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It was written (as were the accompanying programs) with the GFA BASIC Interpreter (which I love and admire and heartily recommend) and then compiled with the GFA BASIC Compiler. It follows the show closely, except, of course, you can't really win money and buy prizes! I hope you enjoy it. STARTING THE GAME The game is started by double-clicking on the WHEEL2_0.PRG name or icon on the desktop. (If you are using the WHSHELL.PRG shell program, you may either click on the "Play Wheel" box or simply hit the [Return] key.) The title page will appear showing the Wheel-Of-Fortune title and the program version number. Then the player information screen will appear. #PLAYER NAMES Following the title, a screen requesting the number and names of the players will appear. There may be either 2 or 3 players. Enter the information as it is requested (Player names may be up to eight characters long). After you have entered all the information, you will be asked if it is correct. If you need to make a change, type N - if all is correct type Y. You will then be presented with the file screen. "SELECT A FILE The "Choose A Puzzle File" screen contains a GEM file selector box listing the available puzzle files (which all have the .PUZ suffix). Click on the desired file. The same file will be used for all rounds of the current game, after which you will once again have the opportunity to specify the file you want to use. The Disk containing the chosen puzzle file MUST REMAIN IN ITS DRIVE during the game - otherwise an error will occur! Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 2 !THE PLAY SCREEN After you select a puzzle file, the play screen will be drawn, consisting of the following: ROUND NUMBER - The round number is shown in the upper left portion of the screen. This will be either Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, or Tiebreaker. If 2 or all 3 of the players have the same dollar amount after 3 rounds, a tiebreaker round will automatically be called for between the tied players only. CURRENT ROUND SCORE - The player names and their totals for the current round are located below the round number. This is the amount which will be added to the player's total IF THEY SOLVE THE PUZZLE. All these amounts are reset to $0 at the beginning of each round. PLAYER TOTALS - The player names and their total accumulated winnings are located below the Current Round Scores. This is the total used to determine the game winner FREE SPINS - The small boxes to the right of the amounts in the Player Totals area (with the legend FS above them) contain the number of free spins the player has in reserve. The player will automatically be given the opportunity to use these at the appropriate times. CURRENT PLAYER / WHEEL INDICATOR - The small box below the Player Totals area contains the name of the player whose turn it currently is, and has a pointer to the wheel indicating the current dollar value or special selection. The first player is chosen at random before each game, and then rotates with each round. THE WHEEL - The wheel is located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Only 5 segments are visible at once, but the wheel actually has 24 segments. Each segment has a dollar value or a special selection such as FREE (free spin), $ (the bonus amount shown in round 2), BKPT (Bankrupt - lose all your current amount) and LOSE (lose a turn). Each round has different amounts and special selections. THE PUZZLE BOARD - The puzzle board is located on the right side of the screen below the Wheel-Of-Fortune title. This is where the puzzles to be solved will appear. White squares indicate the location of the letters in the puzzle. CATEGORY BOX - Directly below the puzzle board is a box with the category of the current puzzle listed inside. This will change from puzzle to puzzle and with different file selections. JACKPOT - In Round 2, a Jackpot amount will appear below the category box. This is won by landing on the $ section of the wheel. The amount is selected randomly at the beginning of each game. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 3 MESSAGE BOX - The light blue box below the Category Box is the Message Box. During the play of the game, messages and instructions will be posted here. SOLVE PUZZLE - The Solve Puzzle box is on the left below the Message Box. Clicking the pointer in this box will take you to the Solve The Puzzle screen and you will be given a chance to do just that. This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. SPIN - Clicking the pointer inside this box spins the wheel (see TOUCH to see how the left and right buttons differ here). This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. BUY VOWEL - Clicking the pointer in this box will give you the chance to buy a vowel for $250. If you don't have that much, you will be told so. This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. LETTER BOARD - All letter choices are made here. Normally, the vowels are in light letters and cannot be selected. When BUY VOWEL is clicked, the vowels go dark and the consonants go light. Letters which have been selected are highlighted in reverse video - if you choose one of these you will lose that turn. TOUCH - The box labeled TOUCH works as an indicator in conjunction with the SPIN box. Clicking the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is in the SPIN box will cause a random spin of the wheel - and the word RANDOM will appear in this box. The right mouse button serves to control how hard the wheel is spun - as the right button is held down (while the pointer is within the SPIN box) a red indicator begins in the scale between SOFT and HARD. The indicator (which moves rather quickly) will continue to descend as long as the right button is depressed. When it is released, the wheel will spin an amount determined (within about 4 segments) by the force indicated. EXCEPT - to reflect accurately the vagaries of human abilities and the Adrenalin rush of a TV appearance - once in a while (there is 1 chance in 5) you "slip", and the wheel will spin randomly. This will be shown by an OOPS! in the touch box - after all, nobody's perfect! !PLAYING THE GAME The player selected to go first will see their name in the CURRENT PLAYER box. They should then click on SPIN using either the left or right mouse buttons as described in the TOUCH description above. The wheel will spin and then stop on either a dollar amount or one of the special sections described in THE WHEEL above. The player will then either select a letter or see the result of a special selection in the message area (and their score!). They will continue to spin as long as the letters selected appear in the puzzle (and they don't bankrupt or lose a turn). Each letter selected will be revealed (all occurrences), and the amount on the wheel will be added to their CURRENT ROUND SCORE as each letter is revealed. While it is their turn they may also select BUY A VOWEL or SOLVE PUZZLE. If they buy a vowel, $250 will be deducted from their CURRENT ROUND SCORE and all occurrences of the vowel will be Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 4 revealed. Play will rotate among the players until one player is  ready to SOLVE PUZZLE. The display will then change to the SOLVE THE PUZZLE screen. SOLVE THE PUZZLE - This screen is used to guess the puzzle. The PUZZLE BOARD is shown and the player must input the indicated (by a "?") letter from the keyboard (mouse input is disabled here). You must be VERY CAREFUL here - you only get one chance at each letter (there is NO backspace!). SPELLING COUNTS - if you misspell a word you have made an incorrect guess. After all letters are input you will be told if you are right or wrong. The display will then return to the PLAY SCREEN. If you are right, the amount shown in the CURRENT ROUND box will be added to your score in the PLAYER TOTALS box (the other players get zip!). Play will then proceed to the next round. IF you are wrong, you have just lost your turn and the next player then proceeds with their regular turn (UNLESS you have a FREE SPIN - you will then be asked if you want to use it.) Play proceeds in this manner until the third round is completed. If there is a tie, a TIEBREAKER round or rounds will be played until there is a clear winner. IF YOU GET STUCK - If you can't solve the puzzle, there is a way to move on. Try to solve the puzzle 3 times (this gives each player a chance). You will then be asked if you want the solution revealed. BE SURE, because no one will be award=g:dD@@e @e` @e@e ydyd29y=g:dDAAe؞Ae` AeAeĺydydJ9g3n3p3r3tN:/<L?<?9~NPO09n29p49r69tNhj3333NW/<L?<?9~NPO3=3=NN9f?<?9~NXO09NbN:N09 3N3R3^093L3X3\093V3Z093P3TNu3N3R3^3L3X3\3V3Z3P3TNuNJygp9mkAض pN09AT2XHk @eSh`ATr`,J(f @g"h 4)2a3B24)4a3B4 RAyeAT2H"H ` 0<"QRAyfSy3l33Nu09N0 ygJyJyk` 09N0XONJBk@egSBNu49`ZJ(fP9ieFg9hbg3dR999hci3l309ްyd$Nb09)d~yvyxr29@ep9`<0¼?3vyv33z29y|349)d??9N'0yg9>f^3f9>fJWf99hd` JWf3f3d3f09Nb3d9ga23l342y~yyQHTrNuS@eATHJ0f p 1|2XrNu09fp>N[J@gp9><33NuAc9a\N JgtAcaFJ@gd|g\?09Nb333l0ATr` bRRA ye333lNuAc9aN$JfAca?AcaN<2J@f?ATp`:2b.e&/?NbJ9mf #a0 _` JgSR@ ye333lTONuL`9gRMBNug|gy9f #rB@e B@RA`JAg <0<0e RA`JAg <0<0'e 'RA`JAg <0<0|e|RA`JAg <0<0|de|dRA`JAg <0<0| e| RA`JAg<0<0BNupNu0<NuRHabyd*pNu"Hg<lgܰ<Lgְ<rg̰<Rgư<mg<Mg<9bҰ<0ea2ydpNu|de0<cNuprg0e  d A`Nua`r$BeBRA`?¼0a0g .dreRA`a"XJgJ@fC BNu<0Nu>9CـO"qpNua$Hg(<pfC٨`<ifCٌ` <cfC.ptvrg2<.fJBf(t`0e  dJBf A`.gց`Jg ּ2dCNu09kAT2kXH@ef1ySh`AT29`"J(f"h 4)2ar3B24)4ah3B4 QAT2I"HEd2<$Q` 2<"QR@yfEd2<"QS@3NAbJBk@egSBNu49SBNu09kAT2kXH@bgRh`Bh`AT29`"J(f"h 4)2ar3B24)4ah3B4 QAT2I"HEd2<$Q` 2<!!QSdCTEd2<"Q3pNbJBkBBe<8BL6ðgddon't have to type in the ".PZ" extension - it will be added automatically). After making the file selection, you will move to the edit screen. Here you will see a puzzle board ready for puzzle entry, brief instructions for command key use, the name of the file you are Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 6 working on and the number of the puzzle currently being edited. To enter a new puzzle, use the cursor (arrow) keys or space bar to move the cursor to the place you wish to enter text and begin entering your puzzle. The words of the puzzle will appear during the game in the same locations you place them here, so use a little artistic judgement to achieve a nice balance. The Backspace key moves the cursor back a space and deletes the letter under it. The Delete key deletes the letter under the cursor without moving the cursor. You can enter only the letters A-Z and the punctuation marks " - " (dash) and " ' " (apostrophe). After you have the puzzle the way you want it, press the [F10] function key. A cursor will appear in the category box below the puzzle board. Enter the appropriate category here (you are limited to 12 letters in the category) and press [Return] when you are finished. It is not necessary to capitalize the category - this is done automatically. FILEEDIT will then write the puzzle to disk and move on to the next puzzle to be entered or edited. You can stop entering puzzles at any time - you don't have to enter all 104 at one sitting. The editor will pick up where you leave off when you choose the file again later. [F5] will end the edit session and return you to WHSHELL if it is on disk A, or to the desktop. TO EDIT AN EXISTING PUZZLE - Instead of entering a puzzle, you can press the [F1] function key. This will then bring up a prompt for the number of the puzzle you want to edit (this is the number you see in the upper left corner of the edit screen, or the puzzle number shown in the output from FILELIST.PRG). Enter the puzzle number and press [Return]. The desired puzzle will then be offered for edit. When it's the way you want it, press [F10] and proceed to edit the category (if the category is ok, just press [Return]). To change anything in the category, you first will need to delete either the incorrect letters or the blank spaces - if you hear a bell, the category already has the maximum 12 characters entered. Press [Return] when you are finished and the editor will then continue as described above. FILE SIZE - Each puzzle file contains 104 puzzles (6784 bytes) when complete. Any file to be encoded and used with the game program MUST have all 104 puzzles. If you are not sure if you've entered all the puzzles yet, either look at the file size from the desktop (it should show 6784 bytes) or select the file from within FILEEDIT.PRG (if the file is full, the puzzle shown will be number 104). You are encouraged to use your imagination in creating the puzzle files. Having all of the puzzles relating to a central theme makes for a tasty type of trivia puzzle. Giving more specific category descriptions can make easier puzzles for the younger set. You can also create a very educational game using the information to be learned as the puzzle material. X-Rated puzzles for the adult players can be interesting. Most important - have a good time with it! NOTE: Extra care should be devoted in making sure that the puzzles are spelled correctly - it is VERY frustrating to try to solve an incorrectly spelled puzzle (as it says under the SOLVE THE PUZZLE topic, SPELLING COUNTS!) Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 7 #FILECODE.PRG (Puzzle File Encoder for the Wheel-Of-Fortune !program family) #INTRODUCTION FILECODE is used to encode the .PZ files created with FILEEDIT into .PUZ files suitable for use with the Wheel-Of-Fortune game program. This coding is done to prevent the casual user from browsing through the file, giving them a very unfair advantage during game play! "USING FILECODE Before running FILECODE, you must have a complete (104 puzzle/6784 byte) puzzle file ready - you can't encode a partial file. After running FILECODE from either the shell program or the desktop, you will be presented with a GEM file selector box asking you to choose the unencoded file (*.PZ). After this choice is made a new file selector box will appear prompting you for the coded file name (*.PUZ) and giving as a default the old file name with the new extension. If that is acceptable, simply press return. Otherwise, enter the new name. You will then be asked for a file descriptor. This is a maximum of 12 characters of your choice that will be displayed after the file is selected in versions 2.0 and higher of the Wheel-Of-Fortune game program. If you do not want to enter anything here, just press [Return]. The file will then be encoded and you will be asked if you want to do another. Either select yes and repeat the above procedure, or choose no and be returned to either the shell or the desktop. #FILELIST.PRG (Puzzle File Lister for the Wheel-Of-Fortune !program family) #INTRODUCTION FILELIST is a simple program that will list the puzzles and categories of a *.PZ file to a printer, removing the excess spaces in the process. This gives you an easy to read list for checking the file for spelling, duplications and incorrect categories. It is presumed that your layout of the puzzle in the puzzle board is already the way you want it. It also gives the puzzle number so that you can go directly to it using the FILEEDIT program. It is not necessary for you to have entered all 104 puzzles - however many puzzles you have entered will be listed. The space-stripping routine is fairly dumb, so some of the puzzles may still have an extra space or two, but all in all, they are much easier to read and correct this way. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 8 "USING FILELIST After running the program from the shell or desktop you will see the familiar GEM file selector box, prompting you for a *.PZ file selection. After making your choice, you will be asked if the printer is ready. If it is, the list will be printed and you will be returned to the shell or desktop. #DELIMIT.PRG (Delimited file creator for the Wheel-Of-Fortune !program family) #INTRODUCTION This file is included in the event you would like to use your favorite database program to keep track of your puzzle files. I move all of mine into ZOOMRACKS II (by Quickview Systems - 146 Main Street - Los Altos, CA 94022 - (415) 965-0327 - I like it very much!). This lets me sort and alphabetize and in general get a better look at the finished file. Most other database programs will read a delimited file as well. "USING DELIMIT As with most of the other programs the file must be complete (104 puzzles) for the program to work. DELIMIT must be run from the desktop as I felt most people would use it infrequently. After double-clicking you will see a GEM file selector box. Choose the desired "*.PZ" extension file (there is no reason to convert an encoded file!) and then the new delimited file name (.DTA is suggested as an extension). DELIMIT will then write to disk the delimited data. Each record has two fields, the category first and then the puzzle. This program uses the same blank stripping routine as FILELIST, with the same occasional extra blank. If you're a perfectionist, you can edit them out after you load them into your database program. DELIMIT also writes 20 extra large blank records onto the end of the file to make sure that ZOOMRACKS reads all of the data (this is one of the few bugs in the ZOOMRACKS program - it likes to get to the end of a disk sector when it's reading a delimited file). Simply delete these extra records after reading them into the database program. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 9 $IN CLOSING I hope you enjoy playing Wheel-Of-Fortune ala ATARI ST. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions for improvement you might have. I can be contacted on GENIE (as R.PYLE) or on DELPHI (as CHILIDOG), or you can write to: "Robert H. Pyle #P.O. Box 947 Weimar, Texas 78962 Remember - writing computer games is a time consuming undertaking - and the Shareware concept makes it possible for you to preview the program thoroughly. So - if you enjoy playing the game, a reasonable donation ($10 or so) will help a poor programmer keep providing you with quality software and support at a cost far below comparable commercial packages. !SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE AUTHORS! AND Keep on Spinnin' Bob Pyle NOTE AND CAVEAT: There are a couple of puzzle file editors in the public domain that were written without my consultation - and as a result, they have caused some of the PD puzzle files circulating to contain "illegal" characters - ie: punctuation marks or other characters that are not allowed or used in the original game. I have modified Wheel 2.0 to accept these so that the files can be used, but I don't like it! I also have no control over the low quality and occasional incorrectly spelled words of some (not all!) of the puzzle files out there - programmers (and others) are notorious for their lack of language skills. If you find a good file, let the author and others know that you like it. If you find a poor one, let the author know that they need to devote more time to making sure that their ignorance and/or lack of care is not made public! ?`(bT` Efv*oM- m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNrHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALNHHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN,>JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr NL9lNupealp`NuaN,Hz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu    -pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNu&8*:EENuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NtNu&8*JEgJBgJjBEB:HC҅H@:|ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuN؂pNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@NN?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|ؖ  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</N`JFkSFk&aQN``Ha"FFaQL8N46.ؖJgtBnؖNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N4<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dGe GbFGNu G0dFGHANu~NuAd RdQRB6Ce0 C/jC C@j C jr0H@{0DH@Nur{0Nu{0NutNuJj(:,af AfBfNu&<x*<NHnאr$g4jDk( b4<J@`@[H@0Nu4<Ѐ[Nu4<NuNuAd RdQRBBkBjDBJjDNupNufJj fJAkNupNdRdRrxaAffBWHNuJjDBDA@JBfprJjDEDD@JEfvxNuaغBffAVHNuCDEaEf fDUHNu]HNuCDEaEffDftNuCDEHHN:N L8NL8NJjtNupN&NAXJ@jNNu~c0NQNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNuaHQ` @gS@@CNu   aH@@`"aH@@`a0) 4a3B HA2;i`0^ M / hawAnFNuAXr%eee%NuAMNuA.A&HP 0 0 &0&?< NN\Nu p6`p5`p4`p3` p2`p`pN @ddAg(g@A `1||9XgBX)HJPfNu"lJQf2")IBQlk0Np` QNu2p~?`2p~@`~?`~@St4f9G/0Nd(g^AA `.j>(1GRhgbHhBg?,(/?<BNA Jk@$_>g8 Z"XPf, HQH/?,(?,NA gJk p x?gp%NNu @fp7`&(*NtNN J@jD@vqapvN>)@p `H@)@prtNLAHplrtNLB 2pNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtNLAl 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtNL9Cp rtNL2AHZNuAv` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHN^A VB0BP9|p tNLA~`9@Z0<rA~HA VBB0ZBP9Gp trNLAl 2l 4HPrtpgNLaBp0,l 2Nua40,HNua*p0,l 4Nuaprt0,l 22,l 44,NuN9||BlBlrҌpsNBNu?<NNT$g4<rЀ[Nu0<}Np& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`NT(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNpZNA BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENpAR@H`2QNu@9@JpNNr|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| NLp`p`pNNu~`~ `~HAҬ 2HA dJ@g??)AVHT hf if$Qb XbEJf$?`N|NlX4TSWjT` $A4TQE I XX0d?N|NlVT4SWfT`2,V`$AT4Qr40NL2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NN"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNu?<?<NAXJgJgNjAH@B pNA NuApNA pNNܼ$N$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0NuNJ@gpNuNY@k NupNu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqN8p"_0HqN8E ұeHHQ0)Np$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNnWHNuNnVHNuNnUHNuNnRHNu Ihd*N$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*N$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?N$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iN$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENua NuN IHPg"B  g &gNLJBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkN޼RB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`0H 0 0H@Nu?<*NATANp N"H2H@N/0@N/YdNHAN2p <0N`QNu0g< @g4:8(g* b.&NSD`Q0$C$RQLjN CNuNpNp NH&NրNjNuNJ@fC )I( BA")Hp9@J9@L9@NpyN DJlrgNp N, N$F Z2Ad@`Q` QNuQNu?r`??, N$F Z268SDĒDcCc2Ac0`QNuHRp` HRpJQfpNLNq Y QfdЀЀ 0NuNRGFc8>`4A g6 g0 g` gTlfelhgFf2pRGRFa`a,` `?~ap ap a 0NuCpE`bf`FgRGJGgRSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0Nu?<?<NMXNur9A(HN0LNu0,^2,`NzEfpaRppaNAEg0PaľEfa4RE`p a2a*Efp a(NldeS@f lbfSl`9Ab9FdNupapqr`p`C l ", Ⲭ dfѬ SA 0! 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failureYp-KNu _b@gGHpp 0f NuGNp @"l`Yd&-KNN"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`p"l`Qd&&| NuN"l`QepZNC ҳfHP0(N$W$RR@H`2Q"H _$l` dd" $X&0BP6Y&|Hg R@@%E ҳeHQ0)Np$_$RR@H`2QNu$Y 0P1@Hg R@@%NuN$l` epZNN# Wheel of Fortune ver. 2.0 6/26/87zCNNcopyright 1987 Robert H. Pyle/CN?<NNTA`N޸A`N|zNߊfN;HxNA Sorry!|This program runs in| Low Resolution| only.HPNRats!r"_ NA`N޸NpNBp NC큘Np NC큞Np NC큤Np NC큪Np NC큰Np NC큶N+|HxpC탆~Np C Np CzNpC탌NpCNpCNpCNHxpC~NHxpCb~NHxpC\~NHxpCP~NHxpC~NpCNHxpCJ~NA C&Np4CNHx4pCD~NA C N+|zHx4pCt~NAN AN A?N AN N+|+|B:BmBBBn <r$<N&<x*< N&<x*< NN+@6ALN /-AN AN AN AnN AFN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN BF/-FAhN AlN AN pNB -VSWHgN>AHN `+| -AND/-BpCb~N/-HxpCb~N/-HxpCb~N/-HxpCb~NN`NqNqHxN*Do you want to| select a new| puzzle file?HPNPlease|Not Nowr"_ N+@V -VSWHfN?