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This option isDelay: This is the wait (in seconds)to hold down a key before it repeats.the number of repeats per second.Select the display type for whichyour IBM programs are setup.(Either display type can be used onall Atari monitors).The Atari cannot show IBM monochromefeatures: blinking, highlighting,or underlining. You may choose toshow any of these features in reversevideo.Select the color and adjust the red,blue, and green parts by clicking thearrows. The exact shade is also shownnumerically. You may also reset allcolors to their original shades.(Atari lores displays all 16 colors.)On the Atari, only 4 colors can beshown in 80 column color text mode.Select the 4 colors to be used fromthe 16 medium resolution colors above.Select the color by clicking the boxand then click one of the 16 colorboxes from medium resolution.Monochrome and high resolution colormodes may use any 2 colors from the16 medium resolution colors above.Select the color by clicking the boxand then clicking one of the 16 colorboxes from medium resolution.Ptu$   Wghi    r0s`v !@t"$%pw&()Pu*,-x.01y256z7:;{<?@~ADE|FIJKNO}PSTqUWXY[\ r]_`0sacd`vegh@tiklpwmopPuqstxuwxyy|}z~{~|}q   !$')*|+-.{/12z356p79:;=>?ABCEFGIJKLNPQSUVXiopquvw~($%5 ; DK#%v ( $@        1(\x     )+ -  04   6 :  = A C!R(                !!B( #" < X t            8 T p        4 P  l        0   L ! h"  $ % & ' ( ) ,* H + d,  - . ;/:0 1 2 3 4(5D6`7|89:.<Z=_>d B?A!@A$>@ !' ! %% "&2!Tq# '$##% ; ' B$g%%$  %("B#f#&&" ($<#`"&% \4L\4<"##&&4" W(u$#"&% ,.N D|  D S@. .;u.  t*$.; . .u... [.> uH.uAWSP@ۋ>u;u . . ..X[_..3& &"&$&& i& &"&$&&' zsZ2`Àz `hf4ƑBFAB!w!MAi#YV6۠#_Q ]:L7%s?=PsAuT Kw  README.1ST June 1, 1987  List of files and folders on pc-ditto master disk:  README.1ST CERTPGMS.DOC \STPROGRAMS PC-DMENU.PRG PC-DITTO.PRG PC-D.1 \PCPROGRAMS PC-DFMT.EXE PC-DDRVR.SYS SPEEDY3.EXE QWICKEYS.COM  1. README.1ST This file: contains information regarding the files on your disk, latest updates to those files, and a summary of general problems and solutions which have been encountered by users.  2. CERTPGMS.DOC Contains a list of software certified (i.e., tested fully) on pc-ditto.  3. \STPROGRAMS Folder containing files which run under the Atari GEMDOS. These files should be copied to an Atari format disk (see your User manual for details).  4. PC-DMENU.PRG This program allows you to change the characteristics of pc-ditto to your taste. Such parameters as colors used by the monochrome and graphics palettes, disk drive assignments, and others. This program is menu driven, with built-in help. Your user manual also explains how to get started. This program should be run first, before pc-ditto, to ensure the configuration of pc-ditto is correct for your usage.  5. PC-DITTO.PRG This is the main program. Clicking this program will start the IBM compatible emulation using the preferences selected in the pc-dmenu program above.  6. PC-D.1 This is part of the pc-ditto.prg main program. It must also be contained on the same disk as pc-ditto.prg for it to work correctly.  7. \PCPROGRAMS This is a folder containing IBM-type programs. These files should be copied to an IBM format diskette. They only run under PC or MS-DOS. Again, see your user manual for more information concerning the copying and setup of these programs.  8. PC-DFMT.EXE This program will format 80-track high-capacity 3.5" disks under DOS versions below 3.2. It will also perform regular formatting, similar to the FORMAT utility program. This program is menu-driven with built-in help. Please see the user manual for additional information on the creation and use of high- capacity 3.5" disks, as well as some of the problem and solutions below.  By the way, since DOS versions below 3.2 do not recognize a high- capacity disk (720K) without a device driver, DOS versions below 3.2 cannot be installed on a high-capacity disk (the device driver is not present when DOS first starts up).  