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We had to limit the number of hints in this disk due to the huge number of levels (37). You should have little trouble, though, most puzzles are reasonable and those that aren't we made sure to give you details on in the maps. This game comes from Europe and has had to put up with poor sales because many distributers just won't buy games from Europe. But, the game is a good Dungeon Master Clone and deserves a hint disk. (It needs it too!) This game is NOT, repeat NOT, a linear game. Although you must complete it in a certain manner, the maps allow you to get as lost as you want. With a total of 37 levels, you can get awfully lost! However, if you follow a set of rules and our hints, you should be ok. Sometimes the problem lies with that there are many ways of moving between levels, stairs, pits and teleports and you have to decide which works. So, follow our hints and suggestions and if you must, check the maps. When gaining characters, try and get two fighters and two magicians (different colors). Want a lot of money and keys and weapons at the beginning? Collect two characters or three and ask a fourth to join. Take all the goodies and release him. Do this on all you meet, then when you've had enough of this cheating, select your final partner, (we'd lock him in a room and then come back for him, they tend to wander) and get on with the game. Its no use fighting and killing those other characters, you get nothing worth anything for it. Unless your chaotic-evil... than have a ball! At the entrance to every main tower area, especially the entrance to the serpent level, there are three pressure pads in front of a door. If you can't open the door, some people have tried to place one of their characters on each pad and then try the door. I never had to do this, but it might be worth trying. Read up in the manual on how to select a character to go somewhere on his own so you can VIEW what he sees when you try something else. Lots of things happen out of your general sight. By the way, if you send a character out, he cannot fight unless he's a part of your group again. When going to step on a teleporter, place an object on the floor to make sure you know wlhen you get back. Some teleports are to areas that look alike. Wondering whats begind a door? Save the game and watch the screen when it resets, and you will see a flash of what's behind it. If you have an assassin, give him the stealth blade, when you find it, and let him hit the monster when its back is turned. It does mucho damage! Our favorite way of handling food is to give the mages and priests nothing. Let them use Vitality spells to keep ok. This leaves food for your fighters, who will need it, and the Magic spells will make your magic users gain in levels faster. TREASURES: Check everything. All halls, walls and portcullises. Pick up everything. We didn't find any Cursed items. Sell to monsters what you don't want. Use coins to buy food and spells and mark passages in hard to map areas. Rings can be put on hands and the color allows the bearer to cast spells of that color without losing mana points. (A must!) Each character can wear two rings at a time. Gloves can be put on and the weapon can be readied on top of them. Crystal Plate is the best of all the armour. MONSTERS: This game comes with many monsters but all seem to operate the same way. The monsters do get faster as you get further into the game, but if you have a door you can back into that you can see through, like bars, you can close the door on the monster, prepare your spell or characters, as soon as the monster turns away, usually 90 degrees, open the door, hit the monster, close the door. This techinque works on all doors you can see through. You can TALK to most monsters, although I'd save game first! Talking to them allows you to sell them all your extra items like used weapons, shields, armour and all. They will pay you for it, then when you've sold all you want, kill them. You don't get the items back, but you can atleast gather some money. Don't bargain with monsters for their items, it doesn't seem to work. Dragons and spider won't usually talk to you. But some dragons will. Save before trying. Whenever the monster offers to sell