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Start 60 Second speed counter. Pictures in 60 seconds | -PINEO-Total pictures to blast > [2][NO pictures were found|on selected drives!][ OK ][2][There is NOT enough|memory left!][ OK ][2][This program will ONLY|run off a hard disk!][ OK ][2][There was an error|reading the directory!][ OK ]CON:AUX:PRT: ` N hN N *O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhNX/,?,ND\?<N ?<A?<NAXNuNV?<?<?<N\?<Y?<?<N\0< n??<?<N\0< n ??<?<N|\N^NuNV?<NT=@0.|A n n|:Hl nA/NP nA/HnN|PHnNX=@HlAA/NXPBgHn?<=N,P=@ nm$Hn/<?.?<?N ?.?<>NX.H|Am.H|Nn.H|:fHnN4X=@`~AH|AmAH|ZoRAH|amAH|zo*AH|0mAH|9n` Snf~Rn0.?Hn nA/NN 0.Rn n\ nBN^NuNVHBn nA/HnHNPHnHNFX=@HlAHA/NPHnHN"X=@?<NTR@|02.RnAHAHBHn?<Nt\BgHnH?<NNdP=@`6?< Hn0.RnAA/Nl ?<ON,T=@ nf n2m0.`N^NuNVN?<NT-@ nA/HnNNPHnNNLX=@ n A/ANA/NPBgHnN?<=NP=@ nmvHn/<?.?<?N Hn/< ?.?<?Nl Hn?<N@\/./<}?.?<?ND ?.?<>N4X?<%NTN^NuNV?<NT/0./N / </NH X-@ .`N^NuNVzHnzN(XHnzNX=@0.gj?.NT=@0.AA/HnzNP?<NnT @f =|`=|?.?<N\XHl?< NV\N^NuNuNV?.NT nn0<`?.?<>N&X9@g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LNXN^NuNV/ A"&H`0+ |g/ N*X A""Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gN0+ |f0<`n0+ |g?<B?+ N>P?/+?+ N>P @f0<`8k `$ k o?<0+D@H/?+ NP'@&Bk0<LN^NuNVH$.f BB`J". 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Press any key to exit.  e    CON:AUX:PRT:* 0 0   4&&&$(  $*  .206J,."f   .  ",,(r  6 ."   "   P:$   *, "  (l@ (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."(8 rPIN OUT CONFIGURATION FOR 50 PIN SCSI <-> 25DB SIGNAL SCSI <-> DB25 -$ DB0 2 <- > 8 DB1 4 <- > 21 DB2 6 <- > 22 DB3 8 <- > 10 DB4 10 <- > 23 DB5 12 <- > 11 DB6 14 <- > 12 DB7 16 <- > 13 DBP 18 <- > 20 ATN 32 <- > 17 BSY 36 <- > 6 ACK 38 <- > 5 RST 40 <- > 4 MSG 42 <- > 2 SEL 44 <- > 19 C/D 46 <- > 15 REQ 48 <- > 1 I/O 50 <- > 3 NOTE: All odd SCSI pins except pin 25 are connected to ground. IMPORTANT: PIN 25 ON DB25 CONNECTOR IS RESERVED. DO NOT MAKE COMPLETED CONNECTIONS TO THIS PIN. /*H/ /* New programs and enhancements */ /* */ /* 12/9/87 */ /* */ /* Any Supra HD owner can get updates by contacting us via the */ /* following: */ /* 503-967-9075 main number 8-5 pst */ /* 503-967-9081 tech support 9-4 pst */ /* CIS 76004,565 */ /* Delphi - Supratech */ /* GEnie - Supratech */ /* BIX - Supracorp */ /* We are active on CompuServe in the ATARI16 and ATARIDEV SIG sections */ /* We also have a Supra message base set aside for us on the ATARIDEV */ /* SIG on CompuServe. We are active on Delphi in the AtariForum SIG. */ /* We are active on GEnie in the ST area and in atari.st on BIX */ /* */ /* */ /* Mark White */ /* Supra Corp */ /*H/ /*H/ /* SUPFMT.PRG */ /*H/ The format program will now allow a partition to be larger than 16M. This allows alternative OS's to have any size partition. NOTE: DO NOT USE GEMDOS WITH A PARTITION THAT IS LARGER THAN 16M. /*H/ /* BLAST.PRG */ /*H/ This program allows you to view Degas or Neocrome pictures very fast from your hard drive. /*H/ /* AUTOBOOTING */ /*H/ If you do not want to execute the boot from the hard drive, hold down the keys when booting. This will abort the hard drive boot and boot normally from the floppy. If you are using a Mega ST, you need to wait for the floppy drive to access before pushing the keys. WARNING: You must boot your system with the NEW driver before installing the autoboot. Some older drivers may not