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Applegate BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents - 1 Notice - 1 How to Use This Manual - 2 Command Line Parameters - 3 Configuration File - 4 Dial Translation - 23 Scheduling Events - 24 Scripts - 29 Terminal Mode Keystrokes - 33 Unattended Mode Keystrokes - 37 VT-100 Keystrokes - 39 NOTICE The BinkleyTerm software is Copyright (C) 1988 Robert Hartman and Vincent Perriello, All Rights Reserved. The BinkleyTerm documentation is Copyright (C) 1988 Alan D. Applegate, All Rights Reserved. Complete copyright, licensing and warranty information is contained in BT_USER.DOC, the BinkleyTerm User's Guide. Part of the Code in the ATARI ST (tm) Implementation is Copyright 1988 Peter Glasmacher. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 2 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL The documentation for BinkleyTerm is supplied in two parts. The User's Guide (named BT_USER.DOC) explains how to install BinkleyTerm. It also describes basic operational procedures. New users may find some concepts or terminology unfamiliar; a glossary is provided toward the end of the User's Guide. Concepts and terminology that may be of interest to experienced users and new users alike are covered in the Reference Guide (named BT_REF.DOC) an alphabetically arranged manual separate from the User's Guide. New users should print out, in their entirety, BOTH the User's Guide AND the Reference Guide. Experienced users should print out the Reference Guide at the very least. Inquiries, questions or comments regarding the documentation should be directed to: BinkleyTerm Documentation c/o Alan Applegate FidoNet 1:104/36.0 P. O. Box 260723 Lakewood, CO 80226-0723 USA For inquiries, questions or comments regarding the software program, please refer to the User's Guide section "BinkleyTerm Support." BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 3 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS BinkleyTerm offers a selection of command line parameters which each have a unique function. NoForce Don't force events that have already passed. Mail For Point system use, this causes BinkleyTerm to attempt connection to the boss upon start-up. Share Leaves the FOSSIL driver "hot" (does not de-initialize the driver upon exit) for use with other FOSSIL-based systems. Dynam Restart the current dynamic event, if any, even if it may have already executed. Unattended Run in Unattended Mode, regardless of whether the 'Unattended' configuration file statement is used. Config Allows specif&ication of a configuration file other than the default (BINKLEY.CFG). This parameter must be followed by a single space, and then the name of the configuration file, including drive and path if applicable, for example: "BT Config C:\BT\MYCONFIG.CFG" Poll Instructs BinkleyTerm to immediately poll a given node. Upon completion of the poll, BinkleyTerm will exit. For example: "BT Poll 1:132/101" BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 4 CONFIGURATION FILE The BinkleyTerm configuration file, BINKLEY.CFG, is the place where you communicate information about your system to BinkleyTerm. Port number, modem control strings, FidoNet node addresses, and much more are all contained in the configuration file. A sample configuration file comes with the BinkleyTerm distribution package. The sample file is arranged in such a way as to illustrate which parameters need to be changed for which operational modes. For ease of use as a reference, the parameters are listed alphabetically here. About This tells BinkleyTerm the name of the ABOUT file, a special file used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. AfterMail If used, BinkleyTerm will execute the after receiving mail. It is suggested that designate a batch file, rather than a specific program. The batch file would contain command line(s) for the program(s) that will actually unpack and/or toss incoming mail. NOTE! If this statement is used, no E2= or E3= exits during event schedules should be used, since they take priority over this statement. Refer to the section "Scheduling Events" for details. See also "Packer" and "Cleanup" for related information. Aka / Allows nodes with more than one FidoNet address to specify their alternate addresses. This would normally be used by network, region or zone coordinators, and other 'special' nodes. Multiple 'Aka' statements can be used. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 5 Answer When this statement is used, BinkleyTerm assumes that the modem has been set NOT to answer the phone automatically (by the modem init string, or the modem's DIP switches). When BinkleyTerm receives a response string of "RING" from the modem, it sends the command to the modem to answer the phone. The advantage is that BinkleyTerm must be "alive and well" before the modem will answer a call. If for some reason BinkleyTerm is not available, yet the modem still has power, no calls will be answered. NOTE! Some modems DO NOT like commands to be sent while they're sending response strings...in testing, this feature DOES NOT work on all modems. Only by trying it will you be able to determine if it works with your modem. Application [ ... ] Allows addition of application dependent data to the configuration file. Any 'Application' statement is ignored by BinkleyTerm entirely.  is the name of or reference to a specific application, such as a message editor or outbound maintenance utility that uses the BinkleyTerm configuration file. Zero or more application specific parameters, shown as in the example, may follow . Autobaud In Unattended Mode, this forces BinkleyTerm to call out at the baud rate specified by the 'Baud' statement, regardless of the baud rate associated with a given nodelist entry. This assures connects at the highest possible baud rate. Avail This designates the name of the file to be sent to a remote system that file requests "FILES" from your system. This file will be sent to all systems, regardless of status, unless the 'KnownAvail' or 'ProtAvail' statements are used. identifies the file, and may contain an optional drive and path designation. