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Docs and ordering info included. ,??eU)eK 1e3 Ke;t;e;eYe;e\eexe{xxe\e\\fW\\M\eg\\egegzge9zgze=s?e\?ef\?e\?e\?e\?e\?eaeb}UNI1&&*4ԝL Nl 4c`&:o~l HHLOAD N LOAD_PICTURE D LPICTURED(.clSystem*System2 !GRAPH load6BnBnAB2Bn6A(BRHT\BPP*P0P8PFPNP\TbPjPtP|PPPPPPPTPPPPTPPPP$P,P6P>PHT~NPVPdPlPzTPPPPPPTPPPPTPPP PPP,P4PBPJPXP`PnTtP|PPPTPPPPPPTPPPPTP P0P8PFTFLPTP^PfPpPxPPPTPPPPTPPPPPPPPP$P2T8P@PNPVP`PhPrPzPTbPPPPTPPPPTFPPPPP P*P2P<TBP\B\|"P0\*6\DPJPP\TZPfPrPxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXP^PfPp\TxP~PP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPPP\TPP&P0\T8P>PFPP\TXPfPl\pv\\t\\\\\t\XX(PX(PX6PNNVNqNqp29@m43=A`Ry09HAJpo09HAFh20H/N09HA?009HAX?009HA20H/09HA20H/09HA20H/N09HA'(Jpol09HAN820H/N09HA'(?009HA.?009HA6?009HA>?0N09HA]Jpo^09HAV20H/N09HA]?009HAe?009HAuH20H/N09HAJpo09HA}20H/N09HA?009HAX?009HA(20H/09HA20H/09HA20H/09HA20H/N09HAhJpo^09HA20H/N09HAh?009HA?009HA20H/N09HAJpo09HA820H/N09HA20H/B09HAX20H/N09HA?009HA?009HA?009HAx?0N09HAJpo09HA 20H/N09HA?009HAX?009HA!(20H/09HA(20H/09HA020H/N09HA8JpoB09HA8?009HA@h?009HAH820H/N09HAPJpo09HAoH20H/N09HA20H/B09HAX20H/N09HAP?009HAW?009HA_?009 HAgx?0N09nfN^NuNNVNqNq/.Hn?<NHyHn?<NN0J@f4HyHyNXp29@m3=A`RyHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAXHpNXHy09HAFhHpNXHy09HA'(HpNXHy09HA.HpNXHy09HA6HpNXHy09HA>HpNXHy09HAN8HpNXHy09HAVHpNXHy09HA]HpNXHy09HAeHpNXHy09HAuHHpNXHy09HA}HpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAXHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HA(HpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAhHpNXHy09HA8HpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAxHpNXHy09HAHHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HA HpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAXHpNXHy09HA!(HpNXHy09HA(HpNXHy09HA0HpNXHy09HA8HpNXHy09HA@hHpNXHy09HAH8HpNXHy09HAPHpNXHy09HAWHpNXHy09HA_HpNXHy09HAgxHpNXHy09HAoHHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAXHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HA}HpNXHy09HAwHpNXHy09HAHpNXHy09HAXHpNX09nfHyN`|HyHzxBgNNHyNHyHzBgNNUNJgUN3`UN3NHnNN^.Nu8-- File not found or there is a problem with the disk -- %Please check the disk for any errors.-I GWG Computer Software Proudly Presents: SUPER TIC-TAC-TOE (C) 1994 GWG Computer Software Head Programmer: George Garner -I OVERVIEW: Super Tic-Tac-Toe takes the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe and brings it to a new level. The object of the game is to make a row of three X's or O's. Every row you make scores you a point, and the same for your opponent. Once all of the squares are filled, the player with the most points wins the game. DEMO INSTRUCTIONS: This demonstration is designed to give you a view of what Super- Tac-Toe is like. Once the title screen fades up (it has the name of the game, the copyright stuff, and the name of some useless guy who calls himself the head programmer). At this screen, press any key. A request will fade up asking you if you wish keyboard or mouse control. Press 'K' or 'M' accordingly. The game will then fade up. If you choose mouse control, simply point the mouse arrow to the square you wish, then left click it. Your letter will appear in that square (simple, huh). The next player will then take the mouse and do the same until all of the squares are filled, or until you press 'Q' or . At that time the game will end, the winner will be notified, and the program will end. Keyboard control is a little different. Use the '8', '82', '6' and '4' keys to move the colored square around the board until you find the desired location. Press , and your letter will appear. The game still ends with 'Q', , or all of the squares filled. THE FULL VERSION: If you decide to pay for the full version of this game, here are the improvements it contains: 1- While the demo will let you play only one game at a time, the full version allows any number of games to be played. 