O p @`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} D@`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{}AQVKILLER RSC PDȕVKILLER PRG PD([VKILLER DOC PDn@ uJqqmjm>$ ZVR Desk File Options Testing About Vkiller -123456 File Selector Quit Quiet  System Info Load Virus File L - Write Boot Sector File W - Virus Table Generator V Generate Booter Table T - Create Boot Sector C Simulate Disk I/O Execute Disk Accesses Click here for details.Click here for details.Click here for details.Click here for details.Click here for details.Click here for details.ST Virus KillerVersion 3.11 February, 1990Copyright c 1988, 1989, 1990byGeorge R. Woodside5219 San Feliciano DriveWoodland Hills, Ca. 91364 USA(Shareware contributions cheerfully accepted!)GEnie: G.WoodsideCompuserve: 76537,1342USENET: woodside@ttidca or: {philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodsideIf you think you've located a virus this programdoesn't recognize, please send a copy of the diskor the data file to one of the addresses above.If you wish your disk returned, please enclose astamped, self addressed mailer.OKI/O Error Executable Dirty Boot Sector Dirty FATDirty Directory Hidden Sectors System Booter Benign Anti VirusInfecting Anti VirusKEYOKOK000Access cycles to execute: ___999Drive to access: B A Clear boot sector each time? No Yes Cancel OK This program contains a built-in enhancedfile selector. You may wish to use thestandard selector instead, or if you havea replacement selector installed in yoursystem. Standard TOS 1.4 Built-In Name: _X -Comment: _-X-000Pattern Start: ___999Siren TRUE FALSE Icon None Happy Quiz Devil Box None System Quiz Known Desktop Message Safe System Quiz Virus Anti Highlight message TRUE FALSE Generate text TRUE FALSE 000Pattern Length: ___999 Cancel Done OK Name: _X -Comment: _-X- Cancel OK Create a boot sector:Drive: A B Data: Non Exec Exec Buffer Status: Non Exec Exec Cancel OK There appears to be a virus active in this computer right now.The disk you just executed a Kill on was immediately re-infected.That disk has been Killed again, and should still be virus free.Turn off your system, and wait 10 seconds. Put the disk justkilled in Drive A, and then power on. That should get you upand running without the virus. Then, you'll have to go throughall you disks, cleaning off the virus.DO NOT PRESS RESET! Power off, wait ten seconds, then re-runthis program to insure that you have removed the virus.Drive ?:.OS ID: _X0Serial Number: _9xxFormat ID: __XX0Reserved Sectors: _90Hidden Sectors: _90Sides on Disk: _90Tracks on Disk: _90Sectors Per Track: _90Sectors Per FAT: _90Directory Sectors: _9 Scan Disk Cancel Set Defaults Rewrite Scanning a floppy disk:If you know any of the parameters of the disk, select them.Leave unselected those you want figured out. If you don'tknow the number of tracks on the disk, but want to prevent thedrive head from being stepped too far, select the track wheretesting should stop, and select the Limit box.Sides:12Tracks:Limit40808182838485Sectors: 91011CancelOKWhich type of 'Guard' boot sector do you want to install:Display Type: a display is posted at boot up and reset, indicatingthat the disk does not contain a virus.Monitor Type: displays a signon message, then remains active untila reset. If a disk with an executable boot sector is detected at anytime, the screen will flash and a tone will be sounded.Cancel[3][Please change to|Medium Resolution][ Cancel ][3][Insufficient memory|available for that much data.][ Cancel ][3][File Selector Error][ Cancel ][3][File Open Error][ Cancel ][3][File Read Error][ Cancel ][3][File Write Error][ Cancel ][2][This disk is unreadable.][ Cancel ][2][Write boot sector|to which drive?][ Cancel | Drive A | Drive B ][0][Print all data, or just|the boot sector?][ Cancel | All Data | Boot Sector ][0][Printer Open Error][ Cancel ][1][*** WARNING! ***|This disk matches the tests for|more than one type. Identity|is uncertain. Be careful.][Button]?````````aaaaaa`?pb'"/!Hp 1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`1`999999999999090909090909999V"p""p?````````aaaaaa`?999999999999090909090909999VxD8@D|D @@x80       0 '??0*I-@Ֆ@@|@t@_p@@o@@mT @X@e@E@D%,>A tJ]N*gnR*n `@@@@@@8p??>80P >`?~h~WX<\$\~_\$$\!\|_'\\$"\~k_)"\(\$\~_\'\\}!_$%\\'\~_<\XX~w~o/ovb۠_vcݠݠcvwvWڠzbv  (p( ( ǜ`8yp|@x` <|||<< qhJ (B AEx'x /yx 9<800x0 00 0000`x00`0`0a0000 00 0 <0l00?00 0a 0 0 0 ?0 000 0`0`x0`008ax >"  ?? ??? 999999?999999999999999V'?? ? 4 4  @Fd@Fd@D@D@@@ @t@J@JF%F5++@4@4@ @ @@@J@Y@J _ G @ @  @ `@ @ px<>@@   gg33yy(("HrHڐ#c``PP  @ @ @@  @ @` ??::5U5U::5U5U???U?U33>33>5U\:5U\?*W*k*V*j*V*j*V*j*V*j*W<*kx?\*5U]:~|xp`@0000000000000000000????00*@*@*@@@@0300>c33c33k333>36 UW UW  W> < UWx??