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Ich mchte Ihnen vielmehr das Konzept von BetterCopy vorstellen. Obwohl BetterCopy ein Programm ist, in dem sehr viel Arbeit steckt, kann es sich jeder frei kopieren, es ist also Freeware. Sie drfen BetterCopy an jeden kostenlos weitergeben. Doch nun kommt noch eine kleine Bitte: p Wenn Sie das Programm gut finden und mit Ihm arbeiten wollen, bitte ich Sie, q p mir fairerweise einen Betrag von 20 DM zu schicken. q Ich fnde es gut, wenn mglichst viele fair sind und sich an dem Freeware-Konzept von BetterCopy beteiligten. Dann wird in Zukunft sicher noch viele gute Software auf diese Art und Weise erscheinen. Hier noch einige Tips fr das erste Arbeiten mit BetterCopy: - es sind 1 bis 100 Tracks und 1 bis 11 Sectoren mglich (max. 1100 KB ) - mit der UNDO-Taste kann das Kopieren oder Formatieren unterbrochen werden - (automatische Kopie) Tracks, Sectoren und Seiten werden auto. eingestellt - (auto. Fehlerformat) wenn ntig wird Formatieren auto. eingeschaltet - defekte Tracks auf der Zieldiskette werden automatisch neu formatiert - (fastload Format) fr schnelleres laden (nur bei 9 Sektoren wirksam !) - (Steprate) hiermit kann die Steprate fr die Laufwerke eingestellt werden - (50 Hertz 60) bei 60 wird eine 60 Hz Umschaltung im Bootsektor installiert B Meine Adresse: Thomas Schuder, Bodenstrae 10, 4200 Oberhausen 11 BRD Kontoverbindung: Kontonr. 17271990 Stadtsparkasse Obe  H?O0 f; D@@\ @@@A B@.()1@P@D8!&?N(*!@x@@@@@!CBhx le9 `Ā "C3 `8u.c# )!" 0q8w,<```@0 9 6axw}b(@ 1va;^$&؁tۋ{v`0Q@g {Tat/ 2>: #zLgKaܾO:<g8A p0D @mr 7(  xCrWrD m 48(rh p!jTk10ppmXx0  #@$ 0~\%Pl !Wac  5 3'/D׈yOA`< 0u@  Q DLj?3pq ) ~\D jW*]/syA,x~ 00*"=#@:D,XYd@.@g`1 `?@ `F  R-[g:78M~ލ!``@T? 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The serial number is written at format time and is meant to be unique so that TOS can tell if a disk has been swapped. For some tools to be able to manipulate the loader, the OEM bytes must be $4C 6F 61 64 65 72 ('Loader' in ASCII). The final two bytes (one word) of the boot sector are reserved for the 'evening out' value which allows the checksum to be corrected accordingly. The boot loader also contains specific information as well as code: Byte Label Meaning $1E EXECFLG copied to _cmdload $20 LDMODE load mode $22 SSECT sector start $24 SCETCNT # of sectors to load $26 LDADDR load address $2A FATBUF FAT address $2E FNAME file name to load if LDMODE is 0 $39 . reserved $3A BOOTIT boot code If LDMODE is zero, then the filename in FNAME is searched for and loaded. If non-zero, then the number of sectors in SECTCNT is loaded, beginning with SSECT. FATBUF points to the location in memory where the FAT and directory is placed. FNAME consists of eight characters and a three character extension. To see an example of this, read the first sector on any TOS boot disk. The ST boot loader can load an 'image file' from any disk regardless of where it appears in the directory or whether the sectors are stored contiguously or not. The image file contains no header or relocation information in it. Boot sector: Page 14 `n| L*O.|4*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA N1P/<NA"/0<NBNuNV>?<>NaTN^NuNV> /.?<=Na\N^NuNV. 0n/?.?<?NaPN^NuNV. 0n/?.?<@NaPN^NuNV>?./. ?<BNaPN^NuNV> . ??./.Bg?<Na N^NuNV> . ??./.?<?<Na N^NuNV>NaN^NuNV> NaN^NuNV0.R@H@=@0n.?<HNaTN^NuNVJg.?<INaTN^NuNV n H"nR RJ@fN^NuNV nHRJfS n H"nR RJ@fN^NuNV-n nHRJf .S@N^NuNVJngp0`p =@Jng 2.HЁм-@`A-H nBS/./< /< /. Ng P/NfP/ . м0 _/< /. 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( Y?@`À  )  ~w? 7=``G xg  A ` K099&'kg.b@@@p@@_| 8 4` cp||ߟ`_B`?/_߀ ݀ ?`B??9>?Qjq'  `A&.Pg@@8|this disk. Should the|partially completed file|be kept?][ Yes | No ][3][That file doesn't exist.][ OK ] chains through these sectors:Sector of  | intro.hlpdisplay.hlpediting.hlpdiskmap.hlpfat.hlpboot.hlpsector.hlpmove.hlprepair.hlp\ddhelp\[1][That help file doesn't exist.][ OK ]DiskDoctor Help about:.&"" (.* $n( $  P  P& &         .