O p @`  @! #@%`')+-1 3@5`79;=?AC @`  @! #@%`')+-1 3@5`79;=?ACMAGICIANDOC OMAGICIANPRG cMAGICMEDRSC /:*MAG_README :SPEEDTSTTXT B b The Disk Magician Copyright (c) 1992 Lifelike Inc. By Stan Doyle & Scott Tadsen Development Documentation !AUTO COPY Auto copy should only be used for totally unprotected disks. I.E. a disk that you have made with files. This mode will automatically determine the number of tracks, sectors per track, and number of used tracks on a disk. It is useful to speed up the copying process of an unprotected disk by not copying tracks that do not have sectors allocated on them. To copy a disk in this mode: 1) Select the Source drive and the Destination drive. The default is 'A' to 'A'. If you have a Drive 'B' attached, The Magician will allow selection of Drive 'B' as either Source or Destination. 2) Select the Source and Destination side. The Magicain can copy a disk from the front side to the back by selecting a Source of '1' and a Destination of '2' or vice versa. This is very useful when used in combination with the Doubler Hardware. After copying a single sided disk to side '2' of a disk, the Back side can be booted through use of the Doubler Hardware. This saves you disks and money by putting two single sided disks on one disk. A double sided drive is necessary for this to be accomplished. 3) Select Verify Yes if you wish to verify as the copy process is being performed. We recommend that Verify be selected. It is a little slower but insures that you will get a good copy. The Source Verify verifies reads and informs you of errors through a dialog box. This box allows you to ABORT, RETRY, or CONTINUE. Retrying attempts to read the sector in question again. Continuing accepts the results of the read and continues to the next sector. If the disk you are trying to copy has many CRC errors, you may wish to turn the Source Verify off. This will let the Disk Magician salvage what it can without you being bothered by the Alert boxes. The Destination Verify verifies writes during the copying process. With this selected, the Magician will keep rewriting until it verifies that it written exactly what was read from the source disk. 4) Select the Rate. Rate is the Seek Rate of the drive(s) being accessed. Two is the fastest and six is the slowest. Some drives require a Seek Rate of six and this allows you to change the rate. The default is 3, which is the normal ST default setting. 5) Select Format. The format default is YES but can be deselected before beginning the copying process. However, this is not recommended since the destination must have the same number of sectors per track as the source to copy properly. Select NO only if you are sure that this is true and the copying process will be sped up even more. Page 1 6) Select Multi if you wish to do Multiple copies. When this has been selected, You will be prompted to swap disks at the appropriate times. Multiple prompts ask for you to select Read or Write. Read always returns to the source drive to finish reading it or quit when a copy is completed. Write always repeats the last write that was performed. I.E...You start copying a double sided disk with Multi selected. It stops the copying process part way through the read process and asks you to insert the destination (assuming one drive is being used). After writing back the same number of tracks that it read it will then prompt you to Read or Write. If you want another copy, insert a fresh disk and select write. If you do not want another copy, insert the source disk and select read. After the rest of the disk is read in the prompt will occur to insert the destination disk. After this write is complete it will again prompt you to Read or Write. Selecting Write will write what it has just written again. Selecting Read will end the Read sequence and stop the copying process. 