+|zBV`NN\NpNpNpNpNpr8NNWelcome to Wheel of FortuneNPp(rNN"How many will be playing (2 or 3)?NPApN N -ZRVHfNH+|p4AND -CNlHP -:@Nj"_NfNF$ -N޼&<x*<NRpJBgp/ -N޼&<x*<NRpJBgp$VHfNEpNpNpNp N/-AN NFpNpNpNp N/-AN /-&pCb~NZ/ -T/ -ЀCP~N _ѐAN /-HxpCD~N+|>N`Nq ->N޼zNRpJBgp/ -N޼&<x*<NߊpJBgp$VHfNGApN N Sorry - no HP -:@Nj"_NHPN's"_NHPAN AN pKNl/-&pCb~NJVHfNGAPXN NGANN NH -RVHfNH+|n+|p4AND/-pCD~NSVHfNHP -CNlHPpANj"_NpJBgp/ -CNlHPpENj"_NpJBgp/ -CNlHPpONj"_NpJBgp/ -CNlHPpINj"_NpJBgp/ -CNlHPpUNj"_NpJBgp/ -CNlHPp Nj"_NpJBgp$VHfNHPBnN`Nq -nRWHfNH|AQN NHApN NIt's still your turnHPAN NHBZN N -VSWHgNJN:H AN޸ A$N޸ A*N޸A*N|zNߊfNJAN|&<x*<NߜpJBgp/A$N|&<x*<NߜpJBgp/AN|&<x*<NߢpJBgp/A$N|&<x*<NߢpJBgp$VHfNJAN|&<x*<NߢfNI+|AYN NJAN|&<x*<NߢfNJ\ -nRWHfNJ&Bm.NJV+|AN AN AJN AN NJ+|AN ARFN AN NJBm.A*N|zNߊgNJ`N N -T/ -ЀCP~N ^HfNJAQ6N NK -T/ -ЀCP~N~N MKM N&N N/-&pCb~NZ/ -6 _ѐB6AN ApN NYOU HIT THE JACKPOT!!!HPAN A(N pdNlALN Hx HxpCP~NHx Hx <CP~NHx HxN15O4C~N/-AN ApN NIt's Still Your TurnHPAN p2NlAQ6N N NpNpNpNpl"<Np|"<*Nxpt"<NpNpNpNpNpNNAN A>N BAhCN+|p4AND/-HmVp"-"_NJCNN`NqNqAtC,NHm&p4"_NC2NprNXAzC,NHm&p4"_NC2NprNXpN -zJWHgN`,N NAJNNpNpNpNp NprHNNChoose a Puzzle FileNPN\*.PUZHPA HPA8""_NnHm8A "_NfNFA8C NNNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNLNJBfNNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNNpRNjHPHm p@ _r"_NpNA,r NA2r4Np Njr NC,Np Njr4NC2NprNTA,CtNHm,p"_NCnNHm,p"_NHPNRHPYLE"_NfNLAN BmNZA 0AN|&<x*<NRgFA2C&NprNTA,CzNHm,N RHP-PUB.DOM."_NfNA>N NA~N Hm&A2"_NC&NpNAJNA CJNN NN>NN|prNN*N|N !This file will not work with this4N*N|Nprogram!N* <NlN NNN|prNN*N|N$This file has been released into theN*N|N Public Domain by Robert H. PyleoN*N|AnNN*N|N*N|NI hope you enjoy it.N* <NlN NNN|prNN*N|NThis file system is AnNN by R.H.PyleN*N|NAll Rights Reserved.N*N|N*N|N This file is labeled:!N*N|N*N|AzNN* <NlN NpNpNAN|&<x*<N&<x*<NN"<NAN|&<x*<N&<x*<NN"<NN NpNpN <"<N <"<NpNpN <rdN <"<NN NpN pN <rbN <"<N, <rcN <"<N <rbN <"<N <"<N <"<N, <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<N <"<NpNp"-"_NJN+@ -N޼&<x*<NߜpJBgp/ -N޼&<x*<NߢpJBgp$VHfN+m -N޼HHmbp"-"_NJNN޼L8N&<x*<NN+@ - A]HfN -+@N+mHmh/- -Njr "_NR -]^HfN+|N`NqN NNN\pNpNBm+|A 0 <r$<AN+|RA< W0 <r$<zAr1N <"< Np>r1N <"< N,p:r-N <"<N,pN +|pAND+|pANDNCN/-/-AC~NN`NqNqN`NqNq)| BpAND+|pANDNN+@/-/- -C\~NN`NqNqN`NqNqpAbNHxHxpCb~NHxHxpCb~NHxHxpCb~N+|pAND/-HxN C~N/-HxN C~NN`NqNq)| BpANDNN+@"/- -"N޼CNNN+@"/- -"N޼CNN`NqNq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p  ܜbԂR &p 2 nXZr0D *& 6 . ,(  ,(@J:: *P  ":bR FF8>N"0b6b6$$$ $  NRd*C`)T` Efv*oM m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HN8Hx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALNzHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN "2JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N9lNupealp`NuaN,Hz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu    -pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn$ 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|H  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8Nt6.HJgtBnHNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?Nt<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXtNutNuJ@jD@vqapvN)@p `H@)@prtNAHplrtNB 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtNpapap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtNAl 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtN9Cp rtNAv` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHNaBp0,l 2Nua40,HNua*p0,l 4Nuaprt0,l 22,l 44,NuN9||BlBlrҌpsNBNu(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu@9@JpNNr|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| N2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NN"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNuN$N$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0Nu _0HpN _0HpNE ұeHHQ0)N0$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NuNJ@fC )I( BA)Hp9@J9@L9@NpyN DJlrgNp N?k?<NM"UAf J@fH@NuDW?<NMXNup`pJ@gHzZ?<&NN\NuB?< NA\Av ACLElp"Jg X\QC"C!/:@?< NA\NuLH!Nu$Hx`(Hx`"Hx`Hx`Hx`Hx` Hx`Hx !4VxH A6@ Ni LHL|1R/:?< NApdK`HaJLxNNu)H9@Jp4NP'J&f H LNu P&NuQ'` J,'fJ,&gHA#ȇeC! 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure"l`Yd&-KNN"l`YepN&#nk"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`NL) Wheel of Fortune Shell ver. 2.0 6/26/87CtNXNLcopyright 1987 Robert H. 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LowNFprNBNv. 1.0NFNANXJBfN/HxN| >> Save File Changes Now << eHPN Yes|Discard4r"_ NAN|ANX&<x*<NfN/A=NfBmNRp rNNJThis editor is to be used to make Puzzle Files for use with the excellent NNRp"NNNRNWheel of FortuneNRp"NNNRN6 game program which was written by Robert H. Pyle and NNRN=released into the Public Domain. 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Notice that around the actual maze is a series of walls three deep, since my game shows everything for three places in front of the current position. Imagine if the player was currently at the outside edge of the maze, facing the wall. It is much easier to have a dummy series of walls defined and just draw them, rather than continually having to check where the player is and how much to draw. Using two variables, XP and YP, we can keep track of where the player is when working out what the surrounding area looks like. However, knowing the players' current location isn't enough. We must also know which direction he's facing. Take a look at the example maze below: direction 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 direction 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 direction 2 1 0 0 X 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 direction 3 If the player at position X was facing direction 1, would see: P P W P P W P P P W P W But facing direction 4 would change the view to: P P P W P P W P P W W P Where P is a path and W is a wall. Therefore a variable, DI, is needed to store the current direction, which will be updated whenever the player turns around. We'll also need some way of reading the correct information from the MAZE array depending upon the value of DI. This is best achieved with two other arrays, one each for the X and Y coordinates, TX(DI,ROW,POS) and TY(DI,ROW,POS). The data for these arrays, covering each of the four directions, can be found starting at line 860 in my program. Some explanation of how these values were obtained, together with how to use them, is essential. It's also quite a tricky subject to describe, so you may need to read the following sections more than once. (If you have a printer, use the PRINT option, otherwise try taking notes. You'll find them invaluable when you start playing around with the program). To draw the screen you need to read five positions from the back row, five from the middle and three from the one the player is currently standing on, as shown in the figures above. The coordinates of these are found by adding offset values to both the X and Y coordinates. It is these offsets that are stored in the TX and TY arrays. 1 2 3 4 5 A X-2,Y-2 X-1,Y-2 X,Y-2 X+1,Y-2 X+2,Y-2 B X-2,Y-1 X-1,Y-1 X,Y-1 X+1,Y-1 X+2,Y-1 C X-2,Y X-1,Y X,Y X+1,Y X+2,Y D X-2,Y+1 X-1,Y+1 X,Y+1 X+1,Y+1 X+2,Y+1 E X-2,Y+2 X-1,Y+2 X,Y+2 X+1,Y+2 X+2,Y+2 Table I: The offset values. For example, the offset values for direction 1 would be all of rows A and B, and the three middle bits of row C. The values for direction 4 however, would be all of columns 1 and 2, with the middle bits of column 3. Try matching the offsets given in Table I with the data in the program. When actually drawing the screen it's best to start at the back and work forwards. This way there are no messy calculations trying to work out whether something is going to be hidden by a wall. If all that seemed a little complicated, the following description of how the program works should help clear things up a bit. Don't be surprised if you have to read this article more than once to fully understand the techniques I've used, it gave me enough brain-ache working it out my self. Since my game only has a perspective three places deep, it is necessary to draw a very dark strip to make up the background. Otherwise, in certain parts of the maze, it would appear that walls just ended in nothingness. Also, when you move forward, new walls would seem to appear from nowhere. Once this has been drawn, we can start drawing the walls. Note, there is no need to draw pathways, since these are just empty spaces with nothing in them. Because we want the new image to appear almost immediately, without appearing to draw the various sections individually, I have defined a blank screen (7), to which I copy the graphics to. When the image is complete, it is a simple matter to draw a frame around it all and copy the whole thing to the physical screen. If you want to examine the program while it's running and see exactly what is going on, try making the following changes: 245 GOSUB 10 255 GOSUB 10 305 GOSUB 10 315 GOSUB 10 330 GOSUB 10 : RETURN 365 GOSUB 10 375 GOSUB 10 420 GOSUB 10 : xx=xx+160 : NEXT c 465 GOSUB 10 495 GOSUB 10 505 GOSUB 10 535 GOSUB 10 10 SCREEN COPY 7 TO PHYSIC : WAIT VBL : SCREEN COPY 7 TO BACK : WAIT VBL 10010 WAIT KEY 10020 RETURN After drawing the dark strip, the back row is put in place. Take a look at line 290: 290 IF maze(xp+tx(di,3,c),yp+ty(di,3,c))=0 THEN 330 This uses the players coordinates, (XP and YP), and the two offset arrays. The variable 'di' is the direction in which the player is facing, the number 3 means the third or back row, and 'c' is a number from 1 to 5. By combining this lot with the 'maze' array, we'll obtain a value of either zero or one. If the value is zero, the position being tested is a walkway, and therefore we don't need to draw anything. On the other hand, if it's one we've found a wall. Lines 300 to 320 will copy the correct graphics from screen 5 to screen 7. The front face of a wall is done by 300 and the side pieces, used to give a feeling of depth, are drawn with 310 and 320. Once this routine has been done five times, once for each value of 'c', the back row will be completed with the walls and pathways in the correct places. We now do this all again for the second row with lines 340 to 460, except the value of 'c' will be two instead of three. Lines 360 and 370 are used to draw the edge pieces you'll see whenever your looking around a corner. To see exaclty what I mean, try running the program as it is and then running it with these two lines REMmed out. Notice lines 430 to 460, which check the position directly in front of the player and draw a block if neccessary. The last two lines concerned with the graphics are 490 and 500. These put in the side pieces immediately left and right of the player. All that is left to do now is draw the border, by copying it from screen 6. Displaying the new screen is a simple matter of copying the data from screen 7 to the physical and background screens. The remaining part of the program, lines 580 to 690, is concerned with reading the keyboard. To actually move around use the four arrow keys, with the Insert and Clr/Home keys being used to rotate the player on the spot. Don't worry if the graphics seem a little rough, or even out of perspective in places. The last thing I am is an artist, so it's up to you to take the techniques and ideas discussed this month and produce your own mega 3D game. I'm sure our friendly editor, (crawl crawl), will only be too happy to put the best on the cover disc for the rest of the world to marvel at. b10 rem 3d-maze game 20 rem by Phil Lawson for Atari ST User (c) 1990 30 mode 0 : key off : curs off : key off 40 rem SET UP THE SCREENS 50 rem * 60 reserve as screen 5 70 reserve as screen 6 80 reserve as screen 7 90 unpack 10,5 : wait vbl 100 unpack 11,6 : wait vbl 110 rem INITIALISE THE ARRAYS 120 rem * 130 dim MAZE(16,16),TX(4,3,5),TY(4,3,5) 140 restore 700 150 for A=1 to 16 : for B=1 to 16 : read MAZE(B,A) : next B : next A 160 for A=1 to 4 : for B=3 to 1 step-1 : for C=1 to 5 170 read TX(A,B,C),TY(A,B,C) : next C : next B : next A 180 XP=13 : YP=13 : DI=1 190 rem DRAW THE SCREEN 200 rem * 210 cls 7 220 rem Put the back line in first 230 rem = 240 screen