`&$(*b@       &V  f &|"          6L$  4 $B8.z( . > 6,""( ( 6     68& (&   <  8$    $"  V    &  2,   .          V     (           *6 *           &(*   $(L         (       ", &`,(8 J      & 2,6` &d,"      $j,> .&B~>h&@&& "r 2 6  <6 N          &6  H>    &$ L 0& (<     " 0    $  V       4   " (    j ( : " $ :D8 ,F8 J **  4$    6>        2@   (      zf  &                        fhH00000000000 N   $y The Disk Doctor The ST Disk Structure: sector 0 is the boot track sectors 1 through 5 are the first copy of the File Allocation Table (FAT) sectors 6 through 10 are the second FAT copy sectors 11 through 17 are the directory the remainder of the disk is data space. On floppies, the boot track is 1 sector long, each FAT is 5 sectors, the directory is 7 sectors. On a single-sided disk, this theoretically leaves 702 sectors for data, but the operating system seems to count somewhat less: when a disk is formatted, it shows only 698 sectors available. Double-sided floppies also have 1 sector boot tracks, On at least one hard disk, the boot track is again 1 sector long, each FAT is 41 sectors and the root directory (the main directory or desktop) is 16 sectors. Other hard disk structures may vary. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The root or main directory is in the seven consecutive sectors mentioned above. A subdirectory (a folder or path) is actually a file on the disk. While the root directory is limited in the maximum number of files it can take, since files need not be contiguous, a subdirectory is not thus limited. Each directory entry is 32 bytes long: there are 16 entries per sector, laid out so: file name bytes 0-7 extension bytes 8-10 attributes byte 11 reserved space bytes 12-21 time stamp bytes 22-23 date stamp bytes 24-25 starting cluster bytes 26-27 (an integer) length (bytes) bytes 28-31 (a 4-byte integer) File name is the part of the name before the period, eight bytes padded on the right with blanks if less than that in length. If the first byte in a name is zero, the entry is unused. If $E5 (229 decimal), then the file has been erased. If the first !!@@c08  @@!΀AGc?'?  " 1N80 OlLda % C8;|G~Dq 1  |$*?)  0J0|wphs> @@@B z?V `'x /??p`px0( (?  5qg` @@@2@ ?mp  !$<o P`p a:87`p ` @@@"@Op;@ @@@rـ`+0p @@9 @`I0@@! @=,D1@   900H,   1% ?@1~  :d!o@@@@@@:f@aX`*  @)ANV*8 AF44@l8@ i ';<8y:#<'?8>@8I p@@@0cking on the down arrow of the scroll bar or to the previous sector by clicking on the up arrow. In both disk and file displays, the screen results are the same. The currently displayed sector number is listed across the top. If it is a disk you've opened, the number is absolute; ie the number is the same as the sector being read from the disk. If it is a file, it is relative; that is: the sector is the first, second, etc of the total in the file but not necessarily the same number as that sector from which it was read off the disk. All number begins with zero. The sector is a number of so many; on a single sided floppy there are 720; 1440 on a double sided. The number in a file varies but the total will appear at the right of the sector number. Each value displayed represents one byte on the disk in that sector. Across the top are the numbers 0 to 29. Add this column to the row listed down the left side to get the position of the byte you want to address; a byte at column 26 and row 150 is at location 176. There are 512 bytes in a sector and all are displayed on the screen at once. Display: Page 4 The Disk Doctor There are two displays available: character and hex. In character display (the startup default), any values having ASCII equivalents are displayed as their characters (from space to ~; hex $20 to $7E). This allows you to read text, data, file names in the directory, etc. Non-ASCII equivalents retain their hexadecimal values but are greyed-out (green in medium resolution unless you've changed the colors with the control panel). In hex display, all bytes are seen as black; none are greyed out. To test the display, open one of