Opp  d ! #%'+-//o79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aaa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!OEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!O ! #%'+-//o79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aaa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!OEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!OSTT_AUTO  7BSTT_HELP  IBSTT_MISC  hB0STT2 FNK jB1oDESKTOP INF kB3STT2 OPT 4ST-TALK2PRG k5JST-TALK PTH BST-TALKCRSC BfST-TALKMRSC BC .  B8..  B8ALERT AP 9B,CIS AP PGENIE AP `P*GENIEDL AP ABFDIAL DBF CBDIAL IDX EB8ST-TALK MNU GBx| | Sample ST-Talk Pro AutoPilot script for GEM Alert buttons jsd 2/22/88 |_K button = Alert "[3][Hit one of these buttons...][ ONE | TWO |THREE]" Print "You selected button #" Print button print "!~" QUIT | Sample AutoPilot script for logging onto Compuserve with St-talk Pro |_K clear | trace off | prompt1="User ID: " | the prompt for account number prompt2="Password: " | the prompt for password account="70,12341~" | put your account number here password="pass-word~" | dummy password | termtype 2 | | IF connect | see if connected Print "Logging on at " | Print gettime | Print "~" | Flush 120 | Printm "^C" | ok=Wait 10 prompt1 | wait for the username prompt IF not ok | GOTO nologin | ENDIF | Printm account | send the account number ok=Wait 10 prompt2 | wait for the password prompt IF not ok | GOTO nologin | ENDIF | Printm password | send the password Flush 60 | Print "~Connected to Compuserve!~" ELSE | tried too many times _nologin | Print "~Could not connect to Compuserve!~" QUIT | quit the program ENDIF | | | continue with other things here QUIT clear | | this is a sample autopilot program for logging on to Genie |_ trace off | | show what's happening Print "^L~Logging on to Genie...~" | IF connect | see if connected capture on | Print " at " | Print gettime | show time Pause 300 | clear junk for 3 second Printm "H" | Pause 30 | half of a second delay Printm "H" | Pause 30 | half of a second delay Printm "H" | | wake up Genie IF not Wait 15 "U#=" | wait for initial prompt GOTO nologin | ENDIF | Printm "^Rxxx12345,password,475,1~" | send the account number, go to messages Flush 60 | Print "Connected to Genie!~" ELSE | tried too many times _nologin | Print "~Could not connect to Genie!~" QUIT | quit the program ENDIF | | | continue with other things here QUIT | | ST-Talk Pro AutoPilot script for Genie Downloading mod 3/2/88 jsd |_M Clear | Erase variables Trace off | Trace mode off | dlfiles="" | Init String type variable to hold file names Array dlfiles 10 | Declare storage for upto 10 file names Array dlnums 10 | Declare storage for upto 10 file numbers | dlmax=1 | Set this for the number of files to DL | Fill in the file names and numbers. |_|_1 dlfiles[1]= "f:test" dlnums[1] = 390 dlfiles[2]="" dlnums[2] =0 dlfiles[3]="" dlnums[3] =0 dlfiles[4]="" dlnums[4] =0 dlfiles[5]="" dlnums[5] =0 dlfiles[6]="" dlnums[6] =0 dlfiles[7]="" dlnums[7] =0 dlfiles[8]="" dlnums[8] =0 dlfiles[9]="" dlnums[9] =0 dlfiles[10]="" dlnums[10] =0 |Log on and get to Atari ST RT download area. Run from dialer after dial. |_L IF connect | Double check carrier detect Capture 2 | turn capture on to buffer 2 Print "~Logging on to Genie...~~" | Show what we're doing IF not Wait 30 "U#=" | Wait for logon prompt GOTO logerror | error, abort! ENDIF | Put your account/password here... Printm "^Rxxx1,password,476;6~" | Send user id and go to ST RT & DL ELSE $| GOTO logerror | no carrier detect, abort. ENDIF #| continue with DL after function def |=L |Define User-function DLone | |_| @DLone | Create a user function to download one file | Inputs fileanem from dlfile and number from dlnum error=true | Assume there was an error IF not Wait 90 "file?" | Wait for file? prompt GOTO DLerror | nope, error! ENDIF | Printm dlnum | Send the file number Printm "~" | Send a return IF not Wait 90 "uit" | Wait for Quit etc prompt GOTO DLerror | nope, error! ENDIF | Printm "D~" | Send D for Download and a return IF not Wait 90 "receive"| Wait for receive prompt GOTO DLerror | nope, error! ENDIF | Flush 30 | Print "~~Downloading #" | Display status... Print dlnum | Print ", " | Print dlfile | Print "... " | Download 2 dlfile | Do the download of the filename in dlfile IF not Wait 90 ">?" | Wait for ? prompt GOTO DLerror | nope, error! ENDIF | Print "Done.~" | Display status Printm "~" | Send a return IF not Wait 90 ")?" | Wait for ? prompt GOTO DLerror | nope, error! ENDIF | Printm "Y~" | Send Y and a return, ready for next file error=false | No error if we made it this far _DLerror | Exit here for errors @endsub |End of DLone |_|_1 | | Main loop to download the array of files |_M count=1 | Start at first file _DLloop | Start downloading file list... IF count<=dlmax | Are there more files? dlnum = dlnums[count] | Yes, get the file's number dlfile = dlfiles[count] | and get its name DLone | download the file IF error=true | Was there an error? GOTO bigerror | Yes, end! ENDIF | No... count = count + 1 | Increment the file count GOTO DLloop | Do another file. ENDIF | | End of main Loop Wait 90 "file?" | Wait for file? prompt Printm "~" | No more files. Print "Done Downloading!~" | Hey, we're done! Capture 0 | turn capture off IF not Wait 90 "elp?" | Wait for prompt GOTO bigerror | nope, error! ENDIF | QUIT | and quit (or do some more smart stuff) |_| _bigerror | Go here upon Control errors! Print "Error!~" | Say this was bad. Capture off QUIT _logerror | Go here upon bad log on! Print "Error logging on!~" | Show status for this. Capture off QUIT QMI  457-7216  2 0  4 0 0 0 0 XQMI 457-7216 20 QMI BACKSPACE Merges and reformat's paragraph if at column position 1. DELETE Merges and reformats if at last position in line. DELETE Deletes to End of line. Removes line if at beginning. CLR/HOME Erase current line. UNDO Restores current line if changes were made. INSERT Toggle between Insert and Replace modes. RETURN Move to next line, insert blank line if in Insert mode. ** Cursor Movement functions ** RtArrow Cursor right, to next line if at end of a line. LtArrow Cursor left, to next line if at beginning of a line. UpArrow Cursor up to previous line. DnArrow Cursor down to next line. RtArrow Cursor to end of current line. LtArrow Cursor to beginning of current line. UpArrow Cursor up to previous page (screen height - 2). DnArrow Cursor down to next page (screen height - 2). CLR/HOME To Top of current buffer. CLR/HOME To Bottom of current buffer. ** Block Select functions ** ESC Mark the start of an area to select (highlight) then again to mark the end of the area. Top and Bottom marks allowed in either order. ESC Clear all selected areas (un-highlight selected text). ESC Reverse selected (highlighted and normal are reversed). C Copy selected areas to the current line position. M Move selected areas to the current line position. P Print selected areas. K Kill (erase permanently!) the selected areas. S Save selected areas to disk. INSERT Port (like Copy) selected areas to another buffer.  