For single-sided disk owners, this program can create 80-track format disks, providing 360,000 characters (360K) of storage.  9. PC-DDRVR.SYS This is a DOS device driver used to access high- capacity (720K) diskettes using DOS versions below 3.2. It can also be used to read and write Atari GEMDOS format disks, for those DOS versions that may have trouble doing so, otherwise. See your user manual for an in-depth discussion of high-capacity disks and use of this driver under your DOS.  -Provided at no charge-  10. SPEEDY3.EXE A public-domain program which may be useful from time- to-time to speedup the screen display of some DOS versions; primarily DOS versions below 3.0. Testing of this program has been limited. Therefore, try running it after you start your DOS and before you run any applications. For many applications (e.g. dBase series), it does speed screen displays around 30% faster. Other applications, such as Lotus 1-2-3, there appears to be no effect. Because of the public domain nature of this program, it should be tested with your applications to determine if it has any real value. Also, if you should encounter any flakyness using it, please let us know. To date, we have not encountered any problems, but the possibly always exists with any product.  11. QWICKEYS.COM This program, like Speedy3.exe, is public domain. It will often speed cursor and repeat key use. Again, as with Speedy3.exe, please try it with your application to determine if any real enhancement is perceived.   HARD DISK USERS -- PLEASE READ -- VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION - - -  1. pc-ditto currently supports only one physical hard drive (logical unit number 0). More drives may be supported in the future.  2. To access the hard disk, you MUST use DOS version 3.0 or higher. Versions of DOS below 3.0 can not access your hard disk, and if used to write to the hard disk, WILL destroy information or even make the hard disk unusable until re-formatted.  3. Formatting the entire physical hard disk requires you use the proper Atari GEMDOS hard disk utility. Once formatted, DOS can then format individual partitions for its use, if you need.  It is not necessary to format a partition with DOS FORMAT, unless you wish to install DOS on that partition.  * WARNING: DOS can not access any partition on a hard disk with less than 4.2 Meg (4,206,080 characters)!!! To do so WILL mean disaster to files in that partition. (Sorry, but this is a DOS requirement we can not get around --- and, we have tried!)  Also, not that this will occur often, but DOS can not access partitions with more than 32Meg sizes. 4. DOS may be installed on your hard disk for autoboot using the DOS FORMAT, SYS, and SELECT utilities. FDISK may be used to inspect the partition information, but it is not allowed to actually update that information.  5. If you have only one partition on your hard disk, only one operating system may be installed on it to AUTOBOOT. That is, if you can automatically start GEMDOS from your hard disk, you cannot install DOS on that same partition to automatically start. So, you may have one or the other; not both.  6. Multiple partitions are supported. Under GEMDOS, each partition is assigned a drive letter. IBM XT hard drives may have more than one partition, but only one is active for use by DOS (the others are considered to have different operating systems, and thus are inaccessable to DOS).  We provide a solution to this problem by treating multiple partitions the same way as GEMDOS does: assign a drive letter to each partition. For DOS, this means each partition is treated as being a separate, physical drive with only one partition.  7. If you format a partition, whether you install DOS or not, we will recognize that partition as potentially bootable. As such, DOS can only be booted from the first hard drive in a system (drive C:).  