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 6 Banner The line designated by is sent to callers immediately following the BinkleyTerm identification line, and before the line, "Press to enter BBS." Generally, this is the name of your BBS or something else of interest to callers. Baud This parameter tells BinkleyTerm your maximum baud rate. Valid settings are 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200. In Terminal Mode, you may change this setting. BBS This designates the method to be used to access your BBS software when a human caller dials your system. Valid options for are 'Batch,' 'Exit' and 'Spawn.' Refer to the User's Guide section "BBS Interface" for more information on the options, and how to use them. BBSNote After a human caller presses Escape to exit to the BBS program, or after the number of seconds designated by the 'Timeout' statement, BinkleyTerm will display the to the caller. Generally, this is a notification that the BBS software is loading. Boss / This specifies a FidoNet node address. For regular FidoNet nodes, place your assigned address here. For Point systems, place the address of your Boss node here. BossPhone This parameter, used in Point installations, contains the telephone number of your Boss node for use with the Alt-Y command in Terminal Mode. This statement is optional in all cases except Point installations that do not wish to use a nodelist. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 7 BossPwd Used for Point installations, this parameter designates the password to be used for session-level passwording with your Boss node. Refer to the User's Guide section "Session Passwording" for additional information. The Boss node must also have session passwording implemented, using this password. When this parameter AND 'BossPhone' are BOTH implemented, a nodelist is NOT required for a Point system. BoxType When full-screen mode is used (default), this tells BinkleyTerm what type of boxes to use for the various on- screen windows. Legal values are from 0 to 4. They produce the following results (apologies given to people with printers that do not support the extended IBM character set): 0 1 2 3 4 0 = Hatches (Non-IBM) +-+ Ŀ ͻ ķ ͸ 1 = Single Rule | | 2 = Double Rule +-+ ͼ Ľ ; 3 = Single Top, Double Sides 14 = Double Top, Single Sides Busy While BinkleyTerm performs certain functions, and when you exit the program from Unattended Mode, BinkleyTerm sends the  to the modem. Normally, this is a short set of modem commands, as %shown in the sample configuration file, to take the phone off-hook to prevent incoming calls. Callers will hear a busy signal. You may desire to lower DTR instead using a lower-case letter "v." This would cause callers to hear ringing, but with no answer. CaptureFile If used, this statement tells BinkleyTerm the name of a file to use for session capturing in terminal mode. The Alt-L command toggles session capture on and off. When activated, all communications session I/O will be echoed to this file. The may optionally include a drive and path designation as well. Example: C:\BT\CAPTURE.TXT BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 8 Carrier This tells BinkleyTerm which FOSSIL status bit it should use to determine whether or not carrier is present. A value of 80 (hexadecimal) is nearly always correct. Some modems do not support CD (carrier detect) and other signal lines may be used. NOTE: This value is in HEXADECIMAL (base 16). Other systems, such as Opus-CBCS, ask for this value in DECIMAL (base 10). Normal setting is 80 hex, which equals 128 decimal. Cleanup If used, BinkleyTerm will execute at the beginning of each event, but prior to the "Packer" statement's command line (if used). This might be used to unpack any previously packed outbound mail for later repacking, or to perform minor outbound area maintenance, etc. It is suggested that designate a batch file that would contain the command line(s) for the program(s) actually used to unpack mail and/or perform maintenance. See also "AfterMail" and "Packer" for related information. Colors Only applies if a Video FOSSIL (VFOSSIL) is detected at start- up, such as Bob Hartman's VFOS_IBM package. This statement allows setting of color attributes for the full-screen windowed display. The arguments are for the informational border area around the windows, and the following colors attributes: for the "Current Settings" window, for the "Today at a Glance" window,  for the "Pending Outbound Mail" window, for the "Recent Activity" window, and for the "Transfer Status" window. The default colors are all 0 (black) for background, and 7 (white) for foreground. Possible background and foreground colors are 0 (black), 1 (blue), 2 (green), 3 (cyan), 4 (red), 5 (magenta), 6 (brown), and 7 (white). Additional colors available for foreground include 8 (gray), 9 (light blue), 10 (light green), 11 (light cyan), 12 (light red), 13 (light magenta), 14 (yellow) and 15 (bright white). On IBM-compatible monochrome displays and using a black background, colors 9 through 15 yield high intensity characters, 1 through 7 normal intensity characters. 0 and 8 yield invisible characters. 1 and 9 will yield underscored characters. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 9 Adding multiples of 16 to the color settings will allow various background colors for the chosen foreground color. For example, 31 would be bright white on blue. CursorCol For use with multi-tasking systems, this tells BinkleyTerm the column number to place the cursor after screen writes. For DESQview, should be set to 1. The default value is 80. CursorRow For use with multi-tasking systems, this tells BinkleyTerm the row number to place the cursor after screen writes. For  DESQview, should be set to 1. The default value is 23. Dial /[] This option allows for real-time telephone number translation. BinkleyTerm will look at the telephone number it is to send to the modem. If the prefix of the telephone number matches that shown in , then the prefix will be changed to , and (optional) will be added to the end. In most cases, this will be used to strip-off "1-" and/or area codes for systems in a local exchange, such as: DIAL 1-603-888 888/ A number in the nodelist as 1-603-888-8179 would be changed to simply 888-8179 and dialed. DIAL 1-303-555 555/&M0 A number in the nodelist as 1-303-555-1234 would be changed to 555-1234&M0 and dialed. There is a maximum of 20 characters each for ,  and . Another use for this feature would be for dialing scripts: DIAL 1-404 "GA_PCP.SCR"404/ This line could be used to invoke a PC Pursuit script, for example, for the state of Georgia. The script would be used for all outgoing calls to area code 404. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 10 For permanent translations it is probably more efficient to perform these translations with your nodelist processing program (i.e., XlatList, ParseLst, XlaxNode). Refer to your nodelist processing software documentation for more information. DoingMail If used, this statement will cause BinkleyTerm to send  to a caller when mail is being processed and the BBS is not available. This replaces the default string "Processing Mail. Please hang up." Downloads This tells BinkleyTerm where to place files downloaded while in Terminal Mode. The is a complete drive and path designation. This path has no effect on mail transfers made in Unattended Mode. EnterBBS If used, this statement will cause BinkleyTerm to send  to a caller when the BBS is available. This replaces the default string "Press to enter BBS." Note that  must not exceed one line. Event This statement begins an event line. Due to the depth of this topic, it is covered in the section "Scheduling Events." ExtrnMail [] This is used in conjunction with BinkleyTerm's external mail program feature. If while waiting for a YooHoo or TSYNC (the beginning of a FidoNet mail session) BinkleyTerm receives , it will write to the disk a file named MAILBAT.BAT, and will then exit with an errorlevel of 99. Refer to the User's Guide section "External Mail Programs" for information. Note that if the [] parameter is used, BinkleyTerm will exit with an errorlevel of the value given, rather than the default value of 99.  should be relatively long, without too many repeating characters. Up to 16 "ExtrnMail" statements that each use [] may be used. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 11 Gong Using this statement causes BinkleyTerm to sound an alarm when it successfully connects with a system it's attempting dial, or after a download has been completed. 'Gong' is only applicable in Terminal Mode. Note that 'Gong' also works when doing a manual mail poll operation in Terminal Mode (Alt-M). Hold This specifies the complete drive and path designation for the directory that will be used as your outbound mail holding  area. oMMM and other mail processing software places outbound mail in this area for BinkleyTerm to send to or hold for other FidoNet systems. It should be mentioned that this area should NOT contain any other files of any kind, and that the contents of the directory should NOT be manipulated by you unless you know EXACTLY what you're doing. For all practical purposes, BinkleyTerm maintains this directory for you. Include If used, this tells BinkleyTerm the name of a file to include while reading the configuration file. The include file must contain additional configuration file statements in the same format as expected for the primary configuration file. When end-of-file is reached, BinkleyTerm will continue reading the main configuration file at the line immediately following the "Include" statement that initially caused BinkleyTerm to branch. The may optionally include a drive and path designation. Example: C:\BT\INCL_2.CFG Init BinkleyTerm sends the to the modem to initialize it, and make it ready for communication. The string is sent to the modem verbatim, with the exception of special dial translation characters. These characters are shown in the section "Dial Translations." Refer to your modem instruction manual for help in finding a correct init string for your particular modem and configuration. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 12 KnownAbout This tells BinkleyTerm the name of the ABOUT file, a special file used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. This ABOUT file applies only to file requests that are received from nodes that are in the nodelist, but ARE NOT connected with a password protected link. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. KnownAvail This designates the name of the file to be sent to a remote system which file requests "FILES" that is contained in the nodelist, but IS NOT connected with a password protected link.  identifies the file, and may contain an optional drive and path designation. The 'Avail' and 'ProtAvail' statements are similar. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. KnownReqLim This tells BinkleyTerm the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to incoming file requests during any one mail session. Regardless of whether the incoming requests has wildcards, or whether multiple file requests are sent in one mail session, the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to an incoming file request will be no greater than . This statement applies only to file requests that are received from nodes that are in the nodelist, but ARE NOT connected with a password protected link. