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V%3ACCNUM TXT V3 ^APPLYPW TXT V3 *CHAT TXT V3 DBUPLOADTXT V3 DOORSENTTXT V3 eEMAIL TXT V3ZFILECOM TXT Jx2FILES TXT V3FMAIL TXT V3 FUNCT TXT V35LOGIN TXT mEJ$LOGOFF TXT V3MESSCOM TXT *MHELP TXT V31MHELP1 TXT V3MSEA TXT V3NEWUSER TXT V3NOTICE TXT UEJPROMPT TXT V3cPWFULL TXT V3 pPWHELP TXT !PWINFO TXT V3#NSETERM TXT V3$SYSMOD TXT %\TERMPAR TXT V3&|WELCOME TXT V3'ACCNUM GR2 [GJAPPLYPW GR2 `GJKCHAT GR2 bGJDBUPLOADGR2 eGJ.  V,3..  V,3SURVEY LST FV3ESURVEY1 ENT HV3gSURVEY1 EXI JV3~SURVEY1 TXT LV3UC2 User Information ! Survey 2 User Computer Information ! This is a test survey. You are welcome to try it and see if it works. If it doesnt, complain.  This file should be displayed if you exited the survey. If you dont see this, let me know. (makes sense right??) 2 1 What is your real name? ! 0 Was the answer to question 1 correct? ! 1 d.  VV3..  VV3DB001M 000 EJ"DB001 001 EJWDB001 002 EJXDBSEL TXT EJY?DB002 000 EJZ'# Please enter your social security number. This will be used to reference your account.  Application for User Password - --- - - This is a password system. This is for the security of messages to you which may be private. To obtain a system password, please fill out the following application. To have your password saved, you must log off properly using the G or O commands. At that time, you will be prompted if you wish to have your password saved for future use. If you answer Y, you will then be given a 7 character user id number. If you retain this number, logon will be much faster than logging on using your name. This is the user id that FoReM requested when you first logged on. If you do not wish to log on at this time, please enter the word OFF in place of your first name. *Matt Singer The sysop is being paged... If he is around, he will break in. In the mean time, you may continue to use the system. z To upload a file to the DATA BASE, you must now enter a description of the file. If this is not done, the file will not be entered into the Data base. Please allow 2-3 days for the sysop to add the file. - $ Welcome to the FoReM game room! Please limit your time in here as these games are independant programs that do not (for the most part) check for your time limit. New games will be added regularly. Some of the games in the doors system might not be able to detect ATASCII so if you are in ATASCII and cannot get the game to recognise your [RETURN] key, try substituting ^M (control and M) for the [RETURN] key. In addition, some of the games might not be able to detect loss of carrier so please, make every effort to exit the game properly rather than hanging up. Current games are.  Please note that all Email will be deleted automatically when you logoff the system.  FoReM File Transfer Command Menu [A]-Archive tools (for downloading files from archive) [B]-Batch file transfer (transfers marked files in batch) [C]-Choose directories for listing ALL NEW files [D]-Download a file [F]-Find (search) file [L]-List files (full descriptions) [M]-Mark a file for batch transfer [O]-Other file directories [Q]-Quit to main menu [S]-Scan files (abbreivated descriptions) [R]-Remove file from batch list [T]-Toggle continuous scroll of directory listings [U]-Upload a file [V]-Verbose listing of an ARC file [W]-Wide directory listing (filenames and size only) Note: To download a group of processed files from ARC's, [D]ownload filename ARCDL.ARC ( FoReM ST File Directories - -- - - 1) FoReM ST Updates 2) FoReM PC Update 3) FoReM ST Doors Programs 4) FoReM PC Doors Programs 5) Atari ST General 6) Atari ST Utilites 7) Atari ST Demo/Pictures/Games 8) Atari ST Applications/Productivity 9) IBM PC L) List all NEW files S) Scan all NEW files l) List ALL files s) Scan ALL file  Welcome to the FoReM F-Mail system. This system allows you to send a file to from 1 to 10 users. You will upload the file to FoRem using any normal file protocol. When the transfer is complete, you will be asked to address an E-Mail message to the intended recepients of the file. Note that this message may only by 19 lines and not the usual 20 lines. When the addressee logs on, he will be notified of the F-Mail file waiting, and will be given the chance to download it when he reads your E-Mail message.  FOREM Main Menu Command Summary +-M+ ! FOREM Main functions ! FOREM Utilities ! ! B- System Bulletins ! A- Change parity, word length ! ! C- Chat mode (page Sysop) ! P- View your profile ! ! D- Data Base (text file library) ! S- Set 'clear screen' mode ! ! F- File Transfer (up/download) ! I- Set graphics style ! ! H- HELP (enter FOREM help system) ! T- Toggle connect time display ! ! G- Goodbye (logoff) ! +- Add a BBS number to list ! ! O- Other BBS phone # list ! *- Set terminal type/line feeds ! ! !- Surveys ! %- Change your password ! ! U- User log (search list users of FOREM)! R- Ring back mode (valid users) ! +-)+-#+ ! FOREM Messaging System ! FOREM Misc ! ! M- Message base access ! J - Access DOORS to online games ! ! E- Email (user to user private) access ! ^S- Pause any display ! ! L- Leave private message to Sysop ! ^Q-Resume after pause ! ! X- Fmail (Email w/attached files) access! ^Y-Abort output, go to main menu ! ! )! ^X-Delete to beginning of line ! +-)+-#+ ! SPACE = YES ! = NO ! ! 'MENU' at any prompt to go to main menu ! 'OFF' at any prompt to logoff ! +-M+ Welcome to a new FoReM system! tor error) 7/25/87. Sorry 'bout that!  You will now be given your USER ID NUMBER, which should be used for future logons. Although use of this ID number is not required for logon, it will make logon faster. Q [A] = Check for All messages to or from you [B] = Check for Messages Addressed from you [C] = Check for Messages Addressed to you [D] = Delete Message [E] = Enter Message [F] = Read Flagged Messages [H] = Toggle Message Editor Initial Command Summary On/OFF [L] = Locate and Read (search) Messages [M] = Read Marked Messages [R] = Read Messages [S] = Scan/Mark Messages [W] = Message editor Word Wrap toggle [@] = Toggle continuous scroll on/off [O] = Other Message bases [Q] = Quit to main menu  ! ![O]=Other message bases ![L]=Locate (search) messages ! ! &![M]=Read Marked Messages ! ! &![S]=Scan/Mark Messages ! +-&+-&+ ! Message Control and Utility Commands ! +-K P`8 0 *o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#LB "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "LEHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" #.I+I/ #//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<N>N2?|BWN>N2XON6 ?N?<LNANV ytp0 ytp 1@@ ytp@> ytB(HnHnNPO ytnG ytnH ytnI ytnD ytnE ytnF ytB( ytB( ytB( ytBhBB@ yt1@ yt1@R yt1@P yt1@N yt1@T yt1@L yt1@JB @n . @tBhR` ytB(zB@ yt@w yt@b yt@9BgNTO < yt!@4 yt!@0 yt!@,p 3cp?/9zN\ON @bH0@ PNN9c^gNNJNN (N109fDNHyp?p?N$PO ytHhHyHnNn Hnp?BgN$PO ytHh.Hy,HnNn 9c^g ytHh9Hy:HnNn Hnp?BgN$PO ytHhbHyHHnNn Hnp?BgN$PO ytHhwHy FoReM Message Editor Commands Precede all commands with a / /A - Abort /S - Save /J - Center Justify preceding line /T - Goto top of message /B - Goto bottom of message /Nnn - Next nn lines /Dnn - Delete next nn lines /Gnn - Goto line nn /Lnn - List next nn lines /# - Toggle line number mode /W - Toggle word wrap on/off /MT - Change Message To /MS - Change Message Subject /C/svar1/svar2 - change first occurance of svar1 with svar2 /I/svar - insert line svar above the current line  FoReM Message Editor Command Summary /A = Abort /S = Save /? or /H = Help /#Line Numbers /J= Center Justify preceeding line Precede all commands with a / on a new line  Search for User Name - --- - - To search for a particular user to send a message to, Please enter a portion of or all of the user's First name. For example to search to see if John Smith is on the system, enter Joh. The system will then stop at all users with a name starting with 'JOH'. To stop at every user on the system, enter ALL. To abort and send a message addressed to all, hit return. Y - FoReM BBS SYSTEM RULES - Revised 2-22-87  - Any user found to have more than 1 user ID will be deleted and his/her name added to the BBS blacklist. Message bases are to be used to communicate intelligent information from one user to another. They are not for idle chit-chat (ie:Hey John, how 'ya doin'? Commin' over tomorrow?"). Messages should contain readable text, without excessive words or characters that are irrelevant to the point of the message, and should be terminated with a single carriage return. The use of ATASCII inverse or graphic characters in messages is prohibited. Name calling or arguements of any kind are prohibited. You may debate issues of merit, and differing opinions are healthy, but not to the point of allowing tempers to get out of control. Commercial advertisements are prohibited on message bases. I will put commercial advertisements on a data base at no charge if requested. Any message(s) referencing piray or phreaking in any form is prohibited- this includes Email. Email and locked messages are scanned periodically by the sysop for message content. Email and locked messages are not totally private. Uploading of copywrited software (pirated files) is strictly prohibited (magazine 'type in programs' are permitted as long as the source publication is given credit in the file description). Each user is expected to have one (1) and only 1 logon password. If the chat mode is active, please don't page me more than twice. If I want to chat, I will answer on the first or second page. Each caller has a call time limit as well as a daily time limit. Time and call limits, as well as security level are exactly the same for ALL validated users, and will not be changed for any user, regardless of the circumstances. PLEASE DON'T ASK! This system will timeout and logoff users who allow more than 90 seconds to elapse without keyboard input. Passwords not used for a period of 30 days are automatically deleted by the system (there are exceptions to this-leave request in a message to sysop along with the reason for needing more time between calls). Enjoy the system. ( 1) bulletin 1 2) bulletin 2 Release date is September 28. To receive your copy of FoReM ST/PC 2.0 with 100% new documentation (well done by David Chiquelin : Author of the Fmailer and other utilities) send a check or money order for $20 to: Commnet Systems 50 Eaton Road Framingham, MA 01701 Visa/MC/COD call 617-877-0257 -F In order to use FNET, you MUST register with me to obtain a node number or else the whole network will get screwed in time... *H To obtain a FoReM NET NODE number, execute SURVEY 1 using the ! command. *I Your node number will be added to the bulletin #7 file. PLEASE do not fill out the survey more than once. I might just get angry and wipe your password (he he) MFoReM ST FoReM> Sysop Intervening. Please wait. Sysop Online... Sysop not available SYSOP  The system user list is currently full. The sysop has been notified that you have requested a user id.  W [A] = Set privileges [N] = Set daily call limit [B] = Set read message bases [O] = Set daily upload limit [C] = Set enter message bases [P] = Set daily download limit [D] = Set command functions [Q] = Set daily db upload limit [E] = Set usr functions [R] = Set daily db download limit [F] = Set account number [S] = Set daily enter email limit [G] = Set name [T] = Set daily enter message limit [H] = Set phone number [U] = Set daily time limit [I] = Set daily FNET mail limit [V] = Set database access level [J] = Set password [W] = Set call ARCDL limit [K] = Set age [X] = Exit [L] = Set download level [Y] = Set download directory access [M] = Set call time limit [Z] = Change address [#] = Set upload/download ratio [<] = Edit download counter [>] = Edit upload counter [$] = Save this profile as a mask [@] = Redisplay profile [*] = Abort general edit [!] = Delete user To validate user with a defined mask, enter the mask number L You will be given a 7 digit ID number when you log off from this call. On all subsequent calls to FoReM , you will first be prompted for your ID number or your name, then you will be asked to enter your system password. You will now be asked what password you wish to use on future calls. It can be 1-12 characters long.  Baud/Parity/Atascii Emulation: - At the prompt, please hit return a few times VERY SLOWLY so that FoReM may detect your word length, baud rate and parity. The follow terminal characteristics are recommended: 7 bit, even parity, 1 stop bit 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit Atari users, may use Atascii translation mode. Hit return NOW  Sysop Commands - - A - Accounting B - Edit BBS list C - Chat mode D - Disk operations E - Email F - Edit files directory G - Get system configuration data H - Hang up current user I - Edit File with Message Editor L - Print usrlog M - Mail Cleanup N - Set Time (ST version) O - Reload options file P - Toggle Printer log to disk R - Reserve System for User S- System status T - Give user more time U - Set user data V - Validate passwords X - Exit sysop mode Y - Toggle chat mode on/off Z - Delete Received Messages DOS - End run of FoReM SYSTEM - Execute a program  Please select your computer or terminal type / terminal emulation mode: 1 - IBM PC (non emulating software) 2 - ATARI 400/800/1200 etc 3 - C-64 4 - DEC VT 100 5 - DEC VT 52 6 - IBM with VT100 emulation 7 - Any other ANSI terminal 8 - Apple II 9 - Apple MacIntosh 10 - Atari 520 ST 11 - IBM PC/AT and compatibles 12 - Amiga 0 - other, not listed.  Welcome to... The Friends Of Rickey Moose The Support BBS for FoReM ST and FoReM PC Brought to you by Commnet Systems 1200 - 2400 - 9600 (HST) HELPMR8ALPMR8IBLPMR82CLPMR8DLPMR8ELPMR8E READMR8 E SENDMR8+E F-MAILMR86GF-MAILMR8THF-MAILMR8vIF-MAILMR8!JF-MAILMR8#LF-MAILMR8$OF-MAILMR8&PF-MAILMR8*RF-MAILMR8*jSF-MAILMR8-TF-MAILMR8.UF-MAILMR8/7XF-MAILMR81$+F-MAILMR8:j*F-MAILMR8;%F-MAILMR8 TOPIC: A A) RS232 configuration/Atari translation mode. This option allows a user to switch between 8 bit no parity and 7 bit even parity transmission. Most file transfer protocols require an 8 bit transmission. Atari 8 bit computers can use a dialect of ASCII known as ATASCII. Atari 8 bit users may switch modes between ASCII and ATASCII by using the A option, switching the terminal mode on their computer, then pressing at the "Hit Return" prompt. When the A option is selected by a user they are shown the file SETERM.TXT. This file should tell the user what communications parameters are acceptable. The BBS will then ask the user to "Hit Return", in order that it may detect their current RS232 setup. > TOPIC: B B) Reprint the logon system bulletins. This will display the System Bulletins contained in the Database section. > TOPIC: C C) Chat mode/Yell for system operator. If the chat mode is enabled then the SysOp will be paged by the console bell. The user will be notified that the SysOp has been paged and that he will come online for 'chatting' if he is available. > TOPIC: D D) Data base system The user will enter the Database sub system where he/she may read text files that the SysOp has placed there. FoReM will also allow a privileged user the ability to upload text files to the database system, but the incorporation of those uploaded text files must still be accomplished by the SysOp. > TOPIC: E E) Electronic Mail system (E-Mail) The E-Mail system is used for sending private messages to another user on the system. The messages may include an 'attached' file, in which case it is F-Mail (FoReM File mail). All F-Mail is received (message read and attached file downloaded) within the E-Mail section. When a user enters the E-Mail section they are notified if there are any E-Mail or F-Mail messages for them with a line such as: You have 2 piece(s) of mail waiting. At this point the user has five options: Read, Send, Word wrap toggle, F-Mail send or Quit to the Main menu. ~Additional Information Available READ SEND F-MAIL > TOPIC: E READ Reading E-Mail If the Read command is entered and there are messages either to him or from him in the system, the user will be asked which messages he/she wishes to read with the following prompt: Read mail [F]rom you [T]o you [B]oth: The messages satisfying the read parameter input by the user will then be displayed in forward order of date sent. If the user has been granted privileges he will see: Read mail [A]ll [U]ser [F]rom you [T]o you [B]oth: Where All will show all E-Mail messages in the system and the User option will allow the user to read all the mail to and/or from a particular user. At the end of each message read the user is given a selection of options. He may: [@]gain - Reread the message [A]nswer - Answer the message [N]ext - Read the next message [Q]uit - Quit to the E-mail menu Additionally, if the user has the required privileges granted to him by the SysOp he may: E - Edit and resave the message if it was "From" him/her. The message editor will be entered and errors may be corrected or changes made to the message. S - Save message. The message will not be automatically deleted at the specified E-Mail deletion time. $ - Save as an Fnet message. With additional privileges, normally reserved for the SysOp and co-SysOps, the following commands are available: D - Delete message E - Edit the message, even if not from the current user. P - Print message on the system printer F - Display who an anonymous message was from. T - Display who the message was To if it was a reply to an  anonymous message. > TOPIC: E SEND Sending E-Mail If a user selects S at the E-Mail menu, then the system will first check to see if there is room for a new message. E-Mail messages are saved until read or deleted by the SysOp and will not be deleted automatically to make room for new messages. If there is no room the user is informed of this and is requested to try again at a later date. If there is room, the user is shown the prompt To [?=Help]: If the ? is entered for help, the following will be displayed: Enter addressee's name or List = Send messages to 1-10 users Search = Search for user name spelling Fnet = Send FoReM-Net message to remote BBS = Address message to 'ALL' Note: You can not send E-Mail to ALL, so if the user presses with no input, the system will default to the Search routine. In the message bases this function works properly. If List is typed, the system will ask for the name to send the message to, and repeat asking for the name to send to until 10 users have been selected or the user enters a bare to end the input of names. If Search is typed (or a bare ) the system will show the text file MSEA.TXT and then show Enter search name: The search is accomplished using whatever string is input by the user. For example, if searching for a user named John Smith, then the user could enter John, or Joh, or John S, etc. Any match on the string entered with a user name will be shown. On each match the system will ask if the user wants to send the message to this user, continue the search, or abort. If the user wishes to stop at every user on the system they may enter ALL as the search string. If the user enters the name to send to directly, then the system will search the password list to insure there is a user with that name. The system will not accept an E-Mail message to a user whose name does not exist in the password system. Once a name has been entered and verified the BBS will ask for the subject of the message. If no subject is entered the message is aborted and the send E-Mail command is exited. Once an addressee has been selected the user will be notified of how many messages are waiting to be read by the addressee. If the user has the send anonymous messages privilege they will be asked for a Yes/No answer on whether they wish to send the message anonymously. The user will then enter the message editor where they may create a message containing a maximum of 20 lines by 76 characters. > TOPIC: E F-MAIL See command X > TOPIC: G G) Goodbye/logoff The user is first asked to verify the logoff. If they are a new user they are asked if they would like to have their user ID number saved for future use. If the user answers yes, then their logon information is sent to the system log and the system checks to see if there is space to save the record in the password file. If there is insufficient room in the password file the user will be informed that the system is full and that the SysOp has been notified of his request for permanent access. If the file has room for the user then they will be issued a seven digit ID number to be used for future logons. The user is then given a thank you for calling message, his logon and logoff times, connect time and time charged and then logged off. > TOPIC: H H) Help system Invokes the FoReM Help utility. This may also be entered by typing Help on any line outside of the message editor. (Note: entering a message subject of Help will also cause the system to enter the help utility.) The user may enter a topic name or a 'bare' in order to exit the help system. A topic may have subtopics, in which case once the main topic has been described a list of available subtopics will be shown. When moving around in the help system it is important that the topic and subtopic names be entered exactly as shown. For example, if one of the topics was Sysop_mode, then the name would have to be entered with the '_' character as shown. The help files on your distribution diskette show subtopics for the menu commands as A, B, C etc. When a user has entered a command to see help on, such as Sysop_mode, he has moved one level down into the help system. If that topic has subtopics, he may move further into the system. To move back up one level the user should enter a 'bare' . A "?" entered will display the last help screen. > TOPIC: I I) Graphics/menu selection FoReM allows the SysOp to customize his BBS with alternate menus, including the ability to display graphics files in place of standard Ascii text files. When this capability is active the user will make a selection upon first logging on to the system of the style menus he/she wishes to use. To change the selection later the I command is used. This will display