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Good luck! #line Enter the top value: #getnum B #if B = 0 exit #assign N \r*B/256 #assign M 0 Okay, I'm thinking of a number. #label asknum #line What's my number? #getnum A #assign M M+1 #if A = 0 exit #if A < N goto low #if A = N goto right Sorry, you're too high. Try again. #goto asknum # #label low Sorry, you're too low. Try again. #goto asknum # #label right #line Right! You got it in #printnum M moves. #TYPE bulletin.txt #EXIT  WELCOME - to this new BB/ST TESTSysopSOP   111 1 FkZkUPeZkTESTSysopSOP   111 1 Fm{ZmHPeZkTESTSysopSOP   111 1 FnZmPeZkTESTSysopSOP   111 1 FRjRPejR The first message in the Message Area contains help on all the BBS menus. Select M for Message area, then enter 1 and to select message #1. Any time you need a quick list of commands at any menu, enter a question mark. Sysop February 26th, 1987 1:26 PM Baud:0 Sysop February 26th, 1987 1:42 PM Baud:0 - February 26th, 1987 - Sysop February 26th, 1987 1:44 PM Baud:0 Sysop March 10th, 1987 10:21 AM Baud:0 PATE0 X1 V1E] to log on.Done!CON:AUX:PRT: ATZc:\modem\bbst\main.menempbuf lcaller lo `ATZprintoutc:\modem\bbst\sysfiles\msg.inferno newuser RINGnthand scrnadr scrnrow scrncol indhand ATAand dac:\modem\bbst\sysfiles\msg.datsubs ntext CONNECTontie ondate dlhand curdir framecnt CONNECT 1200c:\modem\bbst\sysfiles\msg.indg buflen toCONNECT 2400t finfo linfo fdel ldel topinfCONNECT 4800 c:\modem\bbst\sysfiles\download.infituser menCONNECT 9600c:\modem\bbst\email\(handfil vbls $PRTWP system\main.mnuin.men DEFDL DEFMPRIV DEFCPRIV c:\msystem\message.infMINFO BINFO MDATA BDATA c:\mdem\bbst\sysfiles\password.datAIL UPLOAD POLLS c:\msystem\message.datpassapp.txtPOINTER NOTES BBSNAMEc:\mdem\bbst\sysfiles\newuser.txtLOWER PRINTER PLOGONSbstsystem\message.idxPLOGOFFS PAPPLY STIME SLASote.datT AATTACH AADDRESS APHONE AAGE INIisksystem\download.inff init! Cp_names s! s! Namec:\memail\st\sysfiles\pointer.datnit! As! "s! Cityc:\mupload\t\sysfiles\notes.datST Games "s! Zip Codec:\mpolls\st\sysfiles\lastcall.dat thsystem\password.datthone #iST Applicationss! AgeinitSysystem\passapp.txttmnsinit! ST Utilities ExpirationEdnewuser.txtuser.txt >BST Gamess/Picturess! CalEnlogon.txt 5logoff.txtectionvinit! As! nST Utilitiesprivin12disklog.txtectionSecurityinit! AST Demos/Graphicses 24system\pointers.dats! First call datST Text Files"notes.datotes.datinitAB  cST Games8-bitlastcall.datcall.dat"s! Last call timeST Applications2this BBS Mountain Atarifest Demo BBS!s! CaST Utilities! SysopeMarrich D/Ls todayinit! As! "ST Demos/GrapEdit (? for menu) >"s! Message pointerinit!ST Text FilEnter your name or user number, or NEW to apply for a password.300-baud connection-1200-baud connection,2400-baud connection,4800-baud connection,9600-baud connection1BST Entertainment2ST Applications3ST Utilities6ST Telecomm7ST Graphics7ST Programming4ST Reviews and Newsentation&Other files7SYSOPS Only5a)g$his is a test5p'o*i) No Bulletins today. BB/ST +January 1987, V1.0 Copyright (C)1987, QMI The BB/ST Mini-Language - BBST's mini-language allows further customization of your BBS. While C (you can use C programs from the BBS with command #5) is much more versatile than the mini-language, the mini-language provides a quick, easy way to set up the most common extensions to a BBS. You can use any text editor or a word processor with an ASCII output option to make your mini-language files. Also, the sysop mode's Make/Edit file command may be used for this purpose. A mini-language file is simply a text file with special commands. A line of commands is always preceded by a "#" (pound sign) character. Any text in a mini-language file that doesn't have a # is just printed as normal text. The language provides twenty-six variables, A through Z. You can use any of the variables freely; just call them by name. You can type the names (and the mini-language commands) in either upper or lower case. There are a few special symbols which can be used to get otherwise inaccessible values as constants. The first is "]" (right bracket.) Follow the ] with any character; the ASCII value of the character will be substituted. You usually use that in conjunction with #GETKEY and #PUTKEY as described below. The second is "\" (backslash.) Follow \ with: C The number of columns on the user's screen. D The current download area (1=A, 2=B, etc.) L The number of lines on the user's screen. R A random number from 0 to 255. S The user's security level. Without further ado, here are the commands: #ASSIGN var value This command assigns a value to one of the variables. "Var" is a variable name while "value" is a valid arithmetic expression (for instance, A+8/B*5-F.) Expressions are evaluated from left to right without operator precedence. #PRINTNUM value PRINTNUM prints a positive value. Again, "value" is any valid arithmetic expression. #IF value1 comp value2 command IF compares two expressions, "value1" and "value2." "Comp" is a comparator (=, <, >, or #) that is used to compare the two values. If the comparison is true, "command" is executed. "Command" is a valid mini-language command without the pound sign in front of it. #LABEL labelname This command doesn't really do anything. It's used in conjunction with the next command, #GOTO, to transfer control to another part of the mini-program. "Labelname" is a string up to 80 characters long. It can't contain spaces. #GOTO labelname GOTO jumps to a label defined elsewhere in the file. If the label isn't defined, the mini-program stops. #PRINT string This prints a string. It's intended for use with the IF command, since you can print out text elsewhere by just typing it into the file. #LINE string LINE prints a string without hitting RETURN when it's done. Use LINE to set up a prompt for user input. #GETNUM var GETNUM lets the user enter an integer value from the keyboard. The value is placed in the variable "var." If the user doesn't enter a valid integer, "var" is set to zero. #GETKEY var GETKEY gets one character of input from the user and puts it in "var." "Var" will contain an ASCII value after the GETKEY command is done. #PUTKEY value PUTKEY prints one character to the screen and modem. The value can, naturally, be a variable. Here are some of the most frequently used ASCII values: 7 - Bell. 8 - Backspace. 13 - RETURN. 32 - Space. 65 - Capital A. 97 - Lowercase A. You can use the ] function with any PRINTABLE ASCII character; in other words, not with control characters such as bell, backspace, and RETURN. #RUN file (labelname) RUN loads another mini-language file (erasing the current one from memory) and executes it. You can optionally include a label that will be jumped to when the new file is loaded. If no label is specified, the new file executes from the beginning. #TYPE file TYPE prints out an ordinary text file. It's identical to BBST command #4. #DOWNLOAD (file) DOWNLOAD allows the user to download a file from anywhere on the system (such as the BBS directory or another disk drive.) If you specify a filename, that file will be downloaded; otherwise, BBST will ask the user for a filename to download. The user can select any of the transfer protocols. #UPLOAD (file) UPLOAD is similar in operation to DOWNLOAD, except that the user uploads a file to the system rather than downloading from the system. Again, he's queried for a filename if you don't specify one. #EXIT EXIT stops executing the current mini-program and returns control to whatever menu called the file. #EXEC file (command tail) This command allows you to execute an external program such as an online game from within the BBS. Anything that would normally get printed to your screen gets printed to the screen and modem, and input can come from the modem or keyboard. The program must do normal console input and output through GEMDOS or the BIOS. Some programs may look for special keys or send text as graphics directly to the screen --- those programs will not work through this command. # (space) You can insert comments into a mini-program by typing "#" then a space. Comments are skipped over and not executed. Numeric Substitution If you enclose an arithmetic expression within backquotes (`), the BBS will replace the expression with the number that it evaluates to. For instance, #line Enter an area code to search: #getnum A #type c:\text\area`A`.txt #exit might be used to access a database of BBS phone numbers by allowing the user to specify an area code. If the caller entered 315 when prompted, the program would type the file c:\test\area315.txt. An Example Mini-Program This mini-program sets up a "database." Users can display one of several files. # DATA.MIN - Database mini-program. Written by Steven Grimm. # #label database The BBST Database 1. About the BBS 2. ST News 3. A report on cancer and laboratory rats 4. Book reviews section 5. Exit the database #line Your selection... #getnum S # The above blank line will double-space after the user is done. # This line and the previous line are comments in this program. #if S = 1 type text\about.bbs #if s = 2 TYPE text\stnews.txt #if s = 3 type text\lab.rat #if s = 4 run bookrev.min # #if s # 5 goto database #exit As you can see, variable names and command names are not case sensitive. The Mini-language feature of BB/ST lets you program very powerful extensions to your BBS! So, let's see some unique and interesting bulletin boards instead of the boring BBS clones running under other ST BBS programs. ?