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. KnownReqList This designates the name of the OKFILE, a special used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. This OKFILE applies only to file requests received from systems that are contained in the nodelist, but ARE NOT connected with a password protected link. For more information, refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests." BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 13 LockBaud This configuration file statement is obsolete. You should lock the FOSSIL driver baud rate instead. LogLevel This tells BinkleyTerm how verbose to make the status log. Acceptable values for are from 1 to 5, 1 indicating minimal information, 5 maximum information. See the 'Statuslog' option for additional information. Each log entry is preceded by a character or a blank, indicating the importance of the entry. LogLevel Characters That Precede Included Entries 1 ! * 2 ! * + 3 ! * + : 4 ! * + : # 5 ! * + : # and blank (no character) Macro This allows the sending of predefined macros from within Terminal Mode. Macros are typically used to send your name, user ID, or passwords while on-line. The parameter is a digit between 1 and 9, which corresponds to the F1 through F9 keys. While in Terminal Mode, you send a macro by pressing Alt-Fx, x indicating the macro number you desire to send. The is sent verbatim. A carriage return is indicated by the pipe symbol (|). No other translations take place. MailNote Used in conjunction with BinkleyTerm's external mail program feature. When the string designated by the 'ExtrnMail' statement is received, is sent to the caller as notification that the external mail program is being loaded. Refer to the User's Guide section "External Mail Programs" for information. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 14 MaxPort BinkleyTerm is capable of supporting up to 32 communications ports. This is, however, far more than any current FOSSIL driver is capable of supporting. Normally the will be 1 or 2, depending on your FOSSIL. Refer to the documentation for your FOSSIL for information about the number of ports it is capable of supporting. For Unattended Mode, the port number in use is set by the 'Port' statement. In terminal mode, you may change the port in use, dependent on this statement, the number of ports your FOSSIL can support, and the hardware you have available. MaxReq This tells BinkleyTerm the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to incoming file requests during any one mail session. Regardless of whether the incoming requests has wildcards, or whether multiple file requests are sent in one mail session, the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to an incoming file request will be no greater than . Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. MultiLink This tells BinkleyTerm that the MultiLink multi-tasker is installed, and to release time-slice to the multi-tasker during certain non-processor-intensive operations. This increases system efficiency for MultiLink-using systems. NetFile This specifies the complete drive and path of the directory that will hold files being sent to your system via FidoNet. Incoming mail is stored here prior to processing. This path is also used by BTCTL to create a MAIL.SYS file. NetMail This specifies the complete drive and path of the directory that contains a Fido compatible message base. Note that this directory is not used by BinkleyTerm itself. This path is used to build a MAIL.SYS file when the BTCTL progr am is run. MAIL.SYS is produced for the benefit of certain mail processing utilities. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 15 NewNodelist This statement tells BinkleyTerm that it is to use a "New Opus Style" Version 6 nodelist. The files NODELIST.IDX and NODELIST.DAT will be expected, and must be compiled and ready for use by BinkleyTerm. Refer to the User's Guide section "Nodelist" for more information. NoCollide By default, BinkleyTerm will make an attempt to detect an incoming call while preparing to make an outgoing call, and abort the outgoing call process. This feature is called "call collision detection," and may not work on all modems. Using 'NoCollide' disables this feature entirely. Nodelist This specifies the complete drive and path where processed, compiled nodelist files can be found. Refer to the User's Guide section "Nodelist" for more information. NoFullScreen By default, BinkleyTerm uses a full-screen interface when in Unattended Mode. When this statement is used, BinkleyTerm will use the line-by-line screen write mode employed by BinkleyTerm version 1.10 and earlier. This statement has no effect in Terminal Mode. NoPickup This statement tells BinkleyTerm that during mail sessions, it should only deliver mail, and refuse to pickup any mail that may be waiting for your system. NoRequests This statement tells BinkleyTerm to universally refuse incoming file requests at all times. NoSLO This tells BinkleyTerm NOT to employ SEAlink "Overdrive" (an ACK-less variety of the SEAlink protocol) for any SEAlink network mail transfers. NoZones Tells BinkleyTerm to handle zones in the same manner as version 1.50 and previous versions. This essentially means that multi-zone support is turned off. Refer to the User's Guide section "Zone Support" for additional information. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 16 Okfile This designates the name of the OKFILE, a special file used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. For more information, refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests." Overwrite When receiving a file in Unattended Mode, or when downloading a file in Terminal Mode, BinkleyTerm by default will NOT allow overwriting of an existing file if you're receiving a file with the same name. Instead, BinkleyTerm will slightly alter the name of the file being received to differentiate it from the existing file. By using the 'Overwrite' statement, BinkleyTerm WILL ALLOW overwriting of existing files should you be receiving one by the same name. Use this option carefully. Packer If used, BinkleyTerm will execute at the beginning of each event, but after the "Cleanup" statement's command line (if used). This might be used to pack any pending outbound mail for sending. It is suggested that  designate a batch file that would contain the command line(s) for the program(s) actually used to scan and/or pack mail. See also "AfterMail" and "Cleanup" for related information. Point / This parameter specifies a FidoNet node address. For regular FidoNet nodes, this is your assigned node address. For Point systems, this address is the one assigned to you by your Boss node Sysop. Port This informs BinkleyTerm which communications port your modem  is connected to or configured as. The corresponds to the COM port number, 1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, etc. Most FOSSIL drivers support up to 2 COM ports, COM1 and COM2, some support more. Refer to your FOSSIL documentation for information on port support and installation information. Note that in Terminal Mode, it is possible to override this setting. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 17 Prefix The is a modem command to cause the modem to dial. To dial a system, BinkleyTerm sends the , followed by the telephone number, to the modem. Normally, for touch-tone systems, "ATDT," is used, for rotary-dial lines, "ATDP," would be used. Refer to your modem manual for more information on control options. PrivateNet This tells BinkleyTerm the net number of a private network for which you serve as a gateway, if any. This parameter is intended for use with point systems that communicate with your system using the WaZOO method of mail transfer (refer to the "Glossary" section for a definition). When this parameter is used, point systems you support may poll you with a complete point address to pick-up any waiting mail. Please note that the mail must still be addressed to the "fake" address assigned to the point, as zone and point addressing is not taken into consideration in the naming of outbound mail. ProtAbout This tells BinkleyTerm the name of the ABOUT file, a special file used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. This ABOUT file applies only to file requests that are received from nodes that are in the nodelist, and ARE connected with a password protected link. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. ProtAvail This designates the name of the file to be sent to a remote system which file requests "FILES" that is contained in the nodelist, and IS connected with a password protected link.  identifies the file, and may contain an optional drive and path designation. The 'Avail' and 'KnownAvail' statements are similar. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 18 Protocol This tells BinkleyTerm that it can use the listed external file transfer protocol within Terminal Mode. The is a complete drive, path and filename that points to an Opus- CBCS compatible external file transfer protocol program. Refer to the User's Guide section "External Protocols" for more information. ProtReqLim This tells BinkleyTerm the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to incoming file requests during any one mail session. Regardless of whether the incoming requests has wildcards, or whether multiple file requests are sent in one mail session, the maximum number of files that will be sent in response to an incoming file request will be no greater than . This statement applies only to file requests that are received from nodes that are in the nodelist, and ARE connected with a password protected link. Refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests" for more information. ProtReqList This designates the name of the OKFILE, a special used with incoming file requests. is a complete drive, path and filename designation. This OKFILE applies only to file requests received from systems that are contained in the nodelist, and ARE connected with a password protected link. For more information, refer to the User's Guide sections "File Requests" and "Controlling File Requests." QuickNodelist This tells BinkleyTerm to use a QuickBBS 2.01 (or higher) nodelist. This nodelist MUST be produced by ParseLst 1.01 or above in order to work correctly with BinkleyTerm. A QuickBBS nodelist produced by QuickBBS' Qnode program WILL NOT work correctly for BinkleyTerm, as it does not yet provide the necessary information. Refer to the User's Guide section "Nodelist" for more information. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 19 Reader Using the Alt-E command in Unattended Mode causes BinkleyTerm to send to COMMAND.COM for execution as a child process. This is typically used to invoke your local console message base reader/editor. ReqOnUs When this statement is used, incoming file requests will be filled, even if your system initiated the call. Otherwise, incoming requests "on your dime" will be refused. Rev3 Normally, BinkleyTerm automatically determines the revision level of the FOSSIL driver you use. Using 'Rev3' forces BinkleyTerm to assume that a revision 3 FOSSIL is installed. Normally, this parameter is only used on systems which are using developmental FOSSIL drivers that may not yet fully support a higher revision. SameRing By default, and unless the 'NoCollide' option is used, BinkleyTerm will attempt to abort its dialing process if an incoming call is detected. This feature is called "call collision detection." 