the same text file as shown when their initial selection was made. > TOPIC: J J) Jump to subprogram (Doors) FoReM allows the SysOp to set up additional programs for the users to run from within FoReM. Access to these programs is provided with the J command. > TOPIC: L L) Leave message to system operator This command allows a user to easily send a message to the SysOp. First the user will be asked for the subject of the message, with the default subject, shown in <>'s, being Message to Sysop. After entering a new subject or pressing to keep the default subject, the user will enter the FoReM message editor where they may leave a standard sized message to the SysOp. If SYSOP_EMAIL is ON in the FOREM.OPT file the message will be saved as E-Mail, or if off, it will be printed on the system log. > TOPIC: O O) Other BBS listing A list of BBSs, added to by the + command at the main menu, is obtainable by using the O command. When O is selected the user will be shown: Search by: [0]-All [1]-State [2]-Area Code [3]-Name [4]-Baud [5]-System type: If anything other than 0 is selected then the user will be asked to input the search string. The baud shown in the list is the maximum baud rate of the BBS. So if the user searches for 2400 baud BBSs, he will be shown only the BBSs with a maximum baud rate of 2400 and would have to repeat his search if he was also interested in 1200 and 300 baud systems. The information shown following a search is: St Name Phone Baud Storage Software MA FOREM SUPPORT BBS 617-877-8756 9600 20 FoReM ST > TOPIC: P P) User Profile The user will be shown his current account status. > TOPIC: R R) Ringback command You may set your BBS to call the current user back. This is used for security measures or to save the caller long distance charges. When the R command is used FoReM will display a message stating that ringback was requested and then hang up the user. FoReM will pause thirty seconds to allow the user time to set his modem to autoanswer. The status of the user's CALL BACK CODE usr function is checked before calling back. If YES, FoReM will use the string on the line titled RINGBACK DIALING COMMAND (LONG DISTANCE) in FOREM.OPT to prefix the user's phone number in the command sent to the modem. If NO, FoReM will use the precevious line in FOREM.OPT, titled RINGBACK DIALING COMMAND (LOCAL CALL). After the 30 second pause FoReM will attempt to call the user using the appropriate dialing commands and the user's phone number. > TOPIC: S S) Clear screen toggle This command will toggle the user's clear screen setting. If on the screen will be cleared for each new menu or message shown. To change the setting simply select S. > TOPIC: T T) Connect time toggle If on, the connect time will be shown when the user is at the main menu prompt. > TOPIC: U U) Display user log The user will be asked whether to display all users or only users on since a specified date. If a date is entered all users whose last logon date is equal to or greater than the date entered will be displayed. If a date is entered it must be in the form mm-dd-yy, with dashes separating the elements. The / may not be used as FoReM interprets that as a delimiter for stacking commands. If a bare is used the command will be aborted. > TOPIC: X X - Xfer file with F-Mail F-Mail is a method for a user to send a file to from one to ten other users. F-Mail may also be sent over the Fnet to other BBSs. F-Mail may also be sent from the E-Mail section. When a user enters the X command at the main menu prompt, or enters F at the first E-Mail sub-menu, FoReM will display the text file FMAIL.TXT and then ask the user to: Enter F-Mail filename: After entering a filename, FoReM will check to insure an F-Mail file of the same name is not already waiting to be sent. If it is the user will be informed that the filename is in use and asked to re-enter a new name. After a valid filename has been entered FoReM will ask the user to select the file transfer protocol desired. Once the file has been received the user will be entered into the E-Mail section and asked to address the F-Mail and enter an E-Mail type message to the addressee. The F-Mail message is saved in the E-Mail message base, and is identical to the standard E-Mail message with the exception that it has a maximum length of 19 lines vice the standard 20 lines normally allowed. When the addressee logs on they will be advised that they have F-Mail. To receive their F-Mail they must enter the E-Mail section and read the F-Mail message. After displaying the F-Mail message FoReM will indicate that there is F-Mail attached, to use the X command to download, and if not downloaded the file will be erased after [x] days. The X command referred to by FoReM is to be entered at that point, not at the main menu. If the user enters a question mark to see the command choices available after reading his F-Mail message the X command will be displayed. After entering an X to receive his F-Mail file, the user will be shown the filename and size and asked to select a download protocol. If the user does not download his F-Mail, then FoReM will not erase his F-Mail file or message and the next time he/she logs on they will again be advised that they have F-Mail waiting. Once the file has been downloaded, or if the user does not download the file in the alloted number of days, FoReM will erase the file from the FMAIL folder. Note: To send F-Mail to more than one user enter the word List at the To: prompt. F-Mail, just as E-Mail, may be sent to from 1 to 10 users this way. > TOPIC: + +) Add to Other BBS list When the + command is used FoReM will ask for the name, phone number, maximum baud rate, storage capacity, state where located and system type of the BBS to be added to the list. The data will then be appended to the current BBS list. > TOPIC: * *) Set line feeds/computer type The user will be shown the same mini-menu as a new user is shown for selecting his line feed setting, screen width and computer type. > TOPIC: % %) Change password The user will first be asked to verify his old password by entering it again. If entered correctly he will be asked for a new 1-12 character password. The new password will take effect on the users next call. > TOPIC: ! !) Surveys This command capability allows the SysOp to conduct user surveys. Up to 99 surveys may exist at any one time. Upon entering the survey system the user will be shown a list of surveys to select from. If a survey is selected he will then be asked to answer the questions for that survey set up by the SysOp. Optionally, survey one may be automatically invoked at login for a new user, following his password application. > TOPIC: ^Y The Y command, performed by holding the Control key down while pressing Y, is used to abort to the main menu prompt. This command will only work though if used during text output by the BBS. If the user wishes to abort to the main menu at other times (when the system is waiting for a command), enter the word "Menu". > TOPIC: COMMAND_STACKING Command Stacking Most system entries that are not yes/no type answers or message prompt responses may be 'stacked'. This means a user may enter a series of commands on a single line, speeding up the process he wishes to accomplish. When command stacking is used, all the text information FoReM normally displays after a command is not shown. To stack commands the / character is used to separate each individual command on the line. For example the following string entered at the main menu prompt will read all the new messages in message base 1, and then return the user to the main menu. Note: this will only work if continuous scroll of messages has been previously selected. FoReM> M/1/R/N/Q/Q > TOPIC: M MESSAGES FoReM can support up to 64 separate message bases. Access to each message base for both reading messages and entering of messages is individually controlled by the SysOp for each user. E-mail is an individual message base that is not counted in the 64 message base total. Accessing the message bases To access the message bases enter the M command at the main FoReM prompt. You will then be shown a list of the message bases you have read access to. FoReM ST Message Base Selection *=Contains messages new to you * 1) General 2) FoReM Support * 3) Atari 520ST [A]ll new messages At this point you are not 'in' a message base yet. As you can see, FoReM will alert you to which message bases have new messages that you have not read yet. FoReM keeps track of the highest message number you have read in each message base. Enter the number of the message base you wish to gain access to in order to enter the message base. You may also enter an A and will be shown all the new messages on every base that has new messages automatically. To exit the message base selection menu without entering a message base you must enter a bare . Typing a Q to try and exit back to the main menu will not work. If you are following along on your BBS, type a 1 to enter message base 1. You will now see something like (depending on the name of your message base 1 and the number of messages in the base): Switching to General FoReM ST Message System Current Message Base: General 58 messages - High message received: 0 Last message: 105 Next message: 106 Continuous scroll off Msg Cmd (?=Menu): There are a couple of items that might not be obvious here. First, the "Last message" is the message number of the last message in the base. The "Next message" is the number that will be assigned to the next message entered. So, 105 is the last message you can read on the base. You can not read 106 as it has not been left yet. Second, "Continuous scroll off" means the system will stop after showing each message to you. Turning continuous scroll on and off will be covered below. If a question mark is entered at the Msg Cmd prompt, or simply a bare (defaults to the ? command) you will see: [A] = Check for All messages to or from you [B] = Check for Messages Addressed from you [C] = Check for Messages Addressed to you [D] = Delete Message [E] = Enter Message [F] = Read Flagged Messages [L] = Locate and Read (search) Messages [M] = Read Marked Messages [R] = Read Messages [S] = Scan/Mark Messages [W] = Message editor Word Wrap toggle [Y] = Set Message base defaults [@] = Toggle continuous scroll on/off [#] = Set continuous messages scroll delay [O] = Other Message bases [Q] = Quit to Main menu Msg Cmd (?=Menu): Reading messages will be covered first, as many of the other commands are extensions of the read command or alter it in some way. If you are just starting the BBS and there are no messages currently in the message base skip to Entering Messages. ~Additional Information Available ABC D E F L M R S W Y @ # O EDITOR > TOPIC: M R Reading Messages To read messages use the R command. FoReM will show you: Read/Scan Messages - General This message base has 58 messages The first message is # 37 The last message is # 105 Read Cmd (?=List): Notice that the current prompt, Read Cmd, is different than the previous prompt, Msg Cmd. This prompt has it's own set of options for choosing which messages to read. To see the choices enter a question mark or a bare . You will see: 100;105;103 List 2-15 Range + or F Forward read - or R Reverse read N New messages Q Quit First, to list individual messages enter the message numbers separated by semicolons. This list does not have to be in ascending order as you can see from the example. If you want to read a block of messages you may enter a range as shown. Note you may also show the range in descending order, such as 15-2, and FoReM will show them starting at message #15 and working backwards to #2. To read all the messages in ascending order, enter a + or F. Similarly, to read all the messages in descending order enter a - or R. To read all the new messages in ascending order, enter an N. To exit the Read Cmd enter a Q. Once a valid Read Msg command has been entered the first message selected will be shown. If continuous scroll is on, all the messages chosen will be shown. At the end of the message you will see: Read Msg Cmd (?=List): Again, this is a new set of commands, not to be confused with the Read Cmd or Msg Cmd prompts. The options shown will depend on the user's privileges. A standard user with the ability to enter messages will see: [@]gain [A]nswer [B]ack [H]old after command [N]ext [Q]uit The @ (again) command will re-display the message. Answer will jump the user into the message editor for entering a message and will be covered in the Entering messages section. Back will show the previous message if there is one in the current Read message set of messages. Hold will allow the user to perform a function and then be back at the Read Msg Cmd for THIS message again. For example if the user wanted to Answer the message but remain at the current message in case he wanted to re-display it or enter another reply, he could enter A/H to answer but remain at the current message. Next will display the next message in the read message set of messages. Quit will exit the reading of messages in this message base. If the message you are reading is a reply to a message, then you will be shown an additional command; [M]essage this is a reply to. This allows you to jump back the message reply chain, even if the message you are jumping to is out of your current read 'set' of messages. If the message has replies then the message numbers for the replies will be shown at the end of the message, such as: Replies: 99 103 Which means this message has two replies, message numbers 99 and 103. You will also see [R]eplies as a choice at the Read Msg Cmd prompt. This allows you to read all the replies to the message that have been entered; in this case it would show you messages #99 and #103. Once the replies have been read the messages shown will pick up from the next message in your read command set. If you wished to read the replies and then remain at the current message, perhaps to enter another reply to the message if the current replies did not answer the message fully, you would enter R/H. After reading the last reply you would see a repeat of the Read Msg Cmd prompt. At this point you are back at the original message. To see it again type the @ command. To reply to the message enter an A. If the message is an anonymous message (the From field shows Anonymous instead of the user's name) and the current user has the privilege to find out who the sender was, there will also be the command shown of [F]rom anonymous user name. This command will display the name of the sender of the anonymous message. To remain at the current messaymous user name. This command will display the name of the sender of the anonymous message. To remain at the current messaymous user name. This command will display the name of the sender of the anonymous message. To remain at the current message Read Msg Cmd prompt after finding out the sender, type F/H. If the message is a reply to an anonymous message and you wish to find out who it is addressed to use the [T]o anonymous user name command. Note, the user must have the required privilege to use this function, or see the command at all. If the message is from the current user and the user has the privilege to edit his own messages, or the user has the ability to edit all messages, he will also see the command [E]dit listed in the Read Msg Cmd list, provided the message is a standard message. (Extended messages may not be edited after saving.) There are additional options that are normally reserved for the SysOp's use. These are: [C]opy to another message base [D]elete are additional options that are normally reserved for the SysOp's use. These are: [C]opy to another message base [D]elete are additional options that are normally reserved for the SysOp's use. These are: [C]opy to another message base [D]elete are additional options that are normally reserved for the SysOp's use. These are: [C]opy to another message base [D]elete [L]og print [P]rint on printer [$]ave as FoReM NET Message The Copy message command allows the current message to be copied over to another message base. Note: The message will not be deleted on the current message base when copied. To copy and delete stack your commands as C/D. Delete message will do just that. The ability to delete any message is controlled by privilege 15, DELM_P. If a message is from the current user then they will also see the Delete option as a valid choice. Log to print will log the current message to the system log, either the printer if active or the disk log, FOREM.LOG, if LOG_TO_DISK is on. Print on printer will print the message no matter what the current status of the log is. The $ command will allow you to redirect the current message as an Fnet message. Messages themselves are shown in the following format: Message header consisting of: Msg# : Lines: Read: Sent : at To : From : Subj : Message body. Reage header consisting of: Msg# : Lines: Read: Sent : at To : From : Subj : Message body. Reage header consisting of: Msg# : Lines: Read: Sent : at To : From : Subj : Message body. Replies: (If there are any) If the first line of the message header says Locked Message, then that message is only readable by the addressee, the sender, and those with the privilege to read any locked message. Lines: is the number of lines in the message. If the message is an extended message the word EXTENDED will appear here. This is because extended messages are saved as files and FoReM does not necessarily know how many lines are in the file. Read: is how many times the message has been read. The Sent line is filled as Sent: Aug 28, 1987 at 8:52 PM If the message is addressed to a name other than All, then when it has been received by the addressee there will be an additional line in the header between Sent and To of Rcvd and the date (only) the message was read by the recipient. > TOPIC: M E Entering Messages There are two ways to enter a message in FoReM. You may use the E command at the Msg Cmd prompt, or the A (for Answer) option at the Read Msg Cmd prompt. If you use the E option at the Msg Cmd prompt you will be asked first for the addressee of the message with the following prompt: To: (?=Help) Entering a question mark will display: Enter addressee's name or List = Send message to 1-10 users Search = Search for user name spelling = Address message to 'ALL' Note: List is only valid when entering an E-Mail or F-Mail message. If Search is now entered the user will be shown the help file MSEA.TXT, which is an explanation of how to use the search function. The search function requests a name, or part of a name, and will show all users that have the target string in their name. The user will be asked to: Enter search name: FoReM will search the password files and look for any matches of the string entered with the user names in the password file. For example if the user was not sure of the spelling of MATT SINGER, but wished to send him a message, they could enter MATT and have the BBS search for users with the string "MATT" anywhere in the name. When it finds a match it will display: MATT SINGER Last on: Sep 26, 1987 (0=Continue 1=Send 2=Abort): Entering a 0 will continue the search, a 1 will automatically address the message to that user, and a 2 will abort the search, returning you to the To: (?=Help) prompt. If a bare is entered it will cause FoReM to substitute a 0, continue, as the command. Note: This search for the string MATT would also stop at a name of ROGER MATTHEWS. The target string need not be the first part of the user's name. Privileged users may see additional commands available. These are: Fnet : Send FoReM-Net message to a remote BBS Sysusr:X : Send message to level X users To send an Fnet message the user must have privilege If you enter a bare at the To: (?