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Temperature 25 degrees. 0% chance of showers.å Meteor activityå minimal; 2 class Bå comets, R 1000, lowå danger; 1 trashed out rustbucket of an Earth ship docked withå stationå  300 cases of beer,å supplies for 120 days, 400 bottles of Volinar rum,200 bottles of rosebrandy, 100 bottles of Kentucky sourmashå  1>Clean cold storage 2>Clean barrackså 3>Clean training area 4>Clean machine shop 5>Clean corridorså 6>Clean winecellarå 7>Clean kitchenå 8>Clean vaultå 9>Clean computer room 1>Hunting/fishingå 2>Sporting eventså 3>Eating outå The Deneb III SlimeballShoot starts next week.The 5th annualå Bloodleach Mud Trawl istoday on Swampmist II. The Zero Gee Kelsinian Puppy Toss is onå Blackbeard's planet in 2 days. The crowning ofhyposteroid king and queen on Baronå Harnett's privateå shuttle is in 16 days. Mutants Wrestlingå semi-finals, 800-1000 kilograms, tonight.å  *** Bloody Sam's; Best fried thesiosaurus in town. Selnek's second moon.å * The Bar; Located in sector (11,22) star 6 planet 3. Good eats andAmoeba Slush but too rough.å  Last recorded entry: 1128-We will refuelå Blackbeard in sector (30,22).å  1>Activate droneså 2>Deactivate droneså 3>Assume repair duties 4>Cleanå 5>Assume bootleg duties Action initiated ** Blackbeard's Bar; Food stinks but drinks are good, try the U-235Supernova.å Drones are notå activatedå  You find 25000 credits. Several maintenanceå drones enter the room and begin to slowlyå clean up.å  åå-å You are in a large roomå carved from stone. To thenorth a narrowtunnel leads up and out. A tunnelå carved from stoneå You are in a series ofå unfinishedå mineshafts. You hear musicthrough the eastern door. Unfinishedå mine shafts Pirate Ready Roomå Pirateå Barrackså  Arcade: The games hereå test reflexes and accuracy. Casino: Many pirates and some aliens sit at tables,playing cards,dice andå roulette.å  Slot Machine Room: Slotå machines of varying size and complexityline the wallsof this room. Bar: Several pirates and other non-å human patrons are drinking at a smoky, shadowy bar. An unusedå mineshaft.å  You do not have any of those.å  Commandå Chamber: Aå large table has unusual view screens, and computer controls.å  Storage Room Unfinishedå mine shafts Storage Room: Crates ofå dehydratedå food andå bottles of rumline theå walls.å  Guard Room Guard Room Pirateå Barrackså  Titaniumå Doorwayå  There are severalå titanium lockers here. You cannot move them, break them open, or pick their locks.å Try again later.å  In a chamber you find alarge threaded stone cutting drill. It was apparently used to cut out all the tunnels in the area.å  It is out of fuel and will not move.å You notice that it has simple controls andå does not require a key. You open the door to the energy convertor and notice that theå fuel chamber is empty. What do you want toå place in the energyå convertor's fuelå chamber?å  You pour all the drinksthat you got from the bar into the fuelå chamber. You thenå climb aboard the drill and start it up. It goes a few feet andå stops. You need more powerful fuel.å You pour the six U-235 Super Novas that you got from the bar into the fuel chamber. You climb aboard the drill and start it up. It s»putters and shakes butkeeps running. [1] Go North [2] Go South For several minutes youdrill in the emptyå passage to the south. Just before you run outof fuel you return the drill to the chamber. With the drill on full blast you move up the passage to the north and turn east. After aminute you breakå through into a room. You think you seeå pirates waiting for youin the room.å What object are youå trying to manipulate? You jump off the drill and draw your weapons, ready for combat. The room lies a few feet tothe east.å  A snotty little pirate kid spits at you and wants to bet 600å credits that no one in the squad can beat him at a game of `Galactic Sharpshooter'.å You snuff out the brat. The little brat kicks you in the knee andå runs.å  Your character loses badly, hardly scoring anything. The little kid takes your money. Your character barely manages to beat theå kid, who reluctantly hands over his money. The little kid goeså first, playing several minutes and racking up several million points. He seems quite contentwith his score. You pick the squad member with the best reflexes to challenge him.å  One very large andå intricate slot machine speaks to you andå welcomes you to theå casino.å  It blows up, littering debris about. Thiså reveals a secretå passage into the wall. You insert 10 credits into the machine and pull the lever.å  You lose your money You win five credits. You win twenty credits. You win thirty credits. You hit the jackpot, 100 credits!å You find a hairlineå crack running up the wall in back of theå slot machine. Itå appears that the slot machine is hiding aå concealed door. You see no way to move it however.å  The slot machineå replies, `I am a series1000 voice controlled computer gamingå machine. We can talk or gamble.'å The slot machineå replies, `I can tell you several thingså about this miningå complex. It haså supplies for 30 days, and is the meetingå place for the conclave of pirate lords that Blackbeard resides overonce a month.'å `Blackbeard's secret meeting place lies to the north. The only passage which goeså there is the secretå tunnel which lieså behind me, but it is blocked by fiveå enormous titaniumå doors.'å  There are three tables here you can visit or you can approach the bar. [1] table oneå [2] table two [3]å table three [4] the barå  There are severalå pirates here. One of them has a girl on his lap who is quite ugly. He asks if you think his girlfriend iså pretty.å  He grins and turnså away.å  He takes offense. He mumbles, `Hello' andturns away.å A drunken pirate mutantstares blankly at the wall. His sack ofå coins is on the table in front of him. His friends at the bar are ignoring him. What willyou do with his money? You blow his head off, and his friends rush toattack you.