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+305-774-8986 Hi-Tech +203-776-2850 Late Night +618-943-2399 Maximum Security +808-422-2247 Off World Colony +516-365-5239 P.A.I.N. +914-225-2374 P.D. BBS +305-574-9483 Random Access +212-542-3859 ST Emporium +215 757 7308 ST Emporium Annex +215-698-6688 ST Monastery +516-625-0388 ST_Realms +516-536-1068 StarChamber +513-752-1544 Snake Pit +817-352-7775 Third Reich +813-372-9211 Time Warp +201-831-9027 Treasure Island +414-475-0365 The Happy Pirate Ship +201-446-1424 Xanth ST +201-689-0492  MIKEYDIALER Version 2.0 Documentation Programmed By: Michael F. Documented By: Dr. Funkenstein &Michael F. MikeyDialer is constantly updated with new features. Check with your bulletin board regularly for help and updates. MikeyDialer supports: 1. War Dialing, with or without long distance services. 2. Code hacking (random, sequence, or both) 3. Annoyance calling, with or without long distance sevices. 4. Auto VT-52 terminal mode with: XMODEM CRC File transfer FLASH Dialing Directory Function keys Baud Rate controls Half/Full Duplex, Line feed On/Off. 5. Result output to printer, disk file, or nil (ignore) 6. Load and save configuration files on disk. 7. Six memory banks for multiple parameters. 8. Code validator, also validates phone numbers for a carrier signal. 9. Improved war-dialer with dial-tone scan capability. 10. Updated GEM user interface. 11. Multiple Non-Voice destination telephone numbers. 12. Output results may now goto a memory (storage) bank (1-6). Added into Version 2.0 are: 1. Multi-Programmable Dialer, for use with PBX hacking 2. Clock timer "EDITING MODEM PARAMETERS" The modem parameter menu can be activated by clicking on the "PARAM" box from the main menu. 'Modem init string' If one wishes to change any of the modem's default settings prior to the starting of a dialing procedure, one may do so at this prompt. (e.g. entering, "AT E0" as a modem input string will tell your Hayes compatible modem not to echo back commands given to it.) 'Dialing command' All modems require an attention command. Hayes compatibles understand "ATDT" as its dialing command. 'Suffix' The suffix is a string of characters that will terminate a command issued to the modem. Hayes compatible modems only require a carriage return at the end of the command. This entry should be left blank with most functions. (Some people have devised some interesting things to do with this prompt when annoyance calling. Look for them on a BBS that supports MikeyDialer) 'Connect string' One must supply MikeyDialer with a valid connect string. Most Hayes compatibles give a CONNECT, CONNECT 1200, or CONNECT 2400 result message upon detecting a carrier. Enter CONNECT for the definition of the connect string. 'No connect string 1-3' Ones modem should provide you with different messages reporting a failed connect. Do not leave any of these areas blank! The default settings should work with most modems. 'Command length' Most Hayes compatibles accept a maximum of 40 characters in their command buffer, and will interpret these characters as a command (This is one of the major reasons that MikeyDialer cannot be made to work with the Avatex 1200, it's command buffer accepts a maximum of only 20 characters.) Consult the modem's reference manual to verify the maximum charcter length. If one attempts to exceed the modem's command line buffer, the program will attempt to issue a the dialing commands in a sequence. 'Wait for second dial tone' When one is using a long-distance service, one will need to specify a command that will tell the modem to wait for a second tone before continuing the dialing process. If such a command is not available on your modem then use a delay string such as ",,,". (e.g. 638-0101,,,12345813-372-9211) The commas in the previous example instruct the modem to dial 638-0101 (a local extender) wait for six seconds, (by now the extender should have answered and sent a tone) dial 12345 (the authorization code) and then dial the number you are calling. 'Redial timeout delay' The timeout delay (in seconds) tells MikeyDialer how long to wait before aborting a dialing procedure. Fifty seconds is a satisfactory value. 'Redial pause delay' Tells MikeyDialer how long (in seconds) to pause between dialing attempts. Two seconds is a good value however 0 can be used when executing annoyance calls. 'DTR toggle delay' Enter a value (in seconds) that the DTR line should remain inactive during carrier disconnect attempts. Most modems will work fine with a delay value of 200. "USING THE BANK FUNCTION" This function allows one to store six different parameters to be used by the program into memory. There are six memory banks each one totaly independent of the others. To edit the parameters in one of the memory banks, move the mouse over the "EDIT BANK" area on the main screen. Click on the box of the bank number you want to edit. The screen will display the current settings of the bank you have selected, you may proceed to alter the settings. After the needed information has been entered, the bank must be activated by selecting it's number, found under the "BANK ON/OFF" heading. "HOW TO HACK-OUT PHREAK CODES WITH MIKEYDIALER" So you want to make long distance phone calls for free, huh? MikeyDialer includes many features useful to the novice as well as to the advanced phreaker. 