support physical sector 0. WARNING: If you are using a hard disk cache, you must deinstall it before installing the autoboot. Some hard disk cache programs do not support accessing physical sector 0. If you forget and your drive C does not respond, you can use SUPEDIT to resurrect the drive. WARNING: DO NOT place SUPBOOT.PRG in the AUTO folder on drive C:. NOTE 520: If you do not have the floppy connected when autobooting the hard disk you will not be able to access the floppy. /*H/ /* SUPEDIT.PRG */ /*H/ Another feature has been added to the main menu, EDIT SECTORS. This is a simple sector editor which can edit any hard disk sector. /*H/ /* PIN25.DOC */ /*H/ This shows how to wire the 25 pin SCSI connector to a 50 pin SCSI, if you are making a 25 -> 25 SCSI cable, you need to have a 1-1 connection, except for pin 25, which is not connected. /*H/ /* 40 FOLDER limit */ /*H/ The ST has a minor problem with logging in to many folders. Our driver allows 90-100 folders to be logged in. It is best to have only '40' folders logged in, as proper garbage collection is not done. There are several Public Domain fixes for this, but we urge you to ONLY use the program called FOLDERXXX.PRG. This program was released as PD software by Atari. You should be able to find it on CompuServe,GEnie,Delphi, or from your local user group or ST dealer. 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However, Supra Corp does not assume responability for any errors in this document. Supra Corporation does not assume any liability for damages resulting from the use of this information. If after reading these instructions, you have any doubt in your ability then you should seek professional help from a computer service center or experienced friend. This document and its pictures maybe freely distributed, as long as all files are kept together. (ALLCONT1.PI2,ALLCONT1.PI3,ALLCONT2.PI2, ALLCONT2.PI3,CONTROL.PI2,CONTROL.PI3,SCSI.TXT) Supra Corp retains its full copyright privilages. This document describes how you can add multiple SCSI devices to the Supra ST DMA -> SCSI interface. If you have purchased a Supra hard drive, this interface is packaged with your hard drive. Or you must have purchased our interface. THIS WILL NOT WORK ON OTHER COMPANIES ST DMA -> SCSI INTERFACES!!! We will sell the SCSI extension cable, with all connectors, for $24.95. You can also order ADD ON SCSI drives for: Prices as of 6/1/87: 20M ST 599 30M ST 799 60M ST 1495 You can contact us at: Supra Corporation 1133 Commercial Way Albany, OR 97321 503-967-9075 main number 8-5 pst 503-967-9081 tech support 8-5 pst 503-926-1980 Supra BBS 24hrs 300/1200 TELEX - 5106005236(Supra Corp) You can contact us via the following services: CompuServe - 76004,565 Delphi - Supratech GEnie - Supratech BIX - supracorp We are active on CompuServe in the ATARI16 and ATARIDEV SIG sections We also have a Supra message base set aside for us on the ATARIDEV SIG, mesage area 12. We are on Delphi in the AtariForum SIG. We are on GEnie in the AtariST SIG. We are active on BIX in the ATARI.ST SIG, plus we have a vendor support area which is called SUPRA.CORP. DISASSEMBLY: 1. Disconnect the power cable and the DMA cable to your ST. 2. Remove the screws from the hard drive case. 3. Slowly lift the top of the case up and to the side, be carefull of the LED wires. You can push the LED's out of their holders. 