å You gracefully swipe his 1600 credits.å  His mutant buddieså notice you and lumber over to attack.å  You approach two blobs of protoplasm whoå appear to be conversingwith a reptillianå creature.å  The blobs explode,å spraying organic muck all over the table. Itburns your skin where it seeps through your armor. The reptillian creature attacks you. They impolitely ignore you.å  They pause, andå mentally communicate their derisive opinionsof you.å  The blob that you are searching secretes an organic acid on you. You walk over to the bar. The bartender, a rough looking pirate, asks if you would like to see the drink list. You blow him into the wall, and the bouncers rush to attack you.å  We have, Ale for 5å credits each, Beer,å Wine, and Liquor for 10,15 and 20 credits respectively, Laserå Flares are 40 credits each, and U-235 Super Novas are 100 credits each.å  He laughs and points tothe mutated bouncers who watch the room withstony glares.å What will you have?å [1]Ale [2]Beerå [3]Wine [4]Liquorå [5]Laser Flareså [6]U-235 Super Novaå  The bartender haså placed a round ofå drinks on the bar.å `Drink up', he advises. What will you do?å  They taste good. Okay. You take your drinks with you.å  This highly toxicå substance igniteså instantly upon contact with your mouth, and burns its way down intoyour stomach where it proceeds to turn you inside out. `Ah,å that's good stuff', youmanage to utter.å  The personal belongingsof the pirate lords andBlackbeard are inå lockers here. Theå cash, jewelry and othertreasures are worthå over 50,000 credits. You have takenå everything.å This area is empty. They look and smellå quite ordinary.å  Noting th¤e crystalline containers thiså substance has beenå served in, andå observing its peculiar sputtering andå bubbling, you conclude that it is potentially lethal to humans.å  Where do you want to put your drink?å  NOV SUP U23 U-2 LAS LIQ GAR WIN BEE GLA DRI ENE CON DOO CHA FUE FIL POU PLA PUT U PLA PUT åå•å Fuel Storage Room: thick hoses feedå from the wallsinto 50 meter tall tanks. Radio TrackingStationå  Dark shapes stir within cocoon-like masses hangingin clumps fromsilky threads. Cold Storage Room: crates of carcasses containingå alienå herdbeasts arestacked here. Guard Room: there areå perches on thewalls for the guards.å  Research Lab: there areå several alien specimens herein variouså containers. Hatchery: the sticky floor is littered with largeå eggs, some of which haveå hatched.å  Armor Lab Fuel Storage Room: thick hoses feedå from the wallsinto 50 meter tall tanks. Insects lie here, basking in a weirdå glowing light that makes younauseous and disoriented. There is aå massiveå computerå console here. There is aå vault door to the south.å  There is aå smallå computerized record keepingsystem here. Rows of computers standbefore you, theirå lights winking andå their screens filled with output written in alien characters.å  You radio back to your copilot and send aå visual of the computer screens. He works withthe logic banks of the ship's computer butå cannot interpret the code.å  You blow the screens apart and all theå lights go dead.å  You cannot interpret the computer'så functions.å Both seats and keypads were obviously designedfor insect use.å Otherwise there iså nothing unusual.å  You radio back to your copilot and send aå visual of the computer screens. He works withthe logic banks of the ship's computer, and gets a slightly garbledinterpretation of the language.å  It appears that these computers are all beingused to scan theå surface of a distant planet where hugeå amounts of lowå frequency energy and psychic vibrations are being generated from a single structure.å  You cannot tell exactlywhere the planet is. You see an insectå suspended from theå ceiling by wires,å hooked by tubes to a computer. Around the room are clear plastic vats. What will you dowith the computer?å  The insect appears to be in a deeply drugged state, although hiså eyes slits remain open. Patches of black,å veined skin are visiblewhere his armor plates were forcibly removed. The tubes connected to his body are exchanginghis fluids.å One wire leads from thecomputer into hiså skull. The vats are filled with a pulsatingamber fluid in which are suspended stringy wisps of black thread. Some of this has grown thick and ropy andå taken the appearance ofinsect armor plates. The computer has some stange looking output on its screen and is apparently awaitingå input.å  You radio back to your copilot who manages to interpret the writing on the computer'så screen. It appearså that the computer is being used for two way communication with the suspended insect. Whatwill you type into the computer?å  The insect, not fully realizing who you are, and being in noå position to resist you,agrees to answer your questions. What would you like to know about? The insect does notå respond.å  I am under localå sedation for repairs tomy armor carapace.å  We are an intelligence alien to your concept of existance. Comparedto our nexus-oriented conciousness, your typeis a slightlyå dangerous, barbaric, sub-insect parasitism on the carapace of the galaxy, and will beå removed like a disease. This base is here as a refueling andå observation point for aplanned exploration of a planet, the location of which I am unsure, where we have detected a psychic anomaly whichis producing massive quantities ofå unidentifiable energy. The blast door to the records room can only be opened two ways.å The base commanderå knows the code string that deactivated the lock. The second way is for use when we are abandoning base. If tÒhe base goes dead the door will open.å  The insects appearå groggy, but slowlyå begin to reach forå their guns.å The insects' teethå glint as they startå firing at you.å You gun them down as they attempt to rise. There are two bar graphread outs. The first has 150 notches and thesecond one has 20.