Select buffer number 'n' (1 through 10).  Load buffer number 'n' (1 through 10).  Macros 21 through 30.  Macros 31 through 40. ** Miscellaneous functions ** A Allow control codes on/off E Exit Editor back to Terminal mode. F Find (search) for text string (from cursor to end). G Go to a line number. L Load text from disk into current buffer. P Print buffer (all or selected). R Search/Replace text with new text (from cursor to end). S Save current buffer to disk. W Word wrap on/off X EXIT ST-Talk Pro. ESC Insert an ASCII 'Escape' character.  The 'More Help' Selector HELP AutoPilot syntax checker on/off. Mouse Functions: - Left button One click inside of screen area positions cursor. Click and hold to select lines of text. Select buffer if clicked on buffer icon. Scroll one line if clicked on up/down arrows. Scroll one page if clicked on shaded area of slider bar. Scroll to location in buffer if dragging slider bar. Right button Go to Terminal mode if clicked in screen area. Load file into buffer if clicked on buffer icon.  The PRINT Menu - The Print functions use the formatting options set in the Printer Options. You can change these from the terminal mode's Select menu. Print File Prints a text from disk to your printer. Print Buffer Prints the text from the current Editor buffer. Print Selected Prints the selected areas of text (highlighted) in the current buffer. R The Select Menu - Begin/End Selected Chooses the top and bottom of 'Selected' (highlighted) area of text. The selected areas of each buffer are independent from each other. Any number of selected areas are allowed for the following operations. Clear Selected 'De-selects' (clears the highlighting from) text in the current buffer. Reverse Selected Reverses the selected state of all text in the current buffer. Reverse highlighted text to normal and normal text to highlighted. Save Selected Saves all selected areas in the current buffer to a disk file. Use this to make another text file from individual areas of a buffer. Erase Selected Permanantly removes the selected text lines from the current buffer. This is useful for removing unwanted lines from your capture buffer. Move Selected Moves all selected lines in the buffer to the current cursor position. Copy Selected Copies all selected lines in the buffer to the current cursor position. The original lines remain in the buffer and the new lines stay selected. Port Selected Copies the selected lines from one buffer to another buffer. Works like the Copy function but you are asked to select the buffer number for the new lines. The text is copied to the current cursor position in the destination buffer and the new lines stay selected. Upload Selected Sends all selected lines to the modem port. Uses the same parameters as the Upload Text option from the Text menu. This is useful when capturing information from one system and forwarding portions of the text to another system. The FILE Menu - List & View... 6ALT-Q Browse the directory of any drive or folder, CANCEL when done. To view a text file, select it then click on OK. Send File... 8ALT-S Send a file by clicking on its name and the protocol to use. If the computer you are sending to is ready, click on START. Use the HOLD button to select the file before starting the send. Receive File... 5ALT-R Receive a file by selecting the drive and folder, then enter the name of the new file. Select the protocol then click on START. Use the HOLD button to select the file before starting the send. Archive The Archive utility is an external program used to save time while transfering files. Use "Set Paths" to locate the ARC program. Use Archive to build an ARC file before sending. Choose the drive and enter the name of the Archive to create. Then, select up to 20 files to compress and include into the ARC file. Un-Archive Use Un-Archive to extract the compressed programs from an ARC file after receiving. Select the ARC file then select the drive and folder to place the extracted files after un-archiving. View Archive Use View Archive to inspect the information about the files which are compressed and contained within an ARC file. Set Paths The Set Paths screen lets you choose where ST-Talk finds the files or folders it needs while performing various functions. The following default paths are selectable for these functions: Send . Send File, Archive Receive . Receive Files, Un-Archive, View Archive Capture . Capturing and Editing Autodia l . Dial Directory, Autopilot, Options, Function Keys Activity . Activity Accounting Files Help . Help Files Fonts . Screen Fonts, Translations, Emulation driver. Archiver . Archive Utility external program. Command Shell ... Command Shell external program Kermit . Kermit file transfer external program. Other Transfer .. Other file transfer external program. To select a path, click on its title and use the file selector. Click on OK to make the changes permanent. Utilities ;ALT-U Click on the name of the function to do the following: Copy . Select the file(s) to Copy and where to put them. Delete . Select the file(s) to Delete permanently. Format . Select either disk A or B to initialize and erase. Rename . Select the file to Rename and choose its new name. Make Folder . Select the name of a new folder and where to put it. Delete Folder .. Select a folder (and all of its files) to delete. Click on EXIT when you are finished using the Utilities. Command Shell 7ALT-C The Command Shell will run as an external program then return. Use this to run a DOS command shell or your favorite program. Specify the program's name through "Set Paths" above. Run a Program Select the name of the program to run. It may be a GEM program with the extender ".PRG" or a non-GEM program with ".TOS" or ".TTP". The TTP type will ask for the command line to pass to the program. Make sure you have enough free system memory to run the program. Use the Re-initialize command the Editor's Options menu to set the size of the editor memory and the free system memory. Quit ST-Talk! 0UNDO or ALT-X This will exit from ST-Talk back to the Desktop or where it was run. You will be prompted to save any modified editor/capture buffers.  