4. Refer to FIGURE 1. The Supra interGface will be on top. It will have a 50 pin SCSI cable which will connect to a 50 pin SCSI connector on the hard drive or hard disk controller. You should remove the 2 screws from the interface to allow more room to work. ASSEMBLY: 1. You will need from 2 feet to 6 feet of 50 pin ribbon cable. 3 50 pin connectors and a SCSI controller/hard drive. 2. Refer to FIGURE 1. On one end of the connector you need to connect one of the 50 pin connectors. This will connect to the Supra ST DMA interface. The next connector will be placed 4-12 inches from the 1st connector. This connector will connect to the 1st SCSI device. At the end of the cable place the last connector. This connector will connect to the 2nd SCSI device. NOTE: You need to double check that you are connecting pin 1 to pin 1. The stripe on one side of the 50 pin cable should be connected to pin 1 on each connector. NOTE: Some SCSI controllers have termination power from the board or termination power from the SCSI bus (pin 26). Other SCSI controllers do not allow you to set this. If you have termination power from the SCSI bus, you will need to disconnect pin 26. The best way to do this is to cut pin 26 in the 50 pin ribbon cable which you have made in the step above this note. You would make the cut between the 2 SCSI devices. Please refer to your SCSI controller manual and to Appendix A. 3. Disconnect the 50 pin connector from the Supra ST DMA interface, note pin 1 orientation, disconnect the 50 pin connector from the Supra hard drive/controller, again note pin 1 orientation. Connect the new cable that you have made as per FIGURE 1. Double check that you have pin 1 connected to pin 1. 4. Pull out the terminator packs from the Supra hard drive/controller and the 2nd SCSI device per your manual and per the suggestions in Appendix A. NOTE: The SCSI standard calls for the termination packs to be pulled on all but the last drive. Our tests indicate that the termination pack should be in for the drive nearest the Supra interface. The other SCSI devices may or may not need to have the terminator packs. This may also be affected by the cable lengths between SCSI devices. A longer SCSI cable will be more likely to need termination. We have suggestions for this in Appendix A, you may also need to use trial and error.  5. Set the SCSI selector of the 2nd SCSI controller/drive to number '1'. To do this refer to your manual and to Appendix A. 6. Remount the Supra ST DMA interface. 7. Put the case back on, if you pushed the LED's out, you should reinsert them. 8. Reconnect your Supra drive to the power and ST. 9. Connect your 2nd drive in. Power everything up. FORMATTING: 1. Run the program 'SUPFMT.PRG' 2. Click on the box which says 'SCSI 0 LUN 0' 3. Set the SCSI device number and LUN number of the drive you want to format. NOTE: The SCSI device number and LUN number is the address of a particular drive. The SCSI devices can range from 0-7, the LUN's 0-1. ie. The first drive would be SCSI 0 LUN 0, and if you had a controller next, the 2nd drive would be SCSI 1 LUN 0 and the 3rd drive (if hooked to the controller) would be SCSI 1 LUN 1.  4. After setting the SCSI,LUN, the drive will be accessed to read some information. You should check for this to be sure that you are going to format the correct drive. 