This means, if you do not format the first partition on your hard drive, but do format the second, third, or fourth, then we must treat that partition as letter C:. The remaining partitions are sequentially lettered for D:, E:, and F: (if used). The letters are assigned in a circular fashion. So, after the last partition has been assigned a letter, the first partitions are assigned the next letters.  If DOS is to be booted, it must reside on the FIRST DOS bootable partition in the group. In other words, if partitions 1 and 3 are formatted as DOS drives, and partitions 0 and 2 are GEMDOS, DOS will be bootable only from partition 1.  The following table will hopefully summarize this mess:  Bootable DOS partition Partition assigned to drive - - if you have four partitions C: D: E: F: 1-- -- -- -- 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 2  if you have three partitions 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 1  if you have two partitions 0 0 1 1 1 0  We use this method, because many will set up the hard disk to autoboot GEMDOS. GEM autoboot requires partition 0; leaving partitions 1, 2, and 3.  This is not ideal -- because now the partition drive letters are not the same under both DOS and GEMDOS.  But, you can use the ASSIGN command under DOS and other DOS utilities to rearrange drive letters provided to partitions. (This is an advanced topic. So, we leave investigating this alternative to advanced DOS users). For most of us, we prefer to keep it simple and just keep a list of the partitions assigned GEMDOS versus DOS.  NOTE: Again, this only applies when you format a partition under DOS. If you do not format any partitions, then the drive letters will be the same under both systems.   8. When using DOS and you do the first DIR on a hard disk letter, after the list of programs, the DOS will provide you with free space. This may take a few seconds, as the DOS will read areas on the disk to determine the remaining space left. This will occur only on the first time. Thereafter, DOS keeps up with the free space.  9. We recommend using the BUFFERS=16 option in the CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS startup drive. (See your DOS reference guide for details). This can speed up hard disk operations significantly.  10. DOS utility CHKDSK will report "Probable non-DOS disk. Continue (Y/N)" on hard disk partitions not formatted by DOS. Answer, Y. They are correct, but this is normal, even for some IBM compatible add-on hard drives.  11. Use caution, when installing some copy-protected software on a hard drive. Some software uses all kinds of information about its location on the hard drive to see if it has been copied (by relocation). Consequently, it will fail to work if your backup and restores do strange things to disk formats, partition sizes, and so on. There are no hard and fast rules here. Just use caution; the same applies to IBM and compatible hard drive users, anyway.  12. pc-ditto has only been tested with a single SUPRA 3.5" 20MEG drive. We will test additional drives, as we can obtain them, or as you come across new controller/drive combinations. Please call if you have problems. (Thanks).  13. If you format a partition, but do not install DOS on it, and then try to boot it, you will receive "Non-system disk" message. Just press a key and start the DOS from a floppy. See the information above, if you have formatted more than one partition with DOS FORMAT.    STARTING DOS FROM A HARD DISK  Once you have installed DOS on your hard disk, pc-ditto will boot it:  1. First, pc-ditto will try to boot drive A:, just in case you wish to override the DOS on the Hard disk.  2. If there is no floppy disk present, then booting from the hard disk is tried.  3.< Finally, if there is no bootable partition, pc-ditto will ask for a disk in drive A:, or you may ESCape back to GEMDOS.    If you should leave a GEM disk in a drive, pc-ditto will report an error and ask you to insert a DOS disk or return to GEMDOS.    PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS GENERALLY ENCOUNTERED  PROBLEM: Because IBM compatible 3.5" diskettes are double-sided, IBM compatible 3.5" software can not be used in an Atari single-sided drive (SF 354 or equivalent.)  (This generally applies to Atari 520 ST owners; 1040 ST machines contain one built-in double-sided drive.)  SOLUTION: 1. Purchase a double-sided 3.5" drive (recommended because this format is the wave of the future and single-sided will become more rare), OR  2. Copy your PC-DOS and IBM compatible programs to single-sided, 3.5" disks. (NOTE: some copy-protected software will not copy; thus you're left with solution #1 above).  Generally, you may receive assistance with transfering your software to single-sided disks from local Atari user groups or your local Atari dealer.    PROBLEM: Your software is on 3.5" single-sided disks. You want to use it on an IBM compatible with double-sided 3.5" drives.  SOLUTION: 1. Your disks may be read/written by any Atari ST with single- or double-sided 3.5" drives.  For IBM and compatibles, with 3.5" drives, the disks are usable only in the 40-track format. This is done by using the FORMAT program, (under DOS 3.2 and above, do not use DRIVEPARM or DRIVER.SYS). Single-sided disks formatted with 40 tracks contain approximately 180,000 characters (180K). Double-sided disks formatted with 40 tracks contain approximately 360,000 characters (360K).  2. If you are not technically experienced and can not obtain technical assistance, we recommend you purchase a double-sided drive. The cost of the drive will most likely be worth avoiding the technical frustrations you will encounter. 3. However, if you are technically experienced or fearless and brave, the following explains the procedure for creating a 3.5" disk readable by both the Atari ST and IBM compatible.  A. To format a 3.5" disk for single-sided, 40- track operation under DOS using  FORMAT x:/1  where x is the letter of the drive containing the 3.5" disk.  Then, use the disk as you would any other, except for the much limited space. This means you may copy files to and from it, as well as read and write it on an IBM or compatible.  B. To format a 3.5" disk for double-sided, 40- track operation under DOS using  FORMAT x:  where x is the letter of the drive containing the 3.5" disk.  Then, use the disk as you would any other, except for the much limited space. This means you may copy files to and from it, as well as read and write it on an IBM or compatible.    PROBLEM: You have a 5.25" disk drive and a 3.5" disk drive attached to my Atari ST. You have selected drive A: to be the 3.5" drive. But, my copy-protected software on 5.25" disk does not start.  SOLUTION: Most copy-protected, 5.25" software expects to be started in drive A:. This means that you must select the 5.25" drive as drive A:.    PROBLEM: My software is on 5.25" diskettes and requires two drives (A: and B:), but my B: drive is a 3.5" drive.  SOLUTION: Copy the second 5.25" disk (normally in B: drive) to a blank 3.5" disk. Then, use the first disk in the 5.25" drive and THE COPY of the second in the 3.5" drive.  `(The type of drive and size of media is generally tranparent to DOS and its programs).    PROBLEM: You have a double-sided, 3.5" disk drive, but when you format the disk you only get 360K instead of 720K data space.  SOLUTION: 1. For DOS versions below 3.2, you should use the PC-DFMT program on your master pc-ditto disk. See your pc-ditto manual for copying the PC-DFMT program to an IBM format disk, if you have not already done so.  The menu option tracks per disk should be set to 80 and the sides per disk set to 2. This will provide 720K usable space. (For your DOS to access this special disk, you must use the PC- DDRVR.SYS file, also (as described in your pc-ditto user manual).  2. For DOS versions 3.2 and higher, you may use the DOS utilities FORMAT and DRIVER.SYS, (both described in your DOS reference guide). Or, you may continue to use the utilities mentioned in 1. above.  Because many people have experienced problems using DOS 3.2 and 3.3 to create 720K disks, the following is an example of procedures we use when starting with a master DOS diskette:   STEP WHAT YOU TYPE REASON  1. Boot new DOS #We must be operating 3.2 or 3.3 (under the correct 6DOS when using its 6FORMAT and DISKCOPY 6utilities.  