Keyboard commands in Terminal Mode =Shift, =Control, =Alt -"  A Answer Now  B Baud rates toggle  C Command shell  D Duplex toggle (half/full)  E Go To Editor  F Select font size  G Go Run Autopilot in current editor buffer  H Hangup (disconnect)  J Jump/Smooth scroll  K Keyboard Dial  L Line feeds on/off  M Terminal Emulation Mode  O Load Options  P Printer on/off  Q Quick List & View  R Receive File  S Send File  T Talk mode on/off (typeahead window)  U Utilities  V Vidtex functions  W Wrap end of line on/off  X EXIT ST-Talk Pro  The 'More Help' Selector  Exit ST-Talk Pro Definable AutoPilot Function Keys:  Macro 1 thru 10  Macro 11 thru 20  Macro 21 thru 30  Macro 31 thru 40 + The Options Menu - Tab Size Sets the number of spaces used by the TAB key. When you press the TAB key, the cursor will move to the next multiple of the Tab Size. If in Insert mode, spaces will be inserted. Line Length Sets the maximum length for a line of text in the current buffer. Your text will wrap at this point when you are typing. If you have word wrap mode on, the text will be reformatted to this line length when you load it into the buffer. Reformat Takes the paragraph starting at the current cursor position and reformats the lines to the current line length. Reformatting ends at the first line that begins with a space or at a control character if Control Codes mode is on. Word Wrap With word wrap mode on, whole words will be moved to the next line as you are typing if they will not fit at the maximum line length. With word wrap mode off, words will be broken at the end of lines. Insert/Replace Mode In Insert mode, the text on the current line will move to the right as you type new characters. When you press Backspace or Delete, the line will move from the right to left as characted are removed. In Replace mode, new characters will type over the old characters on the current line as you type. When you press Backspace or Delete, the line will remain in the same position. Control Codes With this mode on, all keys types while pressing the control key will be ignored. This effects the text being captured, too. With this mode off, you may enter control codes into a text buffer and all incoming control characters will go into the capture buffer. EOL is ??? Selects the characters placed at the end of lines when saving the buffer to disk. Normally, you should use CR/LF mode. Some wordpocessors will require different line ending to merge text into them successfully. Re-Initialize Selects the total amount of memory used for editing and capturing. Use this function to choose the enough system memory for running external program from within ST-Talk. Warning: You must save your buffers to disk before Re-Initializing or all the text in your buffers will be lost! $ The PRINT Menu - Printer Echo The check mark in front of this title shows if Printer echo is on. With this mode on, anything coming across the screen will be sent to the printer. The Printer Options are set under the Select menu. Print File Select a file to send to the printer. Print Buffer Select a buffer to send to the printer.  Print Screen You may print the contents of the current screen or previous screen. This function works independently of the capture buffer. Show Graphics Show the last picture received or loaded into the picture buffer. Print Graphics Print the contents of the picture buffer. Load Graphics Load a Vidtex picture from disk into the picture buffer. Save Graphics Save a Vidtex picture to disk from the picture buffer. \ The SELECT Menu - Text Options These options modify the characters coming into your computer before they reach the screen and capture buffer. The Upload modes are used when you send a file or buffer using the Upload Text function (in the Text Menu). The Translation modes let you select a file which describes how to modify incoming and outgoing characters. Dial Options Selects the options used for dialing and redialing through the Dial Menu or the AutoDial Directory. You may need to change these to match your brand of modem. Answer Options Select the options used for AutoAnswering from the Answer Menu. Choose the name of the AutoPilot file to run for AutoAnswer. Printer Options Selects the margins and line formatting used when printing text. RS-232 Options Sets the parameters for the computer's serial port. Changes the basud rate, parity, duplex, xon/xoff, data and stop bit, internal receive buffer size and the port number. The "Options" Icon in the terminal mode chooses this menu, too. Screen Options Changes the screen modes for long lines, scrolling, rows/columns, type-ahead and loadable screen fonts. Terminal Mode The Terminal type changes how ST-Talk interprets special commands it receives from and sends to other computers. TTY uses very few commands for standard ASCII communications. VT-52 is popular for many on-line services and bulletin boards. ANSI-PC uses IBM-PC character graphics for PC bulletin boards. VT-100 is used by many larger computer systems and services. VT-200 is an extended version of VT-100 used by newer systems. OTHER allows loading future terminal types from disk. Vidtex Graphics The check mark in front of the title shows the current mode. Vidtex graphics is used by CompuServe and many bulletin boards. The pictures may be saved to disk or printed on your printer through the Print Menu in the terminal mode. Use Alternate-V for more Vidtex options. Function Keys The 10 functions across the top of the keyboard may be used alone or in combination with either Alternate, Control or Shift. Each of the 40 keys may be defined by clicking on its name button. A function key contains up to 10 lines of AutoPilot commands. The function keys may be saved and loaded at any time. The function key file named STT2.FNK will load automatically when you run ST-Talk. Clock & Timer The system clock may be set here if you do not have a clock cartridge or an internal battery-backed system clock. The Alarm Timer, if on, will count down and warn you when it reaches zero while you are on-line. The Money Limit will warn you when you've spent more than this amount while on-line. Event Sounds Selects the type of sound used for different events in ST-Talk. Choose the sound you would like for each of the events shown. This feature will be in version 2.1 of ST-Talk Pro. Load & Save Options All of the options throughout ST-Talk may be saved to a disk file and loaded in at any time. The Options file name STT2.OPT will load automatically when you run ST-Talk. Each entry in your Dial Directory may have its own Options file.  