5. Format the drive. PROBLEMS: If you can not access the drives properly, here are some things to check for: 1. If one of the drives will not power up anymore, then you most likely have blown a fuse due to pin 26 having power. Replace the fuse and cut pin 26 loose. See NOTE above for more info. /*H/ /* APPENDIX A */ /* This appendix has some valuable info on particular controllers. */ /* Please refer to FIGURE's B & C */ /*H/ NOTE: If a drive SCSI selection is refered to as 'binary', then please refer to this chart: SCSI SELECTION (Jumper on pins) SCSI ID Pin 0 Pin 1 Pin 2 0 1 X 2 X 3 X X 4 X 5 X X 6 X X 7 X X X 20M RODIME RO 650 (Intergrated hard drive) SCSI SELECTION (Jumper on pins) 1-2 3-4 5-6 DRIVE ID 0 ` X 1 X 2 X X 3 X 4 X X 5 X X 6 X X X 7 /*H/ 20M MINISCRIBE M8-SCSI (Intergrated hard drive) SCSI SELECTION is binary /*H/ 20M SEAGATE ST225N SCSI SELECTION is binary /*H/ ADAPTEC AC-4000/AC-4070 SCSI SELECTION is binary, (A-B = 0, C-D = 1, E-F = 2) /*H/ OMTI 352xA SCSI SELECTION is binary, (W1 = 0, W2 = 1, W3 = 3) SCSI power termination is set by W14 as: 1-2 = Termination power from board (default) 2-3 = Termination power from SCSI bus /*H/ XEBEC S1410 SCSI SELECTION is set by shorting the pad 'S' to the SCSI number number pad. From the factory it is set to 0 by a trace running from pad 'S' to pad '1'. You would need to cut this trace, then connect between the required number and pad 'S' SIZE SELECTION is set by 'W3', for 512 byte sectors you need the jumper set to 'ss' and '5'. /*H/ XEBEC S1410A SCSI SELECTION is set by repositioning the jumper. SIZE SELECTION is set by 'W1', for 512 byte sectors you need the jumper set to 'ss' and '5'. /*H/ WESTERN DIGITAL 1002S-SHD SCSI SELECTION is set by repositioning the jumper at 'W1'. SIZE SELECTION is set by 'W2', for 512 byte sectors you need the jumper set to '2' and '3'. ` QWBLBfP`SUPRA v3.110/ yC2`0/ yC0`0/ yCEJ2k INA`ЈNu2/AB@03AB@03B0/ /f AA а#B4/ g Bo4<"/g" Bo4<"9/g "A$oa$A3/gBy 9d 9R#0/?9?9/ ?/9far`arJg6Syj/f^0/H ?? yNXOL gfNu"/g/f $y"AaB0ѯչo fBNu0@@S@QNuBNu <&%` <u0Sk 9fBNu"<ak3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<`@"< ahkN3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<aXk3Nq09|3NqJyBy>NuP>   3B0/H@#ak^/ 2/ H@0<#ak@/ H@0<#ak*/ H@0<#ak0/ H@0<#aNu <&ymf$|V  g$ g $g "m8$k g2A0<CB 1| IQB %| <'J9f//9?< NA\O ?</?<1NANuJ9fB?< NA\O#2<pAQ3 # 33 3 afH?9 ?9 /< ?</<aJ@f a aaaRy y fJy gRy3 Ry y fJyg>#r#v#~+|&r+|6v+|F~+|`J9f/9?< NA\O?Jg8 y l./a8$H`/aXOLJ@faR09 "09 L QNu09 AEC 2AG`2NuRy "9 # 9€#Nu o/ ?9 ?9 /< ?</a&_J@kxA p anJ@jp`b62B@( J@jp`P66paH "HAJAgR@64pa062pa(A6AB64paBB2B( 66BNu?0I002Nu     J  "^$    ,   *&< .( ($  ` QWBLBfP`SUPRA v3.11HP0/ yC2`0/ yC0`0/ yCEJ2k INAbЈNu2/AB@03AB@03B0/ /f AA"а#B4/ g Bo4<"/g" Bo4<"9/g "A$oa$A3/gBy 9d 9R#0/?9?9/ ?/9far`arJg6Syj/f^0/H ?? yNXOL gfNu"/g/f $y"AaB0ѯչo fBNu0@@S@QNuBNu <^` <u0Sk 9fBNu"<ak3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<`@"< ahkN3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<aXk3Nq09|3NqJyBy>NuP>   3B0/H@#ak^/ 2/ H@0<#ak@/ H@0<#ak*/ H@0<#ak0/ H@0<#aNu <&ymf$|V  g$ g $g "m8$k g2A0<CB 1| IQB %| <'J9f//9?< NA\O ?</?<1NANuJ9fB?< NA\O#2<pAQ3 # 33 3 afH?9 ?9 /< ?</<aJ@f a aaaRy y fJy gRy3 Ry y fJyg>#r#v#~+|(r+|8v+|H~+|`J9f/9?< NA\O?Jg8 y l./a8$H`/aXOLJ@faR09 "09 L QNu09 AEC"2AGb2NuRy "9 # 9€#Nu o/ ?9 ?9 /< ?