2. Format a FORMAT x:/S Replace x blank diskette $with A or B (whichever is a double-sided. #3.5" drive).  3. Copy the files Copy FORMAT:COM B: You will need FORMAT.COM and Copy DRIVER:SYS B: these files to DRIVER.SYS to the !to format the newly formatted #720K Disk later disk in drive X: '  4. Create CONFIG. Copy CON: CONFIG.SYS SYS file on the DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS/D:0 newly formatted DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS/D:0 disk in drive X: {Press F6 key} {Press RETURN}  5. Tell pc-ditto (use pc-dmenu; see You must use this drive A: is to your user manual newly formatted be the 3.5" disk for more information) disk to use the in drive x: 'new file, CONFIG.SYS  6. Reboot computer using newly formatted disk containing DOS  You will get messages This means drive C: "Loading External !and D: refer to Disk for Drive C" !720K disks, explicitly "Loading External Disk for Drive D" !Drive C: and A: are 6the same drive. Drive 6D: and B: are the same. 6C: and D: are just 6used in FORMAT and 6diskcopy for creating 6or copying 720K disks. 6A: & B: may contain 6any format disk, but 6may only Format/Copy 6disks under 720K 6(320K or 36K or 180K 6or 160K).  7. To format a For Example: 720K diskette, FORMAT C:/S specifying drive C: or D:  8. Create a CONFIG. Now you have SYS on that disk a 720K, bootable (see step 4 above) DOS diskette  To Disk-copy 720K disk to another 720K disk using double-sided diskettes  1. DISKCOPY C: C: ! | 1. This copies a or -3.5" diskette 2. DISKCOPY C: D: &to another 3.5" ;diskette using ;the same disk ;drive.  ;2. This copies a ;3.5" diskette ;to another 3.5" ;diskette using ;two disk drives.   PROBLEM: You have on 3.5" drive and one 5.25" drive connected to your ST. Your software requests the disk in the 5.25" drive be placed in the 3.5" drive.  SOLUTION: This problem is most often encountered when installing a software program (i.e. customizing a package for user's taste). The software master disk is in one drive, then moved to another for installation.  1. In the PC-DMenu, select B: drive as (none) and A: drive as the drive you will use for installation. Then restart pc-ditto. DOS will have only one drive, and will request that you swap disks in and out of the single drive. ,OR 2. Because of the technical complexities and changes in new versions of software, contact your local Atari user group or dealer for assistance.    PROBLEM: Copying files to/from IBM disk to Atari disk on the Atari ST  SOLUTION: The Atari GEMDOS can read and write almost any format of MSDOS disk used on an IBM PC or compatible.  Also, files may be copied to/from IBM/compatible disks on the Atari. These facts are obscure, as they are not heavily promoted by Atari Corporation.  CAUTION: Atari disks created/formated by the GEMDOS, however, can not always be read by PC/MS-DOS (even versions 3.2 or higher). This brings us to the next problem and solution.  PROBLEM: I tried to read a GEMDOS disk using DOS. I tried this on the Atari using pc-ditto, and on an IBM compatible. But, the disk appears to not be readable.  SOLUTION: The GEMDOS format is almost compatible with the DOS version 3.2 720K 3.5" format, but not quite.  1. You may use our device driver, pc_ddrvr.sys, to read and write your GEMDOS disks under DOS;  OR  2. You may copy them to a disk which was formatted by PC/MSDOS. This may be done on either an IBM/Compatible, or by using pc- ditto on the ST. Then, use that disk on your PC/compatible.  NOTE: Any files may be copied, except for copy-protected programs, but the most common use is to transfer a text file between the two computers.  PROBLEM: I have a second 5.25" drive connected to my Atari ST. But, when I try to use it, no disk I try will read properly using GEMDOS.   SOLUTION: There are several technical reasons why your drive may not respond when using GEMDOS.  