å There are simpleå controls which could beused to change their settings.å  Laser guns emerge from the walls and fire!å  There are two sets of controls here. At whatvalue will you set the first control?å At what value will you set the second control? The computer responds: INVALID CONTROL SETTING You hear the increasinghum of the base power generators through the walls.å  The base powerå generators start toå make a loud whiningå noise.å  The base powerå generators emit a high pitched scream and an alarm goes off.å  The base goes dead.å The vault door to the south opens. Soonå emergency lights are activated.å Nothing unusual happensexcept that the two bargraphs on the console reflect the settings that you selected.å  A powerful laser blastsyou from a hole in the ceiling.å  It will not move. You can eventuallyå crack the code and readthe records. Youå discover that theå `Psychic Anomoly' that the insects have been so busily investigatingis in sector (6,19)å star 1 planet 3.å  What will you do with the computer?å VAU DOO PLA HER SPA STA COM BAS ALI INS YOU ååyAn enormous mazeå The Spaceå Hermit's room There is a redgem suspended in an energy field.å  There is aå blue gemå suspended in an energyå field.å  There is aå green gemå suspended in an energyå field.å  You take the gem and another one appearså instantly.å `Winston Douglas Wood and Eric Liebenauer areancient computer game designers.'å `Time is long, Space islarge, and Energy is knowledge.'å `I am the Space Hermit,a psychic anomoly. I can feel all time,å space and dimensions. Iam not a man or a god, not good or evil. I am a product of the minds of all creatures.'å  `I need the gems ofå Time, Space and Energy to answer thatå question. They can be found in the maze.'å  `You do not have the gem of Time. It is to the northeast.'å  `You do not have the gem of Energy. It is tothe southwest.'å  `You do not have the gem of Space. It is to the southeast.'å  `I need the gem ofå Death to answer that question. One can be found in sector (7,8).' `I cannot tell youå anything more than I already have aboutå fighting the insectå race. Return to me at another time.'å `The insect raceå intends to attack your race. The plans forå this attack have been stolen from theirå computer by anå enterprising rogue who will sell them for a price.'å  `The insect race iså ruled by a queen. They are colony creatures and she guides their every move. The race would die without her guidance.'å `I can see that you aregreat warriors who havesaved the race of your people. Looking into the future I see that your adventures are notover, they have just begun.'å  `I cannot tell youå where this rogue is.' `To eliminate her you must find her ship,å which is currently in sector (1,32). You musteither destroy her shipor board the ship and destroy her in person.' There is a small man inthe center of this roomsitting cross legged onthe floor. He looks up at you.å  `What subject do you wish to know about?' `You have wasted enoughof my time. I will tellyou what you want to know even if you do notknow it. You want to know about INSECTS.' `Tell me one word that you wish to know more about such as SPACE, TIME, or HERMIT.'å  `A star is a large massof mostly hydrogenå undergoing nuclearå fusion.'å  There is a red gemå suspended in an energy field.å  There is a blue gemå suspended in an energy field.å  There is a green gem suspended in an energy field.å  COM DEA WAR DES FIG BAT STA HER ANO PSY HEL LIE ERI WOO WIN NAM INS ENE SPA TIM ååŽHOutside of TheBarå A pirate sloop A vacant space A vacant space A robot recon probeå A robotå fighterå  A robotå fighterå  A robot recon probeå A pirate scout A pirateå privateerå  A pirateå corsairå  A vacant space An insectå patrol ship An insectå corvetteå  An insectå frigateå  This room is stacked to theceiling with an enormous variety ofå food andå liquor.å  This room is packed with empty barrels,bottles, and boxes.å  An insectå corvetteå  An insectå patrol ship A vacant space A lizardå frigateå  A vacant space A pirate sloop You are on a wide taxiway surrounded by many parking spaces. Thereis a runway tothe north.å  The Bar:å Gamblers,å criminals and other low-lifemingle here. A band plays in the corner. Mens' Room Ladies' Room Insects' Room Lizards' Room A smallå privateå gambling room A smallå privateå gambling room A sign reads: `High Stakes Gamblers Only' A smallå privateå gambling room In this grimy,rundownå kitchen aå Kelsian dwarf is fryingå Thesiousaurus tongue.å  There is a combination lock here.å That is the wrongå combination.å The door opens and you go in.å  You accidentally set off the ship's intruderprevention system.å Lasers fire at you.å  You find a spare Robot Battle Computer and youtake it. There iså nothing else of value. You find 5000 credits. There is nothing else of interest.å The door to the ship isnot locked. Go in?å  You find 1000 credits inside.å  Take what? The door to the ship islocked and you cannot open it.å  Your key opens the doorto the ship. You go inand inspect the ship. You discover that the ship's computerå contains the Insectå Battle Plans which you transfer to your ship'scomputer viaå transmitter.å A bloodthirsty insect approaches and says, `There are no wimpså allowed in theå establishment.'å  A menacing lizardå approaches and says, `We don't serve your kind here scum face.' A pirate approaches andsays, `You folks have been here long enough.' A lizard approaches andsays, `Have a nice day lads.'å  An insect offers toå play a card game for 500 credits a hand.å  You win a hand. You lose a hand. A lizard sits hereå surrounded by brandy bottles. He offers to play 21 for 2000å credits a hand.å  You cannot afford to play.å  The lizard is out of brandy and refuses to play without it. Will you give him some?å  The lizard considers your offer but you havenothing that he wants so he leaves and heads for the bar.