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HЁм @0=@0.N^Nu9|:9|6C"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|)l)l)l)l)l9|CA"A"A"A$"A*"A"A "Nu\*.*Select Receiving PathAwaiting Handshake for File %u File %uSELECT BATCH FILE , CANCEL ENDS\*.* File %u@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d %lu ZBatch YMODEM Version 1.1 9/16/87 To be used with Interlink ST, THE Terminal Program for the Atari ST Brief explanation of the Batch YMODEM File Transfer Protocol Interlink Receive (Download): (1) Tell the other computer that you want to download using Batch YMODEM. (2) Choose the files to be downloaded from the sending computer (commonly called tagging). (3) Signal the other computer that you are finished tagging files. (4) When told to do so (START TRANSFER from other computer), click on YMOBAT in the file transfer window and then receive. (5) A file selector box will appear with a message at the top, Choose Download Path. Point and click on the drive and subdirectory (Folder) you want the files downloaded to, then the OK button. From that point on everything is automatic. To abort the download, click on the right mouse button. A header (before the YMODEM block) is sent from the sending computer to your computer telling Interlink the name of the file being sent. Interlink creates the file and starts a standard YMODEM download. At the EOT (end of transmission) of the first file the next filename is sent and the process starts again. This will continue until all tagged files have been sent. Interlink Send (UPLOAD): (1) Setup the receiving computer for Batch YMODEM. (2) In the file transfer window choose YMOBAT and click on send. (3) At this point a file selector window will open, notice at the top it prompts you with CHOOSE FIRST FILE, choose the first file to send... Point and click on the file to send, then on the OK button. (4) The window will be redrawn and at the top it will say CHOOSE SECOND FILE... Point and click on the second file, then on OK. (5) When you have no more files to send click on the CANCEL button, the transfer will now start. To abort the upload click on the right mounse button.  To load Batch YMODEM into the (???) button (in the File Transfer Window), double click and choose YMOBAT.TXF then OK. You may setup a recording to do this for you at startup. INTERSECT Software Corp. 3951 Sawyer Rd. Suite 108 Sarasota, Fl. 34233 813-923-8774`ON6N*hN(N+N)N*NN)>N(N>L*O*m m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN0 lNNu?<N%L?<A?<NAXNuNVA f("l"iEY#JA a*9|2`A:H>a"9|2A()H`/M^H?,_NuL?PNu l2ffBl@`0,@A0Rl@ l @m9|N#Hl4Hl6Hl8Hl:N#j9@>HlTHl>HlN8> N l2f* g/.NX`?,>N8pTN#N^NuNVA.H~ lL>A _NAL~/ / `B@NuN^NuNV .)@( l( hfT lf l( l( (9@?, l(/((N@\ l(/(N6X l(!|` l(/(NXH)@ l(!lN^NuNV .9@@,fNv,H|fHlNX`HlHl?,>N8 ,H| f0,аl0m NN`b,H| fHlHl?,>N7 0,R@9@0<9@`Ag 9|`Rl lQm0,g>0,R@9@`&?<?< N6XAg`Rl lQm`,H|fL|Bl`(ABAPB0,ADBPRl l@mBlBl`d,f?<?,NX`J,H|g,,H|g,H|g,H| f B,` N N0N^NuNV l@lARl`B,N^NuNVBl`0,A P,HHAf0,A PA/N2X2,A P(AHHAfP?<;N >T9@SlAB0<9@0,S@9@`t0,2,SAAg 0<;`0<[?N T9@AA/N30X9@0,S@9@AB0,AD00,Rl0,Sl0,̰lm lf9lD ll9|Bl`THlHl?,>N4 0,S@l.m0,̰l.l?,?,.?,>N4\`?,>N3TRl0,İlmB,` lf9lD ll9|Bl`THlHl?,>N4n 0,R@l0n0,̰l0o?,?,0?,>N4 \`?,>N3TRl0,İlmB,` B lfB9lD ll9|Bl`?,>N3hTRl0,İlmB,` lfB9lD ll9|Bl`?,>N3DTRl0,İlmB,` lg lg lfv9lD9lF lo9| ll0,:g 0,.`0<9@ lPo9|P ll9|?,?,?,>N2\B, lfBlBl`P0,AD0`|g`Bl?<HlHlPN.> ?<HlPN *\B,B,0,4@0,2@,HA??<,HA??<HlHlPN-?<HlPN \``|g`l``|g`l``|g`l``|g`l``|g`|g`l`\`|g`2?<HlHlPN- ?<HlPN \|` `|g`|``0,AD PmL0,AD P%n8?<N&T @g&0,N-\B,`$ l f\ lDm lDo9|D lFm lFo9|F9lD.9lF0?<?,.?,>N-l\B,`Rl0,2,RAAmBBl`Hl0,A0/N)8P @fp lf*BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<j?<NB,`R lf*BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<k?<NB,` lfDHlHl?,>N, ?,?,?<HlHlPN(THlPNXB,` lf B,` lf(BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?< N B,` lf*BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<I?<NB,`` lf8BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?< ?< N?<HlPN\B,` lf*BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<j?<N|B,` lf*BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<k?<NJB,` l f0<9@@9@>B,` l f0<9@@9@>B,` l f*HlHl?,>N+< AB,`N l g l f(HlHl?,>N+ ABB,` lf*Bl`ABRl lQmB,` lf0|P|[Q|0R|nSB,THlPN jXB,` lf6|P|[Q|1R|3S|nTB,UHlPN ,XB,`l lg lg lfB|P|[Q|?R|1S|;T|0U|cVB,WHlPN XB,` lfN2B,` lf9|BB,` lf9|BB,` lf9|>B,` lfBl>B,` lg lg lg lfB,B,`f lg lf|B,`D lf9|:B,`, l fBl:B,`Rl0,2,RAAm`N^NuNV?>,`SGA. 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2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|)l²n)lƲr)lʲj)lβb)lҲf9|`C8A"A"A"A$"A*"A"A "NuCopyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp., All Rights Reserved[s[u[6n[FORENT]DME78=1>H[g[0g[3g[5n[?15n[c[0cZc[2h[2l[?1h[?1l(A(B(0)A)B)0[?6h[?6l[*A[*B[*C[*D[*f[*H[*R[*m[*L[*M[*K[*J[*r%cq%cc%d%cb%d%cp%cb%d%cc%d%c[%d;%dfSelect mode of operation - [V]t100 or [A]nsi? %s Selected VT100ANSINNVT-100 EMULATOR, Version 1.0 By Richard J. Plom Copyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp.Currently set to VT100 mode, Press INSERT to select ANSI.