'History' As you all know phreaking (in this case) is the unauthorized use of other peoples authorization codes to various long distance networks to achieve being able to call long distance without paying for Ma Bell's services... (Unfortunately this is illegal.) While it is uncertain where the term "Phreaking" was originated, it is generally agreed on that the "father" of phreaking was a man by the name of Cap'n Crunch. In the 1960's Cap'n Crunch cereal (sound familiar?) included a toy whistle as a prize in some of their cereal boxes. Coincidentally the whistle just happened to produce pure 2600Hz tones (magic number!). A young man who was a graduate of MIT and had just entered the USAF as a radio technician was fascinated by his discovery. By blowing the whistle into the phone after dialing a long distance number, the receiving trunk would be disconnected but he was still on his end of the trunk. From here on he could dial any number and it would all be billed to the long distance number that he first dialed. He went on to realize that by using 800 numbers he could avoid all charges. Cap'n Crunch practiced phreaking for many years and was well known for the legendary call around the world to himself. He soon went on to discover some of the operator tones, including the tones needed to tap (er...ah...verify lines). He claimed to listen in on the President of the USA, the FBI when they were after Patty Hearst, and the Section of Defense. Cap'n Crunch was caught several times and reportedly had spent several years in jail. Upon being released from jail he was said to work for some software company but was never heard from again. The form of phreaking that Cap'n Crunch discovered is now better known as blue boxing. This form of phreaking is rather primitive and cannot be used in most urban places due to ESS, however a blue box brings you as close to becoming a full fledged operator as you will ever get (legally). Most of you are aware that there exist many long distance services besides AT&T (e.g. MCI, Sprint, LDX, MAX, Allnet just to name a few). These are usually cheaper than AT&T which is the reason people use them. The way that these services work is... each service has either a local or an 800 extender, which is also refered to as the access number. When a customer wishes to make a call, he just dials up the access number and waits for a second tone. When the second tone is heard the customer enters another number which tells the network to bill the charges to his account. This number is known as the authorization code and is usually between five and nine digits long. Upon entering the authorization code the customer enters the area code and number of the person to call, the dialing procedure is now complete. A moment of speculation is due. what if you were to dial up an extender and type in someone elses authorization code? The result is one of the safest methods of phreaking, and this is where MikeyDialer helps you out. Hopefully you already know of a local extender (if not just ask any phreaker) now all you need is someone elses code. While there are many BBS's that have phreak message bases and will supply you with plenty of codes, this is not the best way to go. You never know how long the particular code has been around, or how many people are already using it. MikeyDialer solves this problem by allowing you to easily hack new codes whenever they are needed. It is recommended that you hack new codes every fifteen days or so, just to be safe. 'How to hack' You have three methods of hacking with MikeyDialer: Random, Sequence or Random/Sequence modes. Random hacking will generate a new code every time it tries. Sequence will increase the code by the stated increment. Random/Sequence will generate a random code and then increase it by the specified increment, then it will generate another random code and repeat the procedure. Now select the baud rate: 300, 1200, or 2400. The baud rate is not important for hacking codes and may remain at 300 baud. In version 1.08 you may select different modes independent of each active memory bank. 'Long-distance service' Enter the number of the local or 800 extender that you wish to use. 'Non-voice telephone #' Enter the number of a computer that will give you a carrier and is never busy. (CompuServe and Telenet work best.) 'Connect verify (secs)' Some networks throw out false carrier signals to prevent code hacking. MikeyDialer gets around this annoyance by monitoring the carrier signal for the amount of time you specify to make sure it is real. A setting of five seconds usually works best. 'Random/Sequence # size' Enter the number of digits that the network uses as an authorization code. This usually between five and nine digits. (e.g. MCI=5, Sprint=9) 'Start sequence/valid code' If you have selected the Sequence dialing mode, or the Random/Sequence mode, enter the starting number at this prompt (preferably a valid code). This parameter is ignored in the Random dialing mode. 'Increment value' This tells MikeyDialer by what number to increase the code that it just got done hacking. (e.g. if MikeyDialer started a Sequence dialing routine with 63520, and the increment value was 1 the next code would be 63521, 63522, 63523 etc.) This parameter is ignored in the Random mode. Click on the HACK button to begin!!! "USING MULTIPLE NON-VOICE TELEPHONE DESTINATION NUMBERS" Mikeydialer, upon executing will load a file called MIKYDIAL.CDN into memory. This file contains a group of Non-Voice telephone ALmbers which this new feature will take advantage of (up to 90 Non-voice telephone numbers.) Some long-distance services can track hackers. Mikeydialer can make it very difficult for them if you activate this function from within any memory bank. Right next to the entry "Non-Voice Tel. #" you will see a box with a check mark inside it. Click on this box so that it is highlighted. Mikeydialer will fetch the next phone number from this list whenever the program requires a Non-Voice Tel. # for this bank. This feature is ideally suited for code-hacking, however other uses are possible. "USING THE CODE VALIDATION FUNCTION" 'Why validate codes?' Well now that you have hacked-out plenty of new phreak codes with MikeyDialer, and shared them with all your friends on the BBS's you might think you are set for life. Unfortunately that is not the way it is. Most of you will notice that around the 20th of each month you or your parents get the phone bill. Well so do the people whose authorization number you and about 50 other people have been using for the past month. When these people open up their phone bill they will notice it is quite a bit lengthier than what they had expected. Probably about 80 to 90 pages and for around 2000 dollars. The guy