å The lizard looks over your selection andå gleefully selects the bottle of Dosnebianå brandy. He pours aå glass and continues to play.å  The lizard takes aå drink of Dosnebianå brandy.å  The lizard, fullyå intoxicated from the Dosnebian brandy,å slumps over onto the table. He iså unconscious.å There is an unconsciouslizard on a table here. You find a key in his pocket and take it.å  A human man is sitting at a table smoking a cheap cigar andå drinking beer. Heå offers to play poker for 1000 credits aå game.å  The man mutters, `Did you know that lizards cannot hold Dosnebian brandy?'å  The man speaks, `The Insect Battle Plans arein the ship of theå lizard in the nextå room.å  The man says, `Theå combination to theå robot ship is 2468.' The man comments, `I would hate to fightå ship-to-ship with one of those robotå fighters.'å The man whispers, `The insect in the otherå room cheats at cards.' What kind? You find nothing but food and drink.å  The lizard takes aå drink from his lastå bottle of brandy.å  What will you do? What kind of brandy? Okay you take some. LIQ ALC FOO BEE WIN BRA RUM VOD DOS ååeœå Two small,å birdlikeå aliens areå fighting in a pit.å This roomå containså several stacksof longå crystalline pipes bound together.å  Several dead beings, some possiblyå human, litter the floor.å  Several alien birds are in cages here. There is aå control panel. Dark, mansize shapes stir within sticky,web-likeå masseså suspended fromthe ceiling. Game Room:å there is aå human convoy attackå simulator and other games here.å Small Room Insect Guard Roomå Robots areå assemblingå devices with coffin-sized metal casings. Corridor Main Control Room: veryå large insects work theå controls.å  Pristine WhiteCorridorå  The walls,å ceiling and floor areå constructed ofinsectå spaceshipå armor plating. You see rack upon rack of radiationå bombs. There is a largeå computerå console.å  Corridor Empty Room Corridor Corridor What will you do? The control panel is simple. The birds are primitive,å unintelligent, andå malnourished.å The control panelå bursts into flame.å Birds leap from their suddenly open cages andstart tearing eachå other to shreds.å  You free some birds, but they immediately start tearing eachå other apart.å Sleeping insects awakenand attack.å You fire into the webs,blowing apart theå insect warriors that were sleeping inside. You find that one of the coins has a wire attached to it. Youå leave it alone andå collect the rest worth nearly 30,000 credits. You collectå approximately half the coins (worth nearlyå 15,000 credits), but you break a wire and a laser trap goes off in your face.å You realize that the robots are assembling high intensityå radiation bombs.å Radiation detectorså are too late. You were instantly poisoned whenyou walked in.å Okay, you take one. It vibrates like aå tuning fork whenå struck, and iså constructed of aå strange, alien metal. You detect a strange acidic smell in this strange corridor. What will you do? YES toå continue walking. NO togo back.å  You notice that theå walls and ceilingå appear pitted, as if constructed of tinyå soap bubbles frozen in place.å  You walk three meters and hear a series of muted clicks. A very small hole opens in theceiling ahead. Whatå will you do? YES toå continue. NO to goå back.å  You walk another three meters and a nozzleå pops out of the hold inthe ceiling. Itå immediately begins to rain a shower ofå caustic acid upon the party.å  The tuning fork is of no use to you now.å  Use what? You hold the escape podover your heads, and walk down the corridor.A nozzle pops out of the hole in the ceilingand spews out caustic acid. The party iså safe.å  You do not have one of those.å  You discover a circularhairline crack in the floor, 2.5 meterså across.å  You blast away but yourweaponry has no effect on this substance.å  The circle pops upå revealing itself to be a plate about 3cmå thick. Looking downå into the space that theplate covered you see what appears to be an escape pod with room for two insects. It is too small for humans. You do not have theå tuning fork device.å  You torch the cockpit with a few well aimed shots. Smoke pourså forth from the hole. You take the largeå metal plate.å You are in a room with a hole in the floorå leading to an insect escape pod too small for humans. What will you do?å  The escape pod appears to be of no use since you cannot enter it or reach its controls.å The circular plateå which covered the pod is large but very lightweight.å  This room is full of coins, some human, somealien, suspended in a zero gravity field.å  You fire into the room until the coins are alllittle suspendedå droplets of moltenå metal.å  You find, on the bodiesof each of the drones, devices that resemble tuning forks.å You are in a room with a large circular plate on the floor and a holeleading to an insect escape pod which is toosmall for humans. What will you do?å The computer screenå reads: Main Security Computer. Enter Aå Command.å  Invalid Command Okay. After doing this the party makes a mad dash for the door and runs down the hall. Youhear a tremendouså explosion in the room behind you.å The radiation bombs in this room are damaged and leaking. Some have detonated. You wereå instantly poisoned withradiation when youå opened the door.å  The computer screenå reads: Bomb Testing Computer. Enter Test Distance In Lightå Years.å  The computer reports that the bomb test has been activated. You seea small explosizon on the screen momentså later.å  The computer screenå reads: Nuclear FissionControl Computer -å System Is Down - Do NotTouch!!å  Your weapon attackså blow the bindings away,but the pipes areå unhurt.å  The pipes areå surprisingly light but the minimum sizeå present is over 5å meters long and is too unweildly to carry.å  The substance appears to be the buildingå material used to armor the hulls of insectå spaceships.å What object are youå trying to manipulate? There is a gateå blocking your way. A sign reads, `Speak The Password.'