%cq%cc%d%cb%d%cE@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d \ Documentation for Interlink's VT-100 and ANSI-PC Emulation BETA Version 04/04/88 Copyright 1986, 1987 by INTERSECT Software Corp. PROGRAM-Richard J. Plom DOCS-Jeffrey G. Rigby -J NOTE: This is version 1.0 of VT100.EMU and, although it has undergone some testing, may contain some bugs and/or deficiencies. If you encounter problems when using this product please report them to INTERSECT. INTERSECT Software 2828 Clark Rd, Suite 10 Sarasota, Fl. 34230 BBS: (813)924-4590 GENIE: Randy.Mears, preferably in E-mail Compuserve: 70247,3010 -J This driver will work with INTERLINK ST versions 1.72 and above, lower versions of INTERLINK will not function with this driver. This emulation protocol driver will handle both VT100 and ANSI-PC emulation. The Default setting is VT100, to select ANSI simply depress the INSERT key (while in terminal mode) and reply to the prompt by entering the desired mode of operation. To use this driver you must load it into the question mark (?) button in the Emulation section of the Style/Features dialogue and ensure that it is selected when you connect with the desired service. Keyboard Assignments Since the keyboard on the Atari ST is not the same as the VT100/102, certain keys have to be mapped. The basic keyboard is the same of course. The keypad, cursor keys and certain other control keys are in different positions on the two keyboards. THE VT-100 KEYBOARD  The VT-100 keyboard has the normal set of alpha-numeric keys like a typewriter, and also 4 arrow keys, 4 programmable function keys, and a 14-key numeric keypad. These keys are on the right side of the VT-100 keyboard and are arranged as shown below.  +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <--- | --> | | PF1 | PF2 | PF3 | PF4 | | | | v | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ %| | | | | %| 7 | 8 | 9 | - | %| | | | | %+-+-+-+-+ %| | | | | %| 4 | 5 | 6 | , | %| | | | | %+-+-+-+-+ %| | | | | %| 1 | 2 | 3 | | %| | | | | %+-+-+-+ ENTER | %| | | | %| 0 | . | | %| | | | %+-+-+-+ VT-100 ARROW KEYS  These keys each generate an escape sequence, i.e. sequence of characters beginning with ESC (ASCII code 27). They usually move the cursor. (Use the arrow keys on the ST)  VT-100 PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION KEYS  These keys are marked PF1, PF2, PF3, and PF4. They each generate an escape sequence. They are used by host programs (like text editors) for special functions. (Use the top four keys on the keypad (the numeric keypad on the right))  VT-100 NUMERIC KEYPAD  The numeric keys shown above, along with minus, comma, period, and ENTER, constitute the numeric keypad. The keypad has 2 modes: NORMAL and ALTERNATE, and each of these keys produces different codes depending on mode.  At power-up the VT-100 is in the NORMAL keypad mode. In this mode, each keypad key generates the code for the character marked on the key. The ENTER key generates a carriage return, called or C/R in this user's guide.  When a certain command is received from the host (ESC=1), the VT-100 enters the ALTERNATE keypad mode. In this mode, each keypad key generates an escape sequence. The ALTERNATE mode is used by host programs (like text editors) so that special functions can be assigned to the keypad keys. Function Keys : In VT100 Numeric Keypad mode, the top four keys on the ST's numeric keypad: ( ) / * emulate the PF1 thru PF4 keys on the VT100/102. CTRL-J : This key combination sends a line feed character u to the host. CTRL-@ : This key combination sends a NUL character (ASCII 0) to the host. Used by Emacs running on DEC VAX. F1 KEY This key brings up a GEM dialog box where you enter your answerback message. ALT-z To send a short break to the host press ALT-Z (.233 sec) This is the same as the Shift-Insert used by most VT-100 terminals. Shft-Control-u Toggle between Color Mode and Monochrome Mode. Shft-Control-w Reverse Black/White Toggle, Black becomes white and white becomes black. Insert Key Reset to current defaults. Resets by clearing the screen and setting the colors to the default. Does not change current Reverse Toggle or Color Mode Toggle settings. This selection will also prompt for VT100 or ANSI mode. Shft-Control-v Same as Insert key. SETUP: Setting MODE There are 2 modes for this emulator, VT100 (default) and PC-ANSI. To change modes at any time while the emulator is active and you are on the terminal screen, press the INSERT key and answer the prompt. Setting TABs Your modem must be in command mode and echoing back to Interlink. Use the ESC codes to set the TABs. EX: move the cursor to where you want a TAB set and press the ESC key then Shift-h. A TAB will now be set to that position. You may have up to 80 TABs set on a line.  Chart of Application Mode keys (Numeric Keypad) -% These keys, in application mode GOLD | HELP | FINDXT | DEL L | are ment to be used with a UNIX | | find | UND L | text editor. -% PAGE | SECT | APPEND | DEL W | command | fill | replace| UND W | -% ADVANCE | BACKUP | CUT | DEL C | bottom | top | paste | UND C | -% WORD | EOL | CHAR | | chngcase |del eol | specins| ENTER | - | LINE | SELECT | subs | open line | reset | | -% -@DIAL.DAT}tartup.rec82 Interlink ST Extended Documentation Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by Intersect Software Corp. This is version 1.81 of INTERLINK ST 07/06/87. NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 1.81 1) Enhanced Type Ahead Buffer (Replaces Entry Line) allows you to set maximum width up to 999 characters and up to 99 history entries (defined in Startup Parameters). After setting the desired values and pressing SAVE you must exit and re-run INTERLINK for them to take effect.  