'SameRing' is used when your modem reports "RING" on BOTH incoming and outgoing calls (most modems reports "RING" on incoming and "RINGING" on outgoing), and partially disables this feature. ScriptPath If given, this statement tells BinkleyTerm where to look for outward dialing scripts (refer to the section "Scripts" for more information). is a standard DOS path line, with optional drive designation. Example: C:\BT\SCRIPTS\ Shell This allows you configure up to 9 keystroke accessible DOS shells to run programs while BinkleyTerm stays memory resident. Shells work only in Unattended Mode. While in Terminal Mode, the same keystrokes work as macros keys (see the 'Macro' statement description for information). The parameter is a digit between 1 and 9, which corresponds to the F1 through F9 keys. While in Unattended Mode, you invoke a shell by pressing Alt-Fx, x indicating the shell number you wish to invoke. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 20 The is sent to COMMAND.COM verbatim for execution. If the program you're invoking uses command line parameters, include them in as you would at the DOS prompt. SlowModem Using 'SlowModem' causes BinkleyTerm to insert a 1/10th second delay between each character sent to the modem while in command mode. This is for use with modems that may have a hard time keeping up with BinkleyTerm's modem commands otherwise. SmallWindow During FSC001 transfers, BinkleyTerm uses a default run ahead, in blocks, of the baud rate divided by 400. Using this statement tells BinkleyTerm to run ahead no more than 6 blocks. This option is used primarily with high speed modems. Statuslog ! This tells BinkleyTerm where to log information about its operation and mail sessions. This log is completely compatible with the log file used by Opus-CBCS. The  is a complete drive, path and filename designation. Various information is placed in the log. See also the configuration file statement 'LogLevel.' Suffix BinkleyTerm will send the 'Prefix' string, followed by the phone number, followed by a carriage return to the modem for the purpose of dialing a number. If for some reason you need to put characters immediately after the phone number BUT PRIOR TO THE RETURN CODE use the 'Suffix' field. NOTE: Unlike some communications packages such Telix, normally you do NOT need a 'Suffix' with BinkleyTerm. Use the 'Suffix' field ONLY for adding characters to the end of the phone number, if needed. Sysop The WaZOO method of mail transfer (originally designed by Wynn Wagner for Opus-CBCS, and supported by BinkleyTerm) sends a variety of information during session negotiation. Among the information is the Sysop name, normally your name. This information is not passed during FSC001 mail session, and has no effect in Terminal Mode. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 21 System The WaZOO method of mail transfer sends a variety of information during session negotiation. Among the information is the system name, normally whatever name you have given to your BBS or Point system. This information is not passed during FSC001 mail sessions, and has no effect in Terminal Mode. TaskView This statement tells BinkleyTerm that the TaskView multi- tasker is installed, and to give up processor time-slice when the system is idle and while certain functions are being performed. This increases system efficiency. TBBSList This tells BinkleyTerm to expect and use a TBBS style nodelist. To fully utilize this option, you must create the nodelist files with ParseLst 1.01 or above, making sure that the proper adjunct nodelist files are available in addition to NODELIST.DOG. Refer to the User's Guide section "Nodelist" for more information. Timeout This sets the number of seconds that BinkleyTerm will wait for a caller to press Escape or for a mail session to begin before assuming that the incoming call is human. The default value is 20 seconds. Note that cannot be set lower than 20. TopView This statement tells BinkleyTerm that the TopView multi- tasker is installed, and to give up processor time-slice when the system is idle and while certain functions are being performed. This increases system efficiency. Unattended By default, BinkleyTerm is in Terminal Mode when invoked. When this statement is used, BinkleyTerm will be in Unattended Mode when invoked from DOS. This option should be used on systems where BinkleyTerm's primary purpose is as a FidoNet mail interface. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 22 Zone This is part of the FidoNet node address for your BinkleyTerm system, and refers to the part of the globe you live in. Current FidoNet zones are 1 for the Americas, 2 for Europe, and 3 for the South Pacific. The default is 1. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 23 DIAL TRANSLATION When BinkleyTerm is in modem command mode, several dial translations take place automatically. cASCII Char. Name Action - - - - 045 - Hyphen Stripped 046 . Period Translated to a Comma 094 ^ Carat Raise DTR Line 096 ` Accent Mark 1/20th Second Delay 118 v Lower Case V Lower DTR Line 124 | Pipe, Split Bar Carriage Return Sent 126 ~ Tilde 1 Second Delay BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 24 SCHEDULING EVENTS As mentioned earlier, one of the driving forces behind BinkleyTerm mail handling is cost. Rigid scheduling, although taking a back seat, still retains some importance. In order for BinkleyTerm to know when it's time to send mail that requires a toll call, and in order for it to know when it can send to systems that do not accept Continuous Mail, event schedules are used. Several other features are controlled by events as well. Events schedules can be contained in the configuration file, as was the default in previous versions. Effective with this release, however, events should be contained in a special file named BINKLEY.EVT. In this way, small changes to the configuration file will not cause BinkleyTerm to re-run the current event; this will only happen if the BINKLEY.EVT file is edited. By storing event schedules in a flat text file, events can be easily edited at any time with a standard ASCII text editor. No special utilities are required. Each event is on a separate line in the BINKLEY.EVT or configuration file. Here is a sample of such a line: Event All 03:00 04:00 L=10 N B E1=10 E2=20 E3=30 The syntax for the entries is: Event [] [] THE PARAMETER. This tells BinkleyTerm which days this event line applies to. Options are: All . . . . Every day of the week Week . . . Weekdays, Monday through Friday only WkEnd . . . Weekends, Saturday and Sunday only Sun . . . . Sunday only Mon . . . . Monday only Tue . . . . Tuesday only Wed . . . . Wednesday only Thu . . . . Thursday only Fri . . . . Friday only Sat . . . . Saturday only The parameters can be linked with the pipe character (|) to indicate more than one option. For example, "Mon|Wed|Fri" would that the event applies to Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. No spaces may be used between the parameters. The parameter is REQUIRED. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 25 THE PARAMETER. This tells BinkleyTerm what time to start the event, in 24 hour "military" time. Note that must NOT be greater than , i.e., events may NOT stretch through the midnight hour. The parameter is REQUIRED. THE PARAMETER. This tells BinkleyTerm what time to stop the event. This parameter is OPTIONAL, and defaults to 60 minutes after the start time should the parameter be omitted. THE PARAMETER. This parameter is OPTIONAL. If used, designates a string of characters to be added to the command line of the configuration file parameters 'Packer,' 'AfterMail' and 'CleanUp.' The string should be enclosed in quotation marks. For example: Event All 00:00 01:00 "-sA -c" The is appended to the command lines given for these options in the configuration file, and should be ignored by those that do not need it. It is suggested that batch files be used with the above mentioned configuration file options, and that the batch file(s) filter out unneeded information given in before calling a program that might "cough" because the command lineD is wrong. Up to 32 extra characters can be added with the parameter. THE PARAMETERS. This set of parameters tells BinkleyTerm about the event. The various flags and options should be separated by a space. C The 'C' flag tells BinkleyTerm that during this event, only mail marked as Continuous Mail will cause a call to be made. L= The 'L=' flag is the 'less than or equal to cost' flag. For example, 'L=10' would mean that during this event, only mail with a cost EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 10 cents will be sent (as designated by the nodelist cost field for a particular entry. Using 'L' alone, without a cost, means that a value of '0' is used, and only mail with no cost may be sent. This is also called the 'local only' flag when used with no cost parameter, since local calls in most areas are free. L< The 'L<' flag works just like the 'L=' flag, except that it means 'less than cost.' For example, 'L<10' would indicate that during the designated event, only mail with a cost field of LESS THAN 10 cents will be sent. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 26 L> The 'L>' flag works just like the 'L=' flag, except that it means 'greater than cost.' For example, 'L>10' would indicate that during the designated event, only mail with a cost field of GREATER THAN 10 cents will be sent. M NOTE! This flag should ONLY be used when the 'NewNodelist,' 'QuickNodelist' or 'TBBSList' configuration file options are used! The 'M' flag indicates that the event is a 'mail' event, and that it is okay to send mail to anyone in the nodelist, regardless of their #CM designation. This flag is normally used during local mail schedules, and during National Mail Hour. N This flag tells BinkleyTerm not to accept inbound file requests during this event. R This flag tells BinkleyTerm that the event is 'Receive Only.' BinkleyTerm will not dial out to send mail, however, it will send mail if polled for it. B This flag tells BinkleyTerm that BBS operation is allowed during this event. If this flag is NOT present, callers will be greeted with the message "Processing mail...please hang up." Use this option at all times (if you run a BBS) except during mail schedules, such as National Mail Hour. F This flag tells BinkleyTerm that the event should be 'forced' and will occur at the first possible moment. USUALLY YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE THIS FLAG. BinkleyTerm will execute the current event anyway if for some reason the start time is bypassed (but before the stop time passes). If you do use this option, use it only on zero- length events; those events for which the and are the same. D This flag tells BinkleyTerm that the event is dynamic. Dynamic events continue until there is no longer any mail of the specified type to be sent. For example, if the dynamic event specifies that local Continuous Mail is to be sent, the event will continue until there is no more local Continuous Mail to be sent, or until the event ends, whichever happens first. When the dynamic event ends, the non-dynamic event scheduled for the same time slot will take over. If no such event exits, the system will accept mail, but will dial out to no one. Note that dynamic events must be started before or at the same time as non-dynamic events, if the dynamic event is to overlap a non-dynamic one. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 27 E1= The 'E1=' option tells BinkleyTerm what errorlevel to exit with at the beginning of the event. 