å THP The gate rises. DET DES SEL VIB DEV FOR TUN RAI CIR LID HAT HOL PLA COV ååóEmpty Corridor Guard Room Munitionså Room: there isa mostly emptyweapons rack in the center of this room Guard'så Sleepingå Chamberså  Art Museum: there areå three statues hereå Empty roomå with orange wallså Viewing Room: `All Myå Hatchlings' isplaying on a viewing screen Meeting Room Dormancy Room:severalå lizards are frozen inå small chambers Temperature Control Room Empty roomå with blueå wallså Room full of old lizardå skinså Hatchlingå Treatmentå Centerå  Adult Lizard Treatmentå Centerå  Medical Lab Art Museum: there are manypaintings here Storage Area Largeå incubationå units useå force fields to protectå hundreds of eggså Empty roomå with red walls Eating Room Library Room full of dead spiders, flies, rats, etc.å Here is aå statue of a mother lizard protecting a nest withå three eggs. Largeå Conferenceå Roomå Here is aå statue of a mother lizard protecting a nest with no eggs.å Garbageå DisintegrationRoomå CommunicationsRoomå Empty roomå with greenå wallså Viewing Room: the viewing screen inå blankå Large Prison Cellå Targetå Practice Room Ritual DancingRoomå Prison Guard Roomå You are in a largeå prison cell. You have no equipment. There is a simple light hanging from two wires. There is a huge iron barred door. Periodically a lizard comes and slidesa plate of disgusting food through a slit in the door.å  You see nothing more. The plate of disgustingfood is of no value in freeing you.å The light bulb is of nouse to you. If youå unscrew it light comes from the next roomå through the door.å  What do you want to do with the iron barred door?å  What object(s) are you trying to manipulate? What will you do with the wires?å [1]Disconnect the light[2]Touch the wireså together [3]Connect the wires to the door [4]Nothingå Light from the nextå room enters the prison cell through the door. The surrounding area istemporarily darkened asyou have shorted the electrical system.å After a few minuteså power is restored.å  You subtly connect the wires to either side ofthe slit. When theå lizard comes and slidesthe plate of foodå through he takes aå blast of electricity and slumps to theå ground.å  You disconnect theå wires and reach throughthe bars to get theå lizard's keys. You freeyourselves and findå your weapons andå equipment in theå adjacent room.å One of the eggå incubators appears to be malfunctioning.å  There are severalå healthy eggs inside thebroken incubator and the force field which normally protects the eggs is down.å Take what? What do you want to do with the eggs?å The lizard eggs areå green with redå speckels.å  You hurl several of theeggs at the walls,å ceiling and each other.What fun!å  That is not possible. Here is a statue of a mother lizardå protecting a nest with no eggs.å  The nest apparentlyå held eggs at one time and they were removed. What do you want to do with your lizard eggs? You do not have anyå lizard eggs.å Where do you want to put the lizard eggs? A door opens on theå wall to the south.å  When you enter thiså room a strange purple gas engulfs you.å Choking and gasping youall pass out and awakenin a large prison cell. A black crystal iså suspended in a white beam of energy in the center of the room.å  You take the crystal and another oneå appears.å  You take several lizardeggs.å  Use a verb first. FOO EAT LIG BUL DOO BAR GET CON TAK PLA WIR STE EGG BRE THR PUT SET LIZ STA NES INC åå "Welcome new recruits! Your first mission is to pick up a badlyå needed shipment of vaccine from our lab on planet 7 of star 5å in sector (23,29). Deliver itå to the mining colony on planet 2 " "of star 2 in sector (27,29).å Good luck, and remember time is short.å " 10 29 59 45 22 1 250 3 22 3 150 57 0 26 3 "Welcome new recruits! Your first mission is to do a scientificå investigation of every planet in sector (23,29). It was reported that rare fuel gems were found in that area. Bring back every-å " "thing that you find.å " 10 29 59 45 0 1 0 5 22 3 0 43 0 -1 32 "Welcome new recruits! Your first mission is to make espionage runs on every planet in sector (23,29) which has intelligent life. There is suspected to be a smugglerå base in that sector. Bring back " "whatever you find.å " 10 29 59 45 0 1 0 5 22 3 0 25 0 -1 32 "Five freighters are currently in orbit around a planet in sector (24,28). They contain dangerous criminals. Find them and destroy them.å " "" 10 29 59 45 0 1 0 14 23 4 54 21 0 -1 32 "Five freighters are currently in orbit around a planet in sector (25,29). They contain dangerous criminals. Find them and destroy them.å " "" 10 29 59 45 0 1 0 14 24 3 54 25 0 -1 32 "Five freighters are currently in orbit around a planet in sector (29,29). They contain dangerous criminals. Find them and destroy them.å " "" 10 29 59 45 0 1 0 14 28 3 54 11 0 -1 32 "A small, secret colony of miners that has been operating slightly outside the triangle is beingå menaced by a pirate ship that is searching the area. Destroy the " "ship and pick up the miners' ore shipments at planet 2 of star 1 insector (28,26).å " 12 29 59 45 12 1 151 21 27 6 61 12 0 27 6 "Unmanned deep space probes have encountered a battered pirate shipdrifting enginless aroundå planet 5 of star 1 in sectorå (26,25). Go and destroy it.å " "" 12 29 59 45 0 1 0 89 25 7 129 15 0 -1 32 "Go destroy the freighter of aå criminal and the pirate that he is scheduled to rendevous with. They will both near the first starin sector (27,26).å " "" 12 29 59 45 11 1 50 21 26 6 61 12 0 26 6 "The last known whereabouts of the infamous pirate leader Blackbeard is a space station in sectorå (31,27). Go there, investigateå thoroughly, and report back to us." "" 13 29 62 45 0 1 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "There is suspected to be a pirate space station in sector (31,27). Go there and investigate itå thoroughly and report back to us. It may contain some information about the infamous pirate leader " "Blackbeard.