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H *    XF     $ 0     "  (       0@(, " >D 8 |   P   X ( "  4 &">& V8>   $    & " $                 &         P              >         P" , >  .        8>(    *: ~$. $:0  P4Xh  $X0 $&* j,"20&"NT"6 6  B( ( @ :0` 0 . @B?\@_msizeLDXCEXITj_oserrLP_fperrLT_pbaseLH_mbaseL<_baseL4pcrelHframestatbaseDtos_flagstackpL Lattice C for the Atari ST Version 3.04.01 -+ - The LC1 -n option must be used when linking to GEMLIB. - A desk accessory startup module has been included. The relevant files are ACCSTART.BIN, ACCSTART.O and ACCSTART.ASM. To produce desk accessories alter the link control file by replacing the command 'INPUT startup.bin' with the commmand 'INPUT accstart.bin'. - KRSC.PRG has been renamed to NRSC.PRG. - MENU+.PRG and MENU.INF are on on disk 2 rather than disk 1. - ED.PRG and ED.RSC are on disk 1 rather than disk 2. 2. 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H".Ҁ ` @/H4( H69H /A"N"/l o /H N o 2(HҀ=A o0.H29H/@/HN o4(HԀ=B o"o0(4) BS@=@ o /R/H$N o$2(HҀS=A09HHn/N$P H/NlXNJg09HB/NP09HHnB/N\O L N^NuNVH-|d09 y6.( n ` @=h @=h @"@2(4) BSA=A @"@0(2) AS@=@09HHnr//N\O ` @(HHg09Hr//NPNN09H"` A"A4)696(Hւ A"A2)HR49H/@ /HN o2(HҀ09H/.////NO ` @"@0) H29H/H NS o 2(Hl*09H/NӤX ` @0(R@1@ H/NlXNJg09HB/NP09HHnB/N\O LN^NuNV0. H2.H//NP29 y6=@H"(fr`N @2(n @2( HS4. H´l @2(n @0( HS2.HlVJn kPJnkJ0. H29HNr2.H49H/@ "Nr"/ N^NupN^NuNV09 y6 (=@H/@r`N @=h @294. 2(H҂=A @=h @0( H=@Hn//a0P0.H29 y62(H4(HR///NO N^NuNV09 y6 (=@H/@r`N @=h @294. 2(H҂=A @=h @0( H=@Hn//alP0.H29 y62(H4(HR///NO N^NuNV0. H/@r`N @\///aPN^NuNVH09 y60(H n 2=A2(=A24(BSA=A2(4(BSA=A2. H-@p`N @=h @"@4(6) CSB=B @0(49BS@=@/NxX* "<N y6<(H0. `"@/I2) H49H "/HNІS o2(Hn o0( H"N"ҀS` "<N y60(H"(09Hr//NҴP09HB/NtP09Hr//NP09HHnr//N\O N0. ` @0(H29HЁ29H.nj "<N y6 ""hB Q/HT*H o2H-AJg29Ht//NP/ N2XJjp`/ N2X-@Jo609H2. ` A2(H M////NO0. ` @/H2( H49H "N".вl< o /H N o 2(HҀ=A09HHn/N$P0.29A=@0.A=@Jg09HB/NP09HހR`0. ` @"@2(H4) H҂lD @=h @"@0(2) AS@=@09HHn/N$P09 y60. Hf Jyg09Hr//NP09Hr//NtP0. ` @/H"@2)H49H /HN o2(HҀ=A o"o0)H69H"/H$N o$2(HҀ=A0.HЂS=@H҃S=AN09HHn/N$PN09HB/NtP09Hr//NPN09HHnB/N\O L N^Nu09 y60(HR/ y/(TNP09 y60(H2(HЁR/ y/(NP09 y60(H/ y/(NP09 y60(H/ y/(NP09 y60(H/ y/(NP09 y6Jhg y1| yBh` yBh y1|09 y6Jhg y1| yBh` yBh y1|p/p//9NO f y0(g09"y63|`09 y6Bh y0(g09 y61|`09 y6BhNuNV8H..,. *.(. m~ $ltN```:`^`Z``R`N```B`>`:`6`2`.`*`&`F```````~````&`.```8`d`NaLN^NuaLN^Nu///alO LN^Nu r`N @//NP r`N @"t @ //t//NlO`P/aXLN^Nu/a$X`4Jyng 09J@nJynf"09J@fa JynWDHH3n/a LXLN^Nu/a X` r`N @0( H29HNLN^Nu r`N @0( H29HNLN^NuJyfv3/aX`bJygXaBy`J r`N @"1AH @ 1@H///aO ` r`N @r1AH @p1@H///aO ` r`N @|` r`N @B(`///aO `///a. ` @=h @=h @"@2(4) BSA=A @"@0(2) AS@=@a09HHn/N$Pa ` @BhLN^NuNVH>. <. ` @=h @=h @"@2(4) BSA=A @"@0(2) AS@=@09H"HHn//N\O LN^NuNVH>. Jyg< ` @J(g(a p/p/NPpe/p/NPaLN^Nuap/p/NPpf/p/NPaNuNVH>. <.:. ` @2(49HRAA Fn @0(29HR@@ EPo ` @B(ah` ` @|a,09H"H$H///N8O a( H/aXLN^NuNVfJ gA~/. /-HfNP nfRfJfSf nfC~e \g :f nfR/HnjNPA~"nfeB)Hy/NŚP`8Hy߈Hn~NP`$Hy߈Hn~NPHyHnjNPHnHnjHn~NpO aJng.jJgA~/Hy߈-HfNPHnjHyNP nfRfJfSf nfC~e \g :f nfB(Hn~/.NPHnj/.NŚPpN^NupN^NuNVHHnHnHnHn/.NO0. n1@0.1@0.H2.H4.H6.H////x$//x///N\O$0.H2.H4.H6.H////x$//x//x/N\O$0.H2.H4.H6.H8.pH/////B/.N̠O0.H//.NP-@rN nBh 0.H2.H4.H6.H////x$//x//x/N\O$0.H2.H4.H6.H////x$//x//x/N\O$a .LN^Nu y0( @ y1@0( @ y1@0(J @ y1@J0(b @ y1@b0(z @ y1@z0( @ y1@0( @ y1@0( @ y1@0(: @ y1@:0(R @ y1@R0( @ y1@0(" @ y1@"0( @ y1@ Nu09H/NXp/NXNuBNX09Hr//NPNuNV n0H2(HЁ n 2H4(H҂o n 0H2(HЁ n2(H4(H҂ n 4(H6(Hԃ=@o n 0(H2(HЁ" n0 n 4=ABn n 0 n2( n 4(=@Bn n 2(0. n 01A4.HH/B1B4.H=AH/B1B$/o /op`pN^NuNVH*n.. | Sln nS (Jk "PRp` /.NZX( g> f MRB`, fz l MR R` MR ` MBJf pL N^Nu L N^NuNV#fBHyp=/NO -@`BHypfp//.BpB/NO/.p/pF/NO /. NX/94HyP n R"n QR .JjN^Nup-@ n  -@Jg(gpp/B/(N*O -@J.gR .S-@JkDB/ n /(N*O p/Hn n /(NO J8f . gNq/. n /( /(NvO -@`B f n ` .g n J.g n (D!@` n !h"n i " . g2")S#AJk QRr` ./. /aP" n (0JgpN^Nu fpN^Nu .N^Nu dNV nJg(fpN^Nu/9$NX n !@ Jfp #.pN^Nu n!y$p!@!@N^NuNV-np-@ nJg/N2XRѮR` opN^Nu ./-@NX-@JfpN^Nu n#4B-H nJg "n"/N2XRѮRX` nBJng yj/9n/NP#n#4j .N^Nu=NV/.aXN^NuNVH..Jn pL8N^Nu l~ V.I"*TgZ -eLf(& M L8N^Nu - e$" M$&B&'@(& M L8N^Nu(M*U`/NX*@g"Jf#߹ M L8N^NupL8N^NudLNV . //.-@aPN^NuNVH<.. Jn pL USA (h:m:s m/d/y) */ /* 1 => Europe (h:m:s d/m/y) */ /* 2 => Japan (h:m:s d:m:y) */ char curr[2]; /* currency symbol and null */ char sthou[2]; /* thousands separator and null */ char sdec[2]; /* decimal separator and null */ char resv[24]; /* reserved */ }; struct CDI3 /* DOS Version 3 format */ { short fdate; /* date format */ /* 0 => USA (m d y) */ /* 1 => Europe (d m y) */ /* 2 => Japan (d m y) */ char curr[5]; /* currency symbol, null-terminated */ char sthou[2]; /* thousands separator and null */ char sdec[2]; /* decimal separator and null */ char sdate[2]; /* date separator and null */ char stime[2]; /* time separator and null */ char fcurr; /* currency format */ /* Bit 0 => 0 if symbol precedes value */ /* => 1 if symbol follows value */ /* Bit 1 => number of spaces between value */ /* and symbol */ char dcurr; /* number of decimals in currency */ char ftime; /* time format */ /* Bit 0 => 0 if 12-hour clock */ /* => 1 if 24-hour clock */ long pcase; /* far pointer to case map function */ char sdata[2]; /* data list separator and null */ short resv[5]; /* reserved */ }; union CDI { struct CDI2 v2; struct CDI3 v3; }; /** * * Level 0 I/O services * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern void chgdta(char *); extern int chgfa(char *, int); extern int chgft(int, long); extern int dclose(int); extern int dcreat(char *, int); extern int dfind(struct FILEINFO *, char *, int); extern int dnext(struct FILEINFO *); extern int dopen(char *, int); extern unsigned dread(int, char *, unsigned); extern long dseek(int, long, int); extern unsigned dwrite(int, char *, unsigned); extern int getcd(int,char *); extern int getch(void); extern int getche(void); extern int getdfs(int, struct DISKINFO *); extern char *getdta(void); extern int getfa(char *); extern long getft(int); extern int kbhit(void); extern int putch(int); extern int ungetch(int); #else extern void chgdta(); extern int chgfa(); extern int chgft(); extern int dclose(); extern int dcreat(); extern int dfind(); extern int dnext(); extern int dopen(); extern unsigned dread(); extern long dseek(); extern unsigned dwrite(); extern int getcd(); extern int getch(); extern int getche(); extern int getdfs(); extern char *getdta(); extern int getfa(); extern long getft(); extern int kbhit(); extern int putch(); extern int ungetch(); #endif /** * * Miscellaneous external definitions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern int chgclk(unsigned char *); extern int chgdsk(int); extern char *envpack(char **, char **); extern int envunpk(char *); extern void getclk(unsigned char *); extern int getdsk(void); extern int getpf(char *, char *); extern int getpfe(char *, char *); extern void movedata(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned); extern void onerror(int); extern int poserr(char *); #else extern int chgclk(); extern int chgdsk(); extern char *envpack(); extern int envunpk(); extern void getclk(); extern int getdsk(); extern int getpf(); extern int getpfe(); extern void movedata(); extern void onerror(); extern int poserr(); #endif etpf(); extern int getpfe(); extern void movedata(); extern void onerror(); extern int poserr(); #endif rn long ftpack(char *); extern void ftunpk(long, char *); extern int getbrk(void); extern int getcdi(int, struct CDI3 *); extern void getclk(unsigned char *); extern int getdsk(void); extern int getpf(char *, char *); extern int getpfe(char *, char *); extern unsigned inp(unsign/** * * This header file defines useful macros and typedefs for use with the * Line 'A' functions * **/ /** * * The following defines the structure of LA_INFO. * The