</a&_J@kxA p anJ@jp`b62B@( J@jp`P66paH "HAJAgR@64pa062pa(A6AB64paBB2B( 66BNu?0I002Nu     J  "^$    ,  *&< .( ($  ` `.KJ$f"O/9 ?<HNA\OJk.@ `6 - ЭЭй "ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA #B yB/(,HhNP/9.=|\A"HPgXHf0(LN^NuNVHHy /.N PfBG`Hy/.N Pf><`Hy/.N Pf><`0. |gR0. |?/.?<=NP>J@m 0. |g&JGm??<>NXBg/.?<`j0. |gD0. |?/.?<=NP>J@m"??<>NXBg/.?<`0. |?/.?<=NP>JGl 30<`?. ?NX0LN^NuNV/.?<HN\-@ .f-|3 .N^NuNV0./N XN^NuLB@ggSBAgHJ@gHANuNVH*n (MBn ng?.N RT| fA&H. nU|`H| f S @  . nU| A|l0fD AH-@Hn/.?.?<@NO <Hg 30<`dA&H0f~ =@`J/ 0./?.?<@NO -@2.¼g .30<` .n0.L8N^NuNVH$.f BB`&". 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Mapping out ___ bad sectors.999WAIT..Zeroing the Hard Disk directories.*** WARNING!! ***_Partition _ is to small.9All partitions must be at least0.13 MB to be usable by GEM.OKDMA device is not responding.A valid DMA device must bepresent to proceed.Current DMA numbers are:SCSI: _ LUN: _99RETRYSELECTCANCELHard disk typeSpecificationsController type_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X00Heads.__990Cylinders._900Sectors per track..__9900Interleave. __990Reduced write._90Write pre-comp..._90Landing Zone._900Step pulse rate.__9900Reserved tracks.__99___Map bad sectors?..___XXX___Removable Media?..___XXX__Forced Partitions..__XX_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_XCANCEL OK Searching for bad sectors.0Current sector: _90Total to check: _9000Bad sectors: ___999Select New DMA numbers.(Range - 0 to 7)_SCSI Device number: _9_Logical Unit Number: _9 OK CANCEL OK 00SCSI: _ LUN: _99Hard Disk Unit is ready!*** WARNING!! ***You have created a partition larger than 16.25 MB.GEM will *NOT* function correctly in this partition!This partition is designated by a '*' next to it.CANCELCONTINUE*** WARNING!! ***Standard PartitionsProceeding will FORMAT andERASE all information onthe Hard Disk drive. CANCEL FORMAT *** WARNING!! ***** EXTENDED Partitions **Proceeding will FORMAT andERASE all information onthe Hard Disk drive. CANCEL FORMAT *** WARNING! ***on the removable media._You MUST create exactly _ partitionsXOK[3][ *** WARNING!! ***|Proceeding will ZERO all of|the Hard Disk directories.][ CANCEL | ZERO ][3][ *** WARNING!! ***|You have allocated more|megabytes than are available.][ OK ]` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 ` y||| uܼ7_` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 ` Z    Z   Z  Z    & ),6 9<F IJS \aglqw|%'(3~ 67IRr &!,-).@ABD][\l|}!"2BCScdt49>TY^ty|  *+;KL\lm}"23Cz    ! # : U X h q s %&G $3B)  @R@^@j @v @ @ @@@D '`@@| @ @ @   @@$@@@\@@A@@!< "#@x$< % &@5< +      &7(< (X. t(*  " _7 '     7& 0C-<K1 @@@ @8 @T @p @ @@@ @@A@@   @@@4@P@l@@@@@ @ 0 /!./ "@$##@A"@%@ &@L'@h(@)@*@+@,@-@.@, @H 0S 5Z5 ' _d '   < 7 C   , J K L M N%Q S  T    k :  .  2 4 1 0 5 7% '  @  R  f    5  &      !  6 5 ? ( (6! 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BnJlVnDJlRnDvd`Bbd nmDdD-@-A LN^NuNVH$.f BB`&". Bvd d``bd-@-A LN^NuNVHL&gHC H@J@g@HCBCւ-C LN^.JNuNV?.?<LN08XN^NuNV?.N5TJnn0<`*?.?