the help files (with the .HLP extender) on the Disk Doctor disk and examine their contents. You can switch back and forth between character and hex displays by clicking on the selection in the sector menu or toggle by pressing control-V (^V). You can print the contents of the sector in the chosen display mode by selecting the print option in the sector menu. Other displays available will show you information in a more obvious format; the sector links for a file, number of bytes used, starting sectors and similar information. You can print any information by directing it to the printer when the query window pops up or any screen by pressing and holding the 'Alternate key' and pressing the 'Help' key. The display will be further discussed in the sections on editing and the various menus. Display: Page 5 6 The Disk Doctor Editing a File or Disk Disk Doctor allows you to change bytes in a sector, then save that sector back to disk. This is very powerful and you can damage your files, so make sure you know what you are doing first. It's one thing to alter the text in a file, quite another to alter the code stored there. When you have a sector displayed (from either an open disk or file), use the mouse to move the cursor to any byte on the screen. Click the mouse button at the desired byte and the character will highlight (invert its color). Note that a hexadecimal display has two characters in each byte but an ASCII character is alone in a byte, since it is a representation of a hexadecimal character. If you toggle between display modes, you'll see what we mean. To change the character at the cursor, simp H4(00!8Gh`p;x?( 8a q>-=N?( 00#0?-s??89*@@@-?&0?A! /BB->??2kkXm 3 1((&&P  b @ @ A`a 00~  *T8 8n1~ *iy@0  ?@@/ H8>?=@@@ H0 1   ( Pbr@P@x >?@*l#`18 v0 (K,d*"0p8 0 #?0/<Pq  a (: }@!@0 B@8_ @p(? pxN@`` ?`1  "8@?L0s 0 ?>h2<ױ( `  !<y/xr.p1? (<?2 z  <@  ?x`20?>@ p@@H@  ~ 0H?:0?fp1u= @) yh  s0 @198{o2 _H8" Op0( 'wx >!xOp@^@rpJ6!?@{$  t  @A q r7 :2gx OpX  0 f$ The Disk Doctor FILE ALLOCATION TABLE STRUCTURE Files are allocated in clusters, not sectors. A cluster is just two contiguous sectors, or 1K in length. The FAT is a record of the clusters associated with a particular file; the FAT is a one-to-one correspondence with the disk after the first two entries; each subsequent entry refers to a cluster of the same location on the disk. The FAT and directory size is the same on single and double sided floppies. On floppies, each 12 bits in the FAT records a cluster belong to a particular file - or every 1.5 bytes. 12 bits means an entry can range from zero to 4096 ($FFF). On the hard disk, each is 16 bits, or a (byte-swapped) integer (which allows a range to 65535 or $F). If an entry is zero, then the cluster is unused and available. If 4081 to 4087 ($FF1 to $FF7), then the cluster is unuseable due to a formatting error (usually a bad sector). If the entry contains 4088 to 4095 ($FF8 to $FFF), then the cluster contains the end of a file. For a hard disk, these values are increased by 327667 or $F0). Any other value means the cluster is part of a file and the number is equal to the NEXT cluster belong to the file unless it's recorded as the last cluster. The first cluster is recorded in the directory. TOS reads that cluster into memory then goes to the FAT and reads the number in that entry. The number here is the NEXT cluster to read. This is also read and then TOS goes to the FAT entry corresponding to that cluster and looks for the NEXT cluster to read and so on until the FAT record says that this is the last cluster ($FF8 to $FFF) when it stops reading. each entry is a link to the next cluster in a file. The first two entries in the FAT (entries 0 and 1: three bytes; 1.5 bytes per entry, remember) record the disk format rather than refer to a particular cluster; byte one has either 247 ($F7) for single and double-sided floppies. The next two bytes are 255 ($FF). These are meant to point to the end of the directory but don't and are