copy 5,160,80,304,96 to 7,16,88 250 screen copy 5,160,80,304,96 to 7,80,88 260 rem Now put in line 3 270 rem = 280 C=1 : gosub 290 : C=5 : gosub 290 : C=2 : gosub 290 : C=4 : gosub 290 : C=3 : gosub 290 : goto 360 290 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,3,C),YP+TY(DI,3,C))=0 then 330 300 screen copy 5,96,31,144,79 to 7,(C*48)-48,72 310 if C<3 then screen copy 5,160,0,176,47 to 7,(C*48),73 320 if C>3 then screen copy 5,176,0,192,47 to 7,(C*48)-64,73 330 return 340 rem Now put in line 2 350 rem = 360 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,2,1),YP+TY(DI,2,1))=1 then screen copy 5,96,0,128,110 to 7,16,41 370 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,2,5),YP+TY(DI,2,5))=1 then screen copy 5,128,0,160,110 to 7,200,41 380 S$=screen$(5,0,32 to 48,143) : XX=16 : for C=2 to 4 step 2 390 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,2,C),YP+TY(DI,2,C))=0 then goto 420 400 screen$(7,XX,40)=S$ : if C=2 then screen copy 5,96,0,128,110 to 7,64,41 : wait vbl : goto 420 410 screen copy 5,128,0,160,110 to 7,154,41 420 XX=XX+160 : next C 430 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,2,3),YP+TY(DI,2,3))=0 then goto 490 440 rem Now the position directly in front 450 rem =" 460 screen$(7,64,40)=S$ : screen$(7,110,40)=S$ : screen$(7,128,40)=S$ 470 rem Draw the pieces directly left and right 480 rem =' 490 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,1,2),YP+TY(DI,1,2))=1 then screen copy 5,0,0,48,176 to 7,16,8 500 if MAZE(XP+TX(DI,1,4),YP+TY(DI,1,4))=1 then screen copy 5,48,0,96,176 to 7,176,8 510 rem NOW DRAW THE BORDER AROUND THE IMAGE 520 rem *$ 530 S$=screen$(6,40,0 to 280,196) : screen$(7,8,0)=S$ 540 rem NOW COPY THE DRAWN SCREEN TO THE DISPLAY 550 rem *( 560 wait vbl 570 screen copy 7,8,0,239,198 to physic,16,0 : wait vbl : screen copy physic to back : wait vbl 580 I$="" : while I$="" : I$=inkey$ : SC=scancode : wend 590 OK=0 : if SC=82 then dec DI : OK=1 600 if SC=71 then inc DI : OK=1 610 if DI<1 then DI=4 else if DI>4 then DI=1 620 TD=0 630 if SC=75 then TD=DI-1 : if TD=0 then TD=4 640 if SC=77 then TD=DI+1 : if TD=5 then TD=1 650 if SC=72 then TD=DI 660 if SC=80 then TD=DI+2 : if TD>4 then TD=TD-4 670 if OK=1 then goto 210 680 if MAZE(XP+TX(TD,2,3),YP+TY(TD,2,3))=0 then XP=XP+TX(TD,2,3) : YP=YP+TY(TD,2,3) 690 goto 210 700 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 710 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 720 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 730 data 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1 740 data 1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1 750 data 1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 760 data 1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 770 data 1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 780 data 1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1 790 data 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 800 data 1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1 810 data 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0, 0,1,1,1 820 data 1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 830 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 840 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 850 data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 860 rem data for direction 1 870 data-2,-2,-1,-2,0,-2,1,-2,2,-2 880 data-2,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,-1,2,-1 890 data-2,0,-1,0,0,0,1,0,2,0 900 rem data for direction 2 910 data 2,-2,2,-1,2,0,2,1,2,2 920 data 1,-2,1,-1,1,0,1,1,1,2 930 data 0,-2,0,-1,0,0,0,1,0,2 940 rem data for direction 3 950 data 2,2,1,2,0,2,-1,2,-2,2 960 data 2,1,1,1,0,1,-1,1,-2,1 970 data 2,0,1,0,0,0,-1,0,-2,0 980 rem data for direction 4 990 data-2,2,-2,1,-2,0,-2,-1,-2,-2 1000 data-1,2,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,-2 1010 data 0,2,0,1,0,0,0,-1,0,-2 FLionpoulos($  3d-maze game0 by Phil Lawson for Atari ST User (c) 1990:ͦ::ͦ( SET UP THE SCREENS2 *<FPZ ,:d ,:n INITIALISE THE ARRAYSx *T$MAZE(,),"TX(,,),"TY(,,)fA:B:$MAZE(B,A):B:A\A:B:C^"TX(A,B,C),"TY(A,B,C):C:B:A0XP :YP :DI DRAW THE SCREENȊ * Ҵ"܊ Put the back line in first" =6,,P,0,`,,X6,,P,0,`,P,X Now put in line 3 =C:":C:":C:":C:":C:":hp"$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,C),YP"TY(DI,,C))JH,,`,,,O,(C0)0,HV6C,,,,/,(C0),I\@C,,,,/,(C0)@,IJT Now put in line 2^ =h$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,),YP"TY(DI,,)),`,,,n,,)r$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,),YP"TY(DI,,)),,,,n,,)^|S$(,, 0,):XX:Cv$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,C),YP"TY(DI,,C))|(,XX,()S$:C,`,,,n,@,)::6,,,,n,,)$XXXX:Ct$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,),YP"TY(DI,,))* Now the position directly in front*Š ="`(,@,()S$:(,n,()S$:(,,()S$.֊ Draw the pieces directly left and right. ='$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,),YP"TY(DI,,)),,,0,,,$MAZE(XP"TX(DI,,),YP"TY(DI,,)),0,,`,,,, NOW DRAW THE BORDER AROUND THE IMAGE, *$NS$(,(,,):(,,)S$0 NOW COPY THE DRAWN SCREEN TO THE DISPLAY0& *(0<:,,,,ƀ,,:::>DI$:I$:I$:SC:@NOK:SCRDI:OK0XSCGDI:OKPbDIDIDIDIlTDTvSCKTDDI:TDTDTSCMTDDI:TDTD*SCHTDDI\SCPTDDI:TDTDTD&OK$MAZE(XP"TX(TD,,),YP"TY(TD,,))XPXP"TX(TD,,):YPYP"TY(TD,,)h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hƠ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hР,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hڠ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h䠦,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ data for direction 1Pf,,,,,,,,,Pp,,,,,,,,,Fz,,,,,,,,, data for direction 2H,,,,,,,,,H,,,,,,,,,H,,,,,,,,, data for direction 3H,,,,,,,,,H,,,,,,,,,Hʠ,,,,,,,,,Ԋ data for direction 4Pޠ,,,,,,,,,P蠦,,,,,,,,,H,,,,,,,,,c(j޼ټ"3DUfwss7U3w?????????????????????????? ??@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ s߹ x{1c1cs9s9s9p )JR)JR)JR s߹  |9s9ss9s9s9p9o   ys9s9s9s=9s9s9s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDZ`NY`A$X AFFFLAGSC1wC0c(;T޼ټ"3DUfwss7U3wa)JR)JR)JRcccfR)JR)JR)JRLa)JR)JR)JRcccfR)JR)JR)JRL&LXf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDZJNYJA$X AFFFLAGSC1wC0"3DUfwss7U3w&HHHHH???H}?HHHHHHH???H?HHHHHHH??H?HHHHHHH??H?HH?HHBRHHHHH?HHHHHHXRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR2 &XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX???? .??X??"""vvvvvvvvpfvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv?vvvxx >>  D`>> ??`>>?? ``~~ ?`||~?8~? `~~~?8~?~ `ffa~?~?~` `f`??a>>>>?? `f`??a>>>>>>?? `f`??a????>>?? `f`??a??`>>?? `f`???<?>>?? ?`f`???<?>>??π ~~<<#5#<vv<<$??||$?`6|0|$@4 0~?~?O>??0O<? ?x6G???c??030 &1???|0|30k Xc??0?0k X<???0`00k X|??0`00c J@ ???cXA??|cX==??{0033 {30303311c000066333030c3030003030c110033333030c0011cc00j   T*/* AstroPanic ST by Charles Brannon */ /* adapted from MULTIFDB.C by Charles Brannon */ /* created June 12 1986 */ /* last modified June 27 1986 */ #include #include #include #include #include #define fdb_XOR 6 #define fdb_REPLACE 3 #define fdb_ERASE 4 #define fdb_TRANS 7 #define fdb_REVTRANS 13 #define rnd(x) (Random()%(x)) #define HIDE_MOUSE graf_mouse(M_OFF,&dummy) #define SHOW_MOUSE graf_mouse(M_ON,&dummy) #define COLORMODE work_out[35] #define NUMSPRITES 6 #define MISSILE_H (COLORMODE? 8 : 16) #define MISSILE_SPEED (COLORMODE? 7 : 12 ) #define TOPSCREEN 4 #define TEXTBOX 32 /* global variables */ int dummy,ch,cw; int work_handle,contrl[12],pxyarray[10]; int intin[128],intout[128],ptsin[128],ptsout[128]; int work_in[11],work_out[57]; struct my_fdb { char *fd_addr; /* address of raster */ int fd_w; /* width in pixels */ int fd_h; /* height in rows */ int fd_wdwidth; /* width in words */ int fd_stand; /* 0 for ST, 1 for standard */ int fd_nplanes; /* how many planes */ int fd_r1, fd_r2, fd_r3; /* reserved */ } saucer,screen,cannon; int colortab[16][3]; /* used to save colors */ unsigned long score; /* you know what this is! */ int ships; /* how many cannons are left */ int missile; /* flag for whether missile is in flight or not */ int missile_x,missile_y; /* position of missile in flight */ int cannon_x, cannon_y; /* horizontal & vertical position of cannon */ int xborder,yborder; /* screen boundaries */ int x[NUMSPRITES],y[NUMSPRITES]; /* holds x/y position of sprites */ int xacc[NUMSPRITES],yacc[NUMSPRITES]; /* acceleration factors */ int isdead[NUMSPRITES]; /* is this sprite dead? */ int death_toll; /* saucers shot this round */ int textline; /* line where text box starts */ int round; /* current level of game */ int speed; /* saucer speed */ main() { int sprite; /* sprite index */ int prev_x,prev_y; /* stores previous position of a sprite */ appl_init(); init_workstation(); set_colors(); HIDE_MOUSE; clear_sky(); form_alert(1,"[1][AstroPanic!|Charles Brannon|(C) 1986 COMPUTE!|][ Let's Play! ]"); init_shapes(); xborder=work_out[0]-saucer.fd_w-4; textline=work_out[1]-((COLORMODE)? TEXTBOX : TEXTBOX<<1); yborder=textline-cannon.fd_h; cannon_y=yborder; reset_game(); /* ye olde main loope */ FOREVER { check_for_pause(); for (sprite=0;spritexborder) xacc[sprite]=-xacc[sprite],x[sprite]=prev_x; if (y[sprite]yborder) yacc[sprite]=-yacc[sprite],y[sprite]=prev_y; put(&saucer,prev_x,prev_y,fdb_XOR); put(&saucer,x[sprite],y[sprite],fdb_XOR); if (cannon_y-y[sprite]<8) if ( (cannon_x>=x[sprite] && cannon_x<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w) || (cannon_x+cannon.fd_w>=x[sprite] && cannon_x+cannon.fd_w<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w) ) { kill_cannon(); break; } } /* end for */ move_cannon(); if (missile) update_missile(); } } Terminate(flag) int flag; { reset_colors(); v_clsvwk(work_handle); appl_exit(); exit(flag); } /* dummy routine, for short delay */ dumdum() { int i; for (i=0;i++<42-(round<<1);); } reset_game() { missile=FALSE; /* kill missile */ clear_sky(); speed=2; /* maximum speed */ score=round=death_toll=0; ships=3; update_scorebox(); cannon_x=0; put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* cannon appears */ init_ufos(); } /* fill sky with stars */ clear_sky() { int star; v_clrwk(work_handle); vsl_color(work_handle,1); vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace */ for (star=0;star<100;star++) { pxyarray[2]=pxyarray[0]=rnd(work_out[0]); pxyarray[3]=pxyarray[1]=rnd(work_out[1]); v_pline(work_handle,2,pxyarray); } } /* allow player to pause game by pressing a key */ check_for_pause() { int key,which; /* poll keyboard by waiting for a null time duration */ which=evnt_multi(MU_TIMER|MU_KEYBD,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dummy,0,0, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&key,&dummy); if (which & MU_KEYBD) evnt_keybd(); } /* initializes positions and vectors for saucers */ init_ufos() { int sprite; death_toll=0; /* no sprites dead yet */ for (sprite=0;sprite>1)-rnd(speed+1); while (yacc[sprite]==0) yacc[sprite]=(speed>>1)-rnd(speed+1); x[sprite]=8+rnd(xborder-8); y[sprite]=8+rnd(yborder-50); put (&saucer,x[sprite],y[sprite],fdb_XOR); /* make it appear */ } } update_scorebox() { char temp[20]; int y,d; pxyarray[0]=0; pxyarray[1]=textline; pxyarray[2]=work_out[0]; pxyarray[3]=work_out[1]; vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace */ vsf_color(work_handle,1); /* white */ vsf_interior(work_handle,1); /* solid */ v_bar(work_handle,pxyarray); vswr_mode(work_handle,2); /* transparent */ vsl_color(work_handle,COLORMODE? 3 : 0); for (y=d=0;y>1,textline+(ch<<1)+(COLORMODE? 