`dHZNzNUNVPN]NNZ"N2$N5N3`N NAN[NN]N^NN N^"N^NLN]vN]N_:N9N]VNAN?NMN@NVN jN7vN2NN5|N9N] NxN-0N7N1N6\N]:N"N$xN[N\N^NbN[N\.N^dN_vNNN"NvNNN,NNNlNnNNDNNNNN NdNXNNNvNVNNTN2N NN NNNN,~N"nN(N N/N$,N|NPBNLN=NwNTNLNRBNTVNNqnN~NrNg6NEXNiTNlNT6NltNiNtzNNwNsDNLNoVNINepNuNgNYNtNNPNMTNTNArNDNKNNSNINgNfNgNwFNkDNSNmNJN?NhNvTNnNNN~NN>NNNZNNNNjNNNNNNNNNNNNNbNFN2NNNLNNN\*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN8 lHhNX/,?,N\?<NV?<A?<NAXNuNV?<,NX,T=@0.n gR0.n d0.ne20.n b&0.n c"0.n b0.nd 0<` 0<`N^NuNVB?<YBg?<ON\?,?,NdXJ@gV/,HnNXPHlHnNWP?<BHnN ?,NTHlNTX?,NTNH`Hl$HnNXP/,HnNWjPHl.HnNW\P?<BHnN 0,pfRlpHlHNTXSlp`(NL?f`\?</,N\9|p`D`|>g`JHlNTX/.NTX?<@/,N^\>f`Hl/,NbP9|p``|?g`Nv``|@g`0gNBE``|Dg`|ag`0<``0,f ?N:T ??<?<NM\?<?<NMXJg>?<?<NLX> Gf?<?<?<NL\`?N:T0,JfNL0<fLN^NuNV/,&/,N$P-@ l 0<`~0,g|?<NLTJglRlnHlNTXHl(NTXHlNTX?<*NLtT?NFT?< NT?<,NLXT?NTNH?<B/,N Sln lgBg/,?<NNLPJgBg/,Nj\=@`?</,Nl\=@ nl 0<`?<?.BNPHn/<?.N ?<,NKT=@Hn/<?.N ?<*NKT=@Hn/<?.N Hl(/<?.N /,/.?.N ?.NTN^NuNV lfHlNTX0<`,Bg/,Nl\=@ nl`Hn/<?.N gHlNTX` .ް&oHlNTX`Hn/<?.N Hn/<?.N Hn/<?.N /,/.?.N HlNTXHnNTXHlNTX?.NFT?< NT?.NTNH?</./,N Blnlj?<BHl N ljN=@0.`|Ng` ``|Ag` `X`|Pg`"?<NITJg Rln`0``|Rg`>HnN"rX=@fHl6NTX`T?.N+T?<NT`<`|Qg```` ``?.NT?<HlHNB\J@g/,?<ANH\N^NuNV-n` nH|.f nB`R nf/. 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Press [RETURN] alone to abort.~Added.~~Invalid selection.~~Vote entered.~~Error opening poll.~~Total number of votes: ~~Votes % Choice~- --- -~0 ~Error reading poll.~~Create a poll~~Enter poll filename (8 chars):~Overwrite existing poll?~Enter poll title:~~Now type in your question.~Aborted.~~[A] Yes/no~[B] Multiple Choice~[C] Multiple Choice, add~~Poll type:~Please wait...~Created by ~~YesNo~Enter your choices. Press [RETURN] alone when finished.~Error opening poll.~~Polls~~*.pol~No polls.~~Select:~Enter a choice to delete or [RETURN] to abort.~Invalid selection.~~Deleted.~~Error opening poll.~ Q. Quit~~Select:~~~Menu Editor~~Menu in memory: ~~Select one of the following:~~ E. Edit menu~ K. Kill menu~ L. Load menu~ S. Save menu~~~Enter name of menu to load:~~Enter name of menu to save:~~Error in saving file.~~Command:~~~A. Edit attributes~C. Edit commands~[] Return to main menu~~Select:~Edit attributes~~1. Command prompt :~2. Numeric commands allowed :3. Print command words :4. Default command :~0. Return to edit menu~~Select:~~Enter new command prompt:~~Allow numeric headers?~~Print command words?~~Enter default command:~No default command?~~~Edit Commands~~~# of commands : ~[A]dd, [C]hange, [D]elete, [V]iew, [Q]uit :~Command list is full.~Command key:~Duplicate command key!~Action number:Command name:Next command in chain:Privilege flags:~Change which command?~Command not found.~Change key?New key: ~Duplicate key!Change action?New action: Change parms?Change name?New name: Change link?New link: Change privileges?New flags: ~No commands to delete!~~Delete which command?~Command not found.~~~Key Parameters Privilege Link~Note:Vrfy:Expanded:Pause:Text:Numb:Exclusion: Message:Cur:Sho:ALSF QTo From QuerynoneNo Yes QueryEnter filename:~Allow notes?~Verify logoff?~Expanded list?~Pause after each message?Print message texts?Print message numbers?Exclusion level:Message to jump to:List current directory only?Use short format?List [A]ll, [S]ince date, since [L]ast call, [F]ind, or [Q]uery?Allow batch marking?~Read mail [F]rom, [T]o, or [Q]uery?~Pathname or RETURN: (Y/N/Q)?~~View User List~~Start with which user # (RETURN=1)?# Name Sec Dload Uload Calls Messg Col Lin~~~[N]ext, [P]revious, [Q]uit :~Enter a user name or user number to edit, V to view a list, P to print out a list, or Q to quit.Error reading that user.~~Information for user number (currently online)~Enter number to change, D to delete, L to look at statistics, Q to quit without writing, or S to quit and save to disk.Delete: Enter new value for ''~:Change?Change?.**.~~BBST Configuration Editor~~~Enter number to change, N for next page, P for previous page, Q to quit without writing, or S to save to disk.config.dat~~* BBST Editing System *~~~Select an editor:~~ C. Configuration~ D. Download~ M. Menu~ U. User~ time: ~You are user #, ~~First call date: ~Last call date: ~Expiration date: ~~ Time Calls D.L.s~Per day ~Today ~Total - ~~Total Uploads: Messages Entered: ~-~Hit a key:~~1. Address : ~2. City : ~3. State : ~4. Zip : . Phone : . Age : . Linefeeds: . Columns : . Lines : . display: . Password~~Change which number (RETURN=none): ~Address: ~City: ~State: ~Zip: ~Phone: ~Age: ~Linefeeds? ~Columns (40-500): ~Prompt after each page? ~New password : ~Enter it again: ~Changed.~~Didn't match.~n/a~Download Editor~~Select a function:~~ A. Add files~ E. Edit files~ L. List files~~Enter file header (path) for download(s).~Enter filename. Wildcards are allowed.~No files.~Zero length~Add? Already in file list~Security:Message:~Description:~Searching...~Added as #.~No more files.~~List [A]ll, by [S]ecurity level, by [U]pload date, or by [F]ile area?Minimum security to list:List all files since:# Filename Length Date Time Sec Dir~Edit a filename or number, [A]ll, [U]ploads, or by [F]ile area.~Can't find that file.~~Auto-update date?~No more files.~~~Information for download # ~Enter number to change, [D] to delete, [Q] to quit without writing, [N] to write and go to next file, or [S] to save to disk and quit.Delete: ~Remove from disk?~Rename file on disk?~Done.~~Move file on disk?Disk error...~Begin Xmodem transfer. Hit [Control][X] to abort.[Control][X] Abort~File not found!~~File is blocks long.~Transfer time: ~~Loading...~~Aborted!~~Upload not functioning.~~No space left.~ bytes free.~~What is the file's name? Hit RETURN to abort.~Scanning...~~There's already a file with that name. Try again.~Attach to current message?~Enter a description of the file (63 characters maximum).~Please wait.~ Upload , size #~File received. bytes.~~Current area: ~~Your selection or RETURN: ~File number DL count: Size: Dir: ~Uploaded at by ~[N]ext, [A]gain, [D]ownload, [B]atch mark, [Q]uit:Number Filename Size Dir-" ~[A]gain, [D]ownload, [Q]uit:~No files found.~~You can't download any more files today.~Enter the file's name or number:~That file does not exist or is inaccessible to you.~Download ?~File is bytes long.~~Press a key to start.~~~Done.~~You can't download from Local mode!~ Download at , Finished~~Xmodem completed.~, Aborted~~Xmodem failed.~~~[A] Ascii~[X] Xmodem~[Y] Ymodem/CRC~[C] Xmodem/CRC~~Select:~Batch list full.~~You can't download any more today.~Already marked.~~Marked.~~No files selected.~~Name Size~- -~ -~Total ~Batch YMODEM ready (^X to abort)~~YMODEM aborted.~~Cleared.~~Echo the file to you?~Ready to receive ASCII. Hit Control-D when done or Control-C to abort.~~Aborted.~~Saving.~~Error.~YXmodem/CRC Send ReceiveBlockTryBlocks:~Copy ~Delete User logging onBaud:Local Mode entered.~~BBST by Steven Grimm (C) 1987, QMI~~~Too many errors.~~Please type 'NEW' to apply for a password.NEW~Goodbye.~~Searching~Name not found.~~Bad number.~~Enter your password:~Incorrect...~Name:Sec:~Welcome to , ~(ATASCII mode)~~You have used all your calls for today.~You have used all your time for today.You are user #.~You have called time.~Your last call was todayon at ( day ago)You have left.~~- -~~ Baud:~Today is ~The time is The last caller was .*..*~No mail waiting.~You have mail waiting.~Read it now?From: To: ~Sent on at ~[N]ext, [A]gain, [R]eply, [K]eep, [F]orward:.AAA~Forward to which user?~:~Couldn't find that user.~~[N]ext, [A]gain, [K]ill:~End of mail.~[F1] Chat [F2] Invisible Sysop [F3] Visible SysopF1 Baud F2 Duplex F3 Receive F4 Send F5 Protocol F6 UnVIDTEX F10 Quit [F4] Answer Phone~~Can you use VIDTEX?~VIDTEX mode on~off~~Sorry, baud users are only allowed on between and . Please call back then.~NameAddressCityStateZip CodePhone #AgeColumnsExpirationTime per dayCalls per dayD/Ls per dayMessage privCommand privSecurityFirst call dateFirst call timeLast call dateLast call timeTime used todayCalls todayD/Ls todayHighest messageMessage pointerTotal uploadsTotal downloadsTotal # callsTotal # messagesJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember stndrdthththththththththththththththththstndrdthththththththstPrinter width Ringwait baud Ringwait init Terminal baud Terminal init Quit baud Quit init Ring string Answer string 300bd connect 1200bd connect 2400bd connect 4800bd connect 9600bd connect Def columns Def time/day Def calls/day Def DLs/day Def msg priv Def cmd priv Def security Def menu file Msg info file Info backup Msg text file Text backup Msg index file Index backup Download info E-Mail path Upload path Polls path Password file Applic. file New User file Logon file Logoff file Disklog file Pointers file Notes file Last Clrs file # of callers BBS Name Sysop's name Edit prompt Logon prompt 300 baud msg 1200 baud msg 2400 baud msg 4800 baud msg 9600 baud msg Anon. msgs? Private msgs? Fix usernames? Keep a log? Print logons? Print msgs? Print files? Print logoffs? Print applies? Show time? Show last calr?Show stats? Allow attach? Ask address? Ask phone #? Ask age? Initial commandChat req start Chat req end 300 baud start 300 baud end 1200 baud start1200 baud end 2400 baud start2400 baud end 4800 baud start4800 baud end 9600 baud start9600 baud end Ringback min Ringback max Compact time Compact freq Update expires Purge expireds Filename File path Read count Upload timeUpload dateFile Area Security Length DescriptionUploader General ErrorDrive Not ReadyUnknown GEMDOS CommandCRC ErrorBad RequestSeek ErrorUnknown MediaSector Not FoundOut of PaperWrite ErrorRead ErrorWrite ProtectedMedia ChangedUnknown DeviceBad Sectors on FormatInsert Other DiskInvalid Function NumberFile not FoundPath not FoundNo More HandlesAccess DeniedInvalid HandleOut of MemoryInvalid AddressInvalid DriveNo More Files~Quit?Sysop FunctionsDL area namesec config.datCan't open config file! Press a key...Insert work disk and hit a key.