contents of which are set up by calling linea0() * **/ typedef struct linea_info { long li_d0; /* 0 if old system bugs persist */ LA_DATA *li_a0; /* linea data structure pointer */ LA_FONT **li_a1; /* system font vector */ long (*li_a2)(); /* linea function vector */ } LINEA_INFO; extern LINEA_INFO la_info; /** * * The following defines the Line 'A' parameter block * **/ typedef struct { short ld_vplanes; /* number of video planes: 1, 2, or 4 */ short ld_vwrap; /* number of bytes/video line */ short *ld_contrl; /* pointer to CONTRL array */ short *ld_intin; /* pointer to INTIN array */ short *ld_ptsin; /* pointer to PTSIN array */ short *ld_intout; /* pointer to INTOUT array */ short *ld_ptsout; /* pointer to PTSOUT array */ short ld_colbit[4]; /* color bit-plane[i] value */ short ld_lstlin; /* -1 */ short ld_lnmask; /* line style mask */ short ld_wmode; /* writing mode 0:replace, 1:transparent, */ /* 2:exclusive or, 3:inverse transparent */ short ld_x1; /* x1 coordinate */ short ld_y1; /* y1 coordinate */ short ld_x2; /* x2 coordinate */ short ld_y2; /* y2 coordinate */ short *ld_patptr; /* fill pattern pointer */ short ld_patmsk; /* fill pattern mask */ short ld_mfill; /* multi-plane fill flag */ short ld_clip; /* clipping flag */ short ld_xmincl; /* minimum x clipping value */ short ld_ymincl; /* minimum y clipping value */ short ld_xmaxcl; /* maximum x clipping value */ short ld_ymaxcl; /* maximum y clipping value */ short ld_xdda; /* accumulator for textblt d/** * * The following symbols are the error codes returned by the UNIX system * functions. Typically, a UNIX function returns -1 when an error occurs, * and the global integer named errno contains one of these values. * */ #define EOSERR -1 /* Operating system error */ #define EPERM 1 /* User is not owner */ #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */ #define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */ #define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */ #define EIO 5 /* I/O error */ #define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */ #define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list is too long */ #define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */ #define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */ #define ECHILD 10 /* No child process */ #define EAGAIN 11 /* No more processes allowed */ #define ENOMEM 12 /* No memory available */ #define EACCES 13 /* Access denied */ #define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */ #define ENOTBLK 15 /* Bulk device required */ #define EBUSY 16 /* Resource is busy */ #define EEXIST 17 /* File already exists */ #define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */ #define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */ #define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */ #define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */ #define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */ #define ENFILE 23 /* No more files (units) allowed */ #define EMFILE 24 /* No more files (units) allowed for this process */ #define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a terminal */ #define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file is busy */ #define EFBIG 27 /* File is too large */ #define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left */ #define ESPIPE 29 /* Seek issued to pipe */ #define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */ #define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */ #define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */ #define EDOM 33 /* Math function argument error */ #define ERANGE 34 /* Math function result is out of range */ /** * * The following kludge takes care of short/long name inconsistencies. * */ #define sys_errlist #ifdef sys_errl #undef sys_errl #else #undef sys_errlist #define sys_errlist sys_errl #endif /** * * External data definitions * */ extern int errno; extern int sys_nerr; extern char *sys_errlist[]; /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif G/** * * The following symbols are used for the "open" and "creat" functions. * They are generally UNIX-compatible, except for O_APPEND under MSDOS, * which has been moved in order to accomodate the file sharing flags * defined in MSDOS Version 3. * * Also, O_TEMP, O_UNIQ, and O_RAW are Lattice extensions. * **/ #define O_RDONLY 0 /* Read-only value (right byte of mode word) */ #define O_WRONLY 1 /* Write-only value */ #define O_RDWR 2 /* Read-write value */ #if MSDOS #define O_NDELAY 0 /* Non-blocking I/O flag (N/A) */ #else #define O_NDELAY 4 /* Non-blocking I/O flag */ #endif #define O_APPEND 8 /* Append mode flag */ #if MSDOS #define O_SDRW 0x10 /* Share mode: deny read/write */ #define O_SDW 0x20 /* Share mode: deny write */ #define O_SDR 0x30 /* Share mode: deny read */ #define O_SDN 0x40 /* Share mode: deny none */ #define O_PVT 0x80 /* Private file (not passed to child) */ #endif #define O_CREAT 0x0100 /* File creation flag */ #define O_TRUNC 0x0200 /* File truncation flag */ #define O_EXCL 0x0400 /* Exclusive access flag */ #define O_UNIQ 0x2000 /* Unique file flag (Lattice feature) */ #define O_TEMP 0x4000 /* Temporary file flag (Lattice feature) */ #define O_RAW 0x8000 /* Raw I/O flag (Lattice feature) */ /** * * The following flags are used to establish the protection mode. Note * that under MSDOS only write-protection is meaningful. * * */ #define S_IWRITE 0200 #define S_IREAD 0400 /** * * The following symbols are used for the "fcntl" function. * */ #define F_DUPFD 0 /* Duplicate file descriptor */ #define F_GETFD 1 /* Get file descriptor flags */ #define F_SETFD 2 /* Set file descriptor flags */ #define F_GETFL 3 /* Get file flags */ #define F_SETFL 4 /* Set file flags */ /** * * External definitions * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern int close(int); extern int creat(char *, int); extern int dup(int); extern int dup2(int, int); extern int iomode(int, int); extern int isatty(int); extern long lseek(int, long, int); extern int open(char *, int, ); extern int opene(char *, int, ); extern unsigned read(int, char *, unsigned); extern int remove(char *); extern int rename(char *, char *); extern long tell(int); extern unsigned write(int, char *, unsigned); extern int unlink(char *); #else extern int close(); extern int creat(); extern int dup(); extern int dup2(); extern int iomode(); extern int isatty(); extern long lseek(); extern int open(); extern int opene(); extern unsigned read(); extern int remove(); extern int rename(); extern long tell(); extern unsigned write(); extern int unlink(); #endif /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif /** * * This header file defines the function forms of the various "is" and * "to" operations. * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern int isalpha(int); extern int isupper(int); extern int islower(int); extern int isdigit(int); extern int isxdigit(int); extern int isspace(int); extern int ispunct(int); extern int isalnum(int); extern int isprint(int); extern int isgraph(int); extern int iscntrl(int); extern int isascii(int); extern int iscsym(int); extern int iscsymf(int); extern int toupper(int); extern int tolower(int); extern int toascii(int); #else extern int isalpha(); extern int isupper(); extern int islower(); extern int isdigit(); extern int isxdigit(); extern int isspace(); extern int ispunct(); extern int isalnum(); extern int isprint(); extern int isgraph(); extern int iscntrl(); extern int isascii(); extern int iscsym(); extern int iscsymf(); extern int toupper(); extern int tolower(); extern int toascii(); #endif /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif /** * * The following symbols are specified in the ANSI C standard for the * floating point number system. * **/ #define FLT_RADIX 2 /* radix of exponent */ #define FLT_ROUNDS 0 /* rounding mode during translation */ /* 0 => chop */ /* 1 => round */ /* 2 => indeterminate */ #define FLT_GUARD 0 /* guard digits during multiplication */ /* 0 => No */ /* 1 => Yes */ #define FLT_NORMALIZE 1 /* normalization required */ /* 0 => No */ /* 1 => Yes */ #define DBL_MAX_EXP 308 /* max decimal exponent for double */ #define FLT_MAX_EXP 37 /* max decimal exponent for float */ #define DBL_MIN_EXP -307 /* min decimal exponent for double */ #define FLT_MIN_EXP -38 /* min decimal exponent for float */ #define DBL_DIG 16 /* max decimal digits for double */ #define FLT_DIG 7 /* max decimal digits for float */ #define HUGE_VAL 1.797693E+308 /* huge double value */ /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif y/** * * This header defines a useful function for use with GEMLIB * **/ #ifndef max #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define min(a,b) ((a)<=(b)?