who first sees this bill will either have a heart attack or a cardiac arrest (maybe both if it's bad enough). After trying to blame the whole thing on his wife and kids and having no luck, chances are he will probably call the phone company and explain to them that there is a slight problem. After a bunch of investigations the phone company will agree not to make him pay the bill and will possibly attempt to catch the unauthorized users. If after a while they have not caught anyone they will take the code off of the network and assign their customer a new one. Phreak codes become obsolete rather quickly, and therefore need to be validated frequently. MikeyDialer has a complete automated code validator to assist you with the process. (One of the largest confirmed phone bills due to phreaking is 2,578 pages, and was for the sum of $109,000.00. This bill was received by some woman in Bedford, New York some time in 1985) 'Validating codes' You may enter a maximum of 90 codes per memory bank for the program to validate. Simply select and activate a memory bank, define the phone number of the long-distance service you are using, and click on the "ENTER CODES TO VALIDATE" button. You will now be presented with a window where you may proceed to enter all of the codes which you need to validate. After you have entered all the codes, click on the "DONE" button. From the main screen, click on the "VALIDATE CODES" button. MikeyDialer will now validate all of the codes you have instructed it to. "HOW TO WAR DIAL" 'Intro to war dialing' A war dialer is a program that scans a certain range of phone numbers in search of other computers. After setting up a war dialer to go for a couple hours you will be able to call up these computers and try your luck at hacking some passwords. 'War dialing with MikeyDialer' If you don't wish to use a long-distance service with the war dialer, use the following settings. Non-Voice Tel. #: [-Enter the starting phone number (e.g. 555-1212)-] Increment Value : [-Pick an increment value (e.g. 1)-] If you wish to use a long-distance service with the war dialer try the following settings. Long Distance Svce: [-Your local MCI, Sprint, etc. access number-] Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Enter the phone number to start with-] Start Sequence At : [-A working phreak code-] Increment Value : [-Pick an increment value-] Switch on the 'War Dial' option, and Click on HACK to begin!!! "HOW TO WAR DIAL LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SEVICES" MikeyDialer is capable of scanning for long-distance service access telephone numbers. To do this, you will require a modem with a "Wait for 2nd Dial tone" command (common to many modems as "W".) From the Modem parameters menu, make the following settings: Suffix: W Connect String: NO CARRIER No Connect String 1: BUSY No Connect String 2: VOICE No Connect String 3: NO DIAL TONE From the main menu, click on the WAR button. Activate the "IGNORE CARRIER DETECT" button so that it is highlighted. This will inform the program to ignore carrier detect verification and act upon modem result messages only. "ANNOYANCE CALLING" Are you tired of just making regular old prank calls and having people hang up on you? Now you can do the next best thing, ANNOYANCE CALL. An annoyance caller will repeatedly call the same number and hang up when the phone is answered. (really pisses people off if you do it late at night) With a long distance service, use the following settings. Long-Distance Svce: [-Local MCI, Sprint, etc. access number-] Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Place the asshole's number here (with are code-] Start Sequence At : [-Valid phreak code-] Without a long distance service try these settings. Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Asshole's number goes here-] If you wish to be more annoying with your annoyance calls, change your modem dialing command (in the parameter menu) to include S7=8 (e.g. ATS7=8DT). With this setting MikeyDialer will redial the asshole's house approximately every ten seconds. Click on the WAR button to begin!!! "HOW TO OUTPUT RESULTS" MikeyDialer supports both disk and printer output of its results, and starting with Version 1.11 you may select a storage bank (1-6) for output. If you have chosen to use MikeyDialer to make Annoyance calls, it is preferable to select NIL as your output device. All modes of operation with MikeyDialer give output results. If the results are of importance to you, select output for the Printer or disk file. Note: If you are using the Disk file option, you must have that disk present in the drive during operation of the program. Also, you must hit the UNDO key and exit MikeyDialer properly. If this is not done, it is possible that some output results of the program will not be recorded. "AUTOMATIC VT-52 MODE" MikeyDialer now supports a VT-52 Terminal mode. If you have connected to a telecommunications system (BBS) with the War Dial or Hack feature, you can switch into this terminal mode immediately so you can log on! A dialog box will appear on the screen after you activate the Code-Validator, War-Dialing, or Hacking function. If you wish to activate the AUTO VT-52 term feature, click on the "Auto VT-52" box so that it is highlighted. Commands for the VT-52 Term mode are, ALT-B Select Baud rate ALT-D Toggle Duplex (Half or Full) ALT-F XMODEM CRC File Transfer ALT-L Toggle Linefeeds ALT-M Macro Keys ALT-T FLASH-compatible dialing directory HELP Help Screen UNDO Exit VT-52 Terminal mode and continue dialing The VT-52 terminal mode supports the use of the editing keypad. "USING THE MULTI-PROGRAMMABLE DIALER" The multi-programmable dialer can be used for special-purpose auto-dialing and PBX hacking. You are given a total of 16 variables (8 numeric, 8 string) identified as &#n (n=[1..8]), and &$n (n=[1..8]). Numeric variables can be dynamically incremented when referenced, for example: = 1000(5) -> Variable starts counting at 1000 with increments of 5. The multi-programmable dialer can also generate random numbers with the (R)andom command: Rn (n=[1..9]) Eg. R7 - > Generate a 7 digit random number All variables used can be constructed onto the command line. An example: = 1234560(1) = 01(2) &$1= ,, Command:  + &$1 + R7 + &$1 + This string will construct ATDT1234560,,7201384,,01 pass 2: ATDT1234561,,3691617,,03 pass 3: ATDT1234562,,6416178,,05 Using spaces and the plus-sign as delimiters is optional. Warning: When programming the number variables, be careful not to enter a value which is out of bounds. "TIPS ON USING MIKEYDIALER CAN BE FOUND ON YOUR FAVORITE BBS" If after reading this manual you are still having problems, or have any questions, try calling a BBS for additional help with MikeyDialer. Sample config files should be included in the archived file in which MikeyDialer is distributed in. 