You may also define a different maximum width and warning bell location, for each service, in the AUTOLOG/TA entry within the Dial Dialogue. When using the Type Ahead (Press F9 to Activate) you may edit data in the line, lengths greater than 74 characters are accessable via automatic sidescrolling. The current cursor position within the Type Ahead is displayed to the right of the data. The following keys control the Type Ahead: Right or Left arrows - Move cursor right or left in the Type %Ahead Shift/Right or Left arrows - Move cursor one half line width right %or left Up or Down arrows - Move cursor to beginning or end of %the Type Ahead line. Shift/Up or Down - Page through History, backwards or %forward (history wraps around). Clr/Home - Clear current Type Ahead Line. Return - Send current line, advance history Shift/Return - Send current line, do not advance %(continuous shift/returns will resend %the same line). Note: Control Keys are sent immediately and do not cause the Type Ahead to be sent. Only Return or Shift/Return will send the current Type Ahead Line. 2) Automatic Buffer Save allows you to select automatic buffer saving to occurr when the buffer wraps and, optionally, when you disconnect from a service. Automatic Buffer Save is selected in the Global Setup Dialogue by selecting SAVE in the Buffer Wrap Section. You will also need to define the Path/Filename you wish to use. There are four selections available for file naming: - EXTEND will simply add the buffer contents to the file name specified in the Buffer Save File Spec. - ASK will request a filename when the buffer is ready to be saved. You will be presented with a file selector for this purpose. - DIAL ID will create a file name using the contents of the button that is currently selected in the DIALER and extend that file with the contents of the buffer. - TIMESTAMP will create a file name using the connect date and time. Selecting SAVE FINAL BUFFER TOO will cause the contents of the buffer to be saved when you disconnect, even if the buffer has not wrapped. Always remember to save your Dial File when you want these settings to be used for future sessions. 3) The SHOW FILE function in the Disk Commands has been re-written to allow you to scroll forward and backward through the displayed file. Use the up and down arrows for this purpose and exit via Control-C. 4) The buffer editor now makes the cursor to move to the beginning of the next line when moving right with the arrow keys. It also makes the cursor move to the end of the previous line when moving left with the arrow keys. 5) Mouse Recovery after executing external programs that previously caused problems is now automatic. 6) INTERLINK's custom file selector may be turned off by selecting OFF in the Custom File Selector section of the Global Setup dialogue. This will be useful if you prefer to use one of the new file selector replacement programs (such as the Universal Item Selector). Turning INTERLINK's file selector off is not recommended unless you have an alternative to the GEM selector built into your ST. 7) INTERLINK's memory requirements have been reduced by about 10K. Subj: SOME FEATURES ADDED IN PREVIOUS RELEASES 1) SHIFT-DEL deletes from the current cursor position to end of line SHIFT-ARROW moves the cursor a page in the direction chosen Home key will take you to the beginning of the buffer window Shift-Home key will take you to the end of the buffer window A bell now chimes 5 characters from the end of the buffer window 2) You may now play a recording from the function keys or the Answer Strings. Put the name of the recording you want played on preceded by a ^. As the line is sent to the on-line screen, filenames preceded by the ^ will be executed. Note: You can not play a recording from within a recording. Note: The ~ and ` time delay charaters are also supported. 3) Custom File Selector Box. The changes we have made allow the full file information to be displayed on the screen. At the bottom left of the file selector window there is a button with a right and left scroll arrow. You may change from drive A to drive C by clicking on the right and left arrows (the selected drive will show in the center button. When you have finished scrolling to the desired drive click on the center button. You will now see the directory of the selected drive. You may double click on the center button and Interlink will tell you the amount of free space remaining on that drive. As long as you do not single click on the center button, the drive path remains as you left it. To move out of a sub-directory, click on the Close Window button on the top bar of the file selector window. In all other respects it is the same as the GEM File Selector.  4) Alt-A now aborts the AUTOLOG. 5) Call Logging has been added. Interlink will generate a Log of all calls. Selectable through the Global Setup menu, Log records Connects and Disconnects cumulatively to the disk file you specify.  6) Settings in the Global Setup Dialogue are now saved with the phone file. Previously the user had to set up a startup.rec to reset these defaults at startup. 7) The settings of all four colors are now saved with the dial file (rather than only the changes to green and red). 8) Control-l (Form Feed when used with printers) now clears the screen. Alt-l in terminal mode resets and clears the screen. 