you food buy it for 1 gp. This works on all monsters willing to talk to you, but not the store keepers. SPELLS: Get a full range of spells of different colors. Also make sure you get the full range of the color of the user. Sometimes you have to buy a little used spell to get access to a great spell. Vitalize is a great spell to have, because it replaces food when you run short. Paralyse will hold the monster so you can get double or triple hits on him. Limited time. Warpower will give the caster the strengh of many. Alchemy will change any item in your hand to coins. Has to be a metal item. Form Wall will place a wall in front of you. Good when you get to the Fireball alley. Limited time. Anti mage and spelltap use agains magic users. Summon will send a monster to fight in front of you. Neat to watch. Be careful, they attack ANYONE! Compass spell is a necessary item, due to all the spinners in this game. Vivify will kill monsters like disrupt. Firepath should be used when monsters must walk down a long corridore towards you. Only works when two or more squares are in front of you. Don't walk on it, OUCH! Recharge regenerates rings power. POTIONS: Dragon Ale increases vitality. Serpent Slime increases hit points. Moon Elixr increases spell points. Brimstone Broth increases everything. Well, very little space left on the disk with all the levels, hope you enjoy this game, we did. Tony  BLOOD.CHR-#'))'-)))*(1 )111-)111%1xChaos2.mapChaos2.map From Tower.mapFrom Tower.map Chaos2.map Removes wall at top right.1 BLOOD.CHR000)W))-# . )# - W0)   /Chaos1.mapChaos1.mapChaos3.mapBlueGreenRedNever figured out this puzzle, but chanceat hitting different switches worked.This was the hardest puzzle we encounteredAny ideas? Send us a letter! Chaos1.mapChaos3.map Chaos3.mapBLOOD.CHR9--./F F/*.))/)  9F)) F)/ )MTeleport to lower right and back. Blue Gem room. Teleports to Gem roomabove. Teleport to and from blue gem room. Red gem room, teleport to red gem roomleft and down. Red gem room. Teleport back to Red gemroom above to right.Chaos2.map Chaos4.mapChaos4.mapChaos4.mapChaos2.map]BLOOD.CHR9.) 1 1 11 111-11)*))0***)  $/=Teleport to below left.Teleport to top.Bronze key Chaos5.mapChaos3.map Ok, this is a very strange puzzle, sotry and follow me. Every time you step onthe plate the walls will change from solidto a door. So keep stepping on the plateto get from one part of the area to theother.m BLOOD.CHR      )) 1      *    000  9  0 / W   )   ' -     Chaos6.map Chaos4.map All squares in this room spin! Have fun!lots of treasure and fights. The other level of that strange combinat-ion level. Chaos6.mapBLOOD.CHR )  )  )   >  / *   .  VBHallway to stairs to right. Hallway to stairs to left.Chaos5.map Removes force field.Not much of a puzzle, one way only willmake it. Hit all switches.Chaos gem here. Now get down! Not aneasy way to do it. Save game and startgoing down, pits and all. Once down, goto Zendik's Tower.hBLOOD.CHR  1 )   1  1))-*   )()  )))         *h BLOOD.CHR))9**$9#)))9 999$9 )  *0)*)- #3Removed by switch to lower right.Removes secret wall to upper left.Teleports bring you back to here.Dragon key. Serpent key.Bronze key opens. Opens secret door to get bronze key. Bronze key here. Moon key here.Load dragon3.map BLOOD.CHR)))$0)*9* *0*)(0$**))-     eFrom Dragon2.map To Dragon4.map Closes secret wall to lower right. ButtonOPens secret walls to lower right.Removed by button at right. Must comethrough here to get to hidden rooms atlower right.Button removes secret wall 7 squares leftand 2 squares down.Dragon key. Causes pillar to block way. Never was ableto get past pillar. Not needed to finishgame. Iron key. BLOOD.CHR) *)-$*00$ *   )##e Removes secret wall. Safe Safe safe safe safesafe safe create wall to protect you from fireballs.Welcome to fireball alley!Where fireballs come from.Helps turn off fireballs. Helps turn off fireballs.safesafe.safe safe safesafe safe Serpent key.Need serpent key. Bronze key.Requires Bronze key. Up to Dragon5.mapBLOOD.CHR  ) $ .    '   G)-  )1)    ;From Dragon4.map To Dragon6.mapDragon key.oBLOOD.CHR    )) -)-   )      ;..)FB See small map at bottom left.See small map at bottom left.The Dragon GEM. 