The TEXT Menu - Capture Text The check mark in front of this title shows if Capture is on. Clicking on this will turn it on if it was off, or off if it was on. Capturing will save the text coming in to your screen into a buffer. The buffer where text is captured is selected in Select Buffer, below. Capturing uses some of the Text Options from the Select Menu. Upload Text Uploading text will send either a buffer or a file to the modem port. Select either Buffer, File or Cancel. If you Upload a Buffer, select the buffer number to upload. If you Upload a File, select the file name to upload. Text Uploading uses some the Text Options in the Select Menu. Depending on the system you are sending to, you may need to select some delay or use the prompted mode. Set these in Text Options. Select Buffer The buffer used for Capturing is selected though this menu. You may change the buffer number at any time in order to seperate un-related incoming messages and information. This buffer is selected independently of the Editor buffer but may be the same if you would like to edit what you are capturing. Load Buffer Use this function to load a text file into the current capture buffer. Save Buffer Use this function to save the current capture buffer to a text file. You may append the text to the end of an existing file or overwrite it. Erase Buffer Use this function to permanently erase the current capture buffer. Go To Editor Click on this to enter into the editor mode from terminal mode. The right mouse button may be used to switch between modes. .  Bh0..  Bh>>Capture if capture 100 capture 0 else capture -1 endif >>Upload File file = selectfile "" "" "" "Select Text File" if file is "" quit else sendfile file endif >>XMODEM Recv title = "Select File for XMODEM Receive" file = selectfile "" "" "" title if file is "" quit endif m="[3][Receive using...][QUIT|XMODEM|YMODEM]" kind = alert m if kind>1 download kind file endif >>XMODEM Send title = "Select File for XMODEM Send" file = selectfile "" "" "" title if file is "" quit endif m="[3][Send using...][QUIT|XMODEM|YMODEM]" kind = alert m if kind>1 upload kind file endif >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> #a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 7B 02 #W 01 00 0A 02 44 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0A 0C 43 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 07 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ #G 03 FF DESKCART@ `@ #G 03 FF DESKCART@ `@ ST-TALK OPTIONS 2.0c \ \ \ \STT_AUTO\ \ \STT_HELP\ \ \STT_MISC\ARC.TTP \STT_MISC\DO-IT!.PRG \ST2_MISC\KERMIT.TTP \ST2_MISC\TRANSFER.TTP 99686 0 0 0 4 80 1 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 DATABASE.DBF 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ATD ATD1 ATD1 ATDT1-315 40 7 14 21 26 51 30 40 20 1 3 RING ATA AUTO CONNECT +++ NO CARRIER BUSY ATZ 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 78 4 64 1 0 1 0 0 2 78 4 64 `/`NrNd N N#RNjNi~NiNn|N_vNYN N lN_jNYNPNhtNn@NgNNgNHN8N,N$bNNҐN~N!NN4NNNղN5NeNPNg8N&NN,NfNp|NNrNjrNNN NNyNzNifNgNeNh:NTNNwN$NdNNNN|NlNN}NtNDN@NDNdNTN`NTNNNN4NNDNVNNtNhNNNNNN6NNzN>NGN>N9hNE N>N!NAN(NI NPVNP^NIdNZNZ.NjFNN&NNNNNNNRN8NnNDN2NNNNNXNpNNN NzNʌN&NNNNNNNNNN NHNBN$NlNNbN"NNNNNNzN|N4NN**O*m - ЭЭмQ"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mNv lHhNHX/,?,ND\?<NX?<A?<NAXNuNVJBTBP-|LBnJ`\/0,NufA9oN AjC!IC!IC!IC!I C!IC!IANANtA)oNbANV0<NANB o 1l o1l o1l o1lNu0<NAN o1l o1l o1l o1lNu0<NAN0<NA )X9X9XAN o(1l o,1l o01l o41l o81l o<1lNu4A)oN6)oAN@ o1l o 1l o1l o1lNu3 0< NAN2A9oNI0<NANF0<NAN o 1l o1lNuJ0<NnANL0<NtANNAN$MANr o1l o1l o 1l o1lNuOAN#AN/0<NAN*0<NAN+0<NAN,0<NAN o 1l o1lNup0<NA1|AN o NunAN,oANd0<NFANvl0<N2ANb o1l o1l o1l o1lNue0<NAN$h0<NAN o1l o 1l o1l o1lNui0<NANgANkAN0<NvANA9oN*!A9o9o N A9o9o NN^NuNV?<NNTN^NuS@// / "o ol4g f0` QJlngB`0,hS@4gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgB`BX QJlfP "_NuS@// / "o oli4g f0`iQJlngB`0,hS@B(gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgB`BXB(QJlf "_Nu/ Jlfn lDgf0,f@@ l*JlͲg l.2,Ͳj"H2,jHJlͲg0,ͰlͲjHS@0Qp0,jHHSBBQJlDg"_Nu l ",bh0Ͳ"H0,ͰlͲhJlng",b0,ͰlͲ@h@9|Jlng9lh$lZN4g"< Qf0`ّQ0,hS@4gB"<BQgB`BXQNui4g"< Qf0`i**Q0,hS@B(gB"<BBQgB`BXB(*QNu/ / Jlf` lDgX l*0,ͰlfjHU"H0,jH0,ͰlͲgfjHS@H0UUQp0,jHHSBPUQJlDf8 l ",bhH Ͱb"H0,ͰlͲg2,h@$lVN"_$_Nu2gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgB`BX QNu(B(2gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgB`BXB(QNu/ Jogl lDgBA0,lo0,9@@00 l.H0/jHHS@BXQJlDg"_Nu l$S0,hJ@gS@"lRNBl"_Nu,mg l Sp0,fh",bB`NV n lBn 0. ljm 0,jS@=@ nlBn0.lro=lr0.lo=l0.ltl=lt0.lrmBl9n )l $0.9@h",bѬ$N^NuNVSl0, @lBl`n0,gSl0, @lBl`T0,=@??,N*X l(f8=lJBlJ?< NrT0,g ?< NbT9nJ?.?,NXN^NutgtH2,hSA llf(bQNu$l@02H,g(,g(bQNu@"l@21H"l?,g0BDgDgD3`0BDgDgD30AJlf6JlgJlgDJCfJl gDJl ggDU`DJlg (P(PCPCjTNu@$l@r$(22$l822$l<42FB lf lfg C`@BxJlf8Jlg Jlg DJCf Jl g DJl ggDU`DJlgj,g2?0BDgDgD0gD gD0`0?0BDgDgD`gDgD0dDJlg@PCHJlg @PPPCj Nu@$l@r$(22"<$l822$lTBlD<,jJlgNSFg fRlJlpgRQ` ?NTQp9@F9nJ9@H9n9nL@N^NuNVN&N`< nH|~fR?< NT?< NT` nRH?NT nfNjN^Nu l2(RAher"hB@11ANup l2(hgpNu?< NATNu?<NAT"HAIANu??<?<NM\NuNV=n nf=l8=|` nf=l8=|`=|0<)@?<?<NNX @)@)P 9h ,v1@"1@ 1A BN^NuNV l 1lBN^NuNVBlBlBlnBlBlBlBlBl9|L9|F9|H9|J9|9l$l=|`A(|Pn nmAЀ)HFA)HBlzN)@ ,м )@$9|Pj9|f0<PlH)@bNx llfT ,)@4)@09|hA" )@@AH )@^A0 )@ZA )@VAT )@RA )@NR$`V ,)@4)@09|hA )@@A2 )@^A )@ZA )@VAH )@RA )@N$A )@8A )@<)l$ )l4, ,4м)@(N?<NNTN^NuNVHAl )@N llfA )@^A )@@`AJ )@^A" )@@9|Pj llg0,g ,)@4)@0` ,)@4)@0)l4, ,4м)@( ,*&@BG`BRG GmBgBgN^XLN^NuNVH0<9@9@AZ )@N llfA )@^Ab )@@` A )@^9|j llg0,g ,)@4)@0` ,)@4)@0)l4, ,4м)@( ,*&@BG`BRG G mBgBgNXLN^NuNJ@fNuN"NNv?N XTNJ@g&/<,`N|J@gNR/?N 2T,Q,NNu @g, @g" @JgpNupNuNVH>.0,gN0|f GGm< GPl60|f GMg GKg GGg GHg GPf?N5BT0<``t0|f G;mT GDnN0@>|; l0|g|` l0|g|0,:g Gm Gm?NlT0<`. 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A:\ A  *[1][Error loading file!][CANCEL|RETRY] Save Buffer #x to File... A:\ A  *[1][Disk is Full!][CANCEL|RETRY][1][Error saving buffer!][CANCEL|RETRY][2][Print current buffer...][ ALL |SELECTED|CANCEL]no name! Editing: [3][Capture/Editor Buffer is full!][SAVE|CANCEL][3][Error Saving Buffer!][RETRY|CANCEL][1][Disk is Full!