9) We now have 4 modem failure strings in the Define Auto Modem window. These allow a quicker return from dialing if a failure string is sent from your modem. Subj: SUPPORT FOR INTERLINK Registered users will be fully supported! If you have a question be sure you have the serial number on the original disk handy and call one of the following numbers: Voice 813-923-8774 Data 813-924-4590 Subj: THE HANG-UP COMMAND The Hang-Up command must be preceded with a ~~+++~~ when using a Hayes Compatible modem. The +++ forces the modem into the command state so that it will accept commands. (~~+++~~ATH0[c/r]) It is recommended that you use the Hardware hang-up and not enter anything on this line. The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line will be pulled low, if properly setup, your modem will do a reset. Subj: MODEM PROGRAMING STRINGS We are compiling a list of Modems and the settings required for each in the Define Auto Modem and Answer Windows. If you have an unusual modem and have any suggestions for other users please upload a message to GENIE or our Support BBS. Modem Program String Initialize Hang-up Success string Ring string Pick-up string - - - - - - - Lynker 1200 DUDUDUUD ATZ[c/r] *CONNECT ATA[c/r] Lynker 2400 ATE1S0=4&C1&D3&L1&W ATZ[c/r]~~ATH0[c/r]~~AT&C1[c/r] ~~+++~~ATZ[c/r] CONNECT RING ATA[c/r] Prometheus UUDUDUD ATZ[c/r] *CONNECT ATA[c/r] AVATEX1200 U ATZ[c/r] *CONNECT CONNECT 8 Atari SX212 DEFAULT ATZ[c/r] *CONNECT ATA[c/r]  Program String: For non-programables the string corresponds to the dip switch settings starting with switch one. Subj: HOW TO SETUP ANSWER MODE We have been getting calls about problems setting up the Auto Answer mode in Interlink. The following is a step by step description of what happens in Answer mode and how Interlink interacts with the modem. First, the setup strings that are important for Auto Answer: Ring String_ Initialize_ Pick-Up String_ Hang-up_ #Success String_ There are two ways Interlink can be setup to answer; 1) Allow the modem to answer , 2) Allow Interlink to answer. 1) Case one, allow the modem's auto answer feature to answer the phone. Setup the modem to auto-answer by setting the appropriate dip switch or putting the proper string into the Initialize line (Define Auto Modem) this usually means ATZ[c/r]~~ATS0=3[c/r]. (answer third ring) When you click on Wait for Ring in the Answer window, Interlink sends the Initialize string to the modem. Interlink is now waiting for some event to occur thru the Ring String. When your modem answers the ring and gets a carrier it will send a success string to Interlink, this is usually something like CONNECT, if you put the success string (CONNECT) on the Ring String line then Interlink Remote Answer will be triggered. You don't need the Pick-up String line, your modem has already answered and connected (leave it blank). 2) Case two allow Interlink to answer the ring. If you have a "Hayes" modem then the Ring Indicator line, Pin 22, is pulled low during each ring. If you leave Ring String blank then Interlink will look for pin 22 to go low and then send the Pick-up String (ATA[c/r]) to the modem. If by some chance you have one of those 99% "Hayes" and this does not work for you, then you must enter the message sent by your modem when it detects a ring... onto the Ring String line, this is usually RING. When Interlink receives this ring indication it sends the Pick-up string to the modem, this is usually a ATA[c/r]. Whenever you are dealing with command strings and not hardware detect, as in Hardware Ring detect and hang-up, you must make sure that Interlink and the modem are at the same baud rate. In most cases this is no problem, but as more people get the new 2400 and 4800 baud modems this becomes critical. The modem will be set to the default baud rate (of the modem), after the Initialize string is sent unless you send a ~~AT[c/r] as the last thing on the Initialize string line. This forces the modem to the baud rate that Interlink is currently set at. Subj: SPECIAL OFFER FROM ST WORLD ST World is offering a 50% discount off the cover price of ST World to purchasers of Interlink ST. ST World is a very timely news source for the ST user or dealer. Large Magazines have a two to three month lead time for articles.for ST World this is about three weeks. The reviews are extensive.several pages are devoted to each. To obtain a subscription at the reduced rate, $12.00 (12 issues) send a photocopy of your warranty registration card with a check to: ST World 1385 Cleveland Loop Drive Roseburg, OR 97470 - 9622 (503) 672-2259d Interlink 1.83 Help ARCed with Arcshell  Put all the following files in a Folder called DOCUMENT: INTERLOG.TXT  MULTIXY.DOC QUICKB.DOC README81.DOC VT100.DOC  YMOBAT.DOC  Put CLIP.PR in AUTO folder. All other files go in the root directory. There is no protection on any files. Hard Drive is okay. Down with companies who try to bleed their customers by releasing incremental revisions just to make money! Enjoy! Enjoy! `$LN N*O*m m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lNNu?<N?<A?<NAXNuNVA f("l"iEY#JA a*9|4`A:H>a"9|4A()H`/M^H?,_NuL?PNu l4f l4f g/.NX`N^NuNVA.H~ lL>A _NAL~/ / `B@NuN^NuNV .)@* l* hf l*/(NX l*H!@`* l* ( fNJ l*!|N^NuNV?.?<?<N\N^NuNVB?< N\)@ |)P|/,?< N\ ,|/ </N X`N^NuNVN-@ .2.HЁ-@ .`N^NuNVNm0<`` 0<`N^NuNVBg/.?<NX`N^NuNV/./. ?.?<?N `N^NuNV/./. ?.?<@N `N^NuNV?<?<NPX f6?<?<N8X fHl?<N,\0<` 0<`N^NuNV .=@0.H-@0,g nIfBlN0<`JBl nf9| nfN,0<` nfN0<` .`N^NuNV0.9@z`N^NuNV0,zH6.@|A02,zA@9@z0,z`N^NuNV0,g0,g?.NT9@`H0,@9@ lo0,|R@9@0,n9@ lo0,|R@9@N^NuNV/ BlBlBl9|A&H|F0.@?