~~~Couldn't open one or more tree files.~~Initialize tree?~Couldn't open (~Enter filespec:~Error.~Timeout~~You're out of time.~~~~Sysop intervention. Please hold.~~Thank you for waiting.~~~~Sysop intervention.~~Invalid command.~~That message doesn't exist.~~That message doesn't exist.~~That message doesn't exist.~~Print full text?~Print message numbers?~Dump to printer?~Dumping...~~Delete: ~Branch delete: ~Show all directories?~Quick summary of files?~List files since when?~Enter a string to find.~:~[A] All files~[N] By file number~[L] Since last call~[S] Since a date~[F] Find a string~~Select:~Start with which file?~Allow batch marking?~[F]rom you~[T]o you~~Which?~Date: ~Time: remaining.~~Leave a note to the sysop?~Do you really want to leave?~Save password?~Logoff at spent online.~~Thank you for calling . Please call again.~BB/ST by Steven Grimm (C) 1987, QMI~~ Logoff: at ~Please hang up.~~Sysop:~Initialize message base?~Initialize password file?~Initializing...~~Erasing old E-Mail...~???.*~Initialize downloads?~Compact: ~Enter the command number to fake.~Whose E-Mail do you want to see? Type '?' for a list.~:~Not found.~~No disklog.~Want to delete this log?~To terminate, type 'BBST, exit now'BBST, exit now~Relink password file?~[D]isk functions, [E]ditors, [R]ead notes, [V]iew disklog, [S]et time/date, [P]eek at E-Mail, [U]se command, [C]ompact message base, [L]ink PW file, [I]nit system, [T]erminate, [Q]uit~Please wait.~Done.~Name Dload Uload Messg L/C-Date L/C-Time - - - - - - ~Commands: Key Act WordKey Function--- --- ---- - ~Error saving mail.~~Who do you want to send mail to? Be sure the name is spelled correctly. Hit RETURN to abort.sysop~Searching.~Couldn't find that user. Try again.~~Send E-Mail~.~E-Mail not sent.~~Saving...~~~[C]opy, [D]irectory, [E]rase, [F]ree space, [K]ill folder, [M]ake/edit file, [N]ew folder, [Q]uit, [R]ename, [S]end, [U]pload, [V]iew, [X]ecute~Disk:~Enter source filename:~Enter target filename:*.**.*~Directory of files total.~~Show space on drive: bytes ( sectors) free.~~Erasing...~Deleting...Filename:~That file exists. Load it into the edit buffer?~Error reading file.~~Warning: File didn't fit in buffer.~~Creating...rename~Rename to:sendreceive~File exists. Overwrite?view~Use word wrap?execute~Redirect I/O?~File to ~Current date is ~Enter new date ~Current time is ~Enter new time: *.*~No E-Mail.~~To From~- -~~Source file not found.~~Error opening file.~~Reading...~Writing...~Error writing file.~Open:Read:Writ:Clos:Crea:File:Seek:~Error in VIDTEX picture.~~~GHGN .,)-:!?(mm/dd/yy) : Yes ~No ~Yes~No~Are you sure? -.,?!])Text not found.~Enter your text. Press RETURN twice to exit.~~Quit without saving?~Save message?~Enter text to replace.~Replace here?Replace with what? (2 RETURNs to exit)~Enter text to delete.~Delete here?~Old title reads:~~Enter new title or press RETURN for no change.~Erase message?~Done.~~Enter filename:~Added.~~Use [A]dd~~Sorry, no ASCII protocol.~.TMP~Aborted.~~That won't fit.~~Non-VIDTEX-ize?~No options allowed.~~Leave anonymously?~Private message?~Who do you want to leave the message to?~Couldn't find that user. characters used.~ characters free.~Buffer is % full.~~Literal mode is on~off~~Visible wrap is on~off~~[P]rint, [C]ontinue, [D]elete, [R]eplace, [T]itle change, [A]dd file, [O]ptions, [L]iteral, [V]isible wrap, [F]ree space, [S]ave, [W]iRpe, [U]pload, [Q]uit...\\\~Hit a key:, * (Private message)~~Can't go that way.~~Couldn't go that far. Operation stopped.File , bytesNo submessages.~~(Private message)~~Invalid message.~~Message # ~Posted at From: To:~Disk error.~~You can't enter a message here.~~Enter a message under ''?Enter a title for this message. It can be up to 117 characters in length. Entered message #~You can't delete this message.~~You can't delete the top of the tree!~Disk error.~~[N]ext, [A]gain, [U]p, [S]kip, [R]eply, [Q]uit:~Compact: Scanning...~~No compact needed.~Compacting from message Done.~~You can't move a message to itself.~Message Marker is pointing to a nonexistent message.~You can't move the top of the tree!~Move '' to ''?~Moving...Done.~~Deleting~No messages to read.~~No new messages.~~Pause after each message?~Messages under ''~End of scan.~~Old flags are:~Enter new privilege flags...~Change?~Changing.~Done.~~You can't download from this message.~Current file: - none~New file:~Detach file?~That file doesn't exist.~~Attach ?~Attached.~~Messages above ""~~[A]gain, [N]ext Msg, [O]riginal, [R]eply, [U]p further:~First message:~ Last message:~New Message pointer:~~Start with which message?~That number is too high.~~[N]ext, [A]gain, [U]p, [R]eply, [B]ack, [Q]uit:~No more messages.~~Can't go back.~~Prevent entry under this message?~You can't edit the top of the tree!~Edit current message?~Enter new title or RETURN for no change.~:~You can't edit this message.~labelexitlineprintprintnumassigngetnumgetkeyputkeytypeupload~Enter filespec to upload: download~File to download: rungotoifexectosuseeiwodkweopkwdwodjwdod~Error.~~Not attached!~~Relinking PW file~X ~X ~~Is there a blank line between the two rows of Xs?Name :~Log off?~Please wait.That name is being used by somebody. Please try another.~Address :City :State :ZIP Code :Phone # :Age :~Number of columns (40-500):Enter a password to use on the system. It can be from 4 to 9 characters long.:Enter it again in case you made a mistake the first time.:~Please wait.*** Apply *** (#~Your user number is~~~~Write down the number and use it to log in more quickly. Press a key when you've got it.~How many lines of text can your screen display (12-99)? Hit [RETURN] if you don't know.~In a moment, you'll see lots of numbers appear on your screen. When I ask you, tell me the number at the top of your screen.Hit a key to start:~What's the number?~No last caller file!~~Loading...~ callers available.~~How many? ~Name LC Date LC Time Logoff Baud~- - - - -Local~Scanning password file.~~Deleting Done.~ users deleted.~~Printer is not online.~~Hit [ESC] to abort.~ user list~ # NamePhoneSecur Calls Dload Uload Messg LC Date Exp Date DLs/d Cal/d Tim/d Command Privilege FlagsMessage Privilege Flags~Done.~~Printer malfunction.~~How many blank lines do you want between labels? ~How many spaces to the right do you want the labels printed? ~Too much indentation.~~Position labels and hit a key.~Hit [ESC] to abort.~, ~Done.~~Printer jammed.~~1. List to screen~2. Labels to screen~3. List to printer~4. Labels to printer~~Choice >~Hit RETURN~nobody...bySteven Grimm1987, QMIHighest message number is ( entered since last local login)~~There are users on the system ( since last local login)~Awaiting call... [L]ocal mode [F]ast login [S]ysop mode [T]erminal mode [C]olor swap [Q]uitAnswering phone... day hour minuteRingback - waiting minimum timerering too soon, waiting for hang-upwaiting for call back This is done through trap 6!.TOS.TTP , BB/ST *February 1987, V1.0 Copyright (C)1987, QMI BBST: SYSOP GUIDE - Table Of Contents - I. SYSOP Functions D - Disk Functions E - Editors - Menu Editor - Configuration Editor - User Editor - Download Editor C - Compact Message Tree I - Initialize System R - Read Notes to SYSOP S - Set Date & Time T - Terminate BB/ST U - Use a Command V - View Disk Log II. Priviledge Flags III. Chaining Commands IV. Security Level V. Attached Files VI. BB/ST Command Set Control Functions - 0 -> 9 Message Functions - 10 -> 59 File Area Functions - 60 ->(66 E-Mail Function - 80 Remote Editors - 81 -> 86 Polling Functions - 87 -> 90 Callers List - 91 Run Mini-Program - 92 Misc. Functions - 93+ VII. Text Entry Line Editor Message Editor Mixing Text & Vidtex VIII. Chat Mode IX. Local SYSOP Modes I. Sysop Functions ([S] from the Ring-Wait screen or Remote SYSOP) D - Disk Functions. There are eight Disk Functions commands: C - Copy file. BBST will ask for a source filename and a destination filename, and will copy the file specified. Wildcards are not allowed at this time. D - Disk directory. Specify a search filespec, including path and any wildcards, or hit RETURN to list all files in the current directory. E - Erase file. BBST will delete the file specified. As with the Copy command, wildcards are not allowed. F - Free space count. Specify the drive to find free space on, or hit RETURN for the current drive. M - Make/edit files. Specify a filename to edit. BBST will load the file into its edit buffer if necessary, and you can edit it using the standard message editor. Q - Quit. BBST returns you to the Sysop Functions menu. R - Rename. BBST asks for a filespec to rename and a filespec to rename that file to. Note that it is possible to move files to different folders