O p @` O`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79=?A C @` O`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79=?A CMEGAFORMTXT GDjMEGACOL RSC GD #MEGAFORMINF GDMEGAFORMPRG GD˜MEGAFORMRSC GD;! b *O * M* * MEGAFORM 1.9 04.Jan.1988 * * M* *O * M* * !AUTOR : %* * M* * Peter Maier, Waldstr. 83, 6085 Nauheim, GERMANY Tel: 06152/62081 * * M* *O This program is useful for formatting,copying and testing disks. In version 1.9 you get the following functions : - Format Disk - Copy Disk - Test Disk - Fastload Format - Scan Disk - Erase Disk - Connect Drive B Format Disk ~  *** ATTENTION ***  Use this option only when you're sure that you've inserted the correct disk into your drive, because when you click on START FORMAT the formatting of your disk starts immediately. You can format your disk with different capacitys. It is possible to format 9,10 or 11 sectors, 80 - 83 tracks, single- or double sided and with or without verify. ( This is useful for 11 sector disks, because you need good disks for that format !! ) If you use 83 tracks, 11 sectors and 2 sides you will get about 925 Kb free. So you'll gain about 200 Kb more on every disk !! A file is created on the disk that contains information about the format : MEGAFORM.INF 0 02-10-80 00:00 This shows how many sides(02),sectors(10) and tracks(80) the disk has. Copy Disk ~  This copy gets all information out of the bootsector of the source disk. So you don't have to worry about the format on disk. All you have to do is to set the drives,the multicopy-option and the convert option( This option converts normal disks into fastloading disks. But this works only with 9 sector disks ). This copy can't copy any protections and also no weird formats on disk. The Tracksnumbers have to count from 0 - 82 and the sectornumbers from 1 to 11. Otherwise you will receive error messages. If there are errors on disk an alert box will occur and you have the following options : - Read again Try to read this sector again. - Next Track Continue reading on the next track, sector 1. - Continue Continue reading on the next sector, same track. The destination disk must not be formatted. If there are write errors an alert box occurs also with these options : - Write again Try to write this sector again - Format formats the track and then writes the sector - Cancel Abort writing If you know that your destination disk is not formatted you can also set the FORMAT Destination button to YES. So you won't have to click on format in the alert box if you get write errors 'cause the disk is not formatted. If you've set the MULTICOPY option, you can choose the destination drive, and if you've finished writing to the destination disks you have to click STOP. Then reading continues (if there was not enough memory to read the complete disk into the ST) or you turn back to the copy dialog. You can also turn off the BOOTSECTOR INFO, so that you can make your own settings. ( Maybe you have a disk that contains information on both sides but in the bootsector it is set to single sided ) !Test Disk ~  You can test, how many tracks could be formatted on your drive without receiving an error. Please use a new or empty disk for that, cause all information on the last ( 80 - 83 ) tracks will be erased. Fastload Format ~ This formats a disks with 9 sectors in a special way, so that you'll gain double speed on loading and saving on this disk. If you cop y a fastload disk without CONVERT set to YES, you'll lose the fastload format. There's also a file created : FASTDISK.MEG 0 01-09-83 00:00 This has the same meaning as above. Scan Disk ~  This scans disks and looks for errors on them. If the program detects errors you'll get a message, and a description of the error. Mostly you'll get these two errors : - Sector not found This sector is not on disk. - CRC Data error The sector is on disk, but the data is corrupted. Erase Disk ~  *** ATTENTION ***  This feature erases your complete disk. BE SURE that you've inserted the correct disk into the drive, because all data, also the format of the disk will be erased. There will be nothing on the disk after having erased it. ( The disk is not formatted !!! ) Connect Drive B ~  This happens always to me : you switch on drive A an your computer and sometime later you need drive B. But this drive wasn't switched on during booting ( what a pity !! ). What you'll get is the nice dialog window ' Please insert disk B into drive . '. ( ... Shit ... ) Now you can connect drive B at any time . But don't forget to turn the power on and don't connect drive B if you don't have one. OK !?!  