<N pTJ@gN &_N^NuNVBl9|BlBlBl9|?<NT?<+NT?<NT?<0NTN^NuNV?=lBlBlBG`(AlH?NTTAlH?NTRGAlf0,@|AH?NT0,|AH?NT?< NT9n>N^NuNV0.|=@ n lBAH|g ?<NT0.|@?NT` ?.NT` ?.NT0,R@H@9@N^NuNV?<N\T0,|0?NLTN^NuNV?<N:TN^NuNV?<N(TN^NuNVBl?<dN^T9@ ll 0<` 0,R@H@9@0<`N^NuNVBlN @f 0<`4 lf"N @f 0<`l9|0<`N^NuNV n f 0<`0.R@`N^NuNVBlBn`ABRn0.lm0,R@H H@=@Bn0.g =|`Bn`H0.`|g`jNBJ@g?<ANT0<` NJ@f =|`20,| @f =|`0,| @f=|``|g`PN\J@f =|`40,| @Bf =|` lf =|`Bn`v`|g`xNJ@f =|`\ lf =|`H0,g0,g? lf$Rn0. @ o 0<`F=|` lf=|` `|g`NdJ@f =|`f l0m l9n =|`H lBf =|`4 lf$Rn0. @ o 0<`=|`=|``|g`L?<?<NXJ@g*,||FfNn0<`\` 0<`P=|`>`|g`0,|0=@0, A0nf ?,NT9@Sl0<``?,NT A0nf8 lf.?,NxT9@?,NjT9@Ul0<``\?.NT=@0, A0nf0.g =|`=|`0,g 0<`0<=@Bn`6`|g`FRn0. @ o0<``0,g no 0<`=|``|g`,Rn0. @ o 0<`N=|``|g`JRn0. @ o 0<`Nd9@ lf =|`=|=|`\`|g`L=l=|`?.NT?.NT=@Rn0.lo=|Bn``0<fDN^NuNV0,ꈰlfNJ@f 0<`^?,NT9@0, A00, A0?,N^T?,NLT9@0,R@9@0<`N^NuNV`NJ@f 0<` ln0<`N^NuNV/ /.NX=@ nl"Hl ?<NT\?<ENzT0<`:?<NTHl>BgN,\0, AA&H|NA/0,H/?.ND =@ no:Hl@BgN\?.NT @f?.NTBgN>T0<`0.lg~BgN"T?.NT nl"?<ENTHlB?<Nt\0<`d0, AA&H|T|C?<NT @f0<`,`(HlbBgN$\NrJ@f 0<` 0<`&_N^NuNV/ llll0, AA&H|+||||| ?<NxTJ@f`NJ@g,H|l ,H`0<@,H|l ,H`0<@,H|l ,H`0<@,H|l ,H`0<@,H|f|,H9@9|,H|f9|,H|g9|9|&_N^NuNV/ 0, AA&H|?|?<NZTJ@gN&_N^NuNV/.N`X=@ nl"Hlx?<NN\?<ENtT0<`vHlBgN0\N`ZBgBgNXJ@g*,|`|Ng`n0,S@H-@Hl/.?.NN Hg,Hl?<N\?.NT?<ENT0<`HlBgN\Nr``|Tg`^,||Cf?.NTN@0<``,Hl?<NP\?.NtT?<NNlT0<`n`>`|Fg`.NHl?<N\?.N2T0<`6```"Hl?<N\?.NT0<` 0<fN^NuNV?< N@T @Bg`.HlDHnN PBlBlBlBl=|BlBl0,gX`@ n H??<?<N\ n H| f?< ?<?<N\R n H|fN^NuNVBg?<N|X)@h` lh0( lhhf0.g lh9hf lh1|` lh1lf lhBh lhBh lhBh lhBhN^NuNV?.?<LNXN^NuNV/ A&H`0+ |g/ N*X A"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NTXBk ?+ NTJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gL0+ |f0<`l0+ |g?<B?+ NP?/+?+ N^P @f0<`6k -K k o?<B?+ NP n!@&Bk0<LN^NuNVH$.". BnJlVnDJlRnDvd`Bbd nmDdD-@-A LN^NuNV nl <`?.?./. ?<BN< -@ m .`?<?.B?<BN -@?<?.B?<BN -@ nf .Ю -@ `$ nf .Ю -@ `0.g <`b . oHn . /?.?<@N Bg?./. ?<BN| ]|9@dg <` `Bld . N^NuNV/.?<IN@\N^Nu)I`)J\)_XNM"l`$l\/,XNu)I`)J\)_XNN"l`$l\/,XNu)I`)J\)_XNA"l`$l\/,XNuNVH0&n$n -KfSg` .L N^NuNV n "n fN^Nu9|29|.CC0123456789ABCDEFC22!2 B20c2@2P2`2p22)2J2k22ѭ2221222s2"R2R2B2r2b2922{2Z2ӽ2Ü222$b24C2 22d2t2D2T2j2K2(2 222Ŭ2Ս26S2&r2202v2f2V2F2[2z228222ם2Ǽ2H2X2h2x2@2a2(28#22222H2i2 2+2Z2J2z2j2q2 P2:32*22222y2X2;22l2|2L2\2,"2<2 `2A22222*2 2h2I2~2n2^2N2>2.22Q2p222222:2Y2x22222 2-2N2o22202 2P2@%2pF2`g22222=222^222"222B52R2bw2rV22222n2O2,2 242$222tf2dG2T$2D22222_2~22<2&26222fW2vv2F2V42L2m22/22222XD2He2x2h'22282(2}2\2?222222Ju2ZT2j72z2 22*2:2.22l2M22222|&2l2\d2LE2<2,22 22>2]2|22222n2~62NU2^t2.2>22Cl#VCO,PB,DT,+C"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|Nu *** USER ABORT REQUEST *** ** Cannot find that file ** .** Read failure...aborting ** Waiting for host... ** Cannot open file...aborting ** ** Write failure...aborting ** .** Invalid termination packet...aborting ** ** Failure packet received...aborting ** ** Failed to receive packet...aborting ** *** Quick B is in effect *** *** Using CRC *** *** Send-Ahead enabled *** Transfer completed! Transfer completed!  Documentation for Quick B Downloading Protocol QUICKB.EMU Version 1.0 1/25/88 Atari ST Version by Randy Mears Docs by Jeff Rigby Derived from QUICKB.INC, version 121687, written by Russ Ranshaw, CompuServe Incorporated Converted to C by Paul M. Resch. NOTE: This Emulator is designed to operate under the control of INTERLINK ST Version 1.72 and above. It will not operate with earlier versions of INTERLINK ST. How to use Quick B on Compuserve Logon to Compuserve (call) with the RS-232 set to: 8-bit, No parity and one stop bit. You should be set up for VT52 Emulation on Compuserve. 1) Before calling CIS load the QUICKB.EMU into the (???) button in the STYLE/FEATURES window by double clicking on the (???) button (center button on the left). 2) Make sure QUICKB is selected and return to the dialer window. 3) Call Compuserve. 4) When you are at the download prompt choose CIS B as the method for download. 5) CIS will ask you for the name you want the file saved under on YOUR COMPUTER. 6) Enter your path and file name EX: A:\FOLDER\GAME.ARC (default will be the current drive.you can just enter the file name EX: GAME.ARC) 7) CIS will download this file to your disk. Uploading functions in much the same way except that Compuserve will additionally ask you for the type of file you are uploading. When in doubt, choose BINARY. Uploading or Downloading, once activated, may be Cancelled by pressing the 'x' key while holding down the Control Key, to put it simply, Control-x. It takes several seconds for the cancel command to take so you need only press it once to cancel. How to use on services other than Compuserve Other services that support Compuserve B Protocol pwill usually work with QUICKB.EMU, particularly for downloading, even if they do not support this QUICKB variant. Often these other services will not however automatically activate the transfer. If this is the case and no activity occurrs within several seconds after you feel the transfer should have been started you should activate it manually with Control-\ (Control-backslash).  QUICKB is currently the best way to transfer data to and from CIS, you may find that YMODEM and XMODEM are more convenient on a BBS, even though Compuserve B is available!`FN N *O*m m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lNNu?<Nv?<A?<NAXNuNVA f("l"iEY#JA a*9|.`A:H>a"9|.A()H`/MbH?,_NuL?TNu l.fBlB`0,BA0RlB l Bm9|NHl>Hl>Hl>Hl>N9@@HlVHl@HlN < HlHlNPHlHlNPHlNX9@< l lL>A _NAL>/ / `B@NuN^NuNV .)