=Help) prompt, the message will be addressed to ALL. You may also enter the word ALL as the addressee, but it is easiest to just press . If the message is entered as an Answer to a message at the Read Msg Cmd prompt, then the addressee will be set automatically to the sender of the message this is a repla message at the Read Msg Cmd prompt, then the addressee will be set automatically to the sender of the message this is a repla message at the Read Msg Cmd prompt, then the addressee will be set automatically to the sender of the message this is a reply to. Next the BBS will ask for the subject of the message. If the message is a reply, then the subject of the message this is replying to will be displayed in <>'s. To keep the old subject simply press . If entering a new message (not a reply), or to change the subject on a reply message, just type in the subject (up to 76 characters) for the message. If entering a new message from the Msg Cmd prompt and a bare is entered, the system will abort the message send. If the message is addressed to anyone other than ALL, FoReM will ask if you want the message to be read only by the addressee. If you answer yes then the message will be a locked message, and only you, the addressee, and users with the RMESS_P privilege will be awer yes then the message will be a locked message, and only you, the addressee, and users with the RMESS_P privilege will be awer yes then the message will be a locked message, and only you, the addressee, and users with the RMESS_P privilege will be able to read the message. FoReM will not check to see if there really is a user with the addressee's name in the user log for messages sent 'locked', so if you enter as the addressee "All 520ST users", it will still ask you if it is to be read only by "ALL 520ST USERS". If the user has the privilege to send messages anonymously the system will ask if the message is to be saved anonymously. If answered with a Y the From field will show the word ANONYMOUS instead of the author's name. User's with the FANON_P privilege will still be able to obtain the name of the sender using the F command when reading the message. Note: There is an additional address which may be used: SYSUSR:x. This is generally a SysOp privilege, controlled by the SYSUSR_P privilege. If the sender has the SYSUSR_P privilege and addresses the message to SYSUSR:x, where x is a number between 1 and 32767, then the message will be flagged as addressed to all users with a download (file) access level of x or higher. If the message is sent as a locked message, readable only by the addressee, then only users with a download level of x or higher will be able to read the message. Next you will be asked if this is an [A] Standard message, [B] Extended message or [C] Uploadede able to read the message. Next you will be asked if this is an [A] Standard message, [B] Extended message or [C] Uploadede able to read the message. Next you will be asked if this is an [A] Standard message, [B] Extended message or [C] Uploaded message. In addition, if you have privilege CPMSG_P, you will see [D] Copy file. A standard message in FoReM is a maximum of 20 lines long. This message is saved in the message data file and should be the type message most often used. The FoReM editor is used to enter this message. If a bare is entered at this prompt the system will default to a standard message. An extended message is also entered using the FoReM editor, but may be a maximum of 200 lines long. The body of an extended message is saved as a file. An uploaded message's body is also saved as a file, similar to an extended message, but can be any length since the FoReM editor is not used to enter the message. Uploaded and extended messages may not be edited after uploading as can be done with standard messages. The Copy file command is used to take a text file already on the system drives and add it as a message. > TOPIC: M EDITOR The Message Editor The last printed line immediately before stopping to let you enter your message will display the status of the word wrap and line numbers. If line numbers are on you will see 1) on the line for you to begin entering your message. If word wrap is on you continue typing as in a word processor, not pressing unless you want to force a new line at that point. If word wrap is off FoReM will not move to a new line until you press . Commands: /A - Abort /S - Save /J - Center Justify preceding line /T - Goto top of message /B - Goto bottom of message /Nnn - Next nn lines /Dnn - Delete next nn lines /Lnn - List next nn lines /# - Toggle line number mode /W - Toggle word wrap on/off /MT - Change Message To /MS - Change Message Subject /C/svar1/svar2 - change first occurrence of svar1 with svar2 /I/svar - insert line svar above the current line FoReM is a line editor. This means you may only edit the line you are currently on. To move around in the message you use the commands /G /T /B or /N. /G is the Goto command, and you must enter a line number after the G to goto, as in /G2 to go to line 2. /N operates the same as the /G command. /T will move you to the top of the message (line 1), and /B will move you to the bottom of the message. Error Correction: Type the change command, /C, another backslash (/), followed by the word as spelled on the line, a third /, then the correct spelling. Example: to changed the word speled to spelled, you would use: /c/speled/spelled Now press . You should see the line retyped with the word corrected. If FoReM says it could not find the word you asked it to change, check your spelling and/or format of the command again. An important point to remember with the change command is that it replaces the first occurrence of the string requested with the second string. You need to make sure your first string is sufficiently unique so the correct string is replaced. For example, if your line of text was: A common mistake for new users is to enter a message and then to try and list it to check for correctness. The mistake is they only use one of the / commands to move to the top of the message and do not use the /L (list) command. Instead they will simply press , which moves them down one line. They then see the next line displayed, determine it is correct and press again to move down the message line by line. What they have actually done is replace every line of text with a blank line. You MUST use the / commands to move around a message. If anything is typed that does not start with a / in position 1 of a line it is used to replace the current line. To see how the list command works type /L on a new line. The entire message is displayed and you are returned to the line you were on when the /L command was issued. If you enter a number following the /L, then only that many lines will be displayed. To delete a line or group of lines use the /D command. If no number is used with the command it will delete one line, the line you are currently on. If the command is used with an optional number, as in /D5, it will delete that number of lines from your message, starting on the line you are currently on. You may also center justify the preceding line of text using the /J command. To insert a line in between two previously entered lines, use the /I command. To use the insert command type /I/new line, where "new line" is your new line of text. This line will be inserted above the line you are presently on. The /# command will toggle your line numbers on and off. /W will toggle word wrap on and off. To abort a message use the /A command. If you enter /A, the BBS will prompt you with "Abort?" to verify you really want to abort the message without saving. The last general message editing command is the /S for save command. When you are finished entering your message enter /S on any line or at the Msg Edit> prompt. There are two additional commands privileged users may use. They are the commands to change the message subject and who the message is addressed to. To change a message subject the user must have the MSGSUB_P. They will then be allowed to use the /MS command. If they have the MSGTO_P they may change the To: field by using the /MT command. These commands are normally used when editing previously entered messages. > TOPIC: M ABC The easiest searches to accomplish use the A, B and C commands at the Msg Cmd prompt. These are used to search for messages addressed to you, messages addressed from you, or both. If one of these is chosen the message base will be rapidly scanned and any messages matching your search parameter will be displayed as Read message #xxx. Note: These commands only search for and flag the messages, they do not show them to you. To read the messages use the F command - Read Flagged Messages. > TOPIC: M L The [L]ocate command enables the user to search messages for a specified string in the message body, from, to or subject fields. It also allows you to search for messages from a specific Fnet node. The search on the Fnet node may use either the node number or BBS name. When an L is entered the user will see the following prompt: Select search field [1] - To [2] - From [4] - Subj [8] - Message text [16] - Node: You will notice that the valid selections increase by the power of two. This is because the search parameters are bit-mapped and may be combined to enable a search on multiple fields. To combine search fields just add up the numbers associated with the fields you wish to search. For example, to search for the string "Atari ST" in either the Subject or Message text you would enter 12. 4 (Subj) + 8 (Message text) = 12. After making a selection the BBS will display: Enter search string: Enter your search target string and press . Note: The search will ignore character cases, as in a search for the string "Atari" will match on "ATARI", "atari", etc. After pressing the system will show the first and last message numbers and present the "Read Cmd" prompt. This allows you to restrict the search, or specify the direction of the search within the message base. To search the entire message base in reverse order, enter a - or R. To search all the messages in the forward direction enter a + or F. To restrict the search to a range of messages enter the message starting and ending numbers, separated by a -, as in 100-200. FoReM will now search the messages for the string you have entered. If a match is found it will display the message. To continue searching press or enter N. To abort the search enter a Q. > TOPIC: M D A user may use the D (Delete) command to erase messages on the system. When the D command is used FoReM will ask for the message number of the message to be deleted. If the message was entered by the user or they have the delete any message privilege the message will be deleted. > TOPIC: M S The M command is used to read messages that have been marked using the S - Scan/mark command. Only those messages marked will be shown. > TOPIC: M S S - Scan/Mark Messages will display the same Read Cmd prompt as the Read Messages command. However, once the range of messages to be scanned has been entered only the message number and subject will be shown, along with a prompt asking of the user wishes to mark the message. If a Y is entered the message will be Marked for later reading with the M command. > TOPIC: M W The W command is used the same way as the /W in the message editor. It will toggle the word wrap on/off for message editing. > TOPIC: M Y Y - Set Message base defaults, is a powerful command that can make reading messages much easier for your users. If Y is selected a list of all the message bases they have access to will be shown. After each message base number and name will be a YES or NO. The YES/NO is the status of that message base for use with the All command at the message base selection menu. (The Read All new messages.) To change a base's status enter the number of that message base. As in most locations the commands may be stacked, so to change the status of message bases 1, 2 and 6, the user could enter 1/2/6. An example is: The BBS has 4 message bases, General Messages, Atari 8-bit Messages, Atari ST Messages, and IBM Messages. The current user has an IBM and does not wish to read the messages in the two Atari bases. They would enter the Y command at the Msg Cmd prompt, and enter 2/3 to switch message bases 2 and 3 off (to NO). Now when they type an M at the Main menu to enter the message bases and then enter an A for Read All new messages, only the messages in message bases one and four will be shown. The user may still enter the other two messages if desired by manually selecting the message base, the Y command only sets what messages will be shown when the A command is used at the message base Select prompt. > TOPIC: M @ @ Command - This command will toggle continuous scroll on and off while reading messages. If off FoReM will stop after each message and display the Read Msg Cmd prompt. If on, FoReM will pause for the time set using the # command (see below) after each message. If no key input is received during the pause time FoReM will immediately display the next message. If the user presses any key during the pause FoReM will stop and display the Read Msg Cmd prompt, just as if continuous scroll had been off, but only for the current message. To simply stop the text output while reading messages the Control S command may be used. > TOPIC: M # The # character at the Msg Cmd prompt will set the time, in 1/10 second intervals, that FoReM will pause after each message if continuous scroll is on. To set it to pause for two seconds the value 20 would be entered. > TOPIC M: O To switch message bases use the O (Other) command. You will be shown the same message base selection menu, with asterisks in front of each base with new messages, as displayed when first selecting the message bases from the main menu. The All command may be used at this point or an individual message base number entered. > TOPIC: F FILE AREA Upon selecting F at the main menu the user is shown a menu of available file areas. 1 - Atari 8-Bit Files 2 - Atari ST Files 3 - IBM Files L= List ALL NEW files l= List ALL files S= Scan ALL NEW files s= Scan ALL files If a valid number (1, 2 or 3 in the example) is entered the user will enter the selected file area and be shown: FoReM Files System Current file directory is ATARI_8 Files Cmd (?=List)> If a question mark or is entered at the Files Cmd prompt the user will be shown the text file FILECOM.TXT. If this file does not exist FoReM will display: [A]rchive Tools - For Download of Partial Archives [B]atch Files Transfer [C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command [D]ownload [F]ind file [L]ist files [M]ark file for Batch [O]ther file directories [Q]uit [S]can files [T]oggle Continuous Scrolling Directory List On [U]pload [V]erbose ARC directory [W]ide directory listing x total bytes available for uploading y bytes maximum upload file length Current file directory is ATARI_8 Files Cmd (?=List)> Where the x is the total free space on your drives allocated for use by FoReM, and y is the free space on the drive with the largest free available. The free space figures are slightly smaller than the actual free space to allow a buffer (8K on each drive) so the drives are not completely filled. ~Additional Information Available A B C D F L M O S T U V W PROTOCOLS > TOPIC: F A A - The Archive Tools is used to download, clear or add to the temporary file ARCDL.ARC. This can only be used in conjunction with files that have been saved on the BBS using the ARC (Archive) file compression program. When a file is ARCed it can contain one or many individual files. If a user desires to download only one file from a larger group of files that have been ARCed into a file, he should use the A command at the List Cmd prompt to add it to the ARCDL.ARC file. When the Archive Tools command is used FoReM will show the files currently contained in ARCDL.ARC, or if no files have been added will display "ARCDL.ARC is empty". FoReM will then display three sub-commands for use with the Archive Tools command - [A]dd [C]lear [D]ownload. If Add is selected FoReM will ask for the file name or number, then display the individual files within the ARCed file, and ask which file to add to ARCDL.ARC. If Clear is selected FoReM will erase the current ARCDL.ARC file. Download will allow the user the download the ARCDL.ARC file. > TOPIC: F B B - Batch file transfer is used after one or more files have been marked for batch download. Files may be marked for batch download using the M command at the Files Cmd, or the B command at the List Cmd. If files have been marked for batch download, then FoReM will locate the files that have been marked and then display a sub-menu for selecting the batch file download method - [Y]modem Batch [S]EAlink [F]modem. If a valid file transfer protocol is entered, either Y, S or F, then the transfer will begin. > TOPIC: F C C - Choosing the directories for the ALL NEW commands is similar to the Y command in the message bases. A list of the file directory short names, with associated numbers, will be displayed and a YES/NO depending on the current state of that directory for the ALL NEW commands. The user may enter the number of the directory to switch, stack a list of directories to switch, or press by itself to end the command. The ALL NEW commands the Choose command is referring to are the L and S commands when selecting a file directory. In our example BBS the C command would show: 1 - ATARI_8 YES 2 - ATARI_ST YES 3 - IBM YES If the user did not want to see the Atari 8-bit files when using the L or S commands at the "Select" prompt, they would enter 1 and then press . FoReM will then redisplay the file areas, showing the new status. The user may make further changes or press by itself to exit the C command. > TOPIC: F D D - If the user desires to download a file, and knows the file name or file number, they may use the D command at the "Files Cmd" prompt. FoReM will then search the drives and locate the selected file. After locating the file the file size, transfer blocks using the different file transfer protocols, and time to download will be shown. If the user does not have sufficient time remaining to download the file they will be so advised and the D command will be aborted. If sufficient time remains the user will be shown a list of the file transfer protocols to choose from. See the File transfers section for details on the file transfer protocols. Note: The time displayed is the approximate time for the transfer using Xmodem protocol. The actual time may be different depending on the transfer protocol used, number of block retransmittals any delays in saving the file to disk. > TOPIC: F F F - The find file command will search every file area the user has access to for a match on the string entered with the file names. This command uses the List command and the same function may be performed manually by the user by using the List and Other file directories commands. When the search for the file has been completed the user will be in the last file directory he/she has access to. > TOPIC: F L L - The list command displays the full information on the files, one file at a time unless continuous scroll of the directory lists is enabled. When a user enters L for list files, they will be shown a sub-menu of: [A]ll files [N]ew since last on [S]ince specified date [F]ile number >= [L]ocate/search Select> For all the selections, FoReM will only display file information on files that have an access level lower than or equal to the user's file access level. [A]ll will display all the files that meet this requirement in the current directory. [N]ew will only show the files that have a date equal to or greater than the date the user was last on. Note: A new user on their first call will have a last call date of the current date, so would be shown only files uploaded on that date. It is important to remember that this function will show files since the last call date, not necessarily since the user last checked the file section. [S]ince specified date allows a user to enter a date in the format mm-dd-yy, and FoReM will display the files uploaded on or after that date. This can be used by a user who does not check the file area each time he/she calls, in order to see the files uploaded since they last checked. [F]ile number >= will allow the user to enter a file number and then display all the file's with a file number that is greater than or equal to the entered number. [L]ocate/search is a powerful command that will display the prompt: Enter search field (1=Name 2=Description 4=Application 8=Uploader): If Name, Description or Uploader is specified in the search field number you will be shown the prompt: Enter search string: If the application is being searched you will be shown a list of the application types and asked to select one. The entry process is the same as the Locate feature of the message bases, ie., the search fields are bit mapped and may be combined. When the search fields are combined it is an OR search. For example, if searching the Name and Description (3 entered as the search field) for the string "QUIZ", a match on the string "QUIZ" in either the name OR description will pause the search and display the file. If the search combines a text search with an application search it is still an OR search, so any match on the file application OR the string will result in the file being displayed. Once the list sub-menu has been completed FoReM will display all the files that meet the user's list parameters and that are at or below the user's file access level. FoReM will display the following information for each file: File # 1 Filename: ALLNTOWN.ARC Uploaded on : Sept 4, 1986 Uploader : SYSOP Application : Song Level : 0 File Type : Binary Language : AMS Byte count : 3 Access Count : 6 Last Download: Aug 15, 1987 Download Time: 2 minutes Blocks : 27-Xmodem/SEAlink, 4-Ymodem, 1-Fmodem, 6-B Protocal Description: AMS song ARCed. Use ARCX to extract. List Cmd (?