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Check Disk | Drive. ][ Cancel ]MAPFILENAME.PC1@\*.PC1<\*.PC?Jw$%6GwCalculating MapPlease Wait[1][The map will be saved in|a .PC1 format. Insert|a disk to save the pic|on. Enter a filename.][ OK |CANCEL][1][Unable to write to|disk! Aborting! Please|insert hint disk.][DARN][1][Saving completed. |Please insert hint|disk. ][ OK ][1][THE MAP IS TOO BIG][DARN]PC1Loading PicturePlease WaitPC2[1][Unable to load picture!|Check disk drive. ][ OK ]FILENAME.DOC\*.DOC<2`ww%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%5d %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c F1 | F2 | F3 | F10 | - | - | T | LINE 00020 OF 02132 LOAD |PRINT |SEARCH| EXIT | + | + | B | OF %c%c%c%c%-12s%c%c%c%c%5d%c%c%c%c%5d[1][PRINT WHOLE DOCUMENT|OR PRINT THE BLOCK?][ALL|BLOCK|CANCEL]PRT:w+[1][PRINTER NOT|RESPONDING! ][Whoa] *** TONY SEVERA HINT DISK *** FILE: %s Lines %d to %d out of %d lines. %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%cLoading Hint FilePlease Wait[1][TEXT FILE TOO BIG.|FILE WAS TRUNCATED!][OK][1][TEXT FILE IS MORE|THAN 80 COLUMN! ][ DARN ]   CON:AUX:PRT:  (( ((  AB @$@Y@@@È@jA.AcAׄCAy7DxCyٝFnH=c)\I1sKP1P=M8O?ZwH02g$uOs<@ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9?? *                      ,:4     &&$B,"   :@(BTh(*(6(RDnTHL*"       "*   $  6   " "   "$ " "  "  """ " "  2  " " " "    F  "            0        0 ,::$               @"                                             H      2      4x2,&  <*,*  *         NF   (         &*   .$   "H,  , 4jT"  (lv R04: " (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."($  ΀8 (             &       ,6$f@D$dHH8PtBF&2l`z R0b,n,,<\v L< <         v                  h  BLOOD.CHR )  -)W))*) ) ')   $ Serpent keyLoad Mainlvl.map. This is the way to themaze. Hole in ceiling.Red gem Treasure Room. When you get thered gem, c lome back here to gather thegem's treasure.Blue gem tresure room. When you get theblue gem, come back here to collect itstreasure. Serpent key.Down to the Maze and the Chromatic key.Load Low_lvl2.map This will dissapear when you hit the rightswitch.BLOOD.CHR))'*.$'1))####)1)1'1)   ) .  * $),Use the circle to fight the enemy. Thengo into the maze.Some posts will dissapear when you hitcertain switches. Watch for spin spaces.Opens column to reach stairs going down atfar left.Pillar removed when blue button is pushed.Underground path to bottom of map. watchfor spinner in middle of path.Moon key. Requires Moon key.Up to Low_lvl2.map. This is entrance tothe maze. Be cautious. Open one door ata time and use the circle area to fightthe creatures who come after you. Closethe doors when you can, so no creaturecan come behind you.You meet your first dragon, here. He's areal push-over to fireballs. This will dissapear later, when a switchis pressed on the other side of themaze. You may have to go back and fourthseveral times to complete this area.Red button. Press all buttons or switches Chaos key.Requires Bronze key.Chromatic key. This is what you need toget to the towers. Now go to the mainlevel for the door that needs the whitechromatic key.pppp$pp8btbbccLcccd$dZddwfUdSB1 `03΄@6t p4B & l@0hgB`$7?    0Ho9@0&0$   !`L? 8`@bX 2<, x<`?>x|&<|6? ?l8~?ppB@@@  O00'_g_3xǃx``~XccQ\>*}݆ff*f`f`zfN޿g`g` ``8 ̈w[̉7̈w?uU Q_PXǏǏU pno0??*}8zxA<<?Bxs4xxApp!?``_?> ~0 B3|@@|`9'A?? ?8||@x@ ?πO ??>??|?< xH|?<ރ??>}0p?<?<9σgp8|ps p?<?<pσ{@?!|<0s|?<Bσ 9||0s|?>?8?@σϏ 98Ͽ 8~ >07@}?|P@~~  88~~yy????  3 F`B880 0?p  p`@`À @ ? @?Cp?9x?0~<s!~G 38 8P9?gp@ps?'L?>o`@4~O "|??i @?8@~?p`0  `@?0`0 pC3 0`@ g 0}o||`88??7p3΄@6t pmt^@& l@0hgB`$7x\@ *cb 01o80qB|  0Ho9@0&i |`}-( L*@ !`L? 8`@b m VPؒo}rr 8 9vӏ,pH  2<, x<`?>SPl"mH I*"x|&<|<eej4 5)p0? ?l`~?pp ? @0f!0 '@`8B 0@ B '`8@00|!  `0`C@   @5 A@0/xp  `^808l<`?~Opx?}@p:y?>O2| L>>:d@p&@Ixy/4p?Ɂ>L0`xA8xp7]!E,,.qozş.9ld@ 0xGI Eh(@B9r߽&Be@k@ 88F\u,x p8c8p 8C0φy[qDA  qÍo`@4~O "|??i @?8@~?p`0 $! `@?0`0 p@7{9&p9 g?0`Fag 0}aoW4e`RPeGt`(B@87 nG4eBPe{wpB@3΄@<[<eAe_<0á2 $?cP@l@0hgB`!G &E6dXE ?0B?  #cp@Ho9@0 Kg G)E6DXE?0?  #c@`@L? 8`@` ` :F96Y8X9?0&Xa2<, x<`?@ \x|&<|  &? ?l?pp ?:x '@`8B 0B '`8@00|  `0`C@  @5 A@0/xp  `^808l<`?ϟ//_px?}@p:""((  y?>O2| ""((L>>:d@p&0< Ǿ?>'>">"//>L0`xA8xp?<#..>"))),x p8?p 8C0@a$?0B0 7?8  a0880'? p`@`À'?@ ?'?@?Cp????~<s!~G 38'?gp@ps?'L?>o`? 