'Technical assistance' You must set your modem to work properly with MikeyDialer. Do not have CARRIER DETECT OVERRIDE or DATA TERMINAL READY OVERRIDE switched on. Check your switch settings. Also, you modem must send response messages. If you have a Hayes Compatible modem that might have extended features, turn them off. They might give you trouble. SWITCH SETTINGS FOR AVATEX 1200HC FROM E&E DATACOMM Switch (Down=on, Up=off) 1 ON 2 OFF 3 ON 4 OFF 5 OFF 6 ON 7 ON 8 ON SWITCH SETTINGS FOR ADC SMART DUCK FROM DAK INDUSTRIES Switch &Settings (Left=On, Right=Off) 1 Enable Command Recognition LEFT 2 Activate "beep" sound LEFT 3 MD1202 command mode LEFT 4 Modem will not answer calls RIGHT 5 Echo commands in command mode RIGHT 6 Send result codes LEFT 7 Send result codes in English LEFT 8 Ignore DTR line; RIGHT 9 Enable auto-redial on busy LEFT 10 Response to carrier detect RIGHT SWITCH SETTINGS FOR HAYES SMARTMODEM 1200 Switch 1 Down 2 Up 3 Down 4 Up 5 Down 6 Down 7 Up 8 Down SWITCH SETTINGS FOR HAYES 2400 SMARTMODEM The Hayes 2400 Smartmodem stores its settings in non-volatile memory. You will have to enter the following sequence of commands to your modem from within a terminal program (or from MikeyDialer's Built-in VT-52 Emulator) to configure its settings properly. AT&F Load factory configuration profile ATM Turn off Speaker ATE Turn off modem echo to terminal ATV Select long form (word) result codes AT&C1 DCD ON indicates presence of data carrier AT&D3 Modem assumes init state on ON-TO-OFF transition to DTR AT&M1 Synchronous mode 1 (Sync/Async mode) AT&X1 Modem derives transmit clock from receive carrier AT&W Write this profile to non-volitile RAM SWITCH SETTINGS FOR U.S. ROBOTICS COURIER 2400 MODEM Switch Settings 1 DTR Override UP 2 Verbal/Numeric results UP 3 Result code display DOWN 4 MODEM ECHO UP 5 Auto Answer UP 6 RS-232C Carrier Detect UP 7 Single phone connect UP 8 AT Command Set recog. DOWN 9 Escape code mode UP 10 Reserved UP Switch # 4,5,7, and 9 may be set to your preferences. VISIT AN AUTHORIZED MIKEYDIALER BOARD FOR HELP The following Bulletin Board systems have a MikeyDialer message base. Call these systems for 1) Technical help, and 2) Latest MikeyDialer updates Bulletin Board Phone# Message Base = = = The Third Reich *(813) 372-9211 MikeyDialer Users Sig ST Monestary *(516) 625-0388 MikeyDialer Sig Late Night BBS (618) 943-2399 MikeyDialer Mania The Circuit Board (318) 948-4985 The MikeyDialer Interface The Happy Pirate Ship *(201) 446-1424 M I K E Y D I A L E R !! Black Forest (404) 594-0700 Mikey's Place StarChamber *(513) 752-1544 MikeyDialer Base Xanth ST (201) 689-0492 MikeyDialer Hacking ,Society ( * = 9600 Baud Communication supported ) BBS LISTING OF SYSTEMS WHICH SUPPORT MIKEYDIALER OFFICIAL MIKEYDIALER INTERNATIONAL BBS LIST Capitol Hill 718-837-5465 Disk Bank 305-774-8986 Off World Colony 516-365-5239 ST_Realms 516-536-1068 Maximimum Security 808-422-2247 P.D. BBS 305-574-9483 Random Access 212-542-3859 Wizards Workshop 801-789-6439 Abused ST BBS 817-634-7480 Dark City of Fear 215 261 0893 HI-TECH 203-776-2850 Treasure Island 414-475-0365 P.A.I.N. 914-225-2374 P.D. BBS 305-574-9483 Random Access 212-542-3859 ST Emporium0 215 757 7308 ST Emporium Annex 215-698-6688 Snake Pit 817-532-7775 If you run a Bulletin Board System and approve the use of MikeyDialer amongst your users, contact ST Monestary BBS for your latest copy and sign up with your support! We'll place you into our official MikeyDialer International BBS list. `# o"h#%#%#%,O8c.N//Bg?<JNA BbBy%N/,HNVA"-HN"*"y6N$y/40<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y6J$y/40<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y/4$y6N0<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y/4$y6J0<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVtAf-HN"*p6=@Bnp=@p=@Bn-nx?<6HnHnHnxHntNf"n2"n2"n2"n 2N^,_ _ON/,HNVtAV-HN"*=n=n=n=n=n=n=n=n ?<IHnHnHnxHntNfN^,_ _ON/,HNVtAV-HN"*=n=n=n=n =n=n=n=n?<JHnHnHnxHntNfN^,_ _ON/,HNVAD-HN"*/. HnHnHnHnN?.?.BgBg?.?.?.?.NN^,_ _XN/,HNVA@-HN"*/. 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Box 3396, Holiday, FL 33590The ST Hackers Journal$20.00 per yearSingle Issue: $2.00SUBSCRIPTIONS:Ok Quit Program... Are you sure?Please be certain that your importantdata files have been updated.QuitCancelNo BanksSelected Abort __X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__XStorageBank # 1Page:1CancelExitLoadMergeSaveLong Distance Svce:Non-Voice Tel. #:Connect verify(secs):Random/Sequence # size:Start Sequence/Valid Code:__X__X____XX____XX_ _ X Increment value:__XMode:RandomSequenceITTWar DialOptions:Bank # 1Version 2.01aProgrammed by Michael F. M I K E Y D I A L E R Bank On/OffEdit BankBaud30012002400LoadParamExamine Storage bankHackTermSaveClockValidatePBXQuit Sending Modem Initialization string Redial Pause delay M I K E Y D I A L E R Code: Bank #1DialYing: Long Distance Service: Tries: Got:  Hit [UNDO] to abort M I K E Y D I A L E R XMODEM CRC File Transfer Select File transfer operationReceiveAbortSend M I K E Y D I A L E R VT-52 Terminal ModeALT-B Change Baud RateALT-C Initialize ScreenHELP This ScreenALT-D Toggle DuplexALT-L Toggle LinefeedsALT-F XMODEM CRC File TransferALT-M Macro KeysALT-H Hangup ModemALT-T Dialing DirectoryPress UNDO to Exit Terminal modeInitGO ! M I K E Y D I A L E R RS-232 Baud Rate SettingsSelect baud rate30012002400Abort__X__X__XDescription__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__XTelephone number__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__X__XDialing Directory__XLong Dist. 