(P(P:p:p+P*P9Up:p*P*P:p:p+P*P9mp;p+kP)kP:p8pu\7_yy  UUU00p000000xUpꪰUp_XX[X_UsપUw꪿<0a !`?``?? 0p0p0x000000xxxUXpHpXpHpYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIXHXHXHXHXH?X8>H|>X|>I|7cVUUU@UUUUX X X X @X `UX UVUUUU3 6 < 8 < 6 3͜ B( \Hd'" 88?*?(!"!"G G!``f<|>nfffff>`ffff`f>>>`>??     @~ @:``*5`G*5kU   Ѐ@  ?5`jUPj_jup*? @@ xxx?<<<<?yy<???<yxxy '?<<?<<<xxx~xx<<<<xxxx??~<<<<?<<?xxxx?# ?a  @ a Ls? #L&@!a!"!L$ @  !!"!L$>s2L$2`!!2!!L$ 2@!!!!L$2L!!>! 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If it detects an executable boot sector, it will beep and flash the screen. f> VVVV? Virus Killer Drive A Drive B System Statistics VKILLER.RSC[3][Error reading resource file:|%s][ABORT][3][Window Open Failure][Abort]Sides on disk: ?Sides on disk: %4dTracks on disk: ?Tracks on disk: %4dSectors per track: ?Sectors per track: %4dReserved sectors: ?Reserved sectors: %4dSectors per FAT: ?Sectors per FAT: %4dCopies of FAT: ?Copies of FAT: %4dDirectory sectors: ?Directory sectors: %4dSerial number: %8ldBoot not executable.Boot sector not zeroed.Boot sector zeroed.BOOT SECTOR EXECUTABLE.DISK CONTAINS HIDDEN SECTORS!Extra sectors zeroed.EXTRA SECTORS NOT ZEROED.AES version: %4xGEMDOS version: %4xTOS version: %4xTOS date: %8lxEnd of memory: %8lxStart of free RAM: %8lxEnd of free RAM: %8lxScreen RAM: %8lxO/S start: %8lxTPA start: %8lxFree memory: %8lxaux:wprn:w%s %04x Boot SectorReserved, Sector %d of %dFAT Copy %d, Sector %d of %dDirectory, Sector %d of %dData, Sector %d of %d%04x Drive %c:%8ld%2x%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%ld%x%d%d%d%d%d%d%dDisk is safe.Disk very suspicious.Disk has system boot.Disk has an anti-virus.DISK HAS A VIRUS.The as-of-yet unused area of the directory, which should all be zeroes,is not.The File Allocation Table on this disk is larger than it has to be,which is normal. The unused portion of it, however, should be zeroes.The excess portion on this disk contains unrecognized data.This is not the result of deleted files, but is either the trailof a sloppy disk formatter, or the work of an unrecognized virus. This virus checks disk boot sectors to determine if each disk has anexecutable boot before deciding if it should reproduce. It hooks itselfinto the ST operating system and writes a copy of itself onto every diskthe ST reads or writes, if that disk did not already have an executableboot sector.The virus acts by counting how many copies of itself it has written.This virus does not check boot sectors to determine if they are alreadyexecutable. It hooks itself into the ST operating system and writes acopy of itself onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It will overwriteany boot sector, rendering other self booting disks useless.َhڲ9ۂۼ۾ (2)2 )2 .WYܟ-J*4*Lprݣ)3@R`!w@?<NNT35| e߫)3V΀ΰ`8by This Anti-Virus beeps and fHzOb˪<b(+5VJ`8:A"yC$I7b˪<xP+5VϤ`?<NNT>?<NN$&m]2)3V2b`Hz?< NAOADJ<)3VФ`A&m.G$Kb˪<J0o+5nF`AC y$HCb˪<J'e+,+5nјL*_ zlN/0/ @Kxz@+5n H` f8(xb˪< N!e+5n~Ү` "x./ Ab˪<AWX+5n8`Az r,y.'(vb˪<J@+5nӊ`8:A"yi̐hf +5nD`89WY*rC+5nԒԢ``4,_&xrGJxRg _vxG+5n`"x.$IA̐hJL+5nRՂ` "x.A:<b˪<JP+5n`A"xN}$I0<R̐hj9+5nFz`&<C@E$j̐hJx+5n`8f -tgVE"JA̐ha+5n6j`:<!*H1g̐h Q@+5n׬`$mNE}A"J*** '̐hL3K+5n"b` fL(xcb˪<JwE+5nذώЎт ht|<ծ0֪ ז ؚIt is not possible to absolutely distinguish between a virus, and a diskwhich is supposed to be self booting. If you execute a virus kill on aprogram disk which must be self booting, such as many games are, you willhave a useless disk. The simplest way to make the distinction is that, ifyou are directed to press the reset button, or power your computer off andon to use a piece of software, then DO NOT ALTER THAT DISK!Also, do not attempt to use this program on disks which use non-standardformats, such as MAGIC-SAC, or many copy protected disks. Any other disk which this program identifies as having an executableboot should be considered very suspicious.The status of this disk is questionable. The boot sector contains executable code, which will be executed eachtime the system is powered up, or reset, and this disk is in Drive A. The code in the boot sector is not recognized as any known virus, or standard system initializer. This disk does not contain a virus. It contains a recognized system boot-up program.It provides some utility function at power up and reset, but does notpresent a threat, nor does it spread itself.The 'Mark Powell' Anti Virus This is not a virus, but simply an executable boot sector. The programin the boot sector is designed to provide a confirmation that the diskcontains no virus. The program acts only when the ST is booted up or reset. It flashes thescreen colors briefly, and sounds a tone, to let you know that it ispresent, rather than a destructive virus. It has no other effect, andrepresents