'E1=10' would tell BinkleyTerm to exit to its start-up batch file with errorlevel 10 when the event begins. This is a good method of executing functions once daily, for example, message base maintenance software, and so on. Once the E1= exit has been made, it will not occur again until the next time the event is scheduled. E2= The 'E2=' option tells BinkleyTerm what errorlevel to exit with after mail is received. The E2= exit is only executed if the incoming mail does not meet the criteria for an E3= exit, or if an E3= exit does not exist. Using your batch file, the errorlevel set for the E2= option should invoke mail unpacking software to merge the incoming mail with your message base. E3= The 'E3=' option tells BinkleyTerm what errorlevel to exit with after ARCmail is received. If mail is received during the event, and ARCmail is not a part of the mail received, then an E2= exit is performed. If ARCmail was received (even in conjunction with other mail or files) then the E3= exit is performed. Using your batch file, the errorlevel you set for this option should invoke mail unpacking software that can handle ARCmail and merge it with your message base. A= This allows you to control the amount of time that BinkleyTerm will sit idle between attempting an outgoing call. The format is "A=x" where x is the number of seconds desired, which can be a number between 0 and 1800 (1800 seconds = 30 minutes). The average wait between calls is based on +/- 50% of the number specified, i.e., A=60 would yield a wait time in the range of 30 to 90 seconds, 60 being the average. Should the A= parameter not be used, the default value is 120, for an average wait time of between 60 and 180 seconds. K This option tells BinkleyTerm not to send to any nodes marked in the nodelist as #CM (accepts Continuous Mail). Note that this option is only valid when a Version 6 nodelist (or equivalent) is in use. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 28 T= This option allows you to control the maximum number of call attempts and failed connects that will be acceptable to BinkleyTerm. The T= option accepts two parameters, and is used in the format "T=x,y" where x is the maximum number of failed connects (carrier established, session fails - a chargeable call in toll situations), and y is the maximum number of call attempts (no answer, no session - generally NOT a chargeable call in toll situations). Generally, the x parameter should be very low, so as not to rack up charges on your phone bill should the call be long distance or another toll call. The y parameter is generally set rather high, since these calls are usually not charged for. The default x parameter is 3, the default y parameter has not been explicitly specified, but is quite high. X By default, BinkleyTerm will treat outgoing file requests (.REQ files) in the same manner as Normal packets and attaches. This would include forcing a dial attempt during events that would allow Normal mail to be sent. Sometimes this is undesirable operation, such as during National Mail Hour when destination systems typically do not accept file requests. Using the 'X' flag for an event tells BinkleyTerm not to force a call for a file request. Please note that other types of mail, such as packets and attaches, may cause BinkleyTerm to dial a system for which an outbound file request is pending. Many of the above options can be used with one another, and in fact usually are. Constructing a working event schedule can be a time consuming process requiring a certain amount of trial and error. Since the event schedule plays a very important roll on when mail will be sent, it should be manipulated VERY carefully to avoid having BinkleyTerm make toll calls during high rate periods. A sample event schedule is shown in BINKLEY.EVT, contained in the distribution package. Print out the file if desired, but in any case, study it carefully and make sure you understand the various options before going ahead. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 29 SCRIPTS A script is a series of instructions used when dialing a particular system. They allow the system to "look" for particular information coming across the line, and act according when the desired information is received within a set time limit. Scripts are essentially a mini programming language, and as such, take study and practice to use effectively. Scripts are stored in a flat ASCII text file, and edited using any standard text editor (such as DOS' own EDLIN). Once written, scripts are associated with a particular nodelist entry for use each time the given node is dialed. Possible applications for scripts include accessing packet switch networks, such as GTE/Telenet's PC Pursuit service, that require multiple sets of operations to reach the desired destination. The use of a script is triggered by the appearance of a file name, inside double quotes, in the phone number field of a nodelist entry. For example, instead of seeing 1-303-555-6789 in the nodelist data file, you might see "MYSCRIPT.SCR"303-555-6789. Notice that the name of the script file is IMMEDIATELY (without spaces) followed by the area code and phone number. The field must appear in the format shown, including hyphens. The area code portion of the number can be up to 10 characters long (for use with certain long distance carriers). Refer to the documentation for your nodelist processor for information on inserting information into the phone number field of a nodelist entry. The following restrictions apply when using scripts: - Any line beginning with anything other than a letter or a colon (:) is ignored as a comment. - All lines must begin flush left...at the left margin. - All keywords that take arguments must be followed by exactly ONE space between the keyword and the argument. - There should be NO extra characters at the ends of lines. This includes space characters. All characters on a line are significant, including any extra spaces that you may have inadvertently included. - Script commands and script labels are NOT case sensitive. Please note that spaces can cause hard-to-track-down problems. Spaces are significant characters, meaning they are NOT ignored in patterns, etc. Do not use a space unless you intend to, and do not leave any at the ends of lines unless you want them there. BinkleyTerm Version 2.00 Reference Guide - Page 30 Here are the script statements available to you: :