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M *M M<( MX MtP,R$U UVtYt^^^`|a$bcdidlst\tuwx212-752-5505 212-980-5441 212-980-5450 516-324-5002 516-928-9033 213-202-0540 213-513-6893 213-776-2005 213-776-2710 213-776-7222 817-776-5860 817-831-0461 408-372-0347 408-746-0651 617-345-7544 617-478-3160 617-598-7172 617-688-2312 617-757-3862 617-868-2500 617-868-2830 617-868-3269 617-875-8248 617-927-7047 201-247-0066 201-249-4187 201-285-1715 201-285-1870 201-381-5044 201-489-0220 201-489-0570 201-522-0300 201-539-3394 201-666-1661 201-741-8490 201-766-5282 201-846-8560 201-997-7735 308-234-6589 513-223-7174 513-339-2684 404-226-3400 404-235-6031 404-324-7314 404-325-7293 702-323-1671 702-382-6810 415-433-4211 415-454-5300 415-825-9111 415-836-5060 415-871-1522 818-884-2127 916-342-0262 916-441-6126 203-346-1244 203-348-2448 203-348-3117 203-373-2905 203-373-3047  Abused ST BBS +817-634-7480 Black Forest +404-594-0700 Capitol Hill +718-837-5465 Circuit Board +318-948-4985 Dark City of Fear +215 261 0893 Disk Bank +305-774-8986 Hi-Tech +203-776-2850 Late Night +618-943-2399 Maximum Security +808-422-2247 Off World Colony +516-365-5239 P.A.I.N. +914-225-2374 P.D. BBS +305-574-9483 Random Access +212-542-3859 ST Emporium +215 757 7308 ST Emporium Annex +215-698-6688 ST Monastery +516-625-0388 ST_Realms +516-536-1068 StarChamber +513-752-1544 Snake Pit +817-352-7775 Third Reich +813-372-9211 Time Warp +201-831-9027 Treasure Island +414-475-0365 The Happy Pirate Ship +201-446-1424 Xanth ST +201-689-0492  MIKEYDIALER Version 2.0 Documentation Programmed By: Michael F. Documented By: Dr. Funkenstein &Michael F. MikeyDialer is constantly updated with new features. Check with your bulletin board regularly for help and updates. MikeyDialer supports: 1. War Dialing, with or without long distance services. 2. Code hacking (random, sequence, or both) 3. Annoyance calling, with or without long distance sevices. 4. Auto VT-52 terminal mode with: XMODEM CRC File transfer FLASH Dialing Directory Function keys Baud Rate controls Half/Full Duplex, Line feed On/Off. 5. Result output to printer, disk file, or nil (ignore) 6. Load and save configuration files on disk. 7. Six memory banks for multiple parameters. 8. Code validator, also validates phone numbers for a carrier signal. 9. Improved war-dialer with dial-tone scan capability. 10. Updated GEM user interface. 11. Multiple Non-Voice destination telephone numbers. 12. Output results may now goto a memory (storage) bank (1-6). Added into Version 2.0 are: 1. Multi-Programmable Dialer, for use with PBX hacking 2. Clock timer "EDITING MODEM PARAMETERS" The modem parameter menu can be activated by clicking on the "PARAM" box from the main menu. 'Modem init string' If one wishes to change any of the modem's default settings prior to the starting of a dialing procedure, one may do so at this prompt. (e.g. entering, "AT E0" as a modem input string will tell your Hayes compatible modem not to echo back commands given to it.) 'Dialing command' All modems require an attention command. Hayes compatibles understand "ATDT" as its dialing command. 'Suffix' The suffix is a string of characters that will terminate a command issued to the modem. Hayes compatible modems only require a carriage return at the end of the command. This entry should be left blank with most functions. (Some people have devised some interesting things to do with this prompt when annoyance calling. Look for them on a BBS that supports MikeyDialer) 'Connect string' One must supply MikeyDialer with a valid connect string. Most Hayes compatibles give a CONNECT, CONNECT 1200, or CONNECT 2400 result message upon detecting a carrier. Enter CONNECT for the definition of the connect string. 'No connect string 1-3' Ones modem should provide you with different messages reporting a failed connect. Do not leave any of these areas blank! The default settings should work with most modems. 'Command length' Most Hayes compatibles accept a maximum of 40 characters in their command buffer, and will interpret these characters as a command (This is one of the major reasons that MikeyDialer cannot be made to work with the Avatex 1200, it's command buffer accepts a maximum of only 20 characters.) Consult the modem's reference manual to verify the maximum charcter length. If one attempts to exceed the modem's command line buffer, the program will attempt to issue a the dialing commands in a sequence. 'Wait for second dial tone' When one is using a long-distance service, one will need to specify a command that will tell the modem to wait for a second tone before continuing the dialing process. If such a command is not available on your modem then use a delay string such as ",,,". (e.g. 638-0101,,,12345813-372-9211) The commas in the previous example instruct the modem to dial 638-0101 (a local extender) wait for six seconds, (by now the extender should have answered and sent a tone) dial 12345 (the authorization code) and then dial the number you are calling. 'Redial timeout delay' The timeout delay (in seconds) tells MikeyDialer how long to wait before aborting a dialing procedure. Fifty seconds is a satisfactory value. 'Redial pause delay' Tells MikeyDialer how long (in seconds) to pause between dialing attempts. Two seconds is a good value however 0 can be used when executing annoyance calls. 