by renaming. S - Send. This command will cause BBST to send (using Xmodem, Ymodem, or Ascii file transfer protocol) whatever file is specified. U - Upload. BBST will receive a file. V - View. Prints out a file. Equivalent to a command-shell "TYPE" command, except that View will wrap words properly. E - Editors. There are four editors, each with its own command structure. M - Menu Editor. Use this editor to customize BBST's menus; you can add commands, change their names, or change several menu attributes. The main Menu Editor menu has five choices. L. Load Menu. Type the name of the menu you want to load from disk. Menu files usually have .MEN extenders, though this is not required. S. Save Menu. Type a filename to save the menu in memory to, or RETURN alone to save the menu to the current filename. E. Edit M renu. This choice will display another menu: A. Edit Attributes. There are five selections in this menu, also. 1. Prompt. This is the word or character that BBST prints to a user when it's waiting for a command. A good prompt should indicate which menu is being used if your system uses more than one menu. Prompts can be up to fifteen characters long. 2. Numeric command headers. Set this to "Yes" to allow the user to type in a number before hitting a command key. This option is useful with message tree commands, which will repeat multiple times if preceded by a number. Numeric Command Headers MUST be enabled to allow users to select submessages from a submessage list. 3. Print words. Set this to "Yes" to cause BBST to print out an entire word when a command is issued. If it's set to "No," only the command key will be printed. 4. Default Command. This is a command that is executed whenever the menu is loaded. Frequent uses include printing out a menu or printing the current message base (the default menu MESSAGE.MEN uses a default command, as does DOWNLOAD.MEN.) 0. Quit. Returns to the Edit menu. C. Edit Commands. As soon as you select this entry, BBST will list all the commands in the current menu. Four commands can be used from here. A Add Command. Use this option to add a command to the menu. BBST will ask for a command key, a name for the command, an action number (refer to the Command Quick Reference Sheet,) the command privilege flags necessary to use the command (see "Privilege Flags" below,) a command key to chain to (see "Command Chaining" below,) and any special parameters necessary for the command. All these prompts are self-explanatory. D Delete Command. Use this command to delete an option from the menu. V View Commands. This option lists all the command keys, their parameters, and their privilege flags. Q Quit. Returns to the Edit Commands menu. 0. Return to main menu. This option returns to the Menu Editor's main menu. K. Kill Menu. Erases the menu in memory. Q. Quit. Returns to the Sysop Functions menu. C. Configuration Editor. The Configuration Editor lets you change many of BBST's default values, the names of download areas, and other items. The list of options is longer than one screen, so there are four commands to scroll the list: N Displays the next page of options. P Displays the previous page of options. S Saves the system configuration to disk. Q Quits without saving, but changes are still in effect. You can change any option at any time whether it's on the screen or not. A list of options and a brief description of each follows. 1 Printer Width. The number of columns your printer can output; used when printing Notes to Sysop to the printer. 2 Ring-wait Baud. This is the baud rate that the BBS uses to send the modem configuration string (next entry) when it's waiting for a call. The Hayes Smartmodem 2400 needs to be sent the config string at 2400 baud. L0 will use whatever baud rate the last caller was using. 3 Ring-wait Configuration String. An initializing command for the modem. The string should set the modem to extended result codes (i.e., the modem should return a different message for each speed it connects at) and no echo. 4 Terminal Baud. The baud rate to default to in terminal mode. If this is 0, the baud rate isn't changed. 5 Terminal Config String. A string to send to the modem when you enter terminal mode. You'll usually want to turn command echoing back on. 6 Quit Baud. The baud rate to set the modem to when you quit from the BBS. 7 Quit Config String. A string to send the modem when you quit. 8 Ring String. The string the modem returns when the phone rings (usually "RING"). Lower and upper case are considered different, so see which one your modem sends. 9 Answer String. A string to send to the modem to answer the phone. BBST sends a carriage return before and after the answer string. 10 300-baud Connect String. The string that the modem returns if it connects at 300 baud. It's possible to disable 300 (or any other) baud callers by setting this string to nonsense. 11-14 Connect strings for 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud. 15 Default Columns. The number of columns that BBST will wrap words to the user's screen for before his password is loaded. Good default values are 40 and 80. 16 Default Time. The amount of time per day a user gets, in minutes. You can change the time allowed for individual users with the Password Editor. 17 Default Calls. The number of calls per day a user can make. Again, this can be changed for individual users. 18 Default Downloads. The number of files a user can download per day. This can be changed too. 19 Default Message Privilege (see "Privilege Flags".) The message privileges a new user gets. 20 Default Command Privilege. The command privileges a new user gets. 21 Default Security. The security level a new user receives. See "Security Levels." 22 Default Menu. The filespec of a menu to be loaded when a user logs on. 23 Message Info filespec. This is the location of the file in which BBST stores message information for the message tree. Each message takes about 220 bytes in this file. IMPORTANT: You MUST manually rename system files (message base, download info, etc.) if their entries in the configuration file are changed. Otherwise, the system will not work. 24 Message Info Backup filespec. BBST will modify the backup file every time the main info file is updated. This is mainly useful for storing the message tree on a ramdisk, as you can specify a backup on floppy. 25 Message Data filespec. BBST stores the text of messages in this file. It's usually the largest of BBST's data files, so should be placed in the largest- capacity storage area available on the system. 26 Message Data Backup filespec. A backup file for the Message Data functions in the same was as number 11 above. 27 Message Index filespec. The Message Index file is used to speed up the Jump and Message Marker commands. Each message takes up 4 bytes in this file. 28 Message Index Backup filespec. 29 Download Info filespec. This file contains al7l the information for the download section, including filenames, security levels, and locations of the download files. Since there is no backup for this file, it should be placed on a non-volatile storage device (in other words, not on a ramdisk). 30 E-Mail Path. This entry should contain the path-specs to a directory that E-Mail will be stored in. It must end with a '\' character, as the E-Mail filenames are appended to this entry. 31 Upload Path. Path-specs for upload files. Again, it should end with a '\'. 32 Polls Path. Path-spec for the user polls. 33 Password File filespec. The password file contains all the information for each user, including name, password, security level, and so on. There is no backup for this file, so it should not be placed on a ramdisk. 34 Application File. The application file should contain instructions for the password application section. Any special membership requirements should be displayed in this file. 35 New User text file (optional.) This file will be displayed to new users and should contain any special information about your BBS. 36 Logon text file (optional.) This file is displayed before the BBS asks for a user's password. 37 Logoff text file (optional.) This file is displayed when the user logs off. 38 Disklog file. All information that would normally go to the printlog will be placed in this file, which can be viewed from the GEM Desktop or with the V command from Sysop Mode. 39 Pointers File. The pointers file contains various information about the message tree. 40 Notes File. A file to place Notes to the Sysop in. If this is blank, notes will only be sent to the printer (if it's on.) 41 Last Callers file. This is the file used by command number 91 to keep a list of the last callers of the system. 42 Number of callers to store. The number of callers to keep in the last callers file. The oldest caller in the list is automatically deleted when the list is full so it never overflows. 43 BBS Name. The name of your system (up to 64 characters.) 44 Sysop Name. Your name (up to 64 characters.) 45 Edit Prompt. This prompt is printed when the user hits RETURN twice from the message editor. The initial setting is simply "Edit >." 46 Logon Prompt. This prompt is printed before the BBS gets the user's name. It should indicate that the user is to enter his name, user number, or "NEW." 47 300-baud connect message. This message is displayed when a user connects at 300 baud. It is displayed before the logon file is printed. 