(a):(b)) #endif rc_intersect(p1,p2) short p1[],p2[]; { short tw = min(p1[0] + p1[2], p2[0] + p2[2]); short th = min(p1[1] + p1[3], p2[1] + p2[3]); short tx = max(p1[0], p2[0]); short ty = max(p1[1], p2[1]); p2[0] = tx; p2[1] = ty; p2[2] = tw - tx; p2[3] = th - ty; return ((tw > tx) && (th > ty)); } /** * * This header defines useful macros and structures for use with GEMLIB. * **/ /* EVENT Manager definitions */ /* multi flags */ #define MU_KEYBD 0x0001 #define MU_BUTTON 0x0002 #define MU_M1 0x0004 #define MU_M2 0x0008 #define MU_MESAG 0x0010 #define MU_TIMER 0x0020 /* keyboard states */ #define K_RSHIFT 0x0001 #define K_LSHIFT 0x0002 #define K_CTRL 0x0004 #define K_ALT 0x0008 /* message values */ #define MN_SELECTED 10 #define WM_REDRAW 20 #define WM_TOPPED 21 #define WM_CLOSED 22 #define WM_FULLED 23 #define WM_ARROWED 24 #define WM_HSLID 25 #define WM_VSLID 26 #define WM_SIZED 27 #define WM_MOVED 28 #define WM_NEWTOP 29 #define AC_OPEN 40 #define AC_CLOSE 41 /* FORM Manager Definitions */ /* Form flags */ #define FMD_START 0 #define FMD_GROW 1 #define FMD_SHRINK 2 #define FMD_FINISH 3 /* RESOURCE Manager Definitions */ /* data structure types */ #define R_TREE 0 #define R_OBJECT 1 #define R_TEDINFO 2 #define R_ICONBLK 3 #define R_BITBLK 4 #define R_STRING 5 /* gets pointer to free strings */ #define R_IMAGEDATA 6 /* gets pointer to free images */ #define R_OBSPEC 7 #define R_TEPTEXT 8 /* sub ptrs in TEDINFO */ #define R_TEPTMPLT 9 #define R_TEPVALID 10 #define R_IBPMASK 11 /* sub ptrs in ICONBLK */ #define R_IBPDATA 12 #define R_IBPTEXT 13 #define R_BIPDATA 14 /* sub ptrs in BITBLK */ #define R_FRSTR 15 /* gets addr of ptr to free strings */ #define R_FRIMG 16 /* gets addr of ptr to free images */ /* WINDOW Manager Definitions */ /* Window Attributes */ #define NAME 0x0001 #define CLOSER 0x0002 #define FULLER 0x0004 #define MOVER 0x0008 #define INFO 0x0010 #define SIZER 0x0020 #define UPARROW 0x0040 #define DNARROW 0x0080 #define VSLIDE 0x0100 #define LFARROW 0x0200 #define RTARROW 0x0400 #define HSLIDE 0x0800 /* wind_create flags */ #define WC_BORDER 0 #define WC_WORK 1 /* wind_get flags */ #define WF_KIND 1 #define WF_NAME 2 #define WF_INFO 3 #define WF_WORKXYWH 4 #define WF_CURRXYWH 5 #define WF_PREVXYWH 6 #define WF_FULLXYWH 7 #define WF_HSLIDE 8 #define WF_VSLIDE 9 #define WF_TOP 10 #define WF_FIRSTXYWH 11 #define WF_NEXTXYWH 12 #define WF_RESVD 13 #define WF_NEWDESK 14 #define WF_HSLSIZE 15 #define WF_VSLSIZE 16 #define WF_SCREEN 17 /* update flags */ #define END_UPDATE 0 #define BEG_UPDATE 1 #define END_MCTRL 2 #define BEG_MCTRL 3 /* GRAPHICS Manager Definitions */ /* Mouse Forms */ #define ARROW 0 #define TEXT_CRSR 1 #define BUSYBEE 2 #define POINT_HAND 3 #define FLAT_HAND 4 #define THIN_CROSS 5 #define THICK_CROSS 6 #define OUTLN_CROSS 7 #define USER_DEF 255 #define M_OFF 256 #define M_ON 257 /* polyline end styles */ #define SQUARED 0 #define ARROWED 1 #define ROUNDED 2 /* polyline line styles */ #define SOLID 1 #define LDASHED 2 #define DOTTED 3 #define DASHDOT 4 #define DASHED 5 #define DASHDOTDOT 6 /* interior types for filled areas */ #define HOLLOW 0 /* #define SOLID 1 same as above */ #define PATTERN 2 #define HATCH 3 #define UDFILLSTYLE 4 /* a selection of fill patterns */ #define DOTS 3 #define GRID 6 #define BRICKS 9 #define WEAVE 16 /* text special effects */ #define THICKENED 0x0001 #define SHADED 0x0002 #define SKEWED 0x0004 #define UNDERLINED 0x0008 #define OUTLINE 0x0010 #define SHADOW 0x0020 /* gem writing modes */ #define MD_REPLACE 1 #define MD_TRANS 2 #define MD_XOR 3 #define MD_ERASE 4 /* bit blt rules */ #define ALL_WHITE 0 #define S_AND_D 1 #define S_AND_NOTD 2 #define S_ONLY 3 #define NOTS_AND_D 4 #define D_ONLY 5 #define S_XOR_D 6 #define S_OR_D 7 #define NOT_SORD 8 #define NOT_SXORD 9 #define D_INVERT 10 #define NOT_D 11 #define S_OR_NOTD 12 #define NOTS_OR_D 13 #define NOT_SANDD 14 #define ALL_BLACK 15 /* Graphic types of objects */ #define G_BOX 20 #define G_TEXT 21 #define G_BOXTEXT 22 #define G_IMAGE 23 #define G_USERDEF 24 #define G_IBOX 25 #define G_BUTTON 26 #define G_BOXCHAR 27 #define G_STRING 28 #define G_FTEXT 29 #define G_FBOXTEXT 30 #define G_ICON 31 #define G_TITLE 32 /* Object flags */ #define NONE 0x0 #define SELECTABLE 0x0001 #define DEFAULT 0x0002 #define EXIT 0x0004 #define EDITABLE 0x0008 #define RBUTTON 0x0010 #define LASTOB 0x0020 #define TOUCHEXIT 0x0040 #define HIDETREE 0x0080 #define INDIRECT 0x0100 /* Object states */ #define NORMAL 0x0 #define SELECTED 0x0001 #define CROSSED 0x0002 #define CHECKED 0x0004 #define DISABLED 0x0008 #define OUTLINED 0x0010 #define SHADOWED 0x0020 /* Object colour numbers */ #define WHITE 0 #define BLACK 1 #define RED 2 y #define GREEN 3 #define BLUE 4 #define CYAN 5 #define YELLOW 6 #define MAGENTA 7 #define LWHITE 8 #define LBLACK 9 #define LRED 10 #define LGREEN 11 #define LBLUE 12 #define LCYAN 13 #define LYELLOW 14 #define LMAGENTA 15 /* editable text field definitions */ #define EDSTART 0 #define EDINIT 1 #define EDCHAR 2 #define EDEND 3 /* editable text justification */ #define TE_LEFT 0 #define TE_RIGHT 1 #define TE_CNTR 2 /* Structure Definitions */ typedef struct object { short ob_next; /* -> object's next sibling */ short ob_head; /* -> head of object's children */ short ob_tail; /* -> tail of object's children */ unsigned short ob_type; /* type of object- BOX, CHAR,... */ unsigned short ob_flags; /* flags */ unsigned short ob_state; /* state- SELECTED, OPEN, ... */ long ob_spec; /* "out"- -> anything else */ short ob_x; /* upper left corner of object */ short ob_y; /* upper left corner of object */ short ob_width; /* width of object */ short ob_height; /* height of object */ } OBJECT; typedef struct orect { struct orect *o_link; short o_x; short o_y; short o_w; short o_h; } ORECT; typedef struct grect { short g_x; short g_y; short g_w; short g_h; } GRECT; typedef struct text_edinfo { long te_ptext; /* ptr to text (must be 1st) */ long te_ptmplt; /* ptr to template */ long te_pvalid; /* ptr to validation chrs. */ short te_font; /* font */ short te_junk1; /* junk word */ short te_just; /* justification- left, right... */ short te_color; /* color information word */ short te_junk2; /* junk word */ short te_thickness; /* border thickness */ short te_txtlen; /* length of text string */ short te_tmplen; /* length of template string */ } TEDINFO; typedef struct icon_block { long ib_pmask; long ib_pdata; long ib_ptext; short ib_char; short ib_xchar; short ib_ychar; short ib_xicon; short ib_yicon; short ib_wicon; short ib_hicon; short ib_xtext; short ib_ytext; short ib_wtext; short ib_htext; } ICONBLK; typedef struct bit_block { long bi_pdata; /* ptr to bit forms data */ short bi_wb; /* width of form