|Capture has stopped!][ OK ]Bfr: 0|Mem:0K|File: a.bbb|1200 full|00:00:00|$00.00|_ _ _ _ Buffer: 0 | Col: 00 | Line: 0 | Mem: 0K | |  CONNECT +++ NO CARRIER BUSY ATZ | R L 110 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 fullhalfeplxSelect CAPTURE BufferSelect EDITOR BufferKKK[2][Erase this- buffer?][ERASE!| KEEP ][1][Erase this buffer?][ERASE!|CANCEL]\st-talk.pthST-TALK.PTH\ST2_MISC\ARC.TTP\\\\ST2_AUTO\\ST2_HELP\\\ST2_MISC\TRANSFER.TTP\ST2_MISC\KERMIT.TTP\ST2_MISC\ST-TALK.STF\ST2_MISC\DO-IT!.PRG[3][Insert ST-Talk Disk to|save default paths...][ OK |CANCEL] - Disconnected .[2][Time Limit!|What do you want to do?][IGNORE|5min MORE|HANGUP][2][Money Limit!|What do you want to do?][IGNORE|5min MORE|HANGUP] File Name:_.___F A:\*File Selector\*.*\*.  <1K(exit this folder)(to top directory) <>..\[2][Sort the list using...][ NAME | SIZE | DATE ]*..\[3][Not enough memory!][ OK ]Select Vidtex picture to LoadVTX[3][Read error!][ OK ][3][Open error!][ OK ][1][VIDTEX Picture... ][ View | File | Erase ][1][VIDTEX File... ][ Load | Save | CANCEL ][1][Vidtex buffer is empty!][ OK ]Enter filename for Vidtex SaveVTX[3][Write error!][ OK ][3][Open error!][ OK ]^[B^[A^[D^[C^[B^[A^[D^[C^[P^[Q^[R^[S^[?M^[?n^[?p^[?q^[?r^[?s^[?t^[?u^[?v^[?l^[?w^[?x^[?y^[?m^[H^[J^[H^[[B^[[A^[[D^[[C^[P^[Q^[R^[S^[[2~^[[6~^[[5~^[17~^[18~^[19~^[20~^[21~^[23~^[24~^[25~^[26~^[28~^[29~^[31~^[32~^[33~^[34~^[OB^[OA^[OD^[OC^[OP^[OQ^[OR^[OS^[OM^[On^[Op^[Oq^[Or^[Os^[Ot^[Ou^[Ov^[Ol^[Ow^[Ox^[Oy^[Om^[[2~^[[6~^[[5~^[17~^[18~^[19~^[20~^[21~^[23~^[24~^[25~^[26~^[28~^[29~^[31~^[32~^[33~^[34~^[O[1][Could not Load: |from the AutoDial path!][ABORT]DIAL.AP #[4][Planned for Version 2.0d!][ Can't Wait! ][1][Could not find| ][ OK ].TOS.TTP[1][The program,| ,|reported an error:| # ][ OK ]Select a File to View...*Select upto 20 files for Batch Send*Select a file to Send...*[1][No Background sending|for this protocol!][ START |CANCEL]Enter file name for Receive...*[1][No Background receive|for this protocol!][ START |CANCEL][3][File already exists!|Delete this file?][ NO | YES ]Select the ARC file for Add/CreateARCSelect upto 20 files to Archive...*xah Select the ARC file to UN-ArchiveARCxxh Select where to UN-Arc the Files* *.*Select the ARC file to ViewARC vh Select the Drive & Path*Select the Program to Run...*.TTP[2][|Save Capture buffer now?][ NO | YES ]Enter Capture file name...*[3][|File already exists!][CANCEL|DELETE|APPEND][2][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!| KEEP ][1][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!|CANCEL][2][Print current buffer?][ YES | NO ][0][ AutoAnswer| |Waiting for a Call...| (UNDO to Abort)][][0][AutoAnswer:| Answering a Call...][][2][Run an AutoPilot Program...|from the current Edit Buffer|or from an AutoPilot File?][BUFFER|FILE|CANCEL]Select an AutoPilot File...AP AutoPilot: Select an AutoPilot File...APSelect an Emulation File...EMU[1][Illegal Emulation format!][ABORT]Save Function Key DefinitionsFNK[1][Error Saving Function Keys!][ OK ]Load Function Key DefinitionsFNK[1][Error Loading Function Keys!][ OK ]Select Options File to Load...OPTSelect File for Save Options...OPTFILE.HLPTEXT.HLPPRINT.HLPDIAL.HLPANSWER.HLPSELECT.HLPKEYS.HLPAUTO.HLPSelect a Help File...HLPTTYVT52VT100VT220OTHER[4][AutoPilot ended with an error:|| Line # , Error #][ OK ] Blk # / Try #  | FMODEM YMODEM -GXMODEM Batch Send: Recv: |Waiting...[1][Error opening file!][ ABORT ]Waiting...No Carrier!TimeoutBad block #!Receiving...Saving...Disk Error!Done! Press any key...Done! Press any key...Disk error!Aborted![1][No files found!][ ABORT ]No more files.End of Batch transfer.Bad end of Batch!Starting... [1][Error opening file!][ ABORT ]Loading...Waiting...Done!Sending...Aborted! Viewing: Sending: Printing: [1][ This file is not a |standard text file!][CONTINUE|CANCEL]Done Viewing Printing Sending , ESC to Quit or any key for More, Press any key to continue...~ ~~;~01241220?1?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?18?1941220?1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?18?193457~;~;~~;~;~;~~;~;~;~;~356?1545?1?4?5#STT02,CC,GH^M^J^F^F^[/Z^F^F^[[ ; R^[[?10n^[[0n^[[?6c.CDF.DBF.IDX[2][ : Not found.|Insert proper disk or create?][OK|CREATE|CANCEL]***[0][Print Directory Entries...][CURRENT| ALL |CANCEL]LocalLD#1LD#2LD#3[1][Printer not responding ...][CANCEL|RETRY][1][End of Search.][CONTINUE][1][Top of Search.][CONTINUE][1][Not enough memoryDuplicate recordYou can't add|a blank recordFile seek errorDatabase if fullFile link errorDisk error!][CANCEL]   ATD ATD1 ATD1 ATD1 [3][Cannot create database|Check Diskette ...][ABORT][2][Print detailed list|orz quick list?][DETAIL|QUICK|CANCEL][2][Select the type of Dialing...][PULSE|TONE]ADDSAVE SELECTSORTDIALEDITREAD SELECTDE-SELECTQUITADDUPDATEFINDDIALDELETEPRINTBLANKQUITST-Talk Pro (|| Name/Number Comments/Status Baud $/Hour|| ^0 ^7 #2 ^3| ^1 @4 ^8|||| Name Number Baud $/Hour|| ^0 @4 ^1 #2 ^3| \DIAL.DBF30012002400960019.2K\DIAL.DBF[1][Sort AutoDial Directory by:][NAME|NUMBER|BAUD] Dialing... Connected to - No response Dialing... Connected to - No response .OPTINSTALL*STT2.MNU[2][Insert ST-Talk disk to|save the Dial Menu...][ OK |CANCEL]ST-TALK.MNUSelect Dialing List to Load...SEL[1][Error Loading Selected List!][ABORT]Save Selected Dialing List...SEL[1][Error Saving Selected List!][ABORT].AP AutoPilot: BUGS[1][Use Medium Resolution!][ SORRY ]ST-TALKM.RSCST-TALK.RSCST-TALKC.RSC[1][Could not find ST-TALKM.RSC][ OK ][1][Could not find ST-TALKC.RSC][ OK ][0][ ST-Talk Pro, c1988 QMI | | Loading Options| and| Function Keys...][]stt2.optstt2.fnkstt2[2][Upload text File or Buffer?][BUFFER| FILE |CANCEL]Select a File to Upload...*[1][Could not open File!][ OK ][1][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!|CANCEL]Search for Text...Selected matching lines[1][Text was not found!][ OK ][2][Continue searching?][ YES | NO ]Replace Text...Continuous replace[1][Text was not found!][ OK ][0][Replaced  occurances of| ][ DONE ][2][Replace here?][ YES | NO |QUIT] End Select Begin Select Begin SelectKKKK[1][Initializing the Editor|will erase all buffers!|What do you want to do?][ERASE!|CANCEL][1][Buffer memory size|is too large!][TRY AGAIN][1][Buffer memory size|is too small!][TRY AGAIN]FILE.HLPTEXT.HLPEDIT.HLPESELECT.HLPEPRINT.HLPOPTIONS.HLPEKEYS.HLPEAUTO.HLPSelect a Help File...HLP**Select file to Copy...Select the new path and filename...