48-51 Connect messages for 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 baud. 52 Allow Anonymous Messages. Set this to "Yes" to allow users to post anonymous messages on the tree. Anyone with sysop status will still be able to see the name of the message's writer. 53 Allow Private Messages. Set this to "Yes" to allow users to leave private messages to each other. This will usually be set to "No" because E-Mail should be used to leave messages to others. 54 Fix Usernames. Set this to "Yes" to cause BBST to automatically capitalize the first letter of each word in a user's name, and force the rest to lower case. This is used because Fsome users type their names in all caps or all lower case. 55 Keep a Log. Set this to "Yes" to keep a record of users' activities. If there's a printer connected, the log will go to the printer. In addition, it will go to a disklog file if you've specified one. 56 Print Logons. If this is set to "Yes," BBST will print a line of text to the log every time someone logs on. The text contains the user's name, time and date logged on, and baud rate, which is 0 for local mode. 57 Print Messages. BBST will log "Entered message #xxx" when a message is entered if this is set to "Yes." 58 Print Files. Set this to "Yes" to print uploads and downloads to the log. 59 Print Logoffs. Set this to "Yes" to print logoff times for each user. 60 Print Applies. Setting this to "Yes" will print a message to the log every time someone applies for a password. 61 Show Time. This will cause BBST to display the current time and date when a user logs on. 62 Show Last Caller. Set this to "Yes" to display the last caller's name to each caller. 63 Show Statistics. BBST can display various user statistics at logon time, including total number of calls, last call date, and user number. Set this to "Yes" to do so. 64 Allow Attached Files. Set this to "Yes" to allow users to attach upload files to messages on the message tree. See "Attached Files." 65 Ask Address. If you want the system to ask users their addresses at application time, set this to "Yes." 66 Ask Phone Number. Set this to "Yes" to have BBST ask each user his phone number during application. 67 Ask Age. BBST will ask users their ages during password application if this is set to "Yes." 68 Initial Command. This is a single-character value. The appropriate command will be executed as soon as BBST loads the default menu (Config Editor item #9.) Be sure the command exists in the default menu! 69 Chat Request Starting time. If you want to tell the system when you're available to chat with users, set this to the beginning of the block of time. 70 Chat Request Ending time. The end of the chatting block. If 69 and 70 are the same, users can page the sysop all the time. 71 300-baud Starting Time. If you want to specify specific times when 300-baud users can log on (for instance, to keep the BBS moving more quickly during busy times of the day), you should use this and the following items. This item specifies the beginning of a time block in which 300-baud users can log on. 72 300-baud Ending Time. This item specifies the end of the aforementioned block of time. If the starting and ending times are the same, 300-baud users can log on all the time. 73-80 Starting and ending times for 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud. 81 Ringback minimum time. (not implemented) The minimum time in seconds between two rings for a call to be considered ringback. Set to 0 if no ringback is desired. 82 Ringback maximum time. The maximum amount of time the system will wait for a ringback user to call back. 83 Compact Time. A time of day when the message tree will automatically be compacted. 84 Compact Frequency. How often the tree is compacted. Note that the day of the month is divided by this to see if a compact is needed; thus, setting it to 31 would compact the tree about once every two months. 85 Update Expiration Dates. Set this to "Yes" to automatically update users' expiration dates to two months ahead. You'll usually set this to "No" if you're running a pay-for-use system in which users pay for membership for a period of time. 86 Purge Expired Users. Set this to "Yes" to have BBST scan the user list for expired users. The purge will occur when the message tree is compacted, either manually (from sysop mode) or automatically. 87 Download Area A Name. The name of each download area should describe the type of files there; "Atari ST Games" or "IBM Utilities" are good examples. 88 Download Area A Security. The minimum security level required to access download area A (see "Security Levels.") Note that if a user has a high enough security to enter a download area, he must still have sufficient security to view each file according to its security level. 89... Names and security levels for the remaining fifteen download areas. U. User Editor. With the User Editor you can view the names and statistics of all the users on your system, or edit one of several items. There are three User Editor commands. V. View List. This command will prompt you for a user number to begin listing with. Enter a valid user number (or hit [RETURN] to start listing from the first user) and the Editor will list the users by number. When it has printed a screenful of users, you can select the [N]ext page of users (if there are more in the list,) go to the [P]revious page, or [Q]uit. Edit User. At the User Editor prompt, enter a user number or username to edit. The Editor doesn't care about upper and lower case when it's searching for a user name, so you don't have to worry about holding down Shift. If the user number or name you typed in is valid, the user's statistics will be displayed, and you can edit them: 1. Name. The user's name (up to 19 characters.) 2. Address. Up to 25 characters. 3. City. Up to 15 characters. 4. State. Two characters. 5. ZIP Code. Five characters. 6. Phone number. Fifteen characters. 7. Age. A number from 0 to 32767. 8. Columns. The number of columns the user can display on his screen. This affects text file/message printouts, which automatically put RETURNs at the end of an appropriate number of words. This can range from 1 to 32767, though it's not a good idea to use less than 20 columns. 9. Expiration Date. This feature is not implemented at this time. It will be used for pay-for- membership systems; if the user tries to call after his expiration date, he won't be allowed to log on. 10. Time per Day. The number of minutes per day that the user can remain on the system. This should be 0 for unlimited time. 11. Calls per Day. The maximum number of times per day a user can call the system. 0 for an unlimited number of calls. 12. Downloads per Day. The maximum number of files a user can download every day. 0 for unlimited download capabilities. 13. Message privilege flags. See "Privilege Flags." 14. Command privilege flags. See "Privilege Flags." 15. Security Level. See "Security Levels." In addition to these editable attributes, there are four commands that can be used here. D. Delete User. This command will delete the current user from the user list, freeing up his space in the file for another user entry. It's usually a good idea to delete users who haven't called in 60 days or more. L. Look at Stats. This will print out some non- editable statistics about the user, such as last call date and total number of messages entered. S. Save. Saves any changes you've made to the password file. Q. Quit. Quits without saving your changes. P. Print List. If you've selected Ask Address in the configuration editor, you have the option of printing out mailing labels. The BBS will ask you how many blank lines you want between labels (two is usually what you want) and how many spaces to indent everything so that the names aren't printed to the left of the labels. If you don't want to print mailing labels, the BBS will print a list of statistics, one printer line per user. The information printed is: name; phone number (if you've selected Ask Phone from the Config Editor); security; total calls, downloads, uploads, and messages entered; date of last call; expiration date; daily limits for downloads, calls, and time; and command and message privilege flags. The BBS will only print as much information as will fit on your printer (see the Printer Width config editor item). Q. Quit. Returns to the Sysop Functions menu. D. Download Editor. The download editor is used to maintain the download files on your BBS. A. Add Downloads. Use this command to add files to your download section. BBST will ask for a path header for the files; if you're using a hard disk, it might be something like C:\games\arcade\. Next, BBST will ask for a filename specification. If you only plan to add one file, type in its name; otherwise, you can type a wildcard such as *.PRG. BBST will then scan the directory you specified, and ask you if you want to add each file it finds. If you answer yes, BBST will ask for the file's security level, a message number to attach it to, the download area to put the file in, and a description. Descriptions can be up to 79 characters long. E. Edit Downloads. You can edit a specific download file, all the download files, all files in one download area, or all uploads. BBST will ask you whether you want to auto-update the upload dates if you edit [U]ploads. Auto-updating the dates will cause the original upload date and time to be replaced by the current date and time. This is necessary to ensure proper operation of the "List files since last call" operation. Each file has eleven attributes: 1. Name. The file's filename (i.e., FILENAME.EXT) 2. Path. The path in which the file is stored. This can be up to 51 characters long. 3. Read Count. How many times the file has been downloaded. 