0 : ch),"ASTROPANIC"); vst_color(work_handle,0); /* draw text in black */ vst_alignment(work_handle,0,0,&dummy,&dummy); /* left */ sprintf(temp,"Cannons:%d Level:%d",ships,round+1); v_gtext(work_handle,cw,textline+ch*3,temp); vst_alignment(work_handle,2,0,&dummy,&dummy); /* right */ sprintf(temp,"Score:%07lu0",score); v_gtext(work_handle,work_out[0]-cw,textline+ch*3,temp); vst_alignment(work_handle,0,0,&dummy,&dummy); vst_color(work_handle,1); } /* when cannon is hit, kill it */ kill_cannon() { int lum; put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* remove cannon */ if (COLORMODE) setcolor(0,1000,0,0); /* flash screen */ else setcolor(0,1000,1000,1000); /* monochrome */ explode(cannon_x+(cannon.fd_w>>1),cannon_y+(cannon.fd_h>>1),8,1); if (COLORMODE) for (lum=1000;lum>=0;setcolor(0,lum--,0,0)); else setcolor(0,0,0,0); missile=FALSE; /* kill missile */ --ships; update_scorebox(); if (ships==0) { end_game(); return; } SHOW_MOUSE; if (ships==1) form_alert(1,"[3][|Last Cannon|][Ready!]"); else form_alert(1,"[3][|Next Cannon|][Ready!]"); HIDE_MOUSE; clear_sky(); update_scorebox(); cannon_x=0; put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* cannon appears */ init_ufos(); } /* explosion effect radiating from center */ /* flag controls duration of sound effect */ explode(xcenter,ycenter,radius,flag) int xcenter,ycenter,radius,flag; { static char boom[]= {0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0, 4,0, 5,0, 6,63, 7,0xf7, 8,0x10, 9,0, 10,0, 11,0, 12,10, 13,0, 255,0}; int r; boom[25]=flag? 20 : 10; Dosound(boom); vswr_mode(work_handle,3); /* XOR */ vsf_interior(work_handle,0); /* hollow circle */ for (r=0;r>1); missile_y=cannon_y; draw_missile(); released=FALSE; } } else released=TRUE; cannon_x=(xTOPSCREEN) draw_missile(); /* draw new missile */ else missile=FALSE; /* end of mission */ for (sprite=0;sprite=x[sprite] && missile_x<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w) if ( (y[sprite]>=missile_y && y[sprite]<=missile_y+MISSILE_H) || (y[sprite]+saucer.fd_h>=missile_y && y[sprite]+saucer.fd_h<=missile_y+MISSILE_H) ) { killsprite(sprite); break; } } } killsprite(which) int which; { put (&saucer,x[which],y[which],fdb_XOR); /* remove saucer */ draw_missile(); /* remove missile */ missile=FALSE; explode(x[which]+(saucer.fd_w>>1),y[which],8,0); isdead[which]=TRUE; score+=(COLORMODE? y[which] : (y[which]<<1)); update_scorebox(); if (++death_toll==NUMSPRITES) { init_ufos(); if (round<20) { round++; /* next round */ update_scorebox(); } if (speed<(COLORMODE? 16 : 24)) speed++; } } /* draws missile at missile_x, missile_y, with XOR */ draw_missile() { vswr_mode(work_handle,3); /* XOR drawing mode */ vsl_color(work_handle,1); /* white */ pxyarray[0]=missile_x; pxyarray[1]=missile_y-MISSILE_H; pxyarray[2]=missile_x; pxyarray[3]=missile_y;  v_pline(work_handle,2,pxyarray); vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace mode */ vsl_color(work_handle,1); /* black */ } /* Saves colors in global array colortab[] */ save_colors() { int i; for (i=0;i<16;i++) vq_color(work_handle,i,0,colortab[i]); } /* sets colors for this program */ set_colors() { save_colors(); setcolor(0,0,0,0); /* black */ setcolor(1,1000,1000,1000); /* white */ } setcolor(index,red,green,blue) int index,red,green,blue; { int rgb_in[3]; rgb_in[0]=red; rgb_in[1]=green; rgb_in[2]=blue; vs_color(work_handle,index,rgb_in); } reset_colors() { int i; for (i=0;i<16;i++) vs_color(work_handle,i,colortab[i]); } /* waits for a period of time */ delay(period) int period; { evnt_timer(period,0); } /* returns TRUE if mouse button clicked, else FALSE */ int clicked() { int pstatus; vq_mouse(work_handle,&pstatus,&dummy,&dummy); return(pstatus&2); } /* initializes the shapes according to screen resolution */ init_shapes() { screen.fd_addr=0; /* screen memory */ switch (work_out[13]) /* number of colors */ { /* high res, 640 x 400 */ case 2: ufo_high(); cannon_high(); break; /* medium res, 640 x 200 */ case 4: ufo_med(); cannon_med(); break; /* low res, 320 x 200 */ case 16: ufo_low(); cannon_low(); break; } } /* initializes data for high-res saucer shape */ ufo_high() { static int ufohigh[]= {7,0x8000,0x18,0x6000,0x20,0x1000,0x40,0x800,0x1ff,0xfc00, 0x1e49,0x27c0,0x7fff,0xfff0,0x8000,8,0x6aaa,0xaab0,0x1d55, 0x55c0,0x3ff,0xfe00,0,0}; saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufohigh; /* raster memory */ saucer.fd_w=29; /* width in pixels */ saucer.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */ saucer.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */ saucer.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */ saucer.fd_nplanes=1; /* one plane */ } cannon_high() { static int cannonhigh[]= {16,0,16,0,16,0,0x38,0,0x54,0,0x306c,0x19c0,0x68aa,0x2df0, 0x68aa,0x2c08,0xc4ba,0x46b0,0xd3ab,0x97c0,0xc8ba,0x2600, 0xd6aa,0xd600,0xd6aa,0xd600,0xc8ba,0x2600,0xd3ab,0x9600, 0xc4ba,0x4600,0x68aa,0x2c00,0x6828,0x2c00,0x307c,0x1800,0x38,0}; cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonhigh; /* raster memory */ cannon.fd_w=23; /* width in pixels */ cannon.fd_h=20; /* height in rows */ cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */ cannon.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */ cannon.fd_nplanes=1; /* one plane */ } /* initializes data for medium-res saucer shape */ ufo_med() { static int ufomed[]= { 0,0,0xf800,0,0,0x701, 15,8,0xff00,0x100,0,0x800, 0x1ff,0x1ff,0xfff8,0xfff8,0x28,0x701, 0xffff,0x5555,0xffff,0x5555,0xf1c0,0x5800, 0x3fff,0x3fff,0xffff,0xffff,0x8000,0x8000, 0,0xff,0,0xffe0,0x8b0,0 }; saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufomed; /* raster memory */ saucer.fd_w=36; /* width in pixels */ saucer.fd_h=6; /* height in rows */ saucer.fd_wdwidth=3; /* width in words */ saucer.fd_stand=0; /* not a standard FDB */ saucer.fd_nplanes=2; /* two planes */ } cannon_med() { static int cannonmed[]= { /* plane zero */ 0x40,0, 0x40,0, 0xa0,0, 0x1f0,0, 0x21f0,0x8000, 0x51f1,0x4000, 0xd7fd,0x6000, 0xdfff,0x6000, 0xd9f3,0x6000, 0x50a1,0x4000, 0x2000,0x8000, /* plane one */ 0,0, 0,0, 0xe0,0, 0x1b0,0, 0x21f0,0x8000, 0x7111,0xc000, 0xf7fd,0xe000, 0xff1f,0xe000, 0xf9f3,0xe000, 0x70e1,0xc000, 0x2000,0x8000 }; cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonmed; /* raster memory */ cannon.fd_w=19; /* width in pixels */ cannon.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */ cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */ cannon.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */ cannon.fd_nplanes=2; /* two planes */ vr_trnfm(work_handle,&cannon,&cannon); } /* initializes shapes for low resolution */ ufo_low() { static int ufolow[]= {0,7,0,7,0,0x8000,0,0x8000, 1,0x1e,0,0x1e,0x8000,0x6000,0,0x6000, 0,0x3f,0,0x3f,0x4000,0xb000,0,0xb000, 0,0x7f,0,0x7f,0,0xf800,0,0xf800, 0x1ff,0,0,0,0xfc00,0,0,0, 0,1e49,0x1b6,0x1b6,0,0x27c0,0xd800,0xd800, 0,0x7fff,0x7fff,0x7fff,0,0xfff0,0xfff0,0xfff0, 0x8000,0,0xffff,0,8,0,0xfff8,0, 0x6aaa,0x1555,0x7fff,0,0xaab0,0x5540,0xfff0,0, 0x1d55,0x1d55,0x1d55,0x1d55,0x55c0,0x55c0,0x55c0,0x55c0, 0x3ff,0x3ff,0,0,0xfe00,0xfe00,0,0}; saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufolow; /* raster memory */ saucer.fd_w=29; /* width in pixels */ saucer.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */ saucer.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */ saucer.fd_stand=0; /* not a standard FDB */ saucer.fd_nplanes=4; /* four planes */ } cannon_low() { static int cannonlow[]= {0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0x38,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x28,0x54,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0x307c,0x3010,0x3000,0x1c0,0x1800,0x1800,0x1800, 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x11f0,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00, 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x1008,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00, 0x3800,0xfcfe,0xfc44,0xfc00,0x38b0,0x7e00,0x7e00,0x7e00, 0x2c00,0xefff,0xff55,0xef01,0x69c0,0xee00,0xfe00,0xee00, 0x3701,0xf7ff,0xff45,0xf701,0xd800,0xde00,0xfe00,0xde00, 0x2901,0xe9ff,0xff55,0xe901,0x2800,0x2e00,0xfe00,0x2e00, 0x2901,0xe9ff,0xff55,0xe901,0x2800,0x2e00,0xfe00,0x2e00, 0x3701,0xf7ff,0xff45,0xf701,0xd800,0xde00,0xfe00,0xde00, 0x2c00,0xefff,0xff55,0xef01,0x6800,0xee00,0xfe00,0xee00, 0x3800,0xfcfe,0xfc44,0xfc00,0x3800,0x7e00,0x7e00,0x7e00, 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x1000,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00, 0x1000,0x787c,0x7854,0x7800,0x1000,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00, 0,0x307c,0x3000,0x3000,0,0x1800,0x1800,0x1800, 0x38,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonlow; /* raster memory */ cannon.fd_w=23; /* width in pixels */ cannon.fd_h=20; /* height in rows */ cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */ cannon.fd_stand=0; /* not standard FDB */ cannon.fd_nplanes=4; /* four planes */ } put(shape,xpos,ypos,mode) struct my_fdb *shape; int xpos,ypos,mode; { pxyarray[0]=0; pxyarray[1]=0; pxyarray[2]=shape->fd_w-1; pxyarray[3]=shape->fd_h-1; pxyarray[4]=xpos; pxyarray[5]=ypos; pxyarray[6]=xpos+pxyarray[2]; pxyarray[7]=ypos+pxyarray[3]; vro_cpyfm(work_handle,mode,pxyarray,shape,&screen); } init_workstation() { int i, handle; work_handle=handle=graf_handle(&cw,&ch,&dummy,&dummy); for (i=0;i<10;work_in[i++]=1); work_in[10]=2; v_opnvwk(work_in,&work_handle,work_out); if (!work_handle) exit(-1); /* error if we can't open */ } 1`4d&N6NNN8NNNtN4N,f*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN0 lHhNX/,?,N\?<N?<A?<NAXNuNVNNBNbHl?<N$\N4Hl?<N\N0,:l*Y@9@0,<2,g 2< `2<@A9@J0,Jl9@9lNNzBn`0.AN0g N8`0.A~=P0.Ar=P2.Af20.A~0A02.AZ20.Ar0A00.A~ Pm0.A~0lo20.Af0D@2.Af00.2.A~00.Ar Pm0.Ar0lo20.AZ0D@2.AZ00.2.Ar0?<?.?.Hl&N ?<0.Ar?0.A~?Hl&N 0,2.ArP @lv0,2.A~Pm0,2.A~2l*Ao<0,l2.A~Pm*0,l2.A~2l*An N`Rn nmN0,gN`N^NuNuNVN ?,N$ZTN:?.NTN^NuNVBn`0<*2,HAA=@0.RnnmN^NuNVBlNL9|F0<9@L9@H)@9|NBl?<?,?,HlN NN^NuNV?,N#T?<?,N"RX?<?,N!XBn``?<NT/0,:H/NX 9@9@?<NT/0,X -@0,F@H2.AZ00.AZ Pg?<NT2,QA/0H/NX -@ <Ю2.A~0?<NT2,|2/0H/NX -@ <Ю2.Ar0?<0.Ar?0.A~?Hl&N  Rn nmtN^NuNVBl9lJ9l:9l`|g`NN`"`|g`NN``N^NuNVA )@&9|*9| ,9|.9|09|2N^NuNVA )@9|9|9|9|9| N^NuNVA@ )@&9|$*9|,9|.Bl09|2N^NuNVA )@9|9| 9|9|9| HlHl?,N N^NuNVA8 )@&9|*9| ,9|.Bl09|2N^NuNVA )@9|9|9|Bl9| N^NuNVBlBl n0(S@9@ n0(S@9@9n 9n0. l9@0.l9@Hl/.Hl?.?,NN^NuNVHlHlHlHlN=@9@Bn`0.RnA0 n m9|Hl:HlHlN 0,f ?TN^NuNV?<MN,T n0 n 0 n0 n00,N^NuNV9n)n ?<NNTN^NuNV?.NpT nn0<`?.?<>NX9@*g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LNXN^NuNV/ A&H`0+ |g/ N*X A"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gL0+ |f0<`l0+ |g?<B?+ NP?/+?+ NXP @f0<`6k -K k o?<B?+ NP n!@&Bk0<LN^NuNV fBC`&SCdTC0|g0|gԼdRC`|CHBC0|@HB LN^NuNVNVH n " n $&JjFFJjFFLN^@RNuNVH n"n $0(H@6C|g.0)H@:E|gE|BB0<まef bRAQ$0P`HNVH n$0(H@6C|gd"n .0)H@:E|gD|E(HD*HE20HGHBBB8:BGBBЇӄЂӅJg$0P`B`NVH"n 0<9@PQ`NVH"n BlP n,0(H@8D|fB.0)H@:E|fB2$60Enfl8,:.6$0Jg0Eg|n0@gDԇ0,PQ fBB`HSCdTC0|g0|gԼdRC`|"|CHB|C0|@HB AHABA LN^NuNVH0.|=@n n f n0H-@HnNXA-H`> n(g nf. n-P n(f HnNX` HnN>XA-H/./. 0.A, PNPLN^/W DRNuN^NuNVH nB fB`м8 LN^NuNVH n$fBCB`nD6< f႖|NzN^NuNVH0&n$n Bn-J @A)XH)XLA H LBEG>O|g|JGn|m` REHlb/ NRPO`SEHlb/ NPO`&0+H@JGgDG0<0dR@0.BAQ,>QQֆG|0QB`Rn0.g$nB`0R 2.HmB`d .6.HЃR$@ nH|0fRZ"H|9o R"` nH|0f$n R&@g`SE .6.HЃ @B n0L N^NuNVH$.". 