First, if you can use the drive with pc-ditto, then electrically your connection is probably sound. Therefore, you may need to tell GEMDOS about the drive speed. One program we have found success with is SIXMS.PRG, a public domain product, available on many public domain bullentin board systems. Use of this program permits you to read and write 5.25" diskettes.  Second, if you can not use the drive with pc-ditto, then it most likely is connected incorrectly. In that case, you may need to seek help from your local dealer, the company who sold the drive, or even a local Atari ST user group.  HIGH speed screen display active. $LOW speed (standard DOS speed) $Speedy Screen Display for MSDOS 2.11 Copyright (c) 1986 by Charles M Dayton Version 3.02 - January 23, 1986 $Bad or missing switch value. Must include: /L for standard dos or: /H for high speed display $Can not found MSDOS routines to be patched! This is a non-standard version of MSDOS! $< u @ؠPVPXtS)[< r<t6V66&uPS QV޾<^VuS)[z^A I!rLt(+-6>6>>>( ! F t Ht>)s&!(s!ÿs> !r3G&;u&D;Eu &D;EuF2 F&FGrSoftware Certified on pc-ditto (version 2.0) as of 6/1/87 1. Spreadsheets/Integrated Packages Ability Enable Express Calc Framework Framework II Javelin KnowledgeMan/2 Lotus 123 Multiplan PFS: Professional Plan PC-Calc Supercalc 3 Supercalc 4 Symphony The Smart Software System 2. Recreation 3-Demon ABM Backtalk Battlezone Blackjack Buck Rogers Castle Cyclops Dragon World FlightMare Hobbit Infidel Island of Mystery Jet Jump Joe Microsoft Flight Simulator Mind Monoply Musician NFL Challenge Novatron PC-Golf PCChess Piano Man Planet Fall Pool Serpentine Spacewar Starflight Startrek Striker The Witness Trekrun Zork I, II, and III 3. Graphics Art Studio Atlas Mapping Software Chart Master Charts Unlimited Cheap CAD DDCAD Dan Bricklin's Demo Program Draw! EasyCAD EasyFlow Executive Picture Show Freelance GRASP Graph-in-the-Box Graphassembler HyperGraphics Lady Bug Graphics Map Builder Microsoft Chart PC Storyboard PC-Draft PC-Key-Draw Personal Computer Picture Graphics System Present Slide Presentation System ProDesign II Slide Write Plus The Grafix Partner VCN Concorde World 4. Personal/Home Finance Chase Spectrum Dollars & Sense Finance Manager Invest Loanpak Managing Your Margin Money Options PC-Check PC-Stock Swift Tax Sylvia Porter's Investment Manager Sylvia Porter's Personal Financial Series The Evelyn Wood Dynamic Reader 5. Project Managers Harvard Total Project Manager Job Scheduler Microsoft Project Planning Tools PC-Hibol ProTracs SuperProject Timeline 6. Word Processing - Addons Electric Webster Exact PC-Outline Resident Speller Think Tank Webster's New World Spelling Checker Whoops 7. Business Productivity 1-2-3 Report Writer Bottomline 1-2-3 Report Writer Bottomline V DataLaw/PC DataLaw/Mgr Datamite DesqView Dosamatc Exsell Flashcode FormTool GEM Holmes Inset Instant Recall IT Figures Keep Track Keynotes LETTRIX Markis Marketing Metro MonoGrafx Multiple Choice Org PC Window PC-Desk II PC-DeskMates PC-Menu PC-Tracker People Planner Printworks Q&A Q-DOS Qwikeys Reports Plus Salemaker Sales Repeater SB Assistant Sidekick Sideways Smart Notes Superkey The Newsroom Whats Best! WindowDOS X-Y-Z:Consolidate X-Y-Z:Query X-Y-Z:Spread 8. Utilities 1dir Arc Alter Back-it Beep C-Format DGS-Edit DMS (Disk Management System) Diags Dismod Disptest Download EBL (Extended Batch Language) Eraq Fancy Font Fatdump Fileminder Fileminder Flashcode Form Manager IBM Professional Editor Keyword Commander Lsd Lu86 Lasercontrol 100 List2day Mach2 Microsoft C Codeview Move Newkey Norton Commander Norton Utilities Nosetarc Nostradamus Utilites PC-Status Page Path Master Printer Boss Program Master Query R-DOC/X Recall RE/Call Rendir Screen Generator Screen Sculpter Sdir Secure2 Setarc Showback Sorted Directory (d.Com) Speedy3 SquareNotes Stay-Res Still River Shell Superen Sweep SymDeb  Treedir3 UltraPrint Ultra-Utilities Util VCopy Watchdog Wordtech dBase III Compiler XTREE 9. Operating Systems Compaq DOS Eagle DOS IBM DOS 1.1,2.0,2.1,3.0,3.1,3.21,3.3 