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Store. Blue gem teleporter. Tan gem teleporter. Need mage as leader to see hidden walls.To level 2. Use magelock then open door.To level 2.Iron key opens. HBLOOD.CHR $$) G )-- ) )% $ $))B' /)$))  ) W0.)010 **0W0*'  ) )YTo level 3.To level 3. Serpent key. Moon ring.Moon key to open. Moon key.Iron key opens.Serpent key.Iron key.Bronze key opens. Bronze key. Keep working your way back and fourth toremove secret walls. Switches will closethe right pits.Serpent key opens.To level 2.QBLOOD.CHR%)'****0000' -.. $' 99)  19099)W099 $)$) E'#   3VOpens door to left.Switches open pillar releasing monsters.Deal with them one at a time. Dont RUN!.Serpent key. Serpent key opens. Iron key opens.Bronze Key.Chaos wand. Moon key.Go here first. Go here second. Moon key opens.To level 4.To level 2.Down to level 2.T BLOOD.CHRE $)G $  9/9)( ) )G   $010H))  -   $)%)))$ ) 3fMoon wand. Turns teleport off. Moon key.Sepent key opens.Teleport six squares down.Teleport six squares down and four left. Hole in ceiling also.to level 3.Chaos key. Chaos key opens. Dragon key opens. Dragon key. Moon key opens.Bronze key.bronze key opens. Serpent key.D BLOOD.CHR# $)$H G % ' %*)$*-/**)))**)*$*$' e!Moon key.Dragon key.to level 6. Iron key opens. To level 4.Iron key. Iron key. Button removes pillar in front of door. Button removes pillar in front of door. Dragon key opens. Iron key opens.Iron key opens.Bronze key.BLOOD.CHR  #H )* # * *F* * * )    U To level 5 Button removes pillar. Switch removes pillar to left.What you're here for. Now go down andstart the Dragon Tower. n4             x <  x <{ ܀  { { ܀  { { ܀  { |?  |?                                <     oo|<<8? x8 >y ϾnnmoϾnnmoy nny y y 8 <ߜ oo   ?                             x <  x <{ ܀  { { ܀  { { ܀  { |?  |?           Tony Severa's Hint Disk & Gaming Aids (June 28, 1988) A short note on copy protection: This game is not copy protected for YOUR convenience. A short note on piracy: DON'T! Nuf said?...Nuf said! NOTE: Make a copy of this disk before using. The program on this disk makes changes to the files so it can keep up with your needs. The disk needs to be "unlocked" so it can change files as needed. After the title page clears you will see the "viewer" screen with credits given to those who helped make this program possible. A brief description of all selections on the screen follows: 1. View Map: This command will take whatever level map that is loaded and provide you a "full screen" overview of the map. Only those areas unshaded will show. 2. Read Hints: This command allows you to enter the "text reader" and read or print to an "Epson compatible" printer, part or all of the text files on the disk. 3. View Picture: This command will allow you to view any Degas Compacted picture on the disk. Provided on this disk are three pictures depicting some common spells and how to cast them. 4. Load Map: This command will allow you to view any of the thirteen levels of the dungeon, one level at a time. Note: there will be a slight pause between going from one level to another because the program will "save" your current position on the map before loading the next level. 5. Find Hints: This command will cause any location with a hint associated with it to flash. 6. Hints On/Off: This command when turned "on" will show the hint of a location when the cursor is placed upon it and the left button is pressed. When turned "off", placing the cursor and pressing the left button will indicate what the object below the cursor is in the "object" window. 7. Compass Rose: These arrows are used to move about the map that has been loaded. When you load a map for the first time, the screen will show only a small part of the map, usually the portion you would see when you come down the stairs. By pressing the left button and moving the cursor around the "shaded or dark area" you will "light" that area and see what is under it. Pressing the "shift" key and the left button and you can "darken" any area under the cursor. You can also move about the map by placing the cursor in the middle of the map and, while pressing the right button, move the cursor up, down, right or left and the map will "scroll" in the appropriate direction. Feel free to "reveal" as much of the map as you wish. Some of you will want to reveal only as much area as to the next door. Some of you will want to see what