=List)> If a question mark is entered at the List Cmd prompt the user will see: [B]atch mark [D]ownload [N]ext [Q]uit [S]how again If the file has an extension of .ARC, FoReM will also display the choices: [A]dd to ARCDL.ARC [V]erbose Listing See the section on Archive Tools, above, for information on the file ARCDL.ARC. The Verbose listing will display the same information as shown when the Verbose ARC directory is used at the Files Cmd prompt (see below). Batch mark will mark the file for later download using the Batch Files Transfer as described above, and the Download selection will allow the user to download the file using one of the file transfer protocols described in the File Transfer section. If a bare is pressed FoReM will default to the Next command and display the next file's information. If the file is downloaded the user will be returned following the download to the List Cmd prompt and may resume their listing by pressing or N for Next file. > TOPIC: F M M - Mark file for batch Files may be marked for batch download while listing individual files or from the main Files Cmd prompt by using the M command. FoReM will ask for the file name or number for the file to add, then search the drives, looking in the current file directory, for the file and if the file is found, with an access level at or below the callers access level, it will be added to the list of files for batch download. > TOPIC: F O O - Other file directories When an O is typed at the Files Cmd prompt the file area selection menu will be shown. The user may select an individual file area or use the ALL commands (L,l,S and s) at this point. > TOPIC: F S S - Scan files After selecting Scan files, the user will be shown the same sub-menu as for Listing files. When displaying files after the submenu selection has been made, FoReM will display each file on a separate line with the information shown of: Number Filename Length U/L'ed Description The description is the first 40 characters of the first line in the file's description. > TOPIC: F T T - Toggle Continuous Scrolling Directory List On/Off Normally FoReM shows a single file at a time when listing files, or a screen at a time when scanning or using the Wide directory listings. To have FoReM display the files without stopping use the T command to switch to continuous scroll on. Once set on it may be turned back off by again using the T command. > TOPIC: F U U - Upload To upload a file to the file area the U command is used. When entered the system will ask: Enter filename: It will then show you the name and ask that you verify that is the correct name of the file to upload. If it is correct FoReM will then do a search of the file directories to see if there is a duplicate file name already on the BBS. If there is it will say: Filename in use. Try another name. And again show the "Enter filename" prompt. Once a valid name not in use has been selected FoReM will ask: Enter File Type or Language: (Ex: C, EXE, ARC, SQ): The file type/language may be up to ten characters long. After a file type has been entered and verified, the BBS will then ask whether the file is an Ascii text or binary file. Only text files should be specified as Ascii, all others should be binary. After entering an A (for Ascii) or B (for binary), the system will display the file application types contained in the file ? and ask the user to: Select program application type: Access to [A]ll [S]ysop only [H]i Access only: If All is selected the file will be saved with an access level of zero. If Sysop only is selected it will be at level 32767. If Hi Access only is chosen the file will have the same access level as the caller's file access. An additional, not shown option is to enter the file access level itself. For example if the user has an access level of 100 and wanted the file to be for all users with an access level of 20 or higher, they could enter 20 instead of A, S or H. After selecting an access level the user will use the FoReM editor to enter a description of the file. This description may be up to five lines in length. The same editor commands as used to enter messages are used. If the description is saved using the /S command the user will then be asked to select a file transfer protocol. See the File Transfer Protocal section for an explanation of the protocols used by FoReM. After selecting a protocol the user will be asked if the file length is greater than the maximum single drive free space. If they answer No the file transfer will begin. If yes the file transfer will be aborted. If the file is uploaded successfully the log will be annotated with the file information entered by the user. Additionally, if there is a file named UPLOAD.LOG on any of the drives accessed by FoReM, the user's name, date and file information will be appended to the file. You may create this file to keep track of the uploads by using any word processor, or the built-in Sysop text editor described in the Sysop section. > TOPIC: F V V - Verbose ARC directory The V command may be used to display the contents of an ARCed file on-line. If selected from the main Files Cmd prompt the user will be asked for the file number or name. If a valid file name or number is entered and the file is an ARCed file, FoReM will display the individual entries within the file using the format: Name Length Storage SF Size now Date Time CRC = = = = = = = = WHEEL.BAS 6656 Crunched 30% 4676 10 Feb 87 12:35a 2B5D = = = = Total 1 6656 30% 4676 > TOPIC: F W W - Wide directory listing The last of the three file listing methods is the Wide directory listing. This selection will also display the same sub-directory as used by the L and S commands, but when displaying the files will only show the file name and size. It does this in three columns across the screen, as in: SIMON.ARC 1505 SWITCH.ARC 8287 ROAD.ARC 7150 ANADATA.ARC 14144 POWER.AMS 2586 If continuous file directory scroll is off it will stop after every 15 lines and allow the user to continue the listing (the N command, or a 'bare' ), Download a file or Quit the listing. If continuous scroll is on all files that meet the user's selection criteria will be displayed, non-stop. This is handy for capturing a list of the files on the BBS. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS File transfer protocols When a file is to be uploaded or downloaded FoReM will display the prompt: Select file transfer protocol (?=List, =Abort): If a question mark is entered the options below will be shown: [A]scii / Xon-Xoff [C]compuserve B [F]modem (4K block) [S]EAlink [X]modem [Y]modem [8]bit Atari Xmodem ~Additional Information Available A C F S X Y 8 > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS A Ascii / Xon-Xoff If a file is transferred using the Ascii method it will be sent with no error correction - a straight 'dump' of the file. This is useful only for text files. The Xon-Xoff refers to the characters used to start and stop the file transmission. Xon is the Q character, Xoff is the S character. Note: Ascii / Xon-Xoff may not be selected as the transfer method when uploading if the file type was specified as binary. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS C Compuserve B CompuServe (CompuServe Information Service) instituted their own file transfer protocol, using 512 byte blocks of data. If this protocol is selected the BBS will ask for the "filename for YOUR computer". The version implemented on FoReM, unlike the version on CompuServe itself, does not start the transfer automatically. For this reason many of the terminal programs will not be able to use Compuserve B with FoReM (especially the Atari 8-bit terminal programs.) > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS F Fmodem (4K block) Fmodem is one of the three batch capable file transfer protocols available on FoReM. A batch transfer protocol has the ability to send multiple files from the BBS to the user automatically. The user must first mark the file(s) for batch download, then select B at the main Files Cmd prompt. Also, the user's terminal program must, of course, support the batch file transfer method being used. Batch transfers may not be used to upload files to the BBS, only download. Fmodem was developed by Commnet Systems specifically for the high speed data transfer of files when used with high speed (9600bps) modems. It is similar to Ymodem batch, but uses 4K block size instead of the 1K used by Ymodem. This results in fewer control bytes being transferred, and less time spent in 'turn around' waiting for the acknowledgement of each block of data. Because of the large block size however, a single bad block can negate any gain achieved by the larger block size. For this reason Fmodem should only be used on connections that perform independent error checking, such as between two USRobotics HST modems, or two MNP equipped modems. MNP is the Microcomm Networking Protocol, a proprietary error correction scheme available on many modems. In tests performed at 9600 bps using the different transfer protocols, Fmodem was approximately 33% faster than Ymodem and 65% faster than SEAlink. Fmodem is available with the ST-Term terminal program from Commnet Systems. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS S SEAlink SEAlink is a sliding window Xmodem derivative developed by System Enhancement Associates. 128 byte data blocks are used, but the sender does not wait after each block is sent for an acknowlegment that the block was received correctly. Instead, each block acknowledgement is 'labeled' for the block it is referring to and the sender may continue to send blocks until the 'window', which is the number of blocks the sender may 'get ahead', is reached. If a bad block is received the receiver sends a NAK (Not AcKnowledged) signal, with the block number of the bad block, and the sender goes back to the bad block and begins sending again. This protocol is the most efficient method when there are inherent delays in the communications link, such as when a packet switching network is used. An example of a packet switching network is the PCPursuit system. SEAlink is also a batch file transfer capable protocol. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS X Xmodem Xmodem is one of the oldest file transfer protocols available. It was originally developed by Ward Christensen circa 1979, using 128 byte blocks and checksum error checking. Since then many variations have come about, the most common being the use of CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) error checking. With standard checksum error checking, one out of every 256 erroneous complete or oversized Xmodem packets would have a 'valid' checksum. When CRC error detection is used the theoretical calculations show it will allow only one undetected error for every 10^14 bits transmitted. That equates to one undetected error per 30 years of constant transmission at one megabit per second! However, sometimes theoretical calculations and reality do not agree. Still, CRC error detection provides a very high reliability of detecting any bad data before it is saved. If downloading a file the type of error detection will depend on the terminal program being used by the receiver. When uploading a file FoReM will attempt to use CRC error checking first. If the file transmission does not start with FoReM sending the CRC NAK character, it will switch to checksum error correction and send the checksum NAK character. Because of this procedure, users who are trying to use CRC error detection on uploads must begin the file transfer as soon as possible. If there is too long a delay from the time the BBS says it is ready to receive until the first block is received, FoReM will have switched to checksum error detection and the transfer will be aborted. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS Y Ymodem Ymodem is similar to Xmodem, but always uses CRC error checking and has 1K block sizes. Ymodem is also batch capable, but many terminal programs do not support the batch Ymodem protocol. If your users have questions they should look in their terminal documentation to see if it supports batch file downloads using Ymodem. > TOPIC: F PROTOCOLS 8 8 bit Atari Xmodem The 8 bit Atari Xmodem is Xmodem with checksum error detection. It will not attempt to use CRC error detection. If a user's terminal program does not support Xmodem CRC, then they should use the Atari 8-bit Xmodem protocol even if not using an Atari. This transfer protocol is also designed to work with the Amodem terminal program, some early versions of which used non-standard Xmodem parameters. If an Atari 8-bit user has a terminal program that supports Xmodem CRC, then they should select the Xmodem transfer protocol and not the 8-bit Atari protocol. l`b |0 *o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#~JB "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "~pEHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" r#r.I+I/ #c"//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<NZh>NZ?|BWNZh>NZXON2 ?NV$?<LNANV/Hyc&NKXOB.Z0.gF?Hyc(NK/|}TONQXOHnp(?N \OHnNKZXO0f$B@`HycPNK.cgHnNKJPOBnTHy2NKZXOnTo?.Hy;Hy20nT2H?HycmHnNKHnpA?NA?n.;Hy20nT2H?HycHnNKHnpA?NA?n.;Hy20nT2H?HycHnNKHnpA?NA\ORnT`$Hn0.)(`/NKJ?|/|cTONK/|}TONQXOHnZp?N \OHnZNKZXO0gHnPHnTHnZN! nTmx0.HA'\0THnV?.N \OBnTBnR0.RfBg0nT2H@@?N jXO-@FpL/0.HA'\0H/N_JPO&Hy0.HA'\0H/N_JPOЃ -@B .FBo p=@R`pRnT9%H0.TAfZHycNPXO`?.Hy;Hy20nT2H?HycHnNK0nT2H?Hyd NK\OHnHyd*NKPOBgHnp?NA?nTOHy;Hy20nT2H?Hyd.HnNKBgHnp?NA?nTOHy;Hy20nT2H?HydFHnNKHnHydZNKPOBgHnp?NAXO0.HA&XBP0.HA&p00. gHyd^NK.dHnNKJPOHnN/XO0fHydNK`p?Hnp=?NAPO=@@-|JBnT0.Ty&Vl\Hn/.J?.@p??NA 0.H @BhFp??.@ .JD/pB?NA Hn/.J?.@p@?NA RnT`?.@p>?NAXOp&N^NuNVdHydNKXOp-@d9%HH .dn2p)//.dN_JPO(`//.dHydNK Rd`HydNK.}NQXOHnRp?N \OHn|Hn~HnRN! 0.|f( n~m 9%H0.~AnHnRNKZXO0fHydNKXO`60.~)(`/HydNK/|}XONQXOHnRp?N \OHnRN!XO .YRgHye`Hn(?.~N /|eTOHnRNKJPOHn(HnRNK/|eXOHnRNKPOHnRN/XO f Hye`:HnRHye>N"2PO0@B(RHnRHn(NKJPOHnRHnNKJ/|e@XOHnRNK/|eEXOHn(NK/|eJXOHnNKPOHnRpA?NA\OHn(pA?NA\OHnpA?NA\O9%H0.~AgR@=@|9%H0.|AnHn(?N /|eOTOHnRNKJPOHn(HnRNK/|eVXOHnRNKPOHnRN/XOHnRHye[N"2PO0@B(RHnRHn(NKJPOHnTHnNKJ/|e]XOHn(NKPOHnRHnNKJ/|ebXOHnNK/|egXOHnRNKPOHn0.|S@?N \O n |lHnHnNKZXO0@Hh`HnHnNKZXO0@HhNKJPOHnHnNKJ/|elXOHnNKPOHnHnNKJ/|eqXOHnNK/|evXOHnNKPOHnHnRHye{NK HnHnRBgpV?NA HnHn(BgpV?NA HnHnBgpV?NA 0.|S@HA&X 9%/0H #%0.|)(`/0.|S@)(`/NKJPO0.|S@HA&X0.|HC&X00.|S@HA'\0.|HC'\00.|S@HA&0.|HC&0Rn|`LHyeNK.eHnRNKJPOHnRN/XO f Hye`BgHnRp=?NAPO=@hBd29&VH .dlHy/N_JPO-@Bg?.h/pB?NA HnjHy?.hp??NA =n~|9%H0.|Al"H @0.|R@H"@1iRn|`Bg?.h/.pB?NA HnjHy?.hp@?NA Rd`FS9%N^NuNVLHyeNK.eNKXOp=@9%H0.An&)(`/?.HyeNK Rn`HyeNK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnHnHnN! 0.m"9%HAn0.fHnNKZXO0fHyf!NKXO` 0.HA'\?0.)(`/HyfCNK/|ft\ONK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnHnHnN! nm0.fHnNKZXO0f Hyf`\0.HA'\0n @oHyfNKXO=|`0.HA'\0.P=@?.HyfHnNK HnN/XO0fHnHyfNKPO`?.Hy;Hy2.H?HygHnXNK?n/|;/|2 .H?Hyg$HnNKHnHnXHnHyg8NK/|gC NKXOBgHnp=?NAPO=@-|HnL/.?p??NA?n p>?NAXOp?Hnp=?NAPO=@p=@8B.>B.]B.B.B.B.|-|p??.BpB?NA 0.HA'\=P0.nlLHn8/.?.p@?NA RnL0.LH @0.HC'\2.Q0.A1@NRn`?.p>?NAXO-|p?Hnp=?NAPO=@HnL/.?p@?NA?n p>?NA.gVNKXO0.HA'\0N^NuNVHygdNK?y&VTOHygNK/|gTONK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnHnHnN! 0.f nmHnNKZXO0f Hyg`0.y&V @oHygNKXO=|`0.y&V=@HyhNK.h#HnNKJPOHnN/XO0f Hyh+`RHyh@HnRNKJPOHnRN/XOp?Hnp=?NAPO=@BgHnRp=?NAPO=@-|Hn/.?p??NA?n p>?NAXO=|-|p??.BpB?NA 09&VR@=@0.nn@Hn/.?.p@?NA Rn0.H @2.y&V0.A1@ Rn`?.p>?NAXOp?HnRp=?NAPO=@-|Hn/.?p@?NA?n p>?NAXO3&VHyhHNKXON^NuNV0.gHyhVNPXOBn`THyhNK.hNK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnNKZXO0g .Yfp=@HyhHnNKJPOHnN/XO0fHyhNK`HnHyhNK/|hXOHnPNKJPOHnPN/XOp?Hnp=?NAPO=@Bn-|Bn0.y&Vl.HnH/N_BPO-@Bg?./pB?NA -@Hn0.H/N_BPOg&0.S@?HyhNK\O0.S@3&V`Hn/.?.p??NA g"/.Hyi!NKPO0.S@?Hyi5`0.f ng\ ngT0.mNy&VlFHnNKZXO @ n4HnNKZXO @n"HnNKZXO0gHnNKZXO0f?.?.HyiSNKPORn0.H @1nHyi[HnNKJ/|i]XOHnNKJ/|i_XOHnNKJ/|iaXOHnNKJ/|icXOHnNKJ/|ieXOHnLNKJPO=|`=nHnNPXO0.g"Bn nAl0.H @BhVRn`Bg?./.pB?NA Hn/.?.p@?NA -@Rn`?.p>?NAXOBgHnPp?NAXON^NuNV>HyigNKXOp=@0.gfHyiNK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnHnHnN! 0.o @lBn`?<HyiNK\O`BnBn0.f`Bg0n2H@@?N jXO-@0.Hlp=@`Rn9%H0.AfHyiNPXO`n3&VHyjHnNKJPO0n2Pp:@HnHnrNKJ/|jXOHnrNKPOHnrHyj NKPOBgHnrpB.@B.MB.l-|p=@0.nn8Hn>/.?.p@?NA Rn0.H @0.n1@Rn`?.p>?NAXOHnHnrNKJ/|jXOHnrNKPOHnrHyjNKPOBgHnrp?NAXON22N^NuNVN:HyjNKXOB l .A2BPR`N7(NINHp=@0.gfHyj/NK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnHnHnN! 0.o @lBn`?<Hyj^NK\O`BnBn0.fXBg0n2H@@?N jXO-@0.Hlp=@`Rn9%H0.AfHyj`^3&VHyjHnNKJPO0n2Pp:@HnHnnNKJ/|jXOHnnNKPOHnnHyjNKPOBgHnnp?NAXOHnHnnNKJ/|jXOHnnNKPOHnnHyjNKPOBgHnnp?NA.jHnnNKJPO0n2Pnp:@oHnnHyjNKPOBgHnnp?NAXOp=@0.g`HyjNK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnNJ,XOH-@ o AlBn`HykNPXO`0.%p=@0.Hn$Bn0.fBg?.N"XO=@`Rn`Bn0.fBgBgN"XO=@`Bn0.fbHyk%NK.}NQXOHnp?N \OHnNJ,XOH-@ o lp=@`HykYNPXO`B9%Bn0.Hl NErRn`HykqNK.}NQXOHnp ?N \OBHnNKZXO0oHnNJXO-@#%B%p#2HykNPXON22HykNPXON^NuNV//.NKZXOS@> n  g n  g n  f0mSG`0R@0@B.N^NuNVH0*n(n / NKZXO>z|nlGl0RE0@2FRF`0EBL0N^NuNV/.NKZXOn lHyk/.NKPO`N^NuNV/.Hyk/. 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D@;@ m l;| +|T~`+|TV *_N^NuNV/ *n Sm lBm p` UR0.*_N^NuNV/ *n UR0.*_N^NuNV/ *nRm oBm p` URB@*_N^NuNV/ *n -f,-f?<Na,TO+@f+|W+|X*`j-f2-H?N[TO0g}f+|V>+|X -`&+|V>+|W-H?NUjTOHЭ*+@Bm *_N^NuNV/p?B?.N[.PO. fB@`0H@.N^NuNV/ *n/ NTXO/ mNXO*_N^NuNVH >.*n / NTXO/ ? mN\OL N^NuNV/ K~JY M}e g/NQXO`*_N^NuNVNU?.NYTON^NuNVH *nRm o/ NQXO0f X}fHy}NQXO -?/--H?N[POD@;@ @fZ09c H fByc `-Bm `B0- Rm m+H URB@>-g G gP Gg 0`0- f-pL N^NuNV/ *n X}fHy}NQXOBm p?Hn-H?N[PO @g,J@gH .f-f8 . f-fB@.`(09c H fByc `-`-p*_N^NuNVH >.*n G f -g/ p ?NW\O @fp`0Sm l"/ NY>XO0f -S@;@ UR0L N^NuNVH >.*n G G f-g/ p ?NX*\O @gZBm -fN/ NY>XO0f@p?Hn-H?N]PO @f0` 09c H fByc `-pL N^NuNVH >.*n G f -g/ p ?NX\O @fp`?NAXO/N^bXO`B@N^NuNV/Bg/.pl0H/N^bXO`"?.N]nTO=@m?.?N]XO0.N^NuNV/?.?. rF?NA\O>0f(?.N]nTO=@m?.?. N]XO0. `0H/N^bXO.N^NuNV?.N]nTO @Cfp`B@N^NuNV?.?./. pB?NA /N^bXON^NuNV/?. /.p=?NAPO.m:0H.mpF?0?N]XO` m n0?N]TOH./N^bXO.N^NuNVH A#~l/9~lNaXO0gB~lp 3c p`?.N]nTO @CfzB@9>B@9H*@SnmSGl^pQB9Hyp ?NA\O>mp ?p?p?NM\OpB@9>B@9H*@0Gp H< Ff~` n R RE F ft B~l0`0/. 0.H/?.p??NA >B~l0H/N^bXOL N^NuNV/A#~l/9~lNaXO0gB~lp 3c p`,/. 0.H/?.p@?NA .B~l/N^bXO.N^NuNVH >.0V@ @bH0@c PN`*pP`&pA`"pC`0m*y~JSGmfp`gHL N^NuNVH >.0m*y~JSGmfp` g0. L N^NuNVH >.0V@ @bHH0@c PN*y~JHGg fp`&R` ~J?NZhTO`~C`~A`~P`pL N^NuNV .l .D3c p` .N^Nu"o`C"/jD$jDA`|J/jDJk`JjDNu$/` o$"/A`NNu"o`C$jD"/jDA`, gJ/jDNu$/` o$"/A` NupJfpN∲cd⒒d҂dFN o"`"/ jD$/jDD$@A`" jDNu o"`"/ _$0"@0HAHBЁH@B@ЉNNVH8..P b~d.9~/NaXO*@ Mg`J~f&M #~v#~r`& y~f QP&m`(y~Q L&h)M Q@* Ѝ#~(@Q LB)KL8N^NuNVH0~ .\S@,dB`ƙ*y~r gr .gH g @є .*L(Mc2  d @*`* Ѝ#~r y~r X`dJg @Ѝ*@`*m~rf g#~rRy~z09~z @e Sy~z`X/N_XO/.N`fN>gN>oMrNsN\uMxMDL60123456789ABCDEF]]]^T^P^L What is the name of message base # %d: Email initialization Email%c:%s%smesage%d.dat%c:%s%smesage%d.ism%c:%s%smesage%d.idxAllow for how many messages (1-%d): Not enough disk space to add message base %c:%s%smesage%d.dat Creating files on drive %c %s %c:%s%smesage%d.ism%s %c:%s%smesage%d.idx%s Resetting High Message Read Counters pas.dat PAS.DAT NOT FOUND! %2ld) %s Enter number of message base to delete: Invalid entry. Aborted. OK to delete %s? Aborted... mesage.dat%s not found. Wrong data disk! ..dat.ism.idxmesage.dat..ism.idx.dat.ism.idx.dat%s %s Adjusting High Message Read Counters... pas.dat PAS.DAT not found! Expand a message base 0) Email %d) %s Enter number of message base to expand: Invalid entry. Function aborted. Message base %s currently may have %d messages. Allow for how many more? Invalid entry. Function aborted. System maximum of MAXMESS messages. mesage%d.dat Error... %s not found. Function aborted. %c:%s%smesage%d.ism%c:%s%smesage%d.idx %s %s %s Appending file... Completed. Expand user password file System may currently have %d users Allow for how many more users: Invalid entry. Function aborted. Using system maximum of MAXPW users Appending file... pas.dat PAS.DAT not found! pas.idx Completed. Resetting all high messaage read counters... Rebuild Password Index File Undelete passwords? pas.dat Password file PAS.DAT not found! %s pas.idxError on seek. Adjust file size to %d users Read error at %ld Adjust file size to %d users %d %d Reinitialize PAS.DAT file Enter number of users to allocate space for: Invalid entry. Must be 1-%d users Not enough disk space for password file pas.dat%s .idx%s Initialize System Enter number of users to allocate space for: Invalid entry. Must be 1-%d users Not enough disk space for password file pas.dat%s .idx%s validate.dat%s Enter number of message bases to initialize: Invalid entry. Must be 1-64 Enter number of download category subdirectories: Must be in range 1-20 Enter starting caller number =0: Saving system configuration Initialization complete %ld%dIDXISM Rebuild Message Base %s File %d) %s Enter number of message base to rebuild: Invalid entry. Function Aborted. mesage%d.dat Error... %s not found. Function aborted. %c:%s%smesage%d.ism%c:%s%smesage%d.idx%s %s %s Enter number of FIRST message <%d>: Error opening %s Error found in message at position %d. %d  @ @ @ @PAS.DAT!PAS.IDX!VALIDATE.DATEMAIL.TXTFUNCT.TXTWELCOME.TXTCHAT.TXT APPLYPW.TXTLOGOFF.TXTMHELP.TXTMHELP1.TXTSETERM.TXTPWFULL.TXTTERMPAR.TXTMSEAY.TXT SYSMOD.TXTPWINFO.TXTMESSCOM.TXTHELP.TXT HELP.IDX FILES.LSTJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec OTHER IBM PC ATARI 8 BitC-64 VT100 VT52 IBM/VT ANSI Apple IIMacintoshAtari STIBM/AT Amiga FoReM ST System Generator Version 2.2 7/17/88 Matthew R. Singer (c)1985 - 1988 Commnet Systems FoReM ST System Generator A - Initialize System B - Reinitialize 1 message base C - Add a message base D - Delete a message base E - Expand a message base F - Rename a message base G - Expand user password file H - Add/Remove drives from use I - Add download directory J - Remove download directory K - Reinitialize E-Mail L - Set system default directory M - Rebuild password index file N - Rebuild messages in use file (.IDX) O - Rebuild message index file (.ISM) P - Rebuild message Data file (.DAT) Q - Change next message number R - Set default screen color S - Reinitialize password file T - Change caller number U - Wipe a bad password V - Reset High Message count $ - End program Sysgen> %d) %s Enter number of message base to reinitialize: Aborted Current directories are: %s Current caller number is %ld Enter new caller number: System not initialized or Config.dat not found! Invalid Command Enter screen type 0=BW 1=COLOR: 1 0 White 8 Gray 1 Red 9 Light Red 2 Green 10 Light Green 3 Yellow 11 Light Yellow 4 Blue 12 Light Blue 5 Magenta 13 Light Magenta 6 Cyan 14 Light Cyan 7 Low White 15 Black Select Background Color: Select Text Color: pas.dat Password file PAS.DAT not found! a:pas.idx Enter password record number to wipe: Completed... FOREM.OPTrError opening: FOREM.OPT ON %d) %s Enter number of message base to rename: Aborted Enter new name: %s, correct? Aborted. 20 directory limit Enter name of subdirectory %d: Length must be 1-8 characters %d) %s Must have at least one download directory Enter number of directory to remove from system use: Aborted. Change Next Message Number %d) %s Enter number of message base to change: Invalid entry, Aborted. The next message on message base %d is now: %d Enter new next message number: Changed! Aborted Enter number of drives online: Enter order to search drives (ex. AB or BA): Enter the default directory to locate files.If using the default directory such as A: or B: thenjust hit return. Otherwise, include the , but do notinclude the drive specification. ex: \forem\ or \bbs\ Default directory: {NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point! UU!UU!UU#}}}F~NCCAP?Bad pointer in free.  0 b |L"20       *   ,   X>* b R 4|     , P 4"T.x :4l <~     Z"$& &0  @"              ^  \ &~@                             $                FP( LD" l  $4F0",p$  .6*"  "$j:BX<$<H8*046  & 6&  &(2> 0@  @J$  $N$  MSH is Matt's Mini-Shell for executing FoReM ST doors programs. To use FoReM ST doors programs, simply place MSH.PRG in your \FOREM directory (or whatever your default directory is) on the default drive. Then, make sure that the filename to be executed in the FDOORS.DAT file contains the FULL path name. (ex: c:\forem\doors\filename.tos). `L*o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#B "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "EHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" #.I+I/ #//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<N>NP?