7) Click on Copy Disk to begin the copy. Then follow any prompts that may appear during the process. NOTE: a) You may abort a copy by pressing and holding the escape key. Hold the escape key until the Abort dialog appears. b) If the Magician determines that the disk being copied is a normal doubl e sided disk, it will automatically copy both sides in Auto mode. If not, it will test the back side for data. If there is data on the back side of the disk, a dialog will appear telling you that. If the sectors per track are the same, you will be prompted to copy the back side at the same time if you wish. If data exists, but the number of sectors per track are different from the front side of the disk, it will merely alert you to the fact that there is data on the back. You can later copy the back side by selecting side '2' in the Source box. NORMAL COPY Normal copy is the default mode. Normal Copy should be used in most cases to insure a correct copy is made. In normal mode you may select the Start and End Tracks to copy. The Magician will determine the sectors per track of the first Track read and will use this information as the default for the rest of the copying process. This mode forces a read and write of each track requested regardless of allocation data. This mode assumes all disks being copied to be single sided, however it will test the back side and allow you to select copying of the back side at the same if it has the same number of sectors per track. This is not a protected copier but will back up much more than Auto Copy. In this mode a test will be performed on all tracks above number 79 to determine if they are indeed valid. If the track is found to be invalid, it will not be duplicated on the copy. For example, if the Starting track was set to '0' and the Ending track was set to '81' when you started a disk copy, and the Source disk only had 79 tracks of data, then only 79 tracks will be created on the Destination even though it was set up to copy through track 81. All other functions are the same as Auto Copy. Page 2 !SCAN This mode is used to determine if tracks exist on a disk that are PROTECTED. Select Scan and then select Copy Disk. At this point you will be prompted to insert the Source disk in the Drive selected. Continuing causes the Magician to analyze all tracks from your starting selection to your ending selection. After all tracks have been analyzed, you will be informed of any protected tracks found. These can normally be backed up by the DTA mode. Knowing which tracks are protected, you can then copy all other tracks in the NORMAL mode and then copy only the protected tracks with DTA. The information displayed concerning which tracks are protected can be sent to a printer by pressing 'p' when the message appears telling you that you can return to the Main menu by pressing any key. To leave the track number information screen, press any keyboard key or mouse button. DTA This mode of copying requires two drives and uses the Disk Magician Hardware. The source drive must be drive A and the destination drive must be drive B. Starting a copy with this button selected will result in a dialog box asking if you want to copy with or without alignment. If for some reason the hardware is not functioning or is disconnected, you will be alerted with a dialog box. An explanation of the two possibilties follow. (DIRECT TRANSFER) This mode (DT) does a direct transfer of data from one drive to another for each track selected. The result is a fast copy that works on most disks. However, there is no track alignment and the resulting disk may not be copiable with anything else but this mode. We do not recommend this mode. It is similar to Blitz in that it will screw up track alignment on the Target disk. However, it will back up more