[2][Select number of disks...][ONE|TWO|CANCEL][1][File not found][Cancel][3][Insert SOURCE Disk...][ OK ][3][Insert DESTINATION Disk...][ OK ][1][Filename already exists!][Cancel|Replace][1][Disk Error # !][ QUIT ]Select a File to Copy...Select the new File Name... Select a File to Delete...[1][Error Deleting File!][CANCEL]Select a File to Rename...Enter the new File Name...[1][New filename already exists!][CANCEL][1][File not found!][CANCEL][1][Error Renaming File!][CANCEL]Select a new Folder name...[1][Error creating Folder!][ OK ]Select Folder to Delete...[1][Erase all Files and Folders|in |are you sure?][CANCEL|ERASE!][1][Error deleting Folder!][ OK ]\*.*\\[1][Format Disk, are you sure?][FORMAT!|CANCEL][3][Error while formatting!][ ABORT ][1][Disk is now Formatted!][ OK ]Select a File to Print...*[2][Print text screen?][CURRENT|PREVIOUS|CANCEL][3][Print Vidtex Picture?][DISK|PRINTER|CANCEL]PI3PI2Select a New Picture File...0123456789ABCDEF#VCO,PB,DT,+overflow~*CIS: Could not find ! Aborting!~~.~*CIS: Error reading file, aborting!~~*CIS: Waiting for host...~~*CIS: Could not open ! Aborting!~~~*CIS: Error writing file, aborting!~.~*CIS: Bad final packet, aborting!~~*CIS: Transfer failed, aborting!~~*CIS: Transfer failed, aborting!~ *CIS: Using Quick B Protocol CRC & Send-Ahead...~~*CIS: Transfer is done!~~*CIS: Transfer is done!~ : ~endsubendsub_`getb`storeb`getw`storew`getl`storelkeystatkeyinmodemstatmodemindevstatdevinvtdo+-*/=equalsis#><>=<=&and:or~not?exor<<lshift>>rshiftifelseifelseendifwhileendwhilebreak[]printprintmreplyprintpprintdinputinputminputdopenclosereadwritenotepointrenamedeletemakedirformatfcopygotogosubendsubstrcopystrcompstrsizestraddmidstrstrfindaddressforceselectfileselectalertgettimegetdatesettimesetdatedayofweekgetrevdiskstatgetpathsetpathgetdrivesetdrivesyspathmemstatcaptureprintersendfilesendbufuploaddownloadsavebufloadbuferasebufprintbufviewfilearcunarcviewarcdialdialoganswerhangupconnectringingtraceflushpausewaitmenubaudtermtypeclearrunquitabortarrayunarray;truefalseonoffinquire{read}{write}{readwrite}{append}{directory}()toinforthewithsecondsclrscreenoptloadoptsavefnkloadfnksavekeymodeinitmodem`push`pop Missing double quote!Missing single quote!Missing percent sign!Period misplaced!Missing function!Not enough inputs!Bad IF statement!Extra ENDIF!Bad assignment!Already defined!Function isn't done!Bad end of function!Function not found!Bad label usage!Label already used!Too many inputs!No more symbol space!Name error!Name storage is full!Reserved name!Wrong data type!Calls are too nested!Missing end bracket!Not an array type!Done!okUnknown error!_.AP}.ap____ST-Talk 2.0c (c)1988 QMI, Reg.#____..ST-TALK OPTIONS 2.0cDATABASE.DBF[3][Invalid Options File!][OOPS!][1][Out of Macro space!][ OK ]Define Shift- Control- Alternate- F Printm ""IF not Wait seconds for "" QuitENDIFPause secondsCapture ONOFFCON:AUX:PRT: to do?][IGNORE|5min MORE|HANGUP][2][Money Limit!|What do you want to do?][IGNORE|5min MORE|HANGUP] File Name:_.___F A:\*File Selector\*.*\*.  <1K(exit this folder)(to top directory) <>..\[2][Sort the list using...][ NAME | SIZE | DATE ]*..\[3][Not enough memory!][ OK ]Select Vidtex picture to LoadVTX[3][Read error!][ OK ][3][Open error!][ OK ][1][VIDTEX Picture... ][ View | File | Erase ][1][VIDTEX File... ][ Load | Save | CANCEL ][1][Vidtex buffer is empty!][ OK ]Enter filename for Vidtex SaveVTX[3][Write error!][ OK ][3][Open error!][ OK ]^[B^[A^[D^[C^[B^[A^[D^[C^[P^[Q^[R^[S^[?M^[?n^[?p^[?q^[?r^[?s^[?t^[?u^[?v^[?l^[?w^[?x^[?y^[?m^[H^[J^[H^[[B^[[A^[[D^[[C^[P^[Q^[R^[S^[[2~^[[6~^[[5~^[17~^[18~^[19~^[20~^[21~^[23~^[24~^[25~^[26~^[28~^[29~^[31~^[32~^[33~^[34~^[OB^[OA^[OD^[OC^[OP^[OQ^[OR^[OS^[OM^[On^[Op^[Oq^[Or^[Os^[Ot^[Ou^[Ov^[Ol^[Ow^[Ox^[Oy^[Om^[[2~^[[6~^[[5~^[17~^[18~^[19~^[20~^[21~^[23~^[24~^[25~^[26~^[28~^[29~^[31~^[32~^[33~^[34~^[O[1][Could not Load: |from the AutoDial path!][ABORT]DIAL.AP #[4][Planned for Version 2.0d!][ Can't Wait! ][1][Could not find| ][ OK ].TOS.TTP[1][The program,| ,|reported an error:| # ][ OK ]Select a File to View...*Select upto 20 files for Batch Send*Select a file to Send...*[1][No Background sending|for this protocol!][ START |CANCEL]Enter file name for Receive...*[1][No Background receive|for this protocol!][ START |CANCEL][3][File already exists!|Delete this file?][ NO | YES ]Select the ARC file for Add/CreateARCSelect upto 20 files to Archive...*xah Select the ARC file to UN-ArchiveARCxxh Select where to UN-Arc the Files* *.*Select the ARC file to ViewARC vh Select the Drive & Path*Select the Program to Run...*.TTP[2][|Save Capture buffer now?][ NO | YES ]Enter Capture file name...*[3][|File already exists!][CANCEL|DELETE|APPEND][2][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!| KEEP ][1][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!|CANCEL][2][Print current buffer?][ YES | NO ][0][ AutoAnswer| |Waiting for a Call...| (UNDO to Abort)][][0][AutoAnswer:| Answering a Call...][][2][Run an AutoPilot Program...|from the current Edit Buffer|or from an AutoPilot File?][BUFFER|FILE|CANCEL]Select an AutoPilot File...AP AutoPilot: Select an AutoPilot File...APSelect an Emulation File...EMU[1][Illegal Emulation format!][ABORT]Save Function Key DefinitionsFNK[1][Error Saving Function Keys!][ OK ]Load Function Key DefinitionsFNK[1][Error Loading Function Keys!][ OK ]Select Options File to Load...OPTSelect File for Save Options...OPTFILE.HLPTEXT.HLPPRINT.HLPDIAL.HLPANSWER.HLPSELECT.HLPKEYS.HLPAUTO.HLPSelect a Help File...HLPTTYVT52VT100VT220OTHER[4][AutoPilot ended with an error:|| Line # , Error #][ OK ] Blk # / Try #  | FMODEM YMODEM -GXMODEM Batch Send: Recv: |Waiting...[1][Error opening file!][ ABORT ]Waiting...No Carrier!TimeoutBad block #!Receiving...Saving...Disk Error!Done! Press any key...Done! Press any key...Disk error!Aborted![1][No files found!][ ABORT ]No more files.End of Batch transfer.Bad end of Batch!Starting... [1][Error opening file!][ ABORT ]Loading...Waiting...Done!Sending...Aborted! Viewing: Sending: Printing: [1][ This file is not a |standard text file!][CONTINUE|CANCEL]Done Viewing Printing Sending , ESC to Quit or any key for More, Press any key to continue...~ ~~;~01241220?1?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?18?1941220?1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?18?193457~;~;~~;~;~;~~;~;~;~;~356?1545?1?4?5#STT02,CC,GH^M^J^F^F^[/Z^F^F^[[ ; R^[[?10n^[[0n^[[?6c.CDF.DBF.IDX[2][ : Not found.