|BWN>NPXON" ?N?<LNANVHBFB@>Z"n i  g&"n iJg0GZ$n "jRG`0GZBRG n /(NXOGoB9 |"n i  g("n iJg0F $n "jRGRF`0F BRG9 H @f p3`n/</<NPO/< /<NPO`BJygp?BgpF?NA\OJygp?p?pF?NA\O/<NXO/./</<ZBgpK?NALN^Nu"o o JfSfNu o"Jf S@NuNVN?.NTON^NuNVN^NuNV?.pL?NAXON^NuNV/?.pE?NAXO>l0H/NXO`"?.NTO=@m?.?NXO0.N^NuNV/?.?. rF?NA\O>J@f(?.NTO=@m?.?. NXO0. `0H/NXO.N^NuNVH >.0V@ @bH0@ PN`*pP`&pA`"pC`JGm*ySGmJfp`JgHL N^NuNVH >.JGm*ySGmJfp` Jg0. L N^NuNVH >.0V@ @bHH0@ PN*yHGg Jfp`&R` ?NTO`~C`~A`~P`pL N^NuNVJl .D3p` .N^Nu CCAP?L"20 &(    F D0(2> 0 0 4k.  WE3..  WE3UIZ ARC ƃ}UIZDOC  6QUIZ ARC ƃORCTEMP CRN ̑?|UIZ2 TXT X UIZ3 TXT +UIZ4 TXT )UIZ TOS ƃfRCTEMP CRN Additional Changes/Enhancement to FoReM PC/ST version 2.2 Release B The following functions have been sped up: Reading Files directories Password search Copy File If M/A is used an there are no new messages, a notice is sent. A timeout has been added to the "getline" function. A line of text must be input within 2 times the timeout value for a character. (Usually 4 minutes). If a full line is not entered in that time, FoReM will prompt for a random letter. If this letter is not typed, the user is logged off. Two new data files have been added: MSGDESC.DAT adds text descriptions to the list of message bases. Its format is: Message base # Lines of Text ; Message base # Lines of Text ; Example: 1 General Messages on any subject ; 2 Discussion of the current implementation of FoReM and suggestions for future versions/ ; The / on the end of the last line tells FoReM to NOT add a blank line between the message base titles. CROSSBBS.DAT is VHnNn Hnp?BgN$PO ytHhzHydHnNn Hnp?BgN$PO9~g0 yt?(?.dHnHn[HydHntNn ng0.f 9qgHntNXO`Hntp?BgN$PO0.fBnd 9qgBnB@=@=@=@=@=@/.HNZXO&Hy/.NPO-@Dp?/.D/.HN/nH\Op??<HnLN4 R`>/.HNXO nlHyҋNXO` p?N#TO0.f 9q@#q .o 9qgSq&N^NuNVA#cA#cByLB@3L3L3L3L nDfDHyҎBgp?N$POHnpP?N&N\OHnNXXO0f NB`BBgN7"/|ҶTOp??N$PO=|p????.?9?p?NN09f*?9vNTON"@ @fN"ByL ycpT ycpD@ ycpB@Hn ycHhNH/ycXONX?@TONtTO0fNB`/. NLXOp3L/. NXO-@ nUfrHyBgp?N$POHnpP?N&N\OHnNXXO0gBBgN7"/|TOp??N$PO=|p????.?9?p?NN09f*?9vNTON"@ @fN"ByL ycpT ycpU@ ycpB@Hn ycHhNH/ycXONXXOS@?NtTOH-@fN`^p3L/. NL./. NPO-@ fpN?NTO`~p3L/././. N -@09dyf@=@p????.?9?p?NN .N^NuNVbBc~09fN J0fp3/. N`/.NXOH-@g( g* ycB@ |(r`XHXW PNNn0g/. N.N@.RN`^/. 09L@?p? ycHhN4 09L@H@B@H@ѹc~NRyL09lgN׶HnbHnfHnhHnjHnlHnpNNp??N?yLTOHnpHyHyHnzNnpP?HnzNr\OHnzHy4NT/|KXONXXON?9?9NXON>` yc (Cf/. NXON 9c~`,Hy7NXON/. N.N@XOBN^NuNV09LR@H H@=@BnBn nfp=@RyL09fNn0gp`N J0f p3`p 3L0. @bH0@@ PN`NV0fp=@`09L@ @fp`09L@ @fzp`NV0g09L@ @Bfp` yLgBn`FNV0g yLgByL09L@0=@?9LNTOBnp`bN0gT yLf09Lfp?NTOp`20.Rn0@c09L?9LNTO`N0g09LܰyLf0.yLf yc Ff3L3Lp``RnRyL n oB@`N`N`N^NuNVp?p?p?NM\O09L@0?p?p?NM\ON^NuNVp?p?p?NM\ON^NuNV0.=@09fbN J0f p3`Np?p?NMXO gNp??NMXO gp?p?NMXO3L`p/N)XOSnfp`N^NuNVByLp ?NTO3L @fB@`pN^NuNVByLNV0fB@`. yLf"NV0g09L@3Lp3LpN^NuNV09LH3L @o @R@3L0.yL yLo09L@R@3LN^NuNVp?p?p?NM\ON^NuNV n lp?p?p?NM\O0.@@?`?.p?p?NM\ON^NuNVp?p?NMXO gRp??NMXO-@0.H@ .H@H=@p?p ?NMXOg ng .fp`B@N^NuNV ycpF0. yc@p?NtTON^NuNVVBc~Hy^/.NPO-@fpE?NTOB`8p?B/.N/n\ONZXO-@V/.NXOBg/.VN\0\O3PHy/.VNPO#HnZHn^Hn`HnbHndHyN ycpN/.?<p? ycHhN =@0lBn0.oHѹc~RyL09lgN׶HnZHn^Hn`HnbHndHnhNp??NXON?9L/9?9PHnhHyHyaHnrNnpP?HnrNr\OHnrHyӓNT/|KXONXXON?9?9NXON>?.NtTO=@f/.NXO`F nfpA?NTO`Nn0fN J0f p3`0.o 09g/.NXO ycpT ycpC@p?NtTO0g 9c~N^NuNV09LR@H H@=@RyLBnBnBn09fDNn0gp`4N J0f p3`0. @bH0@\ PN`ByLp?p?p?NM\OpB?p?p?NM\O0.@0?p?p?NM\O0.@0?NTOBn0.nn4 ycB@?N2TO ycB@?NTORn`p?p?p?NM\Op?N>LN2TOp=@`p3LNV0fp` yLfp` yLfRnRyL n oB@` yLfp`p3LNV0g y0LmR y9LnH09L@0yLf 0.f\`\09L@0nf3Lp`0.g2`2 yLg" y;Lf y L` yBLf09Lfp`Dp` yLf`@p 3LNV0g,ByL09L@0=@?9LNTOBnp`p 3LN0g yLf09Lfp?NTOp`l0.Rn0@c09L?9LNTO`@p 3LN0g09LܰyLfz0.R@H H@nfd3LN3L`RnRyL nn$`RnRyL n n N`N^NuNVp?p?NNXOp?p?NNXON^NuNVp?p?NNXON^NuNV? 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If a message base is used with Crossnet then FoReM will force all messages to be saved locally. EXample: 3 4 5 ! The ! is an end of list marker. A bug in CHECKSUM xmodem has been fixed. A version 2.2 bug that required a message based ism file to be rebuilt after the first message was entered has been fixed. A "feature" where if an Fnet message was deleted before it was sent caused the wrong messge to be sent has been fixed. A couple of minor bugs have also been fixed which I haven't kept a list of. Additional Changes/Enhancement to FoReM PC/ST version 2.2 Message Editor - - FoReM will automatically select the storage requirements for a message based on its length. A message less than 21 lines is stored in the message data file, other wise it is stored as a file. The user no longer has to select between "standard" and "extended" messges. US ROBOTICS HST modem usage FoReM now supports the fixed link mode of the HST modem. This will allow the bbs to always talk to the modem at 19200 bps. This works with all PC compatibles and Atari ST machines running with the new "Mega ST" tos roms. To use this mode, use any terminal program to write the following settings into the HST modem's nram. AT &H1 &I0 &B1 &R2 &W You should be talking to the modem at 19200 when doing this. Then, edit the FoReM.OPT file and change the default baud rate number to the word HST. NEW MESSAGE SEARCH OPTION Message may now be searched by date. Using the message [L]ocate command, you may now select to read messages entered after a given date. NEW OPTIONAL TEXT FILES Upon entering a file area, the file "SUBIR".TXT is displayed where SUBDIR is the name of the file area. Example: if the directory is \forem\games, the file \forem\games.txt (\forem\txt\games.txt) will be displayed. DATNOTE.TXT is a DATED NOTICE file. If the file time stamp is later than the callers last logon date, this then this file is displayed after notice.txt and before the general bulletins. MESAGEX.TXT (ie: mesage1.txt, mesage2.txt) is an optional text file displayed upon entering a message base. SYSPAS.TXT may be sent before the system password. GETPHONE.TXT may be sent before the request for phone number. FILE SYSTEM CHANGES The file FTYPES.LST is now optional. If not there, the file application in a verbose list will be blank. (And no application will be asked for on an upload) Listing of NEW files is now done by the last time any file area was accessed instead of the last call date. UPLOAD CHANGES The prompt about upload size is only displayed when there is less than 500K bytes free. The prompt about Ascii or Binary uploads is only displayed if the file extender is not recognised. BATCH TRANSFER CHANGES Command R from the FILES CMD> prompt may be used to remove a file from the BATCH ARCDL CHANGES FoReM may now add a non ARC'ed file to ARCDL. This requires that ARC.TTP (ST) or ARC.EXE (PC) be "findable" by the system and that you have enough ram to run ARC. A option has been added to the ARCDL tools to remove a file from the ARCDL archive. NEW FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOLS Zmodem protocol. The new standard for fast error free file transfers. I tested it at 2400bps and it sent 224 chars a second; which is 93% efficient. Ymodem G. This is yet another X/Y modem variant meant for error correcting modems. Ymodem G does no ACK/NAK. UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD RATIO The upload download ratio is now set for each individual user via the # command from the password editor. UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD COUNTERS You may now edit a users count of uploaded and download files using the < and > commands from the password editor. FNET CHANGES Entries in FNETNODE.DAT may have an access level for the node at column 75 (starting at 0). The user has an associated fnet access level (0-255) set with command I at the pw> prompt. Privilege 27 has be added to restrict sending of FMAIL through FNET. SYSTEM LOGON REQUEST F8 when hit while a user is online will toggle reserving the bbs for a console logon when the current caller logs off. The BBS will bring the modem offhook for 15 minutes. USER LOGON REQUEST From the sysop prompt, the R command will ask for a users name. Only this user will be allowed to log on, until it is cancelled by entering R again or pressing the F8 key. MULTIPLE DOORS MENUS For multiple doors files: Edit a file DOORMENU.TXT. This is just like dbsel.txt as in: 1) Games 2) Quizes 3) Music  Then for each type, generate a "fdoorsX.dat file" So all games would be in FDOORS1.DAT DOORINFO.DEF FoReM 2.2 supports the new standard for passing information to Doors programs. A new line has been added to FOREM.OPT just after the via message base line. On this line, should be the full path name to where doors programs reside. In this directory, FoReM will write DORINFO1.DEF . This file is defined as: 1 BBS NAME 2 SYSOP'S FIRST NAME 3 SYSOP'S LAST NAME 4 COMPORT COM1 COM2 NO COLON 5 1200,PAR,DATABIT,STOPBIT 1200,E,8,1 6 NETWORKING 0 7 USER'S FIRST NAME 8 USER'S LAST NAME 9 CITY STATE 10 GRAPHICS ON OFF FOR ANSI ONLY 0 or 1 11 SECURITY LEVEL OF USER 12 TIME LEFT IN MINTUES BAUD RATE LOCKOUT FoReM 2.0 allowed you not allow 300 baud users to log on. In 2.1, this has been expanded to all baud rates. In FOREM.OPT, where previously an "ON or OFF" value was entered to turn on the 300 baud lockout, now you may enter the minimum baud rate to allow on your system. LOGOFF BATCH FILE LOGOFF.BAT is a command file which works just like the documented FMAINT.BAT file except that it is executed after each user logs off. MONTHLY BATCH FILE MONTHLY.BAT is a command file just like LOGOFF.BAT which is executed at MIDNIGHT on the first of each month JUST BEFORE accounting is done. This might be used, for example, to run program to read the password file and print bills. DAILY BATCH FILE DAILY.BAT is a command file just like LOGOFF.BAT which is executed at MIDNIGHT. PASSWORD APPLICATION CHANGES The password application has been rewritten. The user is no longer asked to verify each input, but will be given the chance to edit his input before it is saved. NUMBER OF DRIVES ALLOWED FoReM will now support up to 16 partitions/drives. Sysgen will still only allow 8. DATA BASE CHANGES FoReM 2.1 allows user to use file transfer protocols for the sending of data base files. USR bit # 11 controls if this is on or off foIr each user. The user may change this with command T from within any data base. If you have more than 1 data base, FoReM will display a menu of them when entering the database area via the D command from the main menu. Other misc changes: Existing extended messages up to 200 lines long may now be edited. The lock/unlock status of a message may be changed by using the I command at the end of reading the message. This requires privilege # 28. The date of an FMAIL message may be updated by the U command after reading the message. This is useful if an fmail message you send is about to expire and you want to give the user more days inwhich to log on and get his file. The use of doors may now be restricted by time. The file CONTIME.DAT which for version 2.1 had two entries per line, now has 3 entries per line. Each line of this file now contains: time_percentage access level door access level Ex: 50 6 10 If this were the first line in CONTIME.DAT, then between 12 midnight and 12:30 am, only those users with access level 6 and above would be allowed on the system. Of those users, only those with level 10 and above would be able to run doors. Additionally, anyone let on the system would only be granted 50% of their normal access time. TEXT PAGING The paging option has been improved. When a user first logs on or via the * command from the main FoReM> prompt, he may elect to turn on text paging and set the number of lines at which to page. Paging will only occur for text files and for messages. On a console logon, the number of lines will aways be 17 unless the no local window option is used. -L  Running FoReM PC under Quaterdeck's DESQview: FoReM PC version 2.2 dated 4/7/88 or later can take advantage of100 0 0 time multiplier and access level 100 0 0 user with lower access not allowed on 100 0 0 during this time period. 100 0 0 100 0 0 the time multiplier is * 100 0 so to give 100 0 0 a time = 1/2, use 50 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 HnHnHnN`B.p?NTO`N^NuNV/<Bgp?N2PO0.)d/p?BgN2POBnBnJnfzJyofp nlJnfJyof0.H @bz?/9HnN Hnp?p?N2PO0.H @bzJPg/9QUIZ.TOSkDƃf `4  Hl 4oipl?= ̣!!~%OH:9so@N  8 /OZ΁/zbhѣI%6} *^aF*UU'>pڥmwJʴnڬL;Vtf%HrSD(-$@0PtD?0-LnD"?w \VH@oCԷYg/P W^Q_byqd++ysϡG;֮aˆ #`țv^evA&>Rgla-#`6pЃj@ !ȋD24  A D"YrL (@?LćHA!Y"i"*"2h#"h@rKf ā/$?L?`PQ\p #4 `k *1@C^HDke@,"|Q;d9c v ِ d)ɤ>p$>B=Gl") s53ĉ@B@ %?TWT ty$4A(lɟw͡COeh!j!@}3?y*a5E,2h#6Q  \qN@Asw 9 4. rXĉxmCK@pp! 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Available Dialer Prefixes. Use ALT P from dialing directory to edit. %2d) %s Select> Auto-dial Prefix Editor Escape sequence: %sHangup Code: %sPrefix 1: %sPrefix 2: %sPrefix 3: %sPrefix 4: %sPrefix 5: %sPrefix 6: %sPrefix 7: %sPrefix 8: %sPrefix 9: %sPrefix 10: %sRedial Delay: %d ST-TERM Compuserve 'B' File Transfer Packets Transfered : Data Bytes Sent : Data Bytes Received : Total Bytes Sent : Total Bytes Received : Total Errors : Last Status Message : Initialization error Unsupported File TypeFile Creation Error Initailization Error Initailization Error Press any key to return to Terminal ModeTransfer CompleteHOST aborted transferSending NAK for block %dTransfer cancelled by ALT-T or ESC hitError opening send fileCan't send packet. Transfer Aborted!Transfer Complete%6d %6d %6ld %6ld %6ld %6ld Auto-dial Editor Name: %sPhone: %sSpeed: %dData bits: %dStop Bits: %dParity: %cPassword: %sAccount Number: %sTimer Start: N YTimer Reset: N YBilling rate: %dComments: %sEnter system name (25 characters)Enter system phone number (14 characters)Enter new baud rate 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 Enter new word length (7 or 8)Enter new stop bits (1 or 2)Enter new Parity(N,E,O)Enter system password (20 characters)Enter system account number (20 characters)Start connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Reset connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Enter billing rate in cents per hourEnter any comments about this record (40 characters)NY Directory of *.*No files found.

files found. %ld bytes free. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AMPM: , 19 ^Z=Finished ^N=Next field ^P=Previous field ^G=Delete char ,;srKERMIT SENDNo files to sendSend failedKermit send completedKERMIT RECEIVEReceive failed.Kermit receive completedCannot create %s%-5d%-5d%-6ldCannot open file %s%-6ld%-6ld%-5d%-5d%-6ldKermit aborting with following error from remote host: %s ST-TERM TERMINAL KEY COMMANDS Auto Dial Functions Capture Functions ALT-3 Auto Dial Directory ALT-C RAM Capture Toggle ALT-A Send Account Number ALT-E Erase RAM Capture ALT-^A Send Password ALT-S Save RAM Capture Terminal Functions File Functions ALT-B Send Break ALT-F File Directory ALT-K Keypad Toggle ALT-N Set Path ALT-M View Macro Keys ALT-R Receive File ALT-V VT52/VT100 Toggle ALT-U Upload File ALT-W Wrap Toggle ALT-ESC Edit File ALT-^S Status Screen ^-ESC Edit Buffer ALT-P Printer Log Toggle ALT-Space Clear Screen Timer Functions Clr/Home No Scroll Toggle ^@ Send Null ALT-O Toggle Timer/Clock ALT-^V Toggle Status Line ALT-^R Toggle Timer On/Off ALT-UNDO Execute Program ALT-^C Clear Timer Macro Key Editor F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal Mode"#()*/379;=>?@BC?m192009600480024001200600300FHNOEST-Term Main MenuA - AutodialerM - Macro key EditorALT-S - Save Setup fileALT-O - Load Setup fileRS232 ConfigurationB - Baud RateD - DuplexE - Remote EchoL - Line FeedsP - ParityO - StOp BitsW - Word Length@ - Strip bitUpload/DownloadC - Disk CaptureU - Upload fileR - Receive fileAlt A - Toggle Amodem mode* - Set Atascii TranslationTime Functions^E sEt Time^R staRt Timer^P stoP Timer^C Clear TimerDOS FunctionsALT-F - Format FloppyALT-E - Erase FileALT-C - Copy FileALT-R - Rename FileALT-L - List FilesALT-T - Type fileALT-P - Print fileALT-D - Change Default driveALT-N - Change directory Timer cleared! Connect timer stopped! Connect timer started! Enter name of setup file to load: Amodem/FoReM XL Xmodem active Modem7 Xmodem active Atascii Emulation mode on Atascii Emulation mode off Enter command or for Terminal Mode Enter setup save filespec: Aborted! File %s already exits. Ok to overwrite? No Yes Error writing setup file %s Setup file %s written. Error opening %s Error reading setup file %s Setup file %s installed. 1278YXmodem Send%-ld%ld%d:%d %d:0%d YXmodem Receiver s Ready to transfer. Press ALT-T from TERMINAL Mode to begin. axrybk2fszAvailable Upload Protocols[1] - Ascii[2] - Xmodem Checksum[3] - Xmodem CRC[4] - Xmodem 1K CRC[5] - Ymodem Batch[6] - Kermit[7] - Compuserve B[8] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[9] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[0] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> XRYBK2FSZAvailable Download Protocols[1] - Xmodem Checksum[2] - Xmodem CRC[3] - Xmodem 1K CRC[4] - Ymodem Batch[5] - Kermit[6] - Compuserve B[7] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[8] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[9] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter save filespec: %s already exits. Append file? %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter filespec to send: Macro Key Status F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal ModeRename FileOld Name:New Name:File not found Cannot rename to existing file Aborted... Error occured on rename. Function aborted. Function sucessful. New filename is %s Delete FileFilename: Aborted... Error occured on delete. Function aborted. Function sucessful. One file deleted. Format FloppyDrive: (A,B): Sides: (1,2): Invalid Entry. Format Aborted... Ok to format drive %s? No Aborted... Yes Formatting...Side: %d Track: %-3d Error occurred during format. Side: %d Track: %-2d Error occurred during format. Error %d occurred during boot sector write. ,statCompleted! Set Default DriveDrive: New default drive: %c Set DirectoryDirectory: Invalid directoryPrint FileFilename: Printing... Error opening %s Aborted... Type FileFilename: Error opening %s Aborted... Copy FileSource file :Destination File:Aborted! *.*Copying %s --> %s %d files copied. File not found File %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? NO YES Error %d on creation of %s Error %d opening %s Error writing %s. File deleted. Enter new baud rate:300 600 12002400 4800 9600 19200Invalid baud rate. Not changedEnter new Parity(N,E,O):Enter new Word Length(7,8):Enter new Stop Bits(1,2):Enter new Remote Echo: T = On F = OFF Enter new Line feed after Carriage Return: T = On F = OFF Enter new Strip High Bit: T=On F = OFF Enter new Duplex :H = Half F = FullCurrent RS232 configurationBaud Rate : 300 600 120024004800960019200Word Length : 87Parity : NoneEvenOdd Stop Bits : 12Duplex : FullHalfRemote Echo : On OffLine Feeds : OnOffStrip Bit : OnOff Menu Alt H-> Key Defs Undo-> Exit Change upload setup? No Error opening %s. Upload aborted. Uploading. Press ALT-T to abort. Aborted! Aborted! Transfer Complete! 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Bad pointer in free. L"20   P@*.FPBLD .$  .6*" .J0.$nBF\ @$@ (  .,04 , 6&0&2> 0  @J$  $"  ,$ 0| T to a version lower than 0.99! - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - The FNET system allows FoReM BBSs to automatically transfer messages between systems. The messages may be standard size, extended or F-mail messages. If F-mail or E-mail the message will be saved in the recipient BBS's E-mail section. If a regular message is received it will be saved in your corresponding message base. If you do not have a corresponding message base it will be saved in the FNET default message base as specified in the FOOur Addess is now: Commnet Systems 50 Eaton Road Framingham, MA 01701 617-877-0257 ST-Term 3.5 The 4 drive access limit has been changed to 16 drives Upon connection from the auto-dial, if the connection baud rate is different from the baud rate in the autodial file then the baud rate is changed to the connected baud rate. ST-Term 3.3 features ST-TERM now support SEAlink and Fmodem protocols. ST-TERM.INI This file is a list of commands to send to the mdem when the program is booted. ST-TERM.EDI ST-TERM can now call any TOS editor to edit a file or the capture buffer. Use CONTRL-ESC to edit the capture buffer or ALT-ESC to edit a file. The file ST-TERM.EDI contains one line which is the full path name for the editor to run. Information on ST-TERM 2.2 additions Additional Terminal Mode Keys. Press ALT-H for list. Sequence Dialing. You can now tell ST-TERM to dial up to 9 numbers until it connects with one of them. Information on ST-TERM 2.1 additions New enhancements include: VT 100 emulation User set screen/text colors Full status screen 64k capture buffer Double sided disk format Wildcard copies Enhanced Autodialer Xmodem CRC Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols This file contains information about ST-TERM version 2.0. ST-TERM 2.0 has ANSI (VT100 subset) emulation. Pressing the ALT and V keys will toggle between VT52 and Ansi modes. In ansi modes, ST-TERM is suitable for use on DEC VAX systems and most other systems expecting a DEC VT100 terminal. ST-TERM supports the VT100 control set with the exception of: Double width / Double height Bold, Blink, Underscore LED's Alternate Character sets Smooth scrolling 132 column mode The state of the emulator is saved in the setup file. If no setup file is loaded, ST-TERM will default to ANSI mode. Some systems such as Compuserve, allow you to connect at 8 bit even parity, but they output with the high bit set. The rs232 setup now has a STRIP BIT mode to handle this. There are now 2 methods of text capture supported by ST-TERM. From the terminal mode, alt-c and alt-s control the 64K capture buffer. Alt-S allows you to save captured text to any disk file, or to the screen or printer. From the main menu, the C command enable the Capture style ascii download function. You will be prompted for the name of a DISK file to save the download file to. Pressing ALT-T from the terminal mode will activate the text download. Pressing ALT-K will end the download. Files may be appended by repeating the ALT-T, ALT-K sequence. Note that the only limit on file size is the amount of free space on the disk. ST-TERM now supports Xmodem CRC, Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols. Protocol support is now done from a sub menu after pressing Receive or Send from the help menu. Two key commands have been added to the macro key functions. The character sequence will send a form feed character. The character sequence will send an escape character. This is very useful when using VAX TPU and you wish to emulate a VT200's function keys. Eight additional special keys have been added: SETTING THE SCREEN COLOR ST-TERM 2.0 allows you to set the colors for the text and background colors. These color selections are saved in your setup file. To cycle through the colors, use the Shift and up cursor key to change the background color and Shift and left cursor key to change the text color. e first column is the BBS's node number, followed by name and location. The spacing is important, with the BBS name beginning in column 10 and location beginning in column 40. The Mailer Script File (FNETLINK.DAT) The script file has a format of: node number command area node number command area (etc) The mailer interprets each line of text as a separate command; you may not have multiple commands on a single line. A line that begins %ST-TERM 2.1 )by "Matthew R. Singer (c)1985 Commnet Systems " Copyright Notice: This software program is copyright 1985 by Matthew R. Singer. All rights reserved. No part of this software program or its associated documentation may be duplicated in any form or by any means without the express written consent of the author or Commnet Systems. Disclaimer: Neither Commnet Systems, nor Matthew R. Singer make any representation or warranties with respect to the contents herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .* 3 Getting Started .' 4 Running ST-TERM .' 4 Exiting ST-TERM .& 4 Terminal Special Keys .! 5 Printer Logging .$ 5 Null Key .+ 5 Break Key .* 5 Clear Comm Key .% 5 No Scroll Key .& 5 VT52 / Ansi Mode Toggle . 5 Wrap Around Toggle .! 6 Status Key .) 6 Text Capture .* 7 Macro Key Commands .$ 8 Main Menu Commands .$ 9 Autodial .* 10 ( Paging Through the Directory . 11 Dialing a Phone Number . 11 Transmitting Account Number and Password . 11 Manual Dialing .$ 11 Automatic Redial .! 12 Editing a Phone Number Entry . 12 Dialing Prefixes ." 14 Communications Setup . 16 Macro Key Editor ." 18 File Transfer Functions . 19 Ascii Upload .# 19 Xmodem/Ymodem Send / Receive . 20 Kermit Send / Receive . 22 Amodem File Transfer Mode . 23 Atari 8 bit ATASCII Emulation Mode . 23 Timer Functions .# 24 DOS Functions .% 25 Copy File .% 26 Erase File .% 27 Format Floppy ." 28 Rename File .$ 29 List Files .% 30 Type File .& 30 Print File .% 31 Set Default Drive . 32 Set Default Directory . 33 Setup Functions .# 34 Save Setup File . 34 Load Setup File . 34 Keypad Codes For EDT Editor (ANSI mode) . 36 Keypad Codes For EDT Editor (VT52 mode) . 37 INTRODUCTION: ST-TERM is a smart terminal emulator for the Atari ST series of micro-computers. Some features of ST-TERM include: VT100 (subset) / VT52 terminal emulation with full keypad support Full control of RS232 settings with baud rates to 9600bps Remote host echoing Connect timer/billing calculator Automatic phone dialer featuring 400 entries Auto redial 10 Dialing prefixes Long Distance services support Printer logging Clear Comm key Break key Atari ATASCII emulation File transfers utilizing XMODEM / XMODEM CRC YMODEM / YMODEM BATCH AMODEM KERMIT ASCII Throttled ASCII Prompted ASCII 20 macro keys with ability to load from disk Setup files for storing RS232/Macro keys DOS function without leaving the program Format disk Delete file Copy file Rename file List files Change default drive Change default directory Type file Print file ST-TERM 2.1 3 GETTING STARTED: Your distribution diskette contains 5 files: ST-TERM.TTP is the main terminal emulator program ST-TERM.SET is the default setup file containing information about the RS232 settings and MACRO keys ST-TERM.NUM is the phone number directory for the  autodialer ST-TERM.PRE is a list of dialing prefixes for the autodialer READ.ME contains the latest information not found in this manual RUNNING ST-TERM Insert your distribution diskette in drive A. Double click the icon for drive A to open its directory window. Double click the icon for ST-TERM.TTP. A window will open prompting for a command line parameter. This parameter is the name of an ST-TERM setup file which is used to tell ST-TERM your selected RS232 settings and macro key definitions. If you do not have any custom setup files, ST-TERM will default to the file ST-TERM.SET. If this file is not found, ST-TERM will default to 1200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity checking. Once loaded, ST-TERM will display a title screen and copyright notice. You may then begin your communications session. This is called the "Terminal Mode". EXITING ST-TERM UNDO - The undo key will exit ST-TERM and return to the desktop. ST-TERM 2.1 4 TERMINAL MODE SPECIAL KEYS PRINTER LOGGING ALT P - Pressing the Alternate key and the P key simultaneously will toggle printer logging mode on/off. When on, all input and output while in Terminal Mode will be echoed to the printer. ALT HELP - Pressing the Alternate and HELP keys simultaneously will perform a screen dump to the printer. NULL KEY To send the null character (ascii 0), press Control and 2. BREAK KEY The ST computer has no break key. To send the break signal to the remote computer, press the Alternate key and the B key simultaneously. The break signal is defined as a .233 second space on the communications line. CLEAR COMM KEY The ST computer responds to Xon-Xoff protocol for terminal communications. If a random Xoff character is received due to a noisy phone line, the terminal emulator will appear to freeze. To overcome this problem, ST-TERM implements a CLEAR COMM key to clear out a stray XOFF. This key is the CLEAR/HOME key. NO SCROLL KEY The ST keyboard does not include the VT100's NOSCROLL key. This key has been impLemented with the INSERT key. Pressing the INSERT key will alternately send XOFF-XON to the host computer. VT-52/ANSI TOGGLE Selection of VT-52 or ANSI emulation mode is accomplished by pressing the Alternate and V keys simultaneously. To have ST-TERM come up in the emulation mode of your choice, you must save the current setup file after selecting the emulation mode. See SAVE SETUP FILE COMMAND. ST-TERM 2.1 5 WRAP AROUND TOGGLE When ST-TERM is first run, end of line wrap around is off. When incoming text exceeds the length of an 80 column line, the additional text is not seen. Pressing the Alternate and W keys simultaneously, will toggle on/off Wrap Around. When on, text longer than 80 characters will wrap around to the next display line. STATUS KEY Pressing Alternate, Control and S simultaneously, will display the current status of ST-TERM. ST-TERM 2.1 6 TEXT CAPTURE From the Terminal Mode, three key combinations control saving text to and from the 64K capture buffer.  Pressing the Alternate and C keys will toggle data capturing on/off. When on, both input and output are saved to the capture buffer. The status of the capture buffer may be seen with the ALT-CTRL-S Status command. Pressing the Alternate and E keys will clear the contents of the capture buffer. Pressing the Alternate and S keys will save the contents of the capture buffer to the designated file. Entering PRT: as the save filename will output to the printer instead of a disk file. Entering CON: will output the buffer to the screen. When the buffer is saved to a disk file, the contents of the buffer are cleared. ST-TERM 2.1 7 MACRO-KEY COMMANDS ST-TERM supports macro keys. Using the M command from the HELP menu, you can create up to 20 macro definitions. These macros are lines of text which may be sent to the remote host computer by pressing only 1 or 2 keys. These macro definitions are bound to the 10 function keys and the function/Alternate key combinations. To send a macro you have created to the remote computer, press the function key corresponding to the defined macro. See MACRO KEY EDITOR command. From the Terminal Mode, pressing the Alternate and M keys simultaneously will display the defined Macro Keys. Press the key to return to Terminal Mode. ACCESSING THE ST-TERM MENU HELP - The help key will enter the command menu mode. From this mode, you may enter DOS commands, set the time, configure the RS232 port, and send/receive files. ST-TERM 2.1 8 MAIN MENU COMMANDS Pressing the HELP key from the Terminal Mode enters the Menu Command Mode. ST-TERM will display a menu of commands. To activate a command, press the letter or Alternate/Control key combination corresponding to your selection. ST-TERM 2.1 9 AUTODIAL COMMANDS A - Autodial The file ST-TERM.NUM is read for a listing of computer dial up numbers. This file contains information regarding the name, telephone number, and RS232 setup for computer systems. ST-TERM will display a list of the first 10 entries in the Autodial file. ST-TERM 2.1 10 PAGING THROUGH THE DIRECTORY There are two ways to page through the Autodial Directory. The plus (+) and minus (-) keys will go forward and backward respectively 10 entries at a time. To go to a particular page number in the directory, press the # key. ST-TERM will ask you which page to go to. Enter a number from 1 through 40. DIALING A PHONE NUMBER To dial a number on the current dialing directory page, press the letter corresponding to the selected entry. Once the selection is made, ST-TERM will: 1) Hang up the modem 2) Set the RS232 settings to the values saved for this number 3) Dial the number ST-TERM will wait 60 seconds for a connection to be made. A connection is either ST-TERM reading the carrier detect line of the RS232, or the modem returing "CONNECT". TRANSMITTING ACCOUNT NUMBER/PASSWORD If a connection is made from the autodialer, ST-TERM places you back in the terminal mode. From within the Terminal Mode you can send your saved password and account number with 2 keystrokes. Pressing the Alternate and A keys will send your saved account number to the remote computer. Pressing the Alternate, Control and A keys will send your saved password to the remote computer. MANUAL DIALING To manually enter a number to dial using the current dialing prefix, press the M key. ST-TERM will ask for the number to dial. ST-TERM 2.1 11 AUTOMATIC REDIAL Pressing the R key will toggle automatic redialing of a phone number. When a dialed number is busy, ST-TERM will automatically redial the number in 5 seconds. During a redial, press any key to abort. EDITING A PHONE NUMBER To edit one of the entries in the Autodial directory, enter the letter corresponding to the entry while holding down the Alternate key. ST-TERM 2.1 12 ST-TERM will display a form for the following fields: Name: System name Phone Number: System phone number Account Number: Your account number Password: Your password Billing Rate: Connect time in cents/hour Timer Reset If YES, then connect timer (reset to 0 at autodial (connection Comments Any text you want Baud Rate RS232 configuration Parity Duplex Word Length Stop Bits Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use , control P (previous field) and control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press control Z when done making changes. Control G deletes the character to the right of the cursor. Backspace or Delete - deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Note: The autodialer only works with modems that are AT command set compatible. Your modem must be set to send back result codes. If your modem has built in automatic redialing, it should be turned off to prevent conflict with the ST- TERM autodialer. ST-TERM 2.1 13 DIALING PREFIXES Pressing the P key at the autodialer menu will display the entries in the file ST-TERM.PRE. These are commands sent to the modem to dial before the actual phone number is sent. This can be used to store an access number for MCI or other long distance services. For example, a prefix might be ATDT 555-1212,,,12345. The default prefix is ATDT for touch tone dialing of Hayes compatible modems. EDITING AUTO DIAL PREFIXES To edit a dialing prefix, press ALT P from the autodial menu. A form will be displayed: ST-TERM 2.1 14 Escape is the character sequence to place your modem in command mode. For a Hayes compatible modem, this is normally 3 plus signs (+++). Hangup is the character sequence to tell you modem to hangup the phone line. For Hayes compatible modems, this is normally ATH0. Note: For Avatex modems, this field must be blank. The other remaining entries are dialing prefixes to be sent when a number is dialed. Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor ST-TERM 2.1 15 COMMUNICATIONS SETUP FUNCITONS B,D,E,L,O,P,W - Change Communications Settings. A form will be displayed with the following fields:  Baud Rate (300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600) Duplex (Full, Half) Word Length (7 bit, 8 bit) Stop_bits (1, 2) Parity (N,E,O) Remote echo (on/off) Line feed after CR (on/off)  ST-TERM 2.1 16 Command B: Set baud rate. Acceptable values are: 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600. w Command D: Set duplex. Acceptable values are F or H. In Full duplex mode, characters typed locally are not echoed to the screen. In Half duplex mode, characters typed locally are echoed to the screen. Command E: Remote echo. Acceptable values are T or F. If remote echo is true, incoming characters are echoed back to the remote computer. This is used for two terminals connected together. Command L: Line feed after C/R. Acceptable values are T or F. If true, ST-TERM will send a line feed after every carriage return. Command O: Set stop bits. Acceptable values are 1 or 2. Command P: Set parity. Acceptable values are N,O,E  (corresponding to None, Odd, Even parities). Command W: Set word length. Acceptable values are 7,8. ST-TERM 2.1 17 Macro Key Functions M - Macro Key editor A form will be displayed for the editing of macro keys. These keys correspond to strings to be sent to the remote computer when the key is depressed in terminal mode. The definitions will not be saved to disk for future runs of ST-TERM unless the SAVE SETUP command is used from the HELP menu. F1: . . F10: ALT- F1: . . ALT- F10 Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. To insert a carriage return in the macro, use the character sequence (must be uppercase). To insert a line feed in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert a form feed in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert an escape character in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert a time delay of 1/2 second in the macro, use the character ` (reverse apostrophe). Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor Additional macro keys definitions may be loaded by using the ALT O LOAD SETUP FILE command. ST-TERM 2.1 18 FILE TRANSFER FUNCTIONS U - File Upload You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, you will then be given the opportunity to select a file transfer protocol. ST-TERM supports Xmodem, Xmodem with CRC error checking, Ymodem (1K block Xmodem), Ymodem Batch and Ascii transfers. If an ascii transfer is seleted you will be allowed to change the ascii upload parameters. If you select to change them, a form will open. ST-TERM 2.1 19 This form has three entries: character spacing end of line spacing prompt character. These three parameters configure how rapidly the upload takes place. Many mini and mainframe computers can not take a full speed transfer. Character spacing is a delay between each character sent. This changes the effective baud rate of the transfer. This time is entered in 1/60 of a second increments. If you enter a 2, there will be 1/30 second delay between each character sent. Line spacing is a similar delay at the end of each line in an Ascii file. This is useful for computers such as VAX. If this entry is 0, it sets up to a prompted mode. In prompted mode, ST-TERM will pause at the end of each line of text, and wait for the specified character. This value is the decimal equivalent of the required ascii character. To specify XON, which is used in most IBM mainframes, enter 17. Once the setup parameters have been set, they will be retained across runs of ST-TERM only if the setup file is saved (ALT-S from main menu). Once returned to terminal mode, pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. At any point during the transfer, pressing ALT-T again will abort back to terminal mode. Send file with Xmodem/Ymodem protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will return to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. If connected to an 8 bit ATARI system, you must have first enabled Atari Xmodem mode with Alt-A from the HELP menu. During the transfer, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. ST-TERM 2.1 20 Receive file with Xmodem/Ymodem protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to receive from the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will transfer back to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. If connected to an 8 bit ATARI system, you should have first enabled Atari Xmodem mode with Alt-A from the HELP menu. During the transfer, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. ST-TERM 2.1 21 Get file with Kermit protocol Enables Kermit receive and returns to the terminal mode. From terminal mode, pressing ALT-T will start up the Kermit receiver. The sending Kermit supplies the filename to be saved. Once the transfer has begun, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. The file will be saved on the default drive. Transmit file with Kermit protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will return to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. Kermit can transfer files in batch. When asked for the file to send, you can separate filenames with a comma or semi-colon. Additionally, filenames may contain the wildcards * and ? to send a group of files. Example:  Filespec: c:\dric\*.bat,b:test.c;c:a??.* ST-TERM 2.1 22 AMODEM MODE ALT A - Toggle Amodem/Modem7 Xmodem. When connected to an 8 bit Atari BBS, you need to use this command to set the Xmodem system to be compatible with Atari modified Xmodem. When in Atari/Amodem mode, the final block of an Xmodem transfer contains the length of the file. When in Modem7 mode, the final block is padded with ^Z's to be compatible with CP/M and IBM based systems. * - Toggle Atascii emulation mode. For connecting with 8 bit Atari BBS's, this mode will interpret inverse video, and certain editing keys, such as cursor control, backspace, delete character, delete line, and carriage return as used in the ATARI 800. While in Atascii emulation mode, pressing ALT-RETURN will transmit a standard Ascii carriage return. ST-TERM 2.1 23 TIMER FUNCTIONS ^E - Set system time You will be prompted to enter the current time and date. This is to be used if the system time was not set from the desktop control panel. ^R - Start timer Start the ST-TERM timer, which is used to calculate the  cost of connect time on a service such as Compuserve. The connect time and billed amount are displayed on the status screen. (ALT-CTRL-S) ^E - Stop timer Stop the ST-TERM timer. ^C - Clear timer Reset the timer ST-TERM 2.1 24 !DOS FUNCTIONS All DOS functions open an input form. To edit these forms: Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and   Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor Control Z terminates input ST-TERM 2.1 25 ALT C - Copy file A form will open requesting the source file name and its new destination name. If either field is blank, the function will be aborted. ST-TERM accepts the wildcards * and ? for the copy command. ST-TERM 2.1 26 ALT E - Erase file A form will open requesting the name of the file to delete. Entering a blank line will abort the function.  ST-TERM 2.1 27 ALT F - Format floppy disk A form will open requesting the drive letter to format and the number of sides to format. Only A and B are valid drive designators. Entering a blank line for the drive designator will abort the function. There is no confirmation requested after the entry has been completed by pressing control Z. ST-TERM 2.1 28 ALT R - Rename file A form will open requesting the old filename and its replacement new file name. If either field is left blank, the function will be aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 29 ALT L - List files (directory) The directory for the current drive\path is displayed. ALT T - Type file on screen A form will open requesting the name of the file to display. If the field is left blank, the function is aborted. During the display of the file, Control S will pause output and Control Q will resume. ST-TERM 2.1 30 ALT P - Print file A form will open requesting the name of the file to print. If the field is left blank, the function is aborted. Make sure your printer is online before using this function. ST-TERM 2.1 31 ALT D - Set new default disk drive A form will open requesting the letter designator of the new default disk drive. If the field is blank, the function is aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 32 ALT N - New directory (folder) A form will open requesting the new default path on the default drive. If the field is blank, the function is aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 33 SETUP FUNCTIONS ALT S - Save new setup file A form will open requesting the name of the disk file to save the current configuration to. This file contains the RS232 settings and Macro key definitions. To load a saved setup file, use the ALT - O command, or specify the setup file on the ST-TERM parameter line when first run. When first run, ST-TERM loads a setup file named ST- TERM.SET. ALT O - Load new setup file A form will open requesting the name of a setup file to load. This file must have been saved using the ALT - S command. The Macro keys and RS232 settings will automatically be set when the file is loaded. ST-TERM 2.1 34 For technical assistance, bug reporting or suggestions for future enchancements, please contact:`N&=@gHnHy6HnNn HnN`z#*tN^NuNV 9qf Hy7`/9FNXOp?