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Non-commercial distribution permitted Features: * Simulates a Las Vegas blackjack table with 1-6 players (1-3 players in low resolution) * Allows splitting, double down, insurance * Players may play multiple hands at once * Gives advice * Various casino rules may be specified (number of decks, shuffle point, double down after split) * Automatic players See 'rules.doc' for further information. Johann Ruegg  Johann's Blackjack Table Copyright 1990 Sozobon Ltd. (1) The cards Blackjack is played with standard 52-card decks. Each table at a casino will be using from 1 to 8 decks shuffled together. It is best for the player to use the minimum number of decks. Because of this, it is almost impossible to find single deck games in Las Vegas. The program lets you select from 2 to 8 decks in play. (option -D) (2) The table Tables in a casino typically have the dealer standing on one side and six chairs for the players on the other side. The table has six corresponding spots marked on it where bets are placed. If the table is not full, the casino may let you play 2 hands at a time; you will use two adjacent spots. The program lets you select the number of players (option -p) and lets each player occupy as many spots as they like as long as the total is <= 6. The name of each player will be asked. If you give a name that starts with "auto", the computer will play for these players. (3) Money and chips Money can be exchanged for chips at the table. However chips can only be exchanged for money at the casino cashier's cage. Bets must almost always be made with chips. The casino will let you exchange more money for chips at any time (and may even give you credit). The program doesn't really deal with the issue of chips, but each player starts with a fixed pot (option -P). If you lose your stake, you cannot add to it - you are out. This is to encourage you to not take more money out of your pocket in real life. Leave the table for a while and come back later. (4) Shuffle and cut The house can shuffle the cards any time they choose. Usually however, they will use 50% to 80% of the cards before shuffling. If 1 or 2 decks are being used, the cards will be dealt from the dealer's hand. If 4 or more decks are in play, a shoe will be used. In either case a special green plastic 'card' may be used to mark the shuffle point. After the shuffle, one of the players will cut the deck by inserting the green card somewhere. The program lets you select the shuffle point when you start up (option -S). When asked to cut, select a number between 0 and the number of cards. (5) Placing bets Each table will have a sign on it identifing the minimum and maximum bets. You usually cannot pass; if you are sitting at the table, you must make the minimum bet each hand. (If you are too slow making a bet or are digging in you pockets for more money, the dealer may skip you once or twice). Some players always bet the minimum (or always the same amount anyway). Others like to raise their bet after a win - if they then lose, they are only losing "the casino's money". Another strategy is to raise your bet after a loss to make up the loss. The program will ask for each player's bet. You can enter a number or use these shortcuts (after the first bet): space - same bet as last time 'h' - half of the last bet 'd' - double the last bet The "auto" player's first bet must be entered as a number. After that they will keep betting the same amount except if named: "autom" who will raise after a loss "autoj" who will raise after a win If you specify the '-b' option, the program will ask if all players want to bet the same. Also, any player using more than one spot will be asked if all his/her bets should be the same. (6) The first 2 cards dealt Two cards are dealt to each bet. The dealer will always get one card face up and one card face down. The players' cards will be dealt face down if dealt from the dealer's hand; face up if dealt from a shoe. When cards are dealt face down, the player can pick them up (with one hand only) and only that player will see those 2 cards. The program lets you select whether you want the cards dealt face up or not (option -u). You can also choose to have the cards dealt instantly (option -f). If all the players are "auto" players, you may want to turn off all delays (option -F). (7) Insurance and dealer's blackjack If the dealer has an ace as his/her up card, they will ask the players if they want insurance. A player has the option of betting half their original bet as "insurance" against a dealer having blackjack. They can look at their hand before deciding (some players like to take insurance only if they have blackjack). Insurance pays 2-1 if they dealer's down card is a 10 or face card. The dealer will check the down card after any insurance bets and before players play. If the dealer doesn't have blackjack, the insurace bets are taken. If the dealer does have blackjack, insurance bets win 2-1 but other bets are taken unless the player has blackjack too (which is a push). If you take insurance on a non-blackjack hand, you either lose the insurance bet immediately and play out your hand (no dealer blackjack) OR win the insurance bet but lose your original bet (if dealer has blackjack). In the latter case, the dealer doesn't actually take your original bet and pay off the insurance bet - he/she just leaves the chips as they are since this has the same effect. If you take insurance on a blackjack hand, you either lose the insurance bet immediately and win 1 1/2 with the blackjack (no dealer blackjack) OR win the insurace bet but have a push with the original bet (if dealer has blackjack). Since you end up with an even money win in either case, you can call "even money" and show your blackjack when the dealer asks for insurance bets. You will be paid even money immediately. If the dealer's up card is a 10 or face card, he/she may have an ace as the down card (an ace in the hole). In the past, the dealer would always check the hole card before player's played. If they had blackjack, all cards were turned face up and all bets were taken immediately (unless a player had blackjack too - this is a push). Many casinos now have a policy that the hole card is not looked at when the up card is a 10 or face card until after players play out their hands. However, any additional money put on the table due to splits and double downs is refunded if the dealer turns up a blackjack later. The program will ask players if they want insurance when the dealer has an ace as the up card. Players with blackjack who take insurace are immediately paid even money. Other hands either lose the insurace bet or are protected with a push if the dealer has blackjack. The program checks for blackjack immediately if the up card is a 10 or face card. (8) Player's options Each hand is played starting from the player nearest the dealer's left hand and proceeding clockwise. If one player is playing more than one bet, each must be played in turn (when cards are dealt face down, they cannot look at other hands early). In a real casino, players can sometimes decide what to do before it is their turn. If they have blackjack, they can lay down their cards and be paid right away. As long as they don't need to draw, they can indicate their desire to double down or split or stand immediately. The program does not allow this since there is only one keyboard for entering moves. (8.1) Player's options: Blackjack If the player has blackjack (and the dealer doesn't) they should lay down their cards (if dealt face down) and be paid right away since there is no way the dealer can win or tie. Note that if the dealer has a 10 or face card and does not look at the hole card, they will not be paid until later. The program pays blackjack immediately if cards are dealt face up. If cards are dealt face down, you are prompted to hit a key (to simulate the real life action of laying down your cards). (8.2) Player's options: Draw or Stand After looking at the original 2 cards and looking at the dealer's up card, the player can decide to draw more cards. They indicate a desire to do so by making a drawing motion with the hand holding the 2 original cards (if cards are dealt down) or making the motion with their hand (if cards are dealt up). More cards are dealt (face up) until the player is satisfied and decides to "stay" or "stand", or until the player has a hand >21 and "busts". If cards were dealt face down, you indicate a desire to stand by putting your original 2 cards face down on the table under your bet chips. If you bust, you place your cards face up on the table and the dealer takes your cards and your bet immediately. If cards were dealt face up, you indicate a desire to stand by waving you hand back and forth. If you bust, the dealer can see that since they can see all your cards. The program lets you type ',' for a draw or '.' to stand. If you bust and cards are dealt face up, you lose immediately. If you bust and cards are dealt face down, you will be prompted to hit a key (to simulate the real life action of laying down your cards). (8.3) Player's options: Splitting pairs If the first 2 cards are a pair (or both have a value of 10 even though they are not a pair) the player can split them into 2 separate hands. You do this by laying down your cards if they were dealt face up and adding another bet equal to the original bet. The dealer adds a card to each and you then play out each new hand. However, if you split aces, the new cards are dealt face down and you have no more play on them. If a split hand is a pair, you can resplit until you have up to four hands (or some other casino limit). Some casinos let you double down on a split hand. This is to the player's advantage if it is allowed. The program lets you split up to 3 times if you have the money needed. Hit 's' to split. If you want to forbid double down after split, use the -a option. (8.4) Player's options: Double down The player can double down with any 2 original cards (except blackjack). To do this you lay down the original cards if dealt face up and add chips to double your bet. You would normally only do this if you have a hand with an ace or a hand whose value is 11 or less. You are then dealt one more card face down and must stand with this hand. The program will only let you double down if you have a hand with an ace or 11 or less. You hit 'd' to double down. Doubling down on a split hand is allowed unless you specify an option to not allow it. If you doubled down in real life, you would have two stacks of chips. The program shows you have doubled down by putting a '*' next to the amount of your bet (if there is room - i.e. your doubled bet is less than 100). (8.5) Player's options: Advice The program lets you ask for advice on the above plays. Hit 'a' to ask for advice. Note that certain advice will be different depending on the number of decks in play and whether double down after split is allowed. Also, if you don't have the money you may not be advised to split or double down. If you just want to see a summary of the advice for a particular table, use the '-T' option. (9) Dealer Draws or Stands After all the players have played, the dealer plays out his/her hand. First they turn up their second card. If all players have busted or have blackjack, they will stop here. Otherwise, they will draw until they have 17 or better (or bust). Some casinos have the dealer draw when they have a soft 17 (17 with an ace counting as 11). It is better for the player if the dealer stands with soft 17. The program lets you specify whether the dealer draws with soft 17. (option -D). (10) The showdown If the dealer does not bust, he/she will turn over each player's hand and either take their bet (dealer's hand is better) pay off even money (player's hand is better) or leave the original bet (if it is a tie). If the dealer busts, he/she will quickly turn over each players hand to make sure they didn't bust and will pay off even money. (If cards were dealt face down, you should have turned up your cards if you busted). The program will either put a number equal to your original bet in the spot, or take your bet, or leave your original bet. Thus, when asked to bet for the next hand, you can see whether you won, lost or tied when you decide on your next bet. Summary of options: -d select number of decks (default 2) -p select number of players (default 1) -P select pot for each player (default 100) -a forbid double down after split -u deal cards face up -D dealer draws on soft 17 -S set the shuffle point (default .4) -b speed up asking about multiple bets -f deal cards fast -F do everything fast -T print advice table and exit Betting commands: enter a betting amount ' ' bet same amount as last bet 'd' double last bet 'h' halve last bet Playing commands: ',' draw '.' stand 's' split 'd' double down 'a' ask for advice `v\f*O(o#&,֬ #&,֬#&,֬###,AH?