|Insert proper disk or create?][OK|CREATE|CANCEL]***[0][Print Directory Entries...][CURRENT| ALL |CANCEL]LocalLD#1LD#2LD#3[1][Printer not responding ...][CANCEL|RETRY][1][End of Search.][CONTINUE][1][Top of Search.][CONTINUE][1][Not enough memoryDuplicate recordYou can't add|a blank recordFile seek errorDatabase if fullFile link errorDisk error!][CANCEL]   ATD ATD1 ATD1 ATD1 [3][Cannot create database|Check Diskette ...][ABORT][2][Print detailed list|or quick list?][DETAIL|QUICK|CANCEL][2][Select the type of Dialing...][PULSE|TONE]ADDSAVE SELECTSORTDIALEDITREAD SELECTDE-SELECTQUITADDUPDATEFINDDIALDELETEPRINTBLANKQUITST-Talk Pro (|| Name/Number Comments/Status Baud $/Hour|| ^0 ^7 #2 ^3| ^1 @4 ^8|||| Name Number Baud $/Hour|| ^0 @4 ^1 #2 ^3| \DIAL.DBF30012002400960019.2K\DIAL.DBF[1][Sort AutoDial Directory by:][NAME|NUMBER|BAUD] Dialing... Connected to - No response Dialing... Connected to - No response .OPTINSTALL*STT2.MNU[2][Insert ST-Talk disk to|save the Dial Menu...][ OK |CANCEL]ST-TALK.MNUSelect Dialing List to Load...SEL[1][Error Loading Selected List!][ABORT]Save Selected Dialing List...SEL[1][Error Saving Selected List!][ABORT].AP AutoPilot: 135790[1][Use Medium Resolution!][ SORRY ]ST-TALKM.RSCST-TALK.RSCST-TALKC.RSC[1][Could not find ST-TALKM.RSC][ OK ][1][Could not find ST-TALKC.RSC][ OK ][0][ ST-Talk Pro, c1988 QMI | | Loading Options| and| Function Keys...][]stt2.optstt2.fnkstt2[2][Upload text File or Buffer?][BUFFER| FILE |CANCEL]Select a File to Upload...*[1][Could not open File!][ OK ][1][Erase current buffer?][ERASE!|CANCEL]Search for Text...Selected matching lines[1][Text was not found!][ OK ][2][Continue searching?][ YES | NO ]Replace Text...Continuous replace[1][Text was not found!][ OK ][0][Replaced  occurances of| ][ DONE ][2][Replace here?][ YES | NO |QUIT] End Select Begin Select Begin SelectKKKK[1][Initializing the Editor|will erase all buffers!|What do you want to do?][ERASE!|CANCEL][1][Buffer memory size|is too large!][TRY AGAIN][1][Buffer memory size|is too small!][TRY AGAIN]FILE.HLPTEXT.HLPEDIT.HLPESELECT.HLPEPRINT.HLPOPTIONS.HLPEKEYS.HLPEAUTO.HLPSelect a Help File...HLP**Select file to Copy...Select the new path and filename...[2][Select number of disks...][ONE|TWO|CANCEL][1][File not found][Cancel][3][Insert SOURCE Disk...][ OK ][3][Insert DESTINATION Disk...][ OK ][1][Filename already exists!][Cancel|Replace][1][Disk Error # !][ QUIT ]Select a File to Copy...Select the new File Name... Select a File to Delete...[1][Error Deleting File!][CANCEL]Select a File to Rename...Enter the new File Name...[1][New filename already exists!][CANCEL][1][File not found!][CANCEL][1][Error Renaming File!][CANCEL]Select a new Folder name...[1][Error creating Folder!][ OK ]Select Folder to Delete...[1][Erase all Files and Folders|in |are you sure?][CANCEL|ERASE!][1][Error deleting Folder!][ OK ]\*.*\\[1][Format Disk, are you sure?][FORMAT!|CANCEL][3][Error while formatting!][ ABORT ][1][Disk is now Formatted!][ OK ]Select a File to Print...*[2][Print text screen?][CURRENT|PREVIOUS|CANCEL][3][Print Vidtex Picture?][DISK|PRINTER|CANCEL]PI3PI2Select a New Picture File...0123456789ABCDEF#VCO,PB,DT,+overflow~*CIS: Could not find ! Aborting!~~.~*CIS: Error reading file, aborting!~~*CIS: Waiting for host...~~*CIS: Could not open ! Aborting!~~~*CIS: Error writing file, aborting!~.~*CIS: Bad final packet, aborting!~~*CIS: Transfer failed, aborting!~~*CIS: Transfer failed, aborting!~ *CIS: Using Quick B Protocol CRC & Send-Ahead...~~*CIS: Transfer is done!~~*CIS: Transfer is done!~ : ~endsubendsub_`getb`storeb`getw`storew`getl`storelkeystatkeyinmodemstatmodemindevstatdevinvtdo+-*/=equalsis#><>=<=&and:or~not?exor<<lshift>>rshiftifelseifelseendifwhileendwhilebreak[]printprintmreplyprintpprintdinputinputminputdopenclosereadwritenotepointrenamedeletemakedirformatfcopygotogosubendsubstrcopystrcompstrsizestraddmidstrstrfindaddressforceselectfileselectalertgettimegetdatesettimesetdatedayofweekgetrevdiskstatgetpathsetpathgetdrivesetdrivesyspathmemstatcaptureprintersendfilesendbufuploaddownloadsavebufloadbuferasebufprintbufviewfilearcunarcviewarcdialdialoganswerhangupconnectringingtraceflushpausewaitmenubaudtermtypeclearrunquitabortarrayunarray;truefalseonoffinquire{read}{write}{readwrite}{append}{directory}()toinforthewithsecondsclrscreenoptloadoptsavefnkloadfnksavekeymodeinitmodem`push`pop Missing double quote!Missing single quote!Missing percent sign!Period misplaced!Missing function!Not enough inputs!Bad IF statement!Extra ENDIF!Bad assignment!Al 1ready defined!Function isn't done!Bad end of function!Function not found!Bad label usage!Label already used!Too many inputs!No more symbol space!Name error!Name storage is full!Reserved name!Wrong data type!Calls are too nested!Missing end bracket!Not an array type!Done!okUnknown error!_.AP.ap____ST-Talk 2.0c (c)1988 QMI, Reg.#____..ST-TALK OPTIONS 2.0cDATABASE.DBF[3][Invalid Options File!][OOPS!][1][Out of Macro space!][ OK ]Define Shift- Control- Alternate- F Printm ""IF not Wait seconds for "" QuitENDIFPause secondsCapture ONOFFCON:AUX:PRT: \STT_MISC\ARC.TTPPm\STT_HELP\EXT.HLPPj\\OLD\x\\HOLD\x\STT_AUTO\\t\\ST2_MISC\TRANSFER.TTPj\ST2_MISC\KERMIT.TTPl\\ST2_MISC\ST-TALK.STFi\STT_MISC\DO-IT!.PRGlaM:_*M,M,$7M:!f Desk File Text Dial Answer Select Print Help About ST-Talk Pro- (c)1988, QMI All rights Reserved  Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 List & View...- Send File... Receive File...- Archive Un-Archive View Archive- Set Paths Utilities... Command Shell- Run a Program- Quit ST-Talk! Capture Text Upload Text...- Select Buffer...- Load Buffer... Save Buffer...- Erase Buffer!- Go To Editor Keyboard AutoPilot...- Directory...- - Activity Log- Disconnect! Answer Now AutoPilot...- Database...- Activity Log- Disconnect! Text Options Dial Options Answer Options Print Options RS-232 Options Screen Options- Terminal Mode Vidtex Graphics- Function Keys Clock & Timer Event Sounds- Load Options... Save Options... Printer Echo- Print File... Print Buffer Print Screen- Show Graphics Print Graphics Save Graphics... Load Graphics... AutoRecord- File Text Print Dial Answer Select- Keyboard- AutoPilot- More... BY JOHN DeMAR QUANTUM MICROSYSTEMS,INC. PO BOX 179, LIVERPOOL, NY 13088315-451-7747 USACopyright (C)1988, QMIVersion 2.0CREGISTRATION NUMBER: 01OK RS-232 PORT OPTIONS Baud Rate:110300600120024004800960019200Parity:NONEEVENODDMARKSPACEDuplex:FULLHALFSend Echo: YESNOXon/Xoff:YESNOBuffer Size:1K4K16K32KData Bits:78Port ID:12345MIDIStop Bits:12CANCELOKDIALSENDRECEIVEOFFOFFVT52OPTIONS SET CLOCK AND TIMER 0800a Time: __:__ _mX021987 Date: __/__/__X00:00:00 Alarm Timer: _XONOFF000.00 Money Limit: $ _XONOFFCANCELOK DISK UTILITIES COPYDELETEFORMATRENAMEMAKE FOLDERDELETE FOLDEREXITSET DEFAULT PATHS\FILES Click on Name to SelectSend:A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1Receive:Capture:AutoDial:Activity:Help:Fonts:Archiver:Cmd Shell:Kermit:Other Xfr:CANCELOK QUIT ST-TALK? YESNOSelect a file..._ File Name: _.