'DTR toggle delay' Enter a value (in seconds) that the DTR line should remain inactive during carrier disconnect attempts. Most modems will work fine with a delay value of 200. "USING THE BANK FUNCTION" This function allows one to store six different parameters to be used by the program into memory. There are six memory banks each one totaly independent of the others. To edit the parameters in one of the memory banks, move the mouse over the "EDIT BANK" area on the main screen. Click on the box of the bank number you want to edit. The screen will display the current settings of the bank you have selected, you may proceed to alter the settings. After the needed information has been entered, the bank must be activated by selecting it's number, found under the "BANK ON/OFF" heading. "HOW TO HACK-OUT PHREAK CODES WITH MIKEYDIALER" So you want to make long distance phone calls for free, huh? MikeyDialer includes many features useful to the novice as well as to the advanced phreaker. 'History' As you all know phreaking (in this case) is the unauthorized use of other peoples authorization codes to various long distance networks to achieve being able to call long distance without paying for Ma Bell's services... (Unfortunately this is illegal.) While it is uncertain where the term "Phreaking" was originated, it is generally agreed on that the "father" of phreaking was a man by the name of Cap'n Crunch. In the 1960's Cap'n Crunch cereal (sound familiar?) included a toy whistle as a prize in some of their cereal boxes. Coincidentally the whistle just happened to produce pure 2600Hz tones (magic number!). A young man who was a graduate of MIT and had just entered the USAF as a radio technician was fascinated by his discovery. By blowing the whistle into the phone after dialing a long distance number, the receiving trunk would be disconnected but he was still on his end of the trunk. From here on he could dial any number and it would all be billed to the long distance number that he first dialed. He went on to realize that by using 800 numbers he could avoid all charges. Cap'n Crunch practiced phreaking for many years and was well known for the legendary call around the world to himself. He soon went on to discover some of the operator tones, including the tones needed to tap (er...ah...verify lines). He claimed to listen in on the President of the USA, the FBI when they were after Patty Hearst, and the Section of Defense. Cap'n Crunch was caught several times and reportedly had spent several years in jail. Upon being released from jail he was said to work for some software company but was never heard from again. The form of phreaking that Cap'n Crunch discovered is now better known as blue boxing. This form of phreaking is rather primitive and cannot be used in most urban places due to ESS, however a blue box brings you as close to becoming a full fledged operator as you will ever get (legally). Most of you are aware that there exist many long distance services besides AT&T (e.g. MCI, Sprint, LDX, MAX, Allnet just to name a few). These are usually cheaper than AT&T which is the reason people use them. The way that these services work is... each service has either a local or an 800 extender, which is also refered to as the access number. When a customer wishes to make a call, he just dials up the access number and waits for a second tone. When the second tone is heard the customer enters another number which tells the network to bill the charges to his account. This number is known as the authorization code and is usually between five and nine digits long. Upon entering the authorization code the customer enters the area code and number of the person to call, the dialing procedure is now complete. A moment of speculation is due. what if you were to dial up an extender and type in someone elses authorization code? The result is one of the safest methods of phreaking, and this is where MikeyDialer helps you out. Hopefully you already know of a local extender (if not just ask any phreaker) now all you need is someone elses code. While there are many BBS's that have phreak message bases and will supply you with plenty of codes, this is not the best way to go. You never know how long the particular code has been around, or how many people are already using it. MikeyDialer solves this problem by allowing you to easily hack new codes whenever they are needed. It is recommended that you hack new codes every fifteen days or so, just to be safe. 'How to hack' You have three methods of hacking with MikeyDialer: Random, Sequence or Random/Sequence modes. Random hacking will generate a new code every time it tries. Sequence will increase the code by the stated increment. Random/Sequence will generate a random code and then increase it by the specified increment, then it will generate another random code and repeat the procedure. Now select the baud rate: 300, 1200, or 2400. The baud rate is not important for hacking codes and may remain at 300 baud. In version 1.08 you may select different modes independent of each active memory bank. 'Long-distance service' Enter the number of the local or 800 extender that you wish to use. 'Non-voice telephone #' Enter the number of a computer that will give you a carrier and is never busy. (CompuServe and Telenet work best.) 'Connect verify (secs)' Some networks throw out false carrier signals to prevent code hacking. MikeyDialer gets around this annoyance by monitoring the carrier signal for the amount of time you specify to make sure it is real. A setting of five seconds usually works best. 'Random/Sequence # size' Enter the number of digits that the network uses as an authorization code. This usually between five and nine digits. (e.g. MCI=5, Sprint=9) 'Start sequence/valid code' If you have selected the Sequence dialing mode, or the Random/Sequence mode, enter the starting number at this prompt (preferably a valid code). This parameter is ignored in the Random dialing mode. 