/N^\&9&CD֬$|$ g$jԃl$<m/<v\?< NA\?` /<Ne2XO/<NfXON^NuNV`` .R @PJ.g.H`\/.NmXO3v yvmJyvg<`<H29v@o``/.NmXO3v yvm y'vo`Z`zByv`FByvByv`63v`*/.NmXO3v yvm yvo``&Byv`/.NGLXO#v/<>/9vN[2PO]|f/<@/9vN[2PO^|g``3v`3v`3v`|3v`raBgalTO`d|[l.|CgҰ|DgX|Fg|Pgư|SgJ|Tg`|agܰ|bg|dg|fg|pgN|ugf`` `$.H?/<tNe2\Oa?<aTON^NuNV``/<ZNe2XO/<PNe2XOJyvg<`<H?/<(Ne2\O?</<Ne2\O/<Ne2XO/<Ne2XO/<Ne2XO/<^Ne2XO/<CNe2XO/<Ne2XO/< Ne2XO/<Ne2XO/<Ne2XOaN^NuNV`"`NERNENEBgNElTO0<4v?Ns&TO#2-y2B. . na+/<a!XOJ@f a-aj`&Bg?</<a!PO?</<?XOJ@g,-| n0<&@=@ n0(&|=@`X n0( yo-| n0(&@=@`0 n0( yf-| n=h&` -|BnJnf n"n 0(&i nBh&`P n0.h&f`@ n0.h&o2 n0.h& n h n0.h& n1@( n1n*/./. aPO?./. n ?(aPO/.aXO nBP/. aXO n 0( ng n 1n n Bh /. aZXO?<a TON^NuNV`` .*HHмH @ . 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Draw ',' Split 's' Dbl down 'd' Advise 'a'Huh?ActionYou have Blackjack []#KQJT98765432AK Q J 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A %d %d%d*%d%d Same bets as beforeHow muchAll bets the sameEverybody, same bets as beforeHow muchAll bets the same for everybodyShuffle Cards. Cut WhereEnter numberEnter number or ' ' for same bet 'd' double 'h' halfBet? : : : %5dPot: autoHow manyDo you want to play extra handsHow manySkip some spotsWhat is your namePlayer %d\-//-\NO Double down after splitDouble down after split OKDealer draws on soft 17Dealer stays on any 17 $%d max $%d min%d decksJohann's Blackjack TableDealer has Blackjack -T show best play table -F everything fast -f deal fast -b shortcuts for multiple bets -u deal cards face up -SN set shuffle point (.2 <= frac <= .5) -D dealer draws on soft 17 -dN choose number of decks (2 to 8) -a forbid double down after split -PN set pot for each player (%d to 10) -pN set number of players (1 to %d) Options: Johann's Blackjack Table Bad value for option -%c floppies Please specify single or double sided Make checks payable to Tony Andrews. USA Boulder, Colorado 80301 4704 Berkshire Court Tony Andrews Send $10 ($12 from overseas) to: with the latest release of Sozobon C, To obtain source to this program along Non-commercial distribution permitted. Copyright (c) 1990, Sozobon Ltd. Johann's Blackjack Table Play moreCount %dqpK%sY%c%cfeEEv%g   0%ld%ld%d xArg0123456789ABCDEF Too many arguments @0123456789ABCDEF  B D H "0 H  &(:      &  @&  $ 4    & &<     ">N*,  >6*&"        ~$ L((.d*  (  FL8j2xl:4" &&& & x&Bz * ., t. *&"@*6:>L$@"Ȧ X*4< "..4 j(> D8@6&@8* $J( 4`:l6&H$>(&"\   N>"< 6 $: p&44&@ "B&:"\ , \ , P , X , 4 , V , 2 .  , `  Z,..*  ":>.Z":" .\J.,2$&dLnbf d    L,F  H$,( `*"  , & :" "60 * >80 ( (*  "     *r T02 ( 8R,b   8 2 ZJVTd(*( d42x&\<$($&,~.> 2:6>  David Mary mary LDAVID DAVID DDAVID hDavid Zlymond ~^Mary umary tK`,HQ` Efv*oM6 m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALNHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN "$JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N9lNupealp`NuaN,Hz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu    -pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|*  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8NV6.*JgtBn*Nupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?NV<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dp `p ap Cpln<,(AL$I"vz x `gfURf~QjJFj4\Fk.aPHS&I.N``p???<NM\Qj&_Nu|HQ/g ??<@NAXXfNuJkp%NNu09JBfNu <r$<Nup`pN @ddAgH`p`p9@(9@*BlNuNCpN>EN`p`pN0<9@:, INJ@g@8 FN EdbAJfE @e4r$Wf"FANuPRN:LST:AUX:CON:MID:IKB:VID:,J@fC E& B Og& Rgl Ag@ Ug2 Ig $CpNp=`pNAXJ@jNNu~c0NQNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNup6`p5`p4`p3` p2`p`pN @ddAg(g@A `1||9XgBX)HJPfNu"lJQf2")IBQlk0N` QNu2p~?`2p~@`~?`~@St4f9G/0N(g^AA `.j>(1GRhgbHhBg?,(/?<BNA Jk@$_>g8 Z"XPf, HQH/?,(?,NA gJk p x?gp%NNu @fp7`HPa _N$p"N6p,`vN)@p `H@)@prtNAHplrtNB 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtNpapap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`N*(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhN8pZNA BP"`#|}NLA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNu2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NNd"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNuApNN$NL$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0Nu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqN>E ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNWHNuNVHNu Ihd*NL$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*NL$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?NL$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iNL$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENu2p <0NL`QNuNJ@fC )I( BAʐ)Hp9@J9@L9@NpyN DJlrgNp Ndd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNuak NupNuakfpNupNtddA0oH?<?B?<BNA Jk.,?<?B?<BNA *kBg?/?<BNA JkNuNp`pJ@gHzZ?<&NN\NuB?< NA\Av ACLElp"Jg X\QC"C!/:@?< NA\NuLH!Nu$Hx`(Hx`"Hx`Hx`Hx`Hx` Hx`Hx !4VxH A6@ Ni LHL|1R/:?< NApdK`HaJLxNNu)H9@Jp4NP'J&f H LNu P&NuQ'` J,'fJ,&gHA#ȇeC! 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure"l`Yd&-KNNd"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`N4 Wheel-Of-Fortune puzzle file delimiter v2.0 6/26/87C퀖N,N copyright 1987 Robert H. PyleC퀜N,N"NNSelect an Uncoded FileN0N\*.pzeHPA HPA`""_NHm`A "_NfN&lNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN&hNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN&lNHm`p"_NHPN.PZ4"_NfN'.HxN- File Must| be a *.PZ| type file.|(Unencoded)4HPNOKr"_ NhANNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN'*NA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN'.NpRNHPHm`p@ _r"_NFpN VHfN(HxNC File Too Short!|Needs 104 Puzzles| - 6784 Bytes -|To Be DelimitedHPNRATS!!!r"_ NhANNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN(NA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN(NpN8A68dR,`5Q` Efv*oM@ m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALN8Hz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N9lNupealp`NuaN,Hz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu    -pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|   g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8NL6. 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure"l`Yd&-KNN "l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`p"l`Qd&&| NuN "l`QepZNC ҳfHP0(N$W$RR@H`2Q"H _$l` dd" $X&0BP6Y&|Hg R@@%E ҳeHQ0)N$_$RR@H`2QNu$Y 0P1@Hg R@@%NuN $l` epZNN2 Wheel-Of-Fortune puzzle file encoder v2.0 6/26/87C퀄NN copyright 1987 Robert H. PyleC퀊NNA CZNNNN Uncoded FileN&N\*.pzoHPA HPAN""_NHmNA "_NfN+TNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN+PNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN+TNHmNp"_NHPN.PZ4"_NfN,HxN- File Must| be a *.PZ| type file.|(Unencoded)4HPNOKr"_ NA NNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN,NA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN,NpRN\HPHmNp@ _r"_NpNV VHfN,HxNC File Too Short!|Needs 104 Puzzles| - 6784 Bytes -| To Be EncodedHPNRATS!!!r"_ NA NNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN,NA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN,NpNA*r N(A0r4N(NANNN&<x*<NlANANHmNAN/p""_N HPp\N\"_NpJBgp/ANzNRpJBgp$VHgHmNANNNHANL8Nh&<x*<NlN"_NC~NBmANHm~AN/p""_N HPp.N\"_NgHm~AN"_NHPNPUZ?"_NJHPA~N"_NC`NNNUncoded file - Hm~A~NNH <r$<L8NhN"_NNN&NN&NNSelect Coded File - (A`Np)N,N&N\*.PUZHPHm`AT""_NHmTA "_NfN/^NA:\WHSHELL.PRGNNJBfN/ZNA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN/^NpRN\HPHmTp@ _r"_NpNA6r N(A:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNu&8*:EENuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@Nb?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NtJFkSFk&aQNt`Ha"FFaQL8N6.JgtBnNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNu~c0NQNuN J@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNup6`p5`p4`p3` p2`p`pN @ddAg(g@A `1||9XgBX)HJPfNu"lJQf2")IBQlk0N` QNu2p~?`2p~@`~?`~@St4f9G/0N$(g^AA `.j>(1GRhgbHhBg?,(/?<BNA Jk@$_>g8 Z"XPf, HQH/?,(?,NA gJk p x?gp%NNu @fp7`J@jD@vqapvNR)@p `H@)@prtN`AHplrtN`B 2pNPpNDpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtN`papap9@p`pvNRv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtN`Al 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtN`9Cp rtN`Av` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHN0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`Nt(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( IN A)H @depd ae zb QB DN A\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNpZNA BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNur|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| N`2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NNz"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNu?<?<NAXJgJgNAH@B pN A NuApN N^$Nb$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0Nu _0HpN _0HpN E ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNWHNuNVHNu Ihd*Nb$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*Nb$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?Nb$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iNb$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENua NuN IHPg"B  g &gNJBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkNFRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`2p <0Nb`QNu0g< @g4:8(g* b.&NbSD`Q0$C$RQLjN CNuN pNbp NpC 0(gFd"P$I` *Nb$E$R(S@jv A(Wf( ae zb Q DNuH&NրNjNuN J@fC )I( BA6)Hp9@J9@L9@NpyN DJlrgNp N, N $F Z2Ad@`Q` QNuQNuHRp` HRpJQfpNRNq Y Qfd ЀЀNuNRGFc8>`4A g6 g0 g` gTlfelhgFf2pRGRFa`a,` `?~ap ap a 0NuCpE`bf`FgRGJGgRSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0Nu?<?<NMXNur9A(HN:LNu0,^2,`NhzEfpaRppaNAEg0PaľEfa4RE`p a2a*Efp a(NNldeS@f lbfSl`9Ab9FdNupapqr`p`ak NupNuakfpNupNtddA0oH?<?B?<BNA Jk.,?<?B?<BNA *kBg?/?<BNA JkNuN<(`|HP?N<<pg2JFg W"X2@e2<A`QN~CpR@ 1 fA 0! 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B,&LNu-W)K20, 8k8@ gJl&f"Nu , 8g"P 8 @/, 8N  8fQ 8J,'gNupB <``L@ H)l26)z @W , Jf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0`fSC\fS , @a"C\fApNNNHP?< NA\NuH@aa/a a Nu@0 9c^Nu| PC>$Error # ][Abort]\f.B &lX)K\)ld` lp ,BQjNup(N Division by zeroOverflowNumber not integer|-2147483648 .. 2147483647Number not byte|0 .. 255Number not word|0 .. 65535Square root only|for positive numbersLogarithm only for|numbers greater than zeroUndefined error Out of memory Function or command|not yet implemented String too long|max. 32767 characters Not GfA-BASIC V1.0 program Program too long|memory full|NEW Not GfA-BASIC program|file too short|NEWArray dimensioned twiceArray not dimensionedArray index too largeDim index too largeWrong number of indicesProcedure not foundLabel not foundOn Open only|"I"nput "O"utput "R"andom|"A"ppend "U"pdate|allowedFile already openFile # wrongFile not openInput wrong|not numericEnd of file reachedToo many points for|Polyline/Polyfill/Polymark|max. 128Array must have|one dimensionNumber of points too|large for arrayMerge - Not an ASCII fileMerge - Line too long|aborted ==> Syntax error|program aborted!Undefined label"Out of data#Data not numeric$Syntax error in data|unpaired quotes%Disk full&Command not allowed|in direct mode'Program error|Gosub not possible(Clear not allowed in|For-Next-loops or|Procedures)Cont not possible*Parameter missing+Expression too complex,Undefined function-Too many parameters.Parameter wrong|must be a number/Parameter wrong|must be a string0Open "R"|Record lenght wrong2Not an "R"-File3Only one Field per|Open "R" allowed4Fields larger|than record lenght5Too many Fields (max. 19)6GET/PUT|Field string lenght changed7GET/PUT|Record number wrongMENU error?RESERVE error@Pointer (*x) errorZLOCAL error[FOR error\Resume (next) not possible|Fatal, For oder Locald GFA BASIC V 2.0| Copyright 1986|GFA Systemtechnik GmbHf2 bombs - bus error|Peek or Poke possibly wrongg3 bombs - adress error|Odd word adress! Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure"l`Yd&-KNNz"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`NJ0Wheel-Of-Fortune puzzle file editor v2.0 6/26/87CNbNJ copyright 1987 Robert H. PyleCNb?