å " 13 29 62 45 0 1 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "The infamous pirate leaderå Blackbeard is thought to beå located in a space station inå sector (31,27). Go there andå investigate thoroughly and report back to us.å " "" 13 29 62 45 0 1 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "You were followed back from your last mission by two pirateå privateers. They are currently in the triangle, getting revenge for what you did. This is yourå responsibility so you must take " "care of them. They are currently in sector (26,28).å " 18 30 62 45 52 1 67 27 25 4 1 52 0 25 4 "On your last mission youå discovered that Blackbeard waså scheduled to refuel his shipå somewhere in sector (30,22). Go toto this sector and do a standard search, investigate and destroy. " "" 18 30 62 45 11 1 67 27 29 10 1 11 0 29 10 "On your last mission youå discovered the sector in whichå Blackbeard was scheduled toå refuel his ship. The Potemkin,å one of our finest corvettes, was sent to investigate this sector " "and was disabled by pirates and barely escaped. Go and help the Potemkin and retaliate. It iså orbiting planet 3 of star 10 in sector (25,20).å " 15 30 62 45 103 1 68 28 24 12 2 103 0 24 12 "On your last mission youå discovered that Blackbeard'så headquarters are located inå sector (32,20). Find hiså headquarters and destroy him.å You should be able to tell which " "planet he is on because hiså corsair will be orbiting thatå planet.å " 17 31 65 46 0 1 0 0 31 12 130 24 0 -1 32 "On your last mission youå discovered that Blackbeard'så headquarters are located inå sector (32,20). Find hiså headquarters and destroy him.å You should be able to tell which " "planet he is on because hiså corsair will be orbiting thatå planet.å " 17 31 65 46 0 1 0 0 31 12 130 24 0 -1 32 "On your last mission youå discovered that Blackbeard'så ø headquarters are located inå sector (32,20). Find hiså headquarters and destroy him.å You should be able to tell which " "planet he is on because hiså corsair will be orbiting thatå planet.å " 17 31 65 46 0 1 0 0 31 12 130 24 0 -1 32 "Pick up a new antitoxin developed at our secret research facility onplanet 6 star 1 of sector (11,30) and deliver to our advancedå experimental lab on planet 5 star 1 in sector (20,31).å " "" 19 32 65 46 15 2 254 3 10 2 154 16 0 19 1 "Pick up a Hyper-intelligentå ambulatory fungus created in our advanced experimental lab onå planet 5 star 1 in sector (20,31) and deliver it to our secretå research facility on planet 6 star" "1 in sector (11,30).å " 19 32 65 46 16 2 253 3 19 1 153 15 0 10 2 "Pick up a new antitoxin developed at our secret research facility onplanet 6 star 1 of sector (11,30) and deliver to our advancedå experimental lab on planet 5 star 1 in sector (20,31).å " "" 19 32 65 46 15 2 254 3 10 2 154 16 0 19 1 "Princess Versilda's ship was on a diplomatic mission when it waså attacked by insect ships. Theå princess escaped in an escape pod near a black hole. Find her and bring her back to a starport.å " "" 19 32 65 46 25 2 152 1 14 8 3 25 0 14 8 "Princess Versilda's ship was on a diplomatic mission when it waså attacked by insect ships. Theå princess escaped in an escape pod near a black hole. Find her and bring her back to a starport.å " "" 19 32 65 46 25 2 152 1 29 13 3 25 0 29 13 "Princess Versilda's ship was on a diplomatic mission when it waså attacked by insect ships. Theå princess escaped in an escape pod near a black hole. Find her and bring her back to a starport.å " "" 19 32 65 46 22 2 152 1 22 11 3 22 0 22 11 "Unmanned deep space probes have reported insect ships docked with strange alien ships at star 1 of sector (14,30). Trade is assumed to be taking place. Go and destroyany ships in that system.å " "" 19 34 68 48 13 2 131 91 13 2 131 16 0 13 2 "Insect ships have reportedly been receiving arms shipments fromå another alien source. Go to their rendevous point at star 4 inå sector (14,25) and destroyå anything there.å " "" 19 34 68 48 43 2 131 91 13 7 131 41 0 13 7 "Unmanned deep space probes have reported bomb shipments beingå delivered to insect ships fromå other alien ships at star 10 in sector (19,19). Investigate and take appropriate action.å " "" 19 34 68 48 102 2 131 91 18 13 131 104 0 18 13 "The insects have attacked andå poisoned the food chains ofå triangle planets by infecting all mammilian food sources. Find aå planet dominated by mammals and bring back some Herdbeasts to our " "advanced experimental lab at star 1 in sector (20,31) so thatå repopulation studies may be done. " 21 35 69 49 0 2 0 3 19 1 320 15 0 -1 32 "The insects have attacked andå poisoned the major oceans ofå triangle planets. Search for an aquatic planet and bring a Guagle fish specimen to our advancedå experimental lab at star 1 inå " "sector (20,31). Repopulationå studies will be done.å " 21 35 69 49 0 2 0 3 19 1 332 15 0 -1 32 "The insects have attacked andå poisoned the food chains ofå triangle planets resulting in the destruction of most plant life. In order for repopulation to be carried out you must find aå " "specimen of Celcaysic plant from a planet dominated by plantlife. Bring it to our advancedå experimental lab at star 1 inå sector (20,31).å " 21 35 69 49 0 2 0 3 19 1 336 15 0 -1 32 "An Insect advanced base has been discovered by unmanned deep space probes. Investigate the baseå thoroughly and report back. It is located at star 2 in sectorå (15,26).å " "" 21 36 70 50 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "One of our one-man scoutships was intercepted while investigating aninsect advanced base at star 2 in sector (15,26). Discover the fate of the pilot and report back to us.å " "" 21 36 70 50 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "Transmissions have beenå intercepted from an insect advancebase at star 2 in sector (15,26). Investigate the base and report back.