is behind the door. And, there are those of you who want to see everything. If you want to reveal everything, you can. While holding down the "shift" key press F1. This will "turn on the lights" of the whole level. To reverse this process or turn out all the lights, all you have to do is while holding down the "shift" key, press the F2 key. Please note: This will darken ALL the level, including the beginning area, so you may want to "scroll" to that area before darkening all the level, so you can start again. Please note that the "x,y" coordinates on the screen indicate the cursor position while it is on the map and the middile of the viewer when the cursor is off the map. The "x,y" coordinates are an arbitrary measuring system we used to indicate each step taken by the characters in Dungeon Master. These would assist you in finding yourself if you are making your own maps from ours. Another way of moving about the map, other than that mentioned above, is by using the "arrow keys". They will move you one space up, down, right and left and a time. To move by "clicking" on the compass rose inner arrows moves the map one space in that direction. By "clicking" on the outer arrows will move the map 10 spaces in that direction. It is best to keep the "Hints On/Off" command "off" while revealing portions of the map. Only turn on this command when you want to read specific hints for specific spaces. To find a "hint" all you have to do is click the Find Hints button. Keeping the left button pressed will make the locations with hints flash. You can then move the cursor to the flashing location and let up on the left button and click again. The text of the hint will appear in the "text portion" of the viewer. To view the hint, you can scroll (two lines at a time), up and down by "clicking" on the up and down arrows. When you want to see an overview (or full screen representation) of the whole level (uncovered portions only) you must press the "View Map" button. There will be a slight hesitation (while the computer adjusts the level of magnification) and the screen will then show a full- screen representation of the current loaded level. While this screen is on your monitor, you can make a copy of it on your Epson compatible printer by holding the Alternate key down and pressing the Help key. To stop the printing, all you have to do is press the same keys again. Note: The quality of the printing is related to the shades of grey because of the color and magnification required to put the whole map on the screen. It is possible to make a Degas picture file of the screen by pressing the right button while viewing the whole map on the screen. Be careful to place an "initialized" disk in the drive to receive the picture. The Hint Disk does not have enough room to hold many pictures. One saved, the picture can be loaded into Degas and manipulated to your hearts content. Clicking the "Read Hints" button places you in a "text viewer" mode. You will be asked to select an appropriate .DOC file. Once loaded, the screen will fill with text and several commands will be shown across the left bottom of the screen. NOTE: The cursor will only show on the left portion of the screen because all the commands are on the left portion of the screen. Don't let it bother you. We planned it that way. Clicking the F1 or pressing F1 will allow you to load a .DOC file over the one, if any, currently showing on the screen. Clicking the F2 or pressing F2 will allow you to print a "block" of text (see marking blocks of text below) or the whole document. Clicking the F3 or pressing F3 will allow you to "search" for a specific series of characters or word in the document. NOTE: the search mode ignores upper/lower cases and starts at the "top" of the screen. So, if you have already found a location where the word appears, it will be place on top of the screen and highlighted. To continue the search, scroll down one space and do the search again. You can also search in both directions. Clicking the F10 or pressing F10 will return you to the "map viewer" part of the program. Clicking the left "+" will move the text up one line. Clicking the left "-" will move the text down one line. Clicking the right "+" will move the text up one full screen. Clicking the