4. Upload Time. 5. Upload Date. 6. File Area. Which area the file is in. 7. Message number. Which message the file is attached to. 8. Security Level. 9. File Length in bytes. 10. Description, up to 79 characters. 11. Uploader. The name of the user who uploaded the file. In addition, there are four commands: D. Delete File. Removes the file's entry from the download info file, but doesn't delete the file itself. N. Next File. If you're editing one file only, this command won't appear. Otherwise, it saves any changes you've made and continues searching for files using the criterion you specified. S. Save Changes. Q. Quit. If items number 1 or 2 are edited, you're given the option of moving or renaming the file on disk. L. List Files. You can list download files by security level, upload date, or file area, or list all files. Q. Quit. C - Compact message tree. When a message is deleted, the space it used in the message data file is wasted. Compacting the message tree squeezes message texts together so that deleted messages' spaces can be reused. This command is identical to command 84. I - Initialize system. Use this command to erase all the messages on the message tree, erase the download info file, or erase the password file. S - Set time and date. The time must be in this format: HH:MM:SS, where HH ranges from 0 to 23. The date must be in MM/DD/YY format. This command is identical to command 83. R - Read Notes to Sysop. If a filename is specified in item number 24 in the configuration file, this command will read all the notes in the note-to-sysop file. Command number 86 does the same thing. T - Terminate System. If you need to take the BBS down remotely, use this command. You'll be prompted to enter some text to verify that you want to shut the system down. U - Use a command. This command lets you "fake" any BBST command. V - View Disklog. Use this command to see the disklog if you've specified one in the Configuration Editor. II. Privilege Flags Each command or message can have a series of privilege flags set. If a user doesn't have all the flags in his message or command priviliges (whichever is appropriate) that the command or message in question has set, it will be invisible to him. There are 32 command and 32 message privilege flags. A flag is set if it appears as an asterisk, clear if it appears as a minus. III. Command Chaining In order to facilitate printing multiple system bulletins or commands like the message tree's "Up/Menu," BBST has the ability to execute a command automatically after another command has finished. The command to be chained to must be in the same menu as the first command. If any command in a command chain is illegal for the user (due to command privilege flags,) the next command is executed. It's possible, therefore, to have five different system bulletins with different privilege flags, only some of which are visible to any given user. IV. Security Levels Security levels apply to download files. A user can't see a file with a security level higher than his own. Security level 32767, the maximum, is special: All uploads are automatically given this security level, and message privilege flags don't apply to a user with that security level. Only the sysop should have that security level unless there are co-sysops on the BBS. V. Attached Files BBST allows files to be attached to message tree messages. Only one file may be attached to a message. It appears in the submessage list, and can be downloaded using command number 55. The file will not appear if its security level is too high for the user to see. The BBST Command Set A description of each of the BBST command numbers follows. Control Functions - 0 Enters Sysop Mode. 1 Switches to another menu. Specify a filename to switch to. Menus usually have a .MEN extender, though of course they don't have to. The menu's initial command will be executed as soon as it's loaded. 2 Pages the sysop, or informs the user about the sysop's "in" times if config editor items 69 and 70 are different and the user is outside the "in" times. 3 Logs off. Specify whether the system lets the user leave a note to the sysop and whether it verifies that the user really wants to log off. 4 Print out a file. This command prints out any specified text file, such as a system bulletin or help file. Word wrap IS used. If a section of the file begins with ^V, VIDTEX mode is used if the user has selected it. A portion of the file beginning with ^T will not be displayed to VIDTEX users (these are transparent to the sysop if he uses the BBST message editor). 5 Run an external program. This function works, but the Trap-6 routines that external programs will be able to use are still buggy. In version 1.1, the caller will be able to use the external programs with this command; for now, use the EXEC command from the mini-language. 6 List other users on the system. Specify whether an expanded format showing last call time and date, number of messages entered, and so on, will be used. Otherwise a short format is used, which will print 3 columns of user names on an 80-column screen. 7 Leave E-Mail to another user. 8 Print a short help message. This is NOT supposed to replace a command list text file, as it looks rather sloppy. It lists command letters and the command words specified in the Menu Editor. This command "hides" control-key commands; they are therefore good choices if you want to link one command to another without having the second one show up in a menu. 9 View/Edit user status. The user can optionally change his password, number of columns, number of lines on the screen, "More" prompting, or linefeed status. Message Tree Functions - 10 Move left on the tree and print out the title of the new message. 11 Move right on the tree and print a title. 12 Move up on the tree and print a title. 13 Move to the leftmost child (number 1 in the submessage list) of the current message and print a title. 14 Move to the rightmost child and print a title. 15 Go to a submessage (Numeric Commands must be ON) and print its title. 16 Move forward on the tree (to the next message in chronological order) and print a title. 17 Move backward on the tree and print a title. 18 Jump to a user-specified message number and print its title. Numeric Commands must be ON. 19 Jump to the user's Message Marker if no number is typed before the command; otherwise, set the Message Marker to the specified number and jump to it. Print the title of the Marked message. 20 - 29 Same as 10-19, but print message info (number, time and date of entry, paths away from the message, message enterer's name, and title) after the movement. 30 - 39 Same as 20-29, but print message info and text and a submessage list. 40 Scan new message titles. Prints the titles of all new messages on the tree. Before it prints a new branch, it prints the title of the parent message. New messages are printed in preorder traversals of each branch. 41 Scan new message infos. 42 Read new messages. Queries the user about pausing between messages. If the user says yes, he will have six options after each message is printed:W A Prints the current message again. N Goes to the next new message. Q Aborts the command. R Replies to the message. S Skips the current branch. The system searches for the next new branch. U Starts scanning up from the current message. The user can go [U]p further, see the [N]ext message, go back to the [O]riginal message, or [R]eply to the message he's looking at. 43 Scan a range of message titles in chronological order (by message number). 44 Scan message infos linearly. 45 Read messages linearly. After a message prints, the user has six options: A Prints the message again. B Goes Back one message. N Goes to the next message (moves Forward.) Q Aborts the command. R Replies to the current message. U Starts scanning up. See #42. 46 Print the current message's info, text, and submessage list. 47 Print the current message's submessage list. 48 Traverse a branch of the tree. Specify yes, no, or query to two questions: o Should the system print the texts of messages as it traverses? o If the above is No, should the system print message numbers to the left of message titles? In addition, if the user has a security level of 32767 and there's an activated printer attached, he'll have the option of dumping the traversal to the printer. 49 Enter a message under the current message. Invokes the Message Editor. 50 Kill the current message. The sysop can control which messages a user can delete by setting the exclusion level: 0 Any user can delete any message on the tree. 1 A user can delete any message that's somewhere under a message that he entered, or a message that he entered. 