than Blitz will. (DIRECT TRANSFER WITH ALIGNMENT) This mode backs up virtually any disk. However, it is very slow. It aligns the tracks being copied before transferring the data. The result is a perfect copy in most cases. It is often better to copy a protected disk with Normal Mode and then copy the track that fails protection with this mode (DTA). The most commonly used tracks for protection are '0' or '79'. "MGA ( MAGICIAN ARCHIVER ) The Magician Archiver has been programmed to be totally compatible with the Magic Shadow Archiver (MSA) which has become the standard for Atari disk compression. Page 3 The extenders 'MGA' or 'MSA' can be used interchangably with either the Magician or Magic Shadow Archiver since the final result is of the same format. The Magician Archiver creates files and disks in one pass and uses all machine code so that compression or extraction is achieved at 5 times the speed of the Magic Shadow Archiver. To achieve this, the Magician Archiver will currently only work on systems with 1meg or more of ram. If you only have 1meg of ram, you will not be able to fit a full double sided disk with 11 sectors per track into memory. Thus we recommend that you Archive only one side at a time or reduce the ending track to about track 41. After archiving the first part, then set the starting track to 42 and the ending track to 81. Then archive the rest of the disk with a different name. I.E. (NAME_1.MGA & NAME_2.MGA) To use the Archiver simply click on MGA mode and then on Copy Disk. A dialog box will appear with three possible selections; 'ABORT', 'F/DISK', 'D/FILE'. Selecting F/DISK causes the Magician to extract a disk from an archived file. Selecting D/FILE causes the Magician to compress a disk to file format. After your selection just follow the prompts and enter filenames when the appropriate dialogs appear. Since this is a one pass system, extractions can be made onto the source disk if you wish. For example, if you wished to extract a disk from a *.MSA file and did not need the disk with the MSA file on it later, you could select the same source and destination and the extracted disk will be created over the disk that contained the MSA or MGA file. MGAINFO Clicking on MGAINFO results in a file selector box being invoked for selection of a file name to analyze. Select files with either MGA or MSA extensions and a dialog box will report the number of sectors per track and the number of tracks which would be created onto a disk if the file were extracted. Through the use of this function you can know that the file will produce a single side disk when unarchived. Thus you could use this knowledge and set the Destination side to '2' which would result in the disk being unarchived to side 2 of the Destination. FORMAT ONLY Format Only will take you to the format menu. Here you can select to format side 1, side 2, or a double sided disk. You may also select 80 to 89 tracks. This formatter creates formats for fast read and write which are also used in the Normal and Auto Copy modes. Also, more storage space will be available for files since the Allocation table has been kept as small as possible and the Main Directory has been shortened to hold 80 files. This is seldom a problem since Folders are often used on the ST and the extra space often means the difference in starting a new disk. The IBM format selection formats and then writes a MS-DOS 3.3 boot sector and allocation table. NOTES: (A) If your drive can not step the number of tracks you have selected to format, a dialog will appear letting you know this and the number of tracks will be corrected for this disk. We recommend that once you find the maximum number of tracks that your drive can step, you should set the number of tracks to one less than maximum to reduce wear on your drive. Page 4 (B) The