no threat to your system or disks. It does not spreaditself.The 'ANTI' Virus: This virus refers to itself as an 'anti-virus', but it spreads just asfast as any other virus. It does not, however, destroy anything.The anti-virus displays a signon message when the ST is booted up orreset. Then, as the ST runs, it checks each disk for an executable bootsector. When it finds one, it flashes the screen colors briefly, andgenerates a warning tone. It has no other effect, but it will spreaditself as rapidly as any other virus.The 'Simeon Pashley' Anti - Virus:This virus refers to itself as an 'anti-virus', but it spreads just asfast as any other virus. It does not, however, destroy anything.This anti virus is designed to provide a confirmation that the diskcontains no other virus. The program acts only when the ST is booted up orreset. It flashes the screen colors briefly to let you know that it is present, rather than a destructive virus. It has no other effect, andrepresents no real threat to your system or disks. It does, however,spread as rapidly as any real virus.The VKILLER Display Type Anti Virus This is not a virus, but simply an executable boot sector. The programin the boot sector is designed to provide a confirmation that the diskcontains no virus. The program acts only when the ST is booted up or reset. It displays themessage 'Virus free disk', to let you know that it is present, rather thana destructive virus. It has no other effect, and represents no threat toyour system or disks. It does not spread itself.The VKILLER Monitor Type Anti Virus This is not a virus, but simply an executable boot sector. The programin the boot sector is designed to warn you if a disk with an executableboot sector is inserted in either drive. This monitor displays a signon message when the ST is booted up or reset.Then, as the ST runs, it checks each disk for an executable boot sector.When it finds one, it flashes the screen colors briefly, and generates awarning tone. It has no other effect, and does not spread itself.The '5th Generation' Virus:After five copies are made, it starts attacking. It attacks bycompletely destroying the boot sector, File Access Tables, anddirectories of every disk inserted into the ST. The destruction iscomplete, leaving it almost impossible to recover anything from thedisk once the virus has struck.The 'ACA' Virus:After ten copies are made, it starts attacking. It attacks bycompletely destroying the boot sector, File Access Tables, anddirectories of every disk inserted into the ST. The destruction iscomplete, leaving it almost impossible to recover anything from thedisk once the virus has struck.The 'BHP' or 'Bayerische Hacker Post' Virus: Not much is known about this virus. No complete copy of it isavailable. It appears to do a thorough job of destroying disks when itattacks. If you have detected the presence of this virus, pleasepreserve the disk, and contact the author of this program, at theaddress in the 'About' dialog box.The 'BLOT', 'SWISS', or 'FAT' Virus:The virus is too big to fit into the boot sector. It hides theremainder of the virus program in the last FAT sector on an infecteddisk. It uses time delays to make itself more difficult to detect. Whenit becomes active, it does randomly timed accesses to either the screenmemory, or memory above the screen address. That will either causeblots to appear on the screen, or (if the system has 4 megabytes ofmemory) memory access errors (two bombs). It looks like an ST thatdevelops memory errors after it has been running for a while.The 'Freeze' Virus:The virus attacks by setting up a timer routine. Each time it elapses,the virus makes a random decision to see if it should act. It acts byfreezing the system briefly. Each time it acts it makes the duration ofthe freeze a little longer. This virus does not directly destroy disksor files, but will continue to cause longer and longer delays towhatever program is executing.The 'Green Goblin' Virus:Every sixteen times the boot sector of a disk is read, the virusinverts a small portion of the screen. Every 128 times a boot sector isread, the virus displays this message:'The Little Green Goblins Strike Again'.The 'KEY', 'Signum/BPL', or 'Type 1' VirusIt is waiting for a special disk to come along with a 'KEY' value inthat boot sector. When it finds one, it will execute the code on that'KEY' disk immediately. This disk does not have the 'KEY' value, so itis not an immediate threat. However, this virus will reproduce itselfonto every disk used in your system. Then, when the 'KEY' disk comesalong, you will be a victim of whatever it instructs your system to do.KEY Disk for the 'KEY' Virus: This disk contains the key value for a