å " "" 21 36 70 50 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "In your last mission you learned that the insects have gone toå great lengths to investigate aå 'psychic anomaly' in a double starsystem near sector (5,20). Ourå research indicates that thiså " "anomaly could be a singular alien being. Legend has it that thiså being possesses a vast amount of knowledge of the surroundingå galaxy. Try to learn what itå knows about the insect race.å " 21 37 71 51 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "In your last mission you learned that the insects have gone toå great lengths to investigate aå 'psychic anomaly' in a double starsystem near sector (5,20). Ourå research indicates that thiså " "anomaly could be a singular alien being. Legend has it that thiså being possesses a vast amount of knowledge of the surroundingå galaxy. Try to learn what itå knows about the insect race.å " 21 37 71 51 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "In your last mission you learned that the insects have gone toå great lengths to investigate aå 'psychic anomaly' in a double starsystem near sector (5,20). Ourå research indicates that thiså " "anomaly could be a singular alien being. Legend has it that thiså being possesses a vast amount of knowledge of the surroundingå galaxy. Try to learn what itå knows about the insect race.å " 21 37 71 51 0 2 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "After your last mission youå reported that the 'psychicå anomaly' or 'space hermit' told you that the insects' battle planshad been stolen. You should go The Bar, a popular hang-out forå " "rogues and villains, and try toå obtain the plans. The Bar iså located in sector (11,23) or an adjacent sector.å " 24 38 72 52 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "After your last mission youå reported that the 'psychicå anomaly' or 'space hermit' told you that the insects' battle planshad been stolen. You should go The Bar, a popular hang-out forå " "rogues and villains, and try toå obtain the plans. The Bar iså located in sector (11,23) or an adjacent sector.å " 24 38 72 52 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "After your last mission youå reported that the 'psychicå anomaly' or 'space hermit' told you that the insects' battle planshad been stolen. You should go The Bar, a popular hang-out forå " "rogues and villains, and try toå obtain the plans. The Bar iså located in sector (11,23) or an adjacent sector.å " 24 38 72 52 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "We have analyzed the insects'å battle plans which you recovered on your last mission. One of the keys to their plan is a newå radiation bomb depot on planet 2 of star 3 in sector (19,26).å " "Destroy the bombs by detonating one in the complex.å " 24 39 73 53 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "We have analyzed the insects'å battle plans which you recovered on your last mission. One of the keys to their plan is a newå radiation bomb depot on planet 2 of star 3 in sector (19,26).å " "Destroy the fission controlå computer. This will start a chain reaction which will destroy most of their bombs and equipment.å " 24 39 73 53 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "We have analyzed the insects'å battle plans which you recovered on your last mission. One of the keys to their plan is a newå radiation bomb depot on planet 2 of star 3 in sector (19,26).å " "Destroy the bombs by making the main computer self-destruct.å " 24 39 73 53 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "The insects' battle plans showå that most of their fleet iså massing in sector (24,25)å preparing to invade starportå Solonor. Enter that sector andå find their flagship, which will " "be orbiting a planet, and destroy it. This will leave them without leadership.å " 24 40 74 54 0 3 0 92 23 7 132 54 8 23 7 "The insects' battle plans showå that most of their fleet iså massing in sector (24,25)å preparing to invade starportå Solonor. Enter that sector andå find their flagship, which will " "be orbiting a planet, and destroy it. This will leave them without leadership.å " 24 40 74 54 0 3 0 92 23 7 132 54 8 23 7 "The insects' battle plans showå that most of their fleet iså massing in sector (24,25)å preparing to invade starportå Solonor. Enter that sector andå find the two sister ships, which " "will be orbiting a planet, andå destroy them. This will leave themwithout leadership.å " 24 40 74 54 0 3 0 93 23 7 133 54 8 23 7 "Your last mission was a success. The insects have been hurt but notas much as we hoped. They seem to be incredibly well organized and efficient regardless of the loss of their commanding ships. We now " "ask that you return to the 'space hermit' in sector (6,19) and ask him for any vital information he may have about combating theå insects.å " 26 41 75 55 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "Your last mission was a success. The insects have been hurt but notas much as we hoped. They seem to be incredibly well organized and efficient regardless of the loss of their commanding ships. We now " "ask that you return to the 'space hermit' in sector (6,19) and ask him for any vital information he may have about combating theå insects. ³å " 26 41 75 55 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "Your last mission was a success. The insects have been hurt but notas much as we hoped. They seem to be incredibly well organized and efficient regardless of the loss of their commanding ships. We now " "ask that you return to the 'space hermit' in sector (6,19) and ask him for any vital information he may have about combating theå insects.å " 26 41 75 55 0 3 0 0 -1 32 0 0 0 -1 32 "This is your most importantå mission yet. It could be theå finest hour of the human race.å Find the insect queen inå sector (1,32) and slay her orå destroy her ship.å " "" 26 42 76 56 0 4 0 95 0 0 135 13 0 -1 32 "This is your most importantå mission yet. It could be theå finest hour of the human race.