Erase function provides a quick method of erasing an unprotected disk by writing 0's to the file allocation table (FAT) and writing 0's to the directory sectors of the disk being erased. If you have a good disk and wish to delete the files, this is the quickest and easiest way. Erasing takes only a few seconds to accomplish. Only the Source and Destination selection affect the Erase function. (C) The A/B button will allow for formatting of two disks at once, if you have two drives connected. By selecting this button before formatting, you can format a disk in both drive 'A' and drive 'B' at the same time. Both will be formatted with the same number of tracks and sectors. This mode assumes that both drives have the same capabilites. (D) Protect and SPT modes create or remove Software Protection from your disk. This is merely extra protection to keep you from accidently writing over one of your often used disks. Software protection is only tested by the Disk Magician and will not be tested by any other programs. In other words, it is merely used to keep from over writing a disk with the Disk Magician program. Selecting SPT mode results in formatting a ST disk format and software protects this disk during the Formatting process. (E) When the formatter has VERIFY selected, it automatically trys 3 times to format a track. If it fails to get a good verify after three trys, a dialog box will appear alerting you to this fact. At this point you may select either ABORT, RETRY, or CONTINUE. Selecting RETRY results in resetting the number of trys to 0 and beginning format of the problem track again. Selecting CONTINUE results in the problem sectors being allocated in the FAT table so that they will not be accessed by GEM. RPM Selecting RPM from the main menu starts a RPM test of each of the connected drives. It will first test to see if a disk is in the drives attached and then prompt you if not. It will then determine and display 20 tests of rpm of the drives attached and then return to the main menu. DIRECTORY Selecting Directory causes the Magician to display the directory of the Source Drive selected in the main menu. Click either mouse button to continue or return to the main directory. Folders are displayed as inverse letters. The files immediately following the folders will be the contents of the folder. All main directory files will be the same color,"BLACK". All files within a Main directorys Subdirectory will be RED. All files within the Subdirectory will be BLUE. Files are shown in the order that they are located on the disk. If you think of the colors Black, Red, and Blue as levels 1, 2, and 3. Then you will realize the depth of the files on your disk. All Subdirectories are followed by blank lines to indicate the end of the Subdirectory. The data displayed to the right of each file name is the number of bytes contained in the file.  Page 5 !INFO Selecting Info results in the analyzing of the boot sector of the drive that has been selected. A box will be displayed which gives information about the disk being accessed such as number of tracks, number of sectors, number of fats, number of directory entries possible, and etc. It will also tell you the number of bytes on the disk and the number of bytes that are not allocated (used). The drive accessed in this window is the one you have selected from the main menu as the source drive. This display also utilizes the side that was selected in the main menu as the source. Once in this part of the program you may insert another disk if you wish and select Update to get the information for the new disk that has been installed. Some protected disks do not have valid boot sectors and thus the data may be eroneous on these, however, you will recognize this by getting garbaged information back. COPY FILES Selecting Copy