virus, and represents a veryreal danger. It works in conjunction with the 'KEY' virus. It is notknown what this disk contains. Before you destroy it, send a copy of itto the author of this program (use the address on the 'About' box). Thegeneral version of the 'KEY' virus waits for another disk, with a keyvalue, to come along. This disk has that key value, so it can causevery real damage. It is important that you send a copy of this disk tothe author of this program.The 'Kobold II' Virus: This is the most complex ST virus detected to date. It takes over somany system vectors and functions that it is not yet fully understood.It is extremely sophisticated, however, and quite dangerous. It isreported to have wiped out entire libraries of disks when it hasstruck.The 'Label' Virus:After ten copies are made, it strikes by periodically wiping the screencompletely black.The 'MAD' Virus:After five copies are made, it starts attacking. When it acts, itrandomly selects one of eight different routines. Seven of them arescreen display sabotage routines, while the eighth is a sound effect.This virus does not destroy disks or files, but will destroy screendisplays and cause delays to whatever is executing.The 'Maulwurf I' Virus:The virus acts by using a system timer. It sets the timer to a randomvalue, attacks when the timer elapses, then resets the timer to anotherrandom value. When the virus it attacks, it displays the message'Maulwurf I - SSG (Subversive Software Group )'.The 'Mouse Inversion' or 'Ghost' Virus:After five copies are made, it starts attacking. Every five times theboot sector of either floppy disk is accessed, the virus reverses thevertical orientation of the mouse.The 'Old Nick' or 'Evil' Virus:The virus acts by counting accesses to either floppy disk. After 100disk accesses, it starts reversing the screen colors on each subsequentdisk access.The 'OLI' Virus:The virus attacks as soon as it is installed, but is very subtle. Itintroduces delays of increasing duration to all disk I/O activity. Whenit is active in a system, it is extremely difficult to detect, becauseit masks it own presence anytime an infected disk boot sector is read.The 'Pirate Trap' or 'P.M.S.' Virus:It runs a counter from some starting value, down to zero. Each time itcopies itself, the copy's counter gets a lower starting value. When thecounter gets to zero, the virus starts displaying this message:*** The Pirate Trap **** Youre being watched **** [C] P.M.S. 1987 ***The 'Screen' Virus:This virus executes only on ST's with ROMs dated 02061986. The virusworks by installing a timer routine. After 30 minutes, it startsattacking. Each time after that when the timer elapses, the virus stepson two words in the screen. It keeps changing which screen words itwill step on. This virus does not directly attack files or disks.@efghijklmnopqrstuvw?%% .B&$ $$ p@@ @ @ @  p Q Q Q Q Q YQQQQ Q Q Q  Q ABCD! E!F"G#H!$I %J &K 'L! (M )N *O +P! ,-.'  _.___File Selector*.* [1][Delete %s?][No|Yes]Item Selector_$_$P$_.___F *.*DeleteCancelOK:\\@*.* No files %d file %d files %d files %d files     - u{NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point! Bad format in scanf :!:!:#E\CCAP?0123456789ABCDEFUser abort at 0 Bad pointer in free.  0H$S8( T    0  $      .  J    &      * $ & $ $ " $ " $ $  $ $ $ "" $  $" $8 $@ *        "  *,  *"  &\\@\.<\<\":                 H &      .    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In most cases, the first letter of the label under an icon is the key that will accomplish the same function of as a click on the icon. Click on the FLOPPY A icon, or press the "A" key, to check the disk in drive A for a virus. Click on the FLOPPY B icon, or press the "B" key, to check the disk in drive B for a virus. When you access a disk, the program reads in the boot sector, both copies of the File Allocation Table (FAT), the disk's root directory, and the first few data sectors. Once you have accessed a disk to check it for a virus, you can write the data from the disk into a file, print it, or show it on the screen. To write the disk data into a file, click on the "FILE" icon, or press the "F" key. A file selector will appear. Use it to designate the file you wish to write. The resulting file is not executable, even if the boot sector of the floppy was an executable one. It is a data file with an image of the significant portions of the disk. To print the data, click on the PRINT icon, or press the "P" key. An alert box will appear. You may choose to print either the same data that is available in the "SHOW" window, or only the boot sector. To show the data on the screen, click on the SHOW icon, or press the "S" key. The window will expand to nearly the full screen, and