the charter runs out. HINTS & STRATEGY: Select a RIVER PLOT early. You need an amply supply of food to win. Select a MOUNTAIN PLOT early. Mules dry up quick in the beginning of the game. This causes the price to sky- rocket. COLONY BALANCE will be maintained by the Mechitrons to some extent but you will have a lot of control over how the end colony comes out. Sure you can horde all the energy this turn and let the Mechitrons dry up, but in the long run the colony suffers. Who wants to be Governor of a hole in the ground? PROSPECT-PROSPECT-PROSPECT He who has the gold makes the rule! That's about it. The rest you can fig- ure out on your own. The game will be challenging everytime you play. I've tried to find all the bugs, but you may still find one or two. If you do, just drop me a line. I'm working on some new stuff for shareware. If you would like to see something in particular, EMAIL me the idea. If I can work it, I'll give you credit. CREDITS: Original concept was based on Ozark Software's game 'MULE'. Programmed and compiled with Hi-Soft's Basic Com- piler. Programmed by Ted Greenhalgh. Special Assistance by Blizzard. Email GENIE J.BROWN1 Business address T. Greenhalgh 144F Garden Ave. New Cumberland, PA !17070