Files will invoke a file copier. Through the use of file selector boxes, a source and destination file can be selected for copy. This was included for those with only one drive since it is a pain to copy files from the desktop with all of the disk swaps needed. When the source file is selected,The file will be read into memory for write out to the target disk, thus reducing disk swaps. This mode uses the source and destination drives that have been selected in the main menu. Selecting FVERIFY causes the Magician to verify file copies. Selecting NO turns operating system verifies off to speed up file copying. On some systems disk writes are dependable enough to do this. Some are not, and thus we would suggest that you try it several times before you decide to use this option on all files. CONFIG Clicking on CONFIG will invoke a dialog box that will allow you to save your current configuration of the Magician to disk. Make sure that you have made all of the changes you wish to in both the main screen and the Format screen, before saving your configuration. Also, this should only be done directly after loading the Magician so that the Magician.cfg file is written on to the same disk as the Magician program exists on. BOOT Selecting Boot will invoke a Dialog box asking you if you wish to boot drive 'A'. Answering yes will cause a cold start of your computer without turning it off and on. This is valuable after you have just copied a disk and wish to test out the copy. Page 6  ANALYZER Selecting Analyzer will open a window which shows the analysis of the track selected as the starting track in the main menu. At this point, you may select to do the next logical track, the previous logical track, or list the results to the printer. The Analyzer shows information concerning the sector ID fields found on a track, the number of bytes found on a track, and the status of the sector indicated. Normally there is around 6250 bytes of data on a track. This will vary as much as 26 bytes due to variations in rpm of the drives used to format the disk. Tracks which illustrate only 6000 bytes have been written at a drive speed of approximately 312 rpm, while tracks which illustrate over 6300 bytes have been written at a speed of approximately 288 rpm. These tracks will be impossible to duplicate at a normal drive speed of 299 to 300 rpm. DTA will normally back up those with a smaller number of bytes but will have problems with those which exhibit more than 6300 bytes. The status of a good sector is always 80. Anything other than 80 will be flagged with a preceeding "*" to indicate an abnormal sector status. A listing of staus interpretation follows: 88 = The checksum of this sector is invalid. This can be the result of a short sector or simply an improperly written checksum. 90 = The sector could not be found or the data mark could not be found. 98 = The checksum of the sector ID field is not correct. This is the checksum displayed in the Analyzer window. 84 = No reaction was made to the Data Request by the 1772. A0 = The sector has an erased Data Mark. C0 = The sector is good, however, it is split at the Index Pulse of the disk. These are difficult to duplicate. Well that's about it for now. We hope you enjoy the Program. !STan and ScotT `KvxB?< NA\#_*OO*m - ЭЭ$ Ԁ#_>// Bg?<JNAO ?</NAT#_:?N V`8f nBP"gGZxa-<g2`BVI6~BQ^Yaa>TG[Pxa-̲|g x0(2AA00AVBA|.2IAA0Aa$B9^\a*a xf2#^a3^a3p^a3q^av#_`a)a(aBy^J9^Sf$a)J9^\f GV2xa- ^\B9^S y^gm y^gv`ra*<Vg <[g<Rg"<UgB<Wgʲ<dg<eg <Ng<OfGMa"09^^y^bg(EPJy^^fA`BEP' `EOJy^^fA`B09^^y^bg yNg GOx`GOx yNg@ yNg> yNga"<fBy^^<f3^^<fBy^`<f3^`<fBy^b<f3^b<fBy^d< f3^d<.f1D</fBxD<1fBy^f<2f3^f<7fByNGLta<8f3NGLPah<9f3NGLbaP<:f3NGLa8<;f3NGLa <?f3NҲ<@f3NҲ<AfByNҲ<Cf3^l<DfBy^l<Yfa<Zf3^,y_aa`<\f`"Բ<f 3N`<f ByN`<"f 3N`ֲ<#f ByN`Ʋ<Xf,y_aa#3^0<2ra'0<Cra'#^a#`#_a%#^^#^aRDy^TEy^[Gy^3^WFy^3^3x^3^aX#_3_(3_*3^3^a2#_3_3_#_`3^a%#^_$3+^a%#^_`J 8!