display all the data read from the disk. Use the window's scroll bar to move back and forth through the data. Close the data window, by clicking on the close box, to return to the main screen. Pressing any of the active keyboard keys will also close the data window and return to the main screen. If the disk contains a virus, or garbage in the boot sector, you can clean it up by clicking on the KILL icon, or pressing the "K" key. When the program executes a "KILL", it writes zeroes into all the non critical bytes in the boot sector. No other portion of the disk is altered, and any files on the disk are left intact. The resulting boot sector provides a disk readable by both ST's and MS-DOS systems. It is not necessary to display a disk's data before executing a kill on it. You can insert a disk and press "K", or click on the Kill icon, immediately. The disk's boot sector will be read, the critical portions preserved, and the non critical portions zeroed out. If you wish to install a "Guard" boot sector on a disk, click on the guard icon, or press the "G" key. A dialog box will appear, offering a choice of two types of guard boot sectors. The first guard boot sector is the "Display" type. It contains a simple program which will display the message "Virus free disk" when the system is powered up or reset with that disk in drive A. Once the message has been displayed, the program returns to the operating system to continue with the power up sequence. It does not remain in memory. If you reset the system with that disk in drive A, and the message does not appear, you should immediately check that disk for a virus. The only reason why the message would not appear is if the boot sector has been altered, possibly by a spreading virus. This guard boot sector is an adaptation of one originally written by Mark S. Powell. The second guard boot sector is the monitoring type. This one also displays a message at power up and reset. Unlike the display version, however, this guard remains active in memory until the system is reset again. Of course, if the disk in drive A at the next reset contains the guard boot, it will be reloaded again. Otherwise, it is removed from the system. While the monitor is active, it checks the boot sector of every disk that is accessed by the ST. If it detects an executable boot sector on any disk, it will flash the screen colors, and sound a warning tone. If the disk just accessed was not one that should have an executable boot sector, you should become suspicious. The monitor will not issue a warning for disks which contain copies of itself. Vkiller now contains a feature for repairing the boot sector of a damaged disk. Activate it by clicking on the repair icon, or pressing the "R" key. It will not re-create executable boot sectors, such as those required for self booting games. When a disk boot sector is damaged, the disk will be deemed unreadable by the ST's operating system. If only the boot sector is damaged, repairing it may allow the data on the disk to be recovered. When you activate the repair function, a dialog box appears. It contains all the data that can vary in a disk's boot sector. The individual entries are each editable. They will originally contain whatever value was read from the disk. This may not be reasonable or valid if the boot sector was corrupted. The actual data that is in the boot sector is a bit more obscure than what the dialog presents, but the needed data can be calculated from what is presented in the dialog. OS ID: This is an ASCII data string. It is designed to provide the identity of the operating system under which the disk was formatted. It can contain anything. It is not used by the ST operating system in the current version, but is supplied for MS-DOS compatibility. Serial Number: This number is used to tell disks from each other. The number should be different on every disk. This box will originally contain the number that came from the disk. You can enter any value you wish, if you so desire. The legal range of entries is from 0 - 16,777,215. It should be stated here that the three bytes in which this number is stored are also used for the operating system ID on MS-DOS systems, and will usually have the version number of the formatter. If you regularly move disks back and forth with MS-DOS systems, you may encounter problems using them in your ST, since many will appear have the same serial numbers. You shoud, therefore, avoid the numbers which correspond to the MS-DOS versions: 1.0 - 3,223,088 through 1.9 - 3,223,097 2.0 - 3,288,624 through 2.9 - 3,288,633 3.0 - 3,354,160 through 3.9 - 3,354,169 4.0 - 3,419,696 through 4.9 - 3,419,705 Format ID - Also for MS-DOS compatibility, and not