2 A user can delete a message that he entered or a message that is DIRECTLY under (in the submessage list of) a message that he entered. 3 A user can delete a message that he entered. 4 Only security 32767 users can delete messages (they can delete any message). 51 Kill the entire branch under the current message (and the message itself.) USE WITH CAUTION as messages aren't recoverable once deleted. This command will usually be privileged if it exists in the message menu at all; sometimes a sysop will want to require [U]sing it from sysop mode as an additional safeguard. 52 Move a branch. This command moves the branch that your Message Marker is pointing at to the current message's submessage list. It's useful for keeping wandering discussions in the proper places on the tree, or for removing messages from the Top of the Tree. 53 Change privilege flags on a branch. This command changes the message privilege flags required to access a branch of the tree. 54 Jump to a message. You can set up predefined branches of the tree that users can go to by hitting a key. The [H]elp Branch command in the demo BBS is an example of this command. Specify the message number to jump to. You'll usually want to chain this command to command #46, Print Message. 55 Download an attached file. If file attaching is allowed, this command is used to download whatever file is attached to the current message. 56 Attach a file. Use this command to attach a file to the current message. Specify a file number of 0 to remove a file from a message. 57 Scan up from the current message. Prints the titles of all messages above the current message. Continues scanning up and printing until it hits the Top of the Tree. 58 Change write protection. BB/ST can prevent users from entering messages in certain parts of the tree, even though they can read that branch. To write-protect a branch, use command #58. If you set write protection, only a sysop (32767 security) can enter a message under the secured one, and the new message will inherit its parent's write protection. For example, you might want to write-protect a Help Branch if your message tree has one. 59 Edit an existing message. If the current message belongs to the user, or he's a sysop, he can change its text and title. The message editor is invoked on the current message; if the user saves the updated version of the message, it's given a new message number so that it will appear on new-message scans. File Area Functions - 60 Switch download section. Lists all download sections that the user can access and allows him to select one. If he hits RETURN, he remains in the current download section. 61 Upload a file to the current download section. The user can select Ascii, Xmodem, Xmodem/CRC, or Ymodem protocol. Uploads are placed in the download info file, but are given a security level of 32767. 62 Download a file. The user selects a file by filename or file number, then selects a download protocol. 63 List download files. There are four options that can be set beforehand by the sysop or queried to the user when he executes the command. Show all directories? If this is selected, files in all &download directories will be listed. &Otherwise, only the current &directory is used. Quick file listing? BBST can either list files in &expanded format (lots of information &given about each file) or a short &format that appears in two columns &for 80-column users. "Yes" here &selects the second option. Show which files? A - Lists all files. &F - Find a string. The string is *searched for in both the *filename and the file *description. The search is case *sensitive. &L - Since last call. Shows all *files whose upload dates are *greater than the user's last *call date. &N - List by number. Allows the user *to list files by their numbers. *This option is only selectable *by the user. &S - Since a date. Lists all files *uploaded since a user-specified *date. Allow batch marking? If this is set, BBST will pause &after each file and allow the user &to mark it for batch YMODEM &transfer. 64 Show marked files. Lists all files selected for batch transfer, as well as their file sizes. Totals the file sizes. 65 Clear batch list. Resets the batch file transfer list. 66 Batch download. Downloads the marked files using the Ymodem protocol. 80 Read E-Mail. The sysop can have the parameter for this command preset or set by the user at command execution. F - Read mail from the current user. T - Read mail to the current user. Mail is deleted after it's read unless the user [K]eeps it. 81R User Editor. This is available so users can be designated as partial co-sysops without having access to the Sysop Functions menu. 82 Download Editor (see Editors above). 83 Set Time/Date (see Sysop Mode above). 84 Disk Functions (see Disk Functions above). 85 Leave a note to the sysop. If a printer is connected, the note is printed out. It's also placed in the Notes File if one is specified in the Configuration Editor. 86 Read notes to the sysop. Again, this is for partial co- sysops. 87 Create a poll. The user is asked for an 8-character filename for the poll. He is then asked for a title. Next, he types in the text of the poll question. Finally, he enters choices for the poll one by one. There are three types of polls: A - Yes/No. Same as "B" but the choices are preset. B - Multiple Choice. C - Multiple Choice, but the voters can add choices to a poll if they need to. 88 Vote on a poll. A menu of polls is shown, and the user can vote on one. Nothing prevents a user from voting multiple times in version 1 of the BBS. 89 Look at the results from a poll. 90 Delete a choice from a poll. This is usually used to remove inappropriate or useless choices from a poll. 91 View last caller list. The user can choose how many callers to view, up to the maximum specified in the configuration editor. 92 Execute a mini-program. See the BBST Mini-Language document for more details. 93 Show the user the current time and date, as well as how much time he has left on the system. 94 Allow the user to re-select VIDTEX mode. If numeric command headers are enabled, commands 10-14, 16, 17, 20-24, 26, 27, 30-34, 36, and 37 will treat the numeric header as a repeat count, i.e., typing 20F (assuming F represents command #16) will move forward twenty times. Commands 15, 25, and 35 will use a numeric header to select a submessage. Numeric headers must be enabled for these commands to work properly. Commands 18, 19, 28, 29, 38, and 39 treat a numeric header as a message number. Finally, if a number is entered before command #48, it specifies the maximum depth of the traversal. VII. Text Entry The Line Editor The Line Editor is invoked whenever BBST needs one line of input from a user. If the user tries to type beyond the length limit, BBST will ignore the additional characters and send bells to the user. Several keys do special things in the Line Editor: Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the text cursor and moves the cursor to the left. Does nothing if the user is at the beginning of the input line. Delete Same as Backspace. ESC Deletes the entire line of text and positions the cursor at the beginning of the line. Control-W Deletes the word to the left of the cursor. RETURN Terminates the input and exits the Line Editor. The Message Editor The BBST message editor functions much like a word processor. Users can just type merrily along, never hitting RETURN, and the BBS will automatically format their text so that no words are split. Unlike some other BBSs that do the formatting at input time (backspacing over characters and printing them on the next line,) BBST formats at print time. Therefore, the words will be moved properly for 40 columns even if they were entered in 80 columns. When a user hits RETURN, one of several things can happen depending on what he does next. If he starts typing text in, the RETURN is changed to a space so the text will remain well- formatted for various numbers of columns. If he types one or more spaces (indenting the next paragraph,) the RETURN is kept. Note that the user can then backspace over the spaces. Finally, hitting RETURN twice will entDer Edit mode. There are 10 Edit Mode commands: A - Add a file. This command only works for users with a security of 32767. It adds a file (for instance, made with a word processor) to the current edit buffer. C - Continue adding. The last few characters of the message are printed, and the user can continue entering text. D - Delete String. The user inputs a string to search for. BBST then searches the edit buffer for the string, and asks the user if he wants to delete it each time it is found. If you put three backslashes in the search string, BBST will search for the text before the backslashes, then try to find the text after them, and will delete all the text in between. F - Free Space. Displays the number of bytes used, bytes free, and precentage of the edit buffer which is used. L - Literal Mode toggle. This command turns Literal Mode on and off. If Literal Mode is set, any RETURNs entered into a message will remain there. This is usually used to format messages or to enter short mini-programs. O - Options. If the appropriate configuration editor items are set and the user is editing a message on the message tree, there are two options: Leave anonymously? The user