^D$y_FBa"a"a&ha&x/9_?< NA\BgNANuta M{3^Nu?<NATA4a'a;tJ9^Yg>9^g GRxa( `B9^YNu GZxa' aC{AN~ 2QA^N~2Q y_>`l Xf Xf2`BgHyK?<`l Yf Yf2`Nu,y_aha!*3^a-aHa93^`^va9,#^#_`a##^a#_b3^a#_f By^P`0J9^Qg:a$<gV<f*B9^PRy^x09^xy^zo aa.`a8`:<f*B9^PSy^xJy^xj3^z^xa`a8` <g@` ^Q&"Cp09^x#_AO=aAO=&y_f#^ara,&"Ca7nv--- &<#_AOa0 y_bEO~Q#_`#^a a6M#_Jfa&`(NG{^O;|~a7,.<aa5^a5^\S9^Og &9_fI{^O` &9_g,p3^#_ANad@0Np3^#_ANa><f"<4201`<f"<215 `"<652 GN|Qa(HBa"~GOXp| n@0`@ @@QGOp"色| nA0`A A@@@0| ,g|*BR9"C$"Da:GNaGN~D$y_Q#_S9^Ofa!Ġ r`G"AaNuMɢ(N#_>< < ,Q|E~R9"C$"Da&LaQNua3^3^a aNupr2A@4Nu^P'"C6"DafGNa2NuGYxa"Nua <g`R?<NATNuaJg~ t aVQMO~*aFQaTJ9^Pg~t a2QMN|~!` Mɢ| ~DtaQa Qt a`H??<NAXLNut at aNuGSxa"2B xN3^ aJy^k Ia" <HaL \gGYBy^xa!`Lp0,aPAVaZp0,a@AVaJp0a2AVa9^By^zx,fPRD,fHRD,f@xfRDSGJGf<g|l SRG`<`SDRXy^JGg,`<f SSGgQJGf@`Ry^SGJGfaa "y_jnj HAKCK~ QaL 9`"U#_JHaaZLGLa a y^g8AU 9_#_a AV 9_J#_a GUxa`By^al rNu09^$y_~"J~>9^Gm0TSGQ,J@#_~T~>9^By^NuHaJy^jg y^vJy^vfRy^xLNu3^ `a\,y`Ia" <pHaZL \g GYxaFp0,3^|3^x0,3^z3^3^03_,03^jX3^t49_,3^Jy^jg*Ԃ 9_&r29^zֹ`l GQxa3^B9^YaB9^]za49^y^m f^]Jy^f>ata3^Jy^gpB9^]49^y^mf^]Sy^J9^]f<g`a`|~a<a8a2Wy^JGgy^oX`taSfNuaaDa D`xCѢnN 9_JpgX`Ia" <pHaL 9_JpgEaCѢBfNuGQdxa`a3^`ay^3^y^3^3^3^Nu"y_a` "y_avHNuBCavaNuva|vavNuF'a/jI{8. a,a,;|~ a.;|><a- Tg#_8g8 g R_` 9_F%Nua.a-a."J@fNua` 3GM(aGMapaa-^V xfpaa-aF'_8  # 8#fpa#^ xg pa#^ 9^a#^ |M 9^a xg#^ |M#^_A_naXGMA_nav#^_A_va6GMA_vaTGMaSyjR_#a^V ahNu$<pHBv6 0BBHBNuV.Nu#_`3+^3^C_E^$$aarNu y_~Q`?<%NNTNu#_`3^3^C_$E^$$aa>rNua|80gSaSyNaNu y_anNua"anNua|89gRaRyNaNu><@QNuaڲ< f ByNBy^t< f3NBy^t< f3^t< f3 N̲<f3 N̲<f3 N̲<faH<faj<fBy^nByNBy^j<f3^nByNBy^j<f3N3^jBy^n<f3^p<fBy^p<"f3^r<#fBy^r<$f3^r<&fa @<%g<(fa&޲<)gJ`aa2a#_`By^,y_al^S^V`ꐠ aa Nu JyNf AO`BOGOxaBy^x3^n^va*p3^M{a' 9^f MAGIgGWxa\-|MAGI`GX&xaFBBy^x3^n^va*>9^gGRxa`3^a'r3^a' 9^f^Va `a`~aNuat y^f|g`G[~BDavNu,y_a a3^#_`a`:,y_aa3^z #_`a~><T _g><,Lv|tQJgRQt49^t49^^B49^B _gTS$9_ 9_ҐJjpNu ,y_aJa3^0<Cra0<2raGMaab ^Vz #_`a`?<a'Nua(6aJ@gGYNxa`aNp,L. . #_3^3^a..#_a.#_a|.#_ap 9_$9_&9_ڀ€aXp09^aN. 3^aB.3^a6.3^a*.a$.3^a 9_$9_aaaNu#_Ty^apNua Y~|$9_&<*(茊HJf`(H*Jf JFfJGgz `|E0Ŷf<0mE1<Q`Ô QNua&M{(N3^|aNJ9^UfFa%tvxE<f<g<f< gR<g`Ҕ3^NupEra0<"ra|NuG"S  G";aG"Fa~G">atNuR9"C 98"Cf "C9"DaG"AaDNu3_4aNuBy^Haa y^g"6Jy_4g"6adp09^Hr29^ЁRrJy^g29^` ,,z3^UA@$9_(&9_òBl`HADm $9_ޒBzHA3^xHARA3^49^^aEa%aJy^g` a$a$rNuMJy_4gM(Na" 9^ga<g<g`TaaNuRy^$9_޴y^ly^49^^a @a$a! 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":   p 6       $   8 $   " :  L .F                   6   "6            ,  "   $     "x:( ""   *    $  (                              $                       &"   \     $   $   @ " f<  $2   R6 & 6 2( ( " .4   ,   L6 8       0#7:$d:*"q*:V 1.2 (c) 1992The Disk MagicianLifelike Inc.SOURCE:Drive:Side:AB12YESNOVerify:DESTINATION:Drive:Side:AB12YESNOVerify:Start:Fverify:Format:Final:YESNOYESNOAUTONORMSCANMGADTARate:Multi:236YESNO0081Mode:SDEXIT PROGRAMCOPY DISK BOOT ANALYZE FORMAT RPM DIRECTORY INFO COPY FILE Magical Copier Track:Message Center00 0Sector:CONFIGMGAINFThe Disk Magician V 1.2 (c) 1992 Lifelike Inc.FORMATTERABA/B9101182Drive:Sectors:Tracks:Side:Verify:12DBLYESNOType:IBMSTSTPEXITSTART FORMATERASEPROTECT TRACK INDEX: 00 The Disk Magician is Shareware! Hardware InstructionsCan be obtained by forwarding618 Orchard AvenueHEBRON, INDIANA 46341Exit to Main Menu$18 to the Authors: Scott TadsenLikeLifeThe Disk MagicianTEXTLIKELIKE INC. 1992Programmed by Stan Doyle & Scott TadsenExit to Main MenuFor the  Atari STEXIT TO MAIN DISK INFORMATION CENTERBytes per sector =0Number of Sectors on Disk =0Number of Sectors per Track =0Number of Sides =0Number of Tracks Per Side =0Interleave =0Sectors per cluster =0Number of Sectors in Fat =0Number of Fat Tables =0Number of Reserved sectors =0# Possible Directory Entries =0Total Bytes on Disk =0Number of Bytes Free =0 UPDATE DISK INFO NEXTTO PRINTERPREVIOUSEXIT TO MAIN MENUTrack IDSideSector IDLengthChecksumStatusBytes Read on Track Number 625879ANALYZERLIFELIKE INC.