in bytes */ short bi_hl; /* height in lines */ short bi_x; /* source x in bit form */ short bi_y; /* source y in bit form */ short bi_colour; /* fg colour of blt */ } BITBLK; typedef struct user_blk { long ub_code; long ub_parm; } USERBLK; typedef struct parm_blk { long pb_tree; short pb_obj; short pb_prevstate; short pb_currstate; short pb_x; short pb_y; short pb_w; short pb_h; short pb_xc; short pb_yc; short pb_wc; short pb_hc; long pb_parm; } PARMBLK; typedef struct fdbstr { long fd_addr; short fd_w; short fd_h; short fd_wdwidth; short fd_stand; short fd_nplanes; short fd_r1; short fd_r2; short fd_r3; } FDB; typedef struct mfstr { short mf_xhot; short mf_yhot; short mf_nplanes; short mf_fg; short mf_bg; short mf_mask[16]; short mf_data[16]; } MFORM; /* a macro to return 32 bit pointer as two 16 bit values */ /* often used in wind_set() to pass address of window name string */ #define ADDR(a) ((long)(a) >> 16), ((long)(a) & 0xF) /** * * The following structure is a UNIX file block that retains information about * a file being accessed via the level 1 I/O functions. */ struct UFB { int ufbflg; /* flags */ int ufbfh; /* file handle */ }; #define NUFBS 20 /* number of UFBs defined */ /* * * UFB.ufbflg definitions * */ #if MSDOS1 #define UFB_OP 0x80 /* file is open */ #define UFB_RA 0x40 /* reading is allowed */ #define UFB_WA 0x20 /* writing is allowed */ #define UFB_NT 0x10 /* access file with no translation */ #define UFB_AP 8 /* append mode flag */ #else #define UFB_RA 1 /* reading is allowed */ #define UFB_WA 2 /* writing is allowed */ #endif #define UFB_NC 4 /* no close */ /* * * UFB.ufbtyp definitions * */ #if MSDOS1 #define D_DISK 0 #define D_CON 1 #define D_PRN 2 #define D_AUX 3 #define D_NULL 4 #endif /** * * External definitions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern struct UFB *chkufb(int); #else extern struct UFB *chkufb(); #endif /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif 1/** * * The following symbols are specified in the ANSI C standard as limit * values for various non-float characteristics. * **/ #define CHAR_BIT 8 /* bits per char */ #define CHAR_MAX 127 /* max value for char */ #define CHAR_MIN -128 /* min value for char */ #define SCHAR_MAX 127 /* max value for signed char */ #define SCHAR_MIN -128 /* min value for signed char */ #define UCHAR_MAX 255 /* max value for unsigned char */ #define SHRT_MAX 32767 /* max value for short int */ #define SHRT_MIN -32768 /* min value for short int */ #define USHRT_MAX 65535 /* max value for unsigned short int */ #define INT_MAX 2147483647 /* max value for int */ #define INT_MIN -2147483648 /* min value for int */ #define UINT_MAX 4294967295 /* max value for unsigned int */ #define LONG_MAX 2147483647 /* max value for long int */ #define LONG_MIN -2147483648 /* min value for long int */ #define ULONG_MAX 4294967295 /* max value for unsigned long int */ /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif Lda */ short ld_ddainc; /* fixed point scale factor */ short ld_scaldir; /* scale direction flag */ short ld_mono; /* current font is monospaced */ short ld_srcx; /* x coord of character in font */ short ld_srcy; /* y coord of character in font */ short ld_dstx; /* x coord of character on screen */ short ld_dsty; /* y coord of character on screen */ short ld_delx; /* width of character */ short ld_dely; /* height of character */ short *ld_fbase; /* pointer to start of font form */ short ld_fwidth; /* width of font form */ short ld_style; /* textblt special effects flags */ short ld_litemsk; /* lightening mask */ short ld_skewmsk; /* skewing mask */ short ld_weight; /* thickening factor */ short ld_roff; /* skew offset above baseline */ short ld_loff; /* skew offset below baseline */ short ld_scale; /* scaling flag */ short ld_chup; /* character rotation vector */ short ld_textfg; /* text foreground color */ short *ld_scrtchp; /* text special effects buffer */ short ld_scrpt2; /* offset to scaling buffer from above */ short ld_textbg; /* text background color */ short ld_copytran; /* copy raster form type flag */ short (*ld_seedabort)(); /* seedfill end detect function */ } LA_DATA; /** * * The following macros define the standard names used for the * Line 'A' parameters * **/ #define VPLANES la_info.li_a0->ld_vplanes #define VWRAP la_info.li_a0->ld_vwrap #define CONTRL la_info.li_a0->ld_contrl #define INTIN la_info.li_a0->ld_intin #define PTSIN la_info.li_a0->ld_ptsin #define INTOUT la_info.li_a0->ld_intout #define PTSOUT la_info.li_a0->ld_ptsout #define COLBIT0 la_info.li_a0->ld_colbit[0] #define COLBIT1 la_info.li_a0->ld_colbit[1] #define COLBIT2 la_info.li_a0->ld_colbit[2] #define COLBIT3 la_info.li_a0->ld_colbit[3] #define LSTLIN la_info.li_a0->ld_lstlin #define LNMASK la_info.li_a0->ld_lnmask #define WMODE la_info.li_a0->ld_wmode #define X1 la_info.li_a0->ld_x1 #define Y1 la_info.li_a0->ld_y1 #define X2 la_info.li_a0->ld_x2 #define Y2 la_info.li_a0->ld_y2 #define PATPTR la_info.li_a0->ld_patptr #define PATMSK la_info.li_a0->ld_patmsk #define MFILL la_info.li_a0->ld_mfill #define CLIP la_info.li_a0->ld_clip #define XMINCL la_info.li_a0->ld_xmincl #define YMINCL la_info.li_a0->ld_ymincl #define XMAXCL la_info.li_a0->ld_xmaxcl #define YMAXCL la_info.li_a0->ld_ymaxcl #define XDDA la_info.li_a0->ld_xdda #define DDAINC la_info.li_a0->ld_ddainc #define SCALDIR la_info.li_a0->ld_scaldir #define MONO la_info.li_a0->ld_mono #define SRCX la_info.li_a0->ld_srcx #define SRCY la_info.li_a0->ld_srcy #define DSTX la_info.li_a0->ld_dstx #define DSTY la_info.li_a0->ld_dsty #define DELX la_info.li_a0->ld_delx #define DELY la_info.li_a0->ld_dely #define FBASE la_info.li_a0->ld_fbase #define FWIDTH la_info.li_a0->ld_fwidth #define STYLE la_info.li_a0->ld_style #define LITEMSK la_info.li_a0->ld_litemsk #define SKEWMSK la_info.li_a0->ld_skewmsk #define WEIGHT la_info.li_a0->ld_weight #define ROFF la_info.li_a0->ld_roff #define LOFF la_info.li_a0->ld_loff #define SCALE la_info.li_a0->ld_scale #define CHUP la_info.li_a0->ld_chup #define TEXTFG la_info.li_a0->ld_textfg #define SCRTCHP la_info.li_a0->ld_scrtchp #define SCRPT2 la_info.li_a0->ld_scrpt2 #define TEXTBG la_info.li_a0->ld_textbg #define COPYTRAN la_info.li_a0->ld_copytran #define SEEDABORT la_info.li_a0->ld_seedabort /** * * The following macros define four reasonable Line 'A' functions * **/ #define putpixel(x,y,v) ((PTSIN[0]=x),(PTSIN[1]=y),(INTIN[0]=v),linea1()) #define getpixel(x,y) ((PTSIN[0]=x),(PTSIN[1]=y),linea2()) #define showmouse() (linea9()) #define hidemouse() (lineaa()) /** * * The following structures are used when calling linea7() * **/ typedef struct { short bl_xmin; /* Minimum x */ short bl_ymin; /* Minimum y */ short *bl_form; /* Word aligned memory form */ short bl_nxwd; /* Offset to next word in line */ short bl_nxln; /* Offset to next line in plane */ short bl_nxpl; /* Offset to next plane */ } LA_BLK; typedef struct { short bb_b_wd; /* width of block in pixels */ short bb_b_ht; /* height of block in pixels */ short bb_plane_ct; /* number of planes to blit */ short bb_fg_col; /* foreground color */ short bb_bg_col; /* background color */ char bb_op_tab[4]; /* logic for fg x bg combination */ LA_BLK bb_s; /* source info block */ LA_BLK bb_d; /* destination info block */ short *bb_p_addr; /* pattern buffer address */ short bb_p_nxln; /* offset to next line in pattern */ short bb_p_nxpl; /* offset to next plane in pattern */ short bb_p_mask; /* pattern index mask */ char bb_fill[24]; /* work space */ } LA_BLIT /* Offsets to next word in plane */ #define HIGH_NXWD 2 #define MED_NXWD 4 #define LOW_NXWD 8 /* Scan line widths of the screen */ #define HIG #define MED_NXLN 160 #define LOW_NXLN 160 /* Offsets between planes */ #define NXPL 2 /** * * The following