used by the ST. The normal ID value is F9. Reserved Sectors - The number of sectors at the beginning of the disk which are not used for the FATs, Directory, or data. Unless you are attempting to something very unusual, this should always be 1 (for the boot sector). Hidden Sectors - Sectors at the beginning of the disk which should not be accessed. This should be zero. Sides on Disk - Either 1 or 2. If you come up with a three sided disk, I'd be very interested in seeing it. Tracks on Disk - The standard format for an ST is 80. Extended formatters may provide 81 or 82, if your drive can strp in that far. Some 5.25" disk drives have 40 tracks. Sectors per Track - The standard for the ST (and MS-DOS) is 9. Some extended formatters, including "TWISTER", use 10, while others will go to 11. The ST's desktop formatter always uses 9. Sectors per FAT - The FAT is the File Allocation Table. It is a map of how the folders and files are positioned on the disk. The ST standard is 5. This is more than adequate, since the capacity of the disk only requires 3. A disk formatted in an MS-DOS system will have 3. When viewed as data, a FAT looks like a bunch of garbage. There will always be two copies of it, at the start of a disk. You can use the "Show" feature of Vkiller to look at the disk. If sectors 1 and 4 look the same, and the directory starts at sector 7, the disk has a 3 sector FAT. If sectors 1 and 6 look the same, and the directory starts in sector 11, the disk has a 5 sector FAT. Directory Sectors - The number of disk sectors provided for the disk directory. The ST standard is 7. If the data in the dialog appears to be nonsense, the disk's boot sector has been corrupted. This may be due to a wide range of reasons, not just a virus. To set the values to the ST standards, you can enter the appropriate values for each item, or select the "Set Defaults" button. It will set the normal values for most of the entries, and generate a random serial number. You should, however, insure that the number of tracks, sectors, and sides on the disk are correct for that particular disk. If you aren't certain, you can use the "Scan Disk" function. When you select the scan disk function, a dialog with a number of selectable boxes appears. To repair a damaged disk, the program must know the number of tracks, sectors per track, and sides on the disk. If you know any of those facts, enter them in the dialog by clicking on the appropriate boxes. If you don't know, leave the boxes unselected. The program will attempt to determine the disk's configuration by reading different areas, to establish any of the entries that you do not provide. You can also have a set of default values inserted by clicking on the "Default" button. Since the number of tracks on a disk may vary, the program will attempt to determine how many tracks were originally on the disk by stepping the disk head in and reading data, until it reaches an unreadable area. It will not continue stepping in past an unreadable track, but it will continue stepping in until it does reach an unreadable track. This, of course, will be one track further than the the disk's formatting originally extended. While it is extremely unlikely, it is possible that repeated execution of this stepping in operation, which could extend beyond the range of the drive, could cause the disk's head to become mis-aligned. It has not occurred through weeks of testing, and would probably require thousands of such operations, but it is possible. If you wish to prevent the head from stepping in past some specific track, click on the last track you wish the disk to access, and select the "Limit" box. The head will not be stepped in beyond the track you select, even if that track does contain readable data. Of course, if an unreadable track is detected before that limit is reached, no further stepping will occur. After all the physical configuration parameters have been entered or determined, the original dialog box will re-appear. The values determined by scanning the disk will have been updated. You may edit them again, if you wish, before writing the disk's boot sector. After the disk has been updated, the program returns to the familiar disk data window. Since this boot sector rebuilding function starts with the data currently on the disk, it can also be used as a means of altering the data on a non-infected disk, such as setting serial numbers. The Menu offers two features under the "Options" title. The first option, "Quiet", will turn off the warning siren that sounds when a virus is detected. Clicking on "Quiet" again will turn the siren back on. Since some viruses check system data, such as ROM dates, to determine if they can execute, a