2- A "Best Games" screen to record the most stunning defeats. 3- Perhaps the most important, computer control. You can play any combination, 1 human and 1 computer, 2 humans (like the demo), or even 2 computers. If you wish to get the full version send $5.00 (check, please) to: George Garner GWG Computer Software 5043 Running Valley Road Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360 ** NOTE: Make checks payable to George Garner ONLY! NOT GWG Software. Any made out to GWG Software will have to be returned. Upon recieving payment, a copy will be sent A.S.A.P. Thank you for playing! `h@ `( PX kf o*HWDLԁ.BN(NN>NNNW&BgNNNVNqNqHz$N^?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNqp2<Ȳ@m@3t$=A`Ryt$?<N6?<N6HxN"09t$nfNYbHxHxNy"HxNpHxBHxNw?<T?<HzxNvHxBHxNwHxNp?<^?<Hz~NvByt&pr?@m3t$=A`Ryt$?<?9t&?9t&?9t$Nq?<BgBg?9t$Nq?<?9t$BgBgNq y-t&l09t&R@3t&HxN09t$nfHxNp?r@n3t$=A`Syt$?<?9t&?9t&?9t$Nq?<BgBg?9t$Nq?<?9t$BgBgNqJyt&o09t&S@3t&HxN09t$nfN^Nu gwg_logo.px1 1C O M P U T E R S O F T W A R E%P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s . . .NNVNqNq?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNqHxHxNy"Np2<Ȳ@m3t$=A`Ryt$?<N60R@H/Np?<N60R@H/B?<N60R@H/NwHyt$Hn?<DNHzbHn?< N09t$H=@HnHn?<Nf$?<N6?<N6HzNv` ?<N6?<N6HzNv09t$nfHxBNBg?<2?<?<N~HxNpHxBHxNw?<^?<KHzNvHxNpHxBHxNw?<^?<dHzNvHxNpHxBHxNw?<^?<}Hz|NvByt&pr?@m3t$=A`Ryt$?<?9t&?9t&?9t$Nq?<BgBg?9t$Nq?<?9t$BgBgNq y-t&l09t&R@3t&HxN09t$nfUNJgp?r@n3t$=A`Syt$?<?9t&?9t&?9t$Nq?<BgBg?9t$Nq?<?9t$BgBgNqJyt&o09t&S@3t&HxN09t$nfN^NuXOSUPER TIC-TAC TOE(C) 1994 GWG Computer Software Head Programmer: George Garner NNVNqNq?<N?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNq?<BgBgBgNqHxBNHxHxNy"3HtD3HtF yHtDWD yHtFWDgNp2<Ȳ@m3t$=A`Ryt$?<N60R@H/Np?<N60R@H/B?<N60R@H/NwHyt$Hn?<DNHzvHn?< N09t$H=@HnHn?<Nf$?<N6?<N6Hz.Nv` ?<N6?<N6HzNv09t$nfBg?<2?<?<N~HxNpHxBHxNw?<^?<KHzNv?<^?<dHzNvByt&pr?@m3t$=A`Ryt$?<?9t&?9t&?9t$Nq?<BgBg?9t$Nq?<?9t$BgBgNq y-t&l09t&R@3t&HxN09t$nfUNZ3tL?9tLHnN.?<kNeyboard or ouse? 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Your letter will appear in that box. If 5you have made a row of three either accross, down, or#diagonally, then you score a point.For example... This is worth 1 point. 8Once the board is completely filled with "X"'s and "O"'s 9then the game is over. The player with the highest scoreis the winner. =**NOTE: If you wish to end the game earlier hit 'Q' or .:There is a catch. Once you use three letters in a row you -CANNOT use the same letters IN THE SAME ROW!.This is only worth 1 point!! 2HELPFUL HINT: Try to make a box of your letters in 7a particular corner. You can score more than one pointper turn this way! 7**NOTE: When you're playing a game hitting certain keys#will take you to different options./'S': View the games won by the largest margains$'M': Go to the player selection menu -'H': Help files (but you obviously know that)NNVHN yt(fHxHxN`HxHxN?<:?<?<?<dHx<N yt(fHxHxN`HxHxN?<:?<x?<?<Hx<NHxBHxNwBHxNy" yt(fHxNp` HxNpHxBHxNw?<??<Hz FNvHxBHxNw?<??<(Hz .Nv09tH/BgHytP?<N?<??<2HytPNv?<??<Hyr?<*NHzLHyF?<*NHzTHy?<*NHz^Hy?<*NHz`Hy?<*NHzlHyӖ?<*NHzHyj?<*NHzHy>?<*NHzHy?<*NHzHy?<*NN^NuNo error Graph not initialized. Graphics hardware not detected.Device driver not found. Invalid device driver. !Not enough memory to load driver.Out of memory in scan fill.Out of memory in flood fill. Font file not found. Not enough memory to load font.*Invalid graphics mode for selected driver. Graphics error.Graphics I/O error.Invalid font file. Invalid font number. 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