unused. The first cluster available on the disk is numbered two. This refers to sectors 18 and 19. The method of determining the sector is to read the entry number, subtract 2 (the first cluster is actually numbered 2), multiply by two (sectors per cluster) and add 18 (the first sector for data is 18). FAT Structure: Page 11 The Disk Doctor This method allows TOS to allocate clusters around the disk according to availability of space. It also means that the smallest size of a file is 1K. To trace a file through its links on the FAT, the Disk Doctor has a simple command from the pull-down repair menu. The disk information feature will also give you the starting sector of a file and the number of bytes in length. The FAT and the directory are both read into memory at a location specified by the address at byte $2A (42) and is kept in memory until the disk is changed and a new directory read. This is why when you recover a deleted file, it doesn't appear in the directory; the directory in memory must first be update (done by closing any currently open file or disk, then reading a new file or disk in another drive). FAT Structure: Page 12 D r( 9GH//0S`d)@@@|Gx@'7G1>gx  pF#@? `@ @@GA]?>P"U`G% _| >G]Lxsw` 89`$8H~P;  ?` Njwx9 (?@|xpp9@p`HH ! @ "(~zz`#<<`b|B  |;;pHH^<@ @ H0x?,?k/ ?@@ ,oP $ /o@J!+``$((`@@QPT{`@gtt/0 N , loƥP^:/0?  @@@ ? &‚‚60?`8y+ cH{0yy#`@6 1{1a  Qs'0 Xa|`/0c1gn0 WF`A.!yg _ɻOP8<@w/g1 Y+P0:>B ?)>0Oz~ :6?0`8=?0j %@;'@`;>v&?@@@#' <#~,o0p Wed contiguously on the disk. Although files reside on disks, opening a disk is a different operation from opening a file. The Disk Doctor allows you to look directly at the data on a disk or in a file. You can change that data and write it back out to the disk. The Disk Doctor is also knowledgeable about the directory structure on the disk and can locate files, trace sectors links, patch up damaged disks or files and recover deleted files. Introduction: Page 2 The Disk Doctor Closing does any cleaning up that needs to be done on a changed file and tells the Disk Doctor to unfix its attention in preparation for fixing it on something new. "Cleaning up" is something the operating system insists is done and is all automatic. The Disk Doctor never leaves an unclean disk around unless the computer is turned off, or you remove the disks without first closing. Quit stops the program and returns to the desktop. You can quit either through the menu or by holding the control key down and hitting the "Q" key. Several other commands are activated by control keys as shown on the menus. It's recommended that you read the help files through first before you attempt to use this program in order to get a better understanding of how it works and how a disk is constructed. For a permanent record, print them out and study them at length. When printing or displaying, the space bar pauses and the Return key stops. Introduction: Page 3  The Disk Doctor Move Commands GO TO SECTOR: Moves you to the sector entered. If in disk mode, the sector is the same as the sector number on the disk. If in file mode, it is the relative sector within that file. You can't go to a sector outside the range given in the line above the sector display. SEARCH: Search for a string of characters in character display or a string of hex codes in hex display. Search begins at the cursor location so make sure the cursor is at the first byte in a sector in order to search the entire sector. If the byte combination isn't found, you'll be asked whether or not to continue searching the entire disk or file. Don't use spaces in the hex display but do if you want them found in the character display (spaces are valid characters). Search is not case sensitive; it treats '0D 0A FC' like '0d 0a fc' in hex display and 'this program' like 'THIS PROGRAM' in character display. You can't search for hex codes in character display and vice versa. Move Commands: Page 17 ,N0Q  ~?p 8ܰ$هg@|rπhprwxs>vpzs|&'6@O8`VB!?Z~pY CC#73 8 R  CG?y11@v;f?p@N? <XRO?>c28>A