structure is used when calling linead() * **/ typedef struct { sholrt ls_xhot; /* x hot spot offset */ short ls_yhot; /* y hot spot offset */ short ls_form; /* 1 for VDI, -1 for XOR */ short ls_bgcol /* background color index */ short ls_fgcol; /* foreground color index */ short ls_image[32]; /* background/foreground interleaved image */ } LA_SPRITE; /** * * The following defines the structure of the font header * **/ typedef struct { short font_id; /* face identifier */ short font_size; /* font size in points */ char font_name[32]; /* face name */ short font_low_ade; /* lowest ascii value in face */ short font_hi_ade; /* highest ascii value in face */ /* distance measured from char baseline */ short font_top_dst; /* top line distance */ short font_ascent_dst; /* ascent line distance */ short font_half_dst; /* half line distance */ short font_descent_dst; /* descent line distance */ short font_bottom_dist; /* bottom line distance */ short font_fatest; /* width of widest char in font */ short font_fat_cell; /* width of widest char cell in font */ short font_left_off; /* left offset */ short font_right_off; /* right offset */ short font_thickening; /* number of pixles to widen chars */ short font_underline; /* width in pixles of underline */ short font_lightening; /* mask used to drop pixles out */ short font_skewing; /* mask used to determine skewing */ unsigned default_font: 1; /* set if default system font */ unsigned horiz_ofset: 1; /* horizontal ofset tables should be used */ unsigned byte_swap: 1; /* byte swap flag */ unsigned mono_space: 1; /* mono spaced font */ short *font_horiz_off; /* pointer to horizontal offset table */ short *font_char_off; /* pointer to char offset table */ char *font_data; /* pointer to font data */ short font_width; /* font width */ short font_height; /* font height */ char *font_next; /* pointer to next font */ } LA_FONT; /** * * LineA function declarations * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern void linea0(); extern void linea1(); extern void linea2(); extern void linea3(); extern void linea4(); extern void linea5(); extern void linea6(); extern void linea7(LA_BLIT *); extern void linea8(); extern void linea9(); extern void lineaa(); extern void lineab(); extern void lineac(char *); extern void linead(long, long, char *, char *); extern void lineae(); extern void lineaf(); #else extern void linea0(); /* Initialize the Line 'A' */ extern void linea1(); /* Plot a pixel */ extern void linea2(); /* Get a pixel */ extern void linea3(); /* Draw a line */ extern void linea4(); /* Draw a horizontal line */ extern void linea5(); /* Draw a filled rectangle */ extern void linea6(); /* Draw 1 scan line of a filled polygon */ extern void linea7(); /* Perform a BIT block transfer */ extern void linea8(); /* Perform a TEXT block transfer */ extern void linea9(); /* Show the mouse */ extern void lineaa(); /* Hide the mouse */ extern void lineab(); /* Transform the mouse's form */ extern void lineac(); /* Undraw the previously drawn sprite */ extern void linead(); /* Draw a sprite */ extern void lineae(); /* Copy a raster form */ extern void lineaf(); /* Perform a seedfill */ #endif RD ls_yhot; /* y hot spot offset */ WORD ls_form; /* 1 for VDI, -dNV/. /.NPN^NuNV .,opN^Nu y( .ѹ(, N^NuNV/.aX-@JgN^Nu | N^Nu dNV 9($ѹ,#$(#"##&# N^NudNV/. /.p=/NO -@Jj#8p#.pN^NuB8 .N^NudNV nJf-|v/. /.p/NP#8Jjp #.pN^NupN^Nu d?NVx . gJfp /NX g . ~nS`p}@|Hn|p /NPp /p/NPp.}Bx-@ .xl n C~Rx` . }lF n R `6/. /./.p?/NO-@Jj#8p#.pN^NuB8 .N^Nu dNV/. /./.p@/NO-@Jj#8p#.pN^NuB8 .N^NudNV/././. pB/NO-@Jj#8p#.pN^NuB8 .N^Nu dNV/.N2X n-H .SJo n "nR JgR` nB .N^NuNV nB lpN^Nup -@S . r NP0 . . r NP-@ J fp ".$.nRѮB . l nRR` . nBN^NuNVp nR"@,gR` .N^Nu o"oJfSf /Nu o!WHpNu /fR oL.Nu o"o / oe  SfNuSfNu o /o "/ SfNuJjDJj Da DNuaDDNuJj DaDNu/HA4f"H@HAHB4g0H@40HB2$Nu/v AdQC AdYC A dUCJAkSC4HBBBHC604HAdSCЁdr2HCH@A&$Nu B"C$&HBHCCHBBBЂ& $Nu o"of /Nud o fS Nu,d o"o / oe  Sf`Sf /NuNV/.NPXJf/.NXJfp`pN^NuNV/.N~XJf/.NȠXJfp`pN^NuNV . Am Znp`pN^NuNV . am znp`pN^NuNV . 0m 9np`pN^Nu / am zn NuH C.#r O0/@11g"HS@4XBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NA.yrLNuH C#v O0/@BA11g"HS@4XBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NN.yvLNuAt!o "o1Q8!oBh.1| 21|d,N`AtCD!ICD!I "o282< "o CX/ ED2Q$_HNuAt1o8Bh.Bh21|e,N`HNuAԈBh1|Bh1|MNjAԈ"o22"o24"o 26"o280(0HNuAԈ!o01o01|1|1|1|NNjAԈ0(0HNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|z,N`HNuAt1o8Bh.Bh21|{,N`HNuAԈ1o 0!o01|1|1|1|2NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o&@1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01| 1|1|1|3NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ!o01o01|1|1|/** * * Redefine secondary simulation function names to become primary names * for systems without a Numeric Data Processor. * */ #ifdef NONDP #define _acos acos #define _asin asin #define _atan atan #define _cos cos #define _cosh cosh #define _cot cot #define _exp exp #define _fabs fabs #define _log log #define _log10 log10 #define _pow pow #define _pow2 pow2 #define _sin sin #define _sinh sinh #define _sqrt sqrt #define _tan tan #define _tanh tanh #endif /** * * Structure to hold information about math exceptions * */ struct exception { int type; /* error type */ char *name; /* math function name */ double arg1, arg2; /* function arguments */ double retval; /* proposed return value */ }; /* * * Exception type codes, found in exception.type * */ #define DOMAIN 1 /* domain error */ #define SING 2 /* singularity */ #define OVERFLOW 3 /* overflow */ #define UNDERFLOW 4 /* underflow */ #define TLOSS 5 /* total loss of significance */ #define PLOSS 6 /* partial loss of significance */ /** * * Error codes generated by basic arithmetic operations (+ - * /) * */ #define FPEUND 1 /* underflow */ #define FPEOVF 2 /* overflow */ #define FPEZDV 3 /* zero divisor */ #define FPENAN 4 /* not a number (invalid operation) */ #define FPECOM 5 /* not comparable */ /** * * Constants * */ #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define PID2 1.57079632679489661923 /* PI divided by 2 */ #define PID4 0.78539816339744830962 /* PI divided by 4 */ #define I_PI 0.31830988618379067154 /* Inverse of PI */ #define I_PID2 0.63661977236758134308 /* Inverse of PID2 */ #define HUGE 1.797693e308 /* huge value */ #define TINY 2.2e-308 /* tiny value */ #define LOGHUGE 709.778 /* natural log of huge value */ #define LOGTINY -708.396 /* natural log of tiny value */ /** * * External declarations * */ extern int _FPERR; /* floating point arithmetic error */ extern int errno; /* UNIX error code */ #ifndef NARGS extern double acos(double); extern double asin(double); extern double atan(double); extern double atan2(double, double); extern double atof(char *); extern double ceil(double); extern double cos(double); extern double cosh(double); extern void CXFERR(int); extern double drand48(void); extern char *}ecvt(double, int, int *, int *); extern double erand48(short *); extern double except(int, char *, double, double, double); extern double exp(double); extern double fabs(double); extern char *fcvt(double, int, int *, int *); extern double floor(double); extern double fmod(double, double); extern double frexp(double, int *); extern char *gcvt(double, int, char *); extern long jrand48(short *); extern double ldexp(double, int); extern void lcong48(short *); extern double log(double); extern double log10(double); extern long lrand48(void); extern int matherr(struct exception *); extern double modf(double, double *); extern long mrand48(void); extern long nrand48(short *); extern double pow(double, double); extern int rand(void); extern short *seed48(short *); extern double sin(double); extern double sinh(double); extern double sqrt(double); extern void srand(unsigned); extern void srand48(long); extern double tan(double); extern double tanh(double); #else extern double acos(); extern double asin(); extern double atan(); extern double atan2(); extern double atof(); extern double ceil(); extern double cos(); extern double cosh(); extern void CXFERR(); extern double drand48(); extern char *ecvt(); extern double erand48(); extern double except(); extern double exp(); extern double fabs(); extern char *fcvt(); extern double floor(); extern double fmod(); extern double frexp(); extern char *gcvt(); extern long jrand48(); extern void lcong48(); extern double ldexp(); extern double log(); extern double log10(); extern long lrand48(); extern int matherr(); extern double modf(); extern long mrand48(); extern long nrand48(); extern double pow(); extern int rand(); extern short *seed48(); extern double sin(); extern double sinh(); extern double sqrt(); extern void srand(); extern void srand48(); extern double tan(); extern double tanh(); #endif /** * * Macros * */ #define abs(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x)) #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define min(a,b) ((a)<=(b)?