@~ lN^NuNVA)HAp)HAN)HA>)HA2)H"A*)H&A)H?< NXT9l> 0<N^NuNV?<NN^NuNV?.NT nn0<`?.?<>NX9@ g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LNXN^NuNV/ AX&H`0+ |g/ N*X AX"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gL0+ |f0<`l0+ |g?<B?+ N^P?/+?+ NjP @f0<`6k -K k o?<B?+ N P n!@&Bk0<LN^NuNV nl <`?.?./. ?<BNn -@ m .`?<?.B?<BND -@?<?.B?<BN* -@ nf .Ю -@ `$ nf .Ю -@ `0.g <`b . oHn . /?.?<@N Bg?./. ?<BN ]|9@ g <` `Bl . N^NuNV/.?<INr\N^NuNVBn`&0.A0nf0.ABPRn nLmN^NuNV?>.=|0A"HPgXHf0(>N^Nu)I)J)_NA"l$l/,NuNV n "n fN^Nu)I)JHl)_Hl" <sNB"l$lNuNV)n)n .мZ)@9|dBl9| n 9PN n 0A)HA)HA)HA)HN^NuNV9|eBlBl9nNXN^NuNV0. Sn J@g6 nH| f?< ?<NX nRH??<NX`N^NuNV0. Sn J@g nRH??<NX`N^NuNV0. Sn J@g nRH??<NX`N^NuNVH0&n $KA-H nf?./ N4\=n`H nf?./ N`\=n`* nf?./ Np\=n` -KBn?.NTJ@f ndH| f |o@ H-@/./.?.?<@N 9@ Hg0<`0, n/./<?.?<@Nz 9@ @g0<`hRnR -@`R``` 6.ƼЃ$@ H-@/./.?.?<@N =@9@ Hg0<`Bl 0.L N^NuNV .2. HЁм @0=@0.N^Nu9|<9|o:9|89|69|,9|(CX"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|VNu\*.*ILNMULTI[3][INTERLINK Accessory|Not Loaded][NOT USABLE][3][INTERLINK Accessory|Not Loaded][ABORTED]Enter Receiving File NameEnter File Name To TransmitCON:AUX:PRT: %lu  MULTIXY Version 1.9 - Background Downloading for GEM via INTERLINK ST Copyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp. This MULTIXY package includes this document, MULTIXY.TXF, ILNMULTI.ACC and ILNMULTI.RSC, it may be used only with INTERLINK ST. Background downloads are supported for well behaved GEM application programs. TOS applications are not yet supported with MULTIXY but will be in future releases. As with all INTERLINK Protocols and Utility programs, there is no charge for this package to authorized INTERLINK owners. This version supports XMODEM AUTO (self detecting CRC/Checksum mode), XMODEM CKSM (forced Checksum mode) and YMODEM (also known as 1K XMODEM). The addition of XMODEM CKSM will be helpful for those of you that have had problems with certain BBS services that do not work with XMODEM AUTO. This version will also allow you to exit INTERLINK and return to the DESKTOP without interfering with the background transfer. Just be sure that, if you have a newer version of INTERLINK, you say NO to the Hangup question when you exit. Also, if you reaload INTERLINK while still connected, be sure to open the dialer box and select the button you are online with, before entering the Terminal Screen. INSTALLING MULTIXY: First of all, you must boot-up your computer with ILNMULTI.ACC and ILNMULTI.RSC on your boot disk. This is necessary to install ILNMULTI since it is a desk accessory. If "INTERLINK Waiting" does not show up in your desk accessory menu after booting, it is probably because you already have 6 desk accessories. If you want to use MULTIXY you must remove one of them and re-boot your computer. Once you have successfully booted your machine with ILNMULTI installed ("INTERLINK Waiting" is one of the entries in your Desk Menu) you may run INTERLINK in the normal manner. Once loaded you will need to install MULTIXY.TXF into the ? button in the Transfer Dialogue (this is the button directly under the YMODEM button) by double clicking on it and selecting MULTIXY.TXF with the file selector. MULTIXY will then be displayed in that button and will be ready to use. You can simplify this process by making a startup recording that includes the installation of MULTIXY, if you desire. If you already have such a recording simply replace your current version of MULTIXY.TXF with the one included in this package and it will work fine. CONFIGURING MULTIXY: MULTIXY may be configured at any time that "INTERLINK Waiting" is displayed in the Desk Menu. Simply click on the "INTERLINK Waiting" and a dialogue box will be displayed containing the configuration options for MULTIXY. Transfer Type - There are three selections available for transfer type including: . XMODEM AUTO - This is the normal XMODEM mode that !INTERLINK uses, it will automatically !detect and switch to checksum or CRC !XMODEM depending upon the capabilities !of the connected computer. . XMODEM CKSM - This is a special mode that will force !MULTIXY to use checksum XMODEM. It is !useful when connected to computers that !confuse XMODEM AUTO, such as most 8 Bit !ATARI BBS's. . YMODEM - This is the normal YMODEM mode that !INTERLINK uses. It is also known as 1K !XMODEM. Sounds - Setting the sound on will cause MULTIXY to Tick whenever a good block is received and Tock whenever an error is retried. Setting the sound off will silence the Ticks and Tocks. Priority - There are three settings for the priority of MULTIXY... Low, Med and High. This setting is used to balance the processors time between the upload/download and the application being run and only has an effect while MULTIXY is actually active uploading or downloading. The higher the priority the more the processor's time is diverted to MULTIXY.  Save - This button will cause the above settings to be saved to disk so that the next time that you boot your system MULTIXY will set itself based on your saved settings. Exit - This button will close the Dialogue and complete setup processing. USING MULTIXY: MULTIXY may be activated within INTERLINK using the normal procedure for initiating an upload or download. The only difference is that the MULTIXY button must be selected before you click the SEND or RECEIVE button. Also keep in mind that the configuration defined in the Background Download Setup (see above) will be in effect and that the transfer type may not be changed once the SEND or RECEIVE is selected. Once MULTIXY is activated the INTERLINK Waiting selection in the Desk Menu will change to a Block and Error counter. Clicking on the Block/Error counter will allow you to Abort the download, Change the sound setting or alter the priority. Upon successful completion MULTIXY will alert you that the transfer is done with the familiar INTERLINK yodle, even if the sound is set to OFF!  