right "-" will move the text down one full screen. Clicking the "T" will move to the top of the document. Clicking the "B" will move to the bottom of the document. Marking the start of a block is done by pressing the left button of the mouse while the cursor is on the top line you want highlighted. Marking the end of a block of text is done by pressing the right button of the mouse while the cursor is on the bottom line you want highlighted. Highlighted text can be printed by selecting F2 or clicking on the F2 at the bottom of the screen. This command will allow you to "view" on screen any low res, or medium resolution picture saved as Degas compressed on the disk. (.PC1 or .PC2) While viewing the picture, a "print" of the picture can be sent to your Epson compatible printer by holding down the Alternate key and pressing the Help key. If you encounter any problem with printing your pictures or overviews, make sure you have the proper selections made to the control panel as indicated by your Atari manuals for your printer. % BLOOD.CHR ))'#''%)*)(*)$' ) -))  KK  K*  $  1  *))'    %-M /W) $ From left stairs going up. To Serpent level 2, going to level 3. From Towers, Serpent right stairs up. Iron key opens. Serpent key opens. Chaos key opens.Opens secret wall at top right. Serpent key.Opens secret pillar to top left.Up to Serpent level 2.Dragon key.Dragon key opens. Drops two levels down.Up to Serpent level 2Bronze key opens.| Removes secret pillar at lower left. Bronze key. Removes secret pillar at lower right.BLOOD.CHR%  )   % -- D - G$)LW) %' W    ) /  $D A#) HGH.)Bronze key. Bronze key opens.To Serpent Level 3.BowTo Serpent Level 1.Needs moon key.To Serpent Level 3.To Serpent Level 3. Need Red key.Moon key.Dragon wand.Teleport to Scroll lower left of map.Teleports to scroll at upper right scroll. Teleport to scroll, bottom left.Teleports back to blue switch upper right. Serpent wand.Iron key.Hole also in ceiling. Pit goes to level 2.to level 1.Tresure room.Moon key opens. Moon key.BLOOD.CHR#)/)% )#0))1 - 0-# $()# ..)*))).#/*EHole in ceiling also.Chromatic key. Only way out! Chaos key. Iron key opens. Removes pillar bottom left.To level 2.Removes pillar at upper right. Down to level 3. To level 3. To level 4.To level 4.Serpent key opens.To level 2. All the way from level 1.SERPENT4MAP J[SERPENT5MAP JFSERPENT6MAP JSERPENT7MAP JSTART MAP JTOWERS MAP m ZENDIK1 MAP JZENDIK2 MAP JKZENDIK3 MAP JZENDIK4 MAP JZENDIK5 MAP J BLOOD.CHR#')# $$ )# *1$) '- ))#)# )Chaos key.Bronze opens.Iron key. 180 degree spin. No idea what this button does? Iron key opens.To level 5.Bronze key. Chaos key opens. To level 3. To level 3. BLOOD.CHR0)*0*0)000*0*)01000) ) WW0* -))*)( Removes pillar above. Removes piller below. Removes pillar above.Removes pillar below. Opens wall up,right. To level 6. To level 4. Removes pillar at right.BLOOD.CHR )  )   ) WW) W  ) )))  ))  dPits from level 7.To level 5. To lvel 7.To level 7.From pit on level 7.F BLOOD.CHR*F*//00))*))*U2 A pillar will appear here when you get gem Serpent gem. What you're here for.Now make your way back down to the MoonTower.Hit to remove obsticals below. Hit to remove obsticals below. Removed by switches above. To level 6. Removed by switches above.To level 6.' !"BLOOD.CHR #Ȃ džȂ"Go to the stairs directly to the left.You will be in a small hallway. Thecolumn can be removed only by hitting aswitch from the other side of the column. Go to the stairs directly to the right.Here is the way to the actual game.Removes secret wall to left.Removes secret wall at left.Where the fun begins. Prepare to fight!keys keysResurection ChamberDraw her out and use the circle to attackher. Store. Don't kill him!Supply house. The way to the game. Removes secret wall to right. You shouldfind an Iron key here.Use an iron key.Raises door at top right.Opens door top right.You'll need a Chromatic key to open thisdoor. It is the way to the rest of thegame. First get the key from the mazein the cellar.Go to LOWLVL1.map This is the way tothe lower level and the maze to get theChromatic key. This is the way to all the towers in thisgame. Each stairs goes up to a differentpart of the next level. Load towers.map.m##BLOOD.CHR17777-7-7777777 ) 000KK)/    K  -- K 7777 W 7M7-7777700*77-77)0)  )0)7*-777770---0777-7777 7M7*KK0*N)(*000K/..)  