å Find the insect queen inå sector (1,32) and slay her orå destroy her ship.å " "" 26 42 76 56 0 4 0 95 0 0 135 13 0 -1 32 ååå +,'($% !,*!",*"#-,#$-,'(%(,1%%('$-,%  %%  $%(' åÿ    åÿ              åÿååPrivate Corporal Sergeant 2nd Lieutenant Lieutenant Commander Major Colonel Brigadier Commodore Admiral Fleet Admiral Grand Admiral Desk Duty Pilot Astro Gunner Scouting/Recon Medical Explosives Chemical Weaponry Code Breaking Light Arms Heavy Arms Ship Repair Esper Hand Weaponry Officer School Special Forces Survival School Wasp Hornet Dagger Katana Salamander Fire Drake Hunter Warrior Ranger Scoutship Escort Corvette Frigate Anti-Inertial Screen Reaction Damping Field Vector Translation Screen Surface Effect Stasis Shield Variable Stasis Shield Stealth Pod Enhanced ECM Pod Manuvering Thrusters High Performance Thrusters Inertialess Drives Point Defense Turret Full Spectrum Jammer Skynet' Antimissile System Hypervelocity Rocket High Speed Emission Tracker Bofors Medium Torpedo Bofors Heavy Torpedo SS-28 Rogue' Missile SS-29 Bulldog' Missile LTV Ranger' Seeker Missile SS-31 Bounty Hunter' Missile 500 KT Nuclear Missile 1.25 MT Nuclear Missile Pilgrim' Capital Ship Missile Neutral Particle Torpedo Antimatter Missile Singularity Warhead Missile Gauss Cannon .75 GW Laser Cannon 1.4 GW Laser Cannon Frequency Agile Laser Cannon D20 Compression Laser Multi-barrel Laser Cannon Ion Cannon Resonant Cavity EMP Cannon Light Plasma Cannon Thunderbolt' Plasma Cannon FMC Anti-Ion Cannon 5.56mm Palm Gun 11mm Wrist Gun 9mm Revolver 9mm Automatic 12mm Automatic 11mm Automag' 5.56mm MiniMAC SMG 9mm MAC-10 SMG 11mm Lead Hose' SMG 5.56mm Streetsweeper' SMG 5.56mm Assault Rifle 7.62mm Assault Rifle 7.62/20mm AR/Grnd Lnchr 12ga Slugmaster' Riot Gun 12ga Automatic Shotgun 10ga Rotary Mag. Shotgun 1mm Slivergun 2mm Needler 2.5mm Gauss Rifle 40KV Taser 1.1MV Taser 40GHz EMP Gun TWT Amplified EMP Gun 2-Coil Ion Gun 3-Coil Ion Gun 5-Coil Neutron Gun Incendiary Gernade .458 Magnum Rifle .600 Nitro Express 7.62mm Puff Pack' Minigun 12.5mm Long Barrel MG 20mm Flame Thrower 25mm Flame Thrower Supernova' Flame Gun 6mm Microjet Rocke:t Gun 10mm Rocket Rifle Zero-G Assault RL 20mm Auto Rocket Rifle 40mm Panzerjaeger' RL LAWS Anti-armor Rocket HAAWS Heavy Rocket 1MW Laser Carbine 1.5MW Laser Rifle 2MW Laser Assault Rifle Freq. Agile Sniping Laser D1 Compression Laser D2 Compression Laser Nerve Gas Canister Caustic Mist Bomb Fragmentation Grenade Enhanced Splinter Grenade Concussion Grenade 1500 Microton Nuclear Grenade Neutron Grenade Stiletto Shock Glove Ugly Stick' Crowd Control Baton Stasis Blade Marine Assault Axe Lightsword Laser Targeter Self Calibrating 4X Optical Sight Integral Helmet Sight Compusight Aiming Assistant Flight Suit Ballistic Cloth Jumpsuit Standard Combat Suit Reinforced Combat Suit Antihixotropic Plastic Armor Semi-rigid Plastic Armor Metallized Plastic Armor Microbonded Steel/Resin Armor Polymerized Titanium Armor Biphase Carbide Armor Scout Exo Infantry Exo Heavy Assault Exo Electroactive Armor Surface Effect Stasis Armor Stabilized Neutronium Plated Armor Medkit Repair Kit Helmet Scanner Motion Detector Sonic Torch Chemical Torch Lockpick Set Oxygen Mask Oxygen Cylinder Environment Suit Radiation Detector "Vaccine" "Ore" "Princess Versilda" "Ambulatory Fungus" "Antitoxin" "" "" "" "" "" "" "This is pirate Skullface aboard privateer 12, I have spotted aå wimpy ship. I will destroy it and return to the main base in sector (32,20).'" "This is the ISS Potemkinå calling starport Solonor. We have discovered Blackbeard'så headquarters in sector (32,20). We are currently engaged inå combat and are losing...'å The transmission stops suddenly." "SOS from Versilda'" "You're dead skum bucket!'" "" "Time Gem" "Space Gem" "Energy Gem" "Lizard Eggs" "Alcoholic Drink" "U-235 Super Nova" "" "" "" "" "" "Dosnebian Brandy" "Keys" "Death Gem" "" "Tuning Fork" "Circular Disk" "" "Wheat" "Platinum" "Oats" "Gold" "Silver" "Plutonium" "Uranium" "Neptunium" "Neodymium" "Nobelium" "Greasy Rags" "Dead Frogs" "Titanium Crystals" "Iridium Crystals" "Rare Gemstones" "Diamonds" "Spare Parts" "Batteries" "Lubricant" "Metallic Compounds" "Old Weaponry" "Pottery" "Human Fossils" "Old Jewelry" "Fossilized Egg Sacs" "Insect Tools" "Insect Art" "Insect Literature" "Lizard Eggs" "Reptile Skins" "Reptile Drugs" "Reptillian Instruments" "Frog-Like Amphibians" "Amoeboids" "Molluski" "Carapaced Amphibians" "Herdbeasts" "Ground Predators" "Marsupials" "Snakes" "Burrowers" "Floaters" "Web Builders" "Crystalline Life" "Colony Cluster" "Chain Creatures" "Viral Life" "Paramecia" "Guagle-Type Fish" "Plankton" "Shark-Like Fish" "Algea" "Celcaysic-Type Plant" "Cactus" "Moss" "Flowers" "Feathered Birds" "Reptillian Birds" "Fossilized Eggs" "Bird Fossils" "" "" "" "" "" "" Optical Sensors Cooling Units Interrogation Device Assorted Chemicals Data Retriever Warp Drive Control Spare 'Brain' Unit Heavy Isotope Fuel Bio Detector Unassembled Robot Quark Counter Magnetic Generator Meson Meter Spatial Gyroscope Biotech Medical Laser RAM Data Crystals Chemical Analyzer DNA Manipulator Stasis Device Medlab Simulator Hunting Trophies Radioactive Waste Neuron Analyzer Carbon Memory Cubes Radiation Emitter Mineral Ore Coccoons Antimatter Fuel Antigravity Device Elemental Convertor Skin Moistener Humidifier Space Heaters Protein Purifier Alien Slaves Work Drones Image Enhancer Heavy Elements Crystal Data Banks Full Egg Incubator art 41 art 42 art 43 art 44 art 45 Robot Battle Computer art 47 art 48 art 49 Insect Battle Plans Pirate Scout Pirate Privateer Pirate Sloop Pirate Corsair Insect Scoutship Insect Patrol Ship Insect Corvette Insect Frigate Lizard Frigate Robot Recon Probe Robot Fighter Civilian Engine Retros Life Suprt Power Commun Computer Tow Link Shield #1 Shield #2 Shield #3 Shield #4 Gun #1 Gun #2 Gun #3 Gun #4 Gun #5 Gun #6 Def. 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