INTERLINK ST Time and Charges Calculator Copyright INTERSECT Software Corp., 1987 This Charge Calculator will work with INTERLINK ST version 1.74+, earlier versions do not create the Call Log History File required by this program. Furthermore, it will only work with 1.74 if call logging has been turned on and at least 1 call has been logged. If you get the message "Cannot Open Log File" when you try to calculate, it means that either you have a version of INTERLINK earlier than 1.74 or, if you have version 1.74, you do not have the log turned on. Operation of the program is very simple. Simply select your Dial file when you are presented with the File Selector. INTERLOG locates the name of your log file from the definition in the dial file. Once the Dial File is loaded simply select the button for the service you wish to calculate, fill in the date ranges if desired (leaving them empty causes all records to be calculated for that service) and enter the amount that the service charges either Hourly or Minutely. If you do enter a date range the calculation will include only those Conncets that occured within and including the specified dates. Both dates do not have to be specified so that an unspecified THRU date will apply all Connects starting with the from date and an unspecified FROM date will apply all Connects ending with the THRU date. The Message "Bad Record" indicates that your log file is corrupted and you should probably select the ABORT option at this point. The Message "Connect without matching Disconnect" simply indicates that. This is usually caused by turning off your machine while still connected or exiting INTERLINK while still connected. The date and time and service of the offending Connect is displayed for your convenience and the Connect is not added into the call count, time or charge amount. You may run this program from the desktop or from within INTERLINK. Trouble free operation with a hard drive can be assured by placing this program in the same Folder as your INTERLINK ST Software. When using a floppy drive you must be sure that your log disk is located in the proper drive (as specified for the log file in Global Setup within INTERLINK) when the calculate button is depressed.z$ Z4  f? $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_  GHq(I]^_,& 2'B M Q Q  Q 29Q NCQ jQ  Q 9 Q C Q  Q   Q 9 Q .CQ JQ f Q 9Q CQ Q  Q 9Q C'C! A ` A e A o '& pz*FbQ  Q !~"#$% &  C5  p2   s. '& .  & B p( ^&z : * ,b&~. `   B=  3 3 p %( p( &&B  jZ[\]^_fm{    ,-p.BCDXYZnop          123CDEOP Qabclm nrstq(, )'2= Og   -E]x   #;Val z 4?J Xp! # 0TU$V`a bqrswxy**)*)+TU)V))) )  + ,) - V W) X n o p v w x  rB M Q Q Q 9Q CQ ,Q H Q d9 Q C Q  Q  Q 9 Q CQ Q ( Q D9Q `CQ |Q Q 9Q C!C!  p`     $ f A A  A  !A    @  \ x   BM M   < X t  *  p0    *8*T*p38 AFB 334B P3lB  p C5  p2  s. '&.      %B@#" 8 7 0  HL   h          * u       , S H  wd      1 !  "U %$$ &#$e 0 B=   3 (3 p %(D 1`#|  ) /  * Q( Q$( Q@( Q\(Qx(Q(Q(Q(@,@,@@, @/@  @@<@  !' 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[3][Logging not Activated|On This Phone File][ABORT][3][Logfile Open Failure!|Cannot Locate Logfile][CANCEL|RETRY]010100123199@Y@N@N%3lu Time %3lu:%2lu Cost %4.2f [2][Bad Record On File!][ABORT|CONTINUE][3][No Matching Disconnect||][IGNORE]@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d %lu H^AhAh@$:  ,  File Setup Extras Buffer Editor Finder Recorder About Interlink- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Go Online F1 Transfer F2 Disk Commands F3 Execute Program- Load Phone File Save Phone File Phone File Security- Quit UNDO RS232 Settings F4 Style/Features F5 Startup Parameters Define Auto Modem Translation Tables Screen Colors Phone Dialer F6 Function Keys F7 Hang Up F8 Type Ahead Buf F9 Global Setup F10 Quick Draw- Answer Mode Open Window  Close Window Save Buffer Load Buffer Clear Buffer- Print Buffer- Unfiltered- Show Status Set Block Start Set Block End Clear Settings- Delete Block Save Block Move Block Print Block- Copy Block- Block To Clipboard Clipboard To Cursor Clear Clipboard Find String Repeat Find- Set Mark 1 Set Mark 2 Set Mark 3 Set Mark 4- Go To Mark 1 Go To Mark 2 Go To Mark 3 Go To Mark 4- Go To Top Go To Bottom Go To Block Record On Record Off Off and Undo Last- PLAY: Now Later- PLAYBACK SPEED Normal Fast - COMPARE LENGTH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 - WAIT TIME (SECS.) 5 10 15 20 30 60 90 Forever Mode = FastErrs = 0 EXITDRIVE PATHXMODEM?YMODEMASCIIRECEIVESENDSELECT TO EXECUTEBLOCK = 0STATUS = WAITIDLEBUFFERDISKBLOCKCopyright 1987 INTERSECT Software Corp.All Rights Reserved2828 Clark Road, Suite 10Sarasota, Fl. 34231Version 1.83 Written by: Randy MearsINTERLINK ST, The Communications Solution!OK3006001200240048009600BAUD RATE19200NONEEVENODD5768WORD SIZEFULLHALFDUPLEX11.52EXITXON/XOFFRTS/CTSPARITYSTOP BITSCANCELOUTPUTINPUTLINEFEEDS?TRANSLATIONVT52EMULATION MODETOGGLE COLORSWORD WRAPCONNECT CHIMEFEATURESEXITCANCELSPECIAL EFFECTS48 LINE SCREENREVERSE STATUS LINEECHOPRINT FILESHOW FILEDIRECTORYRENAMECOPYDELETEFORMATCREATE FOLDERDRIVE PATHEXITDISK FORMAT REQUESTSELECT DESIRED DRIVEDRIVE ADRIVE BSELECT FORMAT DENSITY360K PER SIDE400K PER SIDEEXECUTECANCEL1 SIDE2 SIDESSELECT FILE TO DELETE ?NAME:__XNUMBER:__XLOG:_ _ X PFX/SFX ?:N_XNUMBER:AUTOLOG/TARS232STYLEMODEMEXITDIALAUTOLOADSAVEGROUP TEXTTEXTTEXT DIALING, ANY KEY ABORTS BAUD. 