<NNTA`NBA`NzNfN0HxNVA Sorry!|This program runs in| Low Resolution| only.HPNVRats! r"_ N0A`NBNp4C큼NHx4pC~NphCNBALN A1N A3N A8p NprHNNVChoose a File to Edit4NHmA "_NfN2A퀴C퀨NbN2A C퀨NbNV\*.PZ4HPHmA퀮""_NHmA "_NfN2NJA:\WHSHELL.PRGN NJBfN2NJA:\WHSHELL.PRGNN2NHmp"_NNHPNJ.PZ "_NfN3BmANHmAN/p""_NHPp.N"_NpJBgp/A퀮N NFANxNpJBgp$VHgA퀮N NFANxNfN3^HmNV.PZ"_NC퀮NbN3HmAN"_N&HPNJPZ"_NC퀮NbA퀮C퀺NbA퀮C퀴NbN NA퀺N N&<x*<NfN5TpRNHPHmp@ _r"_NppNbAr NAr4NprNA 0 <r$<ANAN/HmAN/p""_NCNrN`NqNqprNA T0 <r$<ANAN/HmAN/p""_NCNrN`NqNqA6N - jWHfN5 pjrN+|p4ANh/-Hmp"-"_NC큼NrN`NqNqpN -R+@ - j^HfN5N+|jN5pRNHPHmp@ _r"_NppNbAr NAr4N <NHPNV 1987-RHPYLE4"_NCNbp Nr4NCNbprNp NCNbprNA6N pN -R+@N NpNV+@ -NFvN\N+@N NA C퀄NbA 0 <r$<ANHmANC큼NP"_NC퀄NbN`NqNqpRNHPHmp@ _r"_NppNbAr NAr4Np NCNbp4NCNbHmA"_N HmA퀄"_N -rNA6N -R+@ -_HfN7n -rN+|p4ANh/-Hmp"-"_NC큼NrN`NqNqN7+|p4ANh/-p NC큼NrN`NqNqA CNbpN - j^HfN84prNNV File Full4NHxNVQUIT?eHPNJYes|Nor"_ N0+@ -SWHfN8,+|`N84+|jN NNLN\pNPpNxpNprNp@rRN <"<NpQrRNpQ"<N`pbrRNpb"<N`psrRNps"<N`Bp "<AN -^r@N -^"<NbN`NqNqpN6pN:pN>p N+|p4ANh/-pC~N:T//-pC~N: "N -C큼NPNN`NqNqpN6pN:pN>p NprlNNV Puzzle Editor4NpN6pN:pN>pNA퀺N NFvN\&<x*<N&<x*<NvN\Nr$NNJFile: HPA퀺"_NNpN6pN:pN>pNp rNNJPuzzle #NprN -NFH <r$<L8NNN <rp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPALN pNApN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPN <r$<ANxNANAN&<x*<N,fN>A P0AN/p NC큼NrAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPNpNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NDAp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPN <r$<ANxNANAN&<x*<N,fN?AN&<x*<NANpNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NDAp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPNAN&<x*<NANAN&<x*<N&fNA@ <r$<ANxNANpNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NDAp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPNAN&<x*<NANAN&<x*<N&fNBA 0pNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NDAp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPN <r$<ANxNANAN&<x*<N,fNCA P0pNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NDAp NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "NANC큼NPNANAN&<x*<N,fNFpNPpN6pN:pN>p NAN/pC~N:T/AN/pC~N: "Np?NNpNPBm@NFNpN <r@NNVPlease Enter The Category4NNpN <rHNNJNo Puzzles in File YetNNKpNBpNFpNJ <rN <"<?N <r`N <"<NpN6pN:pN>pN <r(NNJPlease Enter The Puzzle NumberNNpN <rNNJ$That Puzzle has Not Been Entered YetN <NB -J^Hg -SWHfNK+|`NK+|`N N+|pANhNC퀢NbN`NqNqN N+|+|AprtAN+|Sp "<AN/-B -C~Nx/-Hx -C~NxRN`NqNqN`NqNqALN N NBm <r$<ANAN/p NC큼NrN`NqNqN NAL0N A C퀴NbN N0x (b@&*"pf"HVZ|"*""""V"th $>>JV}`,Q` Efv*oMN m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALNHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN "$JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N9lNupealp`NuaN,Hz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu    -pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8N>6.JgtBnNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N><JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNu~c0NQNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNup6`p5`p4`p3` p2`p`pN @ddAg(g@A `1||9XgBX)HJPfNu"lJQf2")IBQlk0N` QNu2p~?`2p~@`~?`~@St4f9G/0N$(g^AA `.j>(1GRhgbHhBg?,(/?<BNA Jk@$_>g8 Z"XPf, HQH/?,(?,NA gJk p x?gp%NNu @fp7`vN)@p `H@)@prtNAHplrtNB 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtNpapap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`N*(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNNpZNA BP"`#|}NbA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNu2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NNz"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNuApNN$Nb$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0Nu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqNhE ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNWHNuNVHNu Ihd*Nb$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*Nb$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?Nb$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iNb$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENuNJ@fC )I( BA粐)Hp9@J9@L9@NpyN DJlrgNxp Ndd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNuak NupNuakfpNupNtddA0oH?<?B?<BNA Jk.,?<?B?<BNA *kBg?/?<BNA JkNuNp`pJ@gHzZ?<&NN\NuB?< NA\Av ACLElp"Jg X\QC"C!/:@?< NA\NuLH!Nu$Hx`(Hx`"Hx`Hx`Hx`Hx` Hx`Hx !4VxH A6@ Ni LHL|1R/:?< NApdK`HaJLxNNu)H9@Jp4NP'J&f H LNu P&NuQ'` J,'fJ,&gHA#ȇeC! 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure"l`Yd&-KNNz"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`N0Wheel-Of-Fortune puzzle file lister v2.0 6/26/87C퀖NBN(copyright 1987 Robert H. PylelC퀜NBNLN68dR, 1987-RHPYLE * * ** * * *** *** * * * RHP-PUB.DOM.* * * * *** * * *LQJKQ BXD BNL QMP BXD UWVTTXZE HPHZEJ ZE LQCD STWA AK HTQBQ FMW SWSVT HSVONZ HMEOXJ FMW XMXHDYJ UWKQF LPYMS BMXL YQAS XCQBKQY LPYMS ZZXOMHHZL RSKXHZJ LQJKQ WNZJ EYST FMW MHZI HMHRAS OAQAKULMS HTQBQ FMW MZEMAVWSAS YTFCCDZY LPYMS ZZUTUZD KAAIHAS HMHRAS INDTYD FMBRAS XQSS. UPQQ. BXD INRIHC WV AE HPHZEJ TTDL XAZJ PEQEJK LPYMS RNJMFKMHW XUZUDZ LPYMS MQSAAZZ ZCIJK HTQBQ LUFEQ RQGZYCM HMEOXJ FMW CMQDII OTOJEXE LPYMS RQGXFX VQIJE LPYMS QNYPJDQS BZMUKQW LQJKQ VWMM GQ STJ WBC EQBK XLZUZY HPHZEJ JYFSJJ FMSV Z NWWIT JEW HPHZEJ KQSOM II OFLKX UID LPYMS EUSZU YAZU LPYMS FJFVYR WSKGTQY HPHZEJ XWKQ XUWHD ZZI AUUQS XQFJA ZST LPYMS QQI-BQHXJV ZIMJ HTQBQ FMQNMISAS LMNZE LPYMSX FDJWBYMS HSZTR LPYMS EQALU SDTEJEMQ HMHRAS RFWWMJ XOMUOQW HMHRAS SDDYANYDP OGGDQS MHUWKMFFFB LQJKQ STJ CZSSANYBQSL EJNMD LPYMS OTDWH SQQWDYRUTF HPHZEJ OXJSAU RFKBUM QWKQ KMQSNJDBI LPYMS NZTJBD YCC RSKXHZJ HMHRAS IAMFVO UIHRAS HTQBQ ETMBX MRWZYBM LPYMS QUIAVW KMBFUEVQW LPYMS ZZYAYKD RZJVYSGWW HMEOXJ SGQJJTUZPJJA LPYMS ZEUZIBS BFNMCDZY LPYMSX AAWZTTQ MHUWKMFX LPYMS LDSJLIRKQ LSZTDZ LPYMS MASKQCA AUDP LPYMS AXZWJUQDD HQU HTQBQ STJ MXLZECARW XQSS. UPQQ. KUYLTU YNKA RMNVDF LPYMS ZXFJU KBNOP LPYMS IHDQGQD EYWIA LPYMS IFOANFBCDZY OFDMDCMW HTQBQ MAWLP UGTU LPYMS IOQFCMHOTTFM LPYMS RXJWXUQ XGNQ HTQBQ DUSQWAVQQK HDQDHO LPYMS OAHCMJ SZXHMTQSAW LPYMS MYGUYB TWCA LQJKQ MDEY KQTD RFTJG LPYMS CULABQK BSBSG LPYMS YMRQSBQAXJ WSNJ LPYMS OQWKWDZX HGUFTFJJ HMHRAS RULECDC KJMKC LPYMS AMYZZENY TWMK HPHZEJ JIYMUSY OFLA SVT TNSX HPHZEJ S XNF LQCD US BXD NXI BEVZ YGVYFTY LPYMS FTJVQCA LQJKQ STJ SQQMYW SYC LQJKQ AZL EE SNHHOF LPYMS RQGZYCM TJIDFQ BCYBQ LPYMS NJSV GMZHHFT HMHRAS STTEII STLZ JVQINZ eLQJKQ RGJO VQSJ HMHRAS QAGWZJ PZNIBK LPYMS CUXZEQRTJJ HTQBQ ULQWYMDBK WGWC LPYMS RNJM MQLHZZY ICESMYAWD MVTDD LPU IODJSLYMS OMWAJMGY BHDQ LPYMS XNGVUK YJIYM LPYMSX EUAKUC UWISGQX WDUMF MDF L-IGUWL HGVJDEY LPYMS UAICI SNETUS LPYMS UKQHLZYB EPATBDF HTQBQ YFKBUQ AQIJWEL WDUMF YFJLY YZQR HTQBQ JGQ TZNNMHRUYQ AK YWFQR LPYMS MZXQSJO HPHZEJ AMQJ-PYFT YG Q FDFKAXNBUWZ LQJKQ JHHZLAVW YM STJ EMWILDE WDUMF LNXHSVYB QWMXJHAS LQJKQ JGQ KKQQXJL XJLBUQ LPYMS SEJLAU KDG HMEOXJ STJ UQEUF LQJKQ STFFSI RTJ FMW RWUEQUJK LPYMS TDRJFAYUQ GAQVQDF BJFIBSK HMHRAS VKFLB QFJX WDUMF STJ NETDYZ AK RKKK LPYMS NBTAWWASDZY QAOXSUSY WDUMF STEYWZ'R KMXL EYSVT LPYMS RZND BMWJQQFQ WDUMF TYUQXLWSJ EMGE MSV HNPJG LPYMS RTTW-IGUSW EYSVT LPYMS RQAHUWBH ETMX HTQBQ ZTZNGZ GULZ XUPENX HPHZEJ Z UWVDX RTJ ONGW YZWKFTYK ICESMYAWD UIDCK AA CMSVG AGY BHCZGZ HE VMQSJQW 1987-RHPYLE * * * *** * * * * *RHP-PUB.DOM. * * ** * LPYMS GAY LEF XLIDC LPYMS AQQD GGBJNY XQMFX LQJKQ JUXK CD CIJD LPYMS XNAP IDC QSLTDD BHTOP HMHRAS BHZIS QASKBQCF LPYMS LAWFIO XSCSD LPYMS HZPNG MSLMDMM LPYMSX RKGJ AKDPJ XZWUR HPHZEJ IBMYLMHDP RTTOMHR LPYMS AGYLMH CVYEQ LPYMS ITNRSZYMQ LPYMS FDDUWBKZX OFDMDCMW LPYMSX KURS RDMSK HMHRAS ITBWWUU OTMZJ VZKBYBQ LPYMS YMFJJAJZFJ TNYPMZK HPHZEJ OUJ-QD- FMW-IJK LPYMS QAHCQDF HZIYQ LPYMS RINNMB HZIYQ LPYMS RNM BASKBHHOYGZ LPYMS AXZW JHOP ZWKMP LPYMS BAWF-EM- LPU-OTT LPYMS WQMSVNQSTJJ UTEBW LPYMS FAQVMD QQYJQUUQW LPYMS CNFTJJEZF LPYMS DEHSTQSAW HMHRAS DTTMHS WWLVNDI HMHRAS VFFM KGVTZ HMHRAS AMXWJQKX ZEXYQQ LPYMSX CZDNYWBCE LPYMS LMLSHYMQ JISJ HPHZEJ HF'K Q XNNQDF HPHZEJ Q DZF VND DGCH CNZJQ HTQBQ AZLMH XHISD HPHZEJ UO YTLPUQ MQOIOR FTDL LQ HPHZEJ VUUW ONGW NUDF HPHZEJ OAXL DN TQBKE LPYMS SGUHCMD RWAMT XLMQJ LPYMS RFJJME MRHTYEUJJ LPYMS BMXKMJSQ LIFD HPHZEJ FQY CF SVT ST HPHZEJ JGQ LWKFT SJL WNUSY LPYMS SGDTFWWQMUZ HPHZEJ TNIS IDC TMB HTQBQ XZXK-EQX MGCID HTQBQ ISMYW FQUXGV LPYMS JTZF NYRT RMSVEYBT LPYMS OAYSBE EFDIT LPYMS JGDJW-MZK KULZBRTXG LPYMS BFHMH HDQF HPHZEJ NZJ NEQ FMW HNMI HTQBQ YFQW OQAVYB HTQBQ OGGDQS XNTZQQK LPYMS SKUWEHHFJJ LPYMS AFC GMKADF LPYMSX QAQDMH EPSBUR HPHZEJ NGY WV FMW RKGJ LQJKQ TTKD JQMI BDDAVW US LPU DFAV LQJKQ STJ BTKQTDZ FVDUMFZJM LPYMS NOYGXKR LPYMS RNKPYMS JMUK HPHZEJ GAY IDC MWILX HPHZEJ YJF QS OWHJ LPYMS ISKWGNEZY UHW SGQXL WDUMF RGSVIO BNUVYB LPYMS RZFHXYMS FZJBBD LPYMS AMGTTYMS GJWEJ HMHRAS EULZBUQ UATES LPYMSX HTNGWZ AATLA LPYMS BMWNQDF PFQVD LPYMS JUYUPUM XUIBD HPHZEJ LAWW JGMS WVETSM HPHZEJ BHFYDM AK DQJSXJ HTQBQ SDYJLMHX HPHZEJ ROTLKX AS YZM QAHCA HPHZEJ DMXAMH EFAL YZID PTFM LPYMS HZFYDMIMMPW HPHZEJ EQX TMB NF QWNJ RNWTT LPYMS FDBUWZEMU OUERI LPYMS ZZHZWLX BFKBU LPYMS BXTNM NR YIHKUH HMHRAS VUSVWM IFKPUQ HMEOXJ LMWUPYMS TIDC LPYMS JQMRHWBHZJ HPHZEJ XWBKAB JGQ NTMVSHZL TIBK LPYMS FDFZIC OWSKADD LPYMS RIJWB UGBQSA LPYMS ZEKXJJ BAFKBUQ WALU WDUMF ZDGGZ CMD HPHZEJ GUHCWHX IAKANDD TNOP LPYMS LQHZIDHOFD HMDBUQ HMHRAS CZUQEID HMHRAS SMCA PWADUQ HTQBQ BMWFMWHQ MSTB HMHRAS RFFLM XWVQSAW WDUMF FQSWZQK QQWKJHAS WDUMF SABF YJWBYMS WDUMF BTZJKX XGKYZX LPYMS CABF OTENEQFJJ LPYMS LAYGZSXOQW ZMBLQY LPYMS FZBJJJQBW GGWA HMHRAS LKXLMHX BJQJDD LPYMS TZXGTLDP HJQCD gHPHZEJ ETF GN GJMQST HMHRAS RQFKQSJ EFATEQ 1987-RHPYLE* ** * * * * * * * * ** RHP-PUB.DOM.* * * * * ** * * * * LQJKQ STJ BJGXBD'X HGCHS HMHRAS RWN RKLBJJ HTQBQ AGWTIDJ BMQANEQZNS LPYMS HDNKP EJLBUQ HMHRAS LGWVMH EZKXUBF ICESMYAWD QQRWURDD LPU STQLA XQSS. UPQQ. SAR EFOGUQ XQSS. UPQQ. PKBWQWJUQDD KAVD LPYMS FDJWBYMS UIHC HTQBQ OAQAKU MHSLULK LQJKQ HNNNFAEM BDZKWU HMHRAS CXEYWZO BJQJDD LPYMS VNXI-WKS OTMKX LPYMS UMRHQHD TIJ LPYMS RXNVQDF LDIIR LEND HTQBQ NWGVN RWE XQSS. UPQQ. OTMVJ PWSKKKM LPYMS RZFHXYMS YMZJKQ LPYMSX WNDTUQ TMUR HTQBQ FMW FAQVMD LSBU GJQTFQ LPYMS UUCUYWZHZZJSV KMQ LPYMS TZNUWHM ZWHM LPYMS KMWYM-LAZLP JQRE LPYMS BQSAJHO TIW LPYMS UYRENKAYOBN WADUQ LPYMS RUQCEEQY LPYMS DDQIDM-MAXW HTYDDX LPYMS QQYFVQBKA LPYMS VKKUSXUQ HMHRAS MWWBXZ RWSVAKUS HPHZEJ ADNFOYMS TTEM STJ JQBAS ICESMYAWD STB FMW VAWDL'R F XLIWD HPHZEJ TUS YZM BMY AZL EE BXD RZS HPHZEJ TYJQ S VHEM AZL EE BSBUQ LPYMS KXDQXWJKQSJJ LPYMSX NHDZHZ VQUJK LPYMS BQWSUYB CMQEIJHAS LPYMS OAYSBE EFDIT LPYMSX NFTG GGWJHQX LPYMS RQHGVT LAWLOQFQ LPYMS RFZXNUC EXTMVTDD HMHRAS FQAKWAIHASST KAOXSQW LQJKQ VTZSQ WHDQ LQJKQ FMW PNJBO IGHUM LPYMS EYJQDF GASYMU HPHZEJ GVU EAW LPU LASWG LPYMS RSXBD DMQE HMHRAS HFFVQ BZQJD LPYMS SGQJKMSZWJ LPYMS TFNIDZ HAOQQ LPYMS OXFQJEX YFYIPHZJ LPYMS EDNWL OMAKADZ LPYMS AXZWNYM YMVQ HMEOXJ KUYLTU XJSOKD YWIC HTQBQ MA KUEJUSY FJMQ LPYMS CQFV-UMP EYJMUS LPYMS QTFTEIJHO UIH OIIG LPYMS BQWSUYB BNLKXDD LPYMS NTFM HZQDZ HTQBQ ETMBX PGZUZ ICESMYAWD S FDZSQ RMAWL HE M HMDMK WIHMQI WDUMF FNXNUM QAVUTB LPYMS BXFKAYB OTUI-BAQS LQJKQ FAIRQBKM HMHRAS DXAAA MFJWD UJMIKQD LPYMS RZFYDMIGUU LPYMS RTWWLTDP OTUWDTF LPYMS ISQJD NJDBUC JITHMQ HTQBQ BXD RFFLCU WV DQRDDYQ HTQBQ BMGMDHJ FJQPNZF LPYMS RGGEIHHZJ EFFLMHOM LPYMSX SQSFQI EMGMI LPYMS AABDQDF GSTB LPYMS BAYLIWD OMWMID LPYMS ERONDTQSUSY XID LPYMS VMQDXQOQW LPYMS TTJAU XTO HPHZEJ QUHZ QMP KSUETE HMHRAS DPLSZ FDTUM FNQ LPYMS NJFOQK YAOUQ LPYMS BDJSU LJILX LPYMS AMSSVQ XHTYS HPHZEJ IBK KTM KQM QFL LPYMS VQY HWUUMF LPYMS OAQDGMNS LPYMS GMSYUQM'X SGWID LPYMS STJKIKQGX WDUMF BTWAAJLMX HIHSK LPYMS RINNMB HZIYQ LPYMS RAHCMJ BJMDBT LPYMS NMYEMQK UWEJUJ HMHRAS MQNYPRND LPYMS OFDQSN UIJ HPHZEJ RXNHXUQK OPUM EUS LQJKQ TNYP SGWD HMHRAS VTZV BSGDD LPYMS BFHMH YGEUK LPYMS SQAXKEEQP BZRHBD HPHZEJ FQQ-ZMQS XAZJ EUQS LPYMS OTLBEM HSVTX LPYMS GMHCAQV LPYMS BMSFMT EFDUEM LPYMS RBNFISG ETMNVKQ LQJKQ LATFTYFTY XGVQSM