second "Option" is provided. Clicking on "System Info" will cause the data window to display information about the system parameters. Exit the program by clicking on the "QUIT" icon, or pressing the "Q" key. When the program detects a virus present on a disk, it will sound a warning tone, and place a new button on the desktop. To see the details about the particular virus located, click on the new "Known Virus" box, or press the "D" key. If you find a lot of disks infected by a virus, and want to stop the warning tone from sounding on each disk, select the "QUIET" item from the "OPTIONS" menu. If the disk contains an executable boot sector, but one that is recognized as a standard system boot, it will be identified as a "System Disk". Due to the way ST disks are layed out, and used, there are extra portions of the FAT which are not normally accessed. There are also more directory sectors than are typically used. In a freshly formatted disk, these areas should contain only zeroes. There is a fairly reliable method for determining when the unused portions of the disk have been altered. A warning will appear in the disk data window when this situation is detected. If the disk does not contain an executable boot sector, there is no harm in this data area not being zeroed. Even if the disk has an unexpected executable boot sector, this additional data area may not be significant. The warning is provided for informational purposes only. Since the areas being scanned for this situation may actually contain important data, the program will not attempt to alter the data found in those areas. If the data in this additional area is part of a virus, executing a kill on the boot sector will render the data in this area harmless. There are two real problems to keep in mind when dealing with viruses, and disk boot sectors. The first is that not all executable boot sectors are viruses. There are times when a boot sector is supposed to be executable. Executing a KILL on such a boot sector will destroy whatever code was in the boot sector, and may render the software on the disk useless. Generally speaking, if the proper use of the software on the disk required you to reset your ST, or power it off and on to start the program, t hen the boot sector was supposed to be executable, and you should not execute a virus kill on it. Any program which can be executed by clicking on it does not require an executable boot sector. Consequently, disks used to store such programs should not contain executable boot sectors. The second problem is attempting to use VKILLER in a system which has been infected by a virus, and the virus is executing (attempting to spread) while VKILLER is attempting to clean it off disks. With all known ST viruses as of this release (February, 1990), VKILLER will detect this situation. It will provide instructions on the screen, informing you that there is an active virus in the system at the time, the exact steps on how to get rid of it, and how to start cleaning up your disks. This version of VKILLER can recognize and eliminate 18 different ST viruses. This is possible only because people who have encountered viruses that earlier versions of the program did not recognize sent me copies of the new viruses. If you encounter a virus that the program does recognize, there is no need to contact me. Just eliminate the virus, and let anyone else you have given a disk to know that their system may be infected. Give them a copy of this program if you wish, it is free to anyone who would like it. If, however, you encounter executable boot sectors spreading through your library, and this version of VKILLER can't identify it, please contact me at any of the addresses below. Keep one infected disk, and either send me the disk, or the file generated by VKILLER's file function. Use the Kill function to clean up the rest of the disks in your library. As of this writing, I am investigating about 40 disks each month for new viruses. If you mail me a disk, or a request for a disk copy of the latest version, please include a stamped, self addressed return mailer. VKILLER does not require any "license", "registration", or "shareware" contributions. Of course, all such contributions are gratefully accepted, but none are solicited. Circulate the program in any manner you wish. It may be copied, and distributed freely, but it may not be sold. Reasonable (and hopefully modest) charges for media, copying, or downloading are acceptable. George R. Woodside  Voice: (818) 348-9174 Compuserve: 76537,1342 GEnie: G.WOODSIDE USENET: woodside@ttidca or: ..!{philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodside US MAIL: 5219 San Felicaino Drive Woodland Hills, CA 91364 USA