__ ____ ____________ __ ________/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ ________/ /\ / _____/ // / / ____ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _____/ / / /_____\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_____\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/____ / / / / / / / /___\/ /________ /\/________ /\/___/ / /___/ / /________ /\ _\_______/_/ /\_______/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_______/ / / ___ / \_______\_\/_________\_\/_____________________________\_\/_/ /\ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______________________________________________________LoWLiFe__\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elite proudly Presents: Another hack or crack for you Atari computer ! If you like the program your using , or you miss the Documentation buy the Original Program and dont bother us about it ! We do this for the Fun and the Fame and nothing more.. Zarmi ( Supremacy ) guy you better watch your step Punk Motha Fucker ! Paris isnt that far away ! You lame Re-Cracker ! This idiot couldnt even crack out of a wet paper bag, thats how lame he is. L8er from Sledge of Elite !