Have fun working with MEGAFORM Peter Maier P.S. : I would be happy hearing from you. The next version will include : Harddisk Scan / Backup Copy from side 1/2 to 1/2 Disk Info Directory 10/11 Sector fastload formatting MS-Dos Copy and Format  j j j$J " : # Desk Options Special Format Info MEGAFORM Megaformat - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Format Disk Erase Disk - Copy Disk Scan Disk - Test Drive - Quit  Sectors for FAT  Sectors for FAT - Repair Track Copy Track Connect Drive B Fastload Format MS-DOS Format User Format - AVAILABLE IN V 2.0 Powerdisk MS-Transformer Dedit Prolock Start Copy Format Destination Use Bootsector Info Convert Multi CopyDestination DriveSource Drive Cancel YES NO YES NO ON OFF YES NO A B A B 80818283FASTSLOW9101112SIDESSECTORSTRACKS FDCCOPYScan Drive A B Scan Mode DEEPFAST Sides 2 1 Scan Disk Scan Track Cancel BULK ERASE Erase Drive A B Sides 2 1 Erase Disk Erase Track Cancel ..Enter Track : __XX Cancel ON OFF 1 2 A B 9101180828183 Start Format SectorsTracks Verify SidesDriveFORMAT PARAMETER COPY PARAMETER Directory O   <c    5 `88<&F;?q `` ` 00 `8p0?= `8STn!C qqq q qq   !C SXYZ_`0mster u}~er er B B B!C !C !C C C $%C.;<B =KLBMVWB X[loxy!C zss0s0s|ssss~ss0sss} !CBBB BB~!0%~!0~!0 ~!0!01%234~0567|A08DEJf FGH~0z  6  P P ) $ +  5  ?  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Aumann written by P.Maier . DON'T PANIC . Mega Format :This program formats a disk single sided up to 450 KB and double sided up to 920 KB. This is made bei formatting with 11 sectorsper Track To find out how many tracks you can format with your disk drive, i'veincluded the option TEST DRIVE. This formats the tracks 80 - 83 and then it tests if this has been done without errors.The copy copies disks with 9, 10 or 11 Sectors. The Destination diskwill be formatted automatically if it wasn't formatted before.Convert means a conversion of 9 sector disks into fastload disks. ...Please press any key... Mega Format :This program is SHAREWARE. That means, if you like it and ifyou can use it, you may/should/could send me some money (maybe 20 DM)or whatever you like. Then you will be registered as a user and you will get free updates of new versions just by sending me a disk or the amount for a disk.You can also get the source code of this program if you send me 30 DM. (DM 50 at all) The sourcecode includes routines to program the FDC,(FDC = Floppy Disk Controller) and it's written in C. ...Please press any key... Mega Format :If you have problems with this program, call me.If you find mistakes or errors in the program ( Oh No !! ) pleasetell them to me. And if you have tips or suggestions , i will use them.My adress. Peter Maier, Waldstrasse 83, 6085 Nauheim/Gross-Gerau, W-GermanyI would be very happy to hear from you....please press any key... MS-Transformer :With this program you can copy MS-Dos disks (2 * 40 Tracks ) to ATARI - Format . (If you have a 5 1/4 Drive that could be switchedfrom 40 to 80 tracks, you could copy these disks without a program)But there are also drives that can't be switched.(like my drive)You can also copy ATARI ST disks to MS-DOS Format.If you need such a program, contact me.This program is also SHAREWAR ...please press any key... Dedit :This is a diskmonitor, which shows everything that's on the disk:sectors,header,gaps,crc-bytes,tracks.You can read, edit and write sectors and tracks. You can position the drive head to any place on the disk, the secrets of your disks willbe shown. You can also load and save tracks or sectors. It is also possible to create tracks of your own desire. ( perhaps different sectorheaders,short or long gaps and ...) This program is also SHAREWARE. ...Please press any key... Prolock :This is a copy protection, that can't be copied with any copyprogramor with a copymachine !! If you want information about this protection, contact me.You don't need a special hardware, the protection is made with theST. ...Please press any key... . FASTLOAD - FORMAT . [1][ | Insert Disk into | which drive ??? ][ A | B ][1][ | There is no drive B !! | Use drive A !! ][ OK ][1][ Single sided | or | Double sided ?? ][ SS | DS ][1][ How many Tracks ?? ][80|81|82][1][ Start Format ?? ][ Yeah | Oh No ]Formatting Track : Side 1%02d %02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d %02d Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d fastdisk.megfastdisk.meg[2][ | Remove Write protect ! ][ Yeah ][1][ | Error during format ! ][ Oh No ] . DON'T PANIC . Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d Formatting Complete !Verifying Track : Side 1%02d [3][ Error during Verify | 1: Format | 2: Continue | 3: Stop ][ 1 | 2 | 3 ]Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Verifying Track : Side 1Verifying Track : Side 2%02d [3][ Error during Verify | 1: Format | 2: Continue | 3: Stop ][ 1 | 2 | 3 ]Formatting Track : Side 2%02d Verifying Track : Side 2megaform.infmegaform.infFormatting Track %02d Reading Track %02d [1][ | Remove Write Protect ! ][ OK ][1][ | Please Check Disk ! ][ OK ] . TEST . [1][ Which Drive do you | want to test ?? ][ A | B ][1][ There is no drive B !!! | Use drive A !! ][ OK ][1][ Please insert a | new disk and | remove write protect !! ][ OK ][3][ Now ,I'll test | Track 80-83 ][ OK | STOP ] . DON'T PANIC . [3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 79 (80 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 80 (81 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 81 (82 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ How about sending | me 20 DM ?? | ][ OK ][3][ My address : | Peter Maier | Waldstr. 83 | 6085 Nauheim ][ Germany ]Free Ram : %ld Buff : $%lx MaxTr %d [3][ | Not enough memory !! ][ BAD ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive A ][ OK ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive B ][ OK ] Reading Track : %02d [1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Read again | 2 : Next Track | 3 : Continue ][1|2|3][1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Read again | 2 : Next Track | 3 : Continue ][1|2|3][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ] Writing Track : %02d [1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Write again | 2 : Format | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d ][ CANCEL ][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Write again | 2 : Format | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d ][ CANCEL ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [3][ | Errors on Bootsector ][ ??? ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [1][ | Insert both Disks ! ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive ][ A | B | STOP ][1][ | There is no drive B !!! | Use drive A !!][ OK ][1][ | Insert Scan Disk | into Drive A ][ OK ][1][ | Insert Scan Disk | into Drive B ][ OK ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [3][ | Errors on Bootsector ][ ??? ] Scanning Track : %02d Sector not found !CRC - Data Error ! CRC - ID Error ! FDC-Error #%d ! [1][ %s | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Read again | 2 : Continue | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Read again | 2 : Continue | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3] . COPY . . SCAN . . BULKERASE . [1][ | Disk Data | will be | completely erased !! ][ SURE ][1][ How many Tracks ?? ][81|82|83][1][ | Insert Disk | to be erased | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Disk | to be erased | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ]Erasing Track : Side 1%02d Erasing Track : Side 2%02d . FORMAT . [3][Switch to MEDIUM Resolution|][ Ok ]megacol.rsc[3][Error in reading RSC-File|][Terminate]megaform.rsc[3][Error in reading RSC-File|][Terminate]35[1][ | Oops !!!| ][ ?? ][1][ | Oops !!!| ][ ?? ][1][ 1 : Connect or | 2 : Disconnect | Drive B ][ 1 | 2 ]@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d 7,  Z Z$: ! . ! Desk Options Special Format Info MEGAFORM Megaformat - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Format Disk Erase Disk - Copy Disk Scan Disk - Test Drive - Quit  Sectors for FAT  Sectors for FAT - Repair Track Copy Track Connect Drive B Fastload Format MS-DOS Format User Format - AVAILABLE IN V 2.0 Powerdisk MS-Transformer Dedit Prolock Start Copy Format Destination Use Bootsector Info Convert Multi CopyDestination DriveSource Drive Cancel YES NO YES NO ON OFF YES NO A B A B 80818283FASTSLOW9101112SIDESSECTORSTRACKS FDCCOPYScan Drive A B Scan Mode DEEPFAST Sides 2 1 Scan Disk Scan Track Cancel BULK ERASE Erase Drive A B Sides 2 1 Erase Disk Erase Track Cancel ..Enter Track : __XX Cancel ON OFF 1 2 A B 9101180828183 Start Format SectorsTracks Verify SidesDriveFORMAT PARAMETERCOPY PARAMETER CREDITS Directory O   <c    5 `88<&F;?q `` ` 00 `8p0?= `8STnA AAA A AA   A SXYZ_`0mste u}~e e A A AA A A ! 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