/9cN/|7BWp?N$PON)0g/9cNXOHy7Bgp?N$POHnp?N&N\OHnNXO .RgHy7`Hy7/9cNPO#F f/97^p??N$PON^NuNVpyJ3J0g Hy7p??N$PO 9q@`Hy7p??N$PO 9qU#qN^NuNV 9FftHy7p??N$PO 9q@#qHy7/9cNPO#FfbHy7/9cNPO#F fD/97^p??N$PO`./9FNXOYqHy7p??N$POBFN^NuNVp?N~PTO yt PfNN^NuNVHy7Bgp?N$POHnp?N&N\OHnNXO=@0o3cN^NuNVHy8 Bgp?N$POHnp?N&N\OHnNXO=@N^NuNVHy8p??N$PON^NuNV/p7bB.09hgNN>=yBy=yqPByqP=yqHByqH nf yqBf/9p??N$PO=yv ngp3v09fHy8BBgp?N$POHnpP?N&N\OHnNXXO6HnNXXOC @ l"Hy8JHnNPOHnHnNPOp @HnN.8LHnN0PO0fZHy8Pp??N$/|XON)XOp3p3L3v3qPNLN "N 6`Hy8oHnN0PO0fRN Hy8vBgp?N$POHnpP?N&N\OHnNXONNLNI4NX`Hy8HnN0PO0fxN Hy8Bgp?N$POHnpP?N&N\Op ?HnN\O-@ g nRBHy8/.` Hy8Hy8HnBgpK?NA`XHy8HnN0PO0f N-`HnNXXO0on.H@# @7bZH0@Ǡ PN`NL3v3qP3 nf.Hy8p?p?N$/|8XOp?p?N$PO09hg`@p?N TO`Np`p?N`N`4N`* ng809hf03v3qPN# ngp3vByqP`0.f 09hfHy8p??N$PO`Hy8p??N$/|9 XOHnNHPO3vHnN-XO fHy9p??N$PO`\N "N 6Hy9(Hy9'HnBgpK?NA09hfNNNLNI4`N`Hy9)p??N$POp33v3qP`BgN `N2:`N2`N'`Hy9;Bgp?N$/|JXOp?N&N/|JTON.JNXXO0g p3`hBy`^N1b`TN1`JN2`@p3PBgNqz`N0(`"N\`HnHnNN `>N Hy9`NXO yz1yS^ yz SZ yz1ySf yz1ySd ?9Bgp?NN?yXOp?p?NN\O g(p?/9Sh/9Shp?NN/ycPONXOBgNTO-ytA#tBgNTO/9HnNHPO=|Vp-@Zp-@n=||BnB@=@ @Nj~#t`Byq`BgNTOp3q``Hy9tBgp?N$POHnp?N&N\OHnNXO=@0m9cH0.An?`PN`zp?/9N\O`dHy9N.9NXOHnN.9NXOB97b&N^NuNVHnHnHnHnHnHnN=yv0. @bH0@Ȁ PN`Bp??.Hn"N 0g$PO`LHy9Bgp?N$POHn"p?N&N\OHn"NXXO0g `/. 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Add %s to bbs download directory? No files found that are not in BBS files systema+bwb%s\%sCan't move FNET messagesEnter message base number to copy to ?%2d) %sCan't save to current baseBase does not exist\%sMSG%d.%d\MSG%d.%dEnter filename or number of ARChive: \%s\%s%s is not an ARChive. ARC file to ARCDL? Sorry, not enough ram to run ARC ARC.TTP a %s %s %s Enter filename to add to ARCDL: rbCopying...%s added to ARCDL.ARCEnter filename to remove: rb%c:arctmp.$$$wb\%s\DBSEL.TXTSelect (Q=Exit)> Q1OUT000\%s\DB%s.000M.000Press any key to continueFoReM ST Data Base Selection%d) %sCurrent Data Base: Select> New Data Base: Data base file sent at aborted completedSelect (Q=Exit)> QT000\%s\DB%s.Press any key to continueM.Data Base UploadEnter the name of file to upload to the data base: DBUPLOAD.TXTData Base Upload description\Data Base Protocol Download OffOnDelete message # or to exit: /NDelete? Message not found Select file transfer protocol (?=List, =Abort): ready to send. Press Control-X to ABORT.%s is %ld bytes longBlocks: %ld-Xmodem/SEAlink, %ld-Ymodem, %ld-Fmodem, %ld-B ProtocolSorry, you do not have enough time remaining to download this file.?[A] - Ascii / Xon-Xoff[C] - Compuserve B[F] - Fmodem[S] - SEAlink[X] - Xmodem[K] - Ymodem / Xmodem 1K block[Y] - Ymodem Batch[G] - Ymodem G Batch[Z] - Zmodem[8] - Atari 8 bit XmodemSSEAlinkSEAlink SENDSEAlink SENDX8XmodemXMODEM SENDXMODEM SENDKXmodem 1KYXMODEM 1K SENDXMODEM 1K SENDYGFZCB SENDB SENDPress any key to begin.Press any key when done.ASCII DOWNLOADASCII DOWNLOAD%s at %s of %s aborted completed - %d cpsDOWNLOAD.LOGa%s --> %s by %s at %s on %s Approximate transfer time: %d minutesAll doors closed. Try again at a later date.Doors closed during peak hoursDOORSENT.TXTDOORMENU.TXTFDOORS%d.DATFDOORS.DATr%d%2d) %sEnter Door (Q=Quit M=More)> Enter Door (Q=Quit ?=List Again)> QInvalid Selection. Try again. In doors command -> FOREM.DATwb%s\dorinfo1.defw%s %s %s %s COM1 %d BAUD,N,E,7,1 8,1 0 %s %s %s %s, %s %d %d %d Doors file ab executedElectronic Mail - File TransferFMAIL.TXTEnter F-Mail filename: \FMAIL\%sFilename in use.Recopy file? %c:%s%sF-MailF-Mail Sent!Retry Message? F-mail aborted Electronic Mail SystemYou have %d piece(s) of mail waiting.Sorry, no mail waiting.[F]mail Send[R]ead[S]end[W]rap on/off[Q]uitSelect> WSRQNo mail to or from you.Read mail [A]ll [U]ser [F]rom you [T]o you [B]oth: Enter user name: User not found.[T]o [F]rom [B]oth: Cleaning up base %d.FNETMAIL.DATrbEmail Cleanup BegunF-Mail file deletedF-Mail file deletedEmail Cleanup CompletebEnter node name or number (?=Search): Email system full. Please try again laterEnter Message - %sTo [?=Help]: ?Enter addressee's name orList = Send message to 1-50 usersSearch = Search for user name spellingFnet = Send FoReM-Net message to a remote BBSNetmail = Send Fido Compatible NetmailSysusr:X = Send message to level X users = Address message to 'ALL'ALLNETMAILEnter Net/Node number: %d/%dSend to %d/%d? Send as Crash Mail? FNETFNET mail not allowed in Crossnet conferenceFNETLISTALLTo: SEARCHALLLISTChecking user list%s not foundSubject <>: ALLRead only by Anonymous? Send anonymously? REPLYAnonymousIn message %d/%d/%d, %s writes: r> %s> %s[A]=Message Editor [B]=Upload Message [C]=Copy FileR_EMACS.TTP [D]=BBS Emacs: AREPLYMust use editor if original message included%c:%s%sMSG%d.%dwb %c:%s%sMSG%d.%d %ld localR_EMACS.TXTR_EMACS.TTP %srMSG%d.%dEnter filename: %c:%s%sMSG%d.%dREPLYSaving Extended Message%c:%s%sMSG%d.%dwb File saved. %d lines.Send as delete protected System Message? Save FoReM Net message locally? SYSUSR:Queue rolloff - Saving message: Error %d writing messagewbabError accessing FNETMAIL.DATFNET node %d Extended MSG%d.%d - Message %d sent to %s on %sF-Mail message sent to Mail message sent to Status: Normal Locked To Anonymous From Anonymous Sysusr Message System MessageMail to =no more: FILEEnter list filename: r?Duplicate addressee enteredChecking user list... not foundSorry, no space available for mail to Mail quota exceededSending to FNETNODE.DATFNETNODE.DAT not foundrError opening FNETNODE.DATNode # Bulletin Board Name Location - - - - - -FSEA.TXTSearch by [1]-Name [2]-Location [4]-All: Enter search string: [N]ext Page [A]bort or Node Number: 0End of File0Node list full!Enter node name or number (?=Search, = Done): FILEEnter list filename: rSending to Non ARC file!Name Length Storage SF Size now Date Time CRC= = = = = = = =rbError opening file = = = =Total %6ld %8ld %3ld%% %8ld %-12s %8ld -- Packed SqueezedcrunchedCrunchedSquashedUnknown! %3d%% %8ld %2d %4s%02d %2d:%02d%c %04xAn entry in %s has a bad header.  Files System Editor[0] Add[1] Edit[2] Print[3] Compare[4] Renumber YALL files[5] QuitSelect mode: Enter drive list: [0] General Edit[1] Search for filename[2] Uploaded since date[3] Not accessed in N days[4] Access levelSelect edit mode: Enter search filename: Enter days count: Enter access level: Enter first date to search (mm-dd-yy): %c%s:%s%s\%s.DIRr+bwbMore? [1] Reenter all fields [2] Change Access level [3] Change Application[4] Update Time/Description/Uploader [5] Delete [6] Move[7] List ARC [8] Rename [9] Exit =Next file: Enter new filename: %s:%s%s\%s%s:%s%s\%s\%s\%sUploaded by <%s>: \%s\%sEnter new access level: %d) %sSelect destination directory: Enter destination drive: Drive not in search list%s:%s%s\%s%s:%s%s\%s%s:%s%s\%s.DIRabDelete file? %s%s\%sNo matches found! Directory of Download Directory: %s on %s End Of Listing - %d Files Found. Select File Directory%d) %sSelect> /N/O//Access denied!%s\File # %ld Filename: %sUploaded on : %-20s Uploader : %sApplication : %-20s Level : %dAscii BinaryFile Type : %-20s Language : %sNot DownloadedByte count : %-20ld Access Count : %-ldLast Download: %sDownload Time: %d minutesBlocks : %ld-Xmodem/SEAlink, %ld-Ymodem, %ld-Fmodem, %ld-B ProtocolDescription:.AR.PRG.TTP.TOS.COM.EXE.OBJ.O.PI.TN.BASEnter filename: \%s\%sFilename in use. Try another name.Enter File Type or Language: (Ex: C, Pascal, Exe): Enter [A]scii Text or [B]inary: SAccess to [A]ll [S]ysop only [H]i Access only: 0Use Editor to enter a description of the file: (5 line max)OK to renumber ALL download files? %c:%s%s\%s.dirr+b. %ld files in system%2d) %sSelect program application type: TMPwbrb%s%sFdos> DIR DRV COPY RENAME ERASE CDIR MKDIRRMDIR TYPE PRINT SEND RECEIVE QUITRENFrom: To: Error on renameRECEIVESENDFile to send: rbPrint filename: CDNew directory: CDIRMKMDMake new directory: Error creating directoryRDRMRemove directory: Error deleting directoryType file: COSource: Destination: ERDEDelete file: DRVNew Drive: DIR*.*Directory of No files found files found. \CDIR:CDIRCDIR\CDIR\Copying...Error opening %sEnter filename to edit: rError opening file. Edit buffer empty.Line %d is longer than 75 charactersFile larger than buffer. Continue? wbError writing file File saved. %d lines.f&YEnter filename or number: ARCDL.ARC%c:%s%s\%s.DIRr+b Files System%c:%sARCDL.ARCFILECOM.TXT%s.txt Files SystemCurrent file directory is Files Cmd (?=List)> Files SystemCurrent file directory is [A]rchive Tools - For Download of Partial Archives[B]atch Files Transfer[C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command[D]ownload[F]ind file[L]ist files[M]ark file for Batch[O]ther file directories[Q]uit[S]can files[R]emove file from batch listOffOn[T]oggle Continuous Scrolling Directory List %s[U]pload[V]erbose ARC directory[W]ide directory listing total bytes available for uploading bytes maximum upload file lengthEnter search name: /L/L/1//O/%d/L/L/1//O/No local Batch!No files selected. Use 'L'[F] - Fmodem[S] - SEAlink[Y] - Ymodem[G] - Ymodem G[Z] - ZmodemSelect protocol> ARCDL.ARC\%s\%sSorry %s is not available,,File List Continuous Scrolling OnOffEnter archive filespec: \%s\%sSorry is not availableNumber Filename Length U/L'ed DescriptionList Cmd (?=List)> Download Directory - [A]ll files[N]ew since last listed[S]ince specified date[F]ile number >=[L]ocate/searchSelect> AEnter file number lower limit: Enter date to begin search (mm-dd-yy): Enter search field (1=Name 2=Description 4=Application 8=Uploader): Enter string to search for: %2d) %sSelect program application type: %d%c:%s%s\%s.DIR %5ld) %-14s %-6ld %02d/%02d/%02d %s[N]ext [D]ownload [Q]uit: ?.ARC[A]dd to ARCDL.ARC[V]erbose Listing[B]atch Mark[D]ownload[N]ext[Q]uit[R]emove[S]how AgainAre you sure you want to delete this file? \%s\%s%s deletedARC limt exceeded\%s\%s,,D/\%s\%sO/No files found!You have exceeded the system limit of %d downloads per uploaded fileYou have downloaded %d files, but only uploaded %d files.%-3d - %sEnter number of directory to switch (=done): ARCDL.ARC\%s\%sARCDL.ARC is emptyARCDL.ARCARCDL.ARC currently contains:[A]dd [C]lear [D]ownload [R]emove: ARC limt exceededARCDL.ARCEnter filename to remove: ,,Marked for batch:;Zx0N%s%d, 19%d%ld%d%dSystem coming down in %d minutes for maintenanceAMPM%d:%s %s%s%d, 19%dYou entered %s, is this correct? No privilege for attempted operation!Daily quota exceeded!Aborted!One moment...Sorry, file not found...rb^CrbJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec OTHER IBM PC ATARI 8 BitC-64 VT100 VT52 IBM/VT ANSI Apple IIMacintoshAtari STIBM/AT Amigaevo  "<VxwppwU33ss77w `OS error accessing fileError appending fileFNETMAIL.DATThe first message is # %uThe last message is # %uThis message base has %u messagesMalloc errorEnter selection or for menu: Error Access PAS.DATError creating filePAS.DATPAS.IDXVALIDATE.DATHELP.TXTHELP.IDXFNETMAIL.DATabONCE%-10s%s%s%s%s Dialing: ATM0H1Waiting for console logon...Waiting for %s to call...hourly.batdaily.batfmaint.bat Date change: %s %-10sFIDOMAIL.BATATM0H1Ringback requested. Please confirm (y/n): Logging off... Will call you back within 1 minuteRingback requested { 0;0HHJ Error %d reading %sTXTMSGDBGRTXTMSGDBGRGR_RESET.TXT^C^N^BMore (Y/N/NS): NS Hard copy on Hard copy off Snoop mode on off Console reserved for next logon Logon reservation cancelled Nite enabled Nite disabled 30 seconds till timeout logoff  Timeout! Press %c NOW to continueMENUOFFHELP$#YESNO//%-38s+++FoReM ST Copyright 1985,1986,1987,1988 Matthew R. SingerAll rights reservedVersion 2.3 Serial Number: 01SURVEYMSGMESAGE.DAT.TXT.IDX.LST.DIR%s%sFIND: tname: %s searchfile=%ld fname: %s searchfile=%ld index=%d len=%d %c:%s%sSEARCH: %s .TXTGRAFsfirst status = %d System ErrorONOff[1] - Line Feeds On/Off (Now %s)[2] - Set Computer Type (Now %s)[3] - Set Terminal Width (Now %d)OnOff[4] - Toggle Paged Output Mode (Now %s)[5] - Set Page Length (Now %d)[6] - DoneSelect> Line Feeds OnOffComputer type: Select 40 or 80 column: Enter new page length: File transfer completed at effective rate of %d cps rabrbrbHELPTopic? ?HELPSorry, no information available on Subtopic? ? !FoReM ST $by Matthew R. Singer 50 Eaton Road Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 877-0257 Copyright 1988 All rights reserved Any unauthorized duplication is a violation of Federal Copyright laws Insert data disks, then hit any keyHard Disk BootCONFIG.DATFoReM ST initialization failed. File CONFIG.DAT not found!%c:%sFOREM.LOGwbabMESAGE%d.DATMessage file %s FDBASEFoReM ST Data BaseFDBASE.LSTrMODEMDAT.TXTrCONTIME.DATr%d %d %d %dFTYPE.LSTrMSGDESC.DATr %%-%ds %%s PROMPT.TXTFoReM STFoReM> Sysop intervening. Please waitSysop Online...Sysop not availableSYSOPr rbrbMKEYS.DATrCROSSBBS.DATr FoReM ST - Node %d initialized on %s at %s Up since %s on %sFOREM.OPTrError opening: FOREM.OPT HST\.Initialization Error: File %s not foundEMAIL.TXTFUNCT.TXTWELCOME.TXTCHAT.TXTAPPLYPW.TXTLOGOFF.TXTMHELP.TXTMHELP1.TXTSETERM.TXTPWFULL.TXTTERMPAR.TXTMSEA.TXTSYSMOD.TXTPWINFO.TXTMESSCOM.TXTFILES.TXTFILES.LSTONWarning! Files added to ARCDL not downloaded!Leave, are you sure? GUESTSave user ID for future access? New user: %s %s %sPassword not saved due to full user filePassword saved in record # %dr+b000000%s%s%sYour logon ID for future access is LOGOUT.TXTThank you for calling, Please call again...Logon : Logoff: Connected : %ld minutes %ld seconds Time charged: %ld minutesFoReM ST - Copyright 1985-1988 - Commnet Systems - 508-877-0257GoodbyePlease call again tomorrow FNET Mailer activated at %s FMAILER.TOSSystem down for FoReM-NET mailing. Back up at %d:%dSorry, this time period is reserved for high speed usersSYSPAS.DATrSYSPAS.TXTPassword: Access Denied!FoReM ST Online - Atari ST Version 2.3 - 11/27/88FoReM-NET Node %d - %s%d Baud 87 bit No Even parity connection at Console logon at LOGIN.TXTEnter ID Number or Full Name (0=New User)> 0r+bEnter Your Password: User Authorization FailureAttempted login, Rec=%ld PW=%s at %s Online: You are caller GUEST%ld - %s (%d) on %s at %s console login baud Last on %s Access: %d - %d Conn time: %d Total Calls: %dAge: %d Phone: %s %s %s, %s %sLast on: You were connected for %ld minutesYou have exceeded your maximum daily call allotment. Daily time limit exceeded. Restricted access period. Please call again later.Time limit this call: %d minutesLast caller: %s Off at %sNOTICE.TXTDATNOTE.TXTYou have mail waiting: E-Mail: %d F-Mail: %dUse command 'E' to readNo mail waiting.SYSOPYou have %d piece(s) of FoReM NET mail waiting in message base %dGRAPHICS.TXTSelect Menu Type: [0]=Text [1]=Ansi [2]=ST/VT52 [3]=Vidtex: Connected: %ld minutes. %d minutes remaining.Time remaining: %d minutes@Local mode only!Clear Screen OFFClear Screen ONConnect time display: offon%ld bytes freeThe time is The datbe is A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,L,M,O,P,R,S,T,U,X,+,*,%,!,?Timeout - AutologoffYour time limit has expired.Hangup at Off at r+blogoff.bat Warning! Free Disk Space less than 8K bytes! End Run FoReM STPW (?=List)> Enter new upload/download ratio: Enter new download count: Enter new upload count: TIME# of callsUPLOADDOWNLOADDBASE UPLOADDBASE DOWNLOADDAILY EMAILDAILY ENTER MESSAGEDAILY TIMECALL ARCDLDAILY FNET MESSAGEFNET ACCESS LEVELPWHELP.TXTEnter new %s limit: Must be 0-32767%s, %s %sRec : Acc : ID : Phone: Computer : Age : %dCalls : %dFirst call date : %s Last call date : Downloads : %dUploads : %dMessages entered : %dMail messages entered : %dData base files received: %dData base files uploaded: %dAccess level (Dl/Dbase) : %d/%dMonth connect time : %dCall time limit : %dDaily call limit : %dDaily time limit : %dDaily calls remaining : %dUpload limit : %dDownload limit : %dData base upload limit : %dData base download limit: %dDaily mail limit : %dDaily message limit : %dFNET access level : %dDaily FNET message limit: %dCall ARCDL limit : %dUpload/Download Ratio : %dHigh message read on: %-30s: %d %s: %dLast call was %d days agoEnter new name: Enter new password: User not in system!Enter new phone number: Enter new age: Enter new download access level: Enter new database access level: Enter new account number: Enter mask number to save: wb Line numbers ONOFFWord Wrap ONOFFBegin Edit!End of FileEdit (?=List)> ) ) ?/? not found!/UL/MTTo <%s>: /MSSubject <%s>: : Abort? Line numbers offLine numbers on toto or fromfromSYSOPRead msg# from AnonymousRead msg# Msg# was sent by youSorry, no messages %s you located in this message base%s has %d messages waiting %%2d) %%-%ds %%s Message Base Selection*=Contains messages new to you Select Message Base (Q=Quit M=More)> [A]ll new messagesSelect> AR/N/O//R/N/No new messages!Switching to MESAGE%sMESAGE%c:%s%s%-d.DAT%c:%s%s%-d.ISM%c:%s%s%-d.IDXError %d reading file %sError %d opening %sMessage %d deleted on %sEmail from %s to %s deleted\MSG%d.%dFNETMAIL.DATrbFNET mail deleted: Base %d Rec %d Dest %dwbWord Wrap OFFONmsysop.txtMessage to SysopPrinting...**  &*-6<AFOUVFoReM STFoReM PCATARI STFoReM XEATARI 8 BITIBMAPPLECOMMODOREAMIGADECTIMICHTRONBB/STRBBSFIDOPC BOARDOTHERSt Name Phone Baud Storage SoftwareError accessing BBSLIST.DATBBSLIST.DATFile emptyr+bSearch by: [0]-All [1]-State [2]-Area Code[3]-Name [4]-Baud [5]-System type: Enter search string: Other 'BBS' systems%-4s%-32s%-14s%-6s%-9s%-12s0-Edit 1-Delete 2-Exit =next: DELBBSLIST.TMPwbrbDEL%ld BBS's foundBBS list send abortedBBS list sentEnter name of BBS: Enter BBS phone number: Enter STATE where BBS is located: Enter the MAXIMUM baud rate for the BBS: Enter amount of disk storage (Megs): %2d) %sEnter system/software type: BBSLIST.DATAdd to BBS listrb%s is already in the BBS listAppending file...%c:%s%sBBSLIST.DATwbab%-4s%-32s%-14s%-6s%-9s%-12s added to %sEnter your old password: Enter new password: Verify new password: Password verified. New password effective on next call.Verification failure. Change aborted.Enter last call date (mm-dd-yy) or 'ALL': ALLFoReM ST User LogrbALLLast on: Users found.Backup not allowed past beginning message1-3276732767-1-32767Mark? Read/Scan Messages - Read Cmd (?=List): +?100;105;103 List2-15 Range+ or F Forward read- or R Reverse readN New messagesQ QuitQMESAGE%d.TXT Message SystemThe following messages are flagged as being addressed to you:Use command 'F' to read.Current Message Base: messages - High message received: 0Last message: Next message: Continuous scroll onoffMsg Cmd (?=Menu): ?Editor Command Summary OnOffNo flagged messages. Use A,B or C.No marked messages. Use S.Select search field [1] - To [2] - From [4] - Subj [8] - Message text [16] - Node [32] - Date: First Date (mm-dd-yy): Search for: Current delay between messages is %d tenth secondsEnter new delay time in 1/10 seconds (=no change): %2d - %-30sEnter number of message base to switch (=done): %FoReM ST/PCrbSealink: Can't read %s Timeout abortStart: %s Now: %s Min: %d Blks: %ld Block: %d%sNak abortInitStart: %s Now: %s Min: %d Blks: %ld Block: %d%s^X abortTimeDupShortCRCCheckRead Msg Cmd (?=List)> MSG%d.%dF-Mail file attached. If not read, expires in %d days. Use [X] to Xfer file.?[@]gain[A]nswer[B]ack[C]opy[C]opy to another message base[D]elete[E]dit[F]rom anonymous user name[H]old after command[I]nvert Message Lock[L]og print[M]essage this is a reply to[N]ext[P]rint on printer[R]eplies [S]ave[$]ave as FoReM NET Message[T]o anonymous user name[U]pdate Msg Date[X]fer[Q]uitMessage UnlockedLockedInclude a copy of this message in the reply? REPLY %sDeletion will occur at Email Cleanup Reply stack overflow!Original message not found!Traceback stack overflow!rbEnter save filename: rbRelaying to node %dwbabError accessing FNETMAIL.DATMessage %d on %s routed to FNET node %d )Invalid EntryYESNO %s: %s%s: %s 1) SYSOP_P 2) SYSUSR_P 3) ANON_P 4) PRINT_P 5) RMESS_P 6) RMAIL_P 7) FANON_P 8) TANON_P 9) BTIME_P10) CTRLC_P11) RATIO_P12) FMAIL_P13) MSGTO_P14) MSGSUB_P15) DELM_P16) EDMESS_P17) SYSMSG_P18) EDOMSG_P19) EXCLIM_P20) MAISAV_P21) AN_MAI_P22) CPMSG_P23) NETMAIL_P24) LOCMAIL_P25) NETALL_P26) NET_SAVE_P27) NET_FILE_P28) LOCK_MSG_P29) RM_FILE_P30) CRASH_MAIL_P31) MLIST_P32) PRIV32_PEnter Privilege Number: %d) %s%d) Read Message Base %dEnter Read Message Base Number: %d) %s%d) Write Message Base %dEnter Write Message Base Number: 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E 6) F 7) O 8) H 9) L10) M11) P12) T13) $14) +15) %16) U17) S18) !19) R20) *21) X22) I23) J24) FUNC_2425) DU26) DD27) FUNC_2728) FF29) FD30) FU31) FUNC_3132) FUNC_32Enter Function Number: 1) TIME ON 2) CONT SCROLL MSG 3) CLR SCREEN 4) WORD WRAP 5) USRBIT5 6) EDIT LINE NUMBERS 7) CALL BACK CODE 8) 40 COLUMN MODE 9) LOCAL NO WINDOW10) CONT SCROLL FILES11) DOWNLOAD DATABASE12) NO EDITOR HELP13) PAGED OUTPUT14) USRBIT14Enter USR Number: DL dir - %dEnter DL Directory Number: FoReM ST Status at %s on %sCurrent caller # : Callers since reset : System errors : Downloads : Ascii : B Protocol : Xmodem : Xmodem 1K : Ymodem : Ymodem G : Fmodem : SEAlink : Zmodem : Uploads : Ascii : B Protocol : Xmodem : Xmodem 1K : Ymodem : Fmodem : SEAlink : Zmodem : Data base downloads : Data base uploads : Mail messages entered : F-mail entered : FoReM NET messages : Messages entered : %-30s: %dNumber of message bases : Name : Maximum number of messges : Current number of messages : Next message number : Number of drives online : Drive search order : Maximum number of user passwords : Free password file entries : Free disk space : bytes%c: %ldNumber of download directories : Number of data bases : %s - %sMacro Keys: Alt-F%d: %sEnter time (hh:mm:ss): Enter date (mm/dd/yy): System time set to %s on %sFormat hh:mm:ss or hhmmssFormat dd/mm/yy or ddmmyyNo survey in operationSURVEY.txtr.ENT.ansaanswSorry, unable to access answers fileUser: %s Survey: %d %s %s SURVEY.EXISurvey %s completed at %sSURVEY.LSTrFoReM ST Surveys) ! !Select> !