___X A:\*.*  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  SORTED BY NAME 999 FILES99 SELECTEDDisk:ABCDEFGHIJSORT...CANCELOKProtocol_ASCIIXMODEMXMODEM CRCYMODEMFMODEMCIS-QBKERMITOther_ Select or Enter File: _.___X A:\*.*  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86  FILENAME.EXT 9K 11/29/86 Batch ModeOFFONBackgroundNOYESDisk:ABCDEFGHIJ SORTED BY NAME 999 FILES99 SELECTEDSORT...CANCELHOLDSTART SCREEN OPTIONS Long lines:WRAPFOLDCUTScrolling:JUMPSMOOTHReverse Colors:YESNO"Talk" Mode:YESNOColumns:80140Rows:2448Text Font:STANDARDOTHER  SELECTCANCELOK ANSWER OPTIONS Ring Detection:RS232SMARTSmart ring result:RING _ _XSmart modem answer:ATA _ _XAnswer on ring #:12345610AutoPilot filename:@ _ X   SELECTCANCELOK DIALING OPTIONS Local Dialing:ATDTa( _,XxLD Dialing #1:ATDTa( _,XxLD Dialing #2:ATDTa( _,XxLD Dialing #3:ATDTa( _,XxRedial Attempts if Busy:05 __xxCD Wait Time:40 __xxsecs.Redial Attempts if no CD:02 __xxRedial Wait Time:30 __xxsecs.Smart CD result:CONNECT _ _$X$Smart Disconnect:+++_! _$X$ No Carrier result:NO CARRIER _ _$X$ Busy Detect result:BUSY _ _ _X$Initialization Codes:ATZ _ _$X$Disconnect modem:RS232SMARTCANCELOKRS232SMARTCarrier Detection: PRINTER OPTIONS Convert Linefeeds:LFCR/LFCR(NO)Convert Returns:CRCR/LFLF(NO)Initialize codes:a$ _$X$Left Margin:aa__XXTop Margin:aa__XXRight Margin:aa__XXText Lines:aa__XXCANCELOK Formfeeds TEXT AND UPLOAD OPTIONS Convert Linefeeds:LFCR/LFCR(NO)Convert Returns:CRCR/LFLF(NO)Control Codes:DELETESAVESHOWBackspace Deletes:YESNOUpload Using:XON/XOFFPROMPTUpload Delay:0(0 -> 1) _ secXUpload Prompt:a _XInput Translation:ONOFFOutput Translation:ONOFF   SELECTCANCELOK Enter Program Parameters @. _.X.CANCELOK  AutoDial Directory # a Name : _Xa Number : _ X a $/Hour : _XNoneLD #1LD #2LD #3PreDial :Baud :30012002400960019,200a Comments : _ X aOptions : _XaAutoPilot: _XBEFOREAFTER Calls $Total $Month #DL #UL BusyRESET 0 0 0 0 0 0%   ADDUPDATEFINDDIALDELETEPRINTCLEARQUITDirectory InformationFilename :SMaximum Records :SRecords Entered :SFree Records :SOKSelect Text BufferFree Buffer Memory: 0K Free System Memory: 0K BufferFile NameLength123456789100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOADSAVEERASE!CANCELOKKEYBOARD DIALLocalLD #1LD #2LD #3@ Enter Phone Number: _!X!CANCELDIALSEARCH/REPLACE TEXTCANCELa Search for: _ X a Replace with: _ X Match Upper/Lower Case ALLFIRST Select matching lines Define Function KeysSHIFTCONTROLALTERNATEF1:F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7:F8:F9:F10:SAVELOADDONETERMINAL MODETTYVT-52VT-100VT-220OTHER...      CANCELFunction Keys:NORMALVT-KEYSF6 -> F20 Desk File Text Edit Select Options Print Help About ST-Talk Pro- (c)1988, QMI All rights Reserved  Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 List & View...- Send File... Receive File...- Archive Un-Archive View Archive- Set Paths Utilities Command Shell- Run a Program- Quit ST-Talk! Capture Text Upload Text...- Select Buffer...- Load Buffer... Save Buffer...- Erase Buffer- Exit Editor Page Up Page Down- Top of Buffer End of Buffer- Search... Replace...- Go To Line#... Begin Select Clear Selected Reverse Selected- Save Selected...- Erase Selected- Move Selected Copy Selected Port Selected...- Upload Selected Tab Size... Line Length... Reformat- Word Wrap Insert Mode Control Codes- Re-initialize Print File...- Print Buffer Print Selected AutoCheck- File Text Edit Select Options Print- Keyboard- AutoPilot- More...a Go To Line # _XOKCANCELaa Set Tab Size: __XXOKCANCELaaa Set Maximum Line Length: ___xxxOKCANCELFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAMEFILENAME Define Alternate-F10 Name: _ X a._) _X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.a._.X.CANCELOK Re-Initialize Memory Usage! 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Save Buffer...- Erase Buffer!- Go To Editor Keyboard AutoPilot...- Directory...- - Activity Log- Disconnect! Answer Now AutoPilot...- Database...- Activity Log- Disconnect! Text Options Dial Options Answer Options Print Options RS-232 Options Screen Options- Terminal Mode Vidtex Graphics- Function Keys Clock & Timer Event Sounds- Load Options... Save Options... Printer Echo- Print File... Print Buffer Print Screen- Show Graphics Print Graphics Save Graphics... Load Graphics... AutoRecord- File Text Print Dial Answer Select- Keyboard- AutoPilot- More... BY JOHN DeMAR PO BOX 179, LIVERPOOL, NY 13088QUANTUM MICROSYSTEMS INC.315-451-7747 USACopyright (C)1988, QMIVersion 2.0CRegistration Number: 01OK RS-232 PORT OPTIONS Baud Rate:110300600120024004800960019200Parity:NONEEVENODDMARKSPACEDuplex:FULLHALFSend Echo:YESNOXon/Xoff:YESNOBuffer Size:1K4K16K32KData Bits:78Port ID:12345MIDIStop Bits:12CANCELOKDIALSENDRECEIVEOFFOFFVT52OPTIONS SET CLOCK AND TIMER 0800a Time: __:__ _mX021987 Date: __/__/__X00:00:00 Alarm Timer: _XONOFF000.00 Money Limit: $ _XONOFFCANCELOK DISK UTILITIES COPYDELETEFORMATRENAMEMAKE FOLDERDELETE FOLDEREXITSET DEFAULT PATHS\FILES Click on Name to SelectSend:A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1A:\a. _1x1Receive:Capture:AutoDial:Activity:Help:Fonts:Archiver:Cmd Shell:Kermit:Other Xfr:CANCELOK QUIT ST-TALK? 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CANCELFunction Keys:NORMALVT-KEYSF6 -> F20 Desk File Text Edit Select Options Print Help About ST-Talk Pro- (c)1987, QMI All rights Reserved  Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 List & View...- Send File... Receive File...- Archive Un-Archive View Archive- Set Paths Utilities Command Shell- Run a Program- Quit ST-Talk! Capture Text Upload Text...- Select Buffer...- Load Buffer... Save Buffer...- Erase Buffer!- Exit Editor Page Up Page Down- Top of Buffer End of Buffer- Search... Replace...- Go To Line#... Begin Select Clear Selected Reverse Selected- Save Selected...- Erase Selected- Move Selected Copy Selected Port Selected...- Upload Selected Tab Size... Line Length... Reformat- Word Wrap Insert Mode Control Codes- Re-initialize! 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