'Increment value' This tells MikeyDialer by what number to increase the code that it just got done hacking. (e.g. if MikeyDialer started a Sequence dialing routine with 63520, and the increment value was 1 the next code would be 63521, 63522, 63523 etc.) This parameter is ignored in the Random mode. Click on the HACK button to begin!!! "USING MULTIPLE NON-VOICE TELEPHONE DESTINATION NUMBERS" Mikeydialer, upon executing will load a file called MIKYDIAL.CDN into memory. This file contains a group of Non-Voice telephone ALmbers which this new feature will take advantage of (up to 90 Non-voice telephone numbers.) Some long-distance services can track hackers. Mikeydialer can make it very difficult for them if you activate this function from within any memory bank. Right next to the entry "Non-Voice Tel. #" you will see a box with a check mark inside it. Click on this box so that it is highlighted. Mikeydialer will fetch the next phone number from this list whenever the program requires a Non-Voice Tel. # for this bank. This feature is ideally suited for code-hacking, however other uses are possible. "USING THE CODE VALIDATION FUNCTION" 'Why validate codes?' Well now that you have hacked-out plenty of new phreak codes with MikeyDialer, and shared them with all your friends on the BBS's you might think you are set for life. Unfortunately that is not the way it is. Most of you will notice that around the 20th of each month you or your parents get the phone bill. Well so do the people whose authorization number you and about 50 other people have been using for the past month. When these people open up their phone bill they will notice it is quite a bit lengthier than what they had expected. Probably about 80 to 90 pages and for around 2000 dollars. The guy who first sees this bill will either have a heart attack or a cardiac arrest (maybe both if it's bad enough). After trying to blame the whole thing on his wife and kids and having no luck, chances are he will probably call the phone company and explain to them that there is a slight problem. After a bunch of investigations the phone company will agree not to make him pay the bill and will possibly attempt to catch the unauthorized users. If after a while they have not caught anyone they will take the code off of the network and assign their customer a new one. Phreak codes become obsolete rather quickly, and therefore need to be validated frequently. MikeyDialer has a complete automated code validator to assist you with the process. (One of the largest confirmed phone bills due to phreaking is 2,578 pages, and was for the sum of $109,000.00. This bill was received by some woman in Bedford, New York some time in 1985) 'Validating codes' You may enter a maximum of 90 codes per memory bank for the program to validate. Simply select and activate a memory bank, define the phone number of the long-distance service you are using, and click on the "ENTER CODES TO VALIDATE" button. You will now be presented with a window where you may proceed to enter all of the codes which you need to validate. After you have entered all the codes, click on the "DONE" button. From the main screen, click on the "VALIDATE CODES" button. MikeyDialer will now validate all of the codes you have instructed it to. "HOW TO WAR DIAL" 'Intro to war dialing' A war dialer is a program that scans a certain range of phone numbers in search of other computers. After setting up a war dialer to go for a couple hours you will be able to call up these computers and try your luck at hacking some passwords. 'War dialing with MikeyDialer' If you don't wish to use a long-distance service with the war dialer, use the following settings. Non-Voice Tel. #: [-Enter the starting phone number (e.g. 555-1212)-] Increment Value : [-Pick an increment value (e.g. 1)-] If you wish to use a long-distance service with the war dialer try the following settings. Long Distance Svce: [-Your local MCI, Sprint, etc. access number-] Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Enter the phone number to start with-] Start Sequence At : [-A working phreak code-] Increment Value : [-Pick an increment value-] Switch on the 'War Dial' option, and Click on HACK to begin!!! "HOW TO WAR DIAL LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SEVICES" MikeyDialer is capable of scanning for long-distance service access telephone numbers. To do this, you will require a modem with a "Wait for 2nd Dial tone" command (common to many modems as "W".) From the Modem parameters menu, make the following settings: Suffix: W Connect String: NO CARRIER No Connect String 1: BUSY No Connect String 2: VOICE No Connect String 3: NO DIAL TONE From the main menu, click on the WAR button. Activate the "IGNORE CARRIER DETECT" button so that it is highlighted. This will inform the program to ignore carrier detect verification and act upon modem result messages only. "ANNOYANCE CALLING" Are you tired of just making regular old prank calls and having people hang up on you? Now you can do the next best thing, ANNOYANCE CALL. An annoyance caller will repeatedly call the same number and hang up when the phone is answered. (really pisses people off if you do it late at night) With a long distance service, use the following settings. Long-Distance Svce: [-Local MCI, Sprint, etc. access number-] Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Place the asshole's number here (with are code-] Start Sequence At : [-Valid phreak code-] Without a long distance service try these settings. Non-Voice Tel. # : [-Asshole's number goes here-] If you wish to be more annoying with your annoyance calls, change your modem dialing command (in the parameter menu) to include S7=8 (e.g. ATS7=8DT). With this setting MikeyDialer will redial the asshole's house approximately every ten seconds. Click on the WAR button to begin!!! "HOW TO OUTPUT RESULTS" MikeyDialer supports both disk and printer output of its results, and starting with Version 1.11 you may select a storage bank (1-6) for output. If you have chosen to use MikeyDialer to make Annoyance calls, it is preferable to select NIL as your output device. All modes of operation with MikeyDialer give output results. If the results are of importance to you, select output for the Printer or disk file. Note: If you are using the Disk file option, you must have that disk present in the drive during operation of the program. Also, you must hit the UNDO key and exit MikeyDialer properly. If this is not done, it is possible that some output results of the program will not be recorded. "AUTOMATIC VT-52 