777 77777-777-1Removes column at left. To main level.To main level.To Dragon tower level 1.To Dragon level 1Switch removes pillar at right.Entrance to Dragon Tower. Need Dragon key.Second tower to complete. Use Red key.Removes secret pillar at bottom left. USerpent key. Blue Gem.Wich ever way you go, the doors will lockbehind you. Best to start with the one onyour right (lower).Removes when you reach the top of thetower.pit going down. Store. All sorts of goodies in here. Chaos Tower. Need yellow key. Next tolast in the towers to complete. HARD! Moon Tower. Second to complete. Needblue key.Entrance to Serpent Tower. The first tocomplete. Use serpent key to open. Goes up to level 3. Goes to Serpent level 1.Tan GemFrom Start.map. From Start.map. From Start.map.Removed later. Entrance to Zendick'sTower, the last of the towers you have tocomplete. Come here when you finishedall the other towers, first.  BLOOD.CHR  )) *-  - ))    ))K{ Tower.map Chromatic key opens. Lots of secret walls, have mage be leader. Zendik2.map Zendik2.map/ BLOOD.CHR )*0 * *) 000)000)0000) -      )   K Zendik1.map Zendik1.map Zendik3.map Oopens secret wall at top left.Removes pillar at 4 left, 2 down. Hides switchCauses pillar to reappear.Removes pillar near plate to right. OPens gate at right.BLOOD.CHR1     **99)1  )))  )))) ) W ))K]Zendik2.mapZendik4.map Removes pillar 7 up, 1 right.Teleport to right.LBLOOD.CHR  ))/9) ***9)() 9 )  ))0)) 99  )K Zendik4.mapTeleport to upper right. Teleport to lower left. Teleport to lower left corner.Teleport to top middile.Zenkik5.map  BLOOD.CHR))   ))) ** **   0*00))*0 00L4 Teleport to zendik4.map Lots of walking here. You must place thecrystals in the proper order. NOt a hardIt is Green, Blue, Red and Yellow.Good luck! This will be removed by a switch. EndGAME area. Kind of a let down. Butwhat endgame isn't. Green Red Yellow BlueuBLOODWYCH CHARACTER EDITOR Using the Bloodwych Character Editor couldn't be simpler. Control is by using mainly the * , - , + and Enter keys on the numeric pad. For example : 1 Boot BLDEDIT.TOS 2 Choose to edit a 1 or 2 player game save. 3 Insert game save disk when prompted. 4 Cycle through characters using the - and + keys until you find one you wish to edit, then press * key to select it. 5 Use the same procedure to choose which items you wish to have the character start the game with, then set the attribute levels to your liking - level, intelligence, charisma etc,. After you are satisfied with the new levels, you will be asked if you wish the character to start with all the game spells.Now do the same with the other members of your team - although you will probably find in practise that one "Superman" is enough. 6 Finally, save out your redesigned team to a fresh disk, load it into Bloodwych like any normal saved game and be amazed! There are lots of possibilities: you can start the game with as many different keys as you want, thus enabling you to take shortcuts ( you could, for instance, tackle the final tower without completing the rest just by editing the key and the four crystals into your inventory. ) You can of course re-edit your team again at any time you wish. Most combinations will work, the best results being achieved by experiment, but a few cautionary words are in order: When editing the inventory, care should be taken when inserting items into 'dedicated' pockets or slots; for instance, putting a sword into the armour slot may produce some funny results! Similarly coinage and keys; The maximum of each allowed a character is 99. You can start out with more but when you manipulate the inventory the program steals them back! Please note that the maximum level for each attribute is 99, with the exception of Hit Points which is 255. 5`?> Hz ?< NA\`fdb*oHz m/ :P/C"(oEA"W,zptr2tkvKSfR@|f*z(oE"WA,o :.prv054|eT| B@H@e //W. o"WGd$ B@2S@k Q|gpk$X0HJ@g<(I0@Q`X0@(IpQ` //W.$o JTCJg$A(o" pӐg<f``*o oO ,HA -+P А+@+hШ+@+h?<NNTм}A* @C&Er T QHz`?< NA\N4Vx*o - ЭT(M*Sf*o m `U@LnHnHn0A`QBe NE                               @80p!,ڀ . y@fe 5% @&drbz("6t k%%|`hۀi %@@n4px0loj$| k$@@4p@@؀@ 4 /} 4@44`ƀ~x7@ـ耉%`}@@@ ǀဧ @@7P` @dRO 6ZT ; u qrP#;iG> (W+V3w<\]B pz jf!L%t+.9 qW+ub-D\V,lW Vpmjv" XՖ-{U' kq}f%pm=z! 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