>@@` p>>@@` p>??x=0 ` @` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` 8` <` <>` |???$34r5GHIWXYabqcjklrs   !")*8;<r=@ABHIqJLMNPQR_`s almr nuvswss ss ss ss"#$BCDNOr gnopyz {pr sp 567UVWjklrq!p#$(%78p9MNO\]s ^wxqy !@ABIJKjklstui<=>EFGfghopqrpp p  qr rr  r r r9:r;BCDGHIRSr Tbcrde ; 7  )     4       $  @ t v xz |  \%$ x     !    $"#  #! J&I +' ( ) * <-+,  ,@*@0./  /-312 20645 5@3@<7; !89: ;6= X> tB?A  @+A->/ECD D1B5GFF E IHH"G % LKKDJ NMMD4L O  P@ 8% SQQPRR@Q@VTT3SUU@T@W@ TX@ p+Y@ Z@ [@  \@ %]@ % d^c_  ` 4a P b lc ] eD d 3+    0 %C !    P RT   XZ ]   @`b@e  L h         ! "$  #$! &@ '@  ()@ , *@ H+d  )%  !    @(  D# e ,D`|        @ $ !)@@ !%"\ " x      <Xt8Tp        4 `P K@ l @   @  @ / I  I    0& L2h?F 2  7 :"#%*(Z THE DISK MAGICIAN Copyright (c) 1992 Lifelike Inc. By Stan Doyle & Scott Tadsen Version 1.2 Start-up Information Congratulations, you have just obtained a copy of one of the most advanced copying programs ever written for the Atari ST series of computers. The Disk Magician was written entirely in Machine Language resulting in improved speeds and reduced memory usage. When combined with the Hardware, it can not be beat for performance and ease of use. The Hardware consists of the Doubler and the DTA Interface. The Doubler allows you to boot either side of a double sided disk by the flip of a switch. Thus two single sided disks can be placed on one double sided disk. This saves you disks and money by freeing up many single sided disks. The DTA Interface connects between the drive 'B' ports and plugs into the cartridge port. This interface then allows you to back up protected disks by Direct Transfer from drive 'A' to drive 'B'. The tracks of each drive are aligned so that virtu- ally any disk can be properly backed up. The interface is switchable so that it can be left installed at all times. Thus there is no need to connect and disconnect cables every time you wish to back up a protected disk. This mode of copying is similar to Blitz; however, it is much more sophisticated and flexible. It also backs up much more than Blitz can. The Disk Magician program has many uses. It can for example: 1) Copy unprotected disks at a high rate of speed 2) Format 9, 10, or 11 sector formats for the ST super fast 3) Format 9 & 10 sector IBM formats 4) Detect & elimate Signum BPL Virus upon loading 5) Software protect your disks from Magician eraser 6) Quickly erase disks 7) Copy individual files in one pass 8) Analyze disk Bios Parameter Block (BPB) 9) Analyze individual tracks 10) Scan disks for protected tracks 11) Test and display drive RPM 12) Display and print complete directories 13) Archive and unarchive disks (Compatible with MSA at 5 times the speed. Currently requires 1 Meg) 14) Cold start your computer 15) Boot either side of a disk with the Doubler Hardware 16) Copy virtually any protected disk with the DTA Interface You can use most of the Disk Magician's features even though you may not yet hav!e the Hardware built and installed. Had we placed the Disk Magician on the market with the Hardware, it would have had to sell for over $200.00 to be profitable. We felt that this was too steep for most users. To attempt to keep it affordable, we have decided to release it as Shareware. We are thus supplying instructions which will allow you to build the Hardware described or to have it built by someone else. these Hardware instructions can be obtained for $18.00 by sending a check or money order payable to Scott Tadsen at the following address: The Disk Magician c/o Scott Tadsen 618 Orchard Ave. Box 81 Hebron, IN 46341 With this information, both the Doubler and the DTA Interface can be built for about $35.00. We often hear that Shareware does not