10. Word Processing Brown Bag Word Processor DataFlex Documax Facelift 2 IBM Writing Assistant LeScript Lotus Manuscript Microsoft Word MultiMate OfficeWriter PFS:Professional Write PC-Write Volkswriter 3 Word Perfect Wordstar XY Write 11. Languages ESIE GW Basic Microsoft C Microsoft Macro Assembler PC-Hibol ProFlo QPro4 Quelo 68000 Assembler Package True BASIC Turbo Pascal Turbo Pascal Graphics Turbo Prolog XGEN Zbasic 12. Training AutoMentor IBM Tutorial Tutor 13. Database Cornerstone Enrich File Express FoxBase+ IBM Filing Assistant Oracle PC-File PC Manager PowerBase PractiBase R:base 5000 RESQ Reflex Seekeasy ZYIndex dBase II dBase III dBase III Plus 14. Accounting BPI Accounting Series DAC Easy Accounting Systems Dome Simplified Bookkeeping One-Write Plus I One-Write Plus II Open Systems Open for Business Accounting PC-Accounting PC-General Ledger RealWorld Acctg Simple Solid Gold Real Estate TAS-Books 15. Communications 1 Ringy Dingy ASCOM Carbon Copy Crosstalk XVI IBMMINI Procomm QModem Smartcom II TeleVision 16. Education Software Express Education Collection #a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 9B 02 #W 00 00 0C 01 1E 13 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ "`m`HzBg?<NNPOHzBg?<NNPO?<NNTO.?<NNTO*Hz ?<&NN\O 8$ $PfCjJ x`0<DS@fAjJpCΓjK0@20@20@20@2CjK.0@20@2F&,9.g.  |$| мmP<(@м^P<*@0<"FYA. 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It is not public domain. Use of this product is subject to a license agreement printed on your product package. This agreement will be legally enforced. Drive A: is the Drive B: is the ternal drive Video mode: Monochrome Color Reverse video used instead of: High intensity characters Blinking characters Underlined characters Available memory: Starting DOS. No DOS found on floppy drive A: Now starting DOS from Hard disk C:. 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The drive may not be a fixed disk, nor awd# drive provided by a DOS=" device driver (any DEVICE= in the/>!( CONFIG.SYS file, such as the ram disk, VDISK, or HC.SYS).ӸPfJ =t8 =t=t[PAѠ2=t"v 40 (80)Ӹ gT (40) 80 qӸ =tP 9&Tracks per side Help: Standard #5.25-inch disks have 40 tracks per  side. 3.5-inch disks may contain 40 or 80 tracks per side.x! 80 tracks may only beS used with DOS versions 2.0 or1 higher.=L/" HC.SYS may be required for use with DOS versions below 3.2 (see README.1ST file on your pc-ditto disk).ѡ P& =t =t=tWP Ϡ2=t I6 9 (8)UѸ )(9) 8 5Ѹ =tP  Sectors per track Help: Standard disks contain 9 sectors per track. DOS versions below o2.0 use 8 sectors per track. MVolume[jM:! labels cannot be used with 8 sectors, and only 9 sectors can be used with 80 tracks per side (required for compatibility withm DOS).{ϡ P =t) =t=t[<P̠2=t"1 No (Yes);ϸA  (No) Yes ϸ< =tP Install DOS Help: A disk can be used to start ("boot") your computero by installing a copyK of the DOS on it. The DOS + takes space,3B% however, and unless needed, you may conserve space by selecting NO. You may reserve space for DOS to be added laterj (useykX" Reserve space option).JY͡ P=t =t= t< =.W Pѡ - - P腿M= t= tP = |B  WuΠ 2Pϱ 2P̡  =tP lYVolume Help: Disks used with 8DOS version 2.0 or higher may contain#2 electronic labels to identify them (usually shown during a DIR command). Volume labels may contain the mletterszlY A to Z, digits 0 to 9,6 and the characters $ & # @ ! %+:  { } _. Volume labels cannot be used with 8 sectors per track, nor Reserve space options.ʡ P) =t =t=t[>P Ƞ2=t"L9 No (Yes)VʸC * (No) Yes 4ʸ> y=tqP Reserve space Help: Some DOS versions cannot be installed on a disk once it has been sformatted (see your DOS WReference). You mayXgJ7 reserve space for any  DOS to be added later. A volume label is also not allowed since some DOS versions do not allow them.ȡ P 0=t  =t=tW6P Ơ2=t S@ 2 (1)_ȸ: 3 (2) 1 ?ȸ6 =tP Sides per disk Help: Most disks are double sided. However, the Atari SF354 3.5-inch} drive is single-sided. You \must usehwZG" the 1 option for disks! to be used in that drive.  