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(/| yf. /| yf. /| yf. /|jNuHz?< NA\NuE pFalcon030 FASTBoot v1.0q Copyright 1996 Tommy Jonaeson Unregistered evaluation copy - Please Register! pUnable to FASTBoot - Aborting!q wy>`  @`! #@o')+-/1 3@o`  @`! #@o')+-/1 3@o8FASTBOOT10B \ FASTBOOT10B \ NVRAMCON1_0 \ NEWDESK INF  5 .  ] ..  ] FASTBOOTBBS f tFASTBOOTTOS u FASTBOOTTXT  FILE_ID DIZ B.  ] ..  ] NVRCF030DOC MweNVRCF030PRG )&%. ._ _ _ _ ___. ___._ _. | _ \ / \\ _ // \ / / / /| _ \ / __ / | | \ \ / /\ \\/ | | \// /\ \ / / / / | | \ \ / /_ \/ | | \ \/ /__\ \ | | / /__\ \ / / / / | | \ \/ __/ | |__/ /\ \ / / | | \ \ / // /___ / / | | / /\ \__/\ |_/ \__\/ / |__| \__\/ / \_//__/ |__| /__/ \_/ One Of The Best/__/ In Sweden /__/ Over 10 Years In Business B1996 +46-(0)8-778 28 86 " USRobotics Courier 33.600 V-Everything 300/1200/2400/9600/14400/28800/33600 bps V32,V32-Terbo,V32bis,V34,V.34+,V.FC,V42,V42bis,HST,MNP,ASL Open 24 hours, every day Over 80.000 files BBS Server Atari TT030 With RATSoft BBS Software Swedish and English menu support 5,3 GB HD and 7 Disc CD-ROM Changer OnLine 13 CD-ROM Discs Available Only Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon 030 stuff File Lists In ASCII And ST-Guide Format QWK Mailer OnLine FidoNet, NeST, AtariNet, SAKNet, FujiNet Users from 9 different countries: Chile, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Spain and Sweden )&BOOTSET1RSC zub`r, # o ( ШШd"Ҁ.A//?<?<JNAO HyS?< NA\?<NAT<g<0gV<1g\<2gb<3gh<4gn<5gt<6gz<7g<8g<9g<*g`#`#d`r#`d#,`V#`H#`:#X`,#`# `#`?<?<?<?<?<BHy?<NNJ@f |"|*<Q?<?q when done reading. E Bootsector written without error. Press pq to continue. E pFalcon 030 FASTBootq v1.0beta (C) Tommy Jonaeson 96-06-05 This program will place the FaSTBoot bootsector on the disk in drive A:. For more information regarding the function of the FaSTBoot bootsector, you are adviced to read the accompanying documentation. If the documentation is missing, ask your supplier for it! Press *,0-9 to write boot to drive A Press 1-9 to write bootsector with 0.5-5.0 seconds delay. Press pq to exit program FaSTBoot is shareware! Please register! `Hz?< NA\ xJgJg MagXgP`(9غo?<?<NAXJg 9fh1@ yf. (/| yf. /| yf. /| yf. /|jNuHz?< NA\NuE pFalcon030 FASTBoot v1.0q Copyright 1996 Tommy Jonaeson Unregistered evaluation copy - Please Register! pUnable to FASTBoot - Aborting!q @~ ,, [* SHAREWARE * SHAREWARE * SHAREWARE * SHAREWARE * SHAREWARE * SHAREWARE * * Official Support BBS: Dataline System BBS +46-8-778 28 86 * FastBoot 030 v1.0beta - What is this program? - FastBoot 030 is a little nifty bootsector program that will speed up the boot process for non-IDE Falcon's. Since TOS needs about 10 seconds to discover there is no IDE-drive present, the result will be a faster boot. If you keep reading, you will get to the benchmarks. Program Manifest: - In this archive (FASTBT10.ZIP/LZH/whatever) you should have found the following 4 files: FASTBOOT.TOS - The simple TOS-program that will put the bootsector on the disk in drive A. FASTBOOT.DOC - This simple documentation textfile you are reading now. FASTBOOT.BBS - Information about my support board. FILE_ID.DIZ - A short information file for BBS's. History: - Being a very poor guy, I couldn't afford an internal IDE harddrive for my F030. After a while I discovered that everyone that had an internal IDE would boot a lot faster than my system did, and that bugged me. During a period when I was exploring TOS, I discovered a way to cure this, and wrote the first version of FastBoot 030, which was very crude, it only worked on TOS 4.04 and had no error-checking what-so-ever. The first released version of FastBoot was v0.4beta, which supported TOS 4.01/4.02/4.04 and had some basic errorchecking. In version 0.5beta, I included support for TOS 4.00, even though I can't think of any reason to have it. Somehow I got hold of it, found it on a BBS somewhere, and thought I'd include it, just to make the perfect FastBoot...;-) Version 0.6beta was coded in a couple of minutes, after I got a mail from Lars H. Lhe and his friend T34. They wanted me to make a Magic-aware FastBoot that wouldn't crash when booting Magic. They also supplied me with a patch that was easily incorporated in the existing code for doing that. I also made a few cosmetic changes. This version, v1.0beta, is officially released at the NAS convention in Gothenburg 14-16 of june, 1996. Although, my official support BBS, Dataline System, will have it available as soon as I finished this text. This is the closest thing to a major upgrade FastBoot will ever see. I have reworked the code for optimum use of the limited space