(a):(b)) /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif 4/** * * This header file contains macro definitions for use with the Atari specific * functions gemdos,bios and xbios * **/ extern bios(); extern xbios(); extern gemdos(); /* GEMDOS functions (trap #1) */ #define Pterm0() gemdos(0x0) #define Cconin() gemdos(0x1) #define Cconout(a) gemdos(0x2,a) #define Cauxin() gemdos(0x3) #define Cauxout(a) gemdos(0x4,a) #define Cprnout(a) gemdos(0x5,a) #define Crawio(a) gemdos(0x6,a) #define Crawcin() gemdos(0x7) #define Cnecin() gemdos(0x8) #define Cconws(a) gemdos(0x9,a) #define Cconrs(a) gemdos(0x0a,a) #define Cconis() gemdos(0x0b) #define Dsetdrv(a) gemdos(0x0e,a) #define Cconos() gemdos(0x10) #define Cprnos() gemdos(0x11) #define Cauxis() gemdos(0x12) #define Cauxos() gemdos(0x13) #define Dgetdrv() gemdos(0x19) #define Fsetdta(a) gemdos(0x1a,a) #define Super(a) gemdos(0x20,a) #define Tgetdate() gemdos(0x2a) #define Tsetdate(a) gemdos(0x2b,a) #define Tgettime() gemdos(0x2c) #define Tsettime(a) gemdos(0x2d,a) #define Fgetdta() gemdos(0x2f) #define Sversion() gemdos(0x30) #define Ptermres(a,b) gemdos(0x31,a,b) #define Dfree(a,b) gemdos(0x36,a,b) #define Dcreate(a) gemdos(0x39,a) #define Ddelete(a) gemdos(0x3a,a) #define Dsetpath(a) gemdos(0x3b,a) #define Fcreate(a,b) gemdos(0x3c,a,b) #define Fopen(a,b) gemdos(0x3d,a,b) #define Fclose(a) gemdos(0x3e,a) #define Fread(a,b,c) gemdos(0x3f,a,b,c) #define Fwrite(a,b,c) gemdos(0x40,a,b,c) #define Fdelete(a) gemdos(0x41,a) #define Fseek(a,b,c) gemdos(0x42,a,b,c) #define Fattrib(a,b,c) gemdos(0x43,a,b,c) #define Fdup(a) gemdos(0x45,a) #define Fforce(a,b) gemdos(0x46,a,b) #define Dgetpath(a,b) gemdos(0x47,a,b) #define Malloc(a) gemdos(0x48,a) #define Mfree(a) gemdos(0x49,a) #define Mshrink(a,b) gemdos(0x4a,0,a,b) #define Pexec(a,b,c,d) gemdos(0x4b,a,b,c,d) #define Pterm(a) gemdos(0x4c, a) #define Fsfirst(a,b) gemdos(0x4e,a,b) #define Fsnext() gemdos(0x4f) #define Frename(a,b,c) gemdos(0x56,a,b,c) #define Fdatime(a,b,c) gemdos(0x57,a,b,c) /* BIOS functions (trap #13) */ #define Getmpb(a) bios(0,a) #define Bconstat(a) bios(1,a) #define Bconin(a) bios(2,a) #define Bconout(a,b) bios(3,a,b) #define Rwabs(a,b,c,d,e) bios(4,a,b,c,d,e) #define Setexc(a,b) bios(5,a,b) #define Tickcal() bios(6) #define Getbpb(a) bios(7,a) #define Bcostat(a) bios(8,a) #define Mediach(a) bios(9,a) #define Drvmap() bios(10) #define Kbshift(a) bios(11,a) /* XBIOS functions (trap #14) */ #define Initmous(a,b,c) xbios(0,a,b,c) #define Ssbrk(a) xbios(1,a) #define Physbase() xbios(2) #define Logbase() xbios(3) #define Getrez() xbios(4) #define Setscreen(a,b,c) xbios(5,a,b,c) #define Setpallete(a) xbios(6,a) #define Setcolor(a,b) xbios(7,a,b) #define Floprd(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) xbios(8,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) #define Flopwr(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) xbios(9,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) #define Flopfmt(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) xbios(10,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) #define Midiws(a,b) xbios(12,a,b) #define Mfpint(a,b) xbios(13,a,b) #define Iorec(a) xbios(14,a) #define Rsconf(a,b,c,d,e,f) xbios(15,a,b,c,d,e,f) #define Keytbl(a,b,c) xbios(16,a,b,c) #define Random() xbios(17) #define Protobt(a,b,c,d) xbios(18,a,b,c,d) #define Flopver(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) xbios(19,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) #define Scrdmp() xbios(20) #define Cursconf(a,b) xbios(21,a,b) #define Settime(a) xbios(22,a) #define Gettime() xbios(23) #define Bioskeys() xbios(24) #define Ikbdws(a,b) xbios(25,a,b) #define Jdisint(a) xbios(26,a) #define Jenabint(a) xbios(27,a) #define Giaccess(a,b) xbios(28,a,b) #define Offgibit(a) xbios(29,a) #define Ongibit(a) xbios(30,a) #define Xbtimer(a,b,c,d) xbios(31,a,b,c,d) #define Dosound(a) xbios(32,a) #define Setprt(a) xbios(33,a) #define Kbdvbase() xbios(34) #define Kbrate(a,b) xbios(35,a,b) #define Prtblk(a) xbios(36,a) #define Vsync() xbios(37) #define Supexec(a) xbios(38,a) #define Puntaes() xbios(39) /** * * This header defines system portable typedefs * **/ typedef char BYTE; /* signed 8 bit integer */ typedef unsigned char UBYTE; /* unsigned 8 bit int */ typedef short WORD; /* signed 16 bit int */ typedef unsigned short UWORD; /* unsigned 16 bit int */ typedef long LONG; /* signed 32 bit int */ typedef unsigned long ULONG; /* unsigned 32 bit int */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 +/** * * This structure is used by the setjmp/longjmp functions to save the * current environment on the 8086. * */ struct JMP_BUF { long jmpret; /* return address */ long jmp_d1; long jmp_d2; long jmp_d3; long jmp_d4; long jmp_d5; long jmp_d6; long jmp_d7; long jmp_a1; long jmp_a2; long jmp_a3; long jmp_a4; long jmp_a5; long jmp_a6; long jmp_a7; A }; typedef struct JMP_BUF jmp_buf[1]; #ifndef NARGS extern int setjmp(jmp_buf *); extern void longjmp(jmp_buf *, int); #else extern int setjmp(); extern void longjmp(); #endif /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif /** * * This header file defines the information used by the standard I/O * package. * **/ #define _BUFSIZ 512 /* standard buffer size */ #define BUFSIZ 512 /* standard buffer size */ #define _NFILE 20 /* maximum number of files */ struct _iobuf { unsigned char *_ptr; /* current buffer pointer */ int _rcnt; /* current byte count for reading */ int _wcnt; /* current byte count for writing */ unsigned char *_base; /* base address of I/O buffer */ int _size; /* size of buffer */ int _flag; /* control flags */ int _file; /* file number */ unsigned char _cbuff; /* single char buffer */ }; extern struct _iobuf _iob[_NFILE]; /** * * Definitions associated with _iobuf._flag * */ #define _IOFBF 0 /* fully buffered (for setvbuf) */ #define _IOREAD 1 /* read flag */ #define _IOWRT 2 /* write flag */ #define _IONBF 4 /* non-buffered flag */ #define _IOMYBUF 8 /* private buffer flag */ #define _IOEOF 16 /* end-of-file flag */ #define _IOERR 32 /* error flag */ #define _IOLBF 64 /* line-buffered flag */ #define _IORW 128 /* read-write (update) flag */ #define _IOAPP 0x4000 /* append flag */ #define _IOXLAT 0x8000 /* translation flag */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif #define FILE struct _iobuf /* shorthand */ #define EOF (-1) /* end-of-file code */ #define stdin (&_iob[0]) /* standard input file pointer */ #define stdout (&_iob[1]) /* standard output file pointer */ #define stderr (&_iob[2]) /* standard error file pointer */ #define stdaux (&_iob[3]) /* standard auxiliary file pointer */ #define stdprt (&_iob[4]) /* standard printer file pointer */ #define getc(p) (--(p)->_rcnt>=0? *(p)->_ptr++:_filbf(p)) #define getchar() getc(stdin) #define putc(c,p) (--(p)->_wcnt>=0? ((int)(*(p)->_ptr++=(c))):_flsbf((unsigned char)(c),p)) #define putchar(c) putc(c,stdout) #define feof(p) (((p)->_flag&_IOEOF)!