Also, DOS " version 3.2 and higher cannot use 3.5-inch 80 track single sided disks.ơ P s =t"' PY+}AqQPqYItqPY+}AqQPq軸YItqLL=|EP+DOS 2.0 or higher is required to use PCDFMTŸ5¹$wŸP{W}W㸀`abvcd.efgk2hk2ijZk`أ ĸPPPP.>1y&ĿyWk ĸP{P}P"k2;yu;y=|JPk3The drive appears to be out of order. Please checklk2=Ztk2=?PbO(Fixed disk cannot be formatted by PCDFMTMP#Cannot format an ASSIGNed drive-(Temporarily unASSIGN drive before formatting -- See your DOS manual.) =tflRáwPPPlWW92=tHP2=tHY u W"ſ Wſ Wſ Ww.12P :\COMMAND.COMbŸPűĹ¿ ıĿg WŒPP. pLLPg PLll2=UP"}j#Please insert a disk containing DOSC in default drive w.12P[0?"+Press F2 when ready or F10 to exit PCDFMT ¸ =tfxu[Jֿ  2=t=Ru5Jֿ  2=<t  =Dt =t'"PY+}AqQPqYItqߠl2=tjP; Pw Ww.12P:\*.*nøPñ¹w ±ÿg W LLPg Pill2=$ W; +诿XLLll2=w.12䢹 : \   W - 2_ 2PY;tw.12 : \   W -. 2_ 2PY;t W u . 2P±  . 2PY;tw.12 : \   W -Y 2_ 2PY;t W  Y 2P  Y 2PY;t蚾PPG߹$艾LLP P W=AP>Error occurred while opening 5$肾$(LLP P Wy=NPݻ8%Error occurred while opening Կ!ʽ Pw$躽LLP P W =[PoError occurred while opening fU賽\ PG߹O P:2=t W($'LL P> P> PP=sPԺ/Error occurred while reading ˾ P޹贼 P޹觼 P޿ W至I W* 育$聼LL P> P> P* P=~P.vError occurred while reading %r P޹ Pݹ Pݿ W* Ჿ W* ֲ WU ѱ$лLL P> P> PU P_=P}Error occurred while reading tcj PUݹ] PHݹP P;ݿ WU 0 WU % WU  P ݹ Pܹ Pܸ PǸ"+Please place disk to be FORMATTED in drive y.12P*Press F2 to continue or F10 to exit PCDFMT辺 =tf,u[JgϿ t蔺 2=t=u5JAϿ Nn 2=<t  =Dt =tPY+}AqQPq袷衬YItq2=t Om'm虹sظPmY+}%AqQoussqsssosssussuussss=#Pڶ5"FORMATTING TRACK qPb SIDE oPN!¸P PqPPoPyPlWWgؠl2=P\͸ P VERIFYING P謸!UP PqPPoPyPlWWנl2=2=taoussqsssosssussuussss=#PlFORMATTING TRACK qP SIDE oP諷!TP PqPPoPyPlWW֠l2=PI̸ Po, VERIFYING PW>!綸P PqPPoPyPlWW֠l2=q=(t;!衶P P'PPoPyPlWWF֠l2=toYItq2=tHP2=tHY# u3@@ d2=t3p $2=tHP2=tHY# u3@h  2=tHP2=tHY# u3p  p2=t3p  0p  # % 2   ) 2' )   !   !HPP P! P PyPlWWӹ!PP P! P PyPlWWӠl2=ll!߳PP P! P PyPlWWӹ!贳PP P! P PyPlWWYӠl2=) PY+}AqQqYItqPY+}aAqQ    ! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t   !ʲPP P! P PyPlWWoҠl2= ; |   ! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t   ! PP P! P PyPlWWѠl2=eYItq P Y+}AqQ  ! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t   !tPP P! P PyPlWWѠl2=NYItqq PY+}AqQq+ YItq2=tHP2=tHY u3 PY+}AqQPq芮艣YItqPrWriting system to diskǰ  % =t)  ->#   -># ! F -P# Y  -># !  -P# Y>#  6 * G E qq 2=.u#qWq 2_+ qqqsq=|q + qqq=qs 2PY;u)qWs 2_3 qqssq=|q 3 qqq=    ;* |PY+}0AqQqW> W q_&2_YItq  !脮PP P! P PyPlWW)Πl2=! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t      ;'   =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  i =u  =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  -    %=t  ? 2   W 2_ W 2_  V U g e qq 2=.u#qWq 2_K qqqsq=|q K qqq=qs 2PY;u)qWs 2_S qqssq=|q S qqq=    ;U |PY+}0AqQqW> W q_&2_YItq  !蕪PP P! P PyPlWW:ʠl2= ! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t      ;'   =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  i =u  =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  -    %=t  ? 2   W 2_ W 2_  2=t v  qq 2=.u#qWq 2_k qqqsq=|q k qqq=qs 2PY;u)qWs 2_s qqssq=|q s qqq=    ;|PY+}0AqQqW> W q_&2_YItq  !袦PP P! P PyPlWWGƠl2=! ! ! ;# *!    ;% t      ;'   =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  i =u  =t  -    %=t& W 2_ W 2_? 2   W 2_ W 2_  -    %=t  ? 2   W 2_ W 2_  !PPPPPyPlWWàl2=) ! !ңPPP! PPyPlWWwàl2=G =` sPsY+}'AqQq-Wq2_YItqsP Y+}AqQq- YItq2=ttPY+}$AqQqWq2_ YItqPY+}'AqQqWq2_ YItq qPY+}$AqQqWq2_+ YItqPY+}'AqQqWq2_3 YItq6 =HP2=tHY P2=tHY uL) ! !䡸PPP! PPyPlW+ Wl2=Y+ WT\ P -Y+ + W+  լs3PY+}AqQPq/.YItqPr+ ҪPN bytes maximum capacity of diskBQ2=t* -qU -s-u1 Wq^1 W1 2s\F1 W1 uЫD.褵1 P耹 bytes used by the systemz艠2=t* -qU -s1 WqI誩1 W1 ~s4訩蒩1 hPx bytes used by the system޸1 WI7 W+ 1 a0覴7 P肸 bytes remain for user filesy舟kXFormat successfully completeda'b鼛 WU 땿 W* WՕ镛P謜/Disk error while trying to format for 80 tracksٷ˳踷4(only 3.5-inch disks can be formatted for 80 tracks)語pŸP%l2=t`s`+The disk to be formatted is write protectedIX;(Please check the disk9lĠl2=t\&The drive to be formatted is not readyӲPlease check the driveНl課藶1Disk error encountered. The diskette may be bad.z艝lY FAILCODE=l2P蟵jl* XXXXXXXX3蠙6