in the bootsector, made a lot of changes, mostly cosmetic, and introduced a few new features. FastBoot now features: * Limited errorchecking. * Fastboot support for TOS 4.00/4.01/4.02/4.04 * Magic-aware. It won't crash, but it will not fastboot either. * A userdefinable delay of up to 5 seconds, for those who have slowstarting SCSI-devices. It's possible to interrupt the delay by a simple keyclick. Benchmark: - One of the nicest letters I've ever got in my life, was from Sven Bornemark from OXIE, sweden. He actually benchmarked my program, and came up with the following results in his environment: Coldboot without fastboot 52.0 seconds Coldboot with fastboot 39.5 seconds Warmboot without fastboot 47.4 seconds Warmboot with fastboot 36.8 seconds Pretty nifty, 12.5 seconds saved every coldboot, and 10.6 seconds every warmboot! Standard Disclaimer: - I will under no circumstances at all accept any responsibility for what this program does, or doesn't do. If you use it, and it fries your system, it is your problem, not mine. This program hasn't been thoroughly tested, reason being that I only have access to TOS 4.04 F030's, thus the beta-status of the program. (Feedback, my fellow Atarians!) However, I do not think there will be any problem. But if you do run into problems, feel free to contact me, and I'll try to help you to the best of my ability. This program is SHAREWARE. - A great disappointment to me is the lack of feedback I've got, so far I've got 3 (yes, three) letters, from users of my program. Because of that, FastBoot is no longer in Public Domain. I have decided that from now on, FastBoot is shareware. Shareware means that you can try FastBoot out for a limited period of time. (a limited period of time corresponds to the time you need to determine what this program do, and if you wish to continue using it on a permanent basis. A reasonable period for FastBoot would be 2 weeks.) If you, after that period of time, decides that you want to continue using this program, you are obliged by the concept of shareware, to register. This is not crippleware! Which means that the unregistered version of FastBoot has no limitations at all. I believe this is the concept of true shareware. This also means that if you don't want to send me money, I have no real means of stopping you from using it. But on the other hand, if I get no appreciation for the work I do, I won't do any more programs for you to enjoy. Registering FastBoot... - ... is the easiest thing on earth. All I ask is that you send me a sum of 50 SEK / 8 USD / 12 DM / 5 UKP (Current exchangerates) to me. If you also send me a disk, a selfadressed envelope and enough international reply coupons for me to return the mail, I'll send you a disk with my latest programs, including a personalised copy of the latest FastBoot. (If you send me extra money to cover the costs, that'll work just as well. 20 SEK / 3 USD / 5 DM / 2 UKP would be en!#ough) People living in Sweden, who wants to register, can send me the money via postal-giro, account PG: 632 54 41-1. This account can also be used from some other european countries, but please! Since the Swedish postaloffice charge ME for the exchanging of foreign currencies people deposit in my account, please add another 5 USD / 8 DM / 3.50 UKP for that fee. If you want to contact me, write to: Tommy Jonaeson Gustavsbergsv. 31 136 67 Haninge Sweden e-mail: jonaeson@dataphone.se Fido : 2:201/345.15 Nest : 90:1104/115.0 Atari-net: 51:1102/315.0 Fuji : 7:101/115.0 SAK-net : 79:114/115.0 Or leave a message at my supportboard, Dataline System BBS. | yf. /|jNuHz?< NA\NuE pFalcon030 FASTBoot v1.0q Copyright 1996 Tommy Jonaeson Unregistered evaluation copy - Please Register! pUnable to FASTBoot - Aborting!q @~ ,, [Fastboot F030 v.1.0b bypasses IDE-boot. Fastboot F030 v1.0beta This is a small program that installs a new bootsector on the disk in drive A that will make you Falcon bypass the internal IDE-boot sequence and make Falcon owners without such a harddrive, boot about 10 seconds faster - each boot! This version fastboots TOS 4.00/4.01/4.02/4.04, is magic-aware and is able to delay the boot for systems with slowbooting SCSI-drives. J * * F030 NVRam Configurator v1.0 * * (C) Tommy Jonaeson 1994 *N This is a small program that I made to configure my Falcons NVRam, since there wasn't any program around that could do it the way I wanted it done for me. There are nomerous NVRam configuration programs around for the TT, but I have not seen anyone specifically for the F030, which is a pity, since the F030 has features in the NVRam that most likely isn't present in the