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Editing. < INTERLINK ST Remote Server. > Copyright 1987 INTERSECT Software Corp. Connect Date Time = Disconnecting.. > ** Error, Too Many Spaces In Command Line.BYELOGOUTEXIT?HELPCHATTALKPAGECLS%c%cPATH*DATECDError, Invalid Path Name *LERELSML*.MSGMRRMERROR - File Not DeletedMVERROR - File Not RenamedSHULDLUnknown Command '%s'. I N T E R L I N K S T H E L P - High Access Menu - - Low Access Menu - - Medium Access Menu - ?, HELP = This Menu. EXIT, LOGOUT, BYE = Quit Remote. CHAT, TALK, PAGE = Call Operator. CLS = Clear Screen. PATH = Print Default Path. DATE = Print Date & Time. ML = Message Directory List. MR = Read All Messages. LE msgname = Leave Message. RE msgname = Read Message. CD pathname = Change Directory. LS pathname = List Disk Directory. RM filename = Remove File. MV oldname newname = Rename File. UL filename [x|y] = Upload File [Xmodem|Ymodem]. DL filename [x|y] = Download File [Xmodem|Ymodem]. SH filename = Show ASCII File. Paging Operator.. Hit 'F1' To Break In. Hit 'UNDO' To Return To Command Prompt. Your Name: Password: Granted Medium Level Access.. Granted High Level Access.. Granted Low Level Access.. ** Chat Mode Engaged. ** Chat Mode Disengaged. %s %sMSG** ERROR, MSG Not Found. MSG** ERROR, MSG Already Exists. You Have Up To 99 Lines Of 75 Columns Each. Enter A Blank Line To End. %2d> [L]ist, [E]dit, [C]ontinue, [S]ave, Or [A]bort : Enter Line To Edit: Error, Invalid Line Number. Current Line: Retype Or Hit Return To Abort. %2d> ** ERROR, Cannot Open File.From: %s Date: %s FILE NAME SIZE DATE TIME **.*ERROR - Cannot open file.  - END OF FILE - --- MORE --- Hit Return ** Abort upload by sending two consecutive Control/X's. ** Ready to receive file... Start your upload now. ** Abort download by sending two consecutive Control/X's. ** Ready to receive file... Start your download now. ** File Already Exists -- You Must Use A Unique Name... ** File Not Found -- You Must Use An Existing File Name... ** Unrecoverable Sequence Error -- Transfer Aborted... ** File Error Has Occured -- Transfer Aborted... ** Cancel Has Been Requested -- Transfer Aborted... ** Maximum Error Retries Exceeded -- Transfer Aborted... ** Reciever Has Timed Out -- Transfer Aborted... ** Transfer Did Not Complete Successfully! ** Transfer Completed Successfully ** Missing Parameter, Type 'HELP' at the prompt for a list of formats. ** Path specification not allowed with Low Access. *.MSG ** Delete This Message (Y or N)? ** ERROR - Message Not Deleted ** Message Deleted ** Break Detected ** End of Messages Select Translate File For LoadEnter Translate File For Save[2][Destination file exists|Overwrite it?][CANCEL|OK][1][First click on the standard|ASCII character to select][OK]EXECUTE DISK COMMANDSDisk Directory DisplaySet Path for Disk FunctionsEnter File To Be Printed[2][Printer is not available][CANCEL|RETRY]Printing - Any key aborts[2][Continue printing ?][NO|YES]Enter File To Be DisplayedHp File :%32s (Use arrows keys to page) Page:%4d q Y! 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2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|Z)l )l$ )l()l,)l09|CA"A"A"A$"A*"A"A "NuCopyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp., All Rights Reserved INTERLINK ATASCII EMULATOR By Richard J. Plom(C),1988 INTERSECT Software, All Rights Reserved. Version 1.0 Select Screen Width ... A=38, B=40, C=80: [3][|Not enough memory|for font.|][SORRY]@$??CON:AUX:PRT: %d  Documentation for INTERLINK's ATASCII Emulation To be used with ATASCII.EMU Version 1.0 06/06/88 Copyright 1988 by INTERSECT Software Corp. PROGRAM-Richard J. Plom DOCS-Randy Mears OVERVIEW This protocol driver will work with INTERLINK ST on both Color and Monochrome Monitors. USING THE ATASCII EMULATOR You must load this Terminal Emulation protocol into the (???) button in the Style-Features Window. When selected and you are in the on-line screen Interlink will properly interpret incoming ATASCII escape sequences and graphic characters. In order to make use of the ATASCII emulation you must be connected to a service that supports ATASCII, you must set your terminal parameters on the service to indicate that you are in ATASCII mode and you must have the ATASCII protocol loaded into the Style-Features (?) button with that button selected. This ATASCII emulatior can be reset by pressing the INSERT key on your ATARI ST Keyboard. When resetting you will also be given the opportunity to set the screen width to either 38, 40 (default) or 80 columns. ATASCII is available on most ATARI 8-bit BBS's and is usually automatically detected when you depress the return key. COPYRIGHT NOTICE / VERSION NUMBER The first character received, or key pressed, will display a header containing the copyright and version number information for this driver. This will allow us to make revisions without leaving you in the dark as to which version you are running. INTERSECT Software Corp. 2828 Clark Rd. Suite 10 Sarasota, Fl. 34230 (813)-923-8774