=0) #define ferror(p) (((p)->_flag&_IOERR)!=0) #define fileno(p) (p)->_file #define rewind(fp) fseek(fp,0L,0) #define fflush(fp) _flsbf(-1,fp) #define clearerr(fp) clrerr(fp) #ifndef NARGS extern void clrerr(FILE *); extern int cprintf(char *, ); extern int cscanf(char *, ); extern int fclose(FILE *); extern int fcloseall(void); extern FILE *fdopen(int, char *); extern int fgetc(FILE *); extern int fgetchar(void); extern char *fgets(char *, int, FILE *); extern int flushall(void); extern int fmode(FILE *, int); extern FILE *fopen(char *, char *); extern FILE *fopene(char *, char *, char *); extern int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ); extern int fputc(int, FILE *); extern int fputchar(int); extern int fputs(char *, FILE *); extern int fread(char *, int, int, FILE *); extern FILE *freopen(char *, char *, FILE *); extern int fscanf(FILE*, char *, ); extern int fseek(FILE *, long, int); extern long ftell(FILE *); extern int fwrite(char *, int, int, FILE *); extern char *gets(char *); extern int printf(char *, ); extern int puts(char *); extern scanf(char *, ); extern int setbuf(FILE *, char *); extern int setnbf(FILE *); extern int setvbuf(FILE*, char *, int, int); extern int sprintf(char *, char *, ); extern sscanf(char *, char *, ); extern int ungetc(int, FILE *); extern int _filbf(FILE *); extern int _flsbf(int, FILE *); #else extern void clrerr(); extern int cprintf(); extern int cscanf(); extern int fclose(); extern int fcloseall(); extern FILE *fdopen(); extern int fgetc(); extern int fgetchar(); extern char *fgets(); extern int flushall(); extern int fmode(); extern FILE *fopen(); extern FILE *fopene(); extern int fprintf(); extern int fputc(); extern int fputchar(); extern int fputs(); extern int fread(); extern FILE *freopen(); extern int fscanf(); extern int fseek(); extern long ftell(); extern int fwrite(); extern char *gets(); extern int printf(); extern int puts(); extern scanf(); extern int setbuf(); extern int setnbf(); extern int setvbuf(); extern int sprintf(); extern sscanf(); extern int ungetc(); extern int _filbf(); extern int _flsbf(); #endif /** * * Miscellaneous I/O services * */ #ifndef NARGS extern int access(char *, int); extern int chdir(char *); extern int chmod(char *, int); extern char *getcwd(char *, int); extern int mkdir(char *); extern int perror(char *); extern int rename(char *, char *); extern int rmdir(char *); extern char *tmpnam(char *); #else extern int access(); extern int chdir(); extern int chmod(); extern char *getcwd(); extern int mkdir(); extern int perror(); extern int rename(); extern int rmdir(); extern char *tmpnam(); #endif :/** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif /** * * Level 3 memory allocation services * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern char *malloc(unsigned); extern char *calloc(unsigned,unsigned); extern char *realloc(char*, unsigned); extern int free(char *); #else extern char *malloc(); extern char *calloc(); extern char *realloc(); extern int free(); #endif /** * * Level 2 memory allocation services * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern int allmem(void); extern char *getmem(unsigned); extern char *getml(long); extern int rlsmem(char *, unsigned); extern int rlsml(char *, long); extern int bldmem(int); extern long sizmem(void); extern long chkml(void); extern void rstmem(void); #else extern char *getmem(); extern char *getml(); extern int rlsmem(); extern int rlsml(); extern int bldmem(); extern long sizmem(); extern long chkml(); extern void rstmem(); #endif /** * * Level 1 memory allocation services * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern char *sbrk(unsigned); extern char *lsbrk(long); extern void rbrk(void); #else extern char *sbrk(); extern char *lsbrk(); extern void rbrk(); #endif /** * * Sort functions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern void dqsort(double *, int); extern void fqsort(float *, int); extern void lqsort(long *, int); extern void qsort(char *, int, int, int (*)()); extern void sqsort(short *, int); extern void tqsort(char **, int); #else extern void dqsort(); extern void fqsort(); extern void lqsort(); extern void qsort(); extern void sqsort(); extern void tqsort(); #endif /** * * fork/exec functions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern int execl(char *, char *,); extern int execv(char *, char **); extern int execle(char *, char *,); extern int execve(char *, char **, char **); extern int execlp(char *, char *,); extern int execvp(char *, char **); extern int execlpe(char *, char *,); extern int execvpe(char *, char **, char **); extern int forkl(char *, char *,); extern int forkv(char *, char **); extern int forkle(char *, char *,); extern int forkve(char *, char **, char **); extern int forklp(char *, char *,); extern int forkvp(char *, char **); extern int forklpe(char *, char *,); extern int forkvpe(char *, char **, char **); extern int wait(void); extern int system(char *); #endif /** * * Miscellaneous functions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern void abort(void); extern char *argopt(int, char**, char *, int *, char *); extern int atoi(char *); extern long atol(char *); extern void exit(int); extern void _exit(int); extern char *getenv(char *); extern int getfnl(char *, char *, unsigned, int); extern int getpid(void); extern int iabs(int); extern int isauto(char *); extern int isdata(char *, unsigned); extern int isdptr(char *); extern int isheap(char *); extern int ispptr(int(*)()); extern int isstatic(char *); extern long labs(long); extern int onexit(int(*)()); extern int putenv(char *); extern int rmvenv(char *); extern long utpack(char *); extern void utunpk(long, char *); #else extern void abort(); extern char *argopt(); extern int atoi(); extern long atol(); extern void exit(); extern void _exit(); extern char *getenv(); extern int getfnl(); extern int getpid(); extern int iabs(); extern int isauto(); extern int isdata(); extern int isdptr(); extern int isheap(); extern int ispptr(); extern int isstatic(); extern long labs(); extern int onexit(); extern int putenv(A); extern int rmvenv(); extern long utpack(); extern void utunpk(); #endif /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif /** * * External definitions for string services * */ #ifndef NARGS extern int stcarg(char *, char *); extern int stccpy(char *, char *, int); extern int stcgfe(char *, char *); extern int stcgfn(char *, char *); extern int stcis(char *, char *); extern int stcisn(char *, char *); extern int stclen(char *); extern int stcd_i(char *, int *); extern int stcd_l(char *, long *); extern int stch_i(char *, int *); extern int stch_l(char *, long *); extern int stci_d(char *, int); extern int stci_h(char *, int); extern int stci_o(char *, int); extern int stcl_d(char *, long); extern int stcl_h(char *, long); extern int stcl_o(char *, long); extern int stco_i(char *, int *); extern int stco_l(char *, long *); extern int stcpm(char *, char *, char **); extern int stcpma(char *, char *); extern int stcu_d(char *, unsigned); extern int stcul_d(char *, unsigned long); extern char *stpblk(char *); extern char *stpbrk(char *, char *); extern char *stpchr(char *, int); extern char *stpcpy(char *, char *); extern char *stpdate(char *, int, char *); extern char *stpsym(char *, char *, int); extern char *stptime(char *, int, char *); extern char *stptok(char *, char *, int, char *); extern int strbpl(char **, int, char *); extern char *strcat(char *, char *); extern char *strchr(char *, int); extern int strcmp(char *, char *); extern int stricmp(char *, char *); extern char *strcpy(char *, char *); extern int strcspn(char *, char *); extern char *strdup(char *); extern void strins(char *, char *); extern int strlen(char *); extern char *strlwr(char *); extern void strmfe(char *, char *, char *); extern void strmfn(char *, char *, char *, char *, char *); extern void strmfp(char *, char *, char *); extern char *strncat(char *, char *, unsigned); extern int strncmp(char *, char *, unsigned); extern char *strncpy(char *, char *, unsigned); extern int strnicmp(char *, char *, unsigned); extern char *strnset(char *, int, int); extern char *strpbrk(char *, char *); extern char *strrchr(char *, int); extern char *strrev(char *); extern char *strset(char *, int); extern void strsfn(char *, char *, char *, char *, char *); extern int strspn(char *, char *); extern char *strtok(char *, char *); extern long strtol(char *, char **, int); extern char *strupr(char *); extern int stscmp(char *, char *); extern int stspfp(char *, int *); #else extern int stcarg(); extern int stccpy(); extern int stcgfe(); extern int stcgfn(); extern int stcis(); extern int stcisn(); extern int stclen(); extern int stcd_i(); extern int stcd_l(); extern int stch_i(); extern int stch_l(); extern int stci_d(); extern int stci_h(); extern int stci_o(); extern int stcl_d(); extern int stcl_h(); extern int stcl_o(); extern int stco_i(); extern int stco_l(); extern int stcpm(); extern int stcpma(); extern int stcu_d(); extern int stcul_d(); extern char *stpblk(); extern char *stpbrk(); extern char *stpchr(); extern char *stpcpy(); extern char *stpdate(); extern char *stpsym(); extern char *stptime(); extern char *stptok(); extern int strbpl(); extern char *strcat(); extern char *strchr(); extern int strcmp(); extern int stricmp(); extern char *strcpy(); extern int strcspn(); extern char *strdup(); extern void strins(); extern int strlen(); extern char *strlwr(); extern void strmfe(); extern void strmfn(); extern void strmfp(); extern char *strncat(); extern int strncmp(); extern char *strncpy(); extern int strnicmp(); extern char *strnset(); extern char *strpbrk(); extern char *strrchr(); extern char *strrev(); extern char *strset(); extern void strsfp(); extern int strspn(); extern char *strtok(); extern long strtol(); extern char *strupr(); extern int stscmp(); extern int stspfp(); #endif #define strcmpi stricmp /* For Microsoft compatibility */- /** * * External definitions for memory block services * **/ #ifndef NARGS extern char *memccpy(char *, char *, int, unsigned); extern char *memchr(char *, int, unsigned); extern int memcmp(char *, char *, unsigned); extern char *memcpy(char *, char *, unsigned); extern char *memset(char *, int, unsigned); extern void movmem(char *, char *, unsigned); extern void repmem(char *, char *, int, int); extern void setmem(char *, unsigned, int); extern void swmem(char *, char *, unsigned); #else extern char *memccpy(); extern char *memchr(); extern int memcmp(); extern char *memcpy(); extern char *memset(); extern void movmem(); extern void repmem(); extern void setmem(); extern void swmem(); #endif  /** * * This structure contains the unpacked time as returned by "gmtime". * */ struct tm { int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; int tm_mon; int tm_year; int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst; }; /** * * External data * */ extern long timezone; extern int daylight; extern char *tzname[]; extern char tzstn[]; extern char tzdtn[]; /** * * The following kludge takes care of short/long name inconsistencies. * */ #define localtime #ifdef localtim #undef localtim #else #undef localtime #define localtime localtim #endif /** * * External functions * */ #ifndef NARGS extern char *asctime(struct tm *); extern char *ctime(long *); extern struct tm *gmtime(long *); extern struct tm *localtim(long *); extern long time(long *); extern void tzset(); #else extern char *asctime(); extern char *ctime(); extern struct tm *gmtime(); extern struct tm *localtim(); extern long time(); extern void tzset(); #endif /* * * External variables * */ extern int daylight; extern long timezone; extern char *tzname[2]; extern char tzstn[4]; extern char tzdtn[4]; /** * * Define NULL if it's not already defined * */ #ifndef NULL #if SPTR #define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */ #else #define NULL 0L #endif #endif 1|4NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ!o0Bh1|1|1|6NjAԈ"o22"o 24"o26"o280(0HNuAt!o 1o D1o81|.1|21|,N`AtCD!IHNuAԈ1o:1o81o61o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|*NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ!o0Bh1|1|1|nNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈBh1|Bh1|oNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o 21o01|1|Bh1| 1|pNjAԈ"o "0Bh 0(0HNuAԈ1oFN1oBL!o<01o:J1o6H1o2F1o.D1o*B1o&@1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|1|1|NjAԈ"oH22"oL24"oP26"oT28"oX2:"o\2<0(0HNuAԈ1o 0!o01|1|1|1|NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|!NjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|dNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|eNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o01|1|Bh1|fNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o01|1|Bh1|gNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o 21o01|1|Bh1|hNjAԈ"o 22"o24"o26"o280(0HNuAԈ1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|iNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o 21o01|1|Bh1|jNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o01|1|Bh1|kNjAԈ0(0HNuAԈ1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|lNjAԈ"o22"o 24"o$26"o(280(0HNuAԈBh1|Bh1| NjAԈ0(0HNuAt1o Dn1o8Bh.1|21| ,N`0(DHNuAԈBh1|Bh1|NjAԈ0(0HNuAt1oF1o D1o8Bh.Bh21| 61|,N`HNuAԈ!o4!o0Bh1|1|1|ZNjAԈ"o 220(0HNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|,N`0(DHNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|j,N`0(DHNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|,N`0(DHNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|,N`0(DHNuAt1o D1o8Bh.1|21|,N`0(DHNuAt1o8Bh.Bh21|61|,N`HNuAt1oF1o D1o8r"oRJf1A2p"o/ ED4Q$_1|.1|,N`HNuAt!o1o81|.Bh21|r,N`AtCD!IHNu"0<sNBNu"0<NBNuԠԸָظڸԠܸԸظָڸ6V1.04jraLoading file : cfED.INFrLast line deletedNo room in bufferNo file is loaded, command is invalidCreating new fileInput lines truncatedTop of fileEnd of fileLine too longUnknown commandUnmatched ( )Commands abandonedSyntax errorUnable to open fileString expectedNumber expectedNumber not validNo block markedCursor inside blockBlock incorrectly specifiedSearch failedTabs in input file expandedFile is not activeNo more files allowedErrorEdits will be lostwaWriting to file: .BAKEdits will be lostExchangec  b[3][][OK|CANCEL]][OK]ED.RSCCannot load resource file\*.**.* ( H  ( H    mRENAMEDESKTOPGLOBALܸDO_REFRExBUFFERDO_DISABDO_INSB0VSWR_MOD_VENVbPTSOUTڸ_32KDO_VSLIDGRAF_MOUʌERRNO._INAMEDO_HSLIDRINIT_ED1VR_RECFL$REALLOCCURSOR_D6ERR_LABEFORM_CENDO_EXCHAnUNMARK_B]RESTRICTnFREOPENSET_POINbbSET_SCRE.INIT_FILrCURSOR_P<6MY_GETS[MY_GETCHGREPLACE_XMOVE_CUR.EVNT_MULʹCXM22CLOSEDWRITEDO_UNINI4WIND_UPDWIND_DELDO_PREVLFrSEARCH_AXCEXITCURSOR_U6MENU_ADDLSEEKCURRENT_CURSORDSEEK*EXECUTE_HCXM33DO_INSFIjDO_INITXBIOSTFIDDLEGET_NEXTMONREPLACE_NEXT_LIN~LOCATE_SkFARGV2  ($ ,2 4 6& 0 B2   & $    & 02$ * "( N &".4 $      , ,  *    "    n "   0 . @ 4            Z      2 2  "   @ "  0  8 &  H       8 H    &  " . . , , & (  " , . $ ,   0 d 0 $ . > *   &  ,   $  &    4 &  &  . *     |   " &  8 R (    &  & $ R 0 0 6 B 4 b ., 6    < T $ $ < F 6 *  $ ( D  2  0 F* DP. 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