MODE" MikeyDialer now supports a VT-52 Terminal mode. If you have connected to a telecommunications system (BBS) with the War Dial or Hack feature, you can switch into this terminal mode immediately so you can log on! A dialog box will appear on the screen after you activate the Code-Validator, War-Dialing, or Hacking function. If you wish to activate the AUTO VT-52 term feature, click on the "Auto VT-52" box so that it is highlighted. Commands for the VT-52 Term mode are, ALT-B Select Baud rate ALT-D Toggle Duplex (Half or Full) ALT-F XMODEM CRC File Transfer ALT-L Toggle Linefeeds ALT-M Macro Keys ALT-T FLASH-compatible dialing directory HELP Help Screen UNDO Exit VT-52 Terminal mode and continue dialing The VT-52 terminal mode supports the use of the editing keypad. "USING THE MULTI-PROGRAMMABLE DIALER" The multi-programmable dialer can be used for special-purpose auto-dialing and PBX hacking. You are given a total of 16 variables (8 numeric, 8 string) identified as &#n (n=[1..8]), and &$n (n=[1..8]). Numeric variables can be dynamically incremented when referenced, for example: = 1000(5) -> Variable starts counting at 1000 with increments of 5. The multi-programmable dialer can also generate random numbers with the (R)andom command: Rn (n=[1..9]) Eg. R7 - > Generate a 7 digit random number All variables used can be constructed onto the command line. An example: = 1234560(1) = 01(2) &$1= ,, Command:  + &$1 + R7 + &$1 + This string will construct ATDT1234560,,7201384,,01 pass 2: ATDT1234561,,3691617,,03 pass 3: ATDT1234562,,6416178,,05 Using spaces and the plus-sign as delimiters is optional. Warning: When programming the number variables, be careful not to enter a value which is out of bounds. "TIPS ON USING MIKEYDIALER CAN BE FOUND ON YOUR FAVORITE BBS" If after reading this manual you are still having problems, or have any questions, try calling a BBS for additional help with MikeyDialer. Sample config files should be included in the archived file in which MikeyDialer is distributed in. 'Technical assistance' You must set your modem to work properly with MikeyDialer. Do not have CARRIER DETECT OVERRIDE or DATA TERMINAL READY OVERRIDE switched on. Check your switch settings. Also, you modem must send response messages. If you have a Hayes Compatible modem that might have extended features, turn them off. They might give you trouble. SWITCH SETTINGS FOR AVATEX 1200HC FROM E&E DATACOMM Switch (Down=on, Up=off) 1 ON 2 OFF 3 ON 4 OFF 5 OFF 6 ON 7 ON 8 ON SWITCH SETTINGS FOR ADC SMART DUCK FROM DAK INDUSTRIES Switch &Settings (Left=On, Right=Off) 1 Enable Command Recognition LEFT 2 Activate "beep" sound LEFT 3 MD1202 command mode LEFT 4 Modem will not answer calls RIGHT 5 Echo commands in command mode RIGHT 6 Send result codes LEFT 7 Send result codes in English LEFT 8 Ignore DTR line; RIGHT 9 Enable auto-redial on busy LEFT 10 Response to carrier detect RIGHT SWITCH SETTINGS FOR HAYES SMARTMODEM 1200 Switch 1 Down 2 Up 3 Down 4 Up 5 Down 6 Down 7 Up 8 Down SWITCH SETTINGS FOR HAYES 2400 SMARTMODEM The Hayes 2400 Smartmodem stores its settings in non-volatile memory. You will have to enter the following sequence of commands to your modem from within a terminal program (or from MikeyDialer's Built-in VT-52 Emulator) to configure its settings properly. AT&F Load factory configuration profile ATM Turn off Speaker ATE Turn off modem echo to terminal ATV Select long form (word) result codes AT&C1 DCD ON indicates presence of data carrier AT&D3 Modem assumes init state on ON-TO-OFF transition to DTR AT&M1 Synchronous mode 1 (Sync/Async mode) AT&X1 Modem derives transmit clock from receive carrier AT&W Write this profile to non-volitile RAM SWITCH SETTINGS FOR U.S. ROBOTICS COURIER 2400 MODEM Switch Settings 1 DTR Override UP 2 Verbal/Numeric results UP 3 Result code display DOWN 4 MODEM ECHO UP 5 Auto Answer UP 6 RS-232C Carrier Detect UP 7 Single phone connect UP 8 AT Command Set recog. DOWN 9 Escape code mode UP 10 Reserved UP Switch # 4,5,7, and 9 may be set to your preferences. VISIT AN AUTHORIZED MIKEYDIALER BOARD FOR HELP The following Bulletin Board systems have a MikeyDialer message base. Call these systems for 1) Technical help, and 2) Latest MikeyDialer updates Bulletin Board Phone# Message Base = = = The Third Reich *(813) 372-9211 MikeyDialer Users Sig ST Monestary *(516) 625-0388 MikeyDialer Sig Late Night BBS (618) 943-2399 MikeyDialer Mania The Circuit Board (318) 948-4985 The MikeyDialer Interface The Happy Pirate Ship *(201) 446-1424 M I K E Y D I A L E R !! Black Forest (404) 594-0700 Mikey's Place StarChamber *(513) 752-1544 MikeyDialer Base Xanth ST (201) 689-0492 MikeyDialer Hacking ,Society ( * = 9600 Baud Communication supported ) BBS LISTING OF SYSTEMS WHICH SUPPORT MIKEYDIALER OFFICIAL MIKEYDIALER INTERNATIONAL BBS LIST Capitol Hill 718-837-5465 Disk Bank 305-774-8986 Off World Colony 516-365-5239 ST_Realms 516-536-1068 Maximimum Security 808-422-2247 P.D. BBS 305-574-9483 Random Access 212-542-3859 Wizards Workshop 801-789-6439 Abused ST BBS 817-634-7480 Dark City of Fear 215 261 0893 HI-TECH 203-776-2850 Treasure Island 414-475-0365 P.A.I.N. 914-225-2374 P.D. BBS 305-574-9483 Random Access 212-542-3859 ST Emporium0 215 757 7308 ST Emporium Annex 215-698-6688 Snake Pit 817-532-7775 If you run a Bulletin Board System and approve the use of MikeyDialer amongst your users, contact ST Monestary BBS for your latest copy and sign up with your support! We'll place you into our official MikeyDialer International BBS list. `# o"h#%#%#%,O8c.N//Bg?<JNA BbBy%N/,HNVA"-HN"*"y6N$y/40<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y6J$y/40<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y/4$y6N0<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVA"-HN"*"y/4$y6J0<?"QN^,_Nu/,HNVtAf-HN"*p6=@Bnp=@p=@Bn-nx?<6HnHnHnxHntNf"n2"n2"n2"n 2N^,_ _ON/,HNVtAV-HN"*=n=n=n=n=n=n=n=n ?<IHnHnHnxHntNfN^,_ _ON/,HNVtAV-HN"*=n=n=n=n =n=n=n=n?<JHnHnHnxHntNfN^,_ _ON/,HNVAD-HN"*/. HnHnHnHnN?.?.BgBg?.?.?.?.NN^,_ _XN/,HNVA@-HN"*/. 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