can leave a tree messages &anonymously. Anyone with security &level 32767 can see the message &enterer's name, but everyone else &will just see "From:." Private message? If a user makes a message private, &he is queried for a user to send it &to. If that user exists, the &message can't be seen by anyone &except the addressee, the sender, &and anyone with 32767 security &level. Since BBST has an E-Mail §ion, use of private tree &messages isn't recommended. If the user is using the [M]ake File command from Sysop Mode, the [O] command will "unvidtexize" the message. An unvidtexized message will be displayed to anyone who can't display VIDTEX graphics. Any text entered after a file is unvidtexized will be displayed to everyone (except a VIDTEX picture, of course.) See "Mixing Text and VIDTEX." P - Print. Displays the edit buffer. Q - Quit without saving. Exits the message editor without saving the edit buffer to disk. R - Replace. Allows the user to replace a string. Like [D]elete, each occurrance of the search string is shown. The user enters replacement text with the message editor's text-entry system (two RETURNs to exit, etc.) Backslashes work the same way they do in [D]elete. S - Save the buffer to disk (to the message tree or a file, depending on what he's editing) and leaves the message editor. V - VIDTEX Add. This command doesn't work from Local mode. It allows a user to add a VIDTEX picture (converted from DEGAS with the VIDTEX Converter program) to a message. He specifies a file transfer protocol then uploads the VIDTEX file. If there's enough room, it's added to the file. W - Wipe Message. Erases the entire message and lets the user start over. Mixing Text and VIDTEX It's often useful to have two versions of a file or message: one in VIDTEX graphics format, and one in text format for people who can't use VIDTEX. The "Unvidtexize" option allows you to combine both versions into one file or message. First, go to [M]ake File from the Sysop menu. Enter the filename you want to use. Type in the text version of the message or file (or [A]dd it if it's already been typed in) and go to the Edit prompt. Select [O]ptions and Unvidtexize the text file. Next, [A]dd the VIDTEX version of the file. It's ready to be displayed! If you want to put it on the tree, [S]ave the whole thing, enter a message on the tree, and [A]dd the file to that message. VIII. Chat Mode You can break into chat mode from most prompts by hitting F1. Once in chat mode, the user and sysop can type to each other. There are several enhancements to BBST's chat mode: o Word Wrap. When you start to type past the edge of the user's screen, BBST automatically erases and reprints the word you were typing. You can continue to type while the word is erased and redrawn. If you find word wrap annoying (at 300 baud, for instance,) pressing F2 will toggle it. o Kick-off. Pressing F10 will log a user off the system. Usually used to discourage abusive users. o Bell. Pressing TAB will output a bell to the user. Type F1 to leave chat and return the user to whatever he was doing. IX. Visible/Invisible Sysop Hitting F2 will put you in sysop mode, but the user won't be able to see what you're doing. F3 allows him to see Sysop Mode (and issue commands from his keyboard.)  BB/ST Bulletin Board for the Atari ST Computers Version 1.0 =H Copyright (c)1987, Quantum Microsystems,Inc. by Steven Grimm Thank you for choosing BB/ST! This disk contains everything you need to get started... except for a modem, phone line and callers! The complete manual for BB/ST will be ready soon and will be sent to you at no charge if you return the enclosed registration card. For now, read the following notes to get you started. Then, print out BBST.DOC and BBSTLANG.DOC which contain over 20 pages on BB/ST and its mini-language. Please make a back-up copy of this disk and use the copy as your work disk. Please do not give anyone a copy of this program! We've done our best to bring you a quality product at the lowest possible price and without the inconveniences of copy-protection. Thanks! To run BB/ST, just boot the disk and double click on BBST.TOS. The main screen will appear and immediately wait for a call. This disk is set-up for a 1200-baud Hayes-compatible modem. Check your modem's manual for the correct initializing commands if they differ from the ones in the Edit Configuration screens in the SYSOP mode. The current default will operate with a Hayes, US Robotics, Prometheus, Avatex 1200HC and other Hayes-compatible smartmodems. For the Avatex 1200, QMI 1200ST and Supra 1200, make sure the data switch is in and the 300/1200 switch is at 1200 baud. The init command (item #3 in the Edit Configuration menu) should be set to an empty string for these modems. You will want to change other configuration items such as your name, the name of your BBS and the names of your download sections. Read BBST.DOC for more details on the configuration editor under the sysop commands. Make sure your modem cable has the DTR and DCD lines connected to the ST. A full 25-pin ribbon cable should be used for best results. If your modem has a switch to choose auto answer, leave this switch off since BB/ST will use the smartmodem commands to answer the phone under its own control. Also, we recommend adding a surge eliminator to your power line and phone line if you live in an area where lightning storms are common. So, here's a description of each folder or file in the sample set-up: BBST.TOS The main Bulletin Board System program. Click on this one to run BB/ST.   BBST.DOC SYSOP Guide for BB/ST and Mini-Language Guide. These are BBSTLANG.DOC preliminary documents but will soon be a full manual and tutorial. Send in your warranty card and we will forward the printed manual to you when it's complete. CMDLIST.DOC A quick list of BB/ST command numbers for menus. LOGON.TXT Sample log-on screen. BULLETIN.TXT Sample bulletin file read by BULLETIN.MIN. *.MIN Several Mini-Language files to get you started with your own custom enhancements to BB/ST. BBSLIST (folder) Holds area-code files for the program OTHERBBS.MIN. Each file holds BBS descriptions for its area code. Update these as you see fit, or modify for your own needs. (A total list is included but not seperated into area code.) DL1 (folder) Sample Download folder containing some public domain programs. Use the Edit Downloads selection from sysop mode to add programs to the download list from any drive/folder. EMAIL (folder) A place where BB/ST keeps private mail messages. POLLS (folder) A place where BB/ST keeps the on-line Poll (voting) information. Upto 26 polls may be used for any purpose. SYSTEM (folder) This sample configuration uses the SYSTEM folder for all system-related files. These files are as follows: * DOWNLOAD.INF Information for downloadable files. LASTCALL.DAT BB/ST keeps a record of the last call here. MESSAGE.* Files used by the Message "tree". PASSWORD.DAT BB/ST keeps all of the user info here. PASSWORD.OLD BB/ST backs-up the password.dat file here. POINTERS.DAT BB/ST keeps track of alot of things here. CONFIG.DAT BB/ST saves the configuration items here. FILES.MNU The File section menu. MESSAGE.MNU The Message area menu. XMESSAGE.MNU The Expert Message area menu. POLL.MNU The Poll area menu. MAIN.MNU The Main Sample system menu. You can modify these menus by selecting dit enu from the SYSOP mode. Make sure you give the full pathname when you oad and ave a menu. (SYSTEM\MAIN.MNU for example.) UPLOAD (folder) Users' uploads will go here before you make them visible to other callers. Remember that these are set up to get you started! BB/ST lets you choose any name for all of the above files and they can be on any drive and in any folder. Read the documentation in the file BBST.DOC and BBSTLANG.DOC and start experimenting with your own menus and mini-programs. Your BBS will never have to look like other BBS's or stop short of what you want it to do -- if you spend some time customizing the menus. The Terminal Mode of BB/ST is a very useable communications program and should be used when you need to call other BBS's or services while in BBST. It will upload and download using either XMODEM or YMODEM and has VT-52 emulation. Press T from the main BB/ST screen to enter this mode. If you have any questions, give us a call at 315-451-7747 or leave a message to the SYSOP on our BBS at 315-457-7216 or 315-437-5857. West Coast BB/ST sysops are welcome to call the Starfleet BBS at 408-244-1614 (the 1st BB/ST). When you return your warranty card, please include your BBS number. As usual, every program will have some unfound problems. We will be making fixes and enhancements as time goes on, so please let us know if you find a problem or have a suggestion for a new feature. Some things we have planned are... time/credit accounting for each user; multi-line/multi-user capability; and background SYSOP while a user is on-line. Updates will cost just $5.00 along with the original disk. Again, thank you for purchasing BB/ST and I hope you enjoy it and other products from QMI. 2/10/87 *OUR NEW ATARI ST PRODUCTS Q M I "= Quantum Microsystems, Inc. BB/ST $49.95 PO Box 179 ST-TALK 2.0 $29.95 Liverpool, NY 13088 DO-IT! DOS shell $24.95 315-451-7747 (voice) PRINT-IT! $24.95 315-457-7216 (modem) DeskCart! $99.95 mW