TT. All information regarding the NVRam, has been researched by myself, during a period when I was exploring TOS, another result from that period is the F030 FastBoot program that bypasses the IDE-boot sequence, making it possible to boot 10 seconds faster if you don't have an IDE-HDD in you system. *N Standard Disclaimer: I will under no circumstances at all accept any responsibility for what this program does, or doesn't do. If you use it, and it fries your system, it is your problem, not mine. But if you do run into problems, feel free to contact me, and I'll try to help you out to the best of my ability. Copyright: (c)1994 by Tommy Jonaeson all rights reserved Freeware: Rights to (ab)use and distribute released under the following 2 conditions: 1: No distributor may charge more than UK 1.00, US $2.00 or DM 3.00 (whichever is most) above media+mailing costs. 2: Noone is allowed to alter the program or documentation in any way. Feel free to contact me for any reason, I'd love to get feedback, donations, new software and whatever else you would like to send me. My adress is: Tommy Jonaeson Gustavsbergsv. 31 S-136 67 Haninge Sweden e-mail: jonaeson@dataphone.se Usage: - First of all, if you're not sure about how to use this program, you should not use it at all. It is very easy to mess things up with it, so BE CAREFUL! The program is very straight-forward to use, however, there are some functions and features that may need some explaining, and warnings... I have not included ANY form of protection against stupid configurations, so be careful, otherwise you might damage your monitor and/or computer. There is possible to reset the NVRam by pressing -- when the memorytest appears on the screen, but only at that time, so if you disable memorytest, that will of course not work as advertised... Nice to know if you by accident happen to make a very bad configuration... There are a number of languages defined by Atari, as official languages supported by Atari, but a warning should be issued, if you don't know for sure, that your language is present in your version of Falcon-TOS, DON'T MESS WITH IT!!! All of them ARE NOT present in Falcon-TOS, and selecting a language which is not present, could cause you a lot of grief... But the fact that all languages isn't present, doesn't mean they won't be, and that is why I have made it possible to select them all. And furthermore, some country's keyboard-layout IS available, even though the language is not. So it might be worthwhile to experiment with it... It is possible to click on the language-option, to get another dialogbox, where you can select any of the below languages, no need for typing! :-) Anyway, here is a list of all languages currently supported by Atari: 00 USA 01 Germany 02 France 03 United Kingdom 04 Spain 05 Italy 06 Sweden 07 Switzerland (French) 08 Switzerland (German) 09 Turkey 10 Finland 11 Norway 12 Denmark 13 Saudi Arabia 14 Holland 15 Czechoslovakia 16 Hungary NVRam Definitions: - Since I'm a nice guy, and like the idea of free information, I have included all information I have about the NVRam for you to (ab)use... Reg. My number Offset Values Meaning $0e $00 00 *\ $0f $01 80 */ Passed as parameter in d5 to HDD bootsector $10 $02 00 N/A (Not Assigned) $11 $03 00 N/A $12 $04 00 N/A $13 $05 00 N/A $14 $06 00 Desktop Country Configuration $15 $07 06 Keyboard Country Configuration $16 $08 11 Clock 12/24 hour // Date format $17 $09 2f Date/Clock separator (ASCII) $18 $0a 20 Memorytest at bootup $19 $0b 01 Seems to be unused $1a $0c ff Seems to be unused $1b $0d 00 Seems to be unused $1c $0e 00 Interlace/double line $1d $0f a9 Video mode $1e $10 00 N/A | | | $3d $2f 00 N/A $3e $30 70 NVRam checksum inverted (NOT) $3f $31 8f NVRam checksum Byte 0 & 1 in NVRam is supposed to choose between TOS/UNIX. But since all TOS does, is pass those bytes in d5 to the first executable harddisk bootsector, and to my knowledge, there is no program or OS that uses that feature, I have decided not to include that option in this program. NVRam resides in the Real-Time-Clock (RTC), registers $e through $3f. $ff8961 (byte) is register select $ff8963 (byte) is register read/write But the easiest way to access the NVRam, is XBIOS(46)  T^h*       X           ` R #* o ( ШШ"Ҁ.A//?<?<JNAO a.y*BgNAHy?< NA\#."xJg _CPUf #2`찼_VDOf #6`ڰ_SNDf #B`Ȱ_MCHf #F`_FPUf #>`_AKPf #:`MiNTf #J`_FDCf #N`nf^/9.?< NA\Nu"<0<NBNu"<0<sNBNu####3 x3z3|3~3a3Rk3Mx3z3|3~3aX3T3V3X3Z3\3dx3z3 ~3T33333333333a3^g$3b3d3fpNupNu3ex3z3~3^a\3x3z3|3~3a"Nu3rx3z3|3~3# :9 3aQ#J :9N3aQ#* :9.3aQNu02 &&nFxdHbN.    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