> %d) %s QSend output to 0-Screen 1-Log (printer) 2-Both: [A] - New Users[B] - Autodelete inactive users[C] - Search Name[D] - Search ID[E] - Search Record Number[F] - Search Access level[G] - Set all users at access level x to mask number y[H] - List users[I] - Undelete user[J] - General Edit[Q] - ExitSelect> Delete after how many days of nonuse <30>: Enter Bypass Level <0>: Enter search string: Enter search record number: Enter beginning record number to edit: Enter Access Level of users to search: Enter mask number to changes users to (0-99): Password list as of %s Not a deleted passwordUser deleted: %s %s %s Last called: %s%-5d%-31s%-14s%-15s%sChanging %-30s to mask %d7dError opening log file. Using printer.Disk log not active!Print? [A]ppend [R]eset: abwbPage onPage offTurning on disk logabwbDisk log offEnter time limit: EXST: Available only through $ entry to sysop mode. Sysop> DOSProgram termination requested.SYSTEMCommand: EXECFilespec: FSTThe sysop has returned control to you.Thank you for waiting.Not available from remote mode!Loading ST-TERM.TTPST-TERM.TTPST-TERM not foundHangup requested.Enter user name to reserve BBS for: FoReM ST terminatedEnter Message base to cleanup: Sysop commands9Binary files may not be uploaded as ASCIIFilespec: ?[A] - Ascii / Xon-Xoff[C] - Compuserve B[F] - Fmodem[S] - SEAlink[X] - Xmodem[K] - Ymodem / Xmodem 1K block[Y] - Ymodem / Ymodem G Batch[Z] - Zmodem[8] - 8 bit Atari XmodemXSAKYC8FZASorry, not enough room. Please try again later.%c:\%s%s\%s:A:%c:\%s%s%c:\%sFMAIL\%s%c:%s%sMSG%d.%dwbError %d on upload open of %sXmodem 1KFmodemYmodemXmodemSEAlinkZmodem ready to Receive. Press Control-X to ABORT.UPLOAD.LOGab%s by %s at %s on %s %s bytes File received: bytes. Thank you.ASCII BSEAlinkXMODEMFMODEMYmodemZMODEM RECEIVE of %s completed at %s %s bytes%c:%s%s\%s.DIRabDESC: ASCIIBSEAlinkXMODEMYMODEMFMODEMZMODEM RECEIVE of %s aborted at %sUpload Aborted! Try again? Is %s longer than %s bytes? Begin send. Control-Z (^Z) when done or Control-X (^X) to abortAttempted upload greater than free spaceUpload aborted to to disk write error)Page OnPage OffLot: %-8s FoReM ST Off: %-8s %-9s%-ld-%-d Name: %-30s Pho: %-12s Calls: %-12s Dla: %-5d Dba: %-5d Dd: %-3d Du: %-2d Dl: %-3d Ul: %-2d Mai: %-3d Fml: %-2d Fnt: %-3d Fre: %-10s Mes: %-3d MiS: %-5ld Ni: %-3d No: %-3d Com: Fun: %-38s Fil: %-32s %d 7 8 N 1E 1 AT CHAT %s>Transfer aborted. Disk write error.Start: %s Now: %s Min: %d Blks: %ld Block: %ld Err: %d%s%ld%ldTransfer aborted by senderTransfer aborted. 10 transmission failures.Start: %s Now: %s Min: %d Blks: %ld Block: %ld Err: %d%sACK not received on last blockrbError reading %s - transfer abortedTransfer aborted by receiverYBYGTransfer aborted. 10 NAKSUser aborted transferSEAlinkFmodemZmodemYmodem GYmodem Batch Ready To Send [Ctrl-X to Abort]...rbSEAlink BATCH SENDSEAlink BATCH SENDFFMODEM BATCH SENDFMODEM BATCH SENDZMODEM BATCH SENDZMODEM BATCH SENDYGYMODEM G SENDYMODEM G SENDYBYMODEM BATCH SENDYMODEM BATCH SEND,! B0c@P`p)Jkѭ12s"RRBrb֓9{ZӽÜ$b4C dtDTjK( ŬՍ6S&r0vfVF[z8םǼHXhx@a(8#Hi +ZJzjq P:3*랛yX;l|L\,"< `Aͭ* hI~n^N>.2Qp:Yxʡ -No0 P@%pF`g=^"2B5RbwrV˕nO, 4$tfdGT$D۷_~<&6fWvvFV4Lm/ȉ鹊XDHexh'8(}\?ثJuZTj7z *:.lM|&l\dLE<, >]|ٟn~6NU^t.>w0a, Qmpjc5dۈ2yܸو L+~|-dj qHA}mԵQӅlVdkbze\Ocl=c ;n Li^`Agqr<KG k5Blۻ֬@2lE\u ϫ=Y&0Q:Qa!V#Ϻ(_ ٲ $/o|XhLaf-=vAq *q3xɢ4 j m=-dlc\kkQlabe0bNl{WeP|b-I|LeMaX:QΣtԻ0JߥA=ؕפmCij4ngF`D-s3 L_ |Pq<'A  Wh% of a^)ɘИ"רY=. \;l  tҚG9w&sc d; mj>zjZ '}DhibW]egl6qnkv+zZgJoC`֣ѓ~8ORѻgWg?H6K +گ L6JAz``ègU1nFiyaf%oҠRh6 w G"U&/ź; (+Z\j1,ٞ[ޮd°c&ujm 6?rgWJz{+ 8Ҏվ | !Bhݳڃn&[owGwZjpf; \ebiaklE x NT9§g&a`IiGM>nwۮjJZ@ f7;𩼮S޻G0齽ʺŠS0$6TW)#gfz.aJ]h*o+ 7 Z-   IIIIJJ JJJJ!J&J-J2J8J>JCJIJNJYJ`JeJnJwJ0123456789abcdefrz Download cancelled or timed out Upload cancelled or timed out One or more files skipped due to errors Insufficient disk space; only %ld bytes available ERROR %d opening %s wb%luIgnoring command: %s wb%ldInsufficient disk space; need %ld bytes, have %ld Batch upload attempt!ERROR %d opening %s Receiving %s; %s mode, %ld bytes, approx.%ld minutes binaryASCIIReceiving %s; %s mode, unknown size binaryASCIIERROR %d writing %s Carrier LostTIMEOUTERRORZRQINITZRINITZSINITZACKZFILEZSKIPZNAKZABORTZFINZRPOSZDATAZEOFZFERRZCRCZCHALLENGEZCOMPLZCANZFREECNTZCOMMANDZSTDERRxBad data packet CRC Bad data packet CRC Bad Header CRC Bad Header CRC Bad Header CRC Start: %s Now: %s Min: %d Total: %ld Sent: %ld%sKBKJNo shell msh.prg-cSHELLmsh.prgPATH,\bin,\usr\bin{NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point! Bad format in scanf  D! D! D#KKLDARGV=LCCAP?0123456789ABCDEFUser abort at 0  0 } 8L"20                                                     (      "4 ,                         *        "D                    F"       " : 8   $< (   D&$ 0, (:$&(        ( ,42  " &<  N 6(0       "   .    *0       &  "   Z     `   6  P &: ,    P& 2 $   04"    (  J, J.           (.  &$"                B  *      "B" *               $( *         .         R       v:  &      "   $H*  @                                   8  *$     @ ""6 &     " .                   .           .0    $     $,   ,02 ::6     ( B" 0:"J,0J,.$   . " > 6FD (      &      *    B. $   " V  X$        H          "           8        "" (         $ "$X.2H  $B&">  $    :*   ,            B     2    "&      6        *$"   "          " 2L     (    p   D   $ < 4 62  $    $     ,     .*   $      4 8                        $      : &@0   ( " "   $      ((4  v6& $ "    0  . <           * (                             , .  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XVt  4J     +3 >*4(   :*j* LD.NfdHy Bgp?N$1 General Messages on any subject: Music, Sports, Politics, Life, Hobbies ect. ; 2 General Discussions about the Atari ST Computer and related products. ; 3 Discussion about Games and other ST entertainment software. ; 4 Questions and Discussion about the Art of programming the Atari ST ; 5 Discussion about the venerable Art of software Pirating ; 6 Discussion and Questions about the Telephone Service Industry. ; `Zș<(qě[JqbsNr Dӹ3p+P,O89<~L;O arcdl limit. It was not check if and ardl file was appended while listing files. fixed a bug in the 'R'emoving of a file from a download listing while in the files system. added a cr when editing the middle of a message with wrap on. 8/2/88 There seems to be a bug in the Mark Willams C memory management library. I have switched to a set of PD memory management routines which David Beckemeyer posted to Compuserve about 2 years ago for Alcylon C. Changed the text paging so that it only works on files with a .TXT extender or begin with "DB" or "MSG". Added check for valid drive in sysop file utilites. Fixed 3 places where asking for a hangup would just exit to the main prompt. Reimplemented modem result code reading 7/30 Added facility for remote use of a custom version of uEmacs to be used as a message editor... Editor should be ready in a week or so. 7/28 Renamed 2.2b to 2.3 so that I can send an update to anyone who sends in a registration card with 2.2 on it. Added hourly.bat which is executed if the time rolls over while waiting for a call. Changes: /MS in the message editor would only take a 30 character line. Now the maximum subject length. Disabled FNET and Locked messages in a crossnet base. They make no sense there. In a message "scan", at the "Mark?" prompt, entering ^C or Q will abort. When the $ is used to route a message to FNET, the bbs will now display a message if the node selected is ok. The M command at the end of a reply message would display the wrong message if the original had rolled off the queue. It will now say that the message is gone. The A command to check for mail to or from should now inform you if there are none found. P.S. to Kip Gamache: Anything else youd like??? 7/16 update release: The following functions have been sped up: Reading Files directories Password search Copy File Entering/Exiting message system Less delay between messages Copying a file into ARCDL Mail check at logon Zmodem download New Features: When replying to a message, you can now include a copy of the original message in your reply. FoReM will prompt to see if you want to do this. A new privilege (31) has been added to allow SYSOP'S to use mailing lists. When entering email, at the "To:" prompt, enter "LIST". This is as it was previously, with the exception that the limit has been raise to 50 from 10. When FoReM comes back and asks for "To or =no more:", enter "FILE". FoReM will then ask for the name of a file containing the names to send the message to. Fnet mailing lists work similarly... When FoReM asks for "To:", enter FNET. When it asks for the node number, enter "LIST", when it asks for the first node in the list, enter "FILE". FoReM will ask for the name of the file containing a list of nodes. Note: The fnet list is meant for send a message to the SYSOP of many nodes. The FoReM NET mailer will translate the name "SYSOP" to the local sysop's name when the message is sent. This Feature should only be used on messages addressed to "SYSOP". Other privileges not yet documented: Priv 30 (CRASH_MAIL_P), is a FoReM PC / Fido interface function which allows a user to send Fidonet Crash Mail. It is only for those systems using BinkleyTerm as a front end to FoReM PC. Priv 29 (RM_FILE_P) allows a user to delete any file in the file area from the directory list command. 7/9 update release: The following functions have been sped up: Reading Files directories Password search Copy File If M/A is used an there are no new messages, a notice is sent. A timeout has been added to the "getline" function. A line of text must be input within 2 times the timeout value for a character. (Usually 4 minutes). If a full line is not entered in that time, FoReM will prompt for a random letter. If this letter is not typed, the user is logged off. Two new data files have been added: MSGDESC.DAT adds text descriptions to the list of message bases. Its format is: Message base # Lines of Text ; Message base # Lines of Text ; Example: 1 General Messages on any subject ; 2 Discussion of the current implementation of FoReM and suggestions for future versions/ ; The / on the end of the last line tells FoReM to NOT add a blank line between the message base titles. CROSSBBS.DAT is text file which tells FoReM what message bases are being used for CROSSNET (by Ben Roth). If a message base is used with Crossnet then FoReM will force all messages to be saved locally. EXample: 3 4 5 ! The ! is an end of list marker. A bug in CHECKSUM xmodem has been fixed. A version 2.2 bug that required a message based ism file to be rebuilt after the first message was entered has been fixed. A "feature" where if an Fnet message was deleted before it was sent caused the wrong messge to be sent has been fixed. A couple of minor bugs have also been fixed which I haven't kept a list of. %AB\WtkI0GȤ %Y_[viޗ@G)$oR#;ʕTa 0AE^b%au hr&YGU?=LEU"e ]Ap &g..Ta&ghp,Ĭ\)[f0p-B BEA%1C6h>G\| )g@FFD*D|g Vv>y :%PF++gPP@?RH&۞aų;U4hOO>?iM>> `!!s`Bgɕ%ҙ84`ꅙ%oqUVHH{mv=M1- d8ݟP)D(D6sf k.7V> !.&db*H8o-zO A.ytTnxopY|"P7o( |fr~07NcTDVz.|EU+QZ @#)JY SRE &U/U| h( XhJ@ })p A`GQ&;`c![}桥e*JP2 Z: %i_PsqA)?MGW0+(M`5܎fAsړ6  ;{_ E?FVߡlz/ ̊w5/@Ԏh5f[[j`#}*Cz1}oNf>ؠB`آ@SjP ^Pae>n_NؔĀ W ,@}Na۾Cf&^#  zX@ BĖC~LmU^̕ .~x ן69n~L'ζ\S?rǝ&B/ы?"iNH`Py@ՠ7j~ &mR@#Fn( lA10[[SAhgl!@z,1`/f66$d$f. 67ts1bP:%X K)M3Pn8(AhN.AF@h.71:撙h >Y?qMZ2j.z,i4\Qou O0ଵ8 &8ǵ0"cFD|uy( ˷jd@Je?nhaLPF y01!BB r&MM8 X &`U0#"9P~pP77#z0 fC\z3?fX\/ cNxa* ΁qD8QEr2Kch=u  o{'a~'Wp'; { pv`T4vu@kq`vvtw#Hw7}yNhe 0@www}d-EHXJq'Z'qvw}w'zo{'{ WzJttn7'w{lZ{`>{}}mG Z~^'MP6w\ {~bPz'qȰ ) ۓcXg6okhzxXq8hxh'{{@wzq pyljOX 0( wc|; 'd u]j_tUo1u!a R+Xj.(3vfJ n巉8a R2{A yۣ)p wPCYq$y@x4,QV6 ! -A`}*` x:Ɓss \gVMCVr!u0/sMvGS=  XnЗ}xFА|'o !;!c-(`  G4?n??`*0?29A4 y>)X!)ĩ2'` g@3 Ԁ#Pq@8.,M2iDgItnp 1HP糚?9ac9ynМՙ`&` P(` /G#am;x<#`Ia8<U@aO]O~0(#4;` |h$j -<92nʗM$/\PPY&300CRظiZ5kO9zS@   ` ]GRPL1Z5"gPRU 4`:  )4'RPD0p@װE 8ʺ=IT͚Sq@-Yg j!k LeI`"p& ? `~*9PQp n Ȧj~'ZV$PC)F @B <LR@VHUhpw!*D%Glw0 4" ,Ciז" Z;# "=^҇<s.r 4B1`$`}:p0+7 –@1rE0'rnpxWE[P5R pF1% !p`Я^x x  ?@Wrr wx2yρ ?9.J h ` ,kN@wBi+f+q+ZhY mtэY !o1q `w. 5ijj#<Y *J.^02`ZN˵rG,Br9Y<Jqj.kW ,+6"_'1Ml*r@j[ǥjsqqF+PȄ{ApgZk {Lv<[lwʮCy .l`kJi|| 5"~P  -1a}Y?<8OPxR,\TY }#4>bǑOlDLuU06fZp`#3Y+z)! 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ER 2"c10N & ]96=pN#ڂ@#ڀ`^3kȯ R3pN%d|PsT@ DT@1cT@pqf0$# bpnfB05@k S Rz)U.0J,B #b@ BXPa]`Ӏ > JeN Ӛp>>-p >-Zp > `8=Tb,rn@"#.m ,QtF:ΐb 0,zpP* s .ETQ 8#|9`. #a6~ zag @#. np0PTGQu A DD#~GCJ]~}"HPpT#.p6x5r0p BGFZ䒰Ha;Hb"R qePMD?25$_R)_Je[.FƗaYf>te@;'tz:@jBx)OD   .aAdbp"+bbCP% %G_ߺ .x RRN; 8(ȢVf`H#)j ET)T8DP 8ɀxE 00e =0Ԟ)^oM4I,H)e'UNA5Xe)Cʦb *]Qy) Ao*a17ĵ`TeNP/_mEib|y* x47 JBó\Qk`- -_$F1Ck\0 tDȬSgg|- 4e"8OoD7F45<]K;S5Gg~`Cb j0S8@P!~4oAO8>P>$B`?ѷ F fї6oڣt21b6 48a7C %I vSELhv""QMqvYtF0 C\H4EqXQ^4/6 C AaB7!iS2K xJ"Am,!nt3b)dN1[?2lfqb4c2EY! Please enter your social security number. This will be used to reference your account. eb3c0J d< bq#YyIDh|A 0dڤi 2 ;a`zl,2aq]c°ac'7s3y㕎H(ފY{A6tCB'4 4=CP!S@ˀE 2Z̨cF;hfS̙2s<Mq7dҘIN7n@1{.7cδFqs8!S&hctI@s.џz\l֖ea1 gA "8YF FGr`Cbp 0vz Szitp֌5Vmtl5Fts!ҏ I^ "e0 b[:EGGowg#"cXFz@9Wmn6~g^uٝ熜1XD[T JW|Yq~_pʟt|j[b`BtAhi@۱EGbdI,3B A_m,҂V#Jk!שzKUtNl܎'{Ɵ5k 'Cӂ=!zuG,QgKKcFJW!- >1֩>6. cpR&]!fPRw-Z җ QFkvFeK [ </x+? l~l:=LYF#AgWdz漳C}ݐ}iO:"ulqwǻܦ-e#,L.h4҈Qt mo7y{ iewgYs05ꆯܝdlݟb(P!r8F[9RsDj!9Co8&KJ|5wiK$ 6MeA3:AH2b%J6MXʲ+LqA83# O\@ ,l[?2lfqb4c2EY! Application for User Password - --- - - This is a password system. This is for the security of messages to you which may be private. To obtain a system password, please fill out the following application. To have your password saved, you must log off properly using the G or O commands. At that time, you will be prompted if you wish to have your password saved for future use. If you answer Y, you will then be given a 7 character user id number. If you retain this number, logon will be much faster than logging on using your name. This is the user id that FoReM requested when you first logged on. If you do not wish to log on at this time, please enter the word OFF in place of your first name. +Matt Singer eb3c0J >!d,& KPL&'9{Q$LF:C<+UЂb:K*HBlI=֥w?L6rh (Gr^{㑦GY2ZL Scbm=vx`ISc{qFb0/uM\: G |eT R[?2lfqb4c2EY! The sysop is being paged... If he is around, he will break in. In the mean time, you may continue to use the system. eb3c0J 0cH|e#L^v5vץLpuzf0< "*لv>`[M(4 dL8>ĬCWWT6x|Oa=jwC<a"އkKNxq4ָmwU~Ƅg~A$~Dj%6Mr55N r 3m~5)c=m8_K"s] ru|ZuRw0^8'D|X|B ᡃ"n}f%=@c sfA!}Η|*34R==INQy2NnuaQpP+}2paWm{SRP(4V)UY*"9vYLaa#9 ^Qp$]Yvqsq3S{h_Q㐼VaL92OVt]u=f/01#!!~ّYCAhv"^_Xh^4YUZ}&^˯*C"px^`ِHRT9TA/<WiXh&UKk#=?7d)b1~wmY#Pkw%d. ~SgyеJ5yKORF{q1[G4&^>f:Kx@r*^qDQoN۫0Aui(CĖAGsd}k?S$? )-%|7UJ4;1Uo0جj~{!'Kw7}eCL>%%#!0U44p$a<\o1rDwt\/Hr(a9<oWuPaA 2*TGJr?q0}8UpH *"&F]6SzÞ ~wJ Fgdf|af3J",D`U~BrZKEMAIL GR2 iGJFILECOM GR2 nGJ^FMAIL GR2 rGJ<FUNCT GR2 wGJLOGOFF GR2 {GJMESSCOM GR2 HJMHELP GR2 HJMHELP1 GR2 HJMSEA GR2 HJNEWUSER GR2 HJu PWFULL GR2 HJPWINFO GR2 HJwSETERM GR2 !HJTERMPAR GR2 %HJ'B[?2lfqb4c2EY! Please note that all Email will be deleted automatically when you logoff the system. eb3c0J UC ?\YX;<H䑵Sf ?3_nɆs.?vq;/''ذT2poU@_;]77d?ZҵDu~"+"C $U?*&*+C&fHcH@2/H'@ÿ5QKHEٱY TD">raSR!;*L7檢OA1R!' r@Zo%D7ah'(oKJ0C +̓hݫưvamq>MrS6W0XpuQ?Q%2QR-͖q]P$vopE_̰uRocWPV9dzlqoTd* ~{ae?'U}<5sl@Z|Sk+,/We/?B|l6C29*ܴ1H1cmVy񭺼_ΛtgFd#F)%ý?'UX3Fb*UkQ<5rxZf0imVl;V3Ҿ44-_J 2aG1(x%,\GNC,<+f*y 0B~xZ7oGR+>MrΛ:5ZVqg'DA̳2zϲsCilr̸>ˊkM6d!t0]ϖCN@RL><0OT O % JK!@_MF,KO[?2lfqb4c2EY! pc1 FoReM File Transfer Command Menu qc2 pc1[A]qc2-Archive tools (for downloading files from archive) pc1[C]qc2-Choose directories for listing ALL NEW files pc1[D]qc2-Download a file pc1[F]qc2-Find (search) file pc1[L]qc2-List files (full descriptions) pc1[M]qc2-Mark a file for batch transfer pc1[O]qc2-Other file directories pc1[Q]qc2-Quit to main menu pc1[S]qc2-Scan files (abbreivated descriptions) pc1[T]qc2-Transfer files marked for batch transfer pc1[U]qc2-Upload a file pc1[V]qc2-Verbose listing of an ARC file pc1[W]qc2-Wide directory listing (filenames and size only) c1Note: To download a group of processed files from ARC's, [D]ownload filename ARCDL.ARC -c2 eb3c0J TRt0cQUIZ1.TXT} 1@ԀD 6lpS'.̑paÇ'V"9:(EhҤRKmI7e@ie䌩#'4n@!&7mItԈo@qi' 2n[?2lfqb4c2EY! Welcome to the pc1 FoReM F-Mail qc2 system. This system allows you to send a file to from 1 to 10 users. You will upload the file to FoRem using any normal file protocol. When the transfer is complete, you will be asked to address an E-Mail message to the intended recepients of the file. Note that this message may only by 19 lines and not the usual 20 lines. When the addressee logs on, he will be notified of the F-Mail file waiting, and will be given the chance to download it when he reads your E-Mail message. eb3c0J ^sau Ѵ)FjFPPg Bk ݰXnGV$\ryqUz(['VMqXE_1CTe @A\Gބvo[*ufQjoWsЭTowpU E`exj6_ޝwG!uo  8g+~|ӯdEh dV&y%aht ؎Si^ eM9[ N3PnP@ a9zR! m𔐾͌\9:O 9_Ġdpqyp(6,sXJ̫IY&$rׄ  EUp-ce+.ņxEPQ'Tu^;` `06N<ʇ"E_L L2% dB܍S&xKa φ0t[?2lfqb4c2EY! pc1 FOREM Main Menu Command Summary qc2 +-M+ ! pc1 FOREM Main functions qc2 ! pc1 FOREM Utilities qc2 ! ! pc1Bqc2- System Bulletins ! pc1Aqc2- Change parity, word length ! ! pc1Cqc2- Chat mode (page Sysop) ! pc1Pqc2- View your profile ! ! pc1Dqc2- Data Base (text file library) ! pc1Sqc2- Set 'clear screen' mode ! ! pc1Fqc2- File Transfer (up/download) ! pc1Iqc2- Toggle graphics menus ! ! pc1Hqc2- pc1HELPqc2 (enter FOREM help system) ! pc1Tqc2- Toggle connect time display ! ! pc1Gqc2- Goodbye (logoff) ! pc1+qc2- Add a BBS number to list ! ! pc1Oqc2- Other BBS phone # list ! pc1*qc2- Set terminal type/line feeds ! ! pc1!qc2- Surveys ! pc1%qc2- Change your password ! ! pc1Uqc2- User log (list users of FOREM) ! pc1Rqc2- Ring back mode (valid users) ! +-)+-#+ ! pc1 FOREM Messaging System qc2 ! pc1 FOREM Misc qc2 ! ! pc1Mqc2- Message base access ! pc1Jqc2 - Access pc1DOORSqc2 to online games ! ! pc1Eqc2- Email (user to user private) access ! pc1^Sqc2- Pause any display ! ! pc1Lqc2- Leave private message to Sysop ! pc1^Qqc2-Resume after pause ! ! pc1Xqc2- Fmail (Email w/attached files) access! pc1^Yqc2-Abort output, go to main menu ! +-)+-#+ ! pc1'MENU'qc2 at any prompt to go to main menu ! pc1'OFF'qc2 at any prompt to logoff ! +-M+ eb3c0J cKX0}=kQRNt `W- *1XP5ރ NNglapXmH i=Nh YQ )a/S>dvXq..'٥FQ'5]{# z$Dr,-N9!K9+ q)ї%!-LL)a)r-!Hi5X/]nQ 簢\e T~'E`O` A@r}6=&jȊmYC[ l2Jr~Wa[x8(I ¨ W1?q&NJyI2DtQUIZ3.TXT秺+ 1@Q3:yÆ.q3E9r "T!D]q3Gc… FXMc"˛: ЄSt@yM1tʐq' 4 "d KÌL7t*5e|#UNTn@RJ)N|̬yWsM3a s'QwN1h $X!CfΜWt&yyà(M˥kn-sҸ94l@ƙ '@y#Lq-0=uN{")۝N9nX{|uh'F5Ubo\eK%Xj%FOPQ $dyTYei6Êppy閡_Y[?2lfqb4c2EY! You will now be given yourpc1 USER ID NUMBER qc2, which should be used for future logons. Although use of this ID number is not required for logon, it will make logon faster. eb3c0J QX7@pDELARytMa1NTmF/5-[w[O~pFBuZ4TtKl+ {  AA p`n aSJ:RƢon1:-&# mTU\P薲0& A*!,mi#ֆI8Ӗa,rU~!!7 Ap8(eEm"ʠ;?da|(?Ǿ״^*c{|Qsatؗ'YP7히ή6-VQ+FXa6Y?$/R1܆D oCK?L&tAڜ,8$ִA8AJ,lfGrG17ݨ_Hį?tΫ܏ծҊf) aD >="#n`$yI_HB-R^H0QUIZ4.TXTe) 1@! 6lpS'.̑paÇ'V"9:(Eh$L,o# 1aƬ͙3eȀx7N"dN7JфN8IA4yd'>ۄIӴM7:‘ :6AP bN9tʴqM9NvΜ0Hsgsм8ONn6~tNބ8u[?2lfqb4c2EY! pc1 Search for User Name qc2 pc1 - --- - - qc2 To search for a particular user to send a message to, Please enter a portion of or all of the user's First name. For example to search to see if John Smith is on the system, enter Joh. The system will then stop at all users with a name starting with 'JOH'. To stop at every user on the system, enter ALL. To abort and send a message addressed to pALLq, hit return. eb3c0J g^A@8Y@EB& Q w0_EwR5ī82U':ATmg%2λa7xubTrRׇJeQU$rtx]bSh[g[$lRg {4bŝًC~{lj}Jh[F5jowܦ IHnJnD$Žc'ksXPC!]XcSj! 4Pw]+22 cb^ܡA@PKg<+My|9LfSb$ y[\Ą1 2G$ ֆT$D*ѝT@ ]rn(2R@p9ԅQIH" Ö5pGI8Ah&>1fL6ov& !s[>g- ;HQmos0t{m=eȽ}|qv&a<7L""p{MjKS +HPL>NB/pKLjXbmFmæ|1PWG@EQ닊>ǩ%tnC \&R, !9X6^E3QUIZ.TOSBƃf `4  Hl 4oipl?= ̣!!~%OH:9so@N  8 /OZ΁/zbhѣI%6} *^aF*UU'>pڥmwJʴnڬL;Vtf%HrSD(-$@0Pt[?2lfqb4c2EY! You will be given a 7 digit ID number when you log off from this call. On all subsequent calls to FoReM, you will first be prompted for your ID number or your name, then you will be asked to enter your system password. You will now be asked what password you wish to use on future calls. It can be 1-12 characters long. eb3c0J 3ĉ@B@ %?TWT ty$4A(lɟw͡COeh!j!@}3?y*a5E,2h#6Q  \qN@Asw 9 4. rXĉxmCK@pp! W CA3PKDpCoLjj|X*Px)+pt`k5)}8 H4S!) |Y$ pL XHP l A:M ?`[?2lfqb4c2EY! Baud/Parity/Atascii Emulation: - At the prompt, please hit return a few times VERY SLOWLY so that FoReM may detect your word length, baud rate and parity. The follow terminal characteristics are recommended: 7 bit, even parity, 1 stop bit 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit Atari users, may use Atascii translation mode. 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FNET CHANGES Entries in FNETNODE.DAT may have an access level for the node at column 75 (starting at 0). The user has an associated fnet access level (0-255) set with command I at the pw> prompt. Privilege 27 has be added to restrict sending of FMAIL through FNET. SYSTEM LOGON REQUEST F8 when hit while a user is online will toggle reserving the bbs for a console logon when the current caller logs off. The BBS will bring the modem offhook for 15 minutes. MULTIPLE DOORS MENUS For multiple doors files: Edit a file DOORMENU.TXT. This is just like dbsel.txt as in: 1) Games 2) Quizes 3) Music  Then for each type, generate a "fdoorsX.dat file" So all games would be in FDOORS1.DAT &h&e @v6m8–|0*7s3FFfYYnk壟g^f 6f_UVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUVeUFgo w8nFgo w8nGڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥtNa |]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]ڥ]JBLa hzPqf-MWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuMWuΡjjVu bf>] ^(okFHvd{uv`WRHi3 c(df[v%[,,e|hv}eZWԴ fԙi\ ;ɖ_h[N=dCF^0d&!f(0d _Cj>dtnB ~9f]v2W-__ޜ=N7f]u/lh>@2@NnoMof[fNyӀN}@=G'knkڊǖQ`pEEf @6kݷfn4A-oUjD@$ TPݛ+s75&z)-P)dŸjKF7 _-'hPlծl5ƳfLffgÖz}铄}2vAH-Ίw#gH-^f kl^kf hf,aa5pqfXGamK ζ&olElq/1s9n6/+ܢh`jj΄jv 6e|ftfm7֛FopPaCMK];¯߻UldAM-I- | _&P | hu` Ytgm{i4`$Z{w3[kN*`}J;k&$*(@Ivժ0( 5,z4kn_J9o}@BLdr pg@0dhKmf`FrDaDdj&2. _>^.t 0!FPpy 0" FF i9G Ş66.x:Ytiv BX$<H8xn4`>UK`FP`(2u0v@@ \gn)$D2`Pa;6r kXfDLpiFbPxV@4 lf @_@5@ffHOPcDPO5B_@p[eЏE  3@_@U 5,"^@K4@^@,@,@uЖ*@hp \p[*  LDp[@p@^.OGMSGDESC.DATLBK 1(8RM9a؀hRfΜ0gxD7y@̩#FM1t(C 4sqD3 )B9H2mrҍ70RE7d49qQa@y#Gk:up spN9/D aJ.P* :9o lVPROMPT.TXT`E@ FH)* SyD7tȱSM7g\¦L9e@ )x2. 97t@ÒM1%!fJ&aASg4&Lh F K9AmIf7 ^8W d]Z=ٽwN1R``Bgmk0P.hcs^Q@B

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