work; however, we feel that it will work if a program justifies itself. We feel the Disk Magician fits this description. _) | )| | Disk Magician Order Form | | Include $18.00 for each copy desired | | Please print legibly | | Name: _ | | Address: _ | | City: _ | | State/Zip: _ | | Phone: _ | | )| | Enclose check or money order payable | | to Scott Tadsen. Allow 2 to 3 weeks | | for delivery. | |-)| | The Disk Magician | | c/o Scott Tadsen | | 618 Orchard Ave. Box 81 | | Hebron, IN 46341 | |_)| Starting up the Disk Magician The following files should be present before running the Magician. 1) MAGICIAN.PRG 2) MAGICIAN.DOC 3) MAGICMED.RSC 4) MAGICHI .RSC *Not Yet Available* 5) MAG_READ.ME 6) SPEEDTST.TXT If these files are not present, you should look elsewhere to down load this program or the newest revision will be sent with your order. If the file MAGICIAN.CFG is found on your disk, please delete it before running the Disk Magician for the first time. This is a configuration file that is only created when you save your configuration of the Disk Magician. Thus this file should not be present before the initial start-up, since it may contain information of someone else's system configuration that is not compatible with your own. Remove all unnecessary .ACC files from the Disk Magician disk. You will need all of the memory you can free up to keep disk swaps to a minimum. If you have 830,000 bytes of memory free after loading the Disk Magician, it may not be necessary to remove these .ACC files. If you have a color monitor, make sure that you are set up for medium resolution and then double click on the Magician program file to load and start the program. If you have a monochrome monitor connected, simply double click on the Magician progam file. (The file MAGICHI.RSC Must be present for Hi Res.) The Disk Magician file should now load, draw the main menu, and display an alert box that informs you of how much free memory you have and which version of TOS is present. If the Virus Signum BPL was detected upon loading, a dialog box will appear informing you of this and allowing you to eliminate it from disks at this time. Once the dialog box appears that shows the TOS version and the Memory available you may then click on the OK box to continue. Although the Disk Magician is very complex, we have opted to keep its use as simple as possible. For example, if you just wish to copy an unprotected disk at this point, you need only click on the copy disk button and follow the prompts. For the more advanced features of the Disk Magician, be sure to send for the documentation, hardware instructions, and the latest version of the Disk Magician. %Sincerely, %Stan Doyle %Lifelike Inc. 6 MAGICIAN FORMATTER SPEED TEST INFORMATION UTILIZING AN INDUS GTS-100 3.5" DRIVE 7-1-92 SINGLE SIDED DOUBLE SIDED 80 TRKS NO VERIFY VERIFY NO VERIFY VERIFY MAGICIAN 9 SECTS *17:5* *34:3* *33:4* *61:1* FLOORMAT 9 SECTS 52:2 56:1 109:5 109:5 FCOPYPRO 9 SECTS 22:0 36:5 37:0 68:5 FORMAT40 9 SECTS 36:3 52:2 69:3 104:7 ACOPY1_3 9 SECTS 18:0 34:8 34:3 61:2 MAGICIAN 10 SECTS *17:5* *34:2* *34:8* 62:0 FLOORMAT 10 SECTS 55:2 56:3 109:4 109:8 FCOPYPRO 10 SECTS 36:2 52:3 51:5 83:5 FORMAT40 10 SECTS 36:1 52:3 69:6 104:8 ACOPY1_3 10 SECTS 33:8 34:9 61:1 *61:1* MAGICIAN 11 SECTS 34:4 60:6 *60:6* 130:0 FLOORMAT 11 SECTS N/A N/A N/A N/A FCOPYPRO 11 SECTS 35:0 60:7 60:9 132:2 FORMAT40 11 SECTS N/A N/A N/A N/A ACOPY1_3 11 SECTS *34:0* *50:2* *60:6* *98:4* SPEEDS ARE EXPRESSED IN TOTAL SECONDS TO COMPLETE OPERATIONS. Variations in Drives or Systems may yield different results.. *=Best Times NOTE: The Magician currently runs slower with TurboST installed or when run on a Mega STE. We are investigating this problem... We have elected to sacrifice speed on 11 sectors per track form- atting in favor of better overall stability.