<>N08X=@g3K*0<``0<N^NuAL|OXyO !J"/0<NBYyOAL|O"P$hNu    ' 8[3][ERROR!! SUPRA UTILITIES|can not run in|LOW resolution mode.][OK]SUPUTL.RSC[3][ERROR!! Unable to find the file SUPUTL.RSC.][OK][2][Hard disk error while|writing boot sector!][ OK ][0][Hard disk self-boot|disabled.][ OK ][2][Hard disk error while|writing boot sector!][ OK ][0][Hard disk self-boot|enabled.][ OK ][0][Copying of 'SUPBOOT'|to hard disk failed.][ OK ][0][Incorrect version|of 'SUPBOOT' found.][ OK ][0]['SUPBOOT' not found|on disk drives.][ OK ][0][Drive 'C' not responding!][ OK ]C:\SUPBOOT.SYSC:\A:\AUTO\SUPBOOT.PRGA:\AUTO\SUPBOOT.PRGSUPRA v2.60A:\AUTO\SUPBOOT.PRGC:\SUPBOOT.SYS[2][Hard disk error while|zeroing partition!][ OK ][0][Partitions are zeroed| ][ OK ][2][Do you really want|to zero the partitions?][ OK |CANCEL][2][Bad sector in|Directory or FAT area!|Partition unusable][ OK ][2][Hard disk error while|mapping hard disk!][ OK ] Choose Partitions to Zero ERR Choose Partitions to Map Bad Enabled Disabled " Supra Hard Disk Utilities v3.0 By  Willie Brown (c)1986,87,88 Supra Corporation " J   CON:AUX:PRT:* ~Z&<NHZZ,4$6.600@( (`nj"."~ X.     $R"$$ > P(,4,$$,4> 2*(n""$*>$&< $ f8$j8&&Lv$ "&       "&8$$,"4  $<:, ("$>J     $$2( $$"".$(   $$",$"B     ( 8"  (l@ (X&<&. . 4&f.,*   ."(8 (                    &    *$$$ HC hZEROZero a specific partitionMAPMap out bad sectors in a partitionBOOTEnable/Disable hard disk self boot QUIT Return to desktopHard disk self boot option.Current Mode: _XEnableDisableCANCEL__XDrive CDrive DDrive EDrive FDrive GDrive HDrive IDrive JDrive KDrive LDrive MDrive NDrive ODrive POKCANCELZeroing partition _XMapping partition _XTotal sectors _9Testing sector _9Bad clusters ___999___ Bad clusters on Drive _999X___ Bad clusters on Drive _999X___ Bad clusters on Drive _999X___ Bad clusters on Drive _999X___ Bad clusters on Drive _999X___ Bad clusters on Drive _999XOKAn Error occurred during OK a write to drive _.XSector Map options DESTRUCTIVE All data WILL be destroyed. NON-DESTRUCT Data will NOT be destroyed. OK CANCEL[3][Bad sectors found in the|directory or FAT areas.|Partition may be Un-usable!][ OK ][3][The file 'SUPBOOT.PRG' could|not be found on floppy drive A.|Please insert correct diskette.][ OK ]s>>>>>>>>>?|?|?|??????$ $   '(>BC_ de 67KM`aq5 $)CG"jo"   ( $7* @&CK S[c k  s {     7  \ x !  <Xt'   - *+,-$4 5( -  b'h 0 `  Latest Version Information PARK.TOS Version 1.81 16 May 1988 PARK.PRG Version 1.81 16 May 1988 SUPBOOT.PRG Version 3.11 3 March 1988 SUPBTHP.PRG Version 3.11 3 March 1988 SUPBTRM.PRG Version 3.11 16 May 1988 SUPCLKRD.PRG Version 1.1 17 April 1988 SUPCLOCK.PRG Version 1.00 22 March 1988 SUPFMT.PRG Version 3.18 17 May 1988 SUPUTL.PRG Version 3.00 27 April 1988 v`Q *WBLBf P *` SUPRA v3.11RM0/ y C2`0/ y C`0/ y "ClEJ2k IN4AJ0 kGJAB@0 3 AB@0 3 a Jg"0???< yNXO4 g`A ,( k ?/<` g?2AA 0fp/GJ2a"4J@f0AJ0 kB0 0@A !AJԈX NuA pNu0aZ<fj2AA 0?9 ?9 ?9 /< ,?</a3 20<Jf&A ,GJ2RPf ffpAJ0 k Nu4/AB@0 3 AB@0 3 B0/ /f2AA а# /fa$Jgp`fB4/ gF Bo4<"/g" Bo4<"9/g "A$oa($A3 /gBy  9 d 9R# 0/?9 ?9 / ?/9 faDr`arJgn/f.A0/J0kH` 4aHLJgp`Sy jp/fr0/H ?? yNXOL g.Nu"/g/f $y"Aa2B0ѯչ o f4/CB# BNu0@@S@QNu4BA0 k(f$C2A"1Ҽ,d< NupNu <&%` <` <u0Sk 9fBNu"<ak3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<`"< ak3Nq3Nq3Nq3Nq#2<`@A ,|?9 ?9 /< ,?</<"<aHJkaNuak3Nq09|3NqJyBy>NuP>   3B0/H@#ak^/ 2/ H@0<#ak@/ H@0<#a|k*/ H@0<#afk0/ H@0<#aPNu o/ ?9 ?9 /< ,?</a&_J@kA ,  p aJ@jp`z62B@( J@jp`f66pa "HAJAgR@64pa62pa~A6AB64palBB2B( 69 gk6`6BNu3 A?( ?( /(?(/avaJ@gSy jNu/0<S@f Nu?0I002Nu <.&ymf$|V  g$ g $g "m8$k g2A .0<CB 1| IQB %| . </.J9 *f//9 &?< NA\O ?</?<1NANuJ9 *fB?< NA\O# &4<prACQ3#33 3 a&Jgkp` A ,( f `fkpra` gB ylxa09 